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Abstract and Figures

The incidence and prevalence of peripheral artery disease among hemodialysis patients both increase with the improvement of diagnostic methods. Therapies of noncritical ischemia status include risk factor reduction, exercise, podiatry care and medication; therapies of critical ischemia status include endovascular treatment, surgical revascularization and amputation. The prognosis is still poor nowadays regardless of contemporary therapeutic modalities. Further investigations, including pathogenesis identification, early diagnostic and therapeutic algorithms establishment, intervention timing confirmation, and multidisciplinary team approach, are warranted to improve the outcomes.
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腎臟與透析 28 4期,189-193 (2016 12 )
Kidney and Dialysis Vol.28, No.4, pp. 189-193 (December, 2016)
© Taiwan Society of Nephrology & Airiti Press Inc.
DOI: 10.6340/KD.2016.28(4).08
顏正杰 1、邱怡文 2、徐約翰 1,*、江培群 1、洪培豪 1
Treatment of Peripheral Artery Disease in Hemodialysis Patients
Cheng-Chieh Yen1, Yi-Wen Chiu2, Yueh-Han Hsu1,*, Pei-Chun Chiang1, Peir-Haur Hung1
The incidence and prevalence of peripheral artery disease among hemodialysis patients both increase with
the improvement of diagnostic methods. Therapies of noncritical ischemia status include risk factor reduction,
exercise, podiatry care and medication; therapies of critical ischemia status include endovascular treatment, surgical
revascularization and amputation. The prognosis is still poor nowadays regardless of contemporary therapeutic
modalities. Further investigations, including pathogenesis identication, early diagnostic and therapeutic algorithms
establishment, intervention timing conrmation, and multidisciplinary team approach, are warranted to improve the
Keywords: critical ischemia, endovascular treatment, hemodialysis, peripheral artery disease, treatment
Submitted for publication: 2016.7.25; Accepted for publication: 2016.8.18
1 戴德森醫療財團法人嘉義基督教醫院内科部;Department of Internal Medicine, Ditmanson Medical Foundation Chia-Yi Christian
2 高雄醫學大學附設中和紀念醫院腎臟內科;Division of Nephrology, Department of Internal Medicine, Kaohsiung Medical University
Chung-Ho Memorial Hospital
* Corresponding author: 徐約翰 Yueh-Han Hsu; E-mail:
Cheng-Chieh Yen, Yi-Wen Chiu, Yueh-Han Hsu, Pei-Chun Chiang, Peir-Haur Hung
190 腎臟與透析 第二十八卷 第四期 (2016)
周邊血管疾病 (peripheral artery disease) 又稱
為周邊血管阻塞性疾病 (peripheral artery occlusive
患者身上的血管肌肉層鈣化沉積 [1]。早期研究顯
20% 左右,近年來隨著診斷工具的進步,周邊血管
疾病的盛行率亦日漸增加 [2],其預後隨著周邊血管
疾病的出現而下降 [3]
其臨床表現早期是以 Fontaine stage classification
非危急缺血現象 (non-critical ischemia status,如無
症狀、間歇性跛行或活動後肢體疼痛等 ),另一類為
危急缺血現象 (critical ischemia status,如靜止時肢
體疼痛、傷口久不癒合或壞疽等 )。本文將著重探討
貳、非危急缺血現象 (Non-Critical
Ischemia Status)
病、腦血管疾病及高血脂等 ( 傳統危險因子 );從血
狀腺血症及低維生素 D血症 [4] ( 非傳統危險因
) 也使其罹患周邊血管疾病的機率增加。積極地
延遲周邊血管疾病的進展 [5]。但周邊血管疾病成因
顯示對於其併發症預防有正面的效果 [6]。不過目前
( 大部分都是出現於足部 ),處理不當容易造成病
護能降低疾病發生率和因截肢住院的比例 [7]
物目前只有 cilostazol naftidrofuryl 兩種,分述如
Cilostazol 是一種第三型磷酸二酯酶抑制劑
(type III phosphodiesterase inhibitor),存在於人類的
cilostazol 針對一般族群的間歇性跛行患者能有
cilostazol 可以延長病灶再狹窄的時間 [8]
目前僅用於歐洲的 naftidrofuryl 為第二型血清
素受體拮抗劑 (5-HT2 receptor antagonist),具有改
naftidrofuryl 可在六個月的治療後顯著改善一般族
群間歇性跛行患者的行走距離 [9],可惜目前仍缺乏
naftidrofuryl 針對血液透析病患的研究。
Treatments of PAD in HD Patients
Kidney and Dialysis, Vol. 28, No. 4 (2016) 191
參、危急缺血現象 (Critical
Ischemia Status)
1. 血管內介入治療 (Endovascular Treatment)
(percutaneous transluminal angioplasty),原理是以
管狹窄處以達增加血流量改善循環的效果 [10]。其
療之一 [11] 且越早介入成效越顯著 [12],最常見的
大於 50% 時再考慮進行支架置放。血液透析患者廣
2. 外科血管重建 (Surgical Revascularization)
的重建時機 [13],不過大部分的患者 ( 尤其是糖尿
病患者 ) 重建後病程仍會持續進展至截肢,目前沒
後的死亡率極高 [14,15]。血液透析患者罹患周邊
病、周邊神經病變及曾經出現傷口或截肢等 [16]
肢的適應症 [17],不過有鑑於糖尿病患者的外科血
管重建預後不佳,也有研究建議早期截肢 (primary
amputation) 以延緩併發症,目前對於截肢的時機點
當今美國心臟學會 (American Heart Association)
和歐洲心臟學會 (European Society of Cardiology)
有發表針對周邊血管疾病的治療指引 [18-20]。表一
療方式的預後都相當不理想 [2]:主流的血管內介入
治療 [21] 等方向努力,以期改善血液透析患者的預
Cheng-Chieh Yen, Yi-Wen Chiu, Yueh-Han Hsu, Pei-Chun Chiang, Peir-Haur Hung
192 腎臟與透析 第二十八卷 第四期 (2016)
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表一 學會指引和血液透析患者周邊血管疾病治療方式的整理
Table 1 Summary of the treatment guidelines for PAD in hemodialysis patients
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Full-text available
Peripheral artery disease are more prevalent in end stage renal disease patients than the general due to suffering from both traditional and nontraditional cardiovascular risk factors. Clinical manifestations can be divided into noncritical ischemia(such as intermittent claudication) and critical ischemia(such as resting pain or gangrene). It is a challenge to diagnose peripheral artery disease among end stage renal disease patients. In noninvasive diagnostic tools, ankle brachial index is easy to perform but has poor specificity, toe brachial index is not affected by vessel calcification and brachial ankle pulse wave velocity can screen those with normal ankle brachial index; as to invasive diagnostic tools, contrast arteriography is the gold standard of diagnosis of peripheral artery disease, other tools such as intravascular ultrasonography, multi-detector computed tomography angiography, peripheral magnetic resonance angiography and Carbon dioxide angiography are practical but have its own limitations and lack of evidence among this population. Therapy of noncritical ischemia includes risk factor reduction, exercise, foot care, medication and low-density lipoprotein apheresis; therapy of critical ischemia includes thrombolysis, percutaneous transluminal angioplasty, surgical revascularization and amputation. The prognosis of end stage renal disease patients is still poor nowadays regardless of contemporary therapeutic modalities. Further investigation is needed for risk factors identification, diagnostic tool selection, preventive strategies and therapeutic algorithms establishment in earlier stages of chronic kidney disease. (J Intern Med Taiwan 2016; 27: 68-78)
Full-text available
The aim of the present paper was to review the most important mechanisms explaining the possible association of vitamin D deficiency and cardiovascular diseases, focusing on recent experimental and clinical data. Low vitamin D levels favor atherosclerosis enabling vascular inflammation, endothelial dysfunction, formation of foam cells, and proliferation of smooth muscle cells. The antihypertensive properties of vitamin D include suppression of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system, renoprotective effects, direct effects on endothelial cells and calcium metabolism, inhibition of growth of vascular smooth muscle cells, prevention of secondary hyperparathyroidism, and beneficial effects on cardiovascular risk factors. Vitamin D is also involved in glycemic control, lipid metabolism, insulin secretion, and sensitivity, explaining the association between vitamin D deficiency and metabolic syndrome. Vitamin D deficit was associated in some studies with the number of affected coronary arteries, postinfarction complications, inflammatory cytokines and cardiac remodeling in patients with myocardial infarction, direct electromechanical effects and inflammation in atrial fibrillation, and neuroprotective effects in stroke. In peripheral arterial disease, vitamin D status was related to the decline of the functional performance, severity, atherosclerosis and inflammatory markers, arterial stiffness, vascular calcifications, and arterial aging. Vitamin D supplementation should further consider additional factors, such as phosphates, parathormone, renin, and fibroblast growth factor 23 levels.
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Calcification of vessels reduces their elasticity, affecting hemodynamic parameters of the cardiovascular system. The development of arterial hypertension, cardiac hypertrophy, ischemic heart disease or peripheral arterial disease significantly increases mortality in patients over 60 years of age. Stage of advancement and the extent of accumulation of calcium deposits in vessel walls are key risk factors of ischemic events. Vascular calcification is an active and complex process that involves numerous mechanisms responsible for calcium depositions in arterial walls. They lead to increase in arterial stiffness and in pulse wave velocity, which in turn increases cardiovascular disease morbidity and mortality. In-depth study and thorough understanding of vascular calcification mechanisms may be crucial for establishing an effective vasculoprotective therapy. The aim of this study was to present a comprehensive survey of current state-of-the-art research into the impact of metabolic and hormonal disorders on development of vascular calcification. Due to strong resemblance to the processes occurring in bone tissue, drugs used for osteoporosis treatment (calcitriol, estradiol, bisphosphonates) may interfere with the processes occurring in the vessel wall. On the other hand, drugs used to treat cardiovascular problems (statins, angiotensin convertase inhibitors, warfarin, heparins) may have an effect on bone tissue metabolism. Efforts to optimally control calcium and phosphate concentrations are also beneficial for patients with end-stage renal disease, for whom vessel calcification remains a major problem.
The aim of the present study was to clarify the characteristics of Japanese critical limb ischemia (CLI) patients and analyze the rates of real-world mortality and amputation-free survival (AFS) in all patients with Fontaine stage IV CLI who were treated with/without revascularization therapy by an intra-hospital multidisciplinary care team. All consecutive patients who presented with CLI at Showa University Fujigaoka Hospital between April 2008 and March 2014 were prospectively registered. The intra-hospital committee consisted of cardiologists, plastic surgeons, dermatologists, diabetologists, nephrologists, cardiovascular surgeons, and vascular technologists. The primary endpoint of this study was all-cause mortality and AFS during the follow-up period. The present study included 145 patients with Fontaine stage IV CLI. The mean age was 76.5 ± 10.2 years. The all-cause mortality rate during the follow-up period (15.5 ± 16.1 months) was 21.4 %. The AFS rate during the follow-up period (14.1 ± 16.4 months) was 58.6 %. A multivariate Cox proportional hazards regression analysis found that age >75 years and hemodialysis were significantly associated with all-cause mortality; and that age >75 years, Rutherford 6, and wound infection were significantly associated with AFS. A multidisciplinary approach and comprehensive care may improve the outcomes and optimize the collaborative treatment of CLI patients. However, all-cause mortality remained high in patients with Fontaine stage IV CLI and early referral to a hospital that can provide specialized treatment for CLI, before the occurrence of major tissue loss or infection, is necessary to avoid primary amputation.
Background Adults with end-stage renal disease are at increased risk of foot ulceration and lower extremity amputation. However, the central determinants of lower limb injury and loss are incompletely understood. Methods We conducted a systematic review of non-randomized studies that quantified the major risk factors for foot ulceration and amputation in adults treated with dialysis and analysed patient populations in which risks were greatest. Random-effects meta-analysis was used to generate summary estimates. Results Thirty studies (48 566 participants) were identified. Risk factors for foot ulceration and amputation included previous foot ulceration (odds ratios, OR, 17.56 and 70.13), peripheral arterial disease (OR, 7.52 and 9.12), diabetes (OR, 3.76 and 7.48), peripheral neuropathy (OR, 3.24 and 3.36) and coronary artery disease (OR, 3.92 and 2.49). Participants with foot ulceration or amputation had experienced a longer duration of diabetes (mean difference, MD, 4.04 and 6.07 years) and had lower serum albumin levels (MD, −0.23 and −0.13 g/dL). Risk factors for foot ulceration also included retinopathy (OR, 3.03), previous amputation (OR, 15.50) and higher serum phosphorus levels (MD, 0.40 mg/dL), while risk factors for amputation also included male sex (OR, 1.50), current smoking (OR, 2.26) and higher glycated haemoglobin levels (MD, 0.75%). Conclusions Dialysis patients who have markedly higher risks of ulceration or amputation include those with previous foot ulceration or amputation, peripheral neuropathy, diabetes or macrovascular disease. The temporal relationship between these risk factors and the development of foot ulceration and/or limb loss is uncertain and requires further study. Stable estimates of the key risk factors for ulceration and amputation can inform the design of future trials investigating clinical interventions to reduce the burden of lower limb disease in the dialysis population.
Objectives Peripheral artery disease (PAD) is a major health problem whose clinical management includes multiple options regarding risk factor control, diagnosis, and medical and surgical treatment. The aim was to generate indicators based on systematic reviews to evaluate the quality of healthcare provided in PAD. Methods Electronic searches were run for systematic reviews in The Cochrane Library (Issue 6, 2011), MEDLINE, EMBASE, and other databases (up to June 2011). Conclusive systematic reviews of high methodological quality were selected to formulate clinical recommendations. Indicators were derived from clinical recommendations with moderate to very high strength of evidence as assessed by the GRADE system. Results From 1,804 reviews initially identified, 29 conclusive and high-quality systematic reviews were selected and nine clinical recommendations were formulated with a moderate to very high strength of recommendation. Six indicators were finally generated: four on pharmacological interventions, antiplatelet agents, naftidrofuryl, cilostazol, and statins; and two lifestyle interventions, exercise and tobacco cessation. No indicators were derived for diagnostic tests or surgical techniques. Most indicators targeted patients with intermittent claudication. Conclusions These quality indicators will help clinicians to assess the appropriateness of healthcare provided in PAD. The development of evidence-based indicators in PAD is limited by the lack of methodological quality of the research in this disease, the inconclusiveness of the evidence on diagnostic and surgical techniques, and the dynamic nature of the vascular diseases field.
Background: End-stage renal disease patients can be considered as 'cardiovascular time bombs' due to their tremendous cardiovascular risk. Our study has determined the impact of 3 months of exercise training during dialysis on some of the cardiovascular risk factors (arterial stiffness, body composition and physical performance) in a chronic hemodialyzed population. Methods: The study group (n = 19) and control group (n = 16) of chronic hemodialysis patients from Timisoara, Romania, were enrolled in a prospective cohort study. The intervention--40 min of exercise training (with non-fistula hand and both lower limbs) during each hemodialysis session for 3 months--was applied only to the study group. The measurements made before and after intervention were aortic pulse wave velocity (PWV), aortic augmentation index, return time and both central and peripheral blood pressure for arterial stiffness evaluation, using the Arteriograph Tensiomed system, body composition by multifrequency bioimpedance and physical performance (Myotest PRO system and hand dynamometer). Results: We found a significant 1-m/s reduction in PWV, a 12-second increase in return time and a 10-mm Hg reduction in both central and systolic blood pressure driven only by the exercise training. Exercise training significantly increased the skeletal muscle mass and the soft lean mass of the study group patients. Physical performance significantly improved in the study group jumping height by 1 cm, lower limbs explosive power by 3 W/kg and non-fistula hand strength prehension by 0.06 bar. Conclusions: Exercise training during dialysis has a positive effect on arterial stiffness, body composition and physical performance of chronic hemodialyzed patients.
Developed in Collaboration With the Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions, Society of Interventional Radiology, Society for Vascular Medicine, and Society for Vascular Surgery