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Evaluation of River Water Quality Based on Biotic Index of Benthic Macroinvertebrate as Bioindicator (Case study in Genjong River Wlingi Blitar East Java, Indonesia)


Abstract and Figures

This research aims to determine the water quality profile of Genjong River based on physicochemical parameters of water and benthic macroinvertebrates as bioindicators. Sampling was carried out at four different location based on difference of human activity in surrounding. The sampling was done in triple repetition for each station. The activity of station 1 is ecotourism (as reference site or positive control in this study), Station 2 (livestock I), Station 3 (livestock II), and Station 4 (plantation). The water physicochemical parameters were measured including water and air temperature, water current velocity and discharge, conductivity, pH, DO, BOD, TSS, nitrate, and orthophosphate. The result from the identification and calculation of the benthic macroinvertebrates density was used to determine some diversity indices and biotic indices. The difference in the value of each water quality parameter was tested by One-way ANOVA. Based on the abiotic water quality profile, Genjong River water is included as the Class IV category based on Indonesia Government Regulation No. 22 of 2021 with a BOD value of 3.61 – 7.22 mg.L-1. Human activities along the Genjong River have a great impact on decreasing water quality as indicated by increasing of nitrate levels from 0.52 ± 0.07 mg.L-1 at Station 1 up to 0.85 ± 0.07 mg.L-1 at Station 4. Also, orthophosphate levels from 0.02 ± 0.01 mg.L-1 at Station 1 to 0.18 ± 0.02 mg.L-1 at Station 4. Meanwhile, based on benthic macroinvertebrates as bioindicators, Genjong River was classified as lightly (S1, H = 1.74) to moderately polluted (S4, H = 1.24) with toxic materials and slightly contaminated with organic matter (S4 with FBI value = 5.38). The decline in water quality was also shown by the decreasing ASPT value from 4.20 at Station 1 to 3.68 at Station 4.
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E-ISSN 2549-8703 I P-ISSN 2302-7282
BIOTROPIKA Journal of Tropical Biology
Vol. 10 | No. 2 | 2022 | DOI: 10.21776/ub.biotropika.2022.010.02.05
Izzati & Retnaningdyah 117
Fadhila Nuril Izzati1)*, Catur Retnaningdyah1)
This research aims to determine the water quality profile of Genjong River based on
physicochemical parameters of water and benthic macroinvertebrates as bioindicators.
Sampling was carried out at four different locations based on difference of human activity
in surrounding. The sampling was done in triple repetition for each station. The activity of
Station 1 is ecotourism (as a reference site or positive control in this study), Station 2
(livestock I), Station 3 (livestock II), and Station 4 (plantation). The physicochemical
water parameters were measured, including water and air temperature, water current
velocity and discharge, conductivity, pH, DO, BOD, TSS, nitrate, and orthophosphate.
The result from the identification and calculation of the benthic macroinvertebrates
density was used to determine some diversity and biotic indices. The difference in the
value of each water quality parameter was tested by One-way ANOVA. Based on the
abiotic water quality profile, Genjong River water was categorized as the Class IV
category based on Indonesia Government Regulation No. 22 of 2021 with a BOD value of
3.61 7.22 mg.L-1. Human activities along the Genjong River greatly impact decreasing
water quality as indicated by increasing nitrate levels from 0.52 ± 0.07 mg.L-1 at Station 1
up to 0.85 ± 0.07 mg.L-1 at Station 4. Also, orthophosphate levels from 0.02 ± 0.01 mg.L-1
at Station 1 to 0.18 ± 0.02 mg.L-1 at Station 4. Meanwhile, based on benthic
macroinvertebrates as bioindicators, Genjong River was classified as lightly (S1, H =
1.74) to moderately polluted (S4, H = 1.24) with toxic materials and slightly
contaminated with organic matter (S4 with FBI value = 5.38). The decline in water
quality was also shown by the decreasing ASPT value from 4.20 at Station 1 to 3.68 at
Station 4.
Keywords: benthic macroinvertebrate, Genjong River, water quality
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menentukan profil kualitas air Sungai Genjong berdasarkan
parameter fisika kimia air dan makroinvertebrata bentos sebagai bioindikator.
Pengambilan sampel dilakukan secara triplo pada 4 titik aliran sungai yaitu Stasiun 1
(aktivitas ekowisata untuk reference site), Stasiun 2 (peternakan I), Stasiun 3 (peternakan
II), dan Stasiun 4 (perkebunan). Parameter fisika kimia air yang diukur meliputi suhu air,
suhu udara, kecepatan arus, debit, konduktivitas, pH, DO, BOD, TSS, nitrat dan
ortofosfat. Hasil identifikasi dan penghitungan kerapatan makroinvertebrata bentos
digunakan untuk menentukan beberapa indeks diversitas dan indeks biotik. Perbedaan
nilai tiap parameter kualitas air diuji dengan One Way ANOVA. Hasil penelitian
menunjukkan bahwa berdasarkan profil kualitas abiotik air, Sungai Genjong termasuk
dalam kategori Kelas IV berdasarkan PP No 22 tahun 2021 dengan nilai BOD 3,61
7,22 mg/L. Aktivitas manusia di sepanjang Sungai Genjong telah berdampak pada
penurunan kualitas air yang ditunjukkan oleh peningkatan kadar nitrat dari 0,52 ± 0,07
mg/L di Stasiun 1 menjadi 0,85 ± 0,07 mg/L di Stasiun 4, dan juga kadar ortofosfat dari
0,02 ± 0,01 mg/L di Stasiun 1 menjadi 0,18 ± 0,02 mg/L di Stasiun 4. Sedangkan
berdasarkan makroinvertebrata bentos sebagai bioindikator, Sungai Genjong termasuk
dalam kategori tercemar bahan toksik ringan (stasiun 1, H = 1,74) hingga sedang
(stasiun 4, H = 1,24) dan tercemar bahan organik sedikit (di stasiun 1 dengan FBI =
4,31) sampai agak banyak (di stasiun 4 dengan nilai FBI = 5,38). Penurunan kualitas air
juga ditunjukkan oleh menurunnya nilai ASPT dari 4,20 di Stasiun 1 menjadi 3,68 di
Stasiun 4.
Kata kunci: kualitas air, makroinvertebrata bentos, Sungai Genjong
Received : July, 17 2022
Accepted : August, 12 2022
Authors affiliation:
1)Department of Biology, Faculty
of Mathematics and Natural
Sciences, Universitas
Brawijaya, Indonesia.
Correspondence email:
How to cite:
Izzati, FN, C Retnaningdyah.
2022. Evaluation of river water
quality based on biotic index of
benthic macroinvertebrate as
bioindicator (case study in
Genjong River, East Java,
Indonesia). Journal of Tropical
Biology 10 (2): xx-xx.
118 Biotropika: Journal of Tropical Biology | Vol. 10 No. 2 | 2022
Rivers are freshwater ecosystems that are
important for living things to maintain their lives
[1]. Genjong River is a river that crosses some
villages in Wlingi District. Genjong River is the
main river that used by the surrounding
community for several purposes, including
tourism, animal husbandry, and irrigation sources
for rice fields. Based on the visibility
characteristics of the Genjong River, there are
indications of a decrease in water quality which is
indicated by a change in the color of the water to
become cloudy.
Water quality evaluation can be determined by
some parameters, including physics, chemical,
and biological [2]. One of the biological
parameters that can be used as a bioindicator is
benthic macroinvertebrate because it can show the
specific conditions of the waters and complete
information on the physicochemical parameters of
water using several biotic indices such as the
Hilsenhoff Biotic Index (HBI), Family Biotic
Index (FBI) and Average Score Per Taxa (ASPT)
[2, 3, 4].
This study aims to evaluate the water quality
of the Genjong River based on physics, chemical
parameters, and benthic macroinvertebrates as
bioindicators. The evaluation results can be used
as a basis for determining the management of the
Genjong River ecosystem.
Site. The study was conducted from July to
December 2021. A sampling of benthic
macroinvertebrates was carried out at four points
(Figure 1) in the Genjong River channel, district
of Wlingi, Blitar, East Java, Indonesia, based on
human activities around the river. Station one is a
stream with human activities in the form of Sirah
Kencong Tea Plantation. Station two is a stream
after Telogosari Village and a dairy farm. Station
three is the stream after Genjong Village with
residents’ farms. Station four is a stream after
human activities like coffee plantations, sengon
plantations, and coffee processing factories. The
identification of benthic macroinvertebrates and
data analysis were carried out at the Laboratory of
Ecology and Tropical Ecosystem Restoration,
Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics
and Natural Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya.
Benthic macroinvertebrate sampling. The
benthic macroinvertebrate sampling was
conducted by using a Surber net. The frame root
of the net was put in the opposing directions. The
substrate contained in the root frame was stirred
carefully by hand so benthic organisms attached
to any substrate, like rocks, could be rinsed,
washed away, and collected in a Surber net. The
obtained samples were sorted and preserved with
formalin 4%. The identification of benthic
macroinvertebrates was assisted by a stereo
Water physicochemical parameter
measurement. The physicochemical water
parameters measured included water temperature,
air temperature, flow velocity, water discharge,
conductivity, pH, dissolved oxygen (DO),
biological oxygen demand (BOD), total
suspended solids (TSS), nitrate level,
orthophosphate level, and substrate composition.
Water and air temperature were measured with a
digital thermometer in Celsius. The river current
(flow) was measured by buoy and stopwatch with
units of m.s-1.
Figure 1. Water and benthic macroinvertebrates sampling location
Izzati & Retnaningdyah 119
The water discharge was calculated based on
the depth and width of the river with units of
dm3.s-1. Conductivity was measured by a
conductivity meter with units of mS.m-1. pH was
measured with a pH meter. DO and BOD were
measured by DO meter, TSS was measured by
TSS meter, nitrate and orthophosphate levels were
measured by spectrophotometry with units of
mg.L-1. Substrate composition was measured by
assessing the ratio (%) between rock, sand, and
mud of the riverbed.
Data analysis. Descriptive analysis was held
for the water physicochemical parameters. The
difference in the value of each location was tested
with One-way ANOVA followed by the Tukey
HSD test if the variance value was homogeneous
and the Brown Forsythe and Games Howell test if
the variance value was heterogeneous with Sig.
0.05. Water quality groupings and interactions
between parameters were tested by Principal
Component Analysis (PCA)/biplot analysis using
the PAST program.
The benthic macroinvertebrates community
structure was analyzed by some indices. There
was abundance, important value index (IVI),
Shannon-Wiener diversity index (H’), Simpson
diversity index (D), Margalef diversity index
(dMg), Evenness index (E), Simpson dominance
index (Id), Family Biotic Index (FBI), Hilsenhoff
Biotic Index (HBI) also Average Score Per Taxa
(ASPT) [4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]. The benthic
macroinvertebrate abundance (ind.m-2) was
calculated by the following formula [4].
Where N was the number of benthic
macroinvertebrates per m2, O was the number of
benthic macroinvertebrates counted per sample,
and S was the transverse area of Surber Net in m2.
Important value index (IVI) was calculated by
the following formula [4].
  
Shannon-Wiener diversity index (H’) and
Simpson diversity index (D) were calculated by
the following formula [6].
󰆒 
Where Pi was the proportion of species-i to the
total number, s was the total number of the
community. The H’ and D values indicated toxic
pollution. The H’ was classified into four
categories, 2 was no apparent pollution, 21.6 was
slightly polluted, 1.51 was fairly polluted, and
<1 was severely polluted. D value was also
classified into three categories, >0.8 was slightly
contaminated, 0.60.8 was moderately
contaminated, and <0.6 was severely
Margalef diversity index (dMg) was calculated
by the following formula [5].
Where S was the total number of identified
species, N was the total number of individuals
recorded. The dMg value was categorized into
three classes, <3.5 was low diversity, 3.64.9 was
moderate diversity, and >5 was high diversity.
The Evenness index (E) and The Simpson
dominance index (Id) were calculated by the
following formula [6].
 󰇛 󰇜
󰇛 󰇜
Where Ni was the total number of species-i, N
was the total number of individuals. The E value
was classified into three categories, <0.4 was low
evenness, 0.40.6 moderate evenness, and>0.6
high evenness. The Id was also classified into
three categories <0.4 was low domination, 0.40.6
moderate domination, and >0.6 high domination.
Family Biotic Index (FBI) and Hilsenhoff
Biotic Index (HBI) were calculated by the
following formula [8].
Where xi was the total number of species-i, ti
was the tolerance score for every species, and n
was the total number of individuals. The index
values of FBI and HBI were classified into seven
categories with different values.
Table 1. Evaluation of water quality using FBI [8]
FBI values
Degree in Organic Pollution
Organic pollution unlikely
Very good
Possible slight organic
Some organic pollution
Fairly substantial pollution
Fairly poor
Substantial pollution likely
Very substantial pollution
Very poor
Severe organic pollution
120 Biotropika: Journal of Tropical Biology | Vol. 10 No. 2 | 2022
Table 2. Evaluation of water quality using HBI
Biotic Index
Degree in Organic Pollution
No apparent pollution
Very good
Possible slight organic
Some organic pollution
Fairly significant organic
Fairly poor
Significant organic pollution
Very significant organic
Very poor
Severe organic pollution
The Average Score Per Taxa (ASPT) index
was calculated by the following formula [8].
 󰇛 󰇜
Where BMWP score was the Biological
Monitoring Working Party, n was the total
number of individuals. The index values for
ASPT were classified into four categories, (>6:
clean water, 56 doubtful water, 45 probable
moderate pollution, <4 probable severe
pollutions) [4].
Based on the measurement of physicochemical
parameters (water temperature, pH, DO, TSS,
nitrate, and orthophosphate levels) from Genjong
River, the water quality was categorized as the
third class of water quality standards based on
Indonesian government regulation (Table 3).
However, the BOD of Genjong River water meets
the fourth-class water quality standard. Overall,
Genjong River is included in the fourth-class/
fourth category according to Indonesia
government regulation No. 22 Year 2021. The
physicochemical quality of water from upstream
to downstream was getting worse, as indicated by
the decreasing value of DO and BOD as well as
increasing TSS, nitrate and orthophosphate levels
which could still be used for crop irrigation.
The substrate composition of each station
(Figure 2) consisted of rock, sand, and mud. The
first station has the highest percentage of rock.
The second station has the highest percentage of
sand. While the mud at the third and fourth
stations. The highest percentage of mud is at the
last station. The substrate will affect the presence
of macroinvertebrates species. The substrate was
associated with changes in water temperature and
flow conditions [9].
The cooler streams were generally dominated
by sand and rock and had more variable flow and
occasional high flow, which could remove the
fine sediment from the stream. The warmer
stream has stable to moderate flow conditions that
allow sedimentation of fine particle accumulation.
It was also dominated by mud or other fine
substrates [9]. The rocky substrate was mostly
inhabited by arthropods, while the sand and mud
were mostly inhabited by annelids and mollusks
Figure 2. Substrate composition of each station
Table 3. Water physicochemical profile of Genjong River
Station 1
Station 2
Station 4
3rd class
4th class
temperature (°C)
17.67 ± 0.46a
22.07 ± 0.42a
23.67 ± 0.58a
Dev 3
Dev 3
Air temperature
19.13 ± 1.53a
25.20 ± 0.87b
24.67 ± 0.58c
Flow velocity
0.75 ± 0.16a
0.59 ± 0.07a
0.61 ± 0.26a
Water discharge
(dm3. s-1)
496.75 ± 82.29ab
928.40 ± 240.35b
343.84 ± 179.97a
8.34 ± 3.15a
9.54 ± 3.89a
10.89 ± 3.67a
7.60 ± 0.23a
7.86 ± 0.09a
7.72 ± 0.06a
6 9
6 9
DO (mg.L-1)
4.96 ± 0.18bc
5.29 ± 0.12c
4.49 ± 0.06a
min. 4
min. 3
BOD (mg.L-1)
3.61 ± 0.77a
6.19 ± 0.51b
7.72 ± 0.52b
TSS (mg.L-1)
1.95 ± 0.22a
2.51± 0.12bc
2.82 ± 0.00c
Nitrate (mg.L-1)
0.52 ± 0.07a
0.71 ± 0.09ab
0.85 ± 0.07b
0.02 ± 0.01a
0.04 ± 0.01a
0.18 ± 0.02c
S1 S2 S3 S4
Substrate composition (%)
Rock Sand Mud
Izzati & Retnaningdyah 121
Desc: Different notations for each parameter indicated a significant difference between locations based on the One-way ANOVA test
followed by Tukey HSD with Sig. 0.05, *difference test based on Brown Forsythe followed by Howell Games with Sig. 0.05, **
based on Indonesia government regulation No. 22 Year 2021.
Based on benthic macroinvertebrates found in
Genjong River (Figure 3), the fourth station had
the least abundance and taxa richness (family). It
was caused by the fourth station located
downstream of the river, where a place of the
pollutants accumulated. It was also indicated by a
low DO value, and it was related to organic
pollution [11]. Low dissolved oxygen levels
affected benthic macroinvertebrate assemblages as
it depended on oxygen availability. Also, the high
concentrations of nitrate and orthophosphate
might indicate eutrophication of the water body
The first station also had low abundance and
taxa richness due to the low levels of nutrient
input. It was indicated by the lowest levels of
nitrate and orthophosphate among all stations. The
low level of nitrate and orthophosphate also
indicated low primary productivity and biomass
(Figure 3). The increasing value of DO was
influenced by increasing water depth, which
caused decreasing in water temperature [13]. The
first station was also located near the spring, so
based on the information provided, the first
station was classified as oligotrophic waters [13,
Figure 3. The abundance and taxa richness of
benthic macroinvertebrate each station
A total of 18 benthic families were found in all
stations. Based on the IVI calculation (Figure 4),
all stations were dominated by Hydropsychidae.
Hydropsychidae have a wide range of tolerance to
organic contamination based on their species.
However, the tolerance range usually varies based
on the longitudinal distribution due to the
combined effect of several abiotic, biotic, and
geographical factors. The crucial role that formed
the wide range of Hydropsychidae distribution is
the annual temperature range, flow velocity, and
the size of suspended food material. Based on the
habits of each species, the upstream
Hydropsychidae had a shorter tolerance range
than downstream Hydropsychidae [15].
Based on the calculation of the Shannon-
Wiener diversity index (H') (Figure 5), it indicated
a change in water quality from station 1 to station
4 due to toxic pollution. Station 1 was lightly
polluted with toxic materials because it was close
to tourist attractions. Stations 2, 3, and 4 were
moderately polluted with toxic materials because
there were residential areas and plantations along
the river.
Figure 4. The Importance Value Index (IVI) of
each benthic macroinvertebrate family found in
each station
Figure 5. Shannon-Wiener diversity index (H’)
for each station.
Description: classification of H’
Tourism activities led to an increase in garbage
which increased water pollution [16]. The
residential areas and plantations allowed the entry
of pollutants such as detergents and pesticides into
water body [17]. Also, a big-scale farm located
between stations 2 and 3 could make different
pollution levels.
Based on the analyses of Simpson diversity
index (D) (Figure 6), stations 1 and 4 indicated
moderate pollution, while stations 2 and 3 were
waters with severe pollution. The calculation of D
showed little value to rare taxa. Stations 2 and 3
had more taxa that did not show up at stations 1
and 4. That was why the D value at Stations 2 and
S1 S2 S3 S4
Taxa Richness
Abundance (ind.m-2)
Abundance Taxa richness
67.05 83.44 84.06 74.16
S1 S2 S3 S4
IVI (%)
1.74 1.16 1.21 1.24
S1 S2 S3 S4
Shannon Wiener Index (H')
122 Biotropika: Journal of Tropical Biology | Vol. 10 No. 2 | 2022
3 was higher than others [18]. Based on the
calculation of Margalef diversity index (dMg)
(Figure 6), all of the stations had low dMg values
(<3.5). Margalef diversity index was measured
taxa richness and highly sensitive to the sample.
The value of dMg was influenced by the taxa
richness found, in which the greater sampling
effort, the more diverse benthic got, so the higher
the Margalef index value [19, 20].
Figure 6. Simpson diversity index (D) and
Margalef diversity index (dMg) of benthic
macroinvertebrates in each station. Description:
classification of D, classification of dMg
Based on the calculation of evenness (E)
(Figure 7), Stations 1 and 4 were stations with
moderate uniformity (0.4 0.6). Stations 2 and 3
were stations with low uniformity (<0.4). The
value of E was related to taxa richness. If the
value was high, the benthic macroinvertebrates
were evenly distributed in the waters [20].
The calculation of the Simpson dominance
index (Id) (Figure 7) showed that partial
dominance occurred at Stations 1 and 4. While
Stations 2 and 3 had moderate partial dominance.
The value of Id was influenced by the diversity of
benthic macroinvertebrates, where the low
diversity indicated the high dominance that
occurred [21].
Figure 7. Evenness (E) and Simpson dominance
index (Id) of benthic macroinvertebrates in each
Description: classification of E;
classification of Id
Based on the calculation of the HBI value
(Figure 8) showed the level of organic matter
pollution. Stations 1 and 2 were classified as very
good water with some organic pollution probable.
While stations 3 and 4 were classified as good
water with some organic pollution based on HBI
and indicated the presence of Tubificidae.
Tubificidae had high pollutant tolerance values
(810) [14]. The low HBI value was obtained
from the low tolerance score of dominated benthic
macroinvertebrates, which were intolerant to
organic matter contamination at stations 1 and 2.
Figure 8. The HBI value and classification of
water quality in each station
Description: classification of water quality
based on HBI values.
Based on the calculation of FBI values,
stations 1, 2, and 3 were classified as good quality
waters (4.265.00) with probable organic
pollution (Figure 9). Station 4 was classified as
fair waters with substantial organic pollution
likely. This was influenced by more families that
were tolerant of organic pollutants. In addition,
Station 4 was downstream of the river, so it was
affected by pollution along the stream, such as
domestic waste and livestock waste directly
discharged into the river from settlements around
the river [14].
Figure 9. The FBI value and classification water
quality of each station.
Description: classification of water quality
based on FBI values.
0.61 0.48 0.51 0.61 0
S1 S2 S3 S4
Margalef Diversity Index (dMg)
Simpson Diversity Index (D)
D dMg
contaminated Low divers ity
0.55 0.32 0.36 0.41 0
S1 S2 S3 S4
Simpson Diversity Index (Id)
Evenness (E)
4.31 4.34 4.99 5.38
S1 S2 S3 S4
HBI value
Very good
4.31 4.34 4.99 5.38
S1 S2 S3 S4
FBI value
Very good
Izzati & Retnaningdyah 123
Based on the calculation of ASPT, it could be
seen that there was a degradation in water quality
(Figure 10). Stations 1, 2, and 3 were classified as
waters with probable moderate pollution by
organic matter. Station 4 was classified as
probable severe polluted waters. This was
indicated by the presence of several benthic
macroinvertebrate families found with low
BMWP values (Figure 6) [8], such as Tubificidae,
Hirudinidae, and Lymnaeidae. The low BMWP
value indicated a high level of tolerance to
pollutants [8].
Figure 10. The ASPT value and classification of
water quality in each station.
Description: classification of water quality
based on ASPT values
The result of the biplot analysis showed that
there was a water quality shift at each station
(Figure 11). Station 1 was characterized by a high
abundance of Limnephilidae. Stations 2 and 3
were characterized by high ASPT values and an
abundance of Hydropsychidae. While Station 4
was characterized by high BOD, nitrate levels,
orthophosphate levels, and a high abundance of
The three families had the potential to be
specific bioindicators for the water quality of the
Genjong River. Limnephilidae was Trichoptera
which indicates good water quality.
Hydropsychidae also indicates good water quality
with a wide distribution. Both of them were
sensitive to metal pollution and insecticides [22].
While Hirudinidae could live in different trophic
levels, they usually prefer a polluted organic
environment [17].
According to the correlation test using biplot
analysis through PCA, Hydropsychidae correlated
significantly with almost all the families found
because it had a wide tolerance range [21].
Hirudinidae did not correlate with Limbephilidae
and Planariidae because Hirudinidae was quite
tolerant of organic pollution. Limnephilidae and
Planariidae were bioindicators of clean waters,
although their abundance was still influenced by
abiotic environmental factors [17, 22, 23, 24].
Several biotic indices had different
classification bases. The water evaluation results
showed water quality degradation from stations 1
to 4 (Table 4). Based on several physicochemical
parameters and biotic indices, it was found that
Station 1 was a station with poor nutrition, lightly
polluted by toxic materials, and moderately
polluted by organic matter. Stations 2 and 3 were
stations with moderate pollution by toxic and
organic materials. Station 4 was a station with
moderate toxic contamination and heavy pollution
by organic matter.
Figure 11. The correlation between water quality and benthic macroinvertebrates community structure at
each station was based on biplot analysis using PCA
4.20 4.61 4.06 3.68
S1 S2 S3 S4
ASPT value
Proba ble moderate pol lution
Proba ble severe poll ution
124 Biotropika: Journal of Tropical Biology | Vol. 10 No. 2 | 2022
Table 4. Resume of Genjong River water quality based on physicochemical parameters and biotic index
Biotic indices
Station 1
Station 2
Station 3
Station 4
Shannon Wiener
diversity index (H’)
Contaminated with
light toxic materials
Moderately polluted
with toxic materials
Moderately polluted
with toxic materials
Moderately polluted
with toxic materials
Very good (possible
slight organic
Very good (possible
slight organic
Good (some organic
Good (some organic
Good (some organic
pollution probable)
Good (some organic
pollution probable)
Good (some organic
pollution probable)
Fair (substantial
pollution likely)
Probable moderate
Probable moderate
Probable moderate
Probable severe
Contaminated with
light toxic materials
and slight organic
Moderately pollutes
with toxic material
and organic pollution
Moderately pollutes
with toxic material
and organic pollution
Moderately pollutes
with toxic material
and probable severe
organic pollution
Based on the study results, it was concluded
that the physicochemical quality profile of the
Genjong River water showed degradation of water
quality in the downstream area, which was
indicated by an increase in nitrate,
orthophosphate, BOD, TSS, and conductivity
levels. The results of benthic macroinvertebrates
identification showed the degradation of water
quality in downstream parts reflected by the
increasing abundance of Lymnephilidae,
Hydropsychidae, and Hirudinidae. Calculation of
the biotic index showed that station 1 was
contaminated with light toxic materials and slight
organic pollution. Stations 2 and 3 were
moderately polluted by toxic and organic
pollutants. Station 4 was moderately polluted by
toxic material and probable severe contaminated
by organic pollution.
The authors would like to thank all Ecology
and Tropical Ecosystem Restoration Laboratory
members for data collection and interpretation.
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... Macrozoobenthos has been used in several studies in Indonesia as a bioindicator of lotic water quality, such as in the research of benthic macroinvertebrates diversity as bioindicator of water quality of some rivers in East Kalimantan, Indonesia [18], macrozoobenthos diversity as bioindicator of water quality of Metro River, Malang City [19], macrozoobenthos diversity as a bioindicator of water quality in River Sesaot Village, West Lombok [20], macrozoobenthos as a bioindicator in the four springs of Wana Wiyata Widya Karya Tourism Area, East Java [21], macrozoobenthos as bioindicator parameter in the Bolong river, Magelang [22], and benthic macroinvertebrate as bioindicator in Genjong River, East Java [23]. One of the lotic waters that has the potential to experience a decrease in water quality, but there has been no research on its water quality, is the Ngesong Spring and its ditch. ...
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The Ngesong spring is a clean spring that is used by society as a spring of clean water and as a tourist attraction. The Ngesong spring has a ditch that flows up to the society settlement, where the water is used for agricultural irrigation and plantation irrigation. The utilization of the Ngesong spring as a tourist attraction and its ditch through agriculture, settlements, and society settlements have great potential to cause pollution and degradation of water quality, so it is necessary to evaluate water quality. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor the quality of this water, one of which is using the macrozoobenthos community structure as a bioindicator. The research was conducted in four locations, namely a water spring and the channels that will be used for agriculture, plantations, and settlement activities, in September and October 2022. The variables observed in this study include the physicochemical quality of water, namely water temperature, conductivity, power of hydrogen (pH), dissolved oxygen (DO), biological oxygen demand (BOD), and total suspended solids (TSS), as well as community structure and macrozoobenthos diversity. The results of this study indicate that there are 26 macrozoobenthos families belonging to 12 orders, for a total of 968 individuals. Water springs are the location with the highest diversity and evenness index values, with H = 2.27 and E = 0.54. The results of the analysis of macrozoobenthos family relationships as an indicator of water quality using the Family Biotic Index (FBI) and Average Score Per Taxon (ASPT) showed that the Waterspring site has very clean waters and no organic pollution. At Waterspring sites that have good water quality, the families Perlidae, Nemouridae, Limnephilidae, Viviparidae, Chironomidae, and Euphaeidae were found. Meanwhile, according to the FBI, sites that have highly organically polluted waters are the ditches that had agricultural activity and, based on ASPT, settlement activity.
... Another study stated that koi cultivation in Blitar used springs, rainwater, river and irrigation water (Kilawati et al., 2020;Kartikasari et al., 2021). This water source had been polluted due to the activity of factory, household and livestock waste so its quality decreased (Sabila et al., 2022;Khopsoh et al., 2021;Hertika et al., 2021;Izzati & Retnaningdyah, 2022). ...
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Assessment of fish health is one of the efforts of farmers in minimizing losses due to disease. Rapid tests on fish health can be done through blood observations. This study aimed to determine the blood glucose profile of koi carp due to ectoparasite infestation from the level of blood glucose. The results showed that reported parasites from Blitar’s koi carp were Trichodina, Dactylogyrus, Gyrodactylus, Myxobolus, Thelohanellus, Ichthyophthirius, and Argulus. Trichodina showed the highest prevalence (100%) in this case while Thelohanellus was the highest intensity level (93.8±16.3). The results of blood glucose level measurement based on parasite infestation levels showed no significant difference (p>0.05) though the health problems caused by parasites in light, medium or heavy infestation. This research also indicated that the blood glucose profile could be used as a rapid method to detect fish health caused by parasites. We suggest that other variables such as nutritional status, life stage or feeding must be conducted to ensure the glucose role in parasite identification as a rapid method for the future work.
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Monitoring benthic communities under different agricultural practices and management could potentially become an important tool to evaluate ecosystem health and stability. Benthic macroinvertebrates have been widely used as water quality bioindicators. This study aims to analyze macroinvertebrates in rice field ecosystems affected by three types of management practices, including conventional, semi-organic, and organic. This study was conducted in Sumberjambe and Kemiri, Jember Regency. Macroinvertebrate samples were collected at three sampling stations for each type of rice field, giving out a total of nine stations. Through Ekman grab, samples were obtained and transferred into a jam jar filled with 70% ethanol using a brush. Six ecological indices were selected to describe the diversity of each station. The Principal Component Analysis (PCA) using PAST3 software provided the sample's preference towards the stations and the higher taxa (Class). We also analyzed the similarity of the macroinvertebrate communities between the sampling stations using the Jaccard Similarity Index (JSI). A total of 11 families and 4 classes of macroinvertebrates are recorded. The Shannon-Wiener index shows high diversity for stations with organic management practices (1.318), while the Evenness index shows the highest value for conventional stations (0.9449). The Jaccard similarity index value reports two stations with semi-organic stations as well as semi-organic and organic stations having the highest similarity (JSI = 76.47%), while the lowest similarity value is characterized for conventional and organic stations (JSI = 13.19%).
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The aim of this review is to summarize the literature knowledge about how abiotic environmental factors and biotic interactions affect the sequentially overlapping longitudinal distribution of Central European species of the net-spinning freshwater caddisfly larvae of the genus Hydropsyche (Trichoptera: Hydropsychidae). In this relation, several physical and chemical parameters of water are discussed, as well as different species-specific traits, behavioural aspects and the interaction of coexisting species. Longitudinal gradients of river networks, especially annual temperature range, flow velocity and the particle size of suspended food material play a crucial role in forming the downstream succession of characteristic species, while increased levels of organic pollution, nutrients, salinity and heavy metals facilitates the presence of more tolerant ones. Several species-specific traits, such as respiration range, net-building frequency, head capsule size or optimal net-building velocity correlate with the position of a given species in the sequence. Coexistence of species with similar ecological demands in the overlapping zones of distribution is facilitated by differences in feeding and net-building habits, microhabitat preferences and staggering life cycles, but complicated at the same time by means of inter- and intraspecific territorial behaviour, such as fighting for the ownership of larval retreats or the practice of stridulation.
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This paper introduced the development of tourism and its impact on the water environment. Then, taking the West Lake Basin as an example, the change of water quality in the basin between 2007 and 2018 and the changes of tourism population, tourism economic income, and tourism garbage between 2007 and 2018 through Hangzhou Tourism Bureau were investigated to analyze the impact of human tourism activities on the water environment of the West Lake Basin. The results showed that the change in curve trends of the comprehensive pollution index, number of tourists, tourism economic income, and tourism garbage in the West Lake Basin was similar, all rising; reasons for the increase of water pollution in the basin are that the increase in the number of tourists led to the increase of garbage and the government pursued the tourism economic benefits unilaterally and neglected the pollution brought by the tourism activities. Finally, we put forward three measures to reduce pollution.
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This study assessed the water quality of Ogunpa River using benthic macro-invertebrates. Three sampling stations were purposively selected and replicated trice. Benthic samples were collected fortnightly using Van Veen 0.5 m bottom grab for a period of twelve months (January-December, 2018). Water samples were collected from the stations and determined using standard methods. The mean water parameters recorded were; Temperature (26 o C ± 0.12), Dissolved Oxygen (5.05 mg/L ± 0.47), Chemical Oxygen Demand (29.53 mg/L ± 0.51), Nitrate (4.40 mg/L ± 0.20) and pH (7.82 ± 0.18). Temperature and pH were not significantly different (P>0.05), COD and nitrate were significantly different (P<0.05) while DO for stations A and B were significantly different (P<0.05) from station C. Seven (7) benthic macro-invertebrates namely Lymnaea truncatula, Lymnaea glabra, Chironomus sp., Gyrius sp., Anisoptera, Hirudo sp. and Tubifex sp. belonging to five (5) families were recorded. Overall, a total of 9,989 macro-invertebrates were recorded from all the stations with the highest relative abundance in station C (35.3%). Family Lymnaeidae had the highest abundance (53.1%) while the lowest was Odonata (6.9 %). The abundance of pollution tolerant benthic macro-invertebrate L. truncatula (36.5%) indicated that the river is under pollution stress. There is an urgent need for proper management measures to be put in place in order to maintain good water quality for the sustenance of aquatic life and meeting the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 6 (clean water and sanitation).
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Nugrahaningrum A, Harianja MF, Nugroho H, Soesilohadi RCH. 2017. Macroinvertebrate diversity role in water quality assessment of Winongo and Gajah Wong rivers, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Bonorowo Wetlands 1: 31-37. Winongo and Gajah Wong are primary rivers in Yogyakarta Special Region that have important roles for society and surrounding areas, therefore periodical river monitoring is needed. River monitoring can be conducted by utilizing macroinvertebrate diversity. This research aimed to study macroinvertebrate diversity and to analyze water quality of both rivers. Data was collected at the upstream, the middle, and the downstream, 100 m each, by transect method. The diversity and the abundance of macroinvertebrates were analyzed. The results showed that the number of macroinvertebrate families at Winongo was 24, while at Gajah Wong was 26. Based on Shannon-Wiener and Margalef Indexes, the highest diversity was at Winongo upstream, while the lowest one was at Gajah Wong middle zone. Based on Similarity Index, Winongo and Gajah Wong middle zones had the most similar diversity. Based on both scores of Family Biotic Index (FBI) and BIOTILIK Index, Winongo upstream had good water quality, while Gajah Wong middle zone was severely polluted.
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Temporal and spatial variability in macroinvertebrate community structure in relation to environmental variables in Gbako River, Niger State, Nigeria was evaluated monthly for a period of six months using modified kick sampling techniques. Four study stations were selected along the river course (upper reaches of less human impacts through mid-reaches with relative high human impacts to lower reaches of less human impacts), designated as stations 1, 2, 3, and 4. High concentrations of dissolved oxygen, lower nutrient and BOD levels were recorded in stations 1 and 4 while lower concentrations of dissolved oxygen, higher nutrient, conductivity levels, and BOD levels were recorded in stations 2 and 3. There was an abundance of the pollution sensitive taxa such as Ephemeroptera (mayflies), Coleopteran (Gyrinus spp., Dytiscus spp.) and Anisoptera (Gomphus sp., Lestinogomphus, Cordulex spp.) in all the stations, especially the upper and lower reaches, whereas on the other hand, some pollution tolerant species like the Crustaceas, Dipterans, Mollusca (Neritina rubricate, Potadoma) were merely restricted to the middle reaches (stations 2 and 3). Of the total number of individual benthic invertebrates recorded during the entire study, 53% was recorded in the dry season while the remaining 47% was recorded in the wet season. However, this difference was not statistically significant (P > 0.05) when the student t-test (tstat/cal = 0.388), tcrit = 2.447) for the densities and abundances of macroinvertebrates recorded during the two sampling seasons was applied. Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA) separated the less impacted from the more impacted sites and also showed that the invertebrate fauna was significantly (P < 0.05) associated with environmental factors of Gbako River. The CCA identified conductivity, depth, flow velocity, dissolved oxygen, biological oxygen demand, and phosphates as important variables structuring the macroinvertebrate assemblages. The higher number of benthic invertebrates recorded in the dry season could be attributed to the unstable nature of the substrates through inputs and influx of storm water during the rainy season months.
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The Hirudinea species were collected from various running waters and lakes in Turkey. The sampling sites were located on Yeşilırmak River, streams in Yedigöller National Park, Büyük Menderes River, Lake Beyşehir, Lake Işıklı, Karamuk Marsh and Karadut Spring of Acıgöl Lake. Recorded species were evaluated with physicochemical variables such as temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, conductivity, nitrite nitrogen, nitrate nitrogen, ammonium nitrogen, orthophosphate phosphorus and substratum structure. In this study, eight Hirudinea species were determined. These are Helobdella stagnalis, Erpobdella octoculata, Erpobdella testacea, Erpobdella vilnensis, Dina stschegolewi, Hirudo verbana, Limnatis nilotica, Haemopis sanguisuga. The relationships between leech species and water quality variables were assessed with canonical correspondence analysis. The results show that leech species which are found in the present study are able to live in different saprobic levels in streams and trophic levels in lakes, but they usually prefer polluted environments. Knowledge of ecological characteristics of leech species must be improved to use them in water quality assessment much more effectively.
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This research aims to determine the water quality of tertiary irrigation in several subdistricts in Malang, namely Kepanjen, Karangploso, and Tumpang. The water quality depends on the water quality indices (National Sanitation Foundation's-NSF Indices and O'Connor's Indices based on variables TSS, TDS, pH, DO, and Nitrate concentrate) and ecological indices of benthic macroinvertebrate (Diversity Indices Shannon-Wiener, Hilsenhof Biotic Indices-HBI, Average Score per Taxon-ASPT which is calculated by Biological Monitoring Working Party-BMWP, Ephemeroptera Indices, Plecoptera, Trichoptera-EPT). Observation of the physico-chemical water quality and benthic macroinvertebrate on May 2012 to April 2013. The sampling in each subdistrict was done at two selected stations in tertiary irrigation channel with three plot at each station. The data of physico-chemical quality of water were used to calculate the water quality indices, while the benthic macroinvertebrate data were used to calculate the ecological indices. The research findings showed that 27 taxa of benthic macroinvertebrates belong 10 classes were found in the three subdistrict. The pH, DO, Nitrate, TSS and TDS in six tertiary irrigation channels in Malang still met the water quality standards based on Government Regulation No. 82 of 2001 on Management of Water Quality and Water Pollution Control Class III. Based on NSF-WQI indices and O'Connor's Indices, water qualities in these irrigation channels were categorized into medium or moderate (yellow) to good (green) category. However, based on benthic macroinvertebrate communities which was used to determine the HBI, the water quality in the irrigation channels were categorized into the fair category (fairly significant organic pollution) to fairly poor (significant organic pollution), while based on the value of ASPT, the water were categorized into probable moderate pollution to probable severe pollution. The irrigation water which was categorized into good by WQI was consistently included into fair based on HBI and probable moderate pollution based on ASPT.
The objective of this work was assessing the sensitivity of leeches to several water quality attributes in lowlands streams. We used occupancy modelling that account explicitly for detectability, to estimate the influence of four variables (dissolved oxygen, 5-days biochemicals oxygen demand, conductivity, and dissolved inorganic nitrogen) affecting nine species. We described the sensitivity as a change in the occupancy along the range of water quality attributes. We found at least one species of Helobdella in 81% of sites and Helobdella, as genus, was detected along the entire gradient of each attribute. However, differences in the sensitivity were observed between species. For example, if we analyse the sensitivity of the genus Helobdella to dissolved oxygen, we can say that it is very tolerant. However, if we analyse the response to dissolved oxygen of each one of the species of Helobdella, we will realize that H. michaelseni, and H. simplex showed a high occupancy at high levels of dissolved oxygen; while H. hyalina and H. triserialis lineata showed high occupancy at low levels. Describe the sensitivity of the species in terms of occupancy, offers a new methodology to understand how the species behave along a stressor gradient.