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Surface Electromyography for Speech and Swallowing Systems: Measurement, Analysis, and Interpretation


Abstract and Figures

Applying surface electromyography (sEMG) to the study of voice, speech, and swallowing is becoming increasingly popular. An improved understanding of sEMG and building a consensus as to appropriate methodology will improve future research and clinical applications. An updated review of the theory behind recording sEMG for the speech and swallowing systems is provided. Several factors that are known to affect the content of the sEMG signal are discussed, and practical guidelines for sEMG recording and analysis are presented, focusing on special considerations within the context of the speech and swallowing anatomy. Unique challenges are seen in application of sEMG to the speech and swallowing musculature owing to the small size of the muscles in relation to the sEMG detection volume and the present lack of knowledge about innervation zone locations. Despite the challenges discussed, application of sEMG to speech and swallowing has potential as a clinical and research tool when used correctly and is specifically suited to noninvasive clinical studies using between-condition or between-group comparisons for which detection of specific isolated muscle activities is not necessary.
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Surface electromyography for speech and swallowing systems:
Measurement, analysis, and interpretation
Cara E. Stepp
Department of Speech, Language, & Hearing Sciences, Boston University, Boston, MA
Corresponding author,
Running Head: Surface Electromyography
Keywords: voice, speech, swallowing, respiration, electromyography
This is an author-produced manuscript that has been peer reviewed and accepted for publication in the Journal of Speech,
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JSLHR Papers in Press. Published January 9, 2012, as doi: 10.1044/1092-4388(2011/11-0214)
Copyright 2012 by American Speech-Language-Hearing Association.
Purpose: Applying surface electromyography (sEMG) to the study of voice, speech, and
swallowing is becoming increasingly popular. An improved understanding of sEMG and
building a consensus as to appropriate methodology will improve future research and clinical
Method: An updated review of the theory behind recording sEMG for the speech and swallowing
systems is provided. Several factors known to affect the content of the sEMG signal are
discussed, and practical guidelines for sEMG recording and analysis are presented, focusing on
special considerations within the context of the speech and swallowing anatomy.
Results: Unique challenges are seen in application of sEMG to the speech and swallowing
musculature owing to the small size of the muscles in relation to the sEMG detection volume and
the current lack of knowledge about innervation zone locations.
Conclusions: Despite the challenges discussed, application of sEMG to speech and swallowing
has potential as a clinical and research tool when used correctly, and is specifically suited to non-
invasive clinical studies utilizing between-condition or group comparisons for which detection of
specific isolated muscle activities is not necessary.
There is an accumulating body of research utilizing surface electromyography (sEMG) for
assessment and rehabilitation of speech and swallowing disorders. sEMG has been used to study
and rehabilitate respiration and speech breathing (e.g., Maarsingh, Oud, van Eykern, Hoekstra, &
van Aalderen, 2006; Tamplin et al., 2011), voice (e.g., Allen, Bernstein, & Chait, 1991;
Andrews, Warner, & Stewart, 1986; Hocevar-Boltezar, Janko, & Zargi, 1998; Stemple, Weiler,
Whitehead, & Komray, 1980; Yiu, Verdolini, & Chow, 2005), swallowing (e.g., Crary &
Groher, 2000; Huckabee & Cannito, 1999), and speech articulation (e.g., Deng et al., 2009;
McClean & Tasko, 2003; Ruark & Moore, 1997). The attraction is clear – sEMG is non-
invasive, seemingly simple to apply, and can provide real-time information about muscle
activations. However, sEMG is a technique that can be easily abused due to a lack of knowledge
of the factors affecting the signal, inherent technical limitations (e.g., De Luca, 1997), and the
anatomy and physiology of the head and neck musculature. Lack of understanding of these
issues may explain the inconsistencies in clinical adoption of sEMG for assessment and
treatment of voice, speech, and swallowing.
For instance, sEMG signal differences could result from variations in recording methodologies.
Surface electrodes intended to detect muscle activation can be placed in nearly any configuration
on the body and still detect electrical activity of some kind, including cardiac activity and
electrical line noise. Several protocols have been developed for electrode placement to avoid the
potential signal misinterpretation and to increase detection reliability (e.g., De Luca, 1997;
Hermens, Freriks, Disselhorst-Klug, & Rau, 2000; Hermens et al., 1999). It is imperative that
both investigators and consumers of sEMG research understand the appropriate methodologies
and limitations: to avoid both wasting time with poor study design as well as misinterpreting
data, which could lead to reduced quality of patient care.
Electrophysiology and the technical aspects of sEMG recording methodology are not commonly
included in the standard educational preparation in the discipline of speech language pathology;
thus, expertise and experience in this area varies widely among researchers and clinicians in our
field. Improved understanding of sEMG and a consensus among our community as to
appropriate methodology will improve future research and clinical applications. Although
Cooper reviewed EMG for speech research in 1965 and Gay and Harris updated the review in
1971, both of these were primarily focused on needle and hooked wire EMG (Cooper, 1965; Gay
& Harris, 1971). Needle and hooked wire EMG are a viable source of information about muscle
activity during speech and swallowing, providing information that surface recordings cannot.
However, because of its noninvasive nature, sEMG is also now a methodology of choice for a
variety of clinical and research applications and provides complementary information to that
acquired through invasive techniques. Thus, this tutorial will provide an updated review of the
theory behind recording sEMG for the speech and swallowing systems. We first present details
about the generation of the underlying signal, we then review signal detection, the signal
composition, data analysis techniques, and possible forms of signal degradation. We close with a
focus on special considerations for speech and swallowing anatomy and future directions.
Motor Unit Physiology and EMG
During muscle contraction, nerve impulses from alpha motor neurons reach motor end plates at
the neuromuscular junction. These pulses cause all muscle fibers innervated by that motor
neuron’s axon to discharge nearly synchronously to create a motor unit action potential (MUAP).
MUAPs then propagate along all innervated muscle fibers, away from the motor end plate
longitudinally in both directions toward the end of the muscle fiber. Thus, the electric potential
field generated by the depolarization of the extrafusal fiber membranes is essentially an
amplified version of the alpha motor neuron activity. The electromyogram (EMG) is a
representation of this “myoelectricity” as detected at some distance (see Moritani, Stegeman, &
Merletti, 2004 for a more detailed review).
The tissues separating the EMG signal sources (depolarized zones of the muscle fibers) from the
EMG sensor are referred to as a volume conductor. The volume conductor consists of resting
muscles, subdermal fat, other soft tissues, and the skin. The volume conductor acts like a spatial
low-pass filter on the electrical potential distribution, smoothing each MUAP and decreasing the
amplitude of the signal. The distance between the EMG signal sources and the sensor or sensors
changes the qualities of the volume conductor and thus the effects of the spatial low-pass
filtering. Greater distances constitute lower signal amplitude and increased smoothing. The EMG
may be measured intramuscularly or at the surface of the skin (sEMG), yielding different
information based on the distance of the observation site from the active muscle fibers
immediately beneath the skin and whether or not other muscles are within the region either
immediately beneath the skin or beneath the target muscle. For surface detection particularly, the
effect of the separating tissues can become significant, with more than 1-2 cm of subdermal fat at
a site precluding the usefulness of sEMG (Merletti, Botter, Troiano, Merlo, & Minetto, 2009).
The sEMG signal is a collection of the multiple MUAPs within the range of the sensor,
providing a polyphasic signal of superimposed MUAPs from one or more muscles in the region.
The amplitude and frequency content of each of the constitutive MUAPs in the measured sEMG
signal is directly related to the distance of each motor unit from the electrode. A MUAP
measured from a more superficial muscle fiber will have a larger amplitude and higher frequency
content than one measured from a deeper muscle fiber (see Kamen & Caldwell, 1996 for a more
detailed discussion). As the central nervous system drives the muscle to generate increased force,
more motor units are recruited and the firing rates of all recruited motor units increase.
As indicated previously, the EMG signal can be detected from the surface of the skin (sEMG) or
through an inserted electrode (wire or needle). Intramuscular recordings achieved through the
use of needles or wires have the advantage of greater spatial and temporal specificity, and can
usually provide reliable information about the activation of a select number of motor units and
about the overall shape of individual MUAPs. However, intramuscular recordings are relatively
invasive, which could cause potential changes in behaviors of some disordered populations of
interest. In addition, because the information sampled comes from only a select few motor units,
it is not representative of the action of the entire muscle when using bipolar needle electrodes or
concentric needle electrodes. On the other hand, some intramuscular electrodes can record from
much larger regions within a muscle such as when there is a larger field between two hooked
wire electrodes or if a monopolar needle electrode and a distant ground is used. Also, depending
on the muscle of interest, it can be difficult to reliably place electrodes within the muscle body of
interest due to the lack of direct visualization. However, wire or needle electrodes are the only
way to measure EMG from deep muscles and can assure more selective recordings from single
muscles immediately beneath the skin surface.
For muscles that are relatively superficial, sEMG can be effective for detecting muscle
activation. Because sEMG detects signals from a larger area, the sEMG signal samples from
many motor units. This means that a sEMG signal may be representative of the overall activation
of the muscle of interest. However, because of the larger detection area, sEMG is also more
prone to detection of signals from nearby muscles (cross-talk) and conventional sEMG cannot
discriminate among regional differences in activation patterns within a muscle (e.g., Wentzel,
Konow, & German, 2010).
How to detect sEMG
Although sEMG can detect muscle activation, electrical potentials much larger than those
produced by muscles can contaminate the sEMG signal. Thus, sEMG signals should always be
collected relative to a common reference, referred to as the “ground.” Bioelectrical noise is
assumed to be common to both the ground and sensors allowing for the “common mode
voltages” to be rejected from the detected signal. The European Union sponsored a project
termed SENIAM (Surface Electromyography for the Noninvasive Assessment of Muscles) to
collect recommendations on sEMG methodology. In general, SENIAM suggests the wrist, the
spinous process of C7, or the ankle as appropriate locations for ground electrodes (Hermens et
al., 1999). For individuals recording sEMG from the muscles of speech and swallowing, we
recommend use of sites closer to sEMG sensors, such as the spinous process of C7, the acromion
process (bony prominence of the shoulder), forehead, nose, or earlobe. If monopolar electrodes
are used, care should be taken not to use a ground that is too low (i.e. with the heart placed
between the ground and the electrode) to minimize the effects of cardiac electrical activity in the
The ability to measure high-fidelity sEMG is dependent upon the impedance of the skin-
electrode interface (the opposition of current flow from the skin to the sensor). Lower impedance
of the interface corresponds to improved signal propagation to the electrode and better signal
detection. In its natural state, the top layer of the epidermis is electrically insulated, resulting in
high skin-electrode impedance. Depending on electrode characteristics and skin state, contact
impedance ranges from a few kΩ to a few MΩ, with larger electrodes generally having lower
impedance and noise (Merletti et al., 2009). This impedance can be reduced using a variety of
methods. The first choice of the researcher is whether to use passive or active electrodes.
Passive electrodes are made of conductive materials that sense electrical current on the skin
through the skin-electrode interface, the most simple of which are made of silver. Silver-silver
chloride electrodes are also used. These electrodes allow a reversible chloride exchange interface
between the electrode and skin and help to minimize motion artifact produced by skin potentials
(Webster, 1984). Passive electrodes are often referred to as “wet electrodes” as they require
conductive gel or paste between the electrode and skin to improve the quality of the detected
signal. However, Roy and colleagues have shown that the use of conductive gel in the face of
perspiration and mechanical perturbations can lead to an increase in the artifacts measured (Roy
et al., 2007).
Active electrodes are also referred to as “dry electrodes” or “pre-amplified electrodes.” These
electrodes have signal amplification circuitry embedded near the skin-electrode interface. Active
electrodes can increase the signal-to-noise ratio by minimizing source and contact noise, can be
used in situations with otherwise unacceptably high skin-electrode impedances, and do not
require the use of a conductive gel or paste. These electrodes are preferred in terms of signal
quality, but are often more expensive and more bulky than passive electrodes.
Regardless of the choice of electrode type, the signal detected can be improved by further
reducing the electrode-skin impedance through treatment of the skin. Techniques to remove the
dead (top) surface layer of skin and its protective oils can enhance electrode-skin contact,
resulting in a reduction of artifacts and noise. SENIAM recommends shaving the skin surface if
it is covered with hair, and cleaning the skin in question with alcohol (Hermens et al., 1999).
Although alcohol treatment has been recommended and has been widely adopted by clinicians
and researchers, this practice has been shown to reduce electrode-skin impedance by only
roughly 40% (Merletti & Hermens, 2004). Rubbing the skin with medical abrasive paste causes
the greatest reduction (roughly 90%) in electrode-skin impedance (Merletti & Hermens, 2004).
Because abrasive paste is often unpleasant due to messiness and discomfort, combining the use
of alcohol with skin “peeling” is suggested as a less invasive compromise. The practice of light
skin abrasion or “peeling” with adhesive tape is known to reduce electrode-skin impedance by
roughly 70% (Merletti & Hermens, 2004), and we have found it to be well-tolerated by
participants, even on delicate skin of the neck and face. It involves repetitive placement and
removal of adhesive tape on the skin surface.
As previously discussed, all signals should be recorded relative to the ground. However, in
addition, various electrode configurations can be used to further isolate electrical activity of
interest. A single electrode placed over a muscle and recorded relative to ground is referred to as
a monopolar configuration. Monopolar configurations are associated with the largest detection
volume and are most susceptible to crosstalk from adjacent muscles.
In order to remove interference sources and to compensate for the low-pass filtering effect of the
tissue, surface signals are typically detected using a linear combination of different electrodes,
the simplest of which is a differential electrode (Farina, Merletti, & Stegeman, 2004).
Differential recording configurations amplify the difference between multiple electrodes placed
over the muscle of interest. The most common of these is the bipolar configuration (single
differential). Differential recordings take advantage of “common-mode” rejection, such that
potential noise (biological or otherwise) that is sensed at both electrodes is rejected from the
amplified signal. In addition, differential recording configurations are more spatially sensitive
(smaller detection volume) than monopolar schemes. Double differential recording strategies
refer to three electrodes linearly configured over the muscle of interest, with three differences
among the electrodes used for the resultant signal. This configuration results in a further increase
in spatial selectivity relative to bipolar configurations (Merletti & Hermens, 2004). Regardless of
wehther the differential configuration is single or double, differential electrodes should be
aligned so that the electrode axis is parallel to underlying muscular fibers, detecting MUAPs as
they travel down the muscle fibers. When electrodes are not aligned parallel to muscle fibers, the
amplitude of the detected signal can be reduced by as much as 50% (Vigreux, Cnockaert, &
Pertuzon, 1979).
Features of differential sEMG depend upon on the size of and space between the electrodes,
referred to as the inter-electrode distance (Roeleveld, Stegeman, Vingerhoets, & Van Oosterom,
1997). SENIAM recommends a maximum electrode size of 10 mm in the muscle fiber direction,
with an interelectrode distance of approximately ¼ the length of the muscle fiber or 20 mm,
whichever is smaller (Hermens et al., 1999). For speech musculature, ¼ the length of the muscle
fiber is often smaller than 20 mm. For instance, muscles such as the sternocleidomastoid can be
roughly 20 cm in length, so 20 mm is easily a smaller distance than 5 cm. However many
muscles such as the mentalis and depressor labii inferior could be 2-4 cm in length, which would
require maximum electrode distances of 0.5 – 1 cm.
In general, the larger the inter-electrode distance, the wider the area sampled and the higher the
amplitude of the resultant signal, but the less spatially specific (Fuglevand, Winter, Patla, &
Stashuk, 1992; Roeleveld et al., 1997). Simulation has shown that larger inter-electrode distances
can moderately increase detection depth, but the detected sEMG signal is dominated by MUAPs
from muscle fibers located within 10-12 mm of the recording electrode (Fuglevand et al., 1992).
Further simulation has shown differences in the relationship between inter-electrode distances
and detection amplitude for superficial and deep fibers (Farina, Cescon, & Merletti, 2002). For
superficial fibers, the amplitude detected at the surface is reduced when the inter-electrode
distance is less than 15mm, whereas this cut-off is at 25mm for deeper fibers (Farina et al.,
2002). Although increases in the inter-electrode distance may increase the activity detected from
deeper fibers, activity from superficial fibers will still dominate the signal. Although simulation
has indicated that the size of electrodes used does not cause substantial effects on the detection
volume (Fuglevand et al., 1992), it has been asserted that smaller electrodes (diameter less than
5mm) are preferred for sEMG, as the larger electrodes introduce temporal low-pass filtering
(Merletti & Hermens, 2004).
sEMG signal composition and recording recommendations
Recording EMG requires preamplification of the signal, hardware or software filters (hardware
recommended), and an analog to digital (A/D) converter. Preamplification amplifies the original
detected signal prior to A/D conversion. This is done to maximize the fidelity of the recorded
signal. In active electrodes, preamplification takes place directly at the electrode head, allowing
amplification to take place before the possible introduction of noise through electrical cables.
The majority of the power of a typical sEMG signal is in the frequency range 0 - 450 Hz
(Merletti & Hermens, 2004). The remaining power at higher frequencies is mostly electrode and
equipment noise, the sources of which will be described in more detail in later sections (e.g., see
Sources of Noise). For this reason, it is common to filter the sEMG signal prior to A/D
conversion. Movement artifacts create signals in the 0 – 20 Hz range, and can be attenuated by a
high pass filter with a cut-off around 10 – 20 Hz (De Luca, Gilmore, Kuznetsov, & Roy, 2010).
Additionally, the sEMG signal should be low-pass filtered with a cutoff point around 500 Hz, to
remove high frequency noise. Investigators differ in their opinions as to whether this filtering
should be accomplished prior to digitization using hardware or post-digitization in software.
Hardware filtering is preferred by some as it allows the signal to be digitally acquired without the
possibility of aliasing. Software filtering is preferred by others because it allows investigators to
see the raw data, which may allow them to identify possible signal contamination that filtering
may hide.
Given analog low-pass filtering with a cut-off of roughly 500 Hz (implemented prior to
digitization), EMG data should theoretically be acquired with a minimum sampling rate of 1000
Hz to prevent aliasing. Aliasing occurs when an analog signal is under-sampled, such that the
reconstructed digital signal is distorted by high-frequency information from the original signal
occurring in the low frequencies of the digitally acquired signal. Aliasing can be prevented by
using a sampling frequency at least 2 times greater than the highest frequency present in the
original signal. Analog filtering prior to digitization allows attenuation of unwanted frequencies
(>500Hz), effectively preventing aliasing for appropriate sampling frequencies. Analog filter cut-
offs indicate a transition between the passband and stopband, but they are not infinitely steep:
even after filtering, some energy may remain in the signal at higher frequencies. Thus, to ensure
signal integrity of sEMG low-pass filtered at 500 Hz, data acquisition of at least 2000 Hz is
recommended. If low-pass filtering is to be accomplished after digitization, the risk of aliasing
high frequency noise to signal-bearing lower frequencies is vastly increased. Oversampling can
be used to avoid aliasing; this refers to the technique of using sampling frequencies many times
higher than the hypothetical Nyquist frequency. For instance, given that the majority of energy in
sEMG is less than 500 Hz, investigators may choose to oversample the signal by sampling at
10,000 Hz. However, other electrical activity other than sEMG may be present in the signal, such
that the total frequency profile in the measured signal is usually not under experimental control.
For this reason, digitization prior to anti-aliasing filtering is always risky, even with
oversampling, and therefore not recommended.
sEMG Signal Parameters
The raw acquired sEMG signal is often referred to as the interference sEMG or the interference
pattern. The interference sEMG can be used itself to provide gross information about muscle
activity; however, a variety of parameters can be estimated from the raw signal that are
commonly used to gain more reliable and specific information.
Amplitude Estimation
The overall amplitude of sEMG is of interest to researchers as the sEMG amplitude generally
increases with increases in muscle activation and force. However, this relationship is typically
not linear and is affected by a number of factors such as muscle length and fatigue (Disselhorst-
Klug, Schmitz-Rode, & Rau, 2009).
Although observation of interference sEMG can provide information about the amplitude of
sEMG, the peak amplitudes seen in the raw signal should not be used to estimate amplitude
because they can be due to a single motor unit and may not be representative of the overall
activity in the detection area. Commonly used amplitude estimators are the Average Rectified
Value (ARV) and Root Mean Square (RMS; see Equation 1). The sEMG signal is generally
well-described by a Gaussian distribution, leading to the assumption that the preferred estimator
of sEMG amplitude may be RMS, which has a smaller variance when predicting amplitude for
Gaussian distributions (Clancy & Hogan, 1999). However, results using experimental data
indicate that the ARV may provide smaller variance for amplitude estimation (Clancy & Hogan,
1999). Both techniques require the use of time windowing. When choosing a time window, there
is a trade-off between time-sensitivity and reliability of the estimate; smaller windows are more
sensitive to rapid changes in the signal, but inherently result in less reliable amplitude estimates.
SENIAM recommends windows of 250 – 500 ms for contraction levels above 50% maximal
voluntary contraction (MVC), or 1000 – 2000 ms for contraction levels below 50% MVC for
amplitude estimation. These window lengths are far too great to provide information about
dynamic movement. However, previous work by Norman and colleagues examined the
coefficient of variation of sEMG of the biceps integrated over varying window lengths, and
found that integration times greater than 75 ms resulted in greater reliability (Norman, Nelson, &
Cavanagh, 1978). Thus, optimal window lengths will vary based on task, and investigators must
choose a compromise between time-sensitivity and the quality of the amplitude estimate. Speech
articulatory movements tend to be fast with brief bursts and interburst intervals; thus, depending
on the specific task and the goal of the amplitude estimation, window lengths of 75 – 1000 ms
are generally recommended. Before any amplitude estimation technique is applied, investigators
should remove any DC offset from the signal such that the mean of the raw signal is zero.
Equation 1
Frequency Content
The frequency content of the sEMG signal is dependent upon the individual frequency
characteristics of the constitutive MUAPs as well as their relative distance from the recording
electrodes. Individual MUAPs have a specific size and shape, which determine their frequency
characteristics. Also, as the recruitment of the motor units changes, rate coding determines the
number of MUAPs per second. As muscle excitation increases, more individual MUAPs will
sum due to a larger number of recruited motor units and an increase in the rate of MUAPs from
each individual motor unit. The frequency content of the EMG is affected by both factors.
If individual MUAPs can be detected from the sEMG signal, one parameter of interest is the
firing rate of individual MUAPs, and the mean value of the firing rates of the MUAPs detected
(Basmajian, 1978). The frequency spectrum of sEMG may also provide information about
muscle activation. One of the most commonly used frequency-based measures is the median
frequency. The median frequency of the sEMG signal has been shown to strongly correlate with
localized muscle fatigue in a variety of physiological systems (e.g., Lindstrom, Kadefors, &
Petersen, 1977), and has been assessed in the speech/voice system using intramuscular EMG
(Boucher, Ahmarani, & Ayad, 2006) and sEMG of facial musculature (van Boxtel, Goudswaard,
van der Molen, & van den Bosch, 1983). The median frequency is the point at which the spectral
power of the signal is equally divided into low and high frequency halves. As muscles fatigue,
the median frequency of the power spectrum shifts to lower frequencies.
Although it is affected by the degree of volume conduction and size of muscle fibers, frequency
content is related to firing rate, and can be used to assess information about the co-activation of
multiple muscles. Muscle is thought to be driven by a number of different physiological
oscillations at varying frequencies (see Grosse, Cassidy, & Brown, 2002 for review), and these
oscillations may be characteristic of the function of distinct neural circuits. Frequency bands
such as alpha (8 – 13 Hz), beta (15 – 35 Hz), and gamma (30 – 70 Hz) have hypothesized
sources within the central nervous system. Coherence is a frequency domain measure of the
linear dependency or strength of coupling between two processes (e.g., Halliday et al., 1995),
and can be used to capture these physiological oscillations. The coherence function,
can be defined as in equation 2 below, where f
represents the auto-spectra of a time series x(t),
the auto-spectra of y(t), f
the cross-spectra x(t) and y(t), and λ the frequency of interest.
equation 2
Coherence between multiple EMG signals (intermuscular coherence) can be used to measure the
common presynaptic drive to motor neurons (Brown, Farmer, Halliday, Marsden, & Rosenberg,
1999), but has not yet been widely adopted in speech research. Smith and Denny have provided
the most information about intermusuclar coherence during speech production (Denny & Smith,
1992, 2000; Smith & Denny, 1990), characterizing the activation of the chest wall and masseter
muscles during a variety of speech, chewing, and breathing tasks (Smith & Denny, 1990). They
further examined the intermuscular coherence of lip, jaw, chest wall, and anterior neck
musculature of persons who stutter during speech and speech breathing (Denny & Smith, 1992,
2000). Goffman and Smith further investigated coherence between different quadrants of the
perioral region, finding a lack of functional coupling during speech and chewing tasks (Goffman
& Smith, 1994). More recently, anterior neck intermuscular coherence has been used in the study
of hyperfunctional voice production (Stepp, Hillman, & Heaton, 2010, 2011b).
Raw versus normalized amplitude
As mentioned, the tissues separating signal generation and signal detection have the effect of
low-pass filtering the sEMG signal, such that increases in the separation result in detection of a
smoothed signal with lower amplitude (Farina & Rainoldi, 1999). Increases in so-called skinfold
thickness can decrease the selectivity of the sEMG signal and results in more rapidly attenuated
signals (De la Barrera & Milner, 1994). In fact, models of varying levels of complexity have
shown that a majority of the amplitude of the sEMG signal can be lost with skinfold thicknesses
from 0.1 – 10 mm (e.g., Andreassen & Rosenfalck, 1978; Kuiken, Lowery, & Stoykov, 2003).
Thus, for some body areas of some participants, signal amplitudes are effectively too small to
measure with reasonable signal-to-noise ratios. Calipers should be used to determine fat layer
thickness of participants to ensure that appropriately strong signals can be measured.
Because small differences in submental fat can so greatly change the amplitude of the sEMG
signal measured, the raw amplitude of the signal is not a reliable measure among multiple
participants or even as a function of time in a single participants. Thus, sEMG signals should be
normalized to some reference contraction before they are compared between conditions and/or
participants to reduce the variability caused by differences in surface electrode contact and
submental fat levels (Netto & Burnett, 2006). Common references include MVC or some
percentage of the MVC (usually 50% or 60%). Studies have shown that sub-maximal
contractions are more reliable for simple, one-joint systems (Allison, Marshall, & Singer, 1993;
Yang & Winter, 1983). However, Netto and Burnett (2006) found that for anterior neck
musculature, the MVC reference was more reliable both within-day and between-days, and
speculated that this is likely due to the complex structure and synergistic action of neck
musculature. Reference contraction recommendations for muscles of the face and thorax are not
currently known.
Unfortunately, identifying tasks to induce MVC for speech musculature is not straightforward. In
the anterior neck, maximal neck contraction against manual resistance measured by a
dynamometer fit with a chin guard has been used with success (Stepp et al., 2011a). Manual
resistance of this type is not as well-suited for some other speech musculature such as the
muscles of respiration, for which more physiological tasks should be devised to prompt MVC
MVC normalization at best reduces the effects of differences in skin fold thickness. Great care
should be taken when comparing measures of sEMG amplitude across populations or even
within single subjects as a function of time, because normalization itself may introduce
uncertainty due to a lack of reliability in the reference contraction itself: participant perception
and production of maximal effort is easily affected by their environment and other motivating
factors. However, it is imperative to attempt proper normalization prior to making comparisons
of sEMG amplitudes in order for amplitude estimates to have physiological meaning.
Potential sources of sEMG signal degradation
Sources of Noise
sEMG signals can be degraded by several types of noise. The following section will review the
most common sources of noise, how to recognize the noise sources, and how to minimize their
effects. When recording sEMG, signals should always be monitored in real-time to ensure signal
Perhaps the most common source of noise in the sEMG signal is power line interference. Power
line interference is noise resulting from the alternating current used to power electrical devices,
and is primarily at the line frequency of either 50 or 60 Hz, plus associated harmonics (at integer
multiples of the line frequency). This noise is typically larger than the sEMG signal in
magnitude. Power line interference in the sEMG signal can be vastly reduced by using active
electrodes, proper grounding, differential recording configurations, and properly shielded cables.
In addition, performing experiments in environments with limited electrical noise can also
reduce the effects of electrical line noise.
Poor signal integrity (low signal-to-noise ratios) due to high levels of subdermal fat can
exacerbate contamination of the signal with electrical line noise. As an example, Figure 2 shows
sEMG collected from the anterior neck during speech production from a young individual with
minimal subdermal neck fat and from a middle-aged participant with significant levels of
subdermal fat. Although troublesome, power line interference is typically easy to identify, both
in the time and frequency domain (see Figure 2). Post-processing with notch filters to remove 50
or 60 Hz interference is not advisable, as the power density of the sEMG signal is high in this
range, and the associated phase rotation can be introduced to the time waveform (Hermens et al.,
Low frequency artifact can contaminate the sEMG signal as a result of movement between the
electrode and skin or as a result of cable sway. Cable sway is less of an issue with active
electrodes because the signal is amplified prior to entering the cable. Movement artifacts can be
reduced by maintaining good adhesion of electrodes, using appropriate skin preparation
techniques, and high-pass filtering. Comprehensive testing of the relationship between high-pass
filter corner frequency and movement artifact has resulted in the general recommendation of a
Butterworth filter with a corner frequency of 20 Hz with a 12dB/oct slope as for general use (De
Luca et al., 2010). This result is consistent with the only work in this area specifically utilizing
speech musculature, which suggested optimal high pass cut-off frequencies between 15 – 25 Hz
(van Boxtel, 2001).
In brief, the power spectrum of the sEMG signal has a specific and fairly consistent profile,
whereas sEMG that has been contaminated with noise from motion artifacts and power line
interference shows distinct changes to that power spectrum. Even if all precautions for proper
recording are attempted and online monitoring of the time waveform does not reveal
contamination, before interpreting a signal, one should check for data quality by computing the
Effects of Innervation Zones
Neuromuscular junctions are often concentrated in a strip referred to as the innervation zone (or
active zone). Although the innervation zone is often idealized as a single strip, many muscles
have decentralized (diffusely localized) neuromuscular junctions. It is generally recommended
that differential electrodes be applied between the innervation zone and a tendon. In the past,
sensors have been instead placed over the center of the muscle (the belly) or over the innervation
zone (motor end plate zone), as this was the best location to record "large" monopolar sEMG
signals. It is now known that this location is not suitable for differential recordings; it is not
stable or reproducible because relatively small displacements of the sensors with respect to the
innervation zone cause large effects on the amplitude of the sEMG signal (Merletti & Hermens,
2004), particularly on the low-frequency (<110 Hz) components (Beck et al., 2009). This is
because the MUAPs propagate in both directions away from the innervation zone toward the
tendons. If bipolar electrodes are arranged on each side of the innervation zone, there is likely to
be a substantial level of cancellation of common signals, reducing the amplitude of the recorded
signal. In fact, differences in placement along the body of a muscle have been known to mask
differences in task conditions (Mercer, Bezodis, DeLion, Zachry, & Rubley, 2006). Thus, for
sEMG signals to be accurate and repeatable as possible, there must be a clear definition of
electrode position relative to the innervation zones (Hermens et al., 1999). When the locations of
innervation zones are unknown, use of double differential electrodes can reduce the effects of an
ill-placed sensor (Farina, Merletti, & Disselhorst-Klug, 2004).
Ideal sEMG recording procedures would first identify the innervation zones and find the optimal
electrode position on a subject by subject basis, using multi-channel electrode arrays. Falla,
Dall'Alba, Rainoldi, Merletti, and Jull (2002), for example, examined the sternocleidomastoid
(SCM) muscles in this way in 11 healthy normal individuals in order to determine specific
recommendations for electrode placement to optimize sEMG recordings (Falla et al., 2002).
Recommendations of this type are not currently available for most speech musculature, but some
muscles have been studied. One group has examined innervation zone locations for the muscles
of jaw elevation (Castroflorio et al., 2005); they found a large variability within and between
participants in the location of major innervation zones of the masseter, and could not recommend
an optimal position for electrode placement. Conversely, Lapatki and colleagues found distinct
clusters of motor endplates in the depressor anguli oris, depressor labii inferioris, mentalis, and
orbicularis oris inferior muscles across participants when topographical locations were spatially
warped to correct for anatomical differences between participants (Lapatki et al., 2006).
Similarly, the geniohyoid,has also been found to have clustered motor endplates, but with
distinct clusters located in separate compartments (Mu & Sanders, 1998).
When examining speech musculature, it may not be possible to completely avoid the effects of
innervation zones. However, researchers and clinicians should be aware of the possible effects of
innervation zones on the resulting signal, and should take steps to avoid them when possible,
such as using double differential electrodes.
Although researchers and clinicians are often interested in detecting activation from isolated
muscles, muscles typically do not act in isolation. In the case of speech musculature, the
detection volume of sEMG is often large enough to detect activity from more than one muscle at
once, which is referred to as crosstalk. The sensor will detect from the nearest muscle as well as
those adjacent to it. When multiple signal sources are available, the sEMG interference pattern
will contain elements from all sources with the largest amplitudes coming from the sources
closest to the sensor.
The effects of crosstalk are minimized by decreasing the detection volume. This can be
accomplished by using smaller electrodes with smaller inter-electrode distances and double-
differential configurations (Koh & Grabiner, 1992, 1993). In the case of recording speech
musculature with sEMG, cross-talk may be unavoidable. If isolated muscle activations are of
interest, sEMG may not be appropriate. Unfortunately, due to the small size of some muscles and
regional differences in activation, even signals recorded using intramuscular electrodes can
contain crosstalk (e.g., Blair & Smith, 1986).
Special Considerations for Speech and Swallowing Anatomy
Scientists and clinicians wishing to measure sEMG from speech and swallowing anatomy have
special obstacles to overcome in data collection. These muscles are often small and have
overlapping fibers. Thus, it is often not possible to isolate the activity of single muscles of speech
and swallowing. However, sEMG can still provide a valuable tool to better understand and assess
speech and swallowing physiology as long as the limitations in recording are well understood
prior to interpretation of data. The following sections review work that has been accomplished in
the speech and swallowing anatomy that may guide investigators with specific recommendations
for electrode placement, confirmatory tasks, and signal interpretation.
Orofacial Musculature (muscles of articulation and mastication)
Despite their importance in understanding typical and disordered speech motor control, isolated
activations of orofacial musculature are difficult to acquire. A notable exception to this issue
would be the masseter muscle, which is large, simple to palpate, and located superficially. The
masseter can be easily recorded using sEMG and shows comparable results when studied
simultaneously by sEMG and intramuscular EMG (Koole, de Jongh, & Boering, 1991). In fact,
both amplitude and frequency parameters of sEMG of the masseter have been shown to be
reliable over multiple days (Suvinen, Malmberg, Forster, & Kemppainen, 2009). Similarly,
bipolar sEMG over the zygomaticus major region found significant correlations in sEMG
amplitude during specific facial poses recorded on different days (Tassinary, Cacioppo, & Geen,
The muscles of the lower face and submental area represent a greater challenge due to their small
size and overlapping fibers. For instance, surface signals detected over the anterior digastric
show differences in activation during isometric contractions from intramuscular recordings
(Koole et al., 1991). However, work from Lapatki and colleagues has provided guidance for the
muscles of the lower face: distinct clusters of motor endplates and primary muscle fiber
orientations have been shown in the depressor anguli oris, depressor labii inferioris, mentalis,
and orbicularis oris inferior muscles, which can lead to more informed placement of electrodes
(Lapatki et al., 2006). In their subsequent work they have used their methods to suggest optimal
placements of bipolar electrodes for muscles of the lower face: depressor anguli oris, depressor
labii inferioris, mentalis, and orbicularis oris inferior (Lapatki et al., 2010).
The work of Blair and Smith has shown that single muscles of human lips cannot be measured
with current technologies because of interdigitation of muscle fibers (Blair & Smith, 1986). They
concluded that this limitation of recording quality should be acknowledged during interpretation
of recordings. Despite this limitation, application of sEMG to the perioral region has resulted in a
substantial body of knowledge about the motor control of the muscles of the lips (e.g., Goffman
& Smith, 1994; Wohlert & Goffman, 1994; Wohlert & Hammen, 2000). In fact, in this region,
sEMG may offer as much discrimination as intramuscular electrodes. For instance, Lapatki and
colleagues have developed a small sEMG electrode for use with facial musculature, which has
been shown to have similar muscle selectivity as intramuscular recording techniques of the
muscles of the lower face (Lapatki, Stegeman, & Jonas, 2003).
Understanding what tasks can activate specific musculature can aid in confirmation of an
appropriate electrode position. Placement of electrodes over muscles of mastication such as the
buccinators and masseter can be aided by asking participants to clench their teeth and then
palpating to find the muscle body. Other smaller muscles can be more difficult. O’Dwyer and
colleagues have suggested procedures for the verification of hooked wire electrode placement for
a variety of orofacial and mandibular muscles, including gestures used as stimuli for
confirmation of activation (O'Dwyer, Quinn, Guitar, Andrews, & Neilson, 1981). The speech-
relevant muscles that could be detected with sEMG with satisfactory gestures for confirmation
based on O'Dwyer et al. (1981) and Burnett, Mann, Cornell, and Ludlow (2003) are shown in
Table 1. The gestures are known to elicit strong activation from each muscle, although not
isolated activation.
Submental and Anterior Neck Musculature
It is relatively easy to record from infrahyoid musculature using sEMG due to the prominent size
and superficial location of the sternohyoid and omohyoid muscles. High quality recordings can
be obtained from the neck surface by placing single or double differential sEMG electrodes 1 cm
lateral to the neck midline, and located from the gap between the cricoid and thyroid cartilages of
the larynx and as far superior as the border of the submental surface. Varying the superior-
posterior positions of electrodes can lead to some variation in the activity recorded. With a
surface electrode placed directly over the gap between the cricoid and thyroid cartilages,
previous authors have hypothesized that is possible to record from the cricothyroid, an intrinsic
laryngeal muscle; however, based on its relatively deep location it is unlikely to contribute to
surface recordings and past work using simultaneous intramuscular EMG and neck sEMG has
shown that surface recordings do not show evidence of CT activation (Loucks, Poletto, Saxon, &
Ludlow, 2005). Signals detected at this location are likely largely comprised of activations of the
sternohyoid and researchers interested in cricothyroid activation should use intermuscular EMG.
More superior placements are more likely to also include activations of the omohyoid.
There has been considerable interest in recording from the sternohyoid muscle for voice and
swallowing applications; however, the electrode locations and configurations employed have not
always been optimized. One suboptimal configuration that has been employed is to use a bipolar
recording configuration with each electrode located on opposite sides of the neck. This
configuration results in a recording of the difference in activation between the two sides, which
is essentially noise in the bilateral activation pattern. If a difference between the two sides is of
interest, this should be examined after differential signals from the two sides have been recorded.
The bipolar configuration has been developed to record reliably when electrodes are placed
longitudinally to the body of the muscle (see example configurations in Figure 3). If the
sternohyoid is of particular interest, spatial selectivity can be improved by using a double
differential electrode, which limits the contribution of deeper muscles to the detected signal.
Suprahyoid and submental musculature represent more of a recording challenge for using sEMG.
When measuring from the anterior neck, the thyrohyoid is deep to the sternohyoid and thus likely
does not contribute substantially to surface recordings. Recordings of the submental surface have
the potential to detect activation of the mylohyoid and the anterior belly of the digastric, but are
more difficult in many individuals due to increased subdermal fat in this area. Another issue is
the much smaller size of muscle bellies in this area and the overlapping fibers. Table 1 indicates
gestures known to elicit strong activation of many of the submental muscles.
Although it is arguably of limited importance during speech, the sternocleidomastoid is an
accessory respiratory muscle, and is known to activate during speech and singing (Pettersen,
Bjorkoy, Torp, & Westgaard, 2005). Due to its large size and superficial location, there is a large
body of previous research on recording sEMG from the sternocleidomastoid. In particular,
previous research has identified the common location of innervation zones in the SCM, and
recommended that electrodes should be placed 1/3 of the distance from the sternal notch to the
mastoid process, in the direction of the line from the sternal notch to the mastoid process in order
to avoid placement near innervation zones (Falla et al., 2002).
A particular issue for individuals interested in measuring from the submental surface and anterior
neck is contamination from the platysma. The platysma is a superficially located thin sheet of
muscle in the subcutaneous tissue of the neck. It extends over the anterolateral aspect of the neck
from the inferior border of the mandible to the superior aspect of the pectoralis major. Although
the activation of the platysma during speech has been studied somewhat less than other laryngeal
and orofacial musculature, it is thought to be active during speech production as an antagonist to
the orbicularis oris inferior muscle (McClean & Sapir, 1980). In addition, the platysma is thought
to be active in individuals during swallow, although this activation is not highly correlated with
overall muscle activation during swallow and varies widely between individuals (Palmer,
Luschei, Jaffe, & McCulloch, 1999). Although it is an extremely thin sheath of muscle,
whenever active the platysma will be a substantial source of activity detected at the neck surface
due to its relatively superficial location compared to surrounding muscles.
Resistance against manual force elicits strong consistent activation of strap musculature for
purposes of confirmation of electrode placement and MVC recordings (e.g., Stepp et al., 2011b).
Resistance against manual force can be achieved by mounting an athletic chin guard or similar
apparatus to a dynamometer, to allow for simultaneous collection of force data. Collection of
force data in concert with sEMG during MVC maneuvers can help investigators to improve
reliability of multiday recordings.
Muscles of Respiration
Early work to study the muscles of respiration using sEMG examined the internal and external
intercostals during forced respiration and simple speech tasks (Jones, Beargie, & Pauley, 1953).
Eblen reviewed the subject of using sEMG to record speech-related respiratory muscle activity in
1963, and suggested that sEMG was of limited use due to the inability to isolate activity of
individual muscles (Eblen, 1963). However, McFarland & Smith carefully assessed the ability to
use sEMG to study primary and accessory respiratory musculature during speech and non-speech
tasks (McFarland & Smith, 1989), finding that sEMG could be used to record respiratory-related
activations from the rib cage during speech, but particularly during expiration. They placed
electrodes in a bipolar configuration on the medial and lateral rib cage. The medial set of
electrodes was placed on the 7
and 8
interspaces, 2 cm lateral to the midclavicular line with
the goal of recording from the diaphragm and intercostals. The lateral set of electrodes was
placed on the 8
interspace, straddling the anterior axillary line, also with the goal of detecting
activity of the diaphragm and intercostals. Although expiratory activations could be consistently
detected from the rib cage, they were not able to consistently record from the diaphragm or other
muscles of inspiration during speech using electrodes placed on the chest wall. However,
inspiratory related activity was measured from the chest wall when subjects were at higher lung
volumes than those used during typical conversational speech.
Although sEMG can be used to record from abdominal muscles during respiration and speech
(McFarland & Smith, 1989), this area is prone to significant levels of subdermal fat and thus
degraded signal quality. McFarland and Smith recorded from the rectus abdominis by placing
one electrode 2 cm from the midline and 3 cm superior to the umbilicus, with the second
electrode 3 cm directly superior. They sampled activity from the internal and external oblique by
placing electrodes over the anterior axillary line midway between the anterior iliac crest and
costal margin, again using an electrode separation of 3cm (McFarland & Smith, 1989).
Future Directions
Most of the research in sEMG has been accomplished in limb musculature. However, there is
evidence to suggest that there are multiple differences in the anatomy and physiology between
these muscles and the muscles of speech and swallowing. One example is the difference in
discharge rate. Both genioglossus and sternohyoid musculature have been shown to have higher
and more variable discharge rates than limb musculature (Bailey, Rice, & Fuglevand, 2007;
Farina & Falla, 2009). Speech musculature is not load-bearing and differs in many ways from the
more studied muscles of the upper and lower limbs. Additional research is needed to understand
these differences and to more specifically characterize muscle electrophysiology of the speech
and swallowing systems.
Before sEMG may be dependably applied clinically, evidence is needed for the reliability of
repeated sEMG measurements. Although issues of reliability of sEMG have been investigated in
other systems, there is still much work to do for speech anatomy to understand how
methodological factors such as electrode placement affect the accuracy and reliability of the
detected activity. Studies in the upper limb have indicated that the most prominent effect on
intersession reliability of sEMG is electrode placement (Yang & Winter, 1983). Thus,
standardized recommendations for electrode placement and orientation will increase the potential
for reliable sEMG recordings of speech anatomy. Digital photography of electrode placement
and careful re-application using anatomical landmarks may also aid in the intersession reliability
of these recordings. Use of even the highest quality commercial recording systems will result in
inaccurate or unreliable data if sensors are improperly or inconsistently placed.
Current technology in common use does not allow isolated muscle recordings of speech
musculature using sEMG. However, future research into flexible high-density arrays of
electrodes may allow for noninvasive characterization of the behavior of isolated muscles. High-
density sEMG in which 2D arrays of electrodes are utilized are becoming increasingly common
in research (Merletti et al., 2009). These arrays consist of several closely spaced small electrodes,
and can be used to estimate the locations of innervation zones and muscle fiber orientations (e.g.,
Lapatki et al., 2010) and in concert with new signal processing techniques to decompose the
sEMG signal into multiple single MUAP trains (e.g., Nawab, Chang, & De Luca, 2010). High-
density electrodes could be of particular use to speech researchers, providing a potential solution
to small, overlapping musculature in which innervation zones are unknown. Although not yet
widely used, researchers have developed flexible high-density electrode grids, which have
already been shown to be well-suited to facial recording applications (Lapatki, Van Dijk, Jonas,
Zwarts, & Stegeman, 2004).
Despite the challenges associated with recording from speech and swallowing musculature, the
currently available sEMG still has potential as a clinical and research tool when used correctly.
In a study examining the viability of sEMG recordings of lip muscles, Blair and Smith argue that
even when isolated muscles cannot be recorded, sEMG can be successfully employed for
between condition or group comparisons when consistent electrode placements are used (Blair &
Smith, 1986). Even with its limitations, sEMG can be used to great effect to provide assistance
and rehabilitation for individuals with disordered speech. For example, even without an attempt
to isolate individual muscle groups, multi-channel sEMG can provide successful recognition of
mouthed speech (subvocal) in both control speakers and individuals with dysarthia (Deng et al.,
2009; Meltzner et al., 2008). If reviewers and consumers of sEMG literature demand high quality
methodology and reporting, we will begin to achieve the full potential of this tool and truly affect
patient care through improved assessment and rehabilitation using sEMG.
Thanks to Dr. Eric Larson, Deanna Britton, and Mark Malhotra for helpful comments.
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Figure Captions
Figure 1. Example of potential signal aliasing with a sampling frequency less than twice the
signal frequency. The original 200 Hz signal is shown in the solid black line. Sampling at 2,000
Hz (unfilled circles; sampling period of 0.5 ms) would provide information necessary to
reconstruct the original signal. Sampling at 267 Hz (filled circles; sampling period of 3.75 ms)
results in a reconstructed signal (dashed grey line) that is equivalent to a 67 Hz signal. Thus,
undersampling can result in aliasing of signal energy from the original signal frequency to a
lower frequency.
Figure 2. sEMG recordings illustrating high signal to noise ratio (A) and poor signal to noise
ratio (B) with contamination from 60 cycle noise. Panel A: Anterior neck sEMG from a young
healthy participant with minimal subdermal neck fat during reading aloud. Left plots show
sEMG as a function of time. Right plot shows the power spectral density the sEMG using
Welch's method. Panel B: Anterior neck sEMG from a middle-aged participant with significant
levels of subdermal fat, leading to a poor signal-to-noise ratio and contamination of the signal
with electrical line noise. Electrical line noise is apparent in both the power spectral density (as
peaks of energy energy at 60 Hz and its harmonics) as well as the time trace of the sEMG at
close time intervals.
Figure 3. Diagram of neck muscles as seen from the front illustrating examples of bipolar
electrode configurations. Panel A: Incorrect bilateral configuration. Panel B: Suggested
configuration with electrodes placed parallel to the longitudinal axis of the muscle body, in line
with the fibers of the muscle. TH = thyrohyoid, OH = omohyoid, SCM = sternocleidomastoid,
SH = sternohyoid, ST = sternothyroid.
Table 1. Gestures known to elicit strong (not isolated) activation from each muscle (O'Dwyer et
al., 1981).
Muscle Gesture
Levator Labii Superioris Unilateral snarl elevating the
upper lip
Zygomaticus Major Broad laugh
Buccinator Puffing out the cheeks with
the lips closed
Risorius Broad smile with the lips
Orbicularis Oris Superioris Compressing the upper lip
against the upper incisors
Orbicularis Oris Inferioris Compressing the lower lip
against the lower incisors
Depressor Anguli Oris Pulling down the corners of
the mouth
Depressor Labii Inferioris Pulling down the lower lip
with the jaw closed
Mentalis Raising and everting the
lower lip while wrinkling the
Mylohyoid Swallowing
Anterior Belly of the
Lowering jaw under
... Transducers can be thought of as energy translators because they take one form of energy and translate it into another. An sEMG sensor, for example, is an electrochemical transducer because it converts energy generated by muscles (Farina & Holobar, 2016;Stepp, 2012) to electrical current (voltage) picked up by an amplifier (Jiang et al., 2017). ...
... This phenomenon is known as cross talk. In other words, it is not possible to attribute the signal observed to a single muscle when using surface EMG (Merlo & Campanini, 2010;Stepp, 2012). If we were to use needle electromyography (EMG), we would note that each motor fiber gives off its own unique signal (a). ...
... Achieving reliable and precise sEMG measurements is dependent on proper skin preparation and sensor placement (Stepp, 2012). The skin preparation process involves gently cleaning the skin with an alcohol pad and allowing it to air dry. ...
Purpose: Surface electromyography (sEMG) has been used by speech-language pathologists (SLPs) as a biofeedback tool to enhance the benefits of dysphagia rehabilitation since as early as 1976. Despite being noninvasive and user-friendly, sEMG biofeedback is not widely adopted by clinicians, potentially due to challenges such as insufficient knowledge about its appropriate clinical applications and the burden of acquiring this technology for a busy clinician. This article aims to support SLPs in utilizing sEMG as a simple biofeedback tool for dysphagia management by providing an overview of the physiological and technological underpinnings of sEMG as well as practical guidance on interpreting sEMG signal, optimizing signal quality, and documenting findings at the end of a session. Moreover, the article emphasizes the vital role clinicians have in promoting ongoing innovation in their field by advocating for modern solutions. It provides a framework and examples of how to request technologies in the clinic to foster an environment of continuous improvement in the service provided to patients. Conclusion: This article aims to equip clinicians with the knowledge and skills necessary to utilize sEMG technology effectively and help their patients achieve optimal outcomes in dysphagia management.
... In addition, reduced voluntary recruitment and number of viable bulbar motor units can also compromise the ability of the bulbar motor system in conveying complex motor commands, which would be manifested by the complexity of the system's outputs at all levels (10,45). Abnormal discharge patterns of bulbar motor units, as relating to slower and more variable firing rates, more heterogeneous contractile properties, and changes in muscle fiber conduction velocity, can disrupt the rhythms of bulbar motor activities across modalities (49, [58][59][60][61]. Lastly, increased variability and heterogeneity of the firing rates and contractile properties of bulbar motor units tend to globally reduce the regularity of bulbar motor activities across modalities (10,45). ...
... Data analysis was conducted in MATLAB (R2021a), using a custom-developed, fully automated algorithmic program. To enhance data quality, sEMG recordings were pre-processed to remove electrical and mechanical artifacts, following the recommended procedures as used in prior work (45,61,70). Specifically, all sEMG channels were notch-filtered at 60 Hz and high-pass filtered at 20 Hz to remove power line noise and movement artifacts; DC offsets were then removed from each channel. ...
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Introduction As a hallmark feature of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), bulbar involvement leads to progressive declines of speech and swallowing functions, significantly impacting social, emotional, and physical health, and quality of life. Standard clinical tools for bulbar assessment focus primarily on clinical symptoms and functional outcomes. However, ALS is known to have a long, clinically silent prodromal stage characterized by complex subclinical changes at various levels of the bulbar motor system. These changes accumulate over time and eventually culminate in clinical symptoms and functional declines. Detection of these subclinical changes is critical, both for mechanistic understanding of bulbar neuromuscular pathology and for optimal clinical management of bulbar dysfunction in ALS. To this end, we developed a novel multimodal measurement tool based on two clinically readily available, noninvasive instruments—facial surface electromyography (sEMG) and acoustic techniques—to hierarchically assess seven constructs of bulbar/speech motor control at the neuromuscular and acoustic levels. These constructs, including prosody, pause, functional connectivity, amplitude, rhythm, complexity, and regularity, are both mechanically and clinically relevant to bulbar involvement. Methods Using a custom-developed, fully automated data analytic algorithm, a variety of features were extracted from the sEMG and acoustic recordings of a speech task performed by 13 individuals with ALS and 10 neurologically healthy controls. These features were then factorized into 10 composite outcome measures using confirmatory factor analysis. Statistical and machine learning techniques were applied to these composite outcome measures to evaluate their reliability (internal consistency), validity (concurrent and construct), and efficacy for early detection and progress monitoring of bulbar involvement in ALS. Results The composite outcome measures were demonstrated to (1) be internally consistent and structurally valid in measuring the targeted constructs; (2) hold concurrent validity with the existing clinical and functional criteria for bulbar assessment; and (3) outperform the outcome measures obtained from each constituent modality in differentiating individuals with ALS from healthy controls. Moreover, the composite outcome measures combined demonstrated high efficacy for detecting subclinical changes in the targeted constructs, both during the prodromal stage and during the transition from prodromal to symptomatic stages. Discussion The findings provided compelling initial evidence for the utility of the multimodal measurement tool for improving early detection and progress monitoring of bulbar involvement in ALS, which have important implications in facilitating timely access to and delivery of optimal clinical care of bulbar dysfunction.
... In accordance with previous studies, the superior sEMG electrode was placed to the right of the philtral ridges and the inferior electrode was placed just below the mentolabial sulcus in line with the superior electrode. Perioral recordings are associated with the activity of muscles involved in oral opening/closing (Gracco, 1988;Stepp, 2012). Procedures for fitting and preparing the nets were followed in accordance with previous studies and recommendations from Electrical Geodesics, including head circumference measurements to determine 128-channel hydro-cell net size, lateral (from anterior and superior connection of the external auditory meatuses over the head) and anterior (nasion) -posterior (external occipital protuberance) measurements to determine net placement and orientation relative to the CZ electrode, electrolyte with baby shampoo and distilled water solution preparation and 5 min minimum saturation of the net were all conducted via EGI specifications. ...
... sEMG is a non-invasive method that evaluates the activities of the muscles by collecting bioelectrical signals by placing the electrodes on the skin surface directly above the muscles under test. On the other hand, iEMG is a painful method, which involves the insertion of a needle in the muscle and thus causes discomfort to humans [1,9]. ...
... LMT 기법을 조합하여 후두마사지를 반폐쇄성도운동과 함께 실시 한 결과 음질이 향상되었으며 (Kim, Lee, Choi, & Choi, 2017), 후두 마사지는 후두의 위치를 낮추고 성도의 길이를 늘어나게 하여 조음 향상에도 도움을 준다고 보고하였다 (Aghadoost, Jalaie, Khatoonabadi, Dabirmoghaddam, & Khoddami, 2020;Kim, 2021 (Houtte et al., 2011;Morrison et al., 1983). MTD는 과도 한 후두의 근긴장이 원인이 되는데 (Houtte et al., 2011;Morrison et al., 1983), 특히 과도하거나 비전형적인 후두 근육의 활동이 MTD 진단의 필수적인 기준으로 도입되었다 (Verdolini, Rosen, & Branski, 2006 (Kotby et al., 1992;Stepp, 2012 ...
Objectives: Laryngeal massage has been used as a major voice therapy technique in patients with muscle tension dysphonia, which results in voice changes due to excessive tension in the intrinsic or extrinsic laryngeal muscles. This study aims to explore the effect of laryngeal massage by changing the activity potentials of paralaryngeal muscles through laryngeal massage. Methods: A total of 15 adults diagnosed with muscle tension dysphonia participated in this study. Laryngeal massage was performed for 15-20 minutes. To measure surface electromyography (sEMG), the surface electrodes were attached to the suprahyoid muscle and sternocleidomastoid (SCM) muscles of each patient and the sEMG activity of the paralaryngeal muscles was measured before and after laryngeal massage. In addition, a patient-based pain scale was also completed by laryngeal palpation before and after laryngeal massage. Results: Significantly lower sEMG amplitudes yielded in the suprahyoid muscle and SCM muscles during sustained /a/ vowel phonation and connected speech following laryngeal massage. Moreover, pain scores also reduced after laryngeal massage in both the suprahyoid and sternocleidomastoid muscles. Conclusion: Laryngeal massage was immediately beneficial in reducing tension and pain in the paralaryngeal muscles for muscle tension dysphonia. In addition, sEMG proved the effect of laryngeal massage alone without other interventions as an objective indicator. Hence, it can be useful to measure the therapeutic effect of laryngeal massage for muscle tension dysphonia with laryngeal palpation in the clinical field.
... EMG has thus been employed as a diagnostic tool for identifying disorder that impacts the neurological and muscular systems and detecting injury's origin and spatial location. Following, quantitative EMG can provide the possibility of monitoring muscle activity during mastication without interfering with natural chewing behavior [14][15][16][17][18] and also in diagnosing temporomandibular disorders to assess muscle function [19][20][21][22][23]. Furthermore, numerous attempts at developing EMG-based approaches related to mastication for masticatory rehabilitation robots [24][25][26], dental patient training [2], food texture assessment [27][28][29][30], and speech and swallowing therapy [7,31] were proposed. ...
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Human mastication is a complex and rhythmic biomechanical process regulated by the central nervous system (CNS). Muscle synergies are a group of motor primitives that the CNS may combine to simplify motor control in human movement. This study aimed to apply the non-negative matrix factorization approach to examine the coordination of the masticatory muscles on both sides during chewing. Ten healthy individuals were asked to chew gum at different speeds while their muscle activity was measured using surface electromyography of the right and left masseter and temporalis muscles. Regardless of the chewing speed, two main muscle synergies explained most of the muscle activity variation, accounting for over 98% of the changes in muscle patterns (variance accounted for >98%). The first synergy contained the chewing side masseter muscle information, and the second synergy provided information on bilateral temporalis muscles during the jaw closing. Furthermore, there was robust consistency and high degrees of similarity among the sets of muscle synergy information across different rate conditions and participants. These novel findings in healthy participants supported the hypothesis that all participants in various chewing speed conditions apply the same motor control strategies for chewing. Furthermore, these outcomes can be utilized to design rehabilitation approaches such as biofeedback therapy for mastication disorders.
Purpose: Surface electromyography (sEMG) has been used to evaluate extrinsic laryngeal muscle activity during swallowing and phonation. In the current study, sEMG amplitudes were measured from the infrahyoid and suprahyoid muscles during phonation through a tube submerged in water. Method: The sEMG amplitude values measured from the extrinsic laryngeal muscles and the electroglottographic contact quotient (CQ) were obtained simultaneously from 62 healthy participants (31 men, 31 women) during phonation through a tube at six different depths (2, 4, 7, 10, 15, and 20 cm) while using two tubes with different diameters (1 and 0.5 cm). Results: With increasing depth, the sEMG amplitude for the suprahyoid muscles increased in men and women. However, sEMG amplitudes for the infrahyoid muscles increased significantly only in men. Tube diameter had a significant effect on the suprahyoid sEMG amplitudes only for men, with higher sEMG amplitudes when phonating with a 1.0-cm tube. CQ values increased with submerged depth for both men and women. Tube diameter affected results such than CQ values were higher for men when using the wider tube and for women with the narrower tube. Conclusions: Vocal fold vibratory patterns changed with the depth of tube submersion in water for both men and women, but the patterns of muscle activation differed between the sexes. This suggests that men and women use different strategies when confronted with increased intraoral pressure during semi-occluded vocal tract exercises. In this study, sEMG provided insight into the mechanism for differences between vocally normal individuals and could help detect compensatory muscle activation during tube phonation in water for people with voice disorders.
Purpose This study set out to investigate whether individuals with dysphonia, as determined by either self-assessment or clinician-based auditory-perceptual judgment, exhibited differences in perilaryngeal muscle activities using surface electromyography (sEMG) during various phonatory tasks. Additionally, the study aimed to assess the effectiveness of sEMG in identifying dysphonic cases. Method A total of 77 adults (44 women, 33 men, M age = 30.4 years) participated in this study, with dysphonic cases identified separately using either a 10-item Voice Handicap Index (VHI-10) or clinician-based auditory-perceptual voice quality (APVQ) evaluation. sEMG activities were measured from the areas of suprahyoid and sternocleidomastoid muscles during prolonged vowel /i/ phonations at different pitch and loudness levels. Normalized root-mean-square value against the maximal voluntary contraction (RMS %MVC) of the sEMG signals was obtained for each phonation and compared between subject groups and across phonatory tasks. Additionally, binary logistic regression analysis was performed to determine how the sEMG measures could predict the VHI-10–based or APVQ-based dysphonic cases. Results Participants who scored above the criteria on either the VHI-10 ( n = 29) or APVQ judgment ( n = 17) exhibited significantly higher RMS %MVC in the right suprahyoid muscles compared to the corresponding control groups. Although the RMS %MVC value from the right suprahyoid muscles alone was not a significant predictor of self-evaluated dysphonic cases, a combination of the RMS %MVC values from both the right and left suprahyoid muscles significantly predicted APVQ-based dysphonic cases with a 69.66% fair level. Conclusions This study found that individuals with dysphonia, as determined by either self-assessment or APVQ judgment, displayed more imbalanced suprahyoid muscle activities in voice production compared to nondysphonic groups. The combination of the sEMG measures from both left and right suprahyoid muscles showed potential as a predictor of dysphonia with a fair level of confidence. Supplemental Material
Our aims were to a) examine the neuromuscular control of swallowing and speech in children with unilateral Cerebral Palsy (UCP) compared to typically developing children (TDC), b) determine shared and separate neuromuscular underpinnings of the two functions, and c) explore the relationship between this control and behavioral outcomes in UCP. Surface electromyography (sEMG) was used to record muscle activity from the submental and superior and inferior orbicularis oris muscles during standardized swallowing and speech tasks. Variables examined were normalized mean amplitude, time to peak amplitude, and bilateral synchrony. Swallowing and speech were evaluated using standard clinical measures. Sixteen children with UCP and 16 TDC participated (7-12 yoa). Children with UCP demonstrated higher normalized amplitude and longer time to peak amplitude across tasks than TDC (p< .01); and p< .02) and decreased bilateral synchrony than TDC for swallows (p< .01). Both shared and distinctive neuromuscular patterns were observed between swallowing and speech. In UCP, higher upper lip amplitude during swallows was associated with shorter normalized mealtime durations, while higher submental bilateral synchrony was related to longer mealtime durations. Children with UCP demonstrate neuromuscular adaptations for swallowing and speech, which should be further evaluated for potential treatment targets. Further, both shared and distinctive neuromuscular underpinnings between the two functions are documented.
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Understanding how orofacial muscle activity and movement covary across changes in speech rate and intensity has implications for the neural control of speech production and the use of clinical procedures that manipulate speech prosody. The present study involved a correlation analysis relating average lower-lip and jaw-muscle activity to lip and jaw movement distance, speed, and duration. Recordings were obtained on orofacial movement, muscle activity, and the acoustic signal in 3 normal speakers as they repeated a simple test utterance with targeted speech rates varying from 60% to 160% of their habitual rate and at targeted vocal intensities of -6 dB and +6 dB relative to their habitual intensity. Surface electromyographic (EMG) recordings were obtained with electrodes positioned to sample primarily the mentalis, depressor labii inferior, anterior belly of the digastric, and masseter muscles. Two-dimensional displacements of the lower lip and jaw in the midsagittal plane were recorded with an electromagnetic system. All participants produced linear changes in percent utterance duration relative to the auditory targets for speech rate variation. Intensity variations ranged from -10 dB to +8 dB. Average EMG levels for all A muscles were well correlated with specific parameters of movement. Across the intensity conditions, EMG level was positively correlated with movement speed and distance in all participants. Across the rate conditions, EMG level was negatively correlated with movement duration in all participants, while greater interparticipant variability was noted for correlations relating EMG to speed and distance. For intensity control, it is suggested that converging neural input to orofacial motoneurons varies monotonically with movement distance and speed. In contrast, rate control appears to be more strongly related to the temporal characteristics of neural input than activation level.
This lecture explores the various uses of surface electromyography in the field of biomechanics. Three groups of applications are considered: those involving the activation timing of muscles, the force/EMG signal relationship, and the use of the EMG signal as a fatigue index. Technical considerations for recording the EMG signal with maximal fidelity are reviewed, and a compendium of all known factors that affect the information contained in the EMG signal is presented. Questions are posed to guide the practitioner in the proper use of surface electromyography. Sixteen recommendations are made regarding the proper detection, analysis, and interpretation of the EMG signal and measured force. Sixteen outstanding problems that present the greatest challenges to the advancement of surface electromyography are put forward for consideration. Finally, a plea is made for arriving at an international agreement on procedures commonly used in electromyography and biomechanics.
Intermuscular coherence in the beta band was explored as a possible indicator of vocal hyperfunction, a common condition associated with many voice disorders. Surface electromyography (sEMG) was measured from two electrodes on the anterior neck surface of 18 individuals with vocal nodules and 18 individuals with healthy normal voice. Coherence was calculated from sEMG activity gathered while participants produced both read and spontaneous speech. There was no significant effect of speech type on average coherence. Individuals with vocal nodules showed significantly lower mean coherence in the beta band (15-35 Hz) when compared to controls. Results suggest that bilateral EMG-EMG beta coherence in neck strap muscle during speech production shows promise as an indicator of vocal hyperfunction.
Electromyography, recording the electrical activity of muscles, is an electrophysiological method that has been used widely in the study of movement performance by human subjects. Borrowing from the tradition of electromyographic studies of limb muscles, investigators interested in speech production have used the method to address many important experimental questions. Unfortunately, data recorded from craniofacial muscles generally have been discussed without reference to problems of interpretation that could arise due to the unique anatomical features of the muscles, particularly the lip muscles. Anatomical data show that the fibers of different muscles of the lips are interdigitated so that fibers with differing spatial orientation typically are found within a small section of lower lip tissue. The anatomical data are consistent with results of physiological studies of the lower lip muscles that have suggested that motor units with different physiological characteristics are found within a single recording site. Together, the anatomical and electrophysiological data suggest that, even with intramuscular electrodes, the probability of recording from a single muscle of the lip in isolation is extremely low. The fact that the activity of more than one muscle is likely to be sampled critically determines the nature of the conclusions that can be drawn from the data.
Surface electromyographic (sEMG) biofeedback has been used to enhance behavioral treatment interventions in a variety of movement disorders involving the head and neck musculature. These include, but are not limited to, voice disorders (Andrews, Warner, & Stewart, 1986), dysarthria (Gentil, Aucouturier, Delong, & Sambuis, 1994), hemifacial spasm (Rubow, Rosenbek, Collins, & Celesia, 1984), mandibular closure (Nemec & Cohen, 1984), and dysphagia (Bryant, 1991; Crary, 1995). Despite the potential for widespread application of sEMG biofeedback-assisted treatments in motor disorders of the head and neck musculature, speech-language pathologists generally are not aware of these techniques or of their potential application to speech, voice, or swallowing disorders. The intent of this tutorial is to provide a general introduction to surface electromyographic biofeedback techniques as they may apply to the rehabilitation of dysphagia in adults. Specific examples are provided based on clinical management of patients with dysphagia following brainstem stroke.
This study tested the hypothesis that, in stuttering speakers, relations between the neural control systems for speech and life support, or metabolic breathing, may differ from relations previously observed in normally fluent subjects. Bilaterally coherent high-frequency oscillations in inspiratory-related EMGs, measured as maximum coherence in the frequency band of 60–110 Hz (MC-HFO), were used as indicators of participation by the brainstem controller for metabolic breathing in 10 normally fluent and 10 stuttering speakers. In all controls and most stuttering subjects, MC-HFO for speech was higher than or comparable to MC-HFO for deep breathing. For 4 stuttering subjects, higher MC-HFO was observed for speech than for deep breathing. Comparison of deep breathing to a speechlike breathing task yielded similar results. No relationship between MC-HFO during speech and severity of disfluency was observed. We conclude that in some stuttering speakers, the relations between respiratory controllers are atypical, but that high participation by the HFO-producing circuitry in the brainstem during speech is not sufficient to disrupt fluency.