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Physiological and pathological regulation of feto/placento/maternal leptin expression


Abstract and Figures

There is clear evidence of placental leptin production, as shown recently in trophoblast cultures and by dual in vitro placenta perfusion (median production of 225 pg/min per g of tissue; 98.4% released into the maternal and 1.6% into the fetal circulation). However, the physiological impact for the mother and the fetus is unclear. The classical role of leptin is to provide information about energy stores to the central nervous system, and to reduce appetite if the energy stores are full. In pregnancy, maternal plasma leptin concentrations are elevated, and lack the well established correlation with body fat energy stores that is observed in non-pregnant women, indicating an alternative function for leptin during pregnancy and fetal development. Maternal and fetal plasma leptin levels are dysregulated in pathological conditions such as gestational diabetes, pre-eclampsia and intra-uterine growth retardation, representing an effect or a cause of disturbances in the feto/placento/maternal unit.
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Biochemical Society Transactions (2001) Volume 29, part 2
Physiological and pathological regulation of feto/placento/maternal
leptin expression
K. Linnemann*, A. Malek, H. Schneider and C. Fusch*
*Neonatology, Department of Pediatrics, Ernst-Moritz-Arndt University, D-17489 Greifswald, Germany, and
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Inselspital, University of Bern, CH-3012 Bern, Switzerland
There is clear evidence of placental leptin pro-
duction, as shown recently in trophoblast cultures
and by dual in vitro placenta perfusion (median
production of 225 pg\min per g of tissue; 98.4 %
released into the maternal and 1.6 % into the fetal
circulation). However, the physiological impact
for the mother and the fetus is unclear. The
classical role of leptin is to provide information
about energy stores to the central nervous system,
and to reduce appetite if the energy stores are full.
In pregnancy, maternal plasma leptin concen-
trations are elevated, and lack the well established
correlation with body fat energy stores that is
observed in non-pregnant women, indicating an
alternative function for leptin during pregnancy
and fetal development. Maternal and fetal plasma
leptin levels are dysregulated in pathological con-
ditions such as gestational diabetes, pre-eclampsia
and intra-uterine growth retardation, representing
an effect or a cause of disturbances in the feto\
placento\maternal unit.
Findings suggesting placental leptin
Leptin plays a key role in weight-control mechan-
isms by signalling information on total body
energy stores to the central nervous system (CNS)
[1]. This information is mediated by the long form
of the leptin receptor, which is expressed in many
tissues, including the CNS and the placenta [2,3].
In addition, leptin originating from adipose tissue
has a number of roles in reproduction : leptin
seems to trigger the onset of puberty, and is
necessary for ovulation, as it signals nutritional
status to the reproductive axis [4,5].
During pregnancy, leptin levels show marked
changes, suggesting the placenta as a putative
source of production of leptin in addition to
Key words: fetal growth retardation, placenta, pre-eclampsia,
perfusion, hypoxia.
Abbreviations used : CNS, central nervous system; hCG, human
chorionic gonadotropin; hPL, human placental lactogen ; IUGR,
intra-uterine growth retardation.
To whom correspondence should be addressed (e-mail
adipose tissue. Maternal plasma leptin levels rise
sharply during the first trimester [6–10] and
decline back to normal values after delivery
[11–13]. Maternal leptin levels increase by a factor
of 2–4 in early pregnancy [14,15] and are about
2–5-fold higher than fetal levels at term (Table 1)
[16–19]. In the fetus, leptin concentrations are
higher in venous than in arterial cord blood. After
birth, neonatal serum leptin decreases markedly,
again suggesting the placenta as an additional
source of leptin during pregnancy [20,21]. How-
ever, the classical role of increased leptin levels of
diminishing appetite in adults as a feedback signal
from increased body energy stores to the CNS
seems unlikely in pregnancy, so a new approach is
required for a better understanding of the impact
of elevated leptin levels in the feto\placento\
maternal unit.
Evidence for placental leptin
The suspected placental production of leptin was
confirmed in cell culture experiments using tro-
phoblasts and BeWo cells : the syncytiotrophoblast
could be identified as the leptin-producing cell in
the placental tissue. Green et al. [22] and Masuzaki
and co-workers [23] described leptin production
in the placenta, BeWo cells, a choriocarcinoma cell
line and trophoblasts maturing to syncytiotropho-
blasts. The expression of placental leptin was
demonstrated by detection of leptin mRNA in
early-gestation, mid-gestation and term placentas
[24]. The transcripts of leptin and its receptor
were localized in the syncytiotrophoblasts, and the
expression of leptin mRNA declined during ges-
tation [24], which is in contrast with increasing
maternal plasma leptin levels in pregnancy.
Cell culture experiments, however, do not
allow the precise quantification of placental leptin
production or assessment of the extent to which
leptin is released into the fetal and maternal
circulations. Recently we demonstrated substan-
tial leptin release in the dual-closed-loop in vitro
perfusion model of the term placenta [25–27].
Briefly, in this study ten placentas from normal
pregnancies were perfused for 240–840 min (me-
# 2001 Biochemical Society 86
Cytokines and Cytokine Receptors in Fetal Growth and Development
Table 1
Fetal and maternal plasma leptin levels at term
Leptin concentration (ng/ml)
Study Number of subjects Maternal plasma Fetal cord blood
Helland et al. [16] 166 17.7 (35th week) Girls 10.8; boys 7.6
Schubring et al. [14] 27 20.0 Vein 8.9; artery 9.7
Yura et al. [21] 38 29.5 Vein 12.9 ; artery 9.8
Geary et al. [17] 39 11.8 4.2*
McCarthy et al. [19] 24 27.0 5.4*
Lin et al. [20] 42 22.36 Vein 5.7; artery 0.6
*Origin not specified.
dian 480 min) with NCTC 135 and Earl ’s buffer
(1: 2, v\v), and leptin release into the fetal and
maternal circuits was measured separately by RIA
(Mediagnost, Tubingen, Germany). The total
placental production rate was 225 pg of leptin\min
per g of placental tissue, with 98.4 % of total
release into the maternal circulation and 1.6 %
into the fetal circulation. When compared with the
release of other placental proteohormones such as
human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) and human
placental lactogen (hPL), measured simultaneous-
ly in the same perfusion experiments, the relative
release of leptin into the fetal circulation was
considerably greater than expected for the mol-
ecular mass (leptin, 16 kDa, 1.6%; hCG, 39 kDa,
0.05% ; hPL, 22 kDa, 0.05 %) (Figure 1). As-
suming that specific placental transport of leptin
does not occur, this finding may be explained by
leptin production by placental villous tree en-
Figure 1
Maternal () and fetal () release of leptin,
hPL and hCG
Release is expressed as a percentage of total release. Note the
logarithmic scale on the y-axis. From Linnemann, K., Malek, A.,
Sager, R., Blum, W. F., Schneider, H. and Fusch, C. (2000) Leptin
production and release in the dually in vitro perfused human
placenta. J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab. 85(11), 4298–4301 ; # The
Endocrine Society, with permission.
dothelial cells as an additional possible source of
augmented leptin release into the fetal circuit [28].
Physiological regulation of leptin
production in the
feto/placento/maternal unit
The observed increase in maternal leptin levels
during pregnancy is presumably caused by
placental leptin production, as well as increased
leptin production by the adipose tissue. The
contribution of placental leptin to plasma levels is
only about 15% (estimated from our in vitro
perfusion data [25]), and cannot explain the up to
2–4-fold increase in leptin levels of pregnant
women at term. The residual leptin supply must
come from maternal adipose tissue, possibly due
to stimulation by placental hormones. Hardie et al.
[12] showed a significant correlation between
circulating oestradiol, hCG and leptin levels dur-
ing pregnancy. Stimulatory effects on leptin pro-
duction were also described for 17β-oestradiol and
hCG in cell culture experiments [10,29]. hCG
and leptin appear to stimulate each other‘s pro-
duction in a mutual manner, as hCG production
was also increased by leptin, as demonstrated in
cytotrophoblastic cell culture in the presence or
absence of Cetrorelix, an antagonist of luteinizing-
hormone-releasing hormone which inhibits
leptin-induced hCG secretion [29].
Insulin is another hormone involved in the
regulation of placental leptin. Placental leptin
mRNA and protein levels are elevated in insulin-
treated diabetic pregnacies : fetal concentrations of
leptin and insulin are increased in venous cord
blood without modification of maternal circulating
leptin levels [30]. In fact, cord blood leptin levels
are elevated in infants of diabetic mothers and in
# 2001 Biochemical Society87
Biochemical Society Transactions (2001) Volume 29, part 2
large-for-gestational-age newborns ; from the cur-
rent data it cannot be deduced whether this rise in
leptin is caused by increased leptin production due
to increased fetal fat mass or if a primary increase
in leptin production stimulated by insulin may act
as a fetal growth factor, therefore giving rise to
large-for-gestational-age infants [31,32]. In adi-
pocyte cell culture experiments, insulin adminis-
tration provoked a dose-dependent increase in
leptin protein production, and cortisol was found
to potentiate this effect of insulin [33]. The
physiological role of hyperleptinaemia with regard
to maternal feeding behaviour during pregnancy is
not fully understood, but animal data suggest that
pregnancy is a maternal leptin-resistant state
Fetal plasma leptin is derived from the placenta
(leptin mRNA is detected from early gestation, i.e.
weeks 7–14, up to term [24]) and from fetal adipose
tissue, which appears and develops progessively
from 14 weeks of gestation to term [36]. Fetal
plasma leptin increases during development in
utero [37], and studies have shown a significant
correlation with birth weight [31,38–40]. Gender
differences (lower leptin levels in males when
compared with females with identical amounts of
body fat) are already present at birth, and persist
during later life [11,40,41]. These gender-specific
differences may be due to the fact that testosterone
seems to suppress leptin production. In fact, a
negative correlation between leptin and testos-
terone levels has been demonstrated [11].
Very few investigations have been carried out
into leptin regulation in the fetus. It is generally
accepted that fetal leptin reflects fetal fat mass, as
it does in the adult [39,42].
Insulin levels are correlated with leptin levels
in large-for-gestational-age infants, and leptin is
overexpressed in placentas of diabetic pregnancies
[30,43]. In pre-term infants a 3-fold elevation of
cord blood leptin levels was seen when mothers
had received steroids antenatally compared with
untreated pregnancies of the same gestational age
[31]. This finding confirms the stimulatory effects
of steroids on leptin production. It is likely that
placental leptin release is more important for fetal
than for maternal leptin levels: almost all hCG is
released into the maternal circulation, thus stimu-
lating leptin production by maternal adipose
tissue. Only a very small amount of the hCG
produced is released into fetal blood [25], and
therefore stimulation of leptin production by hCG
in fetal adipose tissue does not occur.
Fetal leptin levels are also correlated with
fetal growth ; leptin levels in growth-retarded
fetuses are lower than in controls [43–45]. The
high level of expression of leptin (and its receptor
[3]) in fetal bone suggests a role for leptin in bone
or cartilage development, as well as in the develop-
ment of ossification and haematopoiesis during
intra-uterine development [3]. The presence of
mature leptin protein in several tissues of the
fetus contrasts with the absence of leptin from
the corresponding adult tissues [3,46]; this
suggests that leptin is a growth factor in fetal
development, rather than acting as a signal of fetal
energy stores to the fetal CNS, as it does in adults.
In addition to factors known to be directly
involved in fetal growth, recently other factors,
such as retinoids, have been identified to have an
impact on leptin production, at least in cell
cultures. The physiological significance of these
findings remains unclear [47].
Pathological regulation of leptin
production in the
feto/placento/maternal unit
Pre-eclampsia and hypoxia
Maternal and fetal plasma leptin levels are
increased in pre-eclampsia [19,48]; however,
the causes of elevated leptin production are
unknown. Pre-eclampsia is considered to be a
hypoxia-associated placental disorder. It has been
established that hypoxia is involved in the regu-
lation of leptin expression, and may therefore
contribute to elevated plasma leptin levels in
pre-eclampsia [49]. On the other hand, pro-
inflammatory cytokines (e.g. interleukin-1, inter-
leukin-6) seem to be involved in the multifactorial
pathogenesis of pre-eclampsia. Stimulatory effects
of interleukin-1 and interleukin-6 on leptin pro-
duction have been observed [29,50], suggesting
that elevated pro-inflammatory activity in pre-
eclampsia promotes augmented leptin production.
Intra-uterine growth retardation (IUGR)
IUGR may be caused by nutritional, genetic or
placental vascular factors [51–53]. Failure of ad-
equate leptin production and regulation may be an
additional cause of IUGR; fetal leptin levels are
significantly decreased in IUGR [17,37,44,45] and
leptin is thought to be a growth factor in fetal
development [28,32]. Recently, Lea et al. [54]
# 2001 Biochemical Society 88
Cytokines and Cytokine Receptors in Fetal Growth and Development
reported a twin pregnancy where one infant was
of appropriate size for gestational age and the
other was growth-retarded. In situ hybridization
and immunostaining of the placental tissue from
these twins showed lower leptin expression in the
growth-retarded infant. On the other hand, de-
creased fetal leptin levels could also be a con-
sequence of reduced body fat mass resulting in
reduced leptin production by fetal adipose tissue.
During pregnancy and at birth there is evidence
for augmented maternal and fetal leptin levels.
This increase is explained in part by leptin
production by the placenta. A number of factors
have been identified that are involved in the
regulation of leptin production in the feto\
placento\maternal unit, such as hCG, β-oes-
tradiol, insulin and cortisol. So far, the role of
increased leptin production during pregnancy
remains unclear. It may be hypothesized that
increased leptin levels during pregnancy are part
of a teleologically old and redundant system
ensuring fetal growth and development, even in
periods of reduced maternal energy supply.
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Received 27 November 2000
# 2001 Biochemical Society 90
... Another potential mechanism of leptin activity is regulation of inflammatory mediators in the placenta (16,17). Normal pregnancy promotes a mild systemic inflammation, as evidenced by the activation of leukocytes in the blood (18). ...
... Another plausible mechanism to be considered is the association of leptin with inflammation (16,17). The expression and release of leptin is affected by inflammatory cytokines, including tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α, interleukin (IL)-1α and IL-6 (42). ...
The mechanism underlying the pathogenesis of preeclampsia (PE) has been previously investigated but remains to be elucidated. Among numerous biomarkers that are associated with the pathogenesis of PE, leptin is most frequently investigated. Although studies concerning the association between PE and the expression of leptin in the serum and placenta have been conducted, the results are conflicting and inconsistent. Furthermore, the expression of leptin and its receptors in the placental bed and their association with PE, to the best of our knowledge, has not been previously reported. Therefore, to determine the association between the expression of leptin and its receptor, and pathogenesis and onset period of PE, placental bed tissues were obtained from cesarean section deliveries. The mRNA and protein expression levels of leptin and its receptor were investigated in normal pregnancies (n=18), pregnancies complicated with early‑onset PE (n=9) and late‑onset PE (n=9) by reverse transcription‑quantitative polymerase chain reaction and western blotting, respectively. The results demonstrated that the mRNA and protein expression of leptin in the placental bed was significantly increased in the PE groups compared with normal controls and was associated with the onset period of PE. Furthermore, as evidenced by immunostaining, leptin was upregulated in endothelial cells of the placental bed in the PE groups, with a particularly strong upregulation in activated endothelial cells from patients with early‑onset PE. The results of the present study indicate that altered expression of leptin in the placental bed may contribute to the pathogenesis of PE.
... Fetal leptin production arises in the third trimester of pregnancy, stimulating cartilage and bone growth, and correlating with fetal fat mass. 16,68 Increased nutrient delivery Multiple studies offer evidence for a local growth-modulating role of PGH, affecting the development and function of the placenta and therefore improving substrate delivery to the fetus. 34,67 Placental function, development, and sufficient blood supply are essential to meet the metabolic demands of fetal growth. ...
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Despite optimized nutrition, preterm-born infants grow slowly and tend to over-accrete body fat. We hypothesize that the premature dissociation of the maternal–placental–fetal unit disrupts the maintenance of physiological endocrine function in the fetus, which has severe consequences for postnatal development. This review highlights the endocrine interactions of the maternal–placental–fetal unit and the early perinatal period in both preterm and term infants. We report on hormonal levels (including tissue, thyroid, adrenal, pancreatic, pituitary, and placental hormones) and nutritional supply and their impact on infant body composition. The data suggest that the premature dissociation of the maternal–placental–fetal unit leads to a clinical picture similar to panhypopituitarism. Further, we describe how the premature withdrawal of the maternal–placental unit, neonatal morbidities, and perinatal stress can cause differences in the levels of growth-promoting hormones, particularly insulin-like growth factors (IGF). In combination with the endocrine disruption that occurs following dissociation of the maternal–placental–fetal unit, the premature adaptation to the extrauterine environment leads to early and fast accretion of fat mass in an immature body. In addition, we report on interventional studies that have aimed to compensate for hormonal deficiencies in infants born preterm through IGF therapy, resulting in improved neonatal morbidity and growth. Impact Preterm birth prematurely dissociates the maternal–placental–fetal unit and disrupts the metabolic-endocrine maintenance of the immature fetus with serious consequences for growth, body composition, and neonatal outcomes. The preterm metabolic-endocrine disruption induces symptoms resembling anterior pituitary failure (panhypopituitarism) with low levels of IGF-1, excessive postnatal fat mass accretion, poor longitudinal growth, and failure to thrive. Appropriate gestational age-adapted nutrition alone seems insufficient for the achievement of optimal growth of preterm infants. Preliminary results from interventional studies show promising effects of early IGF-1 supplementation on postnatal development and neonatal outcomes.
... Moreover, it is believed that leptin secreted by the placenta acts as a modulator of maternal inflammatory and immune responses, thus preventing embryo rejection 16 . In turn, fetal leptin exerts a pleiotropic role: it is responsible for fetal skeletal development and maturation of the fetal immune system, stimulating myelopoiesis, erythropoiesis and lymphopoiesis 17,18 . Furthermore, it was observed that leptin may play a lipostatic role before birth. ...
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Children born small for gestational age (SGA) are at increased risk of future glucose intolerance and type 2 diabetes, possibly after due intrauterine metabolic programming. Soluble leptin receptor (SLR) limits leptin access to signal-transducing membrane receptors. The present study examines whether SGA and appropriate for gestational age (AGA) twins differ with regard to their C-peptide, glucose and leptin systems. The markers C-peptide, glucose, fetal leptin, and SLR in cord blood were assessed in children from dichorionic twin pregnancies at delivery. In 32 cases, weight differed by >15% between twins: one demonstrated Intrauterine Growth Retardation (IUGR) (<10th percentile-SGA), while the other did not (AGAI). The other 67 pairs presented appropriate weight for gestational age (AGAII). Placental leptin and placental leptin receptor content were also assessed. Despite the same concentrations of glucose, the SGA twins maintained a higher level of C-peptide [44.48 pmol/l vs. 20.91 pmol/l, p < 0.05] than the AGAI co-twins, higher HOMA index, calculated as [C-peptide] x [Glucose] (p = 0.045), in cord blood, and a higher level of SLR [SGA vs AGAI—mean: 28.63 ng/ml vs. 19.91 ng/ml, p < 0.01], without any differences in total leptin (p = 0.37). However, SGA placentas demonstrated higher leptin level [130.1 pg/100 g total protein vs 83.8 pg/100 g total protein, p = 0.03], without differences in placental leptin receptor (p = 0.66). SGA/IUGR twins demonstrate relative insulin resistance accompanied by decreased fetal and increased placental leptin signaling. We speculate that relative insulin resistance and changes in the leptin system might be the first evidence of processes promoting deleterious metabolic programming for post-natal life.
... It is likely that the high leptin concentrations in maternal plasma may augment hypertension because leptin provokes endothelial dysfunction and hypertension via aldosteronerelated mechanisms and milieu in gestations complicated by intrauterine growth restriction (37) . PE is concomitant with shallow trophoblastic invasion into the endometrial layer, which leads to poor placental perfusion and augmented fetal and maternal plasma leptin levels that are considerably increased over the concentration of leptin specific to human gestation (38) . This exaggerated hyperleptinemia may be linked to a compensatory response to augment nutrient supply to the growing fetus (39) . ...
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Objective Increased leptin hormone and leptin receptor may enhance the generation of proinflammatory cytokines by endothelial cells and lead to endothelial dysfunction. This study assessed the umbilical cord endothelial leptin receptor levels in preeclampsia and investigated the effect of leptin on endothelial interleukin-8 (IL-8) production. Materials and Methods The association between IL-8 levels with leptin stimulation was investigated in leptin-treated human endothelial cells. Endothelial cell leptin receptor levels were evaluated using immunohistochemistry staining, and endothelial IL-8 protein expression by Western blot analysis. Data are presented as mean ± standard error of the mean (SEM). Statistical significance was analyzed using Student’s t-test or Mann-Whitney U test and one-way analysis of variance. Results Leptin receptor immunoreactivity increased significantly in umbilical cord venous and arterial endothelial cells in normal pregnancy (n=12) compared with preeclampsia (n=7) endothelial cells. The corresponding preeclampsia versus control histologic scores (mean ± SEM) were 67.9±8.8 vs. 127.6±23.1, (p=0.011) for the leptin receptor and 55.4±8,0 vs. 93.7±17.1 (p=0.035), respectively, for the vein endothelial cells. Leptin treatment significantly increased IL-8 protein levels (control vs. 100 and 1000 ng/mL, p=0.003). Conclusion The findings of increased umbilical cord endothelial leptin receptor levels in preeclampsia and increased endothelial IL-8 expression with exposure to higher leptin concentrations may indicate the contribution of leptin to endothelial dysfunction and increased neutrophil-endothelial interaction, which are significant pathophysiologic features of preeclampsia.
... In the placenta, LEP is synthesized by trophoblasts and mostly secreted in the maternal blood circulation (Sagawa et al. 2002). Studies indicated that the contribution of placental LEP secretion to circulating fetal leptin is minimal (Lepercq et al. 2001;Linnemann et al. 2001), and that fetal adipose tissue is most likely the main source of fetal LEP (Clapp and Kiess 1998;Jaquet et al. 1998;Lepercq et al. 2001). ...
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Background: Particulate matter with a diameter ≤ 2.5 µm (PM2.5) affects human fetal development during pregnancy. Oxidative stress is a putative mechanism by which PM2.5 may exert its effects. Leptin (LEP) is an energy regulating hormone involved in fetal growth and development. Objectives: We investigated in placental tissue whether DNA methylation of the LEP promoter is associated with PM2.5 and whether the oxidative/nitrosative stress biomarker 3-nitrotyrosine (3-NTp) is involved. Methods: LEP DNA methylation status of 361 placentas from the ENVIRONAGE birth cohort was assessed using bisulfite-PCR-pyrosequencing. Placental 3-NTp (n = 313) was determined with an ELISA assay. Daily PM2.5 exposure levels were estimated for each mother's residence, accounted for residential mobility during pregnancy, using a spatiotemporal interpolation model. Results: After adjustment for a priori chosen covariates, placental LEP methylation was 1.4% lower (95% CI: -2.7, -0.19%,) in association with an interquartile range increment (7.5 µg/m(3)) in second trimester PM2.5 exposure and 0.43% lower (95% CI: -0.85, -0.02%) in association with a doubling of placental 3-NTp content. Conclusions: LEP methylation status in the placenta was negatively associated with PM2.5 exposure during the second trimester, and with placental 3-NTp, a marker of oxidative/nitrosative stress. Additional research is needed to confirm our findings and to assess whether oxidative/nitrosative stress might contribute to associations between PM2.5 and placental epigenetic events. Potential consequences for health during the neonatal period and later in life warrant further exploration.
... Leptin, an adipocytokine was first described as a hormone produced by adipose tissue [129]. The main function of leptin in the human body is the regulation of energy homeostasis especially under conditions of restricted energy availability, but it also plays a role in immune response, inflammation, haematopoiesis, angiogenesis and reproduction [130][131][132][133]. Leptin stimulates growth, migration and invasion of cancer cells in vitro and potentiates angiogenesis, thus having the capacity of promoting cancer in vitro (reviewed by [134]) Additionally, diabetes, obesity and sterility are associated with leptin administration in ob/ob mice which have a mutation in the leptin gene. ...
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Adipose tissue functions both as an energy store and as an active endocrine organ secreting a large number of biologically important molecules called adipokines. Adipokines have been shown to be involved in the regulation of reproductive functions and the first adipokine identified was leptin. Recent research has shown that leptin is not only a precursor of the amount of energy stores going to the brain derived from adipose tissue, but also a hormone/cytokine crucial for a number of different physiological processes such as inflammation, angiogenesis, haematopoiesis, immune function and reproduction. Leptin, an adipocyte-derived hormone, plays an important role in many physiological and metabolic functions in the body, especially during puberty and reproduction. Besides its central hypothalamic effects, leptin acts in many peripheral organs (stomach, skeletal muscle, pituitary cells, placenta), including the testes, and has a regulatory role in both male reproductive and female reproductive function. Leptin is essential for normal reproductive function, but in excess it can have detrimental effects on the reproductive system. Infertile men with disorders affecting the testicular parenchyma, including nonobstructive azoospermia, oligozoospermia and oligo-astheno-teratozoospermia, are known to have high leptin concentrations. Recent studies in the literature suggest a strong relationship between the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal (HPG) axis, androgen regulation and sperm production, leptin and infertility. Based on these studies, it is possible to say that leptin excess, deficiency or resistance may be associated with abnormal reproductive function. In addition, these abnormalities caused by high leptin have also been associated with increased oxidative stress. If the relationship between leptin and reproduction is fully understood, it may shed light on future targeted therapies for both male and female infertility. This review focuses on the relationship between leptin and fertility. ÖZ Adipoz doku hem enerji deposu hem de adipokinler olarak adlandırılan biyolojik olarak önemli çok sayıda molekülü salgılayan aktif bir endokrin organ olarak işlev görmektedir. Adipokinlerin üreme fonksiyonlarının düzenlenmesinde yer aldığı kanıtlanmıştır ve tanımlanan ilk adipokin leptindir. Son yıllarda yapılan araştırmalar, leptinin beyine giden enerji depolarının miktarının yalnızca yağ dokusundan türetilen bir habercisi olmadığını, aynı zamanda iltihaplanma, anjiyogenez, hematopoez, bağışıklık fonksiyonu ve üreme gibi bir dizi farklı fizyolojik süreç için çok önemli bir hormon/sitokin olduğunu göstermektedir. Adiposit kaynaklı bir hormon olan leptin, özellikle ergenlik ve üreme döneminde vücutta çok sayıda fizyolojik ve metabolik fonksiyonda önemli rol oynamaktadır. Leptin, merkezi hipotalamik etkilerinin yanı sıra, testisler de dahil olmak üzere birçok periferik organda (mide, iskelet kası, hipofiz hücreleri, plasenta) etki göstermektedir. Hem erkek üreme hem de dişi üreme sisteminde düzenleyici bir role sahiptir. Leptin normal üreme işlevi için gereklidir, ancak fazla miktarda bulunduğunda üreme sistemi üzerinde zararlı etkileri olabilir. Nonobstrüktif azospermi, oligozoospermi ve oligo-asteno-teratozoospermi dahil olmak üzere testiküler parankimi etkileyen bozuklukları olan infertil erkeklerin yüksek leptin konsantrasyonlarına sahip olduğu bilinmektedir. Literatürde yapılan son çalışmalar, hipotalamik-hipofiz-gonadal (HPG) ekseni, androjen regülasyonu ve sperm üretimi ile leptin ve infertilite arasında güçlü bir ilişki olduğunu öne sürmektedir. Yapılan bu çalışmalardan yola çıkarak, leptin fazlalığı, eksikliği veya direnci durumlarının anormal üreme işlevi ile ilişkili olabileceğini söylemek mümkündür. Ayrıca yüksek leptinin neden olduğu bu anormallikler artan oksidatif stres ile de ilişkilendirilmiştir. Leptin ve üreme arasındaki ilişki tam olarak anlaşılabilidiği taktirde, hem erkek infertilitesi hem de dişi infertilitesi için gelecekte hedeflenen tedavilere ışık tutabileceği düşünülmektedir. Bu derleme leptin ile fertilite arasındaki ilişkiye odaklanmaktadır.
Adipoz doku hem enerji deposu hem de adipokinler olarak adlandırılan biyolojik olarak önemli çok sayıda molekülü salgılayan aktif bir endokrin organ olarak işlev görmektedir. Adipokinlerin üreme fonksiyonlarının düzenlenmesinde yer aldığı kanıtlanmıştır ve tanımlanan ilk adipokin leptindir. Son yıllarda yapılan araştırmalar, leptinin beyine giden enerji depolarının miktarının yalnızca yağ dokusundan türetilen bir habercisi olmadığını, aynı zamanda iltihaplanma, anjiyogenez, hematopoez, bağışıklık fonksiyonu ve üreme gibi bir dizi farklı fizyolojik süreç için çok önemli bir hormon/sitokin olduğunu göstermektedir. Adiposit kaynaklı bir hormon olan leptin, özellikle ergenlik ve üreme döneminde vücutta çok sayıda fizyolojik ve metabolik fonksiyonda önemli rol oynamaktadır. Leptin, merkezi hipotalamik etkilerinin yanı sıra, testisler de dahil olmak üzere birçok periferik organda (mide, iskelet kası, hipofiz hücreleri, plasenta) etki göstermektedir ve hem erkek üreme hem de dişi üreme işlevinde düzenleyici bir role sahiptir. Leptin normal üreme işlevi için gereklidir, ancak fazla miktarda bulunduğunda üreme sistemi üzerinde zararlı etkileri olabilir. Non-obstrüktif azoospermi, oligozoospermi ve oligo-asteno-teratozoospermi dahil olmak üzere testiküler parankimi etkileyen bozuklukları olan infertil erkeklerin yüksek leptin konsantrasyonlarına sahip olduğu bilinmektedir. Literatürde yapılan son çalışmalar, hipotalamik-hipofizeal-gonadal (HPG) ekseni, androjen regülasyonu ve sperm üretimi ile leptin ve infertilite arasında güçlü bir ilişki olduğunu öne sürmektedir. Yapılan bu çalışmalardan yola çıkarak, leptin fazlalığı, eksikliği veya direnci durumlarının anormal üreme işlevi ile ilişkili olabileceğini söylemek mümkündür. Ayrıca, yüksek leptinin neden olduğu bu anormallikler artan oksidatif stres ile de ilişkilendirilmiştir. Eğer ki leptin ve üreme arasındaki ilişki tam olarak anlaşılabilirse, hem erkek hem de kadın infertilitesi için gelecekte hedeflenen tedavilere ışık tutabilecektir. Bu derleme leptin ile fertilite arasındaki ilişkiye odaklanmaktadır.
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La producción y regulación de la glucosa, así como el balance neto entre los requerimientos de cada sistema orgánico determinan las vías metabólicas requeridas en la producción de energía. Durante el embarazo normal, la glucosa y los combustibles metabólicos son suministrados al feto de una manera bien regulada. La diabetes durante el embarazo es una de las principales causas de alteración en el metabolismo materno afectando la glucorregulación y el desarrollo fetal. La presente revisión hace enfásis en el metabolismo de los carbohidratos, y los principales procesos para la producción de energía mediante el uso de estas biomoléculas durante el período gestacional.
Leptin is a polypeptide hormone once considered to be an exclusive product of adipose tissue, it’s sole function being to aid in the maintenance of energy homeostasis through the induction of satiety (Considine and Caro, 1997; Weigle, 1997). Mutations in the leptin (ob) gene are responsible for a lack of circulating leptin and for obesity in homozygous (ob/ob) mice (Zhang et al., 1994), with some cases of human obesity potentially corresponding to a similar mechanism (Montague et al., 1997; Rosenbaum and Leibel, 1998). Most cases of human obesity exhibit a state of “leptin resistance,” which may result from any of a number of potential causes (Ahima and Flier, 2000). Regulatory mechanisms remain incompletely defined, although interactions with various hormones are known to affect leptin’s ability to regulate adipose energy reserves (Jequier and Tappy, 1999; Moschos et al., 2002).
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The recently identified mouse obese (ob) gene apparently encodes a secreted protein that may function in the signaling pathway of adipose tissue. Mutations in the mouse ob gene are associated with the early development of gross obesity. A detailed knowledge concerning the RNA expression pattern and precise genomic location of the human homolog, the OB gene, would facilitate examination of the role of this gene in the inheritance of human obesity. Northern blot analysis revealed that OB RNA is present at a high level in adipose tissue but at much lower levels in placenta and heart. OB RNA is undetectable in a wide range of other tissues. Comparative mapping of mouse and human DNA indicated that the ob gene is located within a region of mouse chromosome 6 that is homologous to a portion of human chromosome 7q. We mapped the human OB gene on a yeast artificial chromosome (YAC) contig from chromosome 7q31.3 that contains 43 clones and 19 sequence-tagged sites (STSs). Among the 19 STSs are eight corresponding to microsatellite-type genetic markers, including seven (CA)n repeat-type Genethon markers. Because of their close physical proximity to the human OB gene, these eight genetic markers represent valuable tools for analyzing families with evidence of hereditary obesity and for investigating the possible association between OB mutations and human obesity.
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The aim of this study was to investigate the regulation of leptin expression and production in cultured human adipocytes using the model of in vitro differentiated human adipocytes. Freshly isolated human preadipocytes did not exhibit significant leptin mRNA and protein levels as assessed by reverse transcriptase (RT)-polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and radioimmunoassay (RIA). However, during differentiation induced by a defined adipogenic serum-free medium, cellular leptin mRNA and leptin protein released into the medium increased considerably in accordance with the cellular lipid accumulation. In fully differentiated human fat cells, insulin provoked a dose-dependent rise in leptin protein. Cortisol at a near physiological concentration of 10(-8) mol/l was found to potentiate this insulin effect by almost threefold. Removal of insulin and cortisol, respectively, was followed by a rapid decrease in leptin expression, which was reversible after readdition of the hormones. These results clearly indicate that both insulin and cortisol are potent and possibly physiological regulators of leptin expression in human adipose tissue.
Leptin has recently been implicated as having a role in sexual maturation and reproduction. This review describes recent findings regarding the putative reproductive functions of leptin within the context of the attainment of sufficient long-term fuel reserves to sustain and support pregnancy and lactation. The review considers the evidence, within the context of the development of hyperleptinaemia during pregnancy, that leptin has an important function to modulate maternal nutrient partitioning in order to optimise the provision of nutrients for fetal growth and development. It is suggested that, through modulation of maternal insulin secretion and hepatic metabolism, leptin integrates maternal nutrient storage to the nutrient requirements of the fetus. The importance of the placenta as a site of leptin synthesis and the potential role(s) of placentally derived leptin are evaluated in relation to maternal-fetal interactions during intrauterine development. The review also examines whether intrauterine growth retardation due to nutritional restriction reflects dysregulation of such cross-talk. Finally, the review describes emerging evidence for participation of leptin in lactation and neonatal growth.
Leptin, an adipose tissue-derived signalling factor encoded by the obese gene has been shown to be present as a 16-kDa protein in the blood of mice and humans. Resistance to leptin occurs in human obesity. Leptin has also been shown to associate with plasma insulin concentrations and there is currently considerable debate about the potential link between insulin resistance and resistance to leptin. In non-pregnant individuals, circulating leptin concentrations associate strongly with both total body fat mass and body mass index (BMI). In normal human pregnancy, the maternal fat stores increase to a peak in the late second trimester, before declining towards term as fat stores are mobilized to support the rapidly growing fetus. Insulin resistance increases during late pregnancy and is believed to be further enhanced in pregnancies complicated by pre-eclampsia. The aim of this study was to examine if leptin levels were altered in pregnancy and, if so, whether the pattern of change in circulating leptin related to previously established changes in fasting insulin concentrations or fat mass. We measured third trimester plasma leptin concentrations in 12 uncomplicated pregnant women, nine women with pre-eclampsia matched for age and booking BMI, and 18 non-pregnant women similarly matched. We also examined the longitudinal course of leptin concentrations occurring throughout gestation (from 10 weeks gestation and at five week intervals thereafter), in five normal pregnancies and two women with gestational-onset diabetes. Leptin concentrations were significantly higher in the normal pregnant women (37.1 microg/L, [15.4-117.0], geometric mean, [range]; p=0.049), and women with pre-eclampsia (45.3 microg/L, [21.3-98.4]; p=0.001), than in non-pregnant controls (17.85 microg/L, [1.3-36.5]), however, there was no significant difference between uncomplicated and pre-eclamptic pregnancies (p=0.22). On examination of the longitudinal course of leptin concentrations occurring throughout gestation, in all seven women plasma leptin concentrations initially increased relative to booking (10 weeks) concentrations, but did so by varying amounts (ranging between 30-233%). Significantly, however, in all seven women plasma leptin concentrations peaked at around 20-30 weeks of gestation before declining towards term. On the basis of these observations, we postulate that plasma leptin levels increase significantly in human pregnancies and that the pattern of change in circulating leptin parallels the process of fat accumulation and mobilization.
Timing of first appearance and subsequent distribution of adipose tissue were assessed in 488 normal-for-age human fetuses. The sample represented each of the three trimesters of normal pregnancies. Light microscopy showed that adipose tissue first appears and progressively develops from the 14th to 24th week of gestation (100-216 mm crown-rump length) in those areas where it characteristically accumulates after birth. No significant sex differences were found in patterns of early fat deposition. It is suggested that the second trimester of gestation is the critical or key period in fat adipogenesis.
It has recently been reported that the ob gene receptor was expressed on human and murine hematopoietic stem cells and that the ob gene product leptin stimulated hemato- and lymphopoiesis at the stem cell level. These findings suggest a role for leptin in hemato- and lymphopoiesis during fetal development. There is at present no evidence, however, that leptin is synthesized and released by the fetus. To investigate this possibility, we have measured plasma leptin concentrations in the cord blood of 78 newborn infants. We found that leptin was present in all 78 infants in concentrations comparable with those found in adults (0.6-55.7 ng/ml). Overall, plasma leptin concentrations in the cord blood of infants correlated with birth weight (r = 0.74, P < 0.001). These observations show that leptin is synthesized and released by fetal fat cells. In addition, they are compatible with the concept that leptin may play a role in human fetal hematopoiesis.
Leptin is a circulating hormone that is expressed abundantly and specifically in the adipose tissue. It is involved in the regulation of energy homeostasis, as well as the neuroendocrine and reproductive systems. Here, we demonstrate production of leptin by nonadipose tissue, namely, placental trophoblasts and amnion cells from uteri of pregnant women. We show that pregnant women secrete a considerable amount of leptin from the placenta into the maternal circulation as compared with nonpregnant obese women. Leptin production was also detected in a cultured human choriocarcinoma cell line, BeWo cells, and was augmented during the course of forskolin-induced differentiation of cytotrophoblasts into syncytiotrophoblasts. Plasma leptin levels were markedly elevated in patients with hydatidiform mole or choriocarcinoma and were reduced after surgical treatment or chemotherapy. Leptin is also produced by primary cultured human amnion cells and is secreted into the amniotic fluid. The present study provides evidence for leptin as a novel placenta-derived hormone in humans and suggests the physiologic and pathophysiologic significance of leptin in normal pregnancy and gestational trophoblastic neoplasms.
To investigate whether leptin is linked to reproduction, circulating levels were measured longitudinally throughout spontaneous menstrual cycles and during pregnancy in normal women. Longitudinal blood samples were collected from normal volunteers, either during regular menstrual cycles or during successful singleton pregnancies. Six healthy, regularly cycling, women volunteers (31.5 +/- 3.0 years old, BMI = 21.6 +/- 0.5) were recruited for serial venous blood sampling throughout one complete menstrual cycle. In addition, five healthy, women (31.8 +/- 1.2 years old, pregnant BMI = 30.0 +/- 3.1) provided serial venous blood samples throughout one complete singleton pregnancy. Circulating venous oestradiol, progesterone, luteinizing hormone (LH), follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), leptin and (pregnant group only) human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG). In spontaneously cycling women, changes in circulating leptin levels were associated with menstrual phase (P < 0.001) and correlated with progesterone levels (P < 0.05). Peak leptin concentrations were recorded during the luteal phase (P < 0.01), coincident with maximal progesterone levels (P < 0.05). Leptin concentrations were elevated throughout gestation (P < 0.05), and especially during the second trimester (P < 0.05). Post-partum, circulating leptin levels fell sharply to below pregnant values. Leptin correlated with oestradiol (P < 0.05) and human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG, P < 0.01) levels during pregnancy. First trimester (P < 0.05) and postpartum (P < 0.05) oestradiol concentrations and post-partum hCG levels exhibited the greatest correlation with circulating leptin. We conclude that the relationship between body mass index and circulating leptin varies during the course of spontaneous cycles in women, the best correlation occurring during the luteal phase when progesterone and leptin concentrations are highest. This, together with the correlation between circulating oestradiol, hCG and leptin levels during pregnancy, strongly suggests a dynamic relationship between leptin and reproductive events in women.