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Biosurfactant producing bacteria, Bacillus halosaccharovorans, from a marine ecosystem


Abstract and Figures

Biosurfactant-producing microorganisms show potential for bioremediation of oil from soil and water surfaces. These hydrocarbonoclastic microorganisms release biosurfactants, which play a significant role in the bioremediation of oil. The present study focuses on various isolation and screening strategies for biosurfactantproducing organisms from oil-polluted sites. A total of eight isolates showing morphological variations were isolated and screened for biosurfactant production using various tests like Hemolysis assay, Drop collapse assay, Oil displacement assay, Microtiter plate assay, Emulsification index assay, and Phenol: Sulphuric acid assay. The potent biosurfactant producer was identified as Bacillus halosaccharovorans with 16s rRNA sequencing. FTIR analysis was performed on the extracted biosurfactant. To our knowledge, this paper is the first to demonstrate that Bacillus halosaccharovorans is a biosurfactant producer.
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Available online at: doi:10.6024/jmbai.2024.66.1.2455-14
J. Mar. Biol. Ass. India, 66 (1), January-June 2024 89
Biosurfactant-producing microorganisms show potential for
bioremediation of oil from soil and water surfaces. These
hydrocarbonoclastic microorganisms release biosurfactants, which play
a significant role in the bioremediation of oil. The present study focuses
on various isolation and screening strategies for biosurfactant-
producing organisms from oil-polluted sites. A total of eight isolates
showing morphological variations were isolated and screened for
biosurfactant production using various tests like Hemolysis assay, Drop
collapse assay, Oil displacement assay, Microtiter plate assay,
Emulsification index assay, and Phenol: Sulphuric acid assay. The potent
biosurfactant producer was identified as
Bacillus halosaccharovorans
with 16s rRNA sequencing. FTIR analysis was performed on the extracted
biosurfactant. To our knowledge, this paper is the first to demonstrate
Bacillus halosaccharovorans
is a biosurfactant producer.
Keywords: Biosurfactant, emulsification index, Bacillus
halosaccharovorans, FTIR, marine ecosystem
Oil spills exhibit a great threat to marine flora and fauna due to their
inherent chemical composition as well as their ability to obstruct
sunlight penetrating the oceans. It can coat the wings of birds
and render them unable to fly. Even the small concentrations of
Poly aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) can have sub-lethal to lethal
damage to marine biology. It can also lead to oxygen deficiency
within the aected marine water (Amir-Heidari
et al.,
2019). In
humans, it can lead to imbalances in the endocrine system, and
respiratory malfunction and may lead to kidney, skin, lung, liver,
or bladder cancer (Deosthali
et al.
, 2021). Barron
et al.,
2020 have
compiled the consequences of the most significant worldwide oil
spills in the past three decades, namely the Exxon Valdez oil spill,
the Hebei Spirit oil spill, and the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. The
Biosurfactant producing bacteria,
from a marine
Chandan Deosthali1, P. Shete1, N. Patil1 and A. Jain1*
1Smt. Chandibai Himathmal Mansukhani College, Ulhasnagar-421 003, Maharashtra, India.
*Correspondence email:
Received: 30 Oct 2023 Revised: 01 Mar 2024
Accepted: 05 Mar 2024 Published: 09 May 2024 Original Article
number of aected biological species speaks of the grave danger
an oil spill poses to the marine environment (Barron
et al.,
Strategies like the use of booms, adsorbents, skimmers, chemical
dispersants, and in-situ burning are being employed to tackle
the oil spills. However, each of these strategies comes with its
disadvantages and thus the last resort becomes bioremediation
(Dave and Ghaly, 2011; Al-Majed
et al.,
2012; Akpor
et al.,
Bioremediation by the means of microorganisms enables
the eco-friendly pathway for the elimination of pollutants.
Hydrocarbonoclastic bacteria (a heterogeneous group of
prokaryotes, which can degrade and utilize hydrocarbon
compounds as a source of carbon and energy) produce
amphiphilic molecules called biosurfactants. These biosurfactants
facilitate the bioavailability of oil to bacteria by reducing the
interfacial tension between oil and water surfaces (Sajadi
et al.,
Biosurfactants have a wide array of applications, other than
oil spill bioremediation. Its antioxidant, antimicrobial, and
wound-healing abilities make it a suitable candidate for the
pharmaceutical industry. The ability to increase the bioavailability
of trace metals and growth-promoting properties has paved its
path in the agricultural industry. The property to reduce surface
tension has enabled biosurfactants to compete with commercially
available chemical surfactants, thus having potential applications
in the detergent and cleaning industry (Bouassida
et al.,
Material and methods
Sample collection and Storage
Samples were collected at multiple sites, resulting in a total
of five samples contaminated with oil in both water and soil.
Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India Vol. 66, No.1, Jan-Jun 2024
Chandan Deosthali
et al.
These samples were collected in sterile containers and were
transported to the lab in an ice bath. The samples were stored
at 4 till further processing.
Media: Media used for enrichment and isolation of
biosurfactant-producing bacteria is Bushnell and Hass broth/
agar (HiMedia). It is a preferable medium for the growth of
marine microorganisms due to its salt composition and it gives
freedom for the selection of carbon source. It was modified by
adding 3% NaCl for selective isolation of halotolerant bacteria.
Blood required for blood agar plates was purchased from
Central Hospital Blood Bank, Ulhasnagar. All the chemicals
required were purchased from Loba Chemie Pvt. Ltd. and
were of analytical grade.
Enrichment and Isolation: The enrichment of samples
was carried out in three stages. In the first stage, 1g of soil,
1 ml of liquid sample, and 1 ml of suspension (for sample 4)
were inoculated in 100 ml sterile MBHB broths containing
0.5% of phenol as carbon source and were incubated at
room temperature on an orbital shaker for seven days. In
the second stage, 1 ml of inoculum from the 1st stage flasks
were inoculated in sterile MBHB containing 1% phenol as a
carbon source. In the last stage, the 1 ml of inoculum from the
second stage was inoculated in sterile MBHB with 1% spent
ship oil (SSO) as a carbon source and was incubated at room
temperature for seven days on an orbital shaker. For isolation,
sterile MBHA plates with 1% SSO were used. A loopful of broth
was streaked on the plates and they were incubated at room
temperature for 72 hours (Ezebuiro
et al.,
Retrieval of Cell-Free Supernatant (CFS): The isolates
obtained in pure form were inoculated in sterile MBHB with
1% SSO and were allowed to grow at room temperature for
72 hours in an orbital shaker. The cell mass was separated
by centrifuging at growth media at 6000 rpm at 4 for 15
mins. The resulting CFS was used to screen the biosurfactant
production (Abbasi
et al.,
Screening of Biosurfactant producing microorganisms:
Hemolysis assay was done through a loopful of pure culture from
MBHB was streaked onto blood agar plates. After incubating
at room temperature for 24 hours, plates were examined for
hemolysis patterns. (Ogunshe and Falode, 2021). For the phenol
sulphuric assay, 1 ml of 5% phenol was mixed with 1 ml of CFS
and vortexed thoroughly. This was followed by the drop-wise
addition of conc. H2SO4 along the side of the tube. The formation
of an orange colour indicated a positive response (Suresh
et al.,
2021). For the microtiter plate assay, 100 µL of CFS was added
to wells of a 96-well microtiter plate. A graph paper was kept
under the plate and was observed for distortion of grid lines.
Distilled water in a hydrophobic well exhibits a flat surface.
If biosurfactant is present then the image of the grid will be
distorted due to the concave surface (Saruni
et al.,
2019). For the
drop collapse assay, an oil film was applied to a glass slide to
create a hydrophobic surface. A drop of CFS was placed on the
slide and it was checked whether it remained in bead shape or
collapsed. Loss of shape or flattening of drop indicates a positive
response (Sohail and Jamil, 2019). For the oil displacement assay,
a Petri plate was prepared for this assay by filling it with 20 ml
of distilled water. It was overlaid with 15 µL of oil. 10 µL of CFS
was placed on the oil surface. The formation of a clear zone
resulting from the spread of oil by reduced surface tension
indicated a positive test for biosurfactant (Kurniati
et al.,
For the Emulsification Index Assay, 2.5 ml of CFS was added
to a tube having an equal volume of SSO and was vortexed
vigorously for 3 minutes. It was left undisturbed for 24 hours at
room temperature. The emulsification index was determined as
a percentage by dividing the height of the emulsified layer by
the height of the liquid column and multiplying it by a hundred
et al.,
Identification of potent biosurfactant producer: For the
biochemical test, gram nature of potent isolate was identified
and accordingly, standard biochemical tests were carried
out. We utilized Bergey’s manual of systematic bacteriology
to compile and identif y the genus of the organism based
on the obtained results (Singh
et al.,
2016). For 16s rRNA
sequencing, the potent isolate selected was identified by 16s
rRNA sequencing and a phylogenetic tree was generated
(Deosthali and Jain, 2022).
Extraction of crude biosurfactant: The potent isolate was
inoculated in sterile MBHB with 1% SSO and was incubated
on an orbital shaker at ambient temperature for a week. Post
incubation, the cell-free supernatant (CFS) was acquired
through centrifugation of the complete culture medium at
6000 rpm and 4for 15 minutes. Then the CFS was acidified
using 6N HCL till a pH of 2.0 was achieved. It was kept at 4
for 24 hours to facilitate maximum precipitation. The pellet was
obtained by centrifuging the content at 4℃, 12500 rpm for 20
mins. The pellet was resuspended in distilled water and the pH
was raised to 7.0 with the help of 1N NaOH. We performed an
extraction on this suspension using methanol. The methanol
portion was transferred to a beaker and left to evaporate at
Table 1. Geographic coordinates of the sampling sites
No. Sampling site Geographical coordinates Sample type
1 HP Petrol Pump 19° 10’ 15.672’’ N 7 3° 4’ 54.696’’ E Soil
2 Indian Oil Petrol Pump 19° 8’ 21. 732’’ N 73° 3’ 0.684’’ E Soil
3 Reti Bunder, Dombivli 19° 13’ 45.0876’’ N 73° 4’ 4.9944’’ E Water
4Below New Kon Bridge,
Kalyan 19° 14’ 45.0384’’ N 73° 7’ 3.7164’’ E Water + Soil
5 Mumbai High 19° 25’ 0.012’’ N 71° 19’ 59.988’’ E Water
© Marine Biological Association of India
Biosurfactant producing marine bacteria
37. A second round of methanol extraction was carried out,
resulting in the isolation of crude biosurfactants (Das
et al.,
2008). For obtaining the FTIR of crude biosurfactant, 2 mg
of crude biosurfactant was mixed with 20 mg KBr pellet. The
FTIR was performed from a range of 400 to 4000/cm using
IR Prestige-21 (Shimadzu) (Devaraj
et al.,
From all five dierent samples, eight morphologically dierent
isolates were obtained on MBHA with 1% SSO. These isolates
were subjected to screening methods as described above.
For all the tests a positive control as well as negative control
was maintained with Triton X-100 (1 mg/mL) and Distilled
water respectively. CD08A, CD011A, and CD11C showed a beta
hemolysis pattern whereas other isolates showed an alpha
hemolysis pattern. All the isolates showed a positive reaction
for Phenol: Sulphuric acid test by forming an orange-coloured
product. The Microtiter plate assay relies on biosurfactants’
capacity to decrease surface tension, causing deformation
of the grid positioned beneath it. All the isolates showed a
distortion eect when compared with distilled water. The
CFS containing biosurfactant reduces the surface tension
between oil and water interface enabling the drop to spread
more than that of negative control. In drop collapse assay, the
CFS of CD11C showed the largest diameter of 5 mm which
was 1 mm larger than positive control. The rest of the isolates
showed a diameter within a range of 2-3 mm with negative
control showing a drop diameter of 1 mm. The formation of the
clear zone on the oil surface in the oil displacement assay is
scored as shown in Table 2. CD11C showed the highest score
for oil displacement followed by CD08A and CD11A. Triton
X-100 showed an emulsification index of 38.46%. CD12A and
CD09A showed an emulsification index of less than 40%
whereas the rest of the isolates showed an emulsification
index of more than 40% with CD11C having an E24 of 44.11%.
We identified CD11C as a promising candidate and conducted a
series of biochemical tests on it. The results of the biochemical
tests are mentioned in Table 3. The results concluded that the
organism belonged to the
genus. The results of 16s
rRNA sequencing were compared with the present sequence
database using NCBI BLAST and a phylogenetic tree was also
generated (Fig 1). The isolate CD11C showed 98.17% similarity with
B. halosaccharovorans
. The 16s rRNA sequence was deposited
in NCBI GenBank under the accession number OL989233.
The partially purified biosurfactant (Fig. 2) was subjected to
FTIR analysis (Fig. 3). A broad peak can be observed in the
FTIR graph of CD11C biosurfactant within the range 3000–3500
cm-1, which can be the result of alcohol (-OH) group. Two
sharp peaks within the range 2850 – 3000/cm, indicate the
presence of sp3 C-H stretching. Two sharp peaks at 1350/cm
and 1362/cm indicate the presence of the nitro group in the
compound. A sharp peak at 1126/cm indicates the presence
of the alkoxy (C-O) group. A group of peaks between 980 and
1300 resemble the chemical structures of rhamnose rings
et al.
, 2022).
Studies reflect that around two million tons of oil are introduced
into the aquatic environment per year due to activities carried
out in the sea (Zahed
et al.,
2022). The current strategies
employed for the removal of oil use booms, skimmers, and
chemical dispersants which are ok to be used in deep water.
Table 2. Results for DCT, ODT, and E24 test
Samples Drop Collapse Test Oil Displacement
Te st
Emulsification Index
CD08A 3 mm + + + + 43.7 5 %
CD08B 2 mm + 43.7 5 %
CD09A 2 mm + 39.39 %
CD10A 3 mm + 4 3.75 %
CD11A 3 mm + + + 42.30 %
CD11B 2 mm + 41.93 %
CD11C 5 mm + + + + + 44.11 %
CD12A 2.5 mm + 35.71 %
NEG CNTRL 1 mm - 0.0 %
POS CNTRL 4 mm + + + + + 38.46 %
Table 3. Results from the Biochemical Test
Tes t Result
Gram Stain Gram Positive
Motility +
Indole -
MR -
VP +
Citrate -
Nitrate Reduction -
Catalase +
Oxidase +
Urease -
LDC +/-
Glucose +
Fructose +
Sucrose +
Lactose +
Xylose +
Mannitol +
Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India Vol. 66, No.1, Jan-Jun 2024
Chandan Deosthali
et al.
The use of chemical dispersants is not recommended near
the shore water as it may damage the local flora and fauna
living in shallow waters. Chemical fertilizers were used near
the shoreline during two of the major oil spills
. in the
Gulf of Mexico-Deepwater Horizon oil spill and in the Gulf of
Alaska-Exxon Valdez oil spill. However, these chemical fertilizers
just disperse the oil and make it available to the local oil-
degrading bacterial community and do not enhance the rate
of its degradation (Atlas and Hazen, 2011). 3.1.6 of Policy and
Guidelines For the use of Oil Spill Dispersants (OSD) In Indian
Waters, published in NOS-DCP (2009) prepared by the Indian
Coast Guard dictates that no oil dispersant shall be used in
shallow water, protected bays, and inlets. However, no direct
application of oil-degrading bacteria has been reported yet.
The potential threats of oil spills on marine biodiversity urge
the scientific community to come up with faster and more eco-
friendly bioremediation solutions. The objective of this research
was to recover bacteria capable of producing biosurfactants and
degrading oil from sites contaminated with petroleum. We aimed
to assess their potential application in the field of bioremediation
technology. Oil-contaminated sites provide a selective strategy
to isolate hydrocarbonoclastic microorganisms which have
the required genetic material to process oil as their carbon
source (Adeleye
et al.,
2022). Harikrishnan
et al.
(2021) isolated
six morphologically dierent isolates on oil agar plates from
oil-contaminated soil samples in Karaikal ONGC, Puducherry,
India (Harikrishnan
et al.,
2021). Jagtap
et al.
(2021) were able
to isolate obligate hydrocarbonoclastic organisms from oil-
contaminated water sites in the Arabian Sea (Jagtap
et al.
2021). Devi and Jha successfully isolated 36 oil-degrading
bacteria from refinery sludge samples of an oil refinery (Devi
and Jha, 2020). Thus, it can be implemented that even though
biosurfactant-producing organisms are ubiquitous, the oil-
contaminated sites provide a reliable source to isolate potent
hydrocarbonoclastic, biosurfactant-producing bacteria. The
species have been reported
before from various sources including soil, rhizosphere, and
marine ecosystems. Bartal
et al.
(2023), isolated dierent
species capable of producing surfactin-like biosurfactants
from the rhizosphere. This includes,
B. cereus,
B. atrophaeus
B. subtilis
B. pumilis
B. velezensis
Bacillus licheniformis
Ali5 was reported to remove around 70-79% of motor oil from
sand with the help of biosurfactant produced by it. It resulted
in an additional 32% oil recovery when the biosurfactant was
applied to a sand-packed column (Ali
et al.
, 2019).
was isolated from marine seawater and showed 96%
degradation of motor oil within 27 days and the biosurfactant
generated exhibited stability across a broad pH spectrum,
temperature, and salinity (Durval
et al.
, 2019). The antifouling
property of biosurfactant extracted from
B. niabensis
studied against phytoplanktonic cells and biofilm-forming
bacteria like
Bacillus subtilis
Sagittula stellata
P. stutzeri
et al.
, 2020; Sánchez-Lozano
et al.
2023). However, the study on the biosurfactant-producing
capabilities of organisms closely related to CD11C which
B. simplex
B. niabensis
are not well studied for their
bioremediation potential and to the best of our knowledge this
is the first paper shedding light on biosurfactant production
B. halosaccharovorans
The successful isolation of hydrocarbonoclastic bacteria
confirms the hypothesis that oil-contaminated soil and water
are potential sites for isolating biosurfactant-producing and
oil-degrading bacteria. The bacteria isolated were screened
Fig. 1. Phylogenetic tree for CD11C
Fig. 2. Partially purified biosurfactant
Fig. 3. FTIR analysis of CD11C Biosurfactant
© Marine Biological Association of India
Biosurfactant producing marine bacteria
for their biosurfactant-producing ability and the most
promising isolate was identified as
B. halosaccharovorans
using 16s rRNA sequencing. The revelation of rhamnose
rings in the FTIR graph of a partially purified biosurfactant
isolated from CD11C indicates that the biosurfactant produced
might be a rhamnolipid. To the best of our knowledge, no
previous studies have reported the biosurfactant production
B. halosaccharovorans
. However, the application of
biosurfactants as degreasing agents on dierent surfaces
and the use of oil-degrading bacteria on the field via spray
application needs to be investigated further. Also, a study
needs to be conducted to investigate and enhance the
bioremediation eectiveness.
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In marine environments, biofilm can cause negative impacts, including the biofouling process. In the search for new non-toxic formulations that inhibit biofilm, biosurfactants (BS) produced by the genus Bacillus have demonstrated considerable potential. To elucidate the changes that BS from B. niabensis promote in growth inhibition and biofilm formation, this research performed a nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) metabolomic profile analysis to compare the metabolic differences between planktonic cells and biofilms of Pseudomonas stutzeri, a pioneer fouling bacteria. The multivariate analysis showed a clear separation between groups with a higher concentration of metabolites in the biofilm than in planktonic cells of P. stutzeri. When planktonic and biofilm stages were treated with BS, some differences were found among them. In planktonic cells, the addition of BS had a minor effect on growth inhibition, but at a metabolic level, NADP+, trehalose, acetone, glucose, and betaine were up-regulated in response to osmotic stress. When the biofilm was treated with the BS, a clear inhibition was observed and metabolites such as glucose, acetic acid, histidine, lactic acid, phenylalanine, uracil, and NADP+ were also up-regulated, while trehalose and histamine were down-regulated in response to the antibacterial effect of the BS.
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Surfactins are cyclic lipopeptides consisting of a β-hydroxy fatty acid of variable chain length and a peptide ring of seven amino acids linked together by a lactone bridge, forming the cyclic structure of the peptide chain. These compounds are produced mainly by Bacillus species and are well regarded for their antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral activities. For their surfactin production profiling, several Bacillus strains isolated from vegetable rhizospheres were identified by their fatty acid methyl ester profiles and were tested against phytopathogen bacteria and fungi. The isolates showed significant inhibition against of E. amylovora, X. campestris, B. cinerea, and F. culmorum and caused moderate effects on P. syringae, E. carotovora, A. tumefaciens, F. graminearum, F. solani, and C. gloeosporioides. Then, an HPLC-HESI-MS/MS method was applied to simultaneously carry out the quantitative and in-depth qualitative characterisations on the extracted ferment broths. More than half of the examined Bacillus strains produced surfactin, and the MS/MS spectra analyses of their sodiated precursor ions revealed a total of 29 surfactin variants and homologues, some of them with an extremely large number of peaks with different retention times, suggesting a large number of variations in the branching of their fatty acid chains.
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Oil spills can be hazardous for marine life and can cause physiological as well as biochemical damage. Biosurfactants are eco-friendly surface-active compounds, which reduce surface tension at the interface between oil and water and exhibit emulsifying activity. Microorganisms producing biosurfactants are omnipresent and can also be extremophiles. Bushnell and Haas medium is suitable for isolating biosurfactant producers as it allows the selection of carbon sources. From six different oil-contaminated sites, eight morphologically different isolates were generated. These isolates were screened using various assays namely, Haemolysis assay, Phenol: Sulphuric acid assay, Microtitre plate assay, oil displacement assay, emulsification index assay and drop collapse assay. The isolate CD03A was selected as a potent isolate and was identified as Alcaligenes faecalis by 16s-rRNA sequencing. The biosurfactant produced by the organism was subjected to FTIR and results indicated that it might contain alcohol and nitro group along with N-H bend.
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Bacillus cereus is a Gram-positive, endospore-forming bacterium well-known as a food pathogen that causes great losses in the food industry, especially in dairy. In this study, rhamnolipid (RL) biosurfactants were evaluated as a bio-based alternative for controlling the growth of vegetative cells and endospores of B. cereus. RLs were tested against 14 B. cereus strains isolated from different types of foodstuffs. The antimicrobial activity against vegetative cells and endospores revealed minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) values of 0.098 mg/mL for almost all strains tested and minimal bactericidal concentration (MBC) varying between 0.098 and >25 mg/mL. The presence of RLs inhibited endospore germination by more than 99%, reducing by 5.5 log the outgrowth of strain 0426. Scanning and transmission electron microscopy confirmed that exposure to RL causes damage to the structure of endospores. When skim milk was utilized as a food model, RL inhibited the growth of vegetative cells and endospores of B. cereus, showing MBC of 3.13 mg/mL for the vegetative cells of strain 0426. The surfactant also reduced bacterial growth in milk at refrigerator temperature. The results suggest that RLs are promising candidates for the development of novel strategies to control B. cereus in the food industry.
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This study was conducted to isolate and identify spent engine oil (SEO) utilizing bacteria from mechanic village, Dutse. Test tubes containing one (1) mL of the supernatant derived from the mixture of one (1) gram of SEO polluted soil and nine (9) mL sterile distilled water supplemented with mineral salt medium and overlaid with 0.5 mL of SEO were incubated at 37.3 o C for four (4) days. Bacterial growth in form of turbidity was sub-cultured into test tubes containing Trypticase Soy broth and Trypticase Soy agar, incubated at 37.3 o C for 48 hours. Developed colonies were observed and recorded. Six (6) distinct colonies were subsequently picked and transferred to glass slides to form smears for Gram staining. Biochemical tests based on morphological attributes of the bacterial isolates were conducted for its identification and further confirmed using molecular technique. Gram positive cocci in clusters, gram positive rods with squared ends, gram negative rods, gram negative rods in chains, gram positive cocci in chains and gram positive cocci bacteria were identified under the microscope. Results of the biochemical tests indicated Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus cereus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Alcaligenes faecalis, Streptococcus pyogenes and Enterococcus faecalis as the isolated bacteria. Nucleotide similarity index (NSI) results generated showed 70.71%-96.55% between the nucleotide sequences of all the bacteria isolated in this study when compared against the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) database. Owing to the results obtained in this study, the method employed for the isolation of hydrocarbonoclastic bacteria can therefore be recommended for subsequent isolation of such bacteria that can be employed in achieving bioremediation of hydrocarbon impacted environments.
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Biosurfactants are amphipathic molecules produced from microorganisms. There are relatively few species known where the detailed chemical characterization of biosurfactant has been reported. Here, we report isolation and chemical characterization of the biosurfactant produced by a biodesulfurizing bacterium Gordonia sp. IITR100. Biosurfactant production was determined by performing oil spreading, drop-collapse, Emulsion index (E 24 ), and Bacterial adhesion to hydrocarbons (BATH) assay. The biosurfactant was identified as a glycolipid by LCMS and GCMS analysis. The chemical structure was further confirmed by performing FTIR and NMR of the extracted biosurfactant. The emulsion formed by the biosurfactant was found to be stable between temperatures of 4°C to 30°C, pH of 6 to 10 and salt concentrations up to 2%. It was successful in reducing the surface tension of the aqueous media from 61.06 mN/m to 36.82 mN/m. The biosurfactant produced can be used in petroleum, detergents, soaps, the food and beverage industry and the healthcare industry.
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When pollutants like petroleum hydrocarbons as one of the major origins of aquatic pollution, enter the environment, they alter the biological and/or physicochemical characteristics of the aforementioned sites due to their potential of bioaccumulation, biomagnification, and resistance against biodegradation besides its toxicity and carcinogenicity in nature. Thus, the importance of degradation, deterioration and remediation of these pollutants from environments such as aquatic environments via a green method such as bioremediation is undeniable. Biosurfactants as secondary metabolites of microorganisms, enhance the bioremediation rate of petroleum hydrocarbons. Using oleophilic microorganisms with the capability of biosurfactant production which this paper calls "potential microorganisms" in a bioremediation system is promising. This article reviews the effective factors on bioremediation and the share of biosurfactants on the rate of bioremediation process, chemical surfactants and their limiting factors as biosurfactant's chemical counterpart, the rising market of biosurfactant and its promising future, various types of biosurfactants, and the requirements to develop an optimized biosurfactant-base bioremediation system. Furthermore, this paper based on former studies suggests a novel in-situ biosurfactant-based bioremediation system integrated with Biochar called “Potential Microorganisms Immobilized on Biochar system” (PMIBC system) as a cost-effective in-situ bioremediation system for decontamination of aquatic environments like groundwater, lakes, marshes, etc. from petroleum hydrocarbons and oil spills which requires further study.
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Oil spill damages marine flora and fauna to a great extent by causing physiological as well as biochemical damage. All the current measures being taken for oil spill recovery has their own drawbacks, and thus the last fate happens to be bioremediation. In our present study we have demonstrated that the organisms responsible for bioremediation are ubiquitous and how we can isolate them. The Bushnell and Hass medium is suitable for growing such hydrocarbonoclastic organisms as it provides salt composition similar to sea water as well as gives us choice to select carbon source. From various oil contaminated sites, we isolated 16 morphologically different organisms which were able to produce biosurfactant. One organism was screened as potent biosurfactant producer on basis of following screening test; drop collapse assay, hemolysis assay, oil displacement assay and emulsification assay. The potent isolate was further identified on the basis of morphological characteristics and biochemical test and it was identified as Halomonas sp. with help of Bergey's manual of systematic bacteriology-Vol.2.
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Commonly-used screening techniques for determination of biosurfactants production by microorganisms include haemolysis assay, generally depicted to confirm the ability of microorganisms in production of biosurfactants. Diameters of zones of haemolysis surrounding microbial colonies are considered as quantitative indication of biosurfactant production whereas; haemolytic reactions on blood agar plates are specifically associated with pathologic types of erythrocyte lysis by microorganisms, due to haemolysins production. Haemolytic microorganisms can destroy erythrocyte membranes, by compromise in integrity of cytoplasmic membranes, through pore-forming mechanisms, multiple-hit mechanism, formation of sphaerocytes, derangement of membrane integrity, detergent-like action, or lipase activity. Relative levels of acute toxicity, cell invasiveness and virulence factors, which can make biosurfactants become opportunistic pathogens that use haemin or haemoglobin as a source of iron, have also been reported. Haemolysins are further classically defined as exotoxins that can be thermostable, and can cross membranes of microorganisms. Haemolysis assay thus, identifies haemolytic microbial strains with lytic, pathogenic, toxigenic, and/or virulent potentials, rather than biosurfactant-producing potential, as the assay does not correlate particularly with specific characteristics of biosurfactants' production. However, based on new insights and perspectives appropriately extrapolated for the first time in this report, microbial haemolysis assay is considered, the easiest, most-economical, non-animal-based, highly-determinative, reliable and sensitive biosafety selection criterion protocol, for selection of safe and environmental-friendly biosurfactant candidates, for the petroleum industries' process conditions.
Biosurfactants can be used for bioremediation as amphiphilic compounds that have shown good tolerance to changes in temperature, salt concentration, pH, and other environmental factors. They have received increased attention in bioremediation because they are biodegradable and do not generate any secondary contaminants. Biosurfactants are used to remove organic molecules for example hydrocarbon contaminants through various mechanisms such as surface tension reduction, emulsification, and micelle formation. They can also play a role in removing heavy metals by increasing contact with the surface of heavy metal deposits and forming complexes and micelle formation. In this review, we focus on the role of biosurfactants in improving the efficacy of bioremediation.