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Employment performance in times of crisis: A multilevel analysis of economic resilience in the German biotechnology industry

  • Fraunhofer Center for International Management and Knowledge Economy
  • Thünen Institute of Rural Economics


The purpose of this study is to elucidate the determinants of economic resilience at various levels of analysis. While the economic benefits of regional clustering are well-documented, the impact of external shocks on regional clusters has only recently gained attention. Combining multilevel regression and egocentric network analyses, the study explores the antecedents of economic resilience, defined as sustained employment growth, prior to and during the global financial crisis within the German biotechnology industry. The findings indicate that while specialization at the network and context-level is conducive to firm growth prior to the crisis, these configurations seem to be particularly susceptible to external shocks. Conversely, diversity (diversified regional agglomerations and diverse networks) seems to be associated with economic resilience during the crisis.
Employment performance in
times of crisis
A multilevel analysis of economic resilience
in the German biotechnology industry
Julian Kahl and Christian Hundt
Department for Urban and Regional Economics,
Ruhr University of Bochum, Bochum, Germany
Purpose – The purpose of this study is to elucidate the determinants of economic resilience at
various levels of analysis. While the economic benets of regional clustering are well-documented,
the impact of external shocks on regional clusters has only recently gained attention. This study
explores the antecedents of economic resilience, dened as sustained employment growth, prior to
and during the global nancial crisis within the German biotechnology industry.
Design/methodology/approach This study combines multilevel linear regression analysis
with egocentric network analysis. This allows us to distinguish micro- and context-level effects in
the analysis of economic resilience.
Findings The ndings of this study indicate that while specialization at the network and
context-level is conducive to rm growth prior to the crisis, these congurations seem to be
particularly susceptible to external shocks. Conversely, diversity (diversied regional
agglomerations and diverse networks) seems to be associated with economic resilience during the
crisis. Moreover, we nd that economic resilience is connected to adaptive capability at the
micro-level, that is, the ability to expand and diversify a rms’ portfolio of network ties in the face
of an external shock. Finally, we show that these adaptive processes are facilitated by geographical
proximity among collaborating organizations.
Originality/value This study contributes to the existing literature by showing that the
antecedents of economic resilience are located at multiple levels of analysis. An important
implication of this study is that the examination of the resilience of regional clusters may thus be
signicantly enhanced by disentangling effects at the rm, network and regional (i.e. context) level.
Keywords Resilience, Networks, Employment performance, External shocks, Multilevel analysis,
Regional clusters
Paper type Research paper
1. Introduction
While the recent global nancial crisis caused a severe downturn of economic
activity across a wide range of economic systems, the impact of this external shock
differed widely across sectors and regions. Uncertainties over market conditions
and reduced liquidity in the nancial system dramatically altered the competitive
environment within high-technology industries, where access to venture capital is
crucial (Gompers and Lerner, 2004;OECD, 2012). Moreover, it is well documented
that high-technology industries – such as the biotechnology industry – tend to
cluster in particular locations (Porter, 1998;Swann et al., 1998). Geographically
bounded knowledge spillovers, specialized labor pools as well as intensive local
The current issue and full text archive of this journal is available on Emerald Insight at:
in times of
Received 17 December 2014
Revised 20 February 2015
Accepted 1 March 2015
Competitiveness Review
Vol. 25 No. 4, 2015
pp. 371-391
© Emerald Group Publishing Limited
DOI 10.1108/CR-12-2014-0038
competition have been identied as important drivers of regional clustering giving
rise to innovation, employment as well as productivity growth (Baptista and Swann,
1998;Delgado et al., 2010;Jaffe et al., 1993;Porter, 1998). However, while the benets
of the spatial concentration of economic activity are well-documented, the ways in
which regional clusters as well as the rms representing a cluster’s main constituent
components respond to external shocks has only recently gained attention under the
umbrella concept of “economic resilience” (Martin and Sunley, 2011;Martin, 2012;
Pendall et al., 2010;Wrobel, 2013). More generally, the question whether regional
clusters promote or inhibit economic resilience has not been addressed sufciently.
It has been argued that economic resilience is associated with a cluster’s capacity to
adapt in the face of external shocks (Pendall et al., 2010;Simmie and Martin, 2010).
Moreover, recent studies suggest that a cluster’s adaptive capacity is determined by
its constituent components, that is, its rms (Menzel and Fornahl, 2010). A large
body of literature has shown that rm performance, in turn, depends on the ability
to adapt to and exploit changes in the business environment. In this context, rms
face a fundamental trade-off between explorative and exploitative adaptation
(March, 1991). The ways in which rms balance exploration and exploitation may
thus have an important inuence on economic resilience at the rm and regional
The recent global nancial crisis represents an external shock which allows us to
study the relationship between economic resilience and regional clusters. At the same
time, this provides us with the rare opportunity to extend the examination of regional
clusters to its constituent components, which is of particular importance given that a
cluster’s response to an external shock is dened by rms (Holm and Ostergaard, 2013;
Martin and Sunley, 2011;Menzel and Fornahl, 2010;Wrobel, 2013). An important
starting point of this paper is that the antecedents of economic resilience are located at
multiple levels of analysis. While extant research has tended to examine economic
resilience at the regional level, we posit that this may considerably underestimate
heterogeneity at lower-order levels of analysis. At the rm-level, external shocks may
erode competitive positions, which is why in the face of changing environmental
circumstances rms must seek to adapt accordingly. Moreover, rms are not isolated
from their regional environment. That is, economic resilience may be supported (or
inhibited) by different context-level features concerning, for instance, location within a
cluster as well as the economic structure of regional clusters.
Our empirical multilevel framework allows us to disentangle micro-level effects
from context-level features (pertaining to the regional environment in which rms
are embedded). Moreover, we examine the impact of changing environmental
conditions in two temporal brackets that delineate two phases of homogeneous
environmental conditions (i.e. pre-crisis and crisis).
The remainder of this paper is structured as follows. Section 2 summarizes the
theoretical background. Section 3 presents the data and methods. The results are
reported in Section 4. Section 5 concludes this paper.
2. Literature background and hypotheses
2.1 Economic resilience and regional clusters
In the wake of the recent global nancial crisis, scholarly interest has increasingly
focused on the resilience of regional economies and regional clusters. While it has
been shown that rms in regional clusters, that is, “geographical concentrations of
interconnected companies […] in a particular eld” (Porter, 1998, p. 197), outperform
non-clustered rms in terms of growth (Beaudry and Schiffauerova, 2009), as well as
innovation and productivity growth (Baptista and Swann, 1998;Porter, 1998), the
performance implications of regional clusters during economic crises remain
unclear. Under the umbrella concept of “economic resilience”, recent studies have
addressed the role of changing environmental conditions and regional clustering
(Wrobel, 2013). An important starting point was the observation that while a large
range of clusters was adversely affected by external shocks, some clusters
successfully navigated discontinuities in the external environment, thus proving to
be resilient. Economic resilience may be dened as the “ability […] to recover
successfully from shocks” (Hill et al., 2008, p. 4). More specically, economic
resilience relates to the capacity of a regional economy or regional cluster to adapt
its structure – a process that is referred to as “industrial mutation” by Simmie and
Martin (2010) –soastosustain growth in output (Martin, 2012). Other conceptions
of resilience have placed a slightly different focus on the persistence of social and
ecological systems (pertaining to the magnitude a system can tolerate and still
persist) (Adger, 2000)[1]. Empirical studies show that a cluster’s vulnerability to
external shocks and its ability to adapt depends on the capabilities as well as the
network interactions of individual rms (Holm and Ostergaard, 2013;Wrobel, 2013).
This study draws on related conceptual and empirical work that uses employment
as a central variable of cluster evolution (Menzel and Fornahl, 2010) and the
economic resilience of regional clusters (Wrobel, 2013). Employment performance
gives an indication of economic resilience at the rm and cluster levels. On the one
hand, external shocks may adversely affect a rms’ competitive advantage and
economic situation which is reected in the level of employment of individual rms.
On the other hand, employment losses may cause regional economies to enter into
recessions. We dene economic resilience as a rms’ ability to sustain or augment
employment performance during crisis as compared to a previous level of
employment prior to the crisis. More specically, in this paper, we examine
economic resilience (dened as employment performance) in the context of an
external shock in the form of the recent global nancial crisis which led to the
dramatic deterioration of venture capital availability in the years 2009-2010 (Ernst
& Young, 2011) compared to the pre-crisis situation in 2007-2008.
2.2 Micro-level effects
It is widely acknowledged that sustained competitive advantage requires the
deployment of resources and capabilities that are appropriate to a rms’ external
environment (Tushman and O’Reily, 2004). Although rm-internal considerations
may prompt rms to change their strategy, changes may also be imposed upon rms
by variations in the external environment. External shocks including the emergence
of new technological paradigms, changes in regulation, market demand – or, in our
case, capital market conditions – may give rise to discontinuities that trigger high
degrees of uncertainty (Dess and Beard, 1984;Pfeffer and Salancik, 1978), as well as
competence destruction (Tushman and Anderson, 1986), thus rendering former
core-capabilities obsolete. This, in turn, has an important bearing on the economic
situation of rms as well as the ways in which rms allocate resources.
in times of
In high-technology industries, inter-organizational networks represent one of the
most widely dispersed forms of coordination providing access to various
complementary resources such as nancial and human capital, as well as
technological capabilities and marketing skills (Ahuja, 2000;Burt, 1992). When
engaging in inter-organizational networks, rms are confronted with a fundamental
trade-off in the decision whether resources are allocated to the renement of existing
capabilities (exploitation) or to the discovery of new knowledge and capabilities
(exploration) (Gilsing, 2005;Lavie and Rosenkopf, 2006;March, 1991). While
exploitation relating to the efcient use and renement of existing assets and
capabilities is needed for survival in the short term, exploration, that is, the
development of new capabilities is needed for long-term survival (Tushman and
O’Reily, 2004). Balancing these activities poses a considerable trade-off for rms. In
essence, this trade-off arises from the role of diversity and specialization in
inter-organizational learning. While diversity, referring to the heterogeneity of
partners or knowledge and cognitive distance within the network (Baum et al., 2000;
Koka and Prescott, 2002;Lavie and Rosenkopf, 2006;Rodan and Galunic, 2004), is a
primary factor for the generation of Schumpeterian novel combinations (Nelson and
Winter, 1982), it is also associated with important drawbacks. Although diversity
increases the potential for innovative outcomes (Koka and Prescott, 2002),
organizations are limited in their capacity to assimilate and make use of novel
knowledge as rms need to learn how to bridge cognitive distances (Cohen and
Levinthal, 1990;Lane and Lubatkin, 1998). By contrast, the renement of existing
capabilities and resources (i.e. exploitation) is associated with short-term efciency,
as absorptive capacity and cognitive proximity facilitate inter-organizational
learning. Exploitation has been observed in industry environments characterized by
low uncertainty and competence-enhancing technological change in which
efciency considerations are crucial. These regimes have been shown to promote
specialization, that is, specic knowledge in a narrow range of issues (Gilsing, 2005).
However, exploitation is also associated with risks, as specialization on a narrow
range of issues may leave rms particularly exposed to environmental change
(Levitt and March, 1988), whereas, in environments characterized by
competency-destroying discontinuities, survival and growth may be associated
with the need to gain access to new and diverse resources that are crucial for
adaptation (explorative adaptation) (Tushman and O’Reily, 2004).
It has been shown that cognitive proximity between collaborating rms, which,
for the purpose of this study, is dened as low partner diversity, is conducive to the
efcient transfer of knowledge in inter-organizational networks (Boschma and
Frenken, 2010;Sampson, 2007;Simonin, 1999). That is, common skills and related
technological platforms facilitate knowledge transfer and cumulative specialization
by reducing the costs and time needed for the assimilation and economic use of
external knowledge (Cohen and Levinthal, 1990;Kahl, 2014;Lane and Lubatkin,
1998). We thus assume that rms engaged in networks with low partner diversity
will focus on exploitation (Rothaermel and Deeds, 2004), which we assume to be
positively associated with rm growth in the competency-enhancing regime prior to
the crisis. By contrast, in inter-organizational networks involving a high degree of
diverse agents with heterogeneous knowledge bases, rms need to develop an
in-depth understanding of a broad variety of technological elds which may be
associated with inefciency and higher costs (Cohen and Levinthal, 1989;Gilsing,
2005;Lane and Lubatkin, 1998;Sampson, 2007;Simonin, 1999):
H1. Network diversity will be negatively associated with employment
performance prior to the crisis.
However, while cognitive proximity among network ties enables efcient knowledge
transfer, it may not be sufcient to stimulate innovative resource combinations (Ahuja,
2000;Noteboom, 2000). Empirical studies suggest that exploration is particularly
important in changing environments (Gilsing, 2005) because gaining access to new and
diverse resources provides the exibility needed to respond to external shocks
(Boschma and Frenken, 2010;Fleming, 2001). We thus assume that network diversity is
positively associated with rm growth during the crisis:
H2. Network diversity will be positively associated with employment
performance during the crisis.
Inter-organizational networks are characterized by a specic geography. Recent studies
suggest that geographical proximity among collaborating rms is neither a necessary
nor a sufcient condition for innovation (Boschma and Frenken, 2010;Boschma, 2005).
Rather than geographical proximity, it has been argued that various forms of proximity
among network partners matter for performance and innovation (Boschma, 2005;
Capaldo and Petruzzelli, 2014). Therefore, we do not expect the geography of network
ties per se to inuence rm growth prior to the crisis:
H3. The geography of network ties will have no inuence on employment
performance prior to the crisis.
By contrast, in environments characterized by competence-destroying change and
uncertainty, rm growth may be associated with regional interactions. In contrast to
extra-regional linkages, the transactions costs for the identication of collaboration
partners, as well as the costs arising from collaboration and monitoring activities,
are substantially lower within geographical proximity (Cooke, 2001;Marzucchi
et al., 2013). Moreover, face-to-face interactions may facilitate the development of
shared trust among collaboration partners. Uncertainty reduction and efciency
gains derived from regional networking may thus be particularly important to
resolve the conundrum arising from the need for exploration in times of crisis – as
both exploration and economic crises are characterized by high degrees of
H4. Regional networks will be positively associated with employment
performance during the crisis.
2.3 Context-level effects
Firms are embedded in a specic regional economic context beyond their immediate
portfolio of network ties (Cooke, 2001). Importantly, the clustering of economic
activity has been shown to exert context-effects which are crucial for rm growth,
productivity and innovation (Beaudry and Schiffauerova, 2009;Porter, 1990,1998).
However, less scholarly attention has been on the relationship between changing
external conditions and regional clustering.
in times of
Two broad categories of cluster externalities associated with the process of
knowledge creation and diffusion may be distinguished. One the one hand, this
relates to localization economies, which are stimulated by regional industry
specialization or the strength of the industry within a particular region (Baptista
and Swann, 1999). The benets derived from regional clustering of industries is
attributed to knowledge spillovers (Jaffe et al., 1993;Glaeser et al., 1992), reduced
transport costs for inputs and outputs, as well as specialized labor markets. More
specically, the concentration of an industry within a region is associated with
Marshall–Arrow–Romer externalities derived from intra-industry knowledge
spillovers between rms. Specialization is thus assumed to promote the
transmission and exchange of tacit and codied knowledge through imitation
(Pouder and St. John, 1996) and inter-rm circulation of skilled workers as well as
local competition among rms (Porter, 1990). On the other hand, Jacobs (1969)
argues that the most important source of knowledge spillovers and innovation is
diversity. Urbanization economies arise from large functional agglomerations as
well as industry variety within a region. In this line of argumentation, diverse
regional economic structure is associated with higher opportunities for search and
experimentation as well as for the recombination of resources and capabilities
across industries (Beaudry and Schiffauerova, 2009).
While empirical studies report on a positive relationship between rm growth
and localization (Baptista and Swann, 1998), as well as urbanization economies
(Beaudry and Swann, 2009), Neffke et al. (2011) nd that these effects vary across the
industry life cycle. Drawing on these studies, we expect the benets derived from
regional economic structure to vary across different environmental conditions. In
stable and competence-enhancing environments, we expect specialized regional
clusters of biotechnology rms to be associated with rm growth. In these
environments, we posit that cumulative regional specialization will foster
absorptive capacity and intra-industry knowledge spillovers which, in turn,
facilitate rm growth:
H5. Localization economies will be positively associated with employment
performance prior to the crisis.
By contrast, competence-destroying discontinuities may place pronounced
constraints on rms located in narrowly specialized clusters due to established
routines and high restructuring costs. These types of clusters may be particularly
vulnerable to external shocks (Grabher, 1993). Narrow specialization may thus
impede a cluster’s adaptability in the face of changing environmental conditions
thereby undermining the resilience of the rms in the cluster:
H6. Localization economies will be negatively associated with employment
performance during the crisis.
Recent empirical studies suggest that the diversity of the economic structure of a
cluster promotes economic resilience (Holm and Ostergaard, 2013;Wrobel, 2013).
We thus assume that urbanization economies are associated with employment
growth in competence-destroying environments. In essence, diversied regional
clusters may succeed at spreading risk associated with external shocks across
various industries. Moreover, the varied stock of resources available in diversied
regional agglomerations may enable rms to exibly recombine a broad set of
resources which, in turn, may promote adaptation in the face of an external shock:
H7. Urbanization economies will be positively associated with employment
performance during the crisis.
3. Methods and data
3.1 Structure of the empirical model
In this section, we present the structure of our empirical model. This paper combines
egocentric network (Wasserman and Faust, 1994) and multilevel analysis
(Raudenbush and Bryk, 2002) in two separate sets of models (pre-crisis and crisis).
To capture the effect of the external shock represented by the global nancial crisis,
we distinguish two temporal brackets of homogeneous environmental conditions,
that is, pre-crisis including the years 2007-2008 characterized by relative stability
and capital market municence, on the one hand, and crisis marked by
competency-destroying change, uncertainty and the deterioration of capital market
conditions in the years 2009-2010 on the other.
Choosing a multilevel approach allows us to reect an important part of
(economic) reality inasmuch as rms are not isolated from their environment but
nested within a specic regional economic and institutional context (Luke, 2004;
Snijders and Bosker, 2004). In addition, high-technology rms are commonly
embedded in a broad set of inter-organizational relationships. Using egocentric
network analysis allows one to capture the effects of a focal rms’ portfolio of
inter-organizational ties on employment performance.
We gauge the impact of ve rm- (X
), four network-related (X
) and two
context-level predictors (R
) on employment performance (Y) in the German
biotechnology industry. We use the statistics program “HLM 7” from Raudenbush
et al. (2011) for the model estimates. A formal notation of this two-level linear
regression model is provided below:
Yij [
Response variable at the rm level.
Employment growth (in per cent):
Regression intercept;
Explanatory variables at the rm level;
:Product orientation;X
: Servitization;X
Firm size;X
:Network diversity;X
:Network regional;X
size; and X
:Network churn;
explanatory variables at the context level;
Population density;
Error terms of the rm (r) and the regional level (u).
The structure of the model is strictly hierarchical in the sense that i biotech rms are
nested in j regions. As suggested by Hox (2010), we chose a bottom-up strategy
in times of
consisting of six consecutive analytical steps to construct our models. We rst
estimated the impact of our ve rm- (Column 1) and four network-related
predictors (Column 2), separately. We then excluded the highly insignicant
variables (p-value 0.20) and merged the remaining micro-level predictors in a joint
model (Column 3). We then controlled for the two context-level predictors (Column 4)
and nally, to test the robustness of our results, we added four control variables
covering the regional economic capacity (Column 5) and the regional labor market
(Column 6), respectively. As expected, we observe an improving model t
(documented by declining deviance values) as more predictor variables are included.
3.2 Sample
The data for the response variable as well as for the rm and network predictors are
derived from the German Biotechnology Year and Address Book (BIOCOM) for the
years 2007 to 2010. For the purpose of this paper, BIOCOM data provide at least
three advantages. First, it represents the most comprehensive independent
repository of the German biotechnology industry with a response rate of
approximately 80 per cent. This enabled us to identify 266 biotechnology rms in
both brackets representing approximately 50 per cent of the population of German
biotechnology rms. Second, the database reports micro-data including location,
year of establishment, business models and employment as well as network
partners of individual rms. The database is thus amenable to multilevel analysis
allowing us to capture the hierarchical relationship between the rm and its regional
context. Third, the database reports longitudinal data which allows us to construct
a panel of two-year temporal brackets (pre-crisis and crisis) comprising 266
biotechnology rms. Moreover, even though employment losses were signicant in
the German biotechnology industry, a negligible number of exits was observed
(Ernst & Young, 2012), thus reducing sample bias. Finally, for the predictors at the
context-level, we draw on EUROSTAT data.
3.3 Variables
For our response variable at the micro-level Employment Performance (Y
), used as
a proxy for economic resilience (Wrobel, 2013;Baptista and Swann, 1999), we rst
compute the within-bracket mean employment of individual biotechnology rms
and subsequently gauge the cross-bracket employment growth (in per cent). We
specify ve network-related explanatory variables. Network Size (X
), Network
Churn (X
), Network Diversity (X
) and Network Regional (X
). Network Size (X
captures a focal rm’s number of direct ties. Linked to that, we dene Network
Churn (X
) as the growth rate of Network Size across the brackets identied above.
The fourth predictor, i.e. Network Diversity X
, is based on the Blau Index (Blau,
1977) that captures the diversity of a rms’ portfolio of network ties. To compute
network diversity, in line with Powell et al. (2005), we rst identify ve categories of
partner organizations including biotechnology rms, public research organizations,
pharmaceutical corporations and government institutes, as well as biomedical
companies. We then compute the Blau Index, a measure commonly used to gauge
network diversity, for individual biotechnology rms:
Blaus index d1i1
Nrepresents the total number of categories of network partners and pcomputes the
percentage of objects in a certain category. This measures ranges from 0 to 1, where
0 represents completely homogeneous networks and 1 completely diversied
networks. If a rm has a wide range of network partners, the measure will be high (1
or close to 1), whereas if most collaboration partners are concentrated in a specic
category, it will be low. Finally, Network Regional (X
) captures the share of
regional network ties within a focal rms’ portfolio of network ties. To construct this
measure, we coded the geographical localization of all network ties in different
geographical categories (regional, national, international and global).
Collaborations within the same federal state were classied as “regional”. All
collaborations with German network partners were dened as “national”, whereas
collaborations with European partners and non-European partners were assigned
“international” and “global”, respectively.
At the context-level, we distinguish two predictors, that is, Concentration (R
and Population Density (R
). Concentration (R
) computes the degree of
disproportionality of the spatial distribution of the German biotechnology industry
in relation to a national reference. We assess the share of biotechnology rms within
NUTS-2 regions in relation to the number of biotechnology rms at the national
level. This variable is used as a proxy for localization economies. Population Density
) computes population density in NUTS-2 regions (number of inhabitants per
square kilometer) and serves as a proxy for urbanization economies.
Moreover, several control variables were used. We controlled for Firm Size
relating to the absolute number of employees (in t–1) and for Network Size, several
business models as well as business model adaptation. At the regional-level we
controlled for Log Regional GDP per Capita and the share of Regional
Unemployment as well as for the change in Regional GDP and Regional
Unemployment at the NUTS-2 level across the brackets identied above.
4. Results
4.1 Descriptive results
Tables II-Vpresent the descriptive results of our empirical analysis including
means, standard deviations and correlations. None of the correlations between the
predictor variables indicates multicollinearity. All micro-level predictors were
estimated for the years 2007-2010 for 266 rms. During the crisis, we observe a
sharp decline in employment growth, as well as a lower standard deviation.
Although total employment growth remains positive, it is the result of fewer rms.
During the crisis, we observe increasing Firm Size (in t1). This is attributable to
growth in the Pre-Crisis model. While average Network Size is slightly higher in the
Crisis-model, Network Churn is reduced during crisis. Moreover, the means for
Network Diversity and Network Regional are relatively stable in both models. At the
context-level, all predictors were estimated for 34 NUTS-2 regions. We observe the
impact of the global nancial crisis as evidenced by the decline of Regional GDP Per
Capita in the Crisis-model. Interestingly enough, prior to the impact on regional
GDP, as well as employment in the biotechnology industry, we observe an increase
in Unemployment in the Pre-Crisis model. High standard deviation indicates that
this varied considerably across NUTS-2 region (Tables I-IV).
in times of
Table I.
Variable means,
standard deviations
and correlations
Variable Mean SD Y X
Y: Empl_Performance 27.34 65.03 1 0.01 0.05 0.06 0.17** 0.09 0.06 0.08 0.09 0.12*
: Product 0.23 0.42 0.01 1 0.04 0.26** 0.28** 0.10 0.13* 0.11 0.08 0.06
: Product orientation 0.20 0.40 0.05 0.04 1 0.23** 0.27** 0.02 0.02 0.14* 0.07 0.04
: Service 0.18 0.39 0.06 0.26** 0.23** 1 0.12 0.11 0.04 0.00 0.04 0.08
: Servitization 0.23 0.42 0.17** 0.28** 0.27** 0.12 1 0.01 0.01 0.03 0.06 0.05
: Firm size (in t1) 44.23 133.74 0.09 0.10 0.02 0.11 0.01 1 0.08 0.16** 0.04 0.10
: Network diversity 0.37 0.25 0.06 0.13* 0.02 0.04 0.01 0.08 1 0.15* 0.43** 0.20**
: Network regional 35.41 34.26 0.08 0.11 0.14* 0.00 0.03 0.16** 0.15* 1 0.22** 0.02
: Network size 5.64 4.97 0.09 0.08 0.07 0.04 0.06 0.04 0.43** 0.22** 1 0.11
: Network churn 25.28 69.08 0.12* 0.06 0.04 0.08 0.05 0.10 0.20** 0.02 0.11 1
n266; *p0.05; **p0.01
4.2 Regression results
The results of the linear multilevel regressions are presented in Tables V (pre-crisis)
and VI (crisis). The results obtained here provide support for H1 and H2 relating to
the effects of network structure on Employment Performance. Prior to the crisis, we
observe a negative effect of Network Diversity and, conversely, a positive impact of
specialization. By contrast, during the crisis, we report on a positive effect of
Network Diversity. These observations may be explained by the
exploitation– exploration framework. While specialized network structures with
high degrees of cognitive proximity have been shown to be conducive to the efcient
use and exploitation of external knowledge (Boschma and Frenken, 2010), these
network structures may not be sufcient to stimulate new resource combinations
that facilitate adaptation during crisis. Economic resilience thus seems to be
connected to diverse inter-organizational networks.
Moreover, we provide support for H3 and H4 relating to the role of regional
network ties during the crisis. While regional network ties had no effect on
Employment Performance prior to the crisis, they gain importance in the face of an
external shock. More specically, H3 provides support to the view that geographical
proximity among network partners is neither a necessary nor a sufcient condition
for positive network outcomes (Boschma, 2005). However, in line with H4, this only
seems to hold for relatively stable environmental conditions. By contrast, during
crisis regional network ties gain signicance in facilitating Employment
Performance. This seems to indicate the importance of face-to-face interactions and
shared trust among organizations in the biotechnology industry which may be
particularly relevant for the effective reconguration of inter-organizational
networks as well as for dealing with high levels of uncertainty induced by changing
environmental conditions.
Consistent with H5, we report positive localization effects at the context-level
before the crisis. Moreover, in line with H7, urbanization economies are positively
associated with Employment Performance during the crisis. Finally, our results
provide support for H6, i.e. specialized regional clusters are negatively related to
Employment Performance during the crisis. The results reported here thus seem to
indicate that the benets derived from regional clusters are moderated by the state
of the external environment. Although regional specialization seems to be conducive
to employment growth in relatively stable and competence-enhancing environments
(H5), regional specialization is associated with risks. That is, as clustered rms
follow existing routines and technological capabilities in a process of cumulative
Table II.
Variable means,
standard deviations
and correlations
Variable Mean SD R
: Concentration 2.87 2.82 1 0.39* 0.33 0.16 0.03 0.12
: Population density 0.47 0.75 0.39* 1 0.39* 0.14 0.27 0.26
: Log GDP per capita 10.25 0.23 0.33 0.39* 1 0.45** –
:GDP per capita 8.27 1.66 0.16 0.14 0.45** 1
: Unemployment 8.41 3.65 0.03 0.27 1 0.51**
C4: Unemployment 2.52 5.41 0.12 0.26 0.51** 1
n34; *p0.05; **p0.01
in times of
Table III.
Variable means,
standard deviations
and correlations
(Crisis; micro-level)
Variable Mean SD Y X
Y: Empl_Performance 10.96 45.24 1 0.03 0.01 0.07 0.04 0.05 0.11 0.09 0.04 0.11
: Product 0.28 0.45 0.03 1 0.01 0.36** 0.27** 0.03 0.13* 0.14* 0.13* 0.08
: Product orientation 0.22 0.42 0.01 0.01 1 0.22** 0.23** 0.02 0.08 0.07 0.09 0.13*
: Service 0.24 0.43 0.07 0.36** 0.22** 1 0.06 0.09 0.01 0.09 0.13* 0.03
: Servitization 0.16 0.37 0.04 0.27** 0.23** 0.06 1 0.06 0.02 0.01 0.02 0.03
: Firm size (in t1) 63.66 251.07 0.05 0.03 0.02 0.09 0.06 1 0.08 0.14* 0.09 0.02
: Network diversity 0.38 0.26 0.11 0.13* 0.08 0.01 0.02 0.08 1 0.09 0.42** 0.11
: Network regional 34.80 34.15 0.09 0.14* 0.07 0.09 0.01 0.14* 0.09 1 0.18** 0.10
: Network size 6.13 5.48 0.04 0.13* 0.09 0.13* 0.02 0.09 0.42** 0.18** 1 0.24**
: Network churn 18.79 69.48 0.11 0.08 0.13* 0.03 0.03 0.02 0.11 0.10 0.24** 1
n266; *p0.05; **p0.01
specialization, the barriers to new technologies, procedures and strategies become
more pronounced. This in turn seems to render specialized regional clusters less
equipped to react to changes in the external environment (H6). By contrast,
diversied regional agglomerations seem to be particularly well equipped to
withstand external shocks (H7). These types of clusters provide access to a diverse
set of assets which may be critical for the exible recombination of resources and
adaptation in times of crisis.
Considering the lack of signicance of the control variables pertaining to the type
of business models and (nearly all variables related to) business model adaptation,
rather than changing the architecture of the value creation, economic resilience
seems to be associated with the restructuring of inter-organizational networks. Two
control variables warrant further discussion. First, the results for the control
variable Servitization which refers to business model changes from product-based
business models to service-based business models indicate that while these types of
business model changes were benecial to Employment Performance prior to the
crisis, during the crisis they had no effect. This is somewhat surprising given that
service-based business models are associated with more short-term revenue
generating potential as well as considerably lower capital requirements and risk –
all of which are seemingly important during crisis. Second, the results for Network
Churn relating to the growth rate of a focal rms’ portfolio of network ties indicate
a positive effect prior to and during the crisis. The expansion and renewal of
networks and thus access to a larger set of resources seems to be benecial to
Employment Performance, irrespective of the nature of the business environment.
However, the results reported above relating to the varying effects of network
structure provide a more nuanced picture. It may thus be inferred that while prior
to the crisis the expansion of networks in terms of specialization supports
Employment Performance, during the crisis diversication fosters economic
resilience (Tables V and VI).
5. Conclusion
The aim of this paper was to explore the economic resilience of regional clusters and
rms in times of crisis. This study contributes to the existing literature by showing
that the antecedents of economic resilience are located at multiple levels of analysis.
An important implication of this study is that the examination of the resilience of
regional clusters may thus be signicantly enhanced by disentangling effects at the
rm, network and regional (i.e. context) levels.
Table IV.
Variable means,
standard deviations
and correlations
Variable Mean SD R
: Concentration 2.87 2.82 1 0.39* 0.35* 0.05 0.04 0.07
: Population density 0.47 0.75 0.39* 1 0.42* 0.00 0.29 0.17
: Log GDP per capita 10.25 0.22 0.35* 0.42* 1 0.52** –
:GDP per capita 0.02 2.46 0.05 0.00 0.52** 1
: Unemployment 7.60 2.70 0.04 0.29 1 0.67**
:Unemployment 0.65 9.59 0.07 0.17 0.67** 1
n34; *p0.05, **p0.01
in times of
Table V.
Regression results
(Pre-Crisis) (with
robust standard
Response variable: rm
growth (%)
Firm-related variables
Network-related variables
Firm- and network-related
Regional context variables
Regional control variables
Regional control variables
Coefcient (standard errors) Coefcient (Standard errors) Coefcient (standard errors) Coefcient (standard errors) Coefcient (standard errors) Coefcient (standard errors)
Regression intercept () 27.31*** (3.35) () 27.31*** (3.25) () 27.29*** (3.43) () 23.58*** (3.81) () 21.08*** (2.99) () 23.73*** (3.81)
X1: Product () 3.18 (6.25)
X2: Product orientation () 2.36 (7.57)
X3: Service () 5.44 (6.08)
X4: Servitization () 25.75** (10.33) () 23.45** (10.19) () 24.44** (10.60) () 21.47** (10.90) () 24.77** (10.68)
X5: Firm size (in t1) () 0.04 (0.04)
X6: Network diversity () 39.44** (16.71) () 37.40** (17.13) () 37.93** (16.61) () 37.09** (16.42) () 37.99** (16.72)
X7: Network regional () 0.16**** (0.12) () 0.15 (0.12)
X8: Network size () 1.63* (0.85) () 1.49* (0.85) () 1.81** (0.76) () 1.66** (0.71) () 1.76** (0.83)
X9: Network churn () 0.14**** (0.09) () 0.13**** (0.08) () 0.12**** (0.08) () 0.12**** (0.08) () 0.12**** (0.08)
R1: Concentration () 1.23** (0.46) () 1.48*** (0.52) () 1.29*** (0.44)
R2: Population density () 0.39 (1.20)
C1: GDP pc (ln) () 42.38** (15.79)
C2:GDP pc (%) () 7.33*** (1.77)
C3: Unemployment () 0.28 (0.87)
C4:Unemployment (%) () 0.59 (0.68)
Level-1 –Variance 4,054.46 4,021.80 3,924.98 3,920.28 3,826.84 3,913.05
Level-2 –Variance 1.81 1.58 2.22 1.00 0.75 0.98
Deviance (null) 2,974.89 2,974.89 2,974.89 2,974.89 2,974.89 2,974.89
Deviance (model) 2,964.78** 2,962.61** 2,956.17*** 2,955.77*** 2,949.34*** 2,955.28***
Notes: an266; ball predictors are grand mean centered; spatial autocorrelation does not occur; the table displays unstandardized coefcients and standard errors; *** p0.01; **p0.05; * p
0.10; **** p0.20
Sources: BIOCOM AG (N266); EUROSTAT (N34), own calculations
Table VI.
Regression results
(Crisis) (with robust
standard errors)
Response variable: rm
growth (%)
Firm-related variables
Network-related variables
Firm- and network-related
Regional context variables
Regional control variables
Regional control variables
Coefcient (Standard errors) Coefcient (Standard errors) Coefcient (Standard errors) Coefcient (Standard errors) Coefcient (Standard errors) Coefcient (Standard errors)
Regression intercept () 10.96*** (2.48) () 10.95*** (2.68) () 10.96*** (2.66) () 10.97*** (2.12) () 11.14*** (2.13) () 11.05*** (1.84)
X1: Product () 1.71 (6.67)
X2: Product orientation () 1.04 (9.34)
X3: Service () 7.23 (7.20)
X4: Servitization () 5.06 (7.55)
X5: Firm size (in t1) () 0.01** (0.01) () 0.01* (0.003) () 0.01**** (0.01) () 0.01**** (0.01) () 0.01**** (0.01)
X6: Network diversity () 19.31**** (13.94) () 17.90* (10.73) () 19.25* (11.13) () 18.94* (11.19) () 19.01* (11.22)
X7: Network regional () 0.14** (0.07) () 0.14** (0.07) () 0.13** (0.07) () 0.13** (0.06) () 0.13** (0.07)
X8: Network size () 0.11 (0.57)
X9: Network churn () 0.08** (0.03) () 0.08** (0.03) () 0.08** (0.03) () 0.08** (0.03) () 0.08** (0.03)
R1: Concentration ()0.76*** (0.21) () 1.14*** (0.40) () 0.99*** (0.22)
R2: Population density ()5.89*** (0.43) () 5.23*** (1.19) () 7.69*** (1.13)
C1: GDP pc (ln) () 13.32 (11.27)
C2:GDP pc (%) () 0.95 (1.36)
C3: Unemployment () 0.88 (0.92)
C4:Unemployment (%) () 0.03 (0.36)
Level-1 –Variance 2,019.12 1,965.63 1,964.31 1,920.27 1,917.60 1,915.12
Level-2 –Variance 1.19 3.94 3.35 0.32 0.31 0.30
Deviance (null) 2,781.91 2,781.91 2,781.91 2,781.91 2,781.91 2,781.91
Deviance (model) 2,779.37 2,772.60* 2,772.34** 2,765.91** 2,765.54** 2,765.19**
Notes: an266; ball predictors are grand mean centered. Spatial autocorrelation does not occur; the table displays unstandardized coefcients and standard errors; *** p0.01; **p0.05; * p
0.10; **** p0.20
Sources: BIOCOM AG (N266); EUROSTAT (N34), own calculation
in times of
The following three main results are identied. First, while being located in a
narrowly specialized cluster was shown to facilitate Employment Performance prior
to the crisis, regional economic specialization seemed to undermine economic
resilience in the face of an external shock. This may be explained by the process of
cumulative specialization rendering these regional clusters particularly exposed to
competency-destroying change, thus turning core competencies into core rigidities.
Second, the results show that diversied regional agglomerations are associated
with economic resilience. These regional clusters seem to provide a greater potential
for the innovative recombination of resources and capabilities thus enabling local
adaptive processes. Third, economic resilience is associated with micro-level
adaptive capability, that is, a rms’ ability to renew and recongure its portfolio of
networks ties so as to increase the size and diversity in the face of changing
environmental conditions. Moreover, these adaptive processes seem to be fostered
by geographical proximity. Geographical proximity thus seems to resolve an
important conundrum relating to the need for exploration in times of crisis. That is,
both exploration and rapidly changing environments are characterized by
uncertainty, which is why these activities may be particularly difcult in the face of
an external shock. However, geographical proximity seems to reduce uncertainty
among collaborating organizations and facilitate explorative adaptation.
The results obtained in this study have several implications for policymakers.
The results pertaining to the economic resilience of regional clusters seem to reect
the exploration– exploitation trade-off identied at the micro-level relating to the
conicting nature of specialization and diversity. In reference to the notion of
organizational ambidexterity (Tushman and O’Reily, 2004), sustainable cluster
growth may thus entail balancing explorative and exploitative activities.
Policymakers may thus choose to foster diversity by supporting new rm formation
as well as launching cluster-oriented policies that promote local discovery and
exploration processes in related, yet new elds to increase the resilience of regional
clusters in anticipation of external shocks. Moreover, cluster management agencies
may promote economic resilience by increasing diversity at the network-level
through the provision of collaboration platforms and R&D-support schemes.
The results documented in this study also relate to a parallel discussion on
organizational resilience which offers important insights in the proactive
management of resilience. Two of our main results at the micro-level indicate that
economic resilience is supported by adaptive capability and by the diversication of
the portfolio of network ties. The organizational resilience literature (Lee et al., 2013)
shows that to engage in these restructuring processes, rms must develop planning
strategies relating to the management of vulnerabilities within a rms’ business
environment. More specically, economic resilience necessitates a proactive
posture. Firms need to display a strategic and behavioral readiness reacting to early
warning signals in an organizations’ external environment. Firms also need to build
an understanding of the resources and relationships they may need to build and
access during crisis (Lee et al., 2013;McManus et al., 2008). Moreover, adaptive
capability presupposes a range of factors and processes within the rm including
the minimization of social, cultural and behavioral silos, the mobilization of extra
capacity or resources as well strong leadership during crisis. Moreover, it has been
shown that environments in which staff members are encouraged and rewarded for
designing mechanisms for solving existing and new problems support economic
resilience (Lee et al., 2013;McManus et al., 2008).
Future research may build on the ndings presented here along various
dimensions. Future research may focus on the role external shocks play in the
evolution of regional clusters (Zettinig and Vincze, 2012). In a longitudinal research
design, these studies may assess how external shocks relate to the development of
regional clusters examining the size and heterogeneity of the composition of
regional clusters (Menzel and Fornahl, 2010). These longitudinal case studies may
elucidate how the observed changes or persistence in the composition of the regional
clusters relate to various outcomes including employment growth or innovation.
Finally, economic resilience may be studied at the interface of the network and
cluster levels. Recent empirical ndings suggest that knowledge ows and network
positions differ signicantly within clusters (Alberti and Pizzurno, 2015). Future
research may therefore shed light on the ways in which varied network positions
and knowledge ows within regional clusters relate to economic resilience. For
instance, future research may examine whether central network nodes or brokers
are more readily able to withstand external shocks. Finally, a further promising
avenue for research lies in the investigation of the degree of the persistence of
knowledge ows in regional clusters in the face of an external shock.
1. The authors wish to acknowledge the anonymous reviewer #2 for raising this point.
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Science, Vol. 94 No. 2, pp. 273-294.
Zettinig, P. and Vincze, Z. (2012), “How cluster evolve”, Competitiveness Review, Vol. 2 No. 2,
pp. 110-132.
Further reading
Ernst & Young (2004), Deutscher Biotechnologie Report 2004, Ernst & Young, Mannheim.
Ernst & Young (2008), Deutscher Biotechnologie Report 2008, Ernst & Young, Mannheim.
Martin, R. and Sunley, P. (2006), “Path dependence and regional economic evolution”, Journal of
Economic Geography, Vol. 6 No. 4, pp. 395-437.
Park, E. and Ostergaard, C.R. (2012), “Cluster decline and resilience – the case of the wireless
communication cluster in North Jutland”, paper presented at the DRUID 2012, Barcelona, 4
January, available at:
Prevezer, M. (1997), “The dynamics of industrial clustering in biotechnology”, Small Business
Economics, Vol. 9 No. 3, pp. 255-271.
Van der Panne, G. (2004), “Agglomeration externalities: Marshall versus Jacobs”, Journal of
Evolutionary Economics, SSI Scientic Software International, Vol. 14 No. 5, pp. 593-604.
About the authors
Julian Kahl is a Research Associate at the Department for Urban and Regional Economics at
the Institute of Geography at the Ruhr University of Bochum. Julian Kahl is the corresponding
author and can be contacted at:
Christian Hundt is a Research Associate at the Department for Urban and Regional
Economics at the Institute of Geography at the Ruhr University of Bochum.
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in times of
... The extant literature measures regional resilience using the dynamics of regional capacities needed to withstand, adapt, and recover after crises. The resilience concept itself encompasses different stages that are described as withstanding, adaptation, and recovery from crises (Kahl & Hundt, 2015;. In our study, we use withstanding a crisis and recovery from the crisis as two measures to analyse the regional resilience dynamics and the immediate (withstanding) and post hoc response to the crisis (recovery). ...
... Given the potential interdependence of regional resilience -withstanding and recovery from crises and the regional concentration of high-growth firms and their residuals, we simultaneously model these variables in Models 1 and 2. Factors that are in the residuals may equally affect the share of high-growth firms in a region and the ability of a region to withstand and recover from the exogenous shock (Kahl & Hundt, 2015;. A standard way of modelling jointly determined indicators is a system of equations called seemingly unrelated regression equations (SUREs), where all six equations are linked only by their errors (Zellner, 1962) and apply it for a mixed process estimator with multilevel random effects and coefficients using "cmp" option in STATA 15, which applies the Geweke, Hajivassiliou, and Keane (GHK) algorithm (Roodman, 2009). ...
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This study investigates the impact of the creative industries on regional resilience and productive entrepreneurship. We control for the localized effects of digitalization in this relationship. We do so by linking the regional resilience theory with the literature on the creative industries, digitalization and productive entrepreneurship. The unit of our analysis is the European Union’s regions (from the 2008 Great Recession crisis to the 2015 recovery period). We empirically tested our framework in the context of the European Union with datasets from Eurostat Regional Statistics and the European Social Survey (ESS). Our analysis is focused on the Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics (NUTS) 3 regions, which includes 1397 industry performance observations from 314 NUTS-3 regions and 11 European countries (Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Hungary, Italy, the Netherlands, Portugal, Romania, and Slovakia) for the period 2008–2015. Our findings demonstrate that regions with a higher share of employment in the creative industries are more likely to withstand a short-term economic shock than regions with a lower share of employment in the creative industries. Our results also indicate the importance of digitalization in the period of recovery from crises, and demonstrate that the creative industries play an important part in this process. This study offers a number of policy implications.
... As principais externalidades criadas pela especialização econômica são a redução de custos pecuniários e de transporte, facilidade de transmissão de conhecimentos, principalmente de forma tácita, presença de mão de obra qualificada e de fornecedores especializados, reconhecimento e legitimação da atividade por meio da força política e institucional (HALBERT, 2012). Entretanto, uma alta especialização econômica pode tornar as regiões mais vulneráveis a um choque, bem como limitar as possibilidades de recombinação de conhecimentos, uma vez que a distância | 9 cognitiva entre os atores econômicos tende a ser mais baixa (BOSCHMA, 2015;FRENKEN et al., 2007;KAHL;HUNDT, 2015). ...
... As principais externalidades criadas pela especialização econômica são a redução de custos pecuniários e de transporte, facilidade de transmissão de conhecimentos, principalmente de forma tácita, presença de mão de obra qualificada e de fornecedores especializados, reconhecimento e legitimação da atividade por meio da força política e institucional (HALBERT, 2012). Entretanto, uma alta especialização econômica pode tornar as regiões mais vulneráveis a um choque, bem como limitar as possibilidades de recombinação de conhecimentos, uma vez que a distância | 9 cognitiva entre os atores econômicos tende a ser mais baixa (BOSCHMA, 2015;FRENKEN et al., 2007;KAHL;HUNDT, 2015). ...
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A pandemia da COVID-19 vem afetando a saúde e a economia global de modo singular. A partir da abordagem da resiliência econômica, este estudo teve como objetivo analisar os impactos da crise do novo coronavírus na empregabilidade das mesorregiões brasileiras no período de 2019 a 2020. Mais especificamente, buscou-se: comparar as mesorregiões brasileiras mais e menos afetadas pela pandemia, buscando explicações baseadas em suas estruturas econômicas, e observar as políticas públicas de enfrentamento a nível de unidade federativa. Para tanto, utilizaram-se índices econométricos de resistência econômica, mudança estrutural, especialização e diversificação econômica e o OxCGRT, desenvolvido pela universidade de Oxford. De modo geral, identificou-se que mesorregiões menos resilientes tendem a apresentar uma estrutura econômica muito especializada e menos diversificada, com uma maior participação das atividades de administração pública e de serviços industriais de utilidade pública. Já as mesorregiões mais resilientes tendem a uma maior participação no emprego da indústria de transformação e do setor serviços e a possuir uma diversificação moderada. Em termos de políticas públicas de enfrentamento à pandemia, unidades federativas com melhor resiliência econômica apresentaram índices de letalidade menores.
... Учет региональных факторов, наравне с внутрифирменными, в одноуровневой модели (т.е. придание фирмам значений регионов) может дать некорректные результаты (Kahl, 2015), поскольку эти два типа регрессоров могут быть коррелированными. Поэтому на последнем этапе для корректной оценки влияния региональных переменных мы использовали метод многоуровневого анализа (Kahl, 2015). ...
... придание фирмам значений регионов) может дать некорректные результаты (Kahl, 2015), поскольку эти два типа регрессоров могут быть коррелированными. Поэтому на последнем этапе для корректной оценки влияния региональных переменных мы использовали метод многоуровневого анализа (Kahl, 2015). ...
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Земцов С.П., Чернов А.В. (2019). Какие высокотехнологичные компании в России растут быстрее и почему // Журнал Новой экономической ассоциации. № 1 (41). С. 68–99. DOI: 10.31737/2221-2264-2019-41-1-3 ||| В условиях замедления экономики России актуален поиск внутренних, отраслевых и региональных факторов роста компаний несырьевого сектора. Эконометрические расчеты проведены на основе выборки из семи тысяч фирм пяти наиболее технологичных отраслей: фармацевтика, авиакосмический комплекс, медицинское оборудование, компьютерные и информационные технологии. По итогам обзора предшествующих исследований и анализа выборки сформулирован ряд гипотез. Подтверждено, что быстрее росли молодые и малые технологические фирмы с высокими темпами прироста капитала и труда. Но по мере усложнения процессов, износа оборудования и освоения рынка стартапы должны быть готовы к снижению темпов роста. Высокие темпы в России сохранили компании, имевшие выход на международные рынки и входившие в состав государственных корпораций. Это может быть связано с их участием в цепочках добавленной стоимости и наличием постоянных рынков; во втором случае также государственного оборонного заказа. Для компаний с иностранными собственниками и значительными нематериальными активами характерны средние для выборки темпы роста. Региональные факторы — доступ к человеческому капиталу, рынкам и технологиям — при корректной оценке не влияют на рост, так как большинство предприятий уже действуют в регионах с наиболее благоприятными условиями: Москва, Санкт-Петербург, Московская и Самарская области, Татарстан. В заключение предложен ряд инструментов поддержки высокотехнологичных компаний, направленных на обновление их основных фондов, улучшение доступа к квалифицированным кадрам, поддержку экспорта, технологических инноваций и формирование предпринимательских экосистем. |||| Zemtsov S.P., Chernov A.V. (2019). What high-tech companies in Russia grew faster and why? Journal of the New Economic Association, 1 (41), 68–99. DOI: 10.31737/2221-2264-2019-41-1-3 ||| The study aims to identify domestic, industry and regional growth factors for high-tech companies in Russia in 2010—2014 during economic growth decline. Econometric calculations are based on a sample of seven thousand firms of the five most technologically advanced industries: pharmaceuticals, aerospace, medical equipment, computer and information technology. According to the results of foreign studies and sample analysis, we formulate several hypotheses. As a result, the growth of technology firms in Russia primarily depends on the basic factors: firm’s age and size (negative impact), capital and labor growth (positive impact). Start-ups, when processes become more complex and equipment deteriorates, must be ready to slow down growth rates regardless of increase in employment and investment. However, two factors have been identified, that contribute to maintaining high growth rates: access to international markets and entry into the state corporation. These factors determine the company’s value-added chains switching in and the company’s access to permanent sales markets; in the second case it is also the public defense procurement. The impact of foreign owners and intangible assets on the growth has not been identified. Regional conditions (access to human capital, markets and technologies), with a correct assessment, do not affect the firms’ growth, as they already operate in the regions with the most favorable conditions: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Moscow and Samara regions, Tatarstan. In conclusion, a number of tools to support high-tech companies are proposed, aimed at upgrading fixed assets, improving access to qualified personnel, supporting export, technological innovation, and shaping entrepreneurial ecosystems.
... However, while studying French industries, Galliano et al. (2015) find that "Jacobian" diversity brings out a negative effect on innovation intensity confined to one location. Diversity has also been related to economic resilience and adaptability in the face of external shocks as in Kahl and Hundt (2015). This paper contributes to the debate on the existence of Marshallian (MAR), Jacobian or Porter externalities through the study of specialization, competition and industrial diversity by clusters in the 32 states in Mexico, from 2004 to 2008. ...
... Effect of industrial competition examine the resilience of regional employment to economic downturns (Delgado et al., 2015), or to measure external shocks, such as the global financial crisis as in Kahl and Hundt (2015). Other applications have examined the impact of clusters on regional economic performance in specific sectors such as the maritime cluster (Stavroulakis and Papadimitriou, 2016) or Resbeut and Gugler (2016) in the precision goods sector of Switzerland. ...
Purpose This study investigates the existence of Marshall, Jacob and Porter’s type of externalities in Mexico. We measure the impact of industrial specialization, competition and diversity on employment growth for the period 2004 to 2008. Design/methodology/approach The analysis is based on data from 41 highly dynamic industrial clusters originally obtained by applying Porter’s (1998) methodology. We use a cross-section specification estimated via instrumental variables and two-stage least square estimation (2SLS) to control for endogeneity. Findings On average, we find that industrial specialization exerts a negative impact on employment growth within states and within clusters, indicating that traded industries in Mexico carry very little innovation, operate in early stages of the life cycle, face high costs of employment reassignation or exhibit low adaptability. A negative impact of specialization on employment conforms with Jacobs (1969) type of externalities and confirms what other studies have found in France (Combes, 2000), Korea (Lee et al. , 2005) and the USA (Delgado et al. , 2014). The authors also find that competition generates more employment. Research limitations/implications Industrial data at the sub-branch level were obtained from the Economic Census (EC) of the National Institute of Geography and Statistics (INEGI). The EC information for 2004 was still not fully compatible with the North America Industry Classification System (NAICS), with 262 of the 309 data at the fourth-digit level aligned to the USA. In addition, industrial information from the EC is recorded every four years, which prevents this study to use panel data techniques and it makes it impossible to use time series methods. Practical implications Policymakers can clearly identify competition forces having a significant impact on employment growth. This can orient policymakers to implement measures to encourage the development of some of these clusters, as well as to identify some of the sources that drive specialization, competition and diversity. Originality/value This paper contributes to the debate on the existence of Marshallian (MAR), Jacobian and Porter externalities. This is the first study using the definition of traded clusters in Mexico, which allows the authors to identify how specialization, competition and diversity forces drive the dynamics of regional employment growth.
... In the 21st century, organizations faced different and difficult problems and/or disruptions from inside or outside of the company, which could be categorized as man-made or natural disasters, such as terrorist attacks, cyberattacks, equipment failure, hurricanes, economic recession, industrial strikes, earthquakes, tsunamis, civil wars, human errors, financial fraud and so on. The notion of the global word lies in the flux of a changing business environment and markets along with increased business risks (Braes and Brooks, 2010;Kahl and Hundt, 2015) and crisis that creates turbulent and volatile environment (Hamel and Valikangas, 2003) to organizations. Also, the global world offers globalized opportunities along with a hyper-competitive (D'Aveni, 1994) environment, more dependent relations both socially and technologically (Annarelli and Nonino, 2016) with increased managerial risks and organizational vulnerability (McAslan, 2010) which cause organizational failures. ...
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Purpose One of the common solutions to the business problems, disruptions and new developments of the global world is enhancing the resilience of systems, countries and organizations. Applying resilience differs according to business environments and context-based requirements of industries, which create a lack of consensus regarding how to achieve and apply it. To fill this gap and answer the main question, this study proposes to handle the resilience concept from an organizational perspective. By using an organizational point of view this study aims to offer an applicable philosophy that can be used by a wide range of stakeholders. Design/methodology/approach The main question of the study is to figure out whether “Is there any approach/lens to achieve resilient organizations which can be applied by the stakeholders of the system.” To reach such a “common application/approach” where the stakeholders can reach a consensus, a systematic literature review has been conducted to determine the existing approaches and practices. Findings The contribution of the study lies in two folds: to offer a maritime business resilience definition from the organizational point of view and to show the requirement of organizational resilience management philosophy in the maritime business context. An applicable framework is offered for the stakeholders of the maritime business transport system. Research limitations/implications The research has some limitations. This study is designed on a systematic review to figure out existing approaches used in the maritime business field and to defend and prove the necessity of organizational resilience management philosophy in maritime business management which helps organizational survival. Further research should use different methods to empirically test the conceptual model according to different segments/stakeholders of the maritime industry. Also, this research opens a new field of study about resilience subject from the maritime context where organizational approach mentions hardly any. Therefore, future studies should investigate developing key performance indicators of components of the proposed model and its effects on maritime organizations. Practical implications As a volatile industry, increasing resilience capability helps maritime organizations to decrease the effects of disruptions while at the same enable them to operate the core business functions in the maritime business. Maritime business needs to solve not only one-time problems but also needs to resolve and exploit new opportunities from disruptions via resilient management philosophy, which help organizational adaption in fluctuating periods. To prevent such problems and become ready for complex environmental changes, organizational resilience management philosophy is vital. Social implications Organizational resilience offers maritime business a holistic approach to evaluate problems of the system by submitting multiple ways to handle problems that help to manage uncertainty and change. Resilient management philosophy enables maritime business organizations to fight against their vulnerabilities that create risk, especially in a turbulent business environment. Originality/value The originality of the study lies in highlighting the importance of organizational resilience management philosophy in the maritime business context. And an organizational resilience framework is offered.
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Das vorliegende Buch vereinigt Fallstudien zur Krisenfestigkeit in acht deutschsprachigen Regionen mit jeweils unterschiedlichen strukturellen Voraussetzungen, Anpassungsstrategien und -instrumenten, Krisenerfahrungen und wirtschaftlichen Erfolgen. Im Vergleich zu anderen europäischen Ländern wird die wirtschaftliche Entwicklung in den deutschsprachigen Ländern Deutschland, Österreich und Schweiz während des vergangenen Jahrzehnts positiv beurteilt. Beschäftigung und Exporte stiegen an, und das Wirtschaftswachstum sank lediglich relativ kurzfristig im unmittelbaren weltweiten Wirtschaftskrisenjahr 2009. Die Fallstudien basieren auf Experteninterviews in den jeweiligen Regionen und auf nationaler und europäischer Ebene sowie zwei Workshops mit Praktikern aus untersuchten Regionen in Baden-Württemberg und Sachsen. Zielgruppen für das Buch sind zum einen Praktiker in Landesregierungen, regionalen und lokalen Wirtschaftsförderungen, Kammern und Verbänden und zum anderen regionalwissenschaftliche Forscher. Der Inhalt · Regionale wirtschaftliche Resilienz in Forschung und Praxis · Erfahrungen in den Fallstudienregionen · Resilienzpolitik als neues Paradigma regionaler Wirtschaftspolitik? Die Autoren Rüdiger Wink ist Professor für Volkswirtschaftslehre an der HTWK Leipzig, Laura Kirchner, Florian Koch und Daniel Speda sind wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter an der HTWK Leipzig.
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Much of the prior research on interorganizational learning has focused on the role of absorptive capacity, a firm's ability to value, assimilate, and utilize new external knowledge. However, this definition of the construct suggests that a firm has an equal capacity to learn from all other organizations. We reconceptualize the Jinn-level construct absorptive capacity as a learning dyad-level construct, relative absorptive capacity. One firm's ability to learn from another firm is argued to depend on the similarity of both firms' (1) knowledge bases, (2) organizational structures and compensation policies, and (3) dominant logics. We then test the model using a sample of pharmaceutical-biotechnology RED alliances. As predicted, the similarity of the partners' basic knowledge, lower management formalization, research centralization, compensation practices, and research communities were positively related to interorganizational learning. The relative absorptive capacity measures are also shown to have greater explanatory power than the established measure of absorptive capacity, R&D spending. (C) 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
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Purpose – This paper aims at investigating the multifaceted nature of innovation networks by focusing on two research questions: Do cluster actors exchange only one type of innovation-related knowledge? Do cluster actors play different roles in innovation-related knowledge exchange? Design/methodology/approach – This paper builds on data collected at the firm level in an Italian aerospace cluster, that is a technology-intensive industry where innovation is at the base of local competitiveness. A questionnaire was used to collect both attribute data and relational data concerning collaboration and the flows of knowledge in innovation networks. The authors distinguished among three types of knowledge (technological, managerial and market knowledge) and five types of brokerage roles (coordinator, gatekeeper, liaison, representative and consultant). Data analysis relied on social network analysis techniques and software. Findings – Concerning the first research question, the findings show that different types of knowledge flow in different ways in innovation networks. The different types of knowledge are unevenly exchanged. The exchange of technological knowledge is open to everyone in the cluster. The exchange of market and managerial knowledge is selective. Concerning the second research question, the authors suggest that different types of cluster actors (large firms, small- and medium-sized enterprises, research centers and universities and institutions for collaboration) do play different roles in innovation networks, especially with reference to the three types of knowledge considered in this study. Research limitations/implications – The present paper has some limitations. First of all, the analysis focuses on just one cluster (one industry in one specific location), cross- and comparative analyses with other clusters may illuminate the findings better, eliminating industry and geographical biases. Second, the paper focuses only on innovation-related knowledge exchanges within the cluster and not across it. Practical implications – The results have practical implications both for policy makers and for managers. First, this research stresses how innovation often originates from a combination of different knowledge types acquired through the collaboration with heterogeneous cluster actors. Further, the analysis of brokerage roles in innovation-driven collaborations may help policy makers in designing programs for knowledge-transfer partnerships among the various actors of a cluster. Social implications – The paper suggests a clear need of developing professional figures capable of operating at the interface of different knowledge domains.
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Organizational and community resilience are interrelated and interdependent. As a result, organizational resilience is a critical component of communities' ability to plan for, respond to, and recover from emergencies and crises. Organizational resilience can also be a source of competitiveness and a driver of cultural adaptive capacity. To invest in resilience, organizations need to understand their resilience strengths and weaknesses and must be able to evaluate the effectiveness of resilience strategies. This paper develops a survey tool that organizations can use to identify their strengths and weaknesses and to develop and evaluate the effectiveness of their resilience strategies and investments.
This research examines the role played by the ‘causally ambiguous’ nature of knowledge in the process of knowledge transfer between strategic alliance partners. Based on a cross-sectional sample of 147 multinationals and a structural equation methodology, this study empirically investigates the simultaneous effects of knowledge ambiguity and its antecedents—tacitness, asset specificity, prior experience, complexity, partner protectiveness, cultural distance, and organizational distance—on technological knowledge transfer. In contrast to past research that generally assumed a direct relation between these explanatory variables and transfer outcomes, this study’s findings highlight the critical role played by knowledge ambiguity as a full mediator of tacitness, prior experience, complexity, cultural distance, and organizational distance on knowledge transfer. These significant effects are further found to be moderated by the firm’s level of collaborative know-how, its learning capacity, and the duration of the alliance. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
I find that a firm's innovation output increases with the number of collaborative linkages maintained by it, the number of structural holes it spans, and the number of partners of its partners. However, innovation is negatively related to the interaction between spanning many structural holes and having partners with many partners.
Defining social capital in terms of the information benefits available to a firm due to its strategic alliances tie present a theory, of social capital that conceptualizes it as a multidimensional construct. We draw from the literature to argue that social capital yields three distinctly different kinds of information benefits in the form of information volume, information diversity, and information richness. This extends current theoretical and empirical research by specifying and empirically demonstrating three interrelated vet distinct dimensions of social capital. Firms vary in their levels of social capital not just on their structural position in an alliance network but also in the dynamics that underlie alliance formation and maintenance. More importantly, the different dimensions of social capital theoretically provide differential benefits. We establish the construct validity of our proposed three-dimensional conceptualization of social capital using longitudinal data on tire population of strategic alliances formed during the period 1980-94 by firms in the global steel industry. In addition, rose establish predictive vadility by demonstrating drat the information dimensions have differential effects oil firm performance, using fire: nationality as a contingency. Copyright (C) 2002 John Wiley Sons, Ltd.