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Abstract and Figures

The optimum concentration of anaesthetic used to facilitate fish handling can be determined based on induction and recovery time, among other factors. This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of the essential oil of Aloysia triphylla (EOAT) as an anaesthetic in the handling of Nile tilapia juveniles. Nile tilapias exemplars were immersed at 0 (control group), 10, 20, 30, 40, 80, 150, 300 and 450 μL L−1 EOAT to evaluate sedation, anaesthesia and recovery time. The stress response was evaluated by the determination of plasma glucose, cortisol, lactate and paraoxonase levels in anaesthetized (300 μL L−1 EOAT) and non-anaesthetized fish. Fillets from both groups were evaluated for organoleptic characteristics (taste and odour). Concentrations of 80–450 μL L−1 EOAT were effective in inducing anaesthesia. There was a significant reduction in plasma cortisol levels one hour after handling in individuals anaesthetized with 300 μL L−1 EOAT compared to the control group. Tasters did not detect differences in fillet taste and odour between fish exposed and not exposed to EOAT. A concentration of 300 μL L−1 EOAT is recommended for handling Nile tilapia because it presents good anaesthetic induction and recovery times, causes a reduction in plasma cortisol levels one hour after handling and does not affect the taste or odour of the fillets.
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Essential oil of Aloysia triphylla in Nile tilapia:
anaesthesia, stress parameters and sensory
evaluation of fillets
Rafael Rivas Teixeira
, Renilde Cordeiro de Souza
, Artur Cedraz Sena
Bernardo Baldisserotto
, Berta Maria Heinzmann
, Ricardo David Couto
Carlos Eduardo Copatti
Programa de P
os Graduac
ao em Zootecnia, Universidade Federal da Bahia, Salvador, BA, Brazil
Programa de P
os Graduac
ao em Diversidade Animal, Universidade Federal da Bahia, Salvador, BA, Brazil
Departamento de Fisiologia e Farmacologia, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, RS, Brazil
Departamento de Farm
acia Industrial, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, RS, Brazil
Departamento de An
alises Cl
ınicas e Toxicol
ogicas, Faculdade de Farm
acia, Universidade Federal da Bahia, Salvador,
BA, Brazil
Correspondence: C E Copatti, Programa de P
os Graduac
ao em Zootecnia, Universidade Federal da Bahia, 40170-110 Salvador,
BA, Brazil. E-mail:
The optimum concentration of anaesthetic used to
facilitate fish handling can be determined based on
induction and recovery time, among other factors.
This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of
the essential oil of Aloysia triphylla (EOAT) as an
anaesthetic in the handling of Nile tilapia juve-
niles. Nile tilapias exemplars were immersed at 0
(control group), 10, 20, 30, 40, 80, 150, 300 and
450 lLL
EOAT to evaluate sedation, anaesthe-
sia and recovery time. The stress response was
evaluated by the determination of plasma glucose,
cortisol, lactate and paraoxonase levels in anaes-
thetized (300 lLL
EOAT) and non-anaesthe-
tized fish. Fillets from both groups were evaluated
for organoleptic characteristics (taste and odour).
Concentrations of 80450 lLL
EOAT were
effective in inducing anaesthesia. There was a sig-
nificant reduction in plasma cortisol levels one
hour after handling in individuals anaesthetized
with 300 lLL
EOAT compared to the control
group. Tasters did not detect differences in fillet
taste and odour between fish exposed and not
exposed to EOAT. A concentration of 300 lLL
EOAT is recommended for handling Nile tilapia
because it presents good anaesthetic induction and
recovery times, causes a reduction in plasma corti-
sol levels one hour after handling and does not
affect the taste or odour of the fillets.
Keywords: sedation, recovery, handling, corti-
sol, organoleptic characteristics
Aloysia triphylla (L’Herit.) Britton (Verbenaceae) is
a herbal species native to South America, also cul-
tivated in Southern Europe and North Africa
ao, Fernandes, Carvalho, Andrade, Seabra
& Bastos 2002; Paulus, Valmorbida, Toffoli, Nava
& Paulus 2013). It is rich in highly volatile com-
pounds that have aromatic and sedative properties
(Schwerz, Caron, Manfron, Schmidt & Elli 2015).
The commercial importance of the essential oil of
A. triphylla (EOAT) also depends on its two main
components, geranial and neral, that are directly
related to its functional properties (Tabatabaie &
Nazari 2007). The use of EOAT as an anaesthetic
has been studied in white shrimp (Litopenaeus van-
namei) (Parodi, Cunha, Heldwein, De Souza, Mar-
tins, Garcia, Junior, Monserrat, Schmidt, Caron,
Heinzmann & Baldisserotto 2012) and silver cat-
fish (Rhamdia quelen) (Parodi, Cunha, Becker, Zep-
penfeld, Martins, Koakoski, Barcellos, Heinzmann
& Baldisserotto 2014; Zeppenfeld, Toni, Becker,
Miron, Parodi, Heinzmann, Barcellos, Koakoski,
Rosa, Loro, Cunha & Baldisserotto 2014). In addi-
tion, it has been shown to be more efficient in
reducing stress providing oxidative protection than
MS-222 in silver catfish (Gressler, Riffel, Parodi,
©2016 John Wiley & Sons Ltd 3383
Aquaculture Research, 2017, 48, 3383–3392 doi:10.1111/are.13165
Saccol, Koakoski, Costa, Pavanato, Heinzmann,
on, Schmidt, Llesuy, Bascellos & Baldisserotto
2014). Recently, EOAT was patented as a sedative
and anaesthetic for aquatic animals (PI0904839-1
The use of anaesthetics to reduce stress is com-
mon in fish farming and is thought to improve fish
welfare and facilitate handling (Coyle, Durborow &
Tidwell 2004; Sim~
oes & Gomes 2009) by depress-
ing their central and peripheral nervous system
activities (Summerfelt & Smith 1990). Demand for
natural anaesthetics such as EOAT as an alterna-
tive to synthetic anaesthetics has increased
because synthetic anaesthetics have side effects,
such as changes to the cardiovascular and endo-
crine systems as well as to osmoregulation and ion
regulation (Carter, Woodley & Brown 2011).
An increase in plasma cortisol levels is one of
the most frequent physiological alterations in fish
submitted to handling and can be used as an indi-
cator of the condition of individuals exposed to
stress (Baker, Gobush & Vynne 2013). The capture
and exposure of individuals to air prior to han-
dling generates stress responses that can be char-
acterized by elevated plasma levels of glucose
resulting from the release of catecholamines (Hos-
hiba, Gonc
ßalves & Urbinati 2009). Catecholamines
and cortisol are associated with high energy con-
sumption, gluconeogenesis and lipolysis, which
may influence the performance of the fish after
stress (Wendelaar Bonga 1997).
Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) is one of the
most important species of freshwater fish for global
aquaculture, primarily because of its known hardi-
ness and good adaptation to captive conditions
(Hohlenwerger, Copatti, Sena, Couto, Baldisserotto,
Heinzmann, Caron & Schimdt 2016). So this work
aimed to determine the efficiency of EOAT for the
induction of and recovery from anaesthesia in Nile
tilapia. Additionally, we evaluated the effect of
EOAT during handling stress via plasma parame-
ters (cortisol, glucose, lactate and paraoxonase)
and its influence on the organoleptic characteris-
tics of the fillets.
Materials and methods
Essential oil from Aloysia triphylla
Leaves of A. triphylla (L’H
er.) Britton cultivated in
Frederico Westphalen, Rio Grande do Sul state,
Brazil, were collected in August 2013. A voucher
specimen (SMDB No. 11169) was deposited in the
herbarium of the Department of Biology, Universi-
dade Federal de Santa Maria.
Oil extraction from fresh leaves was performed
by steam distillation (120 min) using a Clevenger
apparatus according to the British Pharmacopoeia
(2007). The essential oil was stored at 4°Cin
amber glass bottles until biological testing and
chemical analysis by CG-MS according to Parodi
et al. (2014) were performed (Table 1).
Juveniles of Nile tilapia, Gift lineage, sex-reversed
male, were purchased from Piscicultura de Bebe-
douro, Petrolina, Brazil. The fish were housed for
15 days in continuously aerated 250-L masonry
tanks with a semi-static system. The fish were fed
Table 1 Chemical constituents of Aloysia triphylla
essential oil used in the present study
N RT Compound RI Calc RI Lit %
1 10.399 a-pinene 931 933 0.36
2 12.762 Hepten-2-one
990 986 1.51
3 14.224 Limonene 1027 1028 2.70
4 14.362 Eucalyptol 1031 1030 3.04
5 15.070 b-Z-ocimene 1049 1048 2.52
6 17.096 Linalool 1100 1100 1.47
7 18.547 NI 1139 2.23
8 18.943 NI 1150 0.67
9 19.535 NI 1166 2.07
10 19.940 Rosefuranepoxide 1177 1177 1.37
11 20.202 NI 1184 3.87
12 21.811 Linalyl formate 1229 1216 3.99
13 22.255 Neral 1242 1238 16.12
14 22.736 Z-geraniol 1256 1256 3.47
15 23.290 Geranial 1272 1270 28.97
16 26.447 Nerolacetate 1366 1365 0.35
17 26.785 b-cubebene 1376 1386 0.32
18 27.054 geranylacetate 1385 1381 1.59
19 28.186 b-caryophyllene 1420 1418 8.50
20 29.253 a-caryophyllene 1455 1454 1.71
21 30.150 a-curcumenene 1484 1485 3.79
22 30.582 Bicyclogermacrene 1498 1500 1.19
23 31.035 b-curcumenene 1513 1516 0.91
24 31.375 a-cadinene 1525 1524 0.80
25 32.531 NI 1564 0.76
26 32.967 Spathulenol 1579 1576 1.99
27 33.138 Caryophyllene oxide 1585 1583 1.83
28 34.760 s-cadinol 1643 1642 1.87
Total Identified 90.35
RT, retention time; RI Calc, Calculated retention index; RI Lit,
Literature retention index (NIST 2008; Adams 2009); NI, not
©2016 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Aquaculture Research,48, 3383–33923384
Anaesthesia with Aloysia triphylla in Nile tilapia R R Teixeira et al. Aquaculture Research, 2017, 48, 3383–3392
twice a day at a ratio of 5.0% body mass with a
commercial diet (320 g kg
crude protein and
3500 kcal digestible energy, Purina Nutripeixe SI).
During the experiments, water quality parame-
ters were maintained for temperature (24.12°C),
pH (6.22), conductivity (0.78 mS cm
), total
ammonia (0.25 mg L
) and dissolved
oxygen (7.88 mg L
). The individuals were fasted
for a period of 24 hours prior to the experiments.
The experiments were conducted in accordance
with the rules of the Ethical Committee of the Biol-
ogy Institute (UFBA) under registration No. 19/
Anaesthetic induction and recovery
Time to anaesthesia induction and recovery was
tested in juveniles (n=80) weighing 16.05
5.14 g and measuring 9.62 1.16 cm. The
procedure involved transferring juveniles to aqua-
ria containing 2 L of water and EOAT at concen-
trations of 10, 20, 30, 40, 80, 150, 300 or
450 lLL
(diluted 1:10 with ethanol 99.6%).
An ethanol group was transferred to aquaria that
contained only ethanol at a concentration that
was equivalent to the dilution used for 450 lLL
EOAT. Control fish were submitted to the same
handling process using water only. Eight juveniles
were used for each tested concentration, and each
juvenile was used only once. The induction time
to different stages of anaesthesia and recovery was
evaluated for up to 30 min. The juveniles were
transferred to an anaesthetic-free aquarium (20 L)
to measure the anaesthesia recovery time. Fish
were considered recovered when they presented
swimming and other behaviour similar to that
seen in the maintenance tanks (adapted from
Small 2003).
Handling and biometry
Juvenile fish (n=48) weighing 107.31
18.70 g and measuring 18.52 1.25 cm were
anaesthetized with 300 lLL
of EOAT first
diluted in ethanol 99.6% (1:10) (the lowest con-
centration to induce anaesthesia within 23 min
exposure, see results) in a 5-L aquarium (one fish
at a time). Afterwards, fish were handled for bio-
metric measurements and thus exposed to air for
one minute. Following biometry, blood was col-
lected from the caudal vein of eight juveniles (at
time zero). The remaining anaesthetized juveniles
were placed in two 250-L tanks. Blood samples
were collected from eight fish from the first tank
one hour after anaesthesia and from another
eight fish from the second tank four hours after
anaesthesia. The control group was subjected to
the same procedures as the test group, but with-
out the addition of EOAT (adapted from Cunha,
Barros et al. 2010; Cunha, Zeppenfeld et al.
2010; Hohlenwerger et al. 2016).
Biochemical determination of stress parameters
Blood samples were collected using heparinized
syringes (1 mL), transferred to 2-mL plastic tubes
and centrifuged at 6°C at 3000 g(15 min) to sep-
arate the plasma. The samples were stored under
constant refrigeration (18°C). The plasma sam-
ples were sent to the Laboratory of Clinical Bio-
chemistry at the Faculty of Pharmacy (UFBA) for
measurement of the cortisol, glucose, lactate and
paraoxonase levels.
The cortisol S kit was used for the determination
of cortisol in the plasma aliquots in the mini-
equipment. This is an automated test that
is used for the quantitative determination of corti-
sol in plasma using an enzyme-linked fluorescent
assay. The measurement values of the Vidas corti-
sol S kit range from 2 to 650 ng mL
. The ana-
lytical detection limit, defined as the smallest
concentration of serum cortisol which is signifi-
cantly different from zero concentration with a
probability of 95%, is 2 ng mL
. The repeatabil-
ity, inter-run reproducibility and the inter-lot
reproducibility all were calculated by using the
recommendations of NCCLS document EP5-A2.
The observed values of total precision, dependent
from serum concentration, range from 7.42 to
12.98 coefficient of variance (%). The coefficient of
variation for the fish ranged from 8.68% to
13.59%, and the detection limit of the assay was
Plasma glucose levels were determined enzymat-
ically using glucose oxidase (GOD)/glucose peroxi-
dase (POD). This is a colorimetric method used in
a fully automated BT 3000 instrument (500 tests/
hour; Wiener Lab, Rosario, Argentina). Lactate
analysis was performed using the same instrument
(Lactate, Wiener lab
Paraoxonase activity was assayed by measuring
the p-nitrophenol reaction product according to the
method described by Senti, Tomas, Fito, Weinbren-
ner, Covas, Sala, Masi
a and Marruga (2003). The
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Aquaculture Research, 2017, 48, 3383–3392 Anaesthesia with Aloysia triphylla in Nile tilapia R R Teixeira et al.
result was achieved by multiplying the mean absor-
bance variation by the factor (factor =total reac-
tion volume (TRV) (mL)/e405 9sample value (SV)
(mL) 9cuvette thickness (cm), in which e405
1805 mL
). Therefore, paraoxonase activ-
ity =factor 9Dabs/minute.
Sensory evaluation
After blood collection, the animals of the time zero
group were killed by decapitation and the fillets
were prepared. The taste and odour were com-
pared between the control group and fish exposed
to 300 lLL
EOAT (see the previous section
‘Handling and biometry’).
The sensory evaluation adapted from Costell
(2002) was used. The fillets were cooked in a
microwave oven (portions of 25 g for 1 min) and
evaluated by 32 untrained judges in a blinded
comparison. Samples were coded by random
numbers. The degree of taste and odour difference
from the control was measured using a seven-
point scale, in which 1 =substantially better
than control, 2 =moderately better than control,
3=slightly better than control, 4 =not different
from control, 5 =slightly worse than control,
6=moderately worse than control and 7 =sub-
stantially worse than control.
Statistical analyses
All data are expressed as the mean SEM. All
data were subjected to the Levene test to verify the
homogeneity of the variances. The normality of
the data was assessed by ShapiroWilk test. Evalu-
ation of the anaesthetic activity was performed by
regression analysis (concentration 9time of seda-
tion; concentration 9time of anaesthesia; concen-
tration 9time of recovery from anaesthesia) using
SigmaPlot (version 8.0, Systat Software, San Jose,
CA, USA). In the event of no significant regression,
KruskalWallis analysis was performed followed by
multiple comparisons of mean ranks for all groups.
The plasma cortisol, lactate, glucose and paraox-
onase levels were analysed using a two-way ANOVA
(time X concentration) followed by Tukey post hoc
tests. The sensory analyses were performed using
a one-way ANOVA followed by Tukey post hoc tests.
Statistica software (version 7.0) was used for the
analyses, and significance was set at a critical level
of 95% (P<0.05).
Chemical composition of essential oil of Aloysia
Geranial (28.97%) and neral (16.12%) were the
major chemical constituents of the EOAT
(Table 1).
Anaesthetic induction and recovery
Nile tilapia juveniles exposed to EOAT recovered,
and no mortality was observed during the experi-
ments. The application of 4050 lLL
of ethanol
alone (the concentration equivalent to the dilution
used for the 450 lLL
EOAT treatment) did not
induce anaesthesia or sedation.
Essential oil of A. triphylla caused sedation at all
of the tested concentrations (10450 lLL
). No
relationship was observed between the EOAT con-
centration and the duration of sedation in Nile
tilapia juveniles, and there was no significant dif-
ference between the EOAT concentrations. Fur-
thermore, for concentrations at which the fish
only reached sedation (1040 lLL
of EOAT),
the recovery time was <45 s (Table 2).
Anaesthesia occurred at concentrations above
80 lLL
EOAT, with 300 and 450 lLL
showing the shortest time for anaesthetic induc-
tion (170 and 163 s, respectively), where
300 lLL
was the minimum effective concentra-
tion. The recovery time was between 149 and
197 s. Our results showed that higher concentra-
tions resulted in a shorter time being required for
anaesthesia and a longer time being required for
anaesthetic recovery (Table 2).
Stress parameters
Plasma cortisol levels were significantly higher in
the control group one hour after biometric mea-
surements and in the anesthetized fish at four
hours after biometric measurements (P<0.05).
Nile tilapias anaesthetized with 300 lLL
had significantly lower plasma cortisol levels than
the control group one hour after biometric mea-
surements (P<0.05) (Fig. 1a).
Anaesthetized Nile tilapias had significantly
higher plasma glucose levels than the control
group one hour after handling, whereas glucose
levels did not differ between anaesthetized and
control fish. However, at zero and four hours
©2016 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Aquaculture Research,48, 3383–33923386
Anaesthesia with Aloysia triphylla in Nile tilapia R R Teixeira et al. Aquaculture Research, 2017, 48, 3383–3392
after biometric measurements, anaesthetized fish
showed significantly higher glucose levels than
control fish (P<0.05) (Fig. 1b). The paraoxonase
activity was similar in all groups at all of the
time points (P<0.05) (Fig. 1c). At time zero,
anaesthetized individuals had significantly higher
Table 2 Time required for sedation, anaesthesia and recovery in Nile tilapia with the essential oil of Aloysia triphylla
) (EOAT). The time taken to reach each stage is shown in seconds (s). Data are expressed as mean SEM
Concentration (lLL
) Sedation (s) Anaesthesia (s) Recovery (s)
10 45.42 12.11
20 36.00 9.26
30 55.33 4.51
40 36.50 9.69
80 41.00 7.46
511.86 102.63 149.67 15.66
150 44.00 4.45
328.00 52.68 159.25 24.45
300 39.75 5.23
170.37 21.15 186.14 15.45
450 30.50 2.71
163.00 9.19 197.50 15.84
Equations *y=512.79 0.90x;
y=140.29 +0.13x;
Different letters in the columns indicate significant differences between concentrations according to the KruskalWallis test. y =time
for anaesthesia induction (s) and x =EOAT concentration (lLL
*No regression.
Figure 1 Effect of the essential oil of Aloysia triphylla (EOAT) (300 lLL
) on plasma cortisol (a), glucose (b),
paraoxonase (c) and lactate (d) in Nile tilapia after 0, 1 and 4 h of exposure to handling (1 min). Data are
expressed as mean SEM (n=8). Different capital letters indicate significant differences at the same time point
between the control group and anaesthetized fish. Different lower case letters indicate significant differences between
different time points with the same treatment (with or without anaesthetic) (P<0.05).
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Aquaculture Research, 2017, 48, 3383–3392 Anaesthesia with Aloysia triphylla in Nile tilapia R R Teixeira et al.
plasma lactate levels than the control group and
the same situation occurred in anaesthetized fish
at one and four hours after biometric measure-
ments (P<0.05) (Fig. 1d).
Sensory evaluation
The fish fillets prepared from fish anaesthetized
with 300 lLL
EOAT had sensory scores for
taste (3.70 0.30) and odour (4.20 0.35) sim-
ilar to the scores obtained for fillets made with the
control fish (4.09 0.32 and 4.38 0.37,
respectively) (P>0.05).
Chemical composition of essential oil of Aloysia
The functional properties of essential oils are often
assigned to their major constituents (Benovit,
Silva, Salbego, Loro, Mallmann, Baldisserotto,
Flores & Heinzmann 2015). Citral is a monoter-
pene formed by mixing isomers of geranial and
neral (Nunes, Veloso, Pereira & Andrade 2005),
which were the two most abundant components
of the EOAT in this study. Geranial and neral have
also been reported as being the most abundant
components of EOAT in other studies with anaes-
thesia of white shrimp and silver catfish, respec-
tively (Parodi et al. 2012; Daniel, Veeck, Klein,
Ferreira, Cunha, Parodi, Zeppenfeld, Schmidt,
Caron, Heinzmann, Baldisserotto & Emanuelli
2014), demonstrating their potential for use in
These two isomers are also abundant in other
essential oils, such as those obtained from Cymbo-
pogon citratus (Bassol
e, Lamien Meda, Bayala,
Obame, Ilboudo & Franz 2011) (48.1% geranial
and 34.6% neral) and Lippia alba (Silva, Oliveira,
Costa, Bizzo & Oliveira 2006) (39.946.9% gera-
nial and 30.732.9% neral). Although the propor-
tions of geranial and neral found by other authors
describing the sedative and anaesthetic properties
of EOAT were different to those in the present
study, the EOAT used in this work was as effective
as that used in previous studies. The intensity of
its action cannot be directly compared, because it
depends not only on the ratio between these two
isomers, but may also be influenced by the minor
components of EOAT (Benovit et al. 2015). In
addition, its effectiveness may vary according to
the fish species (King, Hooper, Hillsgrove, Benton
& Berlinsky 2005).
Anaesthetic induction and recovery
The absence of anaesthesia caused by ethanol
alone (control group) has been reported in previ-
ous studies in gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata)
no, Esteban & Meseguer 2002), silver catfish
(Cunha, Barros et al. 2010) and Nile tilapia
(Hohlenwerger et al. 2016).
The time taken to achieve sedation can vary
depending on the concentration of the anaesthetic,
but this did not occur in the present study. Nile
tilapia seems to stand for a few seconds on seda-
tion, regardless of the concentration tested. How-
ever, because high concentrations cause
anaesthesia in Nile tilapia, in situations of pro-
longed exposure to EOAT (>30 min), concentra-
tions above 80 lLL
EOAT should be avoided.
On the other hand, an increased concentration of
EOAT (20800 lLL
) reduced the time taken for
sedation in silver catfish (Parodi et al. 2014). The
same relationship was observed by Hohlenwerger
et al. (2016) with an essential oil of L. alba (10
500 lLL
) in Nile tilapia. In addition, EOAT
(40 lLL
) used during transport of silver catfish
improved animal welfare (Parodi et al. 2014; Zep-
penfeld et al. 2014).
Similar to our results, Parodi et al. (2014) found
that increased EOAT concentration (100
800 lLL
) reduced the time to anaesthesia and
increased anaesthetic recovery time in silver cat-
fish. Essential oils are mixtures of lipophilic compo-
nents and have a high affinity for fatty tissue
(Zahl, Kiessling, Samuelsen & Olsen 2010), which
could explain their longer recovery times (Gressler
et al. 2014), because this affinity could slow elimi-
nation via the gills (Hunn & Allen 1974). Addi-
tionally, Delbon and Ranzani Paiva (2012) and
Hohlenwerger et al. (2016) using eugenol
(40120 mg L
) and essential oil of L. alba (200
500 lLL
), respectively, also found that increas-
ing concentrations reduce the time taken for
induction of anaesthesia in Nile tilapia.
An ideal anaesthetic should induce anaesthesia
in a period of 60180 s and anaesthetic recovery
time should be <300 s (Marking & Meyer 1985)
and cause minimal hyperactivity to the animal
(Bagheri & Imanpoor 2011). Our results showed
that 300 and 450 lLL
EOAT are within this
range, with 300 lLL
the recommended
©2016 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Aquaculture Research,48, 3383–33923388
Anaesthesia with Aloysia triphylla in Nile tilapia R R Teixeira et al. Aquaculture Research, 2017, 48, 3383–3392
concentration, because it is the minimum effective
concentration and would avoid essential oil
wastage and unnecessary expense.
Stress parameters
In previous studies, plasma cortisol levels in non-
stressed Nile tilapia ranged from 16.43 to
65.67 ng mL
(Volpato & Barreto 2001; Biswas,
Maita, Yoshizaki & Takeuchi 2004; Barreto & Vol-
pato 2006), similar to our results with EOAT. Cor-
tisol is widely used as both a long- and short-term
primary stress indicator (Maricchiolo & Genovese
2011). Plasma cortisol levels in Nile tilapia reach
a peak one hour after stress and may remain ele-
vated for up to four hours after handling (Barcel-
los, Nicolaiewsky, De Souza & Lulhier 1999).
Similar with the results of our study, EOAT in sil-
ver catfish (135 and 180 mg L
) (Gressler et al.
2014) and essential oil of L. alba in silver catfish
(300 mg L
; Cunha, Barros et al. 2010) and Nile
tilapia (500 lLL
) (Hohlenwerger et al. 2016)
reduced plasma cortisol levels after handling.
The reduction in cortisol level can be related to
blockage of sensory information transmission to
the hypothalamus, thereby inhibiting a series of
hormonal changes that characterize stress
(Iversen, Finstad, Mckinley & Eliassen 2003).
These physiological defence responses are stimu-
lated in a cascade system and are primarily related
to the release of cortisol and catecholamines,
which influence the energy supply mechanisms
required by the individual in response to a stressor
(Perry & Capaldo 2011).
The rise in glucose levels is not necessarily
related to elevated cortisol, although cortisol can
lead to hyperglycaemia due to glucose synthesis in
the liver (gluconeogenesis) (Wendelaar Bonga
1997; Perry & Capaldo 2011). The hypergly-
caemia may be associated with an increase in fish
activity (swimming) and/or hypoxia after of expo-
sure to anaesthesia (Hohlenwerger et al. 2016).
An increased plasma glucose level seems to be
common in anaesthetized fish. Deriggi Pisani,
Inoue and Moraes (2006), Sim~
oes and Gomes
(2009) and Hohlenwerger et al. (2016) verified
that anaesthesia with eugenol (2080 mg L
menthol (250 mg L
) and essential oil of L. alba
(500 lLL
), respectively, also promoted hyper-
glycaemic effects in Nile tilapia. Additionally,
Sanches, Rodrigues, Nunes, Oliveira, Fantini and
Campos (2014) proposed that plasma glucose
levels in fish are higher at the start of anaesthesia
but tend to gradually return to normal levels,
regardless of the substance and concentration
used. This was verified in our study.
The higher levels of lactate immediately after
handling in the anaesthetized fish possibly reflected
the significantly higher levels of glucose one hour
after handling stress, because lactate can be con-
verted to glucose via gluconeogenesis (Silveira,
Logato & Pontes 2009). Additionally, the use of
anaesthetic can reduce the respiratory capacity of
the fish, resulting in elevated plasma lactate levels
via the anaerobic route (Iversen et al. 2003). This
may have occurred in this study after exposure to
EOAT. Similarly, increased plasma lactate levels
were reported in silver catfish anaesthetized with
essential oil of Hesperozygis ringens (30 and
50 lLL
) (Toni, Martos Sitcha, Ruiz Jarabo,
Mancera, Mart
ınez Rodr
ıguez, Pinheiro, Heinz-
mann & Baldisserotto 2015) and in tambaqui
(Colossoma macropomum) anaesthetized with euge-
nol (60 lLL
) (Inoue, Boijink, Ribeiro, Silva &
Affonso 2011).
Paraoxonase is important for the protection of
the organism against damage to the immune sys-
tem and oxidative stress (Correia & Perry 2010;
Ming, Xie, Xu, Ge, Liu & Ye 2012). However, we
did not verify protective mechanisms related to
plasma paraoxonase in our study.
Sensory evaluation
The choice of anaesthetic should take into account
its influence on fish taste and odour and consumer
acceptance (Ribas, Flos, Reig, Mackenzie, Barton &
Tort 2007). Daniel et al. (2014) demonstrated that
the use of EOAT (40 lLL
) in the transport of
silver catfish before slaughter extended the fresh-
ness and increased the life of the fillet during cold
storage, demonstrating the potential of EOAT in
maintaining the quality of the fillet. Our results
showed that EOAT did not influence taste or odour
in fillet. This was also observed for the essential oil
of L. alba (300 mg L
) in silver catfish (Cunha,
Barros et al. 2010) and Nile tilapia (Hohlenwerger
et al. 2016), but not for eugenol (50 lLL
silver catfish (Cunha, Zeppenfeld et al. 2010).
In conclusion, EOAT showed anaesthetic proper-
ties, which contributes to fish welfare. Nile tilapia
©2016 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Aquaculture Research,48, 3383–3392 3389
Aquaculture Research, 2017, 48, 3383–3392 Anaesthesia with Aloysia triphylla in Nile tilapia R R Teixeira et al.
can reach anaesthesia with EOAT in the
80450 lLL
range without mortality. Addition-
ally, 300 lLL
EOAT had ideal induction time
(23 min) and was considered a promising anaes-
thetic because it reduces plasma cortisol levels and
does not affect the organoleptic characteristics of
the fillets.
This work was supported by CAPES (Coordenac
de Aperfeic
ßoamento de Pessoal de N
ıvel Superior,
Brazil) through a research grant awarded to the
first author. The authors also thank CODEVASF
for donating Nile tilapia exemplars.
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©2016 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Aquaculture Research,48, 3383–33923392
Anaesthesia with Aloysia triphylla in Nile tilapia R R Teixeira et al. Aquaculture Research, 2017, 48, 3383–3392
... Anesthetics can cause the inhibition of the respiratory center in the medulla oblongata, resulting in depression of the central nervous system (CNS) and decreasing the ventilatory rate (VR) (Ross, Ross, 2009). However, some anesthetics, mainly those of synthetic origin, depending on concentration and time of exposure, can trigger stress (Parodi et al., 2014;Teixeira et al., 2017) and induce undesirable collateral effects on metabolism or gill damage in fish (Kiessling et al., 2009;Wosnick et al., 2018;Oliveira et al., 2022), arousing interest in the investigation of anesthetic compounds originating from plants. ...
... Various studies have indicated that an anesthetic is more effective when it has fast action (< 3 min) and a short recovery time (< 5 or 10 min) (Small, 2003;Ross, Ross, 2009;Sena et al., 2016;Teixeira et al., 2017;Oliveira et al., 2019b). In addition, lower anesthetic concentrations may provide a higher safety margin for fish welfare and avoid essential oil wastage (Teixeira et al., 2017). ...
... Various studies have indicated that an anesthetic is more effective when it has fast action (< 3 min) and a short recovery time (< 5 or 10 min) (Small, 2003;Ross, Ross, 2009;Sena et al., 2016;Teixeira et al., 2017;Oliveira et al., 2019b). In addition, lower anesthetic concentrations may provide a higher safety margin for fish welfare and avoid essential oil wastage (Teixeira et al., 2017). In this sense, the present study recommends 180 μL EOLA L −1 as the minimum effective concentration for deep anesthesia of fat snook. ...
Full-text available
This study evaluated the anesthetic activity of essential oil from Lippia alba (EOLA), linalool chemotype in a euryhaline fish (fat snook Centropomus parallelus). In the first experiment, fish were exposed to 30, 80, 130, 180, 200, and 230 µL EOLA L−1. The second experiment evaluated smaller and larger fish with 180 µL EOLA L-1. In the third experiment, ventilatory rates (VR) for up to 120 min in animals during exposure to 5 and 10 µL EOLA L−1 were evaluated. In the fourth experiment, fish anesthetized with 30 and 180 µL EOLA L-1 were assessed at 0, 30, and 60 min after anesthesia recovery to evaluate biochemical and antioxidant parameters. The best mild and deep anesthesia times were obtained with 30 and 180 µL EOLA L-1, and larger fish had the highest times. The VR increased in fish exposed to EOLA. Blood glucose and whole-body cortisol levels were higher in fish anesthetized with 180 µL EOLA L-1. Fish exposed to EOLA had higher liver glutathione S-transferase and superoxide dismutase activities without affecting catalase and lipid peroxidation levels. The 180 µL EOLA L-1 is recommended for fat snook anesthesia because it increases VR, blood glucose, and whole-body cortisol levels and prevents oxidative stress.
... Alpinia galanga essential oil extract anaesthetic effect on O. niloticus showed constant value of glucose and cortisol levels when com-pared with the fish exposed to MS-222 which showed higher levels (Pikulkaew et al., 2017). A. triphylla essential oil at 300 µL L −1 concentration reduced cortisol levels in anaesthetized O. niloticus juveniles (Teixeira et al., 2017). The level of cortisol ranged from about 10-60 ng mL −1 for the fish species (Barreto & Volpato, 2006). ...
Full-text available
Background Using anaesthetics is an important application in aquaculture especially where the fish transportation, vaccination, grading, sorting activities and many other handling operations have been conducted during the different stages of production periods in the farms or hatcheries. Objectives This study aimed to evaluate the efficacy of oregano essential oil (OO) as an anaesthetic for Nile tilapia and to determine the optimal concentration and post‐application stress effects compared to clove oil (CO). Methods Nile tilapia juveniles were exposed to different concentrations of OO (20–40–60–80–100 mg L⁻¹) and CO (50 mg L⁻¹) for different time periods to determine the optimal concentration and exposure time. After the effective concentration of OO was determined, in the second experiment, stress parameters (glucose, plasma cortisol) were analysed after 0, 2, 6, 12 and 24 h of application. The results compared to the control group and CO results. Results The study found that OO which has carvacrol compound higher than 78% was an efficient anaesthetic for Nile tilapia, and the effective concentration was found to be 60 mg L⁻¹. No significant differences were found between opercular beats in any concentration of OO and CO. Basal glucose level in blood without anaesthesia application and recorded at 39.33 mg dL⁻¹ and significantly lower than OO and CO at first two sampling points, 0 and 2 h (p < 0.05). According to plasma cortisol level results, although CO experimental group showed secondary stress response at 12 h (17.91 ± 4.21 ng mL⁻¹), OO and CO group cortisol levels decreased at 24 h after anaesthesia application 7.13 ± 0.14and 7.01 ± 0.54 ng mL⁻¹, respectively, below the control group cortisol concentration (12.28 ± 1.81 ng mL⁻¹). Conclusions These findings have important implications for the aquaculture industry as the use of OO as an anaesthetic could reduce the stress and mortality associated with traditional anaesthetics. Further research is needed to evaluate the efficacy of OO as an anaesthetic agent for other fish species and to determine the optimal concentration and exposure time for different species.
... Plasma glucose (mg dL − 1 ) levels were determined by the enzymatic method adapted from Teixeira et al. (2017). The other plasma biochemical analyses used a semi-automated biochemical analyzer (Doles ® , model D250, Goiânia, GO, Brazil). ...
Full-text available
Zinc (Zn) is an essential micronutrient that plays a crucial role in fish development and physiology. This study aimed to evaluate the effects on growth and health in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) supplemented with graded levels of zinc amino acid complex (Zn-AA) and subjected to transport stress. Nile tilapia (21.78± 0.17 g; (n = 12 fish per tank; stocking density of 1.045 kg−3) were fed with 0, 25, 50, 75, or 100 mg Zn-AA kg−1 (equivalent to 77.49, 102.69, 127.89, 153.09, or 178.29 mg Zn kg−1) in extruded diets (280 g kg−1 digestible protein; isoproteic and isocaloric) for 60 days. At the end of the experimental period, after growth performance measurements, the fish were transported by car for 3 h, and blood collection was performed. The linear regression showed that the best growth performance (final weight, final biomass, weight gain, specific growth rate, and feed intake) was found in fish fed with 100 mg Zn-AA kg diet−1 (p < 0.05). The increased dietary Zn-AA increased linearly plasma triglyceride levels, hemoglobin, mean corpuscular hemoglobin, and leukocyte values and reduced plasma total protein, cholesterol (total and LDL), and aspartate aminotransferase levels (p < 0.05). According to quadratic regression, the highest plasma glucose and alanine aminotransferase values were found in the control group (p < 0.05). In conclusion, under the conditions of this study, 100 mg Zn-AA kg diet−1 is recommended for Nile tilapia as it can improve their growth, metabolism, physiology, and immunity.
... Additionally, many of them have been reported as stressors or have caused undesirable side effects, such as increased muscle tone, behavioral changes, mucus hypersecretion, corneal damage, and skin and gill irritation (Aydın and Barbas, 2020). Due to the importance of these problems, recent research has explored the anesthetic effects of essential oils (EOs) in fish, as well as their effects on biochemical, antistress, electrophysiology, histological parameters and sensory evaluation of fillet (Souza et al., 2019;Santos et al., 2020;Silva et al., 2020;Teixeira et al., 2017). ...
Full-text available
This study investigated the use of Citrus sinensis essential oil (EOCS) in Betta splendens, evaluating toxicity, induction and recovery times to anesthesia, its action on agonist behavior, and on male collective transport. To toxicity, fish were exposed to EOCS at different concentrations during 48 h. The induction test was performed to evaluate sedation, anesthesia, and recovery under different concentrations. To assess agonist behavior, male subjects were maintained with different dosages of EOCS, assessing opercular beat and fin expansion, while exposed to untreated animals. In the mass transport study, males were divided into two treatments with two levels of EOCS, for 6 h, also analyzing gill histometry at the end of transport. The results obtained show that the mean lethal concentration in 48 h of exposure to EOCS was calculated at 49.17 μL·L−1. The shortest anesthesia induction time was at 300 μL·L−1 EOCS. EOCS was able to reduce agonist behavior in males individual. Histometric analyzes revealed a reduction in the height of gill filaments in fish transported with 20 μL·L-1 EOCS. EOCS can be used as a sedative and anesthetic agent for B. splendens.
... Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus L.) is one of the main species of fish cultivated in the world, especially in developing countries located in Africa, South America, and Asia (FAO, 2022). It is a fish species capable of optimizing food conversion to weight gain, which fillet consumers appreciate (Teixeira et al., 2017;Souza et al., 2020). In general, Nile tilapia production occurs in intensive systems, and it is necessary to improve the nutritional status to meet the metabolic demands generated by such production practices (Zahran et al., 2018;De Souza et al., 2019;Van Doan et al., 2019). ...
This study aimed to investigate the effects of dietary supplementation with Citrus limon (L.) extract (CLE) on the growth, hematological, and biochemical parameters of Nile tilapia juveniles (Oreochromis niloticus L.). The chemical composition of CLE was detected using nuclear magnetic resonance and mass spectrometry. Three hundred and sixty fish (12.80 ± 0.13 g) were distributed in a completely randomized experimental design with six treatments and four replicates (15 fish per tank). Six diets with different levels of CLE in the diet – 0.0 (control), 0.2, 0.4, 0.8, 1.6, and 3.2 g kg–1 – were evaluated for 60 days, followed by 8 days of Aeromonas hydrophila challenge. The bacterial inoculum was diluted in sterile saline at 1 × 107 colony-forming units mL–1. The major constituents of CLE were phenolic compounds (mainly flavonoids) and polysaccharides. Quadratic regression showed that fish supplemented with 1.6 g CLE kg diet–1 improved final weight, weight gain, feed intake, feed conversion ratio, and perivisceral fat index. Before bacterial infection, fish supplemented with 1.6 g CLE kg diet–1 showed a higher hepatosomatic index and erythrocytes (according to linear regression) and higher plasma total protein and hemoglobin (according to quadratic regression). After bacterial infection, quadratic regression showed that 0.8–3.2 g CLE kg diet–1 reduced the plasma aspartate aminotransferase levels and mortality of juveniles. In conclusion, adding 1.6 g CLE kg diet–1 is recommended to improve Nile tilapia juveniles' growth performance, health, and survival after A. hydrophila infection.
... Copaene is a sesquiterpene that can be found in essential oils like Cinnamomum zeylanicum (Plata-Rueda et al. 2018), Decaspermum parviflorum (Khanh et al. 2020), and Vernonia patula (Hoi et al. 2021). Likewise, ocimene is a plant volatile from the terpenoid class and is among the main constituents (> 1%) of several additional essential oils described with anaesthetic effects for aquatic animals and others, such as Piper divaricatum on tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum, Vilhena et al. 2019), Nectandra grandiflora on Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus, Rodrigues et al. 2021), A. triphylla on Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus, Teixeira et al. 2017), and Lavandula angustifolia on chronic pain mice model (Donatello et al. 2020). In like manner, germacrene D is a sesquiterpene hydrocarbon and one of the constituents of essential oils used to anaesthetize aquatic animals, including Nectandra megapotamica on fat snook (Centropomus parallelus, Tondolo et al. 2013) and Hyptis mutabilis on silver catfish (Rhamdia quelen, Silva et al. 2013). ...
... Copaene is a sesquiterpene that can be found in essential oils like Cinnamomum zeylanicum (Plata-Rueda et al. 2018), Decaspermum parviflorum (Khanh et al. 2020), and Vernonia patula (Hoi et al. 2021). Likewise, ocimene is a plant volatile from the terpenoid class and is among the main constituents (> 1%) of several additional essential oils described with anaesthetic effects for aquatic animals and others, such as Piper divaricatum on tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum, Vilhena et al. 2019), Nectandra grandiflora on Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus, Rodrigues et al. 2021), A. triphylla on Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus, Teixeira et al. 2017), and Lavandula angustifolia on chronic pain mice model (Donatello et al. 2020). In like manner, germacrene D is a sesquiterpene hydrocarbon and one of the constituents of essential oils used to anaesthetize aquatic animals, including Nectandra megapotamica on fat snook (Centropomus parallelus, Tondolo et al. 2013) and Hyptis mutabilis on silver catfish (Rhamdia quelen, Silva et al. 2013). ...
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The increasing concern for invertebrate welfare has led to improvements in management procedures and protective legislation; under discussion is the use of anaesthetic agents to improve the welfare of farmed prawns. In parallel, the aquatic environments present changes in their physical and chemical characteristics, like the acidification of waters. With this perspective, our study analysed the effectiveness of Ocimum gratissimum essential oil (EO-OG) as a natural anaesthetic for Macrobrachium rosenbergii at different concentrations and water pHs. Juvenile M. rosenbergii were exposed to five different EO-OG concentrations (0, 100, 200, 300, and 400 μL L⁻¹) and vehicle control (ethanol), at two water pHs (8.08 ± 0.10 and 6.42 ± 0.15). Induction time was EO-OG concentration-dependent regardless of water pH; i.e. the time required for sedation and anaesthesia decreased with the increase of EO-OG concentration. No correlation was found between recovery time and EO-OG concentration. The most effective EO-OG concentration was 400 μL L⁻¹, with prawn sedation in 2.0–2.5 min, anaesthesia in 3.5–4.1 min, and full recovery in 16 min, regardless of water pH. The different tested water pHs influenced sedation time; i.e. sedation time was higher in mild acidic water than in mild alkaline water. Anaesthesia induction and recovery times were similar at both water pHs. Survival rates were 100% in all experimental groups. In summary, EO-OG is effective as a sedative and anaesthetic for juvenile M. rosenbergii in routine procedures, at the recommended concentration of 400 μL L⁻¹, with mild alkaline water.
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Incorporating essential oils as dietary supplements in aquaculture is increasing in popularity. In prawn farming, their use is associated with reduced disease outbreaks, enhanced immunity, and improved animal growth and welfare. Herein, we explored the use of lemon beebrush essential oil ( Aloysia triphylla ; EOAT) in the diet of juvenile giant freshwater prawns ( Macrobrachium rosenbergii ) and its potential impact on growth performance and oxidative status of the hepatopancreas. Four hundred juvenile M. rosenbergii (0.40 ± 0.19 g, similar weights between sexes) were fed diets containing concentrations of EOAT at 0.0% (control), 0.1%, 0.2%, or 0.3% for 50 days. Each experimental group had five replicates, with 20 prawns per experimental unit. Prawn survival remained above 84% for all experimental groups. Prawn weight gain, specific growth rate, feed conversion ratio, and body condition were similar among all experimental groups. Dietary EOAT increased activities of the enzymatic antioxidants, catalase and superoxide dismutase, and varied glutathione S transferase activity in the hepatopancreas of prawns when compared to those fed the control diet. Dietary EOAT did not affect malondialdehyde (lipid peroxidation) levels. While EOAT had no impact on survival and growth of M. rosenbergii , it may modulate the detoxification capacity of the hepatopancreas (i.e., metabolic resistance). Future work should prospect EOAT as part of a nutraceutical blend, especially when combined with known growth enhancers and immune stimulants. Based on our results, dietary inclusion of 0.2% EOAT is the most suitable for juvenile M. rosenbergii farming.
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Immunosaccharides such as β-glucans and fructooligosaccharide (FOS) strengthen the host’s immune responses. This study examined the influences of three levels of the β-1, 3 glucan-FOS combination on Red tilapia performance. Four diets were prepared: T0 as a control, while T0.5, T1, and T1.5 indicate the addition of β-1, 3 glucan-FOS mixture at 0.5%, 1%, and 1.5%, respectively. Then, 240 red Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus x O. mossambicus) (weight 6.1 ± 0.07gm) were allocated into four groups, and every group was fed tested diets for 56 days. After the feeding trial, growth parameters, erythrogram profile, liver and kidney function testes, glucose, histopathological analysis, and gene expressions for antioxidants, catalase (CAT) and glutathione peroxidase (GPX) besides growth hormone (GH) and insulin-like growth factor 1 IGF1-related markers were assessed. Red tilapia fed T0.5, T1, and T1.5 exhibited consistent growth, survival rate, and homeostasis compared with the control group. Different supplement concentrations displayed varying levels of responses. The hepatorenal biomarkers (alanine transaminase (ALT = SGPT) and aspartate transaminase (AST = SGOT), alkaline phosphatase (ALP = ALK), urea, and creatinine) and glucose showed a significant reduction in the supplemented groups compared with the control, especially in the T1 and T1.5 groups. The intestinal morphometric study revealed that fish group fed on T1 represented the best result, whereas group T1.5, followed by group T0.5, was moderately treated, compared to the control. The real-time quantitative reverse transcription PCR (qRT-PCR) analysis displayed up-regulated expression of antioxidant and growth-correlated genes in the T1.5 groups. After 56 days, the β-1,3 glucan-FOS fed groups also exhibited an increase in survival rates compared to the control when challenged with a pathogenic Vibrio alginolyticus. Current findings suggest that inclusion of β-1,3 glucan-FOS in diets could enhance red tilapia biochemical parameters, growth, and protection against pathogenic V. alginolyticus infection.
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This study presents a new plan to improve the efficiency of transporting live fish using lavender oil (Lavandula angustifolia) as a deep anesthetic prior to transportation and sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) as a sedative during transporting on physiological indices, histopathological alterations, and survival rate of Tilapia Zilli fingerlings. Fish were exposed to conditions simulating those normally used in transporting. This experiment consisted of five treatments using two levels of lavender oil as a pre-deep anesthetic (200 and 400µl/liter, previously) for 5 minutes thereafter water in all aquaria was totally exchanged then adding different two levels of sodium bicarbonate as a sedative with concentrations (2.5 and 5 g/liter) these treatments were compared with the control group and normal fish that were not exposed to stressful conditions in terms of physiological statues, net ion fluxes, and survival rate after directly or 24 hrs transporting. Results affirmed that the control group and treated group with 400 µl/liter of lavender oil as a predeep anesthetic with 2.5 or 5 g/liter of bicarbonate of sodium as a sedative led to an increase in ion loss of fish bodies, deterioration in water quality and physiological statues with increasing mortality rate in comparison with treated groups with 200 µl/liter of lavender and 2.5 or 5 g/liter of sodium bicarbonate in special groups that treated group with 200 µl with 5g of lavender oil and bicarbonate sodium respectively.
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As part of ongoing research on the chemical composition and the antimicrobial properties of Burkinabe plants essential oils alone and in combination, essential oils (EOs) from leaves of Cymbopogon citratus and Cymbopogon giganteus from Burkina Faso were analyzed by GC-FID and GC-MS. Five constituents, which accounted for 96.3% of the oil, were identified in the EO of C. citratus. Geranial (48.1%), neral (34.6%) and myrcene (11.0%) were the major constituents. For C. giganteus a total of eight compounds were identified which represented 86.0% of the oils extracted. The dominant compounds were limonene (42%) and a set of monoterpene alcohols: trans-p-mentha-1(7),8-dien-2-ol (14.2%), cis-p-mentha-1(7),8-dien-2-ol (12%), trans-p-mentha-2,8-dien-1-ol (5.6%) and cis-p-mentha-2,8-dien-1-ol (5.2%). The EOs were tested against nine bacteria by using disc diffusion and microdilution methods. C. giganteus EO showed antimicrobial effects against all microorganisms tested whereas C. citratus EO failed to inhibit Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The antimicrobial activity of combinations of the two EOs was quantified by the checkerboard method. Combinations of the two EOs exerted synergistic, additive and indifferent antimicrobial effects. Results of the present investigation provide evidence that the combinations of plant EOs could be assessed for synergistic activity in order to reduce their minimum effective dose.
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O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar o tempo de indução e recuperação anestésica de jundiás (Rhamdia quelen) expostos ao eugenol, bem como a eficácia desse anestésico na inibição do estresse e realizar análise sensorial dos filés dos peixes expostos a essa substância. Os jundiás foram expostos ao ar por um minuto para realização da biometria, e o sangue foi coletado zero, uma e quatro horas depois. O eugenol pode ser usado na faixa de 20-50mg L-1 para a indução da anestesia em jundiás, e o tempo de recuperação da anestesia não foi afetado pela concentração do eugenol. O grupo de controle mostrou níveis significativamente mais elevados do cortisol quatro horas após a biometria que no tempo zero. Os peixes anestesiados com eugenol (50mg L-1) apresentaram níveis significativamente mais baixos do cortisol plasmático do que peixes do grupo de controle do mesmo tempo. Esses dados indicam que o eugenol inibe o aumento do cortisol no sangue. O teste sensorial demonstrou que o eugenol modifica o sabor dos filés e consequentemente é contra-indicado para a anestesia do jundiá quando o filé for destinado ao consumo humano.
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We report the optimal concentration of the essential oil of Lippia alba (EOLA) for the induction and recovery of anesthesia in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) during handling. Groups of 10 juveniles were separately subjected to a concentration of EOLA: 0 (control group), 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 300, or 500 µL L-1. The plasma cortisol levels were significantly decreased in anesthetized fish 4 h after stress of handling. The plasma glucose levels were significantly increased 1 and 4 h after stress of handling in fish exposed to EOLA. Sensory analysis showed that tasters did not detect differences through a blind test in fillet taste and odor between exposed and non-exposed fish. The ideal concentration to promote the best anesthesia and recovery times and to reduce plasma cortisol 4 h after handling is 500 µL L-1.
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This study reports the stress responses of matrinxã after chasing. Juvenile fish (26.7±6.7 g) were adapted to 100L plastic boxes and submitted to the treatments: Control (no chasing), Chasing for 2 min, Chasing for 5 min, Chasing for 10 min (four boxes/ treatment, 32 fish). Blood was drawn 15, 30 and 60 min after chasing to determine levels of cortisol, glucose, sodium, chloride, potassium, calcium, hematocrit, hemoglobin, erythrocytes number and osmolality. Matrinxã responses after forced swimming did not show the typical stress responses. There were no changes in blood cortisol, glucose, potassium and calcium levels in fish from any treatment until 60 min after chasing. Blood chloride levels were lower 15 min after chasing while the lowest levels of sodium were registered 60 min after the forced swimming. Osmolality dropped 30min after chasing, regardless the period of chasing. The intense swimming did not affect hematological indicators confirming the other physiological indicators. The results suggest that the intense swimming provoked by chasing up to 10 min was not intense enough to promote stress responses in matrinxã indicating that the species is very resistant to the farming handling.
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Eugenol, the main component of clove oil, has been proposed as an alternative fish anesthetic with no apparent toxic effects to people and environment. In addition, anesthesia may reduce stress and risk of trauma to fish during handling. Therefore, the use of anesthetics may reduce fish mortality. However, studies are required on short-term exposures to eugenol to assure the target animal safety of this product. The present work reports evaluation of biochemical responses of Nile tilapia to handling with concurrent two environmental concentrations of eugenol. Based on the results of this study, eugenol appears to be a safe anesthetic for use in this species.
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In order to examine the efficacy of clove oil as an anesthetic on Persian sturgeon, Acipenser persicus, we conducted an experiment. We also investigate if clove oil anesthesia suppressed the normal plasma cortisol and glucose level increase in this species or not. The Effects of clove oil on Hematological factors (Hb, Hct, and WBC) was examined as well. Three different concentrations of clove oil (200, 300, 400 mg/L) combined the two water temperature (20 and 24°C) were assessed. The combination of 400 mg/L and 24°C was the best treatment for anesthetizing as well as recovery. From one trial (concentration: 300 mg/L and temperature: 24°C), blood samples were taken on 0 (immediately upon placement in recovery tank), 1, 6, 24 and 72 hours post recovery in order to evaluate physiological responses. After 72 h both blood glucose and cortisol reach the level similar to the control group which was before applying clove oil. Hematological parameters after some fluctuation reached its level the same as control group of the experiments. © Published by Central Fisheries Research Institute (CFRI) Trabzon.
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RESUMOA variação nos elementos meteorológicos ao longo do ano, configurando as quatro estações, proporciona diferentes condições de crescimento e desenvolvimento das plantas, alterando o metabolismo e a constituição dos tecidos vegetais. Assim, o presente trabalho teve o objetivo de determinar a influência da sazonalidade em parâmetros fenométricos e na produção de óleo essencial em Aloysia triphylla (L'Hérit) Britton, submetida a diferentes níveis de reposição hídrica cultivada em ambiente protegido. As avaliações foram realizadas no dia que marcou a metade de cada estação do ano (verão, outono, inverno e primavera), sendo coletado todo o material vegetativo 20 cm acima do solo. A reposição hídrica foi baseada na evapotranspiração de referência (ETo) para o ambiente externo em função dos dados de entrada da equação de Penman-Monteith a qual apresenta parametrizações para dados obtidos em estações meteorológicas em padrões oficiais, sendo assim aplicados 125, 100, 75 e 50% da ETo em turno de rega de dois dias. A produção de massa fresca, seca e de parte aérea, bem como a área foliar, apresentaram maiores valores na estação primavera, sendo o inverno e o verão responsáveis pelos menores valores. O maior teor de óleo essencial foi observado nas estações de menor produção de biomassa, ou seja, verão e inverno. A reposição hídrica que proporcionou maior produção de material vegetativo foi a de 125% da ETo; no entanto, o maior teor de óleo foi observado nas menores reposições hídricas (75 e 50 % da ETo, respectivamente). A produção de óleo foi maior na primavera, a qual não sofreu influência da reposição hídrica ao longo do ano.
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Adams, R. P. 2007. Identification of essential oil components by gas chromatography/ mass spectrometry, 4th Edition. Allured Publ., Carol Stream, IL Is out of print, but you can obtain a free pdf of it at
The present study the aim was evaluate induction time, recovery time and physiological responses of pacus Piaractus mesopotamicus submitted to eugenol and menthol usual doses. Were used 56 pacus, which were exposed to menthol 150 mgL-1(n=24) and eugenol 100 mgL-1(n=24) and the control group (n=24) which doesn't were exposed to anesthetics. In the moment 0, 12 and 24 hours after induction were performed collection of blood in fish (n=8) for the hematologic parameters and plasma glucose evaluation. The recovery was conduced in aquariums free anesthetic, being induction and recovery times monitored. The results were submitted at analysis of variance (P<0.05) and the means when significant were compared by Tukey test (P<0.05). Both anesthetics in their respective concentrations induced fish to surgical anesthesia. There was no treatment effects on hematologic parameters, except for hemoglobin for which was observed interaction effect between factors, is significantly lower 150 mgL-1 showed significant reduction (P<0.05) of hemoglobin values 12 hours after induction, however these values remained unchanged 24 hours after anesthesia. Interaction effect (P<0.01) was observed between treatments and sampling times for the plasma glucose levels, because there was significant reduction in this levels 12 hours after anesthesia, and remained 24 hous after induction. Menthol 150 mgL-1and eugenol 100 mgL-1can be used safely in the pacus induction during realization of biometrics.