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Ultrasonic determination of the anisotropy of Young's modulus of fixed tendon and fixed myocardium


Abstract and Figures

The linear elastic properties of a soft tissue exhibiting a unidirectional arrangement of reinforcing fibers may be described in terms of the five independent elastic stiffness coefficients C11, C13, C33, C44, and C66. In previous studies, ultrasonic measurements of these coefficients for formalin fixed specimens of bovine Achilles tendon and normal human myocardium were reported. In the present study these results are used to analyze the anisotropy of Young's modulus of these tissues. For formalin fixed tendon a value of 1.37 GPa is obtained for Young's modulus along the fiber axis of the tissue, and a value of 0.0706 GPa is obtained perpendicular to the fibers. For formalin fixed myocardium, values of 0.101 and 0.0311 GPa parallel and perpendicular to the fibers, respectively, are obtained. Based on the results for the angular dependence of Young's modulus from unidirectional specimens of myocardium, a model is introduced to estimate these features for the more complicated fiber architecture of the left ventricular wall.
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Ultrasonic determination of the anisotropy of Young’s modulus of fixed tendon and
fixed myocardium
Brent K. Hoffmeister, Scott M. Handley, Samuel A. Wickline, et al.
Citation: The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 100, 3933 (1996); doi: 10.1121/1.417246
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Published by the Acoustical Society of America
Anisotropy of ultrasonic velocity and elastic properties in normal human myocardium
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 92, 3039 (1992);
On the elasticity of transverse isotropic soft tissues (L)
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 129, 2757 (2011);
Transient elastography in anisotropic medium: Application to the measurement of slow and fast shear wave
speeds in muscles
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 114, 536 (2003);
Measurement of viscoelastic properties of homogeneous soft solid using transient elastography: An inverse
problem approach
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 116, 3734 (2004);
Quantifying elasticity and viscosity from measurement of shear wave speed dispersion
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 115, 2781 (2004);
A solution to diffraction biases in sonoelasticity: The acoustic impulse technique
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 105, 2941 (1999);
Ultrasonic determination of the anisotropy of Young’s modulus
of fixed tendon and fixed myocardium
Brent K. Hoffmeister, Scott M. Handley, Samuel A. Wickline, and James G. Miller
Washington University, Department of Physics and School of Medicine, St. Louis, Missouri 63130
~Received 3 August 1995; accepted for publication 19 June 1996!
The linear elastic properties of a soft tissue exhibiting a unidirectional arrangement of reinforcing
fibers may be described in terms of the five independent elastic stiffness coefficients c11,c13,c33,
c44, and c66. In previous studies, ultrasonic measurements of these coefficients for formalin fixed
specimens of bovine Achilles tendon and normal human myocardium were reported. In the present
study these results are used to analyze the anisotropy of Young’s modulus of these tissues. For
formalin fixed tendon a value of 1.37 GPa is obtained for Young’s modulus along the fiber axis of
the tissue, and a value of 0.0706 GPa is obtained perpendicular to the fibers. For formalin fixed
myocardium, values of 0.101 and 0.0311 GPa parallel and perpendicular to the fibers, respectively,
are obtained. Based on the results for the angular dependence of Young’s modulus from
unidirectional specimens of myocardium, a model is introduced to estimate these features for the
more complicated fiber architecture of the left ventricular wall. © 1996 Acoustical Society of
PACS numbers: 43.80.Cs, 43.80.Ev @FD#
The linear elastic behavior of a soft tissue exhibiting a
unidirectional arrangement of reinforcing fibers with a ran-
dom transverse distribution may be described in terms of the
five independent elastic stiffness coefficients c11,c13,c33,
c44, and c66. In previous studies, we reported ultrasonic mea-
surements of these coefficients for formalin fixed specimens
of bovine Achilles tendon and normal human myocardium.
Three of these coefficients ~c11,c33, and c13!were deter-
mined by measuring the velocity of quasilongitudinal mode
ultrasonic pulses as a function of angle of propagation rela-
tive to the fiber axis of these tissues.1–3 The remaining two
coefficients were determined by measuring the velocity and
attenuation of transverse mode ultrasonic waves propagated
perpendicular to the fiber axis with the polarization oriented
either parallel ~c44!or perpendicular ~c66!to the fibers.4
In general, the fiber architecture of normal human myo-
cardium is more complicated than a simple unidirectional
arrangement of myofibers. For example, histologic studies of
the left ventricular wall by Streeter et al. have established
that the myofibers exhibit a progressive transmural shift in
orientation from approximately 160° at the endocardial sur-
face to 260° at the epicardial surface.5To facilitate a de-
scription of the elastic properties of myocardium in terms of
five independent elastic stiffness coefficients, the specimens
of myocardium considered in this study were prepared from
the left ventricular wall in a fashion that permitted the ultra-
sonic interrogation of thin regions of tissue located at spe-
cific transmural sites.1,4 The predominant fiber orientation of
these regions was unidirectional.
In contrast to myocardium, the Achilles tendon exhibits
a unidirectional arrangement of reinforcing fibers throughout
its entire thickness. The Achilles tendon may be qualitatively
described as a unidirectional arrangement of long stiff fibers
of collagen embedded in an amorphous gel-like matrix. The
fibers themselves exhibit a fairly well defined hierarchical
organization in which microfibrils of collagen are arranged
to form subfibrils which in turn are assembled to form col-
lagen fibrils. In tendon, the fibrils are organized into a final
structural unit called the fascicle which has a triangular cross
section approximately 150 to 300
m in diameter.6
The concentration of interstitial collagen may represent
an important difference between tendon and myocardium.
Collagen is a structural protein that generally occurs in high
concentrations in certain connective tissues such as tendons.
Collagen constitutes approximately 85% of the mass of most
tendons as measured by dry weight ~30% by wet weight!.7–9
Myocardium also contains collagen, but to a lesser degree.
The approximate total content of collagen in normal human
myocardium is 4% by dry weight ~1% by wet weight!.7,8,10
Despite its modest concentrations in the cardiac interstitium,
collagen has been identified as a potentially significant deter-
minant of the structural properties of myocardium.11
Alterations in the concentration and organization of
myocardial collagen often correlate with cardiac
dysfunction.12 For example, left ventricular pressure over-
load hypertrophy may produce an increase in collagen con-
centration and a structural remodeling of the connective tis-
sue matrix of the left ventricle. This accumulation of
collagen ~fibrosis!may also result from systemic hyperten-
sion. Local increases in collagen concentration often accom-
pany myocardial infarction. Because myocytes cannot regen-
erate, collagen replaces the necrotic tissue with a stiff patch
of scar tissue to maintain the mechanical integrity of the
ventricle. After myocardial infarction, the injured region may
accumulate collagen up to five times that of noninfarcted
In a recent study using ultrasonic backscatter measure-
ments to investigate the fiber architecture of regions of ma-
ture infarction in explanted human hearts, our laboratory re-
ported that the scar tissue manifested a progressive
transmural shift in fiber orientation similar to that of normal
3933 3933J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 100 (6), December 1996 0001-4966/96/100(6)/3933/8/$10.00 © 1996 Acoustical Society of America
myocardium.13 This preservation of the fiber architecture of
the ventricular wall by the scar tissue may be a response to
uniaxial stresses imposed at each transmural level by the
contraction of surrounding normal myocardium. At a given
transmural level the scar tissue fibers remain unidirectionally
aligned, and serve to mechanically couple the contraction of
the surrounding normal myocytes. In this sense, the scar tis-
sue functions in an analogous fashion to tendons that couple
the uniaxial tensile forces generated by the contraction of
skeletal muscles to bone. Consequently, tendon may offer a
useful biological model for estimating some of the mechani-
cal characteristics of myocardial fibrosis.
In the present study, we examine some of the anisotropic
mechanical features of formalin fixed specimens of tendon
and myocardium using our reported measured values for the
elastic stiffness coefficients of these tissues to determine
Young’s modulus in all spatial directions. Our approach is
based on the linear theory of elasticity, which assumes that
the strain induced in the tissue varies linearly with the ap-
plied stress. This is generally accepted as a reasonable ap-
proach considering the small range of strains induced by ul-
trasonic waves. However, this assumption of linearity is not
necessarily valid over the much larger range of strains that
may be induced by normal physiologic stresses in vivo.
To extract values of Young’s modulus from the elastic
stiffness coefficients, we analyzed the following elastic stiff-
ness matrix appropriate for a material exhibiting a unidirec-
tional arrangement of reinforcing fibers with a random trans-
verse distribution
c11 c1122c66 c13 000
1122c66 c11 c13 000
13 c13 c33 000
44 00
44 0
0 0 000c
where the 3 axis is along the fiber axis of the material. For
the present study we computed Young’s modulus as a func-
tion of angle ~of the stress axis!in increments relative to
the fiber axis of the tissue. This was accomplished by per-
forming a Bond rotation14 to position the 3 axis along each
direction of interest. The elastic compliance matrix, [sIJ],
was determined by numerically inverting the rotated elastic
stiffness matrix, and the value for Young’s modulus was
obtained from the reciprocal of the compliance coefficient
s33.All values reported in this study for Young’s modulus
were obtained by the numerical means just described. How-
ever, it is also possible to obtain a general expression for
Young’s modulus as a function of the elastic stiffness coef-
ficients and angle of the stress axis relative to the fiber axis
of the tissue. Along certain directions of high symmetry this
expression takes on a relatively compact form. For a material
whose linear elastic properties are described by the form of
the stiffness matrix in Eq. ~1!, Young’s modulus parallel and
perpendicular to the fiber axis ~the 3 axis!may be expressed
c112c66 ~2!
Values for the elastic stiffness coefficients of formalin
fixed specimens of bovine Achilles tendon and normal hu-
man myocardium were obtained from previously reported
ultrasonic studies of these tissues.1–4 These values are repro-
duced in Table I. For the present study these values were
used to compute the angular dependence of Young’s modu-
lus for each tissue. Our results are illustrated in Fig. 1 for the
meridian plane. The meridian plane is defined as any plane
containing the fiber axis of the material. The upper panel of
this figure shows Young’s modulus plotted as a function of
angle relative to the fiber axis of formalin fixed bovine
Achilles tendon. Fixed tendon demonstrates a substantial an-
isotropy in Young’s modulus with two peaks occurring 180°
apart. These maxima occur for angles parallel to the fiber
axis of the tissue. Minima occur for angles perpendicular to
the fiber axis. An interesting feature of this plot is the rapid
variation in Young’s modulus for angles near and 180°.
This feature is characteristic of many of the unidirectional
graphite fiber reinforced composites our laboratory has in-
vestigated in other studies.15,16
The lower panel of Fig. 1 illustrates our results for for-
malin fixed normal human myocardium. Similar to fixed bo-
vine tendon, fixed human myocardium exhibits a rapid varia-
tion in Young’s modulus near and 180° with the maxima
occurring parallel to the fiber axis of the tissue. However, it
TABLE I. Summary of measured results for the elastic stiffness coefficients of formalin fixed bovine Achilles
tendon and formalin fixed normal human myocardium. The five independent coefficients presented in this table
characterize the linear elastic properties of specimens of tissue exhibiting a unidirectional arrangement of
reinforcing fibers aligned along the 3 axis.
Tissue c11
Formalin fixed bovine
Achilles tendon 3.08 4.51 3.72310221.80310223.10
Formalin fixed normal
human myocardium 2.46 2.53 8.97310238.45310232.44
3934 3934J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 100, No. 6, December 1996 Hoffmeister
et al.
: Bioelasticity of tendon and myocardium
is interesting to note that the minima do not occur perpen-
dicular to the fiber axis. Rather, four equal minima occur at
56°, 124°, 236°, and 304°. The physical significance of this
feature is unclear, although we have obtained qualitatively
similar results using published values17 for the elastic stiff-
ness coefficients of a number of hexagonal crystals including
cadmium sulfide.16 The elastic properties of hexagonal crys-
tals are described by the same form of the elastic stiffness
matrix given in Eq. ~1!for a unidirectional fiber reinforced
material. Figure 1 also shows that Young’s modulus is larger
at all angles for tendon, and that tendon demonstrates a con-
siderably more pronounced anisotropy in Young’s modulus.
Table II provides a quantitative comparison of the two tis-
To assess the sensitivity of our results for Young’s
modulus on variations in the measured values of the elastic
stiffness coefficients, we varied each of the five independent
coefficients individually by a percentage of its measured
value, and used the software described in Sec. I to recompute
the angular dependence of Young’s modulus in the meridian
plane. The coefficients were varied within the limits estab-
lished by the physical realizability of the elastic stiffness
matrix. In general, the conditions of physical realizability
require that the diagonal elements and the determinants of
the principal minors of the elastic stiffness matrix be greater
than zero.17 Table III gives specific conditions for a material
exhibiting a unidirectional arrangement of reinforcing fibers
with a random transverse distribution. Within these limits,
each coefficient was varied by the minimum amount required
to produce a visible change in the anisotropy of Young’s
modulus. Figures 2 through 4 illustrate the results of this
analysis for formalin fixed bovine Achilles tendon.
Figure 2 illustrates the influence of 10% changes in our
measured values for c11 and c33. These variations changed
the numerical values for Young’s modulus at all angles. The
largest changes occurred for angles parallel to the fiber axis.
Figure 3 illustrates the influence of 50% changes in c44, and
90% changes in c66. Variations in c66 produced changes in
Young’s modulus at all angles, with the largest changes oc-
curring for angles perpendicular to the fiber axis. Variations
in c44 produced changes in Young’s modulus for all angles
except those parallel and perpendicular to the fiber axis. This
feature may be understood from Eqs. ~2!and ~3!which show
that Young’s modulus does not depend on c44 at these
angles. Figure 4 illustrates the influence of 10% changes in
c13. Variations in this coefficient produced changes in
Young’s modulus at all angles, with the largest changes oc-
curring for angles parallel to the fiber axis.
We repeated this analysis for myocardium, and observed
that 1% variations in c11,c33, and c13 produced changes in
the anisotropic features of Young’s modulus that were quali-
tatively similar to the influence of 10% variations in these
coefficients for tendon. The enhanced sensitivity to varia-
tions in these coefficients likely resulted from the relatively
small percentage difference between c11 and c33 for myocar-
dium. We also observed that 20% variations in c44 and 40%
variations in c66 affected the angular dependence of Young’s
modulus in a manner similar to that illustrated in Fig. 3 for
tendon. The result that relatively large percentage variations
in c44 and c66 are required to produce visible changes in the
anisotropy of Young’s modulus for either tissue is fortunate
given the considerable technical difficulties associated with
measuring these two coefficients.4,18,19
FIG. 1. Anisotropy of Young’s modulus in the meridian plane of formalin
fixed specimens of bovine Achilles tendon ~upper panel!and normal human
myocardium ~lower panel!.
TABLE II. Numerical results for Young’s modulus parallel and perpendicu-
lar to the fiber axis of formalin fixed specimens of bovine Achilles tendon
and normal human myocardium.
Tissue Eparallel
Formalin fixed bovine
Achilles tendon 1.37 0.0706 1.30 19.4
Formalin fixed normal
human myocardium 0.101 0.0311 0.0699 3.25
TABLE III. Conditions of physical realizability for the elastic stiffness co-
efficients of a material exhibiting a unidirectional arrangement of reinforc-
ing fibers with a random transverse distribution.
c33.0 and c44.0c33(c112c66).c13
3935 3935J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 100, No. 6, December 1996 Hoffmeister
et al.
: Bioelasticity of tendon and myocardium
Young’s modulus may be represented by a direction and
a magnitude because the stress and strain lie along the same
axis. Consequently, Young’s modulus may be interpreted as
a vector-like quantity. This interpretation permits the genera-
tion of two-dimensional contours that display the modulus
for all directions in a given plane. Figure 5 illustrates our
results for formalin fixed bovine Achilles tendon in the me-
ridian plane ~upper panel!and transverse plane ~lower panel!
of the tissue. Note that these results are plotted on different
scales. Figure 6 illustrates our results for formalin fixed nor-
mal human myocardium in a similar manner.
Both tissues exhibit a substantial anisotropy in the me-
ridian plane, but are completely isotropic in the transverse
plane. This is because the fibers are assumed to be distrib-
uted randomly in the transverse plane. The transverse isot-
ropy of these tissues permits us to generate three-
dimensional surfaces representing Young’s modulus for all
spatial directions. This is accomplished by sweeping the two-
dimensional contours illustrated in the upper panels of Figs.
5 and 6 about the fiber axis. These surfaces may also be
generated directly from the elastic stiffness coefficients using
the software described in Sec. I. Figure 7 illustrates the sur-
faces we obtain for the formalin fixed specimens of tendon
and myocardium considered in this study. These surfaces
may be interpreted by imagining an observer located at the
origin inside one of these surfaces. The vector defined by
where the observer’s line of sight intercepts the surface de-
fines the magnitude of Young’s modulus in that direction. It
is important to note that the surfaces shown in Fig. 7 are
drawn to different scales. On the same scale, the long axis of
the surface representing our results for tendon would be
more than 13 times greater than that for myocardium.
So far we have only considered the linear elastic prop-
erties of unidirectional soft tissues. In the specific case of
myocardium, we were careful to avoid complications arising
FIG. 2. Influence of 10% variations in the elastic stiffness coefficients c11
and c33 on the angular dependence of Young’s modulus for formalin fixed
FIG. 3. Influence of 50% variations in c44 and 90% variations in c66 on the
angular dependence of Young’s modulus for formalin fixed tendon.
FIG. 4. Influence of 10% variations in c13 on the angular dependence of
Young’s modulus for formalin fixed tendon.
3936 3936J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 100, No. 6, December 1996 Hoffmeister
et al.
: Bioelasticity of tendon and myocardium
from the progressive shift in fiber orientation across the heart
wall by ultrasonically interrogating selected thin regions of
tissue exhibiting a unidirectional arrangement of
myofibers.1,4 We conclude by introducing a simple model
that we developed to extend our results for the linear elastic
properties of unidirectional specimens of soft tissues to sys-
tems exhibiting more complicated fiber architectures. As a
specific application, we use this model to estimate the angu-
lar dependence of Young’s modulus for the entire thickness
of the left ventricular wall.
As described in the introduction, the left ventricular wall
of the human heart is composed of layers of aligned myofi-
bers whose orientation depends on location within the heart
wall. Previous histologic and ultrasonic analyses have deter-
mined that normal myocardium exhibits a total transmural
shift in fiber orientation of approximately 120° from epicar-
dium to endocardium at a rate of approximately 10° per
millimeter.5,20 We model the fiber architecture of the left
ventricular wall by a stack of 121 elementary layers of tissue
arranged in increments as illustrated in Fig. 8. Each el-
ementary layer represents a 100-
m-thick sheet of myocar-
dium containing a random transverse distribution of aligned
myofibers. Roman numerals are used to indicate the axes of
the coordinate system with the III axis corresponding to the
stacking axis, and the other two axes oriented such that the
fibers span a range of angles from 260° to 160° relative to
the I axis.
A number of techniques have been devised to evaluate
the elastic properties of man-made fiber reinforced stacked
composites. For certain high symmetry conditions, closed
FIG. 5. Two-dimensional representation of the angular dependence of
Young’s modulus for formalin fixed bovine Achilles tendon in the meridian
plane ~upper panel!and transverse plane ~lower panel!.
FIG. 6. Two-dimensional representation of the angular dependence of
Young’s modulus for formalin fixed normal human myocardium in the me-
ridian plane ~upper panel!and transverse plane ~lower panel!.
FIG. 7. Three-dimensional representation of the anisotropy of Young’s
modulus for formalin fixed bovine Achilles tendon ~upper panel!and normal
human myocardium ~lower panel!. Note that these results are drawn to dif-
ferent scales.
FIG. 8. Model for the fiber architecture of the left ventricular wall of the
human heart. The progressive transmural fiber shift is reconstructed by
stacking 121 thin unidirectional layers of myocardium in increments.
3937 3937J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 100, No. 6, December 1996 Hoffmeister
et al.
: Bioelasticity of tendon and myocardium
form expressions may be obtained for the elastic stiffness
coefficients of these systems. One example is a biaxial com-
posite in which unidirectional layers are stacked with the
fibers alternately oriented at and 90°.21 For our applica-
tion, however, no such symmetry exists. Our model therefore
follows an approach based on the law of mixtures that uses
the results we obtained for a unidirectional layer of myocar-
dium to predict the mechanical properties of the entire stack.
This is accomplished by specifying a stress axis in the I–II
plane, and averaging the contribution of each elementary
layer to obtain a mean value for Young’s modulus in that
direction. Based on previous investigations by others22–24 we
consider the two limits
121 (
121 (
160 1
represents the angle of the stress axis relative to the
I axis, and
represents the angle of the stress axis relative to
the fiber axis of an elementary layer.
Equations ~4!and ~5!are sometimes referred to as the
Voigt and Reuss bounds of the law of mixtures, and are
analogous to determining the spring constant of a system of
springs attached in parallel and series, respectively. These
two approaches may be considered to represent different lim-
its of the degree of interaction between the elastic elements
of the heart wall as defined by the elementary layers. If one
imagines each layer of the stack to represent a spring whose
spring constant depends on the angle of the stress axis rela-
tive to the fiber axis of the layer, then Eq. ~4!assumes that
the individual layers of the stack do not directly interact with
each other. Equation ~5!, on the other hand, assumes that the
elementary layers are directly coupled to one another in a
manner similar to springs attached end to end. In general,
Young’s modulus of the heart wall is expected to lie some-
where between these limits.25
To obtain numerical values of Young’s modulus from
our model, we developed a program written in the ‘‘C’’ pro-
gramming language for the Macintosh computer which ana-
lyzed the data presented in the lower panel of Fig. 1 to com-
pute Young’s modulus of the heart wall in increments in
the I–II plane. Our results are illustrated in Fig. 9. The upper
panel of this figure displays Young’s modulus as a function
of angle relative to the I axis of the coordinate system as
computed using Eq. ~4!, and the lower panel displays the
result we obtained using Eq. ~5!. These two approaches pre-
dict only moderately different results for the angular depen-
dence of Young’s modulus. Equation ~4!yields a larger
value for Young’s modulus at all angles. However, the
maxima and minima in Young’s modulus occur at identical
angles for either approach. Maxima occur at 22°, 158°, 202°,
and 338°, and minima occur at 90° and 270°. The largest
difference between procedures in the predicted magnitudes
of Young’s modulus occurs at and 180°, and the smallest
difference at 90° and 270°.
The results of our model satisfy certain intuitive features
regarding the mechanical properties of the left ventricular
wall. For example, our model predicts that the anisotropy of
Young’s modulus of the heart wall is considerably less pro-
nounced than the anisotropy of Young’s modulus of a unidi-
rectional specimen of myocardium. This feature reflects the
fact that, under normal physiologic conditions, the heart wall
must accommodate stresses that are not entirely unidirec-
tional. By orienting the myofibers over a distribution of
angles, the tissue may be better able to resist the approxi-
mately isotropic tensile forces produced in the left ventricu-
lar wall by the outward pressure of the blood filled cavity. It
is interesting to note that this function could also be accom-
plished by using a random orientation of myofibers. Conse-
quently, the progressive transmural shift in the orientation of
these fibers may contribute in other unspecified ways to the
function of the heart wall, and to its passive mechanical
Although the use of fresh as compared with fixed tissues
would be preferable for the determination of the anisotropy
of Young’s modulus, such tissues are difficult to handle in an
experimental situation. In particular, autolysis ~or enzymatic
degradation!ensues rapidly after excision unless the tissue is
fixed. However, the process of formalin fixation may also
change the mechanical properties of soft tissues. One indica-
tion of this change is that the tissues become noticeably
stiffer to the touch after fixation. The biochemical reactions
involved in the fixation of tissues with formalin are rather
complicated, but the main effect is to render proteins in-
soluble by binding together amino groups of lysine and
glutamine in adjacent protein chains. All of the ultrasonic
data used to analyze the anisotropy of Young’s modulus
were obtained from specimens of tissue that had been fixed
in a 10% buffered solution of formalin for a period of several
weeks to several months.
FIG. 9. Predictions for the angular dependence of Young’s modulus of a
specimen of the left ventricular wall possessing a 120° transmural shift in
fiber orientation.
3938 3938J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 100, No. 6, December 1996 Hoffmeister
et al.
: Bioelasticity of tendon and myocardium
A number of studies have been conducted to investigate
the effects of fixation on the ultrasonic properties of soft
tissues.26–28 For example, Shung and Reid reported that the
velocity of longitudinal mode ultrasonic waves propagated
perpendicular to the fibers of bovine myocardium increased
by approximately 1% after formalin fixation.29 If the density
of the tissue remains unaffected by formalin fixation, such a
change would produce a small increase in the elastic stiffness
coefficient c11. Similar increases may also be produced in
c33, but the effects on the remaining three coefficients, c13,
c44, and c66, are unknown.
Two recent studies suggest that the general principles of
the anisotropic elastic behavior elucidated in this report may
apply to measurements of fresh tissues. Recchia et al.
showed that values for anisotropy of ultrasonic integrated
backscatter in hearts of normal volunteer patients measured
by integrated backscatter imaging was approximately the
same as that measured in excised fixed animal hearts.30 Rec-
chia used integrated backscatter imaging and lateral gain
compensation in short axis images in vivo to quantify differ-
ences in scattering between the interventricular septal wall
~where myofibers are predominantly parallel to the ultrasonic
beam!and the posterior wall ~where myofibers are perpen-
dicular to the beam!. A 16-dB difference in backscatter was
observed between septum and posterior walls at the imaging
frequency of 2.5 MHz. Similar measurements were per-
formed in vitro in fixed canine and porcine hearts and the
magnitude of anisotropy was similar.
Rose et al. recently showed that backscatter from myo-
cardium depends on several factors including the elastic stiff-
ness constants, mass density, scatterer geometry, and ultra-
sonic frequency.31 The anisotropy of integrated backscatter
in formalin fixed excised human myocardium was well pre-
dicted with the use of the frequency domain Born approxi-
mation. Given the results reported by Recchia et al. which
showed that the magnitude of anisotropy was not signifi-
cantly different between fresh in vivo and fixed in vitro heart
tissues, the study by Rose et al. indicates that the set of pa-
rameters that determine ultrasonic scattering from myocar-
dium ~including the elastic stiffness coefficients!are unlikely
to be influenced by fixation to an extent that compromises
the measurement of anisotropy. Although absolute values of
these elastic stiffness constants probably change somewhat
after fixation, the general conclusions of this report regarding
the anisotropy of elastic behavior in soft tissue would appear
to be valid.
We would like to thank Thierry D. Lhermitte, Ph. D., for
his helpful insights relating to this study. This work was
supported in part by NIH Grant Nos. HL 40302, HL 42950,
and an Established Investigator Award from the American
Heart Association ~SAW!.
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... Most tissues have a degree of anisotropy in both their physiological and mechanical properties [3,4]. Being able to mimic these anisotropic properties is of paramount importance in the field of tissue engineering as these properties drive cell adhesion, differentiation and proliferation [5]. ...
... Being able to mimic these anisotropic properties is of paramount importance in the field of tissue engineering as these properties drive cell adhesion, differentiation and proliferation [5]. Tissue anisotropy with regards to bulk mechanical properties can range from close to none (isotropy) in tissues such as the liver, up to a high degree of anisotropy in tissues such as ligaments and tendons [3,6]. Physiological anisotropy can also be found at smaller length scales in the orientation of extracellular matrix fibers. ...
... The majority of tissues have a degree of anisotropy in both their physiological and mechanical properties [3,4]. Mimicking these anisotropic properties is of crucial importance in the field of tissue engineering as these properties drive cell adhesion, differentiation and proliferation [5]. ...
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Mimicking the native 3- dimensional microenvironment is of crucial importance when biofabricating a new healthcare material. One aspect of the native tissue that is often omitted when designing a suitable scaffold is its anisotropy. Not only is matching native mechanical properties important when designing implantable scaffolds or healthcare materials, but matching physiological structure is also important as many cell populations respond differently to fiber orientation. Therefore, novel aligned electrospun scaffolds with varying fiber angles and spacing of bundles were created and mechanically characterized. Through controlling the angle between the fibers in each layer of the scaffold, a range of different physiological anisotropic mechanical properties were achieved that encompasses values found in native tissues. Extrapolation of this mechanical data allowed for any native tissue's anisotropic Young's modulus to be mimicked by electrospinning fibers at a particular angle. These electrospun scaffolds were then incorporated with cell-laden hydrogels to create hybrid structures that contain the benefits of both scaffolding techniques with the ability to encapsulate cells in the hydrogel. To conclude, this study develops a novel bundled fiber scaffold that was architected to yield anisotropic properties matching native tissues.
... On the other hand, stretching-induced orientation led to a decrease of strength of ACHs in the direction perpendicular to the fiber alignment, partly due to the diminishing contribution of stiff fibers for load bearing (Fig. 2B). The stiffness anisotropy of ACHs, as characterized by the ratio between initial tensile moduli parallel and perpendicular to the fiber alignment, is tunable up to the level of~80 ( Fig. 2C), which covers the intrinsic range of biological tissues (20,21). Notably, the elastic modulus and mechanical strength of ACH-80 match those of the natural tendons, which were not achieved with other synthetic hydrogels with tendon-mimetic characteristics (Fig. 2D). ...
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We report multifunctional tendon-mimetic hydrogels constructed from anisotropic assembly of aramid nanofiber composites. The stiff nanofibers and soft polyvinyl alcohol in these anisotropic composite hydrogels (ACHs) mimic the structural interplay between aligned collagen fibers and proteoglycans in tendons. The ACHs exhibit a high modulus of ~1.1 GPa, strength of ~72 MPa, fracture toughness of 7333 J/m2, and many additional characteristics matching those of natural tendons, which was not achieved with previous synthetic hydrogels. The surfaces of ACHs were functionalized with bioactive molecules to present biophysical cues for the modulation of morphology, phenotypes, and other behaviors of attached cells. Moreover, soft bioelectronic components can be integrated on ACHs, enabling in situ sensing of various physiological parameters. The outstanding mechanics and functionality of these tendon mimetics suggest their further applications in advanced tissue engineering, implantable prosthetics, human-machine interactions, and other technologies.
... Biological soft tissues grown in the human body often adopt anisotropic structures with different moduli in parallel (E ‖ ) and perpendicular directions (E ⊥ ) (Roger, 2002). Examples include human myocardium (E ‖ =0.1 GPa, E ⊥ = 0.03 GPa) (Hoffmeister et al., 1996), human coronary arteries intimal strips (E ‖ =600 kPa, E ⊥ = 180 kPa), media strips (E ‖ =40 kPa, E ⊥ = 7 kPa), and adventitia strips (E ‖ =180 kPa, E ⊥ = 90 kPa) (Holzapfel et al., 2005). Mechanical property matching between the implant and the tissue is crucial to the function of the implant since an implant softer than the native tissue will not be strong enough to provide support, while a stiffer implant will cause foreign body reactions (Carnicer-Lombarte et al., 2019). ...
Hydrogel materials are widely applicable due to their high water content, biocompatibility, and broad tunability. While the overall mechanical performance of hydrogels can be tuned by methods such as altering the recipe, introducing a secondary network, and adding a post-treatment step, anisotropic mechanical properties with specific anisotropic ratios are not readily achievable. Moreover, the relation between anisotropic structures and the resulting difference in mechanical performance along various directions is not yet clearly understood. In this paper, we fabricated poly (vinyl alcohol) hydrogels with tunable anisotropic ratios of Young's moduli by a bidirectional ice-templating method. Then we characterized the morphologies and mechanical properties in different directions to study the correlation between structure and property anisotropy. An analytical model based on Eshelby's equivalence principle and Mori-Tanaka's mean-field theory was established to predict the theoretical values of the anisotropic effective moduli for the porous hydrogels, which agrees well with the experimental results. This model reveals the key parameter that describes the extent of anisotropy and has the potential of providing guidance for designing micro-structured hydrogels with specified mechanical properties.
... Natural biological tissue and tissue-derived soft biomaterial often exhibit pronounced mechanical anisotropy due to preferred fibrous orientation (Chuong et al. 1991;Hoffmeister et al. 1996;Ono et al. 1990;Demer et al. 1983). The anisotropic mechanical response for vascular tissue was suggested to directly result from fiber orientation (Timmins et al. 2010). ...
This study presents the theoretical and modeling aspects of the two recently published orthotropic viscoelastic constitutive frameworks by Cansız et al. (Comput. Methods Biomech. Biomed. Eng. 18: 1160–1172, 2015) and Gültekin et al. (Comput. Methods Biomech. Biomed. Eng. 19: 1647–1664, 2016). Recent revelations clearly predicate the viscoelastic response of the human passive myocardium in terms of stress hysteresis and relaxation. The first contribution establishes a canonical representation, formulates a rheological model with Maxwell elements considered along fiber, sheet, and normal directions in the logarithmic strain space. The second contribution presents a convolution-type evolution of the viscous stresses, which are incorporated in a rheological model with Maxwell elements featuring matrix, fiber, sheet, and fiber-sheet terms akin to the hyperelastic contributions. In the sequel, we address the performance of both models by fitting them to cyclic and stress relaxation test data obtained from triaxial shear tests on human passive myocardium.
... This method is influenced by the anisotropy of the tissue, which refers to the dependence on the direction of the tissue fibres relative to the plane of measurement (Gennisson et al., 2013). Anisotropy is problematic for estimates made with sonographic techniques ex-vivo (Hoffmeister et al., 1996) and in-vivo (Gennisson et al., 2010), and it is generally recommended to align the ultrasound trans-ducer with direction of the tissue of interest (e.g., muscle fibres or collagen fibres in tendon) (Gennisson et al., 2013). This is likely to be more challenging in complex structures such as the iliotibial band (ITB). ...
... This method is influenced by the anisotropy of the tissue, which refers to the dependence on the direction of the tissue fibres relative to the plane of measurement (Gennisson et al., 2013). Anisotropy is problematic for estimates made with sonographic techniques ex-vivo (Hoffmeister et al., 1996) and in-vivo (Gennisson et al., 2010), and it is generally recommended to align the ultrasound trans-ducer with direction of the tissue of interest (e.g., muscle fibres or collagen fibres in tendon) (Gennisson et al., 2013). This is likely to be more challenging in complex structures such as the iliotibial band (ITB). ...
Tissue anisotropy influences estimation of mechanical properties of connective tissues, such as the iliotibial band (ITB). This study investigated the influence of ultrasound transducer rotation and tilt on shear wave velocity (SWV, an index of stiffness) measurements of the ITB and the intra-rater repeatability of SWV measurements in the longitudinal direction. SWV was measured unilaterally (dominant limb) using ultrasound shear wave elastography in the middle region of the ITB in supine at rest (20-25° knee flexion) in ten healthy volunteers (4 females). A 3-dimensional video system provided real-time feedback of probe orientation with respect to the thigh. Measurements were made at 10° increments of probe rotation, from longitudinal to transverse alignment relative to the approximate direction of ITB fibres, and 5-10° tilts about the longitudinal and sideways axes of the transducer. One-way repeated measures ANOVA compared SWV between angles and tilts. Intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs) and standard error of measurement (SEM) were used to calculate repeatability for two to five (longitudinal only) repetitions. SWV was greatest when the transducer was aligned to ITB fibres (longitudinal: 10.5±1.7 m/s) and lowest when perpendicular (transverse: 5.8±2.4 m/s²). Compared to longitudinal alignment, SWV decreased significantly (p<0.01) when the transducer was rotated 20° or more. Tilted measurements did not differ between angles. Intra-rater repeatability was excellent with the average of two measurements (ICC=0.99, 95% CI 0.95, 0.99; SEM=0.31 m/s). These findings show that SWV changes with orientation relative to fibre direction. Transducer orientation requires careful control to ensure comparable measures.
Elastic, anisotropic tissue such as tendon has proven resistant to mechanical fractionation by histotripsy, a subset of focused ultrasound that uses the creation, oscillation and collapse of cavitation bubbles to fractionate tissue. Our objective was to fabricate an optically transparent hydrogel that mimics tendon for evaluation of histotripsy bubble dynamics. Ex vivo bovine deep digital flexor tendons were obtained (n = 4), and varying formulations of polyacrylamide (PA), collagen and fibrin hydrogels (n = 3 each) were fabricated. Axial sound speeds were measured at 1 MHz for calculation of anisotropy. All samples were treated with a 1.5-MHz focused ultrasound transducer with 10-ms pulses repeated at 1 Hz (p+ = 127 MPa, p- = 35 MPa); treatments were monitored with passive cavitation imaging and high-speed photography. Dehydrated fibrin gels were found to be the most similar to tendon in cavitation emission energy (fibrin = 0.69 ± 0.24, tendon = 0.64 ± 0.19 [× 1010 V2]) and anisotropy (fibrin = 3.16 ± 1.12, tendon = 19.4). Bubble cloud area in dehydrated fibrin (0.79 ± 0.14 mm2) was significantly smaller than most other tested hydrogels. Finally, anisotropy was found to have moderately strong linear relationships with cavitation energy and bubble cloud size (r = -0.65 and -0.80, respectively). Dehydrated fibrin shows potential as a repeatable, transparent, tissue-mimicking hydrogel for evaluation of histotripsy bubble dynamics in elastic, anisotropic tissues.
The extracellular matrix (ECM) of an artery endows the tissue its load bearing and damage resistance capacities. This chapter presents a review on the complex interplay between the multiscale ECM structural inhomogeneity and mechanics of large elastic arteries. Our recent studies integrating multiphoton imaging and quantification, biomechanical characterization, and computational modeling showed that ECM structural inhomogeneity exists at multiple structural levels of the arterial wall. At the intralamellar level, varying fiber orientation distribution and undulation contributes to local ECM mechanical properties. At the interlamellar level, transmural variation in in-plane fiber orientation distribution determines the anisotropic mechanical behavior of the elastin network. Furthermore, the waviness gradient among the elastic lamellar layers plays an important role in maintaining tissue homeostasis. Finally, structural inhomogeneity in transmural interlamellar fibers, and the development and propagation of aortic dissection will be discussed.
The processes responsible for affecting the propagation of an ultrasonic wave as it passes through biological tissue are poorly understood. In large part, the research into this area is at a correlation level as contrasted to a modelling level. In other words, contemporary research is studying the relationships between ultrasonic properties of tissue and other tissue properties in order to elucidate trends. With very few important exceptions, minute information has prevented any successful modelling.
The absorption and speed of ultrasound in mammalian tissues are discussed in relation to the fractional protein content. To a first approximation, biological tissues are shown to correspond to composite materials whose ultrasonic propagation properties are determined by the individual ultrasoundproperties of their globular and structural protein contents.
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It is hypothesized that the impact of measurements of the properties of advanced composite materials can be substantially enhanced through the use of improved visualization techniques. Values of the elastic stiffness coefficients C<sub>11</sub>, C<sub>12</sub>, C<sub>13 </sub>, C<sub>33</sub>, and C<sub>44</sub> were obtained from time-of-flight measurements on a set of three uniaxial graphite/epoxy samples obtained from NASA Langley Research Center. Three-dimensional representations of the phase velocity, slowness, group velocity, and the Young's and shear moduli were derived from the measured elastic stiffness constants
Variational principles in the linear theory of elasticity, involving the elastic polarization tensor, have been applied to the derivation of upper and lower bounds for the effective elastic moduli of quasi-isotropic and quasi-homogeneous multiphase materials of arbitrary phase geometry. When the ratios between the different phase moduli are not too large the bounds derived are close enough to provide a good estimate for the effective moduli. Comparison of theoretical and experimental results for a two-phase alloy showed good agreement.
Ultrasonic attenuation and backscattering coefficients and speed of sound were determined experimentally, as functions of frequency, in samples of fresh mammalian brain, liver and spleen, and in the same specimens fixed histochemically. It is observed that 4% formalin and 5% potassium dichromate are greatly superior to ethyl alcohol for consistently preserving the ultrasonic propagation properties to within only a few percent of those of the original fresh, unfixed material.
Ultrasonic attenuation in fresh and 5% formalin fixed beef skeletal muscle has been measured, as a continuous function of frequency, in the range 1-8 MHz, for muscle fibre orientations both parallel and normal to the direction of propagation. Good agreement was found in all cases between two independent sets of measurements employing transmission and reflection techniques respectively. The data are consistent with a power law dependence of attenuation coefficient on frequency, with an exponent that is not significantly different from unity. For propagation normal to the fibres attenuation values are found as 1.1 +/- 0.15 and 1.6 +/- 0.15 dB cm-1 MHz-1 for fresh and fixed tissue respectively, the corresponding values for parallel propagation being 2.9 +/- 0.23 and 4.1 +/- 0.25 dB cm-1 MHz-1.
Rough values for the transverse-wave specific acoustic impedance Zs=Rs+jXs, transverse velocity of sound cs, and transverse absorption coefficient αs have been measured for canine liver, kidney, muscle tissues, and for packed red blood cells in the frequency range from 2 to 14 MHz at 25°C. The ranges of the results are Rs=700–3000 Ωmech/cm2, Xs=400–4000 Ωmech/cm2, cs=900–10 000 cm/sec, and αs=2000–30 000 np/cm. The corresponding results for shear stiffness μ1 and viscosity μ2 are μ1<107 dyn/cm2 and μ2=4–30 centipoise. At these frequencies the viscosities are orders of magnitude less than those reported at 0.5–5 kHz by Oestreicher (1951). The low impedances (viscosities) correspond to low velocities and extremely high absorption coefficients for shear waves in tissue. Subject Classification: [43]80.20, [43]80.30.