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Evolutionary and Epidemiological Implications of Multiple Infection in Plants


Abstract and Figures

Recent methodological advances have uncovered tremendous microbial diversity cohabiting in the same host plant, and many of these microbes cause disease. In this review we highlight how the presence of other pathogen species, or other pathogen genotypes, within a plant can affect key components of host-pathogen interactions: (i) within-plant virulence and pathogen accumulation, through direct and host-mediated mechanisms; (ii) evolutionary trajectories of pathogen populations, through virulence evolution, generation of novel genetic combinations, and maintenance of genetic diversity; and (iii) disease dynamics, with multiple infection likely to render epidemics more devastating. The major future challenges are to couple a community ecology approach with a molecular investigation of the mechanisms operating under coinfection and to evaluate the evolution and effectiveness of resistance within a coinfection framework.
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Evolutionary and
Epidemiological Implications
of Multiple Infection in Plants
Charlotte Tollenaere,
Hanna Susi,
and Anna-Liisa Laine
Recent methodological advances have uncovered tremendous microbial
diversity cohabiting in the same host plant, and many of these microbes cause
disease. In this review we highlight how the presence of other pathogen
species, or other pathogen genotypes, within a plant can affect key compo-
nents of hostpathogen interactions: (i) within-plant virulence and pathogen
accumulation, through direct and host-mediated mechanisms; (ii) evolutionary
trajectories of pathogen populations, through virulence evolution, generation
of novel genetic combinations, and maintenance of genetic diversity; and (iii)
disease dynamics, with multiple infection likely to render epidemics more
devastating. The major future challenges are to couple a community ecology
approach with a molecular investigation of the mechanisms operating under
coinfection and to evaluate the evolution and effectiveness of resistance within
a coinfection framework.
Why Does Coinfection Matter?
During the growing season, plants in both agro- and natural ecosystems are likely to
encounter a myriad of microbes, many of which are pathogenic. As a consequence, a
pathogen strain entering a host plant will encounter not only the host's defenses but also
a number of other microbial species or genotypes within the plant[5_TD$DIFF] phytobiome (the entire
microbial community associated with the various plant compartments including the rhizo-
sphere, phyllosphere, and endophytic compartments, following the American Phytopatho-
logical Society). This diversity can fundamentally change the ability of a parasite strain to
establish and grow on its host and dynamics under multiple infection have been suggested to
be a major force driving pathogen evolution [1]. This has sparked a growing interest in the
epidemiological and evolutionary consequences of coinfection in humans [2,3] and wild
animal populations (e.g., [4,5]). By contrast, the impact of coinfection on disease dynamics
and pathogen evolution in plant pathosystems has received comparatively less attention, with
the signicant exception of virusvirus interactions (see, for example, [6,7] and [8,9] for
reviews). Plant pathologists have traditionally focused on two-way interactions within the
single hostsingle pathogenframework [10] and plant resistance is mostly considered in a
unique pathogen genotypeframework. However, we are just beginning to understand the
far-reaching consequences of the microbial diversity associated with plants. In this review we
show how sensitive epidemiological and evolutionary dynamics of pathogens are to coinfec-
tion. We consider the methodology and current knowledge regarding coinfection levels in
natural and agricultural plant systems and review the within-host mechanisms that mediate
interactions between pathogen strains or species. We also consider the consequences, in
terms of both the epidemiology and the evolution of the pathogen populations, highlighting
the current challenges in [17_TD$DIFF]this eld.
Molecular tools are becoming readily
available for the study of parasites.
These technical advances have shown
that multiple infection is common in the
wild and in agriculture, with the same
host individual simultaneously infected
by several pathogen genotypes or spe-
cies (i.e., coinfection).
Under coinfection, pathogens may
interact either directly (mechanical or
chemical interactions) or indirectly
through host resources or defenses.
These direct or host-mediated interac-
tions under coinfection can change
virulence, within-host pathogen accu-
mulation, and transmission.
Such plant-leveleffects can also be seen
at the population level, with coinfection
rendering epidemics more devastating.
Coinfection may drive the evolutionary
trajectories of pathogen populations
through its effects on virulence evolu-
tion and on the generation and main-
tenance of genetic diversity in
pathogen populations.
[1_TD$DIFF]Interactions PlantesMicroorganismes
et Environnement (IPME), Institut de
Recherches pour le Développement
(IRD) Cirad Université de
Montpellier,[2_TD$DIFF] 34394 Montpellier, France
Laboratoire Mixte International[4_TD$DIFF] Patho-
Bios, IRD-INERA (Institut de
lEnvironnement et de Recherches
Agricoles), BP171, Bobo-Dioulasso,
Burkina Faso
Metapopulation Research Centre,
Department of Biosciences, PO Box
65 (Viikinkaari 1), FI-00014 University
of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland
*Correspondence: (A.-L. Laine).
TRPLSC 1360 No. of Pages 11
Trends in Plant Science, Month Year, Vol. xx, No. yy 1
© 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
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Levels of Coinfection in Natural and Agricultural Plant Systems
The study of coinfection was for a long time hindered by methodological constraints, as
symptom-based detection is rarely a reliable means of identifying coinfection. Hence, molecular
or serological markers are generally a mandatory tool for the study of multiple infection (Box 1).
As these tools are becoming available for a wider range of pathogens and next-generation
sequencing opens new possibilities for the characterization of microbial communities, it is
becoming increasingly clear that coinfection is common in both wild plants and agricultural
crops and for both systemic and local diseases [1114]. Levels of coinfection can be very high in
some pathosystems. For example, multiple infection was found in a majority (16 of 21) of weed
species tested for ve viruses [15]. Up to 76% of plants were found to be infected by more than
one pathogen genotype of the barley scald pathogen Rhynchosporium secalis [16] and up to 16
distinct genotypes were detected within a single lesion [18_TD$DIFF]of a Eucalyptus leaf-infecting fungus,
Teratosphaeria nubilosa [12]. In the Central African Republic, cassava was frequently affected by
cassava mosaic disease (CMD) (85% incidence), with up to 58% of diseased plants infected by
various virulent geminiviruses [13]. In addition, high spatiotemporal variability in coinfection levels
was found when investigated, with, for example, 20100% (average 35.3%) of infected plants
harboring more than one of the six tested viruses within six Arabidopsis thaliana Spanish wild
populations followed over 4 years [17].
Both plant genetics and environmental variation can shape the prevalence of coinfection in
space and time. Host population resistance is a key determinant of pathogen population and
community structure, with plant resistance genes determining whether a pathogen is capable of
infecting a given host genotype (at one extreme gene-for-gene interactions, but also true for
resistance controlled by multiple loci). As a consequence, a mismatch between host resistance
and pathogen infectivity proles may prevent coexistence. Host community structure is also
likely to impact coinfection, as revealed by the negative relationship between [19_TD$DIFF]plant [20_TD$DIFF]diversity and
[21_TD$DIFF]coinfection [22_TD$DIFF]levels found in grassland experimental plots [18]. In wild Plantago populations in
the Aland archipelago, coinfection by multiple genotypes was found in approximately half of the
populations infected by the powdery mildew Podosphaera plantaginis [11]. In this system, the
prevalence of coinfection was higher in well-connected pathogen populations [19], suggesting
that the dispersal rate among pathogen populations may be an important determinant of the
multiplicity of infections. Moreover, host genotype was a key determinant of coinfection in
common garden populations of Plantago lanceolata, with the lowest levels of coinfection
Box 1. Detecting and Quantifying Pathogens for the Study of Coinfection
The study of coinfection requires: (i) distinguishing coinfection from single infection; (ii) distinguishing coinfecting
[15_TD$DIFF]genotypes/species from each other; and (iii) quantifying each coinfecting pathogen. Given that pathogens are typically
small and clonally reproducing, morphological identication is often impossible and symptom expression can be different
under coinfection than under single infection (see, for example, [85], where unexpected symptoms are observed in dual
viral infection), so that molecular or serological tools are required in most cases (but see [86]). One commonly used
method to detect coinfection in a eld sample comprises [16_TD$DIFF]purication of several pathogen strains/spec ies from a single
plant (e.g., [77]). Genetic characterization can then be performed using various molecular markers, such as micro-
satellites [12,22], or restriction length polymorphisms [77].
Alternatively, when researchers are interested only in the presence/absence of coinfection, molecular work can be
performed directly on the sample without the purication step. Multipathogen molecular detection methods that rely on
species- or genotype-specic primers have been developed in a few pathosystems (e.g., [87]). For haploid species,
coinfection may be inferred from SNP genotyping [11]. In addition, recent next-generation sequencing technology allows
the characterization of entire microbial communities [88,89] and consequently the determination of coinfection levels
within each pathogen group (viral, bacterial, or fungal).
Finally, the prevalence of the different strains forming the coinfection can be quantied using quantitative PCR methods.
These have been developed for a few pathogens, such as Phytophthora infestans [75], as well as some viruses (e.g.,
[90,91]). High-throughput sequencing has been used to monitor viruses [92], while genetic engineering and the use of
uorescent proteins allow the visualization of competition of genotypes in real time [93].
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detected in experimental populations supporting high accumulation of resistance genes [20].
Finally, environmental conditions may also play a key role in determining coinfection levels, as
suggested by the relationship between latitude and the prevalence of coinfection of four barley
and cereal yellow dwarf viruses (B/CYDVs) in three host grass species across 26 natural
grasslands [21].
Measuring nonrandom associations between pathogen species/strains from eld data has been
useful for assessing species interactions in animal parasitology and will also prove useful for plant
pathologists in understanding how coinfections are formed. There are statistical tools available
for estimating the distribution of single and multiple infection compared with random expecta-
tions (see for example [15,22]). Investigating three clover-infecting viral species revealed non-
independent distributions within host populations, with alfalfa mosaic virus (AMV) occurring most
often together with either clover yellow vein virus (ClYVV) or clover mosaic virus (ClMV), while the
two latter species did not co-occur [23]. The probability of contracting bacterial infection has
been shown to be lower in virus-infected than in healthy gourds (Cucurbita) in central Penn-
sylvania [24,25]. In this pathosystem, lower coinfection than expected by chance was generated
by the bacterial beetle vector that preferred healthy plants [26]. Various studies have revealed
positive associations between various viruses [15,27] and vector preference and abundance
have been invoked as underlying mechanisms [27].
Together the available data reveal that levels of coinfection are variable in space and time and
that levels of coinfection can be high. Additional robust eld data across different spatiotemporal
scales are required to understand the factors determining levels of coinfection in
Overall Virulence and Pathogen Accumulation Driven by the Multiplicity of
Diseaseimpactontheplant(ordecreaseinhosttness due to the infection, referred to here as
virulence) may be affected by the number of pathogens present, so that the damage caused
by a single pathogen often differs when the genotype/species is alone compared with multiple
infection [1]. In humans, the health consequences of coinfection are generally expected to be
more negative than those generated by single infections [28]. Mixed results have been
obtained in plants, with studies reporting both milder and more severe symptoms under
coinfection in an unpredictable manner. For plant viruses, stronger symptoms under coinfec-
tion (higher overall virulence) have frequently been observed, with the classic example of
experimental evidence of synergism between the potyviruses potato virus Y (PVY) and potato
virus X (PVX) [6] or the more severe symptoms observed for cassava plants coinfected by
various geminiviruses causing CMD in the eld [13], but antagonisms have also been reported
(for a review see [8]). By contrast, milder symptoms (lower overall virulence) have been
obtained when two genotypes of Mycosphaerella graminicola simultaneously infect wheat
compared with single-genotype infection [29]. Similarly, a reduction in disease severity was
found for stem rust (Puccinia graminis) of barley when coinfected with powdery mildew
(Erysiphe graminis)[30] and viral infection delays the progression of a fatal bacterial wilt
infection in gourd plants [31].
Such a modication of overall virulence is often associated with a change in terms of pathogen
accumulation (i.e., within-host pathogen load) and various examples show the drastic impact the
presence of a second pathogen may have on pathogen replication rate (up to ten-times increase
in the PVX concentration when coinfected with PVY compared with a single infection [6]).
However, overall virulence and pathogen accumulation are not always coupled [32], with, for
example, cucurbit yellow stunting disorder virus (CYSDV) [23_TD$DIFF]negatively [24_TD$DIFF]affects [25_TD$DIFF]zucchini yellow[26_TD$DIFF]
mosaic virus ([27_TD$DIFF]ZYMV) [28_TD$DIFF]titer and[8_TD$DIFF] symptoms [29_TD$DIFF]while [30_TD$DIFF]the presence of [31_TD$DIFF]cucumber [32_TD$DIFF]vein [33_TD$DIFF]yellow virus
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([34_TD$DIFF]CVYV) [35_TD$DIFF]positively [36_TD$DIFF]affects [37_TD$DIFF]CYSDV [38_TD$DIFF]titer [17_TD$DIFF]with [39_TD$DIFF]no [40_TD$DIFF]effect on cucumber [41_TD$DIFF]symptoms [33].In planta
quantication of pathogen accumulation is required for a comprehensive picture of the effect one
pathogen may have on another (see Box 1 for methodological considerations).
Mechanisms of Within-Plant Interactions between Pathogen Strains or
Pathogen species or genotypes sharing a common host may interact in a direct or indirect
manner or both simultaneously [34] (Figure 1). Direct pathogenpathogen interactions may be
detected through in vitro assays and have revealed that hyphae from the fungus Didymella are
able to transport bacterial isolates from four different species coinfecting the Styrian oil pumpkin
[35]. Frequent co-occurrence of the fungus and bacteria in the eld suggest that such
mechanical facilitation observed in vitro contributes to this emerging multipathogen disease
[35]. Positive or negative direct interactions may also be due to: (i) the production of molecules
affecting other pathogens positively (e.g., siderophores facilitating host exploitation [36])or
negatively (e.g., interference competition through the secretion of toxins that can be targeted to
their non-related competitors [37]); or (ii) interactions between respective proteins of the two
protagonists [38].
Species occupying different host tissues or organs may also interact, with synergism between a
phloem-limited virus and a virus invading non-phloem tissue [39] or a decrease in root-knot
nematode multiplication with leaf inoculation by soybean mosaic virus [40]. Such indirect
interactions may be mediated either by the host immune system (top down) or via the attribution
of host resources (bottom up) (Figure 1). Resource-mediated competition negatively affects the
cohabiting pathogens, especially when resources are highly limiting [41], while host immune
Direct interacon
Trade-offs between
of local
Pathogen counter-aack
Host-mediated interacon
compeon for
host resources
Figure 1. Mechanisms of Within-Plant Interactions between Pathogen Strains or Species. Pathogenpathogen
interactions within a shared plant may be direct (A), host mediated (B), or a combination of the two. The interactions can
either positively (+) or negatively () affect interacting species/genotyp es. Direct pathogenpathogen interactions (A) include
facilitation and interference competition, whereby the growth, reproduction, or transmission of competitors is modied
either chemically or mechanically. Indirect interactions (B) are mediated by the shared host plant when the pathogens
compete for the same limited resources (exploitation competition, bottom-upinteraction) or when the competitor is
affected by the induction or inhibition of host defense responses by the other pathogen (top-downinteraction). In direct
interactions, the strains are in physical contact (local interactions), while host-mediated interactions may occur when the
strains are in contact or occupy different parts of the host plant (systemic and local interactions).
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system-mediated interactions may be either positive or negative, with, for example, the effect of
microbial induction of the hypersensitive response (HR) on subsequent infections [42]. The
disease synergism involving potyviruses requires suppression of adaptive defense responses
against viruses (gene-silencing mechanisms [43,44]). Trade-offs between plant-defense antag-
onistic pathways may also mediate pathogenpathogen interactions [10]. For example, the
biotrophic Pseudomonas syringae, which induces salicylic acid (SA)-mediated defense, ren-
dered plants more susceptible to the necrotrophic pathogen Alternaria brassicicola by sup-
pression of the jasmonic acid (JA) signaling pathway [45]. Initial infection by P. syringae also
induces the production of a structural mimic of JA in systemic tissues that counteracts SA
induction and consequently facilitates further infections with the bacterium (systemic induced
susceptibility [46]). Induction of SA can mediate systemic acquired resistance (SAR) following
primary pathogen infection, conferring long-lasting resistance to subsequent attacks [47].A
complex crosstalk between phytohormones induced by pathogens with different lifestyles [48] is
thus involved in the context of multiple attack and the impact of belowground microbes on
aboveground resistance [40,49] is likely to be mediated by both shared resources and hormonal
Dissection of molecular mechanisms involved in pathogenpathogen interactions is a challeng-
ing task as the molecular dialog between one host and one pathogen is already hard to
elucidate. It should be noted, however, that understanding within-host interactions may also
contribute new insights into the molecular mechanisms of single hostsingle pathogen inter-
actions. For example, the spatiotemporal pattern of pathogen attack may affect the outcome of
pathogenpathogen interactions (Box 2) in a manner that can strengthen our understanding of
the underlying mechanisms. In humans, a summary network of parasite interactions revealed
that bottom-up (shared resources) interactions are the most important form of interaction
determining the outcome of coinfection [28]. Also, diet was found to affect parasite interactions
in animals [50,51]. Few investigations manipulating nutrient supply in coinfection experiments
have been conducted in plants to date, but one study found that nitrogen supply decreased the
strength of antagonistic interaction between two viruses in Avena [41]. As not only parasites but
also the immune system depend on host resources, these three components of the pathos-
ystem interact to drive the outcome under multiple infection [51].
Box 2. The Effect of Arrival Sequence on the Outcome of Multiple Infection
Studies following the dynamics of pathogen interactions resulting from sequential or simultaneous coinoculation have
revealed that the outcome critically depends on spatiotemporal patterns of infection ([9497], but see [98]). This is also
the case for one of the rst described synergisms between two phytoviruses: the accumulation of potato virus X (PVX)
and potato virus Y (PVY) was greater when they arrived simultaneously on their host but when the arrival of the other virus
was delayed by more than 24 h the synergistic effect on accumulation was lost [99]. Another example comes from an
experimental study of sequential and simultaneous coinfection by two fungal wheat pathogens, Puccinia triticina and
Pyrenophora tritici-repentis. Compared with single infection, Pyrenophora was stronger and Puccinia produced fewer
spores in coinfection but, interestingly Pyrenophora produced even more spores if Puccinia was inoculated after
Pyrenophora [97].
The mechanisms underlying pathogenpathogen interactions may explain such effects of arrival sequence on the
outcome of infection. Host resources may be more easily exploited by the rst-arriving pathogen, so that the rst-come,
rst-servedprinciple may occur in sequential inoculations of pathogens competing for host resources [86,97]. Also,
induced resistance, whereby a rst pathogen stimulates host defenses negatively impacting subsequent pathogen
attacks, is highly species specic in terms of both duration and spatial scale. For example, the reaction induced by the
oomycete pathogen Albugo candida is not only local but systemic and was also proved to be durable in the later-
emerging leaves [100]. By contrast, in sequential inoculations with different powdery mildew genotypes on a very ne
spatial scale of single cells, an avirulent genotype of Oidium neolycopersici arriving rst may trigger a hypersensitive
reaction against later-arriving virulent genotypes [96], while a virulent genotype of Blumeria graminis arriving rst can
suppress resistance and allow the penetration of avirulent genotypes [101]. Finally, in viruses, this phenome non has been
called cross-protection[8] and historically was discovered in tobacco mosaic virus where prior infection by a mild strain
delayed the multiplication of a severe strain inoculated afterward in a vaccine-like manner [102].
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How Coinfection Changes Epidemiological Dynamics
Transmission is often directly or indirectly related to within-host accumulation, so that the
previously described effect of coinfection on within-host multiplication is also expected to
impact between-host transmission [52]. A drastic example of such an effect of coinfection
on phytopathogen transmission comes from umbraviruses, which lack genetic information for
the capsid protein required for vector transmission and can be transmitted only in coinfection
with a suitable virus from the family Luteoviridae [53]. More generally, some viruses facilitate the
transmission of others, in a phenomenon called helper dependence [8].
The effects of coinfection on epidemiology have been studied in human and animal diseases,
with intuitive expectations formalized by modeling [54] and investigated through eld surveys
[4,5,55], but such investigations in plants remain scarce. However, such studies are needed
because the effect of coinfection on virulence (plant symptoms) and pathogen accumulation
(and consequently transmission) may have opposite consequences for the coexistence of
obligate pathogens. Under certain conditions, increased virulence decreases the probability
of coexistence[11_TD$DIFF] ([12_TD$DIFF]1[42_TD$DIFF]), whereas increased transmission increases this opportunity. The net effect of
coinfection on disease epidemiology would thus depend on the relative effect on overall virulence
and transmission of each protagonist (as the effect on each species/genotype is not necessarily
the same) as well as on the initial state of the pathosystem [7]. Consequently, modeling each
particular case is required, even for simple cases where transmission is linked to within-host
accumulation because these two components are likely to have nonlinear and different propor-
tional effects on virulence and disease dynamics. Detailed experimental data comparing co-
infection with single infections is thus required for each considered pathosystem, but such data
remain scarce.
In the fungal [43_TD$DIFF]endophyte [44_TD$DIFF]Epichloë bromicola, simultaneous inoculation with two genotypes
[45_TD$DIFF]slightly [46_TD$DIFF]increased [47_TD$DIFF]overall infection success [48_TD$DIFF]compared [49_TD$DIFF]to single infection; however, it did not
lead to coexistence of pathogen strains but rather to a superinfection where only one pathogen
persists [56]. In the powdery mildew P. plantaginis the relationship between within-host disease
accumulation and transmission varied between single infection and coinfection [57]. Coinfected
host plants shed more spores, resulting in higher disease prevalence in a common garden
experiment. Also, more devastating epidemics were observed in the natural host populations
with higher levels of coinfection [19].
Coinfection may thus be an important factor driving plant epidemiological dynamics and such
complexity has been identied as one of the major challenges for modeling plant diseases [58].
Detailed experimental work coupled with eld surveys are required to unravel how possible
trade-offs between within-host multiplication and between-host transmission under coinfection
impact epidemiological dynamics in phytopathogens, offering an exciting avenue of future
Coinfection Driving Virulence Evolution in Pathogen Populations
Coinfection may have a drastic impact on the evolution of pathogen populations, from the
generation of novel genetic combinations to its potential role in driving evolution through natural
selection. Coinfection has been traditionally considered to help us understand the classic
dilemma of virulence. This harm caused by parasites to their host is an important parasite trait
from both a fundamental and an applied perspective and its evolution has long puzzled
evolutionary biologists because parasite virulence has negative impacts on the host they depend
on for their survival. Among-host transmission is expected to require a certain level of virulence
and hence virulence evolution is considered to be driven by transmissionvirulence trade-offs
[59]. However, understanding virulence evolution requires knowledge not only of between-host
transmission but also of within-host interactions between different strains, as higher host
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exploitation rates may be favored under coinfection rather than under single infection [1]. This
was probably the case in the Spanish epidemic of tomato necrosis caused by cucumber mosaic
virus (CMV); taking coinfection into account in the model was needed to understand the onset of
a highly virulent strain during the epidemic, while a decrease in damage [50_TD$DIFF](corresponding to the
evolution of decreased virulence[51_TD$DIFF]) was observed afterward [60,61].
The effect within-host competition may have on the evolution of pathogen populations would
depend on the mechanisms of interaction (see above). Competition for host resources between
unrelated pathogens would lead to increased host exploitation and favor increased virulence [1],
with one pathogen outcompeting the other [9]. However, in the case of pathogens producing
public goods (facilitation) a nonvirulent cheater genotype would be favored by natural selection
and evolution may lead to lower virulence for the host [1] with pathogens able to coexist for a long
time [9]. Finally, transmission processes may also be affected by the presence of other strains or
species (with, for example, helper dependence in viruses; see above). Notably, cotransmission
of various pathogen strains was shown to select for less-virulent variants in a theoretical model of
parasites competing for host resources [62].
Relatedness among coinfecting pathogen genotypes is generally assumed to favor less
competitive interactions (kin selection), but the relationship between relatedness and virulence
is crucially dependent on the form of the interaction [63]. To date, the best examples in plant
pathogens of how relatedness under coinfection impacts virulence come from Microbotryum
species causing anther-smut disease, which sterilizes the host. First, it has been shown that the
probability of multiple infection is higher when strains are more closely related, suggesting
mechanisms of competitive exclusion that are conditional on the genotypic characteristics of
the strains involved [64]. Second, virulence increased in cases of multiple infection compared
with single infection: both spore production and degree of plant sterilization were higher under
multiple infection [14,65]. Finally, Microbotryum also appeared able to interfere with compet-
itors, reducing their ability to colonize the host, and this effect was smaller between close
relatives [14].
Coinfection may thus affect the evolution of virulence in pathogen populations, with precise
mechanisms of interaction (Figure 1), virulence/transmission trade-offs, and relatedness among
strains affecting the direction and intensity of selective pressures. Experimental evolution work
involving serial passages with or without coinfecting strain or species, and comparison of
virulence between initial and passaged strains, is required to investigate properly the effect
of multiple infection on virulence.
Coinfection and the Genetic Diversity of Pathogen Populations
Coinfection is also expected to play a major role in how genetic diversity is generated and
maintained in pathogen populations. Coinfection is the prerequisite for sexual recombination in
many parasite species and the close contact between pathogen species or genotypes in the
context of coinfection allows the generation of novel genetic combinations. For example, in fungi
the reshufing of alleles, a fundamentally important process for the evolutionary potential of
fungal pathogen populations, is due to sexual reproduction between different pathogen gen-
otypes [66]. Coinfection by multiple viruses has been shown to lead to frequent events of
genomic recombination (e.g., [67]). Coinfection also offers opportunities for hybridization
between different species [68] and may lead to changes in pathogen host range [69] as well
as the emergence of new pathogen species [70]. A recent study reported that suppression of
immunity by a race of Albugo candida allowed the subsequent infection of a normally non-host
species by another race, leading to genomic introgression between the two races [71].By
contrast, the absence of coinfection promotes reproductive isolation of obligate pathogens and
may ultimately promote sympatric speciation [72].
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Diversity is the raw material for evolution and pathogenpathogen interactions may contribute to
the maintenance of genetic diversity within pathogen populations [73]. In natural populations of
P. syringae, maintenance of nonvirulent strains is partly attributed to growth enhancement [52_TD$DIFF]when
[53_TD$DIFF]coinfected with virulent strains [74]. More generally, the tness of one genotype measured alone
is a poor predictor of the tness observed in coinfection, with, for example, some genotypes of
Phytophthora infestans reproducing more spores in competition while others reproduce more
when in single-genotype infection [75]. Interestingly, relative tness differences between single
infection and coinfection for two strains of tomato yellow leaf curl virus allowed an explanation of
the patterns observed in the eld: the genotype more recently introduced on the island of
Réunion was found to be tter in single infection and consequently invaded the population, while
the resident strain was allowed to persist in the long term, mostly in coinfection with the other
genotype [76]. By contrast, competitive exclusion may occur between pathogen species or
genotypes. For example, although M. graminicola lesions on wheat leaves can contain up to six
pathogen genotypes, one or two of them occupied larger areas than others, which can be
interpreted as higher competitive ability of the most common genotype [77]. These studies
illustrate how dynamics under coinfection may change the frequency of strains in natural
populations. The picture may be even more complicated, with data from animals showing
interactions to be genotype specic in coinfecting pathogen species where the relative tness of
different strains within populations differs under single-infection dynamics versus coinfection and
furthermore is affected by the particular genotypes that form the coinfection (i.e., specic
pathogen genotype-by-genotype interactions determine the outcome of multiple infection
[78]). These results suggest that the evolutionary trajectory of the pathogen population could
be affected by the genetic structure of other pathogen species sharing a host and by coinfection
levels in this pathosystem, but to our knowledge this has never been assessed in plant
Concluding Remarks
We conclude that coinfection is common in both natural and agricultural environments and has
the potential to change pathogen accumulation[54_TD$DIFF], transmission, and [55_TD$DIFF]virulence, the key compo-
nents of hostpathogen interactions. As a result, epidemiological dynamics are altered, with
tness consequences of infection for the host that also depend on the multiplicity of infection. We
further conclude that it is crucial to combine eld surveys and experimental approaches for the
study of multiple infection (see, for example, in animals [79]). Currently, integrated studies of
different pathogen genotypes or species aimed at a better understanding of coinfection impact
on epidemiology and evolution remain scarce in plant pathosystems (but see [19,27,31]). In
addition, most studies conducted on infection by multiple species to date involve a couple of
related species (at least within the wide groups of viruses, bacteria, or fungi). Multiple infection by
unrelated species should be more studied, as it represents the true diversity of pathogens
associated with any given host, with strong effects reported in the human and animal literature
[5,80] as well as the few studies performed to date in plants [31,40,45]. Also, we should aim for a
better understanding of the interactions between belowground and aboveground communities
that are likely to be mediated by shared resources and hormonal pathways. Belowground
microbial communities may play a key role plant health protection, analogous to the impact of the
intestinal microbiome on human health [49]. Researchers would benet from genomics advan-
ces allowing us to appreciate and understand the range of pathogens that any given host is
associated with (Box 1) and new questions are raised within the pathobiome framework (i.e.,
integrating the pathogenic agent within its biotic environment; that is, not only its host and vector,
but also various other organisms susceptible to interaction [81] see Outstanding Questions).
Recent methodological advances now allow the fascinating characterization of entire within-host
communities, but we are facing the nontrivial challenge of quantifying the ecological, physiologi-
cal, and evolutionary consequences of this diversity for both the host and the pathogens.
Tremendous levels of complexity could be reached in this context, with coinfection patterns
Outstanding Questions
How sensitive are infection dynamics to
the assemblage of coinfecting patho-
gens, including a broad array of facili-
tative, neutral, and antagonistic
How do nonpathogenic species (com-
mensal, mutualistic) affect infection and
coinfection outcome?
How does the environment shape the
outcome of multiple infection?
What is the role of host resistance in
mediating the outcome of multiple
How effective and durable is resistance
under multiple infection?
What are the ecological and evolution-
ary consequences of coinfection for
plant resistance?
Is the evolution of resistance toward
one pathogen constrained by the need
to resist others?
8Trends in Plant Science, Month Year, Vol. xx, No. yy
TRPLSC 1360 No. of Pages 11
potentially differing among host species [52,82], host genotypes [19,83], or developmental stage
[39], and tools developed within community ecology framework are required to disentangle the
major processes [84].
Overall, establishing direct links between the molecular mechanisms of dynamics under coin-
fection and the formation of pathogen communities with the ecoevolutionary aspects of host
resistance and epidemiological dynamics in single infection versus coinfection scenarios offers
an exciting future avenue of research (see Outstanding Questions). This is needed to truly
account for the role of coinfection when designing epidemiological interventions or virulence
management efforts.
The manuscript beneted from discussions with and comments from Aurélien Tellier, Philippe Roumagnac, Samuel Alizon,
and Christophe Brugidou[14_TD$DIFF]. The [56_TD$DIFF]study [57_TD$DIFF]was [58_TD$DIFF]supported by funding from Labex Agro (ANR-10-LABX-001-01, project ID
1403-041) to C.T. and from the Academy of Finland (Center of Excellence in Metapopulation Biology 20152017; 284601)
and the European Research Council (Independent Starting Grant PATHEVOL; 281517) to A-L.L.
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Trends in Plant Science, Month Year, Vol. xx, No. yy 11
... The genetic homogenization of crops is well known to facilitate the emergence and spread of pests, diseases, and weeds within fields, landscapes, and countries [5]. Conversely, diversification is an important prophylactic measure that is evidence of the involvement of more than one species in disease severity [39]. Multiple infections, either simultaneous or sequential, affecting a single plant or crop are now recognized as common in plant disease epidemics. ...
... Diseases in both plants and animals have long been considered to be the result of the interaction between a single host and a single pathogen. However, with the development of molecular tools, a high prevalence of multiple infections has been demonstrated [37][38][39]. Multiple infections, either simultaneous or sequential, affecting a single plant or crop are now recognized as common in plant disease epidemics. ...
... The concepts of coexistence and competition are thus closely linked and can be interpreted through the filter of niche theory, where competitive interactions between individuals depend on the degree of niche overlap [56,58,62,63]. Several studies have shown that resource allocation due to the coexistence of different pathogens can modify host exploitation strategies, alter change epidemic dynamics, and also influence the evolution of the life history traits of individuals [39,50,[64][65][66]. These changes will depend on the type of interactions developed between the pathogens. ...
Full-text available
Diversification at the plot level, through the use of intercropping (mixtures of crops), is an alternative to the conventional system of intensive agriculture, based on monospecific, usually single-variety canopies. Intercropping has been shown to provide benefits in terms of disease control. However, competition phenomena and the heterogeneity of the associated crops raise new ecological questions, particularly with regard to the dynamics and evolution of parasite populations. No study has assessed the potential impact of these associations on the dynamics of pathogenic species complexes. Changes in the nutritional status of plants and therefore in their physiological susceptibility to infection within intercropping systems could contribute to an increased diversity of ecological niches and thus affect the composition of the parasitic complex and its spatiotemporal dynamics. In this review, focusing on foliar diseases of fungal origin, and after outlining some elements of the biology and epidemiology of these fungal diseases, we will (i) describe the mechanisms that contribute to the composition of disease clusters and that drive interactions, but we will also review the strategies that these foliar diseases have adopted to deal with these co-infections; (ii) define how intercropping can lead to changes in epidemic dynamics, in particular by presenting the mechanisms that have a direct and indirect effect on disease evolution; and (iii) present the approach that should be adopted to properly study intercropping correctly in a multi-infection situation.
... Mixed infections involve more distantly 54 related haplotypes, and in this case, within-plant dynamics of various haplotypes may differ from 55 between-plant dynamics (transmission), with strong consequences for viral evolution [21][22][23][24]. Further 56 research on these evolutionary and epidemiological consequences of mixed infections require 57 deciphering the genomes of the distinct viral isolates simultaneously infecting a plant [21,25]. To this 58 purpose, classical molecular biology techniques (cloning and Sanger sequencing) may be used but are 59 time consuming, while ONT long reads constitute an opportunity to get access to the multiplicity of 60 genotypes within one plant sample and to reconstruct within-plant diversity. ...
... [24]) may affect plant disease ecology and evolution [21,25]. For fungi, Lopez-Villavicencio et al [52] 337 ...
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The local co-circulation of multiple phylogenetic lineages is particularly likely for rapidly evolving pathogens in the current globalization context. When various phylogenetic lineages co-occur in the same fields, they may simultaneously be present in the same host plant (i.e. mixed infection), with potential important consequences for disease outcome. This is the case in Burkina Faso for the rice yellow mottle virus (RYMV), endemic to Africa, where it constitutes a major constraint to rice production. We aimed at deciphering the distinct RYMV isolates simultaneously infecting a single rice plant and sequencing their genomes. To this purpose, we tested various sequencing strategies, and we finally combined direct cDNA ONT (Oxford Nanopore Technology) sequencing with the bioinformatics tool RVhaplo. This methodology was validated though the successful reconstruction of two viral genomes distant from as less as a hundred nucleotides (out of 4450nt length genome, i.e. 2-3%), and present within artificial mixes at up to a 99/1 ratio. Then, we used this method to subsequently analyze mixed infections from field samples, revealing up to three RYMV isolates within one single rice plant sample from Burkina Faso. In most cases, the complete genome sequences were obtained, which is particularly important to better estimate the viral diversity and permits to detect recombination events. The described methodology consequently allows to identify various haplotypes of RYMV simultaneously infecting a single rice plant, obtain their full-length sequences, as well as a rough estimate of relative frequencies within the sample. It is efficient, cost-effective, as well as portable, so that it could further be implemented where RYMV is endemic. Perspectives include to decipher mixed infections involving other RNA viruses threatening crop production worldwide.
... In nature, parasite species form diverse communities in which their members often compete for host resources during within-host coinfections as well as for available hosts during between-host transmission [1][2][3] . There is growing evidence that coinfections are common in plants 4 and animals 5,6 , including humans 7 and that they can influence various aspects of hostparasite interactions and disease epidemiology. Coinfections can affect the amount of damage inflicted on the host, in many cases increasing it [8][9][10][11] . ...
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In nature, parasite species often coinfect the same host. Yet, it is not clear what drives the natural dynamics of coinfection prevalence. The prevalence of coinfections might be affected by interactions among coinfecting species, or simply derive from parasite diversity. Identifying the relative impact of these parameters is crucial for understanding patterns of coinfections. We studied the occurrence and likelihood of coinfections in natural populations of water fleas (Daphnia magna). Coinfection prevalence was within the bounds expected by chance and parasite diversity had a strong positive effect on the likelihood of coinfections. Additionally, coinfection prevalence increased over the season and became as common as a single infection. Our results demonstrate how patterns of coinfection, and particularly their temporal variation, are affected by overlapping epidemics of different parasites. We suggest that monitoring parasite diversity can help predict where and when coinfection prevalence will be high, potentially leading to increased health risks to their hosts.
... for the quantification of virulence proportions depends on the accuracy of spore concentration adjustment; the lowest proportion of virulence strains used here (0.05) appears to be above this limit, but its quantification might have become less reliable below this concentration. Non-proportionality may also result from interactions between strains during infection, as highlighted in studies focusing on mixed infections Susi et al., 2015;Tollenaere et al., 2016). The possibility of infection by 'stowaway strains' through facilitation mechanisms, as in the systemic induced susceptibility reaction, has been suggested for Z. tritici (Seybold et al., 2020), consistent with the positive effect of population diversity on symptom intensity sometimes observed (Zelikovitch & Eyal, 1991). ...
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Monitoring virulent strains within pathogen populations is crucial to improve host resistance deployment strategies. Such monitoring increasingly involves field pathogenomics studies of molecular polymorphisms in pathogen genomes based on high‐throughput screening technologies. However, it is not always straightforward to predict virulence phenotypes from these polymorphisms, and in planta phenotyping remains necessary. We developed a method for ‘bulk phenotyping on checkerboard microcanopies of wheat near‐isogenic lines’ (BPC) for estimating the frequency of virulence against a resistance gene in mixed populations of the fungal pathogen Zymoseptoria tritici , the causal agent of Septoria tritici blotch (STB) in wheat, without the need for strain‐by‐strain pathogen phenotyping. Our method involves the uniform inoculation of a microcanopy of two wheat lines—one with the target resistance gene and the other without it—with a multistrain mixture of isolates representative of the population to be characterized, followed by the differential quantification of infection points (lesions). Using Stb16q , a wheat resistance gene that has recently broken down in Europe, we found a robust correlation between the ratio of the mean number of lesions on each wheat line and the frequency of virulent strains in the inoculum. Using pairs of virulent and avirulent strains, as well as synthetic populations consisting of 10 virulent strains and 10 avirulent strains mixed in different proportions, we validated the principle of the method and established standard curves at virulence frequencies close to those observed in natural conditions. We discuss the potential of this method for virulence monitoring in combination with molecular methods.
... The ecological impact of each pathogen is often analysed separately. The impact caused by co-occurring pathogens may differ from the one produced by a single pathogen since interactions between pathogens can lead to changes in disease dynamics and severity (Tollenaere et al. 2016). The interaction between pathogens present on the same host may result in competition for the same niche when one pathogen inhibits or reduces the development of the other pathogen, an additive effect when the development of one pathogen is not altered by the presence of another, or a synergy when one pathogen promotes the development of the other one , Jesus Junior et al. 2014, Dutt et al. 2022. ...
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Predicting forest health at a regional level is challenging as forests are simultaneously attacked by multiple pathogens. Usually, the impacts of each pathogen are studied separately, however, interactions between them can affect disease dynamics. Pathogens can interact directly by competing for the same niche, but also facilitate or suppress each other via indirect effects through the host. We studied 66 native Mediterranean Pinus nigra stands located in the Pyrenees which were affected by two pathogens with different structural specificity: Dothistroma pini causing Dothistroma needle blight and Diplodia sapinea causing Diplodia shoot blight. We explored the ecology of both pathogens and whether the diseases they caused had an impact on trees and recruits. No signs of competition were found on adult trees. Diplodia shoot blight was restricted to the warmest and driest areas, while no climatic restrictions were identified for Dothistroma needle blight. Both diseases caused additive effects on crown defoliation and defoliated trees showed stagnated growth. In the regeneration layer, signs of disease suppression were found. In the warmest and driest areas, seedling mortality was mainly associated with Diplodia shoot blight, even though both pathogens were detected. Clear signs of D. pini spillover from canopy trees to recruits were found. However, seedling mortality caused by Dothistroma needle blight was only restricted to the coldest and wettest sites where D. sapinea could not survive. Large crowns in adult trees probably allow both pathogens to co‐exist and cause additive impacts. The smaller size of recruits and a higher susceptibility to environmental stress compared to adult trees probably facilitates the effects of Diplodia shoot blight which masked those caused by Dothistroma needle blight. By considering climatic constraints, host ontogeny and structural specificity, we could dissect the disease impacts of two different pathogens and successfully explain forest health at a regional scale.
... Synergistic interactions, in particular, can lead to more severe disease symptoms compared to single infections (Rentería-Canett et al., 2011). When multiple pathogens coexist within the same host, it results in infections which have distinct epidemiological implications compared to single-pathogen infections (Read and Taylor, 2001;Alizon, 2008;Tollenaere et al., 2016). More severe disease symptoms can be observed in cases where disease causing pathogens are leading to infection in combination with other pathogens at a given time, for instance, the combination of Potato virus X and Potato virus A causes a severe infection known as potato crinkle disease, while the combination of Potato virus X with Potato virus Y leads to potato rugose mosaic disease. ...
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Phytoplasmas are obligate phytopathogenic bacteria lacking cell-wall. They are associated with a diversified range of plant diseases throughout the world leading to significant damage to thousands of plant species including economically important crops, horticulture crops, woody trees. They have the smallest genome among all known living microorganisms and are inhabiting the phloem sieve elements of infected plants. Phytoplasmas are transmitted to healthy host plants by phloem-feeding insects, grafting, vegetative propagation and in a few cases by seeds. Mixed infection of viruses and other plant pathogens such as phytoplasmas has been reported in a wide range of plant species showing that both the plant pathogens can infect same host. There are various examples of plants where mixed infection can be observed such as bunchy top disease of banana showing little leaf symptom in which both the Banana bunchy top virus and phytoplasmas were detected. The mixed infection of 16SrVI phytoplasmas and Begomovirus in eggplants was associated with yellows symptoms; yellow midrib symptom in sugarcane due to Sugarcane yellow leaf virus and sugarcane grassy shoot phytoplasmas, leads to high yield loss in crop plants as compared to infection by one of the two agents alone. This review provides a detailed account about the coexistence of phytoplasmas and viruses in disease development.
... The lower limit for the quantification of virulence proportions depends on the accuracy of spore concentration adjustment; the lowest proportion of virulence strains used here (0.05) appears to be above this limit, but its quantification might have become less reliable below this concentration. Non-proportionality may also result from interactions between strains during infection, as highlighted in studies focusing on mixed infections (Susi et al., 2015;Tollenaere et al., 2016;Bernasconi et al., 2022;. The possibility of infection by 'stowaway strains' through facilitation mechanisms, as in the systemic induced susceptibility reaction, has been suggested for Z. tritici (Seybold et al., 2020), consistent with the positive effect of population diversity on symptom intensity sometimes observed (Zelikovitch and Eyal, 1991). ...
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Monitoring virulent strains within fungal pathogen populations is crucial to improve host resistance deployment strategies. Such monitoring increasingly involves field pathogenomics studies of molecular polymorphisms in genomes based on high-throughput screening technologies. However, it is not always straightforward to predict virulence phenotypes from these polymorphisms and in planta phenotyping remains necessary. We developed a method for "bulk phenotyping on checkerboard microcanopies of wheat near-isogenic lines" (BPC) for estimating the frequency of virulence against an Stb gene in populations of Zymoseptoria tritici, the causal agent of Septoria tritici blotch in wheat, without the need for strain-by-strain phenotyping. Our method involves the uniform inoculation of a microcanopy of two wheat lines - one with the resistance gene and the other without it - with a multi-strain cocktail representative of the population to be characterized, followed by the differential quantification of infection points (lesions). Using Stb16q, a resistance gene that has recently broken down in Europe, we found a robust correlation between the ratio of the mean number of lesions on each wheat line and the frequency of virulent strains in the inoculum. Using pairs of virulent and avirulent strains, and synthetic populations consisting of 10 virulent strains and 10 avirulent strains mixed in different proportions, we validated the principle of the method and established standard curves at virulence frequencies close to those observed in natural conditions. We discuss the potential of this method for virulence monitoring in combination with recently developed molecular methods.
Soilborne diseases cause significant economic losses in agricultural production around the world. They are difficult to control because a host plant is invaded by multiple pathogens, and chemical control often does not work well. In this study, we isolated and identified an endophytic Streptomyces sp. NEAU-DD186 from moss, which showed broad-spectrum antifungal activity against 17 soilborne phytopathogenic fungi, with Bipolaris sorokiniana being the most prominent. The strain also exhibited strong antibacterial activity against soilborne phytopathogenic bacteria Ralstonia solanacearum. To evaluate its biocontrol potential, the strain was prepared into biofertilizer by solid-state fermentation. Response surface methodology was employed to optimize the fermentation conditions for maximizing spore production and revealed that the 1:1 ratio of vermicompost to wheat bran, a temperature of 28°C, and 50% water content with an inoculation amount of 15% represented the optimal parameters. Pot experiments showed that the application of biofertilizer with a spore concentration of 10 ⁸ CFU/g soil could effectively suppress the occurrence of tomato bacterial wilt caused by R. solanacearum and wheat root rot caused by B. sorokiniana, and the biocontrol efficacy was 81.2 and 72.2%, respectively. Chemical analysis of strain NEAU-DD186 extracts using nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometry and mass analysis indicated that 25-O-malonylguanidylfungin A and 23-O-malonylguanidylfungin A were the main active constituents, which showed high activity against R. solanacearum (EC 50 of 2.46 and 2.58 µg ml ⁻¹ ) and B. sorokiniana (EC 50 of 3.92 and 3.95 µg ml ⁻¹ ). In conclusion, this study demonstrates that Streptomyces sp. NEAU-DD186 can be developed as biofertilizer to control soilborne diseases.
How do pathogens affecting the same host interact with each other? We evaluated here the types of microbe-microbe interactions taking place between Streptomyces scabiei and Phytophthora infestans, the causative agents of common scab and late blight diseases on potato crops, respectively. Under most laboratory culture conditions tested S. scabiei impaired or completely inhibited the growth of P. infestans by producing either soluble and/or volatile compounds. Increasing peptone levels correlated with increased inhibition of P. infestans. Comparative metabolomics showed that production of S. scabiei siderophores (desferrioxamines, pyochelin, scabichelin and turgichelin) increased with the quantity of peptone thereby suggesting that they participate in the inhibition of the oomycete growth. Mass spectrometry imaging further uncovered that the zones of secreted siderophores and of P. infestans growth inhibition coincided. Moreover, either the repression of siderophore production or the neutralization of their iron-chelating activity both led to a resumption of P. infestans growth. Replacement of peptone by natural nitrogen sources such as ammonium nitrate, sodium nitrate, ammonium sulfate, and urea also triggered siderophore production in S. scabiei. Interestingly, nitrogen source-induced siderophore production also inhibited the growth of Alternaria solani, the causative agent of the potato early blight. Overall, our work further emphasizes the importance of competition for iron between microorganisms that colonize the same niche. As common scab never alters the vegetative propagation of tubers, we propose that S. scabiei, under certain conditions, could play a protective role for its hosts against much more destructive pathogens through exploitative iron competition and volatile compound production.
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How generalist parasites with wide host ranges can evolve is a central question in parasite evolution. Albugo candida is an obligate biotrophic parasite that consists of many physiological races that each specialize on distinct Brassicaceae host species. By analyzing genome sequence assemblies of five isolates, we show they represent three races that are genetically diverged by ∼1%. Despite this divergence, their genomes are mosaic-like, with ∼25% being introgressed from other races. Sequential infection experiments show that infection by adapted races enables subsequent infection of hosts by normally non-infecting races. This facilitates introgression and the exchange of effector repertoires, and may enable the evolution of novel races that can undergo clonal population expansion on new hosts. We discuss recent studies on hybridization in other eukaryotes such as yeast, Heliconius butterflies, Darwin’s finches, sunflowers and cichlid fishes, and the implications of introgression for pathogen evolution in an agro-ecological environment.
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Infectious diseases often emerge from interactions among multiple species and across nested levels of biological organization. Threats as diverse as Ebola virus, human malaria, and bat white-nose syndrome illustrate the need for a mechanistic understanding of the ecological interactions underlying emerging infections. We describe how recent advances in community ecology can be adopted to address contemporary challenges in disease research. These analytical tools can identify the factors governing complex assemblages of multiple hosts, parasites, and vectors, and reveal how processes link across scales from individual hosts to regions. They can also determine the drivers of heterogeneities among individuals, species, and regions to aid targeting of control strategies. We provide examples where these principles have enhanced disease management and illustrate how they can be further extended. Copyright © 2015, American Association for the Advancement of Science.
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Variation among parasite strains can affect the progression of disease or the effectiveness of treatment. What maintains parasite diversity? Here I argue that competition among parasites within the host is a major cause of variation among parasites. The competitive environment within the host can vary depending on the parasite genotypes present. For example, parasite strategies that target specific competitors, such as bacteriocins, are dependent on the presence and susceptibility of those competitors for success. Accordingly, which parasite traits are favoured by within-host selection can vary from host to host. Given the fluctuating fitness landscape across hosts, genotype by genotype (G×G) interactions among parasites should be prevalent. Moreover, selection should vary in a frequency-dependent manner, as attacking genotypes select for resistance and genotypes producing public goods select for cheaters. I review competitive coexistence theory with regard to parasites and highlight a few key examples where within-host competition promotes diversity. Finally, I discuss how within-host competition affects host health and our ability to successfully treat infectious diseases. © 2015 The Author(s) Published by the Royal Society. All rights reserved.
Although the evolutionary consequences of within‐host competition among pathogens have been examined extensively, there exists a critical gap in our understanding of factors determining the prevalence of multiple infections. Here we examine the effects of relatedness among strains of the anther‐smut pathogen Microbotryum violaceum on the probability of multiple infection in its host, Silene latifolia, after sequential inoculations. We found a significantly higher probability of multiple infection when interacting strains were more closely related, suggesting mechanisms of competitive exclusion that are conditional on genotypic characteristics of the strains involved. Pathogen relatedness therefore determines the prevalence of multiple infection in addition to its outcome, with important consequences for our understanding of virulence evolution and pathogen population structure and diversity.
Abstract The evolution of virulence is a rapidly growing field of research, but few reports deal with the evolution of virulence in natural populations of parasites. We present here an observational and experimental analysis of the evolution of virulence of the plant virus Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) during an epidemic on tomato in eastern Spain. Three types of CMV isolates were found that caused in tomato plants either a systemic necrosis (N isolates), stunting and a severe reduction of leaf lamina (Y isolates), or stunting and leaf curl (A isolates). These phenotypes were due to the presence of satellite RNAs (satRNAs) necrogenic (in N isolates) or attenuative (in A isolates) of the symptoms caused by CMV without satRNA (Y isolates). For these three types of isolates, parameters of virulence and transmission were estimated experimentally. For virulence the ranking of isolates was N < Y < A, for trans-missibility, Y < A < N. The predictions of theoretical models for the evolution of virulence were analyzed with these parameters and compared with observations from the field. A single-infection model predicted adequately the observed long-term evolution of the CMV population to intermediate levels of virulence. A coinfection model that considered competition between isolates with an effect on transmission explained the invasion of the CMV population by N isolates at the beginning of the epidemic, and its predictions also agreed with field data on the long-term evolution of the CMV population. An important conclusion from both models was that the density of the aphid vector's population is a major factor in the evolution of CMV virulence. This may be relevant for the design of control strategies for CMV-induced diseases.
Pathogens can alter host phenotypes in ways that influence interactions between hosts and other organisms, including insect disease vectors. Such effects have implications for pathogen transmission, as well as host exposure to secondary pathogens, but are not well studied in natural systems, particularly for plant pathogens. Here, we report that the beetle-transmitted bacterial pathogen Erwinia tracheiphila – which causes a fatal wilt disease – alters the foliar and floral volatile emissions of its host (wild gourd, Cucurbita pepo ssp. texana) in ways that enhance both vector recruitment to infected plants and subsequent dispersal to healthy plants. Moreover, infection by Zucchini yellow mosaic virus (ZYMV), which also occurs at our study sites, reduces floral volatile emissions in a manner that discourages beetle recruitment and therefore likely reduces the exposure of virus-infected plants to the lethal bacterial pathogen – a finding consistent with our previous observation of dramatically reduced wilt disease incidence in ZYMV-infected plants.
Variation in individual-level disease transmission is well documented, but the underlying causes of this variation are challenging to disentangle in natural epidemics. In general, within-host replication is critical in determining the extent to which infected hosts shed transmission propagules, but which factors cause variation in this relationship are poorly understood. Here, using a plant host, Plantago lanceolata, and the powdery mildew fungus Podosphaera plantaginis, we quantify how the distinct stages of within-host spread (autoinfection), spore release, and successful transmission to new hosts (alloinfection) are influenced by host genotype, pathogen genotype, and the coinfection status of the host. We find that within-host spread alone fails to predict transmission rates, as this relationship is modified by genetic variation in hosts and pathogens. Their contributions change throughout the course of the epidemic. Host genotype and coinfection had particularly pronounced effects on the dynamics of spore release from infected hosts. Confidently predicting disease spread fromlocal levels of individual transmission, therefore, requires a more nuanced understanding of genotype-specific infection outcomes. This knowledge is key to better understanding the drivers of epidemiological dynamics and the resulting evolutionary trajectories of infectious disease.