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How to Manage Stress Experienced by Employees When Working from Home Due to the Covid-19 Virus Outbreak

  • Universitas Negeri Jakarta


Currently throughout the world covid-19 virus affected or known as the corona. Employees have to work from home to keep themselves productive or at a minimum when still working, they must be equipped with masks, physical distance and hand sanitizer policies to protect themselves. The negative aspect that employees can feel is that they have to adapt to current challenges, especially employees who have a family where they usually do all the work in the office, but now they also have to take care of family and children, the role of ambiguity, role conflict, and continue to carry out its work for an undetermined period. Previous research states that there is uncertainty about coming to work, inadequate equipment, the erratic workload can cause stress for employees. The purpose of this study is to add insight into how to manage stress experienced by employees while working from home amid dangerous conditions, especially now with the outbreak of the covid-19 virus from a review of various existing literature and using qualitative methodologies to support this research. Next, we present the results of our empirical analysis and discuss the implications of our research. We recommend six approaches that employees can take to prevent uncontrolled stress namely communication with family, communication at work, scheduling, safety. while maintaining health, obey government regulations and limit it to see news about the pandemic covid-19 outbreak.
International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology
Vol. 29, No. 5, (2020), pp. 8359-8364
ISSN: 2005-4238 IJAST
Copyright 2020 SERSC
How to Manage Stress Experienced by Employees When Working
from Home Due to the Covid-19 Virus Outbreak
Christian Wiradendi Wolor1, Sholatia Dalimunthe2, Ika Febrilia3, S Martono4
Universitas Negeri Jakarta1,2,3
Universitas Negeri Semarang4
Corresponding Author:
Currently throughout the world covid-19 virus affected or known as the corona. Employees
have to work from home to keep themselves productive or at a minimum when still working, they
must be equipped with masks, physical distance and hand sanitizer policies to protect themselves.
The negative aspect that employees can feel is that they have to adapt to current challenges,
especially employees who have a family where they usually do all the work in the office, but now
they also have to take care of family and children, the role of ambiguity, role conflict, and continue
to carry out its work for an undetermined period. Previous research states that there is uncertainty
about coming to work, inadequate equipment, the erratic workload can cause stress for employees.
The purpose of this study is to add insight into how to manage stress experienced by employees
while working from home amid dangerous conditions, especially now with the outbreak of the
covid-19 virus from a review of various existing literature and using qualitative methodologies to
support this research. Next, we present the results of our empirical analysis and discuss the
implications of our research. We recommend six approaches that employees can take to prevent
uncontrolled stress namely communication with family, communication at work, scheduling,
safety. while maintaining health, obey government regulations and limit it to see news about the
pandemic covid-19 outbreak.
Keywords: Stress; Work from home; Covid-19
1. Introduction
Currently throughout the world covid-19 virus affected or known as the corona.
The covid-19 virus was first discovered in China with the spread of this virus can
be between humans and is currently developing throughout the world (Kampf,
Todt, Pfaender, & Steinmann, 2020). This makes many regions isolated and has an
impact on a very drastic decline in the economy (Bayuni, 2020). Employees have
to work from home to keep themselves productive and maintain their performance
amid the outbreak of the covid-19 virus (Fachriansyah, 2020; Putri, 2020) or at a
minimum when still working, they must be equipped with masks, physical
distance and hand sanitizer policies to protect themselves so that they can cut off
the spread of this virus. (Desk, 2020).
For employees, this can also be seen in several aspects. Positive aspects can be
seen that by working in a virtual way they can manage their work flexibly, the
existence of work-life balance (Felstead & Henseke, 2017). A survey by the
American Information Technology Association even found that 36 percent of
respondents would choose to work from home rather than a salary increase.
Employees are happy with their work, do not experience traffic jams when going
to the office, breathe healthy air and are more satisfied with their personal lives
(Lorenz, 2007). However, the negative aspect that employees can feel is that they
have to adapt to current challenges, especially employees who have a family
where they usually do all the work in the office, but now they also have to take
International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology
Vol. 29, No. 5, (2020), pp. 8359-8364
ISSN: 2005-4238 IJAST
Copyright 2020 SERSC
care of family and children, the role of ambiguity, role conflict, and continue to
carry out its work for an undetermined period especially the covid-19 pandemic
outbreak (Bahney, 2020; Usman, Ahmed, & Ahmed, 2011). Previous research
states that there is uncertainty about coming to work, inadequate equipment, the
erratic workload can cause stress for employees (Erebak, 2016).
Stress can be caused due to the overlapping of work and family life. Work is
brought home by employees, the inability to forget work at home, lack of support
and stability from the family can cause stress to employees (Ahmed & Ramzan,
2013). Previous studies found that those who were quarantined would experience
emotional disturbances, depression, stress, irregular moods, irritability. The long-
term impact of quarantine especially with this covid-19 outbreak is that it can be
with avoidance behavior, alcohol abuse, and difficulty adapting to normal life
(Hegde, 2020).
The purpose of this study is to add insight into how to manage stress
experienced by employees while working from home amid dangerous conditions,
especially now with the outbreak of the covid-19 virus from a review of various
existing literature and using qualitative methodologies to support this research.
Next, we present the results of our empirical analysis and discuss the implications
of our research.
2. Literature Review
Stress is an undesirable reaction by individuals that must be faced with heavy
pressure, work demands, workloads that affect the physical and mental employee
(Ahmed & Ramzan, 2013). Job stress is generally defined as a psychologically
depressed condition caused by unpleasant physical or psychological experiences
(Bimantoro & Noor, 2012). Work stress refers to the pressures or tensions that
people feel in life between the external environment and us, which cause
emotional and physical stress (Kotteeswari & Sharief, 2014).
Several previous studies mention that with stress an employee will act more
than before to work better. However, if the stress is excessive, it will create
anxiety, anxiety for employees and the potential to reduce their performance
(Ahmed & Ramzan, 2013).
There are two approaches to work stress, namely the individual and company
approaches (Rivai & Sagala, 2011). For individuals, it is important to approach
because work stress can affect life, health, productivity, and income. For
companies, not only because of humanitarian reasons but also because they
influenced the achievement of all aspects and effectiveness of the company as a
The source of work stress that occurs to employees according to Robbins, can
come from 3 factors: environmental factors such as environmental uncertainty
affecting changing organizational structures and technological advances,
organizational factors in the form of high task demands, and individual factors in
the employee's factors (Robbins & Judge, 2013). Family factors can also affect
employee stress ranging from no support from family and lack of stability in
household life (Ahmed & Ramzan, 2013; Dolcos & Daley, 2009). Many reasons
cause employee stress due to work, family, excessive work conflict (Ahmed &
Ramzan, 2013).
International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology
Vol. 29, No. 5, (2020), pp. 8359-8364
ISSN: 2005-4238 IJAST
Copyright 2020 SERSC
3. Methodology
This research is a systematic review (Systematic Review) using the PRISMA
(Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analysis) method
which is carried out systematically by following the correct stages or research
protocols. A systematic review is a research method that aims to evaluate, identify,
analyze all previous research results that are related and relevant to a particular
topic, particular research, or the latest phenomenon of concern (Perry &
Hammond, 2002); (Wolor, Pratama, Aditya, F, & Purwana, 2020). The facts
presented are comprehensive and balanced because systematic reviews are used to
synthesize relevant research findings. Qualitative systematic review includes the
following steps: Formulating research questions, conducting systematic literature
review searches, screening and selecting suitable research articles, Conduct
analysis and synthesis of qualitative findings, Implement quality control, Prepare a
final report (Perry & Hammond, 2002); (Wolor et al., 2020).
A qualitative approach is used to frame, analyze, and provide comprehensive
solutions in solving working stress amid the pandemic covid-19 virus (Berkah &
Sawarjuwono, 2019). Various scientific articles are taken from specialized
journals to help build the most prominent elements in describing work motivation
in a dangerous environment, based on several important points explained by
different authors (Moreno, Lafuente, Carreón, & Moreno, 2017).
4. Discussion
What should be a concern for employees today amid a covid-19 pandemic is a
stress problem where employees cannot work effectively in the office due to
government policies to carry out regional quarantine and social distancing. This is
compounded by the gathering of families at home as a result of this policy, where
on one side employees must work at home and on the other hand some families
are also at home playing a part in psychological relations of employees who work
daily at the office, currently working at home while gathering with family. The
balance between the responsibility to balance work and family responsibilities is
very important to do to avoid employee stress especially with the covid-19 virus
outbreak where the uncertainty of the covid-19 outbreak and government policies
regarding social distancing will soon end (Crosbie & Moore, 2004; Dolcos &
Daley, 2009). Uncertainty of going to work amid this outbreak, inadequate
equipment, the erratic workload can cause stress for employees (Erebak, 2016). If
stress is not controlled and left by employees, it will be a real problem for the
company and employees. Too much stress will cause emotional disturbances,
work quality, and the life of the employee (Afida, Janipha, Mustapha, & Ismail,
2012). We provide recommendations on several things that can be done to
overcome the problems regarding stress experienced by employees while working
from home.
First, communication with family. Communicate to families and children about
current conditions that must work from home or in shifts to reduce the spread of
the covid-19 virus. Maybe some children don't understand this condition and will
see their parents who used to work right now in their midst and the time they
spend together playing. This can be communicated in a way that can be
understood by children, for example, analogous to their favorite films in the face
of all this to remain at home so they can survive (Bahney, 2020; Hegde, 2020).
International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology
Vol. 29, No. 5, (2020), pp. 8359-8364
ISSN: 2005-4238 IJAST
Copyright 2020 SERSC
Family support is important in reducing employee stress which can stimulate
employee motivation and performance (Sok, Blomme, & Tromp, 2014).
Second, communication at work. Communication at work is equally important
where amid the 19th outbreak requires employees to rely on technology in
communication. This is good if everything from infrastructure and technology is
sufficient. However, it should be noted aspects that can cause stress for employees
both in terms of technology that is not yet supported, weak signals,
communication between employees due to not meeting directly so they can not
know the emotions of the conversation (Jones & Graham, 2015). It is
recommended to use virtual communication media, although we cannot physically
meet, we are face to face and not just text messages (Morley, Cormican, & Folan,
2015). This is needed to stay connected, feel cared for and keep creating strong
associations (Hegde, 2020; Putri, 2020). Previous research shows that working
virtually can balance family life and work to reduce employee stress (Raghuram &
Wiesenfeld, 2004).
Third, Scheduling. Employees can arrange schedules with other family
members, with husbands, wives, and children to be able to continue working and
have time to play. Prepare interesting activities while at home so you don't create
boredom, boredom, and even stress for employees and an opportunity to be able to
spend time with family too (Bahney, 2020; Hegde, 2020). Arranging the schedule
for the division of tasks in managing children in husband and wife is also
important in maximizing work from home to avoid conflicts within the family that
can cause conflict and stress (Jones & Graham, 2015). Avoid working overtime
even when working from home, because this will cause conflict at home and can
cause stress for employees (Albertsen, Rafnsdóttir, Grimsmo, & Tómas-son,
Fourth, safety. Safety is very important for employees who are required to work
in shifts during the covid-19 pandemic outbreak. Where, companies are required
to provide the latest procedures, medical devices, benefits for employees so that
they feel safe and comfortable while working (Nea et al., 2017; Syakriah, 2020).
Fifth, maintaining health. During the covid-19 pandemic virus outbreak, it is
good for employees to stay healthy so that they can remain productive at work and
gather with family especially with the social distance policy (Hegde, 2020). It is
necessary to exercise, nutritious food intake, and a supply of vitamins and drugs to
maintain fitness (Bhui, Dinos, Galant-miecznikowska, Jongh, & Stansfeld, 2016).
Sixth, obey government rules and limit it to see news about the covid-19
pandemic outbreak. This will make you feel restless, anxious, and will make you
stressed out excessively (Hegde, 2020; Putri, 2020). Especially if there is false
information, check and refine the news, especially those that are misleading. The
more people adhere to policies and regulations that can scientifically combat this
covid-19 pandemic, the faster we can get up from this outbreak (Putri, 2020).
5. Conclusion
Amid the covid-19 outbreak situation, it is very vulnerable for employees to
experience stress related to working from home. Where working from home
requires employees to remain productive, but on the other hand, they must gather,
take care of the household and family every day during the quarantine. This will
drain employees' energy, mind, and psychology where they are accustomed to
working in the office every day, but now they have to work at home. Through this
International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology
Vol. 29, No. 5, (2020), pp. 8359-8364
ISSN: 2005-4238 IJAST
Copyright 2020 SERSC
article, we recommend six approaches that employees can take to prevent
uncontrolled stress namely communication with family, communication at work,
scheduling, safety. while maintaining health, obey government regulations and
limit it to see news about the pandemic covid-19 outbreak.
Future Research
This research is only based on literature review chosen by the authors from
various sources of literature available in helping provide recommendations to
employees to manage stress while working from home amid dangerous conditions,
especially now with the outbreak of the covid-19 virus. This was taken because
the author is currently undergoing a policy from the Indonesian government for
self-isolation and working from home. Future research requires a broader method
through direct interviews or with quantitative methods to increase the repertoire of
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... Also, employees are afraid of transmitting the disease to their families. They suffer psychosocial problems such as keeping away from the workplace, home and public gatherings (Sifat, 2020;Wolor et al., 2020). Organizations' lack of appropriate COVID-19 avoidance protocol makes employees anxious and creates work aversion (Yeh et al., 2021). ...
... The pandemic has affected the social and working environment, so many traditional job workers undergo the 'work from home' phase. The outbreak of COVID-19 has caused anxiety and fear, making employees prefer the 'work from home' rather than the office mode (Molino et al., 2020;Wolor et al., 2020). It has also led to frequently changing government health-related guidelines, the psychological pressure of social distancing, selective lockdowns, quarantine for the infected, the anxiety of falling ill, and strict directives for essential companies and educational institutes influencing the mental health of citizens and workers (Malik et al., 2021). ...
... Post-traumatic stress disorders sleep disturbances, anxiety, and depression are common health problems post- COVID-19 (Durand-Moreau & Galarneau, 2021;Roy et al., 2020;Wolor et al., 2020). So many scary stories around COVID-19 pull people back from their workplaces and have raised many problems in different sectors, especially in healthcare, retail and the tourism industry (Herath & Herath, 2020;Malik et al., 2021;Wen et al., 2020). ...
This paper aims to test a moderated-mediation model examining therelationships between Fear of COVID-19, workplace phobia, work deviance behaviourand perceived organizational support among hotel employees. An online questionnaire was administered to collect data, to which 481 responded. Data was collected from full-time frontline employees working in the Maldivian hospitality industry. The moderated-mediation model explained 44% of the variance in workplace deviance behaviourscan be predicted bythe fear of COVID-19, perceived organisational support and workplace phobia. The findingsshowthat perceived organizational support reduces the negative impact of COVID-19 fear on workplace phobia and deviance. Results suggest that to reduce the negative effect of the pandemic, organisations should adopt support measures across different managerial levels at different scales rather than providing one-size-fits-all solutions.
... .521* (.050) leisure, extending the workday and blurring the demarcation of leisure time (Araújo & Lua, 2021;Wolor et al., 2020). It is possible that a new working model was already growing before the pandemic started (Losekann & Mourão, 2020) and got a strong momentum after that. ...
... This research highlighted significant changes in the traditional work patterns as a result of the pandemic, which necessitated adjustments. These findings align with previous reports indicating an increase in working hours in various contexts, leading to a noticeable rise in stress levels among workers (Cho, 2020;Putro & Riyanto, 2020;Wolor et al., 2020). ...
The goal of the current study was to analyse the role of daily routine in shaping engagement in leisure activities during the COVID-19 pandemic. Research was conducted through an online questionnaire with 181 participants. Participants’ daily routine, such as work and domestic obligations, and sociodemographic characterization was accessed. Time dedicated to domestic obligations and education-related activities increased (p < .01). Work and sleep were negatively correlated (p < .001), while weekly leisure routine was negatively correlated with obligations (p < .05). Participants performed less leisure time activities of choice during the pandemic and presented a significant change in engagement in all leisure interests tested (p < .01), except for contemplation. Change in leisure time distribution throughout the daily routine was strongly correlated to social and tourist interests before and during the pandemic (p < .001). Overall, the pandemic promoted significant changes to individuals’ daily routine and leisure engagement.
... Poor communication characterized by intensity, lack of clarity, and complexity can give rise to misunderstandings, ultimately leading to decreased motivation and diminished psychological well-being (Yuliana & Rahadi, 2021). To alleviate stress during the Covid-19 period, several measures can be taken, including engaging in family communication, maintaining effective workplace communication, adhering to schedules, prioritizing health and safety, following government regulations, and minimizing exposure to Covid-19 news (Wolor et al., 2020). ...
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The Journal of Communication and Public Relations (JCPR) is an international, peer reviewed journal for conceptual and research on communication studies and public relations. Published by LSPR Insitute of Communication & Business, we welcome all of experts, practitioners, and academicians who are interested in public relations and communication studies to submit their research.
... In this case, the choice to work from home, in an isolated space, or in a less crowded environment to prevent the spread of the virus is deemed mandatory. Positive impacts of working remotely include people being more satisfied because they can avoid traffic jams and have more flexibility in their working method, personal spaces, and worklife balance [11,12]. On the contrary, rising evidence is associated with the negative impacts of working remotely. ...
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Little to no studies have examined the relationship between plants and humans during COVID-19, especially the effectiveness of plants in alleviating psychological distress when working in an office. The paper proposes a conceptual framework to investigate the existence of plants to reduce occupants' psychological distress during the pandemic. The selected site was a newly renovated office in an academic institution with all the essential furniture, and Epipremnum aureum was placed on the tabletop. Since the study was conducted during the pandemic, a 3D-rendered scene of the room was developed based on the actual settings of the office. A pilot test was employed in this stage of the study. The survey questionnaires were administered online, with 106 participants responding. Hayes Process Macro for moderation analysis was executed in SPSS v.23 to understand plant relationship with perceived emotional change, including the mediator-room's attractiveness. The pilot test results (actual and simulated models) show that putting E. aureum on a tabletop can positively influence the calmness of the indoor occupants and make them happy (direct effect). Plants that improve the room's attractiveness might not necessarily contribute to calming the indoor occupants, but they make them happy (indirect effect). Lastly, the conceptual framework provides insight to the designers, stakeholders, and policymakers on the importance of plants in reducing occupants' psychological distress and enhancing work productivity.
... Conclusions and recommendations serves as the concluding section, offering an indepth review of the conclusions drawn from the study and providing recommendations for future research endeavors. Wolor et al. (2020) found that strain had considerable impact on workers' job performance, resulting in worse decisionmaking, less concentration, and decreased motivation. A study by Troy et al. (2019) showed that individuals in high-stress profession has a greater incidence of detrimental emotions and a diminished sense of positive affect when prompted to evaluate their stress level. ...
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The COVID-19 epidemic highlighted the relation between leadership approach and organizational success. The research shows the impact of transformational leadership and the COVID-19 shutdown on employees’ tension, anxiety, and productivity. The principal objective of this research is to explore the influence of daily perceived stress on mental wellness and its resulting impact on staff productivity. The investigation employed a combination of quantitative and qualitative methodologies, using verifiable knowledge and empirical data provided in numerical form. The results show strong evidence to support the claim that the stress induced by the COVID-19 lockdown significantly impairs workers’ performance. However, it also highlights the substantial beneficial influence of transformational leadership on employees’ performance. A relationship has found with the COVID-19 pandemic stress and higher levels of negative and upsetting feelings, as well as higher levels of transformative leadership. The effects of the stress on the psychological well-being of employees have been proven worse by the fact that they have already been through it.
... With that, the organization must make a strategy to improve and consistently measure the performance from time to time, as it is a basic step to be taken. Performance is one of the benchmarks used to determine performance quality (Wolor et al., 2020). Employee performance is the result of work related to success and failure in an organization (Sopiah et al., 2020). ...
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Employees are the true determinant of the success or competency of an organization. An adequately trained workforce is important to ensure the workplace has the right and valuable employees. Employees in the education sector need the training to improve their performance as they face limitations or challenges to be creative in completing a task. Despite the increasing effects on the training of organizational employees by organizations, there is still limited literature on human resource development issues in developing countries. The study is focused on the effect of training towards employee performance in a public university in Malaysia. Consequently, all the necessary data were collected from primary sources using questionnaires from 244 respondents. This study employed a quantitative approach and found that induction, technical, and soft skill training positively influence employee performance in the case company. In addition, the study recommended future research in training and development strategies, assisting the employees in understanding the relevance of training towards employee performance, monitoring the performance to ensure employees are on track to achieve the best performance, growing and maintaining the employee’s performance to ensure the organization and personal goal can be achieved.
... First, we did not consider the participants' homeworking experience before the data collection. Some recent studies have shown that transiting to homeworking without any prior experience can create greater stress than that experienced by long-term remote workers (Hayes et al., 2020;Wolor et al., 2020). This indicates that the stress associated with homeworking may diminish as they become familiar with this work mode. ...
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Working from home (WFH) has had both positive and negative impacts on the work conduct. To maximise the benefits of homeworking, previous literature mainly focuses on creating self-help strategies for homeworkers to reduce work stress and maintain work engagement. However, fewer studies take on the policymaker perspective and evaluate optimal working conditions in the homeworking context. Using the Job Demands-Resources (JD-R) model, this study evaluates the effects of various work characteristics (job demands and resources) on the stress and engagement of infrequent and frequent homeworkers. Using the sixth European Working Conditions Survey 2015 which contains 5090 participants from 34 European countries, we studied 6 job demands and 5 job resources via Exploratory Factor Analysis. After testing the model’s fitness using Confirmatory Factor Analysis, multiple mixed-effects models were used to test the job demands and resource effects on worker stress and engagement. Dominance Analysis was then used to identify the relative importance of each job demand and resource when explaining employee stress and engagement. We found emotional demands, time pressure, and workload to be the top three demand factors that cause work stress across the groups. Other than daily homeworkers, a positive and fair social climate is the most prominent resource able to boost job engagement across all of the other groups. By identifying the homeworkers’ most influential demands and resources, this study will help managers better understand the steps to take to provide healthy job conditions for homeworkers.
... The novel COVID-19 virus also known as corona virus was first discovered in the city of Wuhan, in the Hubei province, China in December 2019 and it was declared a pandemic by World Health Organization (WHO) on 11 March 2020 (Wolor et al., 2020). COVID-19 is highly contagious and it spread rapidly to all part of the world, including the African continent and eventually to Namibia. ...
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The purpose of the study was to analyse the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on employee productivity. The study adopted a quantitative approach and a causal-comparative design. A census sampling technique was used for selecting the respondents in which all the 110 employees of Oshakati Town Council took part in completing structured questionnaires. The study utilized the Protection Motivation Theory (PMT) to analyze and explain the findings. The main finding was that COVID-19 negatively affected the productivity of employees, thereby impacting on the overall performance of Oshakati Town Council. The COVID-19 pandemic created anxiety, depression and other health challenges on employees. Although it was proven that low anxiety was significantly helpful in arousing employee motivation, persistent exposure to the infectious environment negatively affected the mental health of employees and that negatively affected productivity. Findings of this study further revealed that Oshakati Town Council lacked manpower to help enhance employee productivity during the pandemic. Moreover, the study established that the working from home (WFH) strategy failed because of multi-tasking between official duties and household chores, and the absence of suitable office space and equipment at home. This study recommended management to ensure that employees are well supported during a pandemic like COVID-19 in order to keep them safe and productive. Employers should always be ready with strategies of how to respond if a pandemic strikes the workplace.
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The study investigates the impact of remote work setup on the work-life balance of BPO employees in China. The respondents, who have experienced remote work for over three years, expressed concerns about self-discipline, punctuality, dedication, respect, and tact in their interactions. They also expressed insufficient time for self-development, proper nutrition, and rest. Stress management was also deemed challenging, with employees unable to manage mental distractions caused by non-fulfilment of obligations. The study suggests the need for a work-life balance improvement program for BPO employees in remote work settings.
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We present a review of our research on Samothraki, one of the last minimally disturbed islands in the Mediterranean, carried out during the past some 20 years focusing on aquatic (hydrology, hydro-morphology, hydro-geochemistry and ecology) and terrestrial ecosystems (vegetation cover and soil erosion). Compared to other Aegean islands, Samothraki presents an exceptional richness in water resources with numerous springs and many streams showing a perennial regime, despite sparse rainfalls in summer and restricted groundwater aquifers. Fog condensation on the mountainous relief may contribute to freshwater resources of the island. Related research is being currently carried out. Spring and stream waters reveal exceptionally low solute concentrations as a result of weathering resistant magmatic bedrock, flashy surface flow, and low ground water residence times. Steep morphology, combined to overgrazing result in high erosion rates. The latter cause forests to be currently classified as of high regeneration priority. As a result of restricted fractured-type groundwater aquifers, overland flow predominates initiating disastrous flash floods. Aquatic quality is high and nutrient levels are consistent with the undisturbed conditions, despite the occurrence of relative high nitrate concentrations, most probably, as a result of atmospheric impact. Related research is ongoing. Stream biological quality, using benthic fauna, ranged from moderate and poor (in two streams receiving untreated municipal waste waters) to high, with the 70% of the river sites ranking as good and high, while, based on diatoms, it ranged from good to high. Recently, the Samothraki Nature Observatory (founded between HCMR and the Municipality) became a member of the Long- Term Ecological Research Network site (LTER-Greece), whereas the island is a UNESCO’s World Network of Biosphere Reserves candidate.
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Purpose of the study: The paper aims to address the knowledge gap in understanding the relationship between AQ and the performance of millennial generation salespeople. Methodology: This study uses a qualitative approach in a systematic review. This is used to synthesize(summarizing) qualitative descriptive research results. Main Findings: The findings indicate that there is a positive relationship between adversity quotient on the performance of millennial generation salespeople. Applications of this study: The study shows the importance of companies adopting AQ for millennial generation salespeople by training salespeople, especially in guiding them, to provide flexible space to make decisions, and explore their capabilities in the field of technology in achieving performance targets set by the company. Novelty/Originality of this study: The results contribute to the literature by providing main factors of adversity quotient to achieve the performance of millennial generation salespeople on Industrial Revolution 4.0.
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Purpose of study: Inheritance wealth is one of the instruments of wealth distribution in Islam that potentially capable to be a solution for economic inequality that triggered the multidimensional problems nations daily life. The concept of inheritance wealth distribution for Muslims has been summarized in Indonesian Islamic Law Compilation and in Marriage Act No. 1 year 1974. For non-Muslim society, the inheritance law is based on the concept of nations Civil Code and customary rules. The diversity in the concept of inheritance wealth distribution in Indonesia cannot be separated from the nature of the family and its influence on the assets, which is believed by the community. Methodology: This study used participation action research method as a qualitative approach in order to frame, analyze and solutions in form of strategic role model for the Government in completing and streamlining the inheritance wealth distribution in Indonesia. Result: The solutions will be based on problems faced by the Religious Courts and Islamic organizations in conducting inheritance wealth distribution. Moreover, propose inheritance wealth as public fund in addition to zakat, infaq, shodaqoh and endowments. Implications/Applications: The implementation and dispute settlement in inheritance wealth distribution are exercised by Religious Courts, as well as the Islamic organization such as Muhammadiyah and Nahdatul Ulama (NU). Diversity of institutions becomes an interesting phenomenon in Indonesia inheritance wealth distribution. This potentially makes inheritance wealth distribution done well and can prevent conflicts of individuals in the family, hoarding treasure and minimize economic disparities in society.
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This article critically assesses the assumption that more and more work is being detached from place and that this is a ‘win-win’ for both employers and employees. Based on an analysis of official labour market data, it finds that only one-third of the increase in remote working can be explained by compositional factors such as movement to the knowledge economy, the growth in flexible employment and organisational responses to the changing demographic make-up of the employed labour force. This suggests that the detachment of work from place is a growing trend. This article also shows that while remote working is associated with higher organisational commitment, job satisfaction and job-related well-being, these benefits come at the cost of work intensification and a greater inability to switch off.
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The millennials constitute an important group of consumers. Therefore, to know how they behave has become an important issue. This paper aims to explain who the millennials are, to explain who belongs to this generational group and why they have become an attractive group for different social and economic sectors, by showing the most outstanding attitudes, tastes and buying behaviors. This is a qualitative and transactional research based on the review of various scientific articles retrieved from specialized journals which have helped to establish a characterization of the most prominent elements that describe the millennials, based on some points of coincidence described by different authors. The findings suggest that millennials are a highly attractive market as they have grown up in an environment where technology provides a platform for personalization and immediate gratification in all aspects of life. Consequently, the buying process for them is a time of enjoyment, where loyalty to the brands they purchase is relative. Also, millennials tend to spend their income quickly and more often through the web, and particularly through social networks like Facebook. Also, the results show that the millennials are more attracted by virtual advertising as coupons or discounts. The results contribute to the literature by providing a description of millennial consumers; showing in detailed the importance of this market segment and their buying behaviors.
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Aims and method To identify causes of stress at work as well as individual, organisational and personal interventions used by employees to manage stress in public, private and non-governmental organizations (NGOs). Qualitative interviews were conducted with 51 employees from a range of organisations. Results Participants reported adverse working conditions and management practices as common causes of work stress. Stress-inducing management practices included unrealistic demands, lack of support, unfair treatment, low decision latitude, lack of appreciation, effort?reward imbalance, conflicting roles, lack of transparency and poor communication. Organisational interventions were perceived as effective if they improved management styles, and included physical exercise, taking breaks and ensuring adequate time for planning work tasks. Personal interventions used outside of work were important to prevent and remedy stress. Clinical implications Interventions should improve management practices as well as promoting personal interventions outside of the work setting.
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As the business world becomes increasingly connected via Internet technologies, virtual teams continue to increase in number and importance. In addition, the emergence and growth of distance education also supports the increasing use of virtual teams. Both institutions of higher education and businesses are discovering the synergies associated with harnessing expertise from around the country or around the globe in these virtual teams for improved innovation and performance. However, a "build it and they will come" approach to virtual teams is not recommended. This paper explores the literature on virtual teams and examines a qualitative study on the experiences of MBA students working on business consulting projects via virtual teams. The findings from this study are evaluated against the literature to look for emerging trends.
Currently, the emergence of a novel human coronavirus, temporary named 2019-nCoV, has become a global health concern causing severe respiratory tract infections in humans. Human-to-human transmissions have been described with incubation times between 2-10 days, facilitating its spread via droplets, contaminated hands or surfaces. We therefore reviewed the literature on all available information about the persistence of human and veterinary coronaviruses on inanimate surfaces as well as inactivation strategies with biocidal agents used for chemical disinfection, e.g. in healthcare facilities. The analysis of 22 studies reveals that human coronaviruses such as Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) coronavirus, Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) coronavirus or endemic human coronaviruses (HCoV) can persist on inanimate surfaces like metal, glass or plastic for up to 9 days, but can be efficiently inactivated by surface disinfection procedures with 62-71% ethanol, 0.5% hydrogen peroxide or 0.1% sodium hypochlorite within 1 minute. Other biocidal agents such as 0.05-0.2% benzalkonium chloride or 0.02% chlorhexidine digluconate are less effective. As no specific therapies are available for 2019-nCoV, early containment and prevention of further spread will be crucial to stop the ongoing outbreak and to control this novel infectious thread. FREE ACCESS ON JOURNAL HOMEPAGE
Objectives: The study aimed to understand lifestyle practices among shift workers, including an exploration of workers' perceptions of their workplace environment (WPE). Methods: Fifteen focus groups (FGs) were conducted by two researchers, with a total of 109 participants. A pilot FG was carried out with both researchers present, to ensure consistency in facilitation. To ensure quality control, both researchers analyzed all data collected. Results: Two overarching themes were observed: barriers to leading a healthier lifestyle, and facilitators to leading a healthier lifestyle. The influence of WPE was central to both themes. Conclusion: Investing in employee health is beneficial, particularly among shift workers, who are at an increased health risk. Adopting organizational policies and environmental changes as a core strategy for workplace health promotion may create an environment that makes healthier choices more accessible to all employees.
Currently Bankers are under a great transaction of stress and due to many backgrounds of stress such as Excess, Role doubt, Role conflict, Concern for people, Contribution, Lack of feedback, possession up with rapid technologicalchange. Being in an inventive role, Career development, Organizational structure and climate, and recent episodic events. The thing which find out is stress. This study examines the relationship between job stress and job performance on bank employees of banking sector in Pakistan. The study examines the purpose model in relation of job stress and its impact on job performance by using sample of 144 participants. In participant the data ofsenior, graduate employees including customer services officers and managers of well reputed rising bank in Pakistan. The data were obtained through close ended questionnaire. A statistical test of regression, correlation and reliabilities were also confirmed. The results are significant with negative correlation between job stress and job performances and shows that job stress significantly reduces the performance of an individual. The results suggest to the organization that they have sustained a very health, cooperative and friendly environment within the team for better performance. Keywords: Job performance, Job stress, Effects of stress