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Abstract and Figures

Fresh harvested walnuts are dehulled, washed, and then dried by hot air (HA) as a continuous process in the industry. The objective of the current work was to study the walnut structure and investigate its effect on the moisture transfer characteristics during the walnut soaking and drying processes. Moisture transport pathways into the walnuts were determined using fluorescence tracer approach, and the hydration kinetics of walnuts under different soaking temperatures (15, 25, and 35 °C) was studied using Peleg model. HA drying experiments in single layer in a self-designed automatic HA dryer at 43 °C and air velocity of 1.41 m/s. The influence of the stem pore (sealed and non-sealed) and the soaking process (0, 2- and 5-min soaking time) on the walnut drying characteristics were investigated systematically. The results indicated that both the presence of the stem pore and the soaking time had significant influence (p < 0.05) on the hydration and drying characteristics of walnuts. Moisture absorptions through the stem pore and the shell were equally important during the soaking process. Two to five minutes soaking process led to 2–4 h additional drying time. This study contributed valuable knowledge for the simulation and prediction of moisture transfer characteristics during the walnut soaking and drying processes. The findings from this study could potentially be applied to the walnut drying industry for more efficient processing
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Drying Technology
An International Journal
ISSN: 0737-3937 (Print) 1532-2300 (Online) Journal homepage:
Walnut structure and its influence on the
hydration and drying characteristics
Chang Chen, Zhang Weipeng, Chandrasekar Venkitasamy, Ragab Khir, Tara
McHugh & Zhongli Pan
To cite this article: Chang Chen, Zhang Weipeng, Chandrasekar Venkitasamy, Ragab Khir, Tara
McHugh & Zhongli Pan (2019): Walnut structure and its influence on the hydration and drying
characteristics, Drying Technology, DOI: 10.1080/07373937.2019.1605610
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Published online: 24 Apr 2019.
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Walnut structure and its influence on the hydration and drying
Chang Chen
, Zhang Weipeng
, Chandrasekar Venkitasamy
, Ragab Khir
, Tara McHugh
, and
Zhongli Pan
Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering, University of California, Davis, Davis, CA, USA;
School of Materials and
Mechanical Engineering, Beijing Technology and Business University, Beijing, China;
Healthy Processed Foods Research Unit, USDA-
ARS-WRRC, 800 Buchanan St, Albany, CA, USA
Fresh harvested walnuts are dehulled, washed, and then dried by hot air (HA) as a continu-
ous process in the industry. The objective of the current work was to study the walnut
structure and investigate its effect on the moisture transfer characteristics during the walnut
soaking and drying processes. Moisture transport pathways into the walnuts were deter-
mined using fluorescence tracer approach, and the hydration kinetics of walnuts under dif-
ferent soaking temperatures (15, 25, and 35 C) was studied using Peleg model. HA drying
experiments in single layer in a self-designed automatic HA dryer at 43 C and air velocity
of 1.41 m/s. The influence of the stem pore (sealed and non-sealed) and the soaking process
(0, 2- and 5-min soaking time) on the walnut drying characteristics were investigated sys-
tematically. The results indicated that both the presence of the stem pore and the soaking
time had significant influence (p<0.05) on the hydration and drying characteristics of wal-
nuts. Moisture absorptions through the stem pore and the shell were equally important dur-
ing the soaking process. Two to five minutes soaking process led to 24 h additional drying
time. This study contributed valuable knowledge for the simulation and prediction of mois-
ture transfer characteristics during the walnut soaking and drying processes. The findings
from this study could potentially be applied to the walnut drying industry for more effi-
cient processing
Received 15 October 2018
Revised 5 April 2019
Accepted 7 April 2019
Walnut; stem pore;
hydration kinetics; drying
1. Introduction
Walnut is an important crop in California and a popu-
lar tree nut due to its high nutritional value and health
The bearing acreage and the yield of wal-
nut increased about 22.3 times and 5.7 times, respect-
since 1920. In 2017, more than 650,000 tons of
walnuts were produced, which represented 99% of the
production in the U.S. and 29% worldwide.
Fresh walnut has high moisture content (MC) that
can range from 20% to 43% at harvest and thus the
drying process is a necessary processing step for mois-
ture removal and product quality preservation.
a typical industrial post-harvest practice, the mechan-
ically dehulled walnuts are soaked in water first for
various times to wash out the dirt from the surface,
and then transferred to fixed bed bins for HA drying
at 43 C
as a continuous process. Due to the ligno-
cellulosic composition and hygroscopic structure,
the walnut shell may pick up moisture during the
industrial soaking/washing process. In addition, dur-
ing mechanical harvesting, the connection between
the stem and walnut fruit breaks, which consequently
generate a small pore at the stem location of walnut
shell (referred to as the stem pore in this study).
Presence of the stem pore was suspected to affect the
moisture transfer characteristics during both the wal-
nut washing and drying processes, and thus may
influence the drying time.
Hydration kinetics is essential for the quantification
of the moisture absorption into food materials during
soaking process.
An empirical model proposed
by Peleg
has been widely applied to accurately
model the hydration kinetics of various foods with
porous structure, such as legumes,
, rice
, and
starchy foods
due to its simplicity. The hydration
kinetics of walnuts, which has not been well
CONTACT Zhongli Pan Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering, University of California, Davis, One Shields
Avenue, Davis, CA 95616, USA.
These authors contributed equally to this work.
Color versions of one or more of the figures in the article can be found online at
ß2019 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
understood in the past, was investigated in this study.
The knowledge will be useful to understand the water
transport mechanism and to predict the water absorp-
tion during the soaking/washing process of walnuts.
With the growing walnut production, new drying
technologies are demanded in the industry for higher
processing capacity. In recent years, different technol-
ogies have been studied in lab scale for efficient dry-
ing, such as radio frequency drying,
(IR) drying,
and intermittent oven drying.
Nonetheless, conventional HA drying technology is
still mostly applied in the industry due to processing
capacity and operating cost. However, the drying effi-
ciency of HA drying is relatively low.
It usually
takes up to 24 h to dry the walnuts to an average 8%
MC (safe storage MC) by HA at around 43 C, par-
ticularly for high initial moisture content (IMC) wal-
Thus, it is necessary to study the influence of
both the stem pore and the soaking process on the
drying characteristics of the walnuts systematically.
Therefore, the current work was aimed to under-
stand the moisture transfer characteristics during the
walnut soaking and drying process. The specific objec-
tives of this study were: 1) to study the water trans-
port pathway into walnuts during the soaking process;
2) to determine the hydration kinetics of walnuts
under different conditions; and 3) to investigate the
influence of the stem pore and the soaking process on
the drying characteristics of walnuts. The findings
from this study will provide important information
for the understanding of the moisture transfer mecha-
nisms during the walnut soaking and drying process,
which could potentially be helpful to guide the
improvement of the drying process.
2. Materials and methods
2.1. Sample preparation
Dehulled walnuts (Juglans regia.) of Howard variety
were used in this study. The samples were collected
from Emerald Farms, Maxwell, CA, USA, during the
harvest season in September and October 2017. Thirty
walnuts were randomly selected to determine the size
of walnuts using the method introduced in a previous
study by Khir et al.,
as shown by Figure 1. The
dimensions of the principal axes of walnuts were
measured as: length (L): (46.0 ± 3.4) 10 3m
intermediate (D1): (44.0 ± 3.7) 10 3m minor
diameter (D2): (44.0 ± 4.0) 10 3m.
2.2. Determination of MC
Walnuts were placed in aluminum weighing dishes
and weighed first using an electronic balance (Denver
Instrument, Arvada Co., USA) with an accuracy of
0.01 g. Then the walnuts were separated into different
components (shell, kernel and dissepiment) and
weighed individually.
Dry mass of the different
components of walnut samples was measured after
drying in an air oven at 105 C for 24 h. The MC of
the shell, kernel and dissepiment was determined
using following equation (1):
þWde Wded
Wsd þWkd þWded
Where, w
, and w
are the instantaneous weight
of the shell, kernel and dissepiments, respectively; and
, and w
are the dry mass weight of
the samples.
2.3. Determination of water permeation pathway
Walnut samples were randomly selected from the
same batch and divided into experimental group and
control group. The stem pore was sealed with water-
resistant epoxy glue in the experimental group wal-
nuts (to simulate walnuts without the stem pore) and
the control group walnuts were left with no treatment
(to simulate walnuts with the stem pore), as shown in
Figure 2. The average diameter of the stem pore was
around 1 mm, and the geometric diameter of the wal-
nut shell was around 45 mm. Therefore, the area of
the stem pore was relatively small compared to the
shell surface area (<1%). The change of walnut weight
after the sealing process was less than 1%, and the
MC of the glue was neglected. Therefore, the effect of
sealing on the IMC of walnuts was considered to be
Figure 1. Major axial dimensions of walnuts.
negligible. Both groups were placed under room tem-
perature for 30 min to solidify the glue. To evaluate
the change of the pore shape before and after the dry-
ing process, both fresh and dried walnuts were used
in the experiments.
Fluorescence food grade dye with light pink color
(GloMania, USA) was dissolved in water to prepare
the fluorescence tracking solution. The walnuts were
soaked in the fluorescent solution and stirred continu-
ously to simulate the industrial washing process. After
various soaking periods, 5 samples were removed
from the solution, wiped clean with paper tissue, and
placed in cool desiccator for 2 h. The samples were
then cut through by band saw in different directions
(cross-section, alongside the suture and perpendicular
to suture), and the kernel was carefully separated in
halves. A USPAR F15T8 UV light with black filter
was used to activate the fluorescence dye in the wal-
nut. For comparison, the same samples were also
placed under incandescent lamp for imaging. The
water permeation pathways within each individual
walnut was photographed and observed with a digital
camera with 10zoom lens (Canon Ixus 155, USA).
2.4. Determination of hydration kinetics
Hydration experiments were performed using
2000 mL beakers containing 1600 mL of deionized
water, which was maintained at constant temperatures
(15, 25, and 35 C) in a water bath. In each experi-
ment, 20 fresh wet walnuts (sealed and non-sealed)
were randomly selected and submerged in water in
the beaker. The samples were removed from water,
wiped clean with tissue paper and weighed. The
amount of water absorption was calculated based on
the weight change of samples during the soaking pro-
cess. Subsequently, the samples were put back in the
beakers and the water absorption measurement con-
tinued until the relative change in sample weights
were <0.1%. Triplicate measurements were conducted,
and the average moisture absorption was calculated.
The experimental data were fitted by Peleg
as indicated in Equation (3).
Where, (t) is the MC of material at time t (%); M
the IMC (%); K
is the Peleg rate constant (min%
and K
is the Peleg capacity constant (%
When t!0, Equation (3) became:
When t!1,Equation (3) became:
Ms ¼M0þ1
Where, M
is the saturated MC of the material.
2.5. Drying equipment
A laboratory scale HA dryer equipped with automatic
measuring system was designed and developed (Figure
3(A,B)) in this study to conduct the HA drying of
walnuts. A commercial resistance heating element and
an electrical fan (Avantco Instrument CFD 10, CA,
USA) were applied to provide the HA with control-
lable temperature. Two S-beam load cell sensors with
4000 g total capacity and 2 g accuracy (Meacon auto-
mation, Hangzhou, China) were placed horizontally
on top of the drying chamber. A material basket
made of wire mesh was connected with the load cell
beam and was dropped into the drying chamber. The
weight change of walnut samples was automatically
measured during the drying process. The temperature
and relative humidity in the drying chamber were
measured continuously with T-type thermocouples
(Omega, SA1XL-T-120, USA). The data were gath-
ered, monitored and recorded continuously and auto-
matically with a 5 s interval by a touch screen logger
(NT8071iE, Weinview, China).
2.6. Drying experiments
The HA drying experiments were performed at 43 C
and air velocity of 1.41 m/s. The sealed and non-sealed
walnuts of the same IMC were soaked in water for
different time periods (0, 2 and 5 min), weighed and
then uniformly spread on a perforated tray as a single
layer for HA drying. The weight change of the wal-
nuts after soaking was measured by an electronic bal-
ance. The temperature of the shell surface was
Figure 2. Walnut sample A) non-sealed (control) and B) sealed
measured with T-type thermocouple. The dryer was
warmed up for 30 mins before sample loading to
achieve stable HA temperature and velocity. Triplicate
experiments were conducted and the average MC at
each time points was calculated.
2.7. Statistical analysis
The goodness of model fit was tested using the
adjusted coefficient of determination (R
). The
influence of the stem pore and temperature on the
hydration kinetics and on the drying characteristics
was studied through two-way analysis of variance.
Multiple comparison test (Tukey test) was performed
at a confident level of 95%. The OriginPro software
(Version 2016, OriginLab Corporation, Northampton,
MA) was used to carry out the statistical analysis.
3. Results and discussion
3.1. Water transport pathway into walnuts
Although the washing time for walnut in the industry
is usually less than 5 min, the soaking time in the cur-
rent work was extended on purpose to allow the
fluorescent water to transfer into the walnuts. Non-
sealed and sealed walnuts were cut alongside the
suture then illuminated under visible light and black-
light, as depicted in Figures 4 and 5. The fluorescence
dye was activated by the ultraviolet and the fluores-
cence pattern was observed. As seen from Figure 4C
and D, after short soaking times (<15 mins), fluores-
cence pattern was hardly observed within the non-
sealed walnut for both wet or dry samples, which sug-
gested that water permeation through the stem pore
was not significant in short time. As the soaking time
increased, the fluorescence pattern appeared at the
stem pore location (left hand side of the figures) and
extended gradually through the dissepiments and the
inner membrane of walnut shell. Such moisture trans-
fer characteristics should be due to the unique struc-
ture of walnuts. According to the Pinney et al.,
dissepiments in walnuts are the remnant of the stem
connected with the plants, which functions as the
nutrient and water supply pathway between the plant
and the fruit during the growth of the walnut fruit.
The dissepiments, which should have lignocellulosic
composition, may have highly porous structure and
were saturated with water during the fruit growth.
Interestingly, the fluorescence patterns within fresh
wet walnuts and dry walnuts were very similar, which
suggested that the characteristics of the stem pore did
not change significantly after drying.
On the other hand, in the sealed walnut samples
(Figure 5(C,D)), despite the IMC, no obvious fluores-
cence pattern was observed on the kernel or across
the shell throughout the soaking process. This phe-
nomenon may be attributed to the structural charac-
teristics of the walnuts. The walnut shell has dense
structure made of lignocellulosic stone cells, and
micropores with 28lm diameter are formed between
the fibrous structures,
which was much smaller
compared with the size of the stem pore (1 mm). The
resistance of moisture diffusion within porous food
material depends on the pore size and pore struc-
Therefore, the permeation rate through the
stem pore should be faster than across the shell.
The results revealed and proposed the possible
water transfer pathway during the walnut washing/
soaking process: water permeated through the stem
pore, moved alongside the inner membrane system
that connected the shell and the dissepiments, as
depicted by the blue arrows in Figure 6. The perme-
ation pathway of water into the walnut during the
Figure 3. A) Schematic diagram and B) photo of the lab-scale HA dryer equipped with automatic weighing and temperature
measuring system.
soaking process was observed vividly. The fluoresce
tracing approach developed here has the potential to
be applied for the study of other agricultural com-
modities with similar structure. Further research is
necessary to study the microstructure of the walnut
components (walnut shell, kernel, and dissepiments)
through advanced characterization methods to verify
the findings.
3.2. Determination of hydration kinetics
To determine the hydration kinetics of walnuts, the
MC change during the soaking process was measured.
The hydration curves of non-sealed walnuts at differ-
ent temperatures (15, 25, and 35 C) were shown in
Figure 7A. It was found that the MC of walnuts
increased rapidly at the initial stage of soaking and
leveled off quickly after about 5 min. The high mois-
ture absorption rate at the initial soaking stage may
be attributed to the fast hydration of capillaries and
cavities on the surface of the walnut shell by unbound
moisture. With more moisture absorbed, the shell sur-
face rapidly saturated, the hydration rate decreased
until the MC gradually stabilized.
It was also found that at higher temperature, both
the initial rate of moisture absorption and the total
moisture absorption amount were increased. The satu-
rated MC increased from 26.5% at 15 C to around
29.1% at 35 C with the same IMC of 22.5%.
According to Saravacos and Maroulis,
the rate of
water diffusion increases with the increase in tempera-
ture, which may lead to the increase in moisture
absorption rate. Meanwhile, the lignocellulosic struc-
ture in the walnuts might have thermally expanded
due to the enhancement in soaking temperature,
generating larger void volume in the microstructure,
which increased the water holding capacity in
the walnuts.
To evaluate the role of the stem pore in the water
absorption, the MC change of sealed walnuts was
compared with non-sealed samples. Figures 7BD
showed the hydration curves of non-sealed and sealed
walnuts at 15, 25, and 35 C. It was found that the
moisture absorption rate and the total amount of
moisture absorption of non-sealed walnuts were
higher than the sealed walnuts, particularly at the ini-
tial stage of soaking process. The results were in
accordance with the water transfer pathway
Figure 4. Water permeation in the non-sealed walnuts under visible light: (A) dry walnuts; (B) wet walnuts; and blacklight: (C) dry
walnuts; (D) wet walnuts.
determined in the previous section. The MC increase
in the sealed walnuts should represent the amount of
water absorbed on the walnut shell (surface satur-
ation). Comparing the moisture absorption between
the sealed and non-sealed walnuts after the same
soaking time, the difference in MC may represent the
amount of moisture absorbed through the stem pore.
The total amount of moisture absorption in the sealed
walnuts also increased with increase in the soaking
The Peleg model was applied to study the hydra-
tion kinetics of walnuts and the fitted parameters
were summarized in Table 1.K
(min/%) was a par-
ameter related to mass transfer rate, the lower the K
Figure 5. Water permeation in the sealed walnuts under visible light: (A) dry walnuts; (B) wet walnuts; and blacklight (C) dry wal-
nuts; (D) wet walnuts.
Figure 6. Water permeation path-way in the walnut depicted by the blue arrows.
the higher the initial rate of water absorption,
indicated by Equation (4). Decreased K
values with
the increase in temperature suggested an increase in
the initial water absorption rate. Similar phenomenon
was also observed in the hydration of other food
) was a parameter related to
maximum capacity of water absorption, the lower the
, the higher the water absorption capacity,
explained by Equation (5). The results indicated that
for both sealed and non-sealed walnuts, the initial
hydration rate and saturation MC increased signifi-
cantly (p<0.05) with the soaking tempera-
ture increase.
To the best of the authorsknowledge, this is the
first study that investigated the hydration kinetics of
walnuts. It could be used to evaluate the influence of
washing/soaking process on the MC of walnuts quan-
titatively. As the typical washing time of walnut in the
industry is usually less than 5 min, it could be calcu-
lated that for walnuts with IMC of 22.7%, the soak-
ing/washing process may lead to 3.3% MC increase
(around 15% relative increase) at 25 C. Meanwhile, it
was observed that the difference of MC between the
sealed and non-sealed walnuts was around 2%, which
should account for the moisture absorption through
the stem pore. The results suggested that both the
stem pore and the shell surface played equally import-
ant role in moisture absorption during the walnut
soaking process, even though the permeation depth of
water across the shell was much slower compared to
through the stem pore according to the previous sec-
tion. The cause of the results could be attributed to
Figure 7. Water absorption curves of (A) non-sealed walnuts at different temperatures and comparison between sealed and non-
sealed walnuts at (B) 15 C; (C) 25 C; and (D) 35 C.
Table 1. Parameters in Pelegs model for the hydration kinet-
ics of sealed and non-sealed walnuts under different soaking
Condition IMC (%)
(C) K
(min %
Non-sealed 15 0.230 ± 0.019
0.245 ± 0.004
22.7 ± 7.8 25 0.157 ± 0.019
0.199 ± 0.005
35 0.135 ± 0.012
0.161 ± 0.003
Sealed 15 0.507 ± 0.041
0.497 ± 0.009
22.7 ± 7.8 25 0.166 ± 0.019
0.389 ± 0.007
35 0.128 ± 0.015
0.231 ± 0.004
Superscript letters indicate that means with same letters designation in
each column are not significant different at p<0.05.
the much larger surface area of the shell surface than
the stem pore, which allowed equal amount of mois-
ture absorption. The findings may have the potential
to be applied for predicting the moisture absorption
in the walnuts during the industrial soaking/washing
process under different conditions during the har-
vest season.
3.3. Investigation of drying kinetics
As the diffusivity of water vapor in porous structure
is much higher than liquid water,
it was suspected
that the stem pore may also be an important pathway
of vapor transfer during the walnut drying process. In
addition, the interactive effect of the stem pore and
the soaking process on the drying characteristics of
walnuts has not been investigated systematically. The
influence of operating conditions (presence of the
stem pore, soaking time and IMC) on the MC, drying
time (time to achieve 8% MC), preheating time (time
to achieve 43 C) of walnuts were investigated. As
shown in Table 2, for non-sealed walnuts, 2 min and
5 min soaking lead to 2.3% and 3.0% MC increase,
respectively. On the other hand, only 1.3% and 2%
MC increase was found in the sealed walnuts after the
same soaking times. The results were in accordance
with the findings from the previous section. As for
the drying time, 25 min soaking resulted in 24 add-
itional hours of HA drying for the non-sealed walnuts,
and 0.61.9 hour for the sealed walnuts.
The drying curves, drying rate curves and tempera-
ture curves of the sealed and non-sealed walnuts were
shown in Figures 810. A general exponential decay
pattern for the MC changed over drying time was
observed for both groups. The drying rate curves
showed two distinct falling-rate stages, which are the
indicator of increasing heat and moisture transfer
during the HA drying process of food
materials, where liquid diffusion should be the domin-
ant moisture transfer mechanism. The higher drying
rate in the first falling-rate stage might be attributed
to the rapid evaporation of the unbound moisture on
the shell surface and within the walnuts. The second
falling-rate stage took place when unbound moisture
did no longer exist in the walnut. The outwards diffu-
sion of bonded moisture from the kernel became the
rate limiting step, and therefore led to lower drying
rates. The MC of walnuts with the open stem pore
was lower than walnuts without the open stem pore
after the same drying time.
The effect of the stem pore on the drying charac-
teristics of the walnuts was studied in Figure 8.
Walnuts with the open stem pore dried faster than
walnuts without the pore. As shown in Figure 8A, the
total drying time for sealed walnuts was 2 h longer
than non-sealed walnuts. Accordingly, the drying rate
for non-sealed walnuts was higher than the sealed
walnuts during the whole drying process, particularly
at the first 5 h of drying (Figure 8(B)). However, the
temperature curves of both groups were similar to
each other (Figure 8(C)). The results suggested that
Table 2. Influence of the stem pore and soaking process on the walnut drying characteristics.
Soaking time (min) Stem pore IMC (kg/ kg dry mass)
MC after soaking
(kg/kg dry mass)
time (min) Drying time (min)
0 sealed 0.2688 ± 0.0191 0.2688 ± 0.0191 37.0 ± 2.6
938.3 ± 4.7
0 non-sealed 0.2688 ± 0.0191 0.2688 ± 0.0191 38.0 ± 1.0
814.3 ± 7.1
2 sealed 0.2688 ± 0.0191 0.2812 ± 0.0238 89.7 ± 2.5
977.7 ± 6.7
2 non-sealed 0.2688 ± 0.0191 0.2924 ± 0.0187 122.7 ± 2.1
1025.0 ± 6.2
5 sealed 0.2688 ± 0.0191 0.2886 ± 0.0169 127.8 ± 3.1
1055.7 ± 6.5
5 non-sealed 0.2688 ± 0.0191 0.2983 ± 0.0211 169.3 ± 4.0
1076.0 ± 4.0
Superscript letters indicate that means with same letters designation in each column are not significant different at p<0.05.
Figure 8. A) Drying curves; B) Drying rate curves; and C) Temperature curves of sealed and non-sealed walnuts without soaking.
the stem pore independently had significant influence
(p<0.05) on the moisture transfer rate during the
drying process but may had little effect on the heat
transfer characteristics.
To study the interactive effect of the stem pore and
the soaking process on the drying characteristics, the
soaked walnuts were used for comparison. Figure 9
(with 2 min soaking) and Figure 10 (with 5 min soak-
ing) show the MC curves, drying rate curves and tem-
perature curves of the walnuts including the soaking
process. Similar to the non-soaked walnuts, the MC of
sealed walnuts was higher than the non-sealed walnuts
at the same drying time. Accordingly, the drying rate
of non-sealed walnuts was higher than sealed walnuts,
particularly at the initial drying stage. However, the
difference of MC between the two groups was less
than the non-soaked walnuts. This may be attributed
to the higher amount of unbound moisture absorbed
on the outer layer of the nuts (which had lower resist-
ance to be removed during the drying process) and
the presence of the stem pore (which facilitated the
moisture removal). A hysteresis in the temperature
curves was observed in Figures 9C and 10C, as it took
longer time for the preheating of non-sealed walnuts
than sealed walnuts. This may be due to the higher
amount of moisture absorption in the non-sealed wal-
nuts during the soaking process, which required more
thermal energy for evaporation. As the soaking time
increase, the MC curves of the two groups became
partly overlapped (Figure 9(A)), indicating the
reduced difference of drying time and drying rate
between the sealed and non-sealed walnuts.
Figure 11 compared the drying curves, drying rate
curves and temperature curves of non-sealed walnuts
after different soaking times. When the soaking time
was longer, the MC of walnuts was also higher after
the same drying time (Figure 11(A)). The hysteresis of
temperature change increased from 123 min to
169 min when the soaking time increased from 2 min
to 5 min (Figure 11(C)), as listed in Table 2.
Interestingly, it was shown Figure 11B that the initial
drying rate of 2 min soakingwalnuts was the high-
est, followed by 5 min soakingand 0 min soaking
groups. After 3 hours of drying, the drying rates for
the three groups were close to each other until the
end of the drying process. The magnitude of the dry-
ing rate should represent the effect of both the mois-
ture transfer and heat transfer rate, which were
dependent on the MC, thermo-physical properties and
the structure of the material. More unbound moisture
Figure 9. A) Drying curves; B) Drying rate curves; and C) Temperature curves of sealed and non-sealed walnuts after
2 min soaking.
Figure 10. A) Drying curves; B) Drying rate curves; and C) Temperature curves of sealed and non-sealed walnuts after
5 min soaking.
was absorbed in the walnuts after longer soaking time
and appeared as higher IMC, which led to higher dry-
ing rate. On the other hand, since the specific heat of
water is much higher than the dry mass of the wal-
the higher moisture absorbed resulted in slow
temperature increase in the walnuts, which reduced
the drying rate at the initial stage. It was suggested
that the presence of the stem pore not only facilitated
the moisture absorption during the soaking process,
but also benefited the moisture removal during the
drying process.
As observed in Figure 11A, the distance between
the MC curves of 5 min soakingand 2min
soakinggroups were much smaller than the distance
between the 2 min soakingand the 0 min soaking
groups. On the other hand, when the stem pore was
sealed, the MC of walnuts and the drying time also
increased with the soaking time (Figure 12(A)).
However, the distance between the drying curves of
5 min soakingand 2 min soakinggroups was higher
than the distance between the 2 min soakingand the
0 min soakinggroup. Therefore, the drying rate
curves represented the interactive effect between the
soaking time and the stem pore, particularly at initial
stage. Both the stem pore and the soaking time had
had significant influence (p<0.05) on the drying
characteristics of walnuts by HA.
In summary, the industrial soaking/washing process
may result in higher MC the walnuts and longer dry-
ing time. Walnuts with the open stem pore at harvest
tended to absorb more moisture during the soaking/
washing process, which resulted in prolonged drying
time (24 hours). In comparison, walnuts without the
open stem pore would take 0.51 hour longer drying
time due to the washing process. The findings from
this study suggested that although the soaking/wash-
ing process is necessary in the industry, the washing
time could be controlled to avoid over-washing. For
walnuts with the open stem pore at harvest, the wash-
ing time should be minimized to avoid additional dry-
ing time caused by the moisture absorption, which
will be helpful for the improvement of drying effi-
ciency. Meanwhile, it was found that the soaking/
washing process may also increase the preheating time
of walnuts. Therefore, future research should be per-
formed to explore the application of high temperature
treatment at the early drying stage to improve the
heat transfer and enhance the drying rate of walnuts.
Figure 12. A) Drying curves; B) Drying rate curves; and C) Temperature curves of sealed walnuts without soaking and after 2 min,
5 min soaking.
Figure 11. A) Drying curves; B) Drying rate curves; and C) Temperature curves of non-sealed walnuts without soaking and after
2 min, 5 min soaking.
4. Conclusions
In the current study, the structure of walnut compo-
nents was carefully characterized. Hydration experi-
ments were conducted to simulate the industrial
soaking/washing process of walnuts. A fluorescence
tracking approach was developed to study the perme-
ation pathway of moisture during the walnut soaking
process. The hydration kinetics of walnuts was studied
for the first time, which was affected significantly (p
<0.05) by both the presence of the stem pore and
the soaking temperature. The influence of the stem
pore and the soaking time on the drying time and
drying rate of walnuts were quantified systematically.
This study contributed new knowledge for the under-
standing of moisture characteristics of walnuts during
the soaking/washing and HA drying processes. The
outcomes have practical value in the walnut process-
ing industry for the optimization of soaking/washing
time and improvement of drying efficiency.
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... Over recent decades, drying technology has been increasingly used in the walnut industry. Although different drying technologies such as infrared drying [5], microwave drying [6], vacuum drying [7], radiofrequency drying [7][8][9], intermittent oven drying [10,11], and combined drying [7] have been investigated in a laboratory for efficient drying, hot air drying (HAD) is still predominantly used in industrial production due to limitations in processing ability and running cost [12]. However, HAD usually has low drying efficiency, high energy consumption, and poor quality, which seriously restricts the development of the walnut industry [13,14]. ...
... Many studies have been conducted on the HAD of walnuts. Hassan-Beygi et al. investigated the hot air (HA) drying characteristics and effective moisture diffusivity [15]; Zhu et al. studied the effects of HA temperature, loading capacity, and air velocity on the HA drying characteristics of walnuts and determined the optimal combination of process parameters [16]; Chen et al. investigated the effect of walnut structure on the hydration and HA drying characteristics [12]. Most of these studies have successfully explored the drying process of walnuts under the assumption that the IMC of each batch of walnuts is uniform and consistent [7,12,15,16]. ...
... Hassan-Beygi et al. investigated the hot air (HA) drying characteristics and effective moisture diffusivity [15]; Zhu et al. studied the effects of HA temperature, loading capacity, and air velocity on the HA drying characteristics of walnuts and determined the optimal combination of process parameters [16]; Chen et al. investigated the effect of walnut structure on the hydration and HA drying characteristics [12]. Most of these studies have successfully explored the drying process of walnuts under the assumption that the IMC of each batch of walnuts is uniform and consistent [7,12,15,16]. However, studies have shown that freshly harvested food and agricultural materials, even under the same environmental conditions, have a significant moisture content (MC) bias [13,17]. ...
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This study was conducted to investigate the drying kinetics and internal and external mass transfer characteristics of walnuts for an understanding of the drying mechanism. The drying characteristics, mass transfer characteristics, and color of walnut during hot air drying (HAD) were investigated under different initial moisture content (IMC) (0.35, 0.39, and 0.43 g water/g wet mass) and drying temperatures (50, 60, 70, and 80 °C). The results indicated that the IMC and drying temperature both have significant effects on the drying process of walnut, showing the higher the IMC, the longer the preheating time, the smaller the effective moisture diffusivity (Deff) and mass transfer coefficient (hm), and the longer the drying time, but reverse results for drying temperature. The values of Deff and hm for walnut ranged from 4.94 × 10−10 to 1.44 × 10−9 m2/s and 1.24 × 10−7 to 3.90 × 10−7 m/s, respectively. The values of activation energy for moisture diffusion and mass transfer ranged from 21.56 to 23.35 kJ/mol and 28.92 to 33.43 kJ/mol, respectively. Multivariate linear prediction models were also established for estimating the Deff and hm as a function of the HAD process parameters. The drying temperature has a greater effect on the walnut kernel lightness than the IMC. The Verma et al model could be used to describe the HAD process of the walnut. The findings contribute to the understanding of moisture transfer mechanisms in walnuts and have practical value for the evaluation and improvement of drying systems.
... During the 2022 harvest season, freshly harvested walnuts (Juglans regia L.) were gathered from the Wensu Walnut Experimental Station, which is situated in Xinjiang, China, at coordinates 41 • 27 ′ 67 ′′ N latitude, 80 • 24 ′ 17 ′′ E longitude, and an altitude of 1056 m, as depicted in Figure 1. Similarly to other cultivars [18,19], these walnut constituents encompass both the kernel and thinner shell, and they are delineated by a convex suture line, dividing it into halves (as indicated by the red dotted line in Figure 1). However, considering the intricate shape of the kernel and the unique gap between the shell and kernel, this study primarily concentrates on analyzing the shell's failure for the sake of simplicity (i.e., crack initiation and crack bifurcation). ...
... During the 2022 harvest season, freshly harvested walnuts (Juglans regia L.) were gathered from the Wensu Walnut Experimental Station, which is situated in Xinjiang, China, at coordinates 41°27′67′′ N latitude, 80°24′17′′ E longitude, and an altitude of 1056 m, as depicted in Figure 1. Similarly to other cultivars [18,19], these walnut constituents encompass both the kernel and thinner shell, and they are delineated by a convex suture line, dividing it into halves (as indicated by the red dotted line in Figure 1). However, considering the intricate shape of the kernel and the unique gap between the shell and kernel, this study primarily concentrates on analyzing the shell's failure for the sake of simplicity (i.e., crack initiation and crack bifurcation). ...
... [20,21] simplifies walnuts into a spherical shape. Therefore, following the methodology in [18], the equivalent spheroid diameter was derived by measuring dimensional parameters (length, width, and thickness, as illustrated in Figure 1) for two hundred walnuts. Notably, the distribution of the equivalent spheroid diameter exhibits a notable adherence to the normal distribution, spanning sizes ranging from 30 to 44 mm, as depicted in Figure 2. A size range of 30-44 mm was chosen and subsequently subdivided evenly into 8 groups with a 2 mm interval. ...
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Clarifying the dissipated energy required for crack expansion is an effective way to control material crushing. Therefore, based on the material fracture probability model and fractal theory, the energy range required for crack extension was determined, and the morphology of the cracks was quantified. This study investigates the influence of walnut size on crack propagation characteristics; this includes its effects on the crack initiation threshold energy, representing resistance to crack initiation, and the crack bifurcation threshold energy, representing resistance to crack bifurcation. The results show that crack extension has a well-defined threshold energy below which cracks do not initiate or bifurcate. The size of walnuts significantly impacts crack propagation characteristics, showing that both crack initiation threshold energy and crack bifurcation threshold energy decrease with increasing walnut sizes. In addition, there is a positive correlation function between the crack initiation threshold energy and the crack bifurcation threshold energy. The experimental results can offer fresh insights into material fracture prediction and serve as a reference for numerical simulations.
... Meanwhile, it can also reduce transportation weight and storage costs, and increase consumption diversity. Currently, hot air drying (HAD) is still predominantly used in industrial walnut production due to processing ability and running costs [11]. However, HAD of whole walnuts is time consuming because of their hard and thick shell, which prevents heat and mass transfer [12]. ...
... The mathematical relationship between D eff and sample MC and the drying conditions was developed with polynomial equations as Equation (11) [29,32,40]. ...
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To understand the moisture transfer mechanism of walnuts during the combination of hot air (HA) and microwave–vacuum (MV) drying (HA-MVD) process, the drying characteristics and moisture diffusion characteristics of walnut during HA-MVD were investigated. The results indicated that the HA-MVD of walnuts occurred mainly in the falling-rate stage. The value of effective moisture diffusivity (Deff) dropped continuously with the decrease in moisture content (MC) during the HA drying, while switching to MV drying could truncate the decrease in Deff and still maintain a high value until the end of drying. The HA temperature, MC of the transition point, microwave power, and MV thermostatic temperature have significant effects on the moisture diffusion characteristics of walnuts. The values of Deff for walnuts ranged from 2.33 × 10−9 m2/s to 6.89 × 10−8 m2/s. The third-order polynomial prediction model of Deff related to the sample MC and drying conditions was established to describe the dynamic change in the Deff of walnuts during the HA-MVD process. The application of MVD in the final stage of drying could rapidly increase the internal vapor pressure of the walnuts, accelerate the diffusion speed of the internal moisture, and re-enhance the drying rate. The findings have practical value for the development of efficient and energy-saving drying methods in the walnut industry.
... On the other hand, many scholars have focused on walnut drying, including drying characteristics, mechanisms and technologies that will hopefully develop new drying processes with improved processing and energy efficiency and good product quality. For example, Chen et al. investigated the effect of walnut structure on the hot air (HA) drying characteristics, as well as the effects of water loss, energy consumption, and product quality of walnuts in step-down temperature drying [11,12]. Dolgun et al. studied the heat transfer mechanism of walnuts and designed a novel drying system [13]. ...
... In addition, we found in the walnut-drying experiments that it was difficult for the samples to precisely achieve the target MC (CMC) simultaneously. This may be attributed to uneven drying due to the differences in intrinsic properties (e.g., IMC, structure) of individual walnuts [11,12]. Therefore, to clarify the influence of individual walnut differences on drying characteristics as well as distribution and variation in MC during drying is very important for determining the most suitable drying conditions and then improving drying uniformity. ...
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The conditioning of moisture content is an effective way to improve walnut-crushing performance. In this study, firstly, walnuts with different moisture contents were used to conduct the crushing experiments. The distributions of fragment sizes of shells and kernels with different moisture contents were analyzed by an image processing and sieving method, respectively. The results show that moisture content significantly affects the fragmentation degree of the shell and kernel, as shown by the differences in the fractal dimensions of shell fragments and the average fragment size of kernel fragments. The critical moisture contents of the shells and kernels, corresponding to the specific states of broken shells and whole kernels, were determined. Then, taking the critical moisture content as the target moisture content, the combination of hot air and microwave vacuum drying applied to dry walnuts was presented and the process parameters were optimized. Optimized process parameters include a hot air temperature of 63.23 °C, a moisture content of the transition point of 24.88%, microwave power of 588.24 W and a microwave vacuum thermostatic temperature of 49.01 °C. At this point, the unit time drying rate, unit mass drying energy consumption, mean square error of moisture content and kernel color parameters were 0.215%/min, 3.03 kW·h/kg, 2.93% and 6.42, respectively. It was confirmed that drying the walnuts to a critical moisture content using an optimized process could both maximally improve the crushing performance and significantly reduce the drying time. The findings provide important information for conditioning the crushing state of walnuts and improving crushing performance and have practical value for the improvement of drying systems.
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Corn that are not properly dried can result in a lot of waste. Therefore, in this study, the corn pile was used as porous medium for hot air drying, and the coupling method of multiple physical fields was used to simulate and analyze the corn air‐drying silo with different initial conditions and different sizes. The results show that increasing the temperature of hot air could increase the temperature gradient inside corns and promote the evaporation of water. The higher the wind speed, the better the convective heat transfer effect between corn and air, thus improving the drying efficiency. The smaller the ratio of height to diameter of air‐drying silo, the more corn dried in the direction of hot air flow, resulting in poor drying effect. Increasing the inner diameter of the air‐drying silo will reduce the heat transfer efficiency. The lower the bed of the air‐drying silo, the closer the corns are to the hot air inlet, the faster the heating rate and the better the drying effect. The model has good performance and can be used as a mathematical tool to predict the change of maize wet heat field. Practical applications In order to solve the integral problem of corn drying, the model uses corn grain pile as porous medium for hot air drying. The model investigated the changes of temperature field and humidity field during the drying process of grain pile in corn air‐drying silo. In addition, the characteristics of the model introduced in this study may qualify it for automatic control of corn air‐drying silo and online prediction of drying times to achieve the desired drying effect.
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The traditional walnut shelling methods, involving single‐stage or secondary processes, face challenges such as increased costs, uncertainties in shell positioning, and irregular crack expansion. To address these issues, this article introduces an innovative pneumatic impact‐twisting combined shelling method based on walnut fixed posture. The shelling mechanism design and orthogonal test were conducted, optimizing parameters like spring wire diameter (A), pressing head rotation angle (B), and cylinder locking air pressure (C) using evaluation criteria such as superior‐grade rate, intermediate‐grade rate, broken kernel rate, and shelling rate. Results indicate that the optimal shelling effect is achieved with a 3.5 mm steel spring wire diameter, a 100° downward pressing head rotation angle, and a 0.6 MPa cylinder locking air pressure on the pressure arm. The corresponding rates are as follows: superior‐grade rate 29.49%, intermediate‐grade rate 52.54%, broken kernel rate 10.14%, and shelling rate 91.04%. This study demonstrates that the pneumatic impact‐twisting combined walnut fixed posture shelling method improves post‐shelling quality, offering new design concepts for walnut shelling equipment. Practical Applications This introduces an innovative method that combines impact with twisting, and a pneumatic impact‐twisting combined walnut fixed posture shell‐breaking test device has been developed. Mechanical analysis was conducted for each stage of shell‐breaking. The research indicates that the pneumatic impact‐twisting combined method can enhance the production quality of walnut kernels after shell‐breaking. The test results indicate an improvement in the yield of 1/2 and 1/4 kernels compared to existing shell‐breaking methods. The inventive design of this shell‐breaking module contributes to the walnut kernel quality in the shell‐breaking production line, offering new methods and concepts for the design and advancement of walnut shell‐breaking devices.
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The moisture content of freshly picked walnuts is very high. In order to facilitate storage and transportation, it needs to be dried to prevent mildew. In this study, the pre-drying simulation and experimental study were carried out on the walnut drying equipment made by the research group to determine the optimal drying parameters. The effects of different inlet temperatures (353K, 373K, 393K), drying wind speeds (1.1 m/s, 1.4 m/s, 1.7 m/s) and drying time (30min, 45min, 60min) on the temperature and velocity fields of fluid and walnuts in the drying device were investigated by using the orthogonal test method of three factors and three levels. FLUENT software was used to simulate the drying process of open walnuts under hot air heating, and the distribution of fluid temperature field and velocity field in the drying device and the temperature change law of walnuts were obtained. The results show that when the inlet temperature is 393K, the inlet velocity is 1.7 m/s, and the drying time is 45min, the temperature field distribution of fluid and walnut in the drying device is the best and the change is the most uniform. In addition, the temperature change of the simulation results is consistent with the test results through experiments, which verifies the reliability of the simulation results. In order to more accurately simulate the change law of temperature and humidity transfer in hot air drying of walnuts, the walnut was modeled as a sphere consisting of three layers: walnut shell, air gap and walnut kernel. The reliability of the parameters was verified by surface response analysis. Taking inlet temperature, velocity and drying time as influencing factors and temperature change rate as evaluation index, the determination coefficient of regression model was R² = 0.9966, and the correction determination coefficient Adj. R² = 0.9922, indicating three influences. This study provides a theoretical basis for determining the optimum operating parameters of open walnut pre-drying, and has application value for walnut food processing.
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Yeşil dış kabuklu ve sert kabuklu badem örneklerinin konvektif sıcak hava kurutucuda 1 m s-1 hava hızında ve 45-60°C hava sıcaklığında kurutma özelliklerinin belirlenmesi amacıyla deneysel bir çalışma yapılmıştır. Azalan hız periyodunda yeşil dış kabuklu ve sert kabuklu badem örneklerinden nem transferi, Fick difüzyon modeli uygulanarak tanımlanmış ve efektif difüzyon katsayıları hesaplanmıştır. Efektif difüzyon katsayısının sıcaklığa olan bağımlılığı Arrhenius tip ilişki ile tanımlanmıştır. Yeşil dış kabuklu ve sert kabuklu badem örneklerinin aktivasyon enerjisi sırasıyla 30.87 ve 28.05 kJ mol-1 olarak bulunmuştur. Örneklerin deneysel kurutma verileri için Page, Logarithmic, Two-term, Approximation of diffusion ve Midilli ve ark. modelleri kullanılmıştır. Test edilen modellerin kuruma hızı sabitleri ve katsayıları doğrusal olmayan regresyon analizi ile belirlenmiştir. Yeşil dış kabuklu ve sert kabuklu badem örneklerinin kuruma karakteristiklerini belirlemek için test edilen beş model arasından Midilli ve ark. kurutma modeli, elde edilen deneysel verilere en iyi uyumu sağlamıştır. Taze ve kurutulmuş badem örneklerinin su aktivitesi (aw) değerleri, raf ömrü kriteri olarak farklı ortam hava sıcaklıklarında değerlendirilmiştir. Yeşil dış kabuklu ve sert kabuklu badem örneklerinin kurutma entalpisi (H) ve entropisi (S) değerleri, hava sıcaklığının artmasıyla azalırken, Gibbs serbest enerjisi (G) hava sıcaklığındaki artışla artmıştır.
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Hybrid cultivars and parboiled long grain brown rice are known to have greater milling yields than conventional pureline rice cultivars. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the hydration kinetics of parboiled brown rice cultivars as a factor impacting rice quality characteristics. Two pureline and four hybrid rice cultivars were used in this study. Parboiled and non-parboiled rice cultivars varied significantly (P < 0.05) in color, amylose, lipid content, cooked rice texture, and pasting properties with hybrids pronouncedly affected than pureline cultivars. The rate of moisture uptake in pureline cultivars was greater than in hybrids; a result attributed to the variation in moisture uptake kinetics as well as gelatinization temperature. Pureline cultivars had significantly (P < 0.05) lower pasting temperatures (i.e., 81.4 and 82.3 °C) compared to hybrid cultivars. Peleg and two-term exponential models had the highest correlation of determination (R2) and the lowest RMSE and P compared with other models used to study the hydration kinetics of rice cultivars. R2 values of actual and estimated moisture contents ranged from 0.968 to 0.876 to 0.999 and 0.995 for Peleg and two-term exponential models, respectively. RMSE of Peleg and two-term exponential models ranged from 0.095 to 1.637 and from 0.300 to 1.723, respectively.
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Developing an effective drying method for in-shell walnuts (Juglans regia L.) is a major postharvest processing concern in the nut industry. Three drying methods, including hot air drying (AD), vacuum drying (VD) and hot air assisted radio frequency drying (ARFD) were experimentally compared and analyzed. The changes in lipid oxidation attributes, fatty acid composition, total antioxidant capacity (TAC) and total phenolic concentration (TPC) of walnuts were determined after dehydration and during storage. The results showed that the drying time required for in-shell walnuts using ARFD was the shortest (138 min), followed by VD (185 min) and AD required the longest time (300 min). Particularly, AD resulted in the highest lipid oxidation, followed by VD and ARFD. The walnuts treated by ARFD contained more unsaturated fatty acid than those treated by AD. Moreover, both the reduced power assay and free radical scavenging capacity tests showed that ARFD and VD had little effect on the TAC and TPC of walnuts during the drying process and storage. Overall, ARFD provides an effective and rapid drying method for in-shell walnuts.
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Radio frequency (RF) drying is a rapid dehydration technique that can be applied to preserve perishable agricultural products. The objective of this research was to develop hot air-assisted RF (HARF) drying protocols for in-shell walnuts. A pilot-scale, 27.12 MHz, 6 kW RF unit was used to study the drying process, including drying curves, drying kinetic models, and quality changes during RF drying and storage. Results showed that an electrode gap of 18.0 cm combined with hot air temperature of 50°C provided an acceptable heating rate and stable sample temperatures during RF drying. Total drying times to reduce the whole walnut moisture content from 20 to 8.0% on dry basis required 240 and 100 min using hot air (HA) drying and HARF drying, respectively. The drying curve for HARF heating was fitted to five different kinetic models, and the best one was the Page model with R2 = 0.998. Quality analysis showed that there were no significant differences in peroxide value, free fatty acid, and colour between RF treatments and untreated controls during drying and storage periods (P > 0.05). RF heating can, therefore, provide a practical and effective method for drying in-shell walnuts with acceptable product quality.
Antioxidant efficiency of thymol and carvacrol in walnut oil triacylglycerols (WO-TAGs) was investigated. WO-TAGs alone or fortified with thymol/carvacrol were emulsified with sodium caseinate-lactose mixture. Oxidative stability of freeze dried emulsions was assessed via Rancimat and accelerated oven tests. Bulk WO-TAGs with and without thymol/carvacrol were also tested for comparison. Higher induction periods (IPs) were recorded for encapsulated and antioxidant fortified WO-TAGs compared to non-encapsulated and non-fortified counterparts. IP of thymol included and encapsulated WO-TAGs were found to be 1.5–2 fold higher than that of carvacrol at all concentrations (0.05–0.20%). IP of WO-TAGs was increased dose-dependent manner in the case of thymol and the highest protection was obtained with 0.20% thymol concentration (p < 0.05). Peroxide formation in bulk WO-TAGs fortified with carvacrol showed a slightly higher oxidative stability compared to thymol after 24 d of storage whereas thymol was a bit more effective in encapsulated WO-TAGs.
Thermal removal of water from solids or slurries is an important operation carried out in numerous mineralprocessing and metallurgical-processing applications. Although drying is a highly energy-intensive operation that is also increasingly difcult at lower moisture contents, no special attention is generally given to the technical and economical aspects of the drying process employed in the mineral-or metallurgical-processing industry. It is therefore not surprising that most dryers found in these industries are of the conventional type, as discussed later in this chapter. Detailed descriptions and design considerations of specic dryer types (e.g., rotary, fluid bed, and spray) are presented elsewhere in this handbook. The interested reader is referred to relevant sections for further information. The objective of this chapter is to summarize the types of dryers currently used in practice, to discuss any special aspects with illustrations, and to identify possible new concepts that may be applicable in the mineral industry.
This study was aimed to develop a sequential infrared and hot air (SIRHA) drying method for whole almonds and evaluate its effectiveness on decontamination of almonds. Wet almonds with hull and shell were dried using different time-combinations of infrared (IR) radiation and hot air (HA) to determine the optimum drying conditions. Almonds were inoculated with Enterococcus faecium, a surrogate for Salmonella enterica. The SIRHA drying (1h IR at 70 °C and 2h HA) reduced the moisture content of almonds to 7% in 3 h, with a saving of 2 h (40%) of drying time compared with HA drying alone. The population sizes of E. faecium showed the largest size reductions of 4.69 ± 0.71, 1.82 ± 0.39, 1.52 ± 0.31 log CFU/nut on hulls, shells and kernels, respectively, after SIRHA drying combined with tempering (T) (2h IR with 2h T and 1h HA). The peroxide value and free fatty acids content of almond oil samples from all drying treatments were within accepted level for the almond industry.
Background: Walnuts contain many components including specific fatty acids, which could be active against cancer. Even though the anticarcinogenic effect of some of the individual fatty acids in walnut oil has been described, the effect of walnut oil itself on esophageal cancer cells hasn't yet been investigated. Objective: We aimed to investigate whether walnut oil affects tumor growth and metastatic potential in esophageal cancer cells. Methods: The human esophageal adenocarcinoma cell line, OE19, was treated with different doses of walnut oil and cell viability, apoptosis/necrosis and cell cycle analyses were performed using WST-1 assay and flow cytometry respectively. Adhesion, colony formation and wound healing assays were performed to assess the antimetastatic effects of walnut oil. NFkB expression was evaluated with western blot analysis. Results: Walnut oil decreased the cell viability of esophageal cancer cells in a dose-dependent manner. 20 mg/mL walnut oil reduced cell viability by ∼50% when compared with control. The analysis revealed that necrosis and accumulation of cells in G0/G1 phase was induced in the cells treated with high doses of walnut oil. It also down-regulated the protein levels of NFkB. Walnut oil suppressed the adhesion, migration and colony formation of the cells. Conclusions: High-dose short-term administration of walnut oil reduces the cell viability and metastatic ability of esophageal cancer cells, while exhibiting anticarcinogenic effect by inducing necrosis and cell cycle arrest at the G0/G1 phase, probably through suppression of the NFkB pathway. These data indicate that walnut oil, and by extension walnut consumption, may have beneficial effects in esophageal cancer in humans. This should be tested by clinical trials in the future.
The walnut industry is faced with an urgent need to improve post-harvest processing efficiency, particularly drying and dehulling operations. This research investigated the feasibility of dry-dehulling and infrared (IR) pre-drying of walnuts for improved processing efficiency and dried product quality. Freshly harvested walnuts (ethephon and non-ethephon treated) with whole and partly-attached hulls were dehulled using a test device to determine dry-dehulling time and frequency. The physical dimensions of walnuts without, with partly-attached, and with whole hulls were determined. In-shell walnuts of high (43%, w.b) and low (18%, w.b) moisture were pre-dried with IR for 2, 3, and 4 min followed by hot air (HA) drying at 43 degrees C for up to 24 h and effects on drying rate and product quality were studied Based on results, walnuts with whole and partly-attached hulls could be dry-dehulled to achieve over 90% dehulled nut in 45 and 15 s, respectively. Ethephon treatment had no significant influence on dry-dehulling of walnuts with partly-attached hulls. Contrarily, Ethephon-treated walnuts with whole hulls had dehulled nut percentage higher than untreated ones. Walnuts without, with partly-attached, and with whole hulls could be separated based on axial dimensions. IR pre-drying improved walnut drying rate. Up to 7% moisture reduction for high moisture nuts was achievable in 240 s of IR pre-drying with nut center temperature relatively below 43 degrees C in the first 150 s. IR pre-drying for 180 s followed by HA drying had no effect on the quality of processed products compared with HA. The studied approaches have potential to improve processing efficiency and quality of dried walnuts.
In order to improve crushing rate of walnut shell and study the fracture process and mechanism of walnut shell. This paper breaks walnut's shell by mechanical method and uses scanning electron microscope (SEM) to study crack fracture face. Research results show that: 1) According to the difference of microscopic tissue's fracture morphology, walnut shell's fracture areas can be divided into two regions from inner to outer., The thickness of the outside region is about 2 times more than the thickness of the inside region, 2) using material brittle fracture theory, this paper proposed a hypothesis of walnut shell's brittle crack, 3) applying impulse load to more places of walnut can improve the local crushing rate of walnut shell under small deformation, which ensures fully breaking of walnut shell and the integrity of walnut kernel.