Christian Vollmer

Christian Vollmer
Pädagogische Hochschule Tirol · Institut für fachdidaktische und bildungswissenschaftliche Forschung und Entwicklung (IFE)

Doctor of Philosophy
I'm currently teaching student teachers on scientific methods and conduct research on various topics of education.


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Christian does research in education (i. e., achievement, motivation, emotions, out-of-school learning, competencies and study conditions of students and doctoral candidates) and personality psychology (i. e., chronobiology, intelligence, BIG-5, human values). Christian is proficient in designing randomized controlled field trials and longitudinal surveys. Christian applies confirmatory factor analysis, item response theory, and multilevel/longitudinal analysis in SPSS, Mplus, and R.
Additional affiliations
September 2020 - January 2023
Pädagogische Hochschule Tirol
  • Hochschullehrperson für quantitative Methoden
September 2012 - October 2016
Pädagogische Hochschule Heidelberg
  • PostDoc Position
  • Courses for PhD students in the research training group EKoL on topics of quantitative research methods and scientific writing; Master level courses on topics of quantitative research methods in the educational sciences (Master Bildungswissenschaften)
April 2009 - December 2012
Pädagogische Hochschule Heidelberg
  • PhD Student, Science education
  • Postgraduate university lecturer, courses on the topics of science education and quantitative research methods
April 2009 - December 2012
Pädagogische Hochschule Heidelberg
Field of study
  • Science education
October 2001 - November 2004
Technische Universität Dresden
Field of study
  • Regionalstudium Ostasien/China
April 1999 - April 2007
Technische Universität Dresden
Field of study
  • Sociology


Publications (119)
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External zeitgebers synchronize the human circadian rhythm of sleep and wakefulness. Humans adapt their chronotype to the day-night cycle, the strongest external zeitgeber. The human circadian rhythm shifts to evening-type orientation when daylight is prolonged into the evening and night hours by artificial light sources. Data from a survey of 1507...
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Students’ interest in science declines in secondary school. Therefore, motivating students to become competent and engaged in science topics that are relevant for their everyday lives is an important goal, so they can be better citizens and decision makers with socioscientific issues (e.g., climate change and waste disposal). The present study cont...
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Delayed school start times improve students’ sleep, but little is known about its impact on teachers. The Austrian COVID-19 lockdown, enabling teachers to choose their working hours, created the unique opportunity to test the impact of a forced home office on Tyrolean teachers’ sleep. From April to May 2020, a cross-sectional and complete online su...
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Research suggests the existence of an association between chronotype and intellectual performance , but the nature of this link remains unclear. Studies conducted in a laboratory setting point to the synchrony effect (better performance at a person's preferred time of day) for fluid intelligence, but not for crystallized intelligence, whereas studi...
Global crises require education to stimulate innovative changes towards a more sustainable development. The Global Goals Design Jam, an educational format rooted in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and guided by design thinking principles, seems to serve as a promising platform for this purpose. The present study posited that participating...
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Intrinsische Motivation zur Fortbildung hängt damit zusammen, ob die Fortbildung von der Bildungseinrichtung (Leitung) unterstützt wird und inwieweit die Inhalte der Fortbildung direkte Auswirkungen auf den Arbeitsbereich haben und zur Kommunikation mit im Kolleg:innenkreis anregen. Mehrteilige Fortbildung (Schülf+) wird weniger positiv wahrgenomme...
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In November-Dezember 2020 wurden 1.477 Leitungen der Elementarbildung und Schulleitungen sowie Pädagog:innen und Lehrpersonen zum Status quo der Fort- und Weiterbildungsnutzung befragt. Im Ergebnis empfiehlt sich für künftige Fortbildungen ein verstärkter Einsatz digitaler Informationsquellen. Effektiv sind Fortbildungen, die direkt am Standort meh...
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Krisen bringen Einzelne und Gesellschaften in Bedrängnis, Bruchlinien und Ungerechtigkeiten hinsichtlich der Verteilung von materiellen und immateriellen Ressourcen zeigen sich deutlicher. Gleichzeitig bergen Krisen die Chance, fantasievolle Lösungsansätze zu entwickeln und neue Wege zu beschreiten. Die Beiträge widmen sich folgenden Themenfeldern:...
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Delayed school start times improve students’ sleep, but little is known about its impact on teachers. The Austrian COVID-19 lockdown created the unique opportunity to test the impact of a forced home office on Tyrolean teachers’ sleep. From April to May 2020, a cross-sectional and complete online survey was implemented with 2,314 Tyrolean teachers...
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Ekel ist eine negative Emotion und beim Lernen hinderlich. Eine Interventionsstudie mit drei Gruppen (Stationenarbeit mit lebenden Wirbellosen am außerschulischer Lernort PH Heidelberg, in der Schule, und eine Null-Kontrollgruppe) untersuchte, ob Stationenarbeit mit lebenden Wirbellosen das Wissen steigern und den Ekel reduzieren kann. Im Ergebnis...
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In Germany, there is a shortage of skilled workers in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) and especially in technology with declining interest in technology and with supposedly fewer teachers in technology education in the next 20 years. The present study examined whether students’ interest in STEM is dependent on...
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In November-Dezember 2020 wurden 1.477 Leitungen der Elementarbildung und Schulleitungen sowie Pädagog:innen und Lehrpersonen zum Status quo der Fort- und Weiterbildungsnutzung befragt. Im Ergebnis empfiehlt sich für künftige Fortbildungen ein verstärkter Einsatz digitaler Informationsquellen. Effektiv sind Fortbildungen, die direkt am Standort meh...
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Die von März 2020 bis Januar 2021 durchgeführte Studie „Lebenswelten der Jugendlichen in der Euregio Tirol-Südtirol-Trentino“ baut auf der ebenfalls 2020 durchgeführten Jugendstudie zu den Lebenswelten von Jugendlichen in Österreich auf und richtet die Perspektive auf folgende Fragestellung: Wie leben Jugendliche in den eng miteinander verbundenen...
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Welche Werte und Werteorientierungen haben Jugendliche in der Euregio? Anhand der Daten aus unserer Befragung können wir zeigen, welche Werte den Jugendlichen besonders wichtig sind. Dabei können wir auch Zusammenhänge zwischen den Werten der Jugendlichen und ihren Zukunftserwartungen und Ängsten verdeutlichen, Unterschiede zwischen Mädchen und Bub...
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In der Jugendforschung ist es mittlerweile Standard, Jugendliche nach ihren Wertvorstellungen, Ängsten und Zukunftserwartungen zu befragen. Der grundsätzliche Zusammenhang zwischen Wertetypen und Ängsten bzw. Zukunftserwartungen ist deshalb gut belegt. Interessant bleibt aber die Frage nach den Ausprägungen und Zu-sammenhängen dieser Aspekte in ein...
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Bei individueller Präferenz eines späten Schlafrhythmus (Abendorientierung) stellt der frühe Schulbeginn ab 7:30 Uhr nicht nur für Jugendliche eine Herausforderung dar. Im ersten COVID-Lockdown mit asynchronem Fernunterricht war festzustellen, dass Lehrpersonen durchschnittlich 30 Minuten später in den Arbeitstag starteten.
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Seit dem Jahr 2016 wird die gesamte Fort- und Weiterbildung des elementarpädagogischen Personals an der PH Tirol durchgeführt. Eine aktuelle empirische Studie zeigt Vergleiche mit der Fort- und Weiterbildung von Lehrpersonal an Schulen. Im Ergebnis zeigte sich einerseits, dass die Sommerhochschule der Pädagogischen Hochschule Tirol (PHT) bei den El...
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Forschungsskizze einer randomisierten Interventionsstudie mit Kontrollgruppe
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Wertepräferenzen fungieren als Mediatorvariablen zwischen Geschlecht/Sprachgruppe und Ängsten/Zukunftserwartungen von Jugendlichen der EUREGIO Tirol-Südtirol-Trentino. - - - In der Jugendforschung ist es mittlerweile Standard, Jugendliche nach ihren Wertvorstellungen, Ängsten und Zukunftserwartungen zu befragen. Der grundsätzliche Zusammenhang zwis...
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Higher education institutions are obligated to facilitate students in the development of sustainability competencies, which enable them to act as "change agents" in their future profession-specific environment. Therefore, students' study motives, prior knowledge, attitudes, and experiences regarding sustainability should be considered when designin...
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Animal Welfare Attitudes (AWA) can be defined as the attitudes of humans towards the welfare of animals. Although AWA has been previously associated with demographic factors as gender, one of the main limitations is that few studies applied robust psychometric questionnaire scales. Moreover, some evidence of cross-cultural variations in AWA have bee...
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Quantitative Forschungsmethoden zur Wirksamkeit außerschulischer Lernorte
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Die COVID-19-Pandemie hat für einige Schulsysteme eine Beschleunigung des Wechsels zu mehr digitalen Elementen verursacht. Tiroler Lehrer/innen der Fächer Mathematik, Chemie, Physik, Technik und Bildnerische Erziehung wurden online zu deren Einschätzungen zum (Fern-)unterricht quantitativ befragt. Laut der Befragten ist Mathematik am besten für Fer...
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• Außerschulische Lernorte der Berufsorientierung • COVID-19 Distance Learning • Lebenswelten 2020 Euregio • Fort-und Weiterbildungsformate • BNE in der Hochschulausbildung
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Datenzusammenführung und Datenbereinigung in Vorbereitung der Datenauswertung
The full edition of the dataset (STATA, SPSS) is available for scientific use including field documentation and questionnaire at AUSSDA > COVID-19 Pandemic > COVID-19 Distance Learning Tyrol (SUF edition): New distance learning methods were quickly implemented in Tyrol, Austria,...
The PPT-presentation file accompanying the YouTube video "COVID-19 Distance Learning Studie – Ergebnisse".
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This is the questionnaire designed for and implemented in the COVID-19 Distance Learning Study.
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This is a link to a presentation hosted on Youtube with early results from the COVID-19 Distance Learning Study.
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A valid and convenient method to measure animal attitudes contributes to feasible survey studies and to the evaluation of educational programs. There are established scales for measuring animal attitudes but only some have acceptable psychometric properties, others address only a small fraction of the constructs and some are overly long. We therefo...
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Differences in daytime preferences can be described on the dimension of morningness-eveningness (continuous) or circadian typology (categorical) and are associated with our physiological functioning, which is reflected in body temperature and cortisol levels in the morning. The purpose of the present study was to explore the relationship between mo...
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Objectives: The present study investigated sleep duration and sleep timing from infancy to early adulthood. Methods: A cross-sectional survey study of N = 18,323 participants (9004 female) from 0 to 25 years (M = 12.36; SD = 5.76) from kindergartens, schools and universities in SW Germany. Participants reported their usual bedtimes and rise time...
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Invertebrates are used in environmental, biology and science education. However, they can elicit disgust, which can be detrimental for motivational and learning outcomes. In addition, practical work including hands-on interaction with living invertebrates could be a viable way to reduce invertebrate disgust and strengthen state intrinsic motivation...
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Wenn man die bestehende Forschung zur Wirksamkeit von Schülerlaboren betrachtet, dann zeigt sich kein klarer Vorteil gegenüber dem Schulunterricht, jedoch sprechen einige Punkte für einen Schülerlaborbesuch. Bisher war erforscht, dass emotionale und motivationale Effekte im Schülerlabor größer sind als in vergleichbarem Schulunterricht. Das Promoti...
This is electronic supplementary information to the article Wüst-Ackermann, Peter; Vollmer, Christian; Itzek-Greulich, Heike; Randler, Christoph (2018): Invertebrate disgust reduction in and out of school and its effects on state motivation. In: Palgrave Communications 4 (81), 1-9. DOI: 10.1057/s41599-018-0122-8.
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The introduction of living invertebrates into the classroom was investigated. First, possible anchor points for a lesson with living invertebrates are explored by referring to the curriculum of primary/secondary schools and to out-of-school learning. The effectiveness of living animals for increasing interest, motivation, and achievement in recent...
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Interventions in out-of-school settings have proven by previous studies to be effective to change students’ science knowledge and motivation with mixed results on whether they are more effective than teaching at school. In this study, we compared an out-of-school-setting in a reptile and amphibian zoo (Landau, Germany) with a sequence of classroom...
The present study examined the predictability of school achievement with variables from biosocial, cognitive, and psychological domains: gender, chronotype, intelligence, and conscientiousness. Results showed a positive relationship between GPA and chronotype (r = 0.13), GPA and intelligence (r = 0.34), and between chronotype and conscientiousness...
At the onset of puberty, students shift their sleep to later hours, but school starts early. It is suggested that evening orientation and early school start times do not go well together. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate sleep problems in adolescence and it was expected that the adolescents’ eveningness orientation is associated...
The issue of how to increase student motivation and achievement in science subjects is considered to be a major challenge in modern school systems. Lab-work learning environments in which students get direct (“hands-on”) experience with science content that is related to their everyday lives are posited to have positive effects on state/trait motiv...
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While active labwork in an out-of-school lab with direct (“hands-on”) experience may have positive effects on achievement and motivation, it is unclear whether the optimal time of day may intensify these effects. Adolescents’ individual diurnal preferences indicate later times of day as optimal but lessons are in the morning. In the present study,...
Measuring morningness-eveningness is an important aspect of individual differences because it is associated with many aspects of personality and health. The present study outlines recent advancements in the field of measurement and proposes an improved assessment of morningness-eveningness, such as the measurement of circadian amplitude, updating a...
Conference Paper
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In the field of teaching competency, research has focused so far on content knowledge (CK) and pedagogical knowledge (PK). In science and mathematics education research, pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) is traditionally closely related to CK. Our study bridges the whole range of teaching competencies and investigates the relationship between PK,...
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Pädagogisches Unterrichtswissen sollte bei Lehramtsstudierenden domänenübergreifend gleichermaßen vorhanden sein und sich mit steigender Semesterzahl und Lehrerfahrung verbessern. Im Forschungs- und Nachwuchskolleg EKoL wurden Testinstrumente zur Messung von (fach)didakischem Wissen und Können, wie die hier vorgestellten Daten zum pädagogischen Unt...
Previous findings have demonstrated that chronotype (morningness/intermediate/eveningness) is correlated with cognitive functions, that is, people show higher mental performance when they do a test at their preferred time of day. Empirical studies found a relationship between morningness and higher learning achievement at school and university. How...
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Es gibt individuelle Präferenzen im täglichen Schlaf-Wach-Rhythmus, auch Chronotyp genannt, mit den extremen Ausprägungen „Morgentyp“ (Morgenorientierung) und „Abendtyp“ (Abendorientierung). Bei Jugendlichen verändert sich diese circadiane Präferenz mit Eintritt in die Pubertät zur Abendorientierung, während der Unterricht auch für ältere Schüler f...
Conference Paper
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In der Disziplin der Geschichtsdidaktik stellt die Konzeption eines Geschichtslehrerkompetenzmodells als Grundlage für die empirische Erfassung und Überprüfung von Kompetenzentwicklungen von Geschichtslehrkräften ein Desiderat dar, das in einer Studie im Rahmen des interdisziplinären Forschungs- und Nachwuchskollegs EKoL (Effektive Kompetenzdiagnos...
Some current studies examine the relationship between the professional competence of teachers and their “ability to analyze teaching“, i.e. their ability to analyze from a professional point of view what is happening in their classrooms. In the case of Mathematics teachers, the ability to analyze teaching predicted their students’ performance. An o...
So far, within the research on teaching competency the emphasis has been put on content knowledge (CK) as well as on pedagogical knowledge (PK). In science and mathematics education research, pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) is traditionally closely correlated with CK. Our study bridges the whole range of teaching competencies including PK and i...
Pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) is a core skill of teachers, which includes professional noticing or the ability to recognize and analyse subject-specific classroom situations. Recent studies about this teaching skill reported an association with content knowledge. In addition, previous results indicate that PCK is predictive for students’ achi...
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This study investigated the sleep-wake rhythm and chronotype of people living in Côte d’Ivoire. We assessed sleep-wake behaviour in 556 adults (336 men, 220 women) between 25 and 54 years (mean: 38.63) by means of structured interviews. Data were analysed by linear models with sleep wake variables as dependent variables and age, gender, religion an...
The aim of this research was to investigate whether morningness–eveningness, midpoint of sleep and average sleep duration are associated with longitude, latitude, age, gender, inhabitation and school start times in Turkish students. 15,362 students from 9 to 21 years participated in this study. Eveningness and midpoint of sleep – but not sleep dura...
Individuals differ in morningness-eveningness, which is their preferred time for intellectual and physical activities. Although it is a basic human trait, cross-cultural comparisons are scarce but interesting because they help to determine the influence of exogenous factors, such as ambient temperature, climate and photoperiod. We here compare a la...
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Previous findings have demonstrated that chronotypes (morningness/eveningness) are correlated with cognitive functions, that is, people show higher mental performance when they do a test at their preferred time of day. Empirical studies found a relationship between morningness and higher learning achievement at school and university. However, only...
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This study examined the effectiveness of labwork settings in science education with a pretest-posttest design. Sixty-eight ninth-grade classes (N = 1773) were randomly assigned to three experimental conditions and a control condition. The first condition was taught the topic of the chemistry of starch in School only, the second condition was taught...
*Theoretischer Hintergrund:* Wenn auch in der Sekundarstufe I generell das Interesse an allen Fächern abnimmt (Daniels, 2008), verlieren doch Chemie und Physik in dieser Zeit am meisten an Attraktivität (Hoffmann, Lehrke, & Häußler, 1998; Woest, 1997). Untersuchungen wie TIMSS und PISA haben Hinweise geliefert, dass der naturwissenschaftliche Unter...
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There are many studies related to distance learning. Willingness and anxiety are important variables for distance learning. Recent research has shown that anxiety and willingness towards distance learning are moderated by personality. This study sought to investigate whether distance learning willingness and distance learning anxiety are associated...
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Individuals differ in their timing of sleep (bed times, rise times) and in their preference for morning or evening hours. Previous work focused on the relationship between academic achievement and these variables in secondary school students. The main aim of the study is to investigate the relationship between chronotype and academic achievement in...
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Men sleep shorter and go to bed and get up later than women, thus they are later chronotypes. This difference between the sexes is most pronounced between puberty and menopause indicating the possibility that morningness is subject to sexual dimorphism related to reproductive aspects. The objective of the study was to compare the sleep-wake behavio...
Emotions influence motivation and achievement, but negative emotions have rarely been assessed in science education. In this study, we assessed the influence of two different expressive writing assignments on disgust and anxiety in university students prior to the dissection of a trout. We randomly assigned students to one of two expressive writing...
Die Studie untersucht Effekte eines außerschulischen Lernorts (Schülerlabor) auf die Lernfreude von Schüler(inne)n im naturwissenschaftlichen Schulunterricht in drei LehrLernarrangements als Treatmentgruppen (1) Schule, (2) Labor und (3) Schule + Labor (= Einbindung) und einer Wartekontrollgruppe zu zwei Zeitpunkten während der Intervention. Das Un...
Conference Paper
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Im Vortrag wird das bereits bei Shulman (1987) formulierte Wissen und Können in den Bereichen des Professionswissens CK, PCK, PK durch Teilkonstrukte theoretisch ausdifferenziert. Die Teilkonstrukte werden in einem Modell des Professionswissens der Sicht- und Tiefenstruktur „guten“ Unterrichts (Kunter & Trautwein) zugeordnet. Das Modell bildet die...
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Individuals differ in timing of sleep (e.g., bedtimes and rise times) and preference in morning or evening hours. This study aims to investigate the relationship between chronotype and academic achievement in children with the average age of 10.22 (range: 8.17−12.17). Previous works had focused on secondary school students and this is the first res...
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Morningness–eveningness describes individual preferences for activity at specified times of the day. The present research aimed to test whether sun time entrains humans and whether this effect is observable in sleep–wake timing, in the timing of social rhythm and in morningness preference. Furthermore, we tested whether different reference points (...
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Education on sleep hygiene improves sleep knowledge. However, the literature shows that improvements in adolescents’ sleep hygiene behaviour are less convincing. We developed an educational intervention for 6th graders based on self-determination theory and evaluated this program in a pre-post-design with a control group. Pre-test was one week befo...
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Sociosexual orientation is a construct describing the propensity to engage in casual sex and sexual activity in uncommitted relationships, varying from restricted to unrestricted orientation. The personality profile of people exhibiting unrestricted sociosexuality matches a personality profile related to eveningness. Previous research on sociosexua...
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Entwicklung des Vignettentests im Forschungs- und Nachwuchskolleg EKoL
Conference Paper
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This study examined the effectiveness of a visit of a Science Center Outreach Lab (SCOL) in comparison to regular classroom teaching at school and a combination of classroom teaching and a lab visit. Moreover, the achievement of students taught on the same topic in the distinct teaching arrangements and a control group were compared. In total, thre...
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Accumulating evidence suggests that evening-type adolescents are exposed to a number of determinants that might have a negative impact on their health condition. Despite the fact that biological and psychosocial factors are interrelated, their impacts on the shift towards eveningness during the age of puberty have been considered only separately. I...
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This study assessed the relationship between computer game addiction and computer game usage time, age, gender, BIG-5 personality, and chronotype. Seven hundred and forty-one adolescents from Turkey responded to questionnaires on these topics. We found that computer game addiction, computer game usage time, and chronotype were related with each oth...
Evening orientation and sleep duration have been linked with aggression and problematic behaviors, but no study has used an explicit aggression questionnaire. The present study used the Buss-Perry Aggression Questionnaire based on physical aggression, verbal aggression, anger, and hostility, as well as questionnaires on the timing of sleep and slee...
This study sought to investigate whether internet addiction is associated with age, gender, BIG-5 personality and chronotype in a Turkish university student sample. Six hundred and sixteen students filled out a set of questionnaires. We here report – to our knowledge for the first time – an association between internet addiction and chronotype. Eve...
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Life satisfaction is a crucial component of well being, thus research of its determinants are of great importance and are conducted worldwide. Recently, morningness has been shown to be related to greater life satisfaction in Polish and German samples; and in the present study, this relationship was tested in a Spanish adult sample. The results pro...
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There are individual preferences in circadian rhythm, also known as chronotype, ranging from morning-orientation to evening-orientation. In adolescence, the sleep rhythm shifts from morningness to eveningness while school schedules are early. School performance – short-term attention and gradings – may decrease with increasing evening-orientation....
Dem Besuch von Schülerlaboren wird in der Forschung eine positive Wirkung auf Motivation und Leistung von Schülerinnen und Schülern im naturwissenschaftlichen Unterricht zugesprochen. Weitgehend ungeklärt ist jedoch die Frage, welche Effekte eine Einbindung in den Schulunterricht im Vergleich zu den herkömmlichen Formen (Schülerlabor ohne Einbindun...
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While previous research about the effects of school settings on learning, interest and motivation focused on the pure comparison of extra-mural and classroom groups, we added a third treatment group. In this third group, pupils were taught the same contents, the chemistry of starch: 4 lessons at an extra-mural chemistry lab and 4 lessons in the cla...
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Many societies encounter significant changes in their population structure and the number of older people is increasing while children and adolescents become fewer. This study examines pupils’ attitudes towards elderly people in Germany. Nine hundred and thirty five pupils (458 boys, 477 girls) participated in this study. Grade distribution was: 19...
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Adolescents are able to rate their sleep-wake preferences on a continuum from morningness to eveningness. In 2009/2010, 3,501 pupils from 34 schools in Heidelberg, Mannheim and Rhein-Neckar-Kreis filled out a questionnaire about their sleep-wake-rhythm and related topics. Eveningness increased from grade 5 to grade 9 from 8 % to 35 %. Pupils in gra...
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The aim of this study was to analyze gender and age differences in chronotype preference using the Composite Scale of Morningness. 4424 participants were randomly sampled from students in Turkey. Age ranged from 11 to 23 and average age was 16.39 years. There was a significant influence of age and gender. After controlling for age, girls were more...
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Während der Pubertät findet eine starke Veränderung des Chronotyps statt. Die Jugendlichen werden zu Abendtypen. Da jedoch die äußeren Umstände, wie z. B. ein früher Schulbeginn, unverändert bleiben, führt dieses zu einem «sozialen Jetlag». Anhand von einfachen Versuchen lernen die SchülerInnen ihren eigenen Biorhythmus kennen und entwickeln Strate...
Mobbing of predators occurs within a conspecific and heterospecific context but has not been quantified within the framework of a communication network and analysed with respect to heterospecific reciprocity. Here, we used playbacks of mobbing calls to show that mobbing is unequally distributed within a community of deciduous forest birds. Five spe...
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Adolescents are able to rate their sleep-wake preferences on a continuum from morningness to eveningness. Thus they can determine their individual chronotype. Chronotype is a personality trait and depends on genetic, psychological, socio-cultural and geo-physical factors. Based on these assumptions, we examined the sleep-wake-rhythm of pupils of gr...
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Individuals differ in their circadian preferences (chronotype). There is evidence in the literature to support a season-of-birth effect on chronotype but the evidence is not convincing. In part, the relationship is obscured by a number of methodological differences between studies, including the measures used to define morningness, the way in which...
Men and women differ in sleep duration and timing of sleeping. Men sleep shorter and are later chronotypes, thus go to bed and get up later than women. This sexual dimorphism in chronotype is most striking between the beginning of puberty and beginning of menopause indicating the possibility of a sexually selected trait. Sleep duration, however, is...
Sex hormones, including testosterone, are hypothesized to have an influence on the human circadian system. We sampled male students in the period after adolescence. We used the Composite Scale of Morningness (CSM) to assess chronotype and saliva testosterone sampling in 106 University students (23.87±3.56 years; range 19-37) between 26.4.2011 and 6...


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