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The radiological manifestations of sickle cell disease


Abstract and Figures

Sickle cell disease (SCD) is an inherited abnormality of the beta-globin chain, which causes a spectrum of haemolytic anaemias. Clinical manifestations in SCD include anaemia, jaundice, recurrent vaso-occlusive crises, and infections (particularly by encapsulated bacteria) due to functional asplenia and cerebrovascular accidents. Radiological investigations play a critical role both in the diagnosis and in the primary prevention of the complications of SCD.
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The radiological manifestations of sickle
cell disease
G. Madani
*, A.M. Papadopoulou
, B. Holloway
, A. Robins
J. Davis
, D. Murray
Department of Radiology, Royal Free Hospital NHS Trust, London, UK, Departments of
Paediatrics, and
Radiology, Whittington Hospital NHS Trust, London, UK
Received 7 July 2006; received in revised form 20 December 2006; accepted 2 January 2007
Sickle cell disease (SCD) is an inherited abnormality of the ß-globin chain, which causes a spectrum of haemolytic
anaemias. Clinical manifestations in SCD include anaemia, jaundice, recurrent vaso-occlusive crises, and infections
(particularly by encapsulated bacteria) due to functional asplenia and cerebrovascular accidents. Radiological inves-
tigations play a critical role both in the diagnosis and in the primary prevention of the complications of SCD.
ª2007 The Royal College of Radiologists. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Sickle cell disease (SCD) is an inherited abnorma-
lity of the ß-globin chain resulting in a spectrum
of haemolytic anaemias. The most common type of
SCD is sickle cell anaemia (SCA). Other types of SCD
are caused by combinations of haemoglobin (Hb) S
with Hb C or ß-thalassaemia.
As the heterozygous carriage of the sickle ß-
globin gene affords a survival advantage against
Plasmodium falciparum infection, Hb S is preva-
lent in areas where malaria is endemic: Africa,
the Middle East, Mediterranean countries, and India.
The slave trade carried SCD to North America, the
Caribbean, Central America, and a few countries
of South America. More recent migration from
Africa and the Caribbean has brought it to the
British Isles.
The clinical manifestations of SCD result from
the intracellular polymerization of the Hb S mole-
cule. In hypoxic conditions, the Hb S molecule is
deoxygenated causing polymerization and resulting
in loss of erythrocyte flexibility. Repeated cycles of
oxygenation and deoxygenation cause irreversible
membrane damage and formation of sickled cells.
The sickled erythrocytes are less deformable, thus
resulting in microvascular occlusion and haemo-
lytic anaemia, which are typical of the disease. The
exact mechanism of vaso-occlusion has not been
fully elucidated; many factors are implicated
including adhesion molecules, endothelial cell
abnormalities, cytokines, and coagulation factors.
The most common clinical manifestations in SCD
are anaemia, jaundice, recurrent vaso-occlusive
crises, and infections by encapsulated bacteria,
such as Streptococcus pneumoniae. This increased
susceptibility to bacterial infections is primarily
due to organic or functional asplenia.
Fetal haemoglobin (Hb F) normally accounts for
around 80% of the haemoglobin concentration at
birth, usually reducing to less than 1% by the age of
6 months and gives protection against the compli-
cations of SCD over the first few months of life.
Furthermore Hb F inteferes with Hb S polymeriza-
tion and an increase in serum Hb F concentration
in children and adults with SCD, directly correlates
with a reduction in severity of disease and improve-
ment of prognosis.
Hydroxyurea, which increases
Hb F concentration, reduces the incidence and
ameliorates the severity of painful crises in SCD.
* Guarantor and correspondent:G.Madani,Departmentof
Radiology, Royal Free Hospital NHS Trust, Pond Street, London
NW3 2QG, UK. Tel.: þ44 20 7794 0500x1467.
E-mail address: (G. Madani).
0009-9260/$ - see front matter ª2007 The Royal College of Radiologists. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Clinical Radiology (2007) 62, 528e538
We review the radiological manifestations of
SCD and the role of imaging in the diagnosis and
prevention of its complications.
The lungs
Pulmonary complications are the most common
cause of death in SCD and a frequent cause of
hospital admission. Acute insults include pneumo-
nia and acute chest syndrome (ACS). Children with
SCD are 100 times more likely than the general
population to develop pneumonia.
Although the
radiographic manifestations are described below,
it is important to note that a normal chest radio-
graph does not exclude incipient ACS. ACS is
defined as a new focus of opacity on a chest radio-
graph, associated with a variable combination of
signs and symptoms including fever, leucocytosis,
hypoxia, and chest pain.
The reported incidence
of infection in ACS varies widely from 2e56%.
An infective aetiology is more common in children
who suffer a milder course of illness.
ACS affect-
ing adults has a more fulminant course and is
more likely to be fatal.
As infection is difficult
to exclude and given the increased susceptibility
to infection, ACS is nearly always treated with
antibiotics. The other underlying causes of ACS in-
clude infarction (due to microvascular occlusion)
or fat embolism.
Hypoventilation, pulmonary
oedema and thromboembolism are thought to in-
fluence the development of ACS.
Results from
the multicentre study of hydroxyurea in SCD,
show a reduction in ACS in patients treated with
hydroxyurea, suggesting that a substantial number
of cases of ACS are caused by vaso-occlusion.
relationship of these risk factors has yet to be es-
tablished and the wide variation in their reported
prevalence may reflect the multifactorial and
complex aetiology.
The plain film features of ACS are a new a focus
of consolidation (which may segmental, lobar or
multilobar) or collapse with or without a pleural
effusion (Fig. 1). High-resolution computed tomo-
graphy (CT) is more sensitive and often reveals
ground-glass density, which does not have a lobar
distribution and may have a scattered or mosaic
pattern. Consolidation is a less common finding.
The upper lobes are more frequently affected in
children: adults suffer from lower lobe or multilo-
bar ACS.
Microvascular occlusion causes a reduc-
tion in the vascular markings and infarction results
in linear scarring.
Repeated episodes of ACS
may lead to chronic interstitial lung disease and
pulmonary hypertension.
Interstitial lung dis-
ease manifests as interlobular septal thickening
(mainly in a basal distribution), parenchymal
bands, pleural tags, dilated secondary pulmonary
lobules, traction bronchiectasis and architectural
(Fig. 2). Pulmonary hypertension may
cause mosaic perfusion. Notably, there is no corre-
lation between the severity of ACS and the extent
of radiological findings.
However, there is a posi-
tive correlation between the severity of interstitial
lung disease and the number of episodes of ACS.
The presence of pulmonary hypertension is
associated with an increase in mortality.
Figure 1 Frontal chest radiograph in a 7-year-old girl
with SCD demonstrating cardiomegaly, left lower lobe
consolidation and osteonecrosis of the right humeral
Figure 2 High-resolution CT of the chest in an adult
female with SCD. There is subpleural scarring with pa-
renchymal bands due to previous vaso-occlusive infarcts.
Radiological manifestations of SCD 529
Increasing age, markers of haemolytic anaemia,
and a history of renal and cardiovascular disease
and priapism are independent predictors for the
development of pulmonary hypertension. Chronic
thromboembolism is an important cause of pulmo-
nary hypertension and its early diagnosis and treat-
ment is critical.
The brain
Common neurological complications of SCD are
infarction, atrophy and cognitive impairment. Cra-
nial vasculopathy predisposes to infarcts, which
may be silent or have clinical manifestations.
largest randomized controlled trial to date, the
Cooperative Study of Sickle Cell Disease (CSSCD),
shows a 22% prevalence of ischaemia, atrophy or
infarction at 8 years of age.
Using standard mag-
netic resonance imaging (MRI) and MR angiography
(MRA), a more recent study showed a 44% preva-
lence of infarction, ischaemia and atrophy, and
a 55% prevalence of vasculopathy in children with
Combining the MRI and MRA findings, only
32% of patients over 3-years-old had normal brain
imaging. The high prevalence of abnormalities,
compared with previous studies, was attributed
to improvement in imaging techniques.
Clinical infarcts (strokes) may present during
vaso-occlusive or sequestration crises but most
commonly occur as an isolated event.
percent of patients with SCA have suffered from
a stroke by the age of 20 years.
et al.
found a 22% prevalence of silent infarcts
in children with SCD. Their presence predisposes
the patient to new silent infarcts and is the stron-
gest independent predictor of a future infarctive
Infarctive strokes are more common
in children, whereas haemorrhagic strokes are
more frequent in adults; more than 90% of first
strokes in patients younger than 20 years are in-
farctive, whereas 52% of first strokes in adults
over 20 years are haemorrhagic.
Strokes and silent infarcts manifest as high-
signal intensity on T2-weighted and fluid attenua-
tion inversion recovery (FLAIR) sequences. Silent
infarcts are usually confined to the deep white
matter (usually at arterial border zones) whereas
strokes are more likely to affect the cortex and the
white matter and are larger (75% are larger than
1.5 cm in diameter).
The most common site of
stroke and silent infarct is the frontal and parietal
However, children with a history of stroke
are more likely to also have involvement of the
basal ganglia and thalami (69%) than those with
silent infarcts (11%)
(Fig. 3).
Moyamoya is Japanese for a ‘‘hazy puff of
smoke’’. Moyamoya syndrome describes an angio-
graphic pattern of large vessel occlusion and
telangiectatic collateral circulation (Fig. 4), seen
in patients with SCD, as well as other conditions,
such as tuberose sclerosis, neurofibromatosis, vas-
culitides and infection.
On conventional MRI the
clues to the presence of Moyamoya syndrome are
the absence of flow voids in the occluded arteries
(usually the middle cerebral or internal carotid)
and the presence of flow voids within collateral
vessels in the territory of the occluded artery. In
a retrospective study of 43 patients with SCD,
who had suffered from clinical stroke before 18
years of age, 41% of patients had subsequent cere-
brovascular events. The presence of Moyamoya
collaterals increased the risk of recurrent stroke
or transient ischaemic attacks by a factor of two,
despite transfusion therapy.
Similarly, Moyamoya
syndrome in non-sickle patients is a predictor of
recurrent stroke.
The pathogenesis of stroke in SCD involves small
and large vessel disease. Brain injury can be
Figure 3 Mature infarct in a 3-year-old child who pre-
sented with a clinical stroke. Axial T2-weighed image of
the head showing high signal within the anterior striatal
tissue and the anterior limb of the internal capsule on
the left (arrow) as well as dilatation of the frontal
horn of the left lateral ventricle. The findings are in
keeping with a mature end-artery territory infarct.
530 G. Madani et al.
associated with vasculopathy in vessels too small
to be visualized by MRA.
Cerebral angiography is
indicated in cases of haemorrhagic stroke, in order
to rule out aneurysms.
Cerebral aneurysms
affecting the circle of Willis are more common in
older children with SCD.
They are frequently
multiple (57%) and up to 30% affect the posterior
The haemorrhage is usually sub-
arachnoid, but as with the non-sickle population,
may be intraventricular or parenchymal. Non-
invasive imaging techniques have replaced conven-
tional angiography for the diagnosis of Moyamoya
syndrome and suspected vascular stenoses and
occlusions, which tend to affect the internal
carotid and middle cerebral arteries. The vertebro-
basilar and the extracranial carotid systems are
usually spared.
In a study of 21 patients with
SCD, the accuracy of MRA in the diagnosis of steno-
sis or occlusion was 85% of that of conventional
angiography (12/13).
Stenoses exceeding 6 mm,
which are also associated with a reduction of dis-
tal flow, correlate with subclinical infarction.
Conversely, short-segment abnormalities, which
commonly occur where vessels branch, are not
associated with MRI evidence of infarction.
a prospective study of 107 SCD patients with cere-
bral infarcts, 27 of whom had clinical strokes, the
combination of MRA and transcranial Doppler
abnormalities best predicted future stroke.
sensitivity of CT angiography appears to be similar
to MRA angiography in the non-SCD population.
However, there are no studies using this technique
in patients with SCD.
Transcranial Doppler (TCD) and TCD sonography
can detect stenoses in the circle of Willis by
identifying focal areas of high-velocity blood
Although it has been long established that
maintenance of HbS levels below 30% reduces the
incidence of first and recurrent strokes, the Stroke
Prevention Trial in Sickle Cell Anaemia (STOP)
study demonstrated the role of TCD in primary pre-
vention; 130 children with abnormal TCD results
(time-averaged velocity of greater than 200 cm/s
in the internal carotid or middle cerebral arteries)
were randomized to standard care versus transfu-
sion therapy. Transfusion greatly reduced the inci-
dence of stroke in this population and the trial was
terminated early.
The musculoskeletal system
Red marrow is normally present throughout the
skeleton at birth. In the healthy subject, red
marrow regresses centripetally and over the first
decade of life is replaced by fatty marrow in the
peripheral skeleton. The epiphyses contain fatty
marrow throughout life. In patients with SCD,
anaemia causes increased haematopoiesis result-
ing in persistence of, or reconversion to, red
marrow in the peripheral skeleton and possible
extension to the epiphyses. When anaemia is
severe bone marrow expansion (resulting in the
classic ‘‘hair on end appearance’’ in the skull;
Fig. 5) and extramedullary haematopoiesis may
also be observed. Extramedullary haematopoiesis
most commonly occurs in the paraspinal location
but may affect any organ containing pluripotent
stem cells including the liver, spleen, adrenal
glands, skin and breasts. When extramedullary
haematopoiesis presents as a focal mass T-99
sulphur colloid will confirm the diagnosis.
growth retardation observed in SCD is multi-
factorial but is in part attributable to marrow
Persistence of red marrow results in increased
susceptibility to osteomyelitis and bone marrow
infarction, as well as making the detection of
these entities more difficult
(Fig. 6). Infarction
may affect any marrow-containing bone, most fre-
quently presenting as a painful crisis (but may be
clinically silent) and is 50 times more common
than osteomyelitis in the paediatric SCD popula-
The presumed mechanism is marrow con-
gestion causing impedence of blood flow leading
to local hypoxia and sickling. Osteomyelitis most
commonly affects the diaphyses of the femur, tibia
or humerus (whereas the metaphyseal location is
more common in the non-sickle population).
Most studies state that salmonella is the most fre-
quent causative organism and is two to five times
more common than Staphylococcus aureus (which
Figure 4 Moyamoya in an adult with SCD. Magnetic
resonance angiogram of the circle of Willis showing ir-
regular and stenosed middle cerebral arteries bilaterally
with multiple surrounding collateral vessels giving the
‘‘puff of smoke’’ appearance (arrows).
Radiological manifestations of SCD 531
is the leading cause of osteomyelitis in the non-
SCD population).
Untreated osteomyelitis
may extend into the joint resulting in septic arthri-
tis. Septic arthritis may also arise de novo.
The clinical presentation of acute infarction and
osteomyelitis is similar. Radiological differentia-
tion of these conditions also presents a challenge.
Initially both conditions are radiographically
normal. The plain film features of periostitis and
an ill-defined radiolucency subsequently occur in
both infarction and osteomyelitis. Over a period of
months, sclerosis supervenes in both conditions.
Subperiosteal collections, seen on CT imaging,
were once thought to be diagnostic of osteo-
myelitis, but have also been demonstrated in
Both osteomyelitis (Fig. 7) and infarc-
tion exhibit high T2-weighted signal intensity (as
does persistent red marrow which may further
confound the diagnosis). Periosteal and paraosteal
soft-tissue enhancement cannot differentiate
between these conditions unless communication
between the enhancing medullary cavity and the
enhancing soft tissue via a cortical defect is dem-
onstrated, which is diagnostic of osteomyelitis.
The pattern of enhancement on fat-suppressed
T1-weighted gadolinium-enhanced sequences
often provides the most useful clue to the differ-
ential diagnosis; infarcts demonstrate rim en-
hancement whereas osteomyelitis is more likely
Figure 6 Sagittal T1-weighted MRI image of the lum-
bar spine demonstrating heterogeneous low signal
throughout the marrow due to red marrow reconversion
(which could hamper the detectionofinfarctionor
infection). There is central depression of the vertebral
endplates (H-shaped vertebrae; arrow).
Figure 5 Marrow expansion of the skull in a 20-year-old
female. (a) Lateral skull radiograph shows a striated
‘‘hair-on-end’’ appearance of the skull due to diploic
space widening and trabercular prominence. (b) Delayed
Tc99m bone scintigraphy image of the same patient
demonstrating increased tracer uptake in the calvarium
due to marrow expansion.
532 G. Madani et al.
to exhibit irregular and geographic enhancement
of the infected marrow.
Chronic infarcts exhibit
low signal intensity on all sequences due to fibrosis
and sclerosis.
Although infarction can affect any marrow-
containing bone (Fig. 8), three characteristic pat-
terns are seen in SCD. Infarction and subsequent
central depression of the vertebral endplates re-
sults in H-shaped vertebrae, which are characteris-
tic of SCD.
(Fig. 9) H-shaped vertebrae may be
associated with increase in the height of the adja-
cent vertebra described as a tower vertebra.
Dactylitis is due to infarction of the bone marrow,
medullary trabeculae and inner cortical layer of
the bones in the hands and feet, and usually occurs
in children younger than 4 years old; it is fre-
quently the first clinical manifestation of SCD.
Early radiographs are normal. After around 10
days, periostitis, subperiosteal new bone, cortical
thinning and moth-eaten osteopenia are observed
on plain films (Figs. 10 and 11).
Epiphyseal infarction is more commonly called
osteonecrosis or avascular necrosis and tends to
affect the proximal femur and proximal humerus.
SCD is the most frequent cause of osteonecrosis in
children; around half of all patients with SCD have
suffered osteonecrosis of the femoral head by the
age of 35 years.
As with the non-sickle popula-
tion early radiographs are normal. Subsequent ra-
diographs show osteopenia and small subchondral
lucencies, which may coalesce forming a crescentic
luceny leading to flattening of the articular bone
and secondary osteoarthritis (Fig. 12). On T2-
weighted MRI sequences osteonecrosis may result
in the ‘‘double line’’ sign with an outer low-signal
intensity new bone formation and inner high-signal
intensity granulation tissue, which outline the
central infarcted marrow (Fig. 13).
Bone marrow infarcts in the skull may cause
a subdural haematoma.
Muscular infarction oc-
curs occasionally in SCD and may be demonstrated
with CT or MRI.
Leg ulcers are also seen and may
be associated with an underlying periosteal
reaction. Other less frequent musculoskeletal
complications of SCD include gout arthropathy,
impingement syndrome, stress fracture, subtalar
fusion, recurrent dislocation of the patella and
tibialis anterior tendonitis.
The genitourinary system
Renal manifestations of SCD include haematuria
(usually self-limiting), proteinuria, nephrotic
syndrome, as well as acute and chronic renal
Around half of patients with SCD have
large kidneys, which are attributed to increased
renal blood volume, glomerular hypertrophy, and
Figure 7 Osteomyelitis of the innominate bone in
a 12-year-old male patient. Coronal T2-weighted image
of the pelvis demonstrating a focus of high signal inten-
sity within the right femoral head as well as diffuse
increased signal intensity within the right innominate
bone (arrow) communicating with a loculated fluid col-
lection (arrowhead) in the adjacent soft tissues in keep-
ing with osteomyelitis and adjacent soft tissue abscess
formation. Bilateral joint effusions are also present.
Figure 8 Osteonecrosis of the humeral head in an
adult female patient. Coronal T1-weighted image of
the left shoulder showing a subchondral serpiginous
low signal area in the humeral head indicative of osteo-
necrosis (arrow). The high signal at the lateral aspect of
the humeral head represents fat.
Radiological manifestations of SCD 533
The prevalance of renal papil-
lary necrosis, which is often asymptomatic, may
be as high as 40%.
Although, the echo character-
istics of the kidneys is normal in the majority of
SCD patients, a generalized increase in echogenic-
ity (attributed to diffuse fibrosis) and an increase
in medullary echogenicity (attributed to nephro-
calcinosis or iron deposition) is seen in 3% and 5%
of patients, respectively.
Renal infarction secondary to microvascular
occlusion is well-recognized and may be associated
with perirenal haematoma.
Renal medullary car-
cinoma is a rare aggressive tumour associated with
sickle cell trait (but has never been reported in
homozygous SCD) and most frequently presents
with massive haematuria.
Priapism, due to occlusion of penile venous
drainage, affects 89% of male patients by the age
of 20 years.
MRI has been used in the evaluation
of priapism and erectile dysfunction, demonstrat-
ing intracorporeal fibrosis and haemosiderosis.
Testicular infarction in SCD has also been
The spleen
The spleen is nearly always involved in SCD.
Microinfarcts result in loss of function, termed
hypo or asplenism; by the age of 5 years 94% of
patients are functionally asplenic resulting in in-
creased susceptibility to infection by encapsulated
Radiologically the spleen is present but
small and may be calcified. In sequestration
syndrome there is rapid pooling of a large volume
of blood in a solid organ (nearly always affecting
Figure 9 Lateral lumbar spine radiograph demon-
strating coarsened traberculation and square compres-
sion infarcts of the vertebral endplates, resulting in
H-shaped vertebrae, which are characteristic of SCD.
Figure 10 Dactylitis (handefoot syndrome) in an
18-month-old female patient. (a) Frontal radiograph of
the hands demonstrating periosteal reaction along the
second metacarpals (an early feature of infarction), as
well as soft tissue swelling. (b) Frontal radiograph of
the feet demonstrating periosteal reaction along the
third and fourth metatarsal shafts on the right and the
third on the left with associated soft-tissue swelling.
534 G. Madani et al.
the spleen but rarely the liver) causing organome-
galy and occasionally rupture. Splenic sequestra-
tion affects 10e30% of children with SCD usually
between the ages of 6 months and 3 years and
may recur.
The enlarged spleen appears hetero-
geneous on ultrasound and contrast CT imaging.
The spleen may also be enlarged due to extrame-
dullary haematopoiesis or haemosiderosis. The
coexistence of haemorrhagic sequestration and
haemosiderin deposition result in variable and po-
tentially confusing imaging appearances.
abscess is a recognized complication of SCD. Is-
lands of functioning splenic tissue may be present
in a small spleen and are hypoechoic on ultrasound
and low in density on CT imaging; these may there-
fore be misdiagnosed as splenic abscess.
tion of splenic infarct or abscess may lead to
formation of pseudocysts.
The liver
Hepatic complications of SCD include fibrosis,
cirrhosis, and intrahepatic biliary duct stenoses
resulting in cholestasis (all believed to be due to
infarction), as well as hepatitis secondary to re-
peated transfusions. Pigmented gallstones affect
50% of adults and up to 20% of children with SCA.
Liver involvement is reported in 10e39% of
patients presenting with acute vaso-occlusive cri-
Acute hepatic sequestration is a rare com-
plication, accounting for less than 1% of acute
admissions due to vaso-occlusive crisis.
Iron overload
Repeated transfusions may cause haemosiderosis,
which manifests as reduced marrow signal intensity
on all MRI sequences.
The spleen and renal corti-
ces of non-transfusion-dependant patients may
exhibit a reduction in signal intensity, although
these patients do not have an increase in total
body iron (Fig. 14).
Conversely, haemosiderosis
of the liver and pancreas occurs in transfusion-
dependant patients in spite of iron chelation.
Miscellaneous complications
Ophthalmic complications of SCD include acute
retinal artery occlusion and proliferative retinon-
opathy. Infarcts of the bones of the orbit may
result in orbital haemorrhage causing orbital com-
pression syndrome.
CT imaging will identify the
Figure 11 Frontalradiographofthehandsina15-
year-old female patient showing the effects of previous
dactylitis with premature epiphyseal fusion, chevron
metaphyses and shortened right third and fourth meta-
carpals and proximal phalanges of the left middle and
little fingers. There is also minor shortening of the right
fifth metacarpal and proximal phalanx of the right little
Figure 12 Osteonecrosis of the femoral head in a
12-year-old male patient. (a) Frontal radiograph of the
pelvis shows advanced right femoral head osteonecrosis
with collapse of the articular surface. A recent acetabu-
lar osteotomy has been performed. (b) Fifteen months
later a pelvic radiograph demonstrates osteonecrosis of
the contralateral femoral head with subchondral
lucency and irregularity of the articular surface.
Radiological manifestations of SCD 535
collection but cannot exclude an orbital abscess.
MRI identifies the infarct and differentiates
between haemorrhagic and non-haemorrhagic
collections thus avoiding unnecessary surgical
An association between SCD and sensorineural
hearing loss (SNHL) is well documented but the
reported prevalence varies widely.
hypothesized to be secondary to vaso-occlusive
phenomena. Whitehead et al. reported two cases
of labyrinthine haemorrhage (manifesting as high
signal intensity on T1-weighted MRI), which re-
sulted in SNHL and vestibular symptoms.
Cardiomegaly due to congestive cardiac failure
is a common finding. Myocardial ischaemia (which
may be irreversible on myocardial perfusion scin-
tigraphy) is also associated.
Radiology plays a crucial role in the management of
the complications of SCD. Judicious use of imaging
in the complications of SCD aids diagnosis and may
prevent unnecessary surgical intervention.
The authors thank the consultant radiologists and
haematology staff at the Whittington Hospital for
their invaluable assistance.
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538 G. Madani et al.
... On radiographs, they may show associated periosteal reaction [45]. They can be difficult to treat due to the vascular compromise and added infection from commensal organisms commonly present in the skin [46] (Fig. 19, 20). ...
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Sickle cell disease (SCD) is a hereditary red cell disorder with clinical manifestations secondary to sickling or crescent-shaped distortion of the red blood cells. Musculoskeletal complications of SCD are often the main causes for acute and chronic morbidities in children with manifestations including osteomyelitis, osteoporosis and osteonecrosis. This article aims to familiarise the paediatric radiologist with appendicular skeletal complications of SCD in the paediatric population and their imaging appearance.
... Children with sickling are more susceptible to have stroke 250 times than for those without SCD (3) . Silent cerebral infarction (SCI) could be seen in some cases, which often go unnoticed but may cause significant neurological damage and disability up to 17% to 25% of SCD patients (4) . ...
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Background: Cerebrovascular steno-occlusive disease constitutes one of the most dangerous complications of sickle cell disease (SCD). It could result in overt or silent cerebral infarctions (SCI). Objective: The aim of this study was to demonstrate silent parenchymal and vascular brain changes that are incidentally observed in neurologically free SCD children using screening MRI and MRA. Patients and methods: This prospective cross-sectional study was conducted on 78 children diagnosed with SCD who were neurologically free. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and Magnetic Resonance Angiography (MRA) were done to all the participant children. Results: Thirty (38.4%) of our children demonstrated pathologic parenchymal features on their MRI. There were 29 (37.17%) patients had pathologic changes in MRA; 6 of them had isolated vascular abnormality, whereas the remaining patients had concurrent parenchymal abnormalities. There was significant high positive correlation between low hemoglobin and presence of silent cerebral infarction (SCI). Moya-moya vasculopathy showed significant positive correlation with arterial occlusion and old SCI. HB SS phenotype was significantly correlated with moya-moya vasculopathy, arterial occlusion and old SCI. Conclusions: Silent cerebral and cerebrovascular changes in SCD children are frequent abnormalities requiring utilization of MRI and MRA to find out their exact prevalence and their risk factors.
... MRI can be a useful tool in the differentiation of osteonecrosis from osteomyelitis but with some limitations, important MRI differentiating points of osteomyelitis from osteonecrosis of long bones include extensive marrow edema with associated serpiginous and tubular marrow enhancement in metaphysis/diaphysis with extensive associated periosteal reaction/ subperiosteal collection (Figure 7) and adjacent soft tissue swelling and edema while the diffuse low signal of the vertebral bodies and medullary cavities of long bones in MRI examinations are consistent with hyperplastic hematopoietic red marrow and in some cases associated hemosiderin/iron deposition replacing the normal bright fatty marrow, especially in the vertebrae (13,31,33,34). ...
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Symptomatic avascular necrosis (AVN) imposes a higher risk for acute care consumption in adults living with SCD. Symptomatic AVN, have higher rates of visits to the emergency department, higher rates of admissions, and longer lengths of stay in hospitals. Properly timed diagnosis and early interventions can reduce morbidity and enhance the quality of life in these patients. Vaso-occlusion secondary to sickling leads to osteonecrosis of the joint/bone (AVN, dactylitis) and invites infection (osteomyelitis and septic arthritis). Understanding and awareness of the imaging features related to this major morbidity complication are essential for early diagnosis and prompt management. In about half of the patients with SCD, AVN can lead to chronic pain, particularly in the head of the femur and humerus. Humeral and femoral head AVN tend to be linked with each other. Vertebral bone compression and collapse secondary to AVN have also been reported. The diagnosis of AVN must be accurate, as the condition is complex requiring specific treatment according to the grade of bone and joint involvement. There are several classifications or staging systems used for grading bone and joint involvement. Knowledge of the image patterns and grade of affection in different joints and bones and the degree of progression of AVN lesions can markedly improve management decisions on AVN-specific surgical versus non-surgical interventions and improve patient outcomes. The aim of this report is to summarize the different imaging techniques and their role in the proper/early diagnosis and follow up of patients with AVN with detailed examples of the common sites involved. (
... These radiologic brain vascular changes include areas of marked arterial vascular narrowing intermittently with areas of dilatation and abnormal tufts of telangiectatic vessels. Histopathological studies show segmental arterial wall thickening with total luminal occlusion secondary to intimal hyperplasia, atrophy, and fibrosis of the media added to luminal thrombosis [5,[11][12][13]. This brain involvement in SCA is a major concern as patients can present with significant neurological deficits, in the form of infarcts, seizures, and hemorrhages. ...
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Introduction Kangaroo mother care (KMC) is an evidence-based, simple, time-tested, low-cost, and high-impact intervention for neonatal survival in hospitals and the community, particularly in resource-constrained areas. This has many beneficial effects on sick and stable low-birth-weight babies, lactating mothers, families, society, and the government. However, despite the World Health Organization (WHO) and United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF) recommendations for KMC, there is no satisfactory implementation of it in the community as well as in facilities. This study aimed to improve the duration of home-based kangaroo mother care (HBKMC). Material and methods We conducted a before-and-after intervention hospital-based, single-center study in a level III neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) to improve the duration of HBKMC. The KMC duration was classified into four categories: short, extended, long, and continuous where KMC was provided for 4 hours/day, 5-8 hours/day, 9-12 hours/day, and more than 12 hours/day, respectively. All neonates with birth weight < 2.0 kg and their mothers/alternate KMC providers at a tertiary care hospital in India in the time period of five months from April 2021 to July 2021 were considered eligible for the study. We tested three sets of interventions by using the plan-do-study-act cycle (PDSA cycle). The first set of interventions was the sensitization of parents and healthcare workers regarding the benefits of KMC by comprehensive counseling to mothers and other family members using educational lectures, videos, charts, and posters. The second set of interventions was to reduce maternal anxiety/stress while maintaining maternal privacy by providing more female staff and teaching proper gown-wearing techniques. The third set of interventions was to solve lactation and environment temperature issues by providing antenatal and postnatal lactation counseling and warming of the nursery. The paired T-test and one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) were used for statistical analysis, and p<0.05 was taken as significant. Results One hundred and eighty neonates were enrolled along with their mothers/alternate KMC providers in four phases, and three PDSA cycles were implemented. Out of 180 LBW infants, 21 (11.67%) infants received KMC < 4 hours/day. According to the KMC classification, 31% have continuous KMC in the institution, followed by 24% long KMC, 26% extended KMC, and 18% short KMC. After three PDSA cycles, HBKMC was 38.88% continuous KMC, followed by 24.22% long KMC, 20.55% extended KMC, and 16.11% short KMC. Continuous KMC was improved from 21% to 46% at the institute and 16% to 50% at home from phase 1 to phase 4 of the study after the implementation of three sets of interventions in three PDSA cycles. The phase-by-phase KMC rate and duration were improved after the application of the PDSA cycles, and this was maintained in HBKMC as well, but it was statistically not significant. Conclusion Sets of intervention packages based on needs analysis using the PDSA cycle were able to improve the rate and duration of KMC in the hospital and at home.
... These radiologic brain vascular changes include areas of marked arterial vascular narrowing intermittently with areas of dilatation and abnormal tufts of telangiectatic vessels. Histopathological studies show segmental arterial wall thickening with total luminal occlusion secondary to intimal hyperplasia, atrophy, and fibrosis of the media added to luminal thrombosis [5,[11][12][13]. This brain involvement in SCA is a major concern as patients can present with significant neurological deficits, in the form of infarcts, seizures, and hemorrhages. ...
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A 24-year-old male sickle cell anemia patient presented with acute abdominal pain. Computed tomography (CT) demonstrated signs of bowel ischemia about the terminal ilium. He underwent bowel resection and anastomosis. Pathology of the resected bowel showed acute inflammation at the site of bowel perforation. This was thought to be secondary to bowel infarction from sickle cell vasculopathy. Despite the surgical intervention, the patient's symptoms continued to worsen. He also developed bilateral toe pain during the same hospital stay. Reviewing the patient's CT lower extremity runoff revealed no vascular thrombosis but rather medium vessel changes. The intra-abdominal arterial branches and the lower extremity vessels showed intermittent areas of vascular narrowing, wall thickening, and associated micro-aneurysms mainly of the distal hepatic arterial branches. These vascular changes posed a diagnostic dilemma as it is inconsistent with sickle cell anemia, which is known to cause vascular angiopathy as the underlying etiology of vaso-occlusive crisis. The literature lacked reports of any specific intra-abdominal vascular findings by imaging in sickle cell anemia. With the continued worsening of the patient's condition, vasculitis was considered as an alternative diagnosis. The patient was empirically treated with steroids after which his symptoms improved. Unfortunately, he passed away after developing a large intracranial hematoma days after the initiation of steroid therapy. This report highlights the diagnostic dilemma of vaso-occlusive crisis versus vasculitis in sickle cell anemia patients.
... Maxillofacial bones and skull involvement is less common owing to the relatively small bone marrow cavity 37 ; however, these structures may be involved during childhood as there is more diffuse haematopoietically active marrow. Typical facial bone infarcts affect the orbital walls or mandible, 38 and are clinically associated with regional pain and headache. 39 CT is of limited use for diagnosis of acute marrow ischaemia and infarcts, despite being useful for identification of haemorrhagic or fluid associated collections (see below). ...
Sickle cell disease (SCD) is an autosomal recessive haemoglobinopathy, which manifests as multisystem ischaemia and infarction, as well as haemolytic anaemia. The morphological changes of red blood cells (RBCs) that promote ischaemia/infarction as the main multi-systemic manifestation, with associated vasculopathy, may also lead to haemorrhage and fat embolisation. Bone infarctions, whether of the skull or spine, are relatively common with subsequent increased infectious susceptibility. We present a broad spectrum of brain and spine imaging findings of SCD from a level III paediatric hospital in Lisbon, between 2010 and 2022. Our aim is to highlight brain and spine imaging findings from a serial review of multiple patients with SCD and respective neuroimaging characterisation.
... In patients with SCD, the spleen commonly enlarges during childhood, but then undergoes autosplenectomy by about 5 years of age due to repeated attacks of vaso-occlusion and infarction. 76 A palpable spleen is unusual beyond this age in patients with HbSS in the USA and Europe, 6,77,78 and only few reports from the West have documented persistence of the spleen beyond childhood. 72 However, this was not what we observed in African patients with SCD in the present review. ...
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The majority of the global population of sickle cell disease (SCD) patients resides in Africa. Individuals with this condition are at great risk of serious infections and early mortality secondary to splenic dysfunction without preventative measures. This review investigated the spectrum of splenic complications encountered in SCD among populations in Africa. We systematically searched several databases for all articles published through March 3, 2020. We included 55 studies from 14 African countries. This review reveals the difference in frequency of splenic complications in SCD in Africa when compared with their counterparts in the United State and Europe. While several studies (n = 45) described splenomegaly with a prevalence of 12% to 73% among children, and 4% to 50% among adults with HbSS, the reported prevalence for acute splenic sequestration crisis (n = 6 studies) and hypersplenism (n = 4 studies) was <10% and <5% respectively. A total of 30 surgical splenectomy was reported across eight studies. Only two (3.7%) studies provided data on spleen function. A conflicting pattern was observed amongst studies that evaluated the relationship between splenomegaly and the presence of bacterial and malaria infections. This review reveals the paucity of studies describing the role of SCD‐induced splenic dysfunction in morbidity and infection related mortality in Africa.
Diagnosing non-accidental injury is a challenging task. Missing the diagnosis may have fatal consequences for the child because no measures will be taken to prevent future injury. On the other hand, a wrongful diagnosis of non-accidental injury may have severe consequences for both caretakers as well as the child, e.g. judicial prosecution of the caretakers and placement of the child in foster care. This chapter deals with normal variants and diseases that may simulate non-accidental injury. Disease that are often mentioned in the differential diagnosis of non-accidental injury (e.g. rickets and osteogenesis imperfecta) will be discussed in more detail, whereas rare syndromes, congenital disorders and metabolic disorders, that are often reported as case reports, will be discussed in lesser detail.KeywordsNormal variantsOsteogenesis imperfectaRicketsCongenital disordersAcquired disordersOncological disordersMedication-related abnormalitiesOther disorders
Introduction Acute chest syndrome (ACS) in sickle cell disease (SCD) is a serious condition that carries with it a high rate of morbidity and mortality. Objective This review highlights the pearls and pitfalls of ACS in SCD, including diagnosis and management in the emergency department (ED) based on current evidence. Discussion ACS is defined by respiratory symptoms and/or fever and a new radiodensity on chest imaging in a patient with SCD. There are a variety of inciting causes, including infectious and non-infectious etiologies. Although ACS is more common in those with homozygous SCD, clinicians should consider ACS in all SCD patients, as ACS is a leading cause of death in SCD. Patients typically present with or develop respiratory symptoms including fever, cough, chest pain, and shortness of breath, which can progress to respiratory failure requiring mechanical ventilation in 20% of patients. However, the initial presentation can vary. While the first line imaging modality is classically chest radiograph, lung ultrasound has demonstrated promise. Further imaging to include computed tomography may be necessary. Management focuses on analgesia, oxygen supplementation, incentive spirometry, bronchodilators, rehydration, antibiotics, consideration for transfusion, and specialist consultation. Empiric antibiotics that cover atypical pathogens are necessary along with measures to increase oxygen-carrying capacity in those with hypoxemia such as simple transfusion or exchange transfusion. Conclusions An understanding of ACS can assist emergency clinicians in diagnosing and managing this potentially deadly disease.
Acute chest syndrome (ACS) is an important cause of morbidity and mortality in sickle cell disease (SCD). Previous studies reported conflicting pictures of ACS making therapeutic interventions difficult. The Cooperative Study of Sickle Cell Disease prospectively followed 3,751 patients enrolled from birth to 66 years of age for ACS. Data on presenting signs and symptoms, laboratory findings, and hospital course were collected. There were 1,722 ACS episodes in 939 patients. Young children (age 2 to 4 years) presented with fever and cough, a negative physical exam, and rarely had pain. Adults were often afebrile and complained of shortness of breath, chills, and severe pain. Upper lobe disease was more common in children; multilobe and lower lobe disease affected adults more often. Severe hypoxia occurred in 18% of adults tested and could not be predicted by examination or laboratory findings. Bacteremia was documented in 3.5% of episodes, but was strongly influenced by age (14% of infants and 1.8% of patients <10 years). ACS was most common in winter with children having the most striking increase. Transfusion was used less frequently, but earlier in children. Young children were hospitalized for 5.4 days versus 9 days for adults. Fifty percent of adults had a pain event in the 2 weeks preceding ACS and children were more likely to have febrile events. The death rate was four times higher in adults than in children. Fatal cases generally developed rapid pulmonary failure and one third were associated with bacteremia. Age has a striking effect on the clinical picture of ACS. In children, ACS was milder and more likely due to infection, whereas in adults ACS was severe, associated with pain and had a higher mortality rate.
The acute chest syndrome (ACS), a pneumonia-like illness in sickle cell patients, is one of the most frequent causes of their morbidity and hospitalizations. Repeated ACS events may predict the development of chronic lung disease. ACS is reported as a frequent cause of death in these patients. We examine here the incidence and risk factors of ACS in 3,751 patients with sickle cell disease who were observed prospectively for at least 2 years (19,867 patient-years [pt-yrs]) as part of a multicenter national study group. The ACS, defined by a new pulmonary infiltrate on x-ray, occurred at least once in 1,085 patients (2,100 events). ACS incidence was higher in patients with homozygous sickle cell disease (SS; 12.8/100 pt-yrs) and in patients with sickle cell-beta(0) -thalassemic (9.4/100 pt-yrs), and lower in patients with hemoglobin (Hb) SC disease (5.2/100 pt-yrs) and patients with sickle cell-beta(+) thalassemia (3.9/100 pt-yrs). alpha-Thalassemia did not affect the rate of ACS incidence in SS patients. Within each Hb type the incidence was strongly but inversely related to age, being highest in children 2 to 4 years of age (25.3/100 pt-yrs in SS) and decreasing gradually to its lowest value in adults (8.8/100 pt-yrs in SS). In SS children (< 10 years of age), we documented an age-related within- person reduction in ACS attack rates. Adults with a higher ACS rate had a higher rate of mortality (from all causes) than those with low ACS rates. This increased rate of mortality might also have contributed to the decline in ACS rate with age. In multivariate analysis, other factors affecting incidence in SS patients were degree of anemia (lower ACS rates in patients with lower steady-state Hb levels) and fetal Hb (lower rates in patients with high fetal Hb). There was also a positive association between ACS rate and steady-state leukocyte count. The relationship of ACS rate to higher steady-state Hb levels in SS patients is unexplained but might be caused by increased blood viscosity.
Sickle cell anemia (SCA) is a disease caused by production of abnormal hemoglobin, which binds with other abnormal hemoglobin molecules within the red blood cell to cause rigid deformation of the cell. This deformation impairs the ability of the cell to pass through small vascular channels; sludging and congestion of vascular beds may result, followed by tissue ischemia and infarction. Infarction is common throughout the body in the patient with SCA, and it is responsible for the earliest clinical manifestation, the acute pain crisis, which is thought to result from marrow infarction. Over time, such insults result in medullary bone infarcts and epiphyseal osteonecrosis. In the brain, white matter and gray matter infarcts are seen, causing cognitive impairment and functional neurologic deficits. The lungs are also commonly affected, with infarcts, emboli (from marrow infarcts and fat necrosis), and a markedly increased propensity for pneumonia. The liver, spleen, and kidney may experience infarction as well. An unusual but life-threatening complication of SCA is sequestration syndrome, wherein a considerable amount of the intravascular volume is sequestered in an organ (usually the spleen), causing vascular collapse; its pathogenesis is unknown. Finally, because the red blood cells are abnormal, they are removed from the circulation, resulting in a hemolytic anemia. For the patient with SCA, however, the ischemic complications of the disease far outweigh the anemia in clinical importance.
Sickle cell disease affects many organ systems, but one of the major morbidities is brain disease, especially stroke. In this paper, the etiology, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of clinical stroke, as well as so-called “silent stroke,” are examined. Risk factors, diagnostic tools, and data from prevention and treatment studies as well as issues pertaining to neuropsychological function, especially in younger patients, are discussed and current best options for treatment considered.
A broad spectrum of renal changes is observed in patients with sickle cell anemia, and ideal therapeutic measures for the management of these alterations are still being studied. Affected patients have deficient urinary concentration and potassium excretion. Perhaps owing to a compensatory mechanism, the proximal tubules are in a condition of ‘hyperfunction’, with increased sodium and phosphorus reabsorption and greater creatinine and uric acid secretion. Mild tubular acidosis may be present. No treatment has been reported for these tubular changes, except for care in the maintenance of hydration. The use of anti-inflammatory drugs is being studied in order to inhibit the prostaglandins involved in the process. Increased renal blood flow, glomerular filtration rate, and filtration fraction are frequent findings. Hematuria commonly occurs as a consequence of red blood cell sickling in the renal medulla, papillary necrosis, or even renal medullary carcinoma. Measures such as increased fluid ingestion, urine alkalinization and, if necessary, administration of epsilon-aminocaproic acid and certain invasive procedures have been proposed to treat hematuria. Nephropathy in patients with sickle cell anemia can be manifested by proteinuria and, more rarely, nephrotic syndrome. Drugs such as prednisone and cyclophosphamide are ineffective for the treatment of patients with nephrotic syndrome. Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors decrease proteinuria, but their long-term effect in preventing the progression of glomerular disease has not been established. Chronic renal failure, although infrequent, may be one of the manifestations of this disease. Hemodialysis and transplantation are satisfactory therapeutic options for patients with end-stage renal disease.
Sickle cell disease is the most common inherited haemoglobinopathy described, Complications of sickle cell disease (SCD) are due to chronic haemolysis of fragile red cells or secondary to vascular occlusion by sickled red cells with subsequent tissue infarction. Traditionally plain film radiography has been the mainstay in the assessment of patients with SCD, but increasingly magnetic resonance (MR) imaging and computed tomography (CT) are being used. In this review the imaging features of a range of complications of SCD are demonstrated with particular emphasis on CT and MR.
The present review updates the miscellaneous hepatobiliary complications of sickle cell disease. Polymerisation of deoxy haemoglobin (Hb) S and vasoocclusion can cause severe liver injury and malfunction. The acute complications or acute clinical syndromes can be attributed to vascular occlusion (acute sickle hepatic crisis, hepatic sequestration and intrahepatic cholestasis). Complica- tions of chronic haemolysis and multiple transfusions are also common: cholelithiasis, hepatic iron overload, viral hepatitis B and C. And finally, there are more rare complications related to the sickle cell state: autoimmune hepatitis, hepatic infarction, hepatic abscess, hepatic biloma, Budd-Chiari syndrome, hyperammonaemia due to zinc deficiency. The clinical presentation, the laboratory find- ings, abdominal imaging and sometimes liver biopsy can be useful in establishing the correct diagno- sis. Hydroxyurea, and blood straight or exchange transfusions for decreasing the level of HbS, are the usual procedures in the treatment of these clinical entities. Early recognition, diagnosis, and prompt treatment are the cornerstone for a favourable outcome of these disorders.