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Abstract and Figures

In this paper model of Wi-Fi Control Bot refers to the use of Wi-Fi Bot to control home automation and for communicating with Physical Handicapped people. In this process we can see the Real time video and can control the movement of the Wi-Fi bot from anywhere. Using the present technology, we have designed a system that will be advantageous to the human beings and this will provide a great support to the community. This Wi-Fi control bot with Real Time Video Streaming paper gives the design and working principle of flexible Wi-Fi control system in which we controlled the bot using local Wi-Fi server by a compatible webpage. The communication between our Personal computer and Arduino board is wireless and done by ADAFRUIT CC3000. This system is implemented using low cost and it can control variety of tasks. Keywords-Wi-Fi Bot; Arduino bot; ADAFRUIT CC3000 Wi-Fi module; Android mobile and server based web programming component;
Content may be subject to copyright.
3rd Int’l Conf. on Recent Advances in Information Technology | RAIT-2016 |
978-1-4799-8579-1/16/$31.00 ©2016 IEEE
Abstract In this paper model of Wi-Fi Control Bot refers
to the use of Wi-Fi Bot to control home automation and for
communicating with Physical Handicapped people. In this
process we can see the Real time video and can control the
movement of the Wi-Fi bot from anywhere. Using the
present technology, we have designed a system that will be
advantageous to the human beings and this will provide a
great support to the community. This Wi-Fi control bot with
Real Time Video Streaming paper gives the design and
working principle of flexible Wi-Fi control system in which
we controlled the bot using local Wi-Fi server by a
compatible webpage. The communication between our
Personal computer and Arduino board is wireless and done
by ADAFRUIT CC3000. This system is implemented using
low cost and it can control variety of tasks.
Keywords Wi-Fi Bot; Arduino bot; ADAFRUIT CC3000
Wi-Fi module; Android mobile and server based web
programming component;
A travelling WI-FI bot is a device that is basically
placed or attached on a mobile platform and can be
controlled with the help of certain commands. In recent
world a lot of fields use travelling robots. To make
communication among our pc and Wi-Fi bot, we used
ADAFRUIT CC3000 Wi-Fi module [4]. If electrical
conductor is not used during conversation of information
among two or more points is called wireless
communication [5], [11]. Radio is used mostly in wireless
technologies. Radio waves have big advantage in wireless
communication. In television radio waves makes distance
short in terms of few meters and in deep-space radio
communication distance can be more than thousands or it
can even be in terms of millions of kilometers [11]. It
includes numerous types of rigid, mobile, and handy uses,
containing two way wirelesses networks, personal digital
assistants (PDAs), cellular telephones, and radios.
Additional examples of uses of radio wireless technology
consist of GPS (Global Positioning System) units, garage
door openers, wireless personal computer, headsets and
keyboards, radio receivers, satellite television,
headphones, cordless phones and broadcast television [7].
An adafruit CC3000 Wi-Fi module is the capability to link
with the server and provides output of request. The Wi-Fi
module (adafruit CC3000 model) hits that sweet spot of
usability, amount and ability. It takes SPI (serial peripheral
interface) for communication with peripheral devices (not
for UART!), therefore we can push data as soon as we
demand or as slow as we demand [4]. In order to have
asynchronous connection, a proper interrupt system with
IRQ pin exist within WEP/WPA/WPA2 security, Wi-Fi
802.11b/g, AES and TKIP are supported by Wi-Fi module.
A built in TCP/IP stack with a "BSD socket" interface.
UDP and TCP in both client and server mode, up to 4
parallel sockets [4]. In our project, we accomplished real
time video streaming with the help of IP CAM. An IP
CAM stands for Internet protocol camera and is used for
transmission and reception of data by means of computer
network and internet. Web Cams are also the cameras that
can accomplish the same task done by IP Cam. Those
cameras which allow surveillance are called IP camera or
“NetCam” [10], [5].We can also use our Android mobile
as an IP camera by using IP Cam Pro app.
Here, we used 12V DC motor. The revolution per
second (rpm) of DC Motor is 100. In DC motor, we have
more rpm but not exact angular movement like servo
motor. For controlling the motor, we need motor driver IC
so we used IC L293D to control the movement of 12V DC
motor. [12]
Wireless technologies are becoming more reliable and
easiest mode of operation in real life for human beings, a
click can change the world around. It can connect digital
devices within a wide range. We proposed this concept
from the home automation system using Bluetooth
Technology. There are few issues involved when
designing a Wi-Fi Bot system. This model should be
designed in such a way that any new device can be easily
attached to it. It should also be designed in such a way that
it should be user-friendly so that it can be easily monitored
and controlled by the user. This interface should also
provide some analytical feature so that if there is any
problem with the system, it can easily be detected. Since it
is based on wireless technology, so this model should have
great speed. [7], [11]
The big advantage of our Wi-Fi bot is that it can
controlled using Android phone or also it can controlled
using web page. Only we need to connect the same server
on which our Wi-Fi bot is connected. We already
configured it to real time video streaming. At this point
real time video streaming i.e. IP CAM uses same locally
host server. [1]
The earlier projects had limitation like limited working
range and also an unsecure system, so to overcome these
limitations we got motivated to design our project. Our
objective is to design a system which can be controlled and
Rohit Kumar Das
Department of IT
Mizoram University,
Mizoram, India.
Department of IT
University, Aizawl
Mizoram, India.
Ramchandra Regmi
Department of IT
Mizoram University,
Mizoram, India.
Mayank Srivastava
Department of IT
Mizoram University,
Mizoram, India.
Department of IT
Mizoram University,
Mizoram, India.
3rd Int’l Conf. on Recent Advances in Information Technology | RAIT-2016 |
978-1-4799-8579-1/16/$31.00 ©2016 IEEE
viewed from far distance globally for various applications.
In this project we have contributed to the system features
like video streaming, image capturing, zooming, lighting
and also the Wi-Fi bot can be manually controlled from far
This project is implementing the new concept in
which we are merging the Real time Video streaming
using IP cam and by a locally host web page.
In section II literature survey, we are describing
security reasons, many functional features, working range
and frequency range. In Section III system configuration,
we are describing the web programming, Video
transmission, Arduino board, Adafruit CC3000 Wi-Fi
module and Motor driver board. In section IV principle of
working we have described that our Wi-Fi bot can be
controlled by a user using the commands in host computer.
In section V software development we have designed the
program in such a way that our Wi-Fi bot follows the
specific command. In section VI hardware development
we have described that the motors are connected with
Arduino board, Wi-Fi module and Android mobile. In
section VII result and analysis we have take a snapshot and
from that we have shown the result. In section VIII
conclusion we have concluded that this system is a secured
Security reasons: Since the Adafruit CC3000 Wi-Fi
module and Android Mobile needed to be paired by using
username and password which is only known and
predefined by the programmer in the programming. So this
Wi-Fi bot control is very secured from intruders.
Many Functional Features: It has many functional
features like:
a) Control: This system gives four functional
command (Forward, Reverse, Turn left, Turn
right) to control the Wi-Fi bot.
b) Image: This system is capable of capturing
the image.
c) Video: It is also possible of recording the live
d) Zooming: Since we are using here android
phone so we zoom the image as well as video.
e) Lighting: It can also work in dark due to its
lighting feature.
Working Range: As compared to the Bluetooth module
which gives limited working range in terms of about 2-3
meters, this system can even be operated from great
distance because we are using here Wi-Fi module. This
Wi-Fi module can operate globally as long as internet is
Frequency Range: Since our Adafruit CC3000 Wi-Fi
module used in this system works in range of radio
frequencies, so this system is very conventional for
This Wi-Fi control bot consists of mainly two
hardware components: the locally hosted web page and
Arduino Wi-Fi board. The locally hosted web page enables
the user to control the ADAFRUIT CC3000 Wi-Fi module
and also allow to control the real time video streaming.
The locally hosted web page communicates with the
Arduino Wi-Fi board and then set up a communication
protocol between devices which allow to control the
Arduino Wi-Fi board. [8]
The key component that make up the Wi-Fi bot system
is locally hosted web page. The Wi-Fi module connected
to the Arduino board and Motor driver board drives the
DC motors.
The Fig. 1 explains the actual working of the robot that is
Wi-Fi control bot. We can divide it into three stages as
a) Wi-Fi Bot
b) Remote Computer
c) Web server (it enables communication link
between the above two)
a) Wi-Fi Bot: - The essential components of this
model body consists of a microcontroller and motor
drivers and motors as shown in fig.1. This model is
programmed using Atmega-328 microcontroller. [2]
Fig. 1: Interconnection of Wi-Fi bot, web server and remote computer
b) Remote Computer:- Now, the Wi-Fi bot can be
controlled by the user operating the Remote computer.
The essential component here is the web browser on
which we will be opening the control page to control the
robotic action. Also we will be able to watch the live
streaming on the video screen on the control page. [7],
c) Web Server: - The web server consists of a log-in
interface and control page with video screen or a webcam
page [11].
The body of a Wi-Fi bot consists of all its essential
parts. The essential components of the robot mostly
consists of metal frame, which is constructed similar to
3rd Int’l Conf. on Recent Advances in Information Technology | RAIT-2016 |
978-1-4799-8579-1/16/$31.00 ©2016 IEEE
the shape of a house. On the frame of the robot the
components like batteries, motors, electronic circuit
boards and others are attached.
Fig. 2: Interface between Robot and web server
A. Web Programming
In order to process the data on to the server there are
numerous server side scripting languages which are used
to process the data on to the web server and then send the
data to the browser. PHP was mainly chosen since it is
freely available and also because PHP scripting language
can easily be embedded with the HTML page. Since
HTML gives a clear understanding of the primary goals
so we have used here HTML in order to create web pages.
The HTML language is designed here in such a way that
it provide an efficient transfer of data, and to evolve as
new media formats. We have displayed the commands
(Forward, Reverse, Turn left, Turn right) in order to
control the Wi-Fi bot and also we have displayed the
screen of the Android mobile’s camera (virtual view)
using HTML web page. We have created a login system
so that only authorized user can access to the details
inside the web page in order to control the Wi-Fi bot. [2]
B. Video Transmission
Here Android mobile creates the video and the created
video is transmitted over the internet to the server. To
ensure proper identification and video streaming, the
Android mobile is also responsible for maintaining
communication with the server through a custom
protocol.[1], [5]
C. Arduino board
Arduino consists of Arduino hardware and Arduino
software and it is a platform which allows everyone to
work. Processing language is implemented in Arduino.
Here in this project we are using Arduino UNO.
ATMEGA328P microcontroller is implemented on
Arduino board and it comes with 32 KB flash memory
and 2KB SRAM. The ATMEGA328P microcontroller
consists of 8 bit CPU, 14 input/output digital pins and 6
analog input/output pins. [3]
Fig. 3: Arduino board
D. Adafruit CC3000 Wi-Fi module
Sweet spot of usability, price and capability is hit by
Adafruit CC3000 Wi-Fi module. In order to quickly or
slowly push data SPI is used by Adafruit CC3000 Wi-Fi
module for communication.
Fig. 4: Adafruit CC3000 Wi-Fi module
In order to have asynchronous IRQ pin along with intrude
system is present inside Adafruit CC3000 Wi-Fi module.
802.11b/g, open/WEP/WPA /WPA2 security, TKIP &
AES are supported by Adafruit CC3000 Wi-Fi module. A
"BSD socket" interface is connected together with built in
TCP/IP. In server mode and client mode TCP and UDP
have 4 concurrent sockets. AP mode is not supported by
Adafruit CC3000 Wi-Fi module. [4]
E. Motor Driver board
We used IC L293D which is a simple H-Bridge IC to
control the motors. [12]
Here in the working principle, in order to control the Wi-
Fi bot first we are sending the command(Forward,
Reverse, Turn left, Turn right) displayed in the web page
of the host computer and then these command(Forward,
Reverse, Turn left, Turn right) are converted into 0-255
PWM values required in the PWM pins of the Arduino.
This conversion is done using JavaScript. These 0-255
PWM values are send wirelessly to the Adafruit CC3000
Wi-Fi module before sending it to the adruino’s PWM
pins. On receiving these PWM values onto PWM pins of
3rd Int’l Conf. on Recent Advances in Information Technology | RAIT-2016 |
978-1-4799-8579-1/16/$31.00 ©2016 IEEE
the arduino connected to the Adafruit Wi-Fi model, these
PWM values are send to the microcontroller of the
arduino. The arduino programming is dumped inside the
microcontroller so Wi-Fi bot operate according to the
appropriate command (as described in IV-SOFTWARE
In order to show the video streaming on the screen, first
mobile on the front of Wi-Fi bot frame and after that
android mobile and Wi-Fi module is connected to the
locally hosted web server. This connection to the server is
done by providing two unique IP numbers to the android
mobile and Wi-Fi module respectively.
Fig 5: Working model
These numbers given on the devices are defined by
programmer. Thus now the user can connect to locally
hosted web server using internet and then access the
details inside the locally hosted page in order to control
the Wi-Fi bot. In this project the Wi-Fi module receives
the command sent by the locally hosted web page and
sends it to the microcontroller through its SPI interface.
On receiving the command, the microcontroller takes the
necessary action. The microcontroller used in this system
is Atmel's ATmega328; RISC architecture based 8-bit
MCU. It operate on 5V power supply. The
Microcontroller can't source sufficient current to drive
relays. Hence, the relay driver IC (ULN2803/ULN2003)
is used. It is an open collector type Darlington transistor
pair. All relays are rated at 12V DC. The loads which are
needed to be control are connected between the COM and
N/O pins of each relays. Adafruit CC3000 Wi-Fi module
needs 5 volt power supply so we can connect it directly to
the Arduino board. The baud rate is set at 115200 bps. By
this way we can operate our Wi-Fi bot. [8]
This project needs a locally host server. We used
APACHE software to local host the web page and transmit
the data to the Adafruit CC3000 Wi-Fi Module through a
Wi-Fi server. Here Adafruit CC3000 WIFI Module acts as
a client and our pc acts as a data server. When we pressed
down the forward button then the appropriate command
with the IP address of Adafruit cc3000 Wi-Fi module is
sent to the Wi-Fi module through locally host server. And
after that robot moves to forward direction. When we
pressed up the forward button then the appropriate
command with the IP address of Adafruit cc3000 Wi-Fi
module is sent to the Wi- Fi module through locally host
server. And after that robot stops to its current location. [2]
When we pressed down the Reverse button then the
appropriate command with the IP address of Adafruit
cc3000 Wi-Fi module is sent to the Wi-Fi module through
locally host server and after that robot moves to backward
direction [2]. When we pressed up the Reverse button then
the appropriate command with the IP address of Adafruit
CC3000 Wi-Fi module is sent to the Wi-Fi module
through locally host server, and after that robot stops to its
current location.
Fig 6: Camera Views of Web Browser
When we pressed down the Left button then the
appropriate command with the IP address of Adafruit
CC3000 Wi-Fi module is sent to the Wi-Fi module
through locally host server. And after that robot moves to
Left direction.
When we pressed up the Left button then the appropriate
command with the IP address of Adafruit cc3000 Wi-Fi
module is sent to the Wi-Fi module through locally host
server. And after that robot stops to its current location.
When we pressed down the Right button then the
appropriate command with the IP address of Adafruit
cc3000 Wi-Fi module is sent to the Wi-Fi module through
locally host server. And after that robot moves to right
When we pressed up the right button then the
appropriate command with the IP address of Adafruit
cc3000 Wi-Fi module is sent to the Wi-Fi module through
locally host server. And after that robot stops to its current
The Fig. 7 is the connection of the Adafruit cc3000 Wi-Fi
module to the Arduino board. The baud rate is fixed to
115200 bps.
After that we connected 2 DC MOTORS. In this-
Motor1speed = pin 5
Motor1direction = pin 2
Motor2speed = pin 6
Motor2direction = pin 7
3rd Int’l Conf. on Recent Advances in Information Technology | RAIT-2016 |
978-1-4799-8579-1/16/$31.00 ©2016 IEEE
We used 12 volt dc battery which is connected to the
L293D motor driver IC. We fixed entire components into
one box and plug the 12 volt power and tested it. [12]
Fig.7: Connection between Wi-Fi model and Arduino board
Fig 8: Screenshot of our working model
As shown in fig.8, when we press commands (Forward,
Reverse, Turn left, Turn right) the Wi-Fi bot operates
according to the particular command given. Due to the
Android Mobile attached on the Wi-Fi bot we can see the
virtual video of Android Mobile’s camera on the screen of
the computer as shown in fig.8. Thus in this way our
overall model works.
In this paper of Wi-Fi control bot with real time video
streaming, we have introduced design and implementation
of a low cost, flexible and wireless solution to the Wi-Fi
bot control system. This system is very secured and is not
possible for any hacker to access to this system. This is
done by pairing password for the Arduino Wi-Fi board
and the locally hosted web page to control the Wi-Fi bot.
Wi-Fi control bot is the step to control the things from a
wide range (globally). Only one thing we need is Wi-Fi
server at that range.
Also it has lots of advantages than this paper
published before and these are:
a. No need to go on field.
b. Higher reliability.
c. Cost effective.
d. Fast efficient.
This system gives the following applications:
a. Industrial automation.
b. It is very helpful for help the illness person as the
illness person unable to move from the bed.
c. It can also be used for security purpose after
As compared with “Bluetooth controlled robot using
Android mobile”, in our “project Wi-Fi control bot with
real time video streaming”, we can control our Wi-Fi bot
globally from anywhere unlike other models which have
used Bluetooth module in their system. As compared to
Android Mobile Phone Controlled Bluetooth Robot
Using 8051 Microcontroller, in our “project Wi-Fi control
bot with real time video streaming”, we have given high
security feature unlike “Android Mobile Phone Controlled
Bluetooth Robot Using 8051 Microcontroller”.
Also this project has some future development these
a. We can interface sensors.
b. Voice alarm can be added to the system.
c. Control n-number of devices.
We would like to express our special thanks of
gratitude to the management of B.V.R.I.T. for allowed to
do this work. Also we would like to thank to ATL for
fulfilling their technical requirements and like to thank
extends our heartful thank to the Asst. Prof. Muneeshwar
the mentor of our project Hardware Engineer
Govaradhana chary and in charge P. subhashini for their
hearty and sweat full suggestion to us.
[1] Pavan.C, Dr. B. Sivakumar “Wi-Fi ROBOT FOR VIDEO
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3rd Int’l Conf. on Recent Advances in Information Technology | RAIT-2016 |
978-1-4799-8579-1/16/$31.00 ©2016 IEEE
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[9] Michael Ransburg, Mario Jonke, and Hermann Hellwagner;
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[12] “L293D Motor Driver Datasheet,, Jun 30 2015
[13] Beginning Arduino Programming (Technology in Action),
1st Edition by Brian Evans. 2011 edition.
ResearchGate has not been able to resolve any citations for this publication.
Conference Paper
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  • C Pavan
  • . B Dr
  • Sivakumar
Pavan.C, Dr. B. Sivakumar "Wi-Fi ROBOT FOR VIDEO MONITORING & SURVEILLANCE SYSTEM" International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 3, Issue 8, page no. 1, August-2012.
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  • A Sivasoundari
  • S Kalaimani
  • M Balamurugan
A.Sivasoundari, S.Kalaimani, M.Balamurugan "Wireless Surveillance Robot With Motion Detection and Live Video Transmission" International Journal of Emerging Science and Engineering (IJESE) ISSN: 2319-6378, Volume-I, Issue-6, page no. 15-20, April 2013.
  • Zhan Wei Phey Sia Kwek
  • Chen How Siew
  • Wong
  • Lii Bih
  • Kenneth Tze Kin Chua
  • Teo
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