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Did an Intervention Programme Aimed at Strengthening the Maternal and Child Health Services in Nigeria Improve the Completeness of Routine Health Data Within the Health Management Information System?


Abstract and Figures

Background: During 2012-2015, the Federal Government of Nigeria launched the Subsidy Reinvestment and Empowerment Programme, a health system strengthening (HSS) programme with a Maternal and Child Health component (Subsidy Reinvestment and Empowerment Programme [SURE-P]/MCH), which was monitored using the Health Management Information Systems (HMIS) data reporting tools. Good quality data is essential for health policy and planning decisions yet, little is known on whether and how broad health systems strengthening programmes affect quality of data. This paper explores the effects of the SURE-P/MCH on completeness of MCH data in the National HMIS. Methods: This mixed-methods study was undertaken in Anambra state, southeast Nigeria. A standardized proforma was used to collect facility-level data from the facility registers on MCH services to assess the completeness of data from 2 interventions and one control clusters. The facility data was collected to cover before, during, and after the SURE-P intervention activities. Qualitative in-depth interviews were conducted with purposefully-identified health facility workers to identify their views and experiences of changes in data quality throughout the above 3 periods. Results: Quantitative analysis of the facility data showed that data completeness improved substantially, starting before SURE-P and continuing during SURE-P but across all clusters (ie, including the control). Also health workers felt data completeness were improved during the SURE-P, but declined with the cessation of the programme. We also found that challenges to data completeness are dependent on many variables including a high burden on providers for data collection, many variables to be filled in the data collection tools, and lack of health worker incentives. Conclusion: Quantitative analysis showed improved data completeness and health workers believed the SURE-P/MCH had contributed to the improvement. The functioning of national HMIS are inevitably linked with other health systems components. While health systems strengthening programmes have a great potential for improved overall systems performance, a more granular understanding of their implications on the specific components such as the resultant quality of HMIS data, is needed.
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Did an Intervention Programme Aimed at Strengthening
the Maternal and Child Health Services in Nigeria
Improve the Completeness of Routine Health Data Within
the Health Management Information System?
Benjamin Uzochukwu1
, Tolib Mirzoev2
, Chinyere Okeke1*
, Joseph Hicks2, Enyi Etiaba3, Uche Obi1,
Tim Ensor2
, Adaora Uzochukwu4, Obinna Onwujekwe3
Background: During 2012-2015, the Federal Government of Nigeria launched the Subsidy Reinvestment and
Empowerment Programme, a health system strengthening (HSS) programme with a Maternal and Child Health
component (Subsidy Reinvestment and Empowerment Programme [SURE-P]/MCH), which was monitored using the
Health Management Information Systems (HMIS) data reporting tools. Good quality data is essential for health policy
and planning decisions yet, little is known on whether and how broad health systems strengthening programmes affect
quality of data. This paper explores the effects of the SURE-P/MCH on completeness of MCH data in the National HMIS.
Methods: This mixed-methods study was undertaken in Anambra state, southeast Nigeria. A standardized proforma
was used to collect facility-level data from the facility registers on MCH services to assess the completeness of data from
2 interventions and one control clusters. The facility data was collected to cover before, during, and after the SURE-P
intervention activities. Qualitative in-depth interviews were conducted with purposefully-identified health facility
workers to identify their views and experiences of changes in data quality throughout the above 3 periods.
Results: Quantitative analysis of the facility data showed that data completeness improved substantially, starting before
SURE-P and continuing during SURE-P but across all clusters (ie, including the control). Also health workers felt data
completeness were improved during the SURE-P, but declined with the cessation of the programme. We also found
that challenges to data completeness are dependent on many variables including a high burden on providers for data
collection, many variables to be filled in the data collection tools, and lack of health worker incentives.
Conclusion: Quantitative analysis showed improved data completeness and health workers believed the SURE-P/MCH
had contributed to the improvement. The functioning of national HMIS are inevitably linked with other health systems
components. While health systems strengthening programmes have a great potential for improved overall systems
performance, a more granular understanding of their implications on the specific components such as the resultant
quality of HMIS data, is needed.
Keywords: Health Management Information, Data Completeness, Maternal and Child, Healthcare, Nigeria
Copyright: © 2020 The Author(s); Published by Kerman University of Medical Sciences. This is an open-access article
distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (
by/4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is
properly cited.
Uzochukwu B, Mirzoev T, Okeke C, et al. Did an intervention programme aimed at strengthening the maternal
and child health services in Nigeria improve the completeness of routine health data within the health management
information system?
Int J Health Policy Manag. 2020;x(x):x–x. doi:10.34172/ijhpm.2020.226
*Correspondence to:
Chinyere Okeke
Article History:
Received: 9 March 2020
Accepted: 4 November 2020
ePublished: 5 December 2020
Original Article
Full list of authors’ affiliations is available at the end of the article.
2020, x(x), 1–10 doi 
Effective policy and management decisions require good-
quality evidence.1,2 Data from routine Health Management
Information Systems (HMIS) forms is an important and
routinely collected source of such evidence.3 HMIS are
specially designed to help health planners and managers
in the management and planning of health services and
programmes as well as decision-making to improve the
availability and quality of care.4,5 HMIS are also important for
health system strengthening (HSS) yet, assuring the quality of
health information systems remains a challenge.
In many low- and middle-income countries, comprehensive
data needed to inform rational and effective health policy
management and planning decisions are not generated,
but are not of sufficient quality to use for decision-making
especially at the primary health center (PHC) level.6-8 Health
data produced in low-resource settings are rarely routinely
available for every population and quality issues limit their
use for policy directions.8 As a result, many programmes
particularly those financially supported by donor funding
largely ignore HMIS and spend substantial resources on
establishing and maintaining vertical programme information
In Nigeria, the National HMIS (NHMIS) is designed to
capture 233 variables in one proforma and routinely collected.
It comprises information flow from health facilities to the
local government area, and then the State and Federal level.
Thus data from health facilities are collated and aggregated at
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International Journal of Health Policy and Management, 2020, x(x), 1–102
Implications for policy makers
Comprehensive data needed to inform rational health policy management and planning decisions are needed in Nigeria but rarely generated.
Increases in data completeness is an important element of improving data quality, which improves the chances of the resultant evidence being
used for policy formulation, planning and management decisions.
Although there was improvement in the completeness of data, problems that need to be addressed persist with the country’s health management
information system for example, health workers’ lack of a good understanding of what the data is used for, lack of manpower for data collection,
cumbersomeness and complexity of the forms used for data collection. There is need to address these to save the scarce resources wasted in
vertical programme information systems and channel these funds to better use. This will also make it more likely that the results generated will
be used for decision-making at various levels.
The results are relevant to policy-makers, and development partners who are engaged in studying and improving National Health Management
Information Systems (NHMIS) as well as programme managers and planners who are interested in improving the quality of data to inform their
policy and planning decisions.
Implications for the public
Quality data is critical to assessing both national and global burden of disease and developing public health initiatives. Improving data quality in
healthcare begins by understanding the core precepts of data quality management, the value it offers, and some of the most common challenges
to avoid. A health intervention programme aimed at strengthening the maternal and child health (MCH) services in Nigeria can improve routine
health data used for decision by policy-makers to ensure the health of the public.
Key Messages
these different levels.9,10 The goal of the Nigeria HMIS was to
have an effective HMIS for informed decision-making at all
levels of government.10
Over the years the NHMIS have been noted to be weak
specifically in terms of incomplete and inaccurate data in
facility paper summaries, reliability and use in supporting
the health system.11-13 An assessment on the data quality of
the routine health management information in one of the
Nigerian states found poor data quality at health facility and
district levels to consist of missing values, inconsistent data
and poor usability.14
Efforts have been made to improve the availability of
high-quality data to support decision-making at all levels of
the health system in Nigeria including support to Federal
Ministry of Health to develop a master facility list to improve
data quality which will ultimately lead to better coordination
of health services.15 Also, the Government has made
considerable investment in strengthening health information
systems, including District Health Information System 2, to
support performance management and service delivery to
reduce preventable deaths for mothers and newborns.16,17
As Nigeria embraces the Sustainable Development Goals,
maternal and child health (MCH) remains a national and
international priority.18 MCH was the HSS component of
the Subsidy Reinvestment and Empowerment Programme
(SURE-P) that aimed to plough back the subsidy removed
from petroleum products into projects that will benefit
its citizens living in rural and underserved areas.19 The
programme started in October 2012 but the funding was
suddenly withdrawn in 2015 by a newly elected government.
The MCH component of SURE-P (SURE-P/MCH) involved
supply and demand components. The supply component
comprised infrastructural upgrade of facilities, the supply
of medical and surgical consumables and increased human
resources (midwives, community health extension workers,
and village health workers). These health workers received
training on data management including data collection, data
entry and storage, analysis, and use of routine health data as
part of the supply side component. This was necessary so as
to track the programme inputs and health services utilization
indicators. The demand component involved paying out
cash to pregnant mothers to register at a health facility and
complete the continuum of care (antenatal care, delivery by a
skilled birth attendant, postnatal attendance for immunization
and family planning). The outputs from this programme
were to be captured by the health workers using the HMIS
data reporting tools which were present in every PHC facility
including the non-SURE-P/MCH facilities nationwide.
Despite a compelling need for robust evidence of HMIS
function, the contribution of HSS programmes (such as
SURE-P/MCH) to HMIS data quality has not been sufficiently
evaluated in Nigeria. Yet, ensuring the completeness of data
at the source is critical to the overall quality of data available
at other higher levels of the reporting system. This paper,
therefore, aims to (a) evaluate if SURE-P improved on the
completeness of MCH data at the health facilities from the
HMIS (b) highlight issues affecting the completeness of
data, and (c) identify a broad set of strategies which can help
further improve the completeness of HMIS data and improve
its potential for informing policy, planning and management
decisions. The paper should be of interest and relevance to
policy-makers, and development partners who are engaged
in studying and improving NHMIS as well as programme
managers and planners who are interested in improving the
quality of data to inform their policy and planning decisions.
Study Area and Setting
This study was undertaken in Anambra State, southeast
Nigeria. The state has a population of about 4.1 million and
has a mix of urban and rural areas. MCH services are primarily
provided from the PHCs, each of which covers a given
catchment population. There are some trained (maternity
homes) and untrained (traditional birth attendants, patent
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International Journal of Health Policy and Management, 2020, x(x), 1–10 3
medicine vendors) who also offer unmonitored MCH
services. In the context of the SURE-P/MCH programme, 4
PHCs are linked to a named general hospital for referral of
emergency obstetric complications, and this is referred to as a
cluster (4 PHCs +1 general hospital).
Since June 2015, we evaluated the extent which and
under what circumstances the SURE-P/MCH programme
in Anambra state, southeast Nigeria achieved and sustained
its outputs and outcomes.20 The project objectives and its
methodological approach were reported elsewhere.21 The
secondary analysis of MCH data from the HMIS (collected
from the facility registers) is an important component of the
research project. Thus, this is part of a larger study that sought
to determine the effectiveness of a novel HSS and community
health workers programme in improving MCH in Nigeria.
Study Design
The overall study used a case study mixed-methods approach
as described elsewhere.14 There were 12 sites studied, which
comprised 3 clusters: 4 control sites, 4 SURE-P sites, and 4
SURE-P+CCT (conditional cash transfer) sites. A cluster is
made up of 4 PHCs clustered around a general hospital which
serves as a referral centre for emergency obstetric care.12 The
location of these intervention clusters was entirely decided
by the SURE-P project implementation unit at the federal
ministry of health.
Data Collection
We collected information from 2 main sources of data:
quantitative and qualitative. For our quantitative data we used
a HMIS-based dataset that we had previously collected for a
separate study from facility registers in the PHC facilities only
which covered key monthly MCH indicators. We then used
this to analysed how the completeness of those indicators
changed before, during, and after the SURE-P programme
across the 3 cluster. This allowed us to test, in a controlled way,
whether the SURE-P programme (and its termination) had
any impacts on HMIS data completeness. Second, we used in-
depth interviews with purposively identified key stakeholders
to understand HMIS data quality in terms of completeness and
its use in their policy, management and planning decisions to
understand their views and experiences with the HMIS data.
We did not conduct a sample size calculation given we used
an existing and fixed dataset.
In addition to the quantitative data collection, in-depth
interviews were conducted with health facility workers in
2017 after the SURE-P programme. From each of the 8 PHC
facilities in the 2 intervention clusters, the facility manager
and a SURE-P/MCH program midwife and another health
worker who may not necessarily be a SURE-P staff but
from the pre-existing staff were purposively selected for the
interviews giving a total of 24 health workers. These health
workers were interviewed by the researchers who were
trained in interviewing. Information was collected on how
they collect, summarize and transmit data in the health center
and what their experiences have been in doing this, including
the enablers and challenges of data management.
Data Analysis
To evaluate HMIS data completeness our trained researchers
had previously used a standardised proforma22 to collect the
facility-level, monthly HMIS data on 4 key MCH indicators,
all measured as counts per facility (See Supplementary file 1):
(1) total antenatal clinic visits (the total number of women
that month who visited the PHC for any antenatal clinic
meeting); (2) total postnatal clinic visits, (the total number
of women that month who visited the PHC for any postnatal
clinic meeting); (3) number of deliveries taken by a skill
birth attendant; (4) number of pregnant women receiving
2 doses of tetanus toxoid. We collected these facility data
from all 3 clusters across 3 distinct periods (dates include
the entire of each start and end month listed): (1) for the 9
months before SURE-P interventions began (January 2012 -
September 2012) – the “before SURE-P” period, (2) for the 32
months during which SURE-P interventions were funded and
running (October 2012 - April 2015) – the “during SURE-P”
period, and (3) for the 32 months after SURE-P intervention
activities ended (May 2015 - December 2017) – the “after
SURE-P” period. The cut-off dates used for these periods
were based on expert knowledge of the programme’s running.
For this study we then used these count data to create a
cluster-level, monthly measure of data completeness for these
indicators. We did this by calculating the monthly, cluster-
level percentage of non-missing values across the 4 indicators
and across the 4 PHC facilities within each cluster as:
where n = the number of non-missing values across the 4
indicators for all 4 PHC facilities per cluster. We then used
a controlled, 3-period interrupted time series (ITS) analysis
approach to analyse how this monthly completeness outcome
varied before, during and after the SURE-P programme
in (1) the SURE-P only cluster compared to the control
cluster, and in (2) the SURE-P+CCT cluster compared to the
control cluster, with a separate model for each comparison.
We used the itsa function in Stata statistical software. The
ITS analyses use multiple linear regression models, but with
the inferential estimates (confidence intervals and P values)
based on Newey-West standard errors to account for temporal
autocorrelation (for a given lag) and heteroscedasticity. The
models were tested for generalised serial correlation (using
the actest function in Stata) and adjustments were made to
the lag structure if necessary.23 We specified the 2 ITS models
as follows:
Mt + β0 + β1Tt + β2Z + β3ZTt + β4X1t + β5X1tTt + β6ZX1t +
β7ZX1tTt + β8X2t + β9X2tTt + β10ZX2t + β11ZX2tTt + εt
where Mt is the outcome variable measured at each month.
Tt is the month since the start of the time series (1:72), Z is
a dummy/indicator variable indicating the intervention
or control cluster (control = 0, intervention = 1), X1t is a
dummy variable indicating the “during SURE-P” period (0 =
before or after SURE-P period months, 1 = during SURE-P
period months), and X2t is a dummy variable indicating the
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International Journal of Health Policy and Management, 2020, x(x), 1–104
“after SURE-P” period (0 = during or before SURE-P period
months, 1 = after SURE-P period months). The remaining
variables are interaction terms among the variables explained
Therefore, the parameter estimates (βs) of interest for our
research questions are: (1) β6, which estimates the mean
change, in percentage points of completeness, for the given
intervention cluster, that occurred immediately following
the start of SURE-P, after controlling for the same change
as estimated for the control cluster; (2) β7, which estimates
how the slope/trend (linear change in percentage points of
completeness per month) changed, for the given intervention
cluster, between the before SURE-P period to the during
SURE-P period, after controlling for the same change as
estimated for the control cluster; (3) β10, which estimates
the mean change, in percentage points of completeness, for
the given intervention cluster, that occurred immediately
following the termination of SURE-P, after controlling for
the same change as estimated for the control cluster; and
(4) β11, which estimates how the slope/trend (the expected
linear change in percentage points of completeness per
month) changed, for the given intervention cluster, between
the during SURE-P period to the after SURE-P period, after
controlling for the same change as estimated for the control
cluster. The remaining βs are structural parts of the ITS
models and not of direct interest for our research questions.
Therefore, for simplicity we only present the results of these 4
key parameters estimates in the results tables.
In addition to these 2 controlled ITS analyses comparing
before-to-during and during-to-after SURE-P, we also did
3 uncontrolled “two-period” ITS analyses to model how
the same completeness outcome changed for each of the 2
intervention clusters and the control cluster alone, and just
between 2 periods: from the start of the data until the end
of SURE-P (January 2012 - March 2015), and from the end
of SURE-P until the end of the data (April 2015 - December
2017). These analyses allowed us to evaluate whether there
were any long-term changes in key MCH HMIS indicator
completeness that started before the SURE-P programme
began, and if they were present in the control cluster as well as
the intervention clusters. Therefore, these analyses allowed us
to evaluate whether the data were consistent with any observed
improvements in key MCH HMIS indicator completeness
being due to secular/background changes rather than the
effects of SURE-P. For simplicity we do not detail the model
here. From these models the key parameter estimates we
report indicate: (1) the estimated slope/trend (linear change in
percentage points of completeness per month) for the before
and during SURE-P period combined; (2) the estimated mean
change, in percentage points of completeness, for the given
cluster that occurred following the termination of SURE-P;
and (3) the estimated change in slope/trend (linear change in
percentage points of completeness per month), for the given
cluster that occurred between the before and during SURE-P
period combined compared to the after SURE-P period.
All the in-depth interviews (n = 24) were audio-recorded
and transcribed after informed consent were collected from
the respondents. Interviews were transcribed and analysed
manually identifying emerging themes.
We first present the results of the quantitative analysis of
how the completeness of 4 key MCH HMIS indicators varied
before, during and after SURE-P in each intervention cluster
compared to the control clusters, and how the completeness
varied from before and during SURE-P compared to after
SURE-P in each cluster alone. We then present the results
exploring health workers’ perspectives on the completeness of
data as a proxy for data quality, the challenges to maintaining
complete data and recommendations for reducing missing
and incomplete data.
The results from the ITS analysis suggest that there is no
statistically clear evidence of any additional changes in the
percentage of data completeness for the key MCH HMIS
indicators, either immediately after the introduction of
SURE-P or immediately after the termination of SURE-P,
in either the SURE-P only or SURE-P+CCT cluster, when
compared to the same immediate changes observed in the
control cluster (Table 1). Similarly, the results also show no
statistically clear evidence of any additional changes in the
trend with which key MCH HMIS indicator completeness
changed over time, either after the introduction of SURE-P
or after its termination, in either the SURE-P only or SURE-
P+CCT cluster, when compared to the same trends observed
in the control cluster.
However, when looking at changes in the level and trend
of the completeness outcome across both the period before
SURE-P and the period during SURE-P combined compared
to the period after SURE-P there is: (1) a statistically clear and
strongly positive trend in the percentage of the completeness
outcome for all 3 clusters within the period combining
before and during SURE-P (Table 2), and (2) a statistically
clear “levelling out” in the percentage of the completeness
outcome during the period after SURE-P in all 3 clusters, due
to the outcome reaching its ceiling or near its ceiling (100%
This is also clearly apparent from Figures 1 and 2.
Therefore, the results provide no evidence for any effect of
SURE-P on key MCH HMIS indicator completeness within
these intervention clusters, but clear evidence of a substantial
positive trend in key MCH HMIS indicator completeness in all
clusters that started from at least 9 months before the SURE-P
period and continued for most, if not all, of the SURE-P
period, and ultimately resulted in completeness improving
by approximately 20%-30% points to reach typically 100%
during after SURE-P period in all 3 clusters.
At the general hospitals which were part of the intervention
clusters, it was found that the NHMIS forms were not used
for reporting their data, both before during and after SURE-P
programme. The data from different departments of each
hospital was captured in notebooks and registers supplied
by other programmes, eg, the malaria and HIV control
programmes. In addition to poorly fille d and missing registers,
there was no formal data summary or harmonization. In
addition, there were discrepancies in figures between the
daily records and the monthly summary records, with
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International Journal of Health Policy and Management, 2020, x(x), 1–10 5
monthly records having comparatively larger than expected
numbers for certain variables. Consequently, as many of the
HMIS indicators collected in the PHC facilities were not
available in the general hospitals, the general hospital data did
not form part of the ITS analyses of HMIS data completeness,
but clearly this is an important qualitative finding regarding
HMIS data completeness in Nigerian general hospitals.
Health Workers’ Perspective on Completeness of Data
During qualitative interviews, health workers felt that data
completeness improved during SURE-P period and this
was said to have resulted from the training given to them
during the programme intervention period as well as the
increased availability of staff. The participants also reflected
that the quality in terms of completeness declined with the
cessation of the programme. This was captured by some of
the respondents thus:
“Yes, we received training on data collection, health
education, delivery and many things and this has helped us
in knowing how to manage our data(P2C303).
“The presence of more staffs ensured that there are more
people to handle the data collection …. and the staffs were
trained in data management. But after SURE-P, the data
collection started declining again because we still went back
to the lack of staff… we are lacking staff to handle the data”
Table 1. Controlled ITS analysis of how the Monthly Percentage of PHC HMIS Data Completeness of 4 Key MCH Indicators Varied Before, During and After the
SURE-P Programme in the SURE-P Only Cluster Compared to the Control Cluster and in the SURE-P+CCT Cluster Compared to the Control Cluster
Cluster Comparison Period Comparison and Type of Change Coefficient (95% CI) P Value
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          
    
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a  
           
Table 2. Uncontrolled ITS Analysis of How the Monthly Percentage of PHC HMIS Data Completeness of 4 Key MCH Indicators Varied From Before and During
Compared to after the SURE-P Programme in the SURE-P Only, SURE-P+CCT and Control Clusters Separately
Cluster Period Comparison and Change Measure Coefficient (95% CI) P Value
a 
 
a 
a 
 
a 
a 
 
a 
          
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                     
a        
      
  
Uzochukwu et al
International Journal of Health Policy and Management, 2020, x(x), 1–106
In general, interviews showed that existing records were
poorly stored after SURE-P, and staff could not account
for missing registers in some of the facilities due to alleged
inadequate and improper handover by exiting staff. Interviews
with the facility staff revealed that data management at the
PHCs entails that each staff on duty or in charge of a particular
unit collects data or records activities while on duty. This is
collated by the officer in charge at the end of the month, and
transmitted to the state, from where it is forwarded to the
federal government. This was captured by respondents thus:
“In this facility we have staff that work in different areas in
terms of data collection for antenatal clinic, Immunization,
family planning etc. This is entered into different registers on
a daily basis by the staff on shift and summarized at the end
of the month. It is then forwarded to the local government
at the end of the month by the facility in-charge” (P2C312).
Health workers were of the opinion that the completeness
of HMIS data during the SURE-P period was as a result of
more people available to handle the records and the training
and re-training of staffs on data management. Other enablers
of data management according to the respondents included
availability of data management tools; staff motivation, which
respondents pointed out that it keeps the staffs committed to
the data management process; having a designated staff that
is responsible for data management, mostly for the function
of data collation and data summary. The enablers of data
management were captured by a respondent thus:
“Some of the things that make it easier for us are
availability of registers and staff because when you don’t
have adequate staff to handle it, it will be delayed …another
one is the motivation of staff by making the local government
accessible to us through easy transportation when returning
the data(P2C301).
Challenges to Maintaining Complete Data
The respondents stated some of the challenges they face
following the halt of the SURE-P/MCH programme, noting
these challenges as the reason for the discrepancies in data
management. These include lack of training and retraining
of staffs which make the process tedious and compromises
quality; the frequency of data summary which poses a
challenge due to lack of adequate human resources brought
about by halting of the SURE-P/MCH programme; the fact
that there is no staff dedicated to data management, which
is also due to the lack of human resources; the number
of variables collected in the HMIS, as the form captures
233 variables. Also, the health workers are busy with other
activities in the health center, thus not having enough time for
data management because of increased workload. This was
noted by several respondents thus:
“Imagine what happens when only one person is on duty
and has to attend to all the patients and pregnant mothers,
and still have to record data. They will record poorly and
make mistakes” (P2C307).
“Generation of good and quality data is not easy; it is
time-consuming. Sometimes the staffs don’t have enough
time to see patients and they still have to document at the
same time” (P2C308).
“There are too many things to collect information on. In
our forms, we have 233 things to record and you do this on a
daily and weekly basis” (P2C302).
Respondents were asked about the use for which data was
being collected. According to most of the respondents, the
information collected is used to make sure good services are
delivered through informing health facility plans and staff
performance management.
“The health facility committee at times use the
information to plan how to deliver good services to the
people like knowing how many deliveries in a month
However, a few respondents were unable to state the uses
of the data and distinguish which data is needed for service
Figure 1. Scatter Plot of Monthly Observed Percentage Completeness
for Key MCH HMIS Indicators for SURE-P Only and Control Clusters and
Predicted Values From the Controlled 3-Period ITS Model. Abbreviations: ITS,
interrupted time series; HMIS, Health Management Information Systems; MCH,
maternal and child health; SURE-P, Subsidy Reinvestment and Empowerment
Figure 2. Scatter Plot of Monthly Observed Percentage Completeness for Key
MCH HMIS Indicators for SURE-P Centers Giving CCT and Control Clusters and
Predicted Values From the Controlled 3-Period ITS Model. Abbreviations: ITS,
interrupted time series; HMIS, Health Management Information Systems; MCH,
maternal and child health; SURE-P, Subsidy Reinvestment and Empowerment
Programme; CCT, conditional cash transfer.
Uzochukwu et al
International Journal of Health Policy and Management, 2020, x(x), 1–10 7
delivery and in fact felt it was just to monitor how well they
are performing in the facilities and for their promotion.
“They just want to use the information to check how well
we are performing and for our promotions” (P2C315).
“I don’t know which decisions they use the information for
all I know is to collect the information(P2C312).
Suggestions for Improving Missing and Incomplete Data
Some of the respondents made suggestions on how the
improvement in availability and completeness of data can be
solved and these included making sure that data is entered
in the register from patients’ folders or files as patients arrive
on a daily basis and then aggregated at the end of the month
instead of waiting till the end of the month to enter the daily
records from their folders to the register and then aggregate at
the same time. As captured by a respondent:
“Just as I said the data should be filled daily, do not allow it
to accumulate. Accumulation of data gives problem especially
in a facility that a lot of patients come in you can do that
in a facility that does not have much client, but you don’t do
it in a facility that have much client load. Sometimes, you
might even start looking for their missing folders and files
Training and retraining on data management and engaging
more staff were also suggested by the respondents as means
of improving the availability and completeness of data.
According to a respondent: “Some of the staffs working now
are untrained and needs fresh training to function well a
step-down training for the lay or volunteer staffs will help to
manage the situation better” (P2C307).
We explored if the SURE P/MCH programme contributed
to improving the completeness of relevant HMIS data as a
proxy for improved data quality. The facility data shows that
there is evidence that key MCH HMIS indicator completeness
improved substantially, but these changes cannot be attributed
to SURE-P alone. Therefore, there appears to have been some
background changes (possibly directly and indirectly related)
to SURE-P affecting HMIS data completeness. For example,
there were some interventions implemented in the State by
some other programmes and donors to strengthen quality
improvement in PHC facilities. One such intervention was
improvement of quality of care in Nigeria’s PHC facilities
in rural communities between October 2013 and March
2015.24 The Malaria Consortium also implemented a capacity
building project to improve the capacity of the national
malaria elimination programme for evidence generation
and use between 2008 and 2016.25 In addition, there were
extensive trainings of health staff on monitoring and
evaluation which included data management in 2010, well
before commencement of SURE-P.26-28
Interestingly, although data completeness improved across
all the clusters, there were differences in the SURE-P and
the SURE-P+CCT clusters. It is not very clear what could
have contributed to the seemingly greater improvement in
the CCT cluster during the intervention period. However,
it is important to note that data on monthly service uptake
throughout the continuum of care was collected in these
CCT during quarterly monitoring and supervisory visits
as they needed to track beneficiary retention throughout
the period as closely as possible, and avert loss to follow-
up.29 The supervisors also delivered spot training on record
keeping during such visits. These quarterly monitoring and
supervisory activities therefore may have resulted in greater
improvement in data completeness in the CCT cluster during
the intervention period. The non-use of NHMIS forms at the
general hospitals and the preference for the use of notebooks
and registers supplied by other vertical programmes is
likely to lead to non-capture of the data in the NHMIS. The
implication is that the data is cut off from the NHMIS and
therefore cannot be used to inform planning and decision-
making both at the state and country-level as the hospitals
will be using different datasets. Evidence has shown that
HMIS forms were less likely to be available in hospitals in
Anambra State.30
From health workers’ perspective, data completeness
seems to have resulted from the training given to health
workers during the SURE-P/MCH period as well as
the increased availability of staff which was one of the
intervention packages. Inadequate human resources as a
result of halting of the SURE-P/MCH programme was also
noted by the respondents as one of the factors affecting data
completeness since there was no more staff dedicated to data
management. This fact was also observed in a study where
time constraints on recording tasks and the balance between
recording tasks and clinic work was noted as a determinant
of data completeness.31 However, there was no evidence to
support this finding in the quantitative data which arguably
provides a more accurate and objective measure of the data
completeness.32 The in-depth staff perceptions are subjective
and can be influenced by multiple biases such as their actual
knowledge and expectations about data completeness and
quality, and their experiences with the implementation of the
From a wider perspective about the data informing
decision-making, we acknowledge the emphasis in the
current literature that perceptions of robust evidence by key
decision-makers form important determinants of whether
data (or evidence) is used to inform policy, planning and
management decisions.2,33 Further to data completeness, such
perceptions often include the source of evidence (ie, whether
it comes from a reputable source such as rigorous study or
established system), its comprehensiveness (ie, nationally-
representative datasets often seen as better quality) and nature
(‘hard’ quantitative data is often seen as better quality than
‘softer’ expert views and opinions) as well as local contents.1,34
It is unclear from our study, the extent to which the design of
the form to capture 233 variables in a single form contributes
to the incompleteness of data. It is plausible that this burden
could tire and demotivate health workers so that forms are
not filled properly. Data completeness may also be reduced
because most of the health workers filling the forms lack a good
understanding of what the data is used for. In some settings,
health workers lack an understanding of the use for which the
data was being collected and are unable to distinguish which
Uzochukwu et al
International Journal of Health Policy and Management, 2020, x(x), 1–108
data is needed for service delivery.35 Similarly, it has been
reported in Nigeria how the cumbersomeness and complexity
of the forms, brought about by the huge number of variables
was a major factor hindering the completeness of data in the
NHMIS forms.4 Also, a 2014 review of select low- and middle-
income countries by the World Health Organization (WHO)
found cumulative reporting requests requiring upwards
of 600 indicators36 and technical inconsistencies related to
procedures and terms also lead to further fragmentation.37
The presence of funds and human resources by SURE-P/
MCH may have also contributed to a better result with
the filling of the forms during the SURE-P/MCH period.
However, all these were said to have decreased with cessation
of the SURE-P/MCH. As noted in some African countries,
human resources are a huge challenge for maintaining the
quality of data within their health information systems.38,39
And the effect of training of health workers and increasing
staff and resources for data collection has been noted as a
means of improving the quality of data collected from PHCs.40
Although data completeness was said to have improved we
identified from health workers’ perspective that availability
and completeness of data are a challenge to them, and are
dependent on many health systems variables including
limited staff, a high burden on providers for data collection,
many variables in the data collection tools, and health
worker incentives. This raises a broader point about HMIS
being also linked with other health systems components and
appropriate staff support and development processes and
mechanisms that can be important strategies to improve
HMIS data completeness. It has been noted elsewhere that
factors such as lack of training, appropriate data collection
tools, overwhelming task of data collection are key challenges
to data quality.41
Training and retraining on data management were
suggested by the respondents as a means of improving the
completeness of data. Evidence has shown that health HMIS
training achieved an improvement in the data management
practice of PHC workers.42,43 Integrating capacity building
in HMIS strengthening efforts is an essential component of
a package of HMIS strengthening interventions and are also
necessary for sustainability.44 This has also been found to
have significantly increased the completeness of the data used
to monitor “prevention of mother-to-child transmission”
services in South Africa.45
Another strategy to improve data completeness especially at
PHC level, will be to develop standard operating procedures
for completing and accurately documenting in registers and
monthly reporting forms. Progress towards establishing a
strong, functional data collection and reporting system at
PHC levels in Nigeria has been reported in a recent study
that found improved data reporting and quality from the
implementation of integrated community case management
programs.46 The use of electronic or mobile devices have also
been reported to reduce the burden for healthcare workers,
especially community health workers at the PHC level in
Nigeria46 and strengthening electronic health information
systems, and harmonizing data collection systems have been
Study Limitations
Although we did not conduct a formal power calculation it
is likely that our relatively small sample size meant that we
lacked power to detect anything other than large changes.
Also, ITS uses population-level data, so we cannot make
inferences about each individual. In addition, our ITS
analyses were based on only 2 SURE-P MCH clusters within
one State of the Federation, and our statistical results therefore
lack generalizability and are not intended to be statistically
representative of all States in the Federation. There was also
an imbalance in the length of the period for which HMIS
data were available either side of the SURE-P period, with
the pre-SURE-P period having less than a year’s worth of data
available. Having access to a longer timeseries before SURE-P
may have helped us understand when the improvements
in HMIS completeness began, and therefore what their
causes were likely to be. Also, while we attempted to assess
completeness of data, we only used 4 key MCH indicators and
did not conduct own observations of service provision against
the recording of data. This resulted in a narrower objective
measures of data completeness in our study and represents an
important area for future research.
Completeness of data is an important element of data
quality, which in turn will improve the chances of the
resultant evidence to be used to inform policy, planning
and management decisions. Although data completeness
improved during SURE-P, the evidence suggests that there
were no differences in improvement of data completeness
between the control cluster and the SURE-P cluster; and
between the control cluster and the SURE-P+CCT cluster.
The observed increases in data completeness may therefore
be due to other factors outside/beyond SURE-P. There were
clearly factors causing improvements before and during
the SURE-P period and whatever the factors, they were not
harmed (or not significantly harmed) by the termination
of SURE-P. However, health workers’ perceptions of how
complete the HMIS data were at the relevant time periods
is important and there are issues with the HMIS that need
to be addressed. The functioning of national HMIS are
inevitably linked with other health systems components.
While health systems strengthening programmes have a great
potential for improved overall systems performance, a more
granular understanding of their implications on the specific
components such as the resultant quality of HMIS data, is
This work was funded by the Joint DFID/ESRC/MRC/
Wellcome Trust Health Systems Research Initiative (Grant
Ref: MR/M01472X/1). The funders had no role in the study
design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or
writing of the manuscript. The authors would like to thank
The REVAMP Consortium project group members and the
respondents for their contribution to the research.
Ethical issues
Ethical approvals for the study was obtained from the Health Research
Uzochukwu et al
International Journal of Health Policy and Management, 2020, x(x), 1–10 9
Ethics Committee at the University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital, Enugu (ref:
NHREC/05/02/2008B-FWA00002458-1RB00002323), and the School of
Medicine Research Ethics Committee at the Faculty of Medicine and Health at
the University of Leeds (ref: SoMREC/14/097). Written informed consents were
obtained from all the participants before data collection.
Competing interests
Authors declare that they have no competing interests.
Authors’ contributions
BU, TM, and OO designed the study. Data were collected by BU, OO, EE,
CO, UO, and analysed by BU, OO, EE, CO, UO, and JH. The manuscript was
drafted by BU and all authors reviewed and contributed content to the paper. BU
critically revised the manuscript.
This work was funded by the Medical Research Council, Joint DFID/ESRC/
MRC/Wellcome Trust Health Systems Research Initiative (Grant Ref: MR/
M01472X/1 and 016530/Z/14/Z).
Authors’ affiliations
1Department of Community Medicine, College of Medicine, University of Nigeria
(Enugu Campus), Nsukka, Nigeria. 2Nuffield Centre for International Health
and Development, University of Leeds, Leeds, UK. 3Department of Health
Administration and Management, College of Medicine, University of Nigeria
(Enugu Campus), Nsukka, Nigeria. 4Department of Management, University of
Nigeria (Enugu Campus), Nsukka, Nigeria.
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... Low human resources can also affect the usability of information, as overburdened workers may delay the completion of data and use only a portion of available information, which could affect accuracy and completeness (Nicol et al., 2013;WHO, 2008). Therefore, collecting accurate data increases the likelihood of obtaining valid evidence that can be used to inform policy and decision-making ((AbouZahr et al., 2015;Nicol, 2015;Uzochukwu et al., 2020). ...
... The health information system needs to be developed to monitor access to good quality maternal health services and outcomes regularly (Wabiri et al., 2013). Complete data are vital for quality data, thus improving the chance of having valid evidence that will inform policy and decision-making (Uzochukwu et al., 2020). ...
Full-text available
Accurate data are crucial for effective decision-making and policy development in health care. However, poor-quality data and the non-use of information can hinder these processes. This study focused on the quality of reproductive health data in South Africa (1998 & 2016) and Nigeria (2013 & 2018) and aimed to identify factors contributing to the non-use of quality data on reproductive health. The study examined the distribution of observable characteristics of women aged 15-49 years in each country, specifically focusing on the timing of the first postnatal checkup for mothers. It explored the relationship between selected variables and the timing of postnatal checkups. The study's conceptual framework highlighted the connection between utilization of health care services, women's knowledge, perception, and behaviour related to reproductive health, as well as the role of managing the health information system in informing policies and programs to enhance reproductive health outcomes. The findings revealed disparities in data, country-specific peculiarities, and variations in data collection methods. In Nigeria, variables such as age, region, place of residence, education, wealth index, age at first birth, preceding birth interval, and place of delivery were associated with the timing of postnatal checks. However, in South Africa, only a few socioeconomic and demographic variables were associated with the timing of postnatal checks. The study emphasizes the importance of regularly assessing data quality to plan, reliably monitor health services, and improve reproductive health outcomes.
... According to this theme, patients' information is not properly documented or is incomplete most of the time and this limits clinical decision-making. Indeed, undocumented patients' information is linked to data incompleteness, which in turn limits clinical decisionmaking (Uzochukwu et al. 2020b). ...
Full-text available
Aim: Health system mistrust, a public health issue, is poorly understood in Nigeria, a country with a fragile health system. Understanding this public health issue will inform mitigation strategies against it. Thus, this study explores mistrust of the Nigerian health system and offers practical implications for mitigating it. Subject and Methods: Through a qualitative method, data were collected from 54 Nigerians, comprising diverse professionals and non-professionals in the health system. Data saturation was observed, and thematic analysis was used for data analysis. Results: Participants report mistrust of infrastructure in the Nigerian health system. The mistrust of infrastructure is linked to a jeopardized educational system, low morale of health workers due to poor remuneration, lack of professionalism among health workers, misinterpretation of laboratory investigation results leading to misdiagnosis, dilapidated medical equipment, unavailability of ambulances, inaccessibility to essential services, shortage of health workers, absence of patient-centered care, and poor healthcare financing. Further, participants report mistrust of, pharmaceutical products due to substandard drugs in the health system, government and privately owned health facilities, documentation of patients’ information due to incompleteness in the documentation, and confidentiality of patients’ information. Trust levels in the health system limit utilization of health services and link to health inequities. To strengthen their trust in the health system, participants recommend surveillance efforts from the government, and infrastructural development including the construction of standard health facilities, computerization of operations in health care, provision of up-to-date medical equipment, employment and training/retraining of health workers, and constant water and power supply. Participants also recommend healthcare financing, investment in health research and education, a multidisciplinary approach to health care, and discouragement of medical tourism. Conclusion: This study adds to the understanding of health system mistrust. Findings offer practical implications for mitigating mistrust of the Nigerian health system. Avenues of inquiry for future work are also offered.
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Data and indicator estimates are considered vital to document persisting challenges in maternal and newborn health and track progress towards global goals. However, prioritization of standardised, comparable quantitative data can preclude the collection of locally relevant information and pose overwhelming burdens in low-resource settings, with negative effects on the provision of quality of care. A growing body of qualitative studies aims to provide a place-based understanding of the complex processes and human experiences behind the generation and use of maternal and neonatal health data. We conducted a qualitative systematic review exploring how national or international requirements to collect and report data on maternal and neonatal health indicators are perceived and experienced at the sub-national and country level in low-income and lower-middle income countries. We systematically searched six electronic databases for qualitative and mixed-methods studies published between January 2000 and March 2023. Following screening of 4084 records by four reviewers, 47 publications were included in the review. Data were analysed thematically and synthesised from a Complex Adaptive Systems (CAS) theoretical perspective. Our findings show maternal and neonatal health data and indicators are not fixed, neutral entities, but rather outcomes of complex processes. Their collection and uptake is influenced by a multitude of system hardware elements (human resources, relevancy and adequacy of tools, infrastructure, and interoperability) and software elements (incentive systems, supervision and feedback, power and social relations, and accountability). When these components are aligned and sufficiently supportive, data and indicators can be used for positive system adaptivity through performance evaluation, prioritization, learning, and advocacy. Yet shortcomings and broken loops between system components can lead to unforeseen emergent behaviors such as blame, fear, and data manipulation. This review highlights the importance of measurement approaches that prioritize local relevance and feasibility, necessitating participatory approaches to define context-specific measurement objectives and strategies.
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City governments are well-positioned to effectively address urban health challenges in the context of rapid urbanization in Asia. They require good quality and timely evidence to inform their planning decisions. In this article, we report our analyses of degree of data-informed urban health planning from three Asian cities: Dhaka, Hanoi and Pokhara. Our theoretical framework stems from conceptualizations of evidence-informed policymaking, health planning and policy analysis, and includes: (1) key actors, (2) approaches to developing and implementing urban health plans, (3) characteristics of the data itself. We collected qualitative data between August 2017 and October 2018 using: in-depth interviews with key actors, document review and observations of planning events. Framework approach guided the data analysis. Health is one of competing priorities with multiple plans being produced within each city, using combinations of top-down, bottom-up and fragmented planning approaches. Mostly data from government information systems are used, which were perceived as good quality though often omits the urban poor and migrants. Key common influences on data use include constrained resources and limitations of current planning approaches, alongside data duplication and limited coordination within Dhaka's pluralistic system, limited opportunities for data use in Hanoi and inadequate and incomplete data in Pokhara. City governments have the potential to act as a hub for multi-sectoral planning. Our results highlight the tensions this brings, with health receiving less attention than other sector priorities. A key emerging issue is that data on the most marginalized urban poor and migrants are largely unavailable. Feasible improvements to evidence-informed urban health planning include increasing availability and quality of data particularly on the urban poor, aligning different planning processes, introducing clearer mechanisms for data use, working within the current systemic opportunities and enhancing participation of local communities in urban health planning.
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Introduction Reliable and accurate public health information is essential for monitoring, evaluating and improving the delivery of healthcare services. The objective of this study was to assess the effect of training health care workers on data management practice in health management information systems in primary health care (PHC) centers in Kaduna state. Methods The study was quasi-experimental with baseline, intervention and end point components. It was carried out in two local government areas, a study and a control. Eleven PHC facilities were selected in each LGA. The intervention was carried out among 76 PHC workers in the study LGA. Data were collected using a health facility checklist and a focused group discussion (FGD) guide. Data analysis was done using SPSS version 20.0 and statistical significance of the difference between baseline and end-line data were determined using chi-square or fisher's exact test where applicable at p < 0.05. Results There was a statistically significant increase in completeness of reporting (p = 0.02), overall accuracy rate (p < 0.001), timeliness rate of reporting (p = <0.001) and feedback (p = 0.012). No improvement was found in the control group. During the baseline FGDs, PHC workers in both study and control LGAs expressed difficulty in filling registers/forms, data analysis and use of data. At end point, those in the study LGA said their practice had improved but those in the control LGA still expressed difficulty in data management. Conclusion Health management information system training achieved an improvement in the data management practice of PHC workers. In-service training and re-training should be done to improve data management practice of health workers.
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Decision makers are searching for reliable data and best practices to support the implementation and scale-up of the integrated community case management (iCCM) programs in underserved areas to reduce under-five mortality in low-income countries. This study assesses data quality and reporting systems of the World Health Organization supported Rapid Access Expansion program implementing iCCM in Abia and Niger States, Nigeria. This cross-sectional study used data from 16 primary health facilities in both states. Data were collected through review of registers and monthly summary reports of 140 community-oriented resource persons (CORPs), assessments of the five dimensions of the data reporting systems and 46 key informant interviews with stakeholders. Data quality was assessed by availability, completeness and consistency. Each component of the reporting system was assessed on a 3-point scale (weak, satisfactory and strong). Results show that both the structure, functions and capabilities, as well as data collection and reporting tools dimensions of the reporting system were strong, scoring (2.80, 2.73) for Abia and (2.88, 2.75) for Niger, respectively. Data management processes and links with national reporting system components scored low 2 s, indicating fair strength. Data availability, completeness and consistency were found to be good, an indication of adequate training and supervision of CORPs and community health extension workers. Indicator definitions and reporting guidelines were the weakest dimension of the system due to lack of data reporting guidelines in both states. In conclusion, the results indicate satisfactory data reporting systems and good quality data during early implementation of iCCM programs in the two states. Hence, countries planning to adopt and implement iCCM programs should first develop structures, establish national standardized tools for collecting and reporting data, provide for adequate training and supervision of community health workers and develop reporting guidelines for all reporting levels to ensure data quality.
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Background: High-quality data are critical to inform, monitor and manage health programs. Over the seven-year African Health Initiative of the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation, three of the five Population Health Implementation and Training (PHIT) partnership projects in Mozambique, Rwanda, and Zambia introduced strategies to improve the quality and evaluation of routinely-collected data at the primary health care level, and stimulate its use in evidence-based decision-making. Using the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research (CFIR) as a guide, this paper: 1) describes and categorizes data quality assessment and improvement activities of the projects, and 2) identifies core intervention components and implementation strategy adaptations introduced to improve data quality in each setting. Methods: The CFIR was adapted through a qualitative theme reduction process involving discussions with key informants from each project, who identified two domains and ten constructs most relevant to the study aim of describing and comparing each country's data quality assessment approach and implementation process. Data were collected on each project's data quality improvement strategies, activities implemented, and results via a semi-structured questionnaire with closed and open-ended items administered to health management information systems leads in each country, with complementary data abstraction from project reports. Results: Across the three projects, intervention components that aligned with user priorities and government systems were perceived to be relatively advantageous, and more readily adapted and adopted. Activities that both assessed and improved data quality (including data quality assessments, mentorship and supportive supervision, establishment and/or strengthening of electronic medical record systems), received higher ranking scores from respondents. Conclusion: Our findings suggest that, at a minimum, successful data quality improvement efforts should include routine audits linked to ongoing, on-the-job mentoring at the point of service. This pairing of interventions engages health workers in data collection, cleaning, and analysis of real-world data, and thus provides important skills building with on-site mentoring. The effect of these core components is strengthened by performance review meetings that unify multiple health system levels (provincial, district, facility, and community) to assess data quality, highlight areas of weakness, and plan improvements.
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In order to support the progress towards the post-2015 development agenda for the health sector, the importance of high quality and timely estimates has become evident both globally and at the country levels. Based on desk review, key informant interviews and expert panel discussions, the paper have critically reviewed health estimates from both the local (i.e. nationally generated information by the government and other agencies) and the global sources (which are mostly modeled or interpolated estimates developed by international organizations based on different sources of information), and assessed the country capacity and monitoring strategies to meet the increasing data demand in the coming years. Primarily, this paper provides a situation analysis of Bangladesh in terms of production and use of health estimates for monitoring progress towards the post-2015 development goals for the health sector. The analysis reveals that Bangladesh is data rich, particularly from household surveys and health facility assessments. There also exists practice of data utilization, with wide acceptability of survey results for policy, program review and course corrections. Despite high data availability from multiple sources, the country capacity for providing regular update of major global health estimates/indicators remains low. Major challenges also include limited human resources, capacity to generate quality data and multiplicity of data sources, where discrepancy and lack of linkages among different data sources (local sources and between local and global estimates) present emerging challenges with interpretation of the resulting estimates. To fulfill the increased data requirement for the post-2015 era, Bangladesh needs to invest more in electronic data capture and routine health information systems. Streamlining of data sources, integration of parallel information systems into a common platform, and capacity building for data generation and analysis are recommended as priority actions for Bangladesh in the coming years. In addition to automation of routine health information systems, establishing an Indicator Reference Group for Bangladesh to analyze data; build country capacity in data quality assessment and triangulation; and feed into global, inter-agency estimates for better reporting would address a number of mentioned challenges in the short- and long-run.
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Background: The prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV (PMTCT) is a key maternal and child-health intervention in the context of the HIV/AIDS pandemic in South Africa. Accordingly, the PMTCT programmes have been incorporated in the routine District Health Management Information System (DHMIS) which collects monthly facility-based data to support the management of public-health services. To date, there has been no comprehensive evaluation of the PMTCT information system. Objectives: This study seeks to evaluate the quality of output indicators for monitoring PMTCT interventions in two health districts with high HIV prevalence. Methods: An analytical observational study was undertaken based on the Performance of Routine Information System Management (PRISM) framework and tools, including an assessment of the routine PMTCT data for quality in terms of accuracy and completeness. Data were collected from 57 public health facilities for six pre-defined PMTCT data elements by comparing the source registers with the routine monthly report (RMR), and the RMR with the DMHIS for January and April 2012. This was supplemented by the analysis of the monthly data reported routinely in the DMHIS for the period 2009-2012. Descriptive statistics, analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Bland Altman analysis were conducted using STATA® Version 13. Results: Although completeness was relatively high at 91% (95% CI: 78-100%) at facility level and 96% (95% CI: 92-100%) at district level, the study revealed considerable data quality concerns for the PMTCT information with an average accuracy between the register and RMR of 51% (95% CI: 44-58%) and between the RMR and DHMIS database of 84% (95% CI: 78-91%). We observed differences in the data accuracy by organisational authority. The poor quality of the data was attributed partly to insufficient competencies of health information personnel. Conclusions: The study suggests that the primary point of departure for accurate data transfer is during the collation process. Institutional capacity to improve data quality at the facility level and ensure core competencies for routine health information system (RHIS)-related tasks are needed. Further exploration of the possible factors that may influence data accuracy, such as supervision, RHIS processes, training and leadership are needed. In particular understanding is needed about how individual actions can bring about changes in institutional routines.
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Background: Nigeria has a high population density but a weak health-care system. To improve the quality of care, 3 organizations carried out a quality improvement pilot intervention at the primary health-care level in selected rural areas. Objective: To assess the change in quality of care in primary health-care facilities in rural Nigeria following the provision of technical governance support and to document the successes and challenges encountered. Method: A total of 6 states were selected across the 6 geopolitical zones of the country. However, assessments were carried out in 40 facilities in only 5 states. Selection was based on location, coverage, and minimum services offered. The facilities were divided randomly into 2 groups. The treatment group received quality-of-care assessment, continuous feedback, and improvement support, whereas the control group received quality assessment and no other support. Data were collected using the SafeCare Healthcare Standards and managed on the SafeCare Data Management System-AfriDB. Eight core areas were assessed at baseline and end line, and compliance to quality health-care standards was compared. Result: Outcomes from 40 facilities were accepted and analyzed. Overall scores increased in the treatment facilities compared to the control facilities, with strong evidence of improvement (t = 5.28, P = .0004) and 11% average improvement, but no clear pattern of improvement emerged in the control group. Conclusion: The study demonstrated governance support and active community involvement offered potential for quality improvement in primary health-care facilities.
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Background Achievement of improved maternal and child health (MCH) outcomes continues to be an issue of international priority, particularly for sub-Saharan African countries such as Nigeria. Evidence suggests that the use of Community Health Workers (CHWs) can be effective in broadening access to, and coverage of, health services and improving MCH outcomes in such countries. Methods/design In this paper, we report the methodology for a 5-year study which aims to evaluate the context, processes, outcomes and longer-term sustainability of a Nigerian CHW scheme. Evaluation of complex interventions requires a comprehensive understanding of intervention context, mechanisms and outcomes. The multidisciplinary and mixed-method realist approach will facilitate such evaluation. A favourable policy environment within which the study is conducted will ensure the successful uptake of results into policy and practice. A realist evaluation provides an overall methodological framework for this multidisciplinary and mixed methods research, which will be undertaken in Anambra state. The study will draw upon health economics, social sciences and statistics. The study comprises three steps: (1) initial theory development; (2) theory validation and (3) theory refinement and development of lessons learned. Specific methods for data collection will include in-depth interviews and focus group discussions with purposefully identified key stakeholders (managers, service providers and service users), document reviews, analyses of quantitative data from the CHW programme and health information system, and a small-scale survey. The impact of the programme on key output and outcome indicators will be assessed through an interrupted time-series analysis (ITS) of monthly quantitative data from health information system and programme reports. Ethics approvals for this study were obtained from the University of Leeds and the University of Nigeria. Discussion This study will provide a timely and important contribution to health systems strengthening specifically within Anambra state in southeast Nigeria but also more widely across Nigeria. This paper should be of interest to researchers who are interested in adapting and applying robust methodologies for assessing complex health system interventions. The paper will also be useful to policymakers and practitioners who are interested in commissioning and engaging in such complex evaluations to inform policies and practices.