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Combining precision and power to maximize performance: a case study of the woodpecker's neck

In a tensegrity structure, all components are subject
to only compression (bars) and tensions (cables and
springs). This feature conveys many interesting prop-
erties such as, lightness, reconfigurability, energyeffi-
ciency, among others. As shown recently by several
biologists like (Levin 2006), the concept of tensegrity
is present in many biological systems like cells and
musculo-skeletal systems. Recently, a human spine
model using a tensegrity structure was proposed
(Sabelhaus 2015). Tensegrity mechanisms are better
candidates to model bird necks as compared to other
potential solutions like multi-backbone continuum
robots (Wang 2014) because tensegrity lends itself
well to a realistic modeling of bones, muscles and ten-
dons. Furthermore, the modularity of the tensegrity
systems has a heuristic value in the explanation of the
morpho-functional modularity debated in evolution-
ary biology.
ANR -10-CE33-0025
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Hirose S. 1993. Biologically inspired robots: Snake-like loco-
motors and manipulators. Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press.
Levin S. 2005. Tensegrity: the new biomechanics. In:
Hutson M, Ward A, editors. Oxford textbook of muscu-
loskeletal medicine.
Norberg UM. 1990. Vertebrate flight: mechanics, physi-
ology, morphology, ecology and evolution Springer-
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Provini P, Abourachid A. 2018. Whole body 3D kinematics
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Provini P, Tobalske BW, Crandell KE, Abourachid A. 2014.
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Tesch M, Lipkin, Brown I, Hatton R, Peck A, Rembisz J, Chose
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editors. Advances in robot kinematics, Springer.
KEYWORDS Bird neck; evolution; bio-inspired robot; tensegrity
Combining precision and power to
maximize performance: a case study
of the woodpeckers neck
C. B
, M. Furet
, B. Fasquelle
, P. Wenger
D. Chablat
, C. Chevallereau
and A. Abourachid
epartement Adaptations du Vivant,
eum National dHistoire Naturelle, 55 rue Buffon, 75005 Paris,
Laboratoire des Sciences du Num
erique de Nantes
(LS2N), CNRS, Ecole centrale de Nantes, 44321 Nantes, France
1. Introduction
The neck in birds has been characterized as a highly
complex system that positions the head during all
kinds of behavior (B
ohmer et al. 2018; Zweers et al.
1994). This involves a variety of highly demanding
tasks such as feeding, manipulation, preening, sexual
display, nest building, and combat behavior (B
et al. 2019). This versatility is an opportunity for bio-
engineering, but prior to designing a technological
model, the biological system must be understood; in
particular regarding the form-function relationships.
One behavioral pattern in birds that appears to be
relatively constrained is pecking in woodpeckers.
There is evidence that the drilling trajectory is essen-
tially planar (Spring 1965). From a morphofunctional
point of view, woodpeckers are highly interesting
because they are very lightweight (mean body
mass ¼300 g), but are capable to dig into dense tree
trunks (Puverel et al. 2019). They strike their beak
against a tree repeatedly with high accelerations, high
velocity and large force transmissions (May et al.
1979; Wang et al. 2011). We took this bird species as
a first example for a biologically inspired robot arm
that combines precision and power to maximize per-
formance. Adding biological knowledge into the
design process requires a simplification of the com-
plexity of the biological entity (Whitesides 2015). In
this context, we (1) analyzed the neck musculature
which supplies force for movement; (2) established a
planar robotic model using several stacked tensegrity
crossed bar mechanisms and (3) integrated all data
into an actuated model of the bird neck.
2. Methods
2.1. Dissection
The neck musculature of one generalist bird (Corvus
monedula) and three species of woodpeckers was
comparatively investigated by quantitative dissection:
the green woodpecker (Picus viridis), the great spotted
woodpecker (Dendrocopos major) and the black
woodpecker (Dryocopus martius). They differ in peck-
ing performance (Jenni 1981) which allows identifica-
tion of muscular adaptations specific for high power.
After removing the skin and fascia, each muscle was
identified and systematically detached from both the
origin and insertion. Muscles were assigned to main
functional categories indicating the direction and ver-
tebral region of action. The craniocervical muscular
system was illustrated in a schematic diagram.
2.2. Kinematic and dynamic modelling
The woodpecker neck is modelled in the sagittal plane
with a serial stack of Snelsons X-shape tensegrity mech-
anisms (Wenger and Chablat 2017), which is a class 2
tensegrity mechanism composed of an antiparallelo-
gram made of 4 rigid links. The sides of the mechanism
are attached with two springs that ensure a stable rest
position, and cables run through the springs. By modi-
fying the cable tension with motors, different positions
can be reached. The kinematic model links the output
of the modelled stacked modules (i.e., the position and
orientation of the tip of the beak) to the input of the
robot (the orientation of each X-shape mechanism).
The dynamic modelling takes into account the influ-
ence of the rigid links masses and inertia, spring stiff-
nesses and cable tensions and links the motion of the
model (position, velocity, acceleration) to the forces
needed to move it (Furet et al. 2018).
3. Results and discussion
3.1. Muscular adaptations
The overall muscular system of the neck in the ana-
lyzed woodpeckers corresponds to an earlier
anatomical description of Dendrocopus provided by
Jenni (1981). Our quantitative analysis revealed that
the adaptation to pecking is particularly evident in
the craniocervical and ventral muscle system.
As opposed to generalist birds, the muscles of the
craniocervical system in woodpeckers show adapta-
tions specific for precision of force control. The
highly specialized tendinous architecture of the ven-
tral muscle system in woodpeckers enables forceful
and rapid movements. Compared to the other species
of woodpeckers, the tendons are most prominently
developed in the black woodpecker.
In summary, the anatomical arrangement of muscle
and tendon in the neck of woodpeckers facilitates effi-
cient pecking by combining precision and power.
3.2. Neck movement
Videos of alive woodpeckers do not allow us to precisely
detect the neck movement because of the feathers. As a
consequence, a film of the corpse of a green wood-
pecker without its feathers and moved by hand was
recorded and used to capture a neck movement, with
the aim of reproducing it with our robot in simulation.
To convert the video into a robot movement, the
frames are analyzed independently. For each of them,
the middle line of the neck is detected, then the
mechanisms of the robots are placed one by one from
the bottom of the neck. The obtained positions give
us the trajectory.
3.3. Simulation
The manipulator is made of 11 identical mechanisms
that is the number of vertebrae in the green woodpecker.
The dimensions were chosen to have a manipulator with
the same proportions than the woodpecker neck.
Simulations are performed with Matlab Simulink
and Simscape Multibody. The use of the dynamic
model in the control law allows obtaining an accurate
tracking with a full-actuated robot. In this case, the
forces applied have similar shapes for each mechan-
ism, which is promising for under-actuation. Simple
under-actuation strategies also succeed at tracking the
movement with a good precision, and the neck mus-
culature of the woodpeckers will be used to create
related under-actuation strategies.
4. Conclusions
The aim of the present work was to extract the
anatomical parameters that are essential to perform
precise and powerful movements. The conceptualiza-
tion of the extremely complex musculature of the
neck in birds revealed such a specialization.
Eventually, the prototype of the woodpeckers neck
will serve as a starting point for future invention and
application such as industrial soft-robots that execute
their task in collaboration with humans in an efficient
and safe way.
We thank the Chene Association and the Goupil
Association for providing bird specimens for dissec-
tion. This study was financially supported by the
Agence National de la Recherche (ANR): Project ID
#ANR-16-CE33-0025 (AVINECK), Project coordin-
ator: A. Abourachid.
ohmer C, Plateau O, Cornette R, Abourachid A. 2018.
What is a long neck? The effects of scaling relationships
between skeletal dimensions and body size in birds.
Integr Comp Biol. 58:e275.
ohmer C, Plateau O, Cornette R, Abourachid A. 2019.
Correlated evolution of neck length and leg length in
birds. R Soc Open Sci 6:181588.
Furet M, Van Riesen A, Chevallereau C, Wenger P. 2018.
Optimal design of tensegrity mechanisms used in a bird
neck model. European Conference on Mechanism
Science. p. 365375.
Jenni L. 1981. Das Skelettmuskelsystem des Halses von
Buntspecht und Mittelspecht Dendrocopos major und
medius. J Ornithol. 122:3763.
May PR, Fuster JM, Haber J, Hirschman A. 1979.
Woodpecker drilling behavior. An endorsement of the
rotational theory of impact brain injury. Arch Neurol
36: 370373.
Puverel C, Abourachid A, B
ohmer C, Leban J-M, Paillet Y.
2019. This is my spot: characteristics of trees bearing
Black Woodpecker cavities International Woodpecker
Conference. Bałowe_
za, Poland.
Spring LW. 1965. Climbing and pecking adaptations in
some North American woodpeckers. The
Condor 67:457488.
Wang L, Cheung JT, Pu F, Li D, Zhang M, Fan Y. 2011.
Why do woodpeckers resist head impact injury: a bio-
mechanical investigation. PLoS One 6:e26490.
Wenger P, Chablat D. 2017. Kinetostatic analysis and solu-
tion classification of a planar tensegrity mechanism 7th
International Workshop on Computational Kinematics.
p. 422431.
Whitesides GM. 2015. Bioinspiration: something for every-
one. Interface Focus 5:20150031.
Zweers G, Bout R, Heidweiller J. 1994. Motor organization
of the avian head-neck system. In: Davies MNO, Green
PR, editors. Perception and motor control in birds.
Berlin: Springer. p. 201221.
KEYWORDS Neck; bird; tensegrity; bio-inspired; robotics
Look into a fish mouth: 3D X-ray
particle tracking adapted to intra-oral
hydrodynamics in fish feeding
P. Provini
, A. Brunet
and S. Van Wassenbergh
epartement Adaptations du Vivant, UMR M
adaptatifs et
evolution (MECADEV) Mus
eum National dHistoire
Naturelle/CNRS, 57 rue Cuvier, Case Postale 55, 75231 Paris
Cedex 05, France;
Department of Biology, University of Antwerp,
Universiteitsplein 1, 2610 Antwerp, Belgium
1. Introduction
Most of ray-finned fish (Actinopterygii) use suction
feeding to capture their prey. The rapid expansion of
their mouth generates a high velocity water flow (e.g.
Muller and Osse 1984), which leads the prey inside
the buccal cavity. In spite of the prominent role of
hydrodynamics to catch food successfully in suction
feeding (Day et al. 2015) difficult optical access to the
buccal cavity makes it still poorly understood. To go
beyond computational simulations (Provini and Van
Wassenbergh 2018) and overcome the technical con-
straints faced in situations without optical access, we
combined two X-ray based methods to study suction
feeding in Carp (Cyprinus carpio).
We used a biplanar X-ray system to obtain a 3D
animation of the head bones, using X-Ray
Reconstruction of Moving Morphology (XROMM)
(Brainerd et al. 2010). Simultaneously, we optimised
the technique of 3D X-ray particle tracking (Seeger
et al. 2001), to visualize intra-oral flow dynamics
using neutrally-buoyant radio-opaque particles. The
combination of these two techniques allowed us to
quantify the water flow involved during suction feed-
ing and to correlate it to the 3D kinematics of the
head bones in vivo.
2. Methods
2.1. X-Ray reconstruction of moving morphology
We performed the experiment at the University of
Antwerp, where two synchronized and calibrated Xray
sources were associated with high-speed video cameras
to film two individuals of Carps during suction feeding
(N ¼4 sequences for each individual). Prior to the
experiment, the carps were implanted with 0.35 mm
diameter radio-opaque markers on the upper jaw, lower
... Cleaning and feeding necessitates dexterity while high force transmission and accelerations are required when a woodpecker hits a tree trunk. We have built a preliminary manipulator model to mimick the neck of a woodpecker, which moves mainly in a vertical plane [8,9]. Bird necks have a variable number of vertebrae, ranging from 10 in parrots to 26 in swans [10]. ...
... In the woodpecker neck, the long, left side-routed cable corresponds to a powerful muscle found all along the front of the neck. This muscle allows the neck to quickly propel its head to hit tree trunks [8]. The other cables correspond to other muscles present to adjust the movements. ...
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This paper is devoted to the control and identification of a manipulator with three anti-parallelogram joints in series, referred to as X-joints. Each X-joint is a tensegrity one-degree-of-freedom mechanism antagonistically actuated with cables and springs in parallel. As compared to manipulators built with simple revolute joints in series, manipulators with tensegrity X-joint offer a number of advantages, such as an intrinsic stability, variable stiffness and lower inertia. This design was inspired by the musculosleketon architecture of the bird neck, which is known to be very dextrous. A test-bed prototype is presented and used to test computed torque control laws. Friction and cable elasticity are modelled and identified. Their effect on the performance of control laws is analyzed. It is shown that in the context of antagonistic actuation and light weight design, friction plays a leading role and the significance of modelling cable elasticity is discussed
... Here, a strut-routed strategy with one cable for each joint is used on the right side, while a side routed strategy with one single cable running along the three joints is used on the left side. This strategy is close to muscle scheme met in bird necks [24]. More specifically, one cable is run through the left sides of the three joints. ...
Une structure de tenségrité est un assemblage d'éléments en compression (barres) et d'éléments en traction (câbles, ressorts) maintenus ensemble en équilibre. La tenségrité est connue en architecture et en art depuis plus d'un siècle et est adaptée à la modélisation des organismes vivants. Les mécanismes de tenségrité ont été étudiés plus récemment pour leurs propriétés prometteuses en robotique telles que leur faible inertie, leur compliance naturelle et la capacité de déploiement. Un mécanisme de tenségrité est obtenu lorsqu'un ou plusieurséléments sont actionnés. Cette thèse s'inscrit dans le cadre du projet AVINECK, auquel participent des biologistes et des roboticiens dans un but double : avoir une meilleure compréhension de la nature et des cous d’oiseaux, et également de s’inspirer de la nature afin de concevoir des manipulateurs bioinspiré innovants. En premier lieu, une étude a été menée sur la cinématique des vertèbres d’oiseaux. Une modélisation des contacts entre surface articulaire a permis de reconstruire en 3D le mouvement d’une vertèbre d’oiseau quelconque par rapport à une autre, à partir de scans 3D de vraies vertèbres. Ensuite, plusieurs mécanismes simples ont été comparés afin de déterminer le meilleur candidat à la modélisation de la cinématique des cous d’oiseaux. En second lieu, deux mécanismes de tenségrité à 1 degré de liberté (DDL) potentiellement intéressants pour la modélisation de cous d’oiseaux et la réalisation de manipulateurs ont été modélisées. A partir d’une démarche de conception optimale, deux mécanismes optimaux selon un critère donné ont été dimensionnés, puis comparés afin de déterminer le mécanisme le plus intéressant d’un point de vue conception de manipulateurs. Le mécanisme à 1 DDL retenu a été un antiparallélogramme actionné de manière antagoniste, appelé mécanisme en X. Un prototype de manipulateur à 2 DDL a ensuite été conçu et réalisé. Une étude du modèle géométrique d’un tel manipulateur a mis en évidence des phénomènes intéressants comme le comportement cuspidal du robot sous certaines conditions. Une étude cinéto-statique du manipulateur a ensuite été effectué. Le comportement du manipulateur dépendant fortement de la stratégie d’actionnement, celles-ci ont été énumérées et certaines d’entre elles comparées. Les résultats obtenus ont été vérifiés et mis en évidence sur un prototype. Enfin, la modélisation de manipulateurs plans a été étendue aux manipulateurs à N DDL. Un modèle dynamique complet a été obtenu, et une démarche de conception a été menée afin d’obtenir les dimensions et spécifications d’un manipulateur plan bio-inspiré à 10 DDL.
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Der Hals ist eine biomechanische Innovation, die entscheidend zur Diversifizierung der Wirbeltiere beigetragen hat. Erkenntnisse aus der funktionellen Morphologie des Halses können dazu beitragen, Designprinzipien für technische Anwendungen zu entwickeln. Der Einsatzbereich der Bionik ist dabei sehr vielfältig und kann neben Konstruktionsprinzipien auch Materialeigenschaften und Verhaltensweisen betreffen. Die vorliegende Arbeit stellt beispielhaft vor, wie der Hals der Vögel für bioinspiriertes Design dienen kann. [The neck is a biomechanical innovation that contributed to the diversification of vertebrates. A better understanding of the functional morphology of the neck can help to develop design principles for technical applications. The range of application is versatile and can concern constructional principles as well as material properties and behaviors. The present work illustrates how the neck of birds can be serve for bioinspired design.]
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Despite a diversity of about 10 000 extant species, the sophisticated avian ‘body plan’ has not much changed once it was achieved around 160 Ma after the origin of powered flight. All birds are bipedal having wings, a rigid trunk, a short and ossified tail, a three-segmented leg and digitigrade feet. The avian neck, however, has always been regarded as a classic example of high variability ranging from short necks in songbirds to extremely long, serpentine necks in herons. Yet, the wide array of small to very large species makes it difficult to evaluate the actual neck length. Here, we investigate the evolution of the vertebral formulae in the neck of birds and the scaling relationships between skeletal dimensions and body size. Cervical count in birds is strongly related to phylogeny, with only some specialists having an exceptional number of vertebrae in the neck. In contrast with mammals, the length of the cervical vertebral column increases as body size increases and, thus, body size does not constrain neck length in birds. Indeed, neck length scales isometrically with total leg length suggesting a correlated evolution between both modules. The strong integration between the cervical and pelvic module in birds is in contrast with the decoupling of the fore- and hindlimb module and may be the result of the loss of a functionally versatile forelimb due to the evolution of powered flight.
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Tensegrity mechanisms have several interesting properties that make them suitable for a number of applications. Their analysis is generally challenging because the static equilibrium conditions often result in complex equations. A class of planar one-degree-of-freedom (dof) tensegrity mechanisms with three linear springs is analyzed in detail in this paper. The kinetostatic equations are derived and solved under several loading and geometric conditions. It is shown that these mechanisms exhibit up to six equilibrium configurations, of which one or two are stable. Discriminant varieties and cylindrical algebraic decomposition combined with Groebner base elimination are used to classify solutions as function of the input parameters.
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‘Bioinspiration’—using phenomena in biology to stimulate research in non-biological science and technology—is a strategy that suggests new areas for research. Beyond its potential to nucleate new ideas, bioinspiration has two other interesting characteristics. It can suggest subjects in research that are relatively simple technically; it can also lead to areas in which results can lead to useful function more directly than some of the more familiar areas now fashionable in chemistry. Bioinspired research thus has the potential to be accessible to laboratories that have limited resources, to offer routes to new and useful function, and to bridge differences in technical and cultural interactions of different geographical regions.
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Head injury is a leading cause of morbidity and death in both industrialized and developing countries. It is estimated that brain injuries account for 15% of the burden of fatalities and disabilities, and represent the leading cause of death in young adults. Brain injury may be caused by an impact or a sudden change in the linear and/or angular velocity of the head. However, the woodpecker does not experience any head injury at the high speed of 6-7 m/s with a deceleration of 1000 g when it drums a tree trunk. It is still not known how woodpeckers protect their brain from impact injury. In order to investigate this, two synchronous high-speed video systems were used to observe the pecking process, and the force sensor was used to measure the peck force. The mechanical properties and macro/micro morphological structure in woodpecker's head were investigated using a mechanical testing system and micro-CT scanning. Finite element (FE) models of the woodpecker's head were established to study the dynamic intracranial responses. The result showed that macro/micro morphology of cranial bone and beak can be recognized as a major contributor to non-impact-injuries. This biomechanical analysis makes it possible to visualize events during woodpecker pecking and may inspire new approaches to prevention and treatment of human head injury.
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High-speed cinematograph films of a drilling woodpecker were examined by direct visual inspection and by a microdensitometer and computer-imaging technique. These showed (1) that the drilling trajectory is essentially linear, with very little, if any, rotation of the head; (2) that there is minimal movement after impact; (3) that the impact velocity is of the order of 600 to 700 cm/s; and (4) that the impact deceleration is of the order of 1,000 g. Dynamic and morphologic findings in the woodpecker may be highly relevant to the prevention of concussion and brain injury in man. Taken in the context of modern packaging technology and other animal and mathematical modelling research, they suggest that brain injury preventive systems could be greatly improved over those now in common use.
This chapter reviews progress in understanding the motor patterning and control of the avian cervical column, and its underlying anatomical and neuronal basis. The avian cervical column is a highly complex system which positions the head during all behavioural patterns. In many species over 20 highly mobile cervical vertebrae are found, and up to 200 muscles run along either side of the cervical column. Numerous modal action patterns occur, each serving one of many different functions which are primarily performed by the head, and these patterns appear very flexible when external conditions change (cf. Chap. 8). A versatile system is required in order to generate numerous specific modal action patterns and to achieve flexibility in each one of them. This is accomplished by a complex mechanical construction of the cervical column, and a flexible neuro-motor patterning.
What is a long neck? The effects of scaling relationships between skeletal dimensions and body size in birds
  • C Böhmer
  • O Plateau
  • R Cornette
  • A Abourachid
Böhmer C, Plateau O, Cornette R, Abourachid A. 2018. What is a long neck? The effects of scaling relationships between skeletal dimensions and body size in birds. Integr Comp Biol 58: e275.
Optimal design of tensegrity mechanisms
  • M Furet
  • A Van Riesen
  • C Chevallereau
  • P Wenger
Furet M, Van Riesen A, Chevallereau C, Wenger P. 2018. Optimal design of tensegrity mechanisms used in a bird neck model. European Conference on Mechanism Science. p. 365-375.
Das Skelettmuskelsystem des Halses von Buntspecht und Mittelspecht Dendrocopos major und medius
Jenni L. 1981. Das Skelettmuskelsystem des Halses von Buntspecht und Mittelspecht Dendrocopos major und medius. J Ornithol. 122:37-63.