Christine Moroni

Christine Moroni
Université de Lille · UFR Psychology

PhD in neuropsychology


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Additional affiliations
January 2004 - present
Centre Hospitalier Régional Universitaire de Lille
  • Driving and selective attention
February 2002 - present
Université Charles-de-Gaulle Lille 3
February 2002 - present
Université de Lille
  • Professor (Assistant)
September 1996 - July 2000
Claude Bernard University Lyon 1
Field of study
  • Psychology
September 1991 - June 1992
Université Savoie Mont Blanc
Field of study
  • Psychology


Publications (124)
Objective: This study aimed to describe the cognitive status, autonomy, quality of life, and social participation of individuals who had experienced a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) at least 10 years prior. Method: Data were collected from 29 individuals with moderate to severe TBI, with a mean age of 49 at the assessment time. Interviews were conduc...
Although frailty is an important, well-characterized concept in the provision of medical care to older adults, it has not been linked to the concept of vulnerability developed in the humanities and social sciences. Here, we distinguish between the two main dimensions of vulnerability: a fundamental, anthropological dimension in which people are exp...
The functional organization and related anatomy of executive functions are still largely unknown and were examined in the present study using a verbal fluency task. The objective of this study was to determine the cognitive architecture of a fluency task and related voxelwise anatomy in the GRECogVASC cohort and fMRI based meta-analytical data. Fir...
Apathy occurs in approximately one third of people after stroke. Despite its frequency and functional consequences, the determinants of apathy have only been partially defined. The major difficulty lies in disentangling the reduction in activity due to apathy itself from those secondary to comorbidities, such as depression, sensorimotor deficits, a...
Background and Objectives Anti-CD19 CAR T-cell therapy is a promising treatment in relapsing B-cell lymphoma, but is frequently associated with acute neurotoxicity. Neurological long-term safety has not been thoroughly assessed. Methods All consecutive refractory lymphoma patients admitted in our center for CAR T-cell therapy underwent neurologica...
Lors de l’évaluation clinique et la prise en charge de patients cérébrolésés, l’exploration de la perception auditive, et en particulier de la perception spatiale des sources sonores, est souvent négligée. Cela s’explique à la fois par une méconnaissance du fonctionnement de la perception spatiale auditive et par des difficultés techniques pour cré...
Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI) result in cognitive and behavioral impairment inducing a disability in daily life for the TBI victims, but also for the families in social, professional and emotional domains. Evolution of these consequences has been widely described during the first few months after TBI (up two years after the TBI), but few studies a...
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Background: CAR T-cells are profoundly changing the standard of care in B-cell malignancies. This new therapeutic class induces a significant number of acute neurotoxicity, but data regarding mid and long-term neurological safety are scarce. We evaluated mid-term neurological safety, with special emphasis on cognitive functions, in a series of adu...
Introduction Les traitements par CAR T cells ont modifié le pronostic des lymphomes mais sont fréquemment compliqués de CRS et neurotoxicité aiguë. Les données concernant la neurotoxicité à long terme sont rares. Objectifs Évaluer la toxicité neurologique et cognitive à long terme, dans une série d’adultes traités par des cellules CAR T et surviva...
Objective: We studied the clinical value of the faux pas test to diagnose behavioral-variant frontotemporal dementia. Methods: The faux pas test was administered to patients referred to a memory clinic in a context of behavioral disturbances. The diagnosis of behavioral-variant frontotemporal dementia (n = 14) or not (n = 25) was confirmed after...
Introduction The neuropsychological assessment is a cornerstone in the care management of concussion or mild traumatic injury. Objective To present the different stages of an exhaustive neuropsychological assessment exploring cognitive and behavioral domains. Method Description of the value of the main tests available for behavioral and cognitive...
The aim of this study was to identify specific cognitive patterns related to long-term vocational training outcome. Records of twenty-eight patients who had benefited from a professional rehabilitation program were retrospectively processed. Screening through machine learning algorithms of patients’ neuropsychological scores identified cognitive pa...
Background Fatigue is a common symptom in patients with acquired brain injury (ABI) related disability while its multidimensionality has never been investigated, and specifically its relationship with patients’ cognitive functioning. Objective This study aimed to evaluate the validity of the Multidimensional Fatigue Inventory (MFI-20) in patients...
Purpose: Individuals with traumatic brain injury (TBI) often present injury-related cognitive and behavioural sequelae hindering a successful professional outcome, even many years after injury. The aim of this study was to investigate cognitive and behavioural factors predicting vocational outcome in the post-acute stages (≥one year) of TBI. Metho...
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Few neuropsychological tests are available to assess executive dysfunction in low-educated and multicultural populations. To address this issue, the TFA-93, a switching verbal fluency test to assess cognitive flexibility, was administered to 70 healthy controls, 57 patients with a clinical diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease, and 21 with a clinical di...
Conference Paper
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L’autonomie des personnes cérébrolésées passe notamment par la reprise de la conduite automobile avec ou sans adaptation du véhicule. Chez les patients souffrant de troubles neurovisuels, la réalisation d’un champ visuel attentionnel peut, en complément de l’examen ophtalmologique et neuropsychologique, étayer l’avis donné par le médecin expert de...
Chaque année, il est recensé un grand nombre de nouveaux cas de personnes victimes d’un Traumatisme Crânien (TC). Cet événement neurologique touche bien souvent des personnes jeunes, et induit des troubles cognitifs et comportementaux qui ont d’importantes répercussions sur la vie quotidienne des personnes et de leur famille. Le devenir des personn...
Although some studies described the apparition of a rightward bias of attention with aging, no study has examined if this bias could be explained by modifications based on age in the mechanisms of attention orienting and, specially, in the cueing effects. 48 participants of different ages were tested with a spatial cueing paradigm to assess mechani...
Les troubles du langage peuvent être inauguraux et pré-dominants dans certaines pathologies neurodégénératives. Déterminer s'ils proviennent d'une atteinte de la production du mot ou de sa compréhension due à des troubles lexicosémantiques peut aider à caractériser le phénotype clinique notam-ment entre une aphasie primaire progressive non fluente...
Primary objective: The aim of this study was to propose new measures to evaluate memory processes in patients with severe traumatic brain injury (TBI). In this purpose, we analyzed learning and consolidation processes depending on own patient’s performance during a memory test. Methods: One-week Free and Cued Selective Reminding Test – word version...
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Introduction/Background Visual field disorders, frequently observed in brain-damaged patients, are associated with an adverse prognosis in outcome activities as car driving. In France, a prefectorial order contraindicates driving if the visual field is inferior to 120° on the meridian axis, inferior to 20° on a vertical axis and with defects in a 2...
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Introduction/Background The neglect syndrome is frequently associated with neglect dyslexia (ND). ND is characterized by omissions or misread initial letters of words. In clinical settings, ND is usually assessed with “paper and pencil” tests. However, without controlling exposure time of items and patients’ response time, ND could be unnoticed. M...
Introduction/Background Seventy-five percent of people with an acquired brain injury are of working age, most of them are young adults who want to return-to-work or need to resume a vocational training. However, a failure in returning to work/vocational training is associated with depression and isolation. Our aim was to identify objective measures...
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Introduction L’évaluation neuropsychologique des sujets peu scolarisés et/ou peu francophones dispose de peu d’outils normalisés hormis deux tests de mémoire, le TNI-93 et le TMA-93. Il n’existe pas de tests des fonctions exécutives adaptés pour ces populations. Objectifs Élaboration d’un test, le TFA-93, afin de pouvoir évaluer les capacités de f...
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Au-delà des classiques signes d’examen reflétant les troubles du transfert de l’information à l’hémisphère effecteur de la réponse verbale ou motrice, les lésions du corps calleux peuvent s’associer à des symptômes moteurs d’intensité variable, souvent spectaculaires, prenant l’apparence d’un conflit opposant les deux mains (« dyspraxie diagonistiq...
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Objective: Although impairments of long-term recall affect everyday life, they may be missed by standard delayed recall tests, which typically assess the ability to retain new information within a few minutes, without encompassing the consolidation process. We adapted a verbal memory test to evaluate long-term memory consolidation in healthy volun...
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Objective Verbal memory impairment has been described in patients with traumatic brain injury (TBI) but the specific altered process, between encoding, consolidation and retrieval, is still discussed. The aim of this study was to use new measures to detect verbal memory impairment in TBI patients. In this purpose, we analyzed encoding and consolida...
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Objective Previous reports identified a spatial bias in patients with hemianopia to explain why they tended to bisect a line toward their blind, contralateral visual field. According to them, a perceptual distortion resulting from expansion of the central region of visual space could be involve in their performance. Aims of our study were to confir...
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Purpose of Review To synthesize findings regarding the psychological outcomes of face transplantation. Recent Findings Thirty-seven face transplants have been done since the world’s debutant case was featured in 2005. In spite of impressive clinical success, little has been achieved to date in terms of understanding the mental health, quality of l...
Objective The Hayling Sentence Completion Test (HSCT) measures prepotent response inhibition, useful to assess inhibition deficit in a variety of clinical conditions. Despite its extensive use by numerous clinical and research groups in France, normative data for the HSCT are not yet available for French speakers. Method A French version of the HCS...
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Objective We previously developed normative data for a French version of the Hayling Sentence Completion Test (f-HSCT) for adults and elderly people. The present study aimed to evaluate the clinical utility of the f-HSCT norms in two clinical populations in which inhibition dysfunction has been largely documented, i.e., Parkinson's disease (PD) and...
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Two major limitations of unilateral spatial neglect (USN) rehabilitation methods are actually reported: a lack of long-term efficiency and a lack of generalization to daily life. The aim of our case study was to underline how a multisensory method-music practice-could avoid these limitations. Mrs BV suffered from a chronic severe USN. She had rehab...
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While mechanisms of orienting attention in unilateral spatial neglect (USN) have frequently been studied in the visual domain, these mechanisms remain relatively unexplored in the auditory domain. Our first goal was to replicate Spence and Driver’s (J Exp Psychol Hum 22:1005–1030, 1994) results with a virtual reality paradigm. This paradigm simulat...
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Do patients with Alzheimer's disease loose themselves? The impact of dementia on the sense of self has been extensively studied over the past 15 years. However, most studies investigate only one marker of the self - such as mirror self-recognition or the use of the pronoun "I" - and do not track how this marker evolves in the course of the illness...
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L’amélioration des traitements neuro-oncologiques ces dernières années permettant une survie plus longue des patients atteints de tumeurs cérébrales fait émerger la problématique des effets secondaires à long terme. Parmi ces effets secondaires, les troubles cognitifs sont au premier plan et impactent lourdement la qualité de vie des patients. Leur...
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Alors que la négligence spatiale unilatérale (NSU) a été lar-gement explorée en modalité visuelle, peu d'études se sont intéressées à la modalité auditive et notamment à la latéralisation des sons dans l'espace. Notre étude porte sur les difficultés de latéralisation des sons chez une patiente ayant une NSU chronique et sévère. Ses résultats à cett...
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Journée de printemps SNLF 2016
Although visual deficits due to unilateral spatial neglect (USN) have been frequently described in the literature, fewer studies have been interested in directional hearing impairment in USN. The aim of this study was to explore sound lateralisation deficits in USN. Using a paradigm inspired by Tanaka et al. (1999), interaural time differences (ITD...
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Le champ visuel attentionnel est un examen permettant de prendre en compte l’influence de facteurs attentionnels lors de l’évaluation du champ visuel. L’objectif de notre étude était de recueillir des données contrôles adaptées à notre procédure utilisée en pratique clinique, lors des consultations d’évaluation à la reprise de la conduite automobil...
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Unilateral spatial neglect (USN) is an attention deficit in the contralesional side of space which occurs after a cerebral stroke, mainly located in the right hemisphere. USN patients are disabled in all daily activities. USN is an important negative prognostic factor of functional recovery and of socio-professional reinsertion. Thus, patient rehab...
Conference Paper
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Mémoire épisodique d'un événement Cible Source Johnson et al. (1993) : 2 types de source • « Reality-Monitoring » (RM) : distinction entre origine interne (individu) et externe (environnement) • « Internal-Monitoring » (IM) : distinction entre 2 origines internes (imaginer/dire) Objectifs Déterminer pour RM et IM Effet de l'âge Etude 1 Effet de la...
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The aim of this study was to dissociate age and duration of illness effects on cognitive impairment of patients with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis. Cognitive impairment among patients with multiple sclerosis (MS) is well known. However, few studies were devoted to assess the respective role of disease duration and age on cognitive function...
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Hallucinations and cognition: how cognitive models serve neuropsychological practice Hallucinations are defined as erroneous percepts, i.e. perceptions experienced as real by the subject, despite an absence of external stimulation. Hallucinations may concern every sensory modality, be the consequence of various etiologies and occur at all ages. Due...
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Atrophy of the medial temporal lobe structures that support scene perception and the binding of an object to its context (i.e., the hippocampus and the parahippocampal cortex) appears early in the course of Alzheimer's disease (AD). However, few studies have investigated scene perception in people with AD. Here, we assessed the ability to find a ta...
Hallucinations are defined as erroneous percepts, i.e. perceptions experienced as real by the subject, despite an absence of external stimulation. Hallucinations may concern every sensory modality, be the consequence of various etiologies and occur at all ages. Due to their weak diagnosis specificity, hallucinatory experiences are more considered as...
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We compared destination memory to source memory in patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD), as the latter type of memory is believed to be severely deteriorated in AD. Control participants and AD patients were tested on two conditions, both of which had a study phase and a recognition phase. In the study phase of the first condition, participants ha...
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Influence de la durée d'évolution de la maladie et de l'âge sur les troubles cognitifs de patients âgés atteints d'une sclérose en plaques de forme rémittente (SEP-RR) The influence of age and illness duration on cognitive impairment in aging patients with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis (RR-MS) Ti e a part : C. Moroni Résumé. L'objectif de...
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Vascular cognitive impairment (VCI) includes vascular dementia (VaD), vascular mild cognitive impairment (VaMCI) and mixed dementia. In clinical practice, VCI concerns patients referred for clinical stroke or cognitive complaint. To improve the characterization of VCI and to refine its diagnostic criteria, an international group has elaborated a ne...
Unlike prospective time perception paradigms, in which participants are aware that they have to estimate forthcoming time, little is known about retrospective time perception in normal aging and Alzheimer's disease (AD). Our paper addresses this shortcoming by comparing prospective and retrospective time estimation in younger adults, older adults,...
Studies of scene perception have shown that the visual system is particularly sensitive to global properties such as the overall layout of a scene. Such global properties cannot be computed locally, but rather require relational analysis over multiple regions. To what extent is observers' perception of scenes impaired in the far periphery? We exami...
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Purpose: For normally sighted people, there is a general consensus that objects that appear in a congruent context (e.g., a hair dryer in a bathroom) are processed more accurately and/or more quickly than objects in an incongruent context (e.g., a hair dryer in a corn field). We investigated whether people with AMD, who have impairments in recogni...
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The objective of the present study was to establish whether performance in an action fluency task is of value in the differential diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease (AD) and dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB). After collecting normative data on performance in an action fluency task and a conventional animal fluency task in a cohort of French-speaking he...
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Unlike prospective time perception paradigms, in which participants are aware that they have to estimate forthcoming time, little is known about retrospective time perception in normal aging and Alz-heimer's disease (AD). Our paper addresses this shortcoming by comparing prospective and retrospective time estimation in younger adults, older adults,...
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The Stroop Color-Word Test-Victoria version (VST) is a measure of executive function commonly used in neuropsychological evaluation. Because of its short administration time, the VST seems particularly appropriate for use in geriatric populations and with those suffering from dementia and who are prone to fatigue during neuropsychological examinati...
To assess the prevalence of mood and anxiety disorders in systemic sclerosis (SSc) patients and the association of these disorders with clinical features. Between May 2002 and May 2004, 100 SSc patients fulfilling the American Rheumatism Association and/or Leroy & Medsger criteria were recruited: 51 were from a SSc patient association meeting, and...
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We tested rapid-categorization in a patient who was impaired in face and object recognition. Photographs of natural scenes were displayed for 100 ms. Participants had to press a key when they saw an animal among various objects as distractors or human faces among animal faces as distractors. Though the patient was impaired at figure/ground segregat...
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To assess subclinical central nervous system (CNS) involvement in primary Sjögren syndrome (pSS), by comparing standard brain MRI, in-depth neuropsychological testing and (99m)Tc-ECD brain single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) of patients with pSS with matched controls. 10 women (<55 years old), with pSS defined using European-American...
Introduction L’epreuve de rappel libre/rappel indice a 16 items (RL/RI 16 items, adaptation francaise du test de Grober et Buschke) est largement utilisee au sein des consultations memoire pour le diagnostic de maladie d’Alzheimer (MA). Differents indices de cette procedure ont montre une pertinence pour distinguer les patients MA de patients attei...
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Posterior cortical atrophy belongs to the progressive focal atrophy group of neurodegenerative diseases. It is characterized by specific clinical deficits in visual perception, which can affect either visuo-spatial features or identity of objects. The posterior cortical atrophy, initially described by Pick in 1902, is a rare and not well known synd...
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Increased difficulty with inhibition responses has been reported in aging. We used a French adaptation of the Victoria Stroop Test to assess the evolution of inhibitory processes in 107 healthy participants aged from 50 year old to 95 year old. A mild influence of age was shown on the efficiency of the inhibitory processes, and an important heterog...
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Dichotic listening is the most frequent behavioral test used to assess hemispheric lateralization. The subjects simultaneously receive competing information signals in each ear and the attention resources are mobilized. Dichotic listening may be viewed as a dual-task procedure. In fact, executive functions and attention, which are involved, may be...


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