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The limits of the energetical perspective: life-history decisions in lizard growth


Abstract and Figures

The study of energy allocation is essential in understanding the regulation of major life history traits. It is often assumed automatically that the limitation of an energy budget or higher allocation to a single trait affect all life history traits. This assumption was inherently included in influential models of ontogenetic growth. We aim to challenge this perspective by focusing on growth in lizards. Summarizing the results of a series of long-term manipulative experiments in the Madagascar ground gecko (Paroedura picta), we show that although growth is generally assumed to be highly plastic in reptiles and other ectothermic vertebrates, it is at least in this species largely canalized and does not seem to be affected by energy limitations under several experimental conditions. Diet restriction, resulting in lower allocation to fat storage and reproduction, and the allocation to energetically demanding traits such as reproduction in both sexes and tail regeneration had little if any effect on structural growth. We document that sexual size dimorphism does not emerge in the ontogeny of the studied species directly due to differential allocation to structural growth in males and females. Instead, sex-specific growth trajectories are driven by a signaling of ovarian hormones as the key proximate mechanism shaping sex-specific allocation decisions during ontogeny. We suggest that the large degree of canalization of the structural growth can reflect hierarchy in energy allocation with the structural growth being prioritized to investment in other traits. The prioritized allocation to structural growth can reflect selective advantage of reaching a final, optimal size for a given sex as fast as possible.
of the results from case studies in Paroedura picta that show that growth does not seem to be influenced by variations in allocable energy. a The “reproductive cost” hypothesis predicts that removal of the costs of reproduction should lead to higher allocation to growth in both sexes. However, castrated males attained the same size as non-castrated control males (Starostová et al. 2013). Socially isolated non-reproducing females and females with highly decreased allocation to reproduction due to unilateral ovariectomy maintained similar body size (SVL) and growth rate as control regularly egg-laying females (Kubička et al. 2017). Only full ovariectomy led to higher allocation to structural growth in females, which indicates that ovarian hormones, not directly allocable energy, controls ontogeny of sexual size dimorphism via negative effect on growth in females (Kubička et al. 2017). b In the case of food restriction, we expected that restricted diet would lead to reduced allocation to reproduction, growth and fat storage. However, structural growth was not affected by food limitations, which reduced only allocation to reproduction and fat storage (Kubička and Kratochvíl 2009). c The simple energy allocation trade-off predicts that growth should be decreased in the lizards during tail regeneration. Nevertheless, geckos with and without growth regeneration had similar growth rates and reached similar structural body size (Starostová et al. 2017). Silhouette images were taken and modified from:
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Evolutionary Ecology (2020) 34:469–481
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The limits oftheenergetical perspective: life-history
decisions inlizard growth
BrandonMeter1· ZuzanaStarostová1 · LukášKubička2· LukášKratochvíl2
Received: 30 March 2020 / Revised: 12 May 2020 / Accepted: 14 May 2020 / Published online: 25 May 2020
© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020
The study of energy allocation is essential in understanding the regulation of major life
history traits. It is often assumed automatically that the limitation of an energy budget or
higher allocation to a single trait affect all life history traits. This assumption was inher-
ently included in influential models of ontogenetic growth. We aim to challenge this per-
spective by focusing on growth in lizards. Summarizing the results of a series of long-term
manipulative experiments in the Madagascar ground gecko (Paroedura picta), we show
that although growth is generally assumed to be highly plastic in reptiles and other ecto-
thermic vertebrates, it is at least in this species largely canalized and does not seem to
be affected by energy limitations under several experimental conditions. Diet restriction,
resulting in lower allocation to fat storage and reproduction, and the allocation to energeti-
cally demanding traits such as reproduction in both sexes and tail regeneration had little if
any effect on structural growth. We document that sexual size dimorphism does not emerge
in the ontogeny of the studied species directly due to differential allocation to structural
growth in males and females. Instead, sex-specific growth trajectories are driven by a sign-
aling of ovarian hormones as the key proximate mechanism shaping sex-specific allocation
decisions during ontogeny. We suggest that the large degree of canalization of the struc-
tural growth can reflect hierarchy in energy allocation with the structural growth being
prioritized to investment in other traits. The prioritized allocation to structural growth
can reflect selective advantage of reaching a final, optimal size for a given sex as fast as
Keywords Growth· Energy· Trade-offs· Gonadal hormones· Sexual size dimorphism·
* Zuzana Starostová
1 Department ofZoology, Faculty ofScience, Charles University, Viničná 7, 12844Prague,
2 Department ofEcology, Faculty ofScience, Charles University, Viničná 7, 12844Prague,
Evolutionary Ecology (2020) 34:469–481
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Direct split ofenergy: anuntested assumption ofgrowth models
The study of energy in living organisms is essential for understanding the regulation of major
life history traits such as growth and reproduction. All living organisms have a limited amount
of allocable energy, which force them to optimize allocation to energetically demanding life-
history traits such as growth, maintenance and reproduction (Stearns 2000; West etal. 2001;
Taborsky 2017). The concept of such energy allocation trade-offs is widespread in evolution-
ary ecology (Angilletta etal. 2003) and we can hardly imagine an alternative to it. Neverthe-
less, it is often assumed automatically that the limitation of an energy budget or higher alloca-
tion to a single trait affects all other life history traits. Several models that tried to describe the
ontogenetic growth trajectories from the energetical perspective are based on this rarely tested
assumption (von Bertalanffy 1957; West etal. 2001; Martin etal. 2019; Sibly and Brown
2020). In other words, these growth models assumed that ontogenetic growth is very pheno-
typically plastic and that changes in growth are directly affected by allocation to other traits,
mainly to reproduction. For example, the general model by West etal. (2001) suggests that
acquired energy related to metabolic rate is split into three components: to the maintenance
of existing tissue, the replacement of cells and the formation of new tissue. According to this
model, a substantial portion of energy is later in ontogeny allocated to reproduction, which is
accompanied directly due to energy limitations with a reduction in growth (West etal. 2001).
Similar logic was also applied to explain the ontogeny of sexual size dimorphism (SSD), i.e.
differences in size between the sexes. The so called “reproductive cost” hypothesis states that
allocation to growth should be smaller in the sex with higher reproductive cost (Cox 2006),
i.e. that the amount of energy allocated to reproduction is directly traded-off with the alloca-
tion to growth.
The idea that ontogenetic growth is plastic with respect to the total energy budget or to
the amount of energy allocated to reproduction and other energetically demanding traits is so
appealing that it is in fact rarely tested. It has straightforward predictions: growth and hence
final body size should correlate with the total amount of available energy and with the allo-
cation to other energetically demanding processes such as reproduction and tissue regenera-
tion. Nevertheless, we realized in the series of growth experiments in the model lizard species
Madagascar ground gecko, Paroedura picta (Peters, 1854), that these intuitive predictions are
not followed. Here, we summarized the observed effect of manipulations with diet, allocation
to reproduction and tissue regeneration on structural growth, i.e. increase in snout-vent length
(SVL) reflecting skeleton dimensions, in this species. As typical reptile with “indeterminate
growth”, P. picta mature at a size representing a small fraction of its final body size (males
can mature at the body mass of c. 3 g and continue to final body mass of 35–40 g, females
mature at about 4 g and their final mass is around 15–19 g; own data). An enormous fraction
of postembryonic growth in this species thus proceeds after the start of reproduction, which is
convenient for the manipulative growth experiments focused on energy allocation. We provide
insights into the proximate control of sex-specific growth trajectories and suggests an explana-
tion at the ultimate level, why the predictions based on direct differential allocation were not
Evolutionary Ecology (2020) 34:469–481
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Sexual dimorphism ingrowth isnotdirectly related toallocation
One field where an energetical perspective on the control of growth became prevalent is the
ontogeny of SSD. SSD in body size is widespread in animals including reptiles and male-
or female-biased SSD can be found across taxa, sometimes even closely related species
being at the opposite side of the spectrum (Cox etal. 2007). For instance, our model spe-
cies P. picta experiences male-biased SSD while the closely related species P. vazimba and
P. androyensis are female larger (Starostová etal. 2010). The “reproductive cost” hypoth-
esis based on an energetical perspective states that a trade-off between reproduction and
growth due to the high energetical cost of reproduction is at the core of SSD development.
This hypothesis was tested mostly in reptiles with male-biased SSD (Cox 2006), but it can
also be relevant for species with female-biased dimorphism since the cost of reproduction
has been found for both sexes across taxa (Hayward and Gillooly 2011).
In male-larger species, the “reproductive cost” hypothesis was traditionally tested by
removing female allocation to reproduction by ovariectomy, which should remove the
energetical cost of reproduction and therefore lead to higher allocation to growth. Higher
growth rate and/or larger structural body in females comparable to male-typical pattern
was indeed observed in ovariectomized females in the Yarrow’s spiny lizard, Scelopo-
rus jarrovii (Cox 2006), brown anole, Anolis sagrei (Cox and Calsbeek 2010; Cox etal.
2014) and the Madagascar ground gecko P. picta (Starostová etal. 2013; Kubička etal.
2017; schematically depicted in Fig.1), which could be taken (and often was) as support
for the “reproductive cost” hypothesis (Cox 2006; Cox and Calsbeek 2010). As charac-
teristic for geckos, P. picta lay maximally two eggs per clutch, but the clutches are very
frequent in this species leading to enormous reproductive effort (Kubička and Kratochvíl
2009; Kubička etal. 2012; Starostová etal. 2012). The idea that non-reproducing females
allocate saved energy to growth is thus seemingly supported.
However, Starostová et al. (2013) also used social isolation as another way of block-
ing energy allocation to egg production next to ovariectomy in P. picta as females of this
species do not produce eggs if they do not have access to sperm. Surprisingly, females in
reproductive isolation did not differ in growth trajectory in SVL and in final SVL from
regularly reproducing females (Fig.1), which suggests that the female reproductive cost is
not responsible for the ontogeny of SSD in this species.
These authors suggested that ovariectomy removed not only reproductive cost but also
production of ovarian hormones, which can drive females to female-typical growth trajec-
tory leading to decreased final SVL directly, not via allocation to reproduction. A follow
up study by Kubička etal. (2017) extended the test of the “reproductive cost” and “ovar-
ian hormone” hypotheses. They found that contrary to the predictions of the “reproductive
cost” hypothesis, unilaterally ovariectomized females that produced around half of eggs
in comparison to sham operated females while maintaining normal hormonal cycling,
reached a comparable final size in terms of SVL via the same growth trajectory as control
sham operated females (Fig.1). Moreover, ovariectomized females of P. picta receiving
exogenous estradiol reached a smaller size, which suggests that female growth can be sup-
pressed by gonadal estrogens (Kubička etal. 2017).
Manipulations in males also found little support for the “reproductive cost” hypoth-
esis. Sperm production is energetically demanding and can be restricted by metabolic
rate and total available energy (Hayward and Gillooly 2011). Removal of allocation
to gonads in growing males should thus lead to higher allocation to structural growth.
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However, growth rate and final SVL in males of P. picta was not affected by castra-
tion both under constant temperature (Starostová etal. 2013) and in a thermal gradient
(Kubička etal. 2015) (Fig.1). These results also suggest that male gonadal androgens
are not responsible for the increased growth in males in comparison to females and by
extension for the ontogeny of SSD in P. picta. Control of male growth by male gonadal
androgens was suggested as a major mechanism of evolutionary changes in SSD in
squamate reptiles (Cox etal. 2005, 2009). The evidence for masculinized growth by
the application of exogenous androgens in females was initially taken as a support for
the control of SSD ontogeny by male gonadal androgens (Cox etal. 2009). However,
this assumption has been challenged as it is not consistent with the lack of the effect
of castration on growth in males P. picta (Kubička etal. 2015) and other lizard spe-
cies (Kubička etal. 2013; Bauerová etal. 2020). Equally as ovariectomy, application of
exogenous androgens likely causes defeminization, i.e. the suppression of the develop-
ment of female-typical morphology via interference with normal ovarian hormonal pro-
duction, not masculinization of female growth trajectory (Starostová etal. 2013). The
agreement of various, mutually complementary experimental data (schematically pre-
sented in Figs.1 and 2) implies that SSD in P. picta is caused by suppressed growth in
females, which cannot be attributed to their high allocation to reproduction but is likely
driven by ovarian hormones as the key proximate mechanism switching between sex-
specific growth trajectories.
Fig. 1 Schematic depiction of postembryonic structural growth trajectories in accordance to sex and treat-
ment in Paroedura picta. Only ovariectomy affects female growth and final snout-vent length likely causing
defeminization in absence of hormones produced by ovaries. All other experimental treatments depicted
fail to affect the growth of experimental animals. Arrow indicates the start of experimental manipulations.
Schematic growth depiction for experimental groups (from above): control males, castrated males, ovariec-
tomized females, control reproducing females, unilaterally ovariectomized reproducing females, females in
social isolation
Evolutionary Ecology (2020) 34:469–481
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Fig. 2 Summary of the results from case studies in Paroedura picta that show that growth does not seem to be
influenced by variations in allocable energy. a The “reproductive cost” hypothesis predicts that removal of the
costs of reproduction should lead to higher allocation to growth in both sexes. However, castrated males attained
the same size as non-castrated control males (Starostová etal. 2013). Socially isolated non-reproducing females
and females with highly decreased allocation to reproduction due to unilateral ovariectomy maintained similar
body size (SVL) and growth rate as control regularly egg-laying females (Kubička etal. 2017). Only full ovariec-
tomy led to higher allocation to structural growth in females, which indicates that ovarian hormones, not directly
allocable energy, controls ontogeny of sexual size dimorphism via negative effect on growth in females (Kubička
etal. 2017). b In the case of food restriction, we expected that restricted diet would lead to reduced allocation
to reproduction, growth and fat storage. However, structural growth was not affected by food limitations, which
reduced only allocation to reproduction and fat storage (Kubička and Kratochvíl 2009). c The simple energy allo-
cation trade-off predicts that growth should be decreased in the lizards during tail regeneration. Nevertheless,
geckos with and without growth regeneration had similar growth rates and reached similar structural body size
(Starostová etal. 2017). Silhouette images were taken and modified from: https ://pixab
Evolutionary Ecology (2020) 34:469–481
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Food restriction: limited reproduction andfat storage,
butnotstructural growth
Energy allocation to growth and reproduction was studied in females of P. picta also
through restriction of allocable energy via manipulation with food quantity (Kubička
and Kratochvíl 2009). Two balanced groups of young, still growing females kept at dif-
ferent food levels were followed for six months until cessation of growth. The expec-
tation based on direct differential allocation was that the limited energy intake would
impair growth rate and possibly final structural body size represented by final SVL
(Fig.2). Nevertheless, females on a restricted diet maintained growth rate and attained
the same final SVL as females with higher food intake (Kubička and Kratochvíl 2009).
They did however compromise on their reproduction. Females on the restricted diet
laid smaller eggs in longer intervals. Diet restriction also led to the lower body mass
and thus fat reserves when compared to females with higher food intake. A trade-off
between growth and reproduction does not seem to occur in its simplest form here with
an expected allocation compromise between these processes. In this case study, the allo-
cation to structural growth was clearly more canalized than allocation to reproduction.
Little eect ofenergy limitation throughtail autotomy onstructural
Another factor that should affect the allocable energy to life history traits is tail autot-
omy, a widespread defence strategy of a vast number of lizard species, which is com-
monly followed by tail regeneration (Arnold 1988; Bateman and Fleming 2009). By
shedding a tail lizards can lose a substantial proportion of body mass (Jagnandan and
Higham 2018) and possibly also an energy reserve since tails are an important organ
for fat storage (Pond 1978; Paz etal. 2019). Tails also need to be regenerated since they
are important for locomotion and balance (Gillis etal. 2009; Gillis and Higham 2016;
Jagnandan and Higham 2018) as well as social interaction (Fox etal. 1990; Martín
and Salvador 1993). The energetical cost of tail regeneration can come to the expense
of growth (Ballinger and Tinkle 1979; Niewiarowski etal. 1997; Lynn etal. 2013) or
reproduction (Dial and Fitzpatrick 1981; Wilson and Booth 1998; Chapple etal. 2002),
but the support is ambiguous (e.g.,Fox and McCoy 2000; Goodman 2006; Webb 2006).
In a study on P. picta, the cost of tail regeneration in growing juvenile males was evalu-
ated (Starostová etal. 2017). Tail autotomy was induced in juvenile, approximately four
months old males still in the phase of rapid growth and their growth was followed and
compared to intact control group for more than five months. The prediction based on a
simple direct differential energy allocation was that the growth rate and final SVL of
the juveniles that suffered tail autotomy would be hindered compared to intact juveniles
(Fig.2). However, tail autotomy and its subsequent regeneration did not affect structural
growth and resulted in a similar SVL. Furthermore, mass-corrected metabolic rate was
not significantly affected by tail loss and allocation to regeneration. It seems that fast
growing juveniles can compensate tail autotomy at least under unrestricted food condi-
tions without a notable change in mass-specific metabolic rate. Future studies should
test whether the same pattern would be observed also under food limitation.
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Structural growth isstill plastic withrespect totemperature
The above discussed findings suggested that structural growth represented by change in
SVL during the postembryonic ontogeny in P. picta is less phenotypically plastic than
generally assumed under manipulation with energetically demanding processes. But, is
it plastic with respect to other factors than energy allocation? Considering ectotherms,
i.e. animals that rely on external sources for body heat, a clearly essential factor influ-
encing structural growth is environmental temperature. The Temperature size rule states
that ectotherms develop faster but mature at smaller body sizes at higher temperatures
whereas ectotherms maintained at low temperatures grow more slowly, but attain a
larger final body size (Atkinson 1994; Zuo etal. 2012). Temperature has indeed a strong
influence on growth in P. picta (Starostová etal. 2010). Animals incubated and reared
until cessation of growth under three different environmental temperatures did not fol-
low the Temperature size rule, but body size in terms of SVL was higher especially
in males at the intermediate temperature (Starostová etal. 2010). The effect of tem-
perature at least in P. picta does not operate via changes in number of trunk vertebrae
(Kratochvíl etal. 2018), but partially via influence on cell size at least in some tissues
(Czarnoleski etal. 2017). The influence of temperature on growth and final body size
in animals was considered as an energy allocation problem (Zuo etal. 2012); however,
this hypothesis deserves further attention and seems less likely taking into account that
growth responses of P. picta to manipulation with energetically demanding processes
are rather limited.
Why isgrowth highly canalized whenfacing energy limitations?
Being indoctrinated by the simple energy allocation perspective before we conducted
these growth studies introducing both decreased and increased demands of other ener-
getically demanding processes, we did not expect that growth would be so canalized
with respect to manipulations affecting energy and were ever surprised by the results.
The growth experiments challenged the idea of simple direct allocation of growth versus
other energetically demanding processes (summarized in Fig.2). Growth was affected
neither by reduced energy uptake through food restriction (Kubička and Kratochvíl
2009) nor by hindering the energy balance during growth through tail autotomy and
regeneration (Starostová etal. 2017). By extension, simple trade-offs in energy alloca-
tion between growth and reproduction was not supported by studies in P. picta (Kubička
and Kratochvíl 2009; Starostová etal. 2013; Kubička etal. 2017).
The inherent insignificant role of simple energy allocation in the case of growth in
P. picta is even more evident when comparing the role of energy in another life history
trait, reproduction. Reproduction was found to be more sensitive to allocable energy in
the study on food restriction (Kubička and Kratochvíl 2009). This difference in varia-
tion between growth and reproduction is also highlighted through a substantial differ-
ence in environmental plasticity. Reproduction in P. picta is also heavily influenced by
temperature (Starostová etal. 2012). Overall, females at higher temperatures produced
smaller eggs which is consistent with the pattern found in ectotherms (e.g.,Blancken-
horn 2000; Oufiero etal. 2007), and rate of reproduction (amount of energy allocated
to reproduction per unit of time) was smaller for females at the lowest of the tested
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temperatures (Starostová etal. 2012). The plasticity of growth regarding temperature is
clearly less significant than in reproduction indicating the more plastic nature of repro-
duction compared to growth.
Why do the predictions from differential energy allocations fail so much (Fig.2)? The
structural growth rate and final SVL has some capability for phenotypic plasticity as exem-
plified by manipulations with rearing temperature described above. Also, structural growth
trajectories can be shaped in P. picta by hormonal manipulations bringing further evidence
that growth trajectories are not totally fixed. So, why is structural growth to a high extent
canalized with respect to changes in an energy budget, even more so when compared to
reproductive traits? One possible explanation is that selection in geckos and possibly other
lizards is preferring the allocation rules prioritizing structural growth to other traits such
as reproduction, fat storage and regeneration. It is possible that the allocation to particu-
lar traits is not totally mutually plastic as commonly assumed under the intuitive logic of
“higher allocation to reproduction means less allocation to growth”, but that the allocation
of energy followed a hierarchical rule with the priority given to structural growth. This
hypothesis was suggested by Kubička and Kratochvíl (2009) interpreting the results of
their food limitation experiment. They concluded that energy is allocated to reproduction
only after demands of structural growth are fulfilled, and to fat storage only when the maxi-
mal possible allocation to reproduction was achieved.
The degree of phenotypic plasticity, more specifically canalization (e.g., Walzer and
Schausberger 2014), should reflect selective pressures. Canalization—no matter whether
against environmental or genetic perturbations—should evolve when there is a stabiliz-
ing selection on a trait value (Stearns and Kawecki 1994). At the current stage of knowl-
edge, we can only speculate why structural growth should be prioritized in P. picta over
other traits. Body size is a crucial fitness-related trait and as such it should be optimized.
Body size is connected with food intake—in a gape limited predators like geckos body
size determines maximal and minimal prey size (Daza etal. 2009), antipredator strategies
(Roth and Johnson 2004), dealing with competitors (Pafilis etal. 2009) and optimal repro-
ductive performance, e.g. due to positive egg size-body size relationship demonstrated in
geckos (Kratochvíl and Frynta 2006) and other reptiles (e.g. Escalona etal. 2018). Reach-
ing an optimal size as fast as possible for a given ecological niche and keeping it as long
as possible throughout life span might be important. Of course, reptiles including P. picta
start reproduction well before reaching the final/close to asymptotic structural body size.
This hypothesis trying to explain the canalization of allocation to structural growth expects
that the performance, including reproductive performance, should be suboptimal before the
period of the cessation of growth. We welcome tests of this hypothesis in the future.
The optimal size could be sex-specific, e.g. due to sexual selection or other sex-specific
roles (Darwin 1871; Cox etal. 2003; Fairbairn etal. 2007). Males of P. picta are highly
combative (Golinski etal. 2014; Schořálková etal. 2018) and intrasexual selection can
thus be a selective force responsible for male-larger SSD in this species. At the proximate
level, it seems that males in this species are not larger because females do not have enough
energy for growth as they allocate more to reproduction, but because each sex has their
own optimal trajectory of ontogenetic structural growth. Gonadal hormones, particularly
ovarian hormones seem to be the signal to cells in the body which of these trajectories
should be followed during the ontogeny (Starostová etal. 2013; Kubička etal. 2017).
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Limits ofour approach
We acknowledge the limits for generalizations brought by focusing on one species. How-
ever, in this review we chose to focus on a well-studied—and hopefully not too special
and exceptional—gecko since we considered it would help to tell a complex story as best
as possible and at the same time to control several potentially confounding issues. While
we have attempted to add arguments from other species, we found such parallels between
species to be harder to establish, as we doubt that there is another species where simi-
lar manipulative long-term growth experiments were performed under so many treatments
under so similar conditions, and partial studies (e.g. only a test of the effect of tail autot-
omy on growth in one species, but of the removal of the allocation to female reproduction
in the other) might be confounded by differences in life-history decisions and other aspects
of species biology. Although we tried to analyze as many parameters as possible in our
growth experiments, we are aware that these studies are not complete. For example, activ-
ity has been found to influence distribution of energy and the expression of life history
traits such as reproduction or immunity (Lailvaux and Husak 2014; Husak and Lailvaux
2017; Husak etal. 2017), but it was mostly not considered in our experiments. We only
found that castrated and control males did not differ in the activity in the open field test
performed in the neutral arena (Kubička etal. 2015), but we lack data for other experi-
ments. As all treatment groups in each of our former experiments were held in the same
environment (the same thermal environment, social isolation, the same size and equipment
of cages) and hence likely possessed similar activity patterns, it is not very likely that the
difference in the activity pattern would explain the notable lack in the response in the struc-
tural growth. In the case of different activity pattern among treatment group, groups would
have to precisely counterbalance the allocation to growth with differences in activity,
which seems unlikely. However, the energetical cost of activity and its influence on other
life history traits such as growth and reproduction should be more explored in the future.
As natural conditions certainly are more demanding for energy intake than conditions in
the laboratory, it will be important to do more energetically focused research on growth
also in the field, which will be especially important to elucidate the evolutionary context of
growth canalization observed by us in the laboratory experiments.
Conclusions andfuture perspectives
Overall, we documented that although structural growth has some potential to be plastic
and it is sexuall dimorphic in P. picta, it is at the same time to a large degree canalized with
respect to an energy budget. This pattern is consistent with the idea that structural growth
is carefully regulated and that allocation to it is prioritized to other life history traits, most
importantly to reproduction. Importantly, this observation challenges the general growth
models based on dynamic energy budgets as they assume that the limitation of an energy
budget or higher allocation to a single trait—mostly to reproduction—affects all other life
history traits (von Bertalanffy 1957; West etal. 2001) and neglect that there might exist a
strict hierarchical rules shaped by selection for priority allocation of metabolized energy
to structural growth (or other traits). The simplified energetical perspective became also
influential in macroecology being claimed responsible for major ecological rules in the
so called “metabolic theory of ecology” aiming to quantify the processes of acquisition
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and use of resources, to explain different biological patterns of life history traits such as
growth (Brown etal. 2004; Martin etal. 2019). However, the recent large-scale comparison
across eukaryotes suggests that metabolism and thus energy income is not necessarily at
the core control of biomass increase (Hatton etal. 2019). Hatton etal. (2019) propose that
instead of a fundamental metabolic control and limitation of growth, metabolism adjusts to
growth (understood there as a maximum population growth rate, i.e. intrinsic growth rate,
multiplied by individual adult body mass) within major groups, which agrees with here
advocated perspective that a simple and intuitive energy allocation rule is not operating
at the individual level and that growth is carefully regulated endogenously. We argue that
this endogenous control reflects past selective pressures shaping the structure of allocation
rules. Future growth models should incorporate these findings and be based on carefully
tested, not only intuitively appealing assumptions on energy allocations.
Next to growth, analogous situation challenging classical views based on simple trade-
offs in energy allocation recently emerged in another key life-history trait, ageing (Lind
etal. 2019). The classical disposable soma theory of ageing states that the limited amount
of energy can be either used for maintenance and repair or growth and reproduction result-
ing in trade-offs, with energy limitations for repair leading to the accumulation of unre-
paired cellular damage with age (Kirkwood etal. 1979; Lind et al. 2019; Maklakov and
Chapman 2019). However, recent evidence suggests that simple energy allocation between
life history traits is not at the heart of variability in ageing. Similar to structural growth,
delayed ageing is highly endogenously controlled, in the case of aging by a conserved insu-
lin/IGF-1 nutrient-sensing signaling pathway (Lind etal. 2019). In the case of ontogenetic
growth, a prominent and well conserved pathway responsible for growth regulation and its
variability and plasticity can be the insulin and insulin-like signalling network (Shingle-
ton 2011; Stearns 2011). The ovarian hormones can be an important sex-specific modifier
of the structural growth pathways. Evidence brought up for structural growth and aging
demonstrates that trade-offs can be mediated at the proximate level by switches in sig-
nalling pathways independently from direct simple energy allocations (Flatt etal. 2011;
Stearns 2011). As evolutionary ecologists, we should stop thinking in the framework of
simple direct differential energy allocation unless based on solid empirical evidence and
we should focus on the question how selective forces shape complex, likely hierarchical
structure of allocation rules and how it is reflected in proximate mechanisms controlling
life-history decisions.
Acknowledgements This project was supported by the Czech Science Foundation (GACR 19-19746S).
B.M. was also supported by the internal Charles University Grant SVV260571/2020. We would like to
thank Jan Červenka for animal care and long-lasting support and to all coauthors of case studies on P. picta
for their contribution and stimulating discussions. We would also like to thank the reviewers for exception-
ally insightful comments.
Compliance with ethical standards
Conict of interest The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
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... The Madagascar ground gecko, Paroedura picta (Peters, 1854), is a medium-sized, male-larger, ground-dwelling nocturnal lizard from the family Gekkonidae [14,15]. We collected eggs from 10 females of this species housed individually in plastic boxes (20 × 20 × 15 cm) placed in a climatic chamber at temperature 30 ± 0.3°C and 12L : 12D cycle. ...
... These observations suggest that final structural body size is not altered by metabolic changes associated with catch-up growth. This corresponds to earlier evidence that final structural body size in P. picta is canalized with respect to allocation to such energetically demanding processes as reproduction and tail regeneration [15]. Nevertheless, the altered energetics projected into body composition. ...
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Endothermic and ectothermic amniotes differ in the timing of reproductive onset, with reptiles initiating reproduction before reaching final body size. Long-term consequences of maternal effect for early reptile offspring are poorly explored. We conducted growth experiments to compare the growth of offspring produced by young and older females of gecko Paroedura picta. Young, not fully grown females lay smaller eggs leading to production of smaller offspring. These offspring undergo accelerated growth and ultimately reach a comparable sex-specific final body length as do offspring of older females. Final body length is thus canalized with respect to the maternal effect on egg size. Notably, the offspring of young mothers have a tendency towards larger body mass. Ontogeny of the offspring of young females shares similarities with that of mammalian offspring with low birth weight or early malnutrition, exhibiting catch-up growth and a predisposition to obesity. We highlight the important consequences of early reproduction for offspring in animals that initiate reproduction prior to reaching final body size. Both life-history models and conservation practices should take into account that female lizards might produce the most fit offspring only between reaching their final body length and the onset of reproductive senescence.
... The reasons for this are still unclear, in a previous review we speculated that due to a much lower metabolic rate, growth in ectotherms is slow and that they attain final body size much later, which forces them to start reproduction much before reaching the final, possibly optimal body size. Endotherms with more rapid growth can postpone reproduction after they attain an optimal body size (Meter et al., 2020). Alternatively, it could be explained by the energetically demanding nature of endothermy and a trade-off between reproduction, growth, and body temperature maintenance . ...
... The gecko P. picta has become a model species for studies of reptile growth and ontogeny (reviewed in Meter et al., 2020). The species was used for this experiment specifically due to its malelarger SSD and availability of genetic information with both whole-genome and transcriptome data being available (Hara et al., 2015;Hara et al., 2018), which enabled the design of primers for candidate genes. ...
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Squamate reptiles have been considered to be indeterminate growers for a long time. However, recent studies demonstrate that bone prolongation is stopped in many lizards by the closure of bone growth plates. This shift in the paradigm of lizard growth has important consequences for questions concerning the proximate causes of sexual size dimorphism. The traditional model of highly plastic and indeterminate growth would correspond more to a long-term action of a sex-specific growth regulator. On the other hand, determinate growth would be more consistent with a regulator acting in a sex-specific manner on the activity of bone growth plates operating during the phase when a dimorphism in size develops. We followed the growth of males and females of the male-larger Madagascar ground gecko (Paroedura picta) and monitored the activity of bone growth plates, gonad size, levels of steroids, expression of their receptors (AR, ESR1), and expression of genes from the insulin-like growth factor network (IGF1, IGF2, IGF1R, and IGF2R) in livers. Specifically, we measured gene expression before the onset of dimorphic growth, at the time when males have more active bone growth plates and sexual size dimorphism was clearly visible, and after a period of pronounced growth in both sexes. We found a significant spike in the expression of IGF1 in males around the time when dimorphism develops. This overexpression in males comes long after an increase in circulating testosterone levels and sexual maturation in males, and it might be suppressed by ovarian hormones in females. The results suggest that sexual size dimorphism in male-larger lizards can be caused by a positive effect of high levels of IGF1 on bone growth. The peak in IGF1 resembles the situation during the pubertal growth spurt in humans, but in lizards, it seems to be sex-specific and disconnected from sexual maturation.
... More interestingly, inconsistent with the direct climate-warming effect that lizards exposed to a climate warming scenario had faster growth rates but decreased survival rates (Bestion et al., 2015) trade-off in offspring? One plausible explanation is that maternal effects may mediate the energy metabolism of offspring to reset the limitation of an energy budget, a rarely tested assumption underlying the energy allocation trade-offs between growth and survival (Meter et al., 2020). Greater investment in growth leads to lower investment in immunity and repair of molecular damage associated with survival when total available energy is limited (Cichoń, 1997), but this trade-off may disappear when energy is no longer a limiting factor. ...
... In contrast, our results indicate that maternal effects can regulate this energy limitation. Therefore, we should pay more attention to the novel forces driving life-history trade-offs in a changing world, in addition to the energy allocation between life-history traits, which is the focus of traditional life-history studies (Meter et al., 2020). ...
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As postulated by life‐history theory, not all life‐history traits can be maximized simultaneously. In ectothermic animals, climate warming is predicted to increase growth rates, but at a cost to overall life span. Maternal effects are expected to mediate this life‐history trade‐off, but such effects have not yet been explicitly elucidated. To understand maternal effects on the life‐history responses to climate warming in lizard offspring, we conducted a manipulative field experiment on a desert‐dwelling viviparous lacertid lizard Eremias multiocellata, using open‐top chambers in a factorial design (maternal warm climate and maternal present climate treatments × offspring warm climate and offspring present climate treatments). We found that the maternal warm climate treatment had little impact on the physiological and life‐history traits of adult females (i.e. metabolic rate, reproductive output, growth and survival). However, the offspring warm climate treatment significantly affected offspring growth, and both maternal and offspring warm climate treatments interacted to affect offspring survival. Offspring from the warm climate treatment grew faster than those from the present climate treatment. However, the offspring warm climate treatment significantly decreased the survival rate of offspring from maternal present climate treatment, but not for those from the maternal warm climate treatment. Our study demonstrates that maternal effects mediate the trade‐off between growth and survival of offspring lizards, allowing them to grow fast without a concurrent cost of low survival rate (short life span). These findings stress the importance of adaptive maternal effects in buffering the impact of climate warming on organisms, which may help us to accurately predict the vulnerability of populations and species to future warming climates.
... The growth rates of both sides HVC and RA were consistent with that of the brain (K > 1), indicating that in the upstream nucleus of the song learning and control system, the song control system had abundant variation among individuals, which was often bene cial to the evolution of the population, because the static growth relationship could often re ect the adaptation mode of individuals to environmental changes. Through experimental studies, Bondar et al. found that positive allometric growth seems to have a stronger inhibition on shape development in individuals (Meter et al. 2020). After comparing the correlation between HVC and RA, it was found that there was a higher correlation between right RA and HVC. ...
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The vocal control system of songbirds has a significant laterality in song output control, and the adult zebra finch Taeniopygia guttata has a significant advantage in the right high vocal center (HVC) in song frequency domain and intensity control. We investigated the allometric relationship between song control nucleus and brain scale in zebra finches, investigated whether HVC and the robust nucleus of the archistriatum (RA) had similar differences in volume, cell density and cell number, and whether Testosterone (T) played a role in these differences. The results of Nissl staining and Immunohistochemistry show that although there is no significant difference between left and right HVC in nucleus volume, cell density and cell number (P > 0.05), the correlation parameters on the right side are always higher than those on the left side. On nucleus volume and cell number, both sides of the RA have no significant different (P > 0.05), but on the cell density has a significant (P < 0.05). Testosterone receptors (TR), on both sides the HVC and RA, have no significant difference (P > 0.05). The growth rate of left and right HVC and RA is consistent with that of brain (K > 1). HVC and RA are well fitted to brain length, width and height, and the intercept is also very close. What’s more, the song nucleus always show negative growth relationship with the three-dimensional parameters of the brain. Therefore, while the living environment remains relatively constant, songbirds will continue to strictly follow the existing allometric growth pattern, and any individuals that deviate seriously from this development pattern will show more inadaptability.
... However, the Metabolic Theory of Ecology has often been criticized, not only regarding the universality of 1/4 scaling but also on other grounds, including doubts about fractal networks and terminal units being the source of allometric scaling, and about metabolism as a universal constraint on growth whereas metabolism might rather adjust to growth (Glazier, 2018;Meter, et al., 2020). In support of the "adjust to growth" alternative, Hatton, et al. (2019) used what they described as "datasets of unprecedented scope" to examine four basic scaling laws across all eukaryotes, with the following results: ...
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High levels of stress are known to accelerate biological aging in susceptible individuals, often leading to a downward course of ill health and early death. This book-length review explores how and why. It is too long to expect anyone to read the whole thing, but it serves to keep track of my understandings and syntheses (as of May 2022) while delving into literatures on toxic stress, aging, life history, and evolutionary theory. A common theme in these literatures is the connection between early life adversity (ELA) and later ill health and early death. Just about the only evolutionary explanation to be found is that ELA signals infants and children to develop a “live fast, die young” strategy to beat the odds against reproduction in their harsh environments, but this siphons energy from bodily maintenance leading to ill health later in life. However, the “live fast, die young” model has been increasingly questioned based on both theory and research. Even if it is valid in some cases, it must be incomplete because it is based on individual level theoretical reasoning. But humans and most primates live in social groupings that can only exist because individuals give up some degree of autonomy as they cooperate and support each other, especially their close relatives. This review takes the very rare approach of asking what happens if we assess the mass of ELA research through the lenses of inclusive fitness and multilevel selection, which were both developed to explain the puzzle of altruism. Is it possible there’s an altruistic aspect to accelerated biological aging? We arrive at an answer of “yes” in a multilevel model of stress and aging which appears to be particularly unique in simultaneously accounting for (1) inclusive fitness as a universal design principle; (2) the existential imperative to control free-riders (a concept virtually absent in the aging and stress literatures); (3) allometric scaling with body size determining baseline species-specific metabolic rates and lifespans (as reflected in the same lifetime limit in number of heartbeats across all mammal species); (4) social status hierarchies as venues of social selection which imposes distresses and eustresses based on relative current social and prospective fitness values of individuals; and (5) the tendency of high social distress to accelerate biological aging while eustress can maintain or even decelerate it, thereby (6) channeling individuals along diverging reproductive arcs which advantage higher status individuals, but disadvantage and speed the altruistic exit-by-aging of lower status individuals along with identified predatory free-riders.
... Traditionally, the growth of reptiles and other poikilothermic vertebrates was expected to be directly influenced by energy availability (von Bertalanffy, 1957;West et al., 2001;Martin et al., 2019;Sibly and Brown, 2020). Under these models, the results of growth experiments demonstrating comparable structural growth in controls and female lizards with experimentally largely decreased allocation to reproduction (Kubi cka et al., 2017), in lizards under different feeding regimes, or in lizards with and without tail regeneration seem paradoxical (reviewed in Meter et al., 2020). The endogenous control of structural growth can explain these observations. ...
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(1) In contrast to mammals and birds, reptiles have been considered as indeterminate growers, whose growth reflects differential allocation of resources to growth versus other energetically demanding processes such as reproduction. (2) We monitored the growth and activity of bone growth plates, hormonal profiles, and reproductive activity in males and females of the male-larger gecko Paroedura picta. We show that growth plates fuse in this species in a sex-specific manner. The more abrupt epiphyseal closure and more pronounced growth deceleration in females coincides with the increased activity of their reproductive organs. (3) We conclude that at least some lizards are determinate growers whose sexual size dimorphism is potentially driven by ovarian hormones. The major difference in growth between endothermic and ectothermic amniotes appears to be in the magnitude of growth before and after the first reproduction, not in the mechanistic processes such as senescence of growth plate cells.
... At one extreme of the determinate-indeterminate growth continuum are determinate growers that preferentially allocate energy to growth in order to reach a final size as soon as possible (e.g. [66]), at the other extreme are species that delay skeletal maturity to such an extent that longitudinal growth cessation and GPC resorption is seldom, if ever, observed in natural populations (e.g. [67]). ...
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Body growth is typically thought to be indeterminate in ectothermic vertebrates. Indeed, until recently, this growth pattern was considered to be ubiquitous in ectotherms. Our recent observations of a complete growth plate cartilage (GPC) resorption, a reliable indicator of arrested skeletal growth, in many species of lizards clearly reject the ubiquity of indeterminate growth in reptiles and raise the question about the ancestral state of the growth pattern. Using X-ray micro-computed tomography (µCT), here we examined GPCs of long bones in three basally branching clades of squamate reptiles, namely in Gekkota, Scincoidea and Lacertoidea. A complete loss of GPC, indicating skeletal growth arrest, was the predominant finding. Using a dataset of 164 species representing all major clades of lizards and the tuataras, we traced the evolution of determinate growth on the phylogenetic tree of Lepidosauria. The reconstruction of character states suggests that determinate growth is ancestral for the squamate reptiles (Squamata) and remains common in the majority of lizard lineages, while extended (potentially indeterminate) adult growth evolved several times within squamates. Although traditionally associated with endotherms, determinate growth is coupled with ectothermy in this lineage. These findings combined with existing literature suggest that determinate growth predominates in both extant and extinct amniotes.
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Proximate control of the development of sexual dimorphism is still hotly debated in reptiles. In some squamates, many male-typical exaggerated traits including body size were assumed to be controlled by masculinization by male gonadal androgens. We performed a manipulative experiment to test the importance of this mechanism in the development of pronounced sexual differences in body size and size of head casque in the chameleon Chamaeleo calyptratus. Castrated males attained male-typical body size highly deviating from the body size of control females. Ontogenetic allometries of casque size on head length revealed that sexes depart considerably in casque growth later in the ontogeny; however, castrated males still follow male-typical casque growth. Paradoxically, exogenous testosterone led in females to slight increase of casque size, which might reflect interference with the feminizing effects of female gonadal hormones. The results in males strongly suggest that masculinization by male gonadal androgens during growth is not required for the development of sexual dimorphism in body size and casque size in the chameleon. The ontogeny of sexually dimorphic body size and exaggerated traits in at least some squamates is likely controlled by other proximate mechanism, possibly by feminization by ovarian hormones.
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Significance Metabolic scaling theory has had a profound influence on ecology, but the core links between species characteristics have not been formally tested across the full domain to which the theory claims to apply. We compiled datasets spanning all eukaryotes for the foremost body mass scaling laws: metabolism, abundance, growth, and mortality. We show that metabolism and abundance scaling only follow the canonical ±3/4 slopes within some taxonomic groups, but across eukaryotes reveal reciprocal near ±1 slopes, broadly supporting the “energetic equivalence rule.” In contrast to metabolism, growth follows consistent ∼3/4 scaling within many groups and across all eukaryotes. Our findings are incompatible with a metabolic basis for growth scaling and instead point to growth dynamics as foundational to biological scaling.
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Despite tremendous progress in recent years, our understanding of the evolution of ageing is still incomplete. A dominant paradigm maintains that ageing evolves due to the competing energy demands of reproduction and somatic maintenance leading to slow accumulation of unrepaired cellular damage with age. However, the centrality of energy trade-offs in ageing has been increasingly challenged as studies in different organisms have uncoupled the trade-off between reproduction and longevity. An emerging theory is that ageing instead is caused by biological processes that are optimized for early-life function but become harmful when they continue to run-on unabated in late life. This idea builds on the realization that early-life regulation of gene expression can break down in late life because natural selection is too weak to optimize it. Empirical evidence increasingly supports the hypothesis that suboptimal gene expression in adulthood can result in physiological malfunction leading to organismal senescence. We argue that the current state of the art in the study of ageing contradicts the widely held view that energy trade-offs between growth, reproduction, and longevity are the universal underpinning of senescence. Future research should focus on understanding the relative contribution of energy and function trade-offs to the evolution and expression of ageing.
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In reptiles, many lipid reserve structures were recognized, and diferent patterns of storage and utilization of lipids have been identiied. In this study, a population of Liolaemus koslowskyi was studied to analyze the diversity and functioning of the lipid reserve structures. The speciic objectives were to identify the main lipid reserve structures, and to describe their seasonal patterns; to study sexual and seasonal variations of the reserve structures; and to analyze the relation between seasonal patterns of such reserves with the sexual cycle and other biological aspects. Individuals of both sexes collected at ive diferent times of the year were analyzed. The abdominal fat bodies, livers, tails, fat deposits of the lateral folds of the neck, the fat bodies of the axillary region and gonads were weighted. The fat content of livers, tails and neck fat reserves were determined through the extraction in a Soxhlet device. The volume of the ovaries, oviductal oocytes and testicles, and the average surface and thickness of the epididymides were estimated. The abdominal fat bodies and the tail-extracted fats were the main lipid reserves. In general, females showed higher lipid contents, and signiicant seasonal variations in weight and lipid content in both sex were found, while seasonal variations in the liver fresh weight and liver fat content were found only in males. The axillar and neck fats deposits probably function as auxiliary reserves, and the caudal autotomy did not signiicantly afect tail fat content. The sexual cycles were synchronic in both sexes.
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Classical theory maintains that ageing evolves via energy trade‐offs between reproduction and survival leading to accumulation of unrepaired cellular damage with age. In contrast, the emerging new theory postulates that ageing evolves because of deleterious late‐life hyper‐function of reproduction‐promoting genes leading to excessive biosynthesis in late‐life. The hyper‐function theory uniquely predicts that optimizing nutrient‐sensing molecular signaling in adulthood can simultaneously postpone ageing and increase Darwinian fitness. Here, we show that reducing evolutionarily conserved insulin/IGF‐1 nutrient‐sensing signaling via daf‐2 RNA interference (RNAi) fulfils this prediction in Caenorhabditis elegans nematodes. Long‐lived daf‐2 RNAi parents showed normal fecundity as self‐fertilizing hermaphrodites and improved late‐life reproduction when mated to males. Remarkably, the offspring of daf‐2 RNAi parents had higher Darwinian fitness across three different genotypes. Thus, reduced nutrient‐sensing signaling in adulthood improves both parental longevity and offspring fitness supporting the emerging view that suboptimal gene expression in late‐life lies at the heart of ageing.
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Animal locomotion is driven by underlying axial and appendicular musculature. In order for locomotion to be effective, these muscles must be able to rapidly respond to changes in environmental and physiological demands. Although virtually unstudied, muscles must also respond to morphological changes, such as those that occur with tail autotomy in lizards. Tail autotomy in leopard geckos (Eublepharis macularius) results in a 25% loss of caudal mass and significant kinematic alterations to maintain stability. To elucidate how motor control of the locomotor muscles is modulated with these shifts, we used electromyography (EMG) to quantify patterns of in vivo muscle activity in fore- and hind limb muscles before and after autotomy. Forelimb muscles (biceps brachii and triceps brachii) exhibited no changes in motor recruitment, consistent with unaltered kinematics after autotomy. Amplitude of activity of propulsive muscles of the hind limbs (caudofemoralis and gastrocnemius) was significantly reduced and coincided with decreases in the propulsive phases of femur retraction and ankle extension, respectively. The puboischiotibialis did not exhibit these changes, despite significant reductions in femur depression and knee angle, suggesting that reduction in mass and vertical ground-reaction force by autotomy allows for the maintenance of a more sprawled and stable posture without increasing motor recruitment of the support muscles. These results highlight the significant neuromuscular shifts that occur to accommodate dramatic changes in body size and mass distribution, and illuminate the utility of tail autotomy as a system for studying the neuromuscular control of locomotion.
Juvenile growth curves are generally sigmoid in shape: Growth is initially nearly exponential, but it slows to near zero as the animal approaches maturity. The drop‐off in growth rate is puzzling because, everything else being equal, selection favors growing as fast as possible. Existing theory posits sublinear scaling of resource acquisition with juvenile body mass and linear scaling of the requirement for maintenance, so the difference, fuel for growth, decreases as the juvenile increases in size. Experimental evidence, however, suggests that maintenance metabolism increases sublinearly not linearly with size. Here, we develop a new theory consistent with the experimental evidence. Our theory is based on the plausible assumption that there is a trade‐off in the capacity of capillaries to supply growing and developed cells. As the proportion of non‐growing cells increases, they take up more macromolecules from the capillaries, leaving fewer to support growing cells. The predicted growth curves are realistic and similar to those of previous models (Bertalanffy, Gompertz, and Logistic) but have the advantage of being derived from a plausible physiological model. We hope that our focus on resource delivery in capillaries will encourage new experimental work to identify the detailed physiological basis of the trade‐off underlying juvenile growth curves. Juvenile growth curves are generally sigmoid in shape: growth is initially nearly exponential, but it slows to near zero as the animal approaches maturity. The drop‐off in growth rate is puzzling because, everything else being equal, selection favours growing as fast as possible. Fast growth must be traded‐off against other factors, but what are they? Here we develop new theory consistent with the available evidence which we hope will encourage experimental work to identify the physiological basis of the tradeoff underlying juvenile growth curves.
Dynamic energy budget theory (DEB) and the metabolic theory of ecology (MTE) both seek to quantify the processes of resource acquisition and use but differ in their underlying mechanisms and assumptions. Some in-depth comparisons of the theories have been conducted in the literature but require a level of knowledge that is likely to be beyond most newcomers to the topic. We reduce the theories to their simplest forms, their models for growth under optimal conditions, and present a side by side comparison of the model equations and key assumptions. This shows considerable overlap in how both theories characterise growth rate while also highlighting fundamental differences, such as MTE’s use of taxon specific parameters. Comparing DEB and MTE in this way provides an accessible platform to help beginners gain a better understanding from the existing literature.
Body size is a fundamental trait correlated with nearly every aspect of animal life. It is influenced by numerous genetic and non-genetic factors. Despite its central importance, proximate mechanisms of intra- and interspecific variability in body size are still not well understood even in such a largely studied group as reptiles. For our study we concentrated on the gecko species Paroedura picta. We investigated whether differences in sexual size dimorphism and in final and asymptotic snout-vent length (induced by a range of incubation and rearing temperatures) are correlated with differences in the number of presacral vertebrae. Moreover, we tested whether changes in this number were associated with evolutionary changes in sexual size dimorphism and body size in the genus Paroedura. We found that the variation in the number of presacral vertebrae is very limited both intra- and interspecifically, ranging between 26-28 vertebrae with most individuals possessing the modal number of 27. We conclude that changes in the number of vertebrae do not contribute to developmental plasticity or evolutionary changes in body size nor, in contrast to some other squamate lineages, to sexual size dimorphism.
Synopsis: Whole-organism performance traits, such as maximal speed and endurance capacity are undoubtedly costly, but we know little about how or when all of the costs associated with performance are paid to individuals or how to measure them. To understand how performance traits might be involved in trade-offs with other life-history traits it is critical to determine the development, production, and maintenance costs of performance traits, as well as how each of these changes with increased or decreased use of the performance trait. We discuss the advantages and disadvantages of several potential phenotypic measures of dynamic whole-organism performance that may be used in life-history studies, including direct performance measures; metabolic rates; ecological cost of transport; and changes in metabolic rate after training. We use the first approach, direct performance measures, to show trade-offs between endurance capacity and several traditional life history variables in phrynosomatid lizards. The largest problem currently in determining the costs of performance traits and how those costs might lead to life-history trade-offs is that there are estimates of performance costs in very few taxa, and when there are, those species typically are not studied with respect to "traditional" life-history traits.