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Cassiana Baptista-Metri

Cassiana Baptista-Metri
Universidade Estadual do Paraná - Paranaguá

Doctor of Zoology


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My engagement is to research crabs and shrimps and their diversity, ecological and socioeconomic relations.
Additional affiliations
August 2015 - August 2017
UNESPAR, Paranaguá, Brazil
  • Coordinator of department
August 2013 - July 2015
Universidade Estadual do Paraná
  • Vice coordinator of department
April 2010 - present
Universidade Estadual do Paraná
  • Professor (Full)


Publications (36)
Crustaceans are a biological model of ecotoxicology and consequently are widely used to assess the impact of xenobiotics. The toxicity of xenobiotics starts in the interaction of biomolecules and can even cause changes in an entire ecosystem. This paper aims to compile the histomorphological changes caused by xenobiotics in the gills and hepatopanc...
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O litoral do Paraná tem forte relação com as benzedeiras desde o processo de colonização do Brasil, quando devido à ausência de médicos, assumiram o papel de vigilantes da saúde, as pessoas que possuíam o conhecimento empírico sobre as formas de uso das plantas com propriedades medicinais na cura das pessoas. Apesar da relevância nas últimas década...
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This study presents the first record of the cordiform echinoid Plagiobrissus grandis (Gmelin, 1791) (Echinoidea: Spatangoida: Brissidae) in Paraná’s shallow inner shelf, in addition to a brief description of its location, body measurements, sex determination, and reproductive status. Two specimens were recorded between 2015 (bycatch by artisanal fi...
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Os manguezais desempenham um papel crucial na sustentação da vida e das comunidades humanas nas regiões costeiras. Eles fornecem uma série de serviços essenciais para a biodiversidade e para aqueles que vivem nessas áreas em todo o trópico. Este estudo tem como objetivo analisar a composição química do solo de manguezais, com foco nos metais pesado...
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Monitoramento do Caranguejo-uçá (Ucides cordatus) no Lagamar Paranaense RESUMO O monitoramento dos manguezais é uma estratégia para avaliar o seu estado de conservação e faz parte do Plano de Ação Nacional para a Conservação das Espécies Ameaçadas e de Importância Socioeconômica do Ecossistema Manguezal (PAN Manguezal). Neste estudo, o protocolo pa...
Sagittal otoliths are structures integrating the sensory system of teleost fish, assisting in balance and hearing and are normally formed by calcium carbonate as aragonite. Sagittal otoliths have intraspecific shape, the aim of this study was to check the frequency of anomalous otoliths and to characterize the crystallization of sagittal otoliths i...
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Fundamentada pela recomposição dos serviços ecossistêmicos, a AbE visa diminuir a vulnerabilidade e promover a resiliência das pessoas em relação às mudanças do clima com ações de baixo custo, mas alto valor ecológico. Essa concepção vem sendo aplicada na região do Lagamar, por meio do projeto Biodiversidade e Mudanças Climáticas na Mata Atlântica,...
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The Indo-Pacific edible swimming crab Scylla serrata is reported here for the fifth time from the western Atlantic including a failed attempt of introduction to Florida for aquaculture purposes in the years 1960's. The species had been recorded from Brazil in the early 1980's and in 2011 and from the Caribbean coast of Colombia in 2013. The capture...
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The Indo-Pacific swimming crab Charybdis hellerii (A. Milne-Edwards, 1867) is native to the Indo-Pacific Ocean, and occurs as an invasive species along the Eastern American coast, where it was probably introduced in ballast water. The present study evaluated the osmoregulation and salinity tolerance of C. hellerii in Paranaguá Bay, Paraná, Brazil,...
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As características químicas em conjunto com a estrutura de bosques de mangue são informações fundamentais para compreender a dinâmica deste ambiente. O objetivo foi analisar parâmetros químicos e a estrutura de bosque em manguezais com diferente pressão antrópica, um deles localizado próximo a um complexo industrial e ao porto de Paranaguá na vila...
The chemical characteristics in conjunction with the mangrove forest structure are key information to understand the dynamics of this environment. The objective was to analyze chemical parameters and forest structure in mangroves under different anthropogenic stresses. Two mangroves were studied in Paranaguá, PR, one located near an industrial comp...
Conference Paper
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Millhares de brasileiros não tem acesso a riqueza a terra, aos bens materiais e culturais e de apropriação de conhecimentos científicos e tecnológicos. A divulgação da ciência visa dotar de conhecimento esta parcela da população como forma de levar conhecimento básico sobre a ciência e seu funcionamento que lhe dê condições de entender o seu entorn...
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Geometric morphometric techniques were applied for a better comprehension of inter- and intra-specific morphological variability of freshwater aeglid crabs. Carapace morphological patterns were used to address hypothesis regarding 1) the simple existence of local adaptations or 2) actual stable evolutionary features within the lineages studied. Two...
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Resumo-A pesca é uma atividade de importância econômica e sociocultural no litoral do Paraná. O presente estudo teve por objetivo investigar o processo de pesca do siri no Litoral Paranaense com a utilização de gaiolas, caracterizando as condições em que esta modalidade de pesca é realizada. Entre julho e agosto de 2014, foram realizadas visitas à...
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The Argentine stiletto shrimp (Artemesia longinaris) and the Argentine red shrimp (Pleoticus muelleri) currently sustain an important fishery in terms of tonnage and revenues in southern Brazil. This study analyzed the factors affecting the abundance of both species through the application of Generalized Linear Models to landing-per-unit-of-effort...
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The blue land crab, Cardisoma guanhumi Latreille, 1828 (Brachyura: Gecarcinidae) is officially included in the list of over-exploited species in Brazil, although still abundantly found in the state of Santa Catarina, the southern limit of its distribution. This species was found in forested areas, gardens, and grassy areas, including crabs with car...
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From decrease of the yield from pink shrimp fishery since 1980’s decade, until than an important fish resource at southeast-south of Brazil, a lot of species captured incidentally, but with high commercial value, had become to sustain the double trawl fleet. The shrimps Artemesia longinaris and Pleoticus muelleri occupied the first places among the...
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From April 2000 to April 2001 all individuals of C. danae Smith, 1869 included on one otter-trawl by-catch was fortnightly sampled at Shangri-lá's fish market (25°37'30"S, 48°25'08"W) in order to study their population structure and reproductive pattern. Each specimen was sexed and measured (CW = carapace width, excluding lateral spines; WW = wet w...
Swimming crabs are commonly found in the otter-trawl shrimp fishery by-catch, which operate intensively in the Coastal Plain of Leste Beach, where is located Shangri-lá Beach (25°37'30"S and 48°25'08"W), Paraná State. This work aimed to study the population structure of Callinectes ornatus Ordway, 1863, the most abundant swimming crab in this beach...
Swimming crabs are commonly found in the otter-trawl shrimp fishery by-catch, which operate intensively in the Coastal Plain of Leste Beach, where is located Shangri-lá Beach (25°37'30"S and 48°25'08"W), Paraná State. This work aimed to study the population structure of Callinectes ornatus Ordway, 1863, the most abundant swimming crab in this beach...
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The meiofaunal community of two hydrodynamically different sand beaches was studied at Ilha do Mel, Paraná state (25º29’ S and 48°17’ W), Brazil. The sediment at a sheltered site and at a site exposed to open ocean was dominated mainly by fine sand. At the sheltered site the sediment was less sorted, with some clay, silt and organic matter. Sea wat...
Orientador: José Angel Alvarez Perez Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Biológicas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Zoologia. Defesa: Curitiba, 2007 Inclui bibliografia e anexos Area de concentração: Zoologia


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