Carlota M. Moragas-Fernández

Carlota M. Moragas-Fernández
Universitat Rovira i Virgili | URV · Department of Communication Studies

PhD | Universitat Rovira i Virgili
Serra Húnter Fellow at URV and member of ASTERISC. Communication Research Group.


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Serra Húnter Lecturer at URV and Principal Editor de la Catalan Journal of Communication and Cultural Studies. Member of ASTERISC. Communication Research Group, I am currently working on political communication and discourse analysis, as well as on the changes brought by digitalization into the public sphere and the articulation of public opinion. This has led me to participate in projects dealing with right-wing populism, migration, national politics or environmental / public health issues.
Additional affiliations
August 2017 - September 2017
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
  • Researcher
  • Research Stay
September 2016 - present
Universitat Rovira i Virgili
  • PostDoc Position
June 2014 - September 2014
The University of Edinburgh
  • Researcher
  • Research stay
September 2012 - June 2013
September 2010 - June 2012
September 2009 - June 2010
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
Field of study
  • Mobility Exchange


Publications (45)
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The European refugee crisis has a central role in media and political narratives about migration these days. By applying critical metaphor analysis, this article explores how the Spanish press framed the crisis using metaphors in 2015, 2016, and 2017. The evolution of the different ways of conceptualizing migrants and European policies shows two me...
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The current Catalan political conflict provides an opportunity to study how a particular case reflects the dynamics established between political actors, media and citizens in the public sphere (Castelló and Capdevila 2015; Ordeix and Ginesta 2014; Perales-García and Pont-Sorribes 2017; Pont-Sorribes et al. 2018; Xicoy et al. 2017; Micó and Carbone...
En la línea de las investigaciones sobre los efectos de Twitter sobre la configuración de la opinión pública, se analizan las características del debate generado a raíz de la presentación de la Ley del referéndum de Cataluña. Se trabajó con dos muestras (n1: 260.866 tweets y retweets y n2: 1.681 tweets) que permitieron estudiar, por un lado, la mor...
Political actors use metaphor in their speeches in order to frame political issues [Charteris-Black, J. (2011). Politicians and rhetoric: The persuasive power of metaphor. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan]. If they succeed in imposing a particular (metaphorical) frame, especially when there is no agreement on the definition of certain political issu...
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No es extraño que medios, políticos y ciudadanía hablen del procés independentista como un divorcio entre España y Cataluña o imaginar la entrada de refugiados en Europa como un tsunami imparable. Se trata de algunas de las metáforas más utilizadas en la esfera pública, un espacio discursivo en el que pugnan determinadas visiones de los asuntos púb...
The management of bovine tuberculosis (bTB) is a controversial issue due to the different positions of stakeholders regarding diagnosis and treatment. Considering how they conceptualize bTB might influence the acceptability of eradication programmes, we analyse communication materials published by a range of sources in Spain and France, two countri...
The rise of populism in Europe has been accompanied by increasing use of the term in the media. This has been studied in the European press from the democratic corporatist or liberal media systems, but there is a lack of studies on southern Europe and the polarized pluralist media system. Using a content analysis of newspaper articles, we investiga...
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In April 2019, VOX, a far-right populist party, won seats for the first time in the Spanish parliament. VOX successfully used social media to participate in the electoral debate and to establish a more direct link with its followers. We investigated how the VOX online community was structured during the election campaign and to what extent the most...
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En un contexto de inestabilidad política –marcado por la convocatoria de cuatro elecciones generales entre 2015 y 2019–, el partido populista Vox ha conseguido entrar en uno de los parlamentos que hasta el momento se le había resistido y que lo mantenía alejado de la tendencia de crecimiento de la extrema derecha en Europa. La consideración del pop...
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L’objectiu principal d’aquesta recerca és analitzar els esdeveniments referents a Catalunya recollits per la premsa internacional durant l’any 2020, la manera en què aquests assumptes s’han tractat, així com la imatge de Catalunya que se’n deriva. Per dur a terme aquest objectiu, hem analitzat totes les peces periodístiques en les quals es menciona...
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Al present capítol es fa una revisió de la recerca en comunicació elaborada durant aquests anys convulsos, on el procés o conflicte català ha esdevingut un mirall excepcional per copsar dinàmiques discursives; relacions entre periodistes, mitjans de comunicació, polítics i ciutadania; característiques i mutacions del sistema mediàtic; l'impacte de...
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La polarització discursiva, la mediatització i l'espectacularització de la política, el paper dels gèneres opinatius en la construcció de l'opinió pública catalana-amb especial rellevància el de la tertúlia-o la crisi de legitimitat del sistema mediàtic del territori són algunes qüestions que han condicionat el context polític i social si posem el...
El 21 de desembre de 2017 els ciutadans de Catalunya van ser cridats a les urnes en unes eleccions anticipades al Parlament certament anòmales i excepcionals, convocades pel president Mariano Rajoy després de l’aplicació de l’article 155 de la Constitució. El caràcter insòlit de la convocatòria es veia incrementat pel fet que diversos líders políti...
Conference Paper
Different from the participatory consultation of 9 November 2014, the Spanish Government treated the referendum held in Catalonia on 1 October 2017 as a case of disobedience Cetrà et al. 2018) and this resulted in the use of security forces to prevent people from voting. On 28 October 2017, following the symbolic vote of the Catalan parliament that...
El president de la Generalitat, Artur Mas, va convocar eleccions anticipades al Parlament de Catalunya el dia 27 de setembre de 2015. Es repetia un escenari semblant als comicis del 2012, aquesta vegada després de la negativa del Govern d’Espanya d’autoritzar un referèndum pactat sobre la independència de Catalunya. Aquest rebuig va ser l’argument...
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Los medios de comunicación juegan un papel determinante en la construcción de la opinión pública, puesto que conforman “the main source and focus of a society’s shared experience” (McNair, 2007:18). A través de ellos se canalizan las posiciones de los diferentes actores implicados en la defnición de un tema confictivo, donde la metáfora tiene un ro...
Conference Paper
One of the main issues on nowadays’ public agenda is the rising of populism across the globe. This is exemplified through the rise of European right-wing political parties like VOX (Spain), UKIP (UK), Freedom Party (Netherlands), Alternative for Germany (Germany), and Front National (France), and the election of US President Trump. Trump’s victory...
Conference Paper
The refugee crisis in Europe is one of the most complex issues on the public agenda. However, the narrative articulated by the Spanish newspapers shows that there was not a diversity of ways for framing the issue. This single view can be identified through the analysis of metaphorical expressions, considering that they are one of the discursive dev...
Conference Paper
In the last decade populism has been rising across the West, but the recent election of Donald Trump as the president of the United States is seen as the turning point regarding the popularization and success of neoliberal and nationalist discourses around the globe. What once was an isolated message is now on the basis of some important parties in...
Conference Paper
Communication processes are key in the construction of public discourse and relationships between conflictive issues and the actors involved in legal, policy, social and media logics. As for environmental disputes, language and metaphors are meaningful tools in order to identify and analyze the roles these actors are playing, according to Greimas’...
Conference Paper
Radio news talk programmes within the Spanish context are a public opinion compass, especially when defining political and media frames (Castelló and Montagut, 2011). One of the most important political issues in the last 6 years in Spain has been the secessionist movement in Catalonia. In June 2010, the “sovereignism” frame was shared by several p...
Conference Paper
Los medios de comunicación juegan un papel determinante en la construcción de la opinión pública, puesto que conforman “the main source and focus of a society’s shared experience” (McNair, 2007:18). A través de ellos se canalizan las posiciones de los diferentes actores implicados en la definición de un tema conflictivo, donde la metáfora tiene un...
Conference Paper
In the political public sphere, “people in their roles as citizens have access to what can be metaphorically called societal dialogues, which deal with […] politics in the broadest sense” (Dahlgren 1995:9). These so-called societal dialogues take place between the three different actors who coexist within the public sphere: citizens, politicians an...
Conference Paper
La presente investigación tiene como objetivo principal determinar qué papel juega la metáfora en la definición de los procesos independentistas que durante los últimos años han tenido lugar en Escocia y en Cataluña. Los actores políticos son los principales protagonistas de los procesos de definición de puntos de vista concretos sobre un tema, con...
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In the public sphere, power is achieved through persuasion rather than domination. The main goal is to be given the consent of the governed and this is why discourse becomes a key tool for maintaining the existent social order and for transferring ideology. Political actions, therefore, can be understood in terms both of linguistic and communicatio...
Conference Paper
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On 11 September 2012, 1.5 million Catalans demanded the creation of a "New European State". Since then, the Catalan Government has been leading a process whose main goal is to hold a referendum on self-determination. But, when did the independence of Catalonia become a main issue in the agenda of political parties? This is the question we want to a...
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On 18 September 2014 Scottish citizens had to decide whether they would like to continue being part of the United Kingdom or not by answering the question: “Should Scotland be an independent country?”. Two years before, both the Yes Scotland and the Better Together campaign started to build their discourses about what Independence would imply. The...
Conference Paper
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España ha destacado tradicionalmente por su elevado índice de participación en las Elecciones Europeas. Se trata de un país que se considera pro-europeo y que, tradicionalmente, ha tendido a ver la Unión Europea (UE) como una institución que vela por su Estado del Bienestar. Esta tendencia se ha sostenido en el tiempo aunque el porcentaje de voto d...
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Ethics and communication with patients are basic transversal skills for the Degrees in Medicine, Physiotherapy and Nutrition. In this model, senior students use video to create simulated clinical cases with ethics and communication components, and conduct academic mentoring using these cases. To ensure quality video recordings, the students are int...
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The encouragement of healthy lifestyles for obesity prevention in young people is a public health priority. The European Youth Tackling Obesity (EYTO) project is a multicentric intervention project with participation from the United Kingdom, Portugal, the Czech Republic and Spain. The general aim of the EYTO project is to improve lifestyles, includ...
Conference Paper
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La IXa legislatura del Parlamento de Catalunya (2010-2012) fue la más controvertida de los treinta y cuatro años de historia de esta institución. Los ciudadanos que habían confiado en la propuesta de Convergència i Unió en las elecciones del 28 de noviembre de 2010 se encontraron ante una política social marcada por los recortes y la incapacidad de...
Conference Paper
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En els darrers dos anys, s'ha engegat un procés d'independència a Catalunya que ha d'acabar amb la celebració d'una consulta el proper 9 de novembre. Els actors polítics pro-sobiranistes són part activa d'aquest procés com a generadors del discurs independentista. Aquest discurs no només es duu a terme als mitjans tradicionals, sinó que també es co...
Conference Paper
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La propaganda política es uno de los elementos fundamentales de las campañas electorales. Todos los partidos políticos plantean estrategias persuasivas en sus discursos propagandísticos con el fin de conseguir el voto de los ciudadanos. Esta ponencia plantea un análisis argumentativo y retórico de los spots electorales de los diferentes partidos du...


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