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The immune system and kidney disease: Basic concepts and clinical implications



The kidneys are frequently targeted by pathogenic immune responses against renal autoantigens or by local manifestations of systemic autoimmunity. Recent studies in rodent models and humans have uncovered several underlying mechanisms that can be used to explain the previously enigmatic immunopathology of many kidney diseases. These mechanisms include kidney-specific damage-associated molecular patterns that cause sterile inflammation, the crosstalk between renal dendritic cells and T cells, the development of kidney-targeting autoantibodies and molecular mimicry with microbial pathogens. Conversely, kidney failure affects general immunity, causing intestinal barrier dysfunction, systemic inflammation and immunodeficiency that contribute to the morbidity and mortality of patients with kidney disease. In this Review, we summarize the recent findings regarding the interactions between the kidneys and the immune system.
Considerable progress has been made both in under-
standing the basic immune mechanisms of kidney
disease and in translating these findings to clinical
therapies. Sophisticated animal studies combined
with the analysis of clinical samples have led to a pre-
cise knowledge of the autoimmune targets and of the
mechanisms responsible for kidney injury. Kidney
diseases are highly prevalent and cost-intensive,
but many discoveries in renal immunology are not
widely known in the immunological community,
although they are often relevant to diseases that affect
In this Review, we discuss recent advances in our
understanding of immune-mediated kidney diseases,
emphasizing those of particular relevance to the wider
immunology community and those that have led to a
better understanding of basic immunological mechan-
isms. We have had to be selective in the topics consid-
ered and so have excluded a discussion of acute kidney
injury, kidney transplantation and alloimmunity, as
well as of systemic diseases with associated kidney
disease, such as type2 diabetes and hypertension,
that are not primarily caused by the immune system,
despite the involvement of innate (and possibly adap-
tive) immune responses in the renal injury they cause.
Here, we discuss the innate immune mechanisms of
kidney injury and introduce novel concepts about the
role of the cellular immune responses that drive renal
disease. Moreover, we summarize recent discoveries
about complement- and antibody-mediated nephritis,
and we discuss kidney pathologies that are mediated
by renal autoantigen-specific antibodies, especially those
that are induced by crossreactive microorganism-specific
antibodies. Finally, we describe how the disruption of
kidney function and kidney pathologies can influence
systemic immune responses.
Kidney-resident immune cells
In the kidneys, toxic waste products of metabolism are
removed from the blood by nephrons. Each nephron
contains one glomerulus, which functions as a size-
selective filter that retains molecules above ~50 kDa
in the blood. Compounds of lower molecular mass
pass through the glomerular filter, enter the tubular
system and are excreted with the urine unless they
are re absorbed by the tubular epithelium (BOX1). The
kidneys produce several hormones that directly or
indirectly affect immune responses, including vita-
minD, which regulates bone homeostasis and phago-
cyte function, erythropoietin, which is induced in
response to hypoxia to regulate erythropoiesis, and
renin, which induces angiotensin and aldosterone to
regulate electrolyte balance, extracellular osmolarity
and blood pressure.
1Institutes of Molecular
Medicine and Experimental
Immunology (IMMEI),
Rheinische Friedrich-
Sigmund-Freud-Str. 25,
53105 Bonn, Germany.
2III. Medizinische Klinik,
Martinistrasse 52,
20246 Hamburg, Germany.
3Medizinische Klinik und
Poliklinik IV, Ludwig-
Maximilians Universität
München, Ziemssenstr. 1,
80336 München, Germany.
4Clinical Institute of Pathology,
Medical University of Vienna,
Währinger Gürtel 18–20,
A-1090 Vienna, Austria.
hjanders@med.uni-; andrew.rees@
All authors contributed
equally to this work.
Published online
16 September 2013
The immune system and kidney
disease: basic concepts and clinical
Christian Kurts1, Ulf Panzer2, Hans-Joachim Anders3 and Andrew J.Rees4
Abstract | The kidneys are frequently targeted by pathogenic immune responses against
renal autoantigens or by local manifestations of systemic autoimmunity. Recent studies in
rodent models and humans have uncovered several underlying mechanisms that can be
used to explain the previously enigmatic immunopathology of many kidney diseases. These
mechanisms include kidney-specific damage-associated molecular patterns that cause
sterile inflammation, the crosstalk between renal dendritic cells and Tcells, the development
of kidney-targeting autoantibodies and molecular mimicry with microbial pathogens.
Conversely, kidney failure affects general immunity, causing intestinal barrier dysfunction,
systemic inflammation and immunodeficiency that contribute to the morbidity and mortality
of patients with kidney disease. In this Review, we summarize the recent findings regarding
the interactions between the kidneys and the immune system.
Nature Reviews Immunology
AOP, published online 16 September 2013; doi:10.1038/nri3523
© 2013 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved
Anatomically and functionally
independent kidney units that
each consist of one glomerulus
and one tubule. The nephron
delivers urine into collecting
ducts that empty into the renal
pelvis and, through the ureters,
into the urinary bladder.
An anatomical structure that
is located in the kidney cortex
and that filters blood into the
tubular system.
The space between the tubuli
and glomeruli, which contains
capillaries, fibroblasts and
dendritic cells, and thus
is an important site for the
progression of nephritis.
Bacterial pyelonephritis
A bacterial infection of the
kidney, mostly due to
uropathogenic Escherichiacoli
that ascend through the
urethra, bladder and ureter
into the kidneys.
Under homeostatic conditions, the resident
immune cells of the kidneys include dendritic cells
(DCs) and macrophages, as well as a few lympho-
cytes1–4. DCs are restricted to the tubulointerstitium and
are absent from the glomeruli1,2. In mice, kidney DCs
are CD11c+CD11b+F4/80+CX3CR1+CD8CD205 and
have a transcriptome that is typical of DCs resident
in various non-lymphoid tissues5,6. Kidney DCs are
derived from monocytes and from common DC pre-
cursors (CDPs), but in contrast with other organs,
some CDP-derived kidney DCs express CD64 (also
known asFcγRI)7. Kidney DCs function as sentinels
in homeostasis, local injury and infection3,8. They rap-
idly produce neutrophil-recruiting chemokines dur-
ing bacterial pyelonephritis, which is the most prevalent
kidney infection8. Neutrophils can also be recruited by
tubular epithelial cells, but not as quickly as by DCs.
Mice lacking expression of CX3C-chemokine recep-
tor1 (CX3CR1) have a selective reduction in kidney
DC numbers9. There is also a high renal expression of
its ligand CX3C-chemokine ligand 1 (CX3CL1)10, which
suggests that the CX3CR1–CX3CL1 chemokine pair
are important for DC recruitment to the kidney and
that CX3CR1 might be a specific therapeutic target to
modulate DC numbers in the kidneys. In renal ischae-
mia (which is relevant in kidney transplantation) and
in ureteral obstruction, renal DCs promote tissue
injury by producing pro-inflammatory cytokines11,12.
Basic leucine zipper transcriptional factor ATF-like3
(BATF3)-dependent CD103+ tissue DCs, which can
cross-present antigens to CD8+ Tcells, are rare and
their function in the kidney is unclear13. Macrophages
are preferentially found in the renal medulla and cap-
sule1 and have homeostatic and repair functions14.
There are also mast cells in the kidney tubulointer-
stitium but their function is poorly understood1517.
In addition, the role of innate-like lymphocytes is
currently unclear. Finally, the renal lymph nodes rep-
resent a priming site for nephritogenic Tcells during
renal inflammation18,19.
Low-molecular-mass proteins can pass through the
glomerular filter but are reabsorbed and degraded by
tubular epithelial cells. However, some of these proteins
are captured by renal DCs or reach the renal lymph
nodes by lymphatic drainage within seconds after filtra-
tion20. Importantly, filtered proteins are concentrated in
Box 1 | Basic kidney anatomy and physiology
The kidneys purify toxic metabolic waste products from the blood in several hundred thousand functionally
independent units called nephrons. A nephron consists of one glomerulus and one double hairpin-shaped tubule
that drains the filtrate into the renal pelvis. The glomeruli located in the kidney cortex are bordered by the Bowman’s
capsule. They are lined with parietal epithelial cells and contain the mesangium with many capillaries to filter the
blood. The glomerular filtration barrier consists of endothelial cells, the glomerular basement membrane and visceral
epithelial cells (also known as podocytes). All molecules below the molecular size of albumin (that is, 68 kDa) pass
the filter and enter the tubule, which consists of the proximal convoluted tubule, the loop of Henle and the distal
convoluted tubule. An intricate countercurrent system forms a high osmotic gradient in the renal medulla that
concentrates the filtrate. The tubular epithelial cells reabsorb water, small proteins, amino acids, carbohydrates
and electrolytes, thereby regulating plasma osmolality, extracellular volume, blood pressure and acid–base and
electrolyte balance. Non-reabsorbed compounds pass from the tubular system into the collecting ducts to form
urine. The space between the tubules is called the interstitium and contains most
of the intrarenal immune system, which mainly consists of dendritic cells,
but also of macrophages and fibroblasts.
Nature Reviews | Immunology
Bowman’s capsule
Loop of
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Hairpin-like structures that
receive filtered blood. The
tubular epithelium reabsorbs
water, electrolytes, nutrients
and proteins. Each nephron
has a single tubule, which
defines proximal and distal
tubules as parts of the
Chronic kidney disease
(CKD). Chronic (and often
progressive) impairment of
renal functions, such as blood
purification, barrier function
of the glomerular filter, water,
electrolyte and acid–base
homeostasis, endocrine
functions such as vitaminD
processing, erythropoietin
production and blood pressure
End-stage chronic kidney
disease, the treatment of
which requires dialysis or
kidney transplantation.
A heterogeneous group of
immune-mediated kidney
diseases that initiate in the
A visceral epithelial cell
that covers the glomerular
capillaries in the Bowman’s
capsule. Podocytes are a
component of the glomerular
filtration barrier.
Monocyte-derived collagen-
producing cells that have been
suggested to contribute to
kidney fibrosis.
Kidney fibrosis
The end stage of chronic kidney
disease, when functional renal
tissue has been replaced by
fibrotic scar tissue and is usually
accompanied by uraemia.
the kidney proximal tubules, where >85% of the fluid is
reabsorbed. Thus, renal DCs and the renal lymph nodes
receive low-molecular-mass antigens from the circulation
at concentrations that are over tenfold higher than in any
other tissue. BATF3-dependent DCs in the renal lymph
nodes capture and cross-present these proteins to CD8+
Tcells, which results in the programmed cell death1
ligand 1 (PDL1)-mediated deletion of these Tcells21.
Thus, the renal lymph nodes have a special role in the
development of immune tolerance against circulating
innocuous low-molecular-mass proteins, such as food
antigens and hormones.
Immune-mediated kidney disease
The kidneys are a frequent target of systemic immune and
autoimmune disorders, including systemic autoimmunity
and vasculitis, immune complex-related serum sickness
and complement disorders. This is partly related to the
size-selective and charge-dependent filtration process in
the glomeruli that promotes glomerular immune com-
plex deposition. In addition, immune responses against
kidney-derived autoantigens can cause autoimmune
kidney diseases.
In chronic kidney disease (CKD), low-molecular-
mass compounds accumulate in the body, which causes
uraemia. CKD affects approximately 10% of the Western
population and is a serious social and economic burden,
especially for those who progress to kidney failure and
that require dialysis or transplantation. The tissue injury
associated with CKD is commonly directly or indirectly
caused by the immune system (BOX2).
Direct immune-mediated injury often affects the glo-
meruli, at least initially, which causes different forms of
glomerulonephritis. Irreversible kidney damage occurs
when inflammation spreads to the tubulointerstitium22–24.
Various mechanisms that cause this spreading have been
proposed: podocyte damage might facilitate leakage of the
glomerular filtrate and detachment of tubular cells from
their basement membrane25; destruction of glomerular
capillaries might restrict the perfusion of their downstream
tubulointerstitial capillaries and cause ischaemia26; pro-
inflammatory cytokines from inflamed glomeruli might
perfuse the tubulointerstitial capillaries and cause inflam-
mation27; reabsorption of abnormal amounts of protein
from the glomerular filtrate might induce stress responses
in tubular epithelial cells28; and glomerular antigens might
reach DCs in the adjacent tubulointerstitium, which in
turn might stimulate infiltrating Tcells to produce pro-
inflammatory cytokines19. Tubulointerstitial mono nuclear
cell infiltrates can contribute to continuing immuno-
pathology and to progressive tissue remodelling, which lead
to tubular atrophy and interstitial scarring, both by main-
taining local chronic inflammation and by recruiting fibro-
cytes29. The end state of CKD is kidney fibrosis — a state in
which functional nephrons are replaced by fibrotictissue.
Immune-mediated CKD can be induced by immune
complex deposition, by innate immunity and by Tcells
that interact with kidney-resident immune cells.
Importantly, these immune mechanisms generally con-
tribute to the progression of CKD, even in non-immune-
initiated forms of the disease, and therefore there are
obvious implications for therapy.
Box 2 | Kidney disorders grouped by their involvement in immunity
Kidney disorders that are initiated and mainly mediated by an immune response
•Renal infections with renotrophic pathogens, including uropathogenic Escherichia coli (UPEC), Hantan virus, BK virus,
Leptospira spp., Mycobacterium tuberculosis and HIV
•Extrarenal infections with renal manifestations, including septic kidney injury, immune complex-mediated nephritis
(for example, post-infectious glomerulonephritis and endocarditis, hepatitis and virus-related immune complex
glomerulonephritis), interstitial nephritis and HIV nephropathy
•Systemic autoimmunity against ubiquitous antigens with renal inflammation, including IgA nephropathy or Henoch–
Schönlein purpura, lupus nephritis, Sjögren’s syndrome, anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody (ANCA)-associated
vasculitis, interstitial nephritis, secondary membranous nephropathy and antibody-mediated forms of atypical
haemolytic uraemic syndrome (aHUS)
•Immune responses against renal antigens, including anti-glomerular basement membrane (anti-GBM) autoimmune
disease, the autoimmune disease primary membranous nephropathy and allograft rejection
•Other systemic disorders that affect the kidneys and that have genetic (including, complement C3 glomerulonephritis
and aHUS) or unclear (including, minimal change disease and renal sarcoidosis) causes
Kidney disorders that involve renal inflammation as a secondary mechanism
•Systemic autoimmunity against ubiquitous antigens with renal manifestations causing renal vascular obstruction
and ischaemia, including scleroderma renal crisis, panarteritis nodosa, giant cell vasculitis or phospholipid antibody
•Other systemic disorders that affect the kidney, including genetic disorders such as hereditary defects of GBM or
podocyte genes leading to focal segmental glomerulosclerosis and hereditary tubulopathies or polycystic disorders;
disorders driven by toxins, including Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli-induced HUS, drug- or contrast
media-induced kidney injury; crystal and paraprotein-related nephropathies; and disorders caused by metals or
food-borne toxins and toxic forms of focal segmental glomerulosclerosis
•Disorders that affect haemodynamics and the vascular system can also affect the kidney, including atherosclerosis,
embolism, macro- or microvascular stenosis, shock, hepato-renal syndrome, thrombotic microangiopathy, eclampsia,
hyperfiltration-associated focal segmental glomerulosclerosis, global glomerulosclerosis
•Obstructive nephropathy or renal amyloidosis
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Nature Reviews | Immunology
Toxins, ischaemia and trauma
Apoptosis Necrosis
renal cell
Dendritic cell Endothelial cell Tubular epithelial cellPodocyte
Macrophage Mesangial cell
Type I IFNs, CXCL2,
IL-1β and IL-12
Acute kidney injury
and infections
TNF, IL-6, chemokines
and IFNα
IC-GN, diabetes and
TNF, IL-6 and
Most glomerular
TNF, IL-6 and
Acute kidney injury
and late-stage GN
ROS, IL-1β,
TNF, IL-6 and
Most kidney
TNF, IL-6,
and IFNα
diabetes and
An intracellular complex
containing pattern recognition
receptors that activate
caspase1. Caspase 1
activation induces pyroptotic
cell death and interleukin-1β
(IL-1β) and IL-18 secretion.
Innate immune responses in CKD. Clinical entities of kid-
ney disease, such as post-ischemic and toxic acute kidney
injury, as well as nephropathies that are induced by dia-
betes, hypertension and crystal deposition, involve sterile
inflammation. As in other organs, sterile renal inflamma-
tion is induced by intrinsic damage-associated molecular
patterns (DAMPs) that are either released from dying
parenchymal cells or that are generated during extracellu-
lar matrix remodelling30–33. The kidney hosts a large range
of different parenchymal cell types, including tubular
epithelial cells, and endothelial cells that express a subset
of Toll-like receptors (TLRs; that is, TLR1 to TLR6) and
inflammasome components, which suggests that these cells
can respond to DAMPs and that they can induce innate
immune responses and subsequent renal inflammation34.
However, NLRP3 (NOD-, LRR- and pyrin domain-con-
taining 3) inflammasome activation is limited to renal
mononuclear phagocytes. The resulting inflammation
depends on the nature of the stimulus (whether it is tran-
sient, repetitive or persistent) and the renal compartment
that is affected (FIG.1); for example, glomerular deposi-
tion of antibodies or immune complexes and the activa-
tion of complement and Fc receptor signalling drives the
several forms of immune complex glomerulonephritis
that have been described (BOX2; see below).
By contrast, ischaemia, toxins, crystals and urinary
outflow obstruction target the tubulointerstitial com-
partment, in which they drive sterile inflammation.
Renal tubular epithelial cells are highly susceptible to
intrinsic oxidative stress because of their high reabsorp-
tive and secretory activity and because their capillary
network is downstream of the glomerular capillaries,
which renders the medullary part of the tubulointer-
stitium susceptible to hypoxia, as occurs during renal
hypoperfusion and shock. During sepsis and ischae-
mia–reperfusion injury, necrotic tubular cells and
neutrophils release high-mobility group box1 protein
(HMGB1), histones, heat-shock proteins, hyaluronan,
fibronectin, biglycan and other DAMPs that activate
TLR2 and TLR4 on renal parenchymal cells and renal
DCs. Renal parenchymal cells and DCs then secrete
chemokines that promote an acute neutrophil-dependent
inflammatory response that mainly contributes to acute
kidney injury35–37. Another important DAMP is ATP
that triggers sterile inflammation in the kidneys via
the NLRP3 inflammasome38. By contrast, adenosine
receptor A2a signalling inactivates DCs and abrogates
kidney injury39. The DAMP Tcell immunoglobulin
and mucin domain-containing protein1 (TIM1; also
known as kidney injury molecule 1) is induced on the
Figure 1 | Innate immune mechanisms in kidney inflammation. Renal cell necrosis or programmed forms of
inflammatory cell death release damage-associated molecular patterns (DAMPs) into the extracellular space, where
they activate pattern recognition receptors (PRRs). Renal dendritic cells and macrophages express numerous PRRs,
whereas PRR expression is limited on renal non-immune cells. PRR ligation activates the cell, which results in cell
type-specific consequences, such as the secretion of pro-inflammatory mediators that promote renal
immunopathology. In the glomerulus, PRR activation in mesangial cells also stimulates their proliferation, for example,
in mesangioproliferative forms of glomerulonephritis such as lupus nephritis, IgA nephropathy and hepatitis C
virus-associated glomerulonephritis. PRR activation of endothelial and epithelial cells (including podocytes and
tubular epithelial cells) in the glomerulus increases their permeability, which results in proteinuria, a clinically useful
biomarker of glomerular vascular permeability, inflammation and damage. Moreover, the activation of endothelial and
epithelial cells manifests as interstitial oedema and secretory dysfunction, for example, in septic acute kidney injury.
CXCL2, CXC-chemokine ligand 2; GN, glomerulonephritis; HUS, haemolytic uraemic syndrome; IC-GN, immune
complex glomerulonephritis; IFN, interferon; IL, interleukin; ROS, reactive oxygen species; TNF, tumour necrosis factor.
© 2013 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved
Haemolytic uraemic
(HUS). A group of diseases,
which are induced by infection
with Shiga toxin-producing
bacteria, or by genetic or
acquired defects in
complement regulators,
that are characterized by
microvascular injury and
thrombosis, which results
in haemolytic anaemia,
thrombocytopenia and
organ dysfunction (kidney
and often brain).
thrombocytopenic purpura
(TTP). A rare life-threatening
disease, characterized by the
development of platelet
thrombi and microvascular
injury, which results from either
genetic or acquired defects of
the enzyme a disintegrin and
metalloproteinase with
thrombospondin motifs 13
(ADAMTS13), which has a
unique role in the homeostasis
of the coagulation system.
surface of tubular epithelial cells and binds to CD300b
(also known as CLM7) on myeloid cells, which drives
neutrophil recruitment to the post-ischemic kidney31.
The initial inflammatory response is amplified by infil-
trating neutrophils and later by LY6Chi macrophages,
which results in acute kidney injury. The cellular
pathophysiology of ischemic acute kidney injury has
recently been reviewed by others40.
Tubular cells are especially sensitive to the freely
filtered low-molecular-mass toxins that they reabsorb
from the tubular fluid. These toxins can accumu-
late and induce tubular cell necrosis and subsequent
TLR4-mediated tubulointerstitial inflammation41. The
high osmolarity and varying pH of urine promotes the
crystallization of small filtered molecules, such as uric
acid, calcium oxalate, calcium phosphate, myoglobin
and free immunoglobulin light chains in the tubules. The
crystals obstruct the tubules and directly injure the epi-
thelial cells that line them, which indirectly causes sterile
inflammation; examples of such crystalline nephropa-
thies include kidney stone disease, oxalate nephropathy,
acute urate nephropathy, adenine nephropathy, cysti-
nosis, rhabdomyolysis-induced acute kidney injury and
myeloma-associated cast nephropathy. A recently dis-
covered pathological mechanism of sterile renal inflam-
mation is that crystals that reach the tubulointerstitial
compartment can directly induce inflammation by
activating the NLRP3 inflammasome in renal DCs34.
In addition, urinary outflow obstruction causes renal
sterile inflammation through multiple mechanisms. It
remains to be clarified which kidney diseases will ben-
efit most from selective therapeutic blockade of these
aforementioned innate immune pathways. Persistent
renal inflammation is usually associated with epithelial
atrophy and aberrant mesenchymal cell repair, which is
known as glomerulosclerosis or interstitial fibrosis. The
direct contribution of innate immune responses to pro-
gressive fibrosis remains an area of debate33,42. In addi-
tion, NLRP3 has inflammasome-independent effects
in the tubular epithelium; for example, NLRP3 and
the adaptor molecule ASC are needed for SMAD2 and
SMAD3 phosphorylation in response to transforming
growth factor-β receptor1 (TGFβR1) signalling43–45. As
TGFβR1 signalling is an essential pathway for epithe-
lial–mesenchymal transition and renal fibrosis, this non-
canonical effect of NLRP3 contributes to renal scarring.
Whether this process also contributes to other forms of
CKD remains to be studied.
Uromodulin (also known as Tamm–Horsfall pro-
tein) is a kidney-specific molecule that is synthesized
by epithelial cells in the distal tubules and that is selec-
tively released into the tubular lumen. Uromodulin is
an adherent polymer that binds to particles, pathogens,
crystals and cytokines in the urine and facilitates their
elimination. Uromodulin deficiency aggravates uri-
nary tract infections, crystal aggregation and cytokine-
mediated luminal inflammation in the kidneys46.
Uromodulin leaks into the interstitium after tubular
injury and activates intrarenal DCs and blood monocytes
via TLR4 and the NLRP3 inflammasome in a DAMP-
like manner47,48. This provides another example of
endogenous molecules that function as immunostimula-
tory danger signals when they escape their normal physi-
ological compartment; uromodulin may also contribute
to the systemic inflammation associated withCKD.
Taken together, these findings show that non-infec-
tious triggers induce innate immune responses in the
kidney that can cause inappropriate immunopathol-
ogy. Distinct immune pathways contribute to certain
types of renal sterile inflammation such as the NLRP3
inflammasome in crystalline nephropathies. It remains
necessary to identify the predominant pathways in each
of the many different kidney diseases. Furthermore, the
non-canonical function of NLRP3 during TGFβ1R sig-
nalling that was first described in kidney disease not
only awaits validation in systemic immune regula-
tion but also deserves further study in different renal
epithelial celltypes.
Complement dysregulation and CKD. Recent advances
in complement biology have led to the reclassifica-
tion of glomerular diseases that are characterized by
complement deposition in the absence of concomitant
antibody deposition49,50. Complement C3 glomerulopa-
thies are caused by spontaneous and uncontrolled acti-
vation of the alternative complement pathway because
of mutations in the components or the molecules that
regulate it, such as factor B, factor H, factor I, mem-
brane cofactor protein and factor H-related proteins51–54.
An autoimmune variant of C3 glomerulopathy is medi-
ated by an autoantibody (known as C3 nephritic factor)
that is specific for C3 convertase. C3 nephritic factor
stabilizes the C3 convertase, which leads to unrestrained
complement activation and the subsequent deposition
of C3 in the kidneys, which is accompanied by variable
pathomorphological findings (most often membrano-
proliferative changes). The importance of recognizing
C3 glomerulopathies as a separate clinical entity is
emphasized by initial reports that indicate the effec-
tiveness of treatment with the C5 inhibitor eculizumab
(Soliris; Alexion Pharmaceuticals)55–57.
Thrombotic microangiopathy (TMA) is character-
ized by microvascular injury and thrombosis, which
results in haemolytic anaemia with erythrocyte frag-
mentation, thrombocytopenia and organ dysfunc-
tion. The kidney and brain are primarily affected by
this disease and the functional impairment in these
organs mainly determines the outcome of the patients.
The classification, pathogenesis and treatment strate-
gies of TMA remain controversial. Three major types of
TMA are commonly identified: two forms of haemolytic
uraemic syndrome (HUS), including Shiga toxin-
producing Escherichia coli-induced HUS (STEC-HUS)
and atypical HUS (aHUS), as well as thrombotic thrombo-
cytopenic purpura (TTP). Recent studies have improved
our knowledge of all three groups of disease.
Infection with Shiga toxin-producing E.coli, which
cause haemorrhagic enteritis, is the most common cause
of HUS in children. After translocation across the intes-
tinal epithelium, the Shiga toxin is transported in the cir-
culation by poorly defined mechanisms to capillary beds
in target organs. In the kidneys, Shiga toxin binds to the
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Anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic
(ANCA). An autoantibody
that is commonly found in
pauci-immune focal necrotizing
A rapidly progressive
form of glomerulonephritis
characterized by the
hyperproliferation of parietal
epithelial cells, which is driven
by Tcell and macrophage
infiltrates and by plasma
components leaking through
the glomerular filter.
(DTH). An inappropriate
Tcell-initiated response to
self or foreign antigens that is
carried out by macrophages,
eosinophils or cytotoxic Tcells.
glycolipid receptor globotriaosylceramide (Gb3), which is
highly expressed on the glomerular endothelium, thereby
initiating the events that are responsible for microvascular
cell injury. Shiga toxin directly induces the expression of
P-selectin on human endothelial cells, and P-selectin then
binds to and activates complement C3 via the alternative
complement pathway, which leads to thrombus forma-
tion in the microvasculature58. This can be prevented
by treatment with a C3a receptor antagonist in a mouse
model of STEC-HUS58. Children with STEC-HUS have
complement hyperactivation59, and early reports docu-
ment marked improvement in small numbers of patients
shortly after treatment with eculizumab60. This is sup-
ported by a clinical study that used eculizumab during
the major STEC-HUS outbreak in northern Germany in
2011 (R.A.K.Stahl, personal communication).
Complement is also central to the pathogenesis of
aHUS, which is a rare group of disorders that includes
sporadic and familial diseases and that is often caused
by uncontrolled complement activation as a result of
innate or acquired defects in the regulatory components
of the complement system. In particular, mutations in
the genes that encode factor H, membrane cofactor pro-
tein, factorI and thrombomodulin have a crucial role
in aHUS61. Interestingly, the same mutations underlie
C3glomerulopathy (see above). Eculizumab has become
the first-line therapy in aHUS62. How similar and/or
identical defects in regulatory proteins of the alternative
complement pathway lead to a range of phenotypical
manifestations of systemic and renal disease remains to
be fully elucidated.
TTP has been linked to reduced activity of a disintegrin
and metalloproteinase with thrombospondin motifs13
(ADAMTS13), which results from either genetic or a
cquired defects, including the generation of ADAMTS13-
specific autoantibodies. Reduced ADAMTS13 activity
leads to the disruption of vonWillebrand factor-multi mer
processing, the development of platelet thrombi and
microvascular injury63.
The major advances in the field of C3 glomerulopathy
and thrombotic microangiopathies now provide the basis
for a new pathogenesis-based disease classification, and
complement dysregulation is likely to be a general feature
in all of these disease entities. Most importantly, this gain
in understanding has resulted in the use of terminal com-
plement inhibition as a first-line therapy in aHUS, and
might also result in its use in the other forms of HUS in
certain circumstances in the future61. Moreover, hyperac-
tivation of C5a and its receptor may also be involved in
other renal autoimmune diseases such as anti-neutrophil
cytoplasmic antibody (ANCA)-associated vasculitis64.
Tcell responses targeting the kidney
DTH in crescentic glomerulonephritis. Glomerular cres-
cents, formed by proliferation of the glomerular pari-
etal epithelial cells and infiltrating leukocytes, are the
morphological hallmarks of the most aggressive form of
glomerulonephritis that progresses rapidly towards kid-
ney failure. Despite being first described 100years ago,
nephrotoxic nephritis remains one of the most widely
studied mouse models of crescentic glomerulonephritis.
It is induced by injecting mice with heterologous anti-
bodies specific for the glomerular basement membrane
(GBM) (Supplementary information S1 (table)). Injury
in this model was initially thought to be exclusively
mediated by antibodies65. Subsequent studies sug-
gested that there might also be roles for antigen-specific
Tcells66–68, and Holdsworth and colleagues69 established
that Tcell-dependent delayed-type hypersensitivity
(DTH) responses to the heterologous immunoglobulins
deposited in the kidney were an underlying mechanism
of injury (FIG.2).
Recent studies showed the following sequence of
events to take place. In the first days following anti-
body injection, innate immune cells, including neutro-
phils, mast cells15 and interleukin-17 (IL-17)-producing
γδTcells70, mediate renal damage. Tcells specific for
the heterologous antibodies are simultaneously primed
in the lymphatic tissues and start entering the kidneys.
A first wave of T cells, starting 4days after nephritis
induction, consists of pathogenic T helper 17 (TH17)
cells expressing CC-chemokine receptor 6 (CCR6)
and retinoic acid receptor-related orphan receptor-γt
(RORγt)71-74. Their activity is controlled by CXC-
chemokine receptor 6 (CXCR6)-expressing regula-
tory invariant natural killer T (iNKT) cells, which
are recruited by immature renal DCs secreting CXC-
chemokine ligand 16 (CXCL16)75. If inflammation fails
to resolve, renal DCs eventually mature and recruit
CXCR3+ TH1 cells by producing CXCL9 (REFS76,77).
TH1 cells encounter antigens presented by DCs in
the context of upregulated co-stimulatory molecules
and IL-12. Next, activated TH1 cells recruit more pro-
inflammatory cells, including monocytes and fibro-
cytes29, and stimulate mannose receptor-dependent
macrophages78 to produce injurious mediators such as
tumour necrosis factor (TNF) and nitric oxide69,72. As
renal DCs are located in the interstitium but not within
the glomeruli, the stimulation of TH1 cells takes place in
the periglomerular space, adjacent to parietal epithelial
cells. The proliferative response of parietal epithelial
cells and immune cells contributes to the characteristic
glomerular crescents. CCR6+ and CCR7+ regulatory T
(TReg) cells may still be able to control inflammation at
this stage79–81. The severity of the initial injury deter-
mines the balance between pro-inflammatory and
anti-inflammatory Tcells in the tissue, and whether
kidney disease resolves or progresses to fibrosis. After
14days, host antibodies that have been raised against
the heterologous antibodies increasingly contribute to
Although immunity in nephrotoxic nephritis is
directed against a different antigen than in human
crescentic glomerulonephritis, this model has been
instrumental in elucidating the mechanisms that drive
immune responses to glomerular antigens and has made
crucial contributions to the design of novel therapies.
However, the extent to which DTH is also responsi-
ble for human crescentic glomerulonephritis remains
uncertain. Furthermore, it would be desirable to study
whether these cellular immune mechanisms are also
relevant in other forms of glomerulonephritis.
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Nature Reviews | Immunology
Renal cell infiltration Renal cell infiltration
γδ T cell TH17 cell DC
Pro-inflammatory responses
Anti-inflammatory responses
TH1 cell
TNF and
nitric oxide
iNKT cell
Immature DC
Acute inflammation
Day 4
IL-4 and
TReg cell
1 week 2 week Months?
1 week 2 week Months?
IL-10 and
Irreversible fibrosis
Tcell-mediated glomerular injury. The role of Tcells
in renal injury has long been controversial65–67. A recent
study using transgenic mice showed that adoptively trans-
ferred CD4+ TH cells and cytotoxic CD8+ Tcells that are
specific for glomerular antigens can injure the kidneys19.
The resulting release of glomerular antigens starts a
vicious circle involving antigen capture and presentation
by renal DCs to TH cells, the production of chemokines
and cytokines, the recruitment of more CD8+ Tcells
and macrophages, and increased renaldamage.
These findings, together with those in nephro-
toxic nephritis, emphasize the importance of crosstalk
between mature renal DCs and TH cells; in both cases
the removal of kidney DCs in mice by depletion19,82, by
CX3CR1 blockade or by genetic knockout9,83 rapidly
reduced the mononuclear cell infiltration and halted
disease progression. Although the route by which glo-
merular antigens reach DCs in the tubulointerstitium
is still unclear, their ability to do so and to stimulate
TH cells may contribute to the spreading of glomerular
Figure 2 | Cellular immune response in experimental crescentic glomerulonephritis. The time-dependent changes
in the pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory functions of leukocyte subsets during the course of experimental crescentic
glomerulonephritis (a nephrotoxic nephritis model) are shown. a | The clinical outcome of the disease mainly depends on
the balance between pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory immune cells. Whether this concept is relevant to human
crescentic glomerulonephritis remains to be shown. Neutrophil recruitment to the kidney starts several hours after the
induction of nephrotoxic nephritis and is partly mediated by interleukin-17A (IL-17A)-producing γδ Tcells, which are
activated by IL-23. The adaptive immune response is initiated by mature dendritic cells (DCs) that depend on CX3C-chemokine
receptor1 (CX3CR1) and CC-chemokine receptor 2 (CCR2). At earlier stages, immune responses that are mediated by
CCR6‑expressing Thelper 17 (TH17) cells predominate, whereas at later stages, CXC-chemokine receptor 3 (CXCR3)+
TH1 cells are the prevailing mediators of renal tissue injury, as they produce cytokines such as interferon-γ (IFNγ), which
activate macrophages. In addition, host antibodies against the heterologous antibodies form intrarenal immune complexes
and thereby contribute to renal tissue damage. During the first days immature DCs attenuate crescentic glomerulonephritis
by attracting regulatory invariant natural killer T (iNKT) cells via the CXC-chemokine ligand 16 (CXCL16)–CXCR6 axis, and
these cells produce IL-4 and IL-10 and thereby might reduce the destructive TH1 and TH17 cell responses. At a later stage,
CCR6+ and CCR7+ regulatory T (TReg) cells are recruited into the inflamed kidney and protect against an overwhelming
TH1cell‑ and TH17 cell-mediated immune response, at least partly through the local production of IL-10 and the expression
of programmed cell death 1 ligand 1 (PDL1). b | Periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) staining of kidney sections from patients with
acute crescentic glomerulonephritis shows glomerular and tubulointerstitial leukocyte infiltration. Irreversible kidney
damage occ urs along with glome rular sclerosis and tubulointerstitial fibrosis when the inflammatory response persists.
IL-23R, IL-23 receptor; TNF, tumour necrosis factor. Image courtesy of U. Helmchen, Hamburg, Germany.
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The urinary loss of protein,
which has numerous clinical
consequences. Proteinuria is
also used as a biomarker for
renal filter dysfunction.
Anti-GBM disease
(Anti-glomerular basement
membrane disease; also known
as Goodpasture’s disease).
A severe form of crescentic
glomerulonephritis caused
by autoantibodies that are
specific for the NC1 domain of
the α3 chain of typeIV collagen
(α3(IV)NC1) in the GBM.
Membranous nephropathy
A glomerulonephritis form
characterized by the
subepithelial deposition of
secretory phospholipase A2
receptor (PLA2R)-specific
antibodies, which leads to
podocyte injury and heavy
proteinuria. It is the most
common cause of the
nephrotic syndrome in adults.
Nephrotic syndrome
A syndrome characterized
by heavy proteinuria,
hypoalbuminaemia and
a loss of immunoglobulins,
which results in humoral
immunodeficiency, oedema,
hyperlipidaemia and
thrombosis. This syndrome
results from damage to the
glomerular filter, which
causes the loss of proteins
above 50 kDa in size from
the circulation.
injury to the tubulointerstitium68, and therefore may
represent a mechanism of kidney disease progression.
However, the relevance of these immune mechanisms
for human glomerulonephritis remains to be shown. In
particular, the role of cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs)
in human nephritis is unclear. In addition, the (auto)
antigens presented to TH cells remain to be identified.
Finally, intrinsic renal cells, such as glomerular podo-
cytes84 and tubular epithelial cells85, can also present anti-
gen to Tcells, but the invivo relevance of these processes
is unclear.
Proteinuria. Damage to the glomerular filtration bar-
rier causes protein to leak into the glomerular filtrate,
which results in abnormally high concentrations in the
urine: this is known as proteinuria. Proteinuria can itself
cause injury, which is mediated either by the properties
of specific proteins in the filtrate or simply through the
mass of filtered protein; for example, fibrin can induce
the proliferation of parietal glomerular epithelial cells
and thus can aggravate crescentic glomerulonephritis86.
Increased protein in tubular fluid enhances reabsorption
by the tubular epithelial cells and can overload their cata-
bolic capacity, which results in a lysosomal burst and the
release of cathepsins into the cytoplasm28. Filtered com-
plement components, especially properdin (also known
as factor P), contact the tubular epithelial cells and acti-
vate the alternative complement pathway that damages
tubular cells87,88. Tubulointerstitial DCs capture filtered
proteins, either directly or from tubular cells, and use
them to locally stimulate infiltrating CTLs or TH cells82,89.
Such presentation of antigens that would normally be
ignored may contribute to the infiltration of immune
cells into the tubulointerstitium and to the progression
of renal disease, but the relevance of this mechanism to
human kidney disease remains to be shown. Regardless
of the mechanisms involved, non-specifically reducing
proteinuria — for example, by lowering glomerular fil-
tration pressure by the pharmacological inhibition of the
renin–angiotensin system — has become an important
therapeutic concept.
Antibody-dependent kidney diseases
Rodent studies have increased our understanding of
the nature of the immune responses in the kidneys and
how they are subverted to cause injury. Furthermore, the
examination of the patterns of immunoglobulin depo-
sition in the kidneys initiated the ultimately successful
search for autoantibodies in human anti-GBM disease and
membranous nephropathy and lead to the characterization
of the glomerular antigens they recognize.
Anti-GBM disease. Anti-GBM disease, formerly known
as Goodpasture’s disease, is a severe form of crescentic
glomerulonephritis that is caused by autoantibodies
specific for the non-collagenous 1 (NC1) domain of
the α3 chain of typeIV collagen (α3(IV)NC1) in the
GBM90,91. TypeIV collagen in the GBM consists of α3, α4
and α5 chains, the NC1 domains of which form hexam-
ers that are stabilized by sulfilimine bonds92. Pathogenic
autoantibodies bind to two dominant epitopes on the
α3(IV)NC1 domain (EA-α3 and EB-α3), and to a
homologous epitope on the α5(V1)NC1 domain
(EA-α5)92. Although they are freely accessible in indi-
vidual NC1 domains, all three epitopes are hidden in
the hexamers and so are unavailable for antibody bind-
ing in the intact GBM. A conformational change in
NC1 hexamers within the GBM is required to expose
the epitopes and to facilitate autoantibody binding,
which then amplifies further conformational changes
and autoantibody binding. This may be an explana-
tion for the rapid development of the injury in this
disease. By contrast, GBM-specific alloantibodies that
develop after transplanting a normal kidney into α5(IV)
NC1-deficient mice recognize epitopes on the surface
of the NC1 hexamer and bind to them without the need
for conformational change93.
Susceptibility to anti-GBM disease is strongly influ-
enced by the HLA classII haplotype: over 80% of those
affected carry the HLA-DRB1*15:01 allele94. The direct
involvement of HLA-DRB1*15:01 in the specific auto-
immune response to α3(IV)NC1 has been confirmed
invitro using human Tcells95,96 and in transgenic mice
that only express HLA-DRB1*15:01 (REF. 97). The natu-
rally processed α3(IV)NC1 peptides that were bound
to HLA-DRB1*15:01 on antigen-presenting cells have
been characterized98 but Tcells from patients with anti-
GBM disease fail to respond to them. These peptides are
fairly resistant to antigen-processing enzymes, whereas
the four epitopes that are commonly recognized by the
patients’ Tcells are rapidly digested95,96. This may be an
explanation as to why NC1-specific autoreactive Tcells
in patients with this disease escape thymic deletion.
Rodent models of autoimmune anti-GBM disease
resemble the human clinical disease and are driven by
similar α3(IV)NC1 epitopes90,97, but DTH rather than
antibodies cause the severe injury, at least in mice81,91. It
remains to be seen whether the contribution of DTH to
injury in anti-GBM disease has been underestimated in
humans; indeed, TH1 cells that are specific for α3(IV)NC1
predominate in the acute phase of anti-GBM disease
in humans but they are replaced by an antigen-specific
IL-10-producing TReg cell response that coincides with a
reduction in anti-GBM antibody levels and with reduced
disease activity90,95.
PLA2R-specific antibodies in membranous nephropa-
thy. Membranous nephropathy is a major cause of glo-
merulonephritis with nephrotic syndrome in adults. It is
characterized by the thickening of the GBM and the
deposition of immune complexes between the mem-
brane and the podocytes. Approximately 75% of cases
are idiopathic and 25% are secondary to a wide range
of causes, including neoplasia, infections, drugs and
systemic autoimmune disease. Classic studies using the
Heymann nephritis model of membranous nephropa-
thy (Supplementary information S1 (table)) showed that
circulating antibodies that are specific for megalin (also
known as LRP2) — a protein that is expressed on the
surface of glomerular podocytes — promote the forma-
tion of immune complexes in the kidneys99. However,
human podocytes lack megalin.
© 2013 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved
IgA nephropathy
The most common form of
glomerulonephritis worldwide.
It is characterized by the
deposition of IgA-containing
immune complexes in the
mesangial compartment of
glomeruli, which leads to
mesangial cell-proliferative
lesions, haematuria and
Pauci-immune focal
(Pauci-immune FNGN).
A highly inflammatory form
of glomerulonephritis in which
glomerular immune complex
deposits are absent or scarce.
It is commonly associated with
small vessel vasculitis and with
anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic
The formation and the release
of neutrophil extracellular
traps (NETs) by activated
neutrophils to ensnare
invading microorganisms.
NETs enhance neutrophil killing
of extracellular pathogens
while minimizing damage to
the host cells.
Humanized mice
Immunodeficient mice that
are engrafted with human
haematopoietic cells or tissues,
or mice that transgenically
express human genes.
The autoantigen in human idiopathic membra-
nous nephropathy was recently identified as secretory
phospholipase A2 receptor (PLA2R; also known as
CLEC13C) on podocytes100. PLA2R-specific auto-
antibodies, usually of the IgG4 subclass, were found in
the serum of 50–70% of patients with primary mem-
branous nephropathy. Subsequent studies showed that
the levels of PLA2R-specific autoantibodies correlate
with the level of proteinuria and could possibly be used
to predict clinical outcome100 and disease recurrence
after renal transplantation101. So far, there is no proof
that PLA2R-specific autoantibodies are pathogenic,
but a genome-wide association study has shown that
PLA2R1 polymorphisms influence susceptibility to idio-
pathic membranous nephropathy102. This study also
confirmed that there is a strong association between the
disease and certain HLA-DQA1 alleles, which suggests
that these HLA classII molecules may facilitate autoim-
munity against PLA2R102. However, as only 50–70% of
patients with primary membranous nephropathy have
PLA2R-specific autoantibodies, additional autoantigens
remain to be identified. Moreover, the pathophysiological
role of PLA2R-specific autoantibodies is still unknown.
IgA nephropathy. IgA nephropathy is the most common
primary form of glomerulonephritis and is an impor-
tant cause of kidney failure. Recent studies suggest that
a multistep process is involved in the immunopatho-
genesis of this disease. Bcells from patients with IgA
nephropathy produce aberrantly glycosylated IgA103,
possibly as a consequence of the aberrant homing of
mucosal Bcells to the bone marrow, where they syn-
thesize under-galactosylated IgA. Patients with IgA
nephropathy develop autoantibodies against under-
galactosylated IgA, which might also cross-react with
mucosal microbial antigens, although this has not been
formally shown. These autoantibodies form immune
complexes in the circulation, which are then deposited in
the glomerular mesangium by mechanisms that are so far
incompletely understood104. The deposited immune com-
plexes induce the local expression of pro-inflammatory
mediators and growth factors, which activate mesangial
cells and enhance their secretion of extracellular matrix
proteins, which leads to glomerular sclerosis and loss
of renal function. The presence of IgG and IgA glycan-
specific autoantibodies was shown to correlate with
progressive disease in a large group of patients105, which
suggests that these glycan-specific autoantibodies are
potentially pathogenic. However, the factors that are
responsible for the synthesis of under-galactosylated
IgA, autoantibody generation, mesangial deposition of
immune complexes and injury remain elusive.
Lupus erythematosus. The extrarenal mechanisms
of lupus nephritis involve complex genetic variability
that compromises immune tolerance to nuclear auto-
antigens106–108. The nucleic acid components of nuclear
autoantigens support this process via their TLR-
dependent autoadjuvant effects109–111. As such, endoge-
nous nuclear particles are handled as viral particles and
induce interferon-α signalling112,113, which is similar to
viral infections114,115. The link between systemic lupus
erythematosus and lupus nephritis is the production
of autoantibodies that bind to autoantigens in the kid-
neys; for example, a subset of double-stranded DNA
(dsDNA)-specific antibodies cross-react with annexin II
on the cell surface, in the cytoplasm and in the nucleus of
mesangial cells116, and also cross-react with nucleosomes
in the mesangium and in the glomerular capillary epi-
thelium117. The extent and the progression of glomeru-
lar immunopathology depends on the site of immune
complex formation, as this determines the predominant
glomerular cell type that is affected118 (FIG.3).
Pauci-immune focal necrotizing glomerulonephritis.
Pauci-immune focal necrotizing glomerulonephritis (FNGN)
is a systemic autoimmune disease that is characterized
by crescentic glomerulonephritis. It typically occurs
in the context of systemic small vessel vasculitis and
autoantibodies that bind to neutrophil cytoplasmic
antigens specific for either myeloperoxidase (MPO) or
proteinase 3 (PR3; also known as myeloblastin)119. Most
patients with pauci-immune FNGN also have autoan-
tibodies to lysosome-associated membrane glycopro-
tein2 (LAMP2)120,121, although the frequency of these
antibodies is controversial122. All three target antigens
are released into injured glomeruli by infiltrating neutro-
phils after degranulation or through NETosis123. LAMP2 is
also expressed on the surface of the glomerular endothe-
lium108. Injury is thought to be autoantibody mediated,
not least because Bcell ablation with rituximab is a highly
effective treatment for pauci-immune FNGN119 (TABLE1).
Despite this, deposits of immunoglobulin and comple-
ment components in pauci-immune FNGN are small and
restricted to necrotic areas of the kidneys. The role of
complement is being re-evaluated in PhaseI clinical trials
of complement inhibitors because patients with clinically
active disease have systemic complement activation124,125.
Finally, there is evidence that cell-mediated immunity is
also involved126: lymphocytes infiltrate the glomeruli and
the tubulointerstitium127, and there are circulating MPO-
specific and PR3-specific TH1 and TH17 cells in patients
with pauci-immune FNGN126. Furthermore, CD8+ Tcells
are increased and express a transcriptomic signature that
correlates with the risk of disease relapse128.
Clinical119 and genetic129 studies combined with
invitro experiments130 and rodent models131 provide
compelling evidence that MPO-specific and PR3-specific
autoantibodies can be pathogenic. Mice that have been
injected with antibodies specific for MPO develop pauci-
immune FNGN, although injury is mild in most mouse
strains unless the antibody is administered together with
a neutrophil-activating factor such as TNF, C5a or IL-1
(REFS130,131 ). This facilitates binding of the antibodies
to circulating neutrophils and promotes their glomeru-
lar localization with the release of MPO132. Attempts to
induce pauci-immune FNGN in mice with PR3-specific
antibodies have been unsuccessful130,131, except in a sin-
gle report in which PR3-specific autoantibodies from a
patient with pauci-immune FNGN were injected into
humanized mice133. This possibly reflects the differences in
PR3 expression by human and mouse neutrophils125,131.
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Nature Reviews | Immunology
Subepithelial immune
complex deposits
Podocyte injury
Large proteinuria
Primary (PLA2R)
Secondary (lupus
nephritis class V)
Linear immune complex
Endothelial cell and
podocyte injury
CKD, proteinuria and
Anti-GBM disease
Mesangial immune complex
Mesangial cell injury
Asymptomatic proteinuria
and microscopic haematuria
IgA nephropathy and lupus
nephritis class I and II
C3 deposition
Glomerular cell injury
proteinuria and
microscopic haematuria
C3 glomerulopathy and
Vascular necrosis
CKD, proteinuria and
Focal necrotizing
and ANCA-associated
Subendothelial immune
complex deposits
Endothelial cell injury
CKD, proteinuria and
Lupus nephritis class III
and IV
foot process
Antibodies that are specific for recombinant human
LAMP2 bind to the glomerular endothelium and cause
pauci-immune FNGN when they are injected into
Wistar-Kyoto rats120.
Mice that have been immunized with MPO develop
autoantibodies and DTH responses characterized by
TH1 and TH17 cells, but they remain healthy even in the
absence of autoimmune regulator (AIRE) — which is
expressed by medullary thymic epithelial cells and which
promotes the expression of tissue-specific antigens
(including MPO) that regulate central tolerance to these
antigens — and despite the abundance of MPO in thymic
myeloid cells134,135. Mice with autoimmunity to MPO
remain healthy but develop severe pauci-immune FNGN
in response to injection of GBM-specific antibodies at
levels below the threshold required to cause kidney tissue
Figure 3 | Local immune pathways in glomerulonephritis. Glomerular immunopathology often develops from
intraglomerular complement activation via the classical (immune complex-related) or alternative (immune complex-
independent) complement pathway. Immune complexes can form in different compartments of the glomerulus, which
determines the resulting histopathological lesion, as different glomerular cell types are primarily activated in each
compartment. The resulting histopathological lesions determine the classification of glomerulonephritis. Immune
complex deposition in the mesangium activates mesangial cells, which leads to mesangioproliferative glomerulopathies,
such as IgA nephropathy or lupus nephritis classI and II. Subendothelial immune complex deposits activate endothelial
cells, as seen in lupus nephritis classIII and IV. Subepithelial immune complex deposits preferentially activate the
visceral glomerular epithelium — that is, podocytes — and usually cause massive proteinuria, as these cells are
essential for the glomerular filtration barrier. As a result of the poor regeneration of podocytes compared with that
of the other glomerular cell types, podocyte loss leads to progressive membranous nephropathy and end-stage renal
disease. Primary membranous nephropathy mainly develops from autoimmunity against PLA2R, whereas secondary
forms of this nephropathy represent renal manifestations of systemic disorders such as lupus nephritis. Hence, the level
of proteinuria is an important prognostic biomarker and predictor of poor outcomes of glomerulopathies. Linear
immune complex deposits indicate antibody binding to autoantigens within the glomerular basement membrane (GBM),
for example, collagen IV antibodies in anti‑GBM disease. Anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody (ANCA)-associated
glomerulonephritis develops in the absence of immune complex deposits (known as pauci-immune), as it is driven by
both ANCAs and cellular immunity. Complement component C3 glomerulopathies and atypical haemolytic uraemic
syndrome (aHUS) develop from the aberrant activation of the alternative complement pathway. The boxes list in
order the type of immune deposits, the glomerular structure that is primarily affected, the dominant clinical signs
and the related disorders for each mechanism. α3(IV)NC1, non‑collagenous 1 (NC1) domain of the α3 chain of typeIV
collagen; CKD, chronic kidney disease; LAMP2, lysosome-associated membrane protein 2; MPO, myeloperoxidase;
PLA2R,secretory phospholipase A2 receptor; PR3, proteinase 3.
© 2013 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved
Table 1 | Implementation of immunosuppressive or anti-inflammatory therapies in the treatment of kidney diseases
Target Drugs Effective in animal kidney
disease models?
Effective in human kidney disease?
IL-1 IL-1-specific antibody or
recombinant IL-1RA
Oxalate nephropathy, IgA
nephropathy and anti-GBM
IL-6 IL-6-specific antibody Lupus nephritis, anti-GBM
disease and immune complex
IL-17 IL-17-specific antibody Crescentic glomerulonephritis Unknown
TNF TNF-specific antibody
TNFR–Fc fusion protein
Lupus nephritis, anti-GBM and
ANCAs, glomerulonephritis,
glomerulosclerosis and acute
kidney injury
•TNF-specific antibody was effective in severe lupus nephritis,
but had side effects
•The TNF inhibitor etanercept (Enbrel; Amgen/Pfizer) was not
effective in ANCA-associated vasculitis
TGFβTGFβ-specific antibody
that blocks TGFβ1
Renal scarring in diabetic
Clinical trials ongoing (NCT01113801*)
TWEAK TWEAK-specific
Lupus nephritis, lipid
nephropathy and crescentic
Clinical trial ongoing in lupus nephritis (NCT01499355*)
CCR2 CCR2 antagonist Diabetic nephropathy,
hypertensive nephropathy and
crescentic glomerulonephritis
Clinical trial of ongoing in diabetic nephropathy (NCT01447147*)
CCR5 CCR5 antagonist Immune complex
glomerulonephritis and allograft
TLR2 TLR2-specific antibody Acute kidney injury Clinical trial in delayed-kidney allograft function ongoing
Thymocytes Anti-thymocyte
Numerous immune disorders Kidney allograft rejection and graft-versus-host disease
Lymphocytes Anti-lymphocyte
Numerous immune disorders Kidney allograft rejection and graft-versus-host disease
CD52 (on
monoclonal antibody
Numerous immune disorders Clinical trials ongoing in ANCA-associated vasculitis
IL-2R (also
known as CD25)
IL-2R-specific antibody Allograft rejection Prevention of kidney allograft rejection
B7-1 (also known
as CD80)
CTLA4–Fc fusion
Allograft rejection and lupus
•Prevention of kidney allograft rejection in a PhaseII clinical trial
•Negative results from a PhaseIII clinical trial is under debate and
further studies are ongoing (NCT00774852*)
CD20+ Bcells CD20-specific antibody Lupus nephritis and anti-GBM
•Effective in refractory lupus nephritis (uncontrolled studies)
•Not effective in LUNAR trial as an add-on to steroids and
mycophenolate mofetil
•Effective in clinical trials for ANCA-associated vasculitis (RAVE
and RITUXVAS trials)
•Beneficial in observational studies of membranous
nephropathy; controlled clinical trials ongoing (NCT01508468*;
•Trials ongoing in steroid resistant focal glomerulosclerosis
(NCT01573533*; NCT00981838*; NCT00550342*)
BLYS (on Bcells) BLYS-specific antibody SLE, including lupus nephritis •Effective in SLE but not specifically for severe lupus nephritis
(further trials ongoing)
•Clinical trials ongoing in membranous nephropathy
(NCT01762852*; NCT01610492*)
BAFF (on Bcells) BAFF-specific antibody None reported Effective in SLE and clinical trials ongoing in lupus nephritis
C5 C5-specific antibody
or orally active C5aR
Anti-MPO FNGN Effective in atypical HUS, unclear data on effectiveness in
STEC-HUS and clinical trials ongoing in ANCA-associated
vasculitis (NCT01363388*)
ANCAs, anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies; BAFF, B cell-activating factor; BLYS, B lymphocyte stimulator; C5, complement component C5; C5aR, C5a
anaphylatoxin chemotactic receptor; CCR, CC-chemokine receptor; CTLA4, cytotoxic T lymphocyte antigen 4; FNGN, focal necrotizing glomerulonephritis;
GBM, glomerular basement membrane; HUS, haemolytic uraemic syndrome; IL, interleukin; IL-1RA, interleukin-1 receptor antagonist; MPO, myeloperoxidase;
SLE, systemic lupus erythematosus; STEC-HUS, Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli-induced haemolytic uraemic syndrome; TGFβ, transforming growth factor-β;
TLR, Toll-like receptor; TNF, tumour necrosis factor; TNFR, tumour necrosis factor receptor; TWEAK, TNF-related weak inducer of apoptosis. *Identifier on Treatment approved by the US Food and Drug Administration.
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Nature Reviews | Immunology
Hypoperfusion of
damaged nephrons
Renin, angiotensin
and aldosterone
Uraemia and
retention of
metabolic waste
Erythropoietin Renal anaemia
Immune dysregulation
and calcium and
bone loss
Intestinal barrier
dysfunction and
Loss of proteins with
immune functions (such
as immunoglobulin,
zinc-binding protein
and ferritin)
TH17 cell polarization
Systemic inflammation
oxidative stress
Vascular damage
and atherosclerosis
DC polarization
Sodium retention
Vitamin D
Protein catabolism
Cytokine elimination
Complement turnover
injury. Unexpectedly, injury is not caused by autoanti-
bodies, as it occurs in Bcell-deficient mice134. Instead, it is
caused by DTH134, as it can be transferred by Tcells136 and
is abrogated in IL-17A-deficient mice137. Disease sever-
ity is modulated by forkhead box P3 (FOXP3)+ TReg cells,
which are induced by IL-10-producing mast cells that are
recruited to regional lymph nodes after immunization
Neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs) are generated
in patients with FNGN123 and have been suggested to
initiate the synthesis of autoantibodies to MPO. This is
consistent with the observation that the delivery of NETs
to mice — either through direct injection or through
adoptive transfer of NET-pulsed DCs125 — induces
autoimmunity to MPO (and to DNA)125. However, the
administration of PR3 does not provoke pauci-immune
FNGN in rodents120,121.
The stimuli that initiate autoantibody synthesis in
pauci-immune FNGN remain unknown but have been
linked to infection since the earliest clinical descriptions
were made. Recent studies are beginning to suggest why:
nasal carriage of Staphylococcus aureus is associated with
clinical disease relapses119, and proteins that are derived
from this pathogen have been shown to induce Bcells
from patients with pauci-immune FNGN to produce
PR3-specific antibodies138. Some patients with auto-
immunity to PR3 have been reported to have anti-idio-
typic antibodies that bind to a peptide with a sequence
that is complementary to PR3 (REF.130). The comple-
mentary peptide is similar to staphylococcal and other
microbial proteins, and it has been suggested that these
proteins may function as molecular mimics. However,
these results have not been confirmed139. By contrast,
there is strong evidence for molecular mimicry between
LAMP2 and the bacterial adhesion protein FimH120.
Autoantibodies specific for LAMP2 commonly bind
to and cross-react with an epitope in FimH. Moreover,
immunization of WKY rats with FimH induces the
production of antibodies that bind to human and rat
LAMP2 and it promotes the development of pauci-
immune FNGN. This confirms the molecular mimicry
between the two molecules and suggests a pathogenic
role for LAMP2-specific autoantibodies. Detailed
prospective clinical analyses are now needed to deter-
mine the role of the molecular mimicry of LAMP2 in
The effect of CKD on systemic immunity
The state of reduced renal function that results from
CKD causes marked alterations in the immune sys-
tem, including persistent systemic inflammation and
acquired immunosuppression140 (FIG.4). Typical altera-
tions include increased systemic concentrations of pro-
inflammatory cytokines and acute phase proteins, such
as the pentraxins, as well as dysfunctional phagocytes,
Bcells and Tcells141. The persistent systemic inflamma-
tion contributes to bone loss, accelerated atherogenesis
and body wasting, whereas the immunosuppressed state
accounts for infectious complications, which together
determine the morbidity and the mortality that is asso-
ciated with CKD. The immune dysregulation was pre-
viously attributed to the effects of haemodialysis but is
now known to precede it and to persist afterwards142.
Several recently discovered consequences of the loss of
kidney functions on immune responses are described
below, which alone, or in concert, may affect general
immunity (FIG.4).
Uraemia. CKD results in the retention of low-
molecular-mass metabolites, such as phenylacetic
acid, homocysteine, various sulfates, guanidine com-
pounds and many others. These have inhibitory effects
on immune cell activation, promote leukocyte apop-
tosis and induce the oxidative burst in phagocytes143.
Chronic oxidative stress increases protein oxidation,
which reduces the activity of enzymes, cytokines and
antibodies, contributing to both general inflammation
and immune dysfunction in CKD. Moreover, oxidized
low-density lipoproteins attract and activate granulo-
cytes, and high-density lipoproteins, which are nor-
mally anti-atherogenic, are altered to lipoproteins with
pro-atherogenic properties144.
Figure 4 | Consequences of chronic kidney disease with potential effects on
systemic immunity. Chronic kidney disease (CKD) has several immediate
consequences (blue boxes), which are proposed to result in three main immunological
alterations (red boxes) through intermediate steps. First, chronic stimulation of the
renin–angiotensin–aldosterone system causes T helper 17 (TH17) cell polarization,
through dendritic cell (DC) polarization and possibly through sodium retention.
Second, uraemic intestinal barrier dysfunction, vitaminD deficiency and cytokine
accumulation (which may be due to impaired protein catabolism, reduced uromodulin
levels and chronic oxidative stress) result in systemic inflammation. Third, systemic
immunosuppression results from the uraemic accumulation of toxic metabolic waste,
the increased turnover of the components of the alternative complement pathway
because of impaired protein catabolism, and in cases of extensive proteinuria, the
urinary loss of proteins with immunological functions. This figure also integrates the
key clinical consequences of CKD, which include hypertension, vascular damage and
atherosclerosis, renal anaemia and bone loss (in bold). These mechanisms may alone
or in concert affect general immunity.
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Uraemia affects systemic immunity by causing intes-
tinal dysbiosis and by destabilizing the intestinal bar-
rier140,145 (FIG.4). The metabolic consequences of uraemia
favour pathogen overgrowth, which can increase the
production of uraemic toxins inside the gut and can
reduce the production of immunoregulatory short-
chain fatty acids146. As in heart failure and liver cirrhosis,
uraemia-related hypervolaemia leads to intestinal wall
congestion, which impairs the intestinal wall barrier and
promotes the leakage of pathogen-associated molecular
patterns (PAMPs) into the circulation140. In fact, systemic
lipopolysaccharide (LPS) levels increase in patients with
CKD as renal function declines and are highest among
those on dialysis147. Intestinal PAMP leakage may not
only activate innate immune-mediated systemic inflam-
mation but also, paradoxically, could lead to concomi-
tant immunosuppression, through similar mechanisms
that account for endotoxin tolerance invitro and com-
pensatory anti-inflammatory syndrome in patients with
advanced sepsis148,149 (FIG.4).
Renal protein catabolism. Proteins and polypeptides with
a molecular mass below 50 kDa pass into the glomeru-
lar filtrate and are reabsorbed and catabolized by the
tubular epithelium to enable amino acids to be recycled.
They consequently accumulate in the blood of patients
with CKD, reaching concentrations more than tenfold
higher than normal in severe cases, and they have marked
effects on immune function143. Examples of these effects
include the following: an accumulation of IgG light
chains (25 kDa in size) suppresses Bcell and granulocyte
function; increased concentrations of the MHC classI
component β2 microglobulin (45 kDa in size) aggregate
into amyloid fibrils; increased concentrations of leptin
(16 kDa in size) and the granulocyte protein resistin
(12 kDa in size) diminish phagocyte function; increased
levels of complement factor D (27 kDa in size) enhance
the activity of the alternative complement pathway and
generate immunosuppressive fragments (such as the
complement factor B Ba fragment; which, as a result of
its 33 kDa size, also accumulates in CKD on its own150);
the accumulation of retinol-binding proteins (21 kDa in
size) may influence the ratio of TReg cells to TH17 cells; and
elevated levels of cytokines (typically 10–40 kDa in size)
contribute to systemic inflammation (FIG.4).
In proteinuria, proteins larger than 50 kDa in size
are excreted in the urine. The loss of immunoglobulins,
complement factors, zinc-binding protein and trans-
ferrin contributes to the acquired humoral and cel-
lular immunodeficient state that predisposes patients
with nephrotic syndrome to bacterial infections (FIG.4).
Furthermore, several functional Tcell and macrophage
defects have been described in these patients143 but their
functional relevance is unclear.
Kidney-derived hormones and hypertension.
VitaminD is activated by hydroxylation in the kidneys,
and declining levels in CKD lead to renal osteopathy.
VitaminD has immunosuppressive properties and low
levels predispose individuals to rheumatic disorders151.
These disorders are indeed more prevalent in CKD,
but it is unclear whether this is because low vitaminD
levels are pathogenic or because rheumatic diseases
cause CKD, or both. In addition, diseased kidneys
cannot produce sufficient quantities of erythropoietin,
resulting in the development of renal anaemia, which
contributes to oxidative stress that is induced by the
accumulation of uraemic toxins152; this is especially
common when anaemia is treated with iron, which
itself causes oxidativestress.
Blood levels of the blood pressure regulator renin are
increased in CKD as a result of the hypoperfusion of the
damaged nephrons (FIG.4). DCs express receptors for the
downstream mediator of renin, aldosterone, and respond
to aldosterone by promoting TH17 cell polarization153.
Aldosterone increases sodium reabsorption, and high
salt concentrations have recently been shown to maintain
TH17 cell polarization and to aggravate TH17 cell-driven
autoimmunity in mice154,155. IL-17 in turn increases
blood pressure by promoting vascular inflammation156.
Sodium retention also causes macrophages to produce
vascular endothelial growth factorC (VEGFC), which
induces neo-lymphangiogenesis in the skin to store the
salt157. This in turn increases extracellular volume and,
thus, blood pressure. Hypertension generally promotes
tissue inflammation, and tubulointerstitial nephritis is
known to raise blood pressure158. In summary, there are
complex feedback loops involving renin–angiotensin–
aldosterone stimulation, salt homeostasis, TH17 cells and
mononuclear phagocytes that may exacerbate hyperten-
sion and systemic inflammation, and that may promote
autoimmunity (FIG.4). The clinical implications of these
interactions warrant further studies.
Concluding remarks
Numerous discoveries have recently been made in the
field of renal immunology, which have clarified severe
and previously inexplicable kidney diseases; for exam-
ple, the identification of kidney-specific DAMPs, such
as uromodulin, that can drive sterile kidney inflam-
mation, or the identification of autoantigens that are
targeted in prevalent forms of glomerulonephritis, such
as PLA2R in membranous nephropathy. Knowledge
about relevant autoantigens is instrumental for the
design of non-invasive diagnostic procedures, such as
autoantibody assays. Progress has also been made in
understanding why the kidneys are frequent targets of
systemic autoimmunity, especially to injury by altered
antibodies, immune complexes and complement fac-
tors, and this has helped in implementing new treat-
ments in some cases. There are also anatomical and
physiological features that render the kidneys suscep-
tible to distinct forms of immune-mediated injury,
such as the high osmolarity of the renal medulla, which
favours crystal precipitation and inflammasome acti-
vation, or the constitutive renal protein catabolism of
tubular epithelial cells, which exposes them to Tcell
effector functions. Cellular immunity seems to require
more time to destroy the kidneys than it does to destroy
other tissues, making this organ a good site for basic
studies on immune cell crosstalk because immune cell
infiltrates can be observed over a longer time span.
Endotoxin tolerance
A transient state of
hyporesponsiveness of
the host or of cultured
macrophages and/or
monocytes to
lipopolysaccharide (LPS)
following previous exposure
to LPS.
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Novel immune mechanisms that have been uncovered
during such studies — some of which are discussed in
this Review — may be relevant in the context of other
organ diseases. The revelation that the kidneys contrib-
ute to immune tolerance and that their detoxifying and
electrolyte-balancing activities ensure normal immune
effector cell function and intestinal microbial homeo-
stasis has been surprising. The kidney is the archetypal
organ of homeostasis and it is interesting to see that
this role now extends to the immunesystem.
Despite the progress that has been made, many
questions remain unanswered, some of which are
highlighted in this Review. Although the mechanisms
of kidney disease progression are increasingly well
understood, the factors that initiate these diseases often
remain unclear, for example, in IgA nephropathy, cres-
centic glomerulonephritis and membranous nephropa-
thy. However, the development of new therapies from
basic discoveries has already begun to affect clinical
practise in nephrology (TABLE1).
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We apologize to all colleagues whose work could not be cited
or discussed in greater detail due to space restrictions. The
authors are supported by the German Research foundation
(DFG Klinische Forschergruppe 228, SFB704 and TR57,
Graduiertenkolleg 1202 and Excellence Cluster
ImmunoSensation) and the EU Consortia INTRICATE and
Competing interests statement
The authors declare no competing financial interests.
See online article: S1 (table)
© 2013 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved
In format provided by Kurts et al. (OCTOBER 2013)
Supplementary information S1 (table) | Animal models of immune-mediated kidney disease
Experimental model /
human disease correlate
Establishment of the model, relevant pub-
Features/ Advantages Limitations
Nephrotoxic nephritis
Human crescentic glomeru-
lonephritis (GN)
NTN is induced by the injection of sheep / rab-
bit antiserum raised against glomerular basement
membrane components1-11
• Necrotizing and crescentic GN
• Heavy proteinuria
• Inducible in C57BL/6 mice
• GenerationofNTNserumisdifcult
• Dependent on genetic background
• Mouse anti-sheep Ig after 7-10d à transi-
tion to immune-complex GN
Accelerated nephrotoxic
Human immune-complex
Vaccination against IgG from the species in
which nephrotoxic serum was raised. Subsequent
injection of sub-nephritic antiserum dose creates
antibody sandwich in glomeruli that engages
complement and Fc receptors12-16
• Strong proteinuria and progressive
• Inducible in C57BL/6 mice
• As above plus:
• Different protocols for NTN induction
hinders result comparison
Experimental autoimmune
GN (EAG) /
Human anti-GBM nephritis
Induced by repetitive immunization with recom-
binant human/mouse alpha3(IV)NC1 collagen17-23
• Autologous model (animal´s own im-
mune response to the antigen)
• Inducible in mice and rats
• C57BL/6mice develop minor lesions,
(DBA/1 mice are more susceptible)
• Long duration
• Complicated antigen preparation proto-
MPO-induced GN /
Human pauci-immune focal
necrotizing glomerulonephri-
tis (piFNGN)
MPO knockout mice are immunized with mouse
MPO. Splenocytes from these mice are injected
intravenously into Rag2-/- mice24
• Necrotizing and crescentic GN, sys-
temic necrotizing vasculitis, includ-
ing necrotizing arteritis and hemor-
rhagic pulmonary capillaritis
• Verysophisticated,articialandnotwell
have been used)
• Mild disease unless co-stimulation with
LPS or anti-GBM antibodies
LAMP-2-induced GN/ Hu-
man pauci-immune focal ne-
crotizing glomerulo-nephritis
Passive model: Injecting WKY rats with IgG
Active model: immunization with LAMP-2 or its
molecular mimic, the bacterial adhesin FimH25
• Necrotizing and crescentic GN
• Systemic vasculitis
• Only tested in WKY rats that are highly
susceptible to FNGN
• Clinically relevant but needs further con-
Lupus-like IC-GN /
Human lupus nephritis
Spontaneous IC-GN developing from lupus-like
systemic autoimmunity in certain mouse strains
(NZB/NZW F1, MRL/lpr/lpr) leading to diffuse-
proliferative IC-GN7, 26-30
• Well characterized model • Modeldependsonthespecicgenetic
• Complicated crossbreeding procedure à
long duration
(Passive) Heymann nephritis
(HN) /
Human membranous ne-
Injecting rats with a sheep antibody raised against
rat tubular brush border, resulting in formation of
subepithelial immune deposits and proteinuria31-35
• Well characterized model
• Time course for disease onset and
progression is short
• Inducible in several rats strains
• Not inducible in mice
• Target antigen (Megalin) is not expressed
in human podocytes
© 2013 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved
Bacterial pyelonephritis /
Human bacterial pyelone-
Two subsequent transuretheral inoculations of
uropathogenic E. coli into the urinary bladder36-38
• Reliable mimic of human disease
including disease persistence and
• Fast model
• Complicated growth protocol for the
UPEC, work-intensive, timing of proce-
dure steps is critical
Unilateral ureteral obstruc-
tion (UUO) /
Human obstructive uropathy;
Surgical obstruction of one ureter to cause ob-
structive nephropathy. Glomerular compartment
remains unaffected39-46
• Easy, reliable, and fast (10 days)
• Standard screening model of renal
• Works in any species
• No functional outcome parameters as the
tain renal excretory function
5/6 nephrectomy /
Advanced CKD
Surgical ablation of renal mass induces uraemia47,
• suitable to study the impact of CKD
on other systems
• species and strain-independent
• Major surgery required
• Few kidney tissue left for analysis
Adriamycin-nephropathy /
Human focal segmental
Injection of adriamycin causes toxic podocyte
injurythatprogressestointerstitialbrosis49, 50
• Reliable model of massive proteinu-
ria and focal-segmental glomerulo-
• Depends on precise dosing
• Only inducible in Balb/c, SCID, SV129
Post-ischemic kidney injury/
Human acute kidney injury
including delayed graft func-
tion after kidney transplanta-
Unilateral renal pedicle clamping induces tubular
clamping causes uraemia and eventually uremic
death (depending on ischemia time)51-56
• Standard model of transient sterile
epithelial repair.
• Relevant for kidney transplant injury
• Allows studying the resolution of
• Works in any strain and species
• dependent on temperature control during
Toxic acute kidney injury /
Human toxic acute kidney
Cisplatin, folate or aristocholic injections cause
AKI by inducing bilateral tubular injury52
• Modeloftransientsterileinamma-
• Works in any strain or species
• Compounds commercially available
at low cost
Septic acute kidney injury /
Human septic kidney injury
Systemic injection of LPS induces mild form of
AKI that mimics septic AKI51, 57
• Simple model
• Works in any strain or species
• Mild model, sensitive acute kidney in-
jury markers to detect injury
© 2013 Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved
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... [13][14][15][16][17][18][19] Previous studies have shown that renal hyperfiltration that occurs during the early stages of diabetes and hypertension-induced renal injury damage glomeruli and tubules and results in an increase in proinflammatory signaling and immune cell recruitment. [20][21][22][23][24] Recruited antigen presenting cells (APCs) (ie, macrophages and DCs) phagocytize damage-associated molecular patterns, such as proteins from the glomerular filtrate, and undergo maturation to stimulate infiltrating T cells via their CD80/ 86-glycoproteins. 25,26 APC-mediated T-cell activation and polarization result in renal inflammation and progressive renal injury. ...
... 25,26 APC-mediated T-cell activation and polarization result in renal inflammation and progressive renal injury. 10,22,27 Importantly, studies have shown that the pharmacological blockade of renal hyperfiltration decreases proteinuria and renal inflammation in models of progressive renal disease. [28][29][30] Recently, we reported that the development of renal injury in obese SS LepR mutant rats before puberty was associated with renal hyperfiltration and increased renal T-cell infiltration and inflammation. ...
... Numerous studies have implicated the infiltration of T cells in the pathophysiology of renal diseases. 12,22,35,36,67,68 During renal injury, T cells and APCs respond to chemotactic cues such as MIP3a, leading to APC-mediated T-cell activation and proliferation, renal inflammation, and progressive renal injury characterized by glomerular and tubular injury and fibrosis. 13,19,24,27 Treatment with abatacept decreased the renal expression of MIP3a in SS LepR mutant rats. ...
Prepubertal obesity (PPO) is growing at an alarming rate and is now considered a risk factor for renal injury. Recently, we reported that the early development of renal injury in obese Dahl salt-sensitive leptin receptor mutant (SS LepR mutant) rats was associated with increased T-cell infiltration and activation prior to puberty. Therefore, the current study investigated the effect of inhibiting T-cell activation with abatacept on the progression of renal injury in young obese SS LepR mutant rats before puberty. Four-week-old SS and SS LepR mutant rats were treated with IgG or abatacept (1 mg/kg; ip, every other day) for 4 weeks. Abatacept reduced the renal infiltration of T-cells by almost 50% in SS LepR mutant rats. Treatment with abatacept decreased the renal expression of macrophage inflammatory protein-3 alpha (MIP-3α) while increasing IL-4 in SS LepR mutant rats without affecting SS rats. While not having an impact on blood glucose, abatacept reduced hyperinsulinemia and plasma triglycerides in SS LepR mutant rats without affecting SS rats. We did not observe any differences in MAP among the groups. Proteinuria was markedly higher in SS LepR mutant rats versus SS rats throughout the study, and treatment with abatacept decreased proteinuria by about 40% in SS LepR mutant rats without affecting SS rats. We observed significant increases in glomerular and tubular injury and renal fibrosis in SS LepR mutant rats vs SS rats, and chronic treatment with abatacept significantly reduced these renal abnormalities in SS LepR mutant rats. These data suggest that renal T-cell activation contributes to the early progression of renal injury associated with PPO.
... GTEx tissue enrichment analysis identified shared genes that were significantly enriched in several tissues, including the kidney cortex, kidney medulla, liver, pancreas, and skeletal muscle. KEGG pathway analysis showed that a set of 115 genes is enriched in immunity-related signaling functions, consistent with the immune system being the major driver of mental disorders [69][70][71][72][73]. Epidemiologic and genetic studies have suggested the existence of a kidney-brain axis, where kidney damage causally influences the brain cortical structure [28,69,74]. ...
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Background Epidemiological studies have revealed a significant association between impaired kidney function and certain mental disorders, particularly bipolar disorder (BIP) and major depressive disorder (MDD). However, the evidence regarding shared genetics and causality is limited due to residual confounding and reverse causation. Methods In this study, we conducted a large-scale genome-wide cross-trait association study to investigate the genetic overlap between 5 kidney function biomarkers (eGFRcrea, eGFRcys, blood urea nitrogen (BUN), serum urate, and UACR) and 2 mental disorders (MDD, BIP). Summary-level data of European ancestry were extracted from UK Biobank, Chronic Kidney Disease Genetics Consortium, and Psychiatric Genomics Consortium. Results Using LD score regression, we found moderate but significant genetic correlations between kidney function biomarker traits on BIP and MDD. Cross-trait meta-analysis identified 1 to 19 independent significant loci that were found shared among 10 pairs of 5 kidney function biomarkers traits and 2 mental disorders. Among them, 3 novel genes: SUFU, IBSP, and PTPRJ, were also identified in transcriptome-wide association study analysis (TWAS), most of which were observed in the nervous and digestive systems (FDR < 0.05). Pathway analysis showed the immune system could play a role between kidney function biomarkers and mental disorders. Bidirectional mendelian randomization analysis suggested a potential causal relationship of kidney function biomarkers on BIP and MDD. Conclusions In conclusion, the study demonstrated that both BIP and MDD shared genetic architecture with kidney function biomarkers, providing new insights into their genetic architectures and suggesting that larger GWASs are warranted.
... Experience since the COVID-19 pandemic has shown that patients receiving maintenance hemodialysis are at higher risk of severe SARS-CoV-2 infection and severe consequences compared with other groups, as this group must undergo treatment 2-3 times a week There are also disadvantages associated with traveling between the hospital and home, such as relatively older age, multiple comorbidities, and suppressed immune systems [12]. ...
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Background This hemodialysis center experienced the pandemic from December 2022 to January 2023. Therefore, we sought to describe the clinical characteristics and mortality outcomes in hemodialysis patients during this Omicron surge. Methods According to whether they are infected, they are divided into two groups: SARS-CoV-2-positive and SARS-CoV-2-negative. The SARS-CoV-2-positive group was divided into a survival group and a non-survival group for comparison. Results 366 of 457 hemodialysis patients were infected with SARS-CoV-2. The most common symptoms observed were fever (43.2%) and cough (29.8%), Followed by diarrhea (1.4%). Hemodialysis patients with hypertension were more susceptible to SARS-CoV-2 infection. The lymphocyte count, serum creatinine, serum potassium, and serum phosphorus in the SARS-CoV-2-positive group were significantly lower than those in the SARS-CoV-2-negative group. The all-cause mortality rate for infection with SARS-CoV-2 was 5.2%. Only 7 of 366 SARS-CoV-2-positive patients were admitted to the intensive care unit, but 6 of them died. Intensive care unit hospitalization rates were significantly higher in the non-survival group compared with the survival group. White blood cells count, neutrophil count, C-reactive protein, AST, and D-dimer in the non-survival group were higher than those in the survival group. The lymphocyte count, hemoglobin concentration, serum creatinine, serum albumin, serum phosphorus and parathyroid hormone in the non-survival group were lower than those in the survival group. Age > 65 years, elevated C-reactive protein and AST are independent risk factors for death. Finally, no significant difference in vaccination status was found between the SARS-CoV-2-positive group and the negative group. Conclusions Hemodialysis patients are at high risk for SARS-CoV-2 infection. Ensuring the adequacy of hemodialysis treatment and maintaining good physical condition of patients are the top priorities.
... 25 Additionally, inflammation is correlated with malnutrition and protein-energy wasting, potentially contributing to mortality in DKD. 26 As regards immune status, infectious complications can be caused by an immunosuppressive state, which may be associated with morbidity and mortality of patients with DKD. 27 In terms of nutritional status, a prior review has indicated that improvement in nutrition plays an important role in mortality among people with CKD. 28 Moderate and severe malnutrition was also identified to be associated with diabetes-related mortality and nephropathy-related mortality. ...
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Objective To investigate the association between the Controlling Nutritional Status (CONUT) score and all-cause and cause-specific mortality in patients with diabetic kidney disease (DKD). Design A retrospective cohort study. Setting and participants Data on patients with DKD from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2009–2018. Primary and secondary outcome measures All-cause mortality, cardiovascular disease (CVD)-related mortality, diabetes-related mortality and nephropathy-related mortality. Results A total of 1714 patients were included, with 1119 (65.29%) in normal nutrition group (a score of 0–1), 553 (32.26%) in mild malnutrition group (a score of 2–4) and 42 (2.45%) in moderate and severe malnutrition group (a score of 5–12), according to the CONUT score. After controlling for age, race, marital status, smoking, hypertension, CVD, diabetic retinopathy, poverty income ratio, antidiabetics, diuretics, urinary albumin to creatinine ratio, uric acid, energy, protein, total fat, sodium and estimated glomerular filtration rate, a higher CONUT score was associated with a significantly greater risk of all-cause death (HR 1.30, 95% CI 1.15 to 1.46, p<0.001). In contrast to patients with a CONUT score of 0–1, those who scored 5–12 had significantly increased risks of all-cause death (HR 2.80, 95% CI 1.42 to 5.51, p=0.003), diabetes-related death (HR 1.78, 95% CI 1.02 to 3.11, p=0.041) and nephropathy-related death (HR 1.84, 95% CI 1.04 to 3.24, p=0.036). Conclusion Moderate and severe malnutrition was associated with greater risks of all-cause death, diabetes-related death and nephropathy-related death than normal nutritional status in DKD. Close monitoring of immuno-nutritional status in patients with DKD may help prognosis management and improvement.
... proteinuria). 34 Thus, the immune properties of podocytes may contribute to fast elimination of the threat that could injure these cells. Alternatively, the immune response initiated or elevated by the immune properties of podocytes may contribute to their damage. ...
The cells presented in this work are not classified as cells that make up the immune system. They, however, present functions and molecules, which are characteristic of immune cells. These characteristic functions are, for example, sensing threat, performing phagocytosis, presentation of foreign antigens, cytokine release or enhancing immune memory. The enlisted immune response mechanisms are carried out by the possession of molecules such as Toll‐like receptors, receptors for the Fc fragment of IgG, major histocompatibility complex class II molecules, costimulatory CD80/CD86 proteins and molecules needed for NLRP3 (NOD‐like family pyrin domain containing 3) inflammasome activation. Thanks to these properties, the described nonimmune cells play an important role in the local immune response and support of the entire body in the fight against pathogens. They constitute the first line of defense of tissues and organs against pathogens and molecules recognized as harmful. The cells described in this article are particularly important in immunologically privileged places (e.g. the Bowman's capsule in the kidney), where “typical” immune cells normally do not have access. In this paper, we present immune‐like functions and molecule suites of resident kidney cells (podocytes and mesangial cells), cochlear resident cells, fibrocytes and fibroblasts, as well as some stem cells (mesenchymal stem cells and umbilical cord Wharton's jelly–derived cells).
... [234] Present speculation points to the involvement of the early infiltration of Th17 cells causing the recruitment of neutrophils into the kidneys, an effect of Th17 cells which promote the upregulation of CXCL9 to concurrently stimulate chemokine (CXCL1, CXCL2, and CXCL5) production by renal cells, thereby recruiting neutrophils. [235,236] As one of the most significant cytokines expressed in Th17 cells, IL-22 is likely to participate in the development of multiple polyangiitis. Furthermore, IL-22 expression has been detected in the renal interstitium and local glomeruli of GPA patients, further supporting the idea that IL-22 is important in this form of autoimmune disease. ...
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Interleukin-22 (IL-22) is a vital cytokine that is dysregulated in various autoimmune conditions including rheumatoid arthritis (RA), multiple sclerosis (MS), and Alzheimer's disease (AD). As the starting point for the activation of numerous signaling pathways, IL-22 plays an important role in the initiation and development of autoimmune diseases. Specifically, imbalances in IL-22 signaling can interfere with other signaling pathways, causing cross regulation of target genes which ultimately leads to the development of immune disorders. This review delineates the various connections between the IL-22 signaling pathway and autoimmune disease, focusing on the latest understanding of the cellular sources of IL-22 and its effects on various cell types. We further explore progress with pharmacological interventions related to targeting IL-22, describing how such therapeutic strategies promise to usher in a new era in the treatment of autoimmune disease.
... The development of clinical immunology in various pathological conditions, as well as in patients diagnosed with chronic kidney disease (CKD), provides information about the state of the immune system, changes in the quantitative and qualitative indicators of immunocompetent cells, various endogenous and exogenous factors that lead to this [5,6,8,11]. ...
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The purpose of the study was to study the immune status of patients diagnosed with SBK, to develop immunological diagnostic and prognostic criteria. It was found that SD3+- and SD4+-lymphocytes decreased by 1.43 and 1.07 times, SD8+-lymphocytes increased by 1.25 times, and IRI decreased by 1.32 times (T-immunodeficiency). SD25+ lymphocytes increased by 1.80 and 1.59 times, and SD95+ lymphocytes increased by 1.28 and 1.13 times in the blood of these patients. It was found that the amount of SD16+-lymphocytes was reliably increased compared to the parameters of healthy individuals. An imbalance was observed in the concentration of immunoglobulins in blood serum, while IL-4 increased by 11.84 times in patients, IL-6 was reliably reduced by 1.46 times compared to healthy people. Dynamic determination of serum concentrations of IL-4 and IL-6 was recommended as diagnostic and prognostic criteria for patients diagnosed with SBK.
... Currently, the predominant understanding is that factors like in ammation and insulin resistance can affect energy homeostasis via protein degradation and synthesis [36] . Speci cally, the kidneys have the ability to eliminate proin ammatory cytokines and bacterial antigens from the bloodstream, which can help to decrease in ammation [37] . Nevertheless, if the renal function is impaired, this bene cial effect is inhibited, and it can lead to the development of kidney damage due to persistent low-grade in ammation, which is triggered by the dynamic changes in pro-in ammatory cytokines, for instance, tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) [38] . ...
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Background Numerous investigations have explored the potential correlation between renal impairment and muscle loss. However, the establishment of a definitive cause-and-effect relationship between these two remains elusive. Methods We utilized genome-wide association studies summary data from the CKDGen Consortium to identify genetically predicted estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate (eGFR), chronic kidney disease (CKD), and blood urea nitrogen (BUN) involving 567,460, 480,698, and 234,029 participants, respectively. To evaluate site-specific genetically predicted muscle mass, data from the UK Biobank were employed (n ≤ 454,835). The primary analysis relied on the inverse-variance weighted (IVW) method, with additional sensitivity analyses performed to validate the robustness of the MR results. Results No significant evidence could support that genetically predicted CKD was associated with appendicular and trunk muscle wasting [right leg FFM: IVW odds ratio (OR) = 1.010, confidence interval (CI) = 0.989 to 1.032, P-value = 0.355; left leg FFM: IVW OR = 1.009, CI = 0.988 to 1.031, P-value = 0.381; right arm FFM: IVW OR = 1.012, CI = 0.992 to 1.033, P-value = 0.231; left arm FFM: IVW OR = 1.010, CI = 0.990 to 1.030, P-value = 0.320; trunk FFM: IVW OR = 1.012, CI = 0.991 to 1.033, P-value = 0.279]. Similar estimations could also be observed in MR analyses of eGFR and BUN on muscle mass. Conclusions It is unlikely that genetically predicted renal impairment can causally increase the risk of muscle wasting. Clinically observed associations in epidemiologic studies might be attributed to metabolic homeostasis imbalances stemming from renal impairment.
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Kidney diseases pose a significant threat to human health due to their high prevalence and mortality rates. Worryingly, the clinical use of drugs for kidney diseases is associated with more side effects, so more effective and safer treatments are urgently needed. Oleanolic acid (OA) is a common pentacyclic triterpenoid that is widely available in nature and has been shown to have protective effects in kidney disease. However, comprehensive studies on its role in kidney diseases are still lacking. Therefore, this article first explores the botanical sources, pharmacokinetics, derivatives, and safety of OA, followed by a summary of the anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, anti-oxidative stress, autophagy-enhancing, and antifibrotic effects of OA and its analogues in renal diseases, and an analysis of the molecular mechanisms, aiming to provide further insights for the development of novel drugs for the treatment of kidney diseases.
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The isolation of immune cells from tissues for single cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) loses spatial information. Here we employed machine learning methods to identify transcriptomic fingerprints containing such information. We used murine kidney and brain as organs with macroscopically distinguishable regions and generated separate scRNA-seq datasets of immune cells from distinct areas. Several machine learning algorithms were utilized to identify highly variable genes harboring spatial information. Multilayer perceptron (MLP) performed best at predicting the position of kidney-resident macrophages with an accuracy of >75%. No algorithm allowed predicting the position of motile immune cells like monocyte-derived macrophages or lymphocytes. Also kidney dendritic cell positions were not predictable, presumably because these were found to mostly belong to a recently described subset with monocyte lineage (DC3). The macrophage spatial fingerprints were enriched in pathways involved in microenvironmental responses and cellular adaptation, and they showed a gender bias. In an experimental crescentic glomerulonephritis, macrophage positioning was predicted with an accuracy of 69-71%. Also in a human dataset, our algorithm operated with comparable efficiency. Applying our strategy to brain datasets predicted microglia positions with 74% accuracy. Our approach to predict the location of tissue-resident macrophages may be applicable to organs other than kidney and brain.
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DCs and macrophages both express the chemokine receptor CX3CR1. Here we demonstrate that its ligand, CX3CL1, is highly expressed in the murine kidney and intestine. CX3CR1 deficiency markedly reduced DC numbers in the healthy and inflamed kidney cortex, and to a lesser degree in the kidney medulla and intestine, but not in other organs. CX3CR1 also promoted influx of DC precursors in crescentic glomerulonephritis, a DC-dependent aggressive type of nephritis. Disease severity was strongly attenuated in CX3CR1-deficient mice. Primarily CX3CR1-dependent DCs in the kidney cortex processed antigen for the intrarenal stimulation of T helper cells, a function important for glomerulonephritis progression. In contrast, medullary DCs played a specialized role in inducing innate immunity against bacterial pyelonephritis by recruiting neutrophils through rapid chemokine production. CX3CR1 deficiency had little effect on the immune defense against pyelonephritis, as medullary DCs were less CX3CR1 dependent than cortical DCs and because recruited neutrophils produced chemokines to compensate for the DC paucity. These findings demonstrate that cortical and medullary DCs play specialized roles in their respective kidney compartments. We identify CX3CR1 as a potential therapeutic target in glomerulonephritis that may involve fewer adverse side effects, such as impaired anti-infectious defense or compromised DC functions in other organs.
The currently used classification reflects our understanding of the pathogenesis of the various forms of lupus nephritis, but clinicopathologic studies have revealed the need for improved categorization and terminology. Based on the 1982 classification published under the auspices of the World Health Organization (WHO) and subsequent clinicopathologic data, we propose that class I and II be used for purely mesangial involvement (I, mesangial immune deposits without mesangial hypercellularity; II, mesangial immune deposits with mesangial hypercellularity); class III for focal glomerulonephritis (involving <50% of total number of glomeruli) with subdivisions for active and sclerotic lesions; class IV for diffuse glomerulonephritis (involving ≥50% of total number of glomeruli) either with segmental (class IV-S) or global (class IV-G) involvement, and also with subdivisions for active and sclerotic lesions; class V for membranous lupus nephritis; and class VI for advanced sclerosing lesions]. Combinations of membranous and proliferative glomerulonephritis (i.e., class III and V or class IV and V) should be reported individually in the diagnostic line. The diagnosis should also include entries for any concomitant vascular or tubulointerstitial lesions. One of the main advantages of the current revised classification is that it provides a clear and unequivocal description of the various lesions and classes of lupus nephritis, allowing a better standardization and lending a basis for further clinicopathologic studies. We hope that this revision, which evolved under the auspices of the International Society of Nephrology and the Renal Pathology Society, will contribute to further advancement of the WHO classification.
Mononuclear phagocytes are classified as macrophages or dendritic cells (DCs) based on cell morphology, phenotype, or select functional properties. However, these attributes are not absolute and often overlap, leading to difficulties in cell-type identification. To circumvent this issue, we describe a mouse model to define DCs based on their ontogenetic descendence from a committed precursor. We show that precursors of mouse conventional DCs, but not other leukocytes, are marked by expression of DNGR-1. Genetic tracing of DNGR-1 expression history specifically marks cells traditionally ascribed to the DC lineage, and this restriction is maintained after inflammation. Notably, in some tissues, cells previously thought to be monocytes/macrophages are in fact descendants from DC precursors. These studies provide an in vivo model for fate mapping of DCs, distinguishing them from other leukocyte lineages, and thus help to unravel the functional complexity of the mononuclear phagocyte system.
Prevention of crescentic glomerulonephritis by immunoneutralization of the fractalkine receptor CX3CR1.Background Fractalkine is a newly identified T-cell and monocyte/macrophage (Mφ) chemokine with a transmembrane domain and is a cell-surface protein on activated endothelium. It can mediate adhesion of cells expressing the fractalkine receptor CX3CR1. These unique features make fractalkine well suited for leukocyte recruitment in tissues with high blood flow as in the renal glomerulus.Methods Fractalkine expression in glomeruli and response of isolated glomerular inflammatory cells to fractalkine were studied in the Wistar-Kyoto (WKY) crescentic glomerulonephritis model. Antibody was used to confirm the proinflammatory role of fractalkine.ResultsFractalkine was markedly induced in the endothelium of nephritic rat glomeruli, and inflammatory leukocytes infiltrating the glomeruli expressed increased levels of CX3CR1. Anti-CX3CR1 antibody treatment dramatically blocked leukocyte infiltration in the glomeruli, prevented crescent formation, and improved renal function.Conclusions Fractalkine plays a central role in leukocyte trafficking at the endothelium in the high-flow glomerular circuit and, in turn, implicates CX3CR1 as a prime drug target for therapeutic intervention of endothelium-related inflammatory diseases.