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Classification of reflective writing: A comparative analysis with shallow machine learning and pre-trained language models


Abstract and Figures

Reflective practice holds critical importance, for example, in higher education and teacher education, yet promoting students’ reflective skills has been a persistent challenge. The emergence of revolutionary artificial intelligence technologies, notably in machine learning and large language models, heralds potential breakthroughs in this domain. The current research on analyzing reflective writing hinges on sentence-level classification. Such an approach, however, may fall short of providing a holistic grasp of written reflection. Therefore, this study employs shallow machine learning algorithms and pre-trained language models, namely BERT, RoBERTa, BigBird, and Longformer, with the intention of enhancing the document-level classification accuracy of reflective writings. A dataset of 1,043 reflective writings was collected in a teacher education program at a German university (M = 251.38 words, SD = 143.08 words). Our findings indicated that BigBird and Longformer models significantly outperformed BERT and RoBERTa, achieving classification accuracies of 76.26% and 77.22%, respectively, with less than 60% accuracy observed in shallow machine learning models. The outcomes of this study contribute to refining document-level classification of reflective writings and have implications for augmenting automated feedback mechanisms in teacher education.
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Classification ofreflective writing: Acomparative analysis
withshallow machine learning andpre-trained language
ChengmingZhang1 · FlorianHofmann1· LeaPlößl1· MichaelaGläser‑Zikuda1
Received: 15 November 2023 / Accepted: 14 April 2024
© The Author(s) 2024
Reflective practice holds critical importance, for example, in higher education and
teacher education, yet promoting students’ reflective skills has been a persistent
challenge. The emergence of revolutionary artificial intelligence technologies, nota-
bly in machine learning and large language models, heralds potential breakthroughs
in this domain. The current research on analyzing reflective writing hinges on sen-
tence-level classification. Such an approach, however, may fall short of providing a
holistic grasp of written reflection. Therefore, this study employs shallow machine
learning algorithms and pre-trained language models, namely BERT, RoBERTa,
BigBird, and Longformer, with the intention of enhancing the document-level clas-
sification accuracy of reflective writings. A dataset of 1,043 reflective writings was
collected in a teacher education program at a German university (M = 251.38 words,
SD = 143.08 words). Our findings indicated that BigBird and Longformer models
significantly outperformed BERT and RoBERTa, achieving classification accura-
cies of 76.26% and 77.22%, respectively, with less than 60% accuracy observed in
shallow machine learning models. The outcomes of this study contribute to refining
document-level classification of reflective writings and have implications for aug-
menting automated feedback mechanisms in teacher education.
Keywords Reflective writing· Pre-trained language model· Shallow machine
learning· AI feedback· Teacher education
1 Introduction
The dawn of the Artificial Intelligence (AI) era has brought about transformative
educational changes. From profiling and prediction to automated assessment and
personalized learning, the increasing use of AI applications is evidence of its bur-
geoning influence (Zawacki-Richter etal., 2019; Zhai etal., 2021). One particularly
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impactful instance of AI’s utility is the deployment of Large Language Models
(LLMs) like ChatGPT. This powerful tool can support students in problem-solving,
personalized guidance, feedback provision, and other areas. Interestingly, the ben-
efits of AI feedback have been empirically quantified. For instance, a meta-analysis
by Cai etal. (2023) revealed a moderate positive impact of feedback on academic
achievement in technology-rich learning environments compared to traditional
feedback-absent environments. These findings hint at AI’s potential to address long-
standing educational challenges, especially those related to providing timely, per-
sonalized feedback (Russell & Korthagen, 2013). In light of these developments, the
fusion of machine learning (ML) and natural language processing (NLP) technolo-
gies may present an efficient way to meet students’ diverse learning needs.
In the rapidly evolving educational technology landscape, a significant break-
through has occurred in using AI for assessment, particularly concerning reflective
writing. Reflection forms an essential bridge between theoretical knowledge and
practical application (Korthagen & Vasalos, 2005). Despite the deployment of vari-
ous approaches aiming to bolster reflective practice, the endeavor has encountered
constraints, primarily due to the multifaceted nature of reflective writing, which
poses a challenge for evaluation (Körkkö etal., 2016; Poldner etal., 2014; Ullmann,
2019). Recent researches indicate that shallow ML and pre-trained language mod-
els are particularly effective in assessing reflective writing, marking a significant
advancement in this field (Nehyba & Štefánik, 2023; Solopova etal., 2023; Wulff
etal., 2023). Moreover, AI’s role in assessing student reflections is expanding, serv-
ing both as an instrument for summative assessment (Barthakur etal., 2022) and as
a means for generating formative assessment metrics (Jung etal., 2022).
However, two significant challenges remain in leveraging AI to provide feedback
on reflective writings. The first issue concerns the quality of the reflective writing
data utilized for training in existing studies. The dataset was often collected in a
non-standardized way in many studies, resulting in the data not being high quality.
This compromise in data quality can adversely affect the performance metrics of
ML-based classifiers, as noted by Gupta etal. (2021), resulting in reduced reliability
and a higher risk of fallacious conclusions. The second challenge is that most cur-
rent research segments the reflective writings into sentences, classifying them on the
sentence level. This is particularly problematic in reflective writing, where there is
an intrinsic and cohesive link across the narrative (Moon, 2013). An overemphasis
on individual sentences risks missing vital information embedded in the larger con-
text of the text. Therefore, a pivot towards a document-level evaluation paradigm is
beneficial and necessary for capturing the full scope of reflective thought. Address-
ing these challenges requires an emphasis on collecting high-quality datasets and
classifying them on a document level to improve the effectiveness of AI in giving
feedback on reflective writing.
This research aims to classify reflective writing by leveraging shallow ML and
pre-trained language models. In contrast to preceding studies, this research employed
a document-level classification approach to annotate reflective writings. The meth-
odology employed a range of ML models as well as pre-trained language models
like BERT (Devlin etal., 2018) and RoBERTa (Liu etal., 2019a, 2019b), supple-
mented by advanced models such as BigBird (Zaheer etal., 2020) and Longformer
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(Beltagy etal., 2020). These advanced language models were employed in the clas-
sification technique to address the challenges of processing long text sequences.
2 Literature review
2.1 Theoretical framework forassessing reflective writing
In reflection, John Dewey’s “How We Think” (1933) stands out as a landmark work,
which has significantly been complemented by Donald Schön’s influential “The
Reflective Practitioner” (1983) and “Educating the Reflective Practitioner” (1987).
Schön (1983, 1987) has categorized reflection into two types: reflection-in-action,
which occurs during the act, and reflection-on-action, which takes place after the
event. The notion of reflection-on-action was used in this study. In subsequent devel-
opments, the definition of reflection remains ambiguous. Some argued that reflec-
tion should include affective aspects (Boud etal., 2013), while others contended that
it is a problem-solving process (Kember, 1999). Additionally, proposals suggested
that reflection is a form of metacognition (Flavell, 1979) and an element of self-
regulated learning (Zimmerman, 2002).
Given the reflection’s inherent complexity and multidimensional nature, schol-
ars have recognized the necessity to develop various models (Boyd & Fales,
1983;Gibbs, 1988; Hatton & Smith, 1995; Kember, 1999; Kolb, 1984; Mezirow,
1991). These theoretical models were developed around two core dimensions: depth
and breadth. Depth pertains to the level of reflection achieved, while breadth refers
to various elements involved in reflective writing (e.g., Ullmann, 2019). More spe-
cifically, the depth model assesses reflection holistically, considering it an integral
whole. For instance, Jung etal. (2022) evaluated reflectivity among 369 dental stu-
dents through 1500 reflective writings, categorizing reflections as non-reflective,
shallow, or deep levels. Similarly, Liu etal., (2019a, 2019b) implemented a binary
classification system to examine 301 reflective statements from pharmacy students,
effectively differentiating between reflective and non-reflective responses. Provid-
ing feedback on different reflection levels facilitates a clear understanding of stu-
dent’s current situation and the objectives they need to meet. For educators, identify-
ing students at varying levels of reflection enables tailoring specific improvement
strategies. In contrast, breadth models embrace a multi-faceted, process-oriented
approach, offering a granular analysis of reflection by dissecting its components and
examining their interactions. For example, Cui etal. (2019) conducted an extensive
review of existing literature and analyzed the reflective writings of 27 dental medi-
cine students over four years. Their study was anchored in a framework compris-
ing six reflective categories: description, analysis, feelings, perspective, evaluation,
and outcome. Moreover, Ullmann (2019) centered his research on eight categories
commonly found in models for assessing reflective writing: reflection, experience,
feeling, belief, difficulty, perspective, learning, and intention. His analysis encom-
passed 76 student essays, totaling 5080 sentences, primarily from health, business,
and engineering students in their second and third years. These studies revealed the
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richness of reflective practice and provided insights into how educators can bet-
ter organize reflective practice and assessment to capture the full range of student
Current research on reflective writing typically employs one of these two basic
models or a hybrid. Depth models classify reflections into levels, which assist stu-
dents in determining and benchmarking the quality of their reflective practice. They
also provide educators and institutions with a streamlined metric for evaluating the
caliber of teaching and learning. Nevertheless, their singular focus can shorten a
comprehensive understanding and development of reflective capabilities. In con-
trast, breadth models offer multifaceted feedback, encompassing various elements
and processes of reflection, thereby offering a more expansive understanding of its
dynamics. This model reveals the nuanced interplay within reflective thought and its
broader implications. However, the potential for information overload is a drawback
of the breadth approach, as the profusion of data points might lead to conflicts or
overlaps, possibly obscuring areas needing improvement.
2.2 ML andNLP forassessing reflective writing
In the realm of analyzing reflective writings, the current research employs a diverse
array of methodologies, including dictionary-based (Cui et al., 2019; Springer &
Yinger, 2019), rule-based (Chong etal., 2020; Gibson etal., 2016) and increasingly,
ML-based techniques (Cutumisu & Guo, 2019; Fan et al., 2017; Ullmann, 2019;
Wulff etal., 2023). There has been a notable shift towards adopting ML and NLP
strategies, with the field progressively embracing advanced technologies such as deep
learning (DL) and pre-trained language models. These sophisticated models offer
potent capabilities for accurately identifying complex patterns within extensive data-
sets of reflective texts, significantly improving the detail and accuracy of analyses.
A review of the literature reveals a predominant focus on deploying shallow
ML algorithms for classifying reflective writing. Within this category, algorithms
such as Random Forest (Jung & Wise, 2020; Kovanović etal., 2018; Ullmann,
2019), Naïve Bayes (Cheng, 2017; Hu, 2017; Liu etal., 2017), and Support Vector
Machine (Carpenter etal., 2020) have been recognized for their exceptional per-
formance. As for language representation techniques, the majority have relied on
foundational methods such as Bag-of-Words (BoW) (Hu, 2017; Ullmann, 2019),
Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count 2015 (LIWC2015) (Jung & Wise, 2020), and
Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF) (Liu etal., 2017). How-
ever, the field is gradually advancing towards more sophisticated models, with
recent forays into using Global Vectors for Word Representation (GloVe) and
Embeddings from Language Models (ELMo) (Carpenter et al., 2020), signal-
ing a shift towards capturing deeper semantic meanings and contextual nuances
within the reflective texts. Shallow ML has comparative advantages in terms of
simplicity, interpretability, and computational efficiency (Janiesch et al., 2021)
when targeting the classification of reflective writing. For example, interpretabil-
ity in model decision-making refers to the transparency of how a model processes
inputs to produce outputs (e.g., Carvalho etal., 2019). Incorporating linguistic
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metrics, such as those from LIWC2015, into the classification of reflective writ-
ing enhances this interpretability (e.g., Cui etal., 2019; Savicki & Price, 2015;
Springer & Yinger, 2019). LIWC2015 assigns words to various psycholinguistic
categories, encompassing psychological, linguistic, and affective dimensions—
such as affect (encompassing both positive and negative emotions), cognitive
processes (including insight, causation, negation, and others), and social dynam-
ics (Pennebaker etal., 2015). These categories are grounded in established psy-
chological and linguistic theories, offering a theoretically informed framework
that elucidates the model’s methodology in identifying and classifying reflec-
tive writing. For instance, the study by Zhang etal. (2023a) demonstrated that
words about cognitive and emotional aspects predict reflection levels, showcasing
the practical application and relevance of these categories in research. However,
the limitations of shallow ML are apparent, notably its heavy reliance on fea-
ture engineering. This approach encounters difficulties in capturing deep seman-
tic relationships and subtle contextual nuances within textual data, particularly
in instances of reflective writing that encompass complex emotional expressions,
metaphors, or advanced cognitive processes (e.g., Dewey, 1933). Moreover, data
from reflective writing often exhibits imbalance, with specific categories signifi-
cantly outnumbering others (Körkkö etal., 2016; Poldner etal., 2014). Shallow
ML models may struggle to address this imbalance effectively, leading to biased
models toward the majority class.
Although DL and pre-trained language models have not yet achieved widespread
adoption in the field, the examples of their application demonstrate a significant per-
formance advantage over shallow ML models. For instance, Nehyba and Štefánik
(2023) demonstrated that a neural classifier (XLM-RoBERTa) surpassed the capa-
bilities of a shallow classifier (Random Forest) in categorizing reflective writing
within higher education. Additionally, Wulff etal. (2023) reported that the BERT
model outperformed both DL Architectures and previously employed shallow ML
algorithms (Wulff etal., 2021) in classifying segments of reflective writing by pre-
service teachers. Pre-trained language models primarily utilize deep learning neural
network architectures, such as the Transformer model, which learns a generalized
language representation through pre-training on extensive textual datasets. These
models adeptly capture a broad spectrum of linguistic features, encompassing lexi-
cal, syntactic, and semantic information. This capability allows them to quickly and
efficiently adapt to specific tasks through fine-tuning. Researchers have illustrated
that natural language exhibits long-range dependencies (Ebeling & Neiman, 1995;
Zanette, 2014), a characteristic that renders Transformer architectures particularly
effective for addressing related tasks. Therefore, pre-trained language models can
capture language’s deeper semantics and contextual dependencies, providing more
affluent and more fine-grained textual representations, which are essential for under-
standing the nuanced emotions and complex thought processes in reflective writ-
ing. However, pre-trained language models provide excellent performance; their
black-box” nature makes the model decision-making process challenging to inter-
pret, which may be a problem in application scenarios requiring high transparency
and interpretability (Kraus etal., 2020). Research has demonstrated that implement-
ing non-transparent AI systems in teacher education may provoke AI anxiety among
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users (Hopcan etal., 2023), and decreasing their acceptance of AI technology (e.g.,
Zhang etal., 2023b).
In sum, most current research on the classification of reflective writing has pre-
dominantly employed shallow ML techniques. However, there has been an emer-
gence of research utilizing pre-trained language models as well. In addition, the
classification of reflective writings primarily occurs at the sentence level. In reflec-
tive writing, deep reflection involves complex thought processes across many sen-
tences and even whole documents, and it may be difficult to identify true deep
reflection based on sentence-level analysis alone. Although sentence-level classifica-
tion is more accessible, exploring and developing effective document-level analysis
methods for assessing reflective writing is essential. Consequently, we advocate for
increased research on the document-level classification of reflective writing. Simul-
taneously, enhancing the model’s explanatoriness and transparency is crucial with-
out compromising its accuracy.
2.3 The current study
In current research on reflective writing classification, the general approach is to
subdivide longer writings into individual sentences and to label these sentences
one by one. Subsequently, these labeled sentences are used as a training dataset for
classification algorithms. While this sentence-based approach simplifies the train-
ing process of the algorithm, it may miss contextual connections crucial in reflec-
tive writing. To address this shortfall, our study introduces a document-level clas-
sification approach. This approach seeks to preserve and analyze the text’s integrity,
enabling a more holistic evaluation that considers the narrative arc, thematic coher-
ence, and the interconnectivity of reflective thoughts. By doing so, our research will
improve the accuracy of AI feedback.
Regarding the modeling aspect, besides the commonly discussed decision trees
(Barthakur etal., 2022), random forests (Kovanović etal., 2018; Liu etal., 2019a,
2019b), and support vector machines (Ullmann, 2019), we incorporated additional
algorithms: Ridge Classifier, SGD Classifier, XGB Classifier, and Gradient Boost-
ing Classifier. To the best of our knowledge, these algorithms have yet to be widely
applied to the classification task of reflective writing. Therefore, our study aims to
fill this research gap and provide a foundation and reference for future related work.
Firstly, the Ridge Classifier can effectively deal with the problem of multicollinearity
among features and enhance the generalization ability of the model by introducing
the L2 regularization term (Hoerl & Kennard, 1970). Secondly, the SGD Classifier
is suitable for large-scale and high-dimensional data processing and can effectively
improve computational efficiency through iterative optimization (Robbins & Monro,
1951). Next, the XGB Classifier, as an advanced gradient boosting algorithm, espe-
cially performs very well when dealing with complex nonlinear data structures
(Chen & Guestrin, 2016). Finally, the Gradient Boosting Classifier enhances the
prediction accuracy by gradually correcting the errors of the previous model, which
is especially effective for unbalanced datasets (Friedman, 2001). These algorithms
may have an essential role for the classification of complex reflective writing. As
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for feature engineering, we employed several methods, including BoW, TF-IDF, and
LIWC2015-based approaches.
Furthermore, we leveraged pre-trained language models such as BERT, RoB-
ERTa, Longformer, and BigBird. These state-of-the-art models, pre-trained on
extensive corpora, offer valuable contextual embeddings and enhance the under-
standing of text semantics. It is worth noting that BERT, a widely adopted pre-
trained language model, has gained recognition for its excellent performance (Dev-
lin etal., 2018). However, to address the processing of long-distance dependencies
in text, there are improved versions known as Longformer and BigBird. Longformer
utilizes a sparse-attention model (Beltagy et al., 2020), while BigBird combines
global and local attention mechanisms to handle long sequences efficiently (Zaheer
etal., 2020). Utilizing these two models enables more efficient analysis of lengthy
text sequences. Based on that, the study has the following research questions:
RQ 1: To what extent do shallow machine learning models employing diverse
language representations demonstrate effectiveness in classification reflective
writing of pre-service teachers?
RQ 2: What is the performance of pre-trained language models when employed
to classify reflective writing of pre-service teachers?
RQ 3: How do shallow machine learning models compare to pre-trained language
models in terms of their effectiveness in classifying reflective writing of pre-ser-
vice teachers?
3 Methods
3.1 Research design anddata collection
This study was conducted within a German university teacher education program,
focusing on two modules in a lecture: pedagogical diagnostics and classroom man-
agement. Both modules were taught through self-study, with the instructor provid-
ing study materials such as recorded lectures, slides, recommended readings, case
study assignments, and tasks for reflective writing. The student’s reflective writ-
ings were collected in a digital portfolio format (Gläser-Zikuda, 2015) throughout
these two modules. The module dedicated to pedagogical diagnostics extended over
a period of three weeks, whereas the module focusing on classroom management
was concluded within a single week. Following the completion of their respective
modules, students were obliged to submit reflective writingss within a fortnight. To
support pre-service teachers in their reflection, structured prompts based on Nar-
ciss’s (2006) framework were developed for this study. Four structured prompts
were incorporated, namely knowledge on task constraints (KTC), knowledge about
concepts (KC), knowledge on how to proceed I (KH I), and knowledge on how to
proceed II (KH II). Pre-service teachers were allowed to choose the prompt that best
suited their individual needs. The data for this study were collected from pre-service
teachers’ reflective writing during the winter semester 2021/22, summer semester
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2022, and winter semester 2022/23. Data was gathered in an anonymous manner
consistent with the university’s policy on data protection. A total of N = 1043 reflec-
tive writings were obtained, with an average word count of 251.38 (SD = 143.08) for
the pre-service teachers reflective writing (see Fig.1).
3.2 Data annotation withqualitative content analysis
First and foremost, before training with ML algorithms, the reflective writing in
this study underwent annotation. To accomplish this, a qualitative content analy-
sis (Gläser-Zikuda etal., 2020) was employed, based on Hatton and Smiths’ the-
ory (1995) and Fütterer’s (2019) adapted coding scheme for classification (see
Table 1). The coding framework consisted of four levels: descriptive writing,
descriptive reflection, dialogic reflection, and critical reflection. Firstly, the entire
reflective writing was read to form an initial impression, aligning with a theo-
retically predefined category system ranging from level 0 to 3; this preliminary
rating was recorded. After this, meaning segments within the text were analyzed
using the category system following a structured analytical procedure. These seg-
ments could comprise single or multiple sentences linked by a common theme.
Rather than evaluating individual sentences within a meaning segment, they were
counted and employed as a multiplier for the segment’s level. For instance, if a
meaning segment included three sentences and was assessed at level two, then
level two was counted three times (3 × 2). The level assigned to each meaning
Fig. 1 Distribution of reflective writing words among pre-service teachers
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segment and the count of sentences it contained was documented post-coding.
The text was ultimately rated based on the most frequently occurring level, which
had to constitute at least 60% of the text. In cases where no single level met the
60% threshold, the next lower level was selected (e.g., Text 1: 10 sentences: 3 × 0,
2 × 1, 5 × 2 results in level 1; Text 2: 10 sentences: 5 × 0, 5 × 2 results in level 0,
as only 50% of the sentences are above level 0 and no elements of level 1 were
detected). This rating was then cross-referenced with the initial impression and
subsequently reviewed by a second coder to test the intercoder reliability. Three
experts independently coded these reflective writings to test for intercoder reli-
ability. Due to the time-consuming nature of coding reflective writing, to ensure
coding reliability, 300 pieces of reflective writing (28.76% of the total) were
randomly selected for a second round of coding by three different experts, with
Cohen’s kappa coefficients of 0.67, 0.66, and 0.73, respectively. These outcomes
were received which were considered acceptable (McHugh, 2012).
According to the findings, the number of reflective writings per reflection
level was as follows: 261 for the level of descriptive writing, 545 for the level of
descriptive reflection, 209 for the level of dialogic reflection, and 28 for the high-
est level for critical reflection. The critical reflection category (n = 28) sample size
in the dataset was tiny compared to the other categories. This resulted in a weaker
generalization of the model to this category, affecting the accuracy and reliability
of the overall model. While SMOTE oversampling has demonstrated its effective-
ness in addressing sample imbalance in numerous studies (Chawla etal., 2002;
Jung & Wise, 2020; Kovanović etal., 2018), we found it unsuitable for our long
text data upon manual evaluation. Due to the complexity and depth of reflective
writing, SMOTE-generated samples did not accurately reflect the characteristics
Table 1 Guidelines for coding reflective writing (cf. Fütterer, 2019; Zhang etal., 2023a; translated by the
Category Description
0:Descriptive Writing A situation (action, behavior…) is described. No efforts to classify or explain
exist. Because reflective processes were defined as metacognitive, a mere
description does not represent a reflective process
1:Descriptive Reflection Situations are either justified (personal judgment, perspective), or feelings,
optional perspectives, or influential variables are reported, but without con-
necting them or considering their contextual embedding. Personal assump-
tions are presented
2:Dialogic Reflection Different perspectives, influencing factors, and justifications for situations are
identified. Perspectives are weighed in an intra-personal dialogue. For this
to happen, subjective theories and beliefs must become conscious. Compet-
ing perspectives are weighed up, leading to judgment
3:Critical Reflection It is recognized that both situations and the identified perspectives, influential
factors, and rationales are embedded in and influenced by a broader context
(including historical, social, and political). Values and norms of the profes-
sions goals are also challenged, and institutional expectations are included
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of an authentic critical reflection sample. Consequently, we decided to omit the
final category (namely, critical reflection) from the classification process.
3.3 Text pre‑processing andfeature engineering
In ML, text pre-processing and feature engineering roles are indispensable. Text
pre-processing encompasses a variety of techniques and stages designed to cleanse,
transform, and standardize raw text data. The primary aim of this process is to aug-
ment the accuracy of subsequent classification tasks. Meanwhile, feature engineer-
ing is a critical process involving transforming, extracting, and generating meaning-
ful features from the pre-processed data. It aids in mitigating the risk of overfitting
and bolsters the model’s explanatory power. The flow chart for the classification of
reflective writing is shown in Fig.2.
3.3.1 Text pre-processing
In this study, we employed a standard pipeline for reflective writing. The pipe-
line consisted of the following procedures: tokenization, stop word removal, and
Fig. 2 Flowchart for classifying reflective writings (modified to Tan etal., 2021, p. 548)
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lemmatization. Tokenization involved segmenting the text into individual tokens.
Stop word removal was performed to eliminate joint and non-discriminatory words
that do not contribute significantly to the meaning of the text. This included typi-
cal German stop words (e.g., “die” (the), “sind” (are), and “wo” (where)), as well
as specific non-discriminatory words identified in Atzeni etal.’s (2022) work such
as “Aufgabe” (task), “pädagogische” (educational), “Bearbeitung” (processing), and
others. Additionally, this section removed unnecessary numerical digits, punctuation
marks, special characters, or any other symbols from the text. Lemmatization was
applied to transform words to their root form, reducing inflectional variations and
allowing for better analysis and understanding of the text.
3.3.2 Feature engineering
Three feature extraction methods were employed in this study, namely, BoW, TF-
IDF, and LIWC2015 (Pennebaker et al., 2015). To extract features for BoW and
TF-IDF, the CountVectorizer and TfidfVectorizer functions from the Scikit-learn in
Python were utilized. Furthermore, the LIWC2015 has undergone validation pro-
cesses and performs satisfactorily classifying reflections in higher education settings
(June & Wise, 2020). In this study, 87 out of 93 linguistic features available in the
LIWC2015 were utilized. Using the SelectKBest method (top 10) and a correla-
tion coefficient threshold greater than 0.1 or less than -0.1 (considered significant),
nineteen noteworthy features were extracted (refer to Table 2). Subsequently, the
extracted feature values were preferably normalized using the Z-score method.
3.4 Classification algorithm selection andoptimization
The objective of the study was to compare the performance of pre-trained language
models with that of other shallow ML approaches. In this study, to ensure the repro-
ducibility of the experimental process and the consistency of the results, we uni-
formly used 2023 as the seed parameter of the initialized random number genera-
tor in all ML and pre-training language model experiments. This section begins by
providing an introduction to selected shallow ML, followed by an overview of pre-
trained language models.
3.4.1 Shallow machine learning
Prior research has yielded substantial results using Decision Tree, Support Vector
Machines, and Random Forest, which are prevalent methods in the classification of
reflective writing (Nehyba & Štefánik, 2023; Ullmann, 2019; Wulff etal., 2021).
Leveraging this existing knowledge, our study strives to augment these established
algorithms and introduce new models to address the complexities inherent in diverse
datasets. In our analysis, we implemented seven shallow ML algorithms: Decision
Tree, Support Vector Machine, Random Forest, Ridge Classifier, SGD Classifier,
XGB Classifier, and Gradient Boosting Classifier. To ensure dependable and con-
sistent outcomes, we trained all algorithms on a training set comprising 80% of the
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data. We tested them on a separate set that accounted for the remaining 20% of the
data. A five-fold cross-validation was further implemented to validate the results.
In-depth details regarding the parameters specific to each algorithm are available
in Table3. We evaluated the performance of each algorithm based on its accuracy.
True Positives (TP) are the cases where the model correctly predicts the positive
class. True Negatives (TN) are the cases where the model correctly predicts the
negative class. False Positives (FP) are the cases that are incorrectly predicted as
positive when they are actually negative. False Negatives (FN) are the cases that are
incorrectly predicted as negative when they are actually positive.
3.4.2 Pre-trained language models
AI has seen a substantial surge in using pre-trained language models in recent years.
These models, trained on vast amounts of unlabeled textual data, are adept at under-
standing semantic word representations and their contextual relationships. A notable
Accuracy =
Table 2 Results of linguistic features extracted from LIWC2015 (mean, standard deviation and correla-
tion coefficient)
*** p < .001; **p < .01; *p < .05
Reflection Level
Feature Overall Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Correlation
WC 246.16 (136.47) 147.93 (55.91) 247.24 (111.59) 366.02 (166.65) 0.54***
Authentic 90.07 (17.29) 87.94 (20.75) 90.72 (16.46) 91.02 (14.26) 0.06*
WPS 21.57 (15.74) 23.75 (25.34) 20.73 (11.57) 21.02 (6.89) -0.06*
other 0.55 (0.71) 0.48 (0.92) 0.54 (0.63) 0.63 (0.56) 0.07*
shehe 0.54 (0.70) 0.47 (0.92) 0.53 (0.63) 0.62 (0.55) 0.07*
adverb 5.35 (1.90) 5.02 (2.32) 5.40 (1.73) 5.61(1.67) 0.11***
negate 0.98 (0.96) 0.91 (1.34) 0.95 (0.80) 1.12 (0.78) 0.07*
verb 18.31 (3.00) 18.44 (3.39) 18.45 (2.95) 17.77 (2.56) -0.07*
posemo 4.43 (1.81) 4.59 (2.08) 4.43 (1.81) 4.22 (1.40) -0.07*
social 6.02 (2.24) 5.82 (2.57) 5.89 (2.10) 6.62 (2.02) 0.12***
female 0.11 (0.28) 0.09 (0.29) 0.09 (0.26) 0.17 (0.34) 0.08**
cogproc 23.15 (4.14) 22.83 (4.77) 23.07 (4.02) 23.74 (3.54) 0.07*
discrep 2.41 (1.38) 2.17 (1.58) 2.42 (1.32) 2.69 (1.23) 0.13***
differ 4.30 (1.97) 4.02 (2.35) 4.25 (1.84) 4.78 (1.70) 0.13***
achiev 6.56 (2.02) 6.68 (2.26) 6.65 (2.05) 6.17 (1.54) -0.08*
power 1.57 (1.16) 1.53 (1.33) 1.52 (1.10) 1.76 (1.03) 0.06*
focusfuture 0.68 (0.73) 0.58 (0.79) 0.69 (0.76) 0.76 (0.56) 0.09**
Analytic 57.91 (29.10) 58.52 (31.50) 56.68 (27.94) 60.38 (28.91) 0.02
Clout 26.07 (14.36) 27.09 (17.31) 25.52 (13.69) 26.25 (11.75) -0.02
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category within these models comprises those developed on the Transformer archi-
tecture. These Transformer-based pre-trained language models utilize self-attention
mechanisms and multi-layered neural networks to encode input text. This process
results in the generation of word vector representations that effectively capture the
relevance of context. Pre-trained language models present broad application possi-
bilities across diverse NLP tasks. By fine-tuning these models to conform to specific
task demands, one can noticeably enhance their performance on the targeted tasks.
In our study, we apply a classification approach to reflective writing using four pre-
trained language models. Two of these models, BERT and RoBERTa, are common
pre-trained language models. The other two, Longformer and Bigbird, are specifically
designed for handling long texts. BERT and its derivatives have proven highly effec-
tive in classifying reflective texts. However, the constraint of a 512-token limit on the
Table 3 An overview of the parameters for the various algorithms utilized for training
Algorithms Parameters
Decision Tree criterion: [entropy]
splitter: [random]
max_depth: np.arange (30,50,1)
min_samples_split: [2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]
max_features: [None]
Support Vector Machine C: [0.1,1,100,1000]
gamma: [0.01, 0.1, 1]
kernel: [rbf,poly,sigmoid,linear]
degree: [1,2,3,4,5,6]
Random Forest n_estimators: [100, 200, 500]
max_depth: [None, 5, 10, 20]
min_samples_split: [2, 5, 10]
min_samples_leaf: [1, 2, 4]
max_features: [auto, sqrt, log2]
Ridge Classifier alpha: [0.1, 1.0, 10.0]
solver: [auto, svd, cholesky, lsqr, sparse_cg, sag, saga]
normalize: [True, False]
max_iter: [1000, 5000, 10000]
SGD Classifier loss: [hinge, log, modified_huber, squared_hinge, perceptron]
penalty: [l1, l2, elasticnet]
alpha: [0.0001, 0.001, 0.01]
learning_rate: [constant, optimal, invscaling]
eta0: [0.01, 0.1, 1]
XGB Classifier n_estimators: [100, 500, 1000]
max_depth: [3, 5, 7]
learning_rate: [0.01, 0.1, 1]
subsample: [0.5, 0.7, 1]
colsample_bytree: [0.5, 0.7, 1]
Gradient Bossting Classifier n_estimators: [50, 100, 200]
learning_rate: [0.01, 0.1, 1]
max_depth: [3, 5, 10]
min_samples_split: [2, 5, 10]
min_samples_leaf: [1, 2, 4]
max_features: [auto, sqrt, log2]
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embedding length in BERT poses challenges when dealing with lengthy text datasets.
This limitation often results in subpar performance. Common workarounds for this issue
include text truncation, adjustments to the attention mechanism, and sentence-wise pro-
cessing. Despite their usage, these strategies present certain drawbacks. Truncation can
lead to losing vital information, while attention mechanism and sentence-wise process-
ing modifications can significantly increase computational complexity. A “head and tail”
strategy was employed for BERT and RoBERTa in experiments. This involved selecting
a head length of 255 tokens and a tail length of tokens characters, ensuring the total
length of the truncated text remained at 510. While Longformer and BigBird support
a maximum length of 4096 tokens, which can cover the entire input of our dataset. The
dataset designated for use with the pre-trained language models was partitioned: 70%
was allocated for training, 10% for validation, and 20% for testing purposes. We utilized
several models available through the Hugging Face platform (https:// huggi ngface. co/).
These included: bert-base-german-cased from Deepset (Chan etal., 2020), princetyagi/
roberta-base-wechsel-german-finetuned-germanquad as detailed in Minixhofer et al.
(2021), allenai/longformer-base-4096 as described in Beltagy etal. (2020), and google/
bigbird-roberta-base as presented in Zaheer etal. (2020). The hyperparameters employed
for these two categories of pre-trained language models are detailed in Table4.
3.5 Technical implementation
The study on shallow ML was conducted using Python 3.10 and Scikit-learn version
1.2.1. Our development environment was Jupyter Notebook version 6.4.12. Compu-
tations were carried out on a machine featuring an AMD Ryzen 5 4500U processor,
Radeon Graphics operating at 2.38GHz, and equipped with 16.0GB of RAM. The
pre-trained language models were executed on a system with an NVIDIA GeForce
GTX 1650 Ti graphics card (6 GByte). The classification tasks were facilitated
by Pytorch framework version 2.0.1. Coding activities were conducted within the
PyCharm programming environment, version 2022.2.
Table 4 Hyperparameter
settings Hyperparameters BERT and RoBERTa Longformer
and BigBird
Max_seq_length 512 4096
Learning_rate 2e-5 2e-5
Batch_size 16 32
Epochs 4 4
Optimizer AdamW AdamW
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4 Results
4.1 Results ofshallow machine learning
The average accuracy achieved by the shallow ML algorithms is typically under
60%. Among the combinations that performed best, integrating the Gradient Boost-
ing Classifier with LIWC2015 is particularly notable, achieving an accuracy rate of
61.97%. Furthermore, the BoW technique yields the highest performance, record-
ing an accuracy of 60.28% when employed with Support Vector Machines. The TF-
IDF method attains optimal results when applied to the XGB classifier, garnering
an accuracy of 61.69%. In summary, when it comes to different feature engineering
techniques, LIWC2015 generally outperforms both BoW and TF-IDF across vari-
ous algorithms. A comparative analysis of the accuracy achieved by various feature
extraction techniques and algorithms is visually represented in Fig.3.
4.2 Results ofpre‑trained language models
The pre-trained language models designed for handling long texts, namely Long-
former and BigBird, delivered the most impressive performance with accuracy
rates of 77.22% and 76.26% respectively. Furthermore, BERT and RoBERTa, the
two other pre-trained language models used in our study, achieved accuracy rates
of 73.28% and 74.25% respectively. These accuracy levels mark a considerable
improvement, a rise of 12% to 16%, in comparison to the shallow ML models.
Table5 shows all results of pre-trained language models.
Fig. 3 Accuracy of shallow machine learning with various feature engineering
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5 Disscussion
The primary objective of our research was to classify pre-service teachers’ reflec-
tive writings at the document level by employing AI algorithms. For this purpose,
we applied a qualitative content analysis for the annotation of the reflective writings
to classify reflection levels. Then, we utilized a range of shallow ML algorithms
enhanced by pre-trained language models such as BERT, RoBERTa, BigBird, and
Longformer. Our empirical analyses led to several significant findings. The results
underscore the superiority of pre-trained language models over shallow ML algo-
rithms in classifying reflective writings, with BigBird and Longformer demonstrat-
ing notably higher accuracy at the document level. Nonetheless, our research also
identified certain biases between AI evaluations and human teachers’ evaluations.
These discrepancies are further explored in the subsequent sections.
Firstly, the superior efficacy of pre-trained language models over shallow ML
models in analyzing reflective writing is consistently corroborated by other research.
For example, Nehyba and Štefánik (2023) illustrated that in the classification of
reflective writing within higher education contexts, the accuracy of a deep neural
model (XLM-RoBERTa) varied from 92.68% to 97.56%, surpassing the performance
of a shallow ML algorithm (Random Forest), which ranged from 80.49% to 82.93%.
Furthermore, Wulff etal. (2023), in their research of reflective writing classification,
discovered that the feedforward neural network (FFNN) exhibited the lowest perfor-
mance, achieving weighted F1 mean scores of 0.62 and 0.64, respectively. This was
closely followed by long short-term memory neural networks (LSTM) with weighted
F1 mean values of 0.72. In contrast, the fine-tuned BERT model results significantly
surpassed other models, achieving a weighted F1 mean score of 0.82. Despite the var-
iations in research contexts, datasets, and theoretical frameworks across these studies,
the consistently high performance of pre-trained language models in analyzing reflec-
tive writing is apparent. These results highlight the robustness and versatility of pre-
trained language models in capturing the complex nature of reflective content.
Moreover, our study further highlights the outstanding performance of the BigBird
and Longformer models in classifying reflective writing at the document level. To
our knowledge, there is currently no research specifically focused on the classification
of reflective writing using these models (BigBird and Longformer). However, these
approaches have been extensively applied in other domains. For instance, in the medi-
cal field, Li etal. (2023) demonstrated that Clinical-Longformer and Clinical-BigBird
significantly outperform ClinicalBERT and other models designed for short sequences
across all evaluated downstream tasks. Compared to shallow ML algorithms and
Table 5 Results of pre-trained
language models Accuracy
Models Dev Dataset Test Dataset
BERT 68.25% 73.28%
RoBERTa 70.26% 74.25%
Longformer 73.32% 77.22%
BigBird 74.69% 76.26%
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pre-trained language models optimized for short sequences, these pre-trained language
models designed to handle long sequences exhibit superior performance across various
tasks. For example, shallow ML models often face challenges when dealing with long-
sequence inputs due to factors such as high-dimensional feature spaces, retaining con-
textual relevance over lengthier texts, and the absence of sequential information. BERT
and RoBERTa models address some of these challenges; however, their localized self-
attention mechanisms can struggle to capture longer dependencies within the text (Dev-
lin etal., 2018; Liu etal., 2019a, 2019b). The self-attention mechanism’s demand for
memory grows quadratically as sequence lengths extend, making training times unfeasi-
bly long and rapidly surpassing the memory limits of current Graphics Processing Units
(GPUs). Therefore, models depending on full self-attention, like BERT and RoBERTa,
usually set a cap on the input sequence length at 512 tokens to manage these constraints.
However, BigBird and Longformer models, which incorporate global attention mecha-
nisms and extended local attention spans, more effectively capture textual context (Belt-
agy etal., 2020; Zaheer et al., 2020). The utilization of pre-trained language models
adept at processing long sequences is crucial for the classification of reflective writing.
As Rosé etal. (2008) have pointed out, the choice of segmentation method significantly
affects classification performance. Numerous scholars argue that reflections often extend
across multiple sentences and cannot be adequately captured through sentence-level
classification alone (Moon, 2013). This perspective is supported by Wulff etal. (2023),
as well as Nehyba and Štefánik (2023), who underscore the limitations of sentence-level
segmentation in capturing long-range dependencies and addressing the complexities of
classification challenges, respectively. Reflection may span several sentences or be inter-
woven with various reflective categories within complex sentences. In addition to the
technical aspects, it has been proposed that incorporating strong theoretical frameworks
such as discourse theory can improve segmentation practices (Stede, 2016).
Lastly, it is essential to acknowledge the bias of the pre-trained language model for
the analysis of reflective writing when compared to the teacher’s assessment. The cases
of RW1-KM and RW2-KM (translated into English by the authors) exemplify instances
where the AI (Longformer) has been underestimated and overestimated, respectively.
These two examples showed that teachers can better understand students’ intentions,
background knowledge, and implicit meanings in reflective writing. For example, RW1-
KM delves into the particulars of a classroom discipline issue, presenting an investigation
of the event’s specifics. This includes an analysis of the underlying motivations behind
the student’s behavior and the coping strategies employed. Such a reflection exhibits a
profound comprehension of the circumstances and a personalized approach, aligning
with the characteristics of dialogic reflection. However, the AI’s assessment classified this
reflection as descriptive, likely due to the extensive use of descriptive language within
the reflection’s narrative. In RW2-KM, the student showcased an ability to objectively
recount events and delve into their underlying causes, employing Becker’s theory to eluci-
date the classroom scenario. This analysis penetrates beyond surface-level observations to
provide a theoretical interpretation of the teaching and learning context, an approach that
typifies descriptive reflection. Nonetheless, the AI’s evaluation misidentified this reflec-
tion as dialogic, likely influenced by the extensive use of language related to third-party
actions and the text’s complex linguistic expressions. From the analyses of the two reflec-
tions described above, it is possible to observe differences in the classification of types
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of reflections between manual and AI assessments. The potential limitations of AI in
understanding the depth and multidimensionality of reflections remind us of the caution
that should be taken in using AI in educational assessment, especially when evaluating
complex thinking and reflective processes. Also, this emphasizes the irreplaceability of
manual assessment in dealing with the evaluation of complex cognitive processes.
“After reading through the situation, I realized that the class disruption was
on the students’ part. However, the situation did not explicitly mention whether
the teacher saw who threw the sponge in her face. Therefore, I was unsure
whether the teacher should address someone personally or the whole class
when dealing with the conflict. Furthermore, it was not easy for me to tell from
the situation whether the pupils threw the objects around the classroom out of
boredom or whether it was a targeted attack on the teacher. Accordingly, the
characteristic of aggressive behavior did not appear in my analysis of the situ-
ation. It was also unclear to me how practically orientated I should argue, so
my answer contained more of a theoretical aspect. In order to put myself more
in the situation, it would be useful to know which year group and which type
of school was involved. Measures such as a note for parents in the homework
booklet would not have much effect in the ninth or tenth year of secondary
school, as many parents are not interested in their children’s school affairs.
Unfortunately, many parents do not speak German. I was able to gain such
insights during my orientation internship.” (Human Assessment: Dialogic
Reflection; AI Assessment: Descriptive Reflection) [RW1-KM]
“The comparison with the feedback variants shows a high degree of agreement
with the proposed solutions. The task processing is based centrally on Becker’s
analysis, as is the feedback. The processing describes what has happened, clas-
sifies the degree of conflict, and then looks for possible causes. Just as Becker
describes and proposes the model solution. In the possible response, the process-
ing focuses more on the student’s well-being than on the feedback. In both, the
teacher’s misconduct is looked at. In processing, a conversation is sought with
the students, whereas feedback focuses more on disciplinary measures. However,
it should be noted that the option of silent and individual work is good for show-
ing students their unacceptable behavior. The treatment also classifies the situa-
tion as a central conflict. From a personal point of view, the end of the situation
described seems extreme, and such behavior on the part of the students is only
conceivable in individual cases. Nevertheless, it is challenging to develop case
studies that do justice to real-life situations. However, always starting from an
extreme situation can be a good way of preparing the trainee teachers so that the
real situation does not take them by surprise. However, more than individual case
studies is required as an all-encompassing preparation.” (Human Assessment:
Descriptive Writing, AI Assessment: Dialogic Reflection) [RW2-KM]
5.1 Limitations
This study faces several limitations that warrant acknowledgment and consideration.
First, regarding data limitations, we encountered challenges in addressing category
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imbalance. Despite employing rigorous sampling techniques to mitigate this issue,
the “critical reflection” category was excluded due to its inconsistent fit within the
dataset. Although this decision facilitated a concentrated examination of categories
possessing adequate data, it concurrently limited the possibility to comprehensively
investigate the role and impact of critical reflection within educational practices.
Secondly, regarding the evaluation aspect, our study utilized the reflective level
framework proposed by Hatton and Smith in 1995. This framework offers significant
benefits, however, it might not fully encompass the breadth of reflective outcomes.
Students’ reflections encompass a wide range of subjects and levels of cognitive
depth, suggesting that a singular framework may not adequately capture this diver-
sity. Consequently, the assessment criteria used in this study could restrict the thor-
oughness of our evaluation. Lastly, regarding the transparency and interpretability of
the algorithms, our study employed sophisticated ML models, including pre-trained
language models. Although pre-trained language models, such as BERT, demon-
strate superior performance compared to shallow ML models. They often act as
“black boxes,” offering limited insights into their decision-making processes. This
opacity can be a significant shortcoming when the goal is to understand the nuanced
aspects of reflective writing, a process inherently rich in context and subjectivity.
5.2 Implications andfuture work
The implications of this study surpass the boundaries of teacher education, resonat-
ing across a wide array of disciplines and professional fields where reflective writing
and automated feedback play crucial roles. Enhancing students’ reflective skills pre-
sents a significant challenge across all areas of professional education (Jung etal.,
2022; Körkkö etal., 2016). By leveraging a broader array of ML models, includ-
ing the pre-trained language models assessed in this study, students can gain access
to more precise and prompt feedback. This enhancement has the potential to sig-
nificantly improve the quality of their reflective writing, which, in turn, can posi-
tively impact pedagogical practices. For educators, the adoption of automated sys-
tems offering highly accurate feedback presents benefits. It significantly reduces the
workload involved in manually assessing reflective writings, allowing educators to
allocate more time and energy to other vital teaching activities, including curricu-
lum development, in-class engagement, and personal support for students.
For future research directions, it is essential to enhance the feedback mech-
anisms for reflective writing in education adressing several aspects. Firstly,
the enhancement of feedback content must include the assessment of students
self-regulation. As can be seen from the definition of reflection, in addition to
including cognitive dimensions, there are also affective, psychological, and other
aspects (Boud etal., 2013; Kember, 1999). While existing research has predomi-
nantly focused on task-level feedback (e.g., Hattie & Timperley, 2007), there
has been a significant oversight in addressing self-regulated learning assess-
ments. These assessments are crucial for evaluating students’ metacognitive and
self-directed learning processes during reflective writing activities. By integrat-
ing indicators of self-regulation, educators can develop a more comprehensive
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understanding of students’ capabilities to monitor their learning progress, set
objectives, and modify their cognitive approaches. Second, from a technological
standpoint, AI-generated technologies, such as Retrieval Augmented Generation
(RAG) (Lewis etal., 2020), offer substantial potential for enhancing the qual-
ity of feedback. RAG technology, which synergizes information retrieval and text
generation capabilities, offers significant advantages in delivering personalized
feedback for reflective writing. This method generates targeted and comprehen-
sive feedback by retrieving information pertinent to a student’s specific assign-
ment or query and then integrating it with the generative capabilities of neural
networks. Furthermore, training LLMs on literature specific to various didactics
(e.g., constructivism, behaviorism, cognitivism) can equip these models with a
deeper understanding of these educational theories. This training allows the feed-
back generated to align more closely with the principles of the relevant didac-
tics, thereby enhancing its educational effectiveness. Lastly, empirical validation
of the effectiveness of these proposed assessment and feedback mechanisms is
essential. Future research should employ experimental designs that implement
these enhanced strategies with actual student populations. Conducting such
empirical studies is crucial to determine whether these innovations genuinely
support the development of reflective skills among students.
6 Conclusion
Reflective writing is a critical element of teacher education and is crucial for
promoting professional development. However, the subjectivity and complexity
of reflective writing make providing feedback a substantial challenge, previous
research has tackled using ML and NLP techniques. These existing methods fre-
quently encounter two significant obstacles: a reliance on sentence-level classi-
fication and the employment of low-quality training data. These approaches fail
to capture the nuanced depth and multifaceted complexities of reflective writing.
To overcome these challenges, the current study proposes two main innovations.
First, we suggest the collection of reflective writings through e-portfolios, ena-
bling a more structured and ongoing assessment of reflective practices. Second,
we propose a document-level classification approach for the classification of
reflective writing. By considering the entire text as a single unit of analysis, we
aim to provide a more holistic and comprehensive understanding of the reflec-
tive process. Our study contrasts shallow ML algorithms with pre-trained lan-
guage models in classifying reflective writing at the document level. Our empiri-
cal results demonstrate that pre-trained language models consistently surpass the
performance of shallow ML algorithms, particularly highlighting the effective-
ness of BigBird and Longformer in processing extended text sequences. This
observation not only underscores the technical superiority of advanced language
models but also contributes valuable insights into developing efficacious assess-
ment strategies for reflective writing.
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See Table6.
Table 6 Overview of shallow machine learning parameter settings
Models Parameters Feature Engineering
Best parameters Accuracy Best parameters Accuracy Best parameters Accuracy
Decision Tree criterion entropy 51.83% entropy 52.54% entropy 55.77%
max_depth 49 42 38
max_features None None None
min_samples_split 4 4 4
splitter random random random
Support Vector Machine C 100 60.28% 100 56.06% 100 59.15%
degree 1 2 1
gamma 0.01 1 0.1
kernel rbf poly poly
SGD Classifier alpha 0.01 54.93% 0.0001 55.35% 0.001 60.28%
eta0 0.1 0.01 0.1
learning_rate constant constant optimal
loss log log log
penalty l1 l1 l1
Ridge Classifier alpha 10.0 56.90% 10.0 54.79% 0.1 59.01%
max_iter 1000 1000 1000
normalize True False True
solver auto auto saga
Random Forest max_depth None 57.74% None 56.90% 20 60.70%
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Table 6 (continued)
Models Parameters Feature Engineering
Best parameters Accuracy Best parameters Accuracy Best parameters Accuracy
max_features auto sqrt log2
min_samples_leaf 1 1 2
min_samples_split 2 2 5
n_estimators 200 200 200
Gradient Boosting Clas-
learning_rate 0.1 59.86% 0.1 60.00% 1 61.97%
max_depth 5 3 10
max_features log2 sqrt auto
min_samples_leaf 2 1 1
min_samples_split 10 10 5
n_estimators 200 200 50
XGB Classifier colsample_bytree 0.7 57.46% 0.7 61.69% 0.5 60.85%
learning_rate 0.1 0.1 0.01
max_depth 5 5 5
n_estimators 500 100 100
subsample 0.7 0.5 1
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Acknowledgements We wish to express our appreciation to Jessica Schießl, and Meltem Doganay for
their contribution to the secondary coding of sections of the reflective writing.
Authors’ contributions MGZ and CZ conceived the study. FH and LP carried out the data collection. CZ
conducted data analysis and prepared the manuscript draft. Both MGZ and FH supervised the study and
revised the manuscript draft. All authors made significant contributions to the final manuscript.
Funding Open Access funding enabled and organized by Projekt DEAL. This work was supported by the
Federal Ministry of Education and Research (Germany) [obtained by Prof. Dr. Michaela Gläser-Zikuda,
grant number 16DHB4019]. The authors express their gratitude.
Data availability Due to the presence of personally identifiable information within the dataset, it is not
publicly shareable in accordance with privacy protection laws and ethical guidelines of the universities
Erlangen-Nürnberg and Berlin involved in this research.
Conflict of interest None.
Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License,
which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long
as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative
Commons licence, and indicate if changes were made. The images or other third party material in this
article are included in the article’s Creative Commons licence, unless indicated otherwise in a credit line
to the material. If material is not included in the article’s Creative Commons licence and your intended
use is not permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will need to obtain permis-
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Authors and Aliations
ChengmingZhang1 · FlorianHofmann1· LeaPlößl1· MichaelaGläser‑Zikuda1
* Chengming Zhang
Florian Hofmann
Lea Plößl
Michaela Gläser-Zikuda
1 Department ofEducation, University ofErlangen–Nürnberg, Regensburger Street 160,
90478Nuremberg, Germany
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Reflective writing is a relevant aspect of pre-service teachers’ professionalization. Evaluating reflective writing in teacher education is demanding due to a shortage of resources. Hence, this study explores the practical possibilities of evaluating reflective writing using a mixed-methods approach to analyze reflective writing from 198 pre-service teachers at a German university. We used qualitative content analysis, computational linguistic approaches, and BERTopic. Results of qualitative content analysis results indicated primarily descriptive and low-level participants’ reflective writing. Next, computational linguistic analyses revealed that affective and cognitive terminology utilization differed across varying levels of reflection, with a higher frequency of such terms correlating with deeper levels of reflection. BERTopic results showed that reflective content mainly centered on learning materials and shifted toward affective and motivational themes related to higher levels of reflection. This study demonstrates that reflective writing can be evaluated across reflection levels and cognitive, affective, and thematic dimensions, combining qualitative content analysis, computational linguistic approaches, and BERTopic.
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Over the past few years, there has been a significant increase in the utilization of artificial intelligence (AI)-based educational applications in education. As pre-service teachers’ attitudes towards educational technology that utilizes AI have a potential impact on the learning outcomes of their future students, it is essential to know more about pre-service teachers’ acceptance of AI. The aims of this study are (1) to discover what factors determine pre-service teachers’ intentions to utilize AI-based educational applications and (2) to determine whether gender differences exist within determinants that affect those behavioral intentions. A sample of 452 pre-service teachers (325 female) participated in a survey at one German university. Based on a prominent technology acceptance model, structural equation modeling, measurement invariance, and multigroup analysis were carried out. The results demonstrated that eight out of nine hypotheses were supported; perceived ease of use (β = 0.297***) and perceived usefulness (β = 0.501***) were identified as primary factors predicting pre-service teachers’ intention to use AI. Furthermore, the latent mean differences results indicated that two constructs, AI anxiety (z = − 3.217**) and perceived enjoyment (z = 2.556*), were significantly different by gender. In addition, it is noteworthy that the paths from AI anxiety to perceived ease of use (p = 0.018*) and from perceived ease of use to perceived usefulness (p = 0.002**) are moderated by gender. This study confirms the determinants influencing the behavioral intention based on the Technology Acceptance Model 3 of German pre-service teachers to use AI-based applications in education. Furthermore, the results demonstrate how essential it is to address gender-specific aspects in teacher education because there is a high percentage of female pre-service teachers, in general. This study contributes to state of the art in AI-powered education and teacher education.
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With the advancement of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) techniques, attitudes towards these two fields have begun to gain importance in different professions. One of the affected professions is undoubtedly the teaching profession. Increasing the levels of concern for artificial intelligence and attitudes towards machine learning has become important in order to adapt to potential technologies that will be used. The purpose of this study is to examine the anxiety related to AI and the attitudes towards ML among teacher candidates of different ages, genders, and fields. This study investigates the relationships between sub-dimensions of anxiety towards artificial intelligence and attitudes towards machine learning, as well as to identify differences in these sub-dimensions among gender, age, and department. The findings suggest that although teacher candidates from different disciplines, ages, and genders do not have any concerns regarding learning about artificial intelligence, they do express anxiety about the impact of artificial intelligence on employment rates and social life. The results of this study can be beneficial for developing instructional programs that focus on AI in the long run, considering factors such as age, personal experience, gender, and field-specific elements.
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Social sciences expose many cognitively complex, highly qualified, or fuzzy problems, whose resolution relies primarily on expert judgement rather than automated systems. One of such instances that we study in this work is a reflection analysis in the writings of student teachers. We share a hands-on experience on how these challenges can be successfully tackled in data collection for machine learning. Based on the novel deep learning architectures pre-trained for a general language understanding, we can reach an accuracy ranging from 76.56–79.37% on low-confidence samples to 97.56–100% on high confidence cases. We open-source all our resources and models, and use the models to analyse previously ungrounded hypotheses on reflection of university students. Our work provides a toolset for objective measurements of reflection in higher education writings, applicable in more than 100 other languages worldwide with a loss in accuracy measured between 0–4.2% Thanks to the outstanding accuracy of the deep models, the presented toolset allows for previously unavailable applications, such as providing semi-automated student feedback or measuring an effect of systematic changes in the educational process via the students’ response.
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Wireless networks have drastically influenced our lifestyle, changing our workplaces and society. Among the variety of wireless technology, Wi-Fi surely plays a leading role, especially in local area networks. The spread of mobiles and tablets, and more recently, the advent of Internet of Things, have resulted in a multitude of Wi-Fi-enabled devices continuously sending data to the Internet and between each other. At the same time, Machine Learning has proven to be one of the most effective and versatile tools for the analysis of fast streaming data. This systematic review aims at studying the interaction between these technologies and how it has developed throughout their lifetimes. We used Scopus, Web of Science, and IEEE Xplore databases to retrieve paper abstracts and leveraged a topic modeling technique, namely, BERTopic, to analyze the resulting document corpus. After these steps, we inspected the obtained clusters and computed statistics to characterize and interpret the topics they refer to. Our results include both the applications of Wi-Fi sensing and the variety of Machine Learning algorithms used to tackle them. We also report how the Wi-Fi advances have affected sensing applications and the choice of the most suitable Machine Learning models.
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Self-reflection and reflective writing have been pivotal for developing a deep understanding of concepts and fostering professional competency in learners. The confluence of the importance of reflective practices within the educational curriculum and the increased proliferation of technology have resulted in numerous studies of how to use automated approaches to analyze broad themes of reflection exhibited by learners in higher educational settings. However, there is a dearth of research in the context of automated analysis of reflective writing demonstrated by professionals within workplace learning. Building on a four-level reflective content analysis model, this article evaluates the depth of reflection exhibited by learners within a professional development MOOC using an automated assessment classifier. Our results identify the varying association of linguistic features across these different levels of reflection. The proposed approach can effectively support the deployment at scale of the labor-intensive evaluation of reflective writing by highly trained professionals.
Written reflective practice is a regular exercise pre-service teachers perform during their higher education. Usually, their lecturers are expected to provide individual feedback, which can be a challenging task to perform on a regular basis. In this paper, we present the first open-source automated feedback tool based on didactic theory and implemented as a hybrid AI system. We describe the components and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of our system compared to the state-of-art generative large language models. The main objective of our work is to enable better learning outcomes for students and to complement the teaching activities of lecturers.
Objective: Clinical knowledge-enriched transformer models (eg, ClinicalBERT) have state-of-the-art results on clinical natural language processing (NLP) tasks. One of the core limitations of these transformer models is the substantial memory consumption due to their full self-attention mechanism, which leads to the performance degradation in long clinical texts. To overcome this, we propose to leverage long-sequence transformer models (eg, Longformer and BigBird), which extend the maximum input sequence length from 512 to 4096, to enhance the ability to model long-term dependencies in long clinical texts. Materials and methods: Inspired by the success of long-sequence transformer models and the fact that clinical notes are mostly long, we introduce 2 domain-enriched language models, Clinical-Longformer and Clinical-BigBird, which are pretrained on a large-scale clinical corpus. We evaluate both language models using 10 baseline tasks including named entity recognition, question answering, natural language inference, and document classification tasks. Results: The results demonstrate that Clinical-Longformer and Clinical-BigBird consistently and significantly outperform ClinicalBERT and other short-sequence transformers in all 10 downstream tasks and achieve new state-of-the-art results. Discussion: Our pretrained language models provide the bedrock for clinical NLP using long texts. We have made our source code available at, and the pretrained models available for public download at: Conclusion: This study demonstrates that clinical knowledge-enriched long-sequence transformers are able to learn long-term dependencies in long clinical text. Our methods can also inspire the development of other domain-enriched long-sequence transformers.