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Fair Decentralized Data-Rate Congestion Control for V2V Communications


Abstract and Figures

Channel congestion is one of the most critical issues in IEEE 802.11p-based vehicular ad hoc networks because congestion may lead to unreliability of applications. As a counter measure, the European Telecommunications Standard Institute (ETSI), proposes a mandatory Decentralized Congestion Control (DCC) framework to control the channel load. DCC algorithms are proposed to tune parameters such as message-rate, data-rate, etc. to avoid congestion. An important requirement for DCC algorithms is fairness, which ensures that vehicles experiencing similar channel loads are entitled to similar transmission parameters, in particular, message-rate and data-rate. Message-rate DCC (LIMERIC) ensures a fair message-rate selection, while data-rate DCC (DR-DCC) might end up with different data-rates, creating unfairness among the vehicles: vehicles with lower data-rate have a larger communication range than those using higher data-rates. Therefore some vehicles are less visible than others, which is detrimental to the reliability of the safety applications. To avoid this, the paper defines a novel packet-count based decentralized data-rate congestion control algorithm (PDR-DCC), which enforces fairness and hence improves the application-reliability. Simulation studies are performed to demonstrate that PDR-DCC avoids congestion in a fair manner. We also show the effect of fairness on the application-reliability by comparing the performance of PDR-DCC with message-rate (LIMERIC) and data-rate (DR-DCC) congestion control algorithms for a stationary vehicle warning application in a synthetic highway scenario and for various vehicular densities. We conclude that PDR-DCC outperforms LIMERIC, and DR-DCC in terms of application-reliability.
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Fair Decentralized Data-Rate Congestion Control
for V2V Communications
Chetan Belagal Math, Hong Li, Sonia Heemstra de Groot, Ignas Niemegeers
Electrical Engineering, Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Car Infotainment & Driving Assistance, NXP Semiconductors, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Abstract—Channel congestion is one of the most critical
issues in IEEE 802.11p-based vehicular ad hoc networks
because congestion may lead to unreliability of applications.
As a counter measure, the European Telecommunications
Standard Institute (ETSI), proposes a mandatory Decentralized
Congestion Control (DCC) framework to control the channel
load. DCC algorithms are proposed to tune parameters such as
message-rate, data-rate, etc. to avoid congestion. An important
requirement for DCC algorithms is fairness, which ensures
that vehicles experiencing similar channel loads are entitled
to similar transmission parameters, in particular, message-rate
and data-rate. Message-rate DCC (LIMERIC) ensures a fair
message-rate selection, while data-rate DCC (DR-DCC) might
end up with different data-rates, creating unfairness among
the vehicles: vehicles with lower data-rate have a larger
communication range than those using higher data-rates.
Therefore some vehicles are less visible than others, which is
detrimental to the reliability of the safety applications. To avoid
this, the paper defines a novel packet-count based decentralized
data-rate congestion control algorithm (PDR-DCC), which
enforces fairness and hence improves the application-reliability.
Simulation studies are performed to demonstrate that PDR-DCC
avoids congestion in a fair manner. We also show the
effect of fairness on the application-reliability by comparing
the performance of PDR-DCC with message-rate (LIMERIC)
and data-rate (DR-DCC) congestion control algorithms for a
stationary vehicle warning application in a synthetic highway
scenario and for various vehicular densities. We conclude that
PDR-DCC outperforms LIMERIC, and DR-DCC in terms of
Vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication systems are
essential for increasing the safety and efficiency of
our transportation network. Safety applications rely on
beacon messages, exchanged periodically between neighbors.
These messages enable sharing of information such as
location, speed, braking action, road and intersection status,
thus detecting various dangerous situations and enabling
different safety applications [1]. The beacon messages are
referred to as Cooperative Awareness Messages (CAMs)
in Europe [2] and Basic Safety Message (BSMs) in the
U.S. [3]. The corresponding European Telecommunications
Standard Institute (ETSI) and Wireless Access for Vehicular
Environments (WAVE) standards implement the IEEE 802.11p
PHY and MAC layers.
Most V2V applications require a high penetration rate,
i.e., a high percentage of vehicles equipped with active
V2V communication modules. The drawback of exchanging
periodic beacon messages is that they generate a significant
channel load. Thus at high traffic density, this leads to
congestion, causing beacon message collisions and hence,
degradation of the safety application reliability. To mitigate
this problem, various Decentralized Congestion Control
(DCC) algorithms have been proposed. By controlling
parameters such as message-rate and transmission power,
they maintain the channel load below a threshold to avoid
congestion. This, however, may have a negative impact on
the application-reliability. Furthermore, Fair allocation of
resources such as message-rate, data-rate, etc. is an important
requirement for DCC algorithms. Fair allocation means that
vehicles experiencing similar channel loads, should be entitled
to similar transmission parameters. As unfair allocation of
resources may lead to variation in range, message-rate, etc.
affecting application-reliability.
To ensure fairness and improve application-reliability, we
propose an adaptive decentralized data-rate congestion control
algorithm (PDR-DCC), that uses a packet count to enforce
selection of the optimal data-rate by each vehicle. We show
that this has the required fairness property and hence also a
higher reliability performance compared to other congestion
control algorithms. This is done for various traffic densities
by means of simulations, using network simulator ns-3 in
combination with a traffic simulator Simulation of Urban
MObility (SUMO) [4] to simulate a realistic highway scenario.
Following this introduction, we describe in Section II
discuss related works. In Section III we discuss PDR-DCC
and explain the unfairness issue. In section IV we present
the packet count mechanism and how it mitigates the
unfairness problem. In Section V we evaluate the performance
of our solutions. First, we demonstrate that PDR-DCC
converges the channel load to the desired target while
ensuring a fair allocation of the data-rates. Next, we compare
its fairness performance with a data-rate DCC algorithm
(DR-DCC) for different vehicular densities. Finally, we
compare the application-reliability of PDR-DCC, with other
other congestion control algorithms (LIMERIC and DR-DCC)
for different vehicular densities. We summarize our results and
discuss open issues in Section VI.
Several DCC algorithms have been proposed. Most of the
DCC algorithms rely on the Channel Busy Ratio (CBR)
measurements to represent channel load. The CBR represents
the fraction of time that the channel is sensed busy by a
vehicle over a period 𝜃, where “vehicle” refers to a vehicular
communication node. The CBR measurement is performed by
each vehicle independently. One can also use a global CBR,
derived by exchanging the local CBR measurements using
beacon packets.
Many research efforts such as [5]–[9] have been carried
out to study and improve the performance of V2V
applications in congested scenarios. DCC algorithms could
be broadly classified as message-rate, transmission power,
and, data-rate congestion control algorithms, as discussed
in [8]. Message-rate DCC algorithms such as LIMERIC
[5] and AIMD [6] tune message-rate based on CBR to
avoid congestion. Transmission power DCC algorithms such
as D-FPAV [7] and TP-DCC [8] maximize the minimum
transmission power for vehicles, while avoiding congestion.
Data-rate congestion control algorithms such as DR-DCC [8]
and PHY-DCC [9] are proposed to tune data-rate based on
Among above discussed works, the most prominent
DCC approaches are message-rate and data-rate congestion
control. Typical representatives of message-rate and data-rate
congestion control algorithms are LIMERIC [5] and DR-DCC
[8] respectively. Both LIMERIC and DR-DCC aim at keeping
the CBR below a threshold, 𝐶𝐵𝑅𝑇, above which the channel
is considered to be congested. We discuss them in more detail
LIMERIC is a distributed linear adaptive algorithm that
forces the channel load to converge to 𝐶𝐵𝑅𝑇.𝐶𝐵𝑅𝑘(𝑡)is
the global channel load computed by vehicle 𝑘at time 𝑡,
by averaging the CBR measurements obtained from neighbor
vehicles within its communication range. The message-rate 𝑅𝑘
is adjusted every 𝜃seconds as follows:
where the speed of convergence is determined by 𝛼, and 𝛽
ensures stability and steady state convergence. In steady state,
LIMERIC converges to the channel load 𝐶𝐵𝑅𝑐𝑜𝑛 given by:
𝐶𝐵𝑅𝑐𝑜𝑛 =𝑛×𝛽
20 ×𝛼+𝑛×𝛽×𝐶𝐵𝑅𝑇(2)
where 𝑛is the number of vehicles within the interference
range. It is evident that at larger vehicular densities the
difference between 𝐶𝐵𝑅𝑇and 𝐶𝐵𝑅𝑐𝑜𝑛 in steady state
becomes smaller.
DR-DCC is a data-rate decentralized congestion control
algorithm. Each vehicle adjusts its data-rate, based on the CBR
it observes. If the CBR is greater than an upper threshold,
𝐶𝐵𝑅𝑇, it increases the data-rate, while, if it is less than
a lower threshold, 𝐶𝐵𝑅𝑚𝑖𝑛, it decreases the data-rate. It
thus avoids congestion by maintaining CBR below a threshold
𝐶𝐵𝑅𝑇. CBR measurements are subject to some randomness,
hence, to avoid unnecessary fluctuations of the data-rate it
utilizes a hysteresis as discussed in [8]. However, the reliance
of DR-DCC on CBR measurements alone can lead to an
unfair data-rate allocation among vehicles experiencing similar
channel load conditions. As CBR measurements alone cannot
provide sufficient information for fair allocation of data-rates.
i.e., two nearby vehicles experiencing a CBR of 0.6 may select
6 Mbps and 24 Mbps data-rates. This unfair allocation of
data-rates will cause different vehicles with similar channel
activity to have different transmission ranges and hence affects
LIMERIC decreases the message-rate to reduce congestion
without increasing the channel capacity. On the contrary,
DR-DCC increases the data-rate to reduce congestion,
effectively making messages shorter in time, thus increasing
channel capacity and lowering the channel load for a
given message-rate. DR-DCC maintains a higher message-rate
even at high traffic densities compared to LIMERIC,
by increasing channel capacity enabling better application
reliability. However, LIMERIC ensures a fair message-rate
selection, while in DR-DCC different vehicles might end
up with a different data-rate, creating unfairness among the
vehicles, affecting application-reliability.
Algorithm 1 : PDR-DCC algorithm
1: while PDR-DCC active do
2: get 𝑃𝑐periodically for 𝜃seconds
3: if (𝑃𝐶<𝐶𝐵𝑅𝑇×𝜃
4: D = 3 Mbps
5: else if ((𝑃𝐶>𝐶𝐵𝑅𝑇×𝜃
𝑇3) and (𝑃𝐶<𝐶𝐵𝑅𝑇×𝜃
𝑇6)) then
6: D = 6 Mbps
7: else if ((𝑃𝐶>𝐶𝐵𝑅𝑇×𝜃
𝑇6) and (𝑃𝐶<𝐶𝐵𝑅𝑇×𝜃
𝑇9)) then
8: D = 9 Mbps
9: else if ((𝑃𝐶>𝐶𝐵𝑅𝑇×𝜃
𝑇9) and (𝑃𝐶<𝐶𝐵𝑅𝑇×𝜃
𝑇12 )) then
10: D = 12 Mbps
11: else if ((𝑃𝐶>𝐶𝐵𝑅𝑇×𝜃
𝑇12 ) and (𝑃𝐶<𝐶𝐵𝑅𝑇×𝜃
𝑇18 )) then
12: D = 18 Mbps
13: else
14: D = 24 Mbps
15: end if
16: end while
To ensure fairness of data-rate congestion control and
improve application-reliability further, we propose PDR-DCC,
which uses packet count 𝑃𝐶together with CBR measurements
to adjust the data-rate. 𝑃𝐶represents the total number of
packets sensed by a vehicle over a period 𝜃. CBR depends
on various factors such as the number of transmitters, the
distribution of packet lengths, the distribution of packet
transmission time, etc. If we assume that all packets are sent
with the same data-rate 𝐷, then the total time 𝑇𝑇the channel
is sensed busy by the vehicle can be expressed as:
𝑇𝑇=𝐶𝐵𝑅 ×𝜃=𝑃𝐶×𝑇𝐷(3)
PDR-DCC is described in Algorithm 1. PDR-DCC adjusts
𝐷based on 𝑃𝐶, measured every 𝜃seconds. 𝐷is selected
such that CBR converges to the target 𝐶𝐵𝑅𝑇. Depending
on the value of 𝑃𝐶and 𝑇𝐷the transmission time of a
packet for different data rates 𝐷. According to the IEEE
802.11p standard, 𝐷can take on the values as 3, 6, 9,
12, 18, and 24 Mbps. Each vehicle independently selects
the lowest permissible data-rate, that avoids congestion and
provides the maximum possible range [8]. In PDR-DCC
vehicles experiencing similar channel loads have a similar
packet count and thus the same data-rate, ensuring fairness.
where 𝑇𝐷is the packet transmission time with data-rate 𝐷.
Since beacons have a fixed length, 𝑇𝑇only depends on the
data-rate. Thus, increasing the data-rate, decreases 𝑇𝑇, thus
decreasing CBR.
In this section, we motivate the advantages of using 𝑃𝐶.
We also discuss how 𝑃𝐶is estimated.
A. Why packet count
Most of the message-rate [5], [6] based congestion control
algorithms rely on CBR. Message-rate based congestion
control schemes try to maintain CBR below 𝐶𝐵𝑅𝑇by
decreasing the message-rate, thus reducing the load by
maintaining the same channel capacity. On the contrary,
the data-rate based approaches increase the channel capacity
by transmitting packets at higher data-rates and therefore
reducing the channel occupancy. For example: consider
packets transmitted at 6 Mbps resulting in a transmission time
of 540 𝜇s. In order to maintain a CBR of 0.7 over a period
of 1 s, the maximum number of packets that the channel can
support is 1296. Similarly, if 12 Mbps is used, the transmission
time is 360 𝜇s. To maintain a CBR of 0.7 over a period of
1 s, the maximum number of packets that can be transmitted
is increased to 1944. As seen, the CBR is a function of both
the total number of packets in the channel and the selected
data-rates. 𝑃𝐶also represents the channel load and can be used
to select a data-rate 𝐷that converges the CBR to 𝐶𝐵𝑅𝑇as
it is independent of the selected data-rates. The selected 𝐷is
the same for nearby vehicles, which experience similar packet
B. Packet count estimation
The 𝑃𝐶is calculated by every vehicle, based on information
from the physical layer. There are three cases where the
channel is sensed busy: 1) the vehicle is transmitting a packet,
2) the vehicle is receiving a packet, 3) the vehicle is neither
transmitting nor receiving, however, the signal strength is
higher than the carrier sensing threshold, due to collisions,
interference, etc. The total number of transmitted packets 𝑃𝑇
by a vehicle and the total transmission time 𝑇𝑇𝑋, can be
obtained from the physical layer. The IEEE 802.11p packets
consist of preamble, signal field, and payload [10]. The
signal field consists of the data-rate and packet length, which
determines the transmission time. This information is used
to calculate 𝑃𝑅, the total number of packets sensed by the
receiver and 𝑇𝑅𝑋, the total time the channel is sensed busy
due to reception at the physical layer. In order to obtain 𝑃𝐵,
the total number of packets and 𝑇𝐵𝑈, the total time during
which the channel is busy while not receiving or transmitting,
we utilize CBR as in Eq.(4). 𝑇𝑇, the total time the channel
is sensed busy by a vehicle is obtained from Eq.(3). 𝑃𝐶is
obtained from 𝑃𝑇,𝑃𝑅, and 𝑃𝐵as in Eq.(6), where 𝑃𝐵is
obtained from linear estimation over time, 𝑇𝐵𝑈,asinEq.(5).
The 𝑃𝐶estimation is performed by each vehicle individually.
𝑇𝐵𝑈 =(𝐶𝐵𝑅 ×𝜃)(𝑇𝑇𝑋 +𝑇𝑅𝑋 )(4)
(𝑇𝑇𝑋 +𝑇𝑅𝑋 )(5)
We performed a simulation study using the network
simulator ns-3 in conjunction with the vehicle traffic
SUMO [4] to evaluate the capabilities of PDR-DCC and
compare with DR-DCC and LIMERIC. We compare the
application-reliability performance of the stationary-vehicle
warning application, which alerts approaching vehicles about
any vehicle being dangerously motionless on the road [11].
We consider a realistic highway scenario: a road section
of 3 km with 3 lanes in each direction (Figure 1). When a
vehicle reaches the end of the road it loops around and enters
the opposite direction. SUMO provides the mobility of the
vehicles to the network simulator.
5 m
2 km
1 km
0 km
3 km
Fig. 1: Simulation scenario
The simulation parameters are taken from [8] [12]. They
are listed in Table I. The parameters for the channel models
are obtained from the highway scenario channel specifications
in the ETSI standard [13]. We consider three vehicular
density scenarios: 200 (medium), 300 (dense) and 400
(extreme) vehicles/km. For LIMERIC the data-rate is fixed
to 6 Mbps (default data-rate as per standards [12]) and the
message-rate is varied. Similarly, for DR-DCC and PDR-DCC,
the message-rate is fixed at 10 𝐻𝑧, which is the maximum
permissible message-rate [12] and the data-rate is varied. The
initial values of the data-rates are drawn from a discrete
uniform distribution over all permissible data-rates: 3, 6, 9,
12, 18, and 24 Mbps. To eliminate the effects of the boundary
conditions of the network, we only observe the performance
of vehicles in the observing zone, a 1 km section in the middle
of the 3 km road section (Figure 1).
For all three algorithms, we set 𝐶𝐵𝑅𝑇=0.7and 𝜃=
200𝑚𝑠 as discussed in [14]. The other parameters are as listed
in Table II. The parameters for LIMERIC were taken from [5],
and for DR-DCC from [8]. For PDR-DCC the transmission
time 𝑇𝐷for different data-rates 𝐷depends on the payload,
preamble, and other headers. The decrease in transmission
time is not proportional to the increase in data-rate as the
preamble occupies a significant part of the transmission time
TABLE I: Simulation parameters
Vehicular density medium, dense, extreme
Carrier sensing
threshold -85 dBm
Transmit power 24 dBm
(Large scale fading)
Dual slope model [13]
Path loss exponent 1 (until 80 m) 1.9
Path loss exponent 2 (after 80 m) 3.8
(Small scale fading)
Nakagami m model [13]
Distance bin in m m
0-50 3
51-150 1.5
Above 150 1
Payload size 300 Bytes
Message rate 10 Hz
Simulation area 3000 m x 25 m
Simulation period 30 s
Mobility SUMO
Stationary vehicle
warning application
N 1
T(s) 1
TABLE II: Algorithm parameters
Algorithm Parameter Value
DR-DCC CBRmin 0.5
T31026 𝜇s
T6540 𝜇s
T9370 𝜇s
T12 290 𝜇s
T18 200 𝜇s
T24 170 𝜇s
A. Evaluation Metrics
In this section, we discuss the metrics used to evaluate
channel load, fairness, and application-reliability of the
congestion control algorithms.
1) Channel load: The congestion control algorithm should
avoid congestion by keeping the channel load below desired
threshold 𝐶𝐵𝑅𝑇. The average CBR measurements of all
vehicles in the observing zone is used as the metric to represent
the channel load.
2) Fairness: Fairness in this context means equal
resource allocation (message-rate, data-rate, etc.) for vehicles
experiencing the same channel load. Unfair allocation of
resources may lead to variation in range, message-rate,
etc. among vehicles. This may affect application-reliability.
Fairness is quantified using Jain’s fairness index [15] over 𝑋,
where 𝑋represents the fraction of time spent by a vehicle for
beacon message transmission in the observing zone. The 𝑋
of a vehicle 𝑖is calculated as shown below:
where a vehicle 𝑖transmits 𝑆packets each with a 𝑗th packet
transmission time of 𝑇𝑗over a period 𝛾in the observing zone.
Due to mobility, a vehicle may stay in the observing zone
for 2 s and transmits 2 beacon messages at 6 Mbps or for 4 s
and transmits 4 beacon messages at 6 Mbps. The total beacon
transmission time, generally used to quantify fairness [12] for
both cases are different, as they depend on the amount of time
the vehicle stays in the observing zone. Hence, we make use
of X, a normalized metric over time, which is the same for
both cases. This makes the fairness measure independent of
the time a vehicle spent in the observing zone.
The Jain fairness index 𝐽𝐹of 𝑀vehicles passing through
the observing zone during the simulation is assessed as shown
in Eq.(8). It varies from 1
𝑀(worst case) to 1(best case).
The best case is when all vehicles have an equal share of
the channel for beacon message transmissions.
3) Application reliability: In order to support a safety
application reliably, a number of packets 𝑁over a tolerance
time 𝑇needs to be received from each neighbor within the
awareness range of the application. The awareness range is
defined as the minimum distance within which all vehicles that
could constitute a hazard for the vehicle running the particular
safety application, need to be detected.
In our study, we focus on the requirements of the stationary
vehicle warning application. The stationary vehicle warning
application alerts approaching vehicles about any vehicle
being dangerously motionless on the road [1]. The application
requires at least a single packet 𝑁=1within a 𝑇window
of 1 s [11]. The awareness range depends on the speed of the
vehicles, the reaction time of the driver, etc. In a worst case
scenario (speed of 120 km/h), a vehicle requires an awareness
range of 200 meters to avoid collision [11].
In [16] the authors propose the T-window application
reliability metric to quantify the application-reliability. It is
defined as the probability of successfully receiving 𝑁packets
over a tolerance time 𝑇for a particular application. Thus,
the metric indicates the probability that a safety application is
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Time (sec)
Average CBR
(a) Medium
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Time (sec)
Average CBR
(b) Dense
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Time (sec)
Average CBR
(c) Extreme
Fig. 2: CBR vs Time for different vehicular densities
supported reliably by the underlying communication system.
T-window application reliability is utilized in this paper to
assess application-reliability of the stationary vehicle warning
B. Channel load
The average CBR measurements at different densities
demonstrate the capability of PDR-DCC to converge the
channel load (average CBR) to the desired target 𝐶𝐵𝑅𝑇.
Figure 2 shows the average CBR over time of PDR-DCC
and DR-DCC, in the observing zone for medium (Figure 2a),
dense (Figure 2b), and extreme (Figure 2c), traffic densities.
As seen after the initial transition time of PDR-DCC to
select the optimal data-rate, the average CBR at different
vehicular densities converges to 𝐶𝐵𝑅𝑇, which is represented
by a horizontal line in Figure 2. The average CBR is closer
to 𝐶𝐵𝑅𝑇for PDR-DCC than for DR-DCC specifically at
medium and dense traffic densities indicating more efficient
utilization of the channel for PDR-DCC. The variation in
CBR is due to fading, discreet data-rates and vehicle density
variation due to mobility.
C. Fairness
In order to evaluate the capability of PDR-DCC to provide
fair allocation of data-rates, we study and compare the
performance of PDR-DCC and DR-DCC, using Jain’s fairness
index as suggested in the ETSI standard [12]. We perform
simulations at medium vehicular density with two different
setups for initial data-rates: a) the uniform distribution
presented before, and b) the case where all vehicles start with
a data-rate of 24 Mbps. For medium vehicular density, Jain’s
fairness index can vary from 0.005 ( 1
𝑀, worst case) to 1(best
Figure 3 shows the results for the uniform distributed
data-rate initialization. Figure 3a shows Jain’s fairness index
for PDR-DCC and DR-DCC. As seen PDR-DCC shows better
fairness than DR-DCC by 25 %. Figure 3b and Figure 3c
represents the percentage of data-rates selected by the vehicles
in the observing zone over time by DR-DCC and PDR-DCC
algorithms respectively. In PDR-DCC after the initial transition
all the vehicles in the observing zone select 9 Mbps. However,
in DR-DCC vehicles select different data-rates to maintain the
CBR below threshold leading to unfairness.
Figure 4 depicts the results where vehicles are initialized
with 24 Mbps data-rate. Figure 4a shows the Jain fairness
index for PDR-DCC and DR-DCC. Similar to earlier results
PDR-DCC has better fairness than DR-DCC by 10%. Figure
4b and Figure 4c show the percentage of data rate selected by
the vehicles in the observing zone over time by DR-DCC and
PDR-DCC algorithms respectively. After the initial transition,
all the vehicles in the observing zone using PDR-DCC select
9 Mbps, whereas DR-DCC selects a fraction from 9, 12, 18
and 24 Mbps.
As seen in Figure 3 and Figure 4 the fairness and fraction
data-rate distribution in DR-DCC are dependent on the initial
conditions of data-rate distribution. From the study, it is
evident that DR-DCC may lead to unfair data-rate allocation
and decreased fairness. However, PDR-DCC implements
a mechanism to enforce homogeneous data-rate selection
amongst all vehicles to ensure fairness. For example: Let us
consider a group of vehicles selects 12 Mbps and has a CBR
0.6 and a new vehicle joins the group which has 6 Mbps
data-rate in the case of DR-DCC it still maintains 6 Mbps as
CBR measured is below 0.7 leading to unfairness. As CBR is
dependent on selected data-rates. However, in PDR-DCC the
new vehicle selects 12 Mbps depending on the packet count,
as it is independent of selected data-rates, thus leading to fair
allocation of data-rate.
D. Application reliability and awareness range
To benchmark application reliability, we compare the
stationary vehicle warning application reliability and the
awareness range performance of PDR-DCC with other widely
accepted (message-rate) LIMERIC and (data-rate) DR-DCC
algorithms at different vehicular densities.
As the awareness range depends on velocity, relative
velocity, etc., we assess the maximum possible range up to
which an application can be supported reliably. We consider
communication support to the application reliable, if the
underlying communication channel satisfies the requirements
Jain fairness index
(a) Jain fairness index
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Time (sec)
Percentage of datarate
3 Mbps
6 Mbps
9 Mbps
12 Mbps
18 Mbps
24 Mbps
(b) DR-DCC
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Time (sec)
Percentage of datarate
3 Mbps
6 Mbps
9 Mbps
12 Mbps
18 Mbps
24 Mbps
Fig. 3: Uniform data-rate initialization
Jain fairness index
(a) Jain fairness index
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Time (sec)
Percentage of datarate
3 Mbps
6 Mbps
9 Mbps
12 Mbps
18 Mbps
24 Mbps
(b) DR-DCC
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Time (sec)
Percentage of datarate
3 Mbps
6 Mbps
9 Mbps
12 Mbps
18 Mbps
24 Mbps
Fig. 4: 24 Mbps data-rate initialization
25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275 300
Distance (Meters)
T- window application reliability
(a) Medium
25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250
Distance (Meters)
T- window application reliability
(b) Dense
25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200
T- window application reliability
(c) Extreme
Fig. 5: Stationary vehicle warning application reliability for various vehicular densities
of the application with a probability of at least 0.99 [17].
Thus an application is considered to be reliable if T-window
is greater than 0.99. We measure the T-window application
reliability based on the distance between vehicles periodically,
with a period of 0.1 s, using the technique described in [16].
We calculate T-window application reliability of all links in
observing zone (where a link represents a sender-receiver
pair). We sort the links in bins based on the distance between
sender-receiver pair, among rings with a width of 25 m around
a vehicle. The T-window application reliability is measured
based on 80000 to 200000 links (depending on density and
algorithm) in the observing zone.
The T-window application reliability performance of
PDR-DCC, DR-DCC, and LIMERIC for different densities
is shown in Figure 5 for medium (Figure 5a), dense (Figure
5b) and extreme (Figure 5c) vehicular densities. For medium
density, LIMERIC is the best, while the reliability of DR-DCC
drops quickly with distance. The reliability of PDR-DCC
remains close to the one of LIMERIC up to 250 𝑚.For
medium and dense densities the reliability of PDR-DCC is
better than the one of DR-DCC. For dense and extreme
densities PDR-DCC is better than LIMERIC up to 175 𝑚.
The 0.99 application-reliability is indicated by horizontal
line in Figure 5. Table III represents the maximum awareness
range of the stationary vehicle warning application with
LIMERIC, PDR-DCC and DR-DCC algorithms at various
traffic densities. As seen the awareness range of PDR-DCC
and DR-DCC is better compared to LIMERIC specifically
at dense and extreme densities. As LIMERIC reduces
message-rate drastically at dense and extreme traffic densities
to avoid congestion leading to decreased application-reliability
and awareness range. It is evident that the awareness
range of PDR-DCC is better compared to DR-DCC. In
DR-DCC, few vehicles selects higher data-rates than the
optimal data-rate leading to decrease in application-reliability
and awareness range. However, PDR-DCC provides fair and
optimal allocation of data-rates among vehicles, results in an
improvement of application-reliability and awareness range.
TABLE III: Awareness range
Traffi c
Maximum possible awareness range
Medium 250 175 250
Dense 200 175 175
Extreme 175 150 100
Fairness is an important requirement of DCC algorithms.
We have seen that CBR-based data-rate congestion control
may lead to unfairness: vehicles experiencing the same
CBR, can end up with different data-rates and hence
different transmission ranges, to the detriment of the
application-reliability. To overcome this, we have proposed a
packet-count based decentralized data-rate congestion control
algorithm, which enforces a homogeneous data-rate selection
amongst vehicles to ensure fairness. We have discussed several
implementation aspects such as packet-count estimation and its
relation to CBR.
Simulation results for different traffic densities show
the capability of PDR-DCC to make the channel load
converge to the desired target for various vehicular
densities. We have shown that fairness is indeed ensured
by PDR-DCC. Furthermore, PDR-DCC outperforms other
data-rate (DR-DCC) and widely accepted message-rate
(LIMERIC) congestion control algorithms by providing better
fairness, greater application-reliability, and larger awareness
range. We conclude that the packet count based mechanism
of PDR-DCC guarantees a fair and optimal allocation
of data-rates. This results, for various vehicular densities,
in improved application reliability and awareness range
compared to DR-DCC and LIMERIC.
Research is needed to see how packet-count based
approaches along with adapting other parameters such as
message-rate, data-rate, power, etc. can be used to further
improve reliability. Although the current results are based on
the highway scenario, we believe that our conclusions also
apply to other scenarios such as rural and urban. Future work
should confirm this.
The work in this paper is supported by TU/e
Impuls program, a strategic cooperation between NXP
Semiconductors and Eindhoven University of Technology.
It was partially funded by the European ARTEMIS EMC2
subsidy project.
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... This schema checks the transmissions to fewer distance vehicles over transmissions to long distant vehicles. (Math et al.,2017) concentrate on the message count than depending on the specific value. This schema monitors the maximum number of messages that have been transmitted in the network . ...
... Vehicle density is another limitation for congestion, which requires a high rate need a maximum signal to Noise Ratio. MD-DCC always remains stable with beacon frequency by minimizing the data rate, in resulting reducing the congestion (Math et al.,2017). ...
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The nature of vehicular mobility and the high speed of vehicular ad hoc network (VANET) with dynamic change in the network topology let the vehicular remain as one of the most challenging problems in vehicular-to-vehicular (V2V) communications. Information dissemination is the major problem in VANET with a fixed bandwidth which is causing congestion on the resources, such as channels, and affects the performance of the important application, especially when the emergency or secure transmission of messages is exchanged between the vehicles-to-vehicles communication. To mitigate these problems and introduce a safe vehicular environment in urban and highway, congestion detection and control have been considered with various strategies and techniques which are taking the attention of researchers in VANET. In our survey, we mentioned recent techniques and approaches which is used in congestion detection and control and applied different matrices and parameters which is used to evaluate these approaches. In addition, the study also explained the limitation and problems that face the current congestion detection and control schemes, finally, we present various solution approaches and future expectations in vehicular communication.
... In Ref. [59], the authors defined a combined message and data rate-based algorithm (MD-DCC) that can lead to increased supported vehicle density, and in Ref. [60], they explored how MD-DCC can coexist with LIMERIC, allowing vehicles to choose either one at different vehicle densities. In Ref. [61], the authors proposed a hybrid method that involved managing a combination of the data rate and the message rate. The message rate was reduced in order to keep the beacon frequency above the required minimum value, while the data rate was increased during periods of high vehicle density to provide a greater channel capacity. ...
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Vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs) facilitate communication among vehicles and possess designated infrastructure nodes to improve road safety and traffic flow. As the number of vehicles increases, the limited bandwidth of the wireless channel used for vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication can become congested, leading to packets being dropped or delayed. VANET congestion control techniques attempt to address this by adjusting different transmission parameters, including the data rate, message rate, and transmission power. In this paper, we propose a decentralized congestion control algorithm where each factor adjusts the data rate (bitrate) used to transmit its wireless packet congestion based on the current load on the channel. The channel load is estimated independently by each vehicle using the measured channel busy ratio (CBR). The simulation results demonstrate that the proposed approach outperforms existing data rate-based algorithms, in terms of both packet reception and overall channel load.
... The most obvious way to manage channel load in congested situations in a vehicular network is to adjust the beacon rate generation. Since vehicles often travel at modest speeds in densely populated areas, reducing the frequency of beaconing has proven to be a successful method for reducing congestion [55][56][57][58][59][60][61][62][63][64][65][66][67][68]. However, the rate adaptation of such beacons should be properly developed because sending fewer messages can easily have the effect of harming rather than benefiting the performance of safety applications. ...
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Traditional vehicle ad hoc networks (VANETs) have evolved toward the Internet of Vehicles (IoV) during the past ten years with the introduction of 5G communication technology and the growing number of vehicles linked to the Internet. The coexistence of IEEE 802.11p and 5G becomes critical to build a heterogeneous IoV system that benefits from both technologies, being that the IEEE 802.11p standard remains the best option for direct communications and safety-critical applications. The IEEE 1609 standard family and the ETSI ITS-G5 standard family both use the IEEE 802.11p standard as a MAC mechanism. To avoid dangerous situations, vehicles require the periodic exchange of awareness messages. With the increase in vehicle density, the MAC layer will suffer from radio channel congestion problems, which in turn will have a negative impact on the safety application requirements. Therefore, the decentralized congestion control (DCC) mechanism has been specified by ETSI to mitigate channel congestion; this was achieved by adapting transmission parameters such as transmit power and data rate. However, several studies have demonstrated that DCC has drawbacks and suffers from poor performance when the channel load is very high. This paper investigates a new promising DCC technique called transmission timing control (TTC), to reduce the channel load for periodic cooperative awareness. It consists of spreading the transmissions over time to avoid contention on the transmission channel. The objective of the paper is to propose an analytical study to calculate the probability of successful transmission using TTC. Obtained results showed a convergence between the applied experiments and our mathematical model, achieving an error margin of only 5%, which confirms the validity of the equation proposed.
... In paper [70], authors proposed a Fair Decentralized Data-Rate Congestion Control. This algorithm is developed to ensure fairness. ...
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With the massive growth of road users (e.g. cars, bicycles, autonomous vehicles and pedestrians,..), optimal mobility management is becoming a crucial concern for indus- trial and academic stakeholders. Some studies and statistics have also shown that most road accidents are due to human error, and 60% of these accidents can be avoided if the driver is warned of the danger at least 0.5 second before the accident [1]. Auto- motive industry and academia cooperatively work to develop innovative solutions such as Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems (C-ITS) to improve traffic management and road safety.Efficient communication techniques are needed to answer C-ITS service require- ments. Heterogeneous architectures appear to be a promising solution for ensuring seamless network communication, reducing overhead and meeting low latency require- ments.In recent years, heterogeneous architectures have been the subject of numerous studies showing their advantages. Many research projects were conducted to show its ability to provide reliable connectivity. However, implementation challenges and ques- tions related to decision-maker architectures and algorithms’ efficiency are still open issues. Answering questions related to the before-mentioned issues represent one of the main goals of this thesis. In the present thesis, we propose a Radio Access Tech- nology (RAT) selection framework, namely, DIstributed Context-Aware Radio access Technology (DICART). Within this framework, a set of steps is followed to formulate the decision-making process. Furthermore, weighting technique to derive subjective weights of network criteria depending on C-ITS services requirements are also formu- lated. The Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to an Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) was then adopted to rank available RATs. As opposed to most related work proposals that have only been formally implemented and evaluated, the effectiveness and effi- ciency of DICART are evaluated using a full-stack network simulator considering two typical vehicular networks RAT: IEEE 802.11p and LTE-V2X. Cooperative awareness and traffic efficiency services (e.g. Cooperative Collision Avoidance (CCA), Vulnerable Road Users (VRU),..) were also considered within this evaluation process.We also investigated ITS-G5 network performance under the C-ROADS European project, pointing out a particular traffic efficiency service, namely Green Light Optimal Speed Advisory (GLOSA). After a set of comprehensive and qualitative studies, we observed that ITS-G5 rapidly shows its limitations, especially in high traffic load. To improve the performance of the ITS-G5 technology, we have proposed a congestion control mechanism, namely DRC/ATCL, which aims to improve data dissemination in high traffic load scenarios.
... Unsafe and unreliable driving situations can cause variable data rate allocations since vehicles with lower data rates become less visible in the network. The algorithm for packet counting based [14], which is fair and offers improved application reliability for the selection of analog data rates. Fairness achieved in PDR-DCC is self-reliant on time used up by the vehicle in its monitoring range. ...
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Vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs) have emerged in time to reduce on-road fatalities and provide efficient information exchange for entertainment-related applications to users in a well-organized manner. VANETs are the most instrumental elements in the Internet of Things (IoT). The objective lies in connecting every vehicle to every other vehicle to improve the user’s quality of life. This aim of continuous connectivity and information exchange leads to the generation of more information in the medium, which could congest the medium to a larger extent. Decentralized congestion control (DCC) techniques are specified to reduce medium congestion and provide various safety applications. This article presents two DCC mechanisms that adapt message rate and data rate combined with transmit power control mechanism. These mechanisms are developed under multi-state active design proposed by the standard. The proposed methods deliver better performance over other mechanisms in terms of power, channel load, and channel utilization using real-time-based scenarios by simulation in SUMO.
Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (VANET) supporting Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) and Vehicle-to-Infrastructure (V2I) communication can increase the efficiency and safety of the road transportation systems. V2V communication uses wireless technology and in scenarios with high vehicle densities, the communication channel faces congestion, negatively impacting the reliability of the safety applications. To address this, various decentralized congestion control techniques have been proposed to effectively lower the channel load, by controlling different transmission parameters like message rate, data rate and transmission power. In this paper, we propose a novel data rate control algorithm to control the network congestion based on the Channel Busy Ratio (CBR). Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed approach outperforms existing data rate based algorithms, in terms of both packet reception and overall channel load.KeywordsVANETCongestion controlVehicular communicationV2VBasic safety message (BSM)Intelligent Transportation System (ITS)
Vehicular communications have grown in interest over the years and are nowadays recognized as a pillar for the Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSs) in order to ensure an efficient management of the road traffic and to achieve a reduction in the number of traffic accidents. To support the safety applications, both the ETSI ITS-G5 and IEEE 1609 standard families require each vehicle to deliver periodic awareness messages throughout the neighborhood. As the vehicles density grows, the scenario dynamics may require a high message exchange that can easily lead to a radio channel congestion issue and then to a degradation on safety critical services. ETSI has defined a Decentralized Congestion Control (DCC) mechanism to mitigate the channel congestion acting on the transmission parameters (i.e., message rate, transmit power and data-rate) with performances that vary according to the specific algorithm. In this paper, a review of the DCC standardization activities is proposed as well as an analysis of the existing methods and algorithms for the congestion mitigation. Also, some applied machine learning techniques for DCC are addressed.
Conference Paper
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Vehicle-to-others (V2X) communication systems intend to increase safety and efficiency of our transportation networks. However, wireless communication imperfections such as missed messages due to collisions and fading in the wireless channel, may affect safety application reliability and lead to risky situations. Thus metrics are required to evaluate the impact of communication inadequacies on the safety applications. In this paper we perform analyses of various existing safety application reliability metrics and conclude that they do not reflect safety application risk and vulnerability of individual nodes effectively. We propose a new metric called Effective Risk Factor (ERF), which quantifies the risk at a node for each link, to identify dangers due to poor awareness of their neighbors. The ERF evaluation considers links of its neighbors, thus detecting risky situations over existing neighbor links on runtime making the ERF assessment realistic. The ERF metric is evaluated and compared with other reliability metrics for a stationary vehicle warning application in a simulated highway scenario. The results show that the ERF evaluation performed at each node on runtime is able to capture a fine time scale fluctuations in the risk experienced by an application precisely. The ERF also enables prediction of higher risk situations. The results also demonstrate that the ERF captures application risk experienced by nodes effectively compared to other reliability metrics.
Conference Paper
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Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) communication systems intend to increase safety and efficiency of the transportation networks. At high vehicle density, the communication channel may become congested, impairing the reliability of the safety applications. As a counter measure, the European Telecommunications Standard Institute (ETSI), proposes the Decentralized Congestion Control (DCC) framework to control the channel load, by tuning message transmission parameters, such as message rate and transmitting power. In this paper, we analyze a congestion control scheme that follows the DCC framework known as Data Rate-DCC (DR-DCC) for various traffic densities. DR-DCC adjusts the data rate based on channel load measurements thus controlling the air time of packets to avoid congestion. Although tuning the data rate has been proposed before we are not aware of any reported work, where its full potential has been investigated in detail. In this paper we intend to provide more insight on the benefits of this approach by analyzing schemes that aim at optimum data rate for various traffic density cases. The objective is not only to avoid congestion but also to provide optimal support to safety applications. We compare the performance of DR-DCC to another DCC approach based on adjusting transmit power for various traffic density cases. DR-DCC outperforms at various traffic densities providing better support to safety applications.
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In the European Telecommunication Standards Institute (ETSI) framework, the vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) and the vehicle-to-roadside (V2R) communications on the 5 GHz frequency band must use the decentralised congestion control (DCC) algorithm standardised by the ETSI. The DCC algorithm distinguishes itself from other methods in that it simultaneously regulates no less than four parameters that all work to the identical effects. However, it is have claimed that this apparently reassuring feature is actually excessive and can lead DCC to perform sub-optimally. It is shown that it could be simplified to use fewer parameters by demonstrating that a physical layer data rate control, which is only one of the four used by the DCC, achieves a better result.
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SUMO is an open source traffic simulation package including the simulation application itself as well as supporting tools, mainly for network import and demand modeling. SUMO helps to investigate a large variety of research topics, mainly in the context of traffic management and vehicular communications. We describe the current state of the package, its major applications, both by research topic and by example, as well as future developments and extensions.
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Direct radio-based vehicle-to-vehicle communication can help prevent accidents by providing accurate and up-to-date local status and hazard information to the driver. In this paper, we assume that two types of messages are used for traffic safety-related communication: 1) Periodic messages (ldquobeaconsrdquo) that are sent by all vehicles to inform their neighbors about their current status (i.e., position) and 2) event-driven messages that are sent whenever a hazard has been detected. In IEEE 802.11 distributed-coordination-function-based vehicular networks, interferences and packet collisions can lead to the failure of the reception of safety-critical information, in particular when the beaconing load leads to an almost-saturated channel, as it could easily happen in many critical vehicular traffic conditions. In this paper, we demonstrate the importance of transmit power control to avoid saturated channel conditions and ensure the best use of the channel for safety-related purposes. We propose a distributed transmit power control method based on a strict fairness criterion, i.e., distributed fair power adjustment for vehicular environments (D-FPAV), to control the load of periodic messages on the channel. The benefits are twofold: 1) The bandwidth is made available for higher priority data like dissemination of warnings, and 2) beacons from different vehicles are treated with ldquoequal rights,rdquo and therefore, the best possible reception under the available bandwidth constraints is ensured. We formally prove the fairness of the proposed approach. Then, we make use of the ns-2 simulator that was significantly enhanced by realistic highway mobility patterns, improved radio propagation, receiver models, and the IEEE 802.11p specifications to show the beneficial impact of D-FPAV for safety-related communications. We finally put forward a method, i.e., emergency message dissemination for vehicular environments (EMDV), for fast and effective multihop information di- - ssemination of event-driven messages and show that EMDV benefits of the beaconing load control provided by D-FPAV with respect to both probability of reception and latency.
Conference Paper
In Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks vehicles periodically send beacon messages in order to gain mutual awareness of each others' presence. Successful reception of such beacons depends on various network conditions, e.g., transmission rate and power, as well as radio fading. Vehicular applications rely on such mutual awareness to supply the driver with safety and efficiency notifications. The Probability of Packet Reception (PPR) is the most common metric that is used to describe network performance, nevertheless, it is reflecting neither the acquired awareness nor application performance. Awareness, resides between network and application layers and can enable application layer to understand the network metrics and thus facilitate an evaluation of application performance. In this paper, we provide a methodology framework to evaluate application performance utilizing awareness. For this we first analyze the relationship between PPR and awareness and investigate feasible regions of network parameters and corresponding awareness ranges. Then we perform an evaluation of various awareness ranges on traffic safety metrics for the specific safety use case of a Stationary Vehicle Warning. We consider realistic driver behavior parameters and evaluate when awareness implies safety. As a second use case, Lane Change Warning application example is used to identify the required communication parameters that have to be met for a proper application performance.
The IEEE 802.11p standard (or Dedicated Short Range Communication, DSRC) [1] has been proposed to be the standard for vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) and vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) communications. Since the IEEE 802.11a-based DSRC standard is not fully customized for outdoor, highly mobile channels, the performance of DSRC standard might degrade in a challenging V2V channel. In this paper, we develop several equalization schemes that are able to closely track the V2V channel dynamics and thus improve performance at the physical layer. Through a set of empirical experiments, we show that the performance (in terms of Packet Error Rate) can be significantly improved from 41% (using a simple Least Square Estimator) to 19% (using a Spectral Temporal Averaging Estimator).
Conference Paper
The 802.11-p based dedicated short range communication (DSRC) is being seriously considered as a promising wireless technology for enhancing transportation safety and highway efficiency. However, to-date, there is very little research done in characterizing the reliability of DSRC communication based on real-world experimental data, and its effect on the reliability of vehicle safety applications. Our experimental set-up includes a fleet of three vehicles equipped with DSRC communication system, GPS receiver and a number of vehicle safety applications based on vehicle-to-vehicle communication. This paper analyzes the link-level behavior of DSRC vehicle-to-vehicle communication in a wide variety of traffic environments based on real-world experimental data. In addition, we also characterize the application level reliability of DSRC for vehicle safety communication (VSC) system. Based on our experiments, we show that the reliability of DSRC vehicle-to-vehicle communication is adequate since packet drops do not occur in bursts most of the time. We also show that the application level reliability of VSC applications based on DSRC communication is quite satisfactory. Finally, we develop an analytical model to relate application level reliability with communication reliability and VSC system parameter, laying out a clear way to improve reliability of VSC applications under harsh traffic environments. To the best of our knowledge, this paper is the first to characterize the application-level reliability of DSRC communication for VSC applications based on real-world experimental data. Our findings develop a deep insight into significant characteristics of DSRC communication for highly mobile vehicle-to-vehicle wireless network, which will contribute to better design and evaluation of communication protocols for VSC applications in the future
Cooperative vehicle safety systems (CVSSs) rely on vehicular ad-hoc networks (VANETs) for the delivery of critical vehicle tracking information. The wireless channel in such systems is shared by vehicles within the transmission range of each other. Due to the near-linear spatial distribution of vehicles in a highway scenario, the vehicular broadcast network is heavily affected by the hidden node interference phenomenon, which considerably limits its capacity. The performance of vehicle tracking application that is the basis for CVSS is therefore significantly affected by the performance of the underlying network. The two main parameters that affect the network condition and performance are the range and rate (frequency) of transmission of safety and tracking messages. In this paper, we analyze the effect of different choices of rate and range and present models that quantify network performance in terms of its ability to disseminate tracking information. Following a thorough analysis of the hidden node affected VANET, we show that channel occupancy or busy ratio can be used as a feedback measure that quantifies the success of information dissemination and, consequently, the CVSS, under different network conditions. These findings are used to design feedback control schemes for transmission range adaptation, which are robust to variations of road and network traffic.
Conference Paper
Vehicle Safety Communications (VSC) is advancing rapidly towards product development and field testing. While a number of possible solutions have been proposed, the question remains open as how such a system will address the issue of scalability in its actual deployment. This paper presents a design methodology for congestion control in VSC as well as the description and evaluation of a resulting rate adaption oriented protocol named PULSAR. We start with a list of design principles reflecting the state of the art that define why and how vehicles should behave while responding to channel congestion in order to ensure fairness and support the needs of safety applications. From these principles, we derive protocol building blocks required to fulfill the defined objectives. Then, the actual protocol is described and assessed in detail, including a discussion on the intricate features of channel load assessment, rate adaptation and information sharing. A comparison with other state-of-the-art protocols shows that “details matter” with respect to the temporal and spatial dimensions of the protocol outcome.