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The Cardiorenal Syndrome


Abstract and Figures

The term 'cardiorenal syndrome' (CRS) has increasingly been used in recent years without a constant meaning and a well-accepted definition. To include the vast array of interrelated derangements, and to stress the bidirectional nature of the heart-kidney interactions, the classification of the CRS today includes 5 subtypes whose etymology reflects the primary and secondary pathology, the time frame and simultaneous cardiac and renal codysfunction secondary to systemic disease. The CRS can generally be defined as a pathophysiological disorder of the heart and kidneys whereby acute or chronic dysfunction in one organ may induce acute or chronic dysfunction in the other organ. Type I CRS reflects an abrupt worsening of cardiac function (e.g. acute cardiogenic shock or decompensated congestive heart failure) leading to acute kidney injury. Type II CRS describes chronic abnormalities in cardiac function (e.g. chronic congestive heart failure) causing progressive and permanent chronic kidney disease. Type III CRS consists in an abrupt worsening of renal function (e.g. acute kidney ischemia or glomerulonephritis) causing acute cardiac disorder (e.g. heart failure, arrhythmia, ischemia). Type IV CRS describes a state of chronic kidney disease (e.g. chronic glomerular disease) contributing to decreased cardiac function, cardiac hypertrophy and/or increased risk of adverse cardiovascular events. Type V CRS reflects a systemic condition (e.g. diabetes mellitus, sepsis) causing both cardiac and renal dysfunction. Biomarkers can help to characterize the subtypes of the CRS and to indicate treatment initiation and effectiveness. The identification of patients and the pathophysiological mechanisms underlying each syndrome subtype will help to understand clinical derangements, to make the rationale for management strategies and to design future clinical trials with accurate selection and stratification of the studied population.
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Blood Purif 2009;27:114 –126
DOI: 10.1159/000167018
The Cardiorenal Syndrome
Claudio Ronco a Chang-Yin Chionh a Mikko Haapio b Nagesh S. Anavekar c
Andrew House e Rinaldo Bellomo d
a Department of Nephrology, Ospedale San Bortolo, Vicenza , Italy;
b HUCH Meilahti Hospital, Division of
Nephrology, Helsinki , Finland;
c Department of Cardiology, The Northern Hospital, and
d Department of Intensive
Care, Austin Hospital, Melbourne , Vic., Australia;
e London Health Sciences Centre, Division of Nephrology,
London, Ont. , Canada
disease (e.g. chronic glomerular disease) contributing to de-
creased cardiac function, cardiac hypertrophy and/or in-
creased risk of adverse cardiovascular events. Type V CRS re-
flects a systemic condition (e.g. diabetes mellitus, sepsis)
causing both cardiac and renal dysfunction. Biomarkers can
help to characterize the subtypes of the CRS and to indicate
treatment initiation and effectiveness. The identification of
patients and the pathophysiological mechanisms underly-
ing each syndrome subtype will help to understand clinical
derangements, to make the rationale for management strat-
egies and to design future clinical trials with accurate selec-
tion and stratification of the studied population.
Copyr ight © 2009 S. Karger AG, B asel
A large proportion of patients admitted to hospital,
especially in the critica l care setting, have various degrees
of heart and kidney dysfunction
[1] . Primary disorders of
one of these two organs often result in secondary dys-
function or injury to the other
[2] . Such pathophysiolog-
ical interactions represent the pathophysiological basis
for a clinical entity often referred to as the cardiorenal
syndrome (CRS)
[3] . A lthough generally defined as a con-
dition characterized by the initiation and/or progression
of renal insufficiency secondary to heart failure
[4] , the
term ‘c ard io re na l s ynd rom e’ is al so of ten use d to des cr ib e
Key Words
Acute kidney injury Acute heart failure Chronic kidney
disease Cardiorenal syndrome Renocardiac syndrome
Heart-kidney interaction Cardiovascular risk
The term ‘cardiorenal syndrome’ (CRS) has increasingly been
used in recent years without a constant meaning and a well-
accepted definition. To include the vast array of interrelated
derangements, and to stress the bidirectional nature of the
heart-kidney interactions, the classification of the CRS today
includes 5 subtypes whose etymology reflects the primary
and secondary pathology, the time frame and simultaneous
cardiac and renal codysfunction secondary to systemic dis-
ease. The CRS can generally be defined as a pathophysiolog-
ical disorder of the heart and kidneys whereby acute or
chronic dysfunction in one organ may induce acute or chron-
ic dysfunction in the other organ. Type I CRS reflects an
abrupt worsening of cardiac function (e.g. acute cardiogen-
ic shock or decompensated congestive heart failure) leading
to acute kidney injury. Type II CRS describes chronic abnor-
malities in cardiac function (e.g. chronic congestive heart
failure) causing progressive and permanent chronic kidney
disease. Type III CRS consists in an abrupt worsening of renal
function (e.g. acute kidney ischemia or glomerulonephritis)
causing acute cardiac disorder (e.g. heart failure, arrhythmia,
ischemia). Type IV CRS describes a state of chronic kidney
Publis hed online: Januar y 23, 2009
Claudio Ronco, MD
Ospeda le San Bortolo
36100 Vicenza (Ita ly)
Tel. +39 0444 753 650, Fax +39 04 44 753 949
© 200 9 S. Karger AG, Basel
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The Cardiorenal Syndrome Blood Purif 2009;27:114–126
the negative effects of reduced renal function on the hear t
and circulation (more appropriately named renocardiac
[5] . Unfortunately, despite the frequent use of
these terms in the literature, there is no consensus defini-
tion or classification for this condition or cluster of con-
ditions. The absence of a clear definition and the com-
plexity of heart and kidney interactions contribute to a
lack of clarity with regard to diagnosis and management
[6] . This is unfortunate as recent advances in basic and
clinical sciences have changed our understanding of or-
gan crosstalk and interactions and have demonstrated
that some therapies can have efficacy in attenuating both
cardiac and renal injury
[7] . All these considerations sug-
gest the need for a more clearly articulated definition of
the subtypes of the CRS in terms of clinical presentation,
pathophysiology, diagnosis and management
[5, 6] . In
this article, we examine the nature of this complex clini-
cal entity and discuss salient aspects of this condition and
potential interventions based on a logical approach to the
definition of its different clinical subtypes.
CRS: A Proposed Definition
The common understanding of the CRS is that a rela-
tively normal kidney is dysfunctional because of a dis-
eased heart
[8] with the assumption that in the presence
of a healthy heart, the same kidney would likely function
relatively normally
[9] . This concept, however, has re-
cently been challenged and a more articulated definition
for the CRS has been proposed
[5, 6] . Heart-kidney inter-
actions include a variety of conditions, either acute or
chronic, where the primary failing organ can be either
the heart or the kidney ( fig. 1, 2 )
[10] . For this reason, we
discuss the different heart-kidney interactions, which fall
under the umbrella of the CRS, using the def inition struc-
ture summarized in table 1
[5, 6] .
Cardiovascular mortality increased by end-stage renal dysfunction
Cardiovascular risk increased by kidney dysfunction
Chronic HF progression due to kidney dysfunction
Uremia-related HF
Volume-related HF
HF due to acute kidney dysfunction
Volume/uremia-induced HF
Renal ischemia-induced HF
Sepsis/cytokin-induced HF
CKD secondary to HF
AKI secondary to contrast-induced nephropathy
AKI secondary to cardiopulmonary bypass
AKI secondary to heart valve replacement
AKI secondary to HF
Fig. 1. Heart and kidney interactions.
HF = Heart failure; CKD = chronic k idney
Chronic Acute
Fig. 2. The bidirec tional nature of the CR S and the acute or chron-
ic temporal characteristics of the syndrome.
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Blood Purif 2009;27:114–126
A major problem with previous terminology is that it
does not allow clinicians or investigators to identify and
fully characterize the relevant pathophysiological inter-
actions. This is important because such interactions dif-
fer according to the type of combined heart/kidney
disorder [11] . For example, while a diseased heart has
numerous negative effects on kidney function, renal in-
sufficiency can also signif icantly impair cardiac function
[10] . Thus, a large number of direct and indirect effects
of each organ dysfunction can initiate and perpetuate the
combined disorder of the two organs through a complex
combination of neurohumoral feedback mechanisms.
For this reason, a subdivision into different subtypes
seems to provide a more concise and logically correct ap-
proach to this condition. We will use such a subdivision
to discuss several issues of importance in relation to this
CRS Type I (Acute CRS)
Type I CRS or acute CRS is characterized by a rapid
worsening of cardiac function, which leads to acute kid-
ney injury (AKI) ( fig. 3 ). Acute heart failure (AHF) may
then be divided into 4 main subtypes
[12] : hypertensive
pulmonary edema with preserved left ventricular systol-
ic function, acute decompensated chronic heart failure
(ADCHF), cardiogenic shock, and predominant right
ventricular failure. Type I CRS is common. More than
one million patients in the USA alone are admitted to
hospital every year with either de novo AHF or with
ADCHF [12] . Among patients with ADCHF or de novo
AHF, premorbid chronic renal dysfunction is common
and predisposes to AKI
[13 , 14] . The mechanisms by
which the onset of AHF or ADCHF leads to AKI are mul-
tiple and complex
[4] . They are broadly described in a
previous publication
[6] . The clinical importance of each
of these mechanisms is likely to vary from patient to pa-
tient (e.g. acute cardiogenic shock vs. hypertensive pul-
monary edema) and situation to situation (AHF second-
ary to perforation of a mitral valve leaflet from acute bac-
terial endocarditis vs. worsening right heart failure
secondary to noncompliance with diuretic therapy). In
AHF, AKI seems to be more severe in patients with im-
paired left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) compared
to those with preserved LVEF
[15] and increasingly worse
when LVEF is further impaired. It achieves an incidence
of 1 70% in patients with cardiogenic shock
[16] . Further-
more, impaired renal function is consistently found as an
independent risk factor for 1-year mortality in AHF pa-
tients, including in patients with ST-elevation myocar-
dial infarction
[16 , 17] . A plausible reason for this inde-
pendent effect might be that an acute decline in renal
function does not simply act as a marker of illness sever-
ity, but also carries an associated acceleration in cardio-
vascular pathobiology leading to a higher rate of cardio-
vascular events both acutely and chronically, possibly
through the activation of inflammatory pathways
18] .
The salient clinical issues of type I CRS relate to how
the onset of AKI (de novo or in the setting of chronic re-
nal impairment) induced by primary cardiac dysfunct ion
impacts on diagnosis, therapy and prognosis and how its
presence can modify the general approach to the treat-
ment of AHF or ADCHF. The first important clinical
principle is that the onset of AKI in the setting of AHF or
ADCHF implies inadequate renal perfusion until proven
otherwise. This should prompt clinicians to consider the
diagnosis of a low cardiac output state and/or marked in-
crease in venous pressure leading to kidney congestion
and take the necessary diagnostic steps to either confirm
or exclude the diagnosis (careful physical examination
looking for ancillary signs and laboratory findings of a
low cardiac output state such as absolute or relative hypo-
tension, cold extremities, poor postcompressive capillary
Tab le 1. Proposed definitions of CRS
(1) CRS general definition: a pathophysiological disorder of the
heart and kidneys whereby acute or chronic dysfunction in one
organ may induce acute or chronic dysfunction in the other or-
(2) CRS type I (acute CRS): abrupt worsening of cardiac function
(e.g. acute cardiogenic shock or decompensated congestive heart
failure) leading to AKI
(3) CRS type II (chronic CRS): chronic abnormalities in cardiac
function (e.g. chronic congestive heart failure) causing progres-
sive and permanent chronic kidney disease
(4) CRS type III (acute renocardiac syndrome): abrupt worsening
of renal function (e.g. acute kidney ischemia or glomerulone-
phritis) causing acute cardiac disorder (e.g. heart failure, arrhyth-
mia, ischemia)
(5) CRS Type IV (chronic renocardiac syndrome): chronic kidney
disease (e.g. chronic glomerular disease) contributing to de-
creased cardiac function, cardiac hypertrophy and/or increased
risk of adverse cardiovascular events
(6) CRS type V (secondary CRS): systemic condition (e.g. diabetes
mellitus, sepsis) causing both cardiac and renal dysfunction
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The Cardiorenal Syndrome Blood Purif 2009;27:114–126
refill, confusion, persistent oliguria, distended jugular
veins, elevated or rising lactate). The second important
consequence of the development of type I CRS is that it
may decrease diuretic responsiveness. In a congestive
state (peripheral edema, increased body weight, pulmo-
nary edema, elevated central venous pressure), decreased
response to diuretics can lead to failure to achieve the de-
sired clinical goals. The physiological phenomena of di-
uretic breaking (diminished diuretic effectiveness sec-
ondary to postdiuretic sodium retention)
[19] and postdi-
uretic sodium retention [20] may also play an enhanced
part in this setting. In addition, concerns of aggravating
AKI by the administration of diuretics at higher doses or
in combination are common among clinicians. Such con-
cerns can also act as an additional, iatrogenic mechanism
equivalent in its effect to that of diuretic resistance (less
sodium removal). Accordingly, diuretics may best be giv-
en in AHF patients with evidence of systemic fluid over-
load with the goal of achieving a gradual diuresis. Furo-
semide can be titrated according to renal function, sys-
tolic blood pressure and history of chronic diuretic use.
High doses are not recommended and a continuous di-
uretic infusion might be helpful
[21] . In parallel, mea-
surement of cardiac output and venous pressure may also
help ensure continued and targeted diuretic therapy. Ac-
curate estimation of cardiac output can now be easily
achieved by means of arterial pressure monitoring com-
bined with pulse contour analysis or by Doppler ultra-
[22–25] . Knowledge of cardiac output allows phy-
sicians to develop a physiologically safer and more logical
approach to the simultaneous treatment of AHF and AD-
CHF and AKI. If diuretic resistant fluid overload exists
despite an optimized cardiac output, removal of isotonic
fluid can be achieved by ultrafiltration ( fig. 4 ). This ap-
proach can be efficacious and clinically beneficial
[26] .
The presence of AKI with or without concomitant hyper-
kalemia may also affect patient outcome by inhibiting the
prescription of angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE)
inhibitors and aldosterone inhibitors (drugs that have
been shown in large randomized controlled trials to in-
crease survival in the setting of heart failure and myocar-
dial infarction)
[27] . This is unfortunate because, provid-
ed there is close monitoring of renal function and potas-
sium levels, the potential benefits of these interventions
likely outweigh their risks even in these patients.
The acute administration of -blockers in the setting
of type I CRS is generally not advised. Such therapy
should wait until the patient has stabilized physiologi-
cally and concerns about a low cardiac output syndrome
have been resolved. In some patients, stroke volume can-
not be increased and relative or absolute tachycardia sus-
tains the adequacy of cardiac output. Blockade of such
compensatory tachycardia and sympathetic system-de-
pendent inotropic compensation can precipitate cardio-
genic shock and can be lethal
[28] . Particular concern
applies to -blockers excreted by the kidney such as aten-
olol or sotalol, especially if combined with calcium an-
[29] . These considerations should not inhibit
the slow, careful and titrated introduction of appropriate
treatment with -blockers later on, once patients are he-
modynamically stable.
This aspect of treatment is particularly relevant in pa-
tients with the CRS where evidence suggests that under-
treatment after myocardial infarction is common
[30] .
Attention should be paid to preserving renal function,
perhaps as much attention as is paid to preserving myo-
cardial muscle. Worsening renal function (WRF) during
admission for ST-elevation myocardial infarction is a
Humorally mediated damage
Exogenous factors
Hormonal factors
Immunomediated damage
Hemodynamically mediated damage
Fig. 3. Diagram illustrating and summa-
rizing the major pathophysiological inter-
actions between the heart and kidney in
type I CRS.
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Blood Purif 2009;27:114–126
powerful and independent predictor of in-hospital and
1-year mortality
[16 , 17] . In a study involving 1,826 pa-
tients who received percutaneous coronary intervention,
even a transient rise in serum creatinine ( 1 25% com-
pared to baseline) was associated with increased hospital
stay and mortality
[31] . Similar findings have also been
shown among coronary artery bypass graft cohorts
[32] .
In this context, creatinine rise is not simply a marker of
illness severity but it rather represent a causative factor
for cardiovascular injury acceleration through the activa-
tion of hormonal, immunological and inflammatory
[9, 18] .
Given that the presence of type I CRS defines a popu-
lation with high mortality, a prompt, careful, systematic,
multidisciplinary approach involving invasive cardiolo-
gists, nephrologists, critical care physicians and cardiac
surgeons is both logical and desirable.
CRS Type II (Chronic CRS)
Type II CRS or chronic CRS is characterized by chron-
ic abnormalities in cardiac function (e.g. chronic conges-
tive heart failure) causing progressive chronic kidney in-
sufficiency ( fig. 5 ).
WRF in the context of heart failure is associated with
significantly increased adverse outcomes and prolonged
[33] . The prevalence of renal dysfunction
in chronic heart failure has been reported to be approxi-
mately 25%
[33] . Even limited decreases in estimated glo-
merular filtration rate (GFR) of 1 9 ml/min appear to
confer a significantly increased mortality risk
[33] . Some
researchers have considered WRF a marker of severity of
generalized vascular disease
[33] . Independent predictors
of WRF include: old age, hypertension, diabetes mellitus
and acute coronary syndromes.
Extracorporeal ultrafiltration
Art. line
Ven. line Blood pump
Prepump pressure
Prefilter pressure
Postfilter pressure
Transmembrane pressure
TMP = Pi – = (Pb – Pd) –
Hydrostatic Oncotic
Fig. 4. Diagram presenting the technical features of ultrafiltration as applicable to patients with AHF and di-
uretic-resistant fluid overload.
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The Cardiorenal Syndrome Blood Purif 2009;27:114–126
The mechanisms underlying WRF likely differ based
on acute versus chronic heart failure. Chronic heart fail-
ure is characterized by a relatively stable long-term situ-
ation of probably reduced renal perfusion, often predis-
posed by both micro- and macrovascular disease in the
context of the same vascular risk factors associated with
cardiovascular disease. However, although a greater pro-
portion of patients with a low estimated GFR have a worse
New York Heart Association class, no evidence of an as-
sociation between LVEF and estimated GFR can be con-
sistently demonstrated. Thus, patients with chronic heart
failure and preserved LVEF appear to have a similar esti-
mated GFR to patients with impaired LVEF ( ! 45%) [34] .
Neurohormonal abnormalities are present with excessive
production of vasoconstrictive mediators (epinephrine,
angiotensin, endothelin) and altered sensitivity and/or
release of endogenous vasodilatory factors (natriuretic
peptides, nitric oxide). Pharmacotherapies used in the
ma nagement of hea rt f ailu re have be en toute d as cont rib -
uting to WRF. Diuresis-associated hypovolemia, early
introduction of renin-angiotension-aldosterone system
blockade, and drug-induced hypotension have all been
suggested as contributing factors
[4] . However, their role
remains highly speculative. More recently, there has been
increasing interest in the pathogenetic role of relative or
absolute er ythrop oietin def iciency contributing to a more
pronounced anemia in these patients than might be ex-
pected for renal failure alone
[35] . Erythropoietin recep-
tor activation in the heart may protect from apoptosis,
fibrosis and inf lammation. In keeping with such experi-
mental data, prelimi nary clinical studies show that ery th-
ropoietin administration in patients with chronic heart
failure, chronic renal insufficiency and anemia leads to
improved cardiac function, reduction in left ventricular
size and lowering of B-type natriuretic peptide
[36] . Pa-
tients with type II CRS are more likely to receive loop
diuretics and vasodilators and also to receive higher dos-
es of such drugs compared to those with stable renal
[37] . Treatment with these drugs may partici-
pate in the development of renal injury. However, such
therapies may simply identify patients with severe hemo-
dynamic compromise and thus a predisposition to renal
dysfunction rather than being responsible for worsening
renal dysfunction. Regardless of the cause, reductions in
Chronic hypoperfusion
Increased renal vasc. resist.
Increased venous pressure
Low cardiac output
Chronic hypoperfusion
Low cardiac output
Subclinical inflammation
Endothelial dysfunction
Accelerated atherosclerosis
Fig. 5. Diagram illustrating and summarizing the major pathophysiological interactions between the heart and
kidney in type II CRS. CKD = Chronic kidney disease.
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Blood Purif 2009;27:114–126
renal function in the context of heart failure are associ-
ated with increased risk for adverse outcomes.
The Impact of the CRS on Medications
The proportion of individuals with chronic kidney dis-
ease (CKD) receiving appropriate risk factor modification
and/or interventional strategies is lower than the general
population, a concept termed ‘therapeutic nihilism’
[38] .
Many databases and registries have repeatedly shown that
these therapeutic choices seem to parallel WRF
[3941] .
Among patients with end-stage kidney disease (ESKD;
CKD stage V), who are known to be at extreme risk, less
than 50% are on a combination of aspirin, -blockers,
ACE inhibitors and statins
[42] . In a cohort involving over
140,000 patients, 1,025 with documented ESKD were less
likely to receive aspirin, -blockers or ACE inhibitors af-
ter myocardial infarction. Yet those ESKD patients who
did receive the aspirin, -blocker and ACE inhibitor com-
bination had similar risk reductions in 30-day mortality
when compared to non-ESKD patients who had received
conventional therapy
[41] . This failure to treat is not just
limited to ESKD patients. Patients with less severe forms
of CKD are a lso less likely to receive r isk-modifying med-
ications following myocardial infarction compared to
their normal renal function counterparts.
Potential reasons for this therapeutic failure include
concerns about WRF, and/or therapy-related toxic effects
due to low clearance rates
[43, 44] . Bleeding concerns
with the use of platelet inhibitors and anticoagulants are
especially important with reduced renal function and ap-
pear to contribute to the decreased likelihood of patients
with severe CKD receiving aspirin and/or clopidrogrel
despite the fact that such bleeding is typically minor and
the benefits sustained in these patients
[45] . However,
several studies have shown that when appropriately ti-
trated and monitored, cardiovascular medications used
in the general population can be safely administered to
those with renal impairment and with similar benefits
[42, 44, 46] .
Newer approaches to the treatment of cardiac failure
such as cardiac resynchronization therapy have not yet
been studied in terms of their renal functional effects,
although preserved renal function after cardiac resyn-
chronization therapy may predict a more favorable out-
[47] . Vasopressin V2 receptor blockers have been
reported to decrease body weight and edema in patients
with chronic heart failure
[48] , but their effects in pa-
tients with the CRS have not been systematically studied
and a recent large randomized controlled trial showed no
evidence of a survival benefit with these agents
[49] .
CRS Type III (Acute Renocardiac Syndrome)
Type III CRS or acute renocardiac syndrome is char-
acterized by an abrupt and primary worsening of renal
function (e.g. AKI, ischemia or glomerulonephritis)
which then causes or contributes to acute cardiac dys-
function (e.g. heart failure, arrhythmia, ischemia). The
pathophysiological aspects are summarized in figure 6 .
The development of AKI as a primary event leading to
cardiac dysfunction (type III CRS) is considered less
common than type I CRS. This is partly because, unlike
type I CRS, it has not been systematically considered or
studied. However, AKI is a condition with a growing in-
cidence in hospital and intensive care unit patients. Using
the recent RIFLE consensus definitions and its Injury
and Failure categories, AKI has been identified in close
to 9% of hospital patients
[50] and, in a large intensive
care unit database, AKI was observed in more than 35%
of critically ill patients
[51] . AKI can affect the heart
through several pathways whose hierarchy is not yet es-
tablished. Fluid overload can contribute to the develop-
ment of pulmonary edema. Hyperkalemia can contribute
to arrhythmias and may cause cardiac arrest. Untreated
uremia affects myocardial contractility through the ac-
cumulation of myocardial depressant factors
[52] and can
cause pericarditis
[53] . Partially corrected or uncorrected
acidemia produces pulmonary vasoconstriction
[54] ,
which, in some patients, can significantly contribute to
right-sided heart failure. Acidemia appears to have a neg-
ative inotropic effect
[55] and may, together with electro-
lyte imbalances, contribute to an increased risk of ar-
[56] . Finally, as discussed above, renal isch-
emia itself may precipitate activation of inflammation
and apoptosis at cardiac level
[9] .
The development of AKI, especially in the setting of
chronic renal failure, can affect the use of medications
that normally would maintain clinical stability in pa-
tients with chronic heart failure. For example, an increase
in serum creatinine from 1.5 mg/dl (130 mol/l) to 2 mg/
dl (177 mol/l), with diuretic therapy and ACE inhibi-
tors, may provoke some clinicians to decrease or even
stop diuretic prescription; they may also decrease or even
temporarily stop ACE inhibitors. In some, maybe many
cases, this may not help the patient. An acute decompen-
sation of chronic heart failure may occur because of such
changes in medications. When this happens the patient
may be unnecessarily exposed to an increased risk of
acute pulmonary edema or other serious complications
of undertreatment.
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The Cardiorenal Syndrome Blood Purif 2009;27:114–126
Finally, if AKI is severe and renal replacement therapy
is necessary, cardiovascular instability generated by rap-
id fluid and electrolyte shifts secondary to conventional
dialysis can induce hypotension, arrhythmias, and myo-
cardial ischemia
[57] . Continuous techniques of renal re-
placement, which minimize such cardiovascular insta-
bility appear physiologically safer and more logical in this
[58] .
CRS Type IV (Chronic Renocardiac Syndrome)
Type IV CRS or chronic renocardiac syndrome is
characterized by primary CKD (e.g. diabetes or chronic
glomerular disease) contributing to decreased cardiac
function, ventricular hypertrophy, diastolic dysfunction
and/or increased risk of adverse cardiovascular events
( fig. 7 ).
The National Kidney Foundation divides CKD into 5
stages based on a combination of severity of kidney dam-
age and GFR
[59] . Individuals with CKD, particularly
those receiving renal replacement therapies, are at ex-
tremely high cardiovascular risk
[60] . About 50% of
deaths in CKD stage V cohorts are attributed to cardio-
vascular disease; namely coronary artery disease and its
associated complications
[54] . The 2-year mortality rate
following myocardial infarction in patients with CKD
stage V is high and estimated to be 50%
[61] . In compar-
ison, the 10-year mortality rate after myocardial infarc-
tion for the general population is 25%.
Type IV CRS is becoming a major public health prob-
lem. A large population of individuals entering the tran-
sition phase towards ESKD is emerging. National Kidney
Foundation guidelines define these individuals as having
[62] . CKD, which also encompasses ESKD, is de-
fined as persistent kidney damage (confirmed by renal
biopsy or markers of kidney damage) and/or a GFR
! 60 ml/min/1.73 m 2 for more than 3 months [59] . This
translates into a serum creatinine level of 6 1.3 mg/dl
which would ordinarily be dismissed as not being repre-
sentative of significant renal dysfunction. Using these
criteria, current estimates of CKD account for at least 11
million individuals and rising
[63] .
The association between increased cardiovascu lar risk
and renal dysfunction originally stemmed from data
arising from ESKD or stage V CKD cohorts. The leading
cause of death in such patients is cardiovascular with
1 40% of mortality being cardiovascular event related.
This observation is supported by the Australian and New
Zealand Dialysis and Transplant Registry, the United
States Renal Data System and the Wave 2 Dialysis Mor-
bidity and Mortality Study. Based on these findings, it is
now well established that CKD is a significant risk factor
for cardiovascular disease, such that individuals with ev-
idence of CKD have between a 10- to 20-fold increased
risk for cardiac death compared to age-matched and sex-
matched controls without CKD
[63] . As discussed, part
of this problem may be related to the fact that such indi-
viduals are also less likely to receive risk-modifying inter-
ventions compared to their non-CKD counterparts
64, 65] .
Drop of GFR
Electrolyte, acid-base
and coagulation imbalances
Sympathetic activation
RAA activation,
Fig. 6. Diagram illustrating and summa-
rizing major pathophysiological interac-
tions between the hear t and kidney in type
III CRS. RAA = Renin-angiotensin-aldo-
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Blood Purif 2009;27:114–126
Less severe forms of CKD also appear to be associated
with significant cardiovascular risk. Evidence for in-
creasing CVD morbidity and mortality tracking with
mild to moderate renal dysfunction has mainly stemmed
from community-based studies
[66 –70] . All these studies
documented an inverse relationship between renal func-
tion and adverse cardiovascular outcomes. In particular,
the association between reduced renal function and car-
diovascular risk appears to consistently occur at estimat-
ed GFR levels below 60 ml/min/1.73 m
2 , the principal
GFR criterion used to define CKD.
Amo ng h ig h card iov as cular risk coh orts, ba seline c re-
atinine clearance is a signif icant and independent predic-
tor of short-term outcomes (180 days of fol low-up), name-
ly death and myocardial infarction
[63] . Similar findings
were also noted among patients presenting with ST-ele-
vation myocardial infarction
[71] , an effect independent
of thrombolysis
[41, 72] .
Other large-scale studies that have examined the rela-
tionship between renal function and cardiovascular out-
comes among high cardiovascular risk cohorts with left
ventricular dysfunction have included the Studies of Left
Ventricular Dysfunction, Trandolapril Cardiac Evalua-
tion, Survival and Ventricular Enlargement and Valsar-
tan in Acute Myocardial Infarction trials. These studies
excluded individuals with baseline serum creatinine lev-
els of 6 2.5 mg/dl. In all these studies, reduced renal
function was associated with significantly higher mortal-
ity and adverse cardiovascular event rates
[73–76] .
Renal insufficiency is highly prevalent among patients
with heart failure and is an independent prognostic fac-
tor in both diastolic and systolic ventricular dysfunction
[77] . It is an established negative prognostic indicator in
patients with severe heart failure [77] . The logical practi-
cal implications of the plethora of data linking CKD with
cardiovascular disease is that more attention needs to be
paid to reducing risk factors and optimizing medications
in these patients and that undertreatment due to con-
cerns about pharmacodynamics in this setting may have
lethal consequences at the individual level and huge po-
tential adverse consequences at the public health level.
Nonetheless, it is also equally important to acknowledge
that clinicians looking after these patients are often faced
with competing therapeutic choices and that, with the
exception of MERIT-HF
[78] , large randomized con-
trolled trials that have shaped the treatment of chronic
heart failure in the last two decades have consistently ex-
cluded patients with significant renal disease. Such a lack
Acquired risk factors
Primary nephropathy
Uremic toxins
Ca/P abnormalities
Nutritional status, BMI
Na-H2O overload
Chronic inflammation
Anemia and malnutrition
Ca/P abnormalities
Na-H2O overload
Unfriendly milieu
Fig. 7. Diagram illustrating and summarizing the major pathophysiological interactions between the heart and
kidney in type IV CRS.
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The Cardiorenal Syndrome Blood Purif 2009;27:114–126
of CKD population-specific treatment effect data makes
therapeutic choices particularly challenging. In particu-
lar, in patients with advanced CKD, the initiation or in-
creased dosage of ACE inhibitors can precipitate clini-
cally significant worsening of renal function or marked
hyperkalemia. The latter may be dangerously exacerbat-
ed by the use of aldosterone antagonists. Such patients, if
aggressively treated, become exposed to a significant risk
of developing dialysis dependence or life-threatening hy-
perkalemic arrhythmias. If too cautiously treated, they
may develop equally life-threatening cardiovascular
complications. In these patients, the judicious use of all
options while taking into account patient preferences, so-
cial circumstances, other comorbidities and applying a
multidisciplinary approach to care seems the best ap-
CRS Type V (Secondary CRS)
Type V CRS or secondary CRS is characterized by the
presence of combined cardiac and renal dysfunction due
to systemic disorders ( fig. 8 ). There is limited systematic
information on type V CRS, where both the kidneys and
the heart are affected by other systemic processes. Al-
though there is an appreciation that, as more organs fail,
mortality increases in critical illness, there is limited in-
sight into how combined renal and cardiovascular fail-
ure may differently affect such outcome compared to, for
example, combined pulmonary and renal failure. None-
theless, it is clear that several acute and chronic diseases
can affect both organs simultaneously and that the dis-
ease induced in one can affect the other and vice versa.
Several chronic conditions such as diabetes and hyper-
tension are discussed as part of type II and type IV
In the acute setting, severe sepsis represents the most
common and serious condition, which can affect both
organs. It can induce AKI while leading to profound
myocardial depression. The mechanisms responsible for
such changes are poorly understood but may involve the
effect of tumor necrosis factor on both organs
[79, 80] .
The onset of myocardial functional depression and a
state of inadequate cardiac output can further decrease
renal function as discussed in type I CRS and the devel-
opment of AKI can affect cardiac function as described
in type III CRS. Rena l ischemia may then induce fu rther
myocardial injury
[9] in a vicious cycle, which is injuri-
ous to both organs. Treatment is directed at the prompt
identification, eradication and treatment of the source of
infection while supporting organ function with inva-
sively guided fluid resuscitation, and inotropic and vaso-
pressor drug support. In this setting, all the principles
discussed for type I and type III CRS apply. In these sep-
tic patients, preliminary data using more intensive renal
replacement technology suggest that blood purification
may have a role in improving myocardial performance
while providing optimal small solute clearance
[81] . De-
spite the emergence of consensus definitions
[82] and
many studies
[83, 84] , no therapies have yet emerged to
prevent or attenuate AKI in critically ill patients. On the
other hand, clear evidence of the injurious effects of pen-
tastarch fluid resuscitation in septic AKI has recently
[85] . Such therapy should, therefore, be avoided
in septic patients.
Hemodynamic changes
Exogenous toxins
Neurohumoral activation
Fig. 8. Diagram illustrating and summa-
rizing the major pathophysiological inter-
actions between the heart and kidney in
type V CRS.
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Blood Purif 2009;27:114–126
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C o n c l u s i o n s
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... Both these diseases can initiate and perpetuate each other leading to a phenomenon termed as "cardio-renal syndrome" (CRS) [60]. According to Ronco et al. [61] CRS is classified into five types. The different types of CRS result in either hypoperfusion, kidney ischemia, and necrosis or apoptosis of renal tubular cells. ...
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Sechium edule, commonly known as chayote is known for its low glycemic index, high fiber content , and rich nutritional profile, which suggests it may be beneficial for individuals with diabetes. While research specifically examining the impact of chayote on diabetes is limited, this study screened its biological impacts by using different biomarkers on streptozotocin-induced diabetic (STZ-ID) rats. The ethanolic extract of the Sechium edule fruits was assessed for different phytochemical, biochemical, and anti-diabetic properties. In the results, chayote extract had high phenolic and flavonoid contents respectively (39.25 ± 0.65 mg/mL and 12.16 ± 0.50 mg/mL). These high phenolic and flavonoid contents showed high implications on STZ-ID rats. Altogether 200 and 400 mg/kg of the extract considerably reduced the blood sugar level and enhanced the lipid profile of the STZ-ID rats. Additionally, they have decreased blood urea and serum creatinine levels. Besides, the levels of SGOT, SGPT, LDH, sodium, and potassium ions were significantly lowered after the administration period. More importantly, the electrocardiogram (ECG) parameters such as QT, RR, and QTc which were prolonged in the diabetic rats were downregulated after 35 days of administration of S. edule extract (400 mg/ kg). And, the histological examination of the pancreas and kidney showed marked improvement in structural features of 200 and 400 mg/kg groups when compared to the diabetic control group. Where the increase in the glucose levels was positively correlated with QT, RR, and QTc (r 2 = 0.76, r 2 = 0.76, and r 2 = 0.43) which means that ECG could significantly reflect the diabetes glucose levels. In conclusion, our findings showed that the fruit extract exerts a high potential to reduce artifacts secondary to diabetes which can be strongly suggested for diabetic candidates. However, there is a need to study the molecular mechanisms of the extract in combating artifacts secondary to diabetes in experimental animals.
... Chronic renal failure activates the RAA system, which plays a key role in regulating blood pressure and uid homeostasis. Chronic activation of this system can cause constriction of blood vessels and increase afterload of the heart, which can eventually lead to heart failure [30]. Patients with chronic kidney disease often have low production of red blood cells, which leads to anemia. ...
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Background Individuals with diabetes mellitus are at increased risk of developing heart failure due to the contributing influence of diabetes mellitus risk factors. But data on African literature are rare. The objective of this study is to evaluate the determinants of heart failure in patients with diabetes mellitus followed in Goma. Methods Asymptomatic diabetics in the city of Goma were cross-sectionally recruited at the Center of the Association of Diabetics in Congo (ADIC) in Goma, DRC during the period from February 5 to 19, 2023. The incidence of heart failure was determined using pulse pressure (PP). A PP value ≥ 65 mmHg was considered as an incidence of heart failure. The association between the incidence of HF and the independent variables was evaluated by two models using the logistic regression test at the threshold of p < 0.05. Results The incidence frequency of heart failure was 29.9%. In multivariate analysis, adjusted for all these variables in multivariate in the two whose menopause and sex were collinear, the following variables emerged as determinants of incidence of HF in diabetics: hypertension (aOR: 5.93 IC95%: 2.42–14.51), DS type 2 (aOR: 3.60 95% CI: 1.63–4.25), menopause (aOR: 5.48 95% CI: 3.03-9, 72) and eGFR < 60 ml/min/1.73m² (aOR: 348 95% CI: 1.94–5.30), female sex (aOR: 2.80 95% CI: 1.06–3.80) and pathological fundus (aOR: 2.04, 95% CI: 1.77–5.35). Conclusion The frequency of HF is high in asymptomatic diabetics in Goma. It is determined by gender, menopause, dS type 2, pathological fundus and altered eGFR.
... Cardiorenal syndrome is a clinical vicious cycle that involves both heart and renal dysfunction. This syndrome has high morbidity and mortality [6,7]. CS-AKI is usually caused independently or interactively by multiple factors, such as inflammation, ischemia and nephrotoxicity. ...
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Objective We retrospectively analyzed risk factors on in-hospital mortality in CRRT-therapy patients with open cardiac surgery (CS)-induced acute kidney injury (AKI), to provide the clinical basis for predicting and lowering the in-hospital mortality after CS. Methods 84 CS-AKI patients with CRRT were divided into survival and death groups according to discharge status, and the perioperative data were analyzed with R version 4.0.2. Results There were significant differences between the two groups, including: urea nitrogen, Sequential Organ Failure Assessment (SOFA) score and vasoactive-inotropic score (VIS) on the first day after operation; VIS just before CRRT; SOFA score and negative balance of blood volume 24 h after CRRT; the incidence rate of bleeding, severe infection and MODS after operation; and the interval between AKI and CRRT. Univariate logistic regression analysis showed that SOFA score and VIS on the first day after operation; VIS just before CRRT; VIS and negative balance of blood volume 24 h after CRRT; the incidence rate of bleeding, infection and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS) after operation; bootstrap resampling analysis showed that SOFA score and VIS 24 h after CRRT, as well as the incidence of bleeding after operation were the independent risk factors. Conclusion Maintaining stable hemodynamics and active prevention of bleeding are expected to decrease the in-hospital mortality.
... CKD also implies a reduction in erythropoietin production over time, leading to anemia, which will increase the risk of ischemic events in the heart. Moreover, CKD induces a decrease in vitamin D production and parathormone stimulation, leading to an increase in calcium and phosphate levels and thus, increased risk of coronary and vessel calcification, augmenting the high risk of ischemic events [91]. Electrolyte imbalances are also observed in CKD patients, more precisely, hyperkalemia, which can increase the risk of cardiovascular complications [87]. ...
... CKD also implies a reduction in erythropoietin production over time, leading to anemia, which will increase the risk of ischemic events in the heart. Moreover, CKD induces a decrease in vitamin D production and parathormone stimulation, leading to an increase in calcium and phosphate levels and thus, increased risk of coronary and vessel calcification, augmenting the high risk of ischemic events [91]. Electrolyte imbalances are also observed in CKD patients, more precisely, hyperkalemia, which can increase the risk of cardiovascular complications [87]. ...
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Since the prevalence of heart failure (HF) increases with age, HF is now one of the most common reasons for the hospitalization of elderly people. Although the treatment strategies and overall outcomes of HF patients have improved over time, hospitalization and mortality rates remain elevated, especially in developed countries where populations are aging. Therefore, this paper is intended to be a valuable multidisciplinary source of information for both doctors (cardiologists and general physicians) and pharmacists in order to decrease the morbidity and mortality of heart failure patients. We address several aspects regarding pharmacological treatment (including new approaches in HF treatment strategies [sacubitril/valsartan combination and sodium glucose co-transporter-2 inhibitors]), as well as the particularities of patients (age-induced changes and sex differences) and treatment (pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic changes in drugs; cardiorenal syndrome). The article also highlights several drugs and food supplements that may worsen the prognosis of HF patients and discusses some potential drug–drug interactions, their consequences and recommendations for health care providers, as well as the risks of adverse drug reactions and treatment discontinuation, as an interdisciplinary approach to treatment is essential for HF patients.
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Purpose In essential hypertensive patients, cardiac remodeling may be associated with the risk of renal damage in the future which can be reflected by the estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR). Through retrospective analysis, we evaluated the potential of cardiac remodeling based on echocardiographic measurements to predict the risk of renal damage in the future with hypertensive patients. Methods We retrospectively analyzed the relationship between the changes of left heart structure and function and renal damage for 510 patients with hypertension, who were diagnosed between 2016 to 2022. Demography data, clinical data, blood samples and echocardiographic variables were used for survival analysis, and the Cox proportional hazards regression model was used. Results In our study, we found that age, serum creatinine (SCR), creatine kinase isoenzyme MB (CK MB), abnormal high-sensitivity troponin I (TNI), interventricular septum thickness (IVST) and left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) could be used as independent predictors in risk of renal impairment in hypertensive patients (p<0.05). Combined in a score where one point was given for the presence of each of the parameters above, this score could strongly predict renal function damage in the future (p<0.05). In receiver operating characteristics (ROC) curve analyses, the area under the curve of the risk factor score was 0.849 (P<0.001). Conclusion In essential hypertensive patients, LVEF and IVST can predict the risk of future adverse renal outcomes. Moreover, combining risk variables into a simplified score may enable to assess the risk of renal impairment in hypertensive patients at an early stage.
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Integrated computational modeling provides a mechanistic and quantitative framework to characterize alterations in mitochondrial respiration and bioenergetics in response to different metabolic substrates in-silico. These alterations play critical roles in the pathogenesis of diseases affecting metabolically active organs such as heart and kidney. Therefore, the present study aimed to develop and validate thermodynamically-constrained integrated computational models of mitochondrial respiration and bioenergetics in the heart and kidney cortex and outer medulla (OM). The models incorporated the kinetics of major biochemical reactions and transport processes as well as regulatory mechanisms in the mitochondria of these tissues. Intrinsic model parameters such as Michaelis-Menten constants were fixed at previously estimated values, while extrinsic model parameters such as maximal reaction and transport velocities were estimated separately for each tissue. This was achieved by fitting the model solutions to our recently published respirometry data measured in isolated rat heart and kidney cortex and OM mitochondria utilizing various NADH- and FADH2-linked metabolic substrates. The models were validated by predicting additional respirometry and bioenergetics data which were not used for estimating the extrinsic model parameters. The models were able to predict tissue-specific and substrate-dependent mitochondrial emergent metabolic system properties such as redox states, enzyme and transporter fluxes, metabolite concentrations, membrane potential, and respiratory control index under diverse physiological and pathological conditions. The models were also able to quantitatively characterize differential regulations of NADH- and FADH2-linked metabolic pathways, which contribute differently towards regulations of oxidative phosphorylation and ATP synthesis in the heart and kidney cortex and OM mitochondria.
Background Complex multi-organ interactions such as coexistence of hepato-renal dysfunction in heart failure (HF) adversely affects patient prognosis. However, the association between liver/kidney dysfunction and frailty and effects of their coexistence on HF prognosis remain unclear. Methods This retrospective cohort study included 922 patients with HF (median age, 72 years; interquartile range: 62–79 years). All patients underwent hepato-renal function testing using the model for end-stage liver disease, excluding international normalized ratio (MELD-XI) score and frailty score. Frailty was measured using a composite of four markers: handgrip strength, gait speed, serum albumin, and activities of daily living status, combined into a total frailty score (range 0–12). Patients were assigned to a frailty score <5 (without frailty) or ≥5 (frailty) group. The multivariable logistic regression model was used to analyze the association between MELD-XI score and frailty; the prognostic value of high MELD-XI score and frailty coexistence was investigated. The endpoint was all-cause mortality. Results After adjusting for covariates and dividing by the median MELD-XI score, the high MELD-XI score group [odds ratio: 1.663, 95 % confidence interval (CI): 1.200–2.304, p = 0.002] was significantly associated with frailty, compared with the low MELD-XI score group. One hundred and fifty deaths occurred during follow-up (median, 2.13 years; interquartile range, 0.93–4.09 years). Patients in the high MELD-XI score/frailty group had a significantly higher mortality risk, even after adjusting for HF severity (hazard ratio: 4.326, 95 % CI: 2.527–7.403, p < 0.001). Conclusions Hepato-renal dysfunction is associated with frailty in patients with HF, which affects patient prognosis. Brief summary This study showed that hepato-renal dysfunction in patients with HF, as assessed by the model for end-stage liver disease excluding international normalized ratio (MELD-XI) score, is associated with frailty, even after adjusting for factors involved in the frailty or severity of HF. Additionally, high MELD-XI score combined with frailty is associated with a poorer prognosis. These results suggest that hepato-renal dysfunction and frailty can be used for risk stratification in patients with HF.
Aging is associated with a decline in glomerular filtration rate (GFR) resulting in diminished both renal function and renal reserve (“renal aging”). Elderly patients thus have increased chronic kidney disease (CKD) prevalence and, in cases of critical illness (e.g., sepsis/systemic inflammation, acute heart failure/cardiorenal interactions, need for surgical interventions, and/or multiple organ dysfunction), an increased likelihood of acute-on-chronic renal dysfunction. Further, significant (e.g., cardiovascular) comorbidity and polypharmacy are often present in ICU patients. The presence of age-related comorbidities (such as cardiovascular disease and/or heart failure) contributes significantly to frailty and implies a key independent risk factor for unfavorable clinical outcomes from AKI in aged ICU populations. In the future, and with an overall aging population, this will become even more evident against the background of an increased incidence of age-associated comorbidities and an expected continuous rise in AKI incidence.
By completing this chapter, the reader will be able to: Recognize and define the subject group of interest in the context of this book. Identify the individual roles caregivers fulfill. Relate the concept of caregiver burden to caregiving activities including post-intensive care syndrome (PICS-F). Describe individual consequences and effects of caregiving activities on the caregiver. Describe coping and support strategies that may be adopted to overcome negative aspects of caregiving. KeywordsCaregiverCarerCaretakerRelativesFamily members
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In this post hoc, secondary analysis of the Ramipril Efficacy In Nephropathy (REIN) trial, an angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibition risk/benefit profile was assessed in 322 patients with nondiabetic, proteinuric chronic nephrop-athies and different degrees of renal insufficiency. The rate of GFR decline (GFR) and the incidence of end-stage renal disease (ESRD) during ramipril or non–ACE inhibitor treatment were compared within three tertiles of basal GFR. GFR was comparable in the three tertiles, whereas the incidence of ESRD was higher in the lowest tertile than in the middle and highest tertiles. Ramipril decreased GFR by 22%, 22%, and 35% and the incidence of ESRD by 33% (P 0.05), 37%, and 100% (P 0.01) in the lowest, middle, and highest tertiles, respectively. GFR reduction was predicted by basal systolic (P 0.0001), diastolic (P 0.02), and mean (P 0.001) BP and proteinuria (P 0.0001) but not by basal GFR (P 0.12). ESRD risk reduction was predicted by basal proteinuria (P 0.01) and GFR (P 0.0001) and was strongly dependent on treatment duration (P 0.0001). Adverse events were comparable among the three tertiles and within each tertile in the two treatment groups. Thus, disease progression and response to ACE inhibition do not depend on severity of renal insuf-ficiency. The risk of ESRD and the absolute number of events saved by ACE inhibition is highest in patients with the lowest GFR. However, renoprotection is maximized when ACE inhibition is started earlier and when long-lasting treatment may result in GFR stabilization and definitive prevention of ESRD.
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Context Results from recent studies on the effects of β1-blockade in patients with heart failure demonstrated a 34% reduction in total mortality. However, the effect of β1-blockade on the frequency of hospitalizations, symptoms, and quality of life in patients with heart failure has not been fully explored.Objective To examine the effects of the β1-blocker controlled-release/extended-release metoprolol succinate (metoprolol CR/XL) on mortality, hospitalization, symptoms, and quality of life in patients with heart failure.Design Randomized, double-blind controlled trial, preceded by a 2-week single-blind placebo run-in period, conducted from February 14, 1997, to October 31, 1998, with a mean follow-up of 1 year.Setting Three hundred thirteen sites in 14 countries.Participants Patients (n = 3991) with chronic heart failure, New York Heart Association (NYHA) functional class II to IV, and ejection fraction of 0.40 or less who were stabilized with optimum standard therapy.Interventions Patients were randomized to metoprolol CR/XL, 25 mg once per day (NYHA class II), or 12.5 mg once per day (NYHA class III or IV), titrated for 6 to 8 weeks up to a target dosage of 200 mg once per day (n = 1990); or matching placebo (n = 2001).Main Outcome Measures Total mortality or any hospitalization (time to first event), number of hospitalizations for worsening heart failure, and change in NYHA class, by intervention group; quality of life was assessed in a substudy of 741 patients.Results The incidence of all predefined end points was lower in the metoprolol CR/XL group than in the placebo group, including total mortality or all-cause hospitalizations (the prespecified second primary end point; 641 vs 767 events; risk reduction, 19%; 95% confidence interval [CI], 10%-27%; P<.001); total mortality or hospitalizations due to worsening heart failure (311 vs 439 events; risk reduction, 31%; 95% CI, 20%-40%; P<.001), number of hospitalizations due to worsening heart failure (317 vs 451; P<.001); and number of days in hospital due to worsening heart failure (3401 vs 5303 days; P<.001). NYHA functional class, assessed by physicians, and McMaster Overall Treatment Evaluation score, assessed by patients, both improved in the metoprolol CR/XL group compared with the placebo group (P = .003 and P = .009, respectively).Conclusions In this study of patients with symptomatic heart failure, metoprolol CR/XL improved survival, reduced the need for hospitalizations due to worsening heart failure, improved NYHA functional class, and had beneficial effects on patient well-being. Figures in this Article Chronic heart failure is a common disease that has a poor prognosis and periods of incapacitating symptoms necessitating recurrent hospital admissions.1- 2 The most common modes of death are sudden death or death from worsening heart failure.3 The discovery of the pathophysiological importance of neuroendocrine activation in heart failure and the possibility of modifying such mechanisms of the disease process have greatly improved treatment in clinical practice.4 Thus, angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors have been established as standard therapy for patients with chronic heart failure due to left ventricular systolic dysfunction, with proven effects on mortality and symptoms related to worsening heart failure.4- 5 Despite the benefits of this mode of therapy, mortality and morbidity remain high for patients with heart failure. The role of β-blocker treatment in the management of chronic heart failure has taken time to clarify. The results from meta-analyses of previous smaller studies of various β-blockers in heart failure, including the carvedilol studies, have indicated beneficial effects.6- 8 Two studies on the survival effects of β1-blockade published in 1999, the Cardiac Insufficiency Bisoprolol Study (CIBIS) II9 and the present Metoprolol CR/XL Randomized Intervention Trial in Congestive Heart Failure (MERIT-HF),10 demonstrated that total mortality was reduced by 34%. Although the survival benefit of β1-blockade in chronic heart failure due to systolic dysfunction has been established, the need for hospital care, safety aspects, symptom alleviation, and improved quality of life are additional important aspects of treatment, for both the patient and the clinician. However, the impact of β-blockers on these outcomes has not been fully explored. Accordingly, the MERIT-HF was designed to study the effects of controlled-release/extended-release metoprolol succinate (metoprolol CR/XL) on mortality, as previously reported,10 as well as hospitalizations, symptoms, and quality of life.
Background. The extent of diabetes, chronic kidney disease (CKD), and cardiovascular disease (CVD) in the Medicare population is relatively unknown. Also unknown is the effect of these diseases on patient survival before end-stage renal disease (ESRD). Methods. Prevalent cohorts of Medicare enrollees from 1996 to 2000 were assessed for diabetes and CKD, presence of CVD, and probability of death versus ESRD in the follow-up period. Hospitalization rates and, in diabetics, lipid testing and glycemic control monitoring were also assessed. Results. The prevalence of diabetes in the Medicare population increased at 4.4% per year, reaching 18.9% in the 1999 2000 cohort. Approximately 726,000 elderly Medicare enrollees carry a diagnosis code for CKD. Those with CKD are 5 to 10 times more likely to die before reaching ESRD than the non-CKD group. In CKD patients, CVD is twice as common and advances at twice the rate. Cardiovascular disease advances at a similarly higher rate in CKD patients who die and those who survive to ESRD. Heart failure hospitalizations are 5 times greater in CKD patients and only 30% less than those in dialysis patients. Only half of the CKD patients with diabetes who advance to ESRD had a lipid or glycosylated hemoglobin test done in the year before or after dialysis initiation. Conclusion. Diabetes, the leading cause of ESRD, is increasing in the general Medicare population at 4.4% per year. Cardiovascular disease is common, progresses at twice the rate, is associated with death before ESRD, and patients receive suboptimal risk factor monitoring. Active identification and treatment of CKD patients is needed.
PURPOSE: This study set out to define the incidence, predictors, and mortality related to acute renal failure (ARF) and acute renal failure requiring dialysis (ARFD) after coronary intervention.PATIENTS AND METHODS: Derivation-validation set methods were used in 1,826 consecutive patients undergoing coronary intervention with evaluation of baseline creatinine clearance (CrCl), diabetic status, contrast exposure, postprocedure creatinine, ARF, ARFD, in-hospital mortality, and long-term survival (derivation set). Multiple logistic regression was used to derive the prior probability of ARFD in a second set of 1,869 consecutive patients (validation set).RESULTS: The incidence of ARF and ARFD was 144.6/1,000 and 7.7/1,000 cases respectively. The cutoff dose of contrast below which there was no ARFD was 100 mL. No patient with a CrCl > 47 mL/min developed ARFD. These thresholds were confirmed in the validation set. Multivariate analysis found CrCl [odds ratio (OR) = 0.83, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.77 to 0.89, P
OBJECTIVES We sought to evaluate the relationship between the level of kidney function, level of hematocrit and their interaction on all-cause mortality in patients with left ventricular (LV) dysfunction.BACKGROUND Anemia and reduced kidney function occur frequently in patients with heart failure. The level of hematocrit and its relationship with renal function have not been evaluated as risk factors for mortality in patients with LV dysfunction.METHODS We retrospectively examined the Studies Of LV Dysfunction (SOLVD) database. Glomerular filtration rate (GFR) was predicted using a recently validated formula. Kaplan-Meier survival analyses were used to compare survival times between groups stratified by level of kidney function (predicted GFR) and hematocrit. Cox proportional-hazards regression was used to explore the relationship of survival time to level of kidney function, hematocrit and their interaction.RESULTSLower GFR and hematocrit were associated with a higher prevalence of traditional cardiovascular risk factors. In univariate analysis, reduced kidney function and lower hematocrit, in men and in women, were risk factors for all-cause mortality (p < 0.001 for both). After adjustment for other factors significant in univariate analysis, a 10 ml/min/1.73 m2 lower GFR and a 1% lower hematocrit were associated with a 1.064 (95% CI: 1.033, 1.096) and 1.027 (95% CI: 1.015, 1.038) higher risk for mortality, respectively. At lower GFR and lower hematocrit, the risk was higher (p = 0.022 for the interaction) than that predicted by both factors independently.CONCLUSIONS Decreased kidney function and anemia are risk factors for all-cause mortality in patients with LV dysfunction, especially when both are present. These relationships need to be confirmed in additional studies.