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Late Cretaceous vertebrates including mammals from Bolivia.

BenNano 516[ xxxr. & CARLos VILLAROEL *r(r.,k,É
A taxonomically diverse fossil fauna with small and
medium size vertebrates was recovered from the Late
Cretaceous (Maestrichtian) age El Molino Formation
at Tiupampa, southcentral Bolivia. Among the
known taxa, many new to science, are selacians, acti-
nopterygians, lungfish, amphibians, lizards, snakes,
turtles, crocodiles, and several mammals. This fin-
ding provides a unique and previously unavailable
opportunity to understand debated aspects of the
phylogenetic and biogeographic histories of these
A taxonomically rich vertebrate fauna was recently
recovered from the El Molino Formation (Late Creta-
ceous) in southcentral Bolivia. The most significant
discovery was made at the locality of Tiupampa in the
Cordillera Oriental on the eastern slope of the Alti-
Une faune fossile, taxonomiquement diversifiée, de
vertébrés de petites et moyennes dimensions, a été
découverte dans la Formation El Molino du Crétacé
supérieur (Maestrichtien) à Tiupampa, dans le
Centre-Sud de Bolivie. Parmi les taxons découverts,
dont beaucoup sont nouveaux pour la science, se
trouvent des sélaciens, actinoptérygiens, dipneustes,
amphibiens, lézards, serpents, tortues, crocodiles, et
différents mammifères. Cette découverte fournit un
moyen exceptionnel, le meilleur obtenu à ce jour sur
ce continent, de mieux comprendre les problèmes de
l'histoire phylogénique et biogéographique de ces
plano about 95 km southeast of Cochabamba (fig.
1A). The fauna includes three species of marsupial
mammals (1), representing the first Late Cretaceous
mammal locality known for Bolivia and the second
for South America (2, 3).
Mors-crÉs : vERTÉBRÉS, cRÉTACÉ supÉRrEUR, BoLIvrE, parÉosrocÉocRApHrE, coRRÉLATroNS.
* Institut de Paléontologie (LA 12, CNRS), 8 rue de Buffon, 75005 paris, France.
** Office de la Recherche Scientifique et Technique Outre Mer, Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour, Laboraioire de Géodynamique des
Bassins sédimentaires, 64000 Pau, France.
*** Depart. of Geosciences, The University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona 85721, U.S.A.
**** Laboratoire de Paléontologie (LA 327, CNRS), U.S.T.L., Place Eugène Bataillon, 34060 Montpellier Cedex, France.
***** Apdo. Aéreo 56833 Bogotà D.E. Columbia.
Geobios, no 16, fasc. 6p. 7 47 -7 53, I tabl., 2 fig. Lyon, décembre 1983
The El Molino Formation is in the Puca Group, the
upper part of which includes (from oldest to youn-
gest) the Aroifilla (in part), Chaunaca, El Molino,
and Santa Lucia formations (4, 5). The Puca Group is
located in the Andean Basin, a large sedimentary
structure covering northwest Argentina, southwest
Bolivia, and southern Peru (6), which includes
marine, freshwater, and continental rocks of Late
Cretaceous and Early Tertiary age (7).
The lithologic units in the Andean basin have been
given different names in Argentina, Bolivia, and
Peru. Recent studies of rocks and faunas throughout
the basin demonstrate the time equivalence of many
of these units. Based on faunal content the El Molino
Formation of Bolivia is confidently correlated with
the Lecho and Yacoraite Formations of Argentina,
and the Vilquechico Formation of Peru (5).
Paleogeographic reconstructions of Late Creta-
ceous strata of the El Molino Formation in the
Andean Basin are given by Russo & Rodrigo (8),
Cherroni (5), Martinez (7), and Bonaparte & Powell
(9). The most common lithology in the center of the
basin is a calcareous sandstone with intercalations of
mudstones, the base of which is characterized by a
thick level of the stromatolite Pucalithus (10). On the
margin of the basin such as near Vila Vila (fig. lA),
the sediments are more detrital, often represented by
red beds which erode to form extensive badland expo-
The El Molino Formation was initially regarded as
Senonian in age (4). Knowledge of abundant fossil
remains collected from several localities (10, 11), sup-
plemented by new material collected by us and cowor-
kers, permits a secure Maestrichtian age assignment
for this lithologic unit.
Charophytes (Porochara sp., Platychara cf. per-
lata, Amblyochara peruviana) from near San Lucas
(85 km southeast of Potosi) and Maragua (70 km
north of Potosi) are interpreted as Campanian- Maes-
trichtian in age (12) and they are similar to those of
the Vilquechico Formation of Peru.
From near the base of the formation at Torotoro
(fig. 1A), Cappetta (13) describes a selacian fauna
+ iurlle,crôcodrle + rool costs
ê turlles
+ ,ishes
iu rt le, crocod r lès ,100
+gostropods, selocion
+ rool cosls
S Conglomerote fj Lrmesiones f] Sondstones
fI Gostropod L meslone f] strotes IlIl Poleozoic
Fig. I - Map of Boüvia showing principal fossil vertebrates localities in El Molino Formation (A) ; and tentatively correlated sections of El
Molino Formation at Vila Viscarra (B) and Tiupampa (C).
Carte de la Bolivie sigrialant les principales localités fossilifères de la Formation El Molino (A) ; et coupes stratigraphiques corrélées
de la Formation El Molino à Vila Viscarra (B) et Tiupampa (c).
ao" 66o
ô 3OOlm
(including Pucapristis brunisi, Pucabatis hoffstetteri,
Ischyrhiza hartenbergeri, Dasyatis branisai, D. moli-
noensis, D. schaefferr) which indicates a Maestrich-
tian age. At the same locality, but from near the top
of the formation, are abundant trackways of dino-
saurs (14), representing at least five kinds of sauro-
pods and theropods (15).
Stratigraphic sections of the El Molino Formation
from Vila Viscarra (about 2 km south of Vila Vila)
and Tiupampa (about 6 km southeast of Vila Vila)
show the lithology of the rocks and the known fossil
levels (fig. 1B, C). A tentative correlation of these sec-
tions is based largely on the presence of a gasteropod
rich limestone believed to be the same in both ; it is
located 120 m above the base of the formation at Vila
Viscarra (fig. lB) and 90 m above the base of the for-
mation at Tiupampa (fig. lC). The rocks in both sec-
tions are primarily white to red sandstone with inter-
calations of clays and mudstone. The presence of
abundant root casts in some levels and of dark orga-
nic rich levels in others, indicates marshy to palustral
depositional environments. The abundance of chan-
nels and the frequent occurrence of marked but not
rapid lateral facies changes indicate general deposi-
tion in a low energy regime, possibly overbank to del-
taic in origin.
Neither charophytes, nor pollens were obtained
from the sampled levels. Multiple vertebrate- bearing
levels were prospected in both sections.
At Vila Viscarra (fig. 18) the lower fossil level loca-
ted about 100 m above the base of the formation and
characterized by Pucopnslrs ScnaBnrrn, 1963 (16),
yielded a selacian fauna identical to that described
from the base of the El Molino Formation at Toro-
toro (13, l7). Actinopterygian fish from this level
include : a pycnodont (Pycnodontidae, Pycnodonti-
fo rmes), Lepidot es (Lepido t idae, Semiono t ifu rmes),
gars (Lepisosteidae, Semionotifurmes), cf . Rhineaster
(Ariidae, Siluriformes), a new gemts (Ictaluridae,
Silurifurmes), and cf. Miletes (Serrasalmidae, Chara-
ciformes). The first four taxa are also recorded from
the El Molino Formation at Hotel Cordillera and
Agua Clara, both regarded as Maestrichtian (18). A
lungfish, an indeterminate pleurodire turtle (19) and
two indeterminate crocodiles (20) are also known
from this level.
From a level about 150 m above the base ofthe for-
mation in the Vila Viscarra section (fig. 1B) were col-
lected several specimens of the turtle ? Roxochelys
vilsvilensis (Pelomedusidae, Pleurodira) (21). Roxo-
chelys is known from the Bauru Formation in Brazil
(9) and the Vilquechico Formation in Peru (9), both
regarded as Late Cretaceous in age. One specimen of
a small crocodile from this level is referred to Cyno-
dontosuchus cf . rothi (Baurusuchidae, Sebecosuchia)
(22), a species found with dinosaurs in the Neuquen
Group of Argentina (9).
The vertebrate fauna from Tiupampa is exception-
naly rich in specimens and taxa. Selacians, collected
from a limestone level about 90 m above the base of
the formation (fig. lC), are represented by Dasyatis
schaefferi, a species also known from the lower levels
at Vila Viscarra and Torotoro (17).
Iêpisostrldae : sp. indet.
Erciaàe oli»eirci
cC. Phatrooifus
cf, EotrËclon
cf . Rhiæastet
lctâl,uldae: nov. gen.
cf. Rhodaia
cf- l*iletee
ct. Hopliae
ct. Petcichthya
Lepidosiren cf . pamdon
Iêptodàctylidae : sp. indet.
Igunidàe : sp, indet.
Caïophye sp,
Eoidae: sp.2 indet.
? RoætBlya ct. ttilaülensie + + +
Podoaenic ? btteilienais +
sp. indet.
Dyrosauld.c ! sp. lndet,
Crccldyua r 3p. lndet, ?
Roberthof fete tterta mtionalge ograp hica
Hàrsuplalia: sp. lndeÈ. À
ttàrsr4rlalla: sp. lndet. B
Tabl. 1 - Fossil vertebrates of Tiupampa (mammal bearing level)
and their occurrence in: I - other localities of the El
Molino Formation, Bolivia ; 2 - the Vilquechico Forma-
tion at Laguna Umayo, Peru ; 3 - other Late Cretaceous
formations of South America.
Yertébrés fossiles de Tiupampa (niveau à mammifères)
et indicaiion de leur présence dans : I - d'autres gise-
ments de la Formation El Molino, Bolivie ; 2 - la For-
mation Vilquechico à Laguna Umayo, Perou ;3
-d'autres formations du Crétacé terminal d'Amérique
du Sud.
Except for a few indeterminate fragments of turtles
observed high in the section (fig. 1C), the remaining
vertebrates (table 1) were all collected from a level
between ll0 m and 140 m above the base of the for-
mation at Tiupampa (fig. lC). Actinopterygii are
represented by seven orders and at least ten families,
some recorded for the first time in South America
(fig. 2). These are : gars (Lepisosteidae, Semionoti-
formes), Enchodus oliveirai (Enchdontidoe, Salmoni-
formes), cf . Phoreodus (Osteoglossidae, Osteoglossi-
formes), cf . Eohiodon (Hiodontidae, Osteoglossifor-
mes), cf. Rhinesster (Ariidoe, Silurifurmes), a new
gents (Ictoluridoe, Siluriformes), cf . Rhodsio (Chara-
cidae, Characiformes), cf. Miletes (Serrasalmidae,
Characiformes), cf. Hoplias (Erythrynidae, Charsci-
formes), and cf. Percichthys (Percichthyidae, Perci-
A marine fish, Enchodus, is of particular impor-
tance for correlation. Based on the smoothness of the
teeth, it is apparently referrable to E- oliveiroi (23), a
species known only from rocks of Maestrichtian age
in Congo (24), Morocco (24), and Brazil (25).
Fig,2 - Previous and present chronostratigraphic ranges of
Actinopterygii recorded from the El Molino Formation,
Taxa from the Tiupampa locality are marked by a wavy
Anciennes et présentes extensions chronostratigraphi-
ques des Actinoptérygiens découverts dans la Formation
El Molino. Un trait sinueux correspond aux taxons de la
localité de Tiupampa.
The other actinopterygians from Tiupampa were
not previously recorded from rocks of Late Creta-
ceous age, and two points were considered in assi-
gning them to the Maestrichtian. First, comparison
was made with the fish fauna from Hotel Cordillera,
confidently regarded as Maestrichtian (18) and with
that from Laguna Umayo, Vilquechico Formation,
Late Cretaceous of Peru. Second are paleobiogeogra-
phic considerations.
The oldest siluriforms (Ariidoe, Ictaluridae) were
previously known from the Late Paleocene of North
America (26). Their discovery in the El Molino For-
mation consequently extends their first known occur-
rence to the Maestrichtian. The Ariidae have a world-
wide marine distribution only along coasts and can
enter freshwater river systems. It is probable that their
early biogeographic history involved dispersal at a
time when the American landmasses were either in
contact with or were close to those of Africa and
Europe (27). Ariidae must thus have originated before
Aptian (- ll0 Ma) time to permit this dispersal. Cf.
Rhinesster appears to be present at the Hotel Cordil-
lera, Tiupampa, and Vila Viscarra (lower level) locali-
ties. The new genus of the freshwater family lctaluri-
dae from Tiupampa is also the same as the one from
Hotel Cordillera (28).
Two freshwater families of Characiforms have
range extensions. The oldest Characidae were pre-
viously known from the Middle Paleocene (29) and
the Serrssalmidae from the Miocene (30) of South
America. The discovery of Choracidae in the El
Molino Formation at Hotel Cordillera and Agua
Clara (18), and of Serrosslmidse in the lower level of
Vila Viscarra (28), extends their first known occur-
rence to the Maestrichtian. Characiforms are found
to-day only in South America and Africa, a distribu-
tion suggesting their presence in Gondwana before
Aptian time.
Osteo glossidae and Hiodontidoe, typically stenoha-
line famillies, occur to-day in South America, Africa,
and Australia, and as fossils (Phoreodus, Hiodon,
Eohiodon) in the Eocene of North America (26). This
distribution suggests a Gondwana origin for those
families. Accepting the Tiupampa Osteoglossidoe as
cf . Phsreodus and Hiodontidae as cf . Eohiodon,then
they may have been participants in the Late Creta-
ceous faunal interchange that occurred between
North and South America (31).
No true percoid has previously been reported from
a typical Cretaceous level. The oldest previously
known true percoid was Proserranus (Serranidoe)
from the Danian (Early Paleocene) of Sweden (32).
-oa erlensron De,,,.,
dscor'erÿ n 5c,r
+ô€ÿ eriens o. {rlh
E Mo no oôd ÿr qle
chr.o ;or-or ons
A hemaxanal complex from Hotel Cordillera may
represent a beryciform or a perciform. This locality is
primarily freshwater, but some remains belong to
marine taxa (selacian, pycnodont) and we therefore
cannot dismiss this element as a possible marine bery-
ciform. However, it probably belongs to a freshwater
taxon, possibly a Percichthyidoe (Percifurmes), a
family which evolved from a generalized marine
group much like the Serranidae (29). Two vertebrae
of Percichthyidse have been recovered from Laguna
Umayo, Vilquechico Formation, Late Cretaceous of
Peru. The distribution of living Percichthyidae is dis-
junct, including southern South America, western
North America, southeast Australia, and northeast
Asia (33), and was surely more widespread in the past.
Erythrynidae (cf. Hoplias) are a typically South
American freshwater group. The oldest previously
known fossils were from the Miocene of Ecuador
(34). They are not known from any other locality of
the El Molino Formation, but are now listed from
Laguna Umayo, Vilquechico Formation, Peru.
The freshwater family Lepisosteidoe was not pre-
viously recorded in South America. This new record
from Tiupampa invalidates the view of Wiley (35)
who presents a biogeographic model predicting that
<<... only the vicariant sister group of gars may be
found among the fossil fauna of South America >>.
Thus, of the ten Actinopterygii families from Tiu-
pampa, seven (Enchiodontidae, Ariidae, Ictsluridae,
Serrasolmidae, Characidae, Erythrynidae, Per-
cichthyidae) have been recorded from the El Molino
and/or Vilquechico Formations. Two genera of
osteoglossiforms (cf. Phareodus, cf . Eohiodon) rnust
have been present in South America since Aptian time
and dispersed to North America before the end of the
Cretaceous. Based on the presence of Enchodus olî
veirai, a typical Maestrichtian marine species, and on
the fact that the other species do not conflict with
such an age assignment, a Maestrichtian age is sugges-
ted and favored by knowledge of the Actinopterygii
from Tiupampa (fig. 2).
Fossil lungfish are rarely recorded from South
America. Tooth plates of Lepidosiren have been
found in the Late Miocene of Columbia (36), in the
Eocene of Argentina (37) and in the Late Cretaceous
of Peru (38). No distinctive characters have been
published until now to warrant a separation of the
fossil tooth plates from those of Recent Lepidosiren
paradoxa (36, 37). Thus, even though the Lepidosiren
tooth plates of Tiupampa resemble closely those of
the Late Cretaceous of Peru, that alone cannot be
taken as an indubitable indication for the same age
Amphibians are represented by frogs, apparently of
the family Leptodactylidae (40), iguanid lizards by an
indeterminate taxon, and snakes by one species of
Aniliidae (Coniophis sp.) and three species of Boidae
(40). Turtles are represented by ? Roxochelys cf . vila-
yilensis (19), and a << Podocnemis »» /s././, possibly
Podocnemis brssiliensis STAESCHE, 1937 (41) as
amended by Price, 1953 (42) from the Bauru Forma-
tion of Brazil (19). Crocodiles are represented by at
least three taxa: Sebecosuchis indet., Dyrosauridae
indet., and another group indet. (22). Whereas
various dinosaur trackways occur in El Molino limes-
tones at Torotoro, no sure dinosaur remains have yet
been recorded from the El Molino sandstones and
clays at Vila Viscarra and Tiupampa.
Mammals are represented by three species of Mar-
supialia all conservatively referred to the superfamily
Didelphoideo (l).
The Late Cretaceous (Maestrichtian) age vertebrate
fauna from the El Molino Formation in general and
from the Tiupampa locality in particular is diverse in
both number of specimens and taxa. Included from
Tiupampa are selacians, actinopterygians, lungfish,
amphibians, lizards, snakes, turtles, crocodiles, and
mammals. Many of the known taxa are new. Some
actinopterygians are recorded for the first time in
South America, and others are recorded for the first
time in rocks of Late Cretaceous age (being known
previously only from younger faunas). Mammals are
relatively abundant and the fauna is the first of Late
Cretaceous age known from Bolivia and only the
second for South America.
The Tiupampa locality is the first of Late Creta-
ceous age in South America to yield an abundance of
small and medium sized vertebrates (note infra.). It thus
provides a unique and previously unavailable oppor-
tunity for understanding aspects of the phylogenetic
and paleobiogeographic histories of these groups in
South America.
(note infra.) - Matrix collected from the principal vertebrate- bea-
ring levels at Vila Viscarra, Tiupampa, and Hotel Cordillera is pre-
sently being washed and sorted at the Laboratoire de Paléontolo-
gie, Montpellier for recovery of additional bones and teeth.
Funds for field work were provided by grant 2467-82 from
the National Geographic Society, Washington, D.C. The
field work was carried out under the auspices of I.B.B.A.
(Instituto Boliviano de Biologia de Altura) and the Mission
O.R.S.T.O.M. (Office de la Recherche Scientifique et Tech-
nique Outre-Mer). Field vehicles and other vital logistic
support were provided by Mission O.R.S.T.O.M. Support
for washing and sorting of matrix was provided by
E.P.H.E. (Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes), Montpellier.
\Me thank Robert Hoffstetter, Zofia Kielan-Jaworowska,
and Donald E. Russell for comments on the manuscript.
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Manuscrit définitif reçu le 25.10.1983
... Se elaboró una lista de los taxa superiores con su respectivo número de especies por familia, que fue construida con base en una revisión de las siguientes descripciones taxonómicas: Schaeffer (1963), Braniša et al. (1964), Cappetta (1975), Gayet (1982aGayet ( , 1988Gayet ( , 1991, Merino-Rodo & Janvier (1986), Janvier & Suárez-Riglos (1986, Gagnier et al. (1986), Gagnier (1991), Gayet & Meunier (1991, , Gayet et al. (2003) y Pradel et al. (2009. Así mismo, se incluyeron las siguientes referencias que clarificaron la distribución de las especies, reportaron nuevos hallazgos y realizaron correcciones: Gayet (1982bGayet ( , 1982c, Muizon et al. (1983), Goujet et al. (1984), ), Janvier (1991, Marshall & Hoffstetter (1991), Arratia & Cione (1996), Gayet & Meunier (1998, Janvier & Maisey (2010), Racheboeuf et al. (2012) y Nelson et al. (2016. ...
... indet.) y Siluriformes (Andinichthys spp., Hoffstetterichthys pucai, Incaichthys suarezi, Rhineastes sp.) (Braniša et al.1964, Cappetta 1975, Muizon et al. 1983, Gayet 1988, Marshall & Hoffstetter 1991, Gayet & Meunier 1991, 19982003. Cabe también mencionar a los morfotipos de Ceratodus, Lepisosteiformes (Lepisosteus sp. ...
... gen. sp.) que se encontraron en Bolivia hasta formaciones del Paleógeno y que actualmente no están presentes en Sudamérica (Muizon et al. 1983, Meunier & Gayet 1996. ...
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Se presenta la lista de los taxa superiores de peces fósiles de Bolivia y el número de especies por familia. El compilado fue elaborado con base en descripciones taxonómicas, registros bibliográficos y revisiones previas. Un total de 81 morfotipos de siete diferentes Clases (Pteraspidomorphi, Thelodonti, Placodermi, Chondrichthyes, Acanthodii, Osteichthyes e incertae sedis) fueron citados, abarcando un período de tiempo desde el Paleozoico (Ordovícico) hasta el Cenozoico (Neógeno). El número de taxa es notablemente elevado debido a las formaciones existentes en el país, y la variedad de ambientes acuáticos (marinos y de aguas continentales) que existieron en el pasado.
... The distribution of living Percichthyidae is discontinuous, including southern South America, eastern North America, southeastern Australia, and northeastern Asia (Fig. 6). This distribution was undoubtedly more extensive in the past: Percichthyidae have recently been discovered in the late Tertiary of Brazil (Arratio, 1982), the late Cretaceous (Maestrichtian) El Molino Formation of Bolivia (de Muizon et al., 1983Muizon et al., , 1984, the Vilquichico Formation of Peru (pers. obs.), and in several Tertiary localities in Europe. ...
... Ariidae have a worldwide marine distribution along coasts and sometimes enter freshwater river systems (Fig. 16). They are the oldest family of Siluriformes known anywhere in the world, coming from the late Cretaceous (Maastrichtian) of Bolivia (de Muizon et al., 1983Muizon et al., , 1984 Description.-One pharyngeal tooth is a small and globular in shape (Fig. 17), oval in crosssection, with a slightly blunt hook ( h ) whose height is about one-third of total crown height. ...
... It is also possible to consider Tethyan origin for cyprinids, as suggested by discovery in the Cenomanian of Isreal of Ramallichthps possessing a rudimentary Weberian apparatus (Gayet, 1982c(Gayet, , 1983(Gayet, , 1986. In this case, rapid dispersion into freshwater of all circum-Tethyan landmasses would be required. ...
... Previous paleoichthyological works have emphasized the pycnodontid and myliobatid fishes from the Late Cretaceous of India in the context of their paleobiogeographical significance and references therein) (see Figure 6), however, these fishes are lacking in the Manawar assemblage. The fish genus Phareodus (recovered in the present study) has been recorded from K-Pg intervals outside the subcontinent, i.e. from the Late Cretaceous deposits of North America, South America; Late Cretaceous deposits of Bolivia (De Muizon et al. 1983), and also from the Paleocene deposits of Australia (Gayet and Meunier 1983). ...
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An assemblage of microfossils consisting of non-marine ostracods (Cypridopsis, Gomphocythere, Zonocypris, Eucypris, and Frambocythere), charophyte gyrogonites (Platychara), molluscs (Viviparus, Valvata, and Lymnaea), and fish remains (mainly Phareodus), is here reported from a new intertrappean locality near the town of Manawar, District Dhar, Madhya Pradesh, Central India. The biotic component recovered suggests a Late Cretaceous (Maastrichtian) age for the intertrappean deposit near Manawar. Paleoenvironmentally, the overall biotic assemblage recovered indicates the presence of a freshwater palustrine/lacustrine depositional system connected to a low energy stream/river. Paleobiogeographically, the known high diversity of ostracod genera, especially Eucypris, Cypridopsis, and Gomphocythere, hints at endemism within the Indian Subcontinent during the Late Cretaceous (Maastrichtian). However, the cosmopolitan distribution of the charophyte genus Platychara in the K-Pg interval across the globe (Africa, Europe, and America) and its absence in the Upper Cretaceous of China and Mongolia is quite intriguing.
... Although absent from the Mesozoic, boid snakes are present in South American since the Paleocene (Albino and Brizuela, 2014). Until some years ago the Paleogene boid record came only from Argentina and Brazil, with few remains from Bolivia (Albino, 1987(Albino, , 1990(Albino, , 1992(Albino, , 1993(Albino, , 2011(Albino, , 2012de Muizon et al., 1983;Rage, 1991Rage, , 2001, whereas the Neogene provided remains from Argentina and Colombia (Albino, 1992(Albino, , 1996Albino et al., 2013;Hecht and LaDuke, 1997;Hoffstetter and Rage, 1977). ...
Gaimanophis is an extinct boid genus represented so far by a single species (Gaimanophis tenuis) known by isolated vertebrae from the early Miocene of Patagonia. In this paper, a new species of Gaimanophis is described from the India Muerta Formation (late Miocene) of Tucumán province (Argentina). Gaimanophis powelli sp. nov. distinguishes itself from G. tenuis mainly in its larger size, prezygapophyses less slanting, neural spine shorter dorsally than ventrally, and zygosphene straight bearing an anteriorly protruding tongue. This record indicates a wider temporal and geographical distribution of the genus from the early Miocene of Patagonia to the late Miocene of northwestern Argentina. The recognition of a new species of boid in South America increases the known diversity of this group. Although boids have inhabited in this territory since the Paleocene, fossils belonging to the group only show a glimpse of the real past diversity in the continent.
... Con respecto al Cenozoico, las más antiguas serpientes del Paleógeno sudamericano proceden del Paleoceno de Bolivia, donde se identifica un "anilioideo" indeterminado, al menos dos géneros de boideos, un madtsoideo o boideo, un tropidófido y el macrostomado derivado Kataria anisodonta (de Muizon et al., 1983;Rage, 1991;Scanferla et al., 2013). Rage (1981) (Albino, 1990;Rage, 1998Rage, , 2001Rage, , 2008. ...
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The squamates are a successful group of reptiles which includes more than 9,600 extant species. Their evolution in South America, scarcely illustrated by the incomplete and episodic fossil record, is a consequence of the complex geological and paleoclimatic history of this part of the world. The Mesozoic squamate record is concentrated in Argentina and Brazil, with less presence in Bolivia. Both major squamate clades (Iguania and Scleroglossa) are present during the Cretaceous, where snakes were common and diverse, involving some of the most primitive terrestrial forms. Paleogene and Neogene squamates were mainly recorded in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Peru, and Venezuela. Lizards were uncommon in Paleogene deposits but snakes showed an important diversity which included at least two extant boid snakes (Boaand Corallus) and extinct forms. The Miocene is especially relevant because of the first recognition of some extant genera of Iguanidae (Liolaemus, Pristidactylus), Teiidae (Tupinambis), and other Boidae (Eunectes, probably Epicrates), although extinct genera were also present. First occurrence of Colubridae is from the early Miocene, whereas Scolecophidia appeared in the middle Miocene, and Viperidae in the late Miocene. The earliest Amphisbaenia of South America is recorded in the Pliocene, and the earliest Gekkonidae, Anguidae and Elapidae come from the Pleistocene. Most Pleistocene and Holocene squamate remains correspond to living genera, including some extant species.
... These deposits are also rich in snakes (Albino 1990;Rage 1998Rage , 2001Rage , 2008. In southern mid-latitudes, the fauna from Tiupampa in Bolivia (early Palaeocene, Gelfo et al. 2009) has provided a possible iguanian lizard and diverse snake taxa (de Muizon et al. 1983;Rage 1991). Early Eocene deposits of the Lumbrera Formation in north-western Argentina provide remains of a teiid lizard, corroborating that lizards and snakes were present in the Palaeogene of South America outside of Patagonia. ...
The Lumbrera Formation in north-western Argentina is notable for preserving lizard remains from the Palaeogene of South America. In this paper, we offer a re-description and re-evaluation of the material belonging to the holotype of the teiid lizard Lumbrerasaurus scagliai (Donadío, 1985) recovered from sediments of the Lumbrera Formation near Pampa Grande, Salta province, Argentina. Lumbrerasaurus scagliai is considered here as an extinct genus of Tupinambinae. These remains are the earliest record of teiid lizards and confirm the presence of tupinambine teiids in the South American Palaeogene.
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The current literature on marsupial phylogenetics includes numerous studies based on analyses of morphological data with limited sampling of Recent and fossil taxa, and many studies based on analyses of molecular data with dense sampling of Recent taxa, but few studies have combined both data types. Another dichotomy in the marsupial phylogenetic literature is between studies focused on New World taxa and those focused on Sahulian taxa. To date, there has been no attempt to assess the phylogenetic relationships of the global marsupial fauna based on combined analyses of morphology and molecular sequences for a dense sampling of Recent and fossil taxa. For this report, we compiled morphological and molecular data from an unprecedented number of Recent and fossil marsupials. Our morphological data consist of 180 craniodental characters that we scored for 97 terminals representing every currently recognized Recent genus, 42 additional ingroup (crown-clade marsupial) terminals represented by well-preserved fossils, and 5 outgroups (nonmarsupial metatherians). Our molecular data comprise 24.5 kb of DNA sequences from whole-mitochondrial genomes and six nuclear loci (APOB, BRCA1, GHR, RAG1, RBP3 and VWF) for 97 marsupial terminals (the same Recent taxa scored for craniodental morphology) and several placental and monotreme outgroups. The results of separate and combined analyses of these data using a wide range of phylogenetic methods support many currently accepted hypotheses of ingroup (marsupial) relationships, but they also underscore the difficulty of placing fossils with key missing data (e.g., Evolestes), and the unique difficulty of placing others that exhibit mosaics of plesiomorphic and autapomorphic traits (e.g., Yalkaparidon). Unique contributions of our study are (1) critical discussions and illustrations of marsupial craniodental morphology including features never previously coded for phylogenetic analysis; (2) critical assessments of relative support for many suprageneric clades; (3) estimates of divergence times derived from tip-and-node dating based on uniquely taxon-dense analyses; and (4) a revised, higher-order classification of marsupials accompanied by lists of supporting craniodental synapomorphies. Far from the last word on these topics, this report lays the foundation for future research that may be enabled by the discovery of new fossil taxa, better-preserved material of previously described taxa, novel morphological characters (e.g., from the postcranium), and improved methods of phylogenetic analysis.
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The present paper describes a disarticulated skull of Allqokirus australis Marshall & Muizon, 1988, a basal sparassodont (Metatheria, Mammalia) from the early Palaeocene (c. 65 Ma.) of Tiupampa (Bolivia). The specimen includes the rostrum and palate with right premaxilla, both maxillae, left lacrimal, palatines and most upper teeth. The second largest element includes the frontals, the left squamosal, the parietals, the supraoccipital, the basisphenoid, the presphenoid, the alisphenoid, and part of the pterygoids. The nasals, basioccipital and exoccipitals are missing. Other elements are the left petrosal, the right jugal and squamosal, and both dentaries. The elements of the specimen allow for a good reconstruction of the skull, which is thoroughly described and compared to that of other sparassodonts and to the Tiupampa pucadelphyids, Pucadelphys and Andinodelphys. The dental morphology of Allqokirus australis is extremely similar to that of Patene simpsoni from the early Eocene of Itaboraí (Brazil) and presents distinct (although incipient) carnivorous adaptations. Furthermore, some characters of the ear region (e.g. medial process of the squamosal, deep groove for the internal carotid artery at the ventral apex of the petrosal) are also present in most other sparassodonts and in the pucadelphyids from the same locality. A parsimony analysis performed on the basis of a data matrix of 364 characters and 38 taxa placed Allqokirus in a sparassodont clade (the Mayulestidae) that also included Mayulestes and Patene. This family constitutes the sister group of all other sparassodonts. Our analysis also retrieved a large clade composed of the sparassodonts and the pucadelphyids, formally named Pucadelphyda n. superord. This superorder represents the large metatherian carnivorous radiation of the Tertiary of South America, which is first known at Tiupampa, and which started to diversify probably slightly earlier, during the late Cretacous in South America. So far, no representative of Pucadelphyda has been discovered in North America. At Tiupampa, Allqokirus and Mayulestes are the largest metatherians of the fauna and they fill the predaceous mammalian ecological niche. They are the earliest representatives of Sparassodonta, a successful metatherian carnivorous radiation which persisted in South America until the late Pliocene, i.e., during more than 63 Ma. © Publications scientifiques du Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, Paris, 2018.
The most complete record of the continental mammal-bearing Cenozoic of South America comes from Argentina (Marshall et al., 1983a, 1984). This record, representing the southernmost part of the continent, became a unique example in which to study the evolutionary events affecting its mammal communities in relation to the outstanding climatic and environmental changes (Pascual, 1984). The main patterns of geological evolution in this southern part of the continent had a profound influence on its mammalian history. The chronostratigraphic diagrams (Figs. 1 and 2) show the geographical and chronological distribution of Cenozoic sedimentary and volcanic rocks in eastern and western Argentina. This lithostratigraphic distributional pattern makes evident the following historical facts:
In recent years a combination of biostratigraphic, magnetostratigraphic, and radioisotopic data has been employed to calibrate aspects of the Great American Faunal Interchange (sensu Webb, 1976) that occurred in the late Cenozoic between North and South America. Many of these studies have focused on documenting the time of first appearance of immigrant taxa that participated in the interchange. These multidisciplinary studies were first applied to North American rocks and faunas (e.g., Johnson et al., 1975; Lindsay et al., 1976, 1980, 1984; Opdyke et al., 1977; Tedford, 1981; Galusha et al., 1984) and, subsequently (or concurrently) to those in South America (e.g., Marshall et al., 1977, 1979, 1982,a,b,c, 1983c; Marshall, 1982; MacFadden et al., 1983; Butler et al., 1984).
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