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Viewpoint: Breast cancer screening: The questions answered



Early detection of cancer has long been thought to be the first step towards eradicating the mortality associated with the disease. National screening programmes for breast cancer have been implemented in many countries. However, there is controversy regarding the efficacy and optimal methods of screening, which is regularly discussed in articles, at conferences and is apparent in conflicting guidelines. In this article, Nature Reviews Clinical Oncology asks four experts their opinions on some of the pressing questions associated with breast cancer screening.
Breast cancer screening: the questions answered
Philippe Autier, Laura Esserman, Chris I. Flowers and Nehmat Houssami
Abstract | Early detection of cancer has long been thought to be the first step towards eradicating the
mortality associated with the disease. National screening programmes for breast cancer have been
implemented in many countries. However, there is controversy regarding the efficacy and optimal methods of
screening, which is regularly discussed in articles, conferences and even conflicting guidelines. In this article,
Nature Reviews Clinical Oncology asks four experts their opinions on some of the pressing questions associated
with breast cancer screening.
Q. What is the optimal age to start screening?
Philippe Autier. Meta-analyses of randomized trials suggest that a 15% reduction in the risk of death from
breast cancer is associated with annual mammography screening of women 40 to 49 years of age.1 This risk
reduction implies that 1,800 to 2,000 women in this age bracket need to participate in screening to prevent one
breast cancer death. By contrast, 377 women 60 to 69 years of age need to participate every 2 years to
prevent one breast cancer death. In addition to the low efficacy, screening of women younger than 50 years
leads to more false-positive results, and the use of digital instead of film-based mammography also increases
the rate of false-positive screening results. Doses of radiation associated with mammography when screening
postmenopausal women would entail a very low carcinogenic effect. However, the risk of radiation-induced
breast cancer increases with decreasing age, and recent estimates suggest that the 15% reduction in breast
cancer death associated with mammography screening could be offset by breast cancer deaths due to the
carcinogenic effects of mammography X-rays.2 Hence, screening should not be offered to women younger than
Laura J. Esserman. Age 50; this is the age chosen to start screening in almost all countries outside the US
that have instituted screening programmes. Screening should not be routinely offered to women under the age
of 50. Breast cancer risk is lower in women in their 40s, interval cancers (faster growing cancers that become
clinically apparent between routine screens) are also more prevalent,3 and the chance of a false positive is
higher than in older women. These are some of the reasons that routine screening for women in their 40s will
have a low benefit for that population as a whole. It has recently been shown that women in their 40s with at
least a 1.9-fold increase in the risk of developing breast cancer have equivalent benefits from screening as a
woman in her 50s.4 So, understanding risk factors will be important going forward in helping to individualize
screening recommendations for women in their 40s. In the future, risk-based screening is likely to make the
most sense for the whole population.
Chris I. Flowers. This is an interesting question, as optimal benefits for screening probably lie somewhere
between 40 and 50 years of age. The choice of lowering the age of screening in the UK to 47 is therefore likely
to be a good move. or
htm Parliamentary answers under ‘Breast Screening’.
Nothing magically changes at age 50, but that is the most common age to start screening in European
screening programmes, and concurs with the updated US Preventive Services Task Force guidelines of 2009.
Ref: Screening for Breast Cancer: U.S. Preventive Services Task Force Recommendation Statement
Ann Intern Med. 2009;151:716-726
However, a significant number of cancers arise in women between 40 and 50 with the distribution towards the
upper end of that age group, therefore screening should be offered to some women under 50
When it comes to a public health message, it is simple to say that a woman should have her first mammogram
aged 40 years and continue with annual mammograms, as supported by the ACS, ACR, ACOG and AMA. But,
this message does not recognize, or adapt to. the biology of the disease. A baseline exam could be performed
at age 40 when we can assess breast density (which may increase risk by up to four times), Ref: Boyd NF,
Martin LJ, Bronskill M, et al. Breast tissue composition and susceptibility to breast cancer. J Natl
Cancer Inst 2010; 102:12241237. and then potentially could stratify by risk. The downside to this
approach is that we do not currently have the data available to determine who benefits from mammography
and who does not, so saying that screening should depend on personal risk is problematic. There is evidence
that screening starting at 40 is effective in detecting cancer early, The Nelson paper showed a 19%
mortality reduction from the UK Age Trial which should still benefit the patient even if it does not
necessarily reduce mortality. In younger women, we also have to consider the number of productive years of
life saved.
Nehmat Houssami. A recent summary of the evidence from all randomized controlled trials of mammography
screening (women aged 4074 years) estimated a 19% (intention-to-treat) or approximately 25% (adjusted for
participation) reduction in breast cancer deaths attributable to screening.5 Mammography screening has the
potential to confer benefit in women within that age range; however, the breast cancer mortality reduction in
4049 year olds is of relatively lower magnitude, estimated as 15% in a meta-analysis.1 In addition, the
associated harms from screening are higher in these younger women relative to older age groupshence, a
very fine balance exists between the screening benefits and harms in 4049 year old women.
The offer of screening from age 50 is an appropriate breast screening strategy at a population levelscreening
women aged 5069 years has been shown to be effective in randomized controlled trials,5 in observational
studies of screening programs,6,7 and in modelling various screening strategies.8 However, this should not deny
4049 year olds access to the same organized or dedicated breast screening services as their older
counterparts. In practice, 4049 year olds frequently express an interest in breast screening, so it is essential
that these younger women are informed about screening benefits and harms (particularly the risk of false
positives) and be supported in making an informed decision about whether or not to commence screening.9
When fully informed through a decision tool a randomized controlled trial showed that younger women were
less inclined to commence screening; however, approximately half wanted to have screening.9
Q. How frequently should patients be offered screening? Does this
depend on risk or should this be a population-level message?
P. A. Shortening intervals between mammography screenings should increase sensitivity and lead to greater
reduction in the incidence of advanced-stage breast cancer, which would in turn lead to greater reductions in
breast cancer mortality. However, in randomized and population studies, the ability of screening to decrease
the incidence of advanced-stage cancer or the risk of breast cancer death is not associated with intervals
between screens.10,11 Higher screening frequency is associated with greater likelihood of a false-positive result
over the entire screening period. There is so far no evidence that in high-risk women, shorter screening
intervals decrease the risk of breast cancer death. Hence, screening every 2 or 3 years is adequate.
L. E. Today, we should offer screening on an every-other-year basis. The data that support a benefit from
screening came from the Swedish trials in which screening was conducted every 23 years. Modelling has
shown that screening more frequently has little if any value.8 The data from the Breast Cancer Screening
Consortium not only show that biennial screening leads to the discovery of essentially the same fraction of
stage 2 and higher cancers, but leads to a 50% decrease in the number of unnecessary biopsies performed on
the basis of abnormal mammographic findings.12 The recent analysis that suggested that women with at least
twofold increase in risk (compared to the average risk at age 40) may benefit from screening, but the
recommended frequency for these women is still biennial.4
Going forward, however, we should work towards developing a much more risk-based screening approach.
Today, for example, we recommend that BRCA mutation carriers have annual mammography and annual MRI
screening, staggered at 6-month intervals. However, such recommendations are extended to women with even
moderate risk, which is likely a lot of testing for very little additional value. Instead, we should use additional
biological information to identify lower and higher risk groups, based on breast density, emerging single
nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), and models to estimate risk of both genetic and sporadic breast cancer.
C. I. F. When screening programmes were started, it made sense to deal with the single diseaseof breast
cancer by offering regular screenings at a fixed interval. We know much more about breast cancer now than we
did in the 1980s, and already have identified that women at high risk (>25% risk) should have annual
screening with mammograms and MRI. Ref: Kuhl CK, Schrading S, Leutner CC, et al. Mammography, breast
ultrasound, and magnetic resonance imaging for surveillance of women at high familial risk for breast cancer. J
Clin Oncol 2005; 23: 846976
Warner E, Messersmith H, Causer P, Eisen A, Shumak R, Plewes D. Systematic review: using magnetic
resonance imaging to screen women at high risk for breast cancer. Ann Intern Med 2008; 148: 67179. We
know that there is a higher risk for women who have dense breasts, and in whom mammography has a lower
sensitivity. However, this risk does not reach 20%, Ref: Boyd NF, Martin LJ, Bronskill M, et al. Breast
tissue composition and susceptibility to breast cancer. J Natl Cancer Inst 2010; 102:12241237
and so the addition of expensive tests such as MRI is difficult to justify.
This knowledge leads to the question of how we deal with this complexity at a population level. It may be
optimal for the majority of women to have biennial mammography, but for those women with a more-
aggressive cancer, a shorter interval would work better and increase the chances of successful treatment at an
earlier stage of the disease. We could stratify screening according to risk if we had the data on which to base
the decision. In the meantime, if we are going to screen women younger than 50, then annual or 18-monthly
mammograms make much more sense based on the biology of faster growing tumours in that age group.
Equally, for women over 70, in whom cancer usually grows slower, 3-yearly mammography (as used in the UK)
Ref: Forrest P. Department of Health and Social Security. Breast cancer screening, Report to the
Health Ministers of England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. London, UK: Her Majesty’s
Stationery Office; 1986] would work.
N. H. A population-level message helps support policy and practice in organized screening programmes that are
aimed at ‘average’ (standard) risk women. Biennial breast screening is effective and has been the population
screening model adopted in Europe, Australia and the UK for most of the duration of these programmes.
Modelling of various screening strategies from Mandleblatt et al.8 provided further evidence that biennial
screening is an efficient and effective population screening strategy as it confers most (on average 81%) of the
benefit that would be achieved with annual screening, and reduces the harms of screening, substantially
reducing false positives and to a lesser extent reducing overdiagnosis.8 The challenge for clinicians is to identify
women who are at sufficiently increased breast cancer risk to warrant a recommendation for more-frequent
(annual) screening. Despite the increased harms, women at increased risk might accept small incremental
benefits (in terms of mortality reduction) from annual, relative to biennial screening, because the trade-off
between the benefit and harm will be viewed differently given their higher underlying risk of breast cancer.
Clearly, I am not talking here about women with breast cancer gene mutations (such as BRCA) who represent a
special group with particularly high risk and who require an entirely different screening approach or primary
prevention strategies.
Q. What information should be provided to women about the benefits,
limitations and harms associated with breast screening?
P. A. Information about screening is usually provided by institutions and health professionals involved in
screening. In most instances, that information does not really address uncertainties on health benefits and on
potential harms associated with screening. In addition, the advantages of screening are amplified by the media
and cancer prevention campaigns. As a result, women have expectations that go well beyond the health
benefits that screening can reasonably achieve, while they largely ignore the disadvantages. A recent editorial
summarized the problem: “the public is left totally confused, and usually at the mercy of screening providers.
Before becoming a patient, a healthy individual deserves fully informed consent, with information provided at
the individual and population level”.13 The key items on likely health benefits and potential harms associated
with screening, and their formulation that appear in information materials should be issued by a writing
committee whose members have no professional, academic or financial involvement in screening. Also, before
their first screen, women should be asked to sign a consent stipulating that they have read and understood the
information material issued by the writing committee.
L. E. Women should be aware that by undergoing screening they have an increased risk for callbacks and
biopsies, the majority of which are benign. They need to know that there is some risk that screening will
identify inconsequential as well as consequential cancers, and that there are molecular tests that help better
characterize the risks of disease progression and the benefits of therapy. Women should be told of the risks and
benefits of screening, the chance of a false positive, the importance of paying attention to the symptom of a
new mass or change in their breast shape even if they have had a recent normal mammogram, and be
evaluated for risk factors that would make screening more beneficial.4
C. I. F. Women should be fully educated and informed about the benefits, limitations and harms of screening
before they have their screening. This should also include information about current comorbidities minimizing
the benefits of attending for a screening exam. An understanding of potential false-positive exams, and that a
recall does not necessarily mean you have cancer should also be explained. The difficulties and complexities of
the screening detection of ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) should be explained. It is better to introduce the
issues in a way that can be discussed prior to having to deal with the consequence of a DCIS diagnosis at
screening, given the heterogeneous nature of the disease, and the controversies as to what if any treatment
should be offered. The ability of screening to catch cancer at an earlier stage, with potentially less serious
treatment needs to be emphasized as well as the reduced chances of dying of breast cancer.
N. H. It may seem to be stating the obvious, but women should be given a clear message that only
mammography screening has been shown to confer health benefit; this clarification would prevent any
confusion regarding screening using alternative methods, such as MRI and thermography. Age-appropriate
information is necessary given the age-related differences in both benefits and harms of mammography
screening. Information about the potential for screening to reduce breast cancer deaths is generally provided by
screening programmes, so here the focus should be on improving the framing of that information such that it is
both valid and clearly presented, and includes estimates of the effect of screening in absolute (rather than
relative) termssome examples are available in decision aids that have been tested in practice.9,14 Information
on the harms of screening is an area that needs more attention, and should include accurate information on the
possibility of false-negative screens and false-positive screening, which (in my opinion) represents the largest
harm from screening and also includes the risk of biopsy or surgical intervention for non-malignant findings.
Overdiagnosis is emerging as a serious issue; we need to investigate how to inform women about it given the
uncertainty around the true magnitude of overdiagnosis from breast screening. Before incorporating
information on overdiagnosis, it will be critical to examine how women perceive and understand the divergent
estimates of overdiagnosis, and whether (and how) it affects their decision to have screeningthis is a priority
area for screening research.
Q. Studies using different methods have obtained highly variable results
on effectiveness of screening in general populations. So, how should
effectiveness of breast screening be evaluated?
P. A. The goal of cancer screening is to reduce the risk of cancer death by detecting cancers when they are not
yet clinically apparent, at a stage when they are less life threatening and more curable. So, reduction in the
incidence of advanced-stage cancer is an early indicator of screening effectiveness. This indicator has the
immense advantage of not being influenced by subsequent treatments. Cancer registry data from areas where
breast screening is widespread for 7 years or more show no decline in the incidence of breast cancers.11 Routine
screening programmes can be evaluated most readily by time trends and differential mortality from the disease
for which screening is being performed.15 A study on temporal trends of breast cancer death that mimicked the
Nordic study on cervical cancer screening effectiveness showed no difference in mortality reduction between
countries with longstanding breast screening programmes and countries where screening was implemented 19
to 15 years later.16 Case-control studies should not be used to evaluate the effectiveness of breast screening
because they cannot disentangle the role of screening and of treatment in mortality changes.
L. E. Certainly not by looking at the number of early stage cancers as a fraction of all cancers diagnosed, as
that figure can be very misleading and significantly inflate the value of screening.17 The number of overall
cancers, the biology of those cancers and the trends over time are critical to report. If the goal is to stage shift,
you should not only see an increase in early stage cancers, but a concomitant drop in the later stage cancers,
which we have not seen in the population data.
Over time, in the randomized trials, there should be a mortality reduction, or certainly a breast cancer mortality
reduction. Of course, today, screening is not the only contributor to the reduction in mortality, which makes it
complicated, but modelling can be very helpful in understanding the overall and relative contributions of
screening and treatment.18
C. I. F. The effectiveness of a test should be judged according to a person’s response to that test. In other
words, measurements of screening should be based on the women who attended screening, and the number of
women who needed to be screened (NNS), rather than number of women who needed to be invited (NNI).19
Using this approach during modelling, significantly affects the perception of that test.
N. H. Population health decisions regarding adopting breast screening are based on evidence from randomized
controlled trials that mammography breast screening reduces breast cancer deaths.5 Non-randomized studies of
various designs can be used to evaluate the impact of screening in practice, but can be affected by design
limitations that may bias their results,6 and explains some of the variability in reported estimates of screening
effect. At present, the challenge in breast screening is to evaluate its impact in well-designed observational
studies6 that use an appropriate control group for the group receiving screening, and identify potential or actual
confounding variables and integrate methods that adjust for these confounding factors. Here, I refer to factors
that affect risk of breast cancer and its outcome (such as use of hormone-replacement therapy) and variables
known to have an effect on breast cancer mortality, in particular treatment-related factors. If these factors
significantly differ between the group being screened and the comparison group, this will bias or distort
estimates of screening effect. Because of the progressive improvement in breast cancer therapy, it is important
that screening programmes invest time and resources into high-quality observational studies for future
monitoring of the impact of breast screening at the population level.6
Q. What is the amount of overdiagnosis in populations in which breast
screening is widespread?
P. A. Estimations of overdiagnosis (that is, the diagnosis of a condition that would not have become clinically
significant had it not been detected by screening) vary from less than 5% to 50%. Studies finding low
overdiagnosis rates have often recourse to statistical adjustments (for example, on lead time) or complex
modelling, and usually omit in situ breast cancer. Before the screening era, in situ cancer represented about 2
4% of all breast cancers. In areas with widespread screening, 1015% of cancers are detected in situ, most of
which would not have become invasive in the absence of treatment. In Norway, where high-quality population-
based cancer registry data exists, where participation in biennial screening is high, and where data on
hormone-replacement therapy use is available, a study estimated that 1525% of invasive breast cancers
would be overdiagnosed.20 If in situ cancers are also considered, then overdiagnosis may be in the region of
L. E. The likelihood of overdiagnosis is in the range of 2030% of screen-detected cancers.21,22 Furthermore,
this figure does not include the in situ lesions. After taking 60,000 DCIS lesions out of the population for well
over 10 years (enough time for these lesions to have matured into invasive cancer), we have not seen the
concomitant decline in invasive cancers that we would have expected.23 Here, we have not shown that early
detection is necessarily of benefit.
Any time there is widespread screening, we will necessarily identify tumours that display a range of biological
behaviours. We have to recognize that finding indolent lesionsor IDLE tumours (InDolent Lesions of Epithelial
origin)is going to be a part of screening,17 which will allow us to develop strategies for minimizing
overtreatment and reducing thresholds for biopsy.24
C. I. F. The answer to this question depends on what you mean by overdiagnosis. Some recent papers suggest
that this should be applied to finding any condition, including cancer, which does not eventually kill you. Ref: 1.
Elmore JG, Fletcher SW. Overdiagnosis in breast cancer screening: time to tackle an underappreciated harm.
Ann Intern Med. 2012;156(7):536-7 2. Kalager M, Adami HO, Bretthauer M, Tamimi RM. Overdiagnosis of
invasive breast cancer due to mammography screening: results from the Norwegian screening program. Ann
Intern Med. 2012;156(7):491-9.
This is a new definition, which many would not accept. Screening is there to catch early stage breast cancer,
and saying we should not screen for DCIS or low-grade cancer at this point is illogical. It is acknowledged that
there are slow-growing cancers that may never be lethal in the woman’s lifetime. Unfortunately, we cannot
identify which women will develop this type of low-grade cancer by imaging alone; a biopsy in which we can
measure tissue biomarkers is required. Similarly, with DCIS, research is helping us to determine how we might
differentiate between low or intermediate-grade and high-grade DCIS. Refs: 1. Jensen RA, Page DL. Ductal
carcinoma in situ of the breast: impact of pathology on therapeutic decisions. Am J Surg Pathol.
2003;27(6):828-31 2. Evans A, Clements K, Maxwell A, Bishop H, Hanby A, Lawrence G, Pinder S E
on behalf of the Sloane Project Steering Group. Lesion size is a major determinant of the
mammographic features of ductal carcinoma in situ: findings from the Sloane Project. Clinical
Radiology 2010; 65: 181-184 3. Sunil S. Badve et al. Correlation between the DCIS score and
traditional clinicopathologic features in the prospectively designed E5194 clinical validation study.
J Clin Oncol 30, 2012 (suppl; abstr 1005)]
High-grade DCIS is the nearest thing we have to a precursor lesion, and should be treated, whereas low-grade
DCIS might be amenable to active surveillance, similar to that used in prostate cancer. However, until this type
of conceptual approach is widely accepted, and until we can identify which women will go on to develop these
lesions, then screening should continue as is. Treatment of these lesions should be personalized according to
risk, which is the responsibility of surgeons and oncologists.
N. H. There is little doubt that overdiagnosis occurs in breast screening; however, currently available estimates
range between none to over 50%, and some of the credible estimates are in the range of 1025% for invasive
breast cancer alone.20,25 One of the difficulties is the absence of a standard definition for overdiagnosis25,27
(hence differences in the denominator used and the proportion that is being measured in various studies), as
well as whether overdiagnosis refers to DCIS or invasive cancer or both. A study by de Gelder et al.26 showed
that the amount of overdiagnosis could vary by a factor of 3.5 depending on the denominator in the calculation.
Another problem relates to differences in methodology as highlighted by Biesheuvel et al.25 (for example,
whether the assessment is based on cumulative incidence or incidence rates) and the finding that estimates of
overdiagnosis may be affected by bias from differences in the underlying risk of breast cancer in screened and
unscreened populations (if not using data from randomized controlled trials), and by whether the study included
adjustment for lead-time.25 These factors could lead to the amount of overdiagnosis being over or under
Q. How does the heterogeneity of breast cancer impact screening
P. A. The density of breasts (that is the amount of X-rays retained by breast tissues) influences the ability of
mammography to detect anomalies that indicate the presence of a probably cancerous lesion. Breasts are
denser among premenopausal women and in women taking hormone-replacement therapy. Digital
mammography is more sensitive than film-based mammography for dense breast screening. However, one
large-scale study suggested that digital technology is probably not better for preventing advanced-stage
disease and thus for reducing the risk of breast cancer death.27 Ultrasonography is often used in dense breasts
but the real ability of this technology to detect potentially fatal cancers missed by mammography remains to be
L. E. Heterogeneity impacts breast cancer screening tremendously. We just have not really considered it or
made it a mainstream issue. Breast cancer is not one disease. Some cancers are slow growing, and may never
progress (indolent), or progress slowly. Others grow rapidly and may appear as interval cancers.28 Surely, the
period prior to diagnosis for these tumours will also vary tremendously, so it cannot be that there is one way to
screen for and prevent breast cancer. Going forward, we should be thinking about other biological risk factors
that can help us to predict the risk of breast cancer by type (for example, molecular subtypes). Breast density,
for example, is the strongest breast cancer risk factor after age and genetic mutations. It is also a candidate
marker of disease associated with a poor outcome and early recurrence, and can potentially be used to
determine screening frequency.29,30 Another example is inherited genetic variation, as measured by common
SNPs that have been identified and/or validated through the Collaborative Oncology Gene-environment Study
(COGS) consortium, an international collaboration supported by European Commission, will be reported in the
next year, hopefully adding tools for risk refinement not just for breast cancer but for which type of breast
We need to develop new models to help predict the type of cancer for which women are at risk, and that cancer
type is what should dictate screening frequency. For example, a woman with fatty breast tissue at risk for a
luminal A tumour, may be best screened every 3–4 years. On the other hand, women at high risk for fast-
growing tumours, for example BRCA1 mutation-driven or triple-negative tumours, will be best screened at
earlier ages on an annual or semiannual basis, using MRI alternating with mammography, particularly in the
setting of dense breast tissue. Women at risk for luminal B tumours may need screening every 2 years.
C. I. F. As we discover more, we may be able to identify which women will benefit from screening and which
ones will not. Different growth rates of tumours mean that the sampling (screening interval) may need to be
different for different women. Very-slow-growing tumours may not even need to be screened for. Research
needs to be directed towards the determination of who will benefit from the screening test, as well as who will
not, and how to identify the target group before the intervention.
N. H. If screening detected more of the breast cancers that were destined to progress it would enhance
screening benefit. However, if screening preferentially detected more of the biologically indolent cancers
(unlikely to progress or metastasize) then this bias would reduce the impact of screening, and might add to
overdiagnosis. Because ‘lead time’ will vary by cancer type, indolent cancers may be diagnosed by screening a
long time before they become symptomatic, and thus for some patients who die in the following few years from
other causes screening will have been of no benefit. At present, estimates of benefit from the mammography
screening trials included the full spectrum of breast cancers. Therefore, I would expect the impact of breast
cancer heterogeneity to be mostly on how we manage and treat these heterogeneous tumours and on
therapeutic response.
Q. Why do experts sharing the same published data come to different
conclusions on the effectiveness and harms associated with breast
P. A. Broadly speaking, one type of conclusion is that breast cancer mammography screening is effective and
causes little harm in terms of overdiagnosis and overtreatment. The other type of conclusion is that
mammography screening is not effective, or has limited effectiveness, and causes substantial overdiagnosis and
overtreatment. Those adhering to the first type of conclusion consider that randomized trials on breast
screening represent strong evidence for the ability of screening to reduce the risk of breast cancer death. Those
adhering to the second type of conclusion consider that results obtained by several mammography trials were
due to flaws in design and conduct. Recent arguments indicate that conflicts of interests have an enormous role
in the mammography controversy,31 and that these conflicts involve not only financial interest but also
academic or institutional positions and activities.32 This conflict is the reason why evaluation of, and
recommendations and information on screening need to be issued by people or institutions having no
involvement in screening.
L. E. Different perspectives and biases shape the perception of benefit versus harm. Some people are
motivated because of the fear of missing a benefit, some from the fear of harm. The nature of specialty medical
training has an impact on the conclusions drawn. Defending or attacking screening has taken on religious
fervour in some circles and the frequent articles about why only certain trials should be cited inflames the
debate. Everyone is taught that early detection is the answer to cancer mortality reduction. That can make it
more difficult to recognize that for some cancers, early detection will not improve outcome, either because the
tumour is not destined to become fatal, or because it has the capacity to metastasize early on and may grow at
such a pace that serial detection will have minimal impact.
Whether the benefit of screening is considered significant depends on how people weigh risks and benefitsthis
assessment is often subjective when made on a patient-by-patient basis. However, screening is a common
good, conducted on large numbers of patients to benefit a few. We do not know the absolute benefit for a given
patient, although we may understand the benefit for the population. In making recommendations, we often fail
to take an epidemiological view of the data, and to put screening into the perspective of treatment and biology.
The ability to tailor screening to individual risk factors should help to ameliorate this situation.
Regardless of the absolute benefit of screening, it is less than we had hoped, reduced by modern treatment
strategies, and will not be sufficient to eliminate the risk of dying of breast cancer. It is time for us to turn our
energy and attention to how to improve screening and to tailor recommendations to risk for specific breast
cancer subtypes and to focus on prevention.
C. I. F. We all read journals mainly within our subject interest. When we write up a study, it is submitted to a
journal thought most likely to publish our findings. Therefore, there is self selection even within publication. We
are all also guilty of selectively quoting papers that support our cause, and criticizing those that do not. It is the
same as in a court of law. No attorney is going to produce evidence that goes against what they are fighting
for. The way things are going it is unlikely that we will ever reach a consensus. It is far more important to
understand breast cancer better and personalize imaging and screening for that patient., However, to do that
we first need the data with which we can develop appropriate tools.
N. H. There are various reasons for the different conclusions and some of these I have touched on earlier in
discussing differences in study methods and design. Even when using the same available data or the same
published trials, conclusions can differ because, broadly speaking: different methods may have been used to
analyse, adjust, or to pool data, and, in the case of evidence synthesis, different criteria may have been applied
to include or exclude studies; the specific metric used to define or measure effectiveness (or harm) might have
been different even if based on the same data sources, for example whether effect was measured directly by
estimating mortality reductions or by estimating life-years gained8 or measured indirectly by looking for
reductions in advanced-stage cancer rates;10,33 and, finally, when considering benefit and harm the
interpretation of the trade off is inherently shaped by personal values and experience.
The contributors*
Philippe Autier
Laura Esserman
Chris I. Flowers
Nehmat Houssami
1. Nelson, H. D. et al. Screening for breast cancer: an update for the U.S. Preventive Services Task
Force. Ann. Intern. Med. 151, 727737 (2009).
2. Berrington de González, A. & Reeves, G. Mammographic screening before age 50 years in the UK:
comparison of the radiation risks with the mortality benefits. Br. J. Cancer 93, 590596 (2005).
3. Lin, C. et al. Locally advanced breast cancers are more likely to present as Interval Cancers: results
from the I-SPY 1 TRIAL (CALGB 150007/150012, ACRIN 6657, InterSPORE Trial). Breast Cancer Res.
Treat. 132, 871879 (2012).
4. van Ravesteyn, N. T. et al. Tipping the balance of benefits and harms to favor screening
mammography starting at age 40 years: a comparative modeling study of risk. Ann. Intern. Med. 156,
609617 (2012).
5. Glasziou, P. & Houssami, N. The evidence base for breast cancer screening. Prev. Med. 53, 100102
6 Harris, R., Yeatts, J. & Kinsinger, L. Breast cancer screening for women ages 50 to 69 years a
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International Prevention Research Institute (iPRI), 95 Cours Lafayette, 69006 Lyon, France (P. Autier). UCSF
Carol Franc Buck Breast Care Center, 1600 Divisadero Box 1710, San Francisco, CA 94115, USA (L. Esserman).
H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center & Research Institute, 12902 Magnolia Drive, Tampa, FL 33612, USA (C. I.
Flowers). Screening and Test Evaluation Program, School of Public Health (A27), Sydney Medical School;
University of Sydney, Sydney 2006, Australia (N. Houssami).
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... It is generally understood that the effect of screening on breast cancer mortality will vary by the aggressive potential of the tumour. More recently, it has been asserted that screening preferentially benefits less aggressive, less life-threatening cancers, with lesser or no impact on more aggressive, rapidly progressing, and therefore more life-threatening cancers (5)(6)(7)(8)(9). ...
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Background: It has been asserted that mammography screening preferentially benefits those with less aggressive cancers, with lesser or no impact on more rapidly progressing and therefore more life-threatening tumours. Methods: We utilized data from the Swedish Two-County Trial, which randomized 77,080 women aged 40-74 to invitation to screening and 55,985 for usual care. We tabulated cancers by histological grade and then compared mortality from cancers specific to histological grade between the invited and control group using Poisson regression, with specific interest in the effect on mortality from grade 3 cancers. We used incidence-based mortality from tumours diagnosed within the screening phase of the trial. Finally, we cross-tabulated grade with tumour size and node status, to assess downstaging within tumour grades. Results: There was a major reduction in mortality from grade 3 tumours (RR = 0.65, 95% CI 0.53-0.80, p<0.001), and more deaths prevented from grade 3 tumours (N=95) than grade 1 and 2 tumours combined (N=48) in the invited group. The proportions of tumours ≥15 mm or larger and node positive tumours were substantially reduced in the grade 3 tumours in the invited group. Conclusions: The combination of prevention of tumours progressing to grade 3 and detection at smaller sizes and lesser rates of lymph node metastases within grade 3 tumours results in a substantial number of deaths from grade 3 cancers being prevented by invitation to mammographic screening. Impact: Mammography screening prevents deaths from aggressive cancers.
... For instance, a recent study found that mammography screening reduces the mortality of breast cancer by an estimated fifteen percentage (Drukteinis, Mooney, Flowers, & Gatenby, 2013). There is a necessity for investigating various methods to explore the quality and benefits of mammography screening (Autier, Esserman, Flowers, & Houssami, 2012). ...
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Breast cancer has become the most common cancer diagnosed in women. This paper reviews key literature on breast cancer covering various aspects including breast cancer and self-examination, awareness level of breast cancer among women, psychological stress of breast cancer patients, causes of breast cancer and preventive measures for breast cancer. This paper sheds light to urban and young women that self-screening is one of the important yardsticks to prevent late diagnosis of breast cancer and after-math of breast cancer treatment. DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2015.v6n4s3p256
... In other words, It is possible that, as was done in our study, including an appropriate healthcare professional in the mammography screening procedure to obtain an individual informed consent in the conventional way, may not be the most effective option for communicating. However, this model for providing, or at least offering, information, by the professionals, such as those of primary care, as a basic measure before the woman's first screening by mammography, could be interesting [26,5]. ...
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Spanish women do not make an informed choice regarding breast cancer screening (BCS). Our aim was to evaluate the impact of receiving information regarding real BCS benefits and risks on knowledge, attitude, decision, feelings, and worries about cancer. Randomized controlled clinical trial of 355 women aged between 45 and 67 years, 177 and 178 assigned to the intervention group (IG) and control group (CG), respectively. After breast screening, women received either Nordic Cochrane Centre information on BCS or standard information. The primary outcome (knowledge) was determined from questionnaire administered at baseline and after a month. Answers were scored from 0 to 10 and scores of 5 or more indicated that women were well informed (had “good knowledge”). Questionnaires regarding attitudes, future screening intentions, and psychosocial impact were also administered. The Chi-squared and Student's t-tests were used to compare qualitative and quantitative variables, respectively. Good knowledge was acquired by 32 (18.10%) IG women and 15 (8.40%) CG women (P = 0.008). Mean scores from first to second interview increased from 2.97 (SD 1.16) to 3.43 (SD 1.39) in the CG and from and from 2.96 (SD 1.23) to 3.95 (SD 1.78) (P = 0.002) in the IG. No differences were found in the secondary endpoints. Women receiving information based on the Nordic Cochrane Centre document were better informed. This means of providing information is not very efficacious, nor does it modify attitude, decision, feelings, or worries about cancer.
... Previous research has suggested that consumers are largely unaware about overdiagnosis [12], but nevertheless an important avenue for future research would be to investigate whether women have pre-existing ideas and concerns about aspects of overdiagnosis that have not been captured within the frames presented here. An understanding of the elements within different overdiagnosis frames will help those who work in, or consider participating in breast screening [28, 29]. The different frames may be a useful scaffold upon which to generate thoughtful discussion amongst practitioners. ...
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Background: The purpose of this study was to identify how the topic of overdiagnosis in breast cancer screening is framed by experts and to clarify differences and similarities within these frames in terms of problems, causes, values and solutions. Methods: We used a qualitative methodology using interviews with breast screening experts across Australia and applying framing theory to map and analyse their views about overdiagnosis. We interviewed 33 breast screening experts who influence the public and/or policy makers via one or more of: public or academic commentary; senior service management; government advisory bodies; professional committees; non-government/consumer organisations. Experts were currently or previously working in breast screening in a variety of roles including clinical practice, research, service provision and policy, consumer representation and advocacy. Results: Each expert used one or more of six frames to conceptualise overdiagnosis in breast screening. Frames are described as: Overdiagnosis is harming women; Stop squabbling in public; Don't hide the problem from women; We need to know the overdiagnosis rate; Balancing harms and benefits is a personal matter; and The problem is overtreatment. Each frame contains a different but internally coherent account of what the problem is, the causes and solutions, and a moral evaluation. Some of the frames are at least partly commensurable with each other; others are strongly incommensurable. Conclusions: Experts have very different ways of framing overdiagnosis in breast screening. This variation may contribute to the ongoing controversy in this topic. The concept of experts using different frames when thinking and talking about overdiagnosis might be a useful tool for those who are trying to negotiate the complexity of expert disagreement in order to participate in decisions about screening.
... Molecular dissection of the genome has clearly shown cancer heterogeneity between and within organ sites and within tumours. [2][3][4][5][6][7][8] A model of cancer progression that is more suited to the current understanding of cancer biology is one of variable progression, depending on stromal or tumour type, that includes indolent lesions and those that disseminate either early or late (figure 1B). The types (eg, indolent, aggressive) of tumours that develop and their prevalence in the population, coupled with the availability of effective therapy and the ability of early detection to avoid extensive treatment, affect whether the net effect of screening will be harmful, neutral, or helpful in the reduction of morbidity and mortality (figure 1B). ...
A vast range of disorders-from indolent to fast-growing lesions-are labelled as cancer. Therefore, we believe that several changes should be made to the approach to cancer screening and care, such as use of new terminology for indolent and precancerous disorders. We propose the term indolent lesion of epithelial origin, or IDLE, for those lesions (currently labelled as cancers) and their precursors that are unlikely to cause harm if they are left untreated. Furthermore, precursors of cancer or high-risk disorders should not have the term cancer in them. The rationale for this change in approach is that indolent lesions with low malignant potential are common, and screening brings indolent lesions and their precursors to clinical attention, which leads to overdiagnosis and, if unrecognised, possible overtreatment. To minimise that potential, new strategies should be adopted to better define and manage IDLEs. Screening guidelines should be revised to lower the chance of detection of minimal-risk IDLEs and inconsequential cancers with the same energy traditionally used to increase the sensitivity of screening tests. Changing the terminology for some of the lesions currently referred to as cancer will allow physicians to shift medicolegal notions and perceived risk to reflect the evolving understanding of biology, be more judicious about when a biopsy should be done, and organise studies and registries that offer observation or less invasive approaches for indolent disease. Emphasis on avoidance of harm while assuring benefit will improve screening and treatment of patients and will be equally effective in the prevention of death from cancer.
... Mammography screening has been shown to reduce breast cancer mortality in overviews of the randomised trials, and both its benefits and harms have been evaluated and debated [1][2][3]. Recently, two prospective population-based screening trials [4,5] have shown that adding digital breast tomosynthesis or 3D-mammography, a derivative mammographic technology [6][7][8][9], to conventional 2D-mammography significantly increases breast cancer detection. Both of these landmark studies have also shown that the addition of 3D-mammography can also reduce false recalls [4,5], although the extent that it could reduce false recalls varies according to the screen-reading and recall strategy, and may be more evident in screening settings where false recalls are relatively more frequent [10][11][12]. ...
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We compared detection measures for breast screening strategies comprising single-reading or double-reading using standard 2D-mammography or 2D/3D-mammography, based on the 'screening with tomosynthesis or standard mammography' (STORM) trial. STORM prospectively examined screen-reading in two sequential phases, 2D-mammography alone and integrated 2D/3D-mammography, in asymptomatic women participating in Trento and Verona (Northern Italy) population-based screening services. Outcomes were ascertained from assessment and/or excision histology or follow-up. For each screen-reading strategy we calculated the number of detected and non-detected (including interval) cancers, cancer detection rates (CDRs), false positive recall (FPR) measures and incremental CDR relative to a comparator strategy. We estimated the false:true positive (FP:TP) ratio and sensitivity of each mammography screening strategy. Paired binary data were compared using McNemar's test. Amongst 7292 screening participants, there were 65 (including six interval) breast cancers; estimated first-year interval cancer rate was 0.82/1000 screens (95% confidence interval (CI): 0.30-1.79/1000). For single-reading, 35 cancers were detected at both 2D and 2D/3D-mammography, 20 cancers were detected only with 2D/3D-mammography compared with none at 2D-mammography alone (p<0.001) and 10 cancers were not detected. For double-reading, 39 cancers were detected at 2D-mammography and 2D/3D-mammography, 20 were detected only with 2D/3D-mammography compared with none detected at 2D-mammography alone (p<0.001) and six cancers were not detected. The incremental CDR attributable to 2D/3D-mammography (versus 2D-mammography) of 2.7/1000 screens (95% CI: 1.6-4.2) was evident for single and for double-reading. Incremental CDR attributable to double-reading (versus single-reading) of 0.55/1000 screens (95% CI: -0.02-1.4) was evident for 2D-mammography and for 2D/3D-mammography. Estimated FP:TP ratios showed that 2D/3D-mammography screening strategies had more favourable FP to TP trade-off and higher sensitivity, applying single-reading or double-reading, relative to 2D-mammography screening. The evidence we report warrants rethinking of breast screening strategies and should be used to inform future evaluations of 2D/3D-mammography that assess whether or not the estimated incremental detection translates into improved screening outcomes such as a reduction in interval cancer rates.
Values are an important part of evidence-based decision making for health policy: they guide the type of evidence that is collected, how it is interpreted, and how important the conclusions are considered to be. Experts in breast screening (including clinicians, researchers, consumer advocates and senior administrators) hold differing values in relation to what is important in breast screening policy and practice, and committees may find it difficult to incorporate the complexity and variety of values into policy decisions. The decision making tool provided here is intended to assist with this process. The tool is modified from more general frameworks that are intended to assist with ethical decision making in public health, and informed by data drawn from previous empirical studies on values amongst Australian breast screening experts. It provides a structured format for breast screening committees to consider and discuss the values of themselves and others, suggests relevant topics for further inquiry and highlights areas of need for future research into the values of the public. It enables committees to publicly explain and justify their decisions with reference to values, improving transparency and accountability. It is intended to act alongside practices that seek to accommodate the values of individual women in the informed decision making process for personal decision making about participation in breast screening.
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Cancer screening is an important component of prevention and early detection in public health and clinical medicine. The evidence for cancer screening, however, is often contentious. A description and explanation of disagreements over the evidence for cervical, breast, and prostate screening may assist physicians, policymakers, and citizens faced with screening decisions and suggest directions for future screening research. There are particular issues to be aware of in the evidence base for each form of screening, which are summarized in this paper. Five tensions explain existing conflicts over the evidence: (1) data from differing contexts may not be comparable; (2) screening technologies affect evidence quality, and thus evidence must evolve with changing technologies; (3) the quality of evidence of benefit varies, and the implications are contested; (4) evidence about harm is relatively new, there are gaps in that evidence, and there is disagreement over what it means; and (5) evidence about outcomes is often poorly communicated. The following principles will assist people to evaluate and use the evidence: (1) attend closely to transferability; (2) consider the influence of technologies on the evidence base; (3) query the design of meta-analyses; (4) ensure harms are defined and measured; and (5) improve risk communication practices. More fundamentally, there is a need to question the purpose of cancer screening and the values that inform that purpose, recognizing that different stakeholders may value different things. If implemented, these strategies will improve the production and interpretation of the methodologically challenging and always-growing evidence for and against cancer screening. Copyright © 2015 American Journal of Preventive Medicine. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
1005 Background: We previously reported that in the E5194 clinical trial patients with ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) treated with wide local excision (WLE) without radiation (RT), the DCIS Score was significantly associated with 10 year risk of an ipsilateral breast event (IBE - recurrence of in situ or invasive carcinoma), whether evaluated as a continuous or categorical variable (P=0.02 for both). Here we evaluate correlation between DCIS Score and clinicopathologic (CP) features and if DCIS Score provides independent recurrence risk information. Methods: The study population included 327 women with DCIS prospectively selected for treatment with WLE without RT, including low-intermediate grade tumors ≤2.5 cm or high-grade ≤1 cm. CP variables included age, menopausal status, tamoxifen treatment (used in 29%) and expert centrally determined tumor size, grade, comedo necrosis, tumor type, and margin status. The association between DCIS Score and CP variables was examined by spearman rank correlation, and proportional hazards regression models were used to determine variables significantly associated with IBE. Results: Lesion size (p=0.009) and menopausal status (p=0.03) were significantly associated with IBE, while grade (p=0.69) and comedo necrosis (p=0.47) were not. DCIS Score was significantly associated with IBE after adjustment for CP features and tamoxifen use (p=0.02). DCIS Score was moderately correlated with grade (r s =0.46; 95% CI 0.37,0.54), percentage comedo necrosis (r s =0.49; CI 0.41,0.57), and lesion size (r s =0.18; CI 0.08,0.29) but not other features. Exploratory analyses in all CP subgroups, including the multicomponent Van Nuys Prognostic Index, showed a wide range of DCIS Scores in each subgroup. Concordance of the grades among readers was low: local vs parent central, 68%; local vs central nuclear grade, 45%; parent central vs central nuclear grade, 37%. Conclusions: DCIS Score is moderately correlated with grade, comedo necrosis, and tumor size. DCIS Score provides recurrence risk information independent of these features and identifies subjects with DCIS who are at high risk for local invasive and in-situ local recurrence after WLE alone.
Description: Update of the 2002 U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) recommendation statement on screening for breast cancer in the general population. Methods: The USPSTF examined the evidence on the efficacy of 5 screening modalities in reducing mortality from breast cancer: film mammography, clinical breast examination, breast self-examination, digital mammography, and magnetic resonance imaging in order to update the 2002 recommendation. To accomplish this update, the USPSTF commissioned 2 studies: 1) a targeted systematic evidence review of 6 selected questions relating to benefits and harms of screening, and 2) a decision analysis that used population modeling techniques to compare the expected health outcomes and resource requirements of starting and ending mammography screening at different ages and using annual versus biennial screening intervals. Recommendations: The USPSTF recommends against routine screening mammography in women aged 40 to 49 years. The decision to start regular, biennial screening mammography before the age of 50 years should be an individual one and take into account patient context, including the patient's values regarding specific benefits and harms. (Grade C recommendation) The USPSTF recommends biennial screening mammography for women between the ages of 50 and 74 years. (Grade B recommendation) The USPSTF concludes that the current evidence is insufficient to assess the additional benefits and harms of screening mammography in women 75 years or older. (I statement) The USPSTF concludes that the current evidence is insufficient to assess the additional benefits and harms of clinical breast examination beyond screening mammography in women 40 years or older. (I statement) The USPSTF recommends against clinicians teaching women how to perform breast self-examination. (Grade D recommendation) The USPSTF concludes that the current evidence is insufficient to assess additional benefits and harms of either digital mammography or magnetic resonance imaging instead of film mammography as screening modalities for breast cancer. (I statement).
Background: Screening mammography is the best method to reduce mortality from breast cancer, yet some breast cancers cannot be detected by mammography. Cancers diagnosed after a negative mammogram are known as interval cancers. This study investigated whether mammographic breast density is related to the risk of interval cancer. Methods: Subjects were selected from women participating in mammographic screening from 1988 through 1993 in a large health maintenance organization based in Seattle, WA. Women were eligible for the study if they had been diagnosed with a first primary invasive breast cancer within 24 months of a screening mammogram and before a subsequent one. Interval cancer case subjects (n = 149) were women whose breast cancer occurred after a negative or benign mammographic assessment. Screen-detected control subjects (n = 388) were diagnosed after a positive screening mammogram. One radiologist, who was blinded to cancer status, assessed breast density by use of the American College of Radiology Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System. Results: Mammographic sensitivity (i.e., the ability of mammography to detect a cancer) was 80% among women with predominantly fatty breasts but just 30% in women with extremely dense breasts. The odds ratio (OR) for interval cancer among women with extremely dense breasts was 6.14 (95% confidence interval [CI] = 1.95–19.4), compared with women with extremely fatty breasts, after adjustment for age at index mammogram, menopausal status, use of hormone replacement therapy, and body mass index. When only those interval cancer cases confirmed by retrospective review of index mammograms were considered, the OR increased to 9.47 (95% CI = 2.78–32.3). Conclusion: Mammographic breast density appears to be a major risk factor for interval cancer.
Background: This systematic review is an update of evidence since the 2002 U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recommendation on breast cancer screening. Purpose: To determine the effectiveness of mammography screening in decreasing breast cancer mortality among average-risk women aged 40 to 49 years and 70 years or older, the effectiveness of clinical breast examination and breast self-examination, and the harms of screening. Data sources: Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials and Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (through the fourth quarter of 2008), MEDLINE (January 2001 to December 2008), reference lists, and Web of Science searches for published studies and Breast Cancer Surveillance Consortium for screening mammography data. Study selection: Randomized, controlled trials with breast cancer mortality outcomes for screening effectiveness, and studies of various designs and multiple data sources for harms. Data extraction: Relevant data were abstracted, and study quality was rated by using established criteria. Data synthesis: Mammography screening reduces breast cancer mortality by 15% for women aged 39 to 49 years (relative risk, 0.85 [95% credible interval, 0.75 to 0.96]; 8 trials). Data are lacking for women aged 70 years or older. Radiation exposure from mammography is low. Patient adverse experiences are common and transient and do not affect screening practices. Estimates of overdiagnosis vary from 1% to 10%. Younger women have more false-positive mammography results and additional imaging but fewer biopsies than older women. Trials of clinical breast examination are ongoing; trials for breast self-examination showed no reductions in mortality but increases in benign biopsy results. Limitation: Studies of older women, digital mammography, and magnetic resonance imaging are lacking. Conclusion: Mammography screening reduces breast cancer mortality for women aged 39 to 69 years; data are insufficient for older women. False-positive mammography results and additional imaging are common. No benefit has been shown for clinical breast examination or breast self-examination.
Background: A sensitive and acceptable screening regimen for women at high risk for breast cancer is essential. Contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the breast is highly sensitive for diagnosis of breast cancer but has variable specificity. Purpose: To summarize the sensitivity, specificity, likelihood ratios, and posttest probability associated with adding MRI to annual mammography screening of women at very high risk for breast cancer. Data Sources: English-language literature search of the MEDLINE, EMBASE, and Cochrane databases from January 1995 to September 2007, supplemented by hand searches of pertinent articles. Study Selection: Prospective studies published after 1994 in which MRI and mammography (with or without additional tests) were used to screen women at very high risk for breast cancer. Data Extraction: Methods and potential biases of studies were assessed by 2 reviewers, and data were extracted and entered into 2 × 2 tables that compared American College of Radiology Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System (BI-RADS) scores of MRI plus mammography, mammography alone, or MRI alone with results of breast tissue biopsies. Data Synthesis: Eleven relevant, prospective, nonrandomized studies that ranged from small single-center studies with only 1 round of patient screening to large multicenter studies with repeated rounds of annual screening were identified. Characteristics of women that varied across study samples included age range, history of breast cancer, and BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation status. Studies used dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI with axial or coronal plane images (European studies) or sagittal images (North American studies) that were usually interpreted without knowledge of mammography results. The summary negative likelihood ratio and the probability of a BI-RADS-suspicious lesion (given negative test findings and assuming a 2% pretest probability of disease) were 0.70 (95% Cl, 0.59 to 0.82) and 1.4% (Cl, 1.2% to 1.6%) for mammography alone and 0.14 (Cl, 0.05 to 0.42) and 0.3% (Cl, 0.1% to 0.8%) for the combination of MRI plus mammography, using a BI-RADS score of 4 or higher as the definition of positive. Limitations: Differences in patient population, center experience, and criteria for positive screening results led to between-study heterogeneity. Data on patients with nonfamilial high risk were limited, and no data were available on recurrence or survival. Conclusion: Screening with both MRI and mammography might rule out cancerous lesions better than mammography alone in women who are known or likely to have an inherited predisposition to breast cancer.
Background: Despite trials of mammography and widespread use, optimal screening policy is controversial. Objective: To evaluate U.S. breast cancer screening strategies. Design: 6 models using common data elements. Data sources: National data on age-specific incidence, competing mortality, mammography characteristics, and treatment effects. Target population: A contemporary population cohort. Time horizon: Lifetime. Perspective: Societal. Interventions: 20 screening strategies with varying initiation and cessation ages applied annually or biennially. Outcome measures: Number of mammograms, reduction in deaths from breast cancer or life-years gained (vs. no screening), false-positive results, unnecessary biopsies, and overdiagnosis. Results of base-case analysis: The 6 models produced consistent rankings of screening strategies. Screening biennially maintained an average of 81% (range across strategies and models, 67% to 99%) of the benefit of annual screening with almost half the number of false-positive results. Screening biennially from ages 50 to 69 years achieved a median 16.5% (range, 15% to 23%) reduction in breast cancer deaths versus no screening. Initiating biennial screening at age 40 years (vs. 50 years) reduced mortality by an additional 3% (range, 1% to 6%), consumed more resources, and yielded more false-positive results. Biennial screening after age 69 years yielded some additional mortality reduction in all models, but overdiagnosis increased most substantially at older ages. Results of sensitivity analysis: Varying test sensitivity or treatment patterns did not change conclusions. Limitation: Results do not include morbidity from false-positive results, patient knowledge of earlier diagnosis, or unnecessary treatment. Conclusion: Biennial screening achieves most of the benefit of annual screening with less harm. Decisions about the best strategy depend on program and individual objectives and the weight placed on benefits, harms, and resource considerations. Primary funding source: National Cancer Institute.
Background: Few studies have examined the comparative effectiveness of digital versus film-screen mammography in U.S. community practice. Objective: To determine whether the interpretive performance of digital and film-screen mammography differs. Design: Prospective cohort study. Setting: Mammography facilities in the Breast Cancer Surveillance Consortium. Participants: 329,261 women aged 40 to 79 years underwent 869 286 mammograms (231 034 digital; 638 252 film-screen). Measurements: Invasive cancer or ductal carcinoma in situ diagnosed within 12 months of a digital or film-screen examination and calculation of mammography sensitivity, specificity, cancer detection rates, and tumor outcomes. Results: Overall, cancer detection rates and tumor characteristics were similar for digital and film-screen mammography, but the sensitivity and specificity of each modality varied by age, tumor characteristics, breast density, and menopausal status. Compared with film-screen mammography, the sensitivity of digital mammography was significantly higher for women aged 60 to 69 years (89.9% vs. 83.0%; P = 0.014) and those with estrogen receptor-negative cancer (78.5% vs. 65.8%; P = 0.016); borderline significantly higher for women aged 40 to 49 years (82.4% vs. 75.6%; P = 0.071), those with extremely dense breasts (83.6% vs. 68.1%; P = 0.051), and pre- or perimenopausal women (87.1% vs. 81.7%; P = 0.057); and borderline significantly lower for women aged 50 to 59 years (80.5% vs. 85.1%; P = 0.097). The specificity of digital and film-screen mammography was similar by decade of age, except for women aged 40 to 49 years (88.0% vs. 89.7%; P < 0.001). Limitation: Statistical power for subgroup analyses was limited. Conclusion: Overall, cancer detection with digital or film-screen mammography is similar in U.S. women aged 50 to 79 years undergoing screening mammography. Women aged 40 to 49 years are more likely to have extremely dense breasts and estrogen receptor-negative tumors; if they are offered mammography screening, they may choose to undergo digital mammography to optimize cancer detection. Primary funding source: National Cancer Institute.