Ch. S. Strashinskii

Ch. S. Strashinskii
Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University · Naberezhnye Chelny Institute

Associate Professor


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February 1983 - June 2015
Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University
  • Kazan Federal University Naberezhnye Chelny Institute


Publications (40)
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Comparison of the calculated dependencies obtained for boiling emulsion with low-boiling dispersed phase based on the model of Labuntsov [1] for an advanced boiling homogeneous liquid at the solid wall, have been compared with the experimental data presented in [3]. The obtained model curve was in good agreement with measurements of heat flux in bo...
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Hydrodynamic aspects of boiling up of a disperse phase in a homogeneous turbulent flow of an emulsion is studied. It is assumed that the disperse-phase drops of an emulsion are metastable, but their temperature is insufficient for stable spontaneous nucleation having a fluctuation nature. Drops with typical size exceeding the turbulence microscale...
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A theoretical analysis of the time delay in the boiling of overheated drops in a turbulent flow of a homogeneous emulsion with a low-boiling disperse phase has been performed. Model relations determining the influence of the fluctuations of the velocity of a turbulent flow of an overheated emulsion on the formation of critical vapor bubbles in the...
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Mechanisms of droplets boiling in dispersed liquid–liquid systems differ significantly from more commonly studied and better understood mechanisms of vaporization in homogeneous fluids. For the analysis of boiling of liquid emulsions with low-temperature dispersed phase the theory of Labuntsov has been used, which was developed for boiling of homog...
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Turbulent flows of emulsions are associated with the processes of breakage, coalescence and sedimentation of droplets of dispersed liquid. Mechanisms of these physical phenomena that form the equilibrium composition of the droplets of dispersed phase are predetermined by the structure of turbulence. Spectrum of distribution of the dispersed droplet...
On the basis of an approximate two-layer model of a turbulent boundary layer, boiling of liquid emulsions with a superheated dispersed phase near a solid heating surface is considered. Physical concepts of bubble growth in superheated droplets of the dispersed phase are used in the case when the continuous medium remains underheated and does not af...
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the work is devoted to the issues of modeling complex heat and mass transfer in systems of immiscible liquids based on the mechanisms of elementary physical phenomena. the behavior of superheated droplets with phase transformations in a liquid emulsion has been studied. in particular, the structure of interfacial heat transfer during boiling of the...
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The modeling of complex multifactor heat exchange processes with phase transformations in liquid emulsions is considered. The mechanisms of these thermophysical phenomena, which form the pattern of heat distribution, are associated with the behavior of dispersed phase droplets. The possibility of carrying out and optimal conditions for many technol...
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The paper considers the effect of the low-boiling dispersed phase on the nature of heat transfer in systems of immiscible liquids. In particular, the behavior of droplets of the dispersed phase during bubble boiling in the volume of an underheated continuous emulsion medium has been studied. Phase transformations predetermine the complex nature of...
The paper considers the influence of the dispersed phase of the emulsion upon the nature of heat and mass transfer in systems of immiscible liquids. In particular, is studied the interfacial interaction and breakage of subcooled drops of the dispersed phase during bubble boiling of the continuous phase of the emulsion. They predetermine the complex...
The article analyzes the behavior of the cooling lubricant emulsions of oil-in-water type in a limited volume of narrow gaps. Vapor phase which has been generated by heating the emulsion to a temperature that exceeds the boiling point of water, modifies substantially the conditions of interaction between the dispersed droplets of oil with friction...
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Considered the structure of the complex heat exchange within a liquid emulsions with a low boiling point of the dispersed phase. Boiling the volume bounded by the interfacial surface of the dispersed droplets takes place under increased pressure. Capillary pressure causes the rise in temperature of saturated vapor Тd,sat inside drops as well as to...
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Consider the transfer of heat from the heating surfaces unlimited volume of liquid emulsions with a highboiling disperse phase. At the heating temperature exceeding the critical temperature of the continuous medium, it goes into a metastable state, which contributes to the emergence of the vapor phase. The formation and growth of vapor bubbles in b...
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Specification of model representations of complex transfer processes in liquid emulsions based on mechanisms of the basic physical phenomena (MВPP) is considered in this paper. For the representation of the complex models of the transfer processes in a generalized form a correspondence of dimensionless similarity criteria and the most simple, basic...
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Modification of the model of heat transfer during boiling of the emulsion with dispersed low-temperature phase near the solid heating surface performed. Believed, that in the near-wall layer, the energy of deformation of the interfacial surface, supplementing the heat energy stimulates the formation within of droplets the steam embryos of critical...
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The mechanisms of the formation of vapor bubbles of a critical size in deformable droplets of the dispersed phase in liquid emulsion been studied. The model is proposed breakup of the droplets in gradient flow of the emulsion near the surface heating under the combined action of viscous shear stresses and thermal overload. Was the dependence of the...
Conference Paper
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A generalized criterion equation obtained Labuntsov, developed for key singing of a homogeneous liquid at the solid wall, is modified to simulate the pile of aqueous emulsions with low dispersed phase in the processing of metal cutting tools. The obtained model dependence of the density of heat-driven flow in boiling-water emulsion heated surface....
Conference Paper
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Considered the modeling of complex physical processes of heat transfer in liquid heterogeneous systems. Performed analysis of interrelated mechanisms of elementary physical phenomena that represent transport processes in non-isothermal conditions. The features of heat transfer during movement of the emulsion with a low-boiling dispersed phase turbu...
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ABSTRACT: The growth of bubbles to the critical size, resulting in a volume of superheated droplets, which dispersed in high-boiling continuous medium liquid emulsion. Based on the first law of thermodynamics analysis of the formation of a new liquid-vapor interface surface and the nature of the phase transitions of the first kind in the closed med...
Conference Paper
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Парообразование в эмульсиях с низкотемпературной дисперсной фазой носит сложный, быстротекущий и не поддающийся визуализации характер. Поверхностью нагрева для капель дисперсной фазы служит высокотемпературная сплошная среда, посредством которой происходит теплопередача от поверхности нагрева. Это способствует изоляции капель в объеме эмульсии, чт...
Conference Paper
The article deals with the hydrodynamic mechanism of boiling superheat droplets of the dispersed phase of the liquid emulsion from the heat surface. The result of model calculation compare with the actual measurements
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A theoretical analysis of the time delay in the boiling of overheated drops in a turbulent flow of a homogeneous emulsion with a low-boiling disperse phase has been performed. Model relations determining the influence of the fluctuations of the velocity of a turbulent flow of an overheated emulsion on the formation of critical vapor bubbles in the...
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Рассмотрены особенности совместного переноса количества движения и теплоты в эмульсиях несмешивающихся жидкостей. Выделены механизмы элементарных физических явлений, необходимые для модельных представлений структуры сложных процессов переноса при наличии фазовых переходов первого рода. Показаны различия в эффективности отвода теплоты эмульсиями с в...
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Рассмотрен рост пузырьков пара критического размера, образующихся в объёме перегретых капель, которые диспергированы в высококипящей сплошной среде жидкостной эмульсии. Рассмотрено влияние факторов, с которыми связано увеличение размеров пузырьков пара при постоянном подводе теплоты через межфазную поверхность. На основе первого закона термодинамик...
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Выполнен теоретический анализ зависимости удельного теплового потока с учетом задержки вскипания перегретых капель в однородном потоке эмульсии c низкокипящей дисперсной фазой. Обоснованы модельные представления структуры процессов кипения на основе возможных механизмов физических явлений, которые учитывают распределение капель по объемам и относит...
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Рассмотрены два возможных сценария процесса передачи теплоты при вскипании капель недогретой эмульсии в перегретой области теплового пограничного слоя у твердой поверхности нагрева. В соответствии с первым сценарием показано, каким образом вскипание капель дисперсной фазы реализуется за счёт собственной энтальпии перегрева в начальный момент в усло...
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A qualitative analysis of a character of joint heat transfer and drop fragmentation of an overheated disperse phase at a movement of a cooling emulsion in a turbulent regime was carried out. We considered a general model of a drop fragmentation into the emulsion volume by turbulent pulsations of the flow in view of the presence of an excess heat en...
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Проведен качественный анализ характера процессов совместного теплопереноса и дробления капель перегретой дисперсной фазы при движении охлаждающей эмульсии в турбулентном режиме. Рассмотрено обобщение модели дробления в объеме эмульсии капель турбулентными пульсациями скорости потока с учетом инициированного зародышеобразования турбулентными пульсац...
Conference Paper
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Рассматриваются термодинамические аспекты вскипания перегретых капель в однородном турбулентном потоке эмульсии c низкокипящей дисперсной фазой. Обоснована система модельных уравнений, которая описывает воздействие турбулентных пульсаций скорости на образование центров кипения в дисперсной фазе перегретой эмульсии. Предложено использовать в качеств...
Выполнен теоретический анализ задержки вскипания перегретых капель в однородном турбулентном потоке эмульсии с низкокипящей дисперсной фазой. Обоснованы модельные соотношения, которые учитывают воздействие пульсаций скорости в турбулентном потоке перегретой эмульсии на образование центров кипения в дисперсной фазе. Рассмотрено инициирование устойчи...
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Рассмотрены особенности разрушения жидких капель в перегретой эмульсии, дестабилизированных растущими в них пузырьками паровой фазы. Выполнен анализ характера механизмов элементарных физических явлений с учетом масштабов, интенсивности, а также условий проявления взаимосвязей между ними. Получен критерий для теплового разрушения перегретой капли пр...
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Рассматриваются термодинамические аспекты вскипания перегретых капель в однородном турбулентном потоке эмульсии c низкокипящей дисперсной фазой. Обоснована система модельных уравнений, которая описывает воздействие турбулентных пульсаций скорости на образование центров кипения в дисперсной фазе перегретой эмульсии. Предложено использовать в качеств...
Focuses on the processes of crushing and boiling of overheated drops of emulsion c low-boiling disperse phase in a homogeneous turbulent flow. Introduced two criteria to evaluate processes of crushing and boiling of overheated drops, emulsion: dmax - maximum stable diameter of a droplet during the fragmentation and coalescence of the dispersed phas...
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A nonlinear system of three differential equations is suggested as a model of the bubble boiling of drops of the dispersed phase. A qualitative analysis of the nature of the process of joint boiling and coalescence of drops of the dispersed phase in the overheated emulsion was made with certain simplifying assumptions.
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Рассматриваются процессы дробления и вскипания перегретых капель эмульсии c низкокипящей дисперсной фазой в однородном турбулентном потоке. Вводятся два критерия для оценки процессов дробления и вскипания перегретых капель эмульсии: dмах – максимально устойчивый диаметр капель при дроблении и коалесценции дисперсной фазы и dмин – минимальный размер...
Krishtal V.I., Strashinakij C. S., Milovanov V.N.,Ramazanov F.F., Gajsin O.V., Zagirov R.G., Alivanov V.V., Yunusov N.B. An automatic two-component doppler anemometer// Instrumtnts and Experimental Techniques. 1993. Vol. 3. №6. P. 202 -203


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