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VANET Broadcast Protocol Based on Fuzzy Logic and Lightweight Retransmission Mechanism


Abstract and Figures

Vehicular ad hoc networks have been attracting the interest of both academic and industrial communities on account of their potential role in Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS). However, due to vehicle movement and fading in wireless communications, providing a reliable and efficient multi-hop broadcast service in vehicular ad hoc networks is still an open research topic. In this paper, we propose FUZZBR (FUZZy BRoadcast), a fuzzy logic based multi-hop broadcast protocol for information dissemination in vehicular ad hoc networks. FUZZBR has low message overhead since it uses only a subset of neighbor nodes to relay data messages. In the relay node selection, FUZZBR jointly considers multiple metrics of inter-vehicle distance, node mobility and signal strength by employing the fuzzy logic. FUZZBR also uses a lightweight retransmission mechanism to retransmit a packet when a relay fails. We use computer simulations to evaluate the performance of FUZZBR.
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VANET Broadcast Protocol Based on Fuzzy Logic and Lightweight
Retransmission Mechanism
Celimuge WUa), Satoshi OHZAHATA,and Toshihiko KATO,Members
SUMMARY Vehicular ad hoc networks have been attracting the inter-
est of both academic and industrial communities on account of their poten-
tial role in Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS). However, due to vehi-
cle movement and fading in wireless communications, providing a reliable
and ecient multi-hop broadcast service in vehicular ad hoc networks is
still an open research topic. In this paper, we propose FUZZBR (FUZZy
BRoadcast), a fuzzy logic based multi-hop broadcast protocol for informa-
tion dissemination in vehicular ad hoc networks. FUZZBR has low mes-
sage overhead since it uses only a subset of neighbor nodes to relay data
messages. In the relay node selection, FUZZBR jointly considers multi-
ple metrics of inter-vehicle distance, node mobility and signal strength by
employing the fuzzy logic. FUZZBR also uses a lightweight retransmis-
sion mechanism to retransmit a packet when a relay fails. We use computer
simulations to evaluate the performance of FUZZBR.
key words: vehicular ad hoc networks, broadcast protocol, fuzzy logic,
1. Introduction
A Vehicular Ad hoc Network (VANET) is a form of mo-
bile ad hoc network providing communication between ve-
hicles in close proximity, and between vehicles and nearby
fixed roadside equipment. Vehicular ad hoc networks are ex-
pected to be able to significantly reduce the number of road
accidents. Vehicles travel at a high speed on major roads,
giving drivers very little time to react to the vehicle in front
of them. In vehicular ad hoc networks, by using wireless
communications, emergency information can be propagated
along the road to notify drivers ahead of time so that the nec-
essary action can be taken to avoid accidents. Vehicular ad
hoc networks also can be used to disseminate trac warning
information and service information, making driving more
ecient. To satisfy these demands, an ecient multi-hop
broadcast protocol should be seriously considered.
Due to the following reasons, the design of multi-hop
broadcast in vehicular ad hoc networks is very challenging.
In vehicular ad hoc networks, vehicle densities change with
the time and road. Therefore, a VANET broadcast protocol
should work in various node densities. If vehicles are de-
ployed in a dense manner, a simple broadcast scheme cannot
work well because of redundant broadcasts which result in
packet collisions and a low packet delivery ratio. However,
it is dicult to reduce the number of redundant messages
Manuscript received March 18, 2011.
Manuscript revised August 16, 2011.
The authors are with the Department of Information Network
Science, Graduate School of Information Systems, University of
Electro-Communications, Chofu-shi, 182-8585 Japan.
a) E-mail:
DOI: 10.1587/transcom.E95.B.415
while maintaining a high packet dissemination ratio. This is
because wireless communications can be unreliable, espe-
cially when vehicles are moving at high speeds. In a sparse
network, collisions also occur when the packet transmission
rate is high.
There are many broadcast protocols [1]–[7] for
VANETs. However, these protocols can not provide enough
reliability and eciency. In our previous work [8], we pro-
posed a protocol in which only selected relay nodes rebroad-
cast a packet. This protocol also uses an acknowledgement
method to detect whether all intended receivers have re-
ceived a packet, and retransmits the packet when a packet
loss occurs. However, since the received signal strength is
not considered in the selection of relay nodes, the proto-
col’s performance degrades in an environment where there
is fading. Also, in the protocol, except for the specified re-
lay nodes, receivers have to acknowledge the sender node
explicitly. This increases the overhead of the protocol espe-
cially in a high density network. Therefore, a reliable and
ecient relay node selection algorithm and a low cost re-
transmission mechanism are required.
In the relay node selection, multiple metrics of inter-
vehicle distance, node mobility and signal strength should
be considered jointly. However, it is dicult to establish a
satisfactory relay node evaluation criterion for the follow-
ing reasons. First, the network information (inter-vehicle
distance, node mobility and signal strength) known by each
node is inaccurate, incomplete and imprecise. Second, since
these metrics may conflict with each other, it results in un-
certainty. To deal with this imprecision and uncertainty,
we propose FUZZBR, a multi-hop broadcast protocol which
uses a fuzzy logic based method to select relay nodes. Based
on the fuzzy logic, FUZZBR can select the best nodes to
relay data messages by considering inter-vehicle distance,
node mobility and signal strength.
The retransmission mechanism should not incur too
much additional control messages which increase the
packet collisions and end-to-end delay. FUZZBR uses a
lightweight retransmission mechanism. Without additional
control messages, a sender node retransmits a data message
when packet losses occur at the specified relay nodes. By
using the combination of the fuzzy logic based relay node
selection method and the lightweight retransmission mech-
anism, FUZZBR can achieve a high packet dissemination
ratio with a low overhead. We evaluate FUZZBR’s perfor-
mance using the network simulator ns-2 [9] and compare the
protocol with other broadcast schemes.
Copyright c
2012 The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. In
Sect. 2, we give a brief outline of related work. In Sect. 3, we
give a detailed description of the proposed protocol. Next,
we present simulation results in Sect. 4. Finally, we present
our conclusions and proposals for future work in Sect. 5.
2. Related Works of Multi-Hop Broadcast in Vehicular
Ad Hoc Networks
The biggest challenge for a VANET broadcast protocol is to
provide an reliable and ecient communications in a high
density network environment. This is because when an acci-
dent happens, vehicles are usually deployed in a dense man-
The simplest way to disseminate information is Flood-
ing. In Flooding, each node rebroadcasts a packet upon its
first reception. Obviously, in a high-density network, Flood-
ing introduces too many redundant broadcasts and conse-
quently incurs collisions and results in a low dissemination
rate. There have been a lot of protocols to reduce the re-
dundant broadcasts in a high-density network. Here, we
classify these protocols into sender-oriented protocols and
receiver-oriented protocols. In sender-oriented protocols, a
sender node specifies the relay nodes of broadcast messages.
In contrast, in receiver-based protocols, upon reception of a
broadcast message, a receiver node determines its own ac-
tion (whether to rebroadcast or not) in an autonomous man-
Several receiver based broadcast protocols have been
proposed [1]–[4]. However, in all the receiver-based proto-
cols, each node determines whether to rebroadcast or not in
an autonomous manner. As a result, redundant broadcasts
cannot be eliminated entirely. Since receiver based broad-
cast protocols generally use a probabilistic method to re-
broadcast a packet, it is dicult to provide enough reliabil-
ity, especially in a sparse network. Therefore, receiver based
broadcast protocols are not suitable for VANET applications
that require a high reliability.
In the sender-oriented protocols, the selection of re-
lay nodes is based on the information collected from an
exchange of hello messages. Qayyum et al. [5] have pro-
posed a multipoint relay (MPR) broadcast scheme (here we
call this MPR Broadcast). Djedid et al. [6] have proposed
a broadcast protocol which selects relay nodes based on a
Connected Dominating Set. However, Ref. [5] and Ref. [6]
do not consider node mobility as a factor in the relay node
selection. As a result, the selection of relay nodes can be-
come sub-optimal and can lead to the message being lost
because of node movement. In our previous work, we have
proposed a relay node selection method which considers in-
creased radio range and node mobility (here we call this
Enhanced MPR Broadcast) [8]. However, Enhanced MPR
Broadcast does not consider the fading feature of wireless
channels. In a wireless channel, a node can receive a hello
message from a neighbor which is at a distance where stable
communication is impossible. If the inappropriate neighbor
node is selected as a relay node, the neighbor node might
not receive the message with a high probability. Sahoo et
al. [7] have proposed a protocol which uses the most distant
node in the required direction to relay broadcast messages.
However, in a fading channel, use of the most distant node
may result in lost messages. Therefore, multiple metrics of
inter-vehicle distance, mobility and signal strength should
be considered in the relay node selection.
In a VANET broadcast protocol, a retransmission
mechanism is required because of vehicle movement, packet
collisions and random loss feature of a fading channel. In
the Enhanced MPR Broadcast [8], a sender node retrans-
mits a packet when there is a receiver node which does not
receive the packet in a predefined time interval. To check
whether a node does receive a packet or not, the Enhanced
MPR Broadcast uses explicit ACK messages. This increases
the protocol overhead especially in a dense environment. A
high control message overhead incurs the packet collisions
and increases the MAC layer contention time at each node.
This results a high delay which makes a data message use-
less even if it can be received later. Therefore, a lightweight
retransmission mechanism should be considered.
3. Proposed Protocol: FUZZBR
In order to reduce rebroadcast redundancy in high-density
networks, FUZZBR uses only a subset of nodes in the net-
work to relay broadcast packets. Before broadcasting a
packet, a sender node attaches the addresses of the relay
nodes to the packet. Upon reception of a packet, a node
rebroadcasts the packet only if it is itself included in the re-
lay node list. Vehicles exchange information through hello
messages. Every vehicle inserts its own position informa-
tion in hello messages. We assume every node knows its
own position and road map information because it is possi-
ble to get this position information from GPS-like position-
ing services.
In the relay node selection, FUZZBR considers inter-
vehicle distance, mobility and signal strength. These three
metrics are contradictory. If we select the farthest node as
a relay node, it will minimize the number of relays. How-
ever, the relay node might lose the packet because the sig-
nal is weak. Moreover, due to node movement, the relay
node might move out of the transmission range of the sender
node. These conflicts depend on the vehicle mobility, vehi-
cle distribution and fading condition. Therefore, the math-
ematical model of the optimal relay problem is complex to
derive and a solution based on it would be too expensive for
practical application. Fortunately, fuzzy logic can handle
imprecise and uncertain information. In FUZZBR, we use a
fuzzy logic based method to identify those relay nodes that
will give the best results.
FUZZBR also uses a lightweight retransmission mech-
anism to retransmit a packet when a relay fails. If a sender
node does not receive the retransmitted packet from a relay
node in a predefined ack delay constraint time, the sender
node judges this as a packet loss and retransmits the packet.
Fig. 1 An urban street topology.
3.1 Broadcast to All Intended Receivers with Only a Small
Number of Rebroadcasts
In FUZZBR, the sender node specifies relay nodes. This
poses the question of how many relay nodes should be se-
lected and how to ensure that these relay nodes can reach
all intended receivers. In FUZZBR, a sender node first
groups neighbor vehicles according to [road no, sender pos,
direction]. As shown in Fig. 1, “road no” denotes the road
number, “sender pos” denotes the sender position and “di-
rection” can be “outbound” or “inbound.” We call a triad
[road no, sender pos, direction] a “broadcast zone”. For ex-
ample, the triad [1, (x,y,z), outbound] shows the area which
is on the road No.1 and in the “outbound” direction of posi-
tion (x,y,z).
We note that “outbound” and “inbound” are predefined
in each road. For a loopless road, since the start point and
end point can be defined, we define the direction from the
start point to the end point as “outbound,” and define the di-
rection from the end point to the start point as “inbound.
For a loop road, we define the clockwise direction as “out-
bound” and the counter-clockwise direction as “inbound.
As shown in Fig. 1, for road No.1, the direction from A to
B is the outbound direction, and from B to A is the inbound
direction. In here, “outbound” and “inbound” depend on the
position of the vehicles but be independent to the driving
directions of the vehicles. We say V1 is at the outbound
direction of node V2. In contrast, V2 is at the inbound di-
rection of node V1. In Fig. 2, R1, R2, R3, R4, R5 are at the
outbound direction of S. Similarly, R4, R3, R2, R1 and S
are at the inbound direction of R5.
Before broadcasting a data message, the source node
specifies the intended area as a list of broadcast zones. The
sender node selects one relay node in each of the specified
broadcast zones. In the example in Fig.1, to disseminate
information in all directions, node S has to select 4 relay
In a large scale network, we do not need to let a data
message traverse through the whole network. In this case
Fig. 2 A mountain road topology.
we can specify a border for each broadcast zone by spec-
ifying the most distant (from the sender node) position of
the intended area. Another way is to define a life time for
each message by specifying the hop count or TTL (Time To
Live). In this paper, for simplicity, we consider all nodes in
the network as the intended receivers. Without specific ex-
planations, there is no border specified for a broadcast zone.
Before relaying a broadcast message, a node has to cal-
culate the intended area using the position information of
the source node and neighbor nodes. This is to deal with
some special scenarios similar to that shown in Fig. 2. In
this figure, the sender node S has to disseminate messages
in the outbound direction. If the road number is 3 then the
broadcast zone will be [3, (x,y,z), outbound]. FUZZBR
selects a relay node from this broadcast zone. As shown
in the figure, node R5 is also in this broadcast zone. As
a result, node S may select node R5 as a relay node. In
this case, node R5 has to disseminate the message in both
backward and forward directions. Here, if node R5 only
forwards the message in the outbound direction without re-
calculating the intended area, node R3 will not receive the
message. Therefore, R5 has to specify node R4 as an in-
bound relay node. Note that R5 also defines the position
of the node S as the border for the inbound broadcast zone.
For example, if a data message is transmitted to node R0 by
apath’R5R4R3R2R1R0’, node R0 should not
rebroadcast the message furthermore. This is because node
R0 is at the inbound direction of node S whose position is
defined as the border of the broadcast zone. In this way, we
can avoid a rebroadcast loop. In short, by defining broad-
cast zones and specifying relay nodes, we can ensure the
message can be delivered to all intended receivers with only
a small number of rebroadcasts.
3.2 Periodical Neighborhood Evaluation
In FUZZBR, upon receiving a hello message from a neigh-
bor, a node evaluates the neighbor according to the inter-
vehicle distance, mobility and signal strength. In this way,
through exchanging hello messages, each node maintains an
evaluation result for each neighbor. When selecting a relay
node, these evaluation results are used. If a node does not
receive any hello message from a neighbor in a time inter-
val Twhich is defined as 3 times the hello interval (1 s), the
node initializes the evaluation values (including all factors
that will be given latter) of the neighbor. The neighbor also
will be deleted from the neighbor list.
The hello interval does aect the performance of the
FUZZBR. If the hello interval is too long, the neighbor in-
formation can be inaccurate and useless. Contrarily, if the
hello interval is too short, the increased message overhead
can result performance degradation. The optimal hello inter-
val depends on node density, node velocity and other factors.
In FUZZBR, we use 1 s hello interval. We know this value
is suitable for many scenarios from our experience [10].
3.2.1 Distance
Upon reception of a hello message from a neighbor X,a
node calculates a Distance Factor (DF) as in Eq. (1). In
Eq. (1), d(X) is the distance between the current node and
node X.Ris the maximum distance over which stable com-
munications can be provided. Here we assume that every
node has the same transmission power and that the trans-
mission power is constant.
3.2.2 Mobility
Upon reception of a hello message from a neighbor X,a
node calculates a Mobility Factor (MF) as in Eq. (2). MF in-
dicates the mobility level of the neighbor node. The higher
the value of MF, the more stable the neighbor node is. Here,
di(X) is the distance between the current node and the neigh-
bor node at time i.αis a smoothing factor and its value is
set to 0.7. MF is initialized to 0. In Eq. (2), we use an ex-
ponential moving average because we want to smooth out
short-term errors. After a lot of experiments and analysis,
we know that 0.7 is the most suitable value for α.
MF(X)(1 α)×MF(X)
3.2.3 Signal Strength
Upon reception of a hello message from a neighbor X,a
node calculates a Received Signal Strength Indication Fac-
tor (RSSIF) as in Eq. (3). In Eq. (3), RxPr is the received
signal power, RXThresh is the reception threshold. The
value of RXThresh is defined based on received power and a
hello message cannot be received when the received power
is lower than this value. RSSIF indicates the average signal
strength of the neighbor node. Here RSSIF is initialized to
RS S I F(X)(1 α)×RS S I F(X)
+α×1RXT hresh
RxPr .(3)
3.3 Relay Node Selection
3.3.1 Fuzzy Set Theory and Fuzzy Logic
Adierence from classical set theory is that, in fuzzy set
theory [11], elements have degrees of membership. By
defining set membership as a possibility distribution, fuzzy
set theory can represent incomplete or imprecise informa-
tion. Based on fuzzy set theory, fuzzy logic deals with the
concept of approximate rather than precise factors. For ex-
ample, define a person’s height as being 0.6 “high” and 0.4
“low,” rather than “completely high” or “completely low.
Since fuzzy logic can handle approximate reasoning which
is similar to human reasoning, it has been widely accepted
in industrial communities and used in many applications.
In contrast to numerical values in mathematics, fuzzy logic
uses non-numeric linguistic variables to express the facts.
Fuzzy membership functions are used to represent the de-
grees of a numerical value belonging to linguistic variables.
Typically, a fuzzy logic based system consists of three
steps: input, process and output steps. The input step con-
verts input numerical values to linguistic variables. The pro-
cess step collects logic rules which are defined in the form
of IF-THEN statements and applies the rules to get the result
in a linguistic format. The output step converts the linguistic
result into a numerical value.
3.3.2 Procedure
As mentioned above, in FUZZBR each node evaluates its
neighbors in term of distance, mobility and signal strength
by exchanging hello messages. When a node has to send a
packet, the node employs fuzzy logic to calculate an average
relay fitness value for each neighbor based on the neighbor’s
distance, mobility and signal strength. The node then selects
a relay node for each of the required broadcast zones. For
each neighbor, the calculation steps are as follows.
Step1: Fuzzification Use predefined linguistic vari-
ables and membership functions to convert the distance
factor, mobility factor and RSSI factor to fuzzy values.
Step2: Mapping and combination of IF/THEN rules
Map the fuzzy values to predefined IF/THEN rules and
combine the rules to get the rank of the neighbor as a
fuzzy value.
Step3: Defuzzification Use a predefined output mem-
bership function and defuzzification method to convert
the fuzzy output value to a numerical value.
After calculating the relay fitness values for all neighbors,
the sender node selects the node that has maximal fitness
value to relay the packet to a particular zone.
3.3.3 Fuzzification
The process of converting a numerical value to a fuzzy value
using a fuzzy membership function is called “fuzzification”.
Fig. 3 Distance membership function and an fuzzification example.
Fig. 4 Mobility membership function.
The fuzzy membership function of the distance factor is de-
fined as in Fig. 3. The sender node uses the membership
function and the distance factor to calculate which degree
the distance factor belongs to {Large, Medium, Small}.As
shown in Fig. 3, when the distance factor is 0.2, we know
that the vertical line showing this distance factor meets with
“Small” and “Medium” at (0.2,0.6) and (0.2,0.4) respec-
tively. Therefore, we can get the fuzzy value {Large:0,
Medium:0.4, Small:0.6}. We note here that the distance
membership function given above and the other membership
functions which will be given later are all defined based on
our simulation results.
The fuzzy membership function of the mobility factor
is defined as in Fig. 4. The sender node uses the membership
function and the mobility factor to calculate which degree
the mobility factor belongs to {Slow, Medium, Fast}.
The fuzzy membership function of the RSSI factor is
defined as in Fig. 5. The sender node uses the membership
function and the RSSI factor to calculate which degree the
RSSI factor belongs to {Good, Medium, Bad}.
3.3.4 Rule Base
Once the fuzzy values of distance factor, mobility factor and
RSSI factor have been calculated, the sender node uses the
IF/THEN rules (as defined in Table 1) to calculate the rank
of the node. The linguistic variables of the rank are defined
as {Perfect, Good, Acceptable, NotAcceptable, Bad, Very-
Bad}. For example, in Table 1, Rule1 may be expressed as
IF Distance is Large, Mobility is Slow and Signal
Fig. 5 Signal strength membership function.
Tab le 1 Rule base.
Distance Mobility RSSI Rank
Rule1 Large Slow Good Perfect
Rule2 Large Slow Medium Good
Rule3 Large Slow Bad NotAcceptable
Rule4 Large Medium Good Good
Rule5 Large Medium Medium Acceptable
Rule6 Large Medium Bad Bad
Rule7 Large Fast Good NotAcceptable
Rule8 Large Fast Medium Bad
Rule9 Large Fast Bad Ve r y B a d
Rule10 Medium Slow Good Good
Rule11 Medium Slow Medium Acceptable
Rule12 Medium Slow Bad Bad
Rule13 Medium Medium Good Acceptable
Rule14 Medium Medium Medium NotAcceptable
Rule15 Medium Medium Bad Bad
Rule16 Medium Fast Good Bad
Rule17 Medium Fast Medium Bad
Rule18 Medium Fast Bad Ve r y B a d
Rule19 Small Slow Good NotAcceptable
Rule20 Small Slow Medium Bad
Rule21 Small Slow Bad Ver y B a d
Rule22 Small Medium Good Bad
Rule23 Small Medium Medium Bad
Rule24 Small Medium Bad Ve r yB a d
Rule25 Small Fast Good Bad
Rule26 Small Fast Medium Ve r y B a d
Rule27 Small Fast Bad Ve r y B a d
Strength is Good THEN Rank is Perfect.
In a rule, the IF part is called the “antecedent” and the
THEN part is called the “consequent.” Since there are mul-
tiple rules applying at the same time, we have to combine
their evaluation results. Here we use the Min-Max method.
In the Min-Max method, for each rule, the minimal value of
the antecedent is used as the final degree. When combin-
ing dierent rules, the maximal value of the consequents is
For example, as shown in Fig. 6, we assume a neigh-
bor’s distance, mobility and RSSI factors belong to the
corresponding linguistic variables as {Large:1, Medium:0,
Small:0},{Slow:0.75, Medium:0.25, Fast:0},{Good:0.5,
Medium:0.5, Bad:0}respectively. In this case, these fuzzy
sets would match Rule1, Rule2, Rule4 and Rule5. For
Rule1, the degree for {Large}(Distance) is 1, the degree for
{Slow}(Mobility) is 0.75 and the degree for {Good}(Signal
Strength) is 0.5. In the Min-Max method, we take the min-
Fig. 6 An example for fuzzy rule evaluations.
Fig. 7 Output membership function and an example of μ(x).
imal value of antecedent members and therefore the degree
of the antecedent will be 0.5. Similarly, the degrees of the
antecedents for Rule2, Rule4 and Rule5 will be 0.5, 0.25
and 0.25 respectively. As both Rule2 and Rule4 lead to the
Rank Good, we take the maximal value of their consequents
and therefore the degree of the Rank Good will be 0.5. In
this way, all rules are combined to give a fuzzy result.
3.3.5 Defuzzification
Defuzzification is the process of producing a numeric result
based on an output membership function and correspond-
ing membership degrees. The output membership function
is defined as in Fig. 7. Here we use the Center of Gravity
(COG) method to defuzzify the fuzzy result. More specif-
ically, we cut the output membership function (Fig. 7) with
a straight horizontal line according to the corresponding de-
gree, and remove the top portion. For the example given
above, the degree for Rank {Acceptable}is 0.25, the degree
for Rank {Good}is 0.5 and the degree for Rank {Perfect}is
0.5 and consequently the result function will form a shape
as shown in Fig. 7. Then, we calculate the centroid of this
shape. The xcoordinate of the centroid will be the defuzzi-
fied value. If we use μ(x) to denote the result function and
use xto denote the X-axis, the center of gravity will be
COG =μ(x)xdx
μ(x)dx .(4)
Fig. 8 Data dissemination in FUZZBR.
Here COG represents the fitness of the neighbor to be a relay
node. The higher the value is, the better the neighbor node
will be. In FUZZBR, for every broadcast zone, the sender
node calculates a fitness value for each neighbor node and
then selects the node which has the maximal fitness value as
the relay node.
3.4 Retransmission Mechanism
In the IEEE 802.11 MAC layer, there is no ACK message for
a broadcast message. However, in a fading channel, a recep-
tion check mechanism is required because a packet can be
lost depending on the wireless link status. If each receiver
sends back an ACK message to acknowledge the sender, the
sender can know reception status at all intended receivers.
This means that we can achieve a high reception ratio by
using retransmissions. However, these ACK messages can
incur packet collisions and increase the MAC layer con-
tention time, which results a higher delay. To achieve a high
packet dissemination ratio and a low delay, FUZZBR uses a
lightweight retransmission mechanism.
In this retransmission mechanism, a sender node only
retransmits a packet which is not received by the spec-
ified relay nodes. If a sender node does not receive a
rebroadcasted packet from a relay node in a predefined
ack delay constraint time, the sender node judges this as a
packet loss. As shown in Fig. 8, node Sretransmits a packet
when the node does not receive the packet from node Rin a
ack delay constraint time period.
In Fig. 8, node Xat least has two chances to success-
fully receive a packet. One is the transmission from node S,
the other is from node R. That is, node Xalso has a chance
to receive a packet from node Reven when node Xloses the
packet from node S. In a fading channel, a packet can be
lost randomly. Given a certain reception probability p, with
the transmission at node Sand node R, node Xcan receive
a packet with a probability of p(r)where
p(r)=1(1 p)2=2pp2.(5)
In Eq. (5), if pis 0.9, p(r) will be 0.99. Therefore, we can
easily know that if the relay nodes are properly selected, an
enough packet reception ratio can be achieved with this sim-
ple retransmission mechanism. That means, we do not have
to use explicit ACKs to check whether all intended receivers
have received a packet or not.
FUZZBR uses a fuzzy logic based relay node selec-
tion algorithm to select relay nodes and retransmits a packet
when these relay nodes do not receive the packet. By consid-
ering signal strength in the relay node selection, FUZZBR
can choose a relay node which has a high reception proba-
bility and therefore can result a high reliability. In FUZZBR,
since all receiver nodes do not need to explicitly acknowl-
edge the sender node, the protocol will not incur additional
control message overhead.
We have to note that the value of ack delay constraint
directly aects the outcome delay of FUZZBR. The ideal
value of ack delay constraint depends on various factors in-
cluding the network density, trac rate and application re-
quirement. Therefore, an adaptive ack delay constraint can
be promising. However, this is not a focus of this research.
In FUZZBR, we set ack delay constraint to be 0.04 second
by default.
4. Simulation Results
We used network simulator ns-2 (version 2.34) [9] to con-
duct simulations. Simulation environments are shown in Ta-
ble 2. We evaluated the protocols’ performance in freeway
scenarios and street scenarios. In the Freeway simulation,
we used a freeway which had two lanes in each direction.
All lanes of the freeway were 2000 m in length. The dis-
tance between any two adjacent lanes was 5m. The max-
imum allowable vehicle velocity was 40m/s. The freeway
was generated by [12]. In the Freeway simulation, we evalu-
ated the protocol’s performance in various number of nodes.
Two source nodes generated 50 packets with a rate of 10
packets per second. These two nodes were neighbors and
being close to each other. This is to simulate a condition of
two collided vehicles send data messages at the same time.
We also used SUMO [13], [14] and TraNS [15] to gen-
erate street scenarios. SUMO is a microscopic tracsimu-
lator and TraNS is a realistic simulation generation tool that
integrates SUMO and ns-2. In SUMO, a vehicle’s speed is
adapted to the speed of the leading vehicle. In our street sce-
narios, the maximal vehicle velocity was 18 m/s. For each
of the street scenarios, we used a street area of 1700 m ×
1700 m. The street consisted of 5 horizontal streets and 5
vertical streets and every street had one lane in each direc-
tion. The distance between any two neighboring intersec-
tions was 400 m. In the Street scenario, 619 nodes were
moving toward their destinations (these destinations were
selected randomly). Therefore, we can simulate a street
which has various node densities on dierent road segments.
We generated scenarios with various number of broadcast
source nodes.
We used the Nakagami propagation model. The param-
Tab l e 2 Simulation environment.
Freeway scenario Street Scenario
Topology 2000 m, 4lanes 1700 m ×1700 m
Number of nodes 100 to 600 619
Mobility generation Ref. [12] SUMO +TraN S
Number of sources 25to55
Number of packets 50 packets at each source
Packet size 512 bytes
Data rate 10 packet per sec 1 packet per sec
MAC IEEE 802.11 MAC (2 Mbps)
Propagation model Nakagami Model
Simulation time 150 s
eters of the Nakagami model are shown in Table 3. For each
parameter, the first value indicates the parameter value used
in Freeway scenarios and the value between the parentheses
indicates the parameter value used in Street scenarios. We
used these parameter values because they model a realistic
wireless channel (including the eect of buildings) of vehic-
ular ad hoc networks [16].
Other simulation parameters were the default settings
of ns-2.34. The average transmission range was 250 m
(due to fading, the transmission range may be reduced, but
the transmission range will be 250 m when no fading ex-
isted). After the first 20 seconds (to allow the exchange of
hello messages), senders sent messages with a packet size
of 512 bytes. All nodes in the network were defined as in-
tended receivers (the whole network area was defined as the
destination region). The simulation time was 150 s. We
launched simulations with 50 dierent scenarios, and ana-
lyzed the average value of the results.
FUZZBR was compared with Flooding, Weighted p-
persistence [1], MPR Broadcast [5] and Enhanced MPR
Broadcast [8]. As mentioned earlier, in Flooding, every re-
ceiver node rebroadcasts a packet upon the first reception.
In the Weighted p-persistence scheme, a receiver node first
calculates a broadcast probability according to the distance
from the sender node divided by the transmission range
(250 m) and rebroadcasts the packet with this probability.
The greater the distance, the higher is the probability. In the
MPR Broadcast, Enhanced MPR Broadcast and FUZZBR,
a receiver rebroadcasts the packet only if it is itself spec-
ified as a relay node. In the Enhanced MPR Broadcast, a
node retransmits a packet when the node does not receive
an ACK from any intended receivers in a predefined time
interval. Since a packet may be retransmitted multiple times
depending on the reception status, to avoid an endless re-
transmission, for each packet, we set the maximum number
of retransmission times to be 4. In the following simulation
results, the error bars indicate the 95% confidence intervals.
4.1 Number of Messages
Figure 9 shows the number of messages per data packet for
various numbers of nodes in Freeway scenario. We cal-
culate this performance metric as the number of messages
generated (including both ACK messages and data messages
transmitted by all nodes in the network) divided by the num-
ber of data packets generated by the source nodes. Figure 10
shows the number of messages per data packet for various
numbers of source nodes in Street scenario.
As shown in Fig. 9, in Flooding, since every node
rebroadcasts a packet once, a large number of redundant
Tab l e 3 Parameters of Nakagami model: Freeway (Street).
gamma0 gamma1 gamma2 d0 gamma d1 gamma
1.9 (2.0) 3.8 (2.0) 3.8 (2.0) 200 (200) 500 (500)
m0 m1 m2 d0 md1 m
1.5 (1) 0.75 (1) 0.75 (1) 80 (80) 200 (200)
Fig. 9 Number of messages per data packet for various numbers of nodes
in Freeway scenario.
Fig. 10 Number of messages per data packet for various numbers of
source nodes in Street scenario.
broadcasts are generated. As a result, many collisions oc-
cur and many packets are lost. The Weighted p-persistence
scheme performs better than Flooding by using a prob-
abilistic broadcast method. However, the Weighted p-
persistence scheme cannot eliminate redundant rebroadcasts
entirely. In the MPR Broadcast, Enhanced MPR Broadcast
and FUZZBR, only the nodes which have been selected as
relay nodes, rebroadcast the packets. Therefore, redundant
broadcast can be eciently reduced. However, since the En-
hanced MPR Broadcast uses explicit ACKs to check recep-
tion conditions, a lot of ACK messages are generated. This
is why the number of messages in Enhanced MPR Broadcast
is larger than that in Flooding.
In FUZZBR, the number of nodes does not increase
significantly with the increase of the node density because
only the specified relay nodes rebroadcast a data mes-
sage. The small number of messages is also because the
lightweight retransmission mechanism does not incur addi-
tional control messages. The number of messages is 13.7 for
100 nodes, and 22.9 for 600 nodes. This slight increase is
due to the retransmission which is occurred from collisions
between a data packet and a hello packet. With the increase
of the node density, the number of hello messages increases.
Fig. 11 Packet dissemination ratio for various numbers of nodes in
Freeway scenario.
However, this does not incur too great an overhead because
these messages are sent periodically. Moreover, we believe
these messages are necessary for vehicular ad hoc networks.
In the Street scenario, the number of messages gener-
ated by FUZZBR is larger than the number in the Freeway
scenario. This is because in the Street scenario, a node near
the intersection has to disseminate a data message to mul-
tiple directions. We observe an increase of the number of
messages with the increase of the number of sources. This is
due to the increase of the number of packet collisions. How-
ever, this will not impair the advantage of FUZZBR because
FUZZBR can achieve a high packet dissemination ratio (see
Fig. 13).
The number of messages of Flooding decreases with
the increase of the number of source nodes. This is because
as the number of source nodes increases, the collisions be-
tween dierent trac increase. As a result, Flooding loses
more packets (see Fig. 13). Enhanced MPR Broadcast uses
retransmissions to supplement these packet losses, resulting
in a very large number of messages. The number of mes-
sages of MPR in Street scenario is larger than in the Free-
way scenario. This is because, in the Street scenario, a node
near the intersection selects multiple relay nodes. Although
some relay nodes fail to receive a packet, the packet can be
disseminated by other relay nodes.
4.2 Packet Dissemination Ratio
Figure 11 shows the packet dissemination ratio for various
numbers of nodes in Freeway scenario. We calculate this
performance metric as the number of data messages received
by all nodes in the network divided by the multiplication
of the number of data messages generated by the source
nodes and the number of nodes in the network. As the num-
ber of nodes increases, the dissemination ratio of Flood-
ing decreases. This is because in a high density network,
many nodes try to broadcast at the same time and this intro-
duces collisions and a drop in packet reception ratio. The
Weighted p-persistence scheme works better than Flooding
by reducing the number of broadcasts. However, since a
Fig. 12 Relay fitness for various distances and relative velocities.
probabilistic method is used in Weighted p-persistence, the
number of broadcasts increases as the number of nodes in-
creases, leading to a drop in performance.
In MPR Broadcast scheme, although the number of
broadcasts can be reduced eciently, we observed a poor re-
ception ratio. This is because in the MPR Broadcast scheme,
a sender node usually selects the farthest node and conse-
quently the selected node can often not receive the broadcast
packet. Another reason is that the MPR Broadcast does not
consider the node mobility in the relay node selection. En-
hanced MPR Broadcast scheme performs better than MPR
Broadcast because it does consider node mobility in the re-
lay node selection. However, Enhanced MPR Broadcast
does not consider the signal strength in the relay node se-
lection, the selected relay node loses the packet with a high
probability. Fortunately, Enhanced MPR Broadcast uses a
retransmission mechanism to retransmits a packet when the
packet is lost. However, a packet may not be delivered to a
relay node successfully even with multiple retransmissions
if the relay node is far away from the sender node.
Figure 12 illustrates the distribution of relay fitness
values for various distances and relative velocities for
FUZZBR. For this simulation, the received signal power at
a certain distance is calculated by averaging the received
signal powers of 10,000 packets at the same distance. By
jointly considering inter-vehicle distance, node mobility and
signal strength, FUZZBR can deal with node mobility and
fading while providing large progress on the dissemination
FUZZBR also retransmits a packet when a relay is
failed. As a result, FUZZBR achieves a better packet re-
ception ratio than the other protocols. In FUZZBR, when
the number of nodes is larger than 300, we see a slight in-
crease of packet dissemination ratio with the increase of the
node density. As mentioned above, with the increase of the
node density, the number of retransmissions increases. Con-
sequently, the number of fading incurred packet losses de-
Figure 13 shows the packet dissemination ratio for var-
ious numbers of source nodes in Street scenario. With
the increase of the number of source nodes, the collisions
among dierent broadcast trac increase. Therefore, the
packet dissemination ratios of Flooding and Weighted p-
Fig. 13 Packet dissemination ratio for various numbers of source nodes
in Street scenario.
persistence decrease drastically. The packet dissemination
ratio of MPR broadcast also drops when there is a large
number of source nodes. However, these packet losses are
because MPR only considers the increased radio range in
the relay node selection. Therefore, the eect of the number
of source nodes is not very significant.
In the Street scenario, FUZZBR also shows the highest
packet dissemination ratio. This is due to the relay mecha-
nism and the retransmission of FUZZBR. FUZZBR reduces
the number of rebroadcasts by using only relay nodes to for-
ward data messages. This can reduce the number of colli-
sions. Since FUZZBR can select a proper relay node to for-
ward data messages, the number of fading incurred packet
losses decreases. Even if the collisions or packet losses oc-
cur, FUZZBR can retransmit a data message by using the
retransmission mechanism. As shown in Fig. 11 and Fig. 13,
FUZZBR provides at least 95% packet dissemination ratio
in various node densities. Therefore, we can know that the
fuzzy logic based relay node selection algorithm and the
lightweight retransmission can provide enough reliability
with a low control overhead.
4.3 End-to-End Delay
Figure 14 shows the average end-to-end delay between the
source node and all intended receiver nodes for various num-
bers of nodes in Freeway scenario. In this paper, only the
successfully delivered data messages are used for the end-
to-end delay calculation. In Flooding, as the node density
increases, the delay increases drastically. This is because,
when the node density is high, the redundant broadcasts
introduce many collisions and consequently the nodes that
provide larger progress on distance may lose the data pack-
ets. As a result, the packets are delayed because they are
delivered through sub-optimal paths (longer paths).
Also, as the number of rebroadcasts increases, the con-
tention time at each node increases and therefore the end-
to-end delay is increased even more. The end-to-end delay
of Weighted p-persistence also increases as the number of
source nodes increases because Weighted p-persistence can-
Fig. 14 End-to-end delay for various numbers of nodes in Freeway
Fig. 15 End-to-end delay for various numbers of source nodes in Street
not eliminate redundant broadcasts completely. MPR shows
the lowest delay. This is because MPR chooses the farthest
node as a relay node. The low delay of MPR is also because
many data messages are lost at the relay node. Enhanced
MPR Broadcast does not show good delay here because too
many retransmissions increase the delay of a data message.
In FUZZBR, since a sender node selects a relay node
considering inter-vehicle distance, node mobility and signal
strength, there is a high probability that the selected relay
nodes receive a packet without retransmissions. Although
the selected relay nodes are usually not the farthest possible
nodes, FUZZBR shows lower end-to-end delays. This is
because FUZZBR reduces the contention time at each node
by reducing the number of rebroadcasts. FUZZBR shows
an increase of the end-to-end delay with the increase of the
number of nodes. This is because with the increase of node
density, the number of hello messages increases, resulting in
a slight increase of MAC layer contention time at each node.
However, this is acceptable because FUZZBR does show a
low delay even in a high density network.
Figure 15 shows end-to-end delay for various numbers
of source nodes in Street scenario. In the simulation, with-
out loss of generality, for each data message, all nodes in
the network are defined as intended receivers. However, it
makes no sense to average end-to-end delays for all nodes
in the network. We consider 600 m is the distance within
which a short propagation delay is required. Therefore, in
the delay calculation, for each source node, we only use the
receiver nodes of which the distance from the source node
is smaller than 600 m. Due to the redundant rebroadcasts,
Flooding and Weighted p-persistence show an exponential
end-to-end delay increase with the increase of the number
of source nodes. The end-to-end delay of MPR is not sen-
sitive to the number of source nodes. That is because re-
dundant rebroadcasts and packet collisions are not the main
reasons for the packet losses in MPR. For Enhanced MPR
Broadcast, a large number of control messages increase the
contention time at each node. In Enhanced MPR Broadcast,
too many retransmissions also increase the end-to-end delay.
FUZZBR shows a significant advantage over other pro-
tocols. Since only the specified relay nodes rebroadcast a
packet, the collisions do not increase drastically with the in-
crease of the number of source nodes. The low delay is also
because FUZZBR uses a possibly short path to disseminate
a data message by considering inter-vehicle distance in the
relay node selection. Choosing a shorter path is very im-
portant in the Street scenario because there can be multiple
paths to a receiver. If a longer path is used, the end-to-end
delay will be increased drastically.
We have to note that, the delay of FUZZBR
is sensitive to the ack delay constraint.Thelarger
ack delay constraint, the larger the delay will be. A small
ack delay constraint can guarantee a packet will be retrans-
mitted on time. However, the value of ack delay constraint
cannot be too small because that will result many unnec-
essary retransmissions. In a high density network, unnec-
essary retransmissions will increase the collisions and the
MAC layer contention time at each node. As mentioned be-
fore, an adaptive ack delay constraint can improve the per-
formance of FUZZBR. However, we leave this issue as a
future work.
5. Conclusions and Future Works
We have proposed FUZZBR, a fuzzy logic based multi-hop
broadcast protocol for vehicular ad hoc networks. FUZZBR
reduces the number of broadcast messages eciently by
using only a subset of neighbor nodes to relay data mes-
sages. In FUZZBR, sender nodes specify relay nodes
based on the inter-vehicle distance, node mobility and signal
strength. The protocol employs fuzzy logic to use a combi-
nation of these metrics. To ensure reliability, FUZZBR also
uses a lightweight retransmission mechanism to retransmit
a packet when a relay fails. We used simulations to fur-
ther evaluate the protocol’s performance. The simulation
results confirmed that FUZZBR oers a significant perfor-
mance advantage over existing alternatives.
In this paper, we have chosen FUZZBR parameters
based on overall performance in various network environ-
ments. The performance of FUZZBR can be improved if
we use dierent parameters for dierent scenarios. In our
future work, we will work on an adaptive method which can
optimize FUZZBR parameters based on network environ-
ments and application requirements.
This work was supported by a Grant-in-Aid for Encourage-
ment of Young Scientists (Wakate B #23700072) from the
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science.
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Celimuge Wu received the M.E. degree
from Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing,
China, in 2006, and the Ph.D. degree from
the University of Electro-Communications, To-
kyo, Japan, in 2010. He is currently an as-
sistant professor of the Graduate School of In-
formation Systems, the University of Electro-
Communications. His current research interests
include mobile ad hoc networks, networking ar-
chitectures and protocols.
Satoshi Ohzahata received B.S., M.E., and
D.E. degrees from the University of Tsukuba
in 1998, 2000 and 2003, respectively. He
was a Research Associate, Department of Com-
puter, Information & Communication Sciences
at Tokyo University Agriculture and Technol-
ogy from 2003–2007, and was an assistant pro-
fessor of the same university from 2007–2009.
Since 2009, he has been an associate professor
at Graduate School of Information Systems, the
University of Electro Communication. His in-
terests are mobile ad hoc networks, the Internet architecture in mobile en-
vironments and Internet trac measurement. He is a member of IEEE,
Toshihiko Kato received the B.E., M.E.
and Dr. Eng. degrees electrical engineering from
the University of Tokyo, in 1978, 1980 and
1983, respectively. He joined KDD in 1983
and worked in the field of communication proto-
cols of OSI and Internet until 2002. From 1987
to 1988, he was a visiting scientist at Carnegie
Mellon University. He is now a professor of the
Graduate School of Information Systems in the
University of Electro-Communications in To-
kyo, Japan. His current research interests in-
clude protocol for mobile Internet, high speed Internet and ad hoc network.
... In high traffic mobility, the beaconing rate should be increased to ensure that more packets reach the fast and distant vehicles. The proposed schemes in the literature use a mobility factor that takes into account either the distance between vehicles or the speed of vehicles [20,36,41,[46][47][48][49]. However, in this work, we use a more representative vehicle mobility factor, which we proposed in our preliminary work [50][51][52]. ...
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In vehicle ad hoc networks (VANETs), a beacon is a periodic message sent to nearby vehicles containing essential details like the sender’s vehicle ID, location, speed, and direction. Maintaining the freshness of this information without causing network congestion requires adaptive beaconing to adjust to changes in mobility and network density. Our research, based on extensive simulation experiments, identifies specific parameter sets optimal for adapting beaconing rates to different scenarios. From this analysis, we introduce a novel scheme called high-awareness and channel-efficient adaptive beaconing (HACEAB), employing fuzzy logic to adapt to various environments and conditions. Initially, the protocol gauges network density using an adaptive threshold function, followed by estimating the node spatial distribution through the quadrat statistic method to discern uniform distribution or clustering. Utilizing these data, the protocol adjusts beaconing rates via appropriate input parameters for the fuzzy logic system. Remarkably, HACEAB represents the first beaconing scheme capable of simultaneously adjusting to changes in network density and spatial distribution. Furthermore, the protocol enhances performance by adapting transmission power to fluctuations in node density and distribution. NS-3 simulations validate the efficacy of these improvements.
... The optimization-based approach is recently used by many researchers to solve abovementioned objectives. The recent optimization algorithms are Firefly Algorithm (FA), Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), Genetic algorithm, Whale Optimization Algorithm (WOA), Grey Wolf Optimization (GWO) [9] and Fruit-fly Optimization Algorithm (FFOA) so on. These optimizations are not achieved efficient fitness solve function because it may trap in local optimum. ...
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Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is one of the most significant technologies that typically involves of a large number of wireless sensor nodes with sensing, communications and computation capabilities. The sustained operation of WSN is achieved through the efficient consumption of node energy. The WSN is used to many applications especially military, science and medical. The WSN performance may be affect some issues such as load balancing, security and reduce energy consumption of the nodes. These issues must be reduced to enhance performance of the WSN structure in different applications. Henceforth, in this paper, Hybrid Emperor Penguin Optimization (EPO) is developed to solve load balancing, security enhancement and reduce energy consumption in WSN. The hybrid EPO is combined with Atom Search Optimization (ASO) algorithm, it is used to improve the updating function of the EPO algorithm. Three major objective functions can be considered towards improve the performance of WSN like load balancing, security enhancement in addition energy consumption reduction. The load balancing can be achieved by optimal clustering scheme which attained applying proposed hybrid EPO. The security also enhanced in WSN with the help of hybrid EPO by computing security measures. Similarly, energy consumption of WSN is achieved optimal routing scheme by hybrid EPO algorithm. The proposed methodology is developed to manage three objectives which is a major advantage. The projected technique can be implemented by NS2 simulator for validation process. The projected technology is contrasted with the conventional methods such as EPO and ASO respectively. The projected technique is evaluated in terms of delivery ratio, network lifetime, overhead, energy consumption, throughput, drop and delay.
... FUZZBR results with an increase in the number of messages per data packets, and a high packet dissemination ratio. The delay increases with the growth of forwarding nodes which is proved with a simulation of ns-2 tool where vehicle mobility and bandwidth rates are selected for routing [14]. Fuzzy application is performed for routing and improving utilization rate where decisions are made independently with the awareness of communication and prevention of the failure of links. ...
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A Vehicular Ad hoc Network is a model of mobile Ad hoc network for running vehicles in which vehicles can communicate with wireless communication devices within a confined geographical region in the absence of fixed infrastructure. Also, it works as an intelligent system for road safety and traffic management by disseminating information among moving vehicles with the wireless sensor Ad hoc network, which has so many challenges and prospects since routing protocols are semi-organized for vehicular movements and constraints of road topology with rules within the limited physical connectivity. A successful broadcast is a challenging task within limited resources. The availability of the number of nodes in a range is an obstacle for rebroadcasting, can be resolved by reducing the figure with a fuzzy logic-based forwarder selection method. Signal strength can be improved in a transmission range by employing an optimum number of broadcasting points with less delay, fewer hop counts, and a high packet dissemination ratio. This optimal fuzzy broadcast algorithm is proposed for the selection of the best forwarder nodes with the consideration of inter-vehicle: distance, mobility, and density into account. Also, the performance of inter-vehicular geographic routing in high speed dynamic vehicular environment is proved with the MATLAB software, OMNeT++ tool, and SUMO environment.
... By enabling mobile nodes to perceive and gather information from their dynamic vehicular environments, Fuzzy Logic shows great advantages in attribute modeling and aggregation, which can further be utilized to make routing decisions or link evaluation. In [32], based on Fuzzy Logic, Wu et al. presented a method to improve the message broadcast efficiency and reduce the overhead in VANET. Hawbani et al. [16] modeled the routing process in the vehicular network as an aggregation of multi-criteria by TSK fuzzy inference system and proposed a distributed routing protocol based on Multiple Criteria Decision Making. ...
Due to the lack of fully considering dynamic traffic information, in Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks (VANETs), existing routing schemes are easily stuck in local optimum, path redundancy, and congestion problems. By combining Software Defined Network (SDN) with VANET, the emerging Software Defined Vehicular Network (SDVN) can provide a global perspective of the traffic network and bridges the gap. In this paper, we introduce an intelligent fuzzy-based routing scheme for urban SDVN. First, a large urban area is divided into multiple small areas, in which each area is centered on an intersection. Second, the central controller maintains a routing table that records the priorities of packets be forwarded from an area to another, and all values in the routing table are initialized using Fuzzy Logic. Finally, we propose a hierarchical greedy routing with link stability (GLS) to calculate the routing path with the highest link stability according to the routing table. Meanwhile, considering the dynamic nature of vehicles in an area, Reinforcement Learning is employed to update the routing table during the routing process. Simulation results show that the proposed routing scheme achieved a significant improvement in performance over its counterparts.
... In [37], Wu et al. designed a fuzzy-based dissemination protocol (FUZZBR). It uses a fuzzy logic approach to select an optimal subset of forwarding vehicles by combining three metrics: the distance between vehicles, vehicles' mobility, and received signal strength (RSSI). ...
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In recent years, the decentralized wireless Vehicular Ad hoc Networks (VANETs) have emerged as a key technology for Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS). The need for an efficient and reliable broadcast protocol, mainly in urban VANETs, is of great importance to support different services such as road safety, traffic efficiency, entertainment and advertisement. This paper proposes two new routing broadcast protocols: the Enhanced Counter-based broadcast protocol in Urban VANET (ECUV) and the Enhanced distance-based broadcast protocol in Urban VANET (EDUV). Both of them improve the distribution of data on urban VANETs. ECUV and EDUV use a road-network-topology-based approach to select a set of relay nodes with enhanced coverage capabilities during the data delivery in urban Vehicle to Vehicle (V2V) scenarios. They also improve the performance of the receiver-based protocols by alleviating the negative effect of their stochastic behavior. We study the behavior of these protocols with an analytical model, which shows that the enhanced versions reduce the transmission probability in high vehicle density to avoid the broadcast storm problem. Moreover, the obtained results proved that these proposed protocols increase the transmission probability in low vehicle density to satisfy the reachability requirement of data broadcasting. The network simulation results show clearly that ECUV and EDUV outperform other methods in terms of coverage capacity and efficiency.
Trust establishment among vehicles is essential for vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs) as it directly impacts the security and privacy of vehicular communication. Many trust estimation approaches have been introduced, however, they often suffer from ensuring effective trust for vehicles. In fact, existing approaches do not involve all malevolent properties of vehicles in trust computation and can not properly handle the content tampering attack, which eventually affect the accuracy of the estimated trust. Moreover, most of them do not consider the uncertainty of VANET arising from vehicles’ mobility, their inaccurate/incomplete data dissemination, and the wireless communication channels, which also affects the reliability of the trust estimation. To address these limitations, this paper proposes a fuzzy logic-based approach to estimate vehicles’ trust. The new approach considers three trust factors, captured by fuzzy sets, to model malicious properties of a vehicle. Further, it involves a new data-centric parameter to capture the impact of content tampering on trust evaluation. In addition, the new approach includes an inter-edge trust transfer mechanism to carry forward a vehicle’s trust when it switches to a new edge server to ensure a seamless operation in VANETs. We evaluate the performance of the proposed scheme against the state-of-the-art approaches using both synthetic and real-world datasets. The experimental results reveal that it outperforms existing schemes in detecting malicious vehicles with higher recall, precision, and accuracy. Further, the new scheme reduces end-to-end delay and messages per data packet compared to other schemes.
Conference Paper
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As no exact model of traffic flow exists due to its high complexity and chaotic organisation, researchers mainly try to predict traffic using simulations. Within this field, many simulation packages exist and differ in their software architecture paradigm as well as in the models that describe traffic itself. We will introduce yet another system which, in contrast to most of the other simulation software packages, is available as on open-source programm and may therfore be extended in order to fit a researcher´s own needs and also be used as a reference testbed for new traffic models.
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Vehicular ad-hoc networks (VANETs) are an emerging important type of wireless ad-hoc network. Unlike many other types of MANETs, VANET applications such as traffic data dissemination are inherently broadcast oriented and require communication protocols to be anonymous and scalable. Simple broadcast flooding satisfies these requirements, but its performance is highly dependent on network density and may lead to the broadcast storm problem. This work is the first we are aware of to propose stochastic broadcast as a solution for VANET. Stochastic broadcast instructs nodes to rebroadcast messages according to a retransmit probability. Such a scheme is private since node identification is unnecessary, however it has an undesirable dependency on vehicle density in the same manner as simple flooding. To solve this problem, we demonstrate the link between the mathematical science of continuum percolation and stochastic broadcast. Specifically, that the critical percolation threshold in continuum percolation (¿ 4.5 expected neighbors) translates to the wireless broadcast context. Then we show that nodes can tune the performance of the broadcast system to efficient levels by adjusting the retransmit probability so the apparent density of the network approaches the critical threshold.
Conference Paper
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Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (VANETs) are emerging as the preferred network design for intelligent transportation systems and are envisioned to be useful in road safety and commercial applications. A significant issue in VANETs is the design of an effective broadcast scheme which can facilitate the fast and reliable dissemination of critical safety messages to neighbouring vehicles in case of an unexpected event, such as a traffic accident. Towards this goal, we propose a novel Speed Adaptive Probabilistic Flooding algorithm (SAPF). Its decision to rebroadcast a message is based on a probability, evaluated using the speed of the vehicle. The algorithm enjoys a number of benefits relative to other approaches: it is simple to implement and does not introduce additional communication burden as it requires local information only, it does not rely on the existence of a positioning system which may not always be available and above all, mitigates the effect of the broadcast storm problem, typical when utilizing blind flooding. Our results indicate that the proposed algorithm outperforms blind flooding, especially in cases of heavy congestion. The SAPF algorithm achieves high reachability and unlike blind flooding, it also maintains low latency as the density of vehicles in the road network increases.
A mobile ad hoc network (MANET) is a self-configuring network of mobile devices connected by wireless links. Frequent topology changes and limited bandwidth make communication in MANETs particularly challenging. We present a MANET routing protocol that can efficiently handle network mobility by a way of preemptively switching to a better route before the current route fails. The protocol uses a distributed Q-learning algorithm to infer network status information and takes in to consideration link stability and bandwidth efficiency while selecting a route. We study the performance of this protocol through simulation and demonstrate its advantages over existing protocols.
IEEE 802.11p/DSRC is a wireless communication protocol designed for vehicular ad hoc networks in order to support safety and commercial non-safety applications. The conventional 802.11 protocols are not suitable for these types of networks because of high vehicular mobility, faster topological changes, and requirements of high reliability and low latency for safety applications. In this paper, we present a detailed simulation study of the performance of both DSRC and 802.11 over Vehicular networks. We consider two different models of DSRC – preemptive and non-preemptive. We also measure the reliability metrics both in network and application levels for different mobility scenarios.
Conference Paper
Vehicular ad-hoc network (VANET) is gaining much attention recently because of its many important applications in transportation, to improve road safety, reduce traffic congestion, to enable efficient traffic management etc. However, there are several technical issues to be addressed for its effective deployment. Stability in communication in VANET is difficult to achieve due to rapid network changes. Restoration is inefficient while using traditional protocols based on broadcast storm. In this paper, we propose a new adaptive protocol to improve performance for on road safety alert application in VANET. It can alleviate the broadcast storm problem using adaptive wait-windows and adaptive probability to transmit. Simulation shows that our proposed approach has better performances in terms of number of collision, success rate, and delay, when compared with other existing protocols.
Conference Paper
Broadcast mechanisms are widely used in self-organizing wireless networks as support for other network layer protocols, in this paper we investigate the broadcast techniques proposed in literature for vehicular ad hoc network (VANET). For the safety applications the broadcast protocol has to guaranty the performance and the reliability. In this paper, we propose an implementation the minimum connected dominating set (MCDS), taking into count the safety applications constraint and the specifics of the VANET context. Simulation results demonstrate the good performances and the robustness of such protocol compared to other ones.
Conference Paper
Vehicular Ad Hoc Network has recently been considered as attractive network architecture to provide various services ranging from road safety to entertainment applications. In this paper, we propose an IEEE 802.11 based multihop broadcast protocol to address the issue of safety message dissemination in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks. This position- based protocol adopts a repetitive 2-partition method to divide the area inside transmission range resulting in a furthest narrow segment and delegates the forwarding duty to a vehicle chosen in the furthest segment. The main focus of the paper lies in reducing broadcast delay which is an important factor in time critical safety applications. We attempt to attain consistent performance irrespective of node density and different VANET scenarios. In addition to this, the protocol also solves the hidden terminal problem of multihop broadcasting. Simulation results show that our protocol achieves greater performance in terms of latency and message progress when compared with other well known multihop broadcast protocols for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks.