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Carlos Candia-Gallardo

Carlos Candia-Gallardo

Biologist, PhD (Ecology)
Environmental Consultant


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Publications (24)
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Green areas in urban landscapes are under strong anthropogenic pressure, and, at the same time are fundamental to maintaining biodiversity, as they provide resources for many animal and plant species. Knowing these species is fundamental for its maintenance and conservation, and inventories are extremely important for monitoring fauna and conservin...
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Birds’ seasonal altitudinal movements in Brazil are poorly understood. The main source of information and has fostered interest since the 1980s. However, most of the available information is anecdotal, sources are repeatedly cited, and the information provided is quite superficial and speculative. Through bibliographic searches, we found 107 studie...
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Brazil is home to many mountain ranges which harbor diverse avifauna. However, studies on the altitudinal distribution of Brazilian birds are still few and many have never been published, hampering both the dissemination of basic information and conservation actions. Here we present a critical review of ornithological studies undertaken in Brazilia...
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Altitudinal migration in birds comprises seasonal movements between breeding and non-breeding areas in mountainous regions, attributed to biotic and abiotic factors. Different authors have suggested the existence of altitudinal migration between high and low areas of the mountains of the Atlantic Forest, with movement from high to low during the wi...
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O estado de São Paulo possui 793 espécies de aves, representando 41% da avifauna do Brasil. Apesar deste número, muitos remanescentes de fitofisionomias nativas ainda não foram estudados, nomeadamente em propriedades privadas. Para fortalecer os planos e ações de conservação de aves em todo o estado, é necessário detalhar a distribuição das espécie...
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The municipality of São Paulo was visited by different naturalists in the 19th century, including the Austrian Johann Natterer. One of the regions explored by these naturalists, and later by other researchers, is known as Santo Amaro, and is located in the southern part of the city. However, the ornithological data produced during this period was n...
Aim To investigate the cryptic diversity and diversification timing in the putatively low‐dispersal Amazonian leaf‐litter lizard Loxopholis osvaldoi , and to ask how geography (rivers, isolation by distance, IBD), ecological drivers (isolation by environment, IBE) and historical factors (climatic refugia) explain intraspecific genetic variation. L...
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Xenarthrans—anteaters, sloths, and armadillos—have essential functions for ecosystem maintenance, such as insect control and nutrient cycling, playing key roles as ecosystem engineers. Because of habitat loss and fragmentation, hunting pressure, and conflicts with domestic dogs, these species have been threatened locally, regionally, or even across...
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Xenarthrans—anteaters, sloths, and armadillos—have essential functions for ecosystem maintenance, such as insect control and nutrient cycling, playing key roles as ecosystem engineers. Because of habitat loss and fragmentation, hunting pressure, and conflicts with domestic dogs, these species have been threatened locally, regionally, or even across...
Scientists have long been trying to understand why the Neotropical region holds the highest diversity of birds on Earth. Recently, there has been increased interest in morpho- logical variation between and within species, and in how climate, topography, and anthropogenic pressures may explain and affect phenotypic variation. Because morphological d...
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Scientists have long been trying to understand why the Neotropical region holds the highest diversity of birds on Earth. Recently, there has been increased interest in morphological variation between and within species, and in how climate, topography, and anthropogenic pressures may explain and affect phenotypic variation. Because morphological dat...
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Conservation ecology research, management and modeling often assume species-specific fixed traits ignoring intraspecific variation. Dispersal in animals is a heritable trait where intraspecific variation should be common, as it develops via interactions between landscape and behavioral processes. We conducted translocation-radio-tracking experiment...
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Dispersal is a biological process performed in three stages: emigration, transfer and immigration. Intra-specific variation on dispersal behavior, such as sex-bias, is very common in nature, particularly in birds and mammals. However, dispersal is difficult to measure in the field and many hypotheses concerning the causes of sex-biased dispersal re...
Study Region. (A) Location of the study area on the Atlantic Plateau of the State of São Paulo, Brazil and (B) a detailed view of this area, highlighting the location of the experimental landscapes (black circumferences). In (B), forest patches are represented in dark grey, and continuous forest was located inside the hatched area. (TIF)
Raw data. This table provides a summary of release site spatial characteristics and the raw dataset analyzed in main text (including explanatory and response variables). Nearest neighbor distance, NND; Shortest path distance, SPD. Survival times are given in daylight hours and Survival times (matrix) in hours. The Emigration, Predation and Immigrat...
Hazard rates for emigration propensity. Variation of hazard rates in relation to the nearest neighbour distance for birds remaining for at least 12, 24, 60, 120, and 180 daylight hours in the release patches. The red curve highlights the variation of the hazard rates for birds remaining at least the time equivalent to our systematic sampling protoc...
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The ‘Critically Endangered’ Cone-billed Tanager Conothraupis mesoleuca was described in 1939, based on a single specimen collected in the state of Mato Grosso, western Brazil. Not seen again in the wild until 2003, this poorly-known species was rediscovered in Emas National Park, in the Brazilian state of Goiás. We describe here the discovery of a...
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Resumo: Neste capítulo apresentamos um breve histórico das aplicações da telemetria em estudos ornitológicos. Discutimos a viabilidade do emprego da técnica e a relação custo/benefício entre a telemetria e outras técnicas e entre diferentes tipos de telemetria, com ênfase em rastreamento de aves. Descrevemos os componentes básicos de sistemas de te...
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Translocation experiments showed that a woodcreeper bird species is able to move between isolated forest fragments, but this ability is limited by increasing interpatch distances. Larger distances (> 100 m) were overcome by using small stepping-stones (isolated trees), which enhance connectivity and are useful for the species conservation in fragme...


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