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English for art and design students II

  • Institute Social and Political Studies


The manual is intended for the 2st course students in the direction of art and design of non-language universities. The manual is designed for one academic year. It should be noted that there are no English books and teaching aids for students studying in the field of art and design in Uzbekistan, and most existing English books do not reflect current trends in the development of foreign language teaching and are devoted to traditional consideration of grammar and phonetics. Therefore, this manual is the first teaching manual in this sphere and will be a great help to improve the level of teaching in the direction of art and design in Uzbekistan.
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Senior teacher,"Uzbek philology" department,Faculty of Uzbek philology, TSUULL, Senior teacher, "Intercultural communication and tourism" department Faculty of Translation theory and practice, TSUULL, Uzbekistan Abstract The purpose of this article is to provide an analysis of implications of using lexico-semantic approach to terminology structuring, especially for interpreting data supplied for the purpose of building specialized dictionaries. The authors pay attention to the lexical and semantic, grammatical and phonetic approaches of the applied and fine art terms, as well as the approaches of translation. It is also aimed at revealing terms from the national pragmatic meanings and in their substantial and functional interpretation, defining the pragmatic effect of speech communication in other languages. The result of this paper is the brief dictionary of Uzbek, Russian and English national terms used in applied and fine arts. The dictionary contains about 1500 terms of fine and applied art. Moreover, the creation of a dictionary can serve as a tool to bring a single meaning to terms that can carry multiple meanings in different parts of a country. Besides, it will serve as an important source for introducing art to future generation and familiarizing with masters' achievements.
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