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Internet of Things: A Definition & Taxonomy


Abstract and Figures

The Internet of Things (IoT) has various fields of application including health care, resource management, asset tracking, etc. Depending on the use case, various technologies like RFID, Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) or Smart Objects can be used. With each of these comes a specific vision of what the IoT and connected objects are and – to our knowledge – there is no global picture of the IoT. The issue with this approach is that specific problems have been addressed before global ones: what if something has been missed? We propose a definition and taxonomy for connected objects and the IoT.
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Internet of Things: a definition & taxonomy
Bruno Dorsemaine, Jean-Philippe Gaulier,
Jean-Philippe Wary and Nizar Kheir
Paris, France
{bruno.dorsemaine, jeanphilippe1.gaulier,
jeanphilippe.wary, nizar.kheir}
Pascal Urien
Telecom ParisTech
Paris, France
Abstract—The Internet of Things (IoT) has various fields of
application including health care, resource management, asset
tracking, etc. Depending on the use case, various technologies
like RFID, Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) or Smart Objects
can be used. With each of these comes a specific vision of what
the IoT and connected objects are and – to our knowledge – there
is no global picture of the IoT. The issue with this approach is
that specific problems have been addressed before global ones:
what if something has been missed? We propose a definition and
taxonomy for connected objects and the IoT.
Index Terms—Internet of Things; connected objects; definition;
The IoT is – soon to be – everywhere. According to many
companies like Gartner [1] and IBM [2], there will soon be
billions of objects connected together and gathering data on
everything they can in order to make predictions, improve
processes, etc. However in their predictions, some include
tablets and smartphones [3] whereas others do not [1]. As long
as there is no common definition of the IoT, it is impossible to
compare those evaluations or objects that uses really different
technologies (like RFID [4], WSN [4] or Smart Objects [5],
The technology specific visions [7] come from the different
requirements and needs of the use cases the IoT is applied to.
A wireless access card will, in fact, have very different specifi-
cations when compared to a smart fridge: the access card will
most likely use RFID, use hardware cryptography, harvest its
electricity, be very constraint in terms of CPU, memory and
RAM, etc. whereas the fridge will communicate over Ethernet
or Wi-Fi with other machines on the Internet, be connected to
the mains, have very little to no constraints in terms of CPU,
memory and RAM, etc. Despite many differences between
these technologies and the possible applications, they still
make the connection of the physical world possible and have
needs in common like security.
This work includes itself in an approach to define security
policies for the IoT in a corporate environment. Due to the
lack of literature on the topic, the first step is to propose
a way to classify connected objects. Then derive classes of
objects according to their needs and, in the end, security
policies. Hence, to be able to easily classify various connected
objects – i.e. even if they use different technologies – a
Fig. 1. Architecture related to the IoT
precise and exhaustive definition is needed. This paper is
organized according to the following plan. We first define
what a connected object and the IoT are. Then, in Fig. III,
we propose a taxonomy. Afterwards, we give a few examples
of classification and finally conclude this paper.
Before giving a definition of the IoT, an end-to-end vision
is needed.
A. The architecture
Despite the number of possible fields of application the IoT
and the associated technologies can be applied to, connected
objects are always associated to the same kind of architecture:
data needing to be transported, stored, processed and made
In [4], the authors described a generic four level architecture
(names of the levels have been changed to take the definition
we propose into account) that is being used for the IoT. It is
shown in Fig. 1:
The local environment contains the connected objects and
the local pickup points. These elements communicate
through wired technologies (Ethernet, optic fiber, etc.)
or wireless links [8] (Bluetooth Low Energy, Wi-Fi,
ZigBee, etc.). The local pickup points (optional) can be
smartphones, small computers and other objects. They are
used as gateways to reach the infrastructure by objects
that are not powerful enough (battery, computing power,
2015 9th International Conference on Next Generation Mobile Applications, Services and Technologies
978-1-4799-8660-6/15 $31.00 © 2015 IEEE
DOI 10.1109/NGMAST.2015.71
etc.). Sometimes, they allow direct user interaction with
the objects (an application on a smartphone for example).
The transport level allows the objects or local pickup
points to communicate with the command servers.
The storage and data mining generally take place in the
cloud and allow the processing of the data.
Finally, the user, or other systems, can access the data
through APIs or GUIs.
We can notice, that only the first level – the local environ-
ment – is specific to the IoT, the other three can be found
anywhere massive amount of data are being treated.
B. A definition of the IoT
Taking into account the previous elements, a definition for
a connected object could be: “Sensor(s) and/or actuator(s) car-
rying out a specific function and that are able to communicate
with other equipment. It is part of an infrastructure allowing
the transport, storage, processing and access to the generated
data by users or other systems.”
Then, a definition for the IoT would be: “Group of in-
frastructures interconnecting connected objects and allowing
their management, data mining and the access to the data they
Following from the definitions, we described a taxonomy for
connected objects as shown in Fig. 2. It revolves around the
following categories: energy, communication, functional at-
tributes, local user interface, hardware and software resources
and cost. As the IoT is a relatively new and evolving field,
this taxonomy is extensible in order to take new cases into
A. Energy
For many objects, energy is critical. In some cases, it can
even determine the lifespan of an object. This characteristic
can be divided in two parts:
Source. The way the object will use to get its power
is extremely important: it will determine many other
characteristics like the ability to work continuously, the
computational power of the CPU, etc. In [9], the authors
provide with four types of power source for a con-
nected object: harvesting (the energy is gathered from the
environment, e.g. solar panels), periodically recharged
or replaced,non-replaceable primary source (the power
source determines the lifespan of the object) and mains-
powered (the power source is virtually unlimited).
Management. The management of the power source can
be summed up to how the power source will be used
and, in the end to how long the object can operate
with a given amount of power. In [9], three types of
power management are described for the communication
interfaces, they can also be applied to the management
of the power source in general:
Normally-off. The object is off most of the time and
wakes up periodically or on a given signal from the
environment (power available through harvesting, for
Low power. The object has to preserve its battery to
last over time; hence it has to be able to consume
the lowest amount of power possible.
Always-on. There is no reason for the object to
implement specific measures in order to limit power
B. Communication
As some objects provide several communication interfaces,
it is possible to give one occurrence of this section for each
of these interfaces.
1) Type: The object can communicate with the pickup
points using various types of interfaces that can be divided
in two categories: wired and wireless. Wired interfaces can
include Ethernet, buses... whereas light, Wi-Fi, etc. are wire-
less ones.
2) Local pickup point: In Fig. 1, the local pickup point is
part of the local environment level. It is a gateway to the other
parts of the architecture for the objects that are connected to it.
The use of a local pickup point may have implications on the
battery life, computational power and cost of an object because
the object may not have to use heavy protocols/addressing
systems (it does not need to communicate with machines on
the Internet thanks to the local pickup point) and so does not
need a big computational power for this purpose.
3) Total disconnection: Sometimes, it is possible to disable
the “connected” feature of an object (or at least not to
use it) but to keep its main functionalities (e.g. counting
and displaying the number of steps for a pedometer). It is
sometimes called “chip silence”. In other cases, the object
cannot function properly without a connection to the pickup
point and the rest of the architecture.
4) Initiation of the communications: Either the object or the
pickup point can initiate the communication, it has an impact
on how the communication interfaces are being used. There
are three possibilities:
Object. In this case, as the object is the one that starts the
communication its interfaces does not have to be turned
on all the time. It means that the object will be able to
save power while it is not communicating by turning its
communication interfaces off.
Pickup point. In this mode, this object needs to wait for
the pickup point to initiate the communication. It means
that, contrary to the previous mode, the object cannot
turn its communication interfaces off and that it has to
be registered with the pickup point.
Object and pickup point. Either the object or the pickup
point can start a communication. As previously, the object
has to constantly listen of its interfaces and register itself
to the pickup point.
5) Security:
Authentication. This process allows the objects and
pickup points to recognize each other, to know who
Fig. 2. Taxonomy for connected objects
they are talking to. Several types of authentication are
Mutual. Both the object and the pickup point prove
their identity. The main problem it raises is that there
is a need for configuration on both sides. The most
problematic one is the objects’: they might not be
easily reachable physically, management might not
be possible, etc. It could be an issue if there is a
new pickup point to configure for example.
One way. There are two possibilities here: the object
or the pickup point authenticates itself. In either
of these possibilities, the other component can be
a fake, there is no way for the authenticated one
to be sure. The case of the authentication of the
pickup point raises the same issues as in the mutual
authentication case.
None. There is no authentication between the two
components. Either of them could be a fake.
Identification. Whereas the authentication allows objects
to know that they are part of a known group, identification
makes it possible to differentiate two object that belong
to the the same group. As with authentication, three types
of identification are possible: mutual,one way and none.
Encryption. Encryption is what makes it theoretically
impossible for an attacker to eavesdrop a communica-
tion if it is implemented correctly with state of the art
algorithms. Not using encryption is not necessarily a
problem if the transmitted data is not sensitive (e.g. a
temperature reading emitted from a weather station). A
simple classification could take the form of a yes/no
answer or sort objects according to the algorithms they
use to encrypt their communications.
Integrity. It is possible for a communication to be dis-
turbed by external elements. In this case, insuring the
integrity of the data is possible but at a certain cost:
information has to be added to the initial data in order to
insure integrity. This additional information has to be cal-
culated/verified (computational power) and sent/received
with the rest of the data (communication). Hence, in some
cases, it is more interesting to accept transmitting data
without integrity controls (e.g. with many sensors in the
same area gathering the same kind of data, it might be
simpler not to use integrity checks but to discriminate
some results by correlation). Objects could be classified
with a yes/no answer or based the algorithms that are
being used.
6) Physical specifications: The following characteristics
are intimately linked and also play a big role in the choice of
the “energy” specifications: the lower the rate and the range
are, the lower the power consumption will be for a given
amount of data to transmit.
Rate.Itisthetheoretical maximum amount of data the
communication interface can send in a given amount
of time. It is generally measured in Kb/s or Mb/s. A
good way to classify objects for this criteria could be the
technologies that are being used or ranges of rates.
Range.Itisthetheoretical maximum distance the data
can reach while remaining understandable with a given
technology. To classify objects according to this charac-
teristic, the technologies or ranges of distances in meters
or types of networks (PAN, LAN, building scale, city
scale, etc.) can be used.
C. Functional attributes
1) Interactions:
Sensor. The object is able to extract various data from
its environment like temperature, light exposure or just
give its position (e.g. RFID tag). There are two types of
Sensor with memory. These sensors can store the data
they gather in order to send it periodically. This can
be used to save power or if the pickup point is not
always reachable.
Sensor without memory. With this kind of sensors,
if the data is not send when gathered, it is lost. It
means that the object has to emit continuously and
that a pickup point must be reachable.
Actuator. The object is able to act within its environment:
make a movement, produce cold, emit light, etc.
Sensor and actuator. The object is a hybrid of the two
previous categories: it can gather data and act within its
environment. As such, it inherits the specificities of the
sensors and can have memory or not.
2) Mobility: Some objects have been made with the idea
of it moving (e.g. a pedometer) and others have not (e.g. a
thermometer). We considered two categories of objects for this
Fixed. The object is fixed or is in a static / very constraint
(in terms of mobility) environment, a room for example.
It has not been made with it moving in mind.
Mobile. The object has been made to move.
3) Management: Depending on the use case, objects can
be manageable or not. In the case of a manageable object,
another question could be weather it is possible physically or
over one of the communication interfaces.
D. Local user interface
1) Object: Sometimes, the object has components that are
dedicated to a direct interaction with its user so that they can
configure it, use its basic functions, etc. There are four types
of interfaces:
Active. Parts of the object are dedicated to the interaction
with the user: buttons, etc.
Passive. The user cannot interact directly with the object
but the it can communicate with them through various
components: screen, lights, sounds, vibrations, etc.
Active and passive. The object is a hybrid of the two
previous categories and both the object and the user can
interact with each other.
None. Nor the object or the user can interact directly with
each other.
2) Direct use: If the object has an active or active/passive
user interface, it sometimes is possible for the user to – at
least – use its basic functionalities.
3) Use through local pickup point: If the object communi-
cates with the rest of the architecture through a local pickup
point, it might be possible for the user to – at least – use the
basic functions of the object through the local pickup point.
E. Hardware and software resources
1) Hardware resources: The amount of RAM, memory and
CPU the object has at its disposal conditions many things like
the “intelligence” that can be embedded in the object, the type
of power source it will rely on, etc. In [9], the authors defined a
three ranges classification of devices using RAM and memory
but it only addresses “small” (in terms of RAM and memory)
2) Security:
Hardware cryptography. Hardware cryptography can be
provided by an object in order to make encryption
faster (than with the same algorithm implemented with
software). The classification can be made with a yes/no
answer or by using the names of the algorithms.
Containment. Whether processes can be executed in a
contained manner or not.
Proven code. In some cases, the user needs to be sure
that the object will work as it is expected to, that its
behavior is deterministic. Then, proving the object’s code
is needed.
Identification. When the user can physically interact with
the object, the identification process can ensure – if
correctly implemented – that the user and the object are
who/what they say they are. As with the identification for
the communication, there are three possibilities: mutual,
one way and none.
Authentication. When the user can physically interact
with the object, the authentication process can ensure –
if correctly implemented – that the user and the object
have the right to interact with each other. As with the
authentication for the communication, there are three
possibilities: mutual,one way and none.
Resource access management. It is possible to access the
object’s resources (every component of the object is seen
as a resource) through the infrastructure (including local
pickup points if possible) and the object if a suitable local
interface is provided. Resource access management gives
the possibility to authorize or not access to some of the
resources e.g. a measurement, a specific process.
Accountability. Whether the object keeps traces of its
activity or not.
3) Dependability: The object can provide several means to
ensure that its information is correct (e.g. an open/close sensor
that has two different ways of knowing if what it monitors is
open or closed) is more dependable than an object that only
provides one.
4) Operating system:
Software and hardware. The object runs with an operating
system that is both software and hardware.
Kernel only and hardware. The object only runs a kernel
on a hardware platform.
Pure hardware. The operating system that the object runs
with is pure hardware.
5) Software updates: Whether it is possible or not for the
object’s software to be updated.
Fig. 3 describes the classification of a few objects according
to the previously defined taxonomy. Those have been selected
because of the variety of use cases they represent. Their
classification highlights the interdependencies between the
characteristics an object can have, like the type of power
source, how it is being managed, the rate and range provided
by the communication interface, etc.
To explicit the interdependencies, we can take the example
of the RFID access card from Fig. 3. This device is only
powered by its local collector when at the right distance.
Hence, it does not include a power source and does not use lots
of power to function. Contrary to an object that is connected
to the mains, power consumption is critical here and is
impacted by many characteristics. As most of the access card’s
work consists in cryptography and communication, hardware
cryptography (it also is faster than software cryptography and
does not require a strong and energy consumer processor as
it uses dedicated components) is being and so is a very low
rate and range wireless communication interface.
In comparison to the access card, the smart washing
machine has completely different specifications (only using
the previously defined taxonomy, not the really use cases).
The fact that it is not mobile has a huge impact on other
characteristics: a high rate wired connection is available and
the device is powered through the mains. Among the other
differences are the user interface (it is possible to use the object
directly) and the security measures (the type of resources the
object needs to function is impacted).
In this paper, we proposed a generic definition for connected
objects as well as the Internet of Things. Following on from
these definitions, we were able to define a taxonomy for
connected objects.
With these elements, we defined a common vocabulary that
covers existing and forthcoming equipment. It can be used to
easily classify and compare objects on a common scale.
The next step will consist in extracting object classes –
based on security requirements – from the proposed taxonomy,
providing a generic end-to-end risk analysis for each of these
classes and defining security measures in order to reduce the
risks to an acceptable level.
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Fig. 3. Classification of a few connected objects
... The Term IoT is an acronym for Internet of Things. Various authors have analysed the literature on the IoT and translated it into definitions [15][16][17]. According to Gubbi et al., the definition of the IoT for smart environments is the "Interconnection of sensing and actuating devices providing the ability to share information across platforms through a unified framework, developing a common operating picture for enabling innovative applications. ...
... They describe connected objects as "Sensor(s) and/or actuator(s) carrying out a specific function and that are able to communicate with other equipment. It is part of an infrastructure allowing the transport, storage, processing and access to the generated data by users or other systems" [16]. Atzori et al. understand the IoT as "a conceptual framework that leverages on the availability of heterogeneous devices and interconnection solutions, as well as augmented physical objects providing a shared information base on global scale, to support the design of applications involving at the same virtual level both people and representations of objects" [17]. ...
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The combination of the Internet and emerging technologies such as nearfield communications, real-time localization, and embedded sensors lets us transform everyday objects into smart objects that can understand and react to their environment. Such objects are building blocks for the Internet of Things and enable novel computing applications. As a step toward design and architectural principles for smart objects, the authors introduce a hierarchy of architectures with increasing levels of real-world awareness and interactivity. In particular, they describe activity-, policy-, and process-aware smart objects and demonstrate how the respective architectural abstractions support increasingly complex application.
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are playing more and more a key role in several application scenarios such as healthcare, agriculture, environment monitoring, and smart metering. Furthermore, WSNs are characterized by high heterogeneity because there are many different proprietary and non-proprietary solutions. This wide range of technologies has delayed new deployments and integration with existing sensor networks. The current trend, however, is to move away from proprietary and closed standards, to embrace IP-based sensor networks using the emerging standard 6LoWPAN/IPv6. This allows native connectivity between WSN and Internet, enabling smart objects to participate to the Internet of Things (IoT). Building an all-IP infrastructure from scratch, however, would be difficult because many different sensors and actuators technologies (both wired and wireless) have already been deployed over the years. After a review of the state of the art, this paper sketches a framework able to harmonize legacy and new installations, allowing migrating to an all-IP environment at a later stage. The Building Automation use case has been chosen to discuss potential benefits of the proposed framework.
Smart object technology, sometimes called the Internet of Things, is having a profound impact on our day-to-day lives. Interconnecting Smart Objects with IP is the first book that takes a holistic approach to the revolutionary area of IP-based smart objects. Smart objects are the intersection of networked embedded systems, wireless sensor networks, ubiquitous and pervasive computing, mobile telephony and telemetry, and mobile computer networking. This book consists of three parts, Part I focuses on the architecture of smart objects networking, Part II covers the hardware, software, and protocols for smart objects, and Part III provides case studies on how and where smart objects are being used today and in the future. The book covers the fundamentals of IP communication for smart objects, IPv6, and web services, as well as several newly specified low-power IP standards such as the IETF 6LoWPAN adaptation layer and the RPL routing protocol. This book contains essential information not only for the technical reader but also for policy makers and decision makers in the area of smart objects both for private IP networks and the Internet.Shows in detail how connecting smart objects impacts our lives with practical implementation examples and case studies Provides an in depth understanding of the technological and architectural aspects underlying smart objects technology Offers an in-depth examination of relevant IP protocols to build large scale smart object networks in support of a myriad of new services Table of ContentsPart I: The Architecture Chapter 1: What are Smart objects? Chapter 2: The IP protocol architecture Chapter 3: Why IP for smart objects? Chapter 4: IPv6 for Smart Object Networks and The Internet of Things Chapter 5: Routing Chapter 6: Transport Protocols Chapter 7: Service Discovery Chapter 8: Security for Smart Objects Chapter 9: Web services For Smart Objects Chapter 10: Connectivity models for smart object networks Part II: The Technology Chapter 11: What is a Smart Object? Chapter 12: Low power link layer for smart objects networks Chapter 13: uIP A Lightweight IP Stack Chapter 14: Standardization Chapter 15: IPv6 for Smart Object Networks - A Technology Refresher Chapter 16: The 6LoWPAN Adaptation Layer Chapter 17: RPL Routing in Smart Object Networks Chapter 18: The IPSO Alliance Chapter 19: Non IP Technology Part III: The Applications Chapter 20: Smart Grid Chapter 21: Industrial Automation Chapter 22: Smart Cities and Urban Networks Chapter 23: Home Automation Chapter 24: Building Automation Chapter 25: Structural Health Monitoring Chapter 26: Container Tracking
Mass adoption of the internet of things will create new opportunities and challenges for enterprises
  • J Tully
J. Tully. (2015) Mass adoption of the internet of things will create new opportunities and challenges for enterprises.
Device democracy -saving the future of the internet of things
  • P Brody
  • V Pureswaran
P. Brody and V. Pureswaran. (2014) Device democracy -saving the future of the internet of things.
Terminology for constrained-node networks
  • M E C Bormann
  • A Keranen
M. E. C. Bormann and A. Keranen, "Terminology for constrained-node networks," RFC 7228, May 2014.