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Functional Interactions during the Retrieval of Conceptual Action Knowledge: An fMRI Study


Abstract and Figures

Impaired retrieval of conceptual knowledge for actions has been associated with lesions of left premotor, left parietal, and left middle temporal areas [Tranel, D., Kemmerer, D., Adolphs, R., Damasio, H., & Damasio, A. R. Neural correlates of conceptual knowledge for actions. Cognitive Neuropsychology, 409-432, 2003]. Here we aimed at characterizing the differential contribution of these areas to the retrieval of conceptual knowledge about actions. During functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), different categories of pictograms (whole-body actions, manipulable and nonmanipulable objects) were presented to healthy subjects. fMRI data were analyzed using SPM2. A conjunction analysis of the neural activations elicited by all pictograms revealed ( p<.05, corrected) a bilateral inferior occipito-temporal neural network with strong activations in the right and left fusiform gyri. Action pictograms contrasted to object pictograms showed differential activation of area MT+, the inferior and superior parietal cortex, and the premotor cortex bilaterally. An analysis of psychophysiological interactions identified contribution-dependent changes in the neural responses when pictograms triggered the retrieval of conceptual action knowledge: Processing of action pictograms specifically enhanced the neural interaction between the right and left fusiform gyri, the right and left middle temporal cortices (MT+), and the left superior and inferior parietal cortex. These results complement and extend previous neuropsychological and neuroimaging studies by showing that knowledge about action concepts results from an increased coupling between areas concerned with semantic processing (fusiform gyrus), movement perception (MT+), and temporospatial movement control (left parietal cortex).
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Functional Interactions during the Retrieval
of Conceptual Action Knowledge: An fMRI Study
Ann Assmus
, Carsten Giessing
, Peter H. Weiss
and Gereon R. Fink
& Impaired retrieval of conceptual knowledge for actions has
been associated with lesions of left premotor, left parietal, and
left middle temporal areas [Tranel, D., Kemmerer, D., Adolphs,
R., Damasio, H., & Damasio, A. R. Neural correlates of con-
ceptual knowledge for actions. Cognitive Neuropsychology,
409–432, 2003]. Here we aimed at characterizing the differential
contribution of these areas to the retrieval of conceptual
knowledge about actions. During functional magnetic reso-
nance imaging (fMRI), different categories of pictograms
(whole-body actions, manipulable and nonmanipulable objects)
were presented to healthy subjects. fMRI data were analyzed
using SPM2. A conjunction analysis of the neural activations
elicited by all pictograms revealed ( p < .05, corrected) a bi-
lateral inferior occipito-temporal neural network with strong
activations in the right and left fusiform gyri. Action picto-
grams contrasted to object pictograms showed differential
activation of area MT+, the inferior and superior parietal cortex,
and the premotor cortex bilaterally. An analysis of psycho-
physiological inte ractions identified contribution-dependent
changes in the neural responses when pictograms triggered
the retrieval of conceptual action knowledge: Processing of
action pictograms specifically enhanced the neural interaction
between the right and left fusiform gyri, the right and left middle
temporal cortices (MT+), and the left superior and inferior
parietal cortex. These results complement and extend previous
neuropsychological and neuroimaging studies by showing that
knowledge about action concepts results from an increased
coupling between areas concerned with semantic processing
(fusiform gyrus), movement perception (MT+), and temporo-
spatial movement control (left parietal cortex). &
In 1870, Finkelnburg defined asymbolia as ‘‘a partial or
complete loss of the ability to comprehend and express
concepts by means of acquired signs.’’ He presented five
cases of aphasic patients who also showed nonverbal
symb olic impairments (e.g., for signs, notes, money,
rituals, or conventions). One patient (case II) exhibited,
in addition to her aphasia, impaired pantomime per-
formance on verbal command (e.g., making the sign of a
cross) but preserved imitation abilities (Duffy & Liles,
1979), whereas another global aphasic patient (case V)
showed a pantomime agnosia (Rothi, Mack, & Heilman,
1986). Finkelnburg concluded that asymbolia was the
underlying cause of these symptoms. Liepmann (1908),
in contrast, considered apraxia to be a disorder of skilled
movements and argued that apraxia might be more
apparent with symbolic gestures because they have to
be performed solely from memory without any help
from sensory information present during the man ip-
ulation of objects (see also Goldenberg, Hent ze, &
Hermsdo¨rfer, 2004).
Thus far, lesion studies failed to provide a clear answer
to this debate (Varney, 1982). Early studies (Goodglass &
Kaplan, 1963) showed that the gestural ability was not
related to the severity of aphasia when auditory com-
prehension was controlled for. In contrast, Kertesz and
Hooper (1982) found that apraxia correlated with severity
of aphasia and, in particular, with comprehension deficits.
However, the same group reported dissociations between
aphasia and apraxia (Kertesz, Ferro, & Shewan, 1984): Six
severely aphasic patients did not suffer from apraxia. In
contrast, all patients with severe apraxia (n = 40) also
showed severe aphasia (Kertesz et al., 1984). Recently,
using multidimensional scaling in 40 patients with left
brain damage, Goldenberg, Hartmann, and Schlott (2003)
failed to reveal a close clustering of deficits in pantomime,
imitation, drawing, and language tests (Goldenberg et al.,
2003). Similarly, Saygin, Wilson, Dronkers, and Bates
(2004) showed that in left-hemisphere-injured patients,
‘‘action comprehension deficits in the linguistic and non-
linguistic domains were not tightly correlated.’’
Nevertheless, studies concerned with the retrieval of
action knowledge independent of actual motor perform-
ance can help to disentangle the relationship between
impaired conceptual knowledge for actions and other
forms of symbolic impairments. For example, damage to
Research Center Ju¨lich, Germany,
University Hospital, RWTH
Aachen, Germany,
Cologne University Hospital, Germany
D 2007 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 19:6, pp. 1004–1012
inferior occipito-temporal areas can lead to a dissocia-
tion between impaired recognition of line drawings of
objects and preserved recognition of action drawings
and pantomimes (Ferreira, Ceccaldi, Giusiano, & Poncet,
1998; Schwartz, Barrett, Crucia n, & Heilman, 1998).
These findings suggest that at least partially separable
neural networks underlying the processing of action and
object stimuli may exist, a notion which, on a more
general level, is consistent with the dual-route hypoth-
esis (Goodale & Milner, 1992) or the idea that concep-
tual knowledge is mediated by neural networks that
depend on sensorimotor attributes of the presented
information (Kable, Kan, Wilson, Thompson-Schil l, &
Chatterjee, 2005).
One group lesion study further explored knowledge
of action concepts by evaluating attributes of pictured
actions. In that study, the authors distinguished between
the retrieval of conce ptual knowledge (recognition) and
lexical retrieval (naming) and proposed ‘‘that action
concepts embody knowledge about the behaviours of
entities, especially animate entities such as people and
animals, but also inanimate entities such as tools and
vehicles (Tranel, Kemmerer, Adolphs, Damasio, &
Damasio, 2003). These action concepts not only con-
tribute to the planning of movements but also to the re-
cognition of movements made by others (Buccino et al.,
2001). The highest lesion overlap in patients with im-
paired retrieval of conceptual knowled ge for actions
was found in the left premotor cortex, the left parietal
cortex, and in the white matter under neath the left
MT+. In contrast, impaired lexic al retrieval of action
knowledge was associated with left frontal opercular
lesions (Tranel, Adolphs, Damasio, & Damasio, 2001).
In this study, we aim to disentangle the specific con-
tribution of the areas subserving the re trieval of con-
ceptual knowledg e about actions as implicated by
the abovementioned lesion study (Tranel, Kemmerer,
Adolphs, Damasio, & Damasio, 2003). We refer to ac-
tion concepts as knowledge about complex actions that
contributes to the recognition of actions. To identify
the neural correlates of action knowledge, we compared
neural activity elicited by retrieving the meaning of ac-
tion pictograms to the neural activity eli cited by re-
trieving the meaning of pictograms not associated with
actions. Pictograms are visual symbols that are void of
any spoken or written information. Their meaning is
either related to the employed image or to a related
concept (Kitagami, Inoue, & Nishizaki, 2002). The action
pictograms employed in this study showed biological
movements which represented different kinds of sports.
To access the meaning of an action picto gram, knowl-
edge about the illustrated move ment had to be re-
trieved. Additionally, pictograms of different kinds of
objects were employed. We separ ated pictograms of
small, manipulable objects from large, nonmanipulable
objects, as nonmanipulable objects were not expected
to lead to any implicit action-related processing. With
respect to manipulable objects, it is still a matter of
debate whether action knowledge is a prerequisite for
the recognition of manipulable objects (Gerlach, Law,
Gade, & Paulson, 2002; Chao & Martin, 2000). Thus, we
presented different categories of black and whit e picto-
grams to healthy volunteers during functional magnetic
resonance imaging (fMRI): whol e-body a ctions, ma-
nipulable and nonmanipulable objects (see Figure 1).
During scanning, subjects were asked to indicate via
button press whether they knew the meaning of the
pictogram. For the processing of pictograms, irrespec-
tive of content, we expected activat ion of a network of
bilateral occipito-temp oral and left frontal brain areas,
comparable to activations observed in studies of se-
mantic retrieval with verbal stimuli (Noppeney, Phillips,
& Price, 2004). Due to its importance in object recogni-
tion, especially higher-level shape processing (Kourtzi
& Kanwisher, 2001), the lateral occipital complex of the
ventral stream was expected to be activated by picto-
g rams of manip ula ble and nonmanipulable objects
(Grill-Spector, Kourtzi, & Kanwisher, 2001). Furthermore,
additional activations of dorsal stream areas (premotor
and parietal cortex) could occur during process ing
of manipulable object pi ctograms (Beauchamp, Lee,
Haxby, & Martin, 2002; Chao & Martin, 2000). Processing
of act ion pictograms was expected to activate area
MT+, as Kable et al. (2005) and Kable, Lease-Spellmeyer,
and Chatterjee (2002) foun d differential activation of
human MT+ triggered by action pictures versus objec t
pictures in a picture–word matching task. Furthermore,
we expected action pictograms to lead to left parietal
cortex activation, an area recently shown to be involv ed
in retrieving knowledge about manip ulative actions
(Boronat et al., 2005).
Finally, we we re interested in assessing possible
changes of connectivity within the neural netw ork sub-
serving the processing of action and object pictograms.
Figure 1. Examples of pictogram stimuli: (A) action pictograms,
(B) manipulable objects, and (C) nonmanipulable objects.
Assmus et al. 1005
We according ly employed a design which allowed us, by
the analysis of psycho-physical interactions , to investi-
gate changes in the coupling between areas involved in
the processing of pictograms in general, and, more
importantly, with regard to the purpose of this study,
the areas specifically engaged in the retrieval of concep-
tual knowledge about actions.
Twelve health y, right-handed volunteers (5 w omen,
7 men; mean age SD) 25 ± 5 years) participated in
this fMRI experiment. Handedness was assessed using
the German version of the Edinburgh Handedness In-
ventory (mean laterality quotient = +84, SD = 16)
(Oldfield, 1971). No subject had any history of neuro-
logical or psychiatric illness. Informed written consent
was obtained from all subjects who were naı¨ve to the
purpose of the experiment. The study was approved by
the local ethics committee and was conducted in ac-
cordance with the Declaration of Helsinki.
Experimental Design
In this blocked fMRI experiment, we used three dif-
ferent categories of pictograms as stimuli (C1–C3) and
simple geometric objects for control (C4). B ecause
comparisons with a ‘‘resting state’’ can lead to artificial
task-dep endent de activations (McKiernan, Kaufman,
Kucera-Thompson, & Binder, 2 003), we introduced
the control condition (C4) with comparable visual in-
put, response selection, and identical motor responses
to Conditions 1–3, but without processing of complex
pictograms (i.e., only squares or circles were shown).
Stimuli were presented using Presentation 0.76 (Neuro-
behavioral Systems, California) software and projected
on a screen from a distance of 29 cm to the subject
through a mirror fixed to the head coil. Subjects were
allowed to move their eyes to avoid an interaction of the
neural mechanisms underlying covert attention with the
neural p rocesses of interest (Fink, Dolan, Halligan,
Marshall, & Frith, 1997).
The sti muli used were pictograms symbolizing (a)
whole-body actions (C1), (b) manipulable objects (C2),
(c) nonmanipulable objects (C3), or (d) squares /circles
(C4, for control) (see Figure 1). Pictograms are graphi-
cal symbols frequent ly used at public facilitie s, such
as public transportation, sports venues, or commercial
facilities, and represent either a concept or an object by
illustration (see, e.g.,
symbol_index2.html). A standard set of pictograms is
defined in the international standard ISO 7001: Public
Information Symbols. They can be an effective means
of providing important information without language.
All pictograms used in this study were black on a white
background. For the action condition (C1), sport-related
pictograms were used (Figure 1A). For the manipulable
objects condition (C2), pictograms of man-made artifacts
were shown, some of which were tools (Figure 1B). For
the nonmanipulable objects condition (C3), large entities
such as buildings, vehicles, but also pictograms depict-
ing animals (e.g., indicating a farm) or static humans (e.g.,
indicating a restroom), were used (Figure 1C). For con-
trol (C4), squares and circles were presented to the sub-
jects (8 squares, 2 circles per block in random order).
The central projection of the stimuli on the white
screen subtended a vertical and horizontal visual angle
up to 5.48. Stimuli were shown fo r 2400 msec. The
interstimulus interval was jittered and was either 300,
600, or 900 msec, during which a blank screen was
sh own. The stimuli were grouped according to the
condition of interest in blocks of 30 sec, each consisting
of 10 stimuli. The blocks were separated by a 20-sec
baseline (blank screen), which was followed by an
instruction of 5 sec announcing the upcoming condi-
tion. In C1 to C3, subjects indicated by but ton presses
whether they knew the meaning of the symbol. In C4,
subjects indicated by button presses whether a square
was presented . Subjects responded by pressing t wo
keys with either the index or middle finger of their
right/left hand indicating ‘‘yes’’ with their index and
‘‘no’’ with their middle finger. In half of the trials,
subjects used their right hand, in the other half, subjects
used their left hand.
fMRI images were acquired during two sessions of
15 min each. This experiment consisted of 32 blocks,
yielding a total of eight blocks (80 trials) per condition.
Conditions were presented in counterbalanced order
within and between subjects, and trials within a block
appeared in a randomized order. Prior to the experimen-
tal session, subjects were informed that they had to fill
in a questionnaire afterward, in which they should name
the presented symbols. These questionnaires consisted
of all 240 presented pictogram stimuli. Subjects were
asked to describe each symbol’s meaning in one word.
Behavioral Data Analysis
Re act ion times were acquired during scan ning. The
questionnaires filled in by the subjects after scanning
were tested for omissions and errors. Repeated-measures
analysis of variance (ANOVA) in SPSS was used for the
analysis of the behavioral data.
Structural and Functional Magnetic
Resonance Imaging
fMRI images were acquired on a Siemens Sonata 1.5-T
wh ole -bo dy scanner with e cho -pl ana r imaging (EPI)
capability using th e standard radio-freq uency head
coil. Multislice T2*- weighted echo-planar images were
obtained from a gradient-echo sequence with the fol-
1006 Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience Volume 19, Number 6
lowing parameters: echo time (TE) = 66 msec, repe-
tition time (TR) = 2.5 sec, flip angle = 908, field of
view (FOV) = 200 mm, slice thickness = 4 mm, in-
terslice gap = 0.4 mm, in-plane resolution = 3.125 !
3.125 mm
. The 24 slices were aligned to the AC–PC
line. To obtain anatomical images at high resolution, a
T1-weighted MP RAGE (magnetization-prepared, rapid
acquisition gradient echo) sequence was used (TE =
3.93 msec, TR = 2.2 msec, in version time TI = 1200, flip
angle 158 , FOV = 240 mm, slice thickness = 1.5 mm,
matrix = 180 ! 256, number of sagittal slices = 128).
Image Processing
After applying standard procedures for image realign-
ment, slice timing, normalization (voxel size 3 ! 3 !
3 mm), and smoothing, data were analyzed with Statistical
Parametric Mapping software SPM2 (Wellcome Depart-
ment of Imaging Neuroscience, London, UK; www.fil.ion. using a random effects analysis. After spatial
transformation, the functional data were smoothed with a
Gaussian kernel of 8 mm to reduce the variance due to
anatomical variability. The time series were high-pass
filtered (with a cutoff frequency of 1/128 Hz) to remove
low-frequency artifacts. We included six head movement
parameters as regressors to control for movement-relat-
ed variance. The different conditions were modeled as
box-car functions convolved with the canonical synthetic
hemodynamic response function in SPM2. Specific ef-
fects were tested by applying appropriate linear con-
trasts to the parameter estimates for each condition,
resulting in a t statistic for each voxel. An activation
cluster was considered significant when it passed a
threshold of p < .05, corrected at the cluster level (with
p < .001 uncorrected at the voxel level).
For the conjunction analysis, a one-way ANOVA in
SPM2 and the revised test proposed by Nichols, Brett,
Andersson, Wager, and Poline (2004) with a voxel level
threshold of p < .05, familywise error (FWE) corrected
(no cluster threshold possible in a conjunction analysis),
were applied. Only clusters extending to a size of at least
20 voxels are reported. The conjunction analysis of all
three pictogram conditi ons > control was calculated to
reveal common activations across the different catego-
ries of pictograms. The contrasts manipulable objects >
nonmanipulable objects and nonmanipulable objects >
manipulable objects were used to test for differences
between the processing of the two object categories.
The contrast action pictograms > objects (manipulable
and nonmanipulable combined) was calculated to look
for action-specific activations.
Finally, psycho-physiological interactions (PPIs) (Friston
et al., 1997) were calculated for the two largest clusters
(rig ht and left fusiform gyrus) elicited by pictogram
processing (irrespective of pictogram type as revealed
by the conjunction analysis). The coordinates of the
voxels of maximal activation intensity in the contrast pic-
tograms > control for the group (i.e., in the right and left
fusiform gyrus) were used in the contrast pictograms >
control at the single-subject level. A sphere of 4 mm
radius was centered at the nearest local maximum. The
mean-corrected blood oxygen level-dependent signal
time course from this sph ere was then used as the
physiological factor. The psychological factor was a vector
coding for the main effect of symbol category (2 for action
symbols, "1 for manipulable objects, "1 for nonmanipu-
lable objects) convolved with the hemodynamic response
function. The PPI was then computed as the element-by-
element product of the physiological and the psycholog-
ical vectors. For each subject, we created a new statistical
model containing the PPI as regressor and the psycho-
logical and the physiological vectors as covariates of no
interest. Subjects’ specific contrast images were then en-
tered into random effects group analyses. The statistical
threshold was again set at p < .05, corrected at the cluster
level (with p < .001 uncorrected at the voxel level).
Behavioral Data
The action pictograms evoked significantly longer re-
action times than the (manipulable and nonmanipula-
ble) object picto grams and the control condition [mean
RT in msec ± SD: actions 1176 msec ± 281 msec, ob-
jects 1082 msec ± 270 msec, control 610 ± 106 msec;
F(2, 10) = 28,55, p < .05].
The analysis of the questionnaires showed a signifi-
cant effect of condition [mean error rate in % ± SD:
actions: 5 ± 3%, objects: 2 ± 2%, F(2, 10) = 9.72, p < .05]
as significantly more action pictograms were misinter-
preted compared to the (manipulable and nonmanipu-
lable) objec t conditions. The rate of omissions was not
significantly different between conditions (mean rate of
omissions in % ± SD: actions 2 ± 2%, objects 2 ± 3%).
Neural Activations
Retrieval of Pictogram Meaning
The retrieval of pictogram meaning (i.e., pictograms rep-
resenting both actions and objects, manipulable as well
as nonmanipulable) contrasted to the control condition
(squares , circles) revealed (as depicted by the con-
junction analysis) bilateral activation of the inferior
occipito-temporal cortex including the fusiform gyrus
(see Figure 2A).
The contrasts manipulable objects > nonmanipulable
obje cts and nonmanipulable objects > manipulable
objects led to no significant differential activations. Thus,
the two object conditions were collapsed in all subse-
quent analyses.
The contrast action pictograms > object pictograms
revealed differential activations in the superior temporal
sulcus, extending into the human motion-sensitive area
Assmus et al. 1007
MT+ (Malikovic et al., 2007; Zeki et al., 1991), in the su-
perior and inferior parietal cortex, and the premotor cor-
tex bilaterally (see Figure 2B). With the exception of area
MT+, these areas did not show differential activations
between the object and control conditions (see Figure
2C). The reverse contrast (object pictograms > action
pictograms) showed no significant differential activations.
Psycho-physiological Interactions
The activation peaks of the two largest clusters in the
right (+45, "60, "15) and left ("39, "72, "15) fusiform
gyrus (as revealed by the conjunction analysis of picto-
gram processing irrespective of category) were chos en
for the analysis of PPIs. We tested for possible functional
interactions of the left and right fusiform gyri with other
brain regions that may critically depend on the category
of the processed pictogram. For the right fusiform gyrus
(45, "60, "12), significant context-dependent contribu-
tions during the pr ocessing of action pictograms were
found in the right middle temporal (MT+; 57, "66, 6;
Z = 3.91), the left superior pari etal ("9, "63, 66;
Z = 4.6), and the left inferior pariet al cortex, including
the left supramarginal gyrus, ("54, "33, 30; Z = 3.67; all
Figure 2. Neural activations
related to the processing
of pictograms in general
(A) and of action pictograms
specifically (B) as well as the
mean signal changes for the
four experimental conditions
in the main areas of the left
hemisphere (C). (A) Retrieving
the meaning of object and
action pictograms (each
pictogram type contrasted
to the control condition in a
conjunction analysis) activated
the inferior occipito-temporal
cortex, including the fusiform
gyrus bilaterally. (B) The
neural activations associated
with processing of action
pictograms (contrasted to
object pictograms) included
the human MT+ bilaterally,
the superior and inferior
parietal cortices bilaterally, and
the premotor cortex bilaterally.
(C) Mean signal change in the
left MT+ ("54, "66, +3), left
superior parietal lobe (SPL;
"24, "63, +63), left inferior
parietal lobe (IPL; "54, "36,
+27), and left premotor cortex
(PMC; "30, "3, +63) for the
action pictograms (AP),
pictograms of manipulable
(MOP) and nonmanipulable
objects (NMOP), and the
control condition
(C, geometric shapes),
1008 Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience Volume 19, Number 6
p < .05, corrected) (see Figure 3). No significant PPIs
were found during the processing of pictograms repre-
senting objec ts (for ma nipulable and nonmanipulable
objects combined, as no significant differenti al activa-
tions for the two object categories had been observed,
see above).
For the left fusiform gyrus ("42, "69, "15), signifi-
cant context-dependent contributions during the pro-
cessing of action pictograms were found in the right and
left middle temporal (MT+; 51, "66, 6; Z = 4.4; "57,
"63, 9; Z = 4.22) and the left superior parietal cortex
("12, "69, 63; Z = 4.43; all p < .05, corrected) (see
Figure 3). No significant changes in the contribution of
the left fusiform gyrus were observed during the o bject
The aim of this study was to explore further the contri-
bution of the areas involved in the neural network that
underlies the retrieval of conceptual action knowledge
as triggered by action pictograms. Pictograms are sym-
bols which represent a concept by illustration. In order
to recognize the meaning of a pictogram, knowledge
ab out the underlying concept is a prerequisite. We
explored the brain areas differentially recruited during
the processing of action, but not object pictograms. To
achieve this, we first detected by a conjunction analysis
the neural network that was active during all pictogram
conditions, and then looked for differential activations
during the processing of action pictograms (relative to the
processing of object pictograms). Finally, using psycho-
physical interactions, we explored enhanced neural in-
teractions between areas generally involved in semantic
processing of pictograms and the network supporting
action concept retrieval (specifically) triggered by action
Processing of pictograms irrespective of pictogram type
(actions as well as manipulable and nonmanipulable ob-
jects) led to activations in the inferior occipito-temporal
cortex bilaterally, as determined by a conjunction analysis.
The peak activations within the large occipito-temporal
clusters were located in the right and left fusiform gyri.
These areas have previously been associated with se-
mantic retrieval of word stimuli (Noppeney et al., 2004;
Wagner, Pare-Blagoev, Clark, & Poldrack, 2001) and with
semantic memory in general (Martin & Chao, 2001).
The retrieval of action concepts triggered by action
pictograms compared to the processing of the meaning
of object pictograms activated a neural network consist-
ing of MT+, the superior and inferior pariet al cortex,
and the premotor cortex bilaterally. Thus, areas con-
cerned with movement perception (Assmus et al., 2003;
Zeki et al., 1991) and execution (Hermsdorfer et al.,
2001) were also active during the processing of static
action pictograms (Kourtzi & Kanwisher, 2000). That the
retrieval of action and object concepts, which contribute
to the recognition of the respective pictograms, may rely
on differential neural substrates is supported by neuro-
psychological single-case studies of dissoci ations be-
tween action and object recognition deficits (Magnie,
Ferreira, Gius iano, & Poncet, 1999; Ferreira et al., 1998;
Schwartz et al., 1998). Furthermore, investigat ing the
neural responses to overt motion of humans and (ma-
nipulable) objects, Beauchamp et al. (2002) found seg-
regated responses to human and object stimuli in the
posterior temporal cortex.
A possible confound in the comparison between
action and object pictogram s is the fact tha t only the
former stimuli included human-like forms engaged in
whole-body actions. The perception of humans (Saxe,
Figure 3. Psycho-
physiological interactions.
During processing of action
pictograms, the right fusiform
gyrus showed significant
interactions with the left
superior and inferior parietal
cortex (supramarginal gyrus)
and right MT+, whereas the
left fusiform gyrus significantly
interacted with the left
superior parietal cortex
and MT+ bilaterally.
Assmus et al. 1009
Jamal, & Powell, 2006) and inferring intentions from hu-
man actions (Saxe, Xiao, Kovacs, Perrett, & Kanwisher,
2004) activates, at least in part, areas that we also found
for the categorical comparison between the processing
of action and object pictograms. It should be noted,
however, that Saxe and coworke rs used pictures of
real humans, whereas we used pictograms of sportive
whole-body actions. Because our study design did not
contain person-without-action pictograms, we cannot dif-
ferentiate whether activity in, for instance, the posterior
temporal cortex, foun d in the current study, represents
conceptual knowledge about human actions, perception
of humans per se, or a combination thereof. This is an
interesting question for further studies poss ibly using
parametric designs in which the amount of implied
(human) action is systematically varied.
For the categorical comparison between the process-
ing of action and object pictograms, the two object
pictogram types were collapsed, as the differential con-
trasts between the manipulable and the nonmanipulable
object conditions reveal ed no significant di fferences.
The lack of differential neural activations for manipula-
ble and nonmanipulable object pictograms was some-
what unexpected considering previou s studies, which
point to an important role of action knowledge in the
processing of manipulable objects (and tools) (Grezes &
Decety, 2002; Chao & Martin, 2000; Tranel, Damasio, &
Damasio, 1997). A possible explanation for this negative
result could be related to the task used in our study:
Subjects were requ ired to retrieve the meaning of the
object pictograms, but not to categorize them. In fact,
Gerlach et al. (2002) found activation of the left premo-
tor cortex only during categorization of tools, but not
during the mere naming of tools. Further evidence that
processing of object stimuli is influenced by the respec-
tive task requirements is provided by a study of Valyear,
Culham, Sharif, Wes twood, and Goodale (2006 ), in
which the perception of an identical object differen-
tially activated dorsal or ventral stream areas depending
on whether subjects processed the object’s orientation
(implicitly activating the appropriate grasp for the ob-
ject) or its identity. Therefore, the lack of dorsal stream
activations when processing pictograms of manipulable
objects (compar ed to nonmanipulable object picto-
grams) could be due to the fact that our subjects were
instructed not to consider the actions related to the re-
spective objects, but only to retrieve the meaning of the
object pictograms. The differential neural systems for
nouns and verbs (Damasio & Tranel, 1993) may provide
another explanation for the lack of difference between
the manipulable and nonmanipulable object conditions.
Because all objects are denoted by nouns, the retrieval
of the pictogram meaning may have (implicitly) activat-
ed the neural representations of verbs (for action picto-
grams) and nouns (for both the manipulable and the
nonmanipulable object conditions). This interpretation
would be consistent with the notion ‘‘that noun–verb
dissociations reflect salient differences in the neural rep-
resentation of objects and actions’’ and ‘‘that the brain
distinguishes between nouns and verbs on the basis of
semantics (meaning)’’ (Shapiro et al., 2005, p. 1058).
The right and left fusiform gyri, the areas maximally
activated in the conjunction analysis of processing of
all pictogram types, were chosen as the seeds for the
analysis of PPI s. This analysis tested whether any region
throughout the whole brain showed context-depend ent
changes in coupling with the right and left fusiform gyri.
Interestingly, only during the retrieval of conceptua l
action knowledge triggered by action pictograms were
significant PPIs detected. These PPIs consisted of an in-
creased coupling between the fusiform gyri and the mid-
dle temporal cortex (MT+) bilaterally as well as the left
superior and left inferior parietal cortex. Thus, the areas
revealed by the PPI analysis were parts of the larger
network determined by the categorical comp arison of
action versus object pictogram processing, which addi-
tionally included the right superior and inferior parietal
cortex and the bilateral premotor cortex. Taken to-
gether, our data suggest that within a larger network
concerned with the processing of action stimuli, the
retrieval of conceptual action knowledge is realized by
an increased coupling between areas concerned with se-
mantic processing (fusiform gyrus), perception of move-
ment (MT+), and temporo-s patial movement control
(left parietal cortex).
Our findings are in good accordance with neuropsy-
chological studies: Patients with impaired knowledge for
actions showed a lesion overlap in the white matter
underneath the left MT+, in the left parietal cortex, and
in the left premotor/prefrontal cortex ( Tranel e t al.,
2003). The authors proposed that, ‘‘when we evoke
the conce pt of an action, we activate collec tions of
sensory and motor patterns in cerebral cortices appro-
priate to represent pertinent features of the concept.’’
The human MT+ is known to be engaged not only in
overt motion processing (Zeki et al., 1991) but also in
processing impl ied motion from static images (Kourtzi &
Kanwisher, 2000; Peigneux et al., 2000). Therefore, the
bilateral activation of MT+ in the current study is likely
to represent the implied motion related to the retrieved
action concepts. Activation of MT+ duri ng access of
action knowledge has already been shown in previous
neuroimaging studies (Kable et al., 2002). Kable et al.
(2002) compared conceptual matching of actions to
conceptual matching of objects, and found activations
in occipito-temporal regions ne ar MT+. Kable et al.
concluded that regions around MT+ process both con-
ceptual and perceptual features of motion.
The importance of the left parietal cortex in the con-
trol of complex action is undisputed (Liepmann, 1905).
Although the left inferior parietal cortex is involved in
temporo-spatial movement control (Assmus, Marshall,
Noth, Zilles, & Fink, 2005; Assmus et al., 2003; Weiss
et al., 2001; Poizner et al., 1998; Liepmann, 1905), the
1010 Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience Volume 19, Number 6
left superior parietal cortex contributes to the internal
representations used for the control of actions (Wolpert,
Goodbody, & Husain, 1998). Thus, activation of the left
parietal cortex during the retrieval of action concepts
is likely to represent aspects of higher motor control.
Furthermore, this finding corresponds well to neuropsy-
chological studies, which demonstra te the importance
of the left parietal cortex for gesture recognition (Varney
& Damasio, 1987; Ferro, Martins, Mariano, & Caldas,
1983). Based on the results of their Gesture Recognition
Test in 65 patients with left hemisphere lesions, Ferro
et al. (1983) suggested that gestures are represented at
the conceptual–symbolic level in the (left) parietal cor-
tex. With respect to our results of the analysis of PPIs, it
is noteworthy that Varney and Damasio (1987) sug-
gested that the supramarginal, rather than the angular,
gyrus is involv ed in pantomime recognition.
Taken together, the analysis of the PPIs revealed that
both semantic areas (fusiform gyrus) and areas concerned
with the perception (MT+) and control of actions (left
parietal cortex) are involved in accessing conceptual
action knowledge. Our results are in line with conclusions
drawn by Buxbaum, Schwartz, and Carew (1997) con-
cerning the role of the semantic system for object use.
The authors hypothesized that the execution of complex
goal-directed movements is facilitated by a linkage be-
tween semantic and se nsorimotor information about
objects. On the other hand , preserved sensorimotor
experiences triggered by object use may support recog-
nition of (manipulable) objects even in severe semantic
agnosia (Magnie et al., 1999). By showing that accessing
conceptual information about motion attributes activates
the middle temporal cortex (MT+), Kable et al. (2005)
also supported the view that ‘‘conceptual knowledge is
instantiated by distributed neural regions partially orga-
nized along sensorimotor lines.’’
In summary, we found that knowledge about action
concepts is retrieved by the interaction between areas
engaged during semantic processing and a network of
sensorimotor areas. With respect to the clinical obser-
vations made by Finkelnburg (1870) concerning asym-
bolia, our data suggest that patients suffering from a
disconnection syndrome between semantic and senso-
rimotor brain re gions are likely to show deficits in the
understanding and expression of symbolic actions.
We thank all our volunteers. We also thank our colleagues
from the MR and Cognitive Neurology group for both technical
support and many fruitful discussions. G. R. F. is supported by
the DFG (KFO-112, TP1), Germany.
Reprint requests should be sent to Ann Assmus, Institute of
Neuroscience and Biophysi cs—Medicine, Research Centre
Ju¨lich, 52425 Ju¨lich, Germany, or via e-mail: a.assmus@fz-
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1012 Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience Volume 19, Number 6
... Many studies have focused on area V5 (also frequently termed hMT+), a critical region for perception of visual motion located in the posterior part of LOTC. As an important region for encoding visual information concerning motions and body movements (Beauchamp et al., 2004;Dumoulin et al., 2000;Kourtzi & Kanwisher, 2000;Liu et al., 2016;Schultz et al., 2005;Thompson et al., 2005), V5 was also found to activate during action concept processing (Assmus et al., 2007;Glenberg & Kaschak, 2002;Revill et al., 2008;Rueschemeyer et al., 2010;Saygin et al., 2010). It was reported that, compared with processing language or images of static events, more activation of V5 was observed when participants read and listened to sentences describing motion events (Rueschemeyer et al., 2010;Saygin et al., 2010), made semantic decisions to words (Kable et al., 2002) or sentences (Revill et al., 2008) describing motion, or comprehended action knowledge represented in static pictograms (Assmus et al., 2007). ...
... As an important region for encoding visual information concerning motions and body movements (Beauchamp et al., 2004;Dumoulin et al., 2000;Kourtzi & Kanwisher, 2000;Liu et al., 2016;Schultz et al., 2005;Thompson et al., 2005), V5 was also found to activate during action concept processing (Assmus et al., 2007;Glenberg & Kaschak, 2002;Revill et al., 2008;Rueschemeyer et al., 2010;Saygin et al., 2010). It was reported that, compared with processing language or images of static events, more activation of V5 was observed when participants read and listened to sentences describing motion events (Rueschemeyer et al., 2010;Saygin et al., 2010), made semantic decisions to words (Kable et al., 2002) or sentences (Revill et al., 2008) describing motion, or comprehended action knowledge represented in static pictograms (Assmus et al., 2007). ...
... However, studies finding V5 activation have been criticized for using pictures as stimuli (Assmus et al., 2007;Kable et al., 2002), or for combining motion-related language stimuli with other types of visual stimuli (Revill et al., 2008;Rueschemeyer et al., 2010;Saygin et al., 2010). Since pictures of static objects or people can also elicit responses in V5 (Kourtzi & Kanwisher, 2000;Senior et al., 2000), it is hard to determine the contribution of conceptual processing when language and pictures are presented together. ...
Embodied theories of semantic cognition predict that brain regions involved in motion perception are engaged when people comprehend motion concepts expressed in language. Left lateral occipitotemporal cortex (LOTC) is implicated in both motion perception and motion concept processing but prior studies have produced mixed findings regarding which parts of this region are engaged by motion language. We scanned participants performing semantic judgements about sentences describing motion events and static events. We performed univariate analyses, multivariate pattern analyses (MVPA) and psychophysiological interaction (PPI) analyses to investigate the effect of motion on activity and connectivity in different parts of LOTC. In multivariate analyses that decoded whether a sentence described motion or not, the whole of LOTC showed above-chance level performance, with performance exceeding that of other brain regions. Univariate ROI analyses found that the middle part of LOTC was more active for motion events than static ones. Finally, PPI analyses found that when processing motion events, the middle and posterior parts of LOTC, overlapping with motion perception regions, increased their connectivity with cognitive control regions. Taken together, these results indicate that the whole of the LOTC responds differently to motion vs. static event descriptions, and that these effects are most pronounced in more posterior sites. These findings are consistent with embodiment accounts of semantic processing, and suggest that understanding verbal descriptions of motion engages areas of the occipitotemporal cortex involved in perceiving motion.
... This interpretation fits with evidence that N400 modulations capture compatibility between the hand positions evoked by words and those used for ongoing actions (Ibáñez et al., 2013;Aravena et al., 2010) and with hemodynamic (Kemmerer, Castillo, Talavage, Patterson, & Wiley, 2008;Assmus, Giessing, Weiss, & Fink, 2007;Buxbaum, Kyle, Tang, & Detre, 2006;Hamzei et al., 2003) and electromagnetic (Mollo et al., 2016;Pulvermüller, Shtyrov, & Ilmoniemi, 2005) studies showing that motor-language coupling is indexed by modulation changes in different hubs of core semantic networks (e.g., posterior superior temporal cortex). In line with these antecedents, our results suggest that semantic components of motor-language coupling are sensitive to fine-grained (limb-specific) features and not only to coarse (limb-neutral) integrations of movement and meaning (Pulvermüller, 2013a(Pulvermüller, , 2013b. ...
... Accordingly, our findings suggest that RP modulations during motor-language coupling are particularly sensitive to effector-specific effects. In other words, this ERP seems to index the match between the limb implied by a verb and the one set in motion-a synergy that is also captured in hemodynamic (Kemmerer et al., 2008;Assmus et al., 2007;Buxbaum et al., 2006;Hamzei et al., 2003) and electromagnetic (Mollo et al., 2016;Pulvermüller et al., 2005) dimensions. ...
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Behavioral embodied research shows that words evoking limb-specific meanings can affect responses performed with the corresponding body part. However, no study has explored this phenomenon's neural dynamics under implicit processing conditions, let alone by disentangling its conceptual and motoric stages. Here, we examined whether the blending of hand actions and manual action verbs, relative to nonmanual action verbs and nonaction verbs, modulates electrophysiological markers of semantic integration (N400) and motor-related cortical potentials during a lexical decision task. Relative to both other categories, manual action verbs involved reduced posterior N400 amplitude and greater modulations of frontal motor-related cortical potentials. Such effects overlapped in a window of ∼380–440 msec after word presentation and ∼180 msec before response execution, revealing the possible time span in which both semantic and action-related stages reach maximal convergence. These results allow refining current models of motor–language coupling while affording new insights on embodied dynamics at large.
... In the theory of controlled semantic cognition, the middle temporal gyrus serves cognitive control of semantic knowledge (Ralph et al., 2017). However, the ventral temporal lobes also subserve storage of semantic knowledge (Martin & Chao, 2001) including social semantic knowledge (Adolphs, 2001), and the middle temporal gyrus is specialized in knowledge about actions (Assmus et al., 2007). It is thus possible that activity in the middle temporal gyrus reflected activation of stored knowledge about stereotypes. ...
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Semantic judgements involve the use of general knowledge about the world in specific situations. Such judgements are typically associated with activity in a number of brain regions that include the left inferior frontal gyrus (IFG). However, previous studies showed activity in brain regions associated with mentalizing, including the right temporoparietal junction (TPJ), in semantic judgements that involved social knowledge. The aim of the present study was to investigate if social and non-social semantic judgements are dissociated using a combination of fMRI and repetitive TMS. To study this, we asked participants to estimate the percentage of exemplars in a given category that shared a specified attribute. Categories could be either social (i.e., stereotypes) or non-social (i.e., object categories). As expected, fMRI results (n = 26) showed enhanced activity in the left IFG that was specific to non-social semantic judgements. However, statistical evidence did not support that repetitive TMS stimulation (n = 19) to this brain region specifically disrupted non-social semantic judgements. Also as expected, the right TPJ showed enhanced activity to social semantic judgements. However, statistical evidence did not support that repetitive TMS stimulation to this brain region specifically disrupted social semantic judgements. It is possible that the causal networks involved in social and non-social semantic judgements may be more complex than expected.
... Disruption of conceptualization may result in an inability to find the correct lemma (and thus, lexeme) or activation of an incorrect, probably meaning-related lemma (and, thus, lexeme). This effect is in line with previous fMRI research on non-verbal processing of objects and actions: in these tasks, activation of frontal and posterior parts of the left and right hemisphere has been observed [8][9][10]. The same holds for articulation errors: articulation is represented bilaterally and is a motor rather than language function; hence, no difference between the hemispheres, nor between word class is expected. ...
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Gliomas are brain tumors infiltrating healthy cortical and subcortical areas that may host cognitive functions, such as language. If these areas are damaged during surgery, the patient might develop word retrieval or articulation problems. For this reason, many glioma patients are operated on awake, while their language functions are tested. For this practice, quite simple tests are used, for example, picture naming. This paper describes the process and timeline of picture naming (noun retrieval) and shows the timeline and localization of the distinguished stages. This is relevant information for presurgical language testing with navigated Magnetic Stimulation (nTMS). This novel technique allows us to identify cortical involved in the language production process and, thus, guides the neurosurgeon in how to approach and remove the tumor. We argue that not only nouns, but also verbs should be tested, since sentences are built around verbs, and sentences are what we use in daily life. This approach’s relevance is illustrated by two case studies of glioma patients.
... Evidence that static action stimuli do engage the MNS comes from several sources (for connections with art appreciation see Freedberg and Gallese, 2007). For example, fMRI studies have shown that both parietal and frontal components of the MNS are enlisted when subjects observe not only stationary images of object-directed hand movements (Hamzei et al., 2003;Chong et al., 2008), but also action pictograms, which are schematic stick-figure-like portrayals of complex human movements like golfing, skating, and diving (Assmus et al., 2007;Quandt et al., 2017). Another fMRI study found that when subjects judged sequences of three static body postures, responses in primary and supplementary motor areas were greater when those sequences were natural and fluent (ABC) than when they were unnatural and nonfluent (ACB) (Orgs et al., 2016). ...
Seeing an agent perform an action typically triggers a motor simulation of that action in the observer's Mirror Neuron System (MNS). Over the past few years, it has become increasingly clear that during action observation the patterns and strengths of responses in the MNS are modulated by multiple factors. The first aim of this paper is therefore to provide the most comprehensive survey to date of these factors. To that end, 22 distinct factors are described, broken down into the following sets: six involving the action; two involving the actor; nine involving the observer; four involving the relationship between actor and observer; and one involving the context. The second aim is to consider the implications of these findings for four prominent theoretical models of the MNS: the Direct Matching Model; the Predictive Coding Model; the Value-Driven Model; and the Associative Model. These assessments suggest that although each model is supported by a wide range of findings, each one is also challenged by other findings and relatively unaffected by still others. Hence, there is now a pressing need for a richer, more inclusive model that is better able to account for all of the modulatory factors that have been identified so far.
... It has been suggested that the MTG is involved in the visual and auditory perception of tools and in tool movement in cooperation with the bilateral fusiform gyrus and the left parietal lobe (Assmus et al., 2007;Xu et al., 2016;Tomasello et al., 2017). Also, the MTG has been reported to play a role in the recognition of semantic actions, the expression of such actions, action monitoring during the performance, and comparison of sensory input and sensory prediction (Kalénine et al., 2010;Wallentin et al., 2011;Davey et al., 2015;Aue et al., 2019;van Kemenade et al., 2019); it is also thought to combine sensorimotor knowledge of meaningful behavior. ...
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Although the neural bases of the brain associated with movement disorders in children with developmental coordination disorder (DCD) are becoming clearer, the information is not sufficient because of the lack of extensive brain function research. Therefore, it is controversial about effective intervention methods focusing on brain function. One of the rehabilitation techniques for movement disorders involves intervention using motor imagery (MI). MI is often used for movement disorders, but most studies involve adults and healthy children, and the MI method for children with DCD has not been studied in detail. Therefore, a review was conducted to clarify the neuroscientific basis of the methodology of intervention using MI for children with DCD. The neuroimaging review included 20 magnetic resonance imaging studies, and the neurorehabilitation review included four MI intervention studies. In addition to previously reported neural bases, our results indicate decreased activity of the bilateral thalamus, decreased connectivity of the sensory-motor cortex and the left posterior middle temporal gyrus, bilateral posterior cingulate cortex, precuneus, cerebellum, and basal ganglia, loss of connectivity superiority in the abovementioned areas. Furthermore, reduction of gray matter volume in the right superior frontal gyrus and middle frontal gyrus, lower fractional anisotropy, and axial diffusivity in regions of white matter pathways were found in DCD. As a result of the review, children with DCD had less activation of the left brain, especially those with mirror neurons system (MNS) and sensory integration functions. On the contrary, the area important for the visual space processing of the right brain was activated. Regarding of characteristic of the MI methods was that children observed a video related to motor skills before the intervention. Also, they performed visual-motor tasks before MI training sessions. Adding action observation during MI activates the MNS, and performing visual-motor tasks activates the basal ganglia. These methods may improve the deactivated brain regions of children with DCD and may be useful as conditioning before starting training. Furthermore, we propose a process for sharing the contents of MI with the therapist in language and determining exercise strategies.
... Prototypical nouns involve references to objects, and their meanings rely primarily on the ventral temporal lobes, which represent the shape features of the entities (Damasio, Tranel, Grabowski, Adolphs, and Damasio, 2004;Grill-Spector and Malach, 2004;Op de Beeck, Haushofer, and Kanwisher, 2008). In contrast, prototypical verbs involve predictions of actions, and their meanings rely primarily on the posterior middle temporal regions (Humphreys, Newling, Jennings, and Gennari, 2013;Lin, Lu, Fang, Han, and Bi, 2011;Revill, Aslin, Tanenhaus, and Bavelier, 2008;Wallentin, Nielson, Vuust, Dohn, Roepstorff, and Lund, 2011;Watson, Cardillo, Ianni, and Chatterjee, 2013), parietal lobe (Assmus, Giessing, Weiss, and Fink, 2007;Kemmerer, Rudrauf, Manzel, and Tranel, 2012;Noppeney, Josephs, Kiebel, Friston, and Price, 2005), and frontal cortex (Fazio et al., 2009;Filimon et al., 2007;Clerget, Winderickx, Fadiga, and Olivier, 2009;Michael et al., 2014). ...
... Although this speculation needs to be evaluated in future empirical work, prior studies in neurotypical participants have demonstrated increased functional connectivity between the inferior parietal lobule and ventral occipitotemporal cortex (e.g., left medial fusiform gyrus) in tool and action processing (Assmus et al., 2007;Garcea et al., 2018;Garcea & Mahon, 2014;Stevens et al., 2015), and recent lesion evidence suggests that inferior parietal-to-medial fusiform connectivity disruption predicts abnormal tool processing (Garcea, Almeida, et al., 2019) and tool use gesturing ability (Watson et al., 2019). In this context, it will be important to consider whether alternative fiber pathways, including the temporo-parietal aslant tract (Panesar et al., 2019) or middle longitudinal fasciculus (Kalyvas et al., 2020;Makris et al., 2017) are tracts disconnected in associated with apraxia severity. ...
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Producing a tool use gesture is a complex process drawing upon the integration of stored knowledge of tools and their associated actions with sensory-motor mechanisms supporting the planning and control of hand and arm actions. Understanding how sensory-motor systems in parietal cortex interface with semantic representations of actions and objects in the temporal lobe remains a critical issue, and is hypothesized to be a key determinant of the severity of limb apraxia, a deficit in producing skilled action after left hemisphere stroke. We used voxel-based and connectome-based lesion symptom mapping with data from 57 left hemisphere stroke participants to assess the lesion sites and structural disconnection patterns associated with poor tool use gesturing. We found that structural disconnection among the left inferior parietal lobule, lateral and ventral temporal cortex, and middle and superior frontal gyri predicted the severity of tool use gesturing performance. Control analyses demonstrated that reductions in right-hand grip strength were associated with motor system disconnection, largely bypassing regions supporting tool use gesturing. Our findings provide causal evidence that limb apraxia may arise, in part, from a disconnection between conceptual representations in the temporal lobe and mechanisms enabling skilled action production in the inferior parietal lobule.
Embodied theories of semantic cognition predict that brain regions involved in motion perception are engaged when people comprehend motion concepts expressed in language. Left lateral occipitotemporal cortex (LOTC) is implicated in both motion perception and motion concept processing but prior studies have produced mixed findings on which parts of this region are engaged by motion language. We scanned participants performing semantic judgements about sentences describing motion events and static events. We performed univariate analyses, multivariate pattern analyses (MVPA) and psychophysiological interaction (PPI) analyses to investigate the effect of motion on activity and connectivity in different parts of LOTC. In multivariate analyses that decoded whether a sentence described motion or not, the middle and posterior parts of LOTC showed above-chance level performance, with performance exceeding that of other brain regions. Univariate ROI analyses found the middle part of LOTC was more active for motion events than static ones. Finally, PPI analyses found that when processing motion events, the middle and posterior parts of LOTC (overlapping with motion perception regions), increased their connectivity with cognitive control regions. Taken together, these results indicate that the more posterior parts of LOTC, including motion perception cortex, respond differently to motion vs. static events. These findings are consistent with embodiment accounts of semantic processing, and suggest that understanding verbal descriptions of motion engages areas of the occipitotemporal cortex involved in perceiving motion.
Most cognitive models of apraxia assume that impaired tool use results from a deficit occurring at the conceptual level, which contains dedicated information about tool use, namely, semantic and action tool knowledge. Semantic tool knowledge contains information about the prototypical use of familiar tools, such as function (e.g., a hammer and a mallet share the same purpose) and associative relations (e.g., a hammer goes with a nail). Action tool knowledge contains information about how to manipulate tools, such as hand posture and kinematics. The present review aimed to better understand the neural correlates of action and semantic tool knowledge, by focusing on activation, stimulation and patients’ studies (left brain-damaged patients). We found that action and semantic tool knowledge rely upon a large brain network including temporal and parietal regions. Yet, while action tool knowledge calls into play the intraparietal sulcus, function relations mostly involve the anterior and posterior temporal lobe. Associative relations engaged the angular and the posterior middle temporal gyrus. Moreover, we found that hand posture and kinematics both tapped into the inferior parietal lobe and the lateral occipital temporal cortex, but no region specificity was found for one or the other representation. Our results point out the major role of both posterior middle temporal gyrus and inferior parietal lobe for action and semantic tool knowledge. They highlight the common and distinct brain networks involved in action and semantic tool networks and spur future directions on this topic.
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Does semantic knowledge of objects mediate object selection and use? We present data from two patients that speak to this question. The first, DM, is a semantic dementia patient previously reported by Breedin, Saffran, and Coslett (1994) who, despite moderate to severe loss of functional and associative object knowledge, was nevertheless able to perform almost normally on single-object use and on more complex tests of naturalistic action. The second, HB, is a dementia patient who exhibited an executive disorder but performed as well as controls on a detailed battery of semantic memory and single-object use tests. Unlike DM, he made numerous errors on the naturalistic action tests, among which were errors of object selection and usage. Taken together, these data suggestthatintactsemantic memory forobjects is neithernecessary norsufficient to ensure good object utilisation in naturalistic action. The data cannot be accommodated by accounts postulating that action with objects is performed exclusively via nonsemantic or visual semantic routes, but are most consistent with an account in which nonsemantic information augments deficient functional/associational semantic elements in an action-oriented network.
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Three-dimensional motion analyses were performed on trajectories of repetitive "slicing" gestures by 4 participants with left-hemisphere lesions and limb apraxia, 6 participants with right-hemisphere lesions, and 7 neurologically intact participants. Left hemispheric lesioned participants with apraxia, but not right hemispheric lesioned participants showed impaired coupling of spatial and temporal aspects of wrist trajectories and deficits in interjoint coordination. Both groups of brain-lesioned participants differed from control participants in the 3-D plane of the wrist motion. The deficits of some right hemispheric lesioned participants in controlling the plane of wrist motion may be a consequence of left hemispatial neglect with rightward deviations. In contrast, the deficits of apraxic participants in controlling wrist trajectories and coordinating joint motions seem to reflect a deficit in these participants for the movement plan. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
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Humans, like numerous other species, strongly rely on the observation of gestures of other individuals in their everyday life. It is hypothesized that the visual processing of human gestures is sustained by a specific functional architecture, even at an early prelexical cognitive stage, different from that required for the processing of other visual entities. In the present PET study, the neural basis of visual gesture analysis was investigated with functional neuroimaging of brain activity during naming and orientation tasks performed on pictures of either static gestures (upper-limb postures) or tridimensional objects. To prevent automatic object-related cerebral activation during the visual processing of postures, only intransitive postures were selected, i.e., symbolic or meaningless postures which do not imply the handling of objects. Conversely, only intransitive objects which cannot be handled were selected to prevent gesture-related activation during their visual processing. Results clearly demonstrate a significant functional segregation between the processing of static intransitive postures and the processing of intransitive tridimensional objects. Visual processing of objects elicited mainly occipital and fusiform gyrus activity, while visual processing of postures strongly activated the lateral occipitotemporal junction, encroaching upon area MT/V5, involved in motion analysis. These findings suggest that the lateral occipitotemporal junction, working in association with area MT/V5, plays a prominent role in the high-level perceptual analysis of gesture, namely the construction of its visual representation, available for subsequent recognition or imitation.
Both clinical reports and systematic neuropsychological studies have shown that patients with damage to selected brain sites develop defects in the retrieval of conceptual knowledge for various concrete entities, leading to the hypothesis that the retrieval of knowledge for entities from different conceptual categories depends on partially segregated large-scale neural systems. To test this hypothesis, 116 subjects with focal, unilateral lesions to various sectors of the telencephalon, and 55 matched controls, were studied with a procedure which required the visual recognition of entities from three categories--unique persons, non-unique animals and non-unique tools. Defective recognition of persons was associated with maximal lesion overlap in right temporal polar region; defective recognition of animals was associated with maximal lesion overlap in right mesial occipital/ventral temporal region and also in left mesial occipital region; and defective recognition of tools was associated with maximal lesion overlap in the occipital-temporal-parietal junction of the left hemisphere. The findings support the hypothesis that the normal retrieval of knowledge for concrete entities from different conceptual domains depends on partially segregated neural systems. These sites may operate as catalysts for the retrieval of the multidimensional aspects of knowledge which are necessary and sufficient for the mental representation of a concept of a given entity.
Visual attention can be primarily allocated to either where an object is in space (with little emphasis on the structure of the object itself) or to the structure of the object (with little emphasis on where in space the object is located). Using PET measures of regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) to index neural activity, we investigated the shared and specific functional anatomy underlying both of these types of visual attention in a controlled non-cueing non-blocked paradigm that involved identical stimuli across the conditions of interest. The interaction of eye movements with these attentional systems was studied by introducing fixation or free vision as an additional factor. Relative to the control condition, object-based and space-based attention showed significant activations of the left and right medial superior parietal cortex and the left lateral inferior parietal cortex, the left prefrontal cortex and the cerebellar vermis. Significant differential activations were observed during object-based attention in the left striate and prestriate cortex. Space-based attention activated the right prefrontal cortex and the right inferior temporal-occipital cortex. Differential neural activity due to free vision or fixation was observed in occipital areas only. Significant interactions of free vision/fixation on activations due to object-based and space-based attention were observed in the right medial superior parietal cortex and left lateral inferior parietal cortex, respectively. The study provides direct evidence for the importance of the parietal cortex in the control of object-based and space-based visual attention. The results show that object-based and space-based attention share common neural mechanisms in the parietal lobes, in addition to task specific mechanisms in early visual processing areas of temporal and occipital cortices.
resonance imaging (fMRI) was used to localize brain areas that were active during the observation of actions made by another individual. Object- and non-object-relat ed actions made with different effectors (mouth, hand and foot) were presented. Observation of both object- and non-object-relat ed actions determined a somatotopically organized activation of premotor cortex. The somatotopic pattern was similar to that of the classical motor cortex homunculus. During the observation of object-related actions, an activation, also somatotopically organized,
The neural correlates of conceptual knowledge for actions are not well understood. To begin to address this knowledge gap, we tested the hypothesis that the retrieval of conceptual knowledge for actions depends on neural systems located in higher-order association cortices of left premotor/prefrontal, parietal, and posterior middle temporal regions. The investigation used the lesion method and involved 90 subjects with damage to various regions of the left or right hemisphere. The experimental tasks measured retrieval of knowledge for actions, in a nonverbal format: Subjects evaluated attributes of pictured actions, and compared and matched pictures of actions. In support of our hypothesis, we found that the regions of highest lesion overlap in subjects with impaired retrieval of conceptual knowledge for actions were in the left premotor/prefrontal sector, the left parietal region, and in the white matter underneath the left posterior middle temporal region. These sites are partially distinct from those identified previously as being important for the retrieval of words for actions. We propose that a key function of the sites is to operate as two-way intermediaries between perception and concept retrieval, to promote the retrieval of the multidimensional aspects of knowledge that are necessary and sufficient for the mental representation of a concept of a given action.
Although much has been learned in recent years about the neural basis for retrieving words denoting concrete entities, the neural basis for retrieving words denoting actions remains poorly understood. We addressed this issue by testing two specific anatomical hypotheses. (1) Naming of actions depends not only on the classical implementation structures of the left frontal operculum, but also on mediational structures located in left premotor/prefrontal areas. (2) The neural systems subserving naming of actions and naming of concrete entities are segregated. The study used the lesion method and involved 75 subjects with focal, stable lesions in the left or right hemispheres, whose magnetic resonance data were analysed with a three-dimensional reconstruction method. The experimental tasks were standardised procedures for measuring action and object naming. The findings offered partial support for the hypotheses, in that: (1) lesions related to impaired action naming overlapped maximally in the left frontal operculum and in the underlying white matter and anterior insula; and (2) lesions of the left anterior temporal and inferotemporal regions, which produce impairments in naming of concrete entities, did not cause action naming deficits. A follow-up analysis indicated that action naming impairments, especially when they were disproportionate relative to concrete entity naming impairments, were not only associated with premotor/prefrontal lesions, but also with lesions of the left mesial occipital cortex and of the paraventricular white matter underneath the supramarginal and posterior temporal regions.