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Risk and protective factors for mental health in elite athletes: a scoping review


Abstract and Figures

The purpose of this scoping review was to provide an overview of studies concerning the mental health (MH) of elite athletes and to provide a methodological, conceptual, and applied overview of factors affecting elite athletes’ MH. A total of nine reviews and 43 empirical studies were evaluated and are reported in three sections: sample characteristics, research design, and factors affecting elite athletes’ MH. These factors were grouped into risk and protective factors and divided into a personal and sport-environmental domain. The studies used quantitative (84%), qualitative (11%), and mixed-method (5%) designs and examined a wide range of sports in different countries. Our review shows that researchers have predominantly examined the prevalence of athletes’ mental ill-health (e.g. depression) and the related factors compromising MH. Potential protective factors such as the feeling of autonomy, positive relations in sport and private life, and adequate recovery were highlighted in the qualitative studies. The discussion appraises the findings through a critical lens, focuses on the current state of the research area and the MH definition, limitations, suggested practical implications (e.g. to provide MH literacy to both athletes and coaches), and future research directions (e.g. examining environments that foster elite athletes’ MH).
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Factors affecting the mental health of elite athletes
Risk and Protective Factors for Mental Health in Elite Athletes: A Scoping Review
A. Kuettela*, C. H. Larsena
a Department of Sports Science and Clinical Biomechanics, University of Southern Denmark,
Andreas Kuettel (*corresponding author) ORCID: 0000-0003-0235-3590
Assistant Professor, Ph.D.
Department of Sports Science and Clinical Biomechanics
University of Southern Denmark
Campusvej 55, DK-5230 Odense M, Denmark
Phone: +45-50-172897üttel-b7682356
E-mail: or
Carsten Hvid Larsen
Associate Professor, Ph.D. ORCID: 0000-0003-3309-9417
Department of Sports Science and Clinical Biomechanics
University of Southern Denmark
Campusvej 55, DK-5230 Odense M, Denmark
Factors affecting the mental health of elite athletes
Abstract 1
The purpose of this scoping review was to provide an overview of studies concerning the 2
mental health (MH) of elite athletes and to provide a methodological, conceptual, and 3
applied overview of factors affecting elite athletes’ MH. A total of nine reviews and 43 4
empirical studies were evaluated and are reported in three sections: sample characteristics, 5
research design, and factors affecting elite athletes’ MH. These factors were grouped into 6
risk and protective factors and divided into a personal and sport-environmental domain. 7
The studies used quantitative (84%), qualitative (11%), and mixed-method (5%) designs 8
and examined a wide range of sports in different countries. Our review shows that 9
researchers have predominantly examined the prevalence of athletes’ mental ill-health 10
(e.g., depression) and the related factors compromising MH. Potential protective factors 11
such as the feeling of autonomy, positive relations in sport and private life, and adequate 12
recovery were highlighted in the qualitative studies. The discussion appraises the findings 13
through a critical lens, focuses on the current state of the research area and the MH 14
definition, limitations, suggested practical implications (e.g., to provide MH literacy to 15
both athletes and coaches), and future research directions (e.g., examining environments 16
that foster elite athletes’ MH). 17
Key words: elite athletes; mental health; scoping review; sport; well-being 19
Factors affecting the mental health of elite athletes
Introduction 1
Research on mental health (MH) in elite sport has grown rapidly in recent years (Rice et 2
al., 2016). Several studies have demonstrated significant levels of mental ill-health among athlete 3
populations and therefore present cause for concern (Foskett & Longstaff, 2018; Schaal et al., 4
2011). Competitive international sport has led to increased pressure on elite athletes and the high 5
demands and extensive training loads present potential threats to athletes’ MH (Rice et al., 6
2016). The prevalence of diagnosable psychiatric disorders in athletes ranges from 4% to 68% 7
(Elbe & Jensen, 2016) and the variation in reported prevalence is a subject of ongoing debate 8
(Gorczynski, Coyle, & Gibson, 2017). Furthermore, the peak competitive years for elite athletes 9
tend to overlap with the peak age for the risk of onset of mental disorders (Gulliver et al., 2012). 10
The elite sports context consists of a unique range of stressors (Arnold & Fletcher, 2012). 11
These include competitive (e.g., performance expectation), organizational (e.g., travel), and 12
personal (e.g., family issues) stressors, that potentially increase the risk of mental illness in 13
athletes (Rice et al., 2016). Just as physical training must be balanced with adequate recovery, so 14
too must psychological demands be balanced with strategies to support MH. Since MH is a core 15
component of any culture of excellence (Schinke, Stambulova, Si, & Moore, 2017), many elite 16
sports organizations have recently increased their focus on athletes’ MH and aim to provide 17
solutions through their sports environments (Henriksen et al., 2019). 18
In order to conduct an overview of the current state of knowledge on athletes’ MH, we 19
have identified nine review-type papers through a systematic search (see Figure 1) and appraised 20
them in terms of aims, type of review, number and characteristics of studies included, as well as 21
major contributions (see a brief summary in Table 1). Reviews can be characterized by their 22
methods used (i.e., search, appraisal, synthesis, and analysis) and can, according to Grant and 23
Factors affecting the mental health of elite athletes
Booth (2014), be divided into 14 different types, each with its strengths and weaknesses. For 1
example, systematic reviews aim for exhaustive comprehensive searching, apply a well-defined 2
query, and are useful to answer clearly defined questions. In scoping reviews, similar searching 3
methods are used for answering much broader questions (e.g., “what is known about this 4
concept?”) but no formal quality assessment of the included studies is conducted. Meta-analyses 5
use statistical techniques to provide a more precise effect of results obtained in different studies. 6
Narrative reviews are aimed at identifying and summarizing what has been previously published 7
for the purpose of reinterpretation or discussion. In contrast to systematic/scoping reviews and 8
meta-analyses, the methods used in narrative reviews to select the articles may not be described 9
explicitly and thus, reproducing narrative reviews is hardly possible. 10
The first reviews concerning MH in athletes (Bär & Markser, 2013; Glick et al., 2012; 11
Reardon & Factor, 2010) originated from the field of sport psychiatry and discussed the 12
diagnosis and treatment of athletes suffering from mental disorders. Rice and colleagues (2016) 13
assessed the prevalence of mental illnesses in athletes and structured the studies according to 14
different topics (e.g., anxiety, eating disorder, substance abuse), whereas Gorczynski, Coyle, and 15
Gibson (2017) compared mild or more severe depression between high-performance and non-16
athletes in their meta-analysis. Breslin, Shannon, Haughey, Donnelly, and Leavey (2017) 17
explored the effectiveness of MH awareness programs, while Moesch et al. (2018) discussed the 18
accessibility and quality of services in related to athletes’ MH in different European countries. 19
The recent position stands on MH from the International Society of Sport Psychology (ISSP; 20
Schinke et al., 2017) and the European Federation of Sport Psychology (FEPSAC; Moesch et al., 21
2018) represent the increasing attention directed at MH in sport. 22
Factors affecting the mental health of elite athletes
Looking at the nine review papers (Table 1) from a developmental perspective, it can be 1
observed that the discourse of MH in elite athletes originated from a rather negative 2
conceptualization of athletes’ MH, hence from a clinical and treatment perspective. The ISSP 3
and FEPSAC position stands represent a discourse stemming from positive psychology that 4
directs the attention towards a proactive MH approach. Although risk and protective factors were 5
mentioned in some of the above-mentioned reviews, to date, no review has systematically 6
focused on factors affecting the MH of elite athletes. Still, knowledge about protective and risk 7
factors concerning athletes’ MH can be crucial for researchers and practitioners, and this is 8
where the current scoping review will contribute to the existing knowledge. 9
- Please insert Table 1 around here - 10
Conceptual Framework 11
The World Health Organization (WHO, 2014) defines mental health as ‘a state of well-12
being in which every individual realizes his or her own potential, can cope with the normal 13
stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to her or 14
his community’ (p.2). Hence, current views on MH and well-being have shifted the focus from a 15
negative conceptualization of MH as the absence of mental illness to definitions that encompass 16
positive aspects and include the level of functioning of individuals (Tennant et al., 2007; Uphill, 17
Sly, & Swain, 2016). In this review, we refer to Keyes’ (2002; 2007) two-continuum model in 18
which MH is characterized as a complete state. Keyes (2002) suggested that mental illness and 19
mental health are two distinct but related dimensions existing on two separate continua. The first 20
continuum relates to the absence and presence of mental illness, whilst the second relates to the 21
absence or presence of mental health. Accordingly, athletes could simultaneously have both 22
positive mental health and experience mental illness (e.g., Michael Phelps, who, despite his 23
Factors affecting the mental health of elite athletes
diagnosed depression experienced flourishing in certain periods of his long successful career). 1
Alternatively, athletes could be free from mental illness but may be languishing. Thus, MH 2
provides a conceptual space that encapsulates the broad spectrum of both distressing and 3
flourishing experiences but recognizes that the strategies designed to reduce distressing 4
symptoms may not necessarily be the same as those designed to enhance flourishing (Uphill et 5
al., 2016). 6
Looking beyond this conceptualization, MH is contextualized and refers to the alignment 7
between the individual and the context (Henriksen et al., 2019). An elite athlete may thrive in 8
one sports environment or area of life and struggle in another, pointing to the importance of the 9
person-environment fit (Larsen, Alfermann, Henriksen, & Christensen, 2013). Environments 10
shape the motives of athletes, which contributes to self-reflection and the intrapersonal lived 11
experience of MH (Henriksen et al., 2019). Therefore, an appropriate and cognizant sporting 12
environment may support athletes’ well-being and could as such be understood as a protective 13
factor underpinning MH (Lebrun, MacNamara, Rodgers, & Collins, 2018). On the other hand, a 14
dysfunctional environment could be a risk factor that leads to the athlete having mental issues. 15
However, understanding whether a factor works as a risk or a protective factor for athletes’ MH 16
is key for practitioners to shape environments that can help to nourish athletes’ well-being. 17
Keeping in mind our shared identity as sports psychology researchers with a strong applied 18
perspective in elite sport, the critical component of this review was mainly applied to 19
psychological research literature. We chose to apply the propositions of the ISSP MH consensus 20
statement (Henriksen et al., 2019) as a critical lens to spur on the further development of the MH 21
discourse in elite sport. The purpose of this scoping review was threefold: (a) to provide an 22
overview of research concerning the MH of elite athletes from 1998 to 2018, (b) to identify and 23
Factors affecting the mental health of elite athletes
categorize factors affecting elite athletes’ MH, and (c) to critically appraise the papers and detect 1
research gaps and future challenges. 2
Methodology 3
Methodologically, this review is informed by the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic 4
Review and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA-ScR; Tricco et al., 2018, see Appendix 1) and the 5
recommendations of Grant and Booth (2009) on how to present results of a scoping review in 6
tabular, graphical, and narrative forms. 7
Search Strategy and Identifying Relevant Papers 8
The search strategy was initiated in May 2018 and initially included the use of the five 9
electronic databases: SPORTDiscus, SCOPUS, PsychINFO, EMBASE, and PubMed. The 10
rationale for using these databases relates to their prominent usage in other systematic reviews 11
(Park, Lavallee, & Tod, 2013; Rice et al., 2016; Sheridan, Coffee, & Lavallee, 2014) using a 12
similar protocol. Database searches included the following search terms (e.g., for SCOPUS): 13
((TITLE-ABS-KEY (sport*)) AND (TITLE-ABS-KEY (athlete*))) AND ((TITLE-ABS-KEY 14
(mental AND illness OR mental AND disorder OR psych* AND problem OR depression OR 15
anxiety OR stress)) OR (TITLE-ABS-KEY (mental AND health OR mental AND well-being OR 16
mental AND wellbeing OR flourishing))). We decided to include the more overarching term 17
“well-being” instead of adding the 13 sub-concepts (e.g., life satisfaction, personal growth, and 18
social integration) of Keyes’ (2005) dimensions reflecting mental health and flourishing. Similar 19
search strategies have been applied in other reviews concerning athletes’ MH (e.g., Breslin et al., 20
2017; Rice et al., 2016). Additional citations were subsequently gathered through reading the 21
reference lists of the articles and reviews already obtained. 22
Factors affecting the mental health of elite athletes
Inclusion criteria for the current investigation were as follows. Studies had to: (a) be 1
related to athletesMH or mental illness; (b) have a population comprising high-performance, 2
elite, or professional athletes (based on the definition of Swann, Moran, & Piggott, 2015), (c) be 3
published between 1998 and 2018, and (d) be written in English. Exclusion criteria were (a) grey 4
literature was not included, (b) participants not described as elite athletes (college athletes were 5
excluded because their athletic level can vary from local to national level), (c) commentaries 6
about athletes’ MH, and (d) full-text not available. We excluded publications that focused 7
exclusively on burnout, general stress, or concussions/overtraining that were not specifically 8
related to athletesMH. Not including grey literature provides a possible bias, however, 9
unpublished studies rarely impact the results and conclusions of reviews (Hartling et al., 2017). 10
The authors met on several occasions between May and July 2018 to review the initial 11
records identified (n = 3155). After excluding articles based on titles that were not relevant, 12
potential articles were taken to the abstract screening (n = 186) for further examination in 13
accordance with the above-described inclusion and exclusion criteria. The same procedure was 14
applied in the step from abstract to full-text screening (n = 64). Figure 1 provides an overview of 15
the study selection process. The selection and analysis of the studies were monitored throughout 16
the review process. Protocols for inclusion/exclusion and details about the search of the 17
databases can be obtained from the first author upon request. 18
- Please insert Figure 1 around here - 19
Bibliographic Coding and Appraisal of the Included Papers 20
As part of the analysis process, each of the 43 empirical studies was assigned a 21
bibliography number (in alphabetical order, see Table 2) and a similar systematic review 22
protocol as used by Park et al. (2012) and Stambulova and Wylleman (2018) was applied to this 23
Factors affecting the mental health of elite athletes
analysis. After coding, the articles were re-read and appraised for (a) major foci of the study; (b) 1
participants (i.e., number, mean age or age range, gender ratio) and contexts (i.e., sports, level, 2
country); (c) methodology (i.e., type of study, design, methods/instruments used); (d) correlates 3
and associations related to elite athletes’ MH; and (e) main findings and major contribution to 4
the literature. A formal paper-by-paper critical quality assessment was not undertaken. Such 5
appraisals are not a necessary feature of scoping reviews (Grant & Booth, 2009; Tricco et al., 6
2018), and such practices can distract readers from the purpose of a scoping review. We did, 7
however, analyze the papers in a way that allowed us to make critical observations about the 8
research as a body of work, in keeping with the goals of a scoping review. The result of this 9
work is presented in Table 2, which represents an analysis of the included articles and which was 10
also used to summarize the protective and risk factors. 11
- Please insert Table 2 around here - 12
Data Analysis to Identify Protective and Risk Factors for Athletes’ Mental Health 13
Several steps were taken to identify and categorize the factors related to athletes’ MH. 14
Firstly, we selected and classified the correlates (quantitative studies) and associations 15
(qualitative studies) related to mental health (e.g., mental well-being, flourishing) and mental ill-16
health (e.g., depression, anxiety, eating disorder) from each of the studies. Many studies 17
examined multiple correlates, and in these cases, the correlates were listed separately. Secondly, 18
we examined the direction of association of the correlates and associations and classified them as 19
either protective or risk factors for athletes’ MH. Thirdly, based on the previous literature (e.g., 20
Rice et al., 2016; Sarkar & Fletcher, 2014) and our own understanding of MH factors, we 21
grouped the correlates/associations into overarching factor themes. For example, poor 22
performance, deselection, pressure from sponsors, and weight control were grouped into sport-23
Factors affecting the mental health of elite athletes
specific stressors, whereas self-discipline, mature defense mechanism, self-encouragement, self-1
reflection, and setting meaningful goals were grouped into protective behavior. Fourthly, we 2
divided the overarching protective and risk factor themes into a personal domain and a sport-3
environmental domain and situated the overarching factors accordingly (Table 4). Throughout 4
the analysis process, the authors had regular meetings to discuss the process of identifying 5
correlates and categorizing the protective and risk factors. Furthermore, the participants of the 6
ISSP Think Tank on MH in the fall of 2018 (Henriksen et al., 2019) provided an expert 7
evaluation of the factor themes. Finally, in order to provide a visual overview and to facilitate the 8
understanding of the factors related to elite athletes’ MH, we created a conceptual map (Figure 2) 9
displaying the protective and risk factor themes and the number of correlates/associations within 10
the personal domain and the sport-environmental domain, respectively. 11
Results 12
Quantitative Mapping 13
Research designs and instruments. Table 3 represents the study design and sample 14
characteristics across the 43 empirical studies. Researchers have used quantitative characteristics 15
(36), qualitative characteristics (5) or a combination of both (2) to examine the MH of elite 16
athletes. Four studies employed a longitudinal approach while cross-sectional methods were 17
employed in the remaining 39 studies. Well over four-fifths of the studies (36) collected data via 18
questionnaires and the rest (7) collected data via interviews. The questionnaires can be divided 19
into 11 categories: (a) stress and recovery (30); (b) general health and mood state (25); (c) sleep, 20
eating, alcohol and smoking behavior (23); (d) depressive symptoms (21); (e) help-seeking 21
attitude and behavior (13); (f) career and need satisfaction (9); (g) anxiety (8); (h) well-being (6); 22
(i) resilience and coping (6); (j) social relationships and environment (5); and (k) perfectionism 23
Factors affecting the mental health of elite athletes
(5). The most frequently applied instrument was the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12; 1
Goldberg & Williams, 1988) used in 14 studies, the Center for Epidemiologic Studies 2
Depression Scale (CES-D; Radloff, 1977) used in ten studies, the Distress Screener (4DSQ; 3
Braam et al., 2009) used in nine studies, and the Recovery-Stress Questionnaire (RESTQ; 4
Kellmann & Kallus, 2001) used in six studies. 5
- Please insert Table 3 around here - 6
Sample characteristics. The total number of participants was 11,475 of which 2,857 7
were female athletes and 7,539 were male athletes. Four studies (in total 1,079 athletes) did not 8
specify gender. More than half of the studies (24) had mixed-gender samples, 12 studies had 9
purely male samples, and three studies were conducted with female athletes only. Sample sizes 10
ranged between eight and 2,067. Eight studies had fewer than 50 participants and six studies 11
were conducted with a sample size of between 51 and 100. Eighteen studies had between 101 12
and 300 participants, and 11 studies examined population sizes greater than 300. According to 13
our inclusion criteria, the studies contained in this review reflected elite-level athletes (23) and 14
professional athletes (15), or a combination of both (5). Their athletic status was either active 15
(34), retired (2), or a combination of active and retired athletes (7). The samples contained team-16
sport athletes (16), athletes participating in individual sports (5), or a combination of both (22). 17
In three studies, the athletes were aged under 16, in 28 studies, the athletes were aged between 16 18
and 26 and in six studies, the athletes were 27 or older. Four studies included athletes with a 19
wide age range, while two studies did not report the age of the participants. As outlined in Table 20
3, the majority of studies were conducted in Western countries (26 in Europe, seven in 21
Australia/Oceania, two in North America, two in Asia, and seven studies had samples from 22
Factors affecting the mental health of elite athletes
different continents/contexts). The fact that 81% of the included studies have been published in 1
the last five years (2013-2018) emphasizes the increased interest in the issue of athletes’ MH. 2
Qualitative Mapping 3
Factors affecting elite athletes’ mental health. Across the studies, we identified 82 4
correlates related to elite athletes’ MH. These variables were grouped into 25 overarching themes 5
during the analysis (ten protective factor themes and 15 risk factor themes; see Table 4 and 6
Figure 2). Eighty-one percent of the studies (35) examined personal risk factors (e.g., injury, 7
ineffective coping, adverse life events), while 37% of the studies examined sport-environmental 8
risk factors (e.g., deselection, stigma around help-seeking). Thirteen studies examined personal 9
protective factors (e.g., acceptance, positive social relationships), while 25% of the studies 10
investigated sport-environmental protective factors (e.g., climate of trust, access to specific 11
support). Injury and overtraining concerning athletes’ MH were the most researched themes with 12
37% of the studies examining these issues in relation to depressive symptoms and mental ill-13
being. The majority of studies (27) examined exclusively risk factors, four studies explored 14
protective factors only, while the remaining 12 studies investigated MH risk and protective 15
factors together. 16
Personal protective factors. Experiencing acceptance and expressing one’s real self in 17
therapeutic relationships (Doherty, Hannigan, & Campbell, 2016); appropriate behavior such as 18
self-discipline, mature defense mechanism, and self-encouragement (Gulliver, Griffiths, & 19
Christensen, 2012; Mousavi, Mousavi, & Yaghubi, 2017; Nixdorf, Frank, Hautzinger, & 20
Beckmann, 2013); self-reflection and setting meaningful and personally significant goals 21
(Mousavi et al., 2017); the use of available resources, and acceptance of multiple roles 22
(Lundqvist & Sandin, 2014) were the factors related to protective behavior investigated in five 23
Factors affecting the mental health of elite athletes
studies. Sports confidence and sports success (Lundqvist & Sandin, 2014; Newman, Howells, & 1
Fletcher, 2016), self-esteem (Lundqvist & Raglin, 2015), situational control (Nixdorf et al., 2
2013), and employment status after retirement (Gouttebarge, Aoki, Verhagen, & Kerkhoffs, 3
2016) were found to be protective factors related to the feeling of competence. Positive social 4
relationships and support were investigated as general social support (Doherty et al, 2016; 5
Gulliver, Griffiths, & Christensen, 2012) and access to support (Coyle, Gorczynski, & Gibson, 6
2017) along with being married (Jones, 2016). General recovery (Frank, Nixdorf, & Beckmann, 7
2017; Nixdorf et al., 2013), sport as a way to de-stress (Newman et al., 2016), and willpower in 8
recovery (Doherty et al., 2016) were recovery factors promoting MH. Two studies (Lundqvist & 9
Sandin, 2014; Prinz, Dvorak, & Junge, 2016) highlighted athletes’ feeling of autonomy (e.g., 10
making own plans for the future) as a protective MH factor. Finally, two studies emphasized 11
basic needs satisfaction (Lundqvist & Raglin, 2015) and sports career satisfaction (Foskett & 12
Longstaff, 2017) as factors fostering elite athletes’ MH. 13
Sport-environmental protective factors. Six studies highlighted the positive effect on the 14
athletes’ support staff of mental health literacy, including awareness (Breslin, Shannon, 15
Haughey, Donnelly, & Leavey; 2017; Gulliver, Griffiths, & Christensen, 2012; Gulliver 16
Griffiths, Christensen, Mackinnon, et al., 2012; Newman et al., 2016), access to specialist 17
support (Coyle et al., 2017), and a positive therapeutic relationship Doherty et al., (2016) on 18
athletes’ MH well-being. Furthermore, a trusting and mastery-orientated climate (Lundqvist & 19
Raglin, 2015) such as confidentiality and trust in coach (Gulliver, Griffiths, & Christensen, 2012; 20
Lundqvist & Sandin, 2014), and encouragement of others towards help-seeking (Gulliver, 21
Griffiths, Christensen, Mackinnon et al., 2012) were found to be beneficial factors. Successful 22
retirement adjustment (i.e., retirement status compared to active elite athletes (Jones, 2016; Prinz 23
Factors affecting the mental health of elite athletes
et al., 2016), or amount of working hours/employment status were related to a better MH status 1
in athletes. Two studies investigated sports friendships (Lundqvist & Sandin, 2014), and social 2
support from the sports context (Gulliver, Griffiths, & Christensen, 2012) and found these factors 3
to be positively related to athletes’ MH. 4
- Please insert Table 4 around here - 5
Personal risk factors. Factors related to injury and overtraining in relation to MH were 6
investigated as (severe or multiple) injuries (Appaneal, Levine, Perna, & Roh, 2009; Belz, 7
Heidari, Levenig, Hasenbring, Kellmann, & Kleinert, 2018; Biggin, Burns, & Uphill, 2017; 8
Celebi et al. 2015; Gouttebarge, Jonkers, et al., 2017a, 2017b; Gouttebarge, Tol, & Kerkhoffs, 9
2016; Gulliver, Griffiths, & Christensen, 2012; Gulliver, Griffiths, Mackinnon, Batterham, & 10
Stanimirovic, 2015; Jones, 2016; Junge & Feddermann-Demont, 2016; Kilic et al., 2017; 11
Newman et al., 2016; Prinz et al., 2016), concussion (Du Preez et al., 2017), or surgery 12
(Gouttebarge, Jonkers et al., 2017b; Kilic et al., 2017) and reflected the largest theme in terms of 13
the number of studies included in this review. Risk behavior and ineffective coping were 14
investigated in ten studies including perfectionist concerns (Jensen, Ivarsson, Fallby, Dankers, & 15
Elbe, 2018; Lundqvist & Raglin, 2015; Newman et al., 2016), negative coping strategies 16
(Mousavi et al., 2017; Nixdorf et al., 2013; Nixdorf et al., 2016), anxiety (Coyle et al., 2017; 17
Newman et al., 2016), fear of failure (Biggin et al., 2017), difficulties in expressing emotions 18
(Gulliver, Griffiths, & Christensen, 2012), and inaccurate self-understanding (Doherty et al., 19
2016). Adverse life events (e.g., death of a family member, separation) in the past six months 20
were investigated in nine studies (Gouttebarge, Aoki, et al., 2017; Gouttebarge, Frings-Dresen, & 21
Sluiter; 2015; Gouttebarge, Tol, & Kerkhoffs, 2016; Gouttebarge, Jonkers, et al., 2017a, 2017b; 22
Kilic et al., 2017; Newman et al., 2016; Prinz et al., 2016; Schuring, Kerkhoffs, Gray, & 23
Factors affecting the mental health of elite athletes
Gouttebarge; 2017) and were found to have a strong negative impact on athletes’ MH status. 1
Several studies (Appaneal, et al., 2009; Beable, Fulcher, Lee, & Hamilton, 2017; Foskett & 2
Longstaff, 2017; Gerber, Holsboer-Trachsler, Puhse, & Brand, 2011; Hammond, Gialloreto, 3
Kubas, & Davis, 2013; Junge & Feddermann-Demont, 2016; Schaal et al., 2011) found female 4
athletes to be at a higher risk of depressive symptoms, most often in aesthetic or leanness sports 5
and frequently in combination with the female athlete triad syndrome. Poor general health 6
(Junge & Prinz, 2018), such as chronical back pain (Belz et al., 2018), permanent disability 7
(Jones, 2016; Newman et al., 2016), or osteoarthritis (Schuring, Aoki, et al., 2017) was found to 8
be related to athletes’ mental ill-health. Maladaptive personality traits and identity such as 9
extreme athletic identity or hypermasculinity (Doherty et al., 2016; Jones, 2016), perfectionism 10
(Jensen et al., 2018; Lundqvist & Raglin, 2015; Newman et al., 2016), and social phobia (Jensen 11
et al., 2018) were the factors found in five studies. Four studies (Gouttebarge, Tol, et al., 2016; 12
Gouttebarge, Jonkers, et al., 2017a; Gouttebarge, Hopley, et al., 2017; Schuring, Kerkhoffs, et 13
al., 2017) found positive relationships between sports career dissatisfaction and depressive 14
symptoms and need dissatisfaction (Lundqvist & Raglin, 2015) was found to be among the 15
strongest threats to athletes’ mental well-being. Chronic life stress was shown to be an influential 16
factor for burnout and/or depressive symptoms (Beable et al., 2017; Frank et al., 2017; Gerber et 17
al., 2011; Nixdorf et al., 2013). Negative relationship spillover (Jowett & Cramer, 2009) and lack 18
of social support (Gouttebarge, Jonkers, et al., 2017b; Prinz et al., 2016) were potential risk 19
indicators for languishing. Low quality of sleep (Biggins, Cahalan, Comyns, Purtill, & 20
O’Sullivan, 2018; Gerber et al., 2011) and poor eating habits (Coyle et al., 2017) were further 21
risk factors compromising athletes’ MH. 22
Factors affecting the mental health of elite athletes
Sport-environmental risk factors. Many different sport-specific stressors were found to 1
have a negative effect on athletes’ MH, such as sporting pressure or competitive anxiety (Biggin 2
et al., 2017; Coyle et al., 2017; Doherty et al., 2016; Jensen et al., 2018), fear of failure or injury 3
(Biggin et al., 2017; Coyle et al., 2017; Hammond et al., 2013; Newman et al., 2016) , player’s 4
position (e.g., forward) (Junge & Feddermann-Demont, 2016; Prinz et al., 2016), deselection 5
Blakelock, Chen, & Prescott (2016), weight control (Gulliver, Griffiths, & Christensen 2012), 6
low match experience (Junge & Prinz, 2018), or upcoming major sports event (Drew et al., 7
2018). Athletes participating in individual (Beable et al., 2017; Nixdorf et al., 2016), and 8
aesthetic sports (Schaal et al., 2011) where a certain (lean) body image (Coyle et al., 2017) is 9
necessary were shown to have a higher prevalence of depressive symptoms. Uncertainty about 10
retirement (Beable et al., 2017) and retired status compared to active status (Gouttebarge et al., 11
2015) were risk factors for athletes’ MH. Low support from teammates (Gouttebarge et al., 2015) 12
and a general lack of support from the sporting environment (Prinz et al., 2016) were further 13
sport-environmental risk factors. Finally, stigma towards help-seeking was investigated in two 14
studies (Biggin et al., 2017; Gulliver, Griffiths, & Christensen, 2012) and it was found that 15
stigma and other dynamics collude to create barriers to accessing support, which can have a 16
potential negative impact on athletes’ MH. 17
Discussion 18
The current scoping review aimed to provide a systematic overview of factors affecting 19
elite athletes’ MH. Specifically, the review gives a summary of sample characteristics, research 20
designs employed, and risk and protective factors related to athletes’ MH of studies conducted in 21
the last 20 year up to May 2018. In total, 82 correlates/associations related to the athletes’ MH 22
were identified, grouped, and categorized into personal protective factors (e.g., protective 23
Factors affecting the mental health of elite athletes
behavior, social support), personal risk factors (e.g., injury, adverse life events), sport-1
environmental protective factors (e.g., climate of trust, MH literacy), and sport-environmental 2
risk factors (e.g., pressure, deselection). In general, the focus was predominantly on risk factors 3
for mental ill-health, while protective factors fostering athletes’ MH were assessed in a minority 4
of the studies. Researchers have used mostly quantitative and, to a lesser extent, qualitative 5
methods across both genders and various types of sports. The results demonstrate that the study 6
area has grown rapidly over the past five years. In the following sections, some of the 7
propositions of the MH consensus statement (Henriksen et al., 2019) will be used as a critical 8
lens to discuss and appraise the findings of the current review. 9
- Please insert Figure 2 around here - 10
Mental Health in the Elite Sport Context Should be Better Defined 11
The current review showed that athletes’ MH has until now mainly been investigated 12
through symptoms of general psychological distress or the prevalence of symptoms of a common 13
mental disorder (CMD; e.g., depression, anxiety, and eating disorder). As such, MH was 14
indirectly conceptualized as the absence of such symptoms. Assuming that all athletes who do 15
not show or report clinical disorders are mentally healthy is too simplistic (Henriksen et al., 16
2019, Schinke et al., 2017) and does not align with the MH conceptualization of Keyes (2002) in 17
which MH is understood as a dynamic and complete state where athletes may experience low 18
levels of mental well-being at one end of the continuum and mental wealth, or flourishing, at the 19
other end. The WHO (2014) definition of mental health adopts a positive psychology perspective 20
and represents a more holistic view of MH, emphasizing well-being as a core construct. Only a 21
few studies (e.g., Jowett & Cramer, 2009; Lundqvist & Raglin, 2015; Lundqvist & Sandin, 2014) 22
applied a sound theoretical model and/or framework to investigate athletes’ MH. Studies that 23
Factors affecting the mental health of elite athletes
investigated both sides of the MH continuum (i.e., languishing and flourishing; Keyes, 2002) 1
were rare and mostly qualitative (e.g., Coyle et al., 2017; Doherty et al., 2016; Gulliver et al., 2
2012; Jones, 2016; Lundqvist & Raglin, 2015; Nixdorf et al., 2013). However, as Lundqvist 3
(2011) argued, sport psychology studies have either failed to define well-being or used a variety 4
of labels to describe the construct. Therefore, Lundqvist proposed a more integrated model of 5
well-being that includes all three underlying dimensions (i.e., subjective, psychological, and 6
mental) of well-being. Henriksen et al. (2019) advised researchers to develop a clear definition of 7
mental health in sport. Consequently, based on the MH definitions of Keyes (2002, 2007) and the 8
WHO (2014), the outcomes of the current review, and our experience working with athletes in 9
various high-performance contexts, we propose the following definition of MH in relation to 10
elite sport as: 11
Mental health is a dynamic state of well-being in which athletes can realize their 12
potential, see a purpose and meaning in sport and life, experience trusting personal 13
relationships, cope with common life stressors and the specific stressors in elite 14
sport, and are able to act autonomously according to their values. 15
Research on Mental Health in Sport Should Broaden the Scope of Assessment 16
In terms of research design, our review findings indicate that the majority of the empirical 17
studies were of a quantitative nature and applied a cross-sectional epidemiological study design 18
(e.g., Beable et al., 2017; Gouttebarge et al., 2015, 2018; Killic et al., 2017) using self-reported 19
screening instruments such as the GHQ-12 and the CES-D. These instruments are borrowed from 20
clinical research and are not adapted to the elite sports context and the athletic population. Only 21
two studies (Gerber et al., 2011; Klinkowski et al., 2008) used a control group to compare 22
athletes to a comparable peer group in terms of their MH status. Although only 11% of the 43 23
Factors affecting the mental health of elite athletes
empirical studies included in this review applied a qualitative research design, these studies 1
added more than half of the correlates making up the personal and sport-environmental 2
protective factors. The qualitative studies emphasize the real and often idiosyncratic experiences 3
that athletes go through during their careers that might influence their well-being in the long run. 4
Similarly, a recent qualitative study by Lebrun and colleagues (2018) demonstrated that the 5
subjective experience of clinical depression can be triggered by sporting and non-sporting 6
reasons, and that the athletes’ sporting performance does not necessarily need to be directly 7
related to their subjective MH state. 8
The review showed that 37% of the included studies investigated the relationship between 9
injury or overtraining and athletes’ MH. Overtraining and burnout can be difficult to distinguish 10
from depression, as some of the symptoms such as fatigue, insomnia, appetite change, weight 11
loss, lack of motivation, and concentration difficulties overlap with each other (Gustafsson, 12
DeFreese, & Madigan, 2017; Reardon & Factor, 2010). However, burnout comes along with “a 13
withdrawal from sport noted by a reduced sense of accomplishment, devaluation/resentment of 14
sport, and physical/psychological exhaustion” (Raedeke, Lunney, & Venables, 2002, p. 181), 15
while athletes with depressive symptoms are still able to perform and can maintain active 16
competitors over a long period (e.g., Michael Phelps). 17
Gouttebarge and colleagues applied a prospective cohort study design in several of their 18
studies (e.g., Gouttebarge et al., 2015, 2018) in order to determine the prevalence of CMD 19
among rugby, cricket, and soccer players and discovered that it is quite common for athletes to 20
suffer from depression, anxiety, sleep disturbance, or adverse alcohol use simultaneously. Many 21
quantitative studies investigated athletes’ MH in commercial professional sports such as rugby 22
and football, where the risk of (multiple) injuries and concussion is relatively high (Gouttebarge 23
Factors affecting the mental health of elite athletes
et al., 2015, 2016). No qualitative inquiry has yet been made into professional team sports in 1
order to investigate not only risk factors such as adverse life events and injuries for CMD, but 2
also to explore factors fostering athletes’ MH. While recognizing the importance of monitoring 3
athletes’ MH before and after an important event such as the Olympics, only one study 4
(Hammond et al., 2013) examined athletes’ MH in relation to preparing for a major sports event 5
and found that after the competition, the number of athletes that met diagnostic criteria for 6
depression was halved compared to pre-competition. The study of Hammond et al. (2013) was 7
also the only one to use both semi-structured interviews based on the DSM-IV criteria (American 8
Psychiatric Association, 1994) and a quantitative scale in order to establish the presence of a 9
major depressive episode. 10
Sample characteristics. Although only studies that investigated the elite athlete 11
population in relation to MH were included, the samples reviewed in this study were rather 12
heterogeneous in terms of age, sporting level, type of sports, and level of professionalization, 13
which made it difficult to compare findings across studies. This is a common difficulty in sports 14
research because elite athletes can be further categorized into world-class elite, successful elite, 15
competitive elite, and sub-elite (Swann et al., 2015). Studies often fail to describe their samples 16
accordingly or athletes from different elite categories are included in the same sample (Belz et 17
al., 2013; Biggin et al., 2017; Kilic et al., 2017). In their review, Rice et al. (2016) further 18
criticized the quality of the empirical quantitative studies related to MH and elite athletes and 19
highlighted that participants’ self-selection may reduce the representativeness of the findings. In 20
terms of genders studied, less than one-third of the athletes included in this review were female 21
athletes. Some authors emphasize that professional male athletes are at an increased risk of 22
mental ill-health due to their attitude of being mentally tough and their inability to seek 23
Factors affecting the mental health of elite athletes
professional help (Souter et al., 2018). On the other hand, female athletes, especially in aesthetic 1
and endurance sports (e.g., Beable et al., 2017; Nixdorf et al., 2016; Schaal et al., 2011), are 2
exposed to specific stressors that promote the female athlete triad syndrome which potentially 3
leads to other CMDs (Reardon & Factor, 2010). 4
The results showed that there has been an increased research focus on athletes’ MH in 5
Europe and Australia/Oceania, while there has been less (Asia) or no (Africa, South America) 6
investigation of the MH of elite athletes published in the English language. As highlighted by 7
Park et al. (2012), investigating cultural diversity could help in testing the generality and validity 8
of existing knowledge and theories and have practical implications, such as providing suitable 9
and appropriate support in applied work. Since MH support programs and referral practices are 10
culturally infused and differ substantially even within high-income European countries (Moesch 11
et al., 2018), it can only be speculated how mental health symptoms/disorders of elite athletes are 12
managed in low- and middle-income countries, given the lack of research in these contexts. 13
Mental Health as a Major Resource for the Whole Athletic and Post-Athletic Career 14
Athletes with high levels of well-being have a better chance of performing well, 15
particularly over the long term (Henriksen et al., 2019). At the same time, sound mental health is 16
not a prerequisite for performance, since (some) athletes achieve world-class performances 17
despite mental health issues and clinically diagnosable disorders (e.g., Michael Phelps, Andre 18
Agassi, Lindsey Vonn). Within the holistic lifespan perspective, an athlete is conceptualized as a 19
whole person that develops on the athletic, psychological, psychosocial, academic-vocational, 20
and financial level throughout a life career (Wylleman, De Knop, & Reints, 2011). Career 21
transitions are critical phases in an athlete’s career (Stambulova et al., 2009) and especially the 22
junior to senior transition (e.g., Pummel & Lavallee, 2019, Wylleman, Rosier, & De Knop, 2015) 23
Factors affecting the mental health of elite athletes
and the transition out of elite sport (Kuettel, Boyle, & Schmid, 2017, Park et al., 2013) are 1
phases where athletes (often) perceive a misbalance between their resources and the transition 2
demands. Between 15-20% of athletes are expected to face serious adjustment difficulties 3
including a feeling of loss, identity crises, and distress following athletic retirement (Park et al., 4
2013). Gouttebarge and colleagues (2015, 2016) investigated MH among current and former 5
football players and showed that up to 39% of the retired athletes faced MH problems including 6
adverse nutritional and drinking behavior. Employment status and working hours were identified 7
as protective factors for retired footballers (Gouttebarge, Aoki et al., 2016) indicating as 8
suggested in the WHO mental health definition – the importance that athletes can work 9
productively and fruitfully, contribute to their community, and find meaning also in life after 10
their elite sports career. 11
Dual career is experienced by athletes during the periods when they combine sport with 12
education or work (Stambulova & Wylleman, 2019). Even though the student-athletes in Gerber 13
et al. (2011) study reported less stress, better sleep, and fewer depressive and anxiety symptoms 14
than non-athletes, it can be assumed that student-athletes, despite experiencing a unique range of 15
stressors (e.g., managing pressure from different stakeholders, role strain) do not differ with 16
respect to reporting depressive symptoms (e.g., Gorczynski et al., 2017; Rice et al., 2016). 17
However, Stambulova and Wylleman (2019) highlighted that research on well-being concerning 18
dual career has just begun (e.g., Sorkkila, Ryba, Aunola, Selänne, & Salmela-Aro, 2017). Further 19
research is needed in order to understand how risk and protective factors affect athletes’ MH in 20
relation to their dual career pathways and challenges during within-career transitions. 21
Mental Health as a Core Component of a Culture of Excellence The Influence of the 22
Environment on Athletes’ Mental Health 23
Factors affecting the mental health of elite athletes
Within the holistic ecological perspective (Henriksen, Stambulova, & Roessler, 2010), the 1
context of athletes’ career development is conceptualized as containing athletic and non-athletic 2
domains within the micro-, meso-, and macro-levels, including athletes’ close environments and 3
factors related to the national culture and sport system. Only three studies (Gulliver et al., 2012; 4
Lundqvist & Raglin, 2015; Lundqvist & Sandin, 2014) investigated the potential influence of the 5
sporting environment on athletes’ MH. However, several studies (e.g., Coyle et al., 2017; Schaal 6
et al., 2011) have shown that athletes from certain sports (i.e., weight-sensitive or aesthetic 7
sports) are more prone to develop MH issues, including anxiety and depressive symptoms. These 8
findings are, however, of descriptive nature and tell us little about the influence of the 9
contextualized cultural characteristics (e.g., coaching behavior and style, embedded values) 10
within the respective elite sports environments. Therefore, an increased focus should be placed 11
on the environment in which the athlete develops, since a trusting and mastery-orientated climate 12
̶ as opposed to ‘winning at all costs ̶ has been shown to be beneficial for the MH of young 13
elite athletes (e.g., Ivarsson et al., 2015; Verner-Filion & Vallerand, 2018). Figure 2 shows that 14
competence, autonomy, and relatedness as the three basic human needs (Deci & Ryan, 2000) 15
appear to be essential for facilitating optimal functioning, growth and integration, as well as for 16
the constructive social development and personal well-being of athletes (e.g., Coyle et al., 2017; 17
Doherty et al., 2016; Gulliver et al., 2012; Lundqvist & Sandin, 2014). Case studies conducted in 18
Scandinavian cultural contexts have identified some shared features that facilitate athletes’ 19
development and transitions (e.g., Henriksen et al., 2010). For example, development of 20
psychosocial skills, supportive relationships, proximal role models, integrated efforts of the 21
athletes’ close and wider environment, and focus on long-term development are characteristics 22
that are especially relevant for young athletes to make successful transitions while maintaining 23
Factors affecting the mental health of elite athletes
high levels of MH and well-being. Thus, coaches and support staff need to make sure that they 1
provide an environment where these features are integrated. Further research is needed to 2
provide a better link between sport-environmental factors and athletes’ MH in different elite 3
sports sub-cultures all over the world. 4
There is a general view that athletes who do seek help for psychological problems may be 5
seen as weak by other athletes and coaches (Souter, Lewis, & Serrant, 2018), and stigma has 6
been highlighted as a barrier to help-seeking in athletes (Biggin et al., 2017; Gulliver et al., 7
2012). However, as Moreland, Coxe, and Yang (2017) emphasized, many stakeholders (i.e., 8
athlete, coach, teammate, administrators) and their attributes (i.e., attitudes, opinion, behavior) 9
can either work as facilitators of and/or barriers to using MH services. The busy athletic 10
schedule can be another barrier why athletes are reluctant to use mental health services (Gulliver 11
et al., 2012). Help-seeking attitudes within the elite sport are starting to shift (Souter et al., 2018) 12
and some National Sport Governing Bodies have recently established a new Mental Health 13
Strategy (e.g., UK Sport) consisting of four key pillars, namely education, provision, 14
communication, and assurance. Although there is evidence of some support for the effectiveness 15
of MH awareness programs (Breslin et al., 2017; Sebbens, Hassmén, Crisp, & Wensley, 2016), 16
further studies are needed in order to review the quality and effectiveness of such programs and 17
initiatives. 18
Limitations 19
This review has several limitations. First, it includes only English language, peer-reviewed 20
studies. The exclusion of non-English studies might influence sample characteristics (e.g., 21
location of study) and lead to the omission of potential correlates that may be culturally 22
significant. Nevertheless, some evidence suggests that restricting the search to studies published 23
Factors affecting the mental health of elite athletes
in English language may not always be enough to influence systematic review findings 1
(Morisson et al., 2012). As previously described, the inclusion criteria ‘elite athlete’ is not 2
without problems. By excluding studies that investigated collegiate or student-athletes, we risked 3
omitting a significant body of research on athletes’ MH conducted in Northern America. Second, 4
our attempt to structure the MH factors into a personal and sport-environmental domain was not 5
without challenges as many factors are interrelated, therefore, the border between the two 6
domains might be more fluid than displayed in the conceptual map in Figure 2. Third, the 7
division of factors was influenced by our subjective understanding of risk and protective factors 8
based on our common background as sport psychology practitioners working with athletes in 9
different sports and at different career stages. Fourth, we extracted the correlates/associations 10
from the included studies without evaluating them in terms of their impact on mental health or 11
mental ill-health. Hence, factors placed further away from the center in Figure 2 do not 12
necessarily have stronger effects on athletes’ MH. Fifth, by not including the vast literature 13
concerning athletic burnout, we might have missed some important specific factors related to 14
recovery and stress (-reduction) which possibly affect athletes’ mental health. Finally, a general 15
weakness of scoping reviews concerns the lack of quality assessment of the included studies. 16
Practical Implications for Support Providers 17
Based on the review findings, several practical implications for MH support providers, 18
sports psychologists, and researchers emerged from this review. Coaches, parents, and peers 19
have been shown to positively influence a range of factors impacting athletes’ development in 20
sport (Sheridan et al., 2014) and as such contribute to athletes’ MH (e.g., Coyle et al., 2017; 21
Doherty et al., 2016; Gulliver et al., 2012; Lundqvist & Sandin, 2014). Coaches can foster 22
positive psychosocial development and well-being by helping athletes to learn to respond to the 23
Factors affecting the mental health of elite athletes
variety of sport-specific stressors in a healthy way (Turnnidge & Côté, 2016). However, the 1
athletes’ entourage might not always provide the appropriate type of support (e.g., exertion of 2
extra pressure, lack of understanding) and this can have a potentially negative effect on athletes’ 3
MH (e.g., Gouttebarge et al., 2015; Prinz et al., 2016). Therefore, coaches and practitioners 4
should be empowered with relevant information so that they recognize the importance of 5
creating an environment that supports MH, helping athletes sustain mentally healthy in elite 6
sport. Accordingly, the conceptual map (Figure 2) could be used as an orientation tool for 7
practitioners in order to enhance athletes’ MH. 8
Future Directions 9
Several research directions can be identified with regard to research design. Most of the 10
quantitative studies included have used instruments that have not been modified for the athletic 11
population. In the future, instruments should be adapted to the sports context (e.g., Baron et al., 12
2013; Foster & Chow, 2019) and researchers investigating athletes’ MH should use similar 13
instruments so that it is possible to compare MH between different athletic populations. The 14
majority of researchers have used retrospective data collection methods, which may have 15
negatively affected the data recall process. Employing a prospective longitudinal design to study 16
how an athlete’s MH state evolves during their sports career would allow researchers to examine 17
dynamic interpersonal processes and changes over time, for example during critical career 18
transitions (Kuettel et al., 2017; Pummell & Lavallee, 2019). Therefore, more prospective 19
longitudinal studies, as well as qualitative studies, are required in the study area across cultures. 20
Given that a positive personality is an important part of resilience (Sarkar & Fletcher, 21
2014), further research needs to be conducted on how personality (cf. Coulter, Mallett, Singer, & 22
Gucciardi, 2016) influences athletes’ MH and well-being inside and outside the elite sport 23
Factors affecting the mental health of elite athletes
domain. Since athletes’ individual behavior can be either protective (Doherty, et al., 2016; 1
Gulliver et al., 2012; Lundqvist & Sandin, 2014) or maladaptive (Coyle et al., 2017; Jensen et 2
al., 2018; Lundqvist & Raglin, 2015; Nixdorf et al., 2013) for their MH, appropriate coping 3
strategies and developing resilience can help athletes to deal with stressors both in the personal 4
domain and the sport-environmental domain (Lebrun et al., 2018). As such, strategies that are 5
directed towards promoting mental health (rather than reducing the incidence of mental illness) 6
should be developed by the athletes and supported by their personal and sporting environment. 7
The conceptual map displayed in Figure 2 could in future studies be utilized as a conceptual 8
framework to investigate athletes’ MH. However, more research is needed in order to improve 9
the understanding how dispositional (e.g., genetics, family history), triggering (e.g., critical life 10
events), psychological (e.g., personality, intelligence), social (e.g., poverty, milieu), and 11
protective and risk factors interplay in relation to athletes’ well-being and mental illness. 12
Conclusions 13
Elite athletes are exposed to a unique range of risk factors (e.g., injury and overtraining, 14
constant pressures to perform) that may potentially increase their vulnerability to mental ill-15
health. On the other hand, both personal (e.g., acceptance of multiple roles, appropriate recovery) 16
and sport-environmental protective factors (e.g., reducing stigma, climate of trust) can contribute 17
to athletes’ MH and well-being. Unlike previous reviews, the present scoping review has focused 18
specifically on factors affecting athletes’ MH providing a visual overview of factors that 19
potentially foster or hamper elite athletes’ MH. The findings indicate that the majority of the 20
empirical studies are of quantitative nature and apply a cross-sectional epidemiological study 21
design using self-reported screening instruments. No qualitative inquiry has yet been made into 22
professional team sports in order to investigate risk factors such as adverse life events and 23
Factors affecting the mental health of elite athletes
injuries for CMD, but also to explore factors fostering athletes’ MH. There is also a lack of 1
studies that investigate the potential influence of the sporting environment on athletes’ MH. 2
Our scoping review provides original contributions to the body of research by providing an 3
overview and a structure of the factors related to athletes’ MH in a conceptual map. By 4
thematically synthesizing findings from quantitative and qualitative studies, our review advanced 5
knowledge by reducing the complexity of factors that potentially affect athletes’ MH. To have a 6
better understanding of risk and protective factors in relation to athletes’ MH is not only 7
important for practitioners working with athletes, but also for researchers that intend to 8
investigate athletes’ MH in future studies. Insofar, the current review has contributed to the 9
evolving discourse about MH in elite sport and intends to spur discussion on how we can better 10
understand, measure, and support athletes’ MH. 11
Acknowledgments 12
This review was partly supported by a grant from Team Denmark. We are grateful to Anne 13
Faber Hansen for her help with the literature search. We thank Professor Natalia 14
Stambulova and Anna Daudert for their constructive inputs during the process and their 15
feedback on earlier drafts of this manuscript. 16
Factors affecting the mental health of elite athletes
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Gouttebarge, V., Frings-Dresen, M., & Sluiter, J. (2015). Mental and psychosocial health among current 5
and former professional footballers. Occupational Medicine, 65(3), 190–196. 6
Gouttebarge, V., Hopley, P., Kerkhoffs, G., Verhagen, E., Viljoen, W., Wylleman, P., & Lambert, M. 8
(2017). Symptoms of common mental disorders in professional rugby: An international 9
observational descriptive study. International Journal of Sports Medicine, 38(11), 864–870. 10
Gouttebarge, V., Hopley, P., Kerkhoffs, G., Verhagen, E., Viljoen, W., Wylleman, P., & Lambert, M. 12
(2018). A 12-month prospective cohort study of symptoms of common mental disorders among 13
professional rugby players. European Journal of Sport Science, 18(7), 1004–1012. 14
Gouttebarge, V., Jonkers, R., Moen, M., Verhagen, E., Wylleman, P., & Kerkhoffs, G. (2017a). A 16
prospective cohort study on symptoms of common mental disorders among Dutch elite athletes. 17
Physician and Sportsmedicine, 45(4), 426–432. 18
Gouttebarge, V., Jonkers, R., Moen, M., Verhagen, E., Wylleman, P., & Kerkhoffs, G. (2017b). The 20
prevalence and risk indicators of symptoms of common mental disorders among current and former 21
Dutch elite athletes. Journal of Sports Sciences, 35(21), 2148–2156. 22
Gouttebarge, V., Tol, J. L., & Kerkhoffs, G. (2016). Epidemiology of symptoms of common mental 24
disorders among elite Gaelic athletes: a prospective cohort study. The Physician and 25
Sportsmedicine, 44(3), 283–289. 26
Grant, M. J., & Booth, A. (2009). A typology of reviews: an analysis of 14 review types and associated 28
methodologies. Health Information & Libraries Journal, 26(2), 91–108. 29
Gucciardi, D. F., Hanton, S., & Fleming, S. (2017). Are mental toughness and mental health contradictory 31
concepts in elite sport? A narrative review of theory and evidence. Journal of Science & Medicine 32
in Sport, 20(3), 307–311. 33
Gulliver, A., Griffiths, K. M., & Christensen, H. (2012). Barriers and facilitators to mental health help-35
seeking for young elite athletes: A qualitative study. BMC Psychiatry, 12, 1–14. 36
Gulliver, A., Griffiths, K. M., Christensen, H., Mackinnon, A., Calear, A. L., Parsons, A., …& 38
Stanimirovic, R. (2012). Internet-based interventions to promote mental health help-seeking in elite
athletes: An exploratory randomized controlled trial. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 14(3), 40
120–137. 41
Gulliver, A., Griffiths, K. M., Mackinnon, A., Batterham, P. J., & Stanimirovic, R. (2015). The mental 43
health of Australian elite athletes. Journal of Science & Medicine in Sport, 18(3), 255–261. 44
Gustafsson, H., DeFreese, J., & Madigan, D. J. (2017). Athlete burnout: Review and recommendations. 46
Current Opinion in Psychology, 16, 109–113. 47
Hammond, T., Gialloreto, C., Kubas, H., & Hap Davis, H. (2013). The prevalence of failure-based 49
depression among elite athletes. Clin J Sport Med, 23(4), 273–277. 50
Factors affecting the mental health of elite athletes
Hartling, L., Featherstone, R., Nuspl, M., Shave, K., Dryden, D. M., & Vandermeer, B. (2017). Grey 1
literature in systematic reviews: a cross-sectional study of the contribution of non-English reports, 2
unpublished studies and dissertations to the results of meta-analyses in child-relevant reviews. 3
BMC Medical Research Methodology, 17(1), 64. 4
Henriksen, K., Schinke R. J., Moesch, K., McCann, S., Parham W. D., Larsen C. H., & Terry, P. (2019). 6
Consensus statement on improving the mental health of high-performance athletes. International 7
Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology. Advance online publication, available at: 8 9
Henriksen, K., Stambulova, N., & Roessler, K. K. (2010). Holistic approach to athletic talent 11
development environments: A successful sailing milieu. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 11(3), 12
212–222. 13
Ivarsson, A., Stenling, A., Fallby, J., Johnson, U., Borg, E., & Johansson, G. (2015). The predictive 15
ability of the talent development environment on youth elite football players’ well-being: A person-16
centered approach. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 16, 15–23. 17
Jensen, S. N., Ivarsson, A., Fallby, J., Dankers, S., & Elbe, A.-M. (2018). Depression in Danish and 19
Swedish elite football players and its relation to perfectionism and anxiety. Psychology of Sport 20
and Exercise, , 147–155. 21
Jones, T. V. (2016). Predictors of perceptions of mental illness and averseness to help: a survey of elite 23
football players. Journal of Mental Health, 25(5), 422–427. 24
Jowett, S., & Cramer, D. (2009). The role of romantic relationships on athletes’ performance and well-26
being. Journal of Clinical Sport Psychology, 3(1), 58–72. 27
Junge, A., & Feddermann-Demont, N. (2016). Prevalence of depression and anxiety in top-level male and 29
female football players. BMJ Open Sport Exerc Med, 2(1), e000087. 30
Junge, A., & Prinz, B. (2018). Depression and anxiety symptoms in 17 teams of female football players 32
including 10 German first league teams. Br J Sports Med, 0, 1–7. 33
Kellmann, M., & Kallus, K. W. (2001). Recovery-stress questionnaire for athletes: User manual. 35
Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics. 36
Keyes, C. L. (2002). The mental health continuum: From languishing to flourishing in life. Journal of 38
Health and Social Behavior, 43, 207–222. 39
Keyes, C. L. (2007). Promoting and protecting mental health as flourishing: A complementary strategy 41
for improving national mental health. American Psychologist, 62(2), 95–108. 42
Kilic, O., Aoki, H., Haagensen, R., Jensen, C., Johnson, U., Kerkhoffs, G., & Gouttebarge, V. (2017). 44
Symptoms of common mental disorders and related stressors in Danish professional football and 45
handball. European Journal of Sport Science, 17(10), 1328–1334. 46
Klinkowski, N., Korte, A., Pfeiffer, E., Lehmkuhl, U., & Salbach-Andrae, H. (2008). Psychopathology in 48
elite rhythmic gymnasts and anorexia nervosa patients. European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 49
17(2), 108–113. 50
Factors affecting the mental health of elite athletes
Kuettel, A., Boyle, E., & Schmid, J. (2017). Factors contributing to the quality of the transition out of 1
elite sports in Swiss, Danish, and Polish athletes. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 29, 27–39. 2
Larsen, C. H., Alfermann, D., Henriksen, K., & Christensen, M. K. (2013). Successful talent development 4
in soccer: The characteristics of the environment. Sport, Exercise, and Performance Psychology, 5
2(3), 190–206. 6
Lebrun, F., MacNamara, A., Rodgers, S., & Collins, D. (2018). Learning from elite athletesexperience 8
of depression. Frontiers in Psychology, 9, 2062. 9
Lundqvist, C. (2011). Well-being in competitive sports—The feel-good factor? A review of conceptual 11
considerations of well-being. International Review of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 4(2), 109–12
127. 13
Lundqvist, C., & Raglin, J. S. (2015). The relationship of basic need satisfaction, motivational climate 15
and personality to well-being and stress patterns among elite athletes: An explorative study. 16
Motivation and Emotion, 39(2), 237–246. 17
Lundqvist, C., & Sandin, F. (2014). Well-being in elite sport: Dimensions of hedonic and eudaimonic 19
well-being among elite orienteers. Sport Psychologist, 28(3), 245–254. 20
Moesch, K., Kenttä, G., Kleinert, J., Quignon-Fleuret, C., Cecil, S., & Bertollo, M. (2018). FEPSAC 22
position statement: Mental health disorders in elite athletes and models of service provision. 23
Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 38, 61–71. 24
Moreland, J. J., Coxe, K. A., & Yang, J. (2017). Collegiate athletes’ mental health services utilization: A 26
systematic review of conceptualizations, operationalizations, facilitators, and barriers. Journal of 27
Sport and Health Science, 7, 58–69. 28
Morrison, A., Polisena, J., Husereau, D., Moulton, K., Clark, M., Fiander, M., ... & Rabb, D. (2012). The 30
effect of English-language restriction on systematic review-based meta-analyses: a systematic 31
review of empirical studies. International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care, 28(2), 32
138-144. 33
Mousavi, A., Mousavi, M. V., & Yaghubi, H. (2017). Defense mechanisms in psychological health and 35
sport success of athletes. Journal of Kerman University of Medical Sciences, 24(5), 379–388. 36
Newman, H. J., Howells, K. L., & Fletcher, D. (2016). The dark side of top level sport: An 38
autobiographic study of depressive experiences in elite sport performers. Frontiers in Psychology, 39
7, 868. 40
Nixdorf, I., Frank, R., & Beckmann, J. (2016). Comparison of athletes’ proneness to depressive 42
symptoms in individual and team sports: Research on psychological mediators in junior elite 43
athletes. Frontiers in Psychology, 7, 893. 44
Nixdorf, I., Frank, R., Hautzinger, M., & Beckmann, J. (2013). Prevalence of depressive symptoms and 46
correlating variables among German elite athletes. Journal of Clinical Sport Psychology, 7(4), 313–47
326. 48
Park, S., Lavallee, D., & Tod, D. (2013). Athletes’ career transition out of sport: a systematic review. 50
International Review of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 6(1), 22–53. 51
Factors affecting the mental health of elite athletes
Pummell, E. K. L. & Lavallee, D. (2019). Preparing UK tennis academy players for the junior-to-senior 2
transition: Development, implementation, and evaluation of an intervention program. Psychology of 3
Sport and Exercise, 40, 156–164. 4
Prinz, B., Dvorak, J., & Junge, A. (2016). Symptoms and risk factors of depression during and after the 6
football career of elite female players. BMJ Open Sport Exerc Med, 2(1), e000124. 7
Radloff, L. S. (1977). The CES-D scale: A self-report depression scale for research in the general 9
population. Applied Psychological Measurement, 1(3), 385–401. 10
Raedeke, T.D., Lunney, K., & Venables, K. (2002). Understanding athlete burnout: Coach perspectives. 12
Journal of Sport Behavior, 25, 181-206. 13
Reardon, C. L., & Factor, R. M. (2010). Sport Psychiatry: A systematic review of diagnosis and medical 15
treatment of mental illness in athletes. Sports Medicine, 40(11), 961–980. 16
Rice, S. M., Purcell, R., De Silva, S., Mawren, D., McGorry, P. D., & Parker, A. G. (2016). The mental 18
health of elite athletes: A narrative systematic review. Sports Medicine, 46(9), 1333–1353. 19
Sarkar, M., & Fletcher, D. (2014). Psychological resilience in sport performers: A review of stressors and 21
protective factors. Journal of Sports Sciences, 32(15), 1419–1434. 22
Schaal, K., Tafflet, M., Nassif, H., Thibault, V., Pichard, C., Alcotte, M., … & Toussaint, J.-F. (2011). 24
Psychological balance in high level athletes: Gender-based differences and sport-specific patterns. 25
PLoS ONE, 6(5), 1–9. 26
Schinke, R. J., Stambulova, N. B., Si, G., & Moore, Z. (2017). International society of sport psychology 28
position stand: Athletes’ mental health, performance, and development. International Journal of 29
Sport and Exercise Psychology, 16(6), 1–18. 30
Schuring, N., Aoki, H., Gray, J., Kerkhoffs, G., Lambert, M., & Gouttebarge, V. (2017). Osteoarthritis is 32
associated with symptoms of common mental disorders among former elite athletes. Knee Surg 33
Sports Traumatol Arthrosc, 25(10), 3179–3185. 34
Schuring, N., Kerkhoffs, G., Gray, J., & Gouttebarge, V. (2017). The mental wellbeing of current and 36
retired professional cricketers: an observational prospective cohort study. Physician and 37
Sportsmedicine, 45(4), 463–469. 38
Sebbens, J., Hassmén, P., Crisp, D., & Wensley, K. (2016). Mental health in sport (MHS): Improving the 40
early intervention knowledge and confidence of elite sport staff. Frontiers in Psychology, 7, 911. 41
Sheridan, D., Coffee, P., & Lavallee, D. (2014). A systematic review of social support in youth sport. 43
International Review of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 7(1), 198–228. 44
Sorkkila, M., Ryba, T. V., Aunola, K., Selänne, H. & Salmela-Aro, K. (2017). Sport burnout inventory-46
Dual career form for student-athletes: Assessing validity and reliability in a Finnish sample of 47
adolescent athletes. Journal of Sport and Health Science, 1–9. 48
Souter, G., Lewis, R., & Serrant, L. (2018). Men, mental health and elite sport: A narrative review. Sports 50
Medicine-Open, 4(1), 1–8. 51
Factors affecting the mental health of elite athletes
Stambulova, N., Alfermann, D., Statler, T., & Côté, J. (2009). Career development and transitions of 2
athletes: The ISSP position stand. International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 7(4), 3
395–412. 4
Stambulova, N. B., & Wylleman, P. (2019). Psychology of athletes’ dual careers: A state-of-the-art 6
critical review of the European discourse. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 42, 74–88. 7
Swann, C., Moran, A., & Piggott, D. (2015). Defining elite athletes: Issues in the study of expert 9
performance in sport psychology. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 16(1), 3–14. 10
Tennant, R., Hiller, L., Fishwick, R., Platt, S., Joseph, S., Weich, S., … & Stewart-Brown, S. (2007). The 12
Warwick-Edinburgh mental well-being scale (WEMWBS): Development and UK validation. 13
Health and Quality of Life Outcomes, 5(63), 1–13. 14
Tricco, A. C., Lillie, E., Zarin, W., O’Brien, K. K., Colquhoun, H., Levac, D., …& Straus, S. E. (2018). 16
PRISMA extension for scoping reviews (PRISMA-ScR): Checklist and explanation. Annals of 17
Internal Medicine, 169(7), 467–473. 18
Turnnidge, J. & Côté, J. (2016). Applying transformational leadership theory to coaching research in 20
youth sport: A systematic literature review. International Journal of Sport and Exercise 21
Psychology, 16(3), 1–16. 22
Uphill, M., Sly, D., & Swain, J. (2016). From mental health to mental wealth in athletes: Looking back 24
and moving forward. Frontiers in Psychology, 7, 935. 25
Verner-Filion, J., & Vallerand, R. J. (2018). A longitudinal examination of elite youth soccer players: The 27
role of passion and basic need satisfaction in athletes’ optimal functioning. Psychology of Sport and 28
Exercise, 39, 20–28. 29
World Health Organization (WHO). (2014). Mental health: A state of well-being. Geneva, Switzerland: 31
World Health Organization. 32
Wylleman, P., De Knop, P., & Reints, A. (2011). Transitions in competitive sports. In N. L. Holt & M. 34
Talbot (Eds.), Lifelong engagement in sport and physical activity: Participation and performance 35
across the lifespan (pp. 63–76). New York, NY: Routledge. 36
Wylleman, P., Rosier, N., & De Knop, P. (2015). Transitional challenges and elite athletes’ mental health. 38
In J. Baker, P. Safai, & J. Fraset Thomas (Eds.), Health and elite sport: Is high performance sport a 39
healthy pursuit? (pp. 99–116). London: Routledge. 40
Note: Studies/reviews that are underlined were included in the present scoping review. 42
Records identified
via databases
(n = 3155)
SPORTDiscus (n = 619)
SCOPUS (n = 259)
PsycINFO (n = 713)
EMBASE (n = 1187)
PubMed (n = 377)
Article before year
1998 removed (n = 373)
Records identified
from 1998-May 2018
(n = 2782)
Records after
removing duplicates
(n = 2410)
Duplicates removed
(n = 372)
After irrelevant titles
removed (n = 2224)
Abstracts screened
(n = 186)
Full-text articles
screened for eligibility
(n = 64)
Removed after reading
abstract (n = 112)
Empirical articles included in
the scoping review
(n = 43)
Removed because did not meet
inclusion criteria (n =18):
research note (n = 6)
Elite sport population not
met (n = 8)
Not specifically about
mental health (n = 4)
Articles added after reading
references of obtained articles
(n = 6)
Full-text not available or
not in English (n = 10)
Figure 1. Study selection flow diagram
Review-type papers
included (n = 9)
Table 1
A Brief Summary of The Identified Review-Type Papers on Athletes’ Mental Health (MH) (in chronological order)
Aims/focus of the review
Type of review/ Amount of the
included studies/ Databases
Contribution and main findings
Reardon &
To discuss the current state of knowledge
of psychiatric diagnoses in athletes.
This systematic review included 103
papers through a MEDLINE search
with a focus on disorders and illness.
The article reviews the athletic population in terms of mood, anxiety, eating, attention-
deficit, addictive, and other disorders and provides clinical treatment methods for
athletes suffering from such disorders.
Glick et al.
To provide professional and ethical
quandaries that arise in treating elite
athletes with psychiatric issues.
Type of review not specified.
MEDLINE search for articles
discussing psychiatric
diagnosis/treatment of athletes.
Active and retired athletes have psychiatric problems and disorders like non-athletes
and require diagnosis and treatment to function in their sport and in the rest of their
lives. Practical implications for psychiatrists working with elite athletes are provided.
Bär &
To discuss the issue of the sports
specificity of selected mental diseases in
elite athletes.
Thematic narrative review of 57
articles on sport-specific mental
disorders (search not reported).
The prevalence of psychiatric conditions among elite athletes is still under debate.
Further research on psycho-social factors is needed to better understand the sports
specificity of the etiology of mental disorders in high-performance athletes.
Rice et al.
To appraise MH and wellbeing of elite-
level athletes, including the incidence
and/or nature of mental ill-health and
substance use.
Narrative systematic review of 60
articles identified through systematic
search in PubMed, EMBASE,
SPORTDiscus, PsycINFO, Cochrane
and Google Scholar.
Elite athletes experience a unique range of stressors (injury, overtraining and burnout;
intense public and media scrutiny; managing ongoing competitive pressures to
perform) that may potentially increase their vulnerability to mental ill-health. More
high-quality epidemiological and intervention studies are needed.
Breslin et al.
To determine the effect of sport-specific
MH awareness programs and to review
the study quality and effectiveness of
Systematic review of ten studies
related to mental health awareness
programs for athletes/coaches. Search
in PsycINFO, MEDLINE, Scopus,
Cochrane, CINAHL, SPORTDiscus.
Some support was found for the effectiveness of the MH programs available. However,
a cautionary approach must be taken when determining an effective program, as
studies demonstrated a high risk of bias and showed a limited validity in the outcome
measures of mental health knowledge and referral efficacy.
Coyle, &
To assess the prevalence of mild or more
severe depressive symptoms between
high-performance athletes and non-
Comparative meta-analysis of 5
studies. Systematic search in PubMed
SPORTDiscus, and Google Scholar.
High-performance athletes and non-athletes do not differ with respect to reporting mild
or more severe depressive symptoms. The rates of mild or more severe depressive
symptoms ranged from 3.7% to 26.7% for high-performance athlete males and from
9.8% to 36.5% for high-performance athlete females.
Hanton, &
To evaluate theory and evidence
regarding the thesis that MH and mental
toughness are contradictory concepts in
elite sport.
Narrative review and critical
evaluation of authorsown published
articles and additionally 15 papers
related to the two concepts.
Mental toughness may represent a positive indicator of MH, or facilitate its attainment,
rather than be at odds with. However, there is no research that has directly tested this
thesis in elite athletes. The notion that mental health and mental toughness are
contradictory concepts in elite sport may be too simplistic.
Si, & Moore
To consider what is known about MH to
spur dialogue, contribution to research
and services that support aspiring
athletes’ MH.
Position stand, narrative-type review
of international literature on athletes’
MH (details of search or number of
articles not specified).
Mental health of athletes is reviewed under elite athlete trends, athletes’ performance,
overtraining and injury, career development, culture and identity, and health-related
interventions. Ten postulates are provided to spur further discussions on how to make
athletes healthier and, thus, more resourceful for (and through) sport.
Moesch et
To enhance awareness of the MH topic
and to critically discuss optimal service
provision for athletes.
Position statement. Type of review
not specified. Models of service
provision of six European countries
are presented, 5 studies are compared.
Competencies, certification issues and professional boundaries of the involved service
providers differ considerably between different European countries. The models of
service provision presented should stimulate reflections on optimal support in one's
own country.
Table 2
Overview of the 43 Empirical Articles Included in the Systematic Literature Review on Mental Health (MH) of Elite Athletes (alphabetically)
Aims and major focus of the
N (female:male)
Age of athletes
MH protective
MH risk
Main findings/contributions
Levine, Perna,
& Roh (2009)
Examine student elite
athletes’ postinjury
depression symptoms
164 (56:108)
M = 19.7
SD = 2.0
Various sports
- Injury
- Female
Both athlete- and clinician-rated depression
symptoms decreased over time. Women,
regardless of injury status, exhibited greater
depression symptom severity than men in
clinical interviews.
Fulcher, Lee,
& Hamilton
Estimate the prevalence of
symptoms of depression and
daily life hassles in elite
187 (113:74)
Wide age range
Various sports
New Zealand
- Individual sport
- Retirement uncertainty
- Perceived life stress
- Female
- Age below 25
- Centralization
21% of elite athletes met the criteria for
moderate symptoms of depression with 8.6%
meeting the suggested criteria for a major
depressive episode. Athletes under 25 were
more likely to identify depressive symptoms.
Belz et al.
Investigate stress and
depression in competitive
athletes with back pain
154 (79:75)
M = 18.81
SD = 5.05
Various sports
- Age under 18
- Back pain
Depending on the instrument 7.1% and 9.1%
of athletes were screened positive for
depression. Athletes <18 were lower in socio-
emotional stress and higher in psychological
wellbeing. Performance stress and risk for
depression were predictors of back pain
intensity and disability.
Biggin, Burns,
& Uphill
Explore the elite athletes’ and
coaches’ perceptions of the
prevalence and types of
mental ill-health
19 (10:9)
M = 31.8
Various sports
Delfi method
- Own pressure
- Fair of failure
- Injury
There are differences between coaches and
athletes in terms of beliefs about the
prevalence of mental-health issues. A general
consensus that stigma and other dynamics
collude to create barriers to access support.
Purtill, &
Assess the sleep profiles of
elite Gaelic athletes and to
compare wellbeing in relation
to sleep profiles
69 (0:69)
M = 22.7
SD = 4.1
Gaelic football and
- Poor sleep
Poor sleepers had significantly increased
subjective health complaints, increased stress,
and increased confusion-bewilderment.
Chen, &
Establish the prevalence of
clinical levels of
psychological distress in elite
adolescent male soccer
players following deselection
91 (0:91)
M = 16.31
SD = 1.10
- Deselection
Results of this study suggested that deselected
players experienced significantly higher
levels of distress than retained players at post-
selection time points and that deselection was
the antecedent of such distress.
Determine whether providing
an MH awareness program to
100 (41:59)
M = 20.78
SD = 2.91
- MH awareness
MH awareness program improved athletes’
knowledge of MH and their likeliness to
engage and offer support to someone with an
Donnelly, &
Leavey (2017)
athletes increased knowledge
of MH
Various sports
UK and Ireland
MH problem, but the program did not
improve their knowledge of depression and
Celebi et al.
Evaluate early phase
depression and anxiety in the
professional athletes who
underwent anterior cruciate
ligament reconstruction
38 (3:35)
M = 26.84
SD = 8.03
Various sports
- ACL injury had no
impact on depression and
anxiety in the recovery
Levels of depression and anxiety were below
the diagnostic cutoff values. This is a rather
unexpected finding since ACL injury is a very
serious injury that threatens professional
sports careers.
Gorczynski, &
Gibson (2017)
Explore what MH (behaviors)
mean for a group of young
elite athletes as conditioned
by their peculiar social
context as elite athletes
8 (6:2)
- Access to support
(family, peers, and
- Access to specialist
support (psychologist)
- Body image and eating
- Stress and anxiety, fear
of injury
- Pressure through
expectations and
Participants demonstrated relatively limited
knowledge of MH. However, participants
identified a range of risks to MH which are
broadly aligned with risk factors
acknowledged within existing literature
Hannigan, &
Explore how current/former
elite male athletes experience
depression during their
sporting careers
8 (0:8)
M = 40.38
SD = 14.7
Various sports
Skype and face-
- Channeling sporting
will toward recovery
- Experiencing
- Positive therapeutic
- Support from
significant others
-Developing hope
- Extreme athletic identity
-Sporting pressure
- Extrinsic motivations
- External locus of
- Perceived precipitating
factors for depression
Masculine values, commitment to excellence,
and high levels of athletic identity which were
embraced by the athletes and reinforced by
the elite sporting environment played a role in
the development and maintenance of their
Drew et al.
Establish the prevalence of
illness symptoms, poor sleep
quality, poor MH symptoms,
and stress-recovery state in an
Olympic cohort
132 (85:47)
M = 25.05
SD = 4.0
Various sports
- Upcoming major sports
event (e.g., preparation
towards the Olympics)
The point prevalence of poor MH was 14%
17% and poor sleep quality was 49%. High
point prevalence of athlete self-reported
illnesses in the preparations (3 months prior)
was found in this cohort.
Du Preez et al.
Investigate the prevalence of
mental illness in elite rugby
athletes and exploring
potential risk factors to
mental illness
404 (0:404)
- Concussion
Prevalence of depression was 12.6% pre-
season and 10% in-season. Prevalence of
generalized anxiety disorder was 14.6% and
10% for these 2 periods. Overall, 68.6% of
players had a hazardous level of alcohol use
pre-season and 62.8% in-season.
Foskett &
Investigate the prevalence of
signs of anxiety and
depression and distress among
UK elite
143 (61:81)
M = 24.0
SD = 8.6
Various sports
- Career satisfaction
- Female for distress but
not on anxiety/depression
47.8% of the athletes showed signs of
anxiety/depression and 26.8% signs of
distress. 17.3% of male athletes and 39.3% of
female athletes reporting signs of distress.
Nixdorf, &
Explore how depression and
burnout are related in athletes
194 (?:?)
M =15.08
SD = 1.95
Various sports
- Recovery
- Chronic stress
Burnout and depression can cause each other
to some degree and no particular direction can
be specifically supported by the current study.
Puhse, &
Brand (2011)
Examine whether
participation in elite sport
interacts with stress in
decreasing or increasing
symptoms of depression
434 (278:156)
M= 17.2
SD= 1.4
Various sports
- Female
- Stress
- Low quality of sleep
A substantial association of perceived stress
with depressive and anxious symptoms was
found. Poor sleepers are at increased risk of
depression and anxiety. Elite athletes reported
less stress, better sleep and decreased
depressive and anxious symptoms than the
control group from a conventional class.
Verhagen, &
Explore the relationship of
level of education,
employment status with
symptoms of CMD among
current and retired
professional footballers
607 (0:607)
M = 26.8
SD = 4.4
- Employment status for
retired players
- Number of working
hours for retired players
Prevalence of CMD ranged from 4% for
smoking to 38% for anxiety/depression and
58% for adverse nutritional behavior among
current professional footballers. Among
current footballers, level of education was not
associated with symptoms of CMD.
Dresen, &
Sluiter (2015)
Determine the prevalence of
MH problems and
psychosocial difficulties in
current and former
professional footballers
253 (0:253)
M = 27
SD = 5
- Adverse life events
- Low social support from
- Retirement
The prevalence of MH problems was up to
26% and 39% in current and former
professional football players, respectively;
anxiety/depression was the most commonly
reported condition.
Hopley, et al.
Determine the prevalence of
symptoms of CMD among
professional rugby players
across countries
333 (0:333)
M = 26
SD = 4
Prevalence (4-week) of symptoms of CMD
ranged from 13 % for sleep disturbance to 30
% for anxiety/depression, while around 17 %
of the participants reported comorbidity of
two simultaneous symptoms of CMD.
Hopley, et al.
Determine the incidence of
symptoms of CMD among
male professional rugby
players and to explore their
association with potential
595 (0: 595)
M = 26
SD = 4
cohort study
- Adverse life events
The incidence of symptoms of CMD among
professional rugby players ranged from 11%
for distress and eating disorders to 28% for
anxiety/depression, while around 13% of the
participants reported two simultaneous
symptoms of CMD over the follow-up period.
Jonkers, et al.
Establish the 12-month
incidence of symptoms of
CMD among Dutch elite
athletes and to explore their
potential association with
203 (?:?)
M = 27
SD = 7
Various sports
cohort study
- Career dissatisfaction
- Injury
- Critical life events
The 12-month incidence was 32% for
distress, 57% for anxiety/depression, 19% for
sleeping disturbance, 6% for adverse alcohol
use, and 17% for eating disorders. In follow-
up, 17% of the participants reported two
(17%) or three (19%) symptoms of CMD.
Jonkers, et al.
Determine the prevalence of
CMD among current and
former Dutch elite athletes,
and to explore potential risk
485 (?:?)
M = 27.3
SD = 7.1
Various sports
- Severe injuries
- Surgery
- Adverse life events
- Career dissatisfaction
- Low social support
Prevalence (4-week) 6% for adverse alcohol
use to 45% for anxiety/depression among
current elite athletes, and from 18% for
distress to 29% for anxiety/depression among
former elite athletes.
Tol, &
Determine the prevalence,
comorbidity and 6-month
incidence of symptoms of
CMD among elite Gaelic
204 (0:204)
M = 25
SD = 4
Hurling and football
cohort study
- Severe injury
- Sports career
- critical life events
Prevalence of symptoms of CMD among elite
Gaelic athletes ranged from 23% for adverse
alcohol use to 48% for anxiety/depression;
comorbidity of two or more symptoms of
CMD reached 48% among the sample.
Griffiths, &
Determine what young elite
athletes perceive as the
barriers and facilitators to
help-seeking for common MH
15 (6:9)
M = 19.3
One individual and
one team sport
Focus group
written exercise
- Athlete appropriate
- Social support
- MH literacy
- Service accessibility
- Encouragement of
- Confidentiality
- Poor performance
- Injuries
- Weight control
- Stigma towards help-
- Difficulty to express
Stigma was the most important barrier to
seeking help. Other barriers were a lack of
MH literacy and negative past experiences of
help-seeking. Facilitators to help-seeking
were encouragement from others, relationship
with a provider, and positive attitudes of
Mackinnon, et
al. (2012)
Test the feasibility and
efficacy of three Internet-
based interventions designed
to increase MH help-seeking
attitudes and behavior
59 (43:16)
M = 25.42
SD = 5.64
Various sports
controlled trial
- MH literacy
None of the interventions yielded a significant
increase in help-seeking attitudes or behavior
relative to control. MH literacy intervention
increased athletes’ knowledge of CMD and
showed evidence of reducing depression and
anxiety stigma.
Batterham, &
Investigate Australian elite
athletes’ symptoms of general
psychological distress and
224 (118:106)
M = 24.91
SD = 6.00
Various sports
- Injury
46.4% of athletes had at least one MH
problem: Depression (27.2%), eating disorder
(22.8%), general psychological distress
(16.5%), social anxiety (14.7%), generalized
anxiety disorder (7.1%), and panic disorder
(4.5%). Injured athletes had higher levels of
depression and generalized anxiety disorder.
Kubas, &
Davis (2013)
Assess the prevalence of
diagnosed failure-based
depression and self-reported
symptoms of depression
within a sample of elite
50 (22:28)
M = 20.5
Semi structure
interview and
- Female
- High-performance level
- Performance failure
Before the competition, 68% of athletes met
the criteria for a major depressive episode.
After the competition, 34% of athletes met
diagnostic criteria and 26% self-reported mild
to moderate symptoms of depression.
Depression prevalence doubled among the
elite top 25% of athletes.
Dankers, &
Elbe (2018)
Investigate the relation of
perfectionism and anxiety to
depressive symptoms in
Danish and Swedish male
elite football players
323 (0:323)
M = 22.08
SD = 5.15
Denmark & Sweden
- Competitive anxiety
- Perfectionist concerns
- Social phobia
16.7% of players reported de3pressive
symptoms. A relationship between depression
and perfectionistic concerns, competitive
anxiety, and social phobia was found.
Jones (2016)
Investigate how personal
characteristics and individual
athletic-related characteristics
correlate with MH attitudes in
elite football players
112 (0:112)
Wide age range
NFL football
- Being married
- Being retired
- Hypermasculinity
- Injury that leads to
permanent disability
Although athletes have high levels of
hypermasculinity, other factors, including
marital status and sports level lessen the
effects of hypermasculinity and facilitate
positive perceptions of mental illness and
receptivity to help.
Jowett &
Explore how athletes’
perceptions of their
relationship impinge upon
their satisfaction with sport
and emotional well-being
87 (48:39)
M = 26.71
SD = 7.29
Various sports
- Negative relationship
Relationship spillover was negatively related
to sports satisfaction and positively to
depressive symptoms.
Junge &
Evaluate the prevalence of
depression and anxiety in top-
level football players in
comparison to the general
471 (182:289)
M = 22.3
SD = 4.47
- Female
- Injury
- Players position
- Levels of play
Swiss football players have the same
prevalence of depression as the general
population, while male U-21 players have a
higher prevalence of depression.
Junge & Prinz
Evaluate the prevalence and
risk factors of depression and
anxiety symptoms in high-
level female football players
290 (290:0)
M = 21.5
SD = 4.2
- Age (younger)
- Low match experience
- Playing in second league
- Poor general health
16.6% of the players expressed moderate and
14.1% severe symptoms of depression.
Second league female football players had a
higher prevalence of depression symptoms.
Kilic et al.
Determine the prevalence of
symptoms of CMD among
soccer and handball players
and to explore the influence
of psychosocial stressors
1155 (249:906)
M = 25.5
SD = 4.7
Handball and soccer
- Severe injuries
- Surgeries
- Critical life events
19% of soccer players expressed
anxiety/depression symptoms. In professional
handball, the highest prevalence (4 weeks) of
symptoms of CMDs was 26% and 16% for
anxiety/depression among current and retired
players, respectively.
Lehmkuhl, &
Andrae (2008)
Investigate psychopathology
and psychological distress in
female elite rhythmic
gymnasts compared to two
control groups
51 (51:0)
M = 15.2
SD = 1.8
No psychological distress comparable to that
of anorectic patients was found. Gymnasts
suffered less from psychological distress than
the patient group and showed even fewer
symptoms than the high school student group.
Lundqvist &
Raglin (2015)
Investigated whether need
(dis)satisfaction, motivational
climate, perfectionism, and
self-esteem relate to athletes’
well-being and stress
103 (54:49)
M = 22.3
SD = 4.4
- Need satisfaction
- Self-esteem
- Need dissatisfaction
- Perfectionistic concerns
Distinct patterns of well-being and stress
levels could be identified with reasonable
accuracy (88 %) by five variables: Need
dissatisfaction, self-esteem, need satisfaction,
perfectionism, and mastery-oriented climate.
Lundqvist &
Sandin (2014)
Examine subjective,
psychological and social well-
being at a global and sport
contextual level among elite
10 (6:4)
Median age: 20.4
- Sport confidence
- Realistic performance
- Acceptance of
multiple roles
- Trust in coach
- Sport friendships
- Self-reflection and
- Use available
Subjective and psychological well-being
interacted, and important psychological
functioning among athletes included the
abilities to adopt value-driven behaviors, be
part of functional relationships, and to self-
regulate one’s autonomy.
- Meaningful and
personally significant
Mousavi, &
Determine the predictability
of psychological health and
sports success by defense
385 (100:285)
M = 23.25
SD = 3.11
Various sports
- Mature defense
- Neurotic defense
A significant positive relationship between
mature defense mechanisms with psycho-
logical wellbeing was revealed. Neurotic
defense mechanism was significantly
associated with psychological distress.
Howells, &
Explore the depressive
experiences of top-level
12 (3:9)
Age not specified
Various sports
analysis of
- Sport as a way to
escape from distress
- Sports success
- MH literacy
- Critical life event
- Multiple injuries
- Social anxiety
- Sporting failure
- Extreme demands
- Perfectionism
The findings display a two-way interaction,
with depression having implications for
performance, and performance having
implications for depression.
Frank, &
Examined if athletes in
individual sports are more
prone to depressive symptoms
than athletes in team sports
199 (?:?)
M = 14.96
SD = 1.56
Various sports
- Individual sport
- Negative attribution
after failure
Athletes in individual sports showed higher
scores in depressive symptoms than athletes
in team sports. Attribution plays important
role in explaining the different vulnerability
to depression in team and individual sports.
Hautzinger, &
Provide insight into the
prevalence of depressive
symptoms among German
elite athletes and possible
associated factors
162 (58:104)
M = 23.41
SD = 7.04
Various sports
- Situation control
- Addressing oneself in
encouraging tones
- Recovery
- Chronic stress
- Negative coping
Prevalence of depression was 19%. General
stress and sport-specific stress show positive
correlations with depressive symptoms,
whereas general recovery and sport-specific
recovery show significant negative
correlations with depressive symptoms.
Prinz, Dvorak,
& Junge
Evaluate depression
symptoms during and after
the career in former female
football players of the
German First League.
157 (157:0)
M = 33.0
SD = 6.25
Germany, Europe
- Athletic retirement
- Future plans
- Playing position
- Conflicts with coach or
- Injury
- Low performance
- Lack of support
- Separation/divorce
-Critical life event
32.3% of players had symptoms of major
depression, and 25.2% of mild or moderate
depression at least once during their football
career. The average depression score differed
significantly between playing positions and
levels of play.
Schaal et al.
Identify the principal
psychological problems
encountered within French
high-level athletes, and the
prevalence based on sex and
the sport practiced
2067 (728:1339)
M = 18.5
SD = 4.9
Various sports
France, Europe
- Female
- Younger for prevalence
- Older age for depression
- Aesthetic and fine motor
skills sports
Overall, 20.2% of women had at least one
psychopathology, against 15.1% in men. This
female predominance applied to anxiety and
eating disorders, depression, sleep problems
and self-harming behaviors.
Aoki, et al.
Establish the association
between osteoarthritis and
CMD in former elite athletes
602 (0:602)
M = 37.0
SD = 6
Various sports
- Osteoarthritis
Osteoarthritis might be a risk factor for
common mental disorders in athletes, as
significant association with symptoms of
distress, sleep disturbance, alcohol use, and
CMD in former elite athletes was found.
Gray, &
Determine the prevalence of
CMD among current and
former professional cricketers
116 (10:106)
M = 27.36
SD = 5.6
(Europe and Africa)
cohort study
with a follow-up
- Surgeries
- Adverse life events
- Career dissatisfaction
Prevalence of 38% for CMD symptoms
among current professional cricketers was
found. Significant associations between
career dissatisfaction and distress,
anxiety/depression and sleep disturbance,
between surgeries and distress, and between
adverse life events and anxiety/depression.
Note: CMD = Common mental disorder; MH = Mental health.
Table 3
Research Design and Sample Characteristics
Reference number
Study Design
1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24, 25, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 36, 38, 39, 40,
41, 42, 43
9, 10, 23, 35, 37
4, 26
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 21, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37,
38, 39, 40, 41, 42
19, 20, 22, 43
Sample Size
9, 10, 35
4, 8, 23, 26, 37
5, 6, 7, 24, 29, 33
1, 2, 3, 11, 13, 14, 17, 20, 22, 25, 27, 28, 31, 34, 38, 39, 40, 42
12, 15, 16, 18, 19, 21, 30, 32, 36, 41, 43
Not specified
31, 33, 40
5, 6, 10, 12, 16, 17, 18, 19, 22, 27, 28, 42
1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 11, 13, 15, 23, 24, 25, 26, 29, 30, 32, 34, 35, 36, 37, 39, 41, 43
14, 20, 21, 38
Competitive Level
1, 2, 6, 7, 9, 10, 13, 14, 15, 20, 21, 23, 24, 25, 26, 29, 33, 34, 35, 36, 38, 39, 42
5, 8, 11, 12, 16, 17, 18, 19, 22, 27, 28, 30, 31, 40, 43
3, 4, 32, 37, 41
Type of Sport
5, 6, 12, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 22, 27, 28, 30, 31, 32, 40, 42, 43
9, 26, 33, 34, 35
1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 20, 21, 23, 24, 25, 29, 36, 37, 38, 39, 41
Athletic Status
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 18, 19, 20, 21, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 38, 39, 41
40, 42
10, 16, 17, 21, 28, 37, 43
Wide age range
14, 33, 38
1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 13, 15, 16, 18, 19, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 29, 30, 31, 32, 34, 35, 36, 39, 41
4, 17, 20, 32, 40, 42
2, 22, 28, 43
12, 37
North America
3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 13, 14, 15, 20, 21, 22, 27, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41
1, 2, 11, 12, 23, 24, 25
26, 28
8, 36
16, 17, 18, 19, 42, 43
Note. Percentages (%) in relation to the total number of included empirical articles (N = 43). Reference numbers: 1 = Appaneal, Levine, Perna, & Roh
(2009); 2 = Beable, Fulcher, Lee, & Hamilton (2017); 3 = Belz, Heidari, Levenig, Hasenbring, Kellmann, & Kleinert (2018); 4 = Biggin, Burns, &
Uphill (2017); 5 = Biggins, Cahalan, Comyns, Purtill, & O’Sullivan (2018); 6 = Blakelock, Chen, & Prescott (2016); 7 = Breslin, Shannon, Haughey,
Donnelly, & Leavey (2017); 8 = Celebi et al. (2015); 9 = Coyle, Gorczynski, & Gibson (2017); 10 = Doherty, Hannigan, & Campbell (2016); 11 =
Drew et al. (2018); 12 = Du Preez et al., (2017); 13 = Foskett & Longstaff (2017); 14 = Frank, Nixdorf, & Beckmann (2017); 15 = Gerber, Holsboer-
Trachsler, Puhse, & Brand (2011); 16 = Gouttebarge, Aoki, Verhagen, & Kerkhoffs (2016); 17 = Gouttebarge, Frings-Dresen, & Sluiter (2015); 18 =
Gouttebarge, Hopley, et al. (2017); 19 = Gouttebarge, Hopley, et al. (2018); 20 = Gouttebarge, Jonkers, et al. (2017a); 21 = Gouttebarge, Jonkers, et al.
(2017b); 22 = Gouttebarge, Tol, & Kerkhoffs (2016); 23 = Gulliver, Griffiths, & Christensen (2012); 24 = Gulliver Griffiths, Christensen, Mackinnon,
et al. (2012); 25 = Gulliver, Griffiths, Mackinnon, Batterham, & Stanimirovic (2015); 26 = Hammond, Gialloreto, Kubas, & Davis (2013); 27 = Jensen,
Ivarsson, Fallby, Dankers, & Elbe (2018); 28 = Jones (2016); 29 = Jowett & Cramer (2009); 30 = Junge & Feddermann-Demont (2016); 31 = Junge &
Prinz (2018); 32 = Kilic et al. (2017); 33 = Klinkowski, Korte, Pfeiffer, Lehmkuhl, & Salbach-Andrae (2008); 34 = Lundqvist & Raglin (2015); 35 =
Lundqvist & Sandin (2014); 36 = Mousavi, Mousavi, & Yaghubi (2017); 37 = Newman, Howells, & Fletcher (2016); 38 = Nixdorf, Frank, &
Beckmann (2016); 39 = Nixdorf, Frank, Hautzinger, & Beckmann (2013); 40 = Prinz, Dvorak, & Junge (2016); 41 = Schaal et al. (2011); 42 =
Schuring, Aoki, et al. (2017); 43 = Schuring, Kerkhoffs, Gray, & Gouttebarge (2017).
Table 4
Personal and Sport-Environmental Protective and Risk Factors Affecting Elite Athletes’ Mental Health
Factor themes
Reference number
Personal Protective Factors
Protective behavior
10, 23, 35, 36, 39
Feeling of competence
16, 34, 35, 37, 39
Positive social relationships and support
9, 10, 23, 28
10, 14, 37, 39
Feeling of autonomy
35, 40
Basic needs and career satisfaction
13, 34
Sport-Environmental Protective Factors
Mental health literacy and support
7, 9, 10, 23, 24, 37
Trusting and mastery-orientated climate
23, 34, 35
Successful retirement adjustment
16, 28, 40
Positive sporting relationships and support
23, 35
Personal Risk Factors
Injury and overtraining
1, 3, 4, 8, 12, 20, 21, 22, 23, 25, 28, 30, 32, 37, 40, 43
Risk behavior and ineffective coping
4, 9, 10, 23, 27, 34, 36, 37, 38, 39
Adverse life events
17, 19, 20, 21, 22, 32, 37, 40, 43
Gender (female)
1, 2, 13, 15, 26, 30, 41
Poor general health
3, 28, 31, 37, 42
Maladaptive personality traits and identity
10, 27, 28, 34, 37
Basic needs and career dissatisfaction
20, 21, 22, 34, 43
Chronic life stress
2, 14, 15, 39
Poor eating/drinking/sleeping habits
5, 9, 15
Negative social relationships and low social support
21, 29, 40
Sport-Environmental Risk Factors
Sport-specific stressors
4, 6, 9, 10, 11, 23, 26, 27, 30, 31, 37, 40
Individual and aesthetic sports’ specific features
2, 9, 38, 41
Crisis-type retirement
2, 17
Lack of support from teammates and coaches
17, 40
Stigma towards help seeking
4, 23
Note. Percentages (%) in relation to the total number of included empirical articles (N = 43). Reference numbers: 1 = Appaneal, Levine, Perna, & Roh (2009);
2 = Beable, Fulcher, Lee, & Hamilton (2017); 3 = Belz, Heidari, Levenig, Hasenbring, Kellmann, & Kleinert (2018); 4 = Biggin, Burns, & Uphill (2017); 5 =
Biggins, Cahalan, Comyns, Purtill, & O’Sullivan (2018); 6 = Blakelock, Chen, & Prescott (2016); 7 = Breslin, Shannon, Haughey, Donnelly, & Leavey
(2017); 8 = Celebi et al. (2015); 9 = Coyle, Gorczynski, & Gibson (2017); 10 = Doherty, Hannigan, & Campbell (2016); 11 = Drew et al. (2018); 12 = Du
Preez et al., (2017); 13 = Foskett & Longstaff (2017); 14 = Frank, Nixdorf, & Beckmann (2017); 15 = Gerber, Holsboer-Trachsler, Puhse, & Brand (2011);
16 = Gouttebarge, Aoki, Verhagen, & Kerkhoffs (2016); 17 = Gouttebarge, Frings-Dresen, & Sluiter (2015); 18 = Gouttebarge, Hopley, et al. (2017); 19 =
Gouttebarge, Hopley, et al. (2018); 20 = Gouttebarge, Jonkers, et al. (2017a); 21 = Gouttebarge, Jonkers, et al. (2017b); 22 = Gouttebarge, Tol, & Kerkhoffs
(2016); 23 = Gulliver, Griffiths, & Christensen (2012); 24 = Gulliver Griffiths, Christensen, Mackinnon, et al. (2012); 25 = Gulliver, Griffiths, Mackinnon,
Batterham, & Stanimirovic (2015); 26 = Hammond, Gialloreto, Kubas, & Davis (2013); 27 = Jensen, Ivarsson, Fallby, Dankers, & Elbe (2018); 28 = Jones
(2016); 29 = Jowett & Cramer (2009); 30 = Junge & Feddermann-Demont (2016); 31 = Junge & Prinz (2018); 32 = Kilic et al. (2017); 33 = Klinkowski,
Korte, Pfeiffer, Lehmkuhl, & Salbach-Andrae (2008); 34 = Lundqvist & Raglin (2015); 35 = Lundqvist & Sandin (2014); 36 = Mousavi, Mousavi, &
Yaghubi (2017); 37 = Newman, Howells, & Fletcher (2016); 38 = Nixdorf, Frank, & Beckmann (2016); 39 = Nixdorf, Frank, Hautzinger, & Beckmann
(2013); 40 = Prinz, Dvorak, & Junge (2016); 41 = Schaal et al. (2011); 42 = Schuring, Aoki, et al. (2017); 43 = Schuring, Kerkhoffs, Gray, & Gouttebarge
MH literacy and
support (4)
Successful retirement
adjustment (2)
Trusting and
sport climate (3)
Lack of social
support from team-
mates and coaches (2)
Individual and
aesthetic sports
specific features (3)
stressors (7)
Stigma towards
help-seeking (1)
retirement (2)
Positive sporting
relationships and
support (2)
Feeling of
autonomy (2)
Feeling of
competence (5)
behavior (9)
Basic needs and
career satisfaction (2)
Risk behavior and
ineffective coping (8)
Maladaptive personality
traits and identity (4)
life events (1)
athlete triad (1)
Injury and
Overtraining (5)
Basic needs and
dissatisfaction (2)
Poor general
health (5)
Poor eating/
sleeping/ drinking
habits (2)
Chronic life
Stress (1)
Positive social
and support (3)
Negative social
relationships and low
social support (3)
mental health
Risk factors
Sport-environmental domain
Protective factors
Personal domain
Figure 2. Conceptual map of protective and risk factors related to elite athletes’ mental health. Numbers in brackets indicate numbers of correlates/associations.
Factors affecting the mental health of elite athletes
Appendix 1: PRISMA-ScR Checklist (Tricco et al., 2018)
PRISMA-ScR Checklist Item
on page#
The review title includes “scoping review”
Based on the journal’s guidelines, an unstructured
abstract of 200 words is provided. It includes
objectives, amount of studies included, charting
methods, results, and conclusions
Although there are existing reviews on mental
health in elite sport, no review has systematically
screened article for protective and risk factors
The purpose of this scoping review was threefold:
(a) to provide an overview of research concerning
the MH of elite athletes from 1998 to 2018, (b) to
identify and categorize factors affecting elite
athletes’ MH, and (c) to critically appraise the
papers and detect research gaps and future
Protocol and registration
The study has not been officially registered
Eligibility criteria
Only English peer-reviewed articles were included
in the present review. Due to that elite athletes’
mental health is and emerging topic, we limited the
search for the last 20 years
Information sources
The search strategy was applied in the following
databases: SPORTDiscus, SCOPUS, PsychINFO,
EMBASE, and PubMed
Key terms of the database search are explained and
an example for one database (SCOPUS) is
Selection of sources of
Inclusion and exclusion criteria are described in
Data charting process
The two authors met on several occasions to
review the initial records identified and applied the
inclusion and exclusion criteria independently.
The qualitative data analysis process to identify
protective and risk factors is described
Data items
We looked for associations (qualitative studies)
and correlates (quantitative studies) in the included
articles related to athletes’ MH.
Table 2
Critical appraisal
Not conducted in a systematic way
Summary measures
Not applicable for scoping reviews
Synthesis of results
Results are presented both in tabular, graphical,
and narrative forms
Table 2-4
Figure 2
Risk of bias across
Not applicable for scoping reviews
Additional analyses
Not applicable for scoping reviews
Selection of sources of
We describe the selection process including the
different stages (identification, screening,
Factors affecting the mental health of elite athletes
eligibility, and inclusion). Figure 1 presents the
flow chart
Figure 1
Characteristics of sources
of evidence
Table 2 provides an overview of the 43 included
articles in relation to authors, year, aims, sample,
location, sport, research design, protective/risk
factors, and main findings
Table 2
Critical appraisal within
sources of evidence
Not conducted in a systematic way
Results of individual
sources of evidence
Table 2 gives an overview of all the correlates and
associations of the individual articles that relates to
the protective and risk factors (rational of the
Table 2
Synthesis of results
Table 3 (Research Design and Sample
Characteristics) and Table 4 (Personal and Sport-
Environmental Protective and Risk Factors
Affecting Elite Athletes’ Mental Health)
summarize the findings in tabular forms.
Figure 2 (Conceptual map of protective and risk
factors related to elite athletes’ mental health)
provides a graphical overview of the results
Risk of bias across
Not applicable for scoping reviews
Additional analyses
Not applicable for scoping reviews
Summary of evidence
Summarizes the main results through the critical
lens of MH propositions (MH should be better
defined in sport; MH research should broaden the
scope of assessment; MH as a resource for an
athletic career; influence of the environment on
athletes’ MH), link to the review questions and
objectives, and consider the relevance researchers,
coaches, and practitioners.
Discusses some limitations of the scoping review
process and the results.
Provides a general interpretation of the results with
respect to the review questions and objectives, as
well as potential implications and/or next steps.
Describes sources of funding for the included
sources of evidence, as well as sources of funding
for the scoping review.
... Wylleman et al. (2015) crafted a direct reference to elite athlete mental health, referring to it as a condition of effective performance or mental processing that leads to fruitful endeavours; rewarding interactions with others; and the capacity to adjust to change, withstand challenges, and overcome difficulties. Recently, Kuettel and Larsen (2020) expanded that: ...
... Yet, researching mental health among athletes remains challenging. Notably, attempts to examine athlete mental health remain sparse (Rice et al., 2016); these attempts are also limited by measurement and definition issues; and the majority of such research has been published in predominantly white Western nations (e.g., across Europe, North America, and Australia and New Zealand), thus potentially limiting insight into regional and cultural variations (Kuettel & Larsen, 2020). ...
... At the elite sport level, injury and concussion are frequently reported to be associated with anxiety and depression symptoms (Kuettel & Larsen, 2020). High training loads also increase injury risk and thus the likelihood of subsequent mental health symptoms. ...
... As they gained status, participants seemingly became less concerned about stigma by association and utilized their lived experiences to support younger teammates. Participants described being transparent about their experiences with mental ill-health to normalize openness and develop supportive mental health environments, which has been found to protect against athlete mental health deterioration when they lack environmental and teammate support (Kuettel & Larsen, 2020). Through this, participants provided informational support and role-modeled how to successfully navigate difficult situations; without such support, athletes may struggle to cope with stressful situations (Brown et al., 2018). ...
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Athletes experience mental ill-health at prevalence rates similar to the general population but are reluctant to discuss or seek help for mental ill-health due to stigma, which can impact their status, playing time, or spot on the team. Researchers have alluded to social sequelae of mental ill-health stigma in sport (e.g., ostracization, reduced social opportunities), but these outcomes have not been explicitly explored. Therefore, we qualitatively explored athletes’ experiences of mental ill-health and their perceptions of the impact of stigma on their social relationships. Participants read a priming vignette before engaging in semistructured interviews. We interviewed 12 retired university and college student-athletes within 5 years of retirement who had experienced mental ill-health during their intercollegiate athletic career. Employing reflexive thematic analysis, we developed two themes portraying participants’ described experiences: (1) Relational Drawbacks to Protecting Oneself From Stigmatization, detailing negative impacts of mental ill-health stigma on participants’ relationships, and (2) Growth Through Stigmatized Experiences, highlighting the positive outcomes participants derived from their experiences. Through these themes, we found that participants utilized maladaptive coping strategies when fearing stigmatization, which led to the negative social sequelae they experienced. We also found that socially supportive and destigmatized interactions helped participants form deep, meaningful relationships that lasted beyond their student-athlete careers and provided a sense of well-being. We suggest that fostering socially supportive sport environments represents a promising path to destigmatization that can increase athlete well-being. We detail recommendations for future research avenues and interventions that may be beneficial in creating socially supportive sport environments.
... (e.g., Gabrys & Wontorczyk, 2023;Küttel & Larsen, 2020;Oliveira et al., 2019). In fact, athletes are commonly assessed under performance and success criteria by external figures (Sagar et al., 2007). ...
This study aimed to test a comprehensive model in adolescent athletes that explores the effect of shame on sports anxiety and whether psychological inflexibility and mindfulness influence this association. The sample study included 210 young Portuguese athletes from different competitive sports. The path analysis results confirmed the adequacy of the proposed model, which explained 49% of the variance in sports anxiety. Results demonstrated that athletes who experienced higher levels of shame tended to exhibit elevated levels of sports anxiety through lower levels of mindfulness and higher psychological inflexibility. The study offers new empirical data that may be relevant for clinical and sport psychology practitioners. These findings seem to underline the importance of addressing shame and, consequently, sports anxiety in adolescent athletes by developing greater psychological flexibility and, inherently, more mindfulness skills among adolescent athletes who are in a phase of their lives where sport can play a crucial role.
... The focus of interventions planned from this perspective is generally on mental health promotion and universal prevention by facilitating wellbeing and quality of life (i.e., building competencies, strengths, and resources). 11,29,58,59 The interventions adopt holistic, ecological, or biopsychosocial models, considering the intervention context and the idiographic perspectives of the individuals and populations involved, 11,60 for example, paying attention to the details of everyday life to build an understanding of an individual, a group/team, or a sport community. Interventions targeting mental health literacy (MHL) are receiving growing attention as universal prevention strategies. ...
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Epidemiological studies suggest that psychiatric disorders are as prevalent among high-performance athletes as in general populations, challenging the myth of invulnerability. Despite efforts of sports organisations to highlight the significance of athletes' mental health, it is still many times tough to combine the sports performance ethos with a discourse on mental health. This narrative cornerstone review examines challenges related to definitions and classifications of athlete mental health in high-performance sports and how these influence assessments and the implementation of interventions. We discuss challenges with concept creep and psychiatrisation and outline their consequences for sports healthcare professionals. Based on this, we present a framework that aligns different categories of athlete mental health conditions (from the reduction of wellbeing to psychiatric disorders) with intervention types (from the provision of supporting environments to pharmacotherapy). We conclude that researchers and sports practitioners need to carefully consider conceptual creep and the risk of pathologising normal and healthy, albeit emotionally aversive, reactions to athlete lifeworld events when assessing athlete mental health. A clear separation of terminology denoting the athlete's resources to handle the lifeworld (including salutogenic factors) and terms describing psychiatric conditions and their management is necessary to avoid misguidance in intervention planning.
... Conceiving mental illness as the result of a biological abnormality is a common misconception of the medicalised psychiatric approach (see Deacon, 2013;Gergel, 2014). Such a perception of causation negates the role elite sport cultures play in athlete mental health burden (see Küttel & Larsen, 2020) and shifts responsibility for mental health concerns onto athletes. ...
... 1 While evidence suggests characteristics of elite sport may foster protective benefits (eg, feelings of competence, social relationships 2 ), evidence also identifies elite-sports-specific risk factors that may negatively impact athlete mental health, with the potential to interrupt healthy development. [2][3][4] Despite this difference, little research has examined healthy development in athletes in the phase between community and elite sport, that is, those in talent development programmes. Commonly, athletes are considered elite if they participate in a WHAT IS ALREADY KNOWN ABOUT THIS TOPIC ⇒ Research findings are mixed, though there are indications that involvement in high-performance sports systems may adversely impact developmental outcomes in youth. ...
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Objectives This study aimed to compare talent development athletes to community-level athletes in Australian Rules Football across various markers of healthy youth development. Methods Survey data were collected from 363 youth athletes (126 women, 232 men, 5 not reported; Mage=18.69 years, SDage=2.62 years, age range 16–25 years) playing Australian Rules Football at a talent development (recruited from Australian Football League Talent Pathway, n=220) or community (n=143) level. Measures included markers of physical health (eg, general health, risk-taking behaviours), psychological and emotional well-being (eg, mental health symptoms, life satisfaction), family and social relationships (eg, social support, relationship status), educational and occupational attainment/engagement (eg, career satisfaction, education), ethical behaviour (eg, moral self-image), civic engagement, life skills (eg, self-mastery, coping), and demographics. Results Based on regression models, relative to community-level athletes, talent development athletes reported better physical health (d=0.51), lower injury rates (OR=0.50) and less problematic drug use (d=−0.46). Talent development athletes also reported better psychological and emotional well-being, evidenced by lower stress (d=−0.30), higher life satisfaction (d=0.47) and less problematic gambling (d=−0.34). Additionally, talent development athletes reported higher family support (d=0.49), lower likelihood of poor educational outcomes (less than expected educational stage; OR=0.37), lower intention to complete less than year 12 education (OR=0.18), higher career satisfaction (d=0.42), higher self-mastery (d=0.37) and higher perfectionistic striving (d=0.59). Conclusion Findings demonstrate markers of healthier development within talent development athletes relative to community athlete peers. Investment in community-level sports may be warranted to improve healthy development. However, further causal evidence is required.
... Gorczynski et al. (2019, p. 715) advocate for the benefits of these forms of support but caution that collective action is required to "not only develop and use knowledge, but also change attitudes, overcome stigma, and provide and take opportunities to get help." This is because, as Moreland et al (as cited in Kuettel & Larsen, 2020). highlight, wellbeing support systems are most effective when the many stakeholders (athletes, coaches, administrators, and managers, etc.) of highperformance environments exhibit attributes (attitudes and behaviors) which work as facilitators of that system. ...
... The impact of stress on mental health in competitive sports is well established (e.g., Kuettel & Larsen, 2020;Simpson et al., 2021). Expanding this knowledge on the specific group of athletes in the JST is deemed necessary. ...
... In sports, it suppresses the athlete's desire to stay connected to the organization. This realization significantly contributes to the health problems of anxiety, depression, and burnout, thus making it challenging for subordinates to deal with the workplace politics that manifest significant work-related health issues [80]. ...
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In recent years, the concept of despotic leadership has garnered considerable attention in sports. Despotic leadership significantly reflecting leaders' deviant behavior has today heightened the risk of health hazards in the workplace. In addition, the perceived organizational politics have also yielded a deleterious result on employees’ well-being. In the dynamic landscape of healthcare, understanding the implications of organizational behavior on well-being is paramount for risk management. This study elucidates the relationships between despotic leadership, perceived organizational politics, workplace incivility, emotional exhaustion, person-organization unfit, and health harm, which can pose significant risks in a healthcare setting. The quantitative study was conducted using an empirical survey with respondents representing sports organizations. A Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Model (PLS-SEM) was used to analyze data from 429 participants using Smart PLS. The study findings suggest that despotic leadership and perceived organizational politics can lead to increased risks, manifested as workplace incivility, emotional exhaustion, and person-organization unfit. These organizational risks subsequently translate to tangible health harm for employees. Mediation analyses revealed that workplace incivility, emotional exhaustion, and person-organization unfit mediate the detrimental health outcomes rooted in leadership and organizational politics. The study underscores the urgent need for risk management strategies to foster a healthier organizational culture and leadership approach in healthcare settings. This will ensure enhanced employee well-being and a reduction in associated health risks, thus aligning with best practices in healthcare policy.
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The present study provides a unique contribution to the literature by offering the first study to examine the prevalence of mental ill health and mental wellbeing of professional Counter-Strike athletes. The sample consisted of 51 current Counter-Strike professionals (Mage = 23.22, SD = 4.7 years; Male = 48, Female = 3) representing 17.1% of all registered Counter-Strike professionals. An online questionnaire battery was administered via Qualtrics. We found that one quarter of our sample reported moderately severe (15.7%) and severe (9.8%) symptoms of depression using the PHQ-9, over three quarters (82.4%) reported symptoms of anxiety/depression using the GHQ-12, over half (54.9%) reported psychological distress using the distress screener, and nearly three quarters (72.5%) reported low mental wellbeing using the SWEMWBS. Our findings suggest that greater importance should be placed on screening and intervention support by both performance and clinical practitioners to facilitate mental health within the esports ecosystem.
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This consensus statement is the product of an international Think Tank on the initiative of the International Society of Sport Psychology. The purpose of the Think Tank was to unify major sport psychology organizations in a discussion of the current status and future challenges of applied and research aspects of athlete mental health. The contributors present six propositions and recommendations to inspire sport organizations and researchers. The propositions are: Mental health is a core component of a culture of excellence; Mental health in a sport context should be better defined; Research on mental health in sport should broaden the scope of assessment; Athlete mental health is a major resource for the whole athletic career and life post-athletic career; The environment can nourish or malnourish athlete mental health; and Mental health is everybody’s business but should be overseen by one or a few specified members. It is recommended that researchers unite to develop a more contextualized definition of athlete mental health and more comprehensive strategies of assessment, as well as join forces with sporting organizations to investigate sustainable elite sport environments and the role of the mental health officer. Sport organizations are advised to recognize athlete mental health as a core component of a healthy elite sport system and a key indicator of their effectiveness, support research initiatives, and to promote the mental health literacy of all their staff while engaging a mental health officer with the responsibility to oversee a support system.
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Abstract Mental health in elite sport is receiving more publicity due to an increase in male athletes sharing their personal experiences. Sports injury is recognised as the major risk factor for psychological distress amongst male athletes, although anecdotally this may be that athletes are more likely to discuss their emotional wellbeing when related to the injury they are experiencing. Stress can be amplified within elite sport and the pressure they experience in relation to competition and performance can be exacerbated by adverse life events. This ongoing stress does not end when their sporting career does, it can follow them into retirement. The physical and psychological demands placed upon them by the sporting environment may predispose athletes to developing depression. As an athlete’s symptoms of mental illness intensify, their performance can be negatively affected leaving them vulnerable and exposed to further symptoms of common mental disorders. The pressure of performance can also expose male athletes to overtraining syndrome which can be difficult to distinguish from depression. Male athletes are more vulnerable to eating disorders compared with males in the general population and they do have anxieties, particularly around their bodies, but find it difficult to disclose their concerns. In addition to this, male athletes are more likely to use substances, including opioids to improve both sport and non-sport performance. Despite the prevalence of common mental disorders in male athletes, stigma still exists, and although some athletes discuss their issues publicly after their career has ended, the majority of athletes prefer to remain silent. There remains a view that athletes who seek help for psychological problems may be seen as weak. Although there is an improvement in help-seeking attitudes within elite sport, further research and education is needed to encourage men to talk about their mental health, share their experiences and to enjoy a greater sense of emotional wellbeing.
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Sport has become increasingly aware of the challenges associated with Mental Disorders and, to a greater extent, mental health issues (MHIs). This study sought to explore in depth the subjective experiences of elite athletes who suffered from a specific clinical MHI, namely depression. In addition, we explored their perceptions of the prevalence and stigma surrounding MHIs in elite sport environments. Data were collected from four elite athletes (1 female and 3 males; 2 team and 2 individual sports) using semi-structured interviews and analysed using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis. Participants described both sport and non-sport related triggers in regard to their depression (e.g., institutional mistreatment and bullying, injuries, previous MHI, and miscarriage), as well as a range of behaviour, performance (e.g., decline), and personality changes compared to their normal functioning. Although the participants stressed the widespread prevalence of MHIs in elite sport, they also acknowledged the stigma associated with MHIs in high-level sport environments and its detrimental role for athletes. This study has important practical and diagnostic implications, and highlights the need for further research to assess the extent and scope of clinical MHIs in sport as well as to inform the care for this unique population.
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Scoping reviews, a type of knowledge synthesis, follow a systematic approach to map evidence on a topic and identify main concepts, theories, sources, and knowledge gaps. Although more scoping reviews are being done, their methodological and reporting quality need improvement. This document presents the PRISMA-ScR (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses extension for Scoping Reviews) checklist and explanation. The checklist was developed by a 24-member expert panel and 2 research leads following published guidance from the EQUATOR (Enhancing the QUAlity and Transparency Of health Research) Network. The final checklist contains 20 essential reporting items and 2 optional items. The authors provide a rationale and an example of good reporting for each item. The intent of the PRISMA-ScR is to help readers (including researchers, publishers, commissioners, policymakers, health care providers, guideline developers, and patients or consumers) develop a greater understanding of relevant terminology, core concepts, and key items to report for scoping reviews.
Objectives (a) To provide a state-of-the-art critical review of European dual career (DC) research (2015–2018, English language), (b) to position the current DC (psychological) research within the athlete career sport psychology discourse and within the European DC discourse, and (c) to identify research gaps and future challenges. These objectives were formulated after an appraisal of nine existing review-type papers contributed to the European DC discourse. Methodology This review has been informed by the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta Analyses (Moher, Liberati, Tetzlaff, Altman, & The PRISMA group, 2010) and recommendations on presenting results of the state-of-the-art critical review by Grant and Booth (2009). Results Following an extensive literature search across several databases, 42 research papers were used for appraisal, synthesis, and critical analysis of the current DC research. Major tenets of the cultural praxis of athletes' careers (Stambulova & Ryba, 2013a,b; 2014) were used as a critical lens in the analysis. Conclusions DC research contributes to and connects the European DC discourse and the athlete career sport psychology discourse. DC in sport and work, DC “costs”, DC development environments, DC athletes' mental health and well-being, DC support and training of the support providers constitute the major gaps in current DC research. Filling these gaps presents future challenges for DC research to adequately support practice and policy making within the European DC discourse.
Objectives The current case study aimed to develop, implement and evaluate an intervention program to aid preparation for the junior-to-senior transition (JST) in sport, which provides a novel contribution to the existing professional practice literature. The program, based upon existing theory, focused on developing resources, knowledge and readiness to cope with the transition. The authors were particularly interested in exploring the participants' evaluations. Design/Method A symbolic modeling approach was adopted, in which 5 senior tennis players were recorded on video discussing the demands of and coping strategies for the JST. The videos were used to support the intervention and delivered over 11 weeks to 7 junior tennis players from an elite training program in the U.K. (M = 15.1 years, SD = 1.24). To evaluate the intervention, a mixed methods single-subject design was used, with readiness to cope, knowledge and athletic identity assessed at three time points, along with social validation. Results Social-validation data indicated that the participants placed value on the intervention as a means to prepare for transition, citing increases in knowledge, coping, confidence and transition related skills. Quantitative data demonstrated an increase in readiness to cope with, and an increase knowledge of the JST. Athletic identity showed a small decrease. Conclusions The current study supports existing research upon the value of preparation for transition in sport, with this the first transition preparation program for the JST well received by athletes. Further research is required to explore longitudinally how such interventions contribute to a successful JST.
Objectives Grounded in the basic psychological needs theory (BPNT; Ryan & Deci, 2017) and dualistic model of passion (DMP; Vallerand et al., 2003), the aim of the present study was to examine within-person variations in athletes' optimal functioning (i.e., positive and negative affect, athletic satisfaction, and quality of preparation and performance) as a function of passion types and need satisfaction over the course of three competitive seasons. Method Elite youth soccer players (n = 91) completed multi-section questionnaires on up to five occasions over the course of three competitive seasons. Results Results of Hierarchical Linear Modeling analyses showed that between-person variations in harmonious passion (HP) were positively related to optimal functioning, whereas it was only partially the case with obsessive passion (OP). Moreover, within-person variations in the satisfaction of autonomy, relatedness, and competence were also associated with increases in athletes' psychological well-being (i.e., positive and negative affect, and athletic satisfaction). Additionally, results from a multilevel indirect effects model revealed that HP and increases in competence were both positively related to increases in the quality of athletes' preparation, which in turn led to increases in performance, as rated by coaches, over the span of three competitive seasons. Conclusions Overall, the results offer support for the effects of needs and passion on optimal functioning and are discussed in line with their implications for athletes in elite youth sports settings.
Mental health disorders (MHD) in elite athletes is a topic that has received increased attention in recent years. The overall aim of this position statement is to enhance awareness of this important topic and to critically discuss optimal service provision for athletes who suffer from MHD. In the first part of the paper a short overview of the research on MHD in elite athletes is provided. Elite athletes seem to have comparable prevalence rates for the most common MHD when compared to non-athletic peers, but there are still many disorders that have not been investigated in athletes. Sport specific situations such as injuries, periods of overtraining and career termination may put athletes at an increased risk of developing MHD. In the second part of the paper, models of service provision for elite athletes suffering from MHD from six European countries are presented, focusing on 1) professional service providers, 2) support systems, 3) diagnostic assessment, 4) clinical treatment, 5) performance during treatment, 6) screening, and 7) education systems. It emerges that competencies, certification issues, and professional boundaries of the involved service providers, as well as the structure of the National Health Care systems differ strongly across European countries, which makes defining a golden standard difficult. In the third part of this paper, the authors provide general recommendations for athletes and coaches, clubs, federations, organizations and scholars that hopefully will inspire stakeholders to optimize their support systems.
Back pain (BP), a prominent problem for competitive athletes, is a primary reason for limitations in athletic performance and daily life restrictions. As studies on the relationship between psychological variables and BP in athletes are scarce, the aim of this study was to investigate stress and depression in competitive athletes with BP. In a cross-sectional design, data of 154 competitive athletes (51% female; Mage = 18.81 years, SDage = 5.05 years) were collected, assessing Performance stress, Socio-emotional stress, Risk for depression and Psychological well-being and the two BP parameters BP Intensity and Disability. Two multiple linear regressions were conducted to predict (1) BP Intensity and (2) Disability from Performance stress, Socio-emotional stress, Risk for depression and Psychological well-being. Multiple linear regressions demonstrated that Performance stress (β = .21, p = .01) was the only significant predictor of BP Intensity (F1,142 = 6.68, p = .01, R² = .05), whilst Risk for depression (β = .24, p = .01) was the only significant predictor of Disability (F1,142 = 8.46, p = .01, R² = .06). Neither gender nor age explained a significant amount of variance in the models. Study results showed that, as in the general population, the variables stress and depression are related to BP in competitive athletes. In particular, BP intensity was found to be associated with stress and BP-related disability was associated with depression, whereas age and gender showed no association with the BP parameters. A longitudinal investigation is warranted to determine the direction of the observed relationships.
Well-being research conducted in competitive athletics has been marred by the lack of a context-specific measurement instrument. The purpose of this study was to adapt the Mental Health Continuum – Short Form (MHC-SF) to create a sport-specific well-being instrument, the Sport Mental Health Continuum—Short Form (Sport MHC-SF), and test its initial psychometric properties. Participants were 287 collegiate athletes from a variety of sports. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) determined a three-factor structure of sport well-being, consisting of subjective, psychological, and social factors, as the model of best fit. Internal consistency reliabilities of the subscales exceeded .88. Moderate positive correlations were found between Sport MHC-SF subscales and quality of life indices, notably physical and emotional quality of life, demonstrating convergent validity. The Sport MHC-SF will facilitate empirical research by providing a more accurate and comprehensive measurement of well-being for an athletic population.