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Loss calculation for induction machine rotor bar with non-sinusoidal current



To evaluate the rotor bar loss of an induction machine with non-sinusoidal currents, a new analysis approach is proposed. The approach calculates the losses of the currents with different frequencies respectively and, then, adds them together. The method uses the circuit analysis theory instead of electromagnetic field theory to count the skin effect on the bar loss. In the method, a rotor bar is divided into many layers with their own parameters derived. Based on the above theory, it is illustrated why the total bar loss due to the non-sinusoidal current equals the sum of the losses produced by the currents with different frequencies. For a given example, the bar loss produced by each rotor current at different frequencies is calculated. The finite element analysis is also performed to total bar loss calculation with non-sinusoidal current. The analysis verifies the superposition relationship between the respective losses and the total one. By applying superposition principle in rotor bar loss calculation, it not only lowers the computation burden, but also quantitatively determines the loss at a specified frequency.
第 2 7期 
年 9  国 电 工 程 学 报 
  he CSE 
 n.c . El 
文章号:  中类号 :T  文标识 :A  学科类号  
步 电耗 
振 ,王祥 珩,罗   
清华 大学 电力系统及 发 电备控制 和仿真 国家重 点实验 室,北京市 淀 区  
 Ke La         Ge   
ABS’RACT:To lu he ot   o n  
 w ih  on  ew n a  
   lc he   he  
wi    n dhe,a m 
 h o  h e   ly h e d  
m aneic  y    h e  fe    
n th e m eho   i vd i ma  wih 
h e wn r am e iv  he  hey ,  
 wh he  r  d t he  
 q uls      d uc   ur 
  qu a#v m p r  
d  e r   i f  i 
lcd.T  m i m e n a i  m e o  
 br l clcio wi non c 
 vif he s rel w e h e 
iv es n d   .B ng pe 
 n  r  ,i     
 urbu  qun t    
KEY W ORDS: Ind  in;Bar ;S 
摘要:为计算 异步电机转子导条流过非正弦 电流 时的损耗 , 
采用 了先分别计算不 同频率电流对应 损耗再进行 叠加的分 
析方法该方法基 于电路原理而非通过 电磁场分析来计及 集 
并计 了不同频率电流在导条 中产的损 时用 
频率 电流生损 
词 :异 步 电机; 导条 损耗 ;叠加 原理 ;集 肤效 应 
当用频 电源步 电动供 电【 发 电 
通 过桥 与负载相 连  异 步 电机 出现运  
故 障[时 ,电机 定子绕 组中就 会流 过弦 电 
间基波 旋转磁势 ,不 同间谐波 电流产生 的空间基 
屯 流大到 一定程度 ,由此产 生的空 间基波磁 势及 
在转速 各异的气隙 空间基波磁 势作用下 ,异步 
电机 转子导 条中会感 应出不 同频率 的电势和 电流 , 
不 同频率 电流成 非正弦 电流 。因为转子 导条 
电流 决定铜 耗的大 小,而转又 与对 
着 重要义 。 
转子 导条损 耗计算 的难点在 于集肤 效应 ,如果 
步 电机在一 频率下 正常运行 ,转子 电流率很 
低 ,集肤效 应可不 计及 ;但 是, 当导条 流过 
由于非 正弦 电流是 由不 同频率 的 
弦 电流成 ,集肤对 损耗就必 须 
非均 匀分布 ,即各 处的 电流密不再等 ,从而 
引起加 ,耗增 加程度 与电流频 率大相 
  中 国 电 机 工 程 学 报  5卷 
。若考 虑集肤 效应,计一频 率下转子导 条损 
很麻 烦 ,确 定不 同频 率合成 电流作用 下的 
总损又增了分难度于集 效应 
本身 属于 电磁 场,通过 电磁有 限元  
便程度来看,若借助于 A计算,导条 
延长 了计算 时物 理规角度虑 , 
结果 只表 明导条 总损耗 大小 ,而难 以 
量 分析 非正 弦 电流 中各 谐波 电流 分对 总 
根据 电路理 论分层计 算异步 电机的 
效应是一种沿 的分析方法文献  
子导 条流正 弦电流 时的损耗 ,旨在说 明转子导 
少 了计,更说 明谐波 电引起 
的损在 总损耗 中所 占比例 。 
2 损耗计算公式推导与叠加关系理论分析 
  转子导 理方 
公式 ,而非 由电磁场直 接计出转耗 是本所 
用 分析 方法 的 关键 ,根据 推 导 出的损 耗 计公 
异步 电机转 子导条分 块再的处 
是下面推 导过程 中考虑集 肤效应时导 条损计算 公 
前提 。本文 推导相 应计式之 目的在于从 理 
论上损耗叠加 关系为 方便起见 ,不 影响 
结论前提以矩形子导条为例进行 分析用 
的导条电阻增加系数有相的解析表达式【  ,这样 
而言无需分而是直接进行,把图 1 
的导条从槽 槽顶沿高度方向上均匀分成等高 
等 宽的形 薄层 ,总 层数 各 层分别 用  
,… , 示 。 当每层 的高度足 够小 时,可 以认 
导条 本身 的集肤效 应,将薄层导条 的 电阻当成直 
流 电阻 ,阻值常数 。   
— w 
异 步 电机 矩形 转子条 
Fi  Re     nd   
层 中非正弦 电流 表达式 
设 整 条 流 过 非 正 弦 电 流 为 , 根 据 
r级数 把该 电流 表示 为一系 列不 同频 率 
交流 电流和 ,即各 次谐波 电流之 和 
 ̄s  )   
式 中      分别 为 次谐波 电流相 量 的效 值 
度 、初角 。 
对/波 电肤 效应使 其在转 子导 
上分 布不匀 ,条截面 各处 电密度 不 同导致 
每个薄层导条里的电流不相等。在只考虑 次谐波 
电流 时选 各导条 层 电相 量为待 求解 Ⅳ个知 
层 的直流 电、 自感和 每两层 
间的@lⅣ个 导条组成 Ⅳ个独回路 
列 出 1个 以形式 表示 的回路 电压 
导 条两 个节 点中有 1个 
再列 出 个 以相量 形式表 示的节 点电流方 程 
④联列上面 Ⅳ个独立方程并求解得到各电流 
电阻、电感参数 的具体 计算方法 与方程组 的求 解过 
程可 见文 
分析法列出 的 Ⅳ 个独立方程并单独进行求 
解 。从分析 计算过 程 中可以看 出,一种频 率电流 的 
第 .层 导中各下 电流值 
式 ,相加 即得 该层 中实际 流过 的非弦 电流 
第 l  吴振 新等  异步 电机转 应非正弦 电流导条耗   
式 中   、a 分别为∥次谐 波 电相量 的有效 
值 、角度 、初角 。 
各层 中损耗 的叠加 关系 
即等过直 流电流时对 应的直流 电阻。第 .导条 
的直流 电阻设为 风 ,该层 导条损 率 )为 
式 中  为非 正流基 波的周 期 
代入进行 得 
  l    EE& ・ 
式右的第 2 于零导条 损耗 
式(表 示第 导条 总损等 于其 中次谐 波 
电流 单独生 的损耗之 和 ,即该损耗 满足 
4 导条损耗 的叠关系 
∑∑   ( 
l / 
换上 式 中号 的次序 ,得 
∑∑   ( 
说 明导 条正 弦 电流 时的 总损耗 等 
于各 次谐波 电流单独 作用产 生的损 耗之和 ,也就 是 
总损 耗满足 叠加关系 。 
5 导条总 实用计算式 
言 ,集 肤效导致 的损增加 相 当于在 电流有效值 
变 的情况 下 电阻值加 ,值 增加后 的 电阻称 为 
为定量表示电阻值增加的程度,定义 谐波对应 
阻增 数为 
式 中 直 流 电阻  为∥下 
条 的交流 电阻 。 
若 已知波 下电阻增加系数 , 
  电阻加 系数的 求取法 
公式 求取 ,但 对于其 它形状 的转导条 ,相 应 
的解 析计算 公式,只 能用解法 。有 限元法 和分 
法 均属数 值解法 ,与前 述过程 一致 ,本 文求 
取 电阻增 加系数用 分层计 算法 。 
电阻加 系数 的过程 ,简而 言,就是 首先计 算 
集 肤效应 时的导耗 ,即等于 电流有 效值 
的平与 导条流 电阻 的乘积 ;然后虑 集肤 
,在分 层的基础上 ,由 2简述 的方法 求出各 
损耗 ;用 考虑效 应导条 损 
耗 除考 虑肤 效应 时 的导耗 就得 到该 频 
表 I了图 I 导条  
频 率 阻 增 加 系 计 算 值 ,矩 形 导 的 高 
m,   m,导条 电阻率 =  Q 
导条率 m。在用数值法导 
条均匀分 为 4层 ,每层 的高度为 0。矩形条 
电阻增加系数的解析计算 公式取 自文献 [ 
=   糌    
表 I 应不同频率下的电阻增加系数 
wi o dfes  
表 I解析法求得的结果认为是准确值当每 
层高为 0m 时分层数值的结果相对 
误差 绝对值 )均 在 0%以数值法计 算的结果相 
  国 电 工 程 学 报   5卷 
3 损耗叠加关系的数值验证 
  谐 波损之和 与直算 的总损对 比验证 
为进 一步说 明其 正确性 ,下面 通过两 种方法 的 
数值 计算结 果加 以验 证。 
值 验 证 时仍 用 上面 算 例 , 导条 中通 以  
  s   s+1  s的 
弦 电流 ,其次 谐波 的频 率分别 为  
。 目前直 接计算 流过非 正时 
转子 导条总 损耗只 有采用 有限法 ,  
中的态 场可这 一问题 。若用 瞬态场 计算 ,电 
加载 时较为麻烦 ,需要在非 正弦 电流 的一个 周 
期 0内取出若时刻并计出相时刻电流 
,然后 把这些 电流值 作为 激励源 加入 ,再用有 限 
元对 整条进 行剖分 ,最终 求出总 损耗 。 
表 2给 出了基 于解析法 和基 于分层计 算数值 法 
仍均 匀分 层 ,各 频率下 的电阻用表  
中的数据 ;在用有 限元法 具体时 ,截 
域剖 分为边长 为 0m 的 8正方元 , 
剖分 后的单数 为 5 
表 2 用不 同方法计算的转子导 条损耗 
  Ro   ul  fe m e 
由表 可 以看 出把转子 导条 中非正 弦电流 
解 为不 同频谐波 电,分算 出不 同频率 
正弦 电流计算 出的损耗相等 ,这一数值计算 结 
论推 导分析 的正确 性。矩形 导条损 耗可 由解析法 计 
出准 确结,通过 与准结果 比较 发现,分层 法 
和有 限元法 数值计 算结果 的相对误 差 绝对值 )分 
为 0和 0%。 限元  
散 ,所以 电在 一个周期 内的离散数 、导条截 面 
上 的剖数 均对结 果产影 响;而层 
计算 某一率 下的损时 ,计算差只 来 自分 
接 计算不 同电流下 的总损 耗进行对 比验证 
量 形式表 示某波 电流 ,导条中 
生 的耗 只应 该与 电流相 量频 率有 效有 
而与 电流相 量的初角 无关 。因,对于 不同 
的非正 弦电,若它分解 后各次 谐波 电流 的频率 
采 用 有元 法 中的瞬 态直 接求 出这 些不 同非 
现给满足相应条件的任意 个非正弦流波形 
) i   n1 ̄+2  O  ̄ 
)i  n1  、 
)i  n1  ) 
2sm 一 
有 限元瞬场直 接计算 了 不 同非正 弦 
电流 所对应 转子 的导条 损结果 见表  
表 3 不同 电流波 耗 
  Rorbr ls frd  wa 
电b  损耗/ 
由表 虽然 非 正弦 电形不 同 
在 转子条 中产 生的损等 ,由此证 了损 
耗 的叠关 系。上面 3个损略有 差别 的原 
由离散精 度所致 。 
3 由叠系求取 
以确 定 某谐 波 电流 引起 的损 耗在 总 损耗 中所 占 
的份额 ,可 以采用 削弱某 些次谐 波电流 来减小 
波 电流下 的损耗 可 以用 分层法 ,与用有 限 
的损相 比,前者不 仅 
第 l  吴振 新等  异步 电机转子 非正时的导条耗   
用 有 限元法 ,借 助 的谐波 场分 
析 。谐波场 只涉及 一种频率 的 电相量 ,在 进行 电 
载 时输入 电流值 、频率和 初相角 即可 ,不 
用 瞬态流加 载那样 麻烦 ,因此 , 
用有限元谐波场计算各次谐波下损耗再叠加的方  【 
虽 不如便 ,但 比直接用 有限元 瞬态场 计 
耗 的方简单 。 
4 结   
在 电力 电子装与异 步电机 组成的 系统为 
子 导条生 的损耗 ,本文理论 分析计 
的前提下 ,础 ,从论 上推 
实用 公式简述 了电阻增加 系数 的过程 。论 
同时 通有 限瞬 态 场接计 算 了非弦 电流 产 
耗 ,两种情 况下总耗 相等 ,从数值 上验 
叠加 关系 。另 外,通过直 接计满足 
定条 件的不 同非正弦 电流产 生的损耗 ,得了损 
相 等这一 符合分 析的结果 ,进一步 从数值 计 
算 的角验 证了理分 析结果 。 
产 生损耗 在总损耗 中的 比例,可做有针 对性地 
耗 的措施 。 
耗 时优用 的数方 法 。 
致 谢 
过程 中所提 供的 帮助 ! 
】 王凤翔电机的非正弦M】北京:械工出版 
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]B , N  A.1  ind mach  
Ra: CRC Pes 
】陈世 坤.电机 设计【北京:机 械工业 出版社  
收稿 日期:2 
吴新振 (,博 士研究 ,青岛 大学电气 工程 系教 授, 
电机 系统分 析与控 制等方面 的研究工作 ; 
王祥 , 男,教授 ,博 士生导 师,从 事电机 系统分与 
、电机 故障与保护 、电气传动 自化等方 面的研究工作 : 
, 男,硕 士研究 生,从事 电机 电磁场 分析算方 
面 的研究工 作。 
When squirrel induction motor is steadily running with full load, with layered superposition principle the formulas of conducting bar harmonic loss is deduced. The harmonic loss, the total loss of the conducting bar and the loss ratio caused by harmonic current in the total losses are calculated. In this chapter, the harmonic loss of the induction motor Y160L-4 is analyzed and calculated when it is in steady operation.
The simplified 3D model of the electromagnetic heating machine(EMHM) is built, and based on it, the 3D electromagnetic equations are given. According to the actual flux distribution, the boundary conditions of the equations are defined, and its analytical solutions are obtained by the method of separation of variables. The calculated expression of the end coefficient of the EMHM is deduced with the solutions. By using the thermal power arithmetic of the EMHM based on the 2D finite element method, the thermal power of a prototype is calculated and tested. Meanwhile, it is indicated that through modification by the end coefficient, the calculated values is approximated to the measured values. Through analysis of the solutions, an analytical expression which presented the relationship between the structure parameters and thermal power is gained, and the curves of poles, airgap length, stator inner diameter and iron length vs. thermal power are received and discussed extensively.
To extremely improve short-term overload capability and high power density of the motors for electric vehicles, the losses and transient temperature rise were thoroughly simulated with finite element method considering the electro-magnetic, thermal and control strategy. Losses analysis indicated that the maximum iron loss occurred at the base speed due to the field-weakening. The copper losses were almost constant for peak power operation. The maximum copper loss for continuous operation mode occurred at maximum operation speed because of the field-weakening requirement as well. The temperature rise analysis showed that the winding end was the vulnerable area where the highest temperature occurred. The temperature in the permanent magnet was lower than in the winding at short-term operation and there was few difference between the two at continuous operation or power loop. Increasing water flow has very limited impact on winding temperature, especially at short-term peak power operation. The key techniques to enhance the heat dissipation ability of water-cooled motor were the improvement of material and processing technologies.
Based on the Bertotti iron loss separate model, a calculation model of iron losses of electric magnetic material fed by PWM inverter is proposed using the Bessel function, considering the influence of the inverter parameter, the numerical relationship of material loss between sinusoidal voltage supply and PWM voltage supply is presented, it provides a new theory of the study on electric material. By improving on the Epstein frame measuring system, a method is proposed to measure the material loss under non-sinusoidal voltage, experimental results agree with the results computed well. Finally, two three-phase experimental induction machines fed by inverter are considered, the results prove the model is valid.
An electromagnetic heating device, is studied, in order to analyze the design method of the thermal powers of the rotational electromagnetic heater (REMH). Firstly, the thermal power distribution of the REMH was analyzed, and then, being the design rule, the concept penetration depth of the stator eddy current thermal power was presented. Furthermore, the changes of penetration depth with speed were given, and the effect of penetration depth on the design of the REMH was analyzed. In order to increase the thermal power density of the REMH, the density of three different stator structures of closing-sloted, opening-slotted and semi opening-slotted were compared at different speeds. The effect of the variation of the depth and width of the slots on thermal power density in slotted structure REMHs was analyzed. At last, the thermal powers of prototypes of opening and closing slot were tested. The result of experiment indicates the correctness of the analysis above.
In order to accurately analyze the temperature rise of high density permanent magnet motors (HDPMM), a new temperature calculation conception of the HDPMM based on multi-domain co-simulation was proposed and its calculation process was elaborated. According to the theory of heat transfer, the calculation method of equivalent heat transfer coefficient for the stator winding was deduced, which effectively consider the influence of the wire insulation, impregnating varnish and fine air gap in slots on the temperature rise of the motor. Based on multi-domain co-simulation, a prototype of 48-slot 8-pole HDPMM was simulated for its iron losses, AC winding copper losses taking the skin effect into account, permanent magnet eddy losses, and thermal fields. The temperature of the prototype machine was tested. The good agreement between the tested data and the simulated data verifies the validity and precision of the simulation approach.
To study the influence of PWM converter parameters, including the amplitude modulation radio and the frequency modulation radio, on the stator harmonic losses of permanent magnet synchronous generator(PMSG) directly-driven by wind turbine, a 2D time-stepping finite element model coupled with the circuit was built up to calculate the electromagnetic field of PMSG. The numerical methods to calculate the stator harmonic iron and copper losses were then presented. The data calculated by the model were compared with these of the analytical method and verified the correctness of the model. The results show that the stator iron loss increases while the stator copper loss decreases with the decrease of the amplitude modulation ratio. However, the stator iron loss and copper loss increase together with the decrease of the frequency modulation ratio. The experimental results are valuable for the design and control of wind PMSG.
It is rather complex to analyze the start and operational process of a beam pump motor by traditional methods because of the dynamic potential load. This paper established a time step finite element model (FEM) to analyze the start and operation characteristics, based on Maxwell equations and a unified coordinate system for stator and rotor time varying electromagnetic quantities. With an example of a commonly used type 10 beam pump driven by a 37 kW 8 pole induction motor, we analyzed the influences of structural and operational parameters, including the dynamic liquid level, balance adjustment and power voltage. It is shown that, for beam pumps with a low dynamic liquid level, the energy saving rate can reach 15% when the balance adjustment and voltage regulating is controlled coordinately. The FEM simulation results are verified by test data. Results of the paper provide technical support for analyzing energy saving potential and developing new energy saving technologies in oilfield motor systems.
Based on the idea of sinusoidal random windings with low harmonics that are often applied to small and medium sized motors, the sinusoidal hard windings that can be applied to high voltage asynchronous motors are presented in the paper. According to the analysis on the harmonics of the sinusoidal hard windings and the differences between the hard lap windings and the random lap windings, the design method of the sinusoidal lap hard windings converted from the conventional double layer lap hard windings is introduced, which references to the design thought of sinusoidal random windings. The number of parallel branches and the stator parallel windings, the wire guage of the flat conductors and the turn number of the windings of Y-Δ connection are determined here. The results show that without increasing the cost, the efficiency of high voltage asynchronous motors with sinusoidal hard windings is enhanced further, which is feasible and very valuable for developing high voltage and high efficiency motors.
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The harmonic current injection of excitation regulator will induce the asymmetry pattern of the rectifier bridge of power winding. On the basis of the dq0 equivalent circuit of 12/3-phase induction generator, a equivalent circuit model for harmonic analysis is presented through the analysis of the harmonic coupling between two windings, in order to acquire the operation principle of harmonic asymmetry. The recognition of the system rule advances the design and extensive application of the system, which is drawn from it. The comparison between the calculated and experiment results verified the validity of the mathematical model and analytical method.
The mathematical model and simulation model of inverter-fed induction motor considering the skew effect and nonlinear factors were established. For improving the simulation accuracy the steady-state simulation method was studied. The simulation result and the experimental result of the AC driving system were compared. The model and method have good effect.
With the development of adjustable speed variable frequency systems, the induction motor is applied in the industrial drive. The conventional induction motor design is not suitable for the inverter-driven induction motor. The key-points of the design for a conventional motor are its efficiency, power factor, maximum torque, starting torque, starting current, elevated temperature of the operating performance and the cost. But the emphases of the design for an inverter-driven induction motor are the efficiency, power factor, elevated temperature in the variable speed range, and dynamic response. Based on the characteristics of adjustable speed with variable frequency systems, the paper presents an optimal design strategy. It has the following features: 1: advanced self-adaptive design model; 2: harmonic analysis model; 3: optimal slip control and system-oriented optimal design methods. On the whole, the optimal design brings high efficiency to the inverter-driven induction motors.
In this paper, rotor faults model in squirrel cage induction motors with broken bars and end-ring connector is presented. The calculation of parameter and mathematical model on rotor faults in cage induction motor is given. The parameter of single winding and phase winding can be given. Its base on fault detection and diagnosis for cage motors. A new method is developed to detect broken rotor bars and end ring connectors for cage induction motor, which is based on the so-called Park's vector approach The generality of the proposed methodology has been experimentally tested on 2.2 KW squirrel cage induction motor. The obtained result agrees with experimenter.
The variation of the current component (1-2s) f1 (the feature component of motor fault) of the stator current during the starting process of a squirrel-cage induction motor was studied. The rotor fault was diagnosed by extracting this component from the time-varying frequency spectrum of starting stator current. Compared with the spectrum analysis of the stator current during stable-state operation, this method has many advantages such as higher diagnosing sensitivity, more information of fault features and less requirement of high resolution.
In order to calculate skin effect of double-cage rotor bar of the induction machine, which can't be solved by traditional analytic method because inner cage bar and outer cage bar are of different resistivities, a numerical method that is nearly as accurate as but much simpler than finite element method (FEM) is proposed. First of all, double-cage bar is separated into 4 half-round blocks, each of which being divided into many layers in turn. On the basis of layer's self and mutual parameters, the branch voltage equations expressed in matrix form are established. The formulas of layer currents of rotor bar are deduced by matrix computation. When AC current and DC current both having equal values flow through the rotor bar, the bar losses and slot leakage magnetic energy are calculated, respectively. Resistance increase factor defined as ratio of bar losses and leakage inductance decrease factor defined as ratio of slot leakage magnetic energy are obtained. The calculated results of an example are given, which shows the validity of the proposed method.
Both transient and steady-state performances of an isolated self-excited induction generator (SEIG) supplying a rectifier load are presented. A hybrid model based on abc and q-d induction machine models is employed to describe the dynamic equations of the studied system to improve simulation results. The stator voltage equations of the SEIG studied are described by a three-phase abc model which can be directly interfaced to the rectifier circuit. The rotor variables are properly transformed into q-d co-ordinates and the elements in the rotor inductance matrix are time-invariant. The controlled rectifiers, including both semi and full converters, are modelled by using three switching functions, which are designated to be tristate switches for each converter leg. Combining the SEIG model proposed with the rectifier model, the transient characteristics of the SEIG under various loading conditions are simulated and evaluated. The FFT algorithm is used to analyse the voltage and current harmonic content under steady-state conditions. Experimental results obtained from a laboratory 1.1 kW induction machine driven by a DC motor are also performed to confirm the effectiveness of the proposed approach.
Parameters of a capacitor-start, capacitor-run single-phase induction motor with closed or semi-closed rotor slots are measured and a model for the investigation of the performance of the machine in the frequency domain under the influence of harmonic voltages is presented. An algorithm, taking into account the nonlinear rotor leakage inductance, is established. This algorithm is applied to estimate the current in the time domain, and the harmonic losses at rated-load operation without and with run capacitors are calculated. Computational results are compared with those from experimentation and the differences between both are discussed
This paper describes the use of a saturable single slot finite element model to determine the resistances and reactances of a double-cage rotor, allowing for the MMF balancing effect of the stator currents. The method is verified by comparing the impedances calculated for an unsaturated rotor with rectangular bars with their analytically determined counterparts. The model requires the user to specify both rotor frequency and current per slot. The effect of magnetic saturation is examined, and it is demonstrated that care must be taken in the choice of current at low frequencies, to avoid conditions of excessive saturation, leading to unrealistic values for inductances