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Reconfigurable Dielectric Resonator Antenna for GSM, LTE, and 5G applications

Reconfigurable Dielectric Resonator Antenna for
GSM, LTE, and 5G applications
Jamal Kosha1, Widad Mshwat1, Chemseddine Zebiri1,2, Djamel Sayad3, Issa Elfergani4,
Yasir Al-Yasir1, Abdalfettah Asharaa1, Atta Ullah1, and Raed Abd-Alhameed2
1School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Bradford, BD71DP, UK.
2Department of Electronics, University of Ferhat Abbas, Sétif -1-, 19000 Sétif, Algeria.
3Department of Electrical Engineering, University of 20 Aout 1955-Skikda, 21000 Skikda, Algeria.
4Instituto de Telecomunicações, Campus Universitário de Santiago, Aveiro, Portugal.
Abstract. For this research, a frequency reconfigurable dielectric resonator
antenna (RDRA) is studied and designed, the reconfigurability is achieved by
using two PIN diodes as switches. The designed antenna operates in the
frequencies 3.6 GHz, 2.6 GHz, and 1.80 GHz. It is also operating on the lower
band of 5G (3.4-3.8 GHz), which allows the antenna to be used in various mobile
communication devices. The antenna is a compact one its dimensions are
20×36×4.8 mm3, The proposed antenna is made up of 3rectangular shaped
Dielectric Resonatorsm (DR) 1, 2 and 3 (each with different permittivities and
different dimensions) their respected permittivities are 12.85, 1.96 and 12.85
respectively. Two PIN diodes are used as switches and are positioned on the
microstrip line between the DRs to guarantee the reconfigurability purpose.
Finally, simulation results are presented and discussed, the results are related to
the reference antenna from the literature for validation and performance
measurement purposes. The designed antenna offers a suitable performance level
and provides three modes of operation 20%, 12%, and 10%.
Keywords: Dielectric Resonator Antenna, Electromagnetics, measurements,
Reconfigurable antennas
1 Introduction
Due to the attractive characteristics of Dielectric Resonator Antenna (DRA) to use p dielectric
materials as radiating elements with the aim of building antennas, the approach has have gained
considerable recognition in recent years. The major feature of this system is the number of
feeding approaches used to stimulate a dielectric resonator's radiant modes [1, 2]. As mentioned
in [3-5], in addition to other strengths such as substantial diminutive diameter, good radiation
resistance, broad impedance bandwidth as well as high gain, an adequate microwave system
model, various DRs numbers and shapes. Multiple techniques may be applied to excite Dielectric
Resonator, some of them are; aperture coupling [10], coplanar wave guides (CPW) [9],
microstrip feeds [7, 8], as they can be paired with lines of transmitting and wave guides [4][11],
IMDC-SDSP 2020, June 28-30, Cyberspace
Copyright © 2020 EAI
DOI 10.4108/eai.28-6-2020.2298076
besides the evolutionary algorithms that include aperture and CPW and, probe and slot
combinations, [2]. A systematic analysis of the various methods of feeding is stated in [2].
Because conductors are not used, Dielectric Resonator Antennas are distinguished by extremely
low loss, occasioning higher performance when the low-loss dielectric radiation is used. With
several design specifications such as scale, structure, dimensional ratios, electrical conductivity
and seamless integration during the production processes, DRAs offer higher reliability in the
design phases [12]. In comparison, DRAs give a relatively wider bandwidth as opposed to dipole
antennas and microstrip. Miniaturization strategies must be added to create the size of the antenna
ideal for realistic use within the appropriate operating frequency. Because of their use in
contemporary communication networks reconfigurable antennas have gained a lot of interest. As
multioperation antennas, they have numerous small and/or large bands concurrently to
accommodate different frequency bands for multiservice networks. The reconfigurability concept
has been embraced to obtain the selectivity of frequency bands, radiation pattern, and polarization
of a given antenna so that the ultra-wide-band (UWB) and multi-band antennas can be replaced
[13]. The reconfigurable antennas could provide several services in a comparably small structure.
They are becoming serious contenders for the emerging and even existing wireless applications
[14, 15].
Owing to their potential application in contemporary mobile communications networks the
reconfigurable antennas have gained a lot of interest. The literature has documented different
frequency control methods [17]. Reconfigurability in an antenna structure could be achieved is
mainly by connecting or disconnecting some of its parts using, optical switches, RF switches,
Field Effect Transistors (FETs), varactor diodes, and PIN diodes [18]. The reconfigurability
performances of DRAs have been investigated [20]. the Reconfigurarable DRAs offer tunability
and adjustability in one of the antenna characteristics like Radiation pattern [22] [18],
Polarization, operational frequency band [21], or a combination of them [25-27].
This study is built on research conducted by Danesh et al.[3] addressing GSM, LTE, as well
as 5 G technologies with a frequency reconfigurable antenna. A compact, reconfigurable DRA
frequency is provided in this study. Dual-PIN diodes (BAR 50-02V), used as on-off switches are
mounted on the power cable system and the dielectric resonator that follows is segregated.
Through flipping the two PIN diodes, we identified 3 Narrowband operating modes. The
recommended antenna may be used between 1.8 GHz and 3.8 GHz for GSM, LTE, and 5G
2 Design and configuration
Fig. 1(a) displays the possible geometry of the reconfigurable antenna at [3]. It consists of
rectangular Dielectric Resonators stimulated by a substrate of with 20×36×1.5748 mm3, ɛr=3.2
and tanδ=0.003, PIN diode switches, metal sheet beneath the Dielectric Resonator Antenna and
microstrip feed line. The DR dielectric constant has an ɛr=10 and tanδ=0.002 and a thickness of
h=4mm. Additionally, there are Direct Current lines as well as Direct Current slot lines within
the framework. The black dots below the DRs indicate the slotted feed line. The substrate is
mounted on a w1=3.8 mm width microstrip feed line with. Three PIN diodes are among each of
the 2 rectangular DRS positioned on the feed lines.
A Direct Current bias circuit controls the three switching PIN diodes (BAR 50-02V). Within
each Dielectric layer, 2 successive bias lines with a resistance of 100pH are attached to the
antenna design. The DRA dimensions (mm) are: L6=9.0, L5=2.5, L4=3.5 mm, L3=2.5, L2=11.5,
L1=8.0, W5=7.0, W4=0.7, W3=8.0 and W2=1.3.
(A) (B)
Fig. 1. Illustration. 1. (A) DRA schematics suggested in [3], (b) Re-simulation of the DRA relation using
(CST) Microwave Studio.
2.1 Validating the re-simulated antenna
A re-simulation of this aforementioned has been instituted (Fig. 1(B)) to verify our present
system based on the selected antenna addressed in [3]. For this project, the 4 narrow-band
frequencies are moved approximately 210 MHz to the inferior frequency to accommodate the
LTE band by the use of dielectric resonator. Furthermore, the usage of DR enhances radiation
efficiency. 4 equivalent metal sheets of 8×2.5mm2 are placed under the DRs. Using the DRs also
affects the resonant frequencies to reach the optimum outcome for these narrow-band
The simulation outcomes of the same antenna indicate strong alignment with that of [3] (Fig.
2) for the last phase with a tiny adjustment. It can be explained by variations across simulation
among the specifications of the inherently biased elements, the dwelling of the parasitic diode as
well as the consistency. Subject to the circumstances of the PIN diodes this antenna may work at
four separate ranges of frequency.
The proposed reconfigurable antenna is fed via a microstrip batch scribbled on the xz plane,
as a result, the modeΤΕxδ11 (0<δ<1) has been excited. Dielectric Waveguide Model (DWM)
[28] suggests that this mode's frequency response is usually determined by the y and z parameters,
implying that available the x-axis variable may probably be described with a comparatively
modest element.
1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75 3.00
f (GHz)
Fig. 2. Comparative analysis of S11 simulation responses with [3] for various switching phases of the
PIN diodes.
2.2 Illustration of proposed Reconfigurable Dielectric Resonator Antenna diagram
The next aspect of this research is the optimization of the new Reconfigurable Dielectric
Resonator Antenna. Fig. 3 illustrates the desired configuration of the antenna using the CST
program interface with the dimensions in table.1.
Fig. 3 Proposed design in the CST interface (a) top view without DRs, (b) top view with DRs
The distinction among our configuration with that of [3] exists in the quantity of resonators
as well as DRs in which we have three rather than Four in [3], and the depth of the substrate in
our research is 0.8 mm whereas in [3] it is double, which significantly reduces the surface waves
thus increases the performance of the antenna.
Table 1 Dimensions for Geometrical parameter of the proposed antenna.
Dim. (mm)
Dim. (mm)
Dim. (mm)
2.3 Design and configuration of the proposed antenna with real switches
Figures 3.b, as well as 4, show the layout of our suggested reconfigurable antenna consisting
of three different sizes rectangular DR, all of them have the same thicknesses which are 4 mm,
with tanδ=0.0019 and ɛr3=1.96 for DR2 and, tanδ=0.0019, ɛr=12.85 for DR3 as well as DR1.
The 3 DRs are paired with a 3.8 mm long microstrip patch antenna projected on a 20×36×0.8mm3
substrate with a permittivity of ɛrs=3.2 and tanδ=0.002. Within the conductor patch positioned
under the DRs are mounted 3 slots of various shapes and designs. Two Direct Current-like PIN
diodes on the feed line are separated by the central rectangular DR, as well as 4 inductors.
Fig. 4. Antenna with ideal switches: (a) state ON-ON, (b) state ON-OFF, and (c) state OFF-OFF.
To prevent short circuits a 0.2mm notch is introduced to isolate the metal reinforcement below
DR2. At the ends of the tube, 2 22 pF capacitors are positioned to offer the RF signal via the feed,
and thus the Direct Current signal isolated. To build higher isolating impedance, Bias Direct
current-lines that appear to be wired to the Direct Current supply of power through cables that
are fitted inductors.
2.4 Reconfigurable antenna’s optimization steps
The reproduction aftereffect of the first improved design (Figure 4) with no RF parts or
genuine controller has appeared in the 5th figure. Basic hole is scratched on line (Feed line)
between the various pieces of radio wire in order to fill in as levers.
Figure 6 shows how RF parts were stacked on the antenna. Expansion RF segments
(inductances and capacitors) have indicated a little impact on the input impedance of the antenna,
bringing about a balance on the S11 for frequencies under 4 GHz (Figure 7), anyway for
frequencies above 4.0 GHz, the impact gets noteworthy.
1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0
f (GHz)
Fig. 5. Results for S11 demonstrating different states of controllers
Fig. 6. Demonstration of antenna with ideal controllers and illustrating positions of RF components.
3 Simulation Results
In the following section, a parametric report is mainly propelled to optimize and enhance the
dimensions and other parameters of the designed antenna structure to ensure coverage of 1.8 GHz
(GSM) groups, reasonable to be used in LTE systems and supports other 5G applications. After
the addition of diodes, the designed antenna structure experienced a noteworthy change in its
properties. A streamlining of the distinctive considered boundaries, for example, the elements of
the patches under the DRs, the spaces embedded inside these patches and the variety of the DRs
Permittivity permitted us to get the last setup of our proposed design.
Figure 5 shows the reflection coefficient (S11) of the proposed antenna with actual switches.
Three groups of frequency are gotten relating to the accompanying three states OFF-OFF, ON-
OFF, and ON-ON. These groups are: 2.6GHz (LTE), 1.8GHz (GSM), 3.4-3.7, 3.6, and 3.4-
3.8GHz, and 4.99GHZ for 5G as appeared in Table 2. As plainly, our structure contrasted with
that in [3] presents the above frequency groups by three potential cases (of two switches) though
in [3] just 1.8, 2.14, 2.53, and 2.77GHz are acquired by four potential cases (of three switches).
1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0
f (GHz)
Fig. 7. S11 results after simulation of antenna that comprise of RF components
Figure 7 shows different operating fervency bands related to different states of the switches
(Pin Diodes), A narrow band in the range of1.9 GHz and 1.72, this is corresponding to the ON-
ON state of the switches, it covers the 1.8 GHz GSM where 9% bandwidth impedance was
obtained. The second band is obtained by the ON-OFF state, this band coffers frequencies
between 2.47 to 2.76 GHz with a middle frequency 2.6GHz, the bandwidth of 11% was achieved
which is appropriate for LTE systems. The final band achieved by the third state of the switches,
OFF-OFF, this band 3.4-4.2 GHz with a middle frequency of 3.6GHz and 19% bandwidth
impedance, which suitable for 5G networks.
Fig. 8. Illustration of current distribution (a) 3.6GHz, (b) 2.6GHz and (c) 1.8GHz.
Figure 9 presents the simulation of the current distributed on the surface of the antenna
structure. In the first OFF-OFF mode, just the first patch is resonating, while in the second mode
ON-OFF, both first and second patches are resonating as shown in figure 9(b), while in the last
mode ON-ON, the current is concentrated around the second and the third patches.
1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0
Gain (dB)
f (GHz)
1st state 2nd state
2nd state
3rd state
Fig. 9. Antenna gain for different switching states.
The antenna gain is varying massively through the different modes of operations. In OFF-
OFF mode, the gain is higher than the other states as shown in Figure 10.
3 Conclusion
A minimized Reconfigurable Dielectric Resonator Antenna, RDRA, has been introduced; it
is working at three distinctive frequency groups: 3.6 GHz, 1.8 GHz, 2.6 GHz. In this structure, is
reconfigurable DRA fed through microstrip, the physical dimensions are 20×0.8×36mm3.
There different operation modes for the antenna were generated using two Pin Diodes, which
were used as switches with three different combinations (OFF-OFF, ON-OFF, and ON-ON),
these modes of operations of the antenna have 19%, 11%, and 9% bandwidth efficiency
reciprocally. All 5G, LTE, and GSM applications and services are supported by the antenna
structure proposed.
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... The array gain performance was minimal, ranging from 0.5-3.6 dBi. 19 20 Again, the array's big size and low gain performance are major disadvantages of the reported design. ...
Full-text available
In this study, a compact reconfigurable dielectric resonator antenna (DRA) array is proposed to operate in the band IEEE 802.11 WLAN. The main goal of this design is to propose an array feeding topology to avoid radiated beam squinting due to frequency alteration and acquire some gain enhancement with miniaturized array size. For that, the parallel–series geometry is used to layout a microstrip feeder with four output ports on the front plane. Each output port coupled with a rectangular slot (RS) at the bottom plane, and a rectangular dielectric resonator (RDR) mounted above the RS. The frequency reconfigurability is attained by employing PIN diodes that are integrated with the four output ports to operate as switches. Moreover, an impedance equivalent circuit model of the proposed array is postulated for studying the resonance behavior to ensure the validity of the proposed design prior to simulation and fabrication. The prototype 64 × 18 mm² achieves frequency agility in the range of 5.8 to 5.17 GHz. Also, the realized gain ranges from 12.2 to 10. 5 dBi. The array specifications make it a decent potential candidate to be used for WLAN wireless systems.
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A printed and minimal size antenna having the functionality of frequency shifting as well as pattern reconfigurability is presented in this work. The antenna proposed in this work consists of three switches. Switch 1 is a lumped switch that controls the operating bands of the antenna. Switch 2 and Switch 3 controls the beam switching of the antenna. When the Switch 1 is ON, the proposed antenna operates at 3.1 GHz and 6.8 GHz, covering the 2.5–4.2 GHz and 6.2–7.4 GHz bands, respectively. When Switch 1 is OFF, the antenna operates only at 3.1 GHz covering the 2.5–4.2 GHz band. The desired beam from the antenna can be obtained by adjusting the ON and OFF states of Switches 2 and 3. Unique beams can be obtained by different combination of ON and OFF states of the Switches 2 and 3. A gain greater than 3.7 dBi is obtained for all four cases.
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Reconfigurable antennas play important roles in smart and adaptive systems and are the subject of many research studies. They offer several advantages such as multifunctional capabilities, minimized volume requirements, low front-end processing efforts with no need for a filtering element, good isolation, and sufficient out-of-band rejection; these make them well suited for use in wireless applications such as fourth generation (4G) and fifth generation (5G) mobile terminals. With the use of active materials such as microelectromechanical systems (MEMS), varactor or p-i-n (PIN) diodes, an antenna’s characteristics can be changed through altering the current flow on the antenna structure. If an antenna is to be reconfigurable into many different states, it needs to have an adequate number of active elements. However, a large number of high-quality active elements increases cost, and necessitates complex biasing networks and control circuitry. We review some recently proposed reconfigurable antenna designs suitable for use in wireless communications such as cognitive-ratio (CR), multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO), ultra-wideband (UWB), and 4G/5G mobile terminals. Several examples of antennas with different reconfigurability functions are analyzed and their performances are compared. Characteristics and fundamental properties of reconfigurable antennas with single and multiple reconfigurability modes are investigated.
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An initial cuboid shape dielectric resonator antenna is made from a ceramic compound with a high dielectric constant of 30. A feeding mechanism that consists of a coaxial probe in the middle of the antenna is installed underneath, Parasitic feed elements are used to guide the flow of the surface current into the desired direction. Each parasitic feed possesses a switch to control the surface current flow and obtain a reconfigurable pattern. The impedance bandwidth of the proposed antenna is 320 MHz from 2.45-2.72 GHz with a total efficiency exceeding 96%, which is suitable for long-term evolution (LTE) of bands 7 (2,500-2,570 MHz, 2,620-2,690 MHz) and 38 (2.57-2.62 GHz) femtocell base stations. The proposed antenna is fabricated, and results indicate satisfactory agreement between simulated and fabricated antennas. 
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A novel cuboid quadrifilar helical antenna (QHA) with polarization and pattern reconfigurabilities is presented. The proposed antenna consists of a reconfigurable radiator and a switchable feeding network. The radiator combines two individual QHAs in a cuboid, which can be alternatively activated. The feeding network provides switchable quadrature excitations to the radiator. By controlling the PIN diodes on the radiator and the feeding network, four working states including both polarization and pattern agilities are achieved. The polarization of the antenna can be switched between two orthogonal circular polarizations, and the radiation pattern can be changed between broadside and backfire modes. A prototype designed to operate at 0.9-GHz band is developed and measured. The measured results validated that the antenna achieved the four working states with stable wide-beam radiation patterns. Moreover, the proposed antenna obtained wide impedance and axial-ratio bandwidths (36.2% and 22%, respectively) in a compact size (0.26 λ0 ×0.26 λ0 ×0.25 λ0). The proposed antenna which has attractive electrical characteristics can be applied to various wireless communications, e.g., RFID readers, subway and railway communications.
This letter proposes a pattern reconfigurable high gain spherical dielectric resonator antenna (DRA) operating on higher order mode. Two microstrip patches were used to excite TE <sub xmlns:mml="" xmlns:xlink="">301</sub> mode in the different direction. A reconfigurable switch network was designed and it has three switching modes for selecting each patch alone or selecting them simultaneously. The proposed antenna can reconfigure its radiation pattern by using a feeding structure, which is consist of two microstrip patches and the reconfigurable switch network. A prototype antenna operating on TE <sub xmlns:mml="" xmlns:xlink="">301</sub> mode at 5.8 GHz was fabricated by ceramic material. By experiment, we validated the new concept of pattern reconfigurable spherical DRA.
The research on reconfigurable antennas becomes more and more popular recently along with the rapid development of modern wireless communication systems. Reconfigurable antennas will facilitate to increase the wireless channel capacity, to avoid polarization mismatch, and to enhance the radiation coverage. This paper will present four reconfigurable antenna designs that realize the wideband polarization and pattern reconfigurability. First, a wideband multi-linear polarizations reconfigurable antenna is introduced, that is based on the L-shaped probe fed patch radiators. Multiple L-shaped structure is adopted to realize the reconfigurability. Second, based on the same methodology, a wideband circular polarization reconfigurable antenna is developed via an output switchable power divider. Expect for the polarization reconfigurable antennas, this paper also presents two pattern reconfigurable antennas that achieve switchable conical-beam and broadside radiations. The former one utilizes the combination of a wideband monopolar patch antenna and an L-probe fed patch antenna. The latter one adopts an annular-slotted patch antenna fed by an excitation reconfigurable feed network. All the antennas discussed above exhibit wide bandwidth, low profile, stable realized gain and desired reconfigurability. Copyright © 2018 by Editorial Department of Chinese Journal of Radio Science
In this paper, rectangular dielectric resonator antennas (RDRAs) fed by offset tapered copper and graphene microstrip lines are presented. A comparison between these two feeding materials is made with an aim of using the high‐conductivity graphene film (HCGF) to replace copper for feeding the RDRA if feasible. Four feed forms have been discussed. The presented feed mechanism is able to couple electromagnetic energy in three different modes of the RDRA. The HCGF is utilized to replace copper for feeding the RDRA. An impedance bandwidth of 11.32% (3.25 GHz ~ 3.64 GHz) is realized in the experiments by using a graphene feed line, compared to that of 12.24% (3.22 GHz ~ 3.64 GHz) for copper, and a peak gain of 4.48dBi is obtained at the center frequency. The results show that the HCGF can be used to couple the RDRA, and the HCGF fed RDRA has good performance. Radiation patterns around the center frequency are also presented.
The realisation of an electronically tuned polarisation reconfigurable dielectric resonator antenna with multiple switchable states is described in this study. The antenna is fed by a microstrip line through a cross-slot aperture placed in the ground plane to achieve circular polarisation. PIN diodes have been placed across the cross slots to control their effective dimensions and thereby its sense of polarisation. The antenna is connected to a microcontroller (ARDUINO-UNO) to switch between corresponding polarisation states. Simulated results of the antenna are verified with experimental data. The antenna has an impedance bandwidth of about 20% for all four states of polarisations. The antenna also radiates with a gain of 4 dB over the entire band.
Numerous elements of compact dielectric resonator antenna (DRA) for wideband shifting applications are proposed with microstrip-line-fed antenna on a defected ground plane. One to five cylindrical dielectric resonators that are asymmetrically located with respect to the center of rectangular coupling aperture are fed through the aperture of a defected ground plane. By optimizing the design parameters, a design has been achieved with an impedance bandwidth of about 121.2%, covering the frequency range of 2.92–12.GHz, and a simulated gain of 10dBi. Details of simulation and design of the proposed antennas and results are presented and discussed. The large slot technique combined with the technique of defected ground structure is used to enhance the impedance bandwidth of the patch antennas and the circuit performance.
This book highlights technology trends and challenges that trace the evolution of antenna design, starting from 3rd generation phones and moving towards the latest release of LTE-A. The authors explore how the simple monopole and whip antenna from the GSM years have evolved towards what we have today, an antenna design that is compact, multi-band in nature and caters to multiple elements on the same patch to provide high throughput connectivity. The scope of the book targets a broad range of subjects, including the microstrip antenna, PIFA antenna, and the monopole antenna to be used for different applications over three different mobile generations. Beyond that, the authors take a step into the future and look at antenna requirements for 5G communications, which already has the 5G drive in place with prominent scenarios and use-cases emerging. They examine these, and put in place the challenges that lie ahead for antenna design, particularly in mm-Wave design. The book provides a reference for practicing engineers and under/post graduate students working in this field.