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The impact of blockchain-enabled tokenization on plastic waste: an empirical study



This paper describes the first steps in the course of a pilot recycling initiative with the aim of investigating blockchain-enabled tokenization as an alternative incentive system to increase recycling rates of plastic bottles to enable the shift to circular plastic supply chains. As little knowledge exists regarding the effects of novel technology implementation on plastic bottle recycling rates, we conducted exploratory research, using expert interviews and focus group discussions with representatives from an international beverage company. This served for obtaining preliminary insights into the potential application of novel technologies (e.g. blockchain) in terms of tokenization in combination with incentive schemes within the plastic bottle supply chain, especially about the end-consumer collection and recycling rate behaviour.
The impact of blockchain-enabled tokenization on
plastic waste: an empirical study
Johannes Pulsfort (
Institute for Transport and Logistics Management, Vienna University of Economics and
Business, Vienna, Austria
Christian Wankmüller (
Institute for Production-, Energy- and Environmental Management, University of
Klagenfurt, Klagenfurt, Austria
Gerald Reiner (
Institute for Production Management, Vienna University of Economics and Business,
Vienna, Austria
This paper describes the first steps in the course of a pilot recycling initiative with the
aim of investigating blockchain-enabled tokenization as an alternative incentive system
to increase recycling rates of plastic bottles to enable the shift to circular plastic supply
chains. As little knowledge exists regarding the effects of novel technology
implementation on plastic bottle recycling rates, we conducted exploratory research,
using expert interviews and focus group discussions with representatives from an
international beverage company. This served for obtaining preliminary insights into the
potential application of novel technologies (e.g. blockchain) in terms of tokenization in
combination with incentive schemes within the plastic bottle supply chain, especially
about the end-consumer collection and recycling rate behaviour.
Keywords (3 keywords): plastic waste, circular economy, blockchain technology
Today’s polyethylene terephthalate (PET) plastic bottle supply chain (SC) is complex and
imposes challenges across the globe (Ragaert et al. 2017). Plastic bottle recycling rates in
the European Union (EU) average 58.2% in 2018 according to statistics (Eurostat 2020).
Although the trend is towards decreasing amounts of plastic waste due to recycling
efforts, the topic further needs to be investigated as the plastics produced in Europe
amounted to 61.8 million tons in 2018 and thereof, 39.9% refer to plastic packaging
(Statista 2020). According to official numbers, the amount of plastic packaging waste
within the EU amounted to 3.3 million tons in 2018 (Statista 2020). Apparently, the clear
need is given to identify and implement adequate countermeasures, as existing strategies
for reducing plastic pollution seem to fail in reality. Among recent technological
innovations to facilitate recycling efforts, blockchain technology (BT) may offer the
required features for addressing certain causes of plastic pollution.
BT is a distributed ledger technology (DLT), which records transactions in a
decentralized manner by creating secure recordings also referred to as blocks (Nakamoto
2008). Satoshi Nakamoto first proposed the concept of BT in his white paper where
Bitcoin, the first application of BT, was described. BT combines relevant features such
as reliability, traceability, data immutability and smart contracts that can enable a trustless
environment where no intermediary is needed (Iansiti and Lakhani 2017). According to
scholars, one of the main advantages of BT is to enhance sustainability of SCs (Saberi et
al. 2019). BT can help to enhance plastic bottle traceability, visibility and quality in the
logistics process by assigning a unique identity to individual bottles (Saberi et al. 2019).
BT can provide the technical infrastructure where several and distinct stakeholders can
access the same information at the same time (Helo and Hao 2019).
One of the most promising concepts facilitated by BT is tokenization. Tokenization,
when applied to BT indicates representing the value of a physical asset in a unique digital
data format based on blockchain data structure. A token is a value container including
various data points that represent assets, utility or claims within a blockchain environment
(L. Oliveira et al. 2018). The tokenization of single plastic bottles can create visibility
through digitization and each partner of the plastic bottle SC can validate the data
transactions in form of a participating node (Bekrar et al. 2021). Tokenization in
combination with existing traceability systems can create a more agile value chain and
enable a closer end-consumer relationship (Nandi et al. 2021). BT and tokenization
represent novel ideas on how to potentially increase recycling rates through incentivizing
end-consumers when returning plastic bottles appropriately (Babich and Hilary 2019). In
order to increase recycling rates, this research paper discusses how recycling rates can be
increased through BT and tokenization where end-consumers are incentivized for
accurate return of plastic bottles and possibly lead to a circular economy (CE) for the
plastic SC. Furthermore, BT and tokenization can contribute towards Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations (United Nations 2015). In order to
investigate the impact of tokenization on recycling rates, the following research question
(RQ) was formulated:
RQ: How may blockchain-enabled tokenization contribute to improved recycling rates of
plastic bottles?
The objective of this study is to learn more about the potentials of tokenization to
improve recycling rates of plastic bottle waste in SCs. Therefore, we turn to practice and
grasp managers’ point of views on the subject by conducting expert interviews and group
discussions with several key stakeholders. Consequently, this paper aims to reveal
preliminary empirical research to complement already existing conceptual and theoretical
knowledge of BT and tokenization in the context of circular plastic SC (Kouhizadeh et
al. 2020).
This paper is outlined as follows. First, BT and tokenization in the context of recycling
rates in the plastic SCs are introduced in the related work section. Second, the selected
methodology is explained. Third, the findings section comprehensively outlines trade-
offs challenges and opportunities of applying BT and tokenization to enable the circular
plastic value SC, followed by the discussion section. Finally, research implications are
presented, limitations are illustrated and the conclusion is presented.
Related work
Plastic resembles a global and widely acknowledged problem for humanity next to carbon
emissions (Sudesh and Iwata 2008). Plastics are inexpensive, lightweight and durable
materials, which can readily be molded into a variety of products that find use in a wide
range of applications (Hopewell et al. 2009). Nonetheless, society didn’t succeed
overseeing the entire life-cycle of plastics (Thompson et al. 2009). In order to promote
reusing and recycling, it is essential to comprehend and solve the current problems in the
system that facilitate plastic waste removal (Hahladakis and Iacovidou 2019). The main
holdup is owed to absence of consistent information about the accessibility, magnitude,
value, and aptness of recycled plastic feedstock (Hopewell et al. 2009). Without such
reliable information, manufacturers are not motivated to procure recycled feedstock
instead of virgin polymers (Al-Salem et al. 2009). As a result, in 30 years, oceans will
contain more plastic by volume than fish (Lebreton et al. 2018). According to Ritchie and
Roser (2018), in 2015 worldwide, 50% to 60% of the overall plastic waste was dumped
in landfills and oceans, 20% to 30% was incinerated, and 10% to 20% was reprocessed
and recycled (European Environment Agency 2021).
Waste management policies are developing towards less linear and more sustainable
approaches, which means that recovery of resources from waste is gaining more and more
importance (Iacovidou et al. 2017). With regard to sustainability, the concept of the CE
is crucial to be considered (Korhonen et al. 2018). Furthermore, CE is quite popular but
still requires further academic efforts (Kirchherr et al. 2017). Commonly, CE denotes “an
economic model aimed at the efficient use of resources through waste minimization, long-
term value retention, reduction of primary resources, and closed loops of products,
product parts, and materials within the boundaries of environmental protection and socio-
economic benefits” (Morseletto 2020).
Scholars of recent years found that if the recycling process allows one to receive high
quality material, then not only environmental benefits from the recycling process, but also
financial revenues are possible (Faraca et al. 2019). Consequently, less raw material
inputs are used and occurrence of plastic waste is reduced when the appropriate
managerial implications are implemented (Nakamura and Kondo 2002). A model by Dace
et al. (2014) for analyzing effects of eco-design policy on packaging waste management
systems shows that higher price elasticity of demand for materials, fosters a decrease of
materials used and the total consumption of packaging materials.
This will improve awareness of using plastics on the one hand, but also the awareness
of plastic waste and may increase the recycling rate on the other hand (Panda et al. 2010).
Therefore, plastic waste can be seen as a commodity since the material value can
contribute to the economic benefit of a company (Ranta et al. 2018). Moreover, a better
understanding of the plastic life cycle should be gained (Finnveden et al. 2009).
Especially in the case of plastic waste, closing the life cycle is essential to save input
materials, to become resource efficient and to mitigate the amounts of plastic waste (Gu
et al. 2017). At this point it has to be noted, that preserving resources is crucial to be
supported by policies (Iacovidou et al. 2017). In addition, decision making should be
based on facts (Iacovidou et al. 2017). Another aspect that scholars emphasize is that
peoples’ consumption and disposal patterns are not well understood and may cause
ineffective measure implementation by responsible decision-makers (Iacovidou et al.
2017). Apparently, BT represents an approach to potentially facilitate CE in the context
of plastic bottle waste due to the following characteristics (Saberi et al. 2019). First, BT
creates SC visibility for all participating partners in the network (Kouhizadeh and Sarkis
2018). Second, BT allows for tokenization of single plastic bottles and offers the
opportunity to incentivize the end-customer (Liu et al. 2021). Third, BT and tokenization
induce flexible incentives that can result in more socially and environmental donations
(Kouhizadeh and Sarkis 2018). Fourth, using BT for external data audits on plastic bottle
recycling prevents from green washing (Forrest et al. 2019). Finally, BT provides data
integrity to all participating private blockchain consortium members (Hasselgren et al.
2020). The blockchain platform serves as a trust-based network that represents the
backbone to share and validate information between various parties (Hawlitschek et al.
Methodology, data gathering and analysis
This study represents the first step in the course of a recycling initiative with the aim of
testing blockchain-enabled tokenization, as an alternative incentive system to traditional
deposit-refund systems, to increase recycling rates of plastic bottles. As little knowledge
exists regarding the effects of novel technology implementation on plastic bottle
recycling rates, we conducted qualitative research, using expert interviews and focus
group discussions with representatives from an international beverage company that
focuses on technology and sustainability. The selected company for this study
encompasses various focal points for the investigation of plastic bottle recycling rates and
the interest in the use of digital technologies including BT. In detail, we interviewed three
experts and held five focus group discussions with the global corporate affairs and
communication director, global SC director, and group SC planning director of an
international beverage company with more than 10.000 employees worldwide. All of the
participants have more than 20 years of professional experience in the sectors. The main
expert statements of each interview have been summarized. Therein, we were primarily
interested in the individual experts’ thoughts and opinions on the potentials of blockchain-
enabled tokenization to increase recycling rates. This served for the collection of
empirical data that will be further subject of quantitative modeling to analyze the value
generated by BT for improving plastic bottle collection rate in a next step.
Empirical research findings
Expert interviews brought to the light first impressions on how tokenization and BT could
enable disruptive changes towards more effective and efficient management of plastic
bottle waste. As the global public affairs director stated about the potential of
tokenization: “We believe that the value proposition of tokenization can contribute to
sustainability. Proper implementation of tokenization can reduce plastic pollution and
minimize waste. Plastic bottle waste becomes material where ownership can be assigned
and that material ownership provides transparency and accountability. Furthermore,
tokenization of plastic bottle waste can be perceived as an alternative to the current
deposit-refund systems. Tokenization of plastic bottle waste creates a digitized SC
platform where several stakeholders as the government and other participants can be on-
boarded. Citizens and end-consumers can obtain a personal plastic balance sheet and
monitor their contribution to sustainability by collecting tokens through the proper return
of plastic bottles. Recycled plastic bottles can potentially lower the need for using virgin
material and thus preventing further waste in the future.”
The expert statement reveals interesting insights with regard to the evident strengths
of tokenization. Other top managers of international companies can potentially relate to
the key points raised about tokenization. The managerial implications of providing an
application to better trace plastics and to assign plastic items to end-consumers in order
to enhance their sense of responsibility but also to better understand the life cycle of
plastics. As this exploratory study allows one to analyze various factors for strengthening
the understanding of complexity, there is a wide-range of further aspects to investigate in
that field.
Another relevant insight from an expert interview with the global SC manager of a
beverage company is the following: BT provides the possibility to track and trace single
plastic bottles. Through tokenization, plastic bottles can obtain a “digital material
passport” encompassing all the necessary information such as the history of the product,
composition, ownership and status. Through enhanced data quality and the possibility of
track and trace on item level, auditors and the government can check recycling rate and
companies can prove through blockchain-enabled tokens that regulations were abided
by, avoiding penalties related to the plastic tax.”
This empirical observation substantiates the theoretical knowledge and allows for
more detailed insights on the potential impact of tokenization. Environmental auditors
can benefit from enhanced data quality due to BT and tokenization. Via tokenization, BT
possibly generates incentives that contain financial (i.e., cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin) or
non-financial tokens (Chen 2018) for supporting organizational missions, i.e. plastic
bottle recycling, including CE and SC practices (Kouhizadeh et al. 2020). Firms are
adopting BT to address various sustainable SC issues, such as food contamination, carbon
credits, and plastic bottle waste, by the creation of decentralized, immutable and reliable
data, transparency, traceability, smart contracts, and incentivization (Groening et al.
2018). Additionally, BT provides multi-tier SC insights starting at input suppliers to end-
user consumers and plausible circular SC linkages (Kouhizadeh and Sarkis 2018; Saberi
et al. 2019).
Additional first-hand insights were provided by the global SC planning manager from
a beverage company stating that: “Another interesting aspect of using BT and
tokenization for increasing the collection rate of plastic bottles is the possibility of
gamification. Creating a new fashion trend to collect plastic bottles can be enabled
through the usage of blockchain-enabled token enhancing overall sustainability.
Additionally, BT and tokenization allow for a scalable solution to serialize all the plastic
bottles produced which improves SC efficiency.”
These empirical findings show preliminary insights of possible additional dimensions
to the tokenization of individual PET bottles. First, the development of plastic waste
amounts, based on PET plastic bottles for end-consumers and computation of the
potential of plastic waste reduction (Finnveden et al. 2013). Second, using BT to support
tracking and tracing of individual bottles allows a better understanding of the life cycle
of plastics (Provencher et al. 2014). Third, the consumer aspects include the motivation
for recycling (due to the mobile application, changes in demand, tokenization and
incentives, gamification etc.) (Aguiar Castillo et al. 2018). Fourth, consideration of
additional synergies for sustainable development to obtain higher collection rates. Higher
recycling rates increase visibility of the plastic work in process (U. R. de Oliveira et al.
2018). Empirical findings can also contribute towards SDGs of the United Nations
(United Nations 2015). For example, to ensure sustainable consumption and production
patterns by saving raw material when increasing recycling rates. Another aspect is how
to sustainably use the oceans, seas and maritime resources for sustainable development
by reducing plastic waste. SDG 12.5 explicitly states that “by 2030, we need to
substantially reduce waste generation through prevention, reduction, recycling and reuse
(United Nations 2015).
First and foremost, BT allows achieving plastic flow transparency along the different
stages of a SC, from manufacturer, to beverage, retailer and end-consumer. Additionally,
SC data may help to improve handling and processing among the different stages and to
gather better data of the usage phase of PET bottles. BT facilitates the secure exchange
of data due to cryptography and decentralized information processing. BT provides the
same information for all participating stakeholders breaking up traditional data silo
architectures. BT and tokenization can facilitate the CE of the plastic bottle SC by
digitizing the processes and providing the digital infrastructure to participating
stakeholders. BT may facilitate the entire industry to combat plastic pollution by
providing transparency and openness. In order to unlock this value, BT expedites the
waste collection and management process and may facilitate the tokenization of the
plastic bottle waste through disintermediation.
As stated previously, the concept of CE is critical to be taken into consideration
(Corona et al. 2019). Actually, the idea of the CE is experiencing increased interest by
both, research and practice (Kirchherr et al. 2017). As the concept of CE requires “a
fundamental systemic change instead of a bit of twisting of the status quo to ensure its
impact” (Kirchherr et al. 2017), intensified research is still required. BT provides the
technical framework that can possibly facilitate the circular plastic SC through
transparent data that is immutable and provides trust for participating stakeholders (Nandi
et al. 2021). However, blockchain-based tokens pose several advantages. First, tokenizing
physical plastic bottles into tokens converts plastic waste into an asset. Second, tokens
can be used for accountability and transparency proofing sustainable behaviour (Leng et
al. 2020). Third, token redemption allows for possible donations to social or
environmental causes by end-consumers potentially accelerating additional sustainable
initiatives. Fourth, tokens can be used in other blockchain-based systems potentially
paving the way towards token economy (Lee 2019).
This constitutes preliminary work in the course of joint initiative that will form the
basis of future empirical research. It is crucial to investigate the impact on the plastic
recycling rate by using BT and tokenization, which can provide an end-consumer PET
balance data sheet, to better track and trace PET bottles in order to reduce plastics waste
in the end and to contribute a development towards circularity in the plastic bottle SC
(Kouhizadeh et al. 2020). BT and tokenization of plastic bottles can initiate the token
economy where other materials of interest can become tokenized in the future (Morrow
and Zarrebini 2019).
Research implications, limitations and conclusion
The developed paper presents first insights from expert interviews that highlight the
potential that BT and tokenization can have on recycling rates. This innovative approach
allows evaluating the impact of incentives on the increase of collection rates. This might
be an enabler to increase recycling rates, thereby realizing circular plastic SC. A
sustainable plastic inventory management combined with the traceability system and
innovative SC policies can create, e.g., a more risk hedging plastic value chain in terms
of virgin raw material prices, etc. (Matar et al. 2014; Reiner et al. 2014) that will increase
SC efficiency as well.
The major contribution is to show the interest the perceived impact of blockchain
adaption might have for the case of tracking and tracing PET-bottles to achieve potentially
higher collection rates. This allows to save virgin material and to move towards circularity
in the usage of plastic bottles. With regard to the consumers, the application of that
tracking and tracing-based recycling system provides users with transparency about their
plastics consumption, thereby fostering the consumers’ sense of responsibility. The
gathered information may also facilitate improved processes within the SC and to better
plan process alternatives, as more detailed data can be used for analyzing the plastic
bottles life cycle.
This study has several limitations. We are aware of the fact that the inclusion of
beverage company experts may influence the results. Perspectives on the subject from
other SC partners should therefore be collected in future research. In addition, the study
area should not be limited to one specific geographic region only; hence replicating the
same interviews and group discussions is advised in future. We know that the first insights
generated by this study are not fully generalizable, and solely provide a rough direction,
as the entire research concerning recycling rates is more complex. It is to be noted that
future research can also be applied to other SCs such as the food SC. Of course, circular
SCs deserve intensified academic attention, nevertheless this study is valuable as it is the
first showing that BT and tokenization offer potentials to increase recycling rates. In
subsequent research, further expert interviews and focus group discussion are needed to
validate possible potentials of BT and tokenization.
Another part of future research will be the investigation of a mobile phone application
that enables an end-consumer to scan a quick response (QR) code printed on a single
plastic bottle and returning it to a smart bin that also possesses a QR code that can be
scanned by the end-consumer. After successfully scanning and returning the plastic
bottle, the end-consumer obtains tokens that can be redeemed for a variety of benefits,
potentially incentivizing and increasing the overall PET bottle-recycling rate.
Additionally, BT allows for reward tokens for end-consumers that may generate a sense
of responsibility and an incentive to return the plastic bottle back into the circular plastic
We wish to acknowledge the Austrian Blockchain Center (ABC) Research GmbH for
supporting our research on Blockchain Technology and Sustainability.
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Managing supply chains in globalized world brings many challenges for the responsible managers due to the increasing number of disruptions and uncertainty. Although many experts have been calling for increasing the resilience of supply chains, surveys show that the implementation of resilience strategies in companies is lacking behind. One of the reasons for this might be the lack of transparency and information sharing between different supply chain actors. Whereas information sharing might help to reduce uncertainty and improve supply chain visibility, the risk of revealing too much information and potential data leakages to competitors result in reluctance of the companies to share information. This chapter describes potential risks and problems related to information sharing and presents blockchain technology concepts as a possible solution for these problems. The chosen concepts, including smart contracts, zero-knowledge proofs, homomorphic encryption, and secure multi-party computation, are shortly introduced and their possible applications for quality management, planning tasks, tracking & tracing, and other areas are discussed.
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The circular economy is gaining in importance globally and locally. The COVID-19 crisis, as an exceptional event, showed the limits and the fragility of supply chains, with circular economy practices as a potential solution during and post-COVID. Reverse logistics (RL) is an important dimension of the circular economy which allows management of economic, social, and environmental challenges. Transportation is needed for RL to effectively operate, but research study on this topic has been relatively limited. New digitalization opportunities can enhance transportation and RL, and therefore further enhance the circular economy. This paper proposes to review practical research and concerns at the nexus of transportation, RL, and blockchain as a digitalizing technology. The potential benefits of blockchain technology through example use cases on various aspects of RL and transportation activities are presented. This integration and applications are evaluated using various capability facets of blockchain technology, particularly as an immutable and reliable ledger, a tracking service, a smart contract utility, as marketplace support, and as tokenization and incentivization. We also briefly introduce the physical internet concept within this context. The physical internet paradigm proposed last decade, promises to also disrupt the blockchain, transportation, and RL nexus. We include potential research directions and managerial implications across the blockchain, transportation, and RL nexus.
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Sustainability is a pressing need, as well as an engineering challenge, in the modern world. Developing smart technologies is a critical way to ensure that future manufacturing systems are sustainable. Blockchain is a next-generation development of information technology for realizing sustainability in businesses and industries. Much research on blockchain-empowered sustainable manufacturing in Industry 4.0 has been conducted from technical, commercial, organizational, and operational perspectives. This paper surveys how blockchain can overcome potential barriers to achieving sustainability from two perspectives, namely, the manufacturing system perspective and the product lifecycle management perspective. The survey first examines literature on these two perspectives, following which the state of research in blockchain-empowered sustainable manufacturing is presented, which sheds new light on urgent issues as part of the UN's Sustainable Development Goals. We found that blockchain-empowered transformation of a sustainable manufacturing paradigm is still in an early stage of the hype phase, proceeding toward full adoption. The survey ends with a discussion of challenges regarding techniques, social barriers, standards, and regulations with respect to blockchain-empowered manufacturing applications. The paper concludes with a discussion of challenges and social barriers that blockchain technology must overcome to demonstrate its sustainability in industrial and business spheres.
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Background: Blockchain can be described as an immutable ledger, logging data entries in a decentralized manner. This new technology has been suggested to disrupt a wide range of data-driven domains, including the health domain. Objective: The purpose of this study was to systematically review, assess and synthesize peer-reviewed publications utilizing/proposing to utilize blockchain to improve processes and services in healthcare, health sciences and health education. Method: A structured literature search on the topic was conducted in October 2018 relevant bibliographic databases. Result: 39 publications fulfilled the inclusion criteria. The result indicates that Electronic Health Records and Personal Health Records are the most targeted areas using blockchain technology. Access control, interoperability, provenance and data integrity are all issues that are meant to be improved by blockchain technology in this field. Ethereum and Hyperledger fabric seem to be the most used platforms/frameworks in this domain. Conclusion: This study shows that the endeavors of using blockchain technology in the health domain are increasing exponentially. There are areas within the health domain that potentially could be highly impacted by blockchain technology.
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The transition to a circular economy requires actions and policies. In the praxis of governance, a common way to steer the transition to a different state proceeds through the setting of targets. Thus far, no study has investigated circular economy targets in a systematic way. To bridge this gap, this study examines which targets can facilitate the transition towards a circular economy. The analysis focuses both on existing and new targets; the latter complement existing targets which are limited to a few discrete cases addressing only partially the goal of a more circular economy. A framework based on 10 common circular economy strategies (i.e. recover, recycling, repurpose, remanufacture, refurbish, repair, re-use, reduce, rethink, refuse) is applied to scrutinise the selected targets. The study clarifies that existing targets for recovery and recycling do not necessarily promote a circular economy, though they are the most commonly applied targets so far. Because of lack of efficacy of recovery and recycling, targets should instead favour other more powerful circular economy strategies. In relation to these, the study looks into new and existing targets showing how they can reduce waste, increase efficiency, close production loops, and maximise retention of the economic value of materials and products. In particular, the study proposes an expanded set of brand new targets for the transition to a circular economy together with a fresh view on targets aimed at scholars and decision-makers alike.
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We are living in a world where the very systems upon which trust is based are being challenged by new and exciting paradigm shifts. Centralization whether in the form of governments, financial institutions, enterprises and organizations is simply being challenged because of the lack of trust associated with data governance often experienced in the form of data breaches or simply a monetization of our data without our permission and/or incentives to participate in this emerging decentralization of structures. We see this trust deficit challenging the very institutions we have depended on including but not limited to financial institutions, private enterprises or government bodies. A new “social contract” is required as we continuously evolve into more decentralized and self-governing (or semi self-governing) entities. We will see more development in digital sovereignty with the caveat that a governance model will need to be defined. This position paper will present evidence that supports the premise that blockchain and individual tokenization could provide a new social contract.
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The circular economy (CE) is perceived as a sustainable economic system where the economic growth is decoupled from the resources use, through the reduction and recirculation of natural resources. In the shift towards the CE, quantifying the circularity of products and services (or their contribution to the CE) is crucial in designing policies and business strategies, and prioritizing sustainable solutions based on evidence. New circularity metrics are being developed for that purpose, but they often present contradiction in both form and content, which contributes to confusion and misunderstanding of the CE concept. This review aims to map methodological developments regarding circularity metrics for products and services, in order to:(1)identify the foundations of circularity metrics used so far and their applications, (2) evaluate the validity of current circularity metrics, based on predefined requirements and a CE definition anchored in the sustainability concept, and (3) provide recommendations on how to measure circularity. The literature search provided a wide variety of CE metrics being developed and applied(seven measurement indices, nine assessment indicators and three assessment frameworks). However, none of them are addressing the CE concept in full, potentially leading to undesirable burden shifting from reduced material consumption to increased environmental, economic or social impacts. Additionally, new metrics under-represent the complexities of multiple cycles and the consequences of material downcycling. Circularity metrics intended to sustainable decision making should be comprehensive enough to avoid burden shifting, and clearly indicate how the benefits of recycling are allocated between the primary and secondary products.
By the end of 2015, approximately 6300 million tons (Mt) of plastic waste had been generated globally, but less than 10% of plastics was recycled. Since different types of plastics have various degrees of recyclability, consumer information about plastic product recyclability is paramount in order to increase the levels of plastic recycled. Against this context, the objective of this work is to define a plastic credit system to increase the amount of recyclable plastics. The plastic credit system assigns credit information to each plastic product and its corresponding company based on the percentage recyclability value of the plastic type and its composition. The methodology proposed is based on a unified and transparent credit system established by a double-chain system, which comprises a public blockchain CreditChain and a consortium blockchain M-InfoChain. The results show through the overall system performance analysis that the designed plastic credit system is capable of promoting a demand shift towards plastic products with higher plastic recyclability and achieving a lightweight operation for resource requirements and system maintenance.
The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed businesses and societies to the shortfalls of normal patterns of production, consumption, and their long-lasting impact on supply chains. In this opinion paper, we provide insights from the COVID-19 pandemic for making supply chains more resilient, transparent, and sustainable. These insights include supply chains needing to develop localization, agility, and digitization (LAD) characteristics. We link LAD to a potential solution using blockchain technology and circular economy principle capabilities. Use cases are used to show how blockchain-enabled circular economy practices can support supply chain LAD efforts. Supply chain tracking, tracing, and responsiveness can be supported through blockchain-enabled circular economy practices. One result of identifying these relationships include solutions and insights at multiple levels and stakeholders – individual, organizational, supply chain, governmental, and community. These crisis-related observations and findings set a future research foundation for sustainable production and consumption.
Blockchain technology and the circular economy (CE) are two emergent concepts that can change the way we live for decades. Arrival of Industry 4.0 is set to transform organisational activities through various technological innovations. Blockchain is such a critical technology. Yet, the breadth of the blockchain concept and its application require nuanced investigation in different contexts, including examining some tensions with the applications. This paper examines how blockchain technology is likely to transform and advance circular economy realisation. Using grounded theory building from multiple case studies, we present early evidence linking the blockchain application to circular economy dimensions of regenerate, share, optimise, loop, virtualise, and exchange (ReSOLVE model). Case studies of blockchain application in various industrial sectors, at different adoption levels, for diverse organisational purposes are analysed and discussed. We systematically examine the practices, gaps, potential tensions, and critical reflections. Our study concludes with a summary of research propositions, limitations, and future research directions.