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Therapeutic approaches in inflammatory bowel disease based on the immunopathogenesis



Our understanding of the etiology and pathogenesis of IBD has improved extensively over the past years. At the center of the pathogenesis seems to be an excessive pro-inflammatory immune reaction towards normal intestinal flora. The different factors involved in this concept will form the focus of this review. The initial phase of antigen processing and presentation can be influenced by either modulation of the intestinal flora via antibiotics or probiotics or by direct stimulation of macrophages through GM-CSF treatment. Antigen recognition and activation of T-cells can be down-regulated by immunosuppressives such as azathioprine, CsA or methotrexate thus building the basis for current treatment in IBD. The pro-inflammatory character of the immune reaction is defined by the predominance of certain T-cell subpopulations. By targeting cytokines the disbalance of these subpopulation should be reconstituted. Here we will focus first on preliminary clinical as well as experimental data for the pro-inflammatory mediators IL-12 and IL-18 as well as for the anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10. Second, the clinical data for the TNFalpha antibody that has been proven to be efficacious in Crohn's disease and the associated risks will be discussed. Last, recent clinical and experimental data on targeting cell adhesion as well as intracellular signaling pathways will be presented. In summary, with regard to this review, treatments, which intervene as early as possible in the initiation of the pathological immune reaction and simultaneously have a favorable side-effect profile, must be the focus of future research.
Siegmund B, Zeitz M
Therapeutic approaches in inflammatory bowel disease based on the immunopathogenesis
Our understanding of the etiology and pathogenesis of
IBD has improved extensively over the past years. At the
center of the pathogenesis seems to be an excessive pro-
inflammatory immune reaction towards normal intestinal
flora. The different factors involved in this concept will form
the focus of this review. The initial phase of antigen process-
ing and presentation can be influenced by either modulation
of the intestinal flora via antibiotics or probiotics or by direct
stimulation of macrophages through GM-CSF treatment.
Antigen recognition and activation of T-cells can be down-
regulated by immunosuppressives such as azathioprine,
CsA or methotrexate thus building the basis for current
treatment in IBD. The pro-inflammatory character of the
immune reaction is defined by the predominance of certain
T-cell subpopulations. By targeting cytokines the disbalance
of these subpopulation should be reconstituted. Here we will
focus first on preliminary clinical as well as experimental
data for the pro-inflammatory mediators IL- 12 and IL-18 as
well as for the anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10. Second,
the clinical data for the TNF antibody that has been proven
to be efficacious in Crohn’s disease and the associated risks
will be discussed. Last, recent clinical and experimental data
on targeting cell adhesion as well as intracellular signaling
pathways will be presented. In summary, with regard to this
review, treatments, which intervene as early as possible
in the initiation of the pathological immune reaction and
simultaneously have a favorable side-effect profile, must be
the focus of future research.
Key words: inflammatory bowel disease, mucosa, therapy.
The entire etiology and pathogenesis of inflammatory bowel
diseases (IBD) is still unresolved, however, the understanding
has improved extensively over the past years. In light of the
diversity of substances and bacteria within the intestinal lumen,
it is remarkable that the gut is not perpetually inflamed. The
presence of low-level physiologic inflammation within the
healthy intestinal mucosa represents a state of preparedness
to deal with potentially harmful agents, but a more vigorous
response would be not appropriate if directed toward the
innocuous commensal flora of the gut. Inflammation is kept
in check through an active process of immune tolerance. The
dysregulation of the process of tolerance accompanied by an
excessive pro-inflammatory immune reaction towards normal
intestinal flora builds the current basis for the understanding of
the pathogenesis of IBD, and furthermore, this concept creates
the basis for distinct immunomodulatory approaches.
The present review will provide a systematical overview of
the immunomodulatory approaches in IBD. As illustrated in
Fig. 1, we will first focus on antigen processing, presentation and
activation of macrophages and underline the therapeutic impact
of probiotics and antibiotics. In addition, the potential role of
granulocyte macrophage-colony stimulating factor (GM- CSF)
therapy will be discussed. Activation of macrophages results
in T-cell activation thus in a second step antigen recognition
and activation of CD4
T-cells will build the focus. The
unspecific suppression of the T-cell response by the classic
immunosuppressive drugs azathioprine, cyclosporine A,
methotrexate and cyclophosphamide and their efficacy in IBD
Therapeutic approaches in inflammatory bowel
disease based on the immunopathogenesis
Siegmund B, Zeitz M
Department of Medicine I, Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Campus Benjamin Franklin, Germany
Martin Zeitz, M.D.
Professor of Medicine
Department of Internal Medicine I
Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Campus Benjamin Franklin
Hindenburgdamm 30
1200 Berlin, Germany
Tel: ++30-8445-2347 Fax: ++30-8445-4481
Received 8.03.2004 Accepted 6.06.2004
Roczniki Akademii Medycznej w Białymstoku · Vol. 49, 2004 · Annales Academiae Medicae Bialostocensis
Siegmund B, Zeitz M
Therapeutic approaches in inflammatory bowel disease based on the immunopathogenesis
therapy will be evaluated. In particular, the recently described
mechanism of action for azathioprine will be summarized. The
broad T-cell activation is followed by the generation of a T-helper
cell type 1 and 2 response with distinct functions. Targeting of
cytokines has been a promising approach within the last years.
The clinical and experimental data of IL-10, IL-12 and IL-18 will
be described. The anti-TNF therapy with infliximab will serve
as example to outline therapeutic impact as well as difficulties
associated with anti-cytokine therapy, in particular infectious
complications. Cytokines and other mediators activate second
messenger systems which then perpetuate the inflammatory
process. MAPK inhibitors targeting these signaling pathways
are currently in phase II clinical trials for Crohn’s disease. Last,
inflammatory cells require the expression of adhesion molecules
to allow for cell recruitment, migration, and adhesion, therefore
blockade or neutralization of these adhesion molecules seems
to be an attractive approach, clinical data are as yet not that
The overview provided, does not claim to be complete,
however, it may serve to facilitate the understanding of the
complex variety of immunomodulatory approaches in IBD
(Fig. 1).
Immunomodulatory approaches
Antigen processing and presentation
There is evidence that specific microbes in the commensal
gut microflora are more important than sporadic infections in
atopic disease prevention. Gastrointestinal flora is essential
for the maintenance of mucosal tolerance, which is disrupted
in patients with inflammatory bowel disease. Several processes
seem to be involved in this mechanism: T-helper cell type
immunity [1], induction of oral tolerance [2], and IgA production,
an essential component of immune defense [3]. Inflammatory
bowel disease is a relapsing inflammatory disorder of unknown
cause in which genetic, immunological, and environmental
factors may be involved [4]. It has also been postulated that
ulcerative colitis is at least partly caused by infection because
there are common histological features with infectious colitis
and it is difficult to induce colonic inflammation in germ-free
animals [4].
Probiotics are cultures of potentially beneficial bacteria of
healthy gut microflora [5]. Several bacteria have been proven to
Figure 1. Pathogenesis of inflammatory bowel disease and potential therapeutic targets. The different steps from antigens/bacteria cross-
ing the epithelial barrier to phagocytosis and antigen presentation by antigen-presenting cells followed by T-cell activation and subsequent
release of pro- and anti-inflammatory mediators and the migration of inflammatory cells via adhesion molecules is shown. The bold
printed headings in the boxes indicate the different steps that will be discussed in this review
adapted from Sands 2000
Repair and restitution
– ?Heparin
– ?IL
– ?Nicotine
Ag processing & presentation,
activation of macr
– Antibiotics, P
Ag recognition & activation of
CD4+ T cells:
– CyA, Tacrolimus
– Mtx, Cyclophosphamide
Generation of Th1/Th2 response:
– Infliximab
– IL-10
– IL-12, IL-18
Recruiment, migration and adhesion:
– Antisense oligonucleotides to ICAM-1
– Anti-α4 integrin antibody
Inflammation and injury:
– Aminosalicylates
– Corticosteroids
Second messenger systems
– MAPK inhibitors
Siegmund B, Zeitz M
Therapeutic approaches in inflammatory bowel disease based on the immunopathogenesis
express beneficial effects in vivo. Kaliomäki and colleagues could
demonstrate that Lactobacillus GG was effective in prevention
of early atopic disease in children at high risk [6]. In addition,
treatment with a non-pathogenic E. coli has an equivalent effect
to mesalazine in maintaining remission of ulcerative colitis.
Furthermore, Gionchetti and colleagues demonstrated that
oral administration of a probiotic preparation is effective in
preventing flar-ups of chronic pouchitis [7].
Several studies indicate an efficacy of a combinational
therapy of metronidazole plus ciprofloxacin with or without
steroids in the treatment of recurrent or refractory pouchitis
[8- 10]. In addition, patients with Crohn’s disease and
involvement of the colon might benefit from this combined
antibiotic therapy [11].
Granulocyte-macrophage colony
stimulating factor
Clinical data
Granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor (GM-
CSF) is a growth factor that has been in clinical practice for years
in particular in oncology in order to reconstitute the immune
system after chemotherapy or bone marrow transplantation. It
appears to be a provocative approach to introduce GM-CSF in
the treatment of IBD where immunosuppressive strategies have
been dominating for decades. In a pilot study performed at the
University of Washington, St. Louis, USA, eleven patients with
Crohn’s disease were treated with GM-CSF. Nine out of 11
treated patients showed a significant decrease in the Crohn’s
disease activity index (CDAI) [12]. Six out of 11 patients went
into remission while treatment with GM-CSF. In one patient
a fistula closure was observed. After the GM-CSF treatment
period, 2 patients presented with a relapse, however responded
again after readministration of GM-CSF [12]. However, these
are preliminary data, in order to evaluate efficacy and to be
able to compare GM-CSF treatment with standard therapy
the results of the planned double-blind multi center trial will
provide conclusive data.
Potential way of mechanism
GM-CSF is targeting one of the first steps by supporting
potentially weak cell populations in IBD patients, the
macrophages and granulocytes [13]. Both are responsible for
the unspecific immune defense against invading bacteria. Is
this unspecific defense failing, the specific immune response
is stimulated and followed by an exacerbation of inflammation.
GM-CSF is expressing anti-inflammatory potency by supporting
the unspecific immune system and therefore inhibition of the
specific immune response. Preliminary data show promising
results in patients with IBD, but the results of the phase II trial
will have to proof this approach.
T-cell recognition and activation
of CD4
The early steps of T-cell activation in the mucosa can be
down-regulated in by immunosuppressives such as azathioprine,
cyclosporine A, methotrexate or cyclophosphamide.
Clinical data
The thioprine analogues azathioprine and 6-mercaptopurine
have been considered as treatments for Crohn’s disease since
the initial report of Brooke and colleagues describing healing
of fistulas with azathioprine [14]. A decade later the efficacy
of this drug was proved in a randomized controlled trial by
Present and colleagues [15]. A meta-analysis of studies of
azathioprine and 6-mercaptopurine in Crohn’s disease has
provided the best summary of the effects of these drugs. For
active disease, treatment produced an odds ratio of response
of 3.09 compared with placebo, with improved response when
treatment was continued for at least 17 weeks [16]. Convincing
evidence of benefit was also seen in maintenance of remission
(odds ratio over placebo 2.27) [16]; glucocorticoid sparing [17,
18], and improvement in fistulas [16]. In addition, a recent study
provided important information to the question whether or not
one has to discontinue ongoing immunosuppressive therapy
with azathioprine/6-mercaptopurine before elective surgery?
The study by Aberra and colleagues demonstrated convincingly
that azathioprine/6-mercaptopurine alone and the addition
of azathioprine/6-mercaptopurine to corticosteroid therapy
did not result in a significant increased risk of postoperative
infectious complications [19]. Overall, approximately one half
to two thirds of patients may respond to therapy. In contrast
to glucocorticoids, mucosal healing is frequently seen with
adequate dosing of thioprine agents [20].
Mechanisms of action
The molecular mechanism of azathioprine action however
has been unresolved. Recent data suggest that azathioprine
and its metabolites 6-mercaptopurine as well as 6-thioguanine
induce apoptosis in primary intestinal lymphocytes [21].
Additional studies revealed a suppression of NF- B and the
MEK kinase phosphorylation after azathioprine treatment. The
authors explain this by binding of the azathioprine-generated
6- Thio-GTP to GTPase Rac1 instead of GTP. This is resulting in
an inhibition of the Rac/MEKK/NF- B pathway and a following
caspase-9-dependent apoptosis. The affinity of the 6-Thio-GTP
Rac binding is 20-times lower than that of regular GTP which
is explaining the delay of therapeutic efficacy well known for
azathioprine. In summary, these data suggest that azathioprine
is inducing a selective apoptosis of activated T-lymphocytes in
the lamina propria and therefore expressing anti-inflammatory
Siegmund B, Zeitz M
Therapeutic approaches in inflammatory bowel disease based on the immunopathogenesis
Cyclosporine A
Cyclosporine is being used increasingly in severe ulcerative
colitis. Favorable results have been reported for intravenous use
(4 mg/kg) and have been confirmed in a placebo-controlled trial
[22]. From 50 to 80% of patients with severe attacks who fail
to respond to intravenous glucocorticoids may avoid colectomy
during the attack. Anecdotally, patients appear to respond
well but tend to relapse soon after treatment is stopped. In
contrast, there appears to be no significant role for cyclosporine
in Crohn’s disease. A series of uncontrolled and randomized
controlled trials has shown high doses of cyclosporine to be
efficacious in treating inflammatory disease and fistulas but an
unacceptable high cost in adverse effects [23].
Clinical data
A promising open-labeled study of methotrexate in IBD
[24] led to a randomized controlled trial in Crohn’s disease.
Patients with chronic active Crohn’s disease despite at least 3
months of prednisone 12.5 mg/day or more with at least one
failed attempt to taper off treatment were enrolled [25]. Overall,
39.4% of patients assigned to methotrexate achieved remission
off prednisone compared with 19.1% of placebo-treated
patients [25]. Methotrexate is also beneficial in maintenance of
remission. A follow-up study randomized patients who achieved
remission on methotrexate 25 mg once weekly i.m. to receive
either placebo injections or 15 mg methotrexate i.m. At week
40, 65% of patients treated with methotrexate were still in
remission compared with 39% of placebo-treated patients [26].
Treatment was well tolerated.
Experimental data
Although methotrexate is a folate antagonist, the drug is
often given with folic acid to prevent nausea and stomatitis.
Therefore, other modes of action are likely responsible for its
efficacy. The drugs possess a variety of immune-modulating
and anti-inflammatory effects, including inhibition of IL- 1,
IL-2, IL-6 and induction of adenosine, which has direct
immunosuppressive properties [27].
Methotrexate may be considered as an alternative to the
thiopurine analogs, particularly among patients who do not
tolerate these drugs. Some patients who fail to respond to
6- mercaptopurine may respond to methotrexate [28].
One major problem in the management of steroid
refractory attacks of patients with IBD is the establishment
of a rapidly acting immunosuppressive regimen. Previous
studies investigating the efficacy of cyclophosphamide in
Crohn’s disease are either single case reports or low dose oral
cyclophosphamide instead of intravenous pulse therapy was
administered [29,30]. Intravenous cyclophosphamide pulse
therapy is well known for its efficacy in vasculitis. Based on these
experiences seven steroid-refractory patients, five with Crohn’s
disease, two with indeterminate colitis, received 4 to 6 cycles of
monthly treatment of intravenous cyclophosphamide (750 mg)
in a prospective, uncontrolled pilot study [31]. All patients
improved after two intravenous pulses of cyclophosphamide and
six of seven patients achieved complete remission. Tapering to
low dose steroids was possible in all responders. Remission was
maintained in all patients for 18 months but required a second
course of cyclophosphamide in one patient. The drug was
well tolerated, except for two episodes of candida esophagitis.
These preliminary results are promising and merit evaluation in
a controlled trial [31].
Generation of a Th1/Th2 response
With the targeted use of cytokines attempts have been made
to influence the balance between the T-cell subpopulations.
IL- 10 as well as the blockade of TNF , IL-12 and IL-18 should
be mentioned in this context. The problems which occur when
a specific immune mediator is blocked will be discussed in more
detail with the available data from the infliximab therapy.
Clinical data
IL-10 has first been described in 1989 as anti-inflammatory
cytokine and came soon into the focus of interest as potential
new anti-inflammatory mediator [32]. Administration of rhIL-10
to healthy volunteers is well tolerated. In higher concentrations
a non-clinical significant decrease in hemoglobin as well as
platelet count has been described [33]. Because of the promising
in vitro and experimental data as further described below, IL- 10
was tested as potential therapeutic agent for inflammatory
bowel disease, in particular Crohn’s disease. However so far,
multiple placebo-controlled studies have been performed
without proving clinical efficacy. Different subgroups have been
studied, for instance: mild to moderately active Crohn’s disease
(n=95) [34] and therapy refractory Crohn’s disease (n=329)
[35]. In both studies IL-10 was well tolerated and a tendency
towards clinical improvement could be demonstrated but no
remission was observed. An additional study by Colombel and
colleagues showed that treatment for 12 weeks after intestinal
resection was safe and well tolerated, but there was also no
evidence of prevention of endoscopic recurrence of Crohn’s
disease observed [36].
Anti- and pro-inflammatory properties
of Interleukin-10
IL-10 as a T-helper cell type 2 cytokine is directly inhibiting
several pro-inflammatory mediators known to contribute
to the inflammatory process in inflammatory bowel disease
[37]. In the last years IL-10 has in addition been described
as predominant cytokine of so-called regulatory T-cells [38].
However, there are data from the recent literature suggesting
a distinct pro-inflammatory role for IL-10. In particular,
when LPS administered to humans followed by an injection
Siegmund B, Zeitz M
Therapeutic approaches in inflammatory bowel disease based on the immunopathogenesis
of IL-10, IL-10 enhanced IFN release as well as the release
of the IFN - dependent chemokines IFN -inducible protein- 10
and the monokine induced by IFN [39]. In addition, when
administering IL-10 to Crohn’s disease patients the serum
neopterin concentrations of IL-10-treated patients increased as
well as the IFN release after post treatment in vitro stimulation
IL-10 and experimental evidence in animal models
Still, experimental models strongly indicate that the local
IL-10 concentration at the site of inflammation might represent
the crucial factor. For instance, Lactococcus lactis secreting
IL-10 administered orally to mice prevented dextran sulphate
sodium-induced colitis [41]. In addition, the CD4 CD45Rb
cells, the population known to prevent colitis induction by
CD4 CD45Rb
cells, is not mediating this protective effect
when isolated from IL-10 knockout mice [42]. Therefore current
strategies are focusing on technical approaches facilitating an
increased IL-10 synthesis at the site of inflammation.
Clinical data
IL-12 represents the predominant cytokine responsible for
the development of Th1 cells, the T-cell population known to
contribute significantly to the inflammatory process in particular
in Crohn’s disease [43-45]. Currently an antibody against the
IL- 12 receptor is under investigation in a phase IIa clinical
trial in ulcerative colitis patients and in addition, an anti-IL-12
antibody is under investigation in a phase II trial in patients with
Crohn’s disease.
Experimental data
Early experimental data suggest that the neutralization
of IL-12 might results in an amelioration of disease. For
instance, administration of monoclonal anti-IL-12 antibodies
to mice suffering from trinitrobenzene sulfonic acid-induced
colitis led to a striking improvement in both the clinical and
histopathological aspects of the disease and frequently abrogated
the established colitis completely [46]. In later studies it could
be demonstrated that the amelioration of disease severity after
anti-IL-12 treatment is associated with an increase in apoptosis
at the site of inflammation [47]. An increase in apoptosis and the
association with disease improvement has been demonstrated
in several experimental models for a variety of mediators [48,
49] and there exists additional evidence in humans that this
mechanism may in fact be of significance [50].
Clinical evidence
Several studies provide strong direct and indirect evidence
for a significant role of IL-18 in intestinal inflammation.
Consistent with an increased Th1 response in Crohn’s disease,
several groups could independently demonstrate a significant
up-regulation of IL-18 expression in the inflamed lesions of
the intestine, mostly localized to macrophages and epithelial
cells [51,52]. This is of particular interest mainly because no up-
regulation of IL-18 was observed in patients with active ulcerative
colitis or healthy controls. While increased IL- 18 expression is
providing first evidence for a possible role in disease, in order
to prove that IL-18 participates in the inflammatory process of
intestinal inflammation it has to be demonstrated that blockade
of IL-18 results in amelioration of disease severity.
Experimental data
In the recent literature, four studies using different animal
models of colitis and different ways of IL-18 neutralization
approach this question. Convincingly, all groups demonstrate
a therapeutic efficacy for all anti-IL-18 strategies employed
independently from the model investigated [53-56]. Results
from these experimental models, in combination with the
descriptive data from patients with Crohn’s disease, suggest
an important function of IL-18. IL-18 requires the cleavage
of the interleukin-1 converting enzyme (ICE) in order to
become activated [57]. Recent studies examined the acute and
chronic model of DSS-induced colitis in ICE knockout mice
[49]. In particular, during chronic administration of DSS, ICE
knockout mice presented with an almost complete absence of
colitis. Several ICE inhibitors are available for experimental
use. For instance, Pralnacasan is currently in phase II trials in
rheumatoid arthritis. No toxic side effects have been observed
[58]. Compared to currently used strategies to suppress specific
cytokines, which mostly implicate antibody therapy, the
possibility of having an orally available drug whose half-life can
be easily controlled is highly intriguing.
Tumor necrosis factor-
Clinical studies
The TNF antibody infliximab has proved to be effective
in certain clinical situations in Crohn’s disease. Targan and
colleagues could first demonstrate in a multicenter, double
blind, placebo-controlled trial over 12 weeks, the efficacy of
infliximab in patients with moderate-to-severe, treatment-
resistant Crohn’s disease [59]. 48% of patients were in
remission 4 weeks after single 5 mg/kg BW infusion compared
to 4% in the placebo groups [59]. Interestingly, administration
of 5 mg/ kg BW was clearly superior to 10 or 20 mg/kg BW
treatment. D’Haens and colleagues subsequently investigated
the endoscopic scores after treatment with 5, 10 or 20 mg/ kg BW
infliximab [60]. The Crohn’s disease endoscopic index of severity
decreased significantly, 62%, 68% and 21% in the 5 mg/kg BW,
10 mg/ kg BW and the placebo group, respectively [60]. The
clinical improvement was accompanied by significant healing
of the endoscopic lesions and a disappearance of the mucosal
inflammatory infiltrates. In the recently published ACCENT I
trial, Hanauer and colleagues evaluated the long-term
efficacy of repeated infliximab administration [61]. Repeated
infusions of either placebo, 5 mg/kg or 10 mg/kg BW, at 2, 4,
6 and then every 8 weeks were administered. 335 out of 580
patients showed a primary response. These results indicate that
patients with Crohn’s disease who respond to an initial dose of
Siegmund B, Zeitz M
Therapeutic approaches in inflammatory bowel disease based on the immunopathogenesis
infliximab are more likely to be in clinical remission at week 30
and 54, to discontinue corticosteroids, and to maintain their
response for a longer period of time, if infliximab treatment
is maintained every 8 weeks [61]. Repeated infusions have
been demonstrated to be associated with an increased risk
of infusion reaction. A recent study by Baert and colleagues
could confirm these findings and were able to provide evidence
that the development of antibodies against infliximab is in
addition associated with a reduced duration of response to
treatment. In addition, the data from this study are indicating
that concomitant immunosuppressive therapy reduces the
magnitude of the immunogenic response [62].
However, it has become evident at the same time that such
treatments are combined with corresponding risks: for instance,
severe mycobacterial infections were observed in treated
patients [63] and are discussed in more detail below.
Mystery of etanercept failure in the treatment
of Crohn’s disease
Etanercept is a construct of two identical extracellular
chains of the soluble TNF-RII (also known as the p75 receptor)
linked to the Fc domain of IgG1. It has been demonstrated
to be highly effective in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis
[64]. Hence, it was first obvious to assume that etanercept
administration would also prove to be effective in Crohn’s
disease patients. Sandborn and colleagues performed an eight-
week placebo-controlled trial in 43 patients with moderate to
severe active Crohn’s disease. Etanercept was injected twice
weekly in a concentration of 25 mg, the concentration which
has been shown to be of therapeutic impact in patients with
rheumatoid arthritis [64]. After 4 weeks 39% of etanercept-
treated versus 45% of placebo-treated patients presented with
a clinical response [65]. The authors concluded at this point that
administration is safe but not effective and that higher doses may
be required to attain a response in patients with active Crohn’s
disease. However, one might speculate whether or not the low
dose or a different mechanism is responsible for the observed
difference between etanercept and infliximab. Van Deventer
suggests in the Editorial to this study that infliximab but not
eternacept can induce apoptosis by binding to membrane-
bound TNF , thereby expressing its ant-inflammatory potency
[66]. Since apoptosis induction seems to be crucial in order to
achieve clinical improvement this might in fact represent the
crucial difference in between the two therapeutic strategies.
Blockade of tumor necrosis factor- and
Clinical studies
Infliximab is a humanized antibody against TNF that
is used in the treatment of Crohn’s disease and rheumatoid
arthritis. Approximately 147 000 patients throughout the world
have received infliximab [63]. The half-life of infliximab is 10
days [67], and its biologic effect persists for up to 2 months.
Keane and colleagues evaluated in a recent study the clinical
pattern of disease and the interval between the initiation of
infliximab therapy and the onset of disease in 70 reported
cases of patients treated with infliximab [63]. Excess TNF in
association with TBC may cause weight loss and night sweats, yet
in animal models it has a protective role in the host response to
tuberculosis. There is no direct evidence of a protective role of
TNF in patients with TBC. The data by Keane and colleagues,
although passive surveillance data are often insufficient to prove
a causal relation between an adverse event and a drug, strongly
suggest that the association observed is not coincidental.
In particular, the pattern of TBC disease was unusual, the
majority of patients had extrapulmonary TBC, and 24% had
disseminated disease forms of TBC that are associated with
marked immunosuppression. In contrast, among cases of TBC
that are not associated with HIV infection, approximately 18%
are manifested as extrapulmonary disease, and disseminated
disease accounts for less than 2% [68]. Although there is no
complete information about the status of these patients with
respect to TBC infection before they received infliximab, it
is likely that most patients had a reactivation disease. Given
the key role of TNF in the innate immune response to TBC,
patients receiving infliximab are probably also susceptible to
disease after primary infection and exogenous reinfection with
M. tuberculosis.
As a consequence of the clinical and experimental data the
European Agency for the Evaluation of Medicinal Products
(EMEA) provided a public statement on infliximab with an
update on safety concerns. The Committee for Proprietary
Medicinal Products (CPMP) concluded that infliximab
continues to have a positive benefit/risk balance in both
Crohn’s disease and rheumatoid arthritis, provided that specific
changes to the product information restricting the indications
in Crohn’s disease and reinforcing the special precautions and
special warnings have been made. Therefore, because of safety
Table 1. International recommendations for infliximab therapy in Crohn’s disease (CD)
Target patient group
Efficacy has been established in active CD, we recommend restriction to its use to refractory CD
Refractory = full and adequate dosed course of glucocorticoids in addition to immunomodulation
has failed or other drugs are not tolerated or not appropriate and surgery is not indicated
First-Line use in non-fistulizing, uncomplicated CD is not recommended
Infliximab should be part of a long-term strategy
Maximum of two infusions of infliximab within 4 weeks
Clinical benefits are of limited duration
Readministration is warranted in patients who relapse under adequate immunosuppressives
Siegmund B, Zeitz M
Therapeutic approaches in inflammatory bowel disease based on the immunopathogenesis
concerns, the indications for treatment of Crohn’s disease have
been restricted as summarized in Tab. 1 [67].
Cell recruitment, migration, and adhesion
Clinical data
In a multicenter, placebo-controlled trial conducted in 75
patients with steroid refractory Crohn’s disease subcutaneous
treatment with ISIS-2302, an antisense oligonucleotide directed
against intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1), did not
prove clinical efficacy based on primary endpoints [69]. Positive
trends were observed in some of the secondary endpoints [69].
In agreement with these data, the second double-blind, placebo-
controlled trial in active steroid-dependent Crohn’s disease also
failed to demonstrate efficacy [70].
Experimental data
However, the concept of blocking adhesion of inflammatory
cells thereby preventing intestinal inflammation is intriguing
and there are a variety of animal studies using different
models and technical approaches for inhibition of adhesion
molecules, supporting this target. While the efficacy of
antisense strategies against ICAM-1 could be proven in the
model HLA- B27/ beta2 microglobuline transgenic rat model,
this approach is questionable since no therapeutic benefit
could be observed in human trials [71]. More detailed animal
studies in the SAMP- 1/ Yit adoptive transfer model of Crohn’s
disease in mice could distinguish between an early acute phase
and chronic phase of inflammation. These studies suggest
that blocking of either ICAM-1 or VCAM-1, in this case by
neutralizing antibodies, may have therapeutic benefit for the
acute inflammatory component of Crohn’s disease [72].
Future studies will have to prove whether for distinct
indications this target might be of therapeutic significance.
Second messenger systems
Clinical data
A further possibility of intervention is the down-regulation
of “second-messenger systems” which are significant for
inflammatory immune reactions. Colonic biopsies from patients
with Crohn’s disease displayed enhanced JNK and p38 MAPK
activation [73]. In a pilot study, 12 patients with severe Crohn’s
disease received the MAPK inhibitor (CNI-1493) for a total of
12 days. Treatment resulted in diminished JNK phosphorylation
and tumor necrosis factor production as well as significant
clinical benefit and rapid endoscopic ulcer healing. A clinical
response was seen in 67% at 4 weeks and 58% at 8 weeks.
Therefore, inhibition of MAPKs provides a novel therapeutic
strategy [73]. The efficacy has to be confirmed in the phase II
Experimental data
Phosphorylation of intracellular molecules by a protein
kinase called mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) with
a molecular weight of 38 kDa plays a major role in the synthesis
and activity of several proinflammatory cytokines, particularly
IL-1 , TNF , and the chemokines. Inhibitors of MAPK are non-
specific anti-inflammatory agents. P38-MAPK is referred to as
a stress kinase because it becomes activated (phosphorylated)
in response to extracellular stresse such hyperthermia,
hyperosmolarity, ultraviolet light, and radiation. Of major
importance is the fact that this kinase, which contributes to the
activity of IL-1 and TNF , is itself activated by IL-1 and TNF.
Therefore, phosphorylation of p38-MAPK can occur both via
highly evolved, specific cytokine receptor signaling pathways
and by the primitive and environmental stress responses
common to all organisms. The mode of action of p38-MAPK
inhibitors appears to be predominantly through suppression
of pro-inflammatory cytokine production. In healthy human
volunteers injected with endotoxin, the signs and symptoms
of this systemic inflammatory response model were assessed
following a single oral dose of a p38-MAPK inhibitor. No fever
was observed, and peak circulating levels of TNF , IL-6, and
IL-8 were reduced by 90% [74].
This review provides an overview of the increasing variety
of therapeutic approaches in IBD based on the pathogenesis.
The advances in the last years in the understanding of mucosal
immunology contributed significantly to the development of
targeted therapies. Primary goals of therapy are to induce
and maintain remission, thus ameliorating symptoms and
improving the patient’s quality of life. Summarizing all the
different therapies discussed above, one has to conclude
that, although specific treatments provide more insight in the
understanding of disease, the general immunosuppressive drugs
such as azathioprine appear to express the most efficacious
balance between achieving the therapeutic goals and reducing
side-effects. Distinct clinical situations may benefit from more
specific therapies, for instance, infliximab treatment in therapy
refractory fistulas. However, these more targeted drugs seem
to be associated with a yet unknown spectrum of side-effects.
Therefore, it is essential to consider the adverse consequences
of therapy, particularly with regard to any durable consequences
of short-term treatment and adverse effects of maintenance
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... 75 Evidence for the association of IL-18 and intestinal inflammation is quite ample. [76][77][78][79][80] Patients with Crohn's disease have high serum levels of IL-18 and an active form of caspase-1 could be detected in the lesions of the intestines, mostly localized to the macrophages and epithelial cells. Furthermore, the caspase-1 activity correlates with the severity of the disease. ...
... 76,77 Surprisingly, no upregulation of IL-18 was observed in patients with active ulcerative colitis, a condition that highly resembles Crohn's disease. 79 ...
Full-text available
Juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) is a group of chronic childhood arthritides of unknown origin. Although the use of glucocorticoids and immunosuppressants brought a substantial improvement in treatment, the present therapeutic regime could not be considered satisfactory. As inflammation seems to be an essential part of pathogenesis of JIA, efforts have been made to develop pharmaceutical means to mitigate the innate immune system. Emerging targets for treatment are alarmins, a family of multifunctional intracellular proteins with strong pro-inflammatory activity. In the context of JIA, particularly interesting are high mobility group box 1 (HMGB-1) and three members of the S100 family: S100A8, S100A9, and S100A12. No definite conclusion can be made at the time, but both animal models and clinical studies support the concept of alarmins as possible key mediators of JIA. Therefore, pharmacological interference with alarmin pathways could turn out to be an excellent strategy for long-term management of JIA. Several options have been tested and they either inhibit the release of alarmins or sequester the already secreted ones. Although still very few in number, therapeutic experiments on mice are quite optimistic. Thus, it was the purpose of the present review to give an overview of the present knowledge on the topic and to bring this exciting new therapeutic possibility to the focus of rheumatologists.
... У тварин, які отримували курс введень «Симбітер ацидофільний», спостерігалася тендеція до збільшення (у 1,6 разу) відносної кількості адгезованих клітин у порівнянні з показниками в групі інтактних тварин. Ймовірною причиною збільшення відносної кількості адгезивних клітин у перитонеальному ексудаті може бути здатність бактеріальних антигенів, що входять до складу препарату «Симбітер ацидофільний», спричиняти міграцію (рекрутинг) макрофагів і/або підвищувати рівень їх адгезивної активності [12]. Застосування цефтріаксону призводило до незначного зменшення числа адгезованих клітин у перитонеальному ексудаті у порівнянні з інтактим контролем, що може бути пояснено імунотоксичною дією антибіотика [5] і/або його негативним впливом на адгезивну активність мононуклеарних фагоцитів [11]. ...
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The aim of the work was to investigate the effect of probiotic preparation “Symbiter acidophilic” used against the background of the course of injection of ceftriaxone antibiotic on macrophage functional activity in Wistar rats. Methods. Metabolic state and functional polarization of peritoneal macrophages were characterized by measurement of their adhesion to the cultural plastic, spontaneous and stimulated oxidative metabolism, arginase activity and NO production. Results. The course of injection of the preparation “Symbiter acidophilic” against the background of the course of injection ceftriaxone antibiotic, as well as administration of both preparations separately, was associated with the stimulation of macrophage oxidative metabolism accompanied by M1-polarization of arginine metabolism. All together it indicates proinflammatory polarization of activated mononuclear phagocytes. Conclusion. Administration of the preparation “Symbiter acidophilic” against the background of the course of injection of ceftriaxone antibiotic promoted the forming of neutral balance of arginine metabolism in peritoneal macrophages that can be considered as a sign of inhibition of antibiotic-induced inflammatory process.
... A compreensão da etiologia e patogênese das DII melhorou extensivamente nos últimos anos, provavelmente por maior entendimento do sistema imunológico do intestino e particularmente sua reação inflamatória decorrente na flora intestinal normal (5,46) . Acredita-se que a doença tenha etiopatogenia multifatorial, com participações de fatores genéticos, ambientais, microflora intestinal e reposta imune. ...
Full-text available
BACKGROUND: Inflammatory bowel diseases include chronic and relapsing inflammatory disorders, represented by ulcerative proctocolitis and Crohn’s disease, commonly associated with malnutrition. AIM: Characterize the nutritional and socioeconomic profile of patients hospitalized at the Pernambuco "Hospital das Clínicas", Recife, PE, Brazil. METHODS:Cross-sectional study carried out at the gastroenterology clinic, which was previously approved by the Ethics Commission for studies involving human beings. The methods included clinical history data, socioeconomic conditions and nutritional assessment. Data were subject to statistical analysis (Student’s t test for equal and unequal variables). RESULTS: The sample consisted of 24 male and female patients, with a mean age of 43.83 ± 16.13 years, mostly married, coming from Recife, with low income, who lived in their own house with relatives. We found a higher prevalence of ulcerative proctocolitis (62.5%), with diagnosis time of more than 5 years, symptoms of abdominal pain, bloody-mucous diarrhea with 6-9 evacuations/day, with the distal colon being the most affected part. Osteoporosis was present in 26.7% of cases. Nutritional status was assessed through the body mass index. The weight loss percentage corresponded to 41.7% and 70.8%, respectively, classified as malnourished, associated or not with high prevalence levels of anemia, hypoalbuminemia and hypocalcemia. Gender correlation evidenced higher triceps fold and arm circumference values in men. CONCLUSIONS: Despite the study limitations, data suggest relevant information about the occurrence of these diseases in the northeast of Brazil, as well as about its frequent association with important nutritional deficiencies.
... It is notable that therapy-induced increase of caspase-3, which has a major role in lymphocyte apoptosis, is concomitantly expected to decrease the levels of active IL-18, as casapse-3 is the main IL-18 degrading enzyme [379]. Biological therapies targeting IL-18 and other inflammatory cytokines mainly produced by macrophages, are being developed for more effective treatment of IBD [380][381][382][383]. ...
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IL-18 is among the cytokines responsible for immune-mediated pathologies and is probably one of the factors that contribute to the pathogenesis of autoimmune diseases. Identification of the causes of uncontrolled IL-18 production and activity in autoimmunity would allow for novel therapeutic targets to effectively block autoimmune activation and inhibit concomitant tissue damage. IL-18 is produced mainly by monocytes/macrophages in response to stimuli of viral/bacterial origin, its production being therefore one of the effects of innate immunity initiated by host-pathogen interaction. In this review, we summarise the evidence supporting both the effector and the pathogenic role of IL-18 in autoimmunity, and propose that the disturbed mechanism of innate immunity, resulting from macrophage activation through innate immunity receptors (TLR/IL-1R family), may be the basis of pathologically high levels of IL-18 production and activation. Unravelling the mechanisms of IL-18 production and activity in autoimmune diseases will allow the identification of targets for more effective therapeutic intervention.
... IL-18 has been shown to induce IFN-γ synthesis [29] and to augment human IEL proliferation, which can act synergistically with IL-2, IL-7, or IL-15, either alone or in combination with CD3 stimulation [30]. IL-18 synthesis has been linked to many disease conditions, including the pathology of inflammatory bowel disease313233343536373839, graft vs. host disease [40], and spontaneous autoimmune diseases [41], and it contributes to the immune defense mechanism in response to infectious agents [25,42,43]. On the basis of the above observations, we hypothesized that S7 + and S7 − IELs would differ according to their functional responsiveness to IL-18 and that activation via IL-18 would be most pronounced in the S7 + population. ...
This study has examined the stimulatory and costimulatory effects of IL-18 on two subsets of murine small intestinal intraepithelial lymphocytes (IELs) defined by the expression of the CD43 S7 glycoform. Data from gene array studies and real-time PCR indicated that S7(+) IELs had significantly higher levels of gene expression for the IL-18 receptor and the IL-18R accessory protein than S7(-) IELs. IL-18 costimulation of IELs in conjunction with CD3-induced activation resulted in significantly greater proliferation than CD3 stimulation alone. In CFSE dilution experiments, IL-18 costimulation favored the S7(+) IEL population. IL-18 costimulation did not affect apoptosis of either S7(-) or S7(+) IELs compared with CD3 stimulation alone. Although IL-18 costimulation did not alter the total number of IFN-gamma-producing cells relative to CD3 stimulation alone, twice as many S7(+) IELs were IFN-gamma -secreting cells than S7(-) IELs in both CD3-stimulated and IL-18-costimulated cultures. Notably, direct IL-18 stimulation in the absence of CD3 activation induced an IFN-gamma response that was predominantly directed to the S7(+) population, indicating that IL-18 is itself an IFN-gamma activational signal for intestinal T cells. In contrast, direct IL-18 stimulation of IELs did not generate TNF-alpha-producing cells, indicating a differential response in the activation of proinflammatory cytokines following IL-18 exposure. These findings point to distinctly different activational effects of IL-18 on IELs, both with regard to the type of functional responses elicited and with respect to the IEL subsets affected.
Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) patients may be at a higher risk for developing infections due to underlying disease, malnutrition, surgery, or immunosuppressive therapy. Therefore, protecting this group against infections is of particular importance. Immunisation against vaccine-preventable diseases is strongly recommended. This article for the first time summarises data on immunogenicity and safety of vaccines in IBD children and provides an update on some important issues regarding immunisation in these group of children. Copyright © 2014 Medical University of Bialystok. Published by Elsevier Urban & Partner Sp. z o.o. All rights reserved.
In this article, optimization-based frameworks are introduced for elucidating the input-output structure of signaling networks and for pinpointing targeted disruptions leading to the silencing of undesirable outputs in therapeutic interventions. The frameworks are demonstrated on a large-scale reconstruction of a signaling network composed of nine signaling pathways implicated in prostate cancer. The Min-Input framework is used to exhaustively identify all input-output connections implied by the signaling network structure. Results reveal that there exist two distinct types of outputs in the signaling network that either can be elicited by many different input combinations or are highly specific requiring dedicated inputs. The Min-Interference framework is next used to precisely pinpoint key disruptions that negate undesirable outputs while leaving unaffected necessary ones. In addition to identifying disruptions of terminal steps, we also identify complex disruption combinations in upstream pathways that indirectly negate the targeted output by propagating their action through the signaling cascades. By comparing the obtained disruption targets with lists of drug molecules we find that many of these targets can be acted upon by existing drug compounds, whereas the remaining ones point at so-far unexplored targets. Overall the proposed computational frameworks can help elucidate input/output relationships of signaling networks and help to guide the systematic design of interference strategies.
Inflammatory bowel diseases include chronic and relapsing inflammatory disorders, represented by ulcerative proctocolitis and Crohns disease, commonly associated with malnutrition. Characterize the nutritional and socioeconomic profile of patients hospitalized at the Pernambuco "Hospital das Clínicas", Recife, PE, Brazil. Cross-sectional study carried out at the gastroenterology clinic, which was previously approved by the Ethics Commission for studies involving human beings. The methods included clinical history data, socioeconomic conditions and nutritional assessment. Data were subject to statistical analysis (Students t test for equal and unequal variables). The sample consisted of 24 male and female patients, with a mean age of 43.83 +/- 16.13 years, mostly married, coming from Recife, with low income, who lived in their own house with relatives. We found a higher prevalence of ulcerative proctocolitis (62.5%), with diagnosis time of more than 5 years, symptoms of abdominal pain, bloody-mucous diarrhea with 6-9 evacuations/day, with the distal colon being the most affected part. Osteoporosis was present in 26.7% of cases. Nutritional status was assessed through the body mass index. The weight loss percentage corresponded to 41.7% and 70.8%, respectively, classified as malnourished, associated or not with high prevalence levels of anemia, hypoalbuminemia and hypocalcemia. Gender correlation evidenced higher triceps fold and arm circumference values in men. Despite the study limitations, data suggest relevant information about the occurrence of these diseases in the northeast of Brazil, as well as about its frequent association with important nutritional deficiencies.
To assess the effectiveness of azathioprine and 6-mercaptopurine in inducing remission of active Crohn disease and the effectiveness of azathioprine in maintaining remission of quiescent disease. Pertinent studies were selected from the MEDLINE database (1966 to May 1994), abstracts from major gastrointestinal meetings, and references from published articles and reviews. Nine randomized, placebo-controlled trials of azathioprine or 6-mercaptopurine therapy were identified: Four addressed active disease, two addressed quiescent disease, and three had multiple therapeutic arms. Data were extracted by three independent observers on the basis of the intention-to-treat principle and were analyzed with logistic regression. Each study was given a quality score on the basis of predetermined criteria. Compared with placebo, azathioprine or 6-mercaptopurine therapy had an odds ratio of response of 3.09 (95% CI, 2.45 to 3.91) in patients with active Crohn disease. When the single trial that used 6-mercaptopurine in active disease was excluded from the analysis, the odds ratio of response was 1.45 (CI, 1.12 to 1.87). No trials of quiescent disease used 6-mercaptopurine; the odds ratio of response in these trials of quiescent disease was 2.27 (CI, 1.76 to 2.93). For active disease, continuation of therapy for at least 17 weeks improved response (P = 0.03). For quiescent disease, a higher dose improved response (P = 0.008). Increased cumulative dose improved response in both groups (P < 0.001 for active disease and P = 0.01 for quiescent disease). A steroid-sparing effect was seen in active disease (odds ratio, 3.69 (CI, 2.12 to 6.42) and in quiescent disease (odds ratio, 4.64 [CI, 1.00 to 21.54]). Fistulae improved with therapy (odds ratio, 4.44 [CI, 1.50 to 13.20]). Adverse events requiring withdrawal from a trial, primarily allergy, leukopenia, pancreatitis, and nausea, were increased with therapy (odds ratio, 5.26 [CI, 2.20 to 12.60]). Azathioprine and 6-mercaptopurine are effective in treating active Crohn disease and in maintaining remission. Cumulative dose was an important factor in predicting response. Adverse effects were more common among patients receiving therapy.
BackgroundReversal of the progressive increase in frequency of atopic disease would be an important breakthrough for health care and wellbeing in Western societies. In the hygiene hypothesis this increase is attributed to reduced microbial exposure in early life. Probiotics are cultures of potentially beneficial bacteria of the healthy gut microflora. We assessed the effect on atopic disease of Lactobacillus GG (which is safe at an early age and effective in treatment of allergic inflammation and food allergy).MethodsIn a double-blind, randomised placebo-controlled trial we gave Lactobacillus GG prenatally to mothers who had at least one first-degree relative (or partner) with atopic eczema, allergic rhinitis, or asthma, and postnatally for 6 months to their infants. Chronic recurring atopic eczema, which is the main sign of atopic disease in the first years of life, was the primary endpoint.FindingsAtopic eczema was diagnosed in 46 of 132 (35%) children aged 2 years. Asthma was diagnosed in six of these children and allergic rhinitis in one. The frequency of atopic eczema in the probiotic group was half that of the placebo group (15/64 [23%] vs 31/68 [46%]; relative risk 0·51 [95% Cl 0·32–0·84]). The number needed to treat was 4·5 (95% Cl 2·6–15·6).InterpretationsLactobacillus GG was effective in prevention of early atopic disease in children at high risk. Thus, gut microflora might be a hitherto unexplored source of natural immunomodulators and probiotics, for prevention of atopic disease.
T-cell resistance against apoptosis contributes to inappropriate T-cell accumulation and the perpetuation of chronic mucosal inflammation in inflammatory bowel diseases (IBDs). Anti-interleukin-12 (IL-12) and anti-IL-6 receptor antibodies suppress colitis activity by the induction of T-cell apoptosis. These findings have important implications for the design of effective treatment regimens in IBD.
From 1963 to 1986, the number of reported cases of pulmonary tuberculosis in the United States declined an average of 5.0% annually, and the number of cases of extrapulmonary tuberculosis declined an average of 0.9% annually over the same period. In 1986, 17.5% of all cases of tuberculosis were extrapulmonary. Of pulmonary cases, 63.0% occurred among racial ethnic minorities and the foreign-born, whereas of extrapulmonary cases, the respective proportion was 71.2%. After adjustment for other variables, the proportion of extrapulmonary tuberculosis among all patients with tuberculosis by age was found to be largest in children and generally to decrease with increasing age, larger among black, Asian, and American Indian than among non-Hispanic white patients, larger among female than among male patients, and larger among the foreign-born than among patients born in the United States. The smaller decline in extrapulmonary tuberculosis over the years may be partially due to changes in the demographic characteristics of patients with tuberculosis. Considerable differences in susceptibility to different sites of extrapulmonary tuberculosis by age, race/ethnicity, sex, and country of origin were found. The reasons for these differences remain largely unexplained.