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Effects of online strategies on students’ learning performance, self-efficacy, self-regulation and critical thinking in university online courses



Fostering students’ abilities to deal with practical problems is an important objective of professional training. To enable students to have more practicing time under the supervision of trainers in class, flipped learning has been adopted to shift the lecture time to the before-class stage, and hence more time is available for in-class practicing. Although flipped learning has been recognized by scholars as an effective teaching mode, researchers have also indicated the challenges of implementing it; in particular, many students have difficulty learning before the class on their own. In this research, a self-regulated flipped learning (SRFL) approach was proposed to cope with this problem by guiding students to set their learning goals, and supporting them in monitoring their learning status in five stages, namely, goal setting, flipped learning (including pre-class video-based instruction and in-class discussion), task sharing, self-evaluation, and self-regulation feedback. In addition, an experiment was conducted in a professional training program to examine the effectiveness of the proposed approach. From the experimental results, it was found that the approach significantly improved the students’ learning achievement, self-efficacy, self-regulation, and critical thinking, which could be a good reference for future research related to flipped professional training.
Education Tech Research Dev
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Effects ofonline strategies onstudents’ learning
performance, self‑efficacy, self‑regulation andcritical
thinking inuniversity online courses
Ching‑YiChang1,2· PatcharinPanjaburee3· Hui‑ChenLin1· Chiu‑LinLai4·
Accepted: 18 November 2021
© Association for Educational Communications and Technology 2021
Fostering students’ abilities to deal with practical problems is an important objective of
professional training. To enable students to have more practicing time under the super-
vision of trainers in class, flipped learning has been adopted to shift the lecture time to
the before-class stage, and hence more time is available for in-class practicing. Although
flipped learning has been recognized by scholars as an effective teaching mode, research-
ers have also indicated the challenges of implementing it; in particular, many students have
difficulty learning before the class on their own. In this research, a self-regulated flipped
learning approach was proposed to cope with this problem by guiding students to set their
learning goals, and supporting them in monitoring their learning status in five stages,
namely, goal setting, flipped learning (including pre-class video-based instruction and in-
class discussion), task sharing, self-evaluation, and self-regulation feedback. In addition, an
experiment was conducted in a professional training program to examine the effectiveness
of the proposed approach. From the experimental results, it was found that the approach
significantly improved the students’ learning achievement, self-efficacy, self-regulation,
and critical thinking, which could be a good reference for future research related to flipped
professional training.
Keywords Self-regulated learning· Self-regulation· Self-efficacy· Critical thinking·
Flipped classroom
Cultivating students’ competences of identifying and solving practical problems has been
recognized as an important and challenging issue in professional training, such as in medi-
cal training (Scott etal., 2017), occupational safety and health continuing education needs
assessment (Scott etal., 2019), tourism industry training (Poddubnaya etal., 2020), and
engineering career education (Porter etal., 2020). Researchers have identified that the most
* Gwo-Haur Hwang
Extended author information available on the last page of the article
C.-Y.Chang et al.
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effective way to provide students with hands-on project or skills training is to give them the
opportunity to practice (Tsay etal., 2018). In order to give students more assistance and
practice opportunities, several researchers have suggested that flipped learning, in which
the lecture time is shifted to the before-class stage to provide students with more opportu-
nities to practice with the assistance of the teacher in the class, could be an effective way
to train students to apply knowledge and skills to solving problems (Lai etal., 2020; Prok-
horova etal., 2021).
Flipped learning is a globally recognized teaching model enabling effective use of
teaching time for in-depth discussion, problem solving, and practicing with supports
from the teacher (Bergmann & Sams, 2012; Long etal., 2019; Srisuwan & Panjaburee,
2020). Owing to the popularity of computer and network technologies, flipped learning
has been widely adopted by engaging learners in online video-based instruction before the
class to enable more time for practicing and interactions in the class (Ng, 2018; Shyr &
Chen, 2018). However, researchers have also stated the difficulties encountered in using the
flipped learning method, including the lack of learning involvement (Chang etal., 2019), in
particular in the before-class stage, during which students are generally scheduled to watch
instructional videos on their own (Shyr & Chen, 2018). The lack of autonomy during the
self-learning process could lead to poor learning outcomes (Kok etal., 2020). Research-
ers have therefore emphasized the importance of fostering students’ self-regulation com-
petences in flipped learning for diverse courses, such as e-marketing courses (Chen &
Hwang, 2019), engineering courses (Zheng etal., 2020), and psychological and philosoph-
ical courses (Blau & Shamir-Inbal, 2017).
As a consequence, this study integrated the self-regulated learning cycle as a scaffold
into the flipped learning mode. The self-regulated learning cycle in this study included:
plan, monitor, self-evaluate, and reflect. To explore the potency of the approach, an experi-
ment was conducted in a professional training course of a university nursing department
to evaluate the students’ learning achievements, self-efficacy, self-regulation, and critical
thinking. The research questions of the study included:
(1) Does the Self-regulated Flipped Learning (SRFL) boost students’ learning achieve-
ments more than the Conventional Flipped Learning (CFL) approach?
(2) Does the SRFL approach boost students’ self-efficacy more than the CFL approach?
(3) Does the SRFL approach boost students’ self-regulation more than the CFL approach?
(4) Does the SRFL approach boost students’ critical thinking more than the CFL approach?
Literature review
Flipped learning
Flipped learning refers to a way of student-centered learning in which students are respon-
sible for learning from the teaching materials before class and participating in classroom
activities prepared by the teacher (Bergmann & Sams, 2012; DeLozier & Rhodes, 2017;
Smith, 2014). In recent years, flipped learning has been vigorously promoted by research-
ers in education in various fields. It moves the instruction to the pre-class activities, so
that students can engage in more interaction and student-centered activities in the in-class
activities, such as role-playing, debates, quizzes, and group projects (DeLozier & Rhodes,
2017). Studies have confirmed that flipped learning can guide students to learn actively
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in the classroom, provide a good learning environment, and improve upon their learning
advantages (Chang etal., 2019). The in-class activities can be diverse, and can include
group learning, discussions involving the entire class, competitions, or problem-solving
activities (Carrick etal., 2017). Some researchers have suggested that an appropriate tech-
nology-assisted system should be included when adopting the flipped learning approach, so
that, for example, e-books can be incorporated, so students can better integrate the learning
content and teaching materials with thinking and reflection to improve the effectiveness
of their studies (Hwang & Lai, 2017). In addition, Tainter etal. (2017) used the complex
learning environment of the intensive care unit to verify that flipped learning helps teach-
ers to interact with students. Numerous empirical studies have further verified the benefits
of using blended learning in education, which can improve student learning effectiveness
(Hwang & Chang, 2020; Thai etal., 2017).
Flipped learning can also take the form of a blended learning course combined with
multiple active learning methods, such as recorded lectures, quizzes, and student participa-
tion in cognitive processes (Zainuddin & Halili, 2016). Long etal. (2019) retrospectively
reviewed various learning strategies that have been adopted in flipped learning, and ana-
lyzed the benefits of such classrooms. They also indicated that situated learning plays an
important role in healthcare or medical education by, for example, providing situations for
applying knowledge and opportunities to achieve proficiency through repeated exercises
(Walrath etal., 2015). Many studies have shown that guiding students into real-world sit-
uations by using good teaching strategies can give them a learning advantage. With the
introduction of educational technology into learning, students have been given many learn-
ing opportunities and resources, helping them to obtain instant learning resources for real
situations (Pérez-Sanagustín etal., 2015). For example, Tan and Xu (2017) used simula-
tion learning strategies to allow students to conduct situational learning and evaluate stu-
dent performance. In this setting, students encourage their peers to apply their knowledge
and cultivate creativity, conduct team communication, learn cooperatively, think critically,
improve their learning effectiveness, and develop knowledge and skills outside the disci-
pline. Situated learning in the medical field has been used previously in a few cases. For
example, Chang etal. (2019) combined it with mobile learning to teach cardiopulmonary
assessment skills for nurses to improve the effectiveness of their learning.
Self‑regulated learning
Self-regulated Learning (SRL) refers to a way of learning that requires goal setting, the
use of strategies, self-monitoring, and self-adjustment. Researchers have stated that learn-
ers can actively construct knowledge and improve their learning ability through meta-
cognition and motivational strategies (Askell-Williams & Lawson, 2006; Hooshyar etal.,
2020). To assist learners in systematically planning their learning behavior, Zimmerman
and Schunk (1989) proposed an SRL architecture in which they defined SRL as students’
self-generated thoughts, perceptions, and planned actions for achieving their self-set goals
based on the evaluation of and reflection on their own performances. Research on SRL has
found that high-achieving students set clear learning goals for themselves, use more learn-
ing strategies in the learning process, self-supervise the learning process more frequently,
and adjust their learning rhythm according to their results (Zhu etal., 2020). Zimmerman
(2002) defined three phases of self-regulation: foresight, performance, and self-reflection.
During the foresight phase, students analyze their learning tasks, and then determine
their own learning objectives as well as the strategies for achieving those objectives. In
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the performance phase, students learn according to their chosen learning strategies and
work hard to achieve their learning goals. In the self-reflection phase, students examine
the correlation between their learning status and the adopted strategies to see if there is any
change to be made.
Research shows that self-regulation is important in any learning environment, whether
it is online learning, blended learning, or face-to-face online learning (Zimmerman, 2008).
Therefore, self-regulation can be considered a self-oriented feedback loop in learning.
Learners can use self-regulation to strengthen their learning achievements, enhance their
motivation for learning, and reflect on their learning process (Cassidy, 2011). If the results
after SRL are sufficiently positive, students may be motivated to further self-regulate their
learning. According to many definitions, self-regulation is the organization and manage-
ment of learning by individuals, with these individuals controlling their own thoughts,
beliefs, and the emotions they experience during learning (Mohammadi & Poursaberi,
2017). Researchers have pointed out that, by nature, self-regulation is a conscious process
that influences an individual’s behavior based on his or her motivation, and that it is closely
related to that individual’s follow-up goals or ideals (Littlejohn etal., 2016). Through SRL,
students can attain a deep understanding of complex topics during the learning process
(Kormos & Csizer, 2014), and the behaviors and attitudes associated with SRL contribute
to their confidence (Zhu etal., 2020).
As digital learning has become increasingly popular with and accepted by the general
public, and learner demand has increased, technology has accelerated the introduction
of digital learning courses, and various strategies have been devised to improve learners’
performance in SRL activities. Digital learning, autonomous learning, and effective self-
regulation strategies are increasingly important (Littlejohn etal., 2016). For example, the
autonomous use of learning resources and techniques is considered important for learner
autonomy (Lee & Hannafin, 2016). Chen etal. (2009) studied students’ online learning in
a student-centered mixed-curriculum learning environment, and found their self-regulation
abilities to be related to their personal management and overall performance. Corkin etal.
(2011) proposed that students with good learning behaviors exhibit better academic perfor-
mance. Researchers have also proposed that SRL supports learning in massive open online
courses (MOOCs), indicating that cognitive, emotional, and behavioral factors affect the
effectiveness of MOOC learning (Hood etal., 2015; Pintrich, 2000). Chiu et al. (2013)
conducted a survey that investigated learners’ Internet SRL in academic searching. They
found that learners tended to define tasks, set goals, and plan during the SRL activity. In
addition, their perception of SRL is positively related to their Internet cognitive beliefs.
Wandler and Imbriale (2017) further reported the advantages of using technology-based
self-regulatory strategies in the field of online learning. Al Fadda (2019) indicated that,
with such a supporting strategy, students’ online learning could be more successful than
their traditional learning.
Researchers have also found that the students without SRL skills may misunderstand
the autonomy of the online learning environment and fail to complete the required cur-
riculum (Bradley etal., 2017). The socio-constructivist perspective on feedback suggests
that providing students with feedback during the learning process can help them to develop
the ability to manage themselves (Ajjawi & Boud, 2017). If self-regulated feedback can
be provided during the learning process, students can improve their learning achievements
and will be more willing to learn actively and to generate knowledge discussions, leading
to higher levels of understanding (Van Popta etal., 2017). Self-regulation skills are needed
to a different extent in online learning environments than in traditional face-to-face envi-
ronments, so Lai and Hwang (2016) used a systematic digital learning system to explore
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mechanisms for self-regulation feedback, and applied it in the classroom to analyze stu-
dents’ learning efficacy.
Students who show higher self-regulation may learn the material more effectively since
they are less affected by irrelevant events (Shih etal., 2019). Conversely, a poor ability
to self-regulate may affect a student’s learning performance (Hatami, 2019). According
to the literature, flipped learning could benefit students’ learning outcomes, especially in
those courses requiring practicing and guidance from the teacher, such as mathematics, sci-
ence, and professional training (van HoutenSchat etal., 2018). Furthermore, researchers
have shown that students need to practice self-regulation during the learning process. They
need to identify the challenges in learning tasks and make plans accordingly. Furthermore,
they need to monitor their own learning process and manage their learning effectiveness
(Zhu etal., 2020). In the digital era, students have more opportunities to search for the
information they need through the Internet; in this circumstance, their self-regulation abil-
ity becomes important (Saqr etal., 2018). Thanks to the advantages of educational tech-
nologies, students can experience an effective self-regulated learning process (Shih etal.,
2019). For instance, technology allows students to enhance their learning knowledge of
specific courses, and to cultivate their self-regulating ability through the formulation of
learning goals. Students can stop, pause, fast-forward, or rewind the teaching videos at any
time to answer the teacher’s questions, or find information online to help them understand
and complete the learning tasks. Teachers use the digital platform to check the students
progress, provide feedback, and evaluate their learning performance.
Self‑regulated ipped learning system forprofessional training
In this study, the situated learning activities and self-regulation guidance were imple-
mented on an online flipped learning platform. Figure 1 shows the system structure of
the self-regulated flipped learning (SRFL) system. The teacher interface enables teach-
ers to edit learning materials, maintain and view student files, and design mechanisms for
self-regulation feedback, as well as providing the contextual learning videos and scripts.
Students can use the e-learning platform on a smartphone or tablet to access the learning
materials, complete tasks, and receive feedback on their self-regulation. In addition, the
students’ video watching frequency and time, as well as their goal-setting, strategy-adopt-
ing and self-evaluation results are recorded in the database.
In the learning process, each student acquires knowledge in the e-learning environment
via contextual learning tasks and self-regulation guidance. There are five stages the stu-
dents must progress through after they enter the learning environment: goal setting, situ-
ated flipped learning (including pre-class videos and in-class case discussions to engage
students in the situated learning contexts), task sharing, self-evaluation, and self-regulation
feedback. In the first stage, students watch the learning guide and set their goals for the
learning effectiveness, time management, and strategies they plan to adopt. Figure2 shows
the interface where students are guided to set task goals according to their own learning
ability using the expected learning results, estimated time spent, and chosen strategies.
The second stage is a pre-class situated learning video that guides the students to under-
stand the knowledge and skills of obstetrics, as shown in Fig.3. The system then provides
some tasks which require students to search for information on the Internet, observe the
videos or other materials they have acquired, and make peer inquiries. After the students
have completed these learning activities, they progress to the next stage.
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Fig. 1 Self-regulated flipped learning system
Fig. 2 Interface for goal setting
Effects ofonline strategies onstudents’ learning performance,…
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The third stage is the in-class discussion in the classroom, in which students share the
solutions they found in the pre-class activity with their peers and teachers. Students not
only share their solutions, but also introduce the way they acquired the knowledge. In this
way, peers and teachers can come to understand each student’s learning method and can
encourage and learn from each other, as shown in Fig.4. In addition, students practice their
obstetric skills in the classroom. The teacher assigns students several clinical cases, and the
students need to apply the knowledge they learned in the pre-class stage to solve the clini-
cal tasks.
The fourth stage is the self-evaluation process. After the students have completed the
previous steps, the e-learning environment guides them to evaluate their own learning
according to their task solution status and goal-setting status, as shown in Fig.5.
1. What are the benefits of breast milk?
2. What cause of breastfeeding problems did you
3. Please find a suitable breastfeeding posture.
4. Please categorize the video’s breast milk problems;
how would you divide them?
Vi deo for presenting
the case to be handled
Fig. 3 Interface for presenting the situated learning tasks
The benefits of breastfeeding
directlytothe baby: sucking the
breast,helping to developmuscles
in themouth andcheeks, and
regulatingthe opening and closing
of theeustachian tube.
Fig. 4 Interface for task sharing
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Finally, in the fifth stage, the system provides students with SRL feedback according to
the students’ goal setting content and self-evaluation content. The feedback helps students
adjust their learning goals and strategies for the upcoming tasks, as shown in Fig.6.
Each student’s responses to the self-regulation feedback and their actual learning status
are stored in the learning platform. The teacher manages this data and provides the students
My completion ratio for this task:
The score I would rate myself for this
The learning strategies I have used:
A. Search for information online.
B. Discuss with other students.
C. Discuss with the teacher.
D. Seek help from domain experts
The time I actually spent on the task?
Fig. 5 Example of the self-evaluation phase
Score and comments from the system
Student ID
Great. Youhave already learned the
advantagesofbreastfeeding; that is,the
actionofsucking thebreastishelpful to
babiesinstrengthening theirmuscles of
themouth andcheeks. Some documents
of empirical studiesare providedfor your
Fig. 6 Example of self-regulated learning feedback from the learning system
Effects ofonline strategies onstudents’ learning performance,…
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with appropriate feedback by comparing their self-defined goals with their learning per-
formance. The feedback content allows peers to compare the effectiveness of their learn-
ing, and also provides reminders concerning student learning effectiveness and the use of
Research method
Training in breastfeeding expertise is an essential aspect of training for nursing staff. To
verify the effectiveness of the SRFL approach, an experiment was performed in the breast-
feeding expertise training program in a nursing college in Taiwan. The learning achieve-
ments, self-efficacy, self-regulation tendency, and critical thinking skills of students who
took breastfeeding expertise courses through the SRFL approach (experimental group)
were compared with those of the students who took breastfeeding expertise courses that
used the CFL approach (control group). The effectiveness of the two learning environ-
ments was assessed via questionnaire surveys. Thus, a quasi-experiment was conducted
by using tests and questionnaires to examine whether the SRFL boosted students’ learning
achievements, self-efficacy, self-regulation, and critical thinking in comparison with the
CFL approach.
The study took place in a northern Taiwan nursing college. The participants were 40
students from two classes, with an average age of 21years old. One class (N = 20) was
assigned to the experimental group using the SRFL approach, while the other (N = 20) was
the control group using the CFL approach. All of the participants had basic ability of using
computer and network applications. The student profile is shown in Table1.
Experimental procedure
The SRFL approach was designed for this study. Figure7 presents the experimental pro-
cess, which lasted 4weeks. The teacher explained the learning process to the two groups
before the course started, after which the experimental group of students was provided with
situation-based learning material, consisting of filmed breastfeeding courses and self-reg-
ulated guidance, on the digital platform, while the control group proceeded using the CFL
approach. The learning content was the same in each group, but the self-regulation learn-
ing guidance was not incorporated into the learning model used for the control group. Both
groups completed a pre-test and pre-questionnaires to assess individuals’ self-efficacy, self-
regulation tendency, and critical thinking skills. Students in the experimental group were
guided by the system to set goals for their learning. The learning tasks included situations
involving problems encountered during breastfeeding, as well as various structures and fea-
tures of human breast anatomy. The content provided in the pre-class videos was used to
complete the learning tasks, and students in the experimental group shared their learning
task results, self-evaluated and reflected, and set their next learning goals.
In the control group’s learning activities, after the teacher had explained the activity pro-
cess and learning method, the students started to solve the learning tasks in the same learn-
ing platform. The instructional content and the learning tasks were identical to those of
the experimental group. The students in the control group also watched videos, completed
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learning sheets by searching for information, raising questions to discuss with peers in the
digital platform environment, and integrated the information they had obtained into their
own learning. After the students had completed each learning activity, they also shared
their answers to the sheets with their classmates. The teacher graded the students’ answers
and provided them with suggestions. The topics and sequences of the control group’s activ-
ities were the same as those of the experimental group. After the course was completed, the
students in both groups were asked to complete post questionnaires and tests.
Table 1 Demographic
characteristics Classification SRFL approach (experi-
mental group) (N = 20)
CFL approach
(control group)
(N = 20)
21years old 15 (75%) 18 (90%)
19–20years old 5 (25%) 2 (10%)
Technology experience
during learning
Mobile 8 (40%) 7 (35%)
Laptop 6 (30%) 5 (25%)
Computer 3 (15%) 4 (20%)
Mixed 3 (15%) 4 (20%)
Has a brother 3 (15%) 2 (10%)
Has a sister 4 (20%) 2 (10%)
Has brothers and sisters 3 (15%) 4 (20%)
Only child 10 (50%) 12 (60%)
Place of residence
Dormitory 16 (80%) 15 (75%)
Rent a house 4 (20%) 5 (25%)
50 mins
100 mins
100 mins
100 mins
Introduce syllabus and learning goal
Self-Regulated Flipped
Learning (SRFL)
Conventional Flipped
Learning (CFL)
Post-testand post-questionnaires
Experimental group Control group
First week
Pre-test and pre-questionnaire
Fig. 7 Implementation of the learning environment comparison process
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It should be noted that the two groups used the same learning system to learn with the
same instructional videos and learning sheets as well as taking tests for self-evaluation in
the pre-class stage; moreover, the two groups were engaged in the same learning tasks in
class. The main difference between the two groups was that the experimental group was
guided to learn in the pre-class stage (i.e., the online stage) with the SRLF for goal and
learning plan setting and reflecting based on the self-evaluation results as well as adjusting
the goal and learning plan based on the reflection results.
Measuring tools
The assessment of learning achievements was designed by two experienced nursing teach-
ers with more than 10years of experience in teaching this curriculum. The test measured
the students’ understanding of newborn assessments in clinical obstetrics. It consisted of
20 single-choice questions in the pre- and post-tests, including five questions in each of the
following categories: memory, comprehension, analysis, and judgment. The items in the
two tests are different. The students’ basic knowledge was evaluated and scored out of a
total of 100.
The self-learning efficacy scale was adapted from Pintrich etal. (1991). The question-
naire consists of eight items, such as “I am confident that I can understand the most com-
plicated material that was taught by the teachers” and “I am confident that I can learn the
basic concepts that were taught by the teachers.” It uses a 5-point scale. The Cronbach’s α
value was .88.
The online self-regulated learning tendency measurement instrument was adapted from
the online self-regulated learning questionnaire proposed by Barnard et al. (2009). The
scale consists of six sections and 24 items in total, including five items concerning “goal
setting,” four items on “environment structuring,” four concerning “task strategies,” three
on “time management,” four concerning “help seeking,” and four items on “self-evalua-
tion.” The goal-setting section, for example, includes items such as “I have high standards
for my own learning performance in online courses” and “I will not lower my quality of
learning because I am in an online course.” Each item was scored on a 5-point scale. The
Cronbach’α value was .90.
The critical thinking questionnaire was adapted from a research report by Chai etal.
(2015). The questionnaire is made up of six items and uses a 5-point Likert scale. Two
example statements are: “In clinical practice, I will think critically about what I have
learned” and “In clinical practice, I will judge the value of the new information or evidence
presented to me.” The Cronbach’α value was .80.
This study used the one way ANCOVA method to analyze the participants’ learn-
ing achievement, self-efficacy, and critical thinking. The Shapiro–Wilk test results were
between 0.80 and 0.90 (p > .05), indicating that all data were normally distributed.
Analysis oflearning achievement
In the analysis, the students’ pre-test was used as a covariate, and the post-test was treated
as a dependent variable. In the pre-test, the means and SD values were 79.9 and 0.95 for the
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experimental group and 78.3 and 0.95 for the control group. The result of Levene’s test F
(1,38) = 1.66 (p > .05) indicated that the variation in the two groups was homogeneous. We
also verified the homogeneity of the regression slopes F (1,36) = 1.43 (p > .05). Accordingly,
we used ANCOVA for our post-hoc analysis of the learning achievement scores of the two
groups. The adjusted means and SD values were 86.16 and 0.66 for the experimental group
and 83.44 and 0.66 for the control group (Table2). The post-test score of the experimental
group was significantly higher than that of the control group with F (1,37) = 8.38 (p < .05).
Furthermore, the effect size (η2) was 0.185, indicating a large-to-medium effect (Cohen,
1988). The SRFL approach therefore effectively improved the students’ learning achievements
relative to the CFL approach.
Analysis ofself‑efficacy
We treated the pre-questionnaire of self-efficacy survey results as a covariate and the post-
questionnaire survey of self-efficacy results as a dependent variable. In the pre-questionnaire,
the means and SD values were 3.19 and 0.14 for the experimental group and 2.57 and 0.14 for
the control group. Levene’s test showed that the variation in both groups was homogeneous
(F (1,38) = 2.66; p = .11 > .05). The regression coefficients in the two groups were also homo-
geneous (F (1,36) = 1.09; p = .30 > .05), so we used ANCOVA for our post-hoc analysis of
the self-efficacy scores of the two groups. The adjusted means and standard errors were 3.89
and 0.14 for the experimental group and 3.02 and 0.14 for the control group (Table3). The
post-questionnaire score of self-efficacy of the experimental group was significantly higher
than that of the control group (F (1,37) = 17.58; p < .001). Furthermore, the effect size (η2)
was 0.322, indicating a large-to-medium effect (Cohen, 1988). The SRFL approach therefore
effectively boosted the students’ self-efficacy relative to the CFL approach.
Analysis ofself‑regulation
We investigated various aspects of the students’ self-regulation and used ANCOVA to
explore their tendency of goal setting, environment structuring, task strategies, time
Table 2 ANCOVA results revealing a difference in students’ learning achievements
*p < .05
Group NMean S.D. Adjusted mean Std. error Fη2
Experimental group 20 86.40 2.39 86.16 0.66 8.38* .185
Control group 20 83.20 3.75 83.44 0.66
Table 3 ANCOVA results revealing a difference in students’ self-efficacy
***p < .001
Group NMean S.D. Adjusted mean Std. error Fη2
Experimental group 20 4.04 0.69 3.89 0.14 17.58*** .322
Control group 20 2.87 0.61 3.02 0.14
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management, help-seeking, and self-evaluation. Self-regulation before the class was used
as a covariate in the analysis, and after the class as a dependent variable. In the pre-ques-
tionnaire, the means and SD values of the six dimensions were 4.46–4.07 and 0.15–0.16
for the experimental group and 3.26–3.78 and 0.13–0.15 for the control group. Levene’s
test showed that for all six aspects, the variation between the two groups was homogene-
ous (F (1,38) = 0.09–2.56; p > .05). We verified that the variation of the regression coef-
ficient was homogeneous as well (F (1,36) = 0.001–3.70; p > .05). We therefore used the
ANCOVA method for our post-hoc analysis of the scores of the two groups. For all aspects,
the adjusted means and standard errors were in the ranges of 4.53–4.60 and 0.11–0.98,
respectively, for the experimental group, and 3.76–4.09 and 0.11–0.98, respectively, for
the control group (Table4). The post-test score of the experimental group was significantly
higher than that of the control group (F (1,37) = 16.97–27.65; p < .001). Further more,
the effect size (η2) of the learning approach was in the range of 0.166–0.428, indicating a
large-to-medium effect (Cohen, 1988). Thus, the situated learning model with the SRFL
approach more effectively improved the students’ personal self-regulation than did the CFL
Analysis ofcritical thinking
The pre-questionnaire results for critical thinking in this study were used as a covar-
iate in the analysis, and the post-questionnaire results for critical thinking were used
as a dependent variable. In the pre-questionnaire, the means and SD values were
3.19 and 0.14 for the experimental group and 2.57 and 0.14 for the control group.
Levene’s test showed that the variation in the two groups was homogeneous (F
(1,38) = 0.09; p = .77 > .05). We also verified the homogeneity of the regression coef-
ficients (F (1,36) = 3.27; p = .08 > .05). ANCOVA was therefore used for the subsequent
analysis. The adjusted means and standard errors were 4.33 and 0.13 for the experi-
mental group and 3.34 and 0.13 for the control group (Table5). The post-test score
of the experimental group was significantly higher than that of the control group (F
(1,37) = 25.94; p < .001). Furthermore, the effect size (η2) was 0.412, which indicated a
Table 4 Results revealing differences in six aspects of students’ self-regulation
**p < .01. ***p < .001
Variable Group NMean S.D. Adjusted mean Adjusted SD Fη2
Goal setting Exp. 20 4.48 0.46 4.53 0.12 18.84*** 0.337
Control 20 3.81 0.68 3.76 0.12
Environment structuring Exp. 20 4.17 0.59 4.62 0.11 21.53*** 0.368
Control 20 3.60 0.79 3.87 0.11
Task strategies Exp. 20 4.61 0.42 4.66 0.11 27.65*** 0.428
Control 20 3.85 0.59 3.81 0.11
Time management Exp. 20 4.55 0.42 4.60 0.98 16.97*** 0.314
Control 20 4.07 0.52 4.02 0.98
Help seeking Exp. 20 4.58 0.42 4.58 0.43 21.51*** 0.368
Control 20 3.90 0.56 3.90 0.56
Self-evaluation Exp. 20 4.54 0.41 4.54 0.12 7.35** 0.166
Control 20 4.09 0.58 4.09 0.12
C.-Y.Chang et al.
1 3
large-to-medium effect (Cohen, 1988). Thus, the SRFL approach had a strong impact on
the students’ critical thinking, and more effectively improved it than the CFL approach.
Correlation analysis betweenstudents’ SRL behaviors andlearning
By analyzing the learning logs in the database, the means and standard deviations of the
experimental group students’ video-watching, goal-setting, and self-evaluation data are
presented in Table6.
Pearson’s correlation coefficient analysis was further conducted to understand the
relationships between students’ frequency and time spent watching the instructional vid-
eos, as well as the expected score, task outcome, and the post-test scores. The analy-
sis results are summarized in Table7. A positive correlation was found between the
expected score and their task outcome (r = 0.63, p < .01); furthermore, the students’ task
outcome was positively correlated with their post-test scores (r = 0.54, p < .05).
Table 5 ANCOVA results revealing differences in students’ critical thinking
***p < .001
Group NMean S.D. Adjusted mean Std. error Fη2
Experimental group 20 4.37 0.58 4.33 0.13 17.02*** .412
Control group 20 3.30 0.51 3.34 0.13
Table 6 Descriptive statistical data of the experimental group students’ learning logs
Aspect Average S.D.
Frequency of video watching 35.80 (times) 17.69
Time of video watching 2294.5 (seconds) 1168.71
Expected score (the goal set by individual students) 96.90 (scores) 3.75
Task outcome (the score of the learning tasks) 98.80 (scores) 1.36
Table 7 Correlation of the students’ SRL logs and learning achievement
*p < .05. **p < .01
a b c d e
Frequency of video watching (a) 1
Time of video watching (b) − .005 1
Expected score (c) .119 .298 1
Task outcome (d) .199 − .064 .634** 1
Post-test score (e) .002 − .141 .192 .543* 1
Effects ofonline strategies onstudents’ learning performance,…
1 3
Discussion andconclusions
To assist students with effective learning during the pre-class stage of flipped learning,
we developed a SRFL approach to help the students conduct extracurricular learning and
improve the quality of their classroom interaction with peers and teachers. The experimen-
tal group learned through the SRFL approach, while the control group learned through the
CFL. The experimental results showed that the proposed method was greatly beneficial
for the students’ learning achievements, self-efficacy, self-regulation, and critical think-
ing, with large effect sizes. As reported by several previous studies, using effective strate-
gies to guide students to learn could significantly improve their learning performance with
large effect sizes, even if the strategies are only simple guiding mechanisms, in particular
in some professional training programs emphasizing the importance of strictly following
standard procedures, such as nursing training (Venitz & Perels, 2018; Zheng etal., 2018).
These findings also confirm the benefits that SRL strategies confer on students’ learning
outcomes and perceptions as well as the use of effective learning strategies (Lai & Hwang,
2016). During the learning process, the self-regulation guiding questions were provided
before and after the students were learning from the instructional videos and completing
the learning sheets, and this guided them to set learning goals and plans as well as making
reflections based on the evaluation results and adjusting the learning goals and plans. The
experimental results are consistent with the theory proposed by Zimmerman and Schunk
(1989) as well as the finding reported by several previous studies (e.g., Bradley etal., 2017;
Joo etal., 2000) that integrating SRL into the curriculum could improve students’ learning
Self-efficacy is an important aspect of performance in classroom learning (Lynch &
Dembo, 2004). The results of our experiment echo those of Joo etal. (2000) and Zhu etal.
(2020), who indicated the potential of SRL; that is, learning with clear goals and good
plans could make students feel more confident during the learning process. In particular,
in flipped learning, the students needed to learn on their own in the before-class stage;
their learning performance in that stage could significantly affect their performance later
in the class, as indicated by Hwang and Chang (2020). From the results of the analysis of
students’ learning logs, it was also found that guiding the students to set goals before the
learning activity encouraged them to perform the learning tasks well, and hence led to bet-
ter learning achievements. More importantly, the students would generally like to set a goal
with a high standard, and would try hard to achieve that goal.
The findings regarding critical thinking also echo those reported by several researchers;
that is, the SRL strategy has great potential to improve students’ critical thinking since they
are situated in learning contexts that require them to determine learning goals and strate-
gies as well as evaluating their own learning status (Shih etal., 2019). Via making reflec-
tions on their own learning status as well as comparing their own strategies with those of
others, the students’ critical thinking could be improved (Hwang & Chang, 2020; Roberts
& Dyer, 2005).
As the number of participants in this study was constrained by class size limits, the
sample size is a limitation of the present study. It is suggested that additional experiments
can be conducted with large sample sizes in the future to further examine the effectiveness
of the proposed approach. In addition, two-factor analysis could be used to simultaneously
verify the impact on students of the digital curriculum and of the self-regulation feed-
back mechanism in the situated learning model. Students with high and low self-efficacy
could be identified before the classes start, and high-risk students could be guided into
C.-Y.Chang et al.
1 3
face-to-face courses that require less learner autonomy, or online courses could be imple-
mented for high-risk students to enhance their effectiveness by increasing feedback and
interaction, allowing for further digital learning experiences in the future. The personalized
curriculum described here provides an enhanced reference for students’ personalized learn-
ing planning and design. Although age and gender were not part of the design of this study,
including these variables in future research may allow further investigation of student moti-
vations (e.g., extrinsic motivations, value beliefs, control of learning beliefs, emotional fac-
tors) and the predictive value of different learning strategies (e.g., critical thinking, elabo-
ration, metacognition).
Finally, it is suggested that a study could be undertaken to analyze the massive amounts
of data from this study log to assess the students’ goals, self-regulation strategies, and their
formative performance to determine the relevance of goal setting to later learning stages.
Currently, a study on whether self-regulatory attributes result in significant differences
in the performance of students in different types of online digital education (e.g., mixed
online courses, online-only courses, more or less structured courses, and higher education)
is being designed and implemented, along with comparisons of various mixed-curriculum
models. Qualitative research is needed to investigate various blended learning models that
incorporate different technology fusions in face-to-face and online teaching to determine
how the learning behavior of students is affected.
Acknowledgements This study is supported in part by the Ministry of Science and Technology of Tai-
wan under Contract Number MOST 109-2635-H-227-001, MOST 108-2511-H-224-006-MY3, MOST 110-
2511-H-038 -008, and Taipei Medical University of Taiwan under Contract Number TMU109-AE1-B25.
Conflict of interest The participants were protected by hiding their personal information during the research
process. They knew that the participation was voluntary and they could retreat at any time. There is no po-
tential conflict of interest in this study.
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Dr. Ching‑Yi Chang is a PhD, RN, Assistant professor at the School of Nursing, College of Nursing, Taipei
Medical University. She is also a Supervisor at the Department of Nursing, Shuang Ho Hospital, Taipei
Medical University, New Taipei City, Taiwan, Republic of China. Her research interests include mobile
learning, digital game-based learning, flipped classroom and medical education, nursing education, and AI
in education.
Dr. Patcharin Panjaburee is currently an Associate Professor of computer in education at the Institute for
Innovative Learning, Mahidol University, Nakorn Pathom, Thailand. She is interested in computer-assisted
testing, adaptive learning, expert systems, and digital material supported learning, inquiry-based mobile
learning, and a web-based inquiry learning environment.
Dr. Hui‑Chen Lin is a PhD, RN, Assistant professor at the School of Nursing, College of Nursing, Taipei
Medical University. Her research interests include flipped learning and medical education.
C.-Y.Chang et al.
1 3
Dr. Chiu‑Lin Lai is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Education, National Taipei University of
Education, Taiwan. Her research interests include mobile learning, flipped learning, learning analytics and
digital game-based learning.
Dr Gwo‑Haur Hwang is an Associate Professor at the Bachelor Program in Industrial Technology, National
Yunlin University of Science and Technology. His research interests include intelligent system, mobile and
ubiquitous learning, flipped classrooms, game-based learning, computer-supported personalized learning
(CSPL), computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL), emerging technologies (AR, VR, Motion Cap-
ture, Wearable Technologies, Robot) enhanced learning.
Authors and Aliations
Ching‑YiChang1,2· PatcharinPanjaburee3· Hui‑ChenLin1· Chiu‑LinLai4·
Ching-Yi Chang
Patcharin Panjaburee
Hui-Chen Lin
Chiu-Lin Lai
1 School ofNursing, College ofNursing, Taipei Medical University, Taipei, Taiwan
2 Department ofNursing, Shuang Ho Hospital, Taipei Medical University, NewTaipeiCity,
3 Institute forInnovative Learning, Mahidol University, NakornPathom, Thailand
4 Department ofEducation, National Taipei University ofEducation, Taipei, Taiwan
5 Bachelor Program inIndustrial Technology, National Yunlin University ofScience
andTechnology, Douliou, Taiwan
... Self-regulation of learning is essential in online education and is closely linked to critical thinking (Akcaoglu, Mor & Kulekci, 2023;Chang, Panjaburee, Lin, Lai & Hwang, 2022): by setting clear goals, students can plan effective strategies to achieve them; by monitoring their progress, they can identify areas for improvement and adjust their approach if necessary; and by evaluating their results, students can understand their level of achievement and determine whether they need to review or reinforce certain concepts, including seeking help (Dunn, Rakes & Rakes, 2014). Similarly, by taking control of their own learning process, students develop self-direction skills and make informed decisions about how to approach and solve educational problems (Virtanen & Tynjälä, 2019). ...
... This would be in line with recent research such as that of Akcaoglu et al. (2023), who emphasise that using metacognitive strategies linked to self-regulated learning improves critical thinking. In the proposed intervention, the training sessions highlighted the benefits of developing cognitive and metacognitive strategies linked to self-regulated learning in face-to-face and online teaching (Chang et al., 2022). In turn and following authors such as Galikyan and Admiraal (2019) and Manganelli et al. (2019) these benefits will impact on the development of critical thinking. ...
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The aim of this study is to verify whether the use of a digital tool, designed to promote the use of metacognitive strategies in self-regulated learning, increases the level of critical thinking during the learning process in trainee teachers in official online master's degrees. The Critical Thinking Questionnaire (CPC 2) was used to assess different dimensions of critical thinking in a sample of 225 students from an online university's master's degree in educational technology. The results showed significant improvements in all dimensions (substantive and dialogic) and associated basic skills (reading, writing, and speaking) for those who used the tool for the promotion of metacognitive strategies. Therefore, it is suggested to work on specific strategies to develop critical thinking as a basis for improving their self-regulated learning.
... The results revealed that adopting technology into educational practices, in designing instructional activities, assessing student assignments, and homework can accelerate science learning, motivation, interaction in online discussions, and stimulate students' creative thinking. This observation was supported by [9][10][11]13,14]. Furthermore, the qualitative part of the study corroborated the quantitative findings, further emphasizing the usefulness of digital technology in both educational and professional settings. ...
... This utility was evidenced by digital technology's ability to save time and effort; enhance learners' motivation; facilitate learners' assessment and performance analysis; enhance communication with the educational community; and maintain the continuity of learning and training through virtual platforms. The qualitative results were consistent with [10,12,56,58,97]. ...
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Digital transformation opens up multiple opportunities for educators to achieve the continuity of learning through life, aligning with UNESCO’s fourth goal of sustainable development, and to prepare them for the digital age. Effective integration of technology goes beyond using it for its own sake; it involves using it to deepen students’ learning experiences. Digital transformation raises key questions about teachers’ digital competence. Building on the DigCompEdu framework, the current study aims to uncover the level of digital competence of science teachers and their perceptions towards it as well as to identify the factors influencing this competence. The study adopted a mixed-methods approach utilizing a sequential explanatory design. This design involved a questionnaire which was administered to a sample of 611 science teachers, while a semi-structured interview was applied to 13 teachers. The results indicate that the teachers’ level of digital competence was medium (58.4%). The study also revealed that the teachers had high-level positive perceptions towards the use of digital technologies (78%). Furthermore, the results indicate that perceived usefulness and subjective norms directly influence digital competence. This study also identifies the benefits of digital technologies and the challenges that teachers encounter in implementing them in the educational environment. The benefits focus on enhancing students’ motivation and assessing their learning experiences, communicating with the educational community, and the continuousness of e-learning. The challenges, however, include the acceptance of technology by the educational community; cognitive and skill-related challenges faced by teachers; administrative and teaching burdens; limited access to digital technologies and tools; and challenges related to student behaviors. As a result, a set of recommendations and implications are proposed for educational policymakers, curriculum and professional development program designers, researchers, and educational practitioners.
... Estas barreras se pueden eliminar por medio del aprendizaje profesional en línea. En entornos de aprendizaje profesional en línea, la utilidad de lo digital permite al profesorado resolver problemas, planificar, evaluar y reflexionar de forma proactiva (Hawari y Noor, 2020;Kim et al., 2022;Churchill, 2020;Chang et al., 2022;Li et al., 2022). En este entorno, el alumnado vuelve a su posición de "sujeto". ...
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With the rapid development of the fourth industrial revolution, online education has become essential because of its practical needs. By building learning communities in an online learning environment fosters collaboration, shared expertise, and continuous professional growth. The article analyzes the benefits and necessity of online learning for English language teachers. The research has a quantitative approach with a descriptive design to investigate the building learning communities through online learning for English language teachers at the University of Khanh Hoa. This approach allowed us to gather numerical data and analyze trends, while the descriptive nature of the research design provided a comprehensive understanding of the current status and impact of online learning communities. The result of the study clarifies the expectations of online learning for professional development, including fostering collaboration, shared expertise, continuous professional growth, engaging teachers form connections, seek advice, share insights, leading to an increased sense of professional fulfillment and enriching the teaching experience for English language educators at the University. These communities facilitate the exchange of ideas, enhance teaching practices, and contribute to a vibrant professional network. By fostering a culture of collaboration and continuous learning, the University can empower its English language teachers to excel in their roles and create a more engaging and effective learning environment for their students.
... To monitor students' learning situations, the robot would explain the questions and precautions of the evaluation form, and guide them to scan the robot's QR code through their mobile phones and evaluate their own learning outcomes. The self-evaluation questions were modified from Chang et al. (2022), with a total of 12 questions (see Fig. 9). ...
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Fostering students’ critical thinking and creative thinking is an important aim in education. For example, art courses not only focus on artwork creation, but also on theoretical knowledge for identifying artworks. In the conventional lecture-based instruction mode for theoretical knowledge delivery, students’ learning outcomes could be affected owing to the lack of student-teacher interactions, and hence researchers have started to employ interactive learning technologies, such as robots, to cope with this problem. However, without proper guidance and support, students’ learning outcomes in such an interactive learning mode could be limited. To improve students’ learning effectiveness, this study proposed a mind mapping-assisted robot (MM-R) approach for an art course. A quasi-experimental design was adopted to explore the effects of the proposed learning approach on students’ performance in art appreciation, digital painting creation, creative thinking tendency, and critical thinking awareness. A total of 48 students from two classes in a university in central Taiwan were recruited to participate in this study. One class was the experimental group (n = 25) adopting the MM-R approach, while the other class was the control group (n = 23) adopting the conventional robot (C-R) approach. The results indicated that the integration of the MM-R approach improved students’ learning achievement, performance in digital painting creation, creative thinking tendency, and critical thinking awareness.
... As a result of the recent technological development and knowledge explosion, educational institutions face many major challenges that may hinder the educational process (Chang et al., 2022). Consequently, it affects academic outputs negatively unless researchers in the field of education address such disturbing phenomena and seek to employ technical developments to address educational issues (Jaoua et al., 2022). ...
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Test anxiety is a real problem that a group of students suffer from in their different stages of education, and it is a source of concern not only for students but also for their whole families. Thus, this paper aims to investigate the impact of electronic tests on students’ anxiety and their academic achievement at Qatar University. A quantitative approach was used to test the hypotheses of this study, and a questionnaire was designed and distributed to the study sample, which consisted of 400 female students at Qatar University. In addition, a quasi-experimental study was adopted, where female students were split into an experimental group with an electronic test as well as a control group using a traditional test. The results showed that there are negative attitudes among students towards electronic tests. The results also found that the electronic tests raised the level of test anxiety among Qatar University students in contrast to the traditional tests. Moreover, the study found that students had higher academic achievement on traditional tests than on electronic tests. Finally, more attention must be directed towards addressing electronic test anxiety, in addition to designing or building remedial counseling programs to reduce levels of electronic test anxiety among female students at Qatar University.
... Por otro lado, una de las particularidades que posee el Aula invertida es su flexibilidad, lo que permite que el estudiante aprenda a su propio ritmo, volviéndolo autónomo, responsable de su propio proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje y sin dependencia al docente (Chang et al., 2022;Mora-Ramírez & Chacón, 2019). Al hacerse responsable de su propio proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje, el alumno desarrollará el Aprendizaje autónomo. ...
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El Aula invertida fomenta el rol activo y favorece el desempeño escolar de los estudiantes, lo cual posibilita el desarrollo del Aprendizaje autónomo. Sin embargo, al ser de reciente creación, carece de instrumentos que validen tal desarrollo. El objetivo de esta investigación fue validar un instrumento que evalúe el Aprendizaje autónomo dentro del Aula invertida por medio del procedimiento estadístico de Coeficiente de Alfa de Cronbach con una prueba piloto a 41 estudiantes de secundaria. Los resultados mostraron que el instrumento es válido y confiable, con un Alfa de Cronbach de 0.94. Este instrumento puede ser utilizado para monitorear el desarrollo del Aprendizaje autónomo de los estudiantes dentro del Aula invertida.
Flipped learning is an educational method that utilizes technology to provide instruction outside regular class hours, enhancing student engagement and learning outcomes. Bibliometric studies have been increasingly used to assess the status of research in a field. However, no study has explored research trends in implementing the flipped classroom model (FCM) in educational research. Hence, this research explored trends in implementing FCM in educational research using bibliometric analysis. For this purpose, I analyzed the data from 1,093 publications indexed in the Web of Science database using VOSviewer software. The results showed that publications on flipped classrooms increased annually, and most studies were conducted in 2020. In addition, the results also revealed that Interactive Learning Environments journal published the most articles, and most of the publications were conducted in the USA. The institution with the most publications is the University of Hong Kong, while the researcher with the most publications is Gwo-Jen Hwang. Furthermore, the results also revealed 10 clusters demonstrating research trends in flipped research in the education field. Based on the findings, recommendations for practice and research are made.
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This study investigated the relationship between blended digital learning and self-directed learning with students' behavioral engagement and scientific learning perception. The participants included 114 grade 12 students from a single educational institution in Laguna province. The study revealed that students were highly satisfied with blended digital learning. They found this instructional approach effective in enhancing their understanding of scientific concepts. Additionally, students demonstrated a strong inclination towards self-directed learning practices, indicating their ability to take responsibility for their learning and pursue independent study. Furthermore, the students exhibited high behavioral engagement in their science classes. They actively participated in discussions, completed assignments promptly, and demonstrated a genuine interest in the subject matter. This engagement was seen as a positive indicator of their motivation and investment in learning. Moreover, the findings highlighted the manifestation of scientific learning among the students. They demonstrated the ability to analyze information, evaluate evidence, and make reasoned judgments in the context of scientific inquiry. Importantly, the study established a significant relationship between blended digital learning, behavioral engagement, and scientific learning perception. Similarly, self-directed learning practices significantly correlated with behavioral engagement and scientific learning perception. These findings suggest that utilizing blended digital learning strategies and encouraging self-directed learning can effectively enhance students' behavioral engagement and foster the development of scientific learning perception in the science classroom. This study underscores integrating blended digital learning and fostering self-directed learning practices to promote students' behavioral engagement and scientific learning perception in senior high school science education.
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Adaptive learning technologies are closely related to learners' self‐regulatory processes in individual and collaborative learning. This study presents the outcomes of a systematic literature review of empirical evidence on adaptive learning environments to foster self‐regulation and shared regulation of learning in collaborative settings. We provide an overview of what and how adaptive technologies have been used to understand and promote self‐regulated learning in collaborative contexts. A search resulted in 38 papers being analysed. Specifically, we identified the seven main objectives (feedback and scaffolding, self‐regulatory skills and strategies, learning trajectories, collaborative learning processes, adaptation and regulation, self‐assessment, and help‐seeking behaviour) that the adaptive technology research has been focusing on. We also summarize the implications derived from the reviewed papers and frame them within seven thematic areas. Finally, this review stresses that future research should consider developing a converging theoretical framework that would enable concrete monitoring and support for self‐regulation and socially shared regulation of learning. Our findings set a baseline to support the adoption and proliferation of adaptive learning technology within self‐regulated learning research and development. Practitioner notes What is already known about this topic By providing personalized and learner‐centric adaptive learning environments (ADLEs), adaptive learning technology can support and foster self‐regulated learning (SRL) practices. It is possible to create a more student‐centred and effective learning environment by combining adaptive learning and collaborative learning. Socially shared regulatory activities can involve planning, monitoring, controlling and reflecting on a group's learning processes. What this paper adds Provides a systematic literature review of empirical evidence on ADLEs, SRL and socially shared regulation of learning (SSRL) in collaborative contexts. Summarizes the insights on (S)SRL through ADLEs in collaborative learning. Identifies challenges and opportunities for ADLEs to support (S)SRL in collaborative learning. Implications for practice and/or policy Learning analytics and educational technology researchers will be able to use the systematic review as a guide for future research. Learning analytics and educational technology practitioners will be able to use the systematic review as a summary of the field's current state.
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Declining enrollments in a declining number of university degree programs in irrigation engineering are generating concern about the future of irrigation engineering expertise. Technical degree and certificate programs offer options for professionals in irrigation careers, especially those in landscape irrigation careers requiring licensure. Extension programs are evolving to include more on-demand internet-based and social media-based information delivery, as audiences have become more accustomed to these platforms. Addressing workforce and expertise needs in irrigation engineering is critically important, and it will involve equipping future professionals to address national and international challenges in agriculture. Abstract . Irrigation continues to be economically important in the U.S. and internationally, yet there is concern about future accessibility to appropriate expertise and the engineering preparation of irrigation professionals for both public and private sectors. Recent and impending retirements of academic and industry leaders, losses of some important academic programs (curricula/degree programs, research, and extension) in irrigation engineering, and reduced numbers of students threaten to significantly limit irrigation engineering capacity, especially in agricultural irrigation. Some of the challenges can be met through opportunities afforded by development of distance education programs; expansion of multi-state, multi-agency, multi-university collaborations; and increasing public-private partnerships, as well as through vigorous recruitment efforts. Recruitment can be strengthened by improving the competitiveness of salaries to be commensurate with other engineering disciplines, and by demonstrating and better explaining the abilities of the irrigation engineering profession to meet future challenges related to food, fiber, fuel, and ecosystem demands of a rapidly growing global population. While access to irrigation engineering expertise, especially domestic expertise, has declined, the need for such technical support and information for practitioners has not decreased. In fact, in many cases, technical advancements from public and industry developments have greatly outpaced the capacity for applied research and extension programs to robustly evaluate technologies and deliver objective, science-based recommendations. Growing knowledge gaps and time lags have exacerbated restlessness among some audiences, increasing the opportunities for promotion of unsubstantiated claims for some products that remain unchallenged, and further confusing appropriate selection from a growing array of available technologies. Keywords: Continuing education, Distance education, Extension, Irrigation engineering, Public-private partnerships, Technical support.
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Training nursing students to make correct decisions when facing various nursing cases is an important and challenging objective. In the Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) program for nursing students, the educational aim is not only nursing skills, but also critical thinking for making correct decisions and treatments. In this study, a contextual game-based flipped learning approach (GBFL) is implemented to improve nursing students’ learning performances and promoting their positive perceptions in an intravenous injection course. Moreover, a quasi-experiment was implemented to assess the effectiveness of the proposed approach. The subjects were 56 students from two classes of a nursing school. One class was assigned to the experimental group learning with the GBFL approach, while the other class was the control group learning with conventional flipped learning. From the experimental results, it was found that the students learning with the proposed approach showed better intravenous injection comprehension as well as higher learning achievement, learning motivation, learning attitudes, flow experience and critical thinking tendency than those learning with conventional flipped learning.
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The availability of electronic information and educational environment of an educational institution today is the most important requirement of the Federal state educational standards of higher education in all areas of preparation for the conditions of implementation of educational programs by universities. The purpose of the study is to rationale for use in modern educational process of the University electronic information-educational environment and study of its use in training future employees of the tourism industry. Research methodology: system-structural, competence-based, informational approaches; research methods: theoretical (analysis of normative documents, local acts of the University, experience in implementing the electronic information and educational environment at the University, comparison, synthesis of educational and methodological knowledge on the research problem, the method of analogy, forecasting; empirical (observation, study of educational products, description). The research was carried out on the basis of the faculty of service and tourism of the Kuban state University of physical culture, sport and tourism. Results: the necessity of using the modern educational process of higher school of electronic information and educational environment, discloses the functionality and experience of using electronic information-educational environment in the professional training of tourism industry personnel; the structural-functional components and design principles of the electronic information-educational environment of the University; the ways of implementing forms of educational activities with the use of e-learning technologies in the process of training future employees of the tourism industry and their advantages are revealed. Conclusions: the electronic information and educational environment of a University is a set of tools and resources based on information and communication technologies aimed at ensuring the requirements for the implementation of educational activities; in the training of future employees of the tourist industry used the following electronic information-educational environment: electronic library system; e-library of the University; module "qualifying work" on the platform MEGAPRO, Date Express LLC, management system training courses (virtual learning environments); information system "Document of the University"; the software package "Plans"; system "Antiplagiat.VUZ " electronic portfolio and other components; the advantages of using electronic information and educational environment are: the ability to build the educational process with active interaction of all subjects of the educational system; prompt informing of participants of educational activities about changes in the educational process; the ability to form various virtual communities, etc.
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Context: Adolescents with cancer are involved with a disabling disease that affects their various educational dimensions. Aim: The present study aimed at determining academic self-regulation and its relationship with Sternberg's thinking styles, academic achievement, and course of disease in adolescents with cancer. Setting and Design: The current study is a cross-sectional study Indeed, the participants were selected via simple random sampling method in the academic year of 2016–2017. Material and Methods: This study was carried out on 269 adolescents with cancer who were covered by Mahak Hospital and Rehabilitation Complex. Statistical Analysis: Data analysis was performed by descriptive statistics (frequency, percentage, and mean with standard deviation) and analytical statistics (multiple regression coefficients and path analysis approach). Results: From the thinking styles, the legislative thinking style (b =0.301, P = 0.001) made the highest contribution to the prediction of academic self-regulation. With regard to the other research variables, the grade point average could significantly predict academic self-regulation (b =0.301, P = 0.001). However, the duration of cancer could not predict academic self-regulation (P> 0.05). Conclusion: The adolescent cancer patients with the legislative thinking style were more talented in learning self-regulation than the other students. In this regard, it is possible to take measures with regard to the identification of such students in schools and other educational centers in order to lay higher emphasis on the teaching of academic self-regulation to them.
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Background: Laboratory studies have shown that self-controlled (video) feedback benefits motor learning and self-motivational beliefs. These outcomes are relevant to Physical Education (PE), but need to be verified for PE settings, in which practice and feedback need to be organized in large groups rather than individually as is common in laboratory studies. Purpose: The main aim of this study was to examine the effects of self-controlled video feedback on students' motor learning and self-efficacy in a PE setting when students obtain feedback relatively independent of the teacher. The secondary aim was to examine to what extent self-control and self-efficacy during practice predicted students' motor learning. Method: Participants were 56 grade 1 students of a regular secondary school who practised the shot-put during four practice sessions organized during PE lessons. One class practised with self-controlled video feedback (SC-VF group, n = 22). They practised relatively independent of the teacher: peers filmed each other and analysed the recorded video with help from video applications, a video model and cue cards. A second class practised in a similar fashion. However, they were yoked to the first group and could not choose the timing and frequency of feedback delivery (externally controlled video feedback, EC-VF group, n = 17). A third group practised in a traditional way (teacher guided TG group, n = 17) with demonstrations, verbal instructions and feedback from a PE teacher. Shot-put distance, shot-put technique and self-efficacy were measured in a pre- (week 1), post- (week 8) and retention (week 9) test. During practice (weeks 2–7, including four practice sessions), students rated their self-efficacy. After the last practice session, students rated their perceptions towards practice (i.e. perceived enjoyment and perceived learning effect). Hierarchical two-stepped linear regression analyses were performed to explore whether the type of intervention (SC-VF, EC-VF or TG group) and self-efficacy during practice predicted motor learning. Findings: Results showed that shot-put distance and technique increased significantly after practice, without differences between groups. Self-efficacy improved significantly after practice for the SC-VF (from pre- to retention test) and the TG groups (from pre- to post- and retention test), but not for the EC-VF group. Furthermore, students in the SC-VF group reported a higher perceived learning effect, compared to students in the EC-VF group. No differences in perceived enjoyment were found. Finally, self-efficacy during practice predicted improvements in shot-put technique from pre- to retention test. Conclusion: Self-controlled video feedback without guidance of a teacher on movement technique led to similar learning effects as traditional guidance of the teacher in a PE context. Self-control of feedback delivery (i.e. timing and frequency) seemed to have positive effects on self-efficacy and perceived learning effect, but did not lead to superior motor learning or perceived enjoyment. This study indicates that self-controlled video feedback as applied in this study can be implemented in PE. Future research that investigates whether and how the application of self-controlled video feedback can be further optimized, also for different types of skills, is needed. Furthermore, monitoring the application of self-regulatory skills seems important for further understanding the effects of self-controlled video feedback.
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Background: The transition from a traditional lecture-based curriculum to a competency-based curriculum poses significant challenges to both students and faculty in medical schools, especially when the curriculum is implemented in a flipped learning environment. Self-regulated learning (SRL) has been proven to be beneficial for competency-based learning and flipped classroom learning, but medical educators cannot expect our entering medical students to bring in these learning skills automatically. Methods: This study took place in the Michigan State University College of Human Medicine. A new competency-based curriculum was implemented in the fall 2016, focusing on the integration of basic science and clinical experience. Participants in this study were 26 first- and second-year students. By interviewing each student about the learning strategies they use in independent learning before class, we investigated how students use SRL strategies in different phases of learning, and how their adoption of SRL strategies differ across self-perceived achievement groups and years. Results: We found that students frequently use strategies in the stages of planning and reflection, but less frequently during the learning or monitoring phase. Students who perceive themselves as high achieving, and students in their second year of medical school do use more learning strategies during the monitoring stage than their counterparts. Conclusions: Students who lack self-regulation strategies may fail to comprehend or connect ideas in their pre-class learning, which could lead to ineffective learning outcomes during in-class activities. Our study indicated that while medical students, who tend to be successful learners in their undergraduate study, were able to use learning strategies to plan and reflect on their learning, they need more explicit instruction in how to monitor their own learning.
The open learner model (OLM) represents the knowledge or skill levels of learners in various ways, encouraging learners to actively participate in thinking about and crafting their own learning. Despite the important roles that OLMs play in higher education to support the learning process and self-regulated learning (SRL) in particular, there are few studies systematically reviewing OLM technology in higher education, and investigating their potential to foster self-regulated learning. Therefore, we carried out a systematic review of a 30-year sample of OLM studies in higher education and identified 64 articles that study the use of OLMs in supporting SRL. Our findings show that OLMs have been mainly used to support learners' cognition and a bit less metacognition and motivation; however, emotional support has been rarely provided. The most supported ones are Appraisal and Performance phases; Preparation of learning is enhanced by OLMs not so often. Although learners can edit or negotiate with their learning model in advanced ways, a simple inspectable OLM is more preferred. Reliance on unobservable nodes is less favored in modeling techniques in OLMs because such methods are highly dependent on expert authoring, thereby time-intensive and costly. Comparison and color-coding are two most-used features in OLMs, where the comparison feature is often used for enhancing learners’ engagement and motivation.
Studies have been conducted on university students’ continuous intention to learn online from the perspectives of learning motivation and capability, perceptions or attitudes, and online learning experiences. However, few have examined how the above factors will relate to each other and contribute to students’ online learning intention. This research explored 94 university students’ online learning attitudes and experiences in a blended course. The researchers investigated the changes in the participants’ attitudes toward online learning and the relationships between their self-regulated learning capability, online interactions, attitudes, and online learning intention. These students participated in a pre- and post-survey at the beginning and end of the course. They also completed six weekly reports commenting on their learning activities of the week. At the end of the course, interviews were administered to eight participants to gather detailed information about their online learning experiences. It was found that (a) the participants’ online learning attitudes were generally positive and increased when completing the course; and (b) the participants’ continuous intention to learn online was significantly predicted by four self-regulatory factors and attitudes, mediated through perceived online social interactions. The analysis of the interviewees’ further comments provided more insights about the potential factors contributing to their online learning attitude changes. The strategies for future online course design with a view of improving students’ self-regulated learning skills are discussed in this paper.