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Effects of CF4 Plasma Treatment on pH and pNa Sensing Properties of Light-Addressable Potentiometric Sensor With a 2-nm-Thick Sensitive HfO2 Layer Grown by Atomic Layer Deposition


Abstract and Figures

We investigated the effect of the carbon tetrafluoride (CF4) plasma treatment on pH and pNa sensing characteristics of a light-addressable potentiometric sensor (LAPS) with a 2-nm-thick HfO2 film grown by atomic layer deposition (ALD). An inorganic CF4 plasma treatment with different times was performed using plasma enhance chemical vapor deposition (PECVD). For pH detection, the pH sensitivity slightly decreased with increasing CF4 plasma time. For pNa detection, the proposed fluorinated HfO2 film on a LAPS device is sensitive to Na+ ions. The linear relationship between pNa sensitivity and plasma treatment time was observed and the highest pNa sensitivity of 33.9 mV/pNa measured from pNa 1 to pNa 3 was achieved. Compared with that of the same structure without plasma treatment, the sensitivity was improved by twofold. The response mechanism of the fluorinated HfO2 LAPS is discussed according to the chemical states determined by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) analysis. The analysis of F 1s, Hf 4f, and O 1s spectra gives evidence that the enhancement of pNa sensitivity is due to the high concentration of incorporated fluorine in HfO2 films by CF4 plasma surface treatment.
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Effects of CF
Plasma Treatment on pH and pNa Sensing Properties
of Light-Addressable Potentiometric Sensor with a 2-nm-Thick
Sensitive HfO
Layer Grown by Atomic Layer Deposition
Chi-Hang Chin
, Tseng-Fu Lu
, Jer-Chyi Wang
, Jung-Hsiang Yang
, Cheng-En Lue
Chia-Ming Yang
, Sheng-Shian Li
, and Chao-Sung Lai
Institute of NanoEngineering and MicroSystems, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan 300, R.O.C.
Department of Electronic Engineering, Chang Gung University, Taoyuan, Taiwan 333, R.O.C.
Biosensor Group, Biomedical Engineering Center, Chang Gung University, Taoyuan, Taiwan 333, R.O.C.
Inotera Memories, Inc., Taoyuan, Taiwan 333, R.O.C.
Received September 21, 2010; revised October 31, 2010; accepted November 15, 2010; published online April 20, 2011
We investigated the effect of the carbon tetrafluoride (CF
) plasma treatment on pH and pNa sensing characteristics of a light-addressable
potentiometric sensor (LAPS) with a 2-nm-thick HfO
film grown by atomic layer deposition (ALD). An inorg anic CF
plasma treatment with
different times was performed using plasma enhance chemical vapor deposition (PECVD). For pH detection, the pH sensitivity slightly decreased
with increasing CF
plasma time. For pNa detection, the proposed fluorinated HfO
film on a LAPS device is sensitive to Na
ions. The linear
relationship between pNa sensitivity and plasma treatment time was observed and the highest pNa sensitiv ity of 33.9 mV/pNa measured from
pNa 1 to pNa 3 was achieved. Compared with that of the same structure without plasma treatment, the sensitivity was improved by twofold. The
response mechanism of the fluorinated HfO
LAPS is discussed according to the chemical states determined by X-ray photoelectron
spectroscopy (XPS) analysis. The analysis of F 1s, Hf 4f, and O 1s spectra gives evidence that the enhancement of pNa sensitivity is due to the
high concentration of incorporated fluorine in HfO
films by CF
plasma surface treatment. # 2011 The Japan Society of Applied Physics
1. Introduction
The measurement of hydrogen (H
) and sodium (Na
) ions
is becoming increasingly important for bio medical,
industrial, food, and environmental applications. To monitor
the changes in concentration in real time, many types of
sensors have been proposed. Among the proposed sensors,
one of the best approaches to obtaining the target data is
by the use of silicon-based sensors with suitable sensing
membranes, such as ion-selective electrodes (ISEs),
sensitive field-effect transistors (ISFETs),
and electro-
lyte–insulator–semiconductors (EISs).
Recently, a new
type of silicon-based sensor, namely, the light-addressable
potentiometric sensor (LAPS), which was first introduced by
Hafeman in 1988, has been receiving much attention owing
to its addressability.
The construction of the LAPS chip, which is similar to the
EIS device, is shown in Fig. 1. A dc bias was applied to form
a depletion region in the semiconductor. When the chip was
immersed in solutions of diff erent pHs or ion concentrations,
the width of the depletion region changed depending on the
changes in the surface potential of a sensitive layer. By
illuminating the semiconductor substrate with a modulated
light, the variation in the electrical field within the depletion
layer can be detected and measured in the form of an ac
photocurrent produced by illumination. Therefore, a change
in the analysis concentration can be directly determined by
measuring the amplitude of the ac photocurrent.
with other silicon-based sensors mentioned above, LAPS
exhibits a number of advantages including the ability for
multi-ions sensing in one chip, simplicity structural,
simplicity of the fabrication process, and light addressa-
Owing to its large and flat sensing area, LAPS is
also suitable for cell detection.
In our previous works, a single HfO
layer with high pH
sensitivity, low dri ft, and small-body effect was proposed
as a promising sensing membrane for pH detection.
However, the unmodified HfO
sensing membrane cannot be
used for Na
ion detection owing to its low sensitivity.
The innovation presented in this work is the development
and application of carbon tetrafluoride (CF
) plasma on a
thin hafnium oxide film grown by ALD based on LAPS for
ion detection. The pH and pNa sensing characteristics
were both examined using a LAPS measurement system
with a lock-in amplifier. In our investigation, the proposed
low-power CF
plasma surface modification by plasma-
enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) can enhance
the pNa sensitivity of ALD-HfO
thin films. The changes in
the surface chemical states of ALD-HfO
thin films with
or without plasma treatment were studied by the X-ray
photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) technique. On the basis of
the analysis of F 1s, O 1s, and Hf 4f spectra, the possible
sensing behavior due to fluorine incorporation by plasma
treatment was proposed.
2. Experimental Procedure
2.1 Devices fabrication
To investigate the sensing characteristics of Na
ions, a
Fig. 1. (Color online) Schematic cross-sectional view of the LAPS chip.
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Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 50 (20 11) 04DL06
# 2011 The Japan Society of Applied Physics
DOI: 10.1143/JJAP.50.04DL06
LAPS device with single HfO
thin film as pH and pNa
sensing membrane was fabricated using an ALD system.
The process flow and schematic cross-sectional view of the
LAPS structure are shown in Fig. 2. A 4-in. (100) p-type
silicon wafer with resistivities of 4–6 cm was used as the
substrate. Then, a 2-nm-thick HfO
layer was directly grown
on the Si substrate with standard RCA clean processing at
C using the ALD system. For the ALD deposition,
high-purity tetrakis(ethylmethylamino)hafnium (TEMAH) is
used as the precursor. H
O vapor served as the oxidant
and Ar gas was supplied as the purge and carrier gases,
respectively. The thickness was estimated according to the
deposition rate (1
A/cycle) and checked using an ellips-
ometer. Next, the 2-nm-thick HfO
layer grown by ALD was
fluorinated using CF
plasma surface treatment for 1, 3, and
5 min at 300
C using a plasma enhance chemical vapor
deposition (PECVD) system. The rf power was set at 30 W
and the processing pressure was controlled at 500 mtorr.
Finally, a 300-nm-thick Al layer as the contact electrode was
evaporated on the back side of the wafer. To define the
illumination area of LAPS, the wet etching process was used
to open the back side Al electrode after photolithography
2.2 Test solutions
To extract the pH sensitivity, standard pH buffer solutions
of pHs 4, 7, and 10 were purchased from Merck Inc. To
activate the surface sites, all LAPS samples were immersed
in RO water for 12 h before measurement. To investigate
the sensing properties of Na
ions, 5 mM tris(hydroxy-
methyl)aminomethane (Tris)/HCl solution was prepared as
the buffered electrolyte. The concentrations of Na
in the
range between 10
and 10
M were controlled by injecting
0.1 M NaCl/ Tris–HCl and 1 M NaCl/Tris–HCl into the
buffered electrolyte using a micropipette. In order to obtain
stable pNa responses, all the LAPS sample s were immerse d
in 5 mM Tris/HCl for 12 h before the measurement.
2.3 LAPS measurement system
Figure 3 shows the LAPS measurement system with the
reference electrode, measurement cell, lock-in amplifier
(Stanford Research Systems SR510), and computer with the
DAQ card. For signal analysis, the lock-in amplifier as the
filter was used to increase the amplitude of the received
signal. Figure 4(a) shows the photovoltage –bias voltage
characteristics of the unfluorinated-HfO
LAPS which were
measured in pH buffer solutions from pHs 2 to 10. The
photocurrent, which is the output signal, was determined
according to the sine wave root-mean-square (RMS) values
using LabVIEW software. The photovoltage was obtained
by translat ing photocurrent through a resistance. To
determine the inversion point, diff erentiation was performed
2 times on the curves, as shown in Fig. 4(b). From the
obtained results shown in Fig. 4(b), the shift of the inverting
points in different buffer solutions could be considered as the
pH sensing responses, and the pH sensitivity was calculated
by the linear fitting of the responsive voltages, as shown in
Fig. 4(c). The definition of linearity is the relationship
Fig. 2. (Color online) Process flow and schematic of LAPS device with
thin film.
Fig. 3. (Color online) LAPS measurement system with the reference
electrode, measurement cell, lock-in amplifier, and computer with DAQ
Second Differential
0.0 0.4 0.8 1.2
Photovoltage (V)
Voltage Bias (V)
2 nm-HfO
Output Voltage (V)
Sensitivity=42.6 mV/pH
Fig. 4. (Color online) (a, b) IV curves and (c) pH-sensing response.
C.-H. Chin et al.
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 50 (2011) 04DL06
# 2011 The Japan Society of Applied Physics
between the X-axis and the Y -axis. The high linearity in
Fig. 4(c) indicates that the relationship between pH (X-axis)
and resp onsive voltage (Y-axis) is high.
2.4 Physical characterization
To study the composition and chemical state of the HfO
films with or without CF
plasma post-treatment, XPS
measurements were carried out (V. G. Scientific Microlab-
350) using a standard Mg K (1253.6 eV) X-ray source.
XPS profiles were collected with a pass energy of 40 eV and
step of 0.05 eV.
3. Results and Discussion
3.1 XPS surface analysis of fluorinated HfO
To analyze the composition and chemical states of the ALD-
deposited HfO
film with or without CF
plasma treatment,
XPS analysis was performed, as shown in Figs. 5 (F 1s
profiles), 6 (Hf 4f profiles), and 7 (O 1s profiles). All F 1s,
O 1s, and Hf 4f XPS profiles were calibrated by setting the
C 1s peak at 284.5 eV to eliminate the charge-up effect. The
background line was defined using a tougaard-type shape
and the peaks were fitted with a Lorentzian–Gaussian
Figure 5 shows the F 1s profiles of (a) the ALD-HfO
film with CF
plasma treatment for 5 min and (b) the ALD-
thin film without plasma treatment. For the samp le
with plasma treatment, it can be easily observed that a peak
with a strong intensity corresponding to fluorine incorpora-
tion by CF
plasma was detected.
The Hf 4f profiles of the ALD-HfO
thin film with plasma
treatment for 5 min and the ALD-HfO
thin film without
plasma treatment are both shown in Fig. 6. In the case of
Hf 4f profiles, the profile shape of the sample with plasma
treatment is different from that of the control sample. For the
control sample shown in Fig. 6(b), two major peaks at the
binding posi tions of 16.1 and 17.8 eV, corresponding to the
oxidized Hf 4f
and Hf 4f
bindings, respectively, were
observed. However, changes in the binding ener gy of the
Hf 4f spectrum are obser ved after plasma treatment. For the
sample with plasma treatment shown in Fig. 6(a), higher
binding energies of 17.7 and 19.8 eV of the oxidized
Hf 4f
and Hf 4f
, respectively, were obtained. The
peaks shifted positively by about 2 eV, compared with the
control sample, which should be due to the incorporation of
fluorine atoms into the HfO
film. To fit the profile well, two
additional peaks at binding energies of 18.95 and 21.3 eV
corresponding to the fluorinated HfO
bindings were added.
From the results of the XPS analysis of Hf 4f profiles, the
fluorine incorporation into the ALD-HfO
film induced by
plasma surface treatment was confirmed.
Figure 7 shows the O 1s profiles of (a) the ALD-HfO
thin film with CF
plasma treatment for 5 min and (b) the
thin film without plasma treatment. In Fig. 7(b),
two major peaks can be found for the untreated HfO
one at a binding energy of 530 eV, corresponding to the
chemical bond of HfO
, and the other at a larger binding
682 684 686 688 690
F 1s - W/O
Binding Energy (eV)
Intensity (arb. unit)
F 1s - plasma 5min
Fig. 5. (Color online) F 1s XPS profiles of (a) the ALD-HfO
thin film
with CF
plasma for 5 min and (b) the ALD-HfO
thin film without plasma
14 16 18 20 22 24
Hf 4f - W/O
Binding Energy (eV)
Hf 4f - plasma 5min
Intensity (arb. unit)
Fig. 6. (Color online) Hf 4f XPS profiles of (a) the ALD-HfO
thin film
with CF
plasma for 5 min and (b) the ALD-HfO
thin film without plasma
528 530 532 534 536 538
Binding Energy (eV)
Intensity (arb. unit)
O 1s - W/O
O 1s -
plasma 5min
Fig. 7. (Color online) O 1s XPS profiles of (a) the ALD-HfO
thin film
with CF
plasma for 5 min and (b) the ALD-HfO
thin film without plasma
C.-H. Chin et al.
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 50 (2011) 04DL06
# 2011 The Japan Society of Applied Physics
energy of 531.8 eV, corresponding to the contaminant. For
the sample with plasma treatme nt for 5 min shown in
Fig. 7(a), a third peak is applied to fit the O 1s profiles well
after plasma treatment. The corr esponding O 1s spectrum of
the sample with plasma treatment for 5 min showed three
peaks at binding energies of 531.2, 532.45, and 538.85 eV.
The peak with the lowest binding energy in Fig. 7(a), which
is positively shifted from the 530 eV of the untreated HfO
film, is attributed to the peak of HfO
. The second peak with
a binding energy of 532.45 eV in Fig. 7(a), which is near the
binding energy of 531.8 eV of the untreated HfO
film, is the
contaminant peak. The peak with highest binding energy of
538.85 eV in Fig. 7(a) is considered to be the peak of
This is probably attributed to the bond formed
between O and F in the HfO
film after plasma treatment. A
similar formation of Al(OF)
and Si(OF)
layers after plasma
treatment was obtained in previous studies.
according to the report from Ding et al. and,
a similar
film may be formed during CF
plasma treatment.
From the results of the XPS analysis, fluorine incorporation
in the HfO
film after CF
plasma treatment is confirmed.
3.2 pH sensitivity of fluorinated HfO
To obtain pH sensitivity, the current–voltage (IV) curves of
LAPS were measured in standard pH buffer solutions
(Merck) at pHs of 4, 7, and 10. The actual pHs of standard
buffer solutions were examined before and after measure-
ment using a commercial pH electrode for pH sensitivity
calculation. Figure 8 shows the photovoltage–bias voltage
characteristics of (a) HfO
-LAPS without plasma treatment
and (b) HfO
-LAPS with CF
plasma treatment for 5 min.
The pH sensitivity and linearity were obtained by the linear
fitting of the responsive voltages at pHs of 4, 7, and 10. The
pH sensitivity of HfO
LAPS without plasma treatment was
28.1 mV/pH and the linearity was 99.9%. This shows that
the thin ALD-HfO
layer is usable for pH detection. For
LAPS with CF
plasma treatment for 5 min, the
extracted pH sensitivity is 22.4 mV/pH with a linearity of
99.9%. The detailed distributions of pH sensitivity and
linearity as a function of CF
plasma time are shown in
Fig. 9. The pH sensitivity decreased with increasing plasma
treatment time and nearly saturated when the plasma
treatment time was more than 3 min. Both the HfO
samples with and without post-CF
plasma treatment
showed a stable pH sensitivity between 20–30 mV/pH,
which shows good linearity over 99%. It could be attributed
to the fluorinated bond (F–O bond) formation on a thin
surface after CF
plasma treatment, which was
confirmed by XPS analysis. According to the site binding
theory, fluorinated bond formation could reduce the number
of active sites (N
, N
¼ HfO
þ HfOH þ HfOH
). With
a decrease in the number of these reactive groups, the pH
sensitivity decreased.
3.3 pNa sensitivity of fluorinated HfO
To obtain the pNa sensitivity, the IV curves of LAPS were
measured in the prepared pNa solutions from pNa 1 to
pNa 3. The photovoltage–bias voltage characteristics of
-LAPS without plasma treatment and HfO
-LAPS with
plasma treatment for 5 min are shown in Figs. 10(a) and
10(b), respectively. As shown in Figs. 10(a) and 10(b), the
IV curves shifted positively along the X-axis, correspond-
ing to the increase in pNa. This positive shift means that
the positive charge is the main species that determine the
potential between the electrolyte and the insulator. For pNa
sensitivity determination, in order to avoid the deviation
caused by the pH variation, the actual sensing voltages of
sodium ions were obtained with pH calibration using a
commercial pH electrode. The pH sensitivity of HfO
without plasma treatment extracted from Fig. 10(a) was
17.8 mV/pNa with a linearity of 98.4%. Owing to the low
pNa sensitivity and low linearity, a thin ALD-HfO
is not suitable for pNa detection. For HfO
LAPS with
plasma treatment for 5 min shown in Fig. 10(b), the
determined pNa sensi tivity is 34.8 mV/pH and the linearity
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
pH 4
pH 7
pH 10
2 nm ALD-HfO
Sensitivity = 28.1 mV/pH
Linearity = 99.9%
Photovoltage (V)
Voltage Bias (V)
pH 4
pH 7
pH 10
2 nm ALD-HfO
plasma 5 min.
Sensitivity = 22.4 mV/pH
Linearity = 99.9%
Fig. 8. (Color online) Photovoltage-bias voltage characteristics of (a) the
thin film with CF
plasma for 5 min and (b) the ALD-HfO
film without plasma treatment for different pHs of 4, 7, and 10.
Different plasma times
Plasma Time (min)
Sensitivity (mV/pH)
decreased 7 mV/pH
Linearity (%)
Fig. 9. (Color online) pH sensitivity and linearity distributions of the
fluorinated HfO
thin film on LAPS as a function of CF
plasma treatment
C.-H. Chin et al.
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 50 (2011) 04DL06
# 2011 The Japan Society of Applied Physics
is high at 99.9%. The proposed inorganic CF
treatment of ALD-HfO
thin films is highly feasible for pNa
detection. The relationship between pNa sensitivity and
plasma treatment time is shown in Fig. 11. The pNa
sensitivity increased with increasing CF
plasma time and
the highest pNa sensitivity of 33.9 mV/pNa was obtained
from the sample with plasma treatment for 5 min. The active
site of the Na
ion based on the site binding theory is HfO
þ Na
¼ HfONa). However, more formation of
fluorinated bonds could reduce the number of active sites
, N
¼ HfO
þ HfOH þ HfOH
), including the HfO
site. Therefore, we think that the fluorinated bond (HfOF) is
possibily one that may be active toward the Na
ion. The
enhancement of pNa sensitivity could be a result of the
attraction of Na
ions induced by the fluorinated bonds. To
determine the exact reason for this, further investigation of
the Na
sensing mechanism of the fluorinated HfO
should be carried out.
4. Conclusions
In this work, 2-nm-thick ALD-HfO
thin films subjected to
fluorinated treatment using CF
plasma on LAPS for H
ion detection were studied. For pH detection, the pH
sensitivity decreased with increasing plasma treatment time .
For pNa detection, the proposed LAPS with fluorinated
thin films was found sensitive to the concentration
change of Na
ions with good linearity (>99%). The pNa
sensitivity enhancement of fluorinated HfO
LAPS reveals
a linear dependence on the plasma time and the highest
pNa sensitivity of 33.9 mV/pNa is achieved with a plasma
treatment time of 5 min in our study. The possible
mechanism of pNa sensing based on the changes of surface
sites due to the fluorine incorporation by plasma treatment is
proposed, as confirmed by XPS analysis. The measured
results offer a useful guideline for the sensing performance
optimization and development of multi-ion LAPS.
This work was supported by the National Science Council of
the Republic of China under contract no. NSC 98-2221-E-
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Different plasma times
Plasma Time (min)
Sensitivity (mV/pNa)
increased 15.7 mV/pH
Linearity (%)
Fig. 11. (Color online) pNa sensitivity and linearity distributions of the
fluorinated HfO
thin film on LAPS as a function of CF
plasma treatment
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
pNa 1
pNa 2
pNa 3
2nm ALD-HfO
Sensitivity = 17.8 mV/pNa
Linearity = 98.4%
Photovoltage (V)
Voltage Bias (V)
pNa 1
pNa 2
pNa 3
2 nm ALD-HfO
plasma 5 min.
Sensitivity = 34.8 mV/pNa
Linearity = 99.9%
Fig. 10. (Color online) Photovoltage-bias voltage characteristics of
(a) the ALD-HfO
thin film with CF
plasma for 5 min and (b) the ALD-
thin film without plasma treatment for different pNa’s from 1 to 3.
C.-H. Chin et al.
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 50 (2011) 04DL06
# 2011 The Japan Society of Applied Physics
... To fabricate pH-sensing membranes, various materials such as Ta 2 O 5 and Gd 2 O 3 have been proposed [7,8]. In 2019, an indium gallium oxide (IGO) membrane treated with annealing demonstrated that IGO, which has been reported for optoelectronic applications, can also be integrated with silicon-based integrated circuits (ICs) or sensors [9]. Nevertheless, to further boost IGO membrane performance, it is worthwhile to investigate new processes and alternative treatment to improve membrane material quality and hence enhance sensing behaviors. ...
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Electrolyte–insulator–semiconductor (EIS) sensors, used in applications such as pH sensing and sodium ion sensing, are the most basic type of ion-sensitive field-effect transistor (ISFET) membranes. Currently, some of the most popular techniques for synthesizing such sensors are chemical vapor deposition, reactive sputtering and sol-gel deposition. However, there are certain limitations on such techniques, such as reliability concerns and isolation problems. In this research, a novel design of an EIS membrane consisting of an optical material of indium gallium oxide (IGO) was demonstrated. Compared with conventional treatment such as annealing, Ti doping and CF4 plasma treatment were incorporated in the fabrication of the film. Because of the effective treatment of doping and plasma treatment, the defects were mitigated and the membrane capacitance was boosted. Therefore, the pH sensitivity can be increased up to 60.8 mV/pH. In addition, the hysteresis voltage can be improved down to 2.1 mV, and the drift voltage can be suppressed to as low as 0.23 mV/h. IGO-based membranes are promising for future high-sensitivity and -stability devices integrated with optical applications.
... In order to reduce the recombination of photocarriers and improve spatial resolution, the silicon bulk can be replaced with thin silicon films (thinned silicon substrate [38][39][40], silicon on insulator (SOI) [18], amorphous silicon (a-Si) [41][42][43][44] and silicon on sapphire (SOS) [45,46]) or other semiconductor thin layers deposited on transparent substrates (GaAs [47], GaN [48], In-Ga-Zn oxide (IGZO) [49] and indium tin oxide (ITO) [50]). The sensing material such as Si 3 N 4 [1,28,38,39,51], Al 2 O 3 [52][53][54], Ta 2 O 5 [51], HfO 2 [55][56][57], NbO x [40,58,59], SnO x [60], self-assembled organic monolayer (SAM) [61,62] and nanofibers [63,64] can be used for pH sensing. Other chemical species can be also detected by modifying the sensing surface with appropriate materials. ...
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A light-addressable potentiometric sensor (LAPS) is a semiconductor electrochemical sensor based on the field-effect which detects the variation of the Nernst potential on the sensor surface, and the measurement area is defined by illumination. Thanks to its light-addressability feature, an LAPS-based chemical imaging sensor system can be developed, which can visualize the two-dimensional distribution of chemical species on the sensor surface. This sensor system has been used for the analysis of reactions and diffusions in various biochemical samples. In this review, the LAPS system set-up, including the sensor construction, sensing and substrate materials, modulated light and various measurement modes of the sensor systems are described. The recently developed technologies and the affecting factors, especially regarding the spatial resolution and temporal resolution are discussed and summarized, and the advantages and limitations of these technologies are illustrated. Finally, the further applications of LAPS-based chemical imaging sensors are discussed, where the combination with microfluidic devices is promising.
... Furthermore, fabricating the hydrogel layer in the form of NFs adds the benefit of high surface area where the exchange of charges can occur on more number of active sites. It is worth mentioning that to the extent of our knowledge, the only nanostructures ever used as LAPS sensing layers are carbon nanotubes (CNTs)[17], nanopatterned Si 3 N 4[18]layer and atomic layer deposited HfO 2[19]. Although these structures proved to be effective inincreasing the sensitivity of the LAPS system, the elaborate fabrication processes could hamper the field application of the sensor. ...
We report a simple, rapid and cost effective detection technique for Escherichia coli (E. coli) using aLight Addressable Potentiometric Sensor integrated with electrospun poly acrylic acid/polyvinyl alcohol(PAA/PVA) hydrogel nanofibers as a sensing layer (NF-LAPS). Changes in pH of the media are detected asE. coli cells ferment sugar molecules and increase acidity of the surrounding. A super-Nernstian responseof a 74 mV/pH change in the NF-LAPS provides high sensitivity towards E. coli with a theoretical limit ofdetection (LOD) of 20 CFU/ml. The high sensitivity is associated with the pH sensitive behavior of the NFson the surface. Detection of acidic species released in cellular metabolism of pathogens in the presenceof carbon source renders the sensing mechanism cheaper, less time consuming and more practical thanthe antibody-antigen interaction based approach. Selectivity towards E. coli for applications in drinkingwater detection is ensured by the incorporation of d-mannose for specific binding.© 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
... As an alternative sensing tool, a light addressable potentiometric sensor (LAPS) was first introduced by Hafeman et al. in 1988 13) by combining the scanned light pulse technique (SLPT) 14) with an EIS capacitor-based sensor. The unique feature of LAPS 15,16) is its addressing capability of an individual sensing site by utilizing a modulated light beam. The LAPS is also the basis of the chemical imaging 17) in which a focused laser beam scans the sensing area to visualize the two-dimensional distribution of the ion concentration. ...
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Gallium nitride (GaN) is a material with remarkable properties, including wide band gap, direct light emission and excellent chemical stability. In this study, a GaN-based light addressable potentiometric sensor (LAPS) with Si3N4 ˜50 nm as a sensing membrane is fabricated. By modulated optical excitation from an ultraviolet 365 nm light-emitting diode, the photoresponse characteristic and related pH sensitivity of the fabricated GaN-based LAPS is investigated. A Nernstian-like pH response with pH sensitivity of 52.29 mV/pH and linearity of 99.13% is obtained. These results of the GaN-based LAPS show great promise and it could be used as a single chemical sensor or integrated optoelectronic chemical sensor array for biomedical research with high spatial resolution.
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Light-addressable potentiometric sensors (LAPS) and scanning photo-induced impedance microscopy (SPIM) use photocurrent measurements at electrolyte-insulator-semiconductor substrates for spatiotemporal imaging of electrical potentials and impedance. The techniques have been used for the interrogation of sensor arrays and the imaging of biological systems. Sensor applications range from the detection of different types of ions and the label-free detection of charged molecules such as DNA and proteins to enzyme-based biosensors. Imaging applications include the temporal imaging of extracellular potentials and dynamic concentration changes in microfluidic channels and the lateral imaging of cell surface charges and cell metabolism. This paper will investigate the current state of the art of the measurement technology with a focus on spatial and temporal resolution and review the biological applications, these techniques have been used for. An outlook on future developments in the field will be given. © 2017 The Author(s) Published by the Royal Society. All rights reserved.
A diverse array of semiconductor-based nanostructures have been synthesized and utilized in many applications, in which photoelectrochemical sensor or biosensor is a new kind of developing analytical technology for the detection of the low concentration of analytes. Due to the parameters of the detection processes in relation to the photocurrent or photopotential and the appearance of new semiconductor-based functional nanostructures, it makes photoelectrochemical analysis with high sensitivity, rapid detection, inherent miniaturization, and easy portability. In this chapter, we will introduce the basic principle of the photoelectrochemical sensor or biosensor and focus on the new progress of photoelectrochemical sensors and biosensors with different semiconductor materials. Meanwhile, a variety of detection mechanisms and the characteristics of photoelectrochemical sensor and biosensor are also introduced and their future developments are also prospected and discussed.
Multianalyte biosensors were fabricated with an Nb2O5 pH-sensitive membrane on silicon substrate in an EGFET structure. Incorporation of CF4 plasma treatment with an appropriate time of 15 s was found to improve material properties and enhance performance. Multiple material analyses including XRD, AFM and SIMS indicate that CF4 plasma treatment reduces dangling bonds and passivates defects by forming strong bonds. Results indicate that an Nb2O5-based EGFET exhibited good performance with a high degree of sensitivity, a low hysteresis voltage and a low drift rate. Overall sensing performance for various ions of Na+, K+, urea and glucose detection was also enhanced. Our research indicates that Nb2O5-based biosensors with CF4 treatment show promise for future industrial biosensing applications.
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A light‐addressable potentiometric sensor (LAPS) with ceramic samarium oxide (Sm2O3)‐sensing membrane treated by nitrogen plasma immersion ion implantation (PIII) has been proposed for chloride ion detection. For the pure Sm2O3‐LAPS, a potassium ion sensitivity of 39.21 mV/pK is obtained. With the nitrogen PIII treatment on Sm2O3‐sensing membrane, the N–O peak is observed by X‐ray photoelectron spectroscopy, implying the formation of positive charges, (N‐O)⁺ and (N‐O‐N)⁺, within the Sm2O3 film. The positive charges can attract the chloride ions to react with the surface sites of OH2⁺, achieving a superior chloride ion sensitivity of 36.17 mV/pCl for the Sm2O3‐LAPS with nitrogen PIII treatment. The LAPS structure with ceramic Sm2O3‐sensing membrane can be used for future biosensing applications, especially for the potassium and chloride ions detection in serum.
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A thin hafnium oxide (HfO2) layer (8 nm), for hydrogen ion sensors, was deposited directly on a silicon substrate without the buffer oxides. Post deposition annealing (PDA) was performed to improve the sensitivity. The as-deposited HfO2 sensing dielectric functions from pH 4 to pH 12, and the sensitivity is 46.2 mVpH. For the samples with 900°C PDA, the sensitivity is increased to 58.3 mVpH from pH 2 to pH 12. From atomic force microscope analysis, the improvement is related to the surface morphology. A physical model was proposed to explain PDA effects by the surface site density (surface area) and dissociation constants.
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Hafnium oxide (HfO2) was directly deposited on silicon as a sensing dielectric by RF sputtering. This combination was proposed to replace the HfO2/SiO2 stacked structure. The characterizations of HfO2 sensing dielectrics of various thicknesses were widely investigated using post-rapid thermal annealing (RTA) treatments at various temperatures and process times. The pH sensitivity of a 30-nm-thick HfO2 sensing dielectric was 49.2 mV/pH, almost the same as the traditional HfO2/SiO2 stacked electrolyte-insulator-semiconductor (EIS) structure. The verified minimum thickness for a HfO2 sensing dielectric was 4 nm. The ion sensing performance of HfO2-EIS, pH sensitivity, and drift voltage were all improved by RTA treatment. With 900 °C RTA, pH sensitivities can be improved and approach 59.6 mV/pH for all thicknesses of HfO2 sensing dielectric. HfO2 sensing dielectrics with 900 °C RTA are verified as good hydrogen ion sensing materials.
Based on the site-binding model, the effects of two types of surfaces sites (namely, silanol sites and amine sites) and their ratio on the characteristics of an Si3N4-gate pH-ISFET are discussed. As the ratio β of silanol sites to amine sites is about , the maximum of sensitivity of the electrolyte-insulator (E-I) interfacial potential versus the pH value, as well as of the range of linear response are theoretically obtained. The stability of pH-ISFET devices is partially determined by the total number of the two types of surface sites and their ratio. The theoretical results are shown to be supported by experimental results.
Influence of CF4 plasma-treatment (PT) on atomic-layer-deposited HfO2 dielectric has been investigated for high density metal-insulator-metal capacitor applications. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy analyses reveal that the PT leads to incorporation of fluorine atoms into the HfO2 film by means of forming new chemical bonds of F-Hf-O near the surface. The resulting capacitance density increases up to 10.17fF/&mgrm2 with increasing the PT time to 10min, and the &agr decreases by 50ppm/V2 after the PTs. Further, the PT time of 5min results in a decrease by around one order of magnitude in the leakage current density at -3V, i.e., 3.5X10-8 A/cm2, compared to no PT. The above improvements can be attributed to F-passivation of oxygen vacancies at the interface of HfO2/Al as well as a slight increase in the surface roughness of HfO2 due to the PT.
Aluminum surfaces are frequently exposed to fluorine containing plasmas during the processing of microelectronic devices. The compositions and chemistry of the films formed on the Al surfaces during exposure to fluorocarbon and fluorocarbon/oxygen plasmas have been studied by x‐ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Multiple bonding states are observed in the Al 2p, O 1s, F 1s, and C 1s photoelectron lines. These were consistent with the formation of aluminum fluoride and oxyfluoride. Little, if any, fluorocarbon species were deposited on the Al surfaces. Oxygen in the plasma tended to decrease the amount of carbon on the film surfaces. The overall thickness of the passivation layer did not show large increases if the plasma contained an oxygen component.
Potassium (K+) ion-sensitive membranes produced by the ion implantation technique are investigated. The sensing layers are fabricated by implanting K+ and Al+ ions into silicon dioxide on silicon with low energy in order to reduce the damage to the substrate during the process of implantation. The ion sensitivity of such ion-implanted layers was investigated by using C–V measurements. All devices tested have shown good sensitivities and linear responses over at least four decades of potassium activity, with good selectivity in the presence of interfering ions like NH4+, Li+ and Mg2+.
"Non-glass" pH-sensitive capacitive EIS (electrolyte-insulator-semiconductor) sensors consisting of a Ta2O5-gate have been investigated in terms of their CIP (cleaning-in-place) suitability. After optimisation of the process parameters, even after 30 CIP cycles, the sensors show a clear pH response and nearly linear calibration curve. The video-microscopic and scanning electron microscopy investigations do not show any visible degradation or destruction of the Ta2O5 films. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A novel design of the light-addressable potentiometric sensor (LAPS) for realisation of a portable multisensor device is presented. Light sources and electronics including an oscillator, a multiplexer, a pre-amplifier and a high-pass filter are encapsulated in a pen-shaped case, on which the sensor plate is mounted. This sensor device is capable of measuring up to four different ion species by integrating different ion-selective materials on the sensing surface, each illuminated with an independent light source. The novel design of the sensor system is expected to make the measurement easier and to enlarge the field of practical applications.
We have developed a new chemical-imaging sensor, which can visualize the two-dimensional distribution of a specific substance. This sensor uses an enzyme immobilized on the sensing surface of the pH-imaging sensor that we reported previously. As an example, a urea-imaging sensor has been fabricated using urease, and some two-dimensional patterns of urea distribution in agar visualized.
For low cost, easy fabrication and low process temperature, Ta2O5 and TaOxNy pH-sensing membranes were prepared by reactive RF sputtering. To incorporate nitrogen into Ta2O5 layer, two process techniques including NH3 plasma treatment on Ta2O5 surface and TaOxNy layer directly deposited in reactive RF sputtering with various N2 ratios were proposed. With NH3 plasma treatment for 10min, the sensitivity of Ta2O5-EIS structure can be increased to 54.9mV/pH. The similar result can be obtained TaOxNy layer directly deposited in the nitrogen incorporated reactive RF sputtering. For the long-term stability, both two process techniques could be applied to minimize the drift coefficient. With proper nitrogen incorporation process, an excellent sensitive membrane can be obtained by low temperature process based on NH3 plasma treatment.