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Is the Fast-Same Phenomenon That Fast? An Investigation of Identity Priming in the Same-Different Task


Abstract and Figures

The same-different task is a classic paradigm that requires participants to judge whether two successively presented stimuli are the same or different. While this task is simple, with results that have been replicated many times, response times (RTs) and accuracy for both same and different decisions remain difficult to model. The biggest obstacle in modeling the task lies within its effect referred to as the fast-same phenomenon whereby participants are much faster at responding "same" than "different," while most standard cognitive models predict the opposite. In this study, we investigated whether this effect is the result of identity priming activated by the first stimulus. We ran four variants of the same-different task in which identity priming is intended to be attenuated or cancelled in half of the trials. Results for all four variants show that a complete visual match between both stimuli is necessary to observe a fast-same effect and that hampering this relation attenuates same RTs while different RTs remained relatively unchanged. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2022 APA, all rights reserved).
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Is the Fast-Same Phenomenon That Fast? An Investigation of Identity
Priming in the Same-Different Task
Bradley Harding
and Denis Cousineau
École de Psychologie, Faculté des sciences de la santé et des services communautaires, Université de Moncton
École de Psychologie, Université dOttawa
The same-different task is a classic paradigm that requires participants to judge whether two successively pre-
sented stimuli are the same or different. While this task is simple, with results that have been replicated many
times, response times (RTs) and accuracy for both same and different decisions remain difcult to model. The
biggest obstacle in modeling the task lies within its effect referred to as the fast-same phenomenon whereby
participants are much faster at responding samethan different,while most standard cognitive models pre-
dict the opposite. In this study, we investigated whether this effect is the result of identity priming activated by
the rst stimulus. We ran four variants of the same-different task in which identity priming is intended to be
attenuated or cancelled in half of the trials. Results for all four variants show that a complete visual match
between both stimuli is necessary to observe a fast-same effect and that hampering this relation attenuates
same RTs while different RTs remained relatively unchanged.
Keywords: same-different task, matching task, comparison task, priming, fast-same phenomenon
At any given moment, we are faced with an incredible number
of stimuli, forcing many decisions. Sorting out stimuli that remain
unchanged from one moment to the next is an efcient way to
minimize the number of operations. While it is known that com-
parison processes are performed very efciently, little is known
regarding how samenessbetween stimuli is detected with split-
second latency and near-perfect accuracy (see Farell, 1985, and
Sternberg, 1998, for extensive reviews). To explore the question,
the same-different task (sometimes called the comparison task or
the matching task), a simple task where participants must judge as
accurately and as rapidly as possible whether two presented stim-
uli are the same or different, can be used.
The Same-Different Task
There are many variants of the same-different task, all with the
goal of assessing how we compare pairs of stimuli, including
variants in which there is a comparison of letters (e.g., Bamber,
1969,1972;Bamber & Paine, 1973;Krueger, 1973;Nickerson,
1965;Taylor, 1976a), numbers (e.g., Silverman & Goldberg, 1975;
Snodgrass, 1972;Van Opstal & Verguts, 2011), words (e.g., Farell,
1977;Well et al., 1975), faces (e.g., Megreya & Burton, 2006;Tver-
sky, 1969), abstract patterns (e.g., Bindra et al., 1968;Dyer, 1973;
Egeth, 1966;Hock, 1973;Link & Tindall, 1971;Nickerson, 1967a,
1967b;Nickerson & Pew, 1973;Snodgrass, 1972;Taylor, 1969),
motion direction (Petrov, 2009), and tones (Bindra et al., 1968;
Bindra et al., 1965). There also exists two variants that affect the
tasks decision rule: (a) In the conjunctive, or all-sametask (Bam-
ber, 1969;Derks, 1972), participants answer samewhen the crite-
rion stimulus (S
) match on all attributes;
differentresponses are invited when at least one attribute differs.
(b) In the less-common disjunctive, or all-differenttask, partici-
pants answer sameas soon as a single match between S
and S
found; for this task, participants must answer differentif, and only
if, all attributes mismatch (Nickerson, 1967a;Sekuler & Abrams,
1968;Silverman & Goldberg, 1975;Taylor, 1976a;aswellasFarell,
1977, reviewed thoroughly in Farell, 1985).
Herein, all same-different tasks will have a conjunctive deci-
sion rule, and the compared stimuli will be strings of letters
sampled from the Latin alphabet; these stimuli will be presented
in quick succession. Thus, each experiment aims to replicate
Bambers (1969) seminal experiment that sparked decades of
research and debates that revolved around the tasks most nota-
ble and robust result, the fast-same phenomenon. Henceforth, we
will describe stimulus composition using the dDlL nomenclature
in which drepresents the number of mismatching letters (D,
the differingletters) between the S
pair and lrepresents
the total number of letters (L) composing both stimuli. For exam-
ple, a 1D3L condition represents a pair of letter strings in which
there is a single difference between the three letters composing
This article was published Online First May 12, 2022.
Bradley Harding
Denis Cousineau
This research has been funded by the New Brunswick Innovation
Foundation and a fellowship from the National Science Research and
Engineering Council of Canada attributed to Bradley Harding as well as a
research grant attributed to Denis Cousineau from the same organization.
We thank Tom Busey, Marc-André Goulet, David Huber, and Randall
Jamieson for their helpful comments on a previous version of this article.
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Bradley
Harding, École de Psychologie, Faculté des sciences de la santé et des
services communautaires, Université de Moncton, Campus Moncton,
Pavillon Léopold-Taillon 18 Avenue Antonine-Maillet, Moncton, NB E1A
3E6, Canada. Email:
Journal of Experimental Psychology:
Learning, Memory, and Cognition
©2022 American Psychological Association 2022, Vol. 48, No. 4, 520546
ISSN: 0278-7393
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
and the three letters composing S
. The location of the differ-
ence is random and uncontrolled. As another example, a 0D4L
condition represents a pair of strings in which there are no differ-
ences between the four letters composing S
and the four letters
composing S
(a samecondition). It is not possible to have a
condition where dexceeds las there cannot be more differences
than there are letters. Hence, the design is not fully crossed. In
these experiments, there are four possible sameconditions
(0D1L to 0D4L) and 10 possible differentconditions (1D1L to
4D4L). For simplicitys sake, we will refer to these as the stimu-
lus composition conditions.
The Fast-Same Phenomenon
The fast-same phenomenon (expression rst found in Bamber,
1972, p. 321, but with allusions found in Bamber, 1969;Egeth,
1966;Nickerson, 1967a,1967b,1968) is the observation that
overall sameresponse times (RTs) are reliably faster than the
overall RTs for different.In particular, the sameRTs are
always faster than those of the slowest differentconditions (for
reviews, see Farell, 1985;Nickerson, 1978;St. James & Eriksen,
1991;Sternberg, 1998). Quantitatively, there is no agreed-upon
standard as to what constitutes a fast-same effect as there has been
neither a formal proposition nor a quantied measure of the effect.
Yet, considering the literature, we can expect a moderate-to-large
Hedgesgof about .4 (Hedgesgbeing the unbiased variant of
Cohensd, the latter of which tends to overestimate effect sizes;
Goulet-Pelletier & Cousineau, 2018) between the overall mean RT
for same(the average of the four samestimulus composition
conditions) and the overall mean RT for different(the average
of the 10 differentstimulus composition conditions).
This effect is counterintuitive from a modeling standpoint as
sameresponses should be based on an exhaustive examination
of all attributes, whereas differentresponses can be self-termi-
nating; this heuristic holds whether processing is performed seri-
ally or in parallel (Harding et al., 2016;Taylor, 1976a;Townsend
& Ashby, 1983;Townsend & Nozawa, 1995). This effect is fur-
ther characterized by (a) sameRTs being as fast as (or faster
than) all differentRTs and (b) very high accuracies for all
sameconditions (often 95% and over), surpassing the overall ac-
curacy of most differentconditions (this component of the fast-
same effect is sometimes referred to as the false-different effect;
Beller, 1970;Krueger, 1978).
In addition to the fast-same phenomenon, as noted in Stern-
bergs (1998) review of the tasks main results, the slopes of each
differentconditions RTs (i.e., the 1DlL, 2DlL, 3DlL, and 4DlL
stimulus composition conditions) fan outas a function of stimu-
lus length. Within this fan, the steepest slope corresponds to the
line linking the stimulus composition conditions in which there is
only a single difference between the criterion and test stimuli, fol-
lowed by the line linking stimulus composition conditions where
there are two differences between both stimuli, followed by the
line linking stimulus composition conditions with three differen-
ces, and so on
. Conversely, the slope of the line linking the four
samestimulus composition conditions is commonly found to be
the attest and forms the bottom extremity to the fan-out effect
(Bamber, 1969,1972;Sternberg, 1998;Taylor, 1976a). Slope
analyses are relevant to understand the same-different task because
a self-terminating process is expected to predict half the slope of
an exhaustive process when detecting a single difference between
strings (the 2:1 prediction under serial processing; Cousineau &
Larochelle, 2004;Wolfe, 1994). Yet slopes are found to be larger,
not reduced, for differentconditions when compared to the slope
of the samecondition.
The fast-same phenomenon is robust to variations in experimen-
tal design and has become a staple nding of the task. Yet, to this
day, there is no agreed-upon explanatory model of the mechanism
(s) behind this puzzling phenomenon.
Modeling the Phenomenon
Two major lines of research were put forth in the 1970s and
1980s to explain the fast-same effect. In the rst series of experi-
ments, researchers modied the visual attributes between the com-
pared stimuli without changing the overall response modalities.
For example, Bamber (1972) used lowercase and uppercase conso-
nants and instructed participants that stimuli such as aand A
were to be considered as same(also see Bamber & Paine, 1973;
Posner & Mitchell, 1967;Proctor, 1981). The results of this task
variant showed slower than usual sameRTs that still remained
faster than the slowest differentcondition. Such ndings oppose
template matching models (Egeth, 1966) and dual process models
giving a preferential processing rate to identical stimuli (such as
the identity reporter model in Bamber, 1969). In the second series
of experiments, researchers manipulated response biases without
affecting the compared stimuli per se. This endeavor, led largely
by the work of Ratcliff and Hacker (1981), explored the integra-
tion of the speedaccuracy trade-off (rst introduced by Henmon,
1911; see Heitz, 2014, for a review) within the same-different task
by varying the levels of cautiousnessparticipants had to exercise
before answering same.Their results showed an attenuation of
sameRTs as well as a shortening of differentRTs (Ratcliff &
Hacker, 1981).
From these two empirical approaches emerged a very fertile
exchange between Ratcliff and colleagues and Proctor and col-
leagues (in chronological order: Proctor, 1981;Proctor & Rao,
1982;Proctor & Rao, 1983a;Proctor et al., 1984;Proctor, 1986;
Ratcliff, 1985;Ratcliff & Hacker, 1981;Ratcliff & Hacker, 1983).
The rst team, using the diffusion model (Ratcliff, 1978)toinstanti-
ate their views, argued that the task can be explained solely by the
presence of response biases and trade-offs carrying varying amounts
of noise (expanding on the work of Krueger, 1978,1979; see also
Howell & Stockdale, 1975;Taylor, 1976b). The second team, not
denying possible response biases and trade-offs, argued that a deci-
sion facilitation process stemming from visually identical pairs of
stimuli was necessary to fully encapsulate the results. In this present
research, we thoroughly address the latter of the two propositions,
while the former has also been recently addressed (Goulet & Cous-
ineau, 2020b).
Visual Identity and Priming
The results of same-different tasks (Donderi & Zelnicker, 1969;
Posner & Boies, 1971) have often been contrasted with results stem-
ming from stimuli repetition tasks (Bertelson, 1961;Kornblum, 1969).
One study found that the trend continues to at least seven attributes for
simultaneous presentation (Derks, 1972).
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This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
Proctor (1981) used a condition in which participants had to answer
sameor differentwhen comparing visually matching stimuli and
another condition in which the stimuli were visually mismatching
(much like Bambers, 1972, research). He found that both conditions
presented faster responses for repeated stimuli, but the benetwas
more pronounced for the visually matching trials. This facilitation
effect, sometimes assimilated to a priming effect (as envisioned by
Krueger & Shapiro, 1981;Nickerson, 1978;butseeProctor & Rao,
1983b), was explained by the fact that a visually identical stimulus had
already been encoded just moments prior, resulting in encoding facili-
tation akin to what is now referred to as residual activation (Huber,
2008;Huber & OReilly, 2003). This view would also explain why
the decision time for visually mismatching samestimuli, despite
being slower than their visually matching counterparts, remain faster
than the slowest differentcondition (the 1DlL condition; Bamber,
1972;Bamber & Paine, 1973;Posner & Mitchell, 1967). Indeed,
regardless of the letters visual identity, there still exists a phonological
and semantic relationship between stimuli (jand Jare both pro-
nounced identically and represent the same letter identity-wise), result-
ing in higher-level priming. This nding led Proctor (1981) to posit
that priming is likely at play on the phonological and semantic levels
as well within the constructs of this task. This proposition, used to
explain fast-same results, was indirectly supported by Miller and
Bauers (1981) work on redundant attribute target detection tasks that
later led to the creation of the coactive model of decision-making
(Miller, 1982).
Although there are different priming methods, the most relevant
form for same-different decisions is identity priming, where it is
assumed that residual activation benets the processing of an iden-
tical stimulus when it is presented within a brief time interval
(Huber, 2008;Huber & OReilly, 2003;Jacob et al., 2013). Iden-
tity priming also posits the presence of a processing hierarchy
through which any visually presented stimulus must travel. The
bottom levels process visual information, the middle levels process
phonological information, and the top levels process semantic in-
formation (see Eviatar et al., 1994;Huber, 2008;Huber &
OReilly, 2003;Lupker et al., 2015, for work pertaining to target-
ing priming within specic levels of the processing hierarchy). For
a primed, identical stimulus, the processing network quickly reac-
tivates and fast-tracksthe stimulus through the hierarchy. As
discussed, if one were to remove visual priming benets (by alter-
ing the visual aspect of S
), phonological and semantic priming
benets would possibly remain, resulting in higher-level forms of
response facilitation and consequently faster recognition of the tar-
get. In other words, stimulus processing would not benet from
the residual activation originating from the lower, perceptual lev-
els even though there may be priming benets at the upperpho-
nological or semanticlevels.
Cancelling Identity Priming
As previously discussed, the priming model is a parsimonious
and elegant mechanism to explain the fast-same phenomenon.
However, to further validate this hypothesis, it is necessary to
create experiments in which fast-same responses are cancelled,
or at least attenuated by manipulating the strength of identity pri-
ming. As noted above, one way to do so is by altering the visual
appearance of the compared stimuli so that a different pathway
is taken to reach the upper processing levels of a decision. Such
manipulations will be found in Experiments 1 and 2 of this arti-
cle. Alternatively, it should be possible to create an alternative
mental representation of S
by changing the stimuluss encoding
modality. For example, one could present the criterion stimulus
audibly so that participants can still create a mental representa-
tion of S
without beneting from the perception of a visually
identical stimulus. This experimental manipulation is found in
Experiment 3. Finally, one can avoid identity priming altogether
by not presenting a criterion stimulus at all. Instead, cues can be
presented that allow the retrieval of S
from long-term memory
(LTM). This ensures that any activation resulting from the cues
in the perceptual levels of processing is completely unrelated to
the test stimulus. This variant is found in Experiment 4. Henceforth,
the experimental manipulations that control whether primed or
unprimed stimuli pairs will be presented will be referred to as the
priming conditions.
In this article, we explore these priming cancellation techniques
and their effect on same-different task results. If the fast-same phe-
nomenon is indeed caused by the repetition of identical stimuli, a
cancellation, or at least an attenuation, of the fast-same effect is
expected, whereas differentdecision times should remain rela-
tively unchanged. Furthermore, it is unclear whether the fast-same
phenomenon is an all-or-naught effect or if it is graded; this is one
unanswered question that will be examined here.
In all experiments, we analyzed RTs and accuracy rates for each
stimulus composition condition for both priming conditions.
Within these priming conditions, we also estimated slopes and
intercepts for same(0DlL) and 1DlL conditions; we chose these
two sets of stimulus composition conditions because, as noted by
Sternberg (1998), they are located at both extremities of the RT
fan-out effect. While at opposite ends of the fan empirically, they
are theoretically the most similar conditions processing-wise: The
four samestimulus composition conditions should follow an ex-
haustive stopping rule, and the four 1D stimulus composition con-
ditions should follow the closest to an exhaustive stopping rule of
all differentstimulus composition conditions. It is expected that
the usual mean RT trends (Bamber, 1969; summarized in Stern-
berg, 1998) will be found in all experiments except for those in
which identity priming is alteredfor these experimental variants,
we only expected changes in sameRTs as differentconditions
should not benet from residual activation at all (encoding a dif-
forcibly uses a different neural pathway as there is at
least one mismatching letter between the criterion and test strings).
Furthermore, to extend the analyses beyond mean RT, we ana-
lyzed in Appendix A the mean standard deviation and mean skew-
ness of all 14 stimulus composition conditions for both priming
conditions within each of the four experiments. This analysis is
relevant to decode whether primed and unprimed stimuli pairs are
processed with qualitatively different decision-making mecha-
nisms. To further explore this notion, we also modeled the results
using the EZ diffusion model (Wagenmakers et al., 2007) and
present our parameter estimates in Appendix B.
Experiment 1: Case Manipulation
In this rst experiment, we varied the letter cases between S
and S
to see whether the change in appearance between stimuli
affected sameRTs. It was expected that a fast-same effect will
occur when the stimuli are visually matching and that the mean
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RTs for samewill be attenuated when identity priming is
removed (where S
and S
are visually mismatching, akin to Bam-
ber, 1972). More critically, it was also expected that different
RTs will be unaffected by the priming manipulation.
Participants were undergraduate and graduate students recruited
from the University of Ottawa. All participants were between 18 and
30 years of age, had normal or corrected vision, and were informed
of the experiments procedure as well as the protocol and ethical
rules of the University of Ottawa (REB Certicate H10-16-14). All
participants gave written and verbal consent to participate in this task
and were compensated $10 CAD for their time (approximately 1 hr
for brieng, testing, and debrieng). In this, and all subsequent
experiments, we aimed to recruit 20 participants, which is 5 times
more than in Bamber's (1969) original study. Statistical power to
detect a typical fast-same effect should be above 80% (with an aof
.05 and an effect size of .36, with considerations toward replicated
measures; Goulet & Cousineau, 2019).
Stimuli were displayed on a calibrated CRT monitor (1024 3
768; 85 Hz) to ensure luminance and RGB standards across par-
ticipants. Participants were seated approximately 50 cm away
from the center of the screen with the computer keyboard placed
on the desk directly in front of them. Participants could move the
latter slightly to ensure a comfortable position. Twelve conso-
nants (B, C, D, F, J, K, L, N, S, T, V, and Z; the same as Bam-
bers, 1969, original study) presented in the Courier New font
(e.g., JCVD; the same font was also used for Experiments 3 and 4)
were selected to serve as stimuli. The stimuli were presented
within a 10° 310° visual angle centered on the screen; the rst
string (S
) was shown 4° above the center of the computer screen,
and the second string (S
) was shown 4° below the center of the
screen. Stimuli were always presented as white letters on a black
The letters were randomly selected on every trial. String length
(L) also varied from one to four letters on every trial. No letter was
presented twice within the same stimulus, and to simplify the com-
parison process, matching letters would appear in the same position
for both S
and S
.Fordifferentconditions, the mismatching let-
ter(s) were nonidentical from those already used in both S
and S
could have no differences (same) on half the trials or a number
of differences (D) between 1 and L on the other half.
Considering the priming conditions, in the visually matching
condition, there was no change in letter case between stimuli. In
this priming condition, there were 384 total trials, of which half
used lowercase letters for both S
and S
and half used uppercase
letters for both stimuli. Therefore, for sametrials within this pri-
ming condition, the visual information was completely identical
between criterion and test letter sets. In the other 384 trials, the
visual mismatching condition, letter cases between stimuli mis-
matched between S
and S
so that on 192 trials, a lowercase S
was presented with an uppercase S
, and on 192 trials, an upper-
case S
was presented along with a lowercase S
. Unlike Bamber
(1972), the entire strings composition was in uppercase or in
lowercase; Bamber's original experiment could have stimuli
resembling JcvD,or jCvD,which led to higher-than-normal
error rates (a pilot study using this manipulation proved to be dif-
cult for participants, and mean accuracy rates plummeted below
what is typically observed). Finally, regarding both priming condi-
tions within this experiment, participants were specically
instructed to ignore the stimulis visual appearance and base their
sameand differentresponses solely on the lettersidentity.
During the on-screen instructions, participants were instructed
to respond by pressing the CTRLkey located on the far-left side
of the keyboard using their left hand and the ENTERkey
located on the far-right side of the keyboard (on the numeric pad)
using their right hand. The sameor differentdecision associ-
ated with each key was counterbalanced based on the participants
randomly assigned participant number. Therefore, half of all par-
ticipants pressed samewith their left hand and half with their
right. The experiment began once the participant was ready and
verbally acknowledged their understanding of the procedure.
The timeline of a typical trial is shown in Figure 1. As shown,
there was a 505-ms blank screen before the trial began, followed by
axation cross presented for 505 ms. S
followed immediately after
xation and was presented on-screen for 400 ms. Afterward, a
blank screen was presented for 400 ms followed by S
, the test stim-
ulus. This test stimulus was shown for 5,000 ms or until a decision
was made. Feedback was only given for 505 ms for nonresponses
and errors to avoid diverting the participantsgaze when they
answered correctly; for correct answers, the screen was left blank
for 505 ms. While the task is easy, and participants rarely made
mistakes, a red warning message was shown if the participant made
ve mistakes in a row (the warning message, which reintroduced
the basic instructions of the task, could only be ended by pressing
the space bar, a separate key to all other task responses). Finally,
participants were offered short breaks after every 192 trials (one
quarter of the experiments total number of trials). Following test-
ing, all participants were subjected to a debrieng period to answer
any queries and to explain the goal of the study.
Experimental Design
One session consisted of 768 total trials. Both priming conditions
consisted of 384 trials each, of which half were sameand half
were different.Strings of all lengths had an equal frequency of pre-
sentation, meaning that there was an equal number of 1L, 2L, 3L,
and 4L stimuli within the entire task. Additionally, within a string of
a given length, differences had the same frequency of occurrence.
For example, when a stimulus string was four letters long, 1D, 2D,
3D, and 4D trials each occurred an equal number of times, with the
position of the difference(s) assigned at random. All trials were pre-
sented in a random order. Table 1 summarizes the stimulus composi-
tion conditions (string length and number of differences) for a total
of 384 trials (representing one of the two priming conditions).
Screening of the Data
Data from 14,592 total trials were gathered (768 trials 319 par-
ticipants). Twenty total participants were initially recruited, but
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This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
one was excluded prior to analysis for having very slow response
times (mean RT of 1,220 ms); it is suspected that the participant
did not understand the task instructions to respond as quickly as
possible because most of the RTs were well above 1,000 ms, an
abnormality in the task. For the remaining participants, all
responses were recorded within the allowed 5,000 ms. We
excluded 27 RTs below 200 ms and 17 RTs above 2,500 ms.
There were no nonanswers. For RT analyses, erroneous trials were
ltered out to arrive at a total of 13,870 correct trials (678 errors
were recorded, representing a 4.6% error rate). Of the retained par-
ticipants, there were no instances in which participants made ve
mistakes in a row. These screening procedures were identical for
all subsequent experiments.
Effect of Letter Case Differences
Because we were not interested in the specic letter case used
(uppercases vs. lowercases) but rather in the overall priming con-
dition of the responses (matching vs. mismatching), we performed
a preliminary 14 32 repeated-measures analysis of variance
(ANOVA) to identify whether there were any signicant differen-
ces in mean RT across letter case conditions (i.e., if there was a
difference between lowercase/lowercase and uppercase/uppercase
pairs of stimuli). The factors for this ANOVA are the stimulus
composition conditions (14 levels) and the letter case-matching
conditions (two levels). We found no signicant differences
between letter case conditions, F(1, 17) = .121, p= .732, h
.007 (after ltering, there were no observations left in the 1D4L
condition for one participant, resulting in 17 degrees of freedom
rather than 18). We also found a strong effect of stimulus composi-
tion, F(13, 221) = 17.471, p,.001, h
= .507, and a
nonsignicant interaction between factors, F(13, 221) = .798, p=
.661, h
= .045. We performed another 14 32 repeated-measures
ANOVA to see if both mismatching conditions were different
from one another (uppercase/lowercase and lowercase/uppercase
pairs of stimuli). The factors for this ANOVA are the stimulus
composition conditions and the letter case-mismatching condi-
tions. We found a nonsignicant effect between the letter case-
mismatching conditions, F(1, 18) = .19, p= .892, h
= .001, a sig-
nicant effect of stimulus composition, F(13, 234) = 14.206, p,
.001, h
= .441, and a nonsignicant interaction between the two
factors, F(13, 234) = .990, p= .461, h
= .052. Consequently, we
ignored the specic letter cases used for subsequent analyses; both
letter case-matching conditions were combined to form the matching
priming condition, and both letter case-mismatching conditions were
combined to form the mismatching priming condition.
Figure 1
Timeline of a Trial in Experiments 1, 2, and 4
Note. S
denotes the rst stimulus presented to participants (the criterion stimulus), and S
denotes the second
stimulus (the test stimulus). Feedback was only presented on errors and nonresponses. Within the actual experi-
ments, ER was the word Errorand NR was the words No response detected,both shown in the lower part
of the display below S
. See the online article for the color version of this gure.
Table 1
Number of Trials as a Function of String Length for Both Same
and Different Trials
String length Same
1D 2D 3D 4D
3 48 161616
4 48 12121212
Total 192 192
Note. With differenttrials, there could be 1 difference (1D) or more
depending on the strings length. This design is used for all experiments.
This table represents half of the total number of trials, equivalent to one of
the priming conditions.
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Mean Response Times and Accuracy
Mean RT and mean accuracy rates for each stimulus composi-
tion condition are presented in Figure 2 where statistics are shown
as a function of string lengthindividual lines denote the results
for the number of differences between S
and S
. The results for
each priming condition are shown in different columns. Error bars
denote the difference- and correlation-adjusted 95% condence
intervals of the mean (Cousineau, 2005;Morey, 2008) as recom-
mended by Baguley (2012; see Cousineau, 2017).
Regarding differentRTs, the results show the expected trend
of stimulus composition for both the matching and mismatching
priming conditions: When the number of differences between S
and S
was held constant (the individual lines), RTs became slower
as the number of letters within the string increased; for any given
string length, decisions were faster as the number of differences
between S
and S
increased. We also see the slope fan-out effect
involving the stimulus composition conditions where the steepest
slope as a function of stimulus length expectedly belongs to the line
linking the four 1D stimulus composition conditions. The overall
mean RT for differentresponses (the mean RT of the 10 stimulus
composition conditions) is 547 ms in the matching condition,
whereas it is 558 ms in the mismatching condition, a difference of
11 ms (the 95% CI of this difference being 611.58 ms), this dif-
ference between overall means is nonsignicant, F(1,18) = 3.823,
A1032 repeated-measures ANOVA on mean differentRTs
with a factor for the stimulus composition conditions and one for
the priming conditions showed a main effect of priming, F(1, 18) =
6.232, p= .022, h
= .257, a nding that goes against our initial hy-
pothesis that only sameRTs would be affected by the change in
priming. However, the raw effect is rather small (11 ms). As
expected, there is a strong effect of stimulus composition, F(9,
162) = 24.194, p,.001, h
= .573, and the interaction between
factors is nonsignicant, F(9, 162) = .710, p= .699, h
= .038.
Regarding samemean RTs, in the matching condition, results
are typical of a fast-same effect. However, an identical conclusion
cannot be made for sametrials in the mismatch condition. In
this condition, mean RTs for sameare no longer the fastest
among all stimulus composition conditions. The overall mean RTs
for sameresponses (the mean of the four stimulus composition
conditions) is 502 ms in the matching condition, whereas it is 537
ms in the mismatching condition, a difference of 35 ms (with a
95% CI of 615 ms), which is more than 3 times the change
observed between priming conditions for differenttrials; this
difference between overall means is signicant), F(1, 18) =
22.962, p,.001, h
= .561.
A432 repeated-measures ANOVA on samemean RTs
revealed a main effect between the priming conditions, F(1, 18) =
22.950, p,.001, h
= .560, and a main effect of stimulus composi-
tion, F(3, 54) = 30.222, p,.001, h
= .627, but more notably, a
Figure 2
Mean Response Time (RT; Top Panels) and Mean Accuracy (Bottom Panels) Results for
Experiment 1
Note. In the left column are the results for the matching condition, and in the right column are the results for
the mismatching condition. Error bars denote the correlation- and difference-adjusted 95% condence interval
of the mean (Baguley, 2012). D = differences. See the online article for the color version of this gure.
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
signicant interaction between the two factors, F(3, 54) = 5.655, p=
.002, h
= .239. This signicant interaction highlights the fact that
the RT slope as a function of string length for mismatching same
trials is steeper than the RT slope for matching sametrials.
Comparing overall samemean RTs to overall different
mean RTs, Hedgesgin the matching condition is .55 (with a 95%
CI of [.36, .80]; the difference in RT between these overall means
is signicant), F(1, 18) = 41.556, p,.001, h
= .698, whereas it
is .28 in the mismatching condition (with a 95% CI of [.05, .54];
this difference between overall mean RTs is signicant as well,
albeit with a smaller effect size), F(1, 18) = 5.167, p= .036, h
.223. This attenuation in Hedgesgindicates an overall attenuation
of the fast-same effect when identity priming is annulled yet still
indicates that sameresponses remain quicker than different
responses overall.
The mean accuracy rates for differentresponses are 95.2%
and 94.6% for matching and mismatching conditions, respectively;
for sameresponses, they are 96.5% and 95.1% for matching and
mismatching conditions, respectively. While these accuracy rates
are similar, we performed a 10 32 repeated-measures ANOVA
on differentresponsesaccuracy using arcsine-transformed
mean accuracy rates. This ANOVA revealed no signicant differ-
ence between the priming conditions, F(1, 18) = 1.895, p= .186,
= .095, a main effect of stimulus composition, F(9, 162) =
32.176, p,.001, h
= .641, and a nonsignicant interaction
between factors, F(9, 162) = 1.525, p= .143, h
= .078. For
sameresponses, we performed a 4 32 repeated-measures
ANOVA on arcsine-transformed accuracy as a function of the four
stimulus composition conditions and both priming conditions. We
found a signicant difference between both priming conditions, F
(1, 18) = 6.461, p= .020, h
= .264, a signicant effect of stimulus
composition, F(3, 54) = 3.400, p= .024, h
= .159, and a signi-
cant interaction between factors, F(3, 54) = 4.294, p= .009,
= .193. This signicant interaction stems from the 0D4L
condition being more accurate in the matching condition than in
the mismatching condition (97.0% and 94.0% for matching-0D4L
and mismatching-0D4L conditions, respectively).
The conditions with the largest number of errors are the 1D
stimulus composition conditions, which are also the slowest.
Hence, this suggests that errors may be tolerated by participants to
avoid response times that would be too long in the most difcult
experimental conditions.
RT Slopes and Intercepts
To see if the difference between priming conditions has deeper
roots, we measured the slope and intercept of sameresponses
and compared them to the slope and intercept of 1DlL responses
(to use as a reference) for both matching and mismatching condi-
tions. We measured slopes and intercepts by running a regression
weighed by the number of replications in each stimulus composi-
tion condition. This analysis assesses whether priming generates a
general decrease in processing time (an intercept effect) or if proc-
essing facilitation is affected by the stimuluss length (a slope
effect, e.g., 4L stimuli beneting from priming more than 1L stim-
uli, which should atten the slopes).
Slopes and intercepts were measured per participants and aver-
aged. The corresponding standard errors (standard error of the
intercept and standard error of the slope) were pooled (i.e., the
squared standard errors were averaged).
The average slope and intercept of the 0DlL and 1DlL condi-
tions for both priming conditions of Experiment 1 are presented in
the rst two rows of Table 2 as well as each statistics respective
pooled standard error (within parentheses). The Condition 1 col-
umn refers to the matching condition, and the Condition 2 column
refers to the mismatching condition.
Regarding intercepts, those for 1DlL trials are higher than those
for sametrials in both priming conditions (a difference of
approximately 30 ms in both priming conditions; the two same
Table 2
Summary of Mean Slope (in ms per Letter, Noted ms/L) and Intercepts (in ms) for Both Priming Conditions of All Four Experiments for
All Participants
Experiment name Measure
Condition 1 Condition 2
Same 1D Same 1D
1. Case manipulation (match vs. mismatch) Slope 16.61 (1.31) 37.94 (2.75) 30.09 (1.22) 46.24 (3.92)
Slope ratio 2.28:1 (0.05:1) 1.54:1 (0.06:1)
Intercept 463.63 (3.57) 493.40 (5.80) 461.20 (3.31) 489.75 (8.28)
Intercept difference 29.77 (6.81) 28.55 (8.92)
2. Font manipulation (match vs. mismatch) Slope 25.11 (1.39) 50.46 (4.02) 36.39 (1.34) 42.55 (3.40)
Slope ratio 2.04:1 (0.04:1) 1.17:1 (0.08:1)
Intercept 481.66 (3.80) 527.82 (8.27) 473.75 (3.67) 532.32 (7.24)
Intercept difference 46.16 (9.10) 58.57 (8.12)
3. Stimuli presentation (visual vs. auditory) Slope 19.81 (1.53) 19.63 (3.18) 145.77 (2.96) 142.17 (5.80)
Slope ratio 0.99:1 (0.18:1) 0.98:1 (0.05:1)
Intercept 370.19 (8.06) 490.34 (12.29) 482. 96 (4.14) 594.40 (6.63)
Intercept difference 120.15 (14.70) 111.44 (7.82)
4. LTM association (present vs. absent) Slope 21.80 (3.44) 29.01 (1.87) 34.17 (3.53) 27.50 (2.92)
Slope ratio 1.33:1 (0.13:1) 0.80:1 (0.18:1)
Intercept 499.81 (7.45) 573.52 (5.10) 590.92 (7.58) 663.45 (7.93)
Intercept difference 73.71 (9.02) 72.54 (10.97)
Note. D = difference; LTM = long-term memory. Measures were only recorded for the sameand 1DlL conditions. In parentheses are the standard error
of the estimates. In the leftmost column are the experiment names as well as the names of the priming conditions. Also presented within this table are the
slope ratios and intercept differences. The standard error of a ratio a/b is estimated from SE
p(Cousineau, 2020;Ku, 1966).
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This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
intercepts are almost identical, as are the two 1D intercepts).
Regarding slopes, sameslopes are shallower than those for dif-
ferentin both priming conditions. However, there is a strong
slope decrease in the samematching condition in comparison to
its mismatching counterpart. The 1D-to-same slope ratio goes
down from 2.28:1 (38 ms/L vs. 17 ms/L) in the matching condition
to 1.54:1 (46 ms/L to 30 ms/L) in the mismatching condition.
In sum, for this rst experiment, the fast-same effect is linked
solely to a change in slope between priming conditions, and not a
change in intercept. Regarding differentresponses, slopes remained
relatively unchanged (as noted, there was no signicant interaction in
the 10 32 repeated-measures ANOVA for differentRTs), and
intercepts were nearly identical across priming conditions.
In this experiment, we observed the fan-out effect as well a fast-
same effect in the matching condition, replicating past results.
Furthermore, results were independent from the specic letter case
used. This conrms once more that same-different task results
are not stimulus specic but are robust to changes in materials.
More importantly, we saw that a visual match is required to observe
the fast-same phenomenon, a nding akin to Bambers (1972) results
that this experiment aimed to conceptually replicate. The RTs for
sameresponses were severely attenuated in the mismatching
condition (a decrease of approximately .3 in terms of the Hedges
gwhen comparing the overall means of sameand different).
We have dubbed this relative slowdown the attenuated-same
effect. Meanwhile, differentresults were weakly affected by pri-
ming (the 10 32 ANOVA revealed a statistically signicant dif-
ference between the RTs of both priming conditions, albeit with a
small raw effect size). These results further highlight the necessity
of a visual match to observe fast-same responses and support the
priming hypothesis posited in the introduction. Furthermore, accu-
racy penalties are not observed when priming was altered. There
was a small accuracy benet in the matching 0D4L condition
compared to its mismatching counterpart, resulting in a signicant
interaction between the stimulus composition conditions and the
priming conditions; the accuracies for differentshowed no dif-
ference across priming conditions.
Slopes and intercepts offered additional information regarding
the possible mechanism at play. The slope is shallowest for
sameresponses in the matching condition, congruent with the
priming hypothesis that sameconditions should be the only ones
beneting from residual activation; the shallow slope also ts the
expectations laid out by the fan-out effect noted by Sternberg
(1998). In the mismatching condition, the slope for same
responses is about twice as steep (by a factor of 1.82) and resem-
bles the slope of the 1D stimulus composition conditions. Finally,
the intercepts of sameand differentremained relatively
unchanged between priming conditions, being smaller for same
than for differentin both cases.
As seen by these analyses, there are more similarities between
priming conditions than dissimilarities. The only major changes
between these conditions stem from the mean RT and the mean
RT slopes for samedecisions. Appendix A further examines
standard deviation and skewness across priming conditions but
found no other notable differences. These results prompt us to
posit that there is an identical underlying decision-making process
for both visually matching and visually mismatching pairs of stim-
uli. The fast-same effect could therefore be due to a facilitating
factor in the process chain, not a different processing mechanism
While this letter case manipulation experiment supports the pri-
ming hypothesis, it is unclear whether the observed results are
generalizable to other stimuli or to mismatches of a less extreme
magnitude. Uppercase and lowercase variants of a letter can be
visually different from one another and may even share no com-
mon features. This high level of discrepancy may be the cause of
the attenuated-same effect and also the cause of the small, but sig-
nicant, difference between priming conditions for different
RTs. We therefore replicated this task in Experiment 2 with visual
mismatches of a smaller magnitude.
Experiment 2: Font Manipulation
To see if the fast-same attenuation found in Experiment 1 was
only caused by important visual mismatches, another same-differ-
ent experiment was carried out with subtler visual changes. In this
experiment, only the stimulis lettersfont and typeface were var-
ied in the mismatching condition (both S
and S
were presented
as uppercase letters). As the visual attributes manipulated in the
present experiment are minor, results of this task will indicate
whether the fast-same effect can be attenuated in a gradual manner
or if it follows an all-or-naught rule.
Participants were 20 new consenting adults aged 18 to 30 with
normal or corrected vision. Participants gave written and verbal
consent to participate in the experiment and were all informed of
the experiments procedure as well as the protocol and ethical
rules of the University of Ottawa (REB Certicate H10-16-14).
Finally, all participants were compensated $10 CAD for their
The stimuli, procedure, and experimental design for this experi-
ment were identical to Experiment 1 except for what follows:
Rather than using matching/mismatching letter cases, we used
matching/mismatching font and typefaces on uppercase conso-
nants. For half of all trials, stimuli were shown in a Roman (i.e.,
nonitalic) Arial font (e.g., JCVD). In the second half, letters were
shown using an italic Bodoni MT font (e.g., JCVD). The Arial
font was selected as it does not include serifs (the small lines at
the end of a stroke), whereas the Bodoni MT font does include ser-
ifs, adding additional minute mismatches between stimuli. Once
more, the visually matching condition had an identical font and
typeface between S
and S
. The mismatch condition, exactly like
Experiment 1, presented visual mismatches between S
and S
Again, participants were instructed to pay no attention to the visual
nature of the stimuli and to make their sameand different
decisions solely on the lettersidentity.
Screening of the Data
We gathered data from 15,360 total trials (768 trials per partici-
pant 320 participants), from which we removed 19 RTs below
200 ms, 59 RTs above 2,500 ms, and 37 nonanswers. Only correct
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
responses were retained for RT analyses, for a total of 14,521 tri-
als; there were 724 errors in total (5.0% error rate). Only a single
participant made ve mistakes in a row once, which triggered the
warning message.
Effect of Font Differences
To ensure that both matching conditions and both mismatching
conditions were combinable, we performed two 14 32 repeated-
measures ANOVAs on the mean RTs using the 14 stimulus com-
position conditions as a factor and the two font/typeface variants
as the other factor (Arial/Roman or Bodoni/Italic for S
). In the
rst ANOVA comparing the font-matching conditions, the effect
of font was nonsignicant, F(1, 19) = .056, p= .815, h
= .003.
There was a main effect of stimulus composition, F(13, 247) =
17.917, p,.001, h
= .485, and no signicant interaction
between both factors, F(13, 247) = .544, p= .896, h
= .028. For
the ANOVA contrasting the mean RTs of the font-mismatching
conditions, the effect of font was nonsignicant, F(1, 19) = .513,
p= .483, h
= .026. There was a signicant effect of stimulus
composition, F(13, 221) = 14.953, p,.001, h
= .440, and a sig-
nicant interaction between factors, F(13, 247) = 2.257, p= .008,
= .106. Although the interaction is signicant, it is mostly at-
tributable to a single discrepancy between the two 1D4L condi-
tions where the mean RT was 750.9 ms for the Arial/Roman font
and 647.6 ms for the Bodoni/Italic font. We decided to merge both
font-matching conditions and both font-mismatching conditions as
we had no theoretical interest in this interaction (the effect size is
also rather small).
Mean Response Times and Accuracy
Mean RT and accuracy rates for each priming condition (match-
ing and mismatching) are presented in Figure 3 in the same format
as Figure 2. As shown, the mean RTs for differentare inuenced
by stimulus composition in the usual manner (the fan-out effect is
observed here as well). The overall mean RT for differentin the
matching condition is 602 ms, whereas it is 597 ms in the mis-
matching condition, a difference of 5 ms (with a 95% CI of 6
9.49 ms), this difference between overall mean differentRTs is
nonsignicant, F(1, 19) = 1.431, p= .246, h
= .070. A 10 32
repeated-measures ANOVA on the mean RTs of the 10 different
stimulus composition conditions and the two priming conditions
showed that there is no effect of priming, F(1, 19) = 1.320, p=
.265, h
= .065, a main effect of stimulus composition, F(9, 171) =
23.283, p,.001, h
= .551, and a nonsignicant interaction
between both factors, F(9, 171) = .672, p= .734, h
= .034.
Regarding sametrials, we see a fast-same effect in the match-
ing condition and an attenuated-same effect in the mismatching
condition. Overall, mean RTs for sameresponses in the match-
ing condition is 542 ms compared to 566 ms in the mismatching
condition, a difference of 24 ms (with a 95% CI of 69.27 ms),
this difference between overall mean sameRTs is signicant, F
(1,19) = 24.902, p,.001, h
= .567.
Figure 3
Mean Response Time (RT; Top Panels) and Mean Accuracy (Bottom Panels) Results for
Experiment 2
Note. In the left column are the results for the matching condition, and in the right column are the results for
the mismatching condition. Error bars denote the correlation- and difference-adjusted 95% condence interval
of the mean (Baguley, 2012). D = differences. See the online article for the color version of this gure.
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
A432 repeated-measures ANOVA on the mean RTs of the four
sameconditions and the two priming conditions showed an effect
of priming, F(1, 19) = 24.898, p,.001, h
= .567, an effect of stim-
ulus composition F(3, 57) = 48.175, p ,.001, h
= .717, and a sig-
nicant interaction between factors, F(3, 57) = 3.027, p= .037, h
.137. Again, much like Experiment 1, the interaction points to a slope
change between both matching and mismatching sameconditions.
There was a strong fast-same effect in the matching condition (a
Hedgesgof .57 between overall sameand overall different
mean RTs with a 95% CI of [.41, .80]), this difference between over-
all mean RTs is signicant, F(1, 19) = 73.961, p,.001, h
= .796.
The effect is attenuated in the mismatching condition (a Hedgesgof
.30 between overall sameand overall differentmean RTs with a
95% CI of [.14, .50]), this difference between overall mean RTs is
signicant, F(1, 19) = 14.133, p= .001, h
= .427.
Overall accuracies for differentdecisions are 94.5% and
95.0% for both matching and mismatching conditions, respec-
tively, and are 96.0% and 95.5% for samedecisions, in the same
order. For differenttrials, a 10 32 repeated-measures ANOVA
on arcsine-transformed mean accuracy rates showed no effect of
priming, F(1, 19) = .177, p= .679, h
= .009, a main effect of
stimulus composition, F(9, 171) = 26.623, p,.001, h
= .584,
and a nonsignicant interaction between factors, F(9, 171) = .291,
p= .977, h
= .015. For sametrials, a 4 32 repeated-measures
ANOVA on arcsine-transformed accuracy rates similarly showed
no effect of priming, F(1, 19) = 1.696, p= .208, h
= .082, a main
effect of stimulus composition, F(3, 57) = 3.570, p= .019, h
.158, and a nonsignicant interaction between factors, F(3, 57) =
1.955, p= .131, h
= .093.
RT Slopes and Intercepts
To see whether the attenuated slope effect observed in Experiment
1 was also present in this experiment, the overall slopes and inter-
cepts of the 1DlLandsameconditions were measured in both pri-
ming conditions. The results of this analysis are presented in the
second section of Table 2 where Condition 1 refers to the matching
condition, and Condition 2 refers to mismatching condition.
As seen in Table 2, the intercepts for 1D are higher than those
of sameregardless of the priming condition, which is an identi-
cal result to that of Experiment 1. This result suggests that there
may be a distinct baseline latency for samedecisions relative to
differentdecisions. The slopes are also inuenced by the pri-
ming condition: The 1D-to-same slope ratio for matching trials is
2.04:1 (50 ms/L vs. 25 ms/L), whereas it is 1.17:1 (43 ms/L vs. 36
ms/L) for mismatching trials. The mismatching sametrials have
a slope that is 1.44 times steeper than the matching sametrials,
as anticipated from the signicant interaction seen in the 4 32
ANOVA on mean RTs.
Results from this experiment show that minute changes in visual
identity still led to the trends found in Experiment 1. Moreover,
RTs for mismatching differentdecisions are not signicantly
different from their matching counterparts and t the expected
fan-out effect in both priming conditions; the accuracy trends for
both matching and mismatching priming conditions also t what is
expected from the task and are similar to the results from Experi-
ment 1. More importantly, even if the mismatch condition presents
subtle changes in visual identity, the fast-same effect is still
severely attenuated as was the case in Experiment 1. In fact, there
is a difference of .27 between the Hedgesgof both priming con-
ditions in both experiments; the mean Hedgesgfor the matching
conditions are also nearly identical at .55 and .57 for Experiments
1 and 2, respectively. Compared to Experiment 1, the intercept dif-
ference increased by a magnitude of approximately 24 ms, and the
slope ratios decreased by approximately .30 in both the matching
and mismatching conditions. Thus, the benets gained from the
fast-same effect may not be solely restricted to a slope effect. We
return to these results in the General Discussionsection.
This experiment shows that a very strong visual matchand the
priming benets associated with that factoris necessary to obtain
the fast-same effect. Without its presence, sameresponses are
much slower (yet are still faster than the majority of different
RTs and are never slower than the 1DlL condition). We can thus
conclude that a change in priming, as minor/major as it may be,
results in an attenuation of samemean RTs. No other result
seems to be as affected by the priming conditionnot the differ-
entmean RTs, the accuracies of both decisions, nor the higher-
moment statistics as shown in Appendix A.
Experiment 3: Visual Versus Auditory Stimuli
In this third experiment, we explored priming at the higher lev-
els of the mental representation hierarchy by constraining its oper-
ation to the phonological level and up. By presenting the stimuli
aurally to participants, it is consequently possible to bypass any
inuence that visual priming may have. If priming is indeed an all-
or-none effect, as suggested by the results of Experiment 2, we
should observe similar results between the auditory priming condi-
tion presented here and the mismatching conditions of Experi-
ments 1 and 2. As in the previous experiments, there is also a
control condition where visually matching stimuli are presented.
We recruited 20 additional adults aged 18 to 30 with normal or
corrected vision for this experiment. All participants were
informed of the experiments procedure, as well as the protocol
and ethical rules of the University of Ottawa (REB Certicate
H10-16-14). Participants gave written and verbal consent to partic-
ipate in this task and were compensated $10 CAD for their time.
The experiments control condition had an identical procedure,
experimental design, and stimuli to those of Experiments 1 and 2
except for the following: In both priming conditions, an additional
stimulus consisting of underscores was presented between the xa-
tion point and S
. This stimulus was presented for 505 ms, and the
number of underscores presented on-screen matched the length of
so that the criterion string did not end unexpectedly when it
was presented aurally. In the auditory condition, S
was broken
down into its individual letters and pronounced serially (1 s per
letter; e.g., 4L stimuli took 4 s to present) through desktop speak-
ers. The presentation language was assigned nonrandomly based
on the participants primary language, either French or English
since the University of Ottawa is a bilingual university. There was
an example auditory stimulus prior to the testing phase to ensure
that participants could hear and identify the presented stimuli
in the task. The auditory stimuli were generated using a voice
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
synthesizer (Version 1.56 of DSpeech, with the voices of Micro-
soft Anna used for English stimuli and ScanSoft Virginie used for
French stimuli). For visual S
, all letters composing the string
were presented at once for 400 ms. In all trials, S
was presented
visually. Figure 4 presents a schematic of the updated procedure
used for this experiment.
Screening of the Data
Data were gathered from 14,592 total trials (768 trials 319 par-
ticipants). One participant was removed from the analysis for hav-
ing very slow RTs (a mean of 1,238 ms). Of the remaining data,
we removed three trials with RTs below 200 ms, 86 trials with
RTs above 2,500 ms, and 11 nonanswers. For RT analyses, we l-
tered out erroneous trials, resulting in a total of 13,690 trials. There
were 802 total errors (5.5% error rate). Of the 19 participants
retained for analysis, none made ve mistakes in a row.
Mean Response Times and Accuracy
Mean RT and accuracy rates for each of the priming conditions
(auditory vs. visual) are presented in Figure 5. Note that for visual
stimuli, we plotted the results with two different scales, one that
matches the scale used in Experiments 1 and 2 and one enlarged to
ease comparisons with the auditory stimulus condition.
As seen in Figure 5, auditory trials lead to a considerable slow-
down in response times. This is possibly caused by the sequential
presentation of S
, which might have induced a more serial inspec-
tion of S
. Despite this major increase in RT, differentconditions
follow the usual fan-out effect, and the fast-same phenomenon is
not observed. Again, sameRTs are still below the 1D line, indi-
cating that all sameconditions remain faster than the slowest
differentcondition even when a phonological mental representa-
tion is compared to a visually presented stimulus.
For differentresponses, overall mean RT is 610 ms for visual
trials and 748 ms for auditory trials, a difference of 138 ms (with a
95% CI of 641.38 ms); this difference between overall mean RTs
is signicant, F(1, 18) = 83.743, p,.001, h
= .823. Because of
this large slowdown seen in the auditory condition, all compari-
sons involving the priming condition will be signicant as well.
A1032 repeated-measures ANOVA on the mean RTs of dif-
ferenttrials involving the 10 stimulus composition conditions and
the two priming conditions showed a signicant effect of priming,
F(1, 18) = 83.131, p,.001, h
= .822, a signicant effect of stim-
ulus composition, F(3, 54) = 74.724, p,.001, h
= .806, and a
signicant interaction between factors, F(3, 54) = 56.760, p,
.001, h
= .759.
Concerning sametrials, overall mean RT is 532 ms for visual
trials and 731 ms for auditory trials, a difference of 198 ms (with a
95% CI of 645.54 ms); this difference between overall mean RTs
is signicant, F(1, 18) = 49.155, p,.001, h
= .732. A 4 32
repeated-measures ANOVA on the RTs of sametrials involving
the four stimulus composition conditions and the two priming con-
ditions showed a signicant effect of priming, F(1, 18) = 74.484,
p,.001, h
= .805, a signicant effect of stimulus composition,
Figure 4
Timeline of an Auditory Trial for Experiment 3
Note. S
denotes the auditory stimulus presented to participants (letters are vocalized serially in 1-s incre-
ments), and S
denotes the second stimulus to be visually presented to the participant. The underscore(s) is/are
presented immediately after the xation point and indicates the length of S
. As previously stated, feedback
is only given on errors and nonresponses. In the visual condition, S
is presented visually for 400 ms. In the
actual experiment, ER was the word Errorand NR was the words No response detected,both shown in the
lower part of the display below S
. See the online article for the color version of this gure.
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This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
F(9, 162) = 40.451, p,.001, h
= .692, and a signicant interac-
tion between factors, F(9, 162) = 22.010, p,.001, h
= .550.
Between overall sameand overall differentmean RTs for vis-
ual trials, there is a Hedgesg of .79 (with a 95% CI of [.56, 1.12]);
this difference between overall mean RTs is signicant, F(1, 18) =
63.315, p,.001, h
= .779. For auditory trials, there is a Hedgesg
of .10 between overall sameand overall differentmean RTs
(with a 95% CI of [.08, .29]); this difference between overall mean
RTs is nonsignicant, F(1, 18) = 1.278, p= .273, h
= .066.
Participants are 95.4% and 94.0% accurate for visual different
and sameconditions, respectively, and 94.8% and 93.7% accu-
rate for auditory differentand sameconditions, respectively.
This is congruent with what was found in previous experiments. A
10 32 repeated-measures ANOVA on the arcsine-transformed
mean accuracy rates of differenttrials showed no signicant
effect of priming, F(1, 18) = 2.779, p= .113, h
= .134, a signi-
cant effect of stimulus composition, F(9, 62) = 23.382, p,.001,
= .565, and a signicant interaction between factors, F(9, 62) =
2.639, p= .007, h
= .128. The interaction comes from easier trials
(the four all-different conditions: 1D1L, 2D2L, 3D3L, and 4D4L)
that are more accurate in the auditory condition than in the visual
condition (97.5% vs. 96.2%, respectively). A 4 32 repeated-
measures ANOVA on the arcsine-transformed mean accuracy
rates of sametrials showed a signicant effect of priming (albeit
with a small raw effect size of þ.3%), F(1, 18) = 6.855, p= .017,
= .276, a nonsignicant effect of stimulus composition, F(3,
54) = 1.849, p= .149, h
= .093, and a nonsignicant interaction
between factors, F(3, 54) = 1.726, p= .173, h
= .087.
RT Slopes and Intercepts
Mean slopes and intercepts are presented in the third section of
Table 2. Condition 1 refers to visual trials, and Condition 2 refers to
auditory trials. With regard to the visual condition, the intercept for
sameis lower than the intercept for 1D by a magnitude of approxi-
mately 120 ms. This is roughly 90 ms more than what was observed
in Experiment 1 and approximately 70 ms more than what was
observed in Experiment 2. However, the slopes are almost at a 1:1
ratio (20 ms/L:20 ms/L for sameonto 1D). This lack of difference
between slopes contradicts what we observed for fast-same
responses so far in Experiments 1 and 2 where the ratio was near
2:1. Nevertheless, because there is an encoding modality switch in
this paradigm, it is unsurprising that not all results have carried over.
As for auditory stimuli, the intercept for sameresponses is
still quicker than that for 1DlL responses. Furthermore, slopes fol-
low a 1:1 ratio, which is more in line with the attenuated-same
effect we have seen so far. However, we observe very steep slopes
for both conditions compared to the other experiments (about 140
ms/L here vs. about 40 ms/L elsewhere), which indicates that stim-
uli are processed at a much slower rate. This could be due to the
Figure 5
Mean Response Time (RT; Top Panels; Note Different Scaling Between Left and Middle Panels) and Mean Accuracy (Bottom Panels)
Results for Experiment 3
Note. In the top-left and top-middle panels are the results for visually presented trials (one has the same vertical axis scaling as Experiments 1 and 2;
the other has the same scaling as auditory trials), and in the top-right panel are the results for the auditory trials. Error bars denote the correlation- and
difference-adjusted 95% condence interval of the mean (Baguley, 2012). D = differences. See the online article for the color version of this gure.
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
serial nature of S
that might also induce a more serial mental rep-
resentation/comparison process. The latter would also explain why
accuracy is improved in the all-different conditions.
In this task, we presented S
to participants through two different
sensory modalities. For the visual condition, results concur with the
visually matching conditions of Experiments 1 and 2. The visual con-
ditions mean RT and mean accuracy, as well as intercept measures,
follow the same trend and lead to the same conclusion about the fast-
same phenomenon as previous experiments. The only two differen-
ces between this experiment and previous ones are that (a) the fast-
same effect here is expressed by a pronounced intercept reduction
rather than by a change in slope and (b) the RT slope ratio is nearly
1:1 for the control condition as opposed to the 2:1 ratio previously
seen. As mentioned, these differences could be due to a switch in
encoding modality. Still, mean sameRTs remain faster than those
of the slowest differentcondition, and the Hedgesgbetween over-
all sameand overall differentmean RTs is larger here than it is
for the control conditions of Experiments 1 and 2. Regarding audi-
tory trials, they further support the hypothesis that visually matching
information is necessary for a fast-same effect to occur.
Experiment 4: Long-Term Memory Associations
In this last experiment, the role of priming within the same-dif-
ferent task is further explored by comparing results from bottom-
up activation (as is the case with the three experiments presented
above) with top-down stimulation (stimuli held in LTM). In the
present experiment, and for both priming conditions, participants
were required to memorize four stimuli of specic lengths (a sin-
gle stimulus was memorized for each of the tasks four possible
string lengths). In the letters showncondition (S
-shown hence-
forth), letters were presented directly to the participants as usual.
In the LTM retrieval condition (S
-absent henceforth), the only
visual stimulus presented on-screen was a visual cue, composed of
underscores, indicating the stimuluss overall length. From this
cue, participants had to access their LTM to retrieve the memo-
rized string and compare it to S
. In this priming condition, neither
visual representations nor phonological representations are stimu-
lated; the only possible mental representation comes from the
association existing between the number of underscores presented
on-screen and the memorized strings associated to each stimulus
length. Considering the results found thus far, we believed that a
fast-same effect would not be observed in the S
-absent condition
as priming cannot operate at the visual level, while the effect will
be seen in the S
-shown manipulation (which is much closer to a
standard same-different task). We also predicted that overall deci-
sions will be more accurate in the S
-shown condition due to the
very small number of stimuli presented repeatedly to each partici-
pant, possibly yielding training effects (see Walker & Cousineau,
2019, for a similar manipulation with extended training). Addi-
tionally, due to these training effects and the atypical stimuli pre-
sentation method, it is uncertain whether the typically observed
mean RT and accuracy patterns will be elicited from this task as it
has now shifted from a comparison task to an LTM retrieval þ
comparison task.
All stimuli and procedures and the experimental design for
the control condition were identical to Experiment 1 with the
exception that letters composing S
were not chosen randomly on
every trial (see below). Participants were 21 adults aged 18 to 30
with normal or corrected vision. All participants were informed of
the experiments procedure, as well as the protocol and ethical
rules of the University of Ottawa (REB Certicate H10-16-14).
All participants gave written and verbal consent to participate in
this task and were compensated $10 CAD for their time.
In a preliminary phase, participants were asked to memorize
four separate strings of letters (randomly generated for each partic-
ipant), each corresponding to a specic string length. For example,
if the prospective four-letter string was generated as JCVD,all
4L S
in the experiment would be presented as ____or JCV
D; if the prospective two-letter string was CN,all 2L S
the experiment would be presented as __or CN.To ensure
that the four randomly generated strings were learned adequately,
participants were subjected to a memory test prior to testing: One
to four underscore symbols were randomly shown on-screen, and
the participant had to manually type the appropriate memorized
string. This preliminary memory test was repeated until partici-
pants could recall all four strings twice in a row without error.
The present experimental design was identical to Experiments 1
and 2. However, rather than randomly generating a different S
every trial, only the four memorized strings were used. On half of the
trials, S
was presented as underscores corresponding to the criterion
stimuluss length, and on the other half, the actual memorized stimu-
lus was visually presented. Therefore, there were only four criterion
stimuli in the entire task (generated randomly for each participant).
Screening of the Data
We gathered data from 14,592 total trials (768 trials 319 par-
ticipants). Twenty-one participants ran the experiment, but only 19
were retained for analysis; one participant was replaced after post-
testing accuracy analyses showed near chance-level accuracies in
the task (52% in a task that typically yields 95% and over).
Another participant was removed during the analysis period for
having unusually slow RTs (a mean of 1,128 ms). Of the remain-
ing trials, we removed 17 RTs below 200 ms, 98 RTs above 2,500
ms, and 22 nonanswers. For RT analyses, we ltered out erroneous
trials for a total of 13,463 trials. There were 1,000 total errors
(6.9% error rate), slightly more than in Experiments 1 to 3. No
participant among those retained made ve mistakes in a row.
Mean Response Times and Accuracy
Mean RT and accuracy rates for each of the priming conditions
-shown and S
-absent) are presented in Figure 6. Note the slightly
extended vertical axes for RT panels in comparison to those of previ-
ous experiments to encapsulate the full condence intervals.
For differentresponses, overall mean RT is 609 ms and 686
ms for S1-shown and S1-absent trials, respectively (a slowdown of
78 ms with a 95% CI of 625.41 ms); this difference between
overall mean RTs is signicant, F(1, 18) = 41.529, p,.001,
= .698. A 10 32 repeated-measures ANOVA on the mean
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This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
RTs of differentdecisions showed that there is a signicant
of priming, F(1, 18) = 42.057, p,.001, h
= .700, a signicant
effect of stimulus composition, F(9, 162) = 10.913, p,.001, h
.377, and no signicant interaction between factors, F(9, 162) =
1.319, p= .231, h
= .068.
For samedecisions, overall mean RT is 543 ms and 661 ms for
S1-shown and S1-absent trials, respectively (a slowdown of 119 ms
with a 95% CI of 642.26 ms); this difference between overall
mean RTs is signicant, F(1, 18) = 34.976, p,.001, h
432 repeated-measures ANOVA on the mean RTs of same
decisions showed that there is a signicant effect of priming, F(1,
18) = 34.798, p,.001, h
= .659, a signicant effect of stimulus
composition, F(3, 54) = 4.667, p=.006,h
= .206, and a signicant
interaction between factors, F(3, 54) = 6.261, p=.001,h
This interaction is due to the recurved slope found between the 0D3L
and 0D4L stimulus composition conditions of S
-absent stimuli.
For S1-shown trials, there is a fast-same effect when comparing
overall mean sameRTs to overall mean differentRTs as indi-
cated by a Hedgesg of .39 (with a 95% CI of [.23, .61]); this dif-
ference between overall mean RTs is signicant, F(1, 18) =
16.814, p = .001, h
= .483. For the S1-absent condition, there is
an attenuated-same effect as indicated by a Hedgesg of .11 (with
a 95% CI of [.01, .24]); this difference between overall mean
RTs is nonsignicant, F(1, 18) = 3.446, p= .080, h
= .161. In
fact, in this priming condition, sameRTs are slower than all but
the 1DlL and 3D4L stimulus composition conditions, allowing us
to conclude that the fast-same effect is considerably attenuated;
-absent trials are slower than the visually mismatching trials of
Experiments 1 and 2, suggesting that memory retrieval added
some additional latency not seen in the S
-shown condition.
In S
-shown trials, participants are 96.1% and 96.4% accurate
for differentand samedecisions, respectively. In S
-absent tri-
als, participants are 94.9% and 93.5% accurate for differentand
samedecisions, respectively. The S
-absent sameconditions
are less accurate than the S
-shown sameconditions by 2.9%,
the most important difference seen in all experiments so far. This
result is congruent with RT results: S
retrieval might not be fully
performed so that latency is increased, and errors are a bit more
frequent. A 10 32 repeated-measures ANOVA on arcsine-trans-
formed mean accuracy rates for differenttrials showed no effect
of priming, F(1, 18) = 1.324, p= .265, h
= .069, a signicant
effect of stimulus composition, F(9, 162) = 11.058, p,.001, h
.381, and a nonsignicant interaction between factors, F(9, 162) =
1.011, p= .434, h
= .053. A 4 32 repeated-measures ANOVA
on arcsine-transformed mean accuracy rates for sametrials
showed that there is a signicant effect of priming, F(1, 18) =
12.136, p= .003, h
= .403, no effect of stimulus composition, F
(3, 54) = .050, p= .985, h
= .003, and a nonsignicant interaction
between factors, F(3, 54) = .104, p= .957, h
= .006. The lack
Figure 6
Mean Response Time (RT; Top Panels; Note the Slightly Extended Vertical Axis in Comparison to
Figures 2,3, and 5) and Mean Accuracy (Bottom Panels) Results for Experiment 4
Note. In the left panels are the results for the S
-shown condition, and in the right panels are the results for
the S
-absent condition. Error bars denote the correlation- and difference-adjusted 95% condence interval of
the mean (Baguley, 2012). D = differences. See the online article for the color version of this gure.
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
of a stimulus composition effect indicates that the accuracy of
sameconditions is at with respect to string length. Previous
experiments had nearly at results, so this nonsignicant effect is
not unexpected.
RT Slopes and Intercepts
As for slope analyses, results are presented in the fourth and last
section of Table 2. Condition 1 refers to S
-shown stimuli, while
Condition 2 refers to S
-absent stimuli. For S
-shown stimuli, the
intercept for 1D is higher than the intercept for same,typical of
the results shown thus far. There is a moderate decrease in slope
(1.3:1) and a fairly important increase in intercept (approximately
70 ms). As for the S
-absent condition, the slope ratio is below 1:1
at .80:1, and the difference between intercepts is again approxi-
mately 70 ms. However, note in Figure 6 that the mean RT of
1D3L and 1D4L trials and the mean RT of 0D3L and 0D4L trials
in the S
-absent condition atten out, and the slope between those
conditions becomes negativethis artifact is likely the factor
affecting the overall measures of slope. Therefore, the sub-1:1 ra-
tio for slopes may be biased downward, even if the regression is
weighed by the number of replications per condition. Here, it
seems that decision latency for sameRTs in the S
-absent condi-
tion is tied to a change in slope rather than a change in intercept as
was observed in Experiments 1 and 2.
RTs in the S
-shown condition are similar to the visually match-
ing conditions of Experiments 1 and 2 and the visually presented
stimuli of Experiment 3. In fact, results of this experiment are
nearly identical to the rst two experiments, other than the atter
slope for 1D that induced a reduced slope ratio of approximately
1.3:1 rather than the approximate 2:1 ratio observed in those
experiments. This might be attributed to the possible training
effects of S
: As participants are repeatedly shown the same four
criterion stimuli, the mismatching letters in S
might be more sa-
lient relative to the primed letters due to an improved signal-to-
noise ratio. Regarding S
-absent trials, the overall pattern for dif-
ferentresults matches the fan-out effect well, with the exception
of the slope attening out between the 0D3L-0D4L and 1D3L-
1D4L stimulus composition conditions. Yet mean differentRTs
for S
-absent trials are all considerably slower than their S
counterparts. As the training effects are identical across priming
conditions, the differences between these experimental manipula-
tions are either due to (a) the presence of the target stimulus within
the S
-shown trialstraining might magnify the priming benet,
which further highlights the fact that visually identical stimuli are
required to observe the fast-same effector (b) an imperfect
memory retrievalthe 400-ms interstimulus interval might be too
short to fully retrieve the criterion stimulus from LTM.
In this variant of the same-different task, no priming benets
from sensory modalities were afforded in half of the trials because
no visual or phonological information was presented to partici-
pants. In these trials, the fast-same effect was attenuated, and the
slope for sameRTs was much closer to the slope of the 1DlL
conditions. Consequently, results show that visual information is
not necessary to complete the task but is necessary for the pres-
ence of a fast-same effect.
General Discussion
In all experiments, we altered priming between pairs of stimuli
for four same-different tasks that included one variant where S
and S
could be visually matching or mismatching using different
letter cases, a second variant where S
and S
could be visually
matching or mismatching using different fonts and typefaces, a
third variant where S
presentation was limited to phonology on
half of the trials, and a fourth variant where S
was not presented
at all on half of the trials. Throughout these experiments, when pri-
ming was not altered (the controlconditions: matching trials,
visually presented trials, and S
-shown trials), RT and accuracy
for all sameand differentconditions follow the same trends
established by the literature (see Sternberg, 1998, for a thorough
overview of the expected results), and we observe the presence of
a fast-same effect (the four experiments have a mean Hedgesgof
.55, .57, .79, and .39, respectively, all favoring overall mean
sameRTs relative to overall mean differentRTs). Trials
intended to cancel priming (the experimentalconditions: mis-
matching trials, auditory trials, and S
-absent trials) tell the same
story: Accuracy and RT for differentconditions are similar to
their controlcounterparts, whereas the rapidity of samedeci-
sions is severely attenuated (the four experiments respectively
have a mean gof .28, .30, .10, and .11 between the overall mean
RTs of sameand different). Thus, the fast-same effect is not
unequivocally characterized by a lower slope (contrary to the
results of Bamber, 1969;Sternberg, 1998;Taylor, 1976a). While
this was the case in Experiments 1 and 2 (1D-to-same slope ratios
of 2.28:1 and 2.04:1 for Experiments 1 and 2, respectively), in
Experiment 3, the slopes were near equal with a slope ratio of
.99:1. In this experiment, it was the intercepts of 1D and same
that varied between priming conditions (the intercept of 1D was
111.44 ms higher than the intercept for samein this experiment).
For Experiment 4, the slope ratio was in between those found in
previous experiments at 1.33:1, as was the intercept difference
between the 1D condition relative to the samecondition at 73.71
ms. Nevertheless, intercept measures for sameare always faster
than those for different.This suggests that there may be an in-
herent bias for samedecisions that is unaffected by priming. As
Huber (2008),Eviatar et al. (1994), and Lupker et al. (2015) have
noted, response biases are not limited to the perceptual stage and
could also operate at the response selection stage, leaving the dis-
crepancies between intercepts of sameand 1D unaffected by the
priming manipulation.
In all four experiments, attenuated-same responses do not come
with a severe accuracy penalty as they are just a little lower than
their fast-same counterparts. Statistical tests found signicant dif-
ferences between arcsine-transformed accuracy rates in Experi-
ments 1, 3, and 4 but found no such signicance in Experiment 2;
the actual differences between priming conditions are rather small
(a raw effect size of 1.4%, .5%, .3%, and .9% between priming
conditions of sameconditions for Experiments 1, 2, 3, and 4,
It is our belief that the attenuated-same effect is equivalent to a
samedecision with no added visual priming benets and that a vis-
ual match between S
and S
is necessary to obtain fast-same
responses. The equivalence here is meant in a strong sense: These two
effects reectprocess-wisethesamebehavior.InAppendix A,we
examined higher statistical moments and found no differences between
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This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
the fast-same and attenuated-same conditions (for Experiments 1 and
2). A change in processing mode when priming is removed would cer-
tainly entail an altered standard deviation or skew.
The change in processing rates between fast-same and attenuated-
same RTs (seen by changes in slopes) offers insight into the nature
of the fast-same phenomenon. It seems that sameresponses elicit
some sort of pop-outeffect (Treisman, 1985;Wolfe, 1994)when
is primed. The pop-out effect is often dened as having partici-
pants quickly identify a target in a set of foils. This idea might apply
here as sameresponses seem to be quite evident to the participant,
whereas differentresponses are more thoroughly processed. Thus,
one could maintain an identical analytical model for primed and non-
primed stimuli when the process is supplemented with a front-loaded
matching detector. In this view, matches become the relevant attrib-
utes attached to the perceived stimuli. By contrast, in the processing
facilitation view, when the stimulus (S
) matches the template (S
the decision is processed analytically with a higher (preactivated)
starting point. If the template does not match, no benet is given to
the accrual of same.In either proposal, the underlying decision
mechanism behind both fast- and attenuated-same responses are
identical, a proposal in same-different task research that contrasts
with, for example, Bamber's (1969) dual-process mechanism.
Potter et al. (2018) considered this possibility through their use
of the diffusion race model (Logan et al., 2014). The fact that
model tting suggested no role for thresholds in explaining the
fast-same effect is congruent with our own analyses (Appendix B,
using EZ) and the results of others using a variety of models (e.g.,
Gomez et al., 2013;Goulet & Cousineau, 2020a;Groulx et al.,
2020). Thus, even if the intercepts for sameare lower than those
for 1D, a strong consensus emerges that biases and strategic
adjustments are not the cause of the fast-same effect, a position
heralded by the works of Proctor et al. (1984). More work is
required to investigate the discrepancy between intercept measures
to decode why sameintercepts are always lower than their dif-
ferentcounterparts even when there is no priming between S
and S
Farell (1977), using a much longer criterion stimulus presenta-
tion duration (1.5 s), also reported an attenuated fast-same effect.
This result is also in line with this researchs priming hypothesis,
as well as Hubers (2008) work where a reduction or even reversal
of the priming benets is found following long stimulus
The front-loaded matching detector hypothesis is congruent
with the nROUSE model of residual activation (Huber, 2008;
Huber & OReilly, 2003) in which stimuli are compared and proc-
essed in a series of hierarchical levels. The lower, visual matching
level acts as a gatekeeper as to whether the stimuli can be fast-
tracked or not. This fast-tracked benet results in faster responses
that make samedecisions feel obviouscompared to differ-
entdecisions (an anecdotal comment made by many of the 81
total participants). In Potter et al. (2018), this fast-track idea is
called uency of processing. If the stimuli are visually mismatch-
ing, then they must go through all levels analytically as is the case
for all differentdecisions; residual activation can therefore not
operate nor benet the response. For sametrials that are not
fast-tracked, string length is directly proportional to RT, as is the
case with many cognitive architectures (Townsend & Ashby,
1983), resulting in steeper slopes. An unanswered question in
these experiments concerns what would happen when S
and S
are only partially visually matching. Using Experiment 2 as an
example, we could have some letters unchanged between S
while others have an altered font, or with regard to Experiment
3, some letters could be presented aurally, and others presented
visually. Regarding Experiment 1, where some of the letters could
be of a different letter case, pilot testing showed that the task was
too difcult. If the same occurs in all variants of the task where
visual matches can be partial, then it would argue against the
front-loaded match detector and against the view that matches are
additional attributes attached to the perceived stimuli. More inves-
tigation is required here.
Hampering priming abolishes the fast-same phenomenon with-
out substantial impact on the processing of differentdecisions;
the slopes for sameresponses were also attenuated, whereas no
major change was observed between differentconditions across
priming manipulations. This shows not only that a change in
samelatency has little impact on the accuracy patterns of either
decision but also that the fast-same phenomenon itself is either
fully operational or fully attenuated. Large changes (such as letter
case) and minor changes (such as font) were equally effective in
disrupting the fast-same effect. Thus, the fast-same effect might
indeed be all-or-nothing and tied to identity priming. This system-
atic approach to answering the research question offers an elegant
and parsimonious explanation of the fast-same effect, concurring
with the research of Nickerson (1978) and Proctor (1981).
While many other models could explain the fast-same phenom-
enon (of which a list was presented in the introduction), none has
been as diligently and successfully tested as the priming hypothe-
sis presented in this article. To create a viable model, future
research should expand the priming framework and, ideally,
instantiate its assumptions within a processing architecture to see
if it can reproduce the strong effects observed in these experi-
ments. Priming should be integrated into whatever models are
developed henceforth to account for the RT difference between
both fast- and attenuated-same priming conditions or be chal-
lenged by future research. Finally, the fact that sameRTs can be
attenuated is sensible in the present model, but there is no explana-
tion on why they remain faster than the RTs of the slowest differ-
entconditions. We believe this to be the next step in our research
assessing stopping rule, measuring capacity as a function of
string length, and focusing on the response-selection stage may be
fruitful lines of investigation to make new progress.
Clearly, this study and decades of other research on the same-
different task show us that humans have a strong facility to detect
sameness.William James (1890) even emphatically wrote that
The sense of sameness is the very keel and backbone of our
thinking [... and may be] the most important of all the features of
our mental structure(James, 1890, pp. 459460). Yet we do not
know why an animal would need such optimized sameness proc-
essing. What role does it play in our cognitive processes? Why do
we fast-track identical stimuli? An alternative view would be that
samedecisions are not that fastit is instead that different
decisions are slow, revealing the advanced analytical capacities of
our brain. In this view, lower animals would only be capable of
fast-same responses. Likewise, it seems that matchingmeans
absolutely identical(consider the font changes in Experiment 2),
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This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
in which case the sameness detection would truly be a same to-
kendetection as opposed to the detection of objects of the same
type (Jackson & Buchanan, 2016;Swan & Wyble, 2014). The fact
that even these simple questions are still unanswered to this day
shows that the study of same-different abilities is still in its
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Bamber, D. (1969). Reaction times and error rates for Sameand Differ-
entjudgments of multidimensional stimuli. Perception & Psychophy-
sics,6(3), 169174.
Bamber, D. (1972). Reaction times and error rates for judging nominal
identity of letter strings. Perception & Psychophysics,12(4), 321326.
Bamber, D., & Paine, S. (1973). Information retrieval processes in
Same-Differentjudgments of letter strings. In S. Kornblum (Ed.),
Attention and performance IV. Academic Press.
Barth, M. (2019). ezDiffusion: The EZ-diffusion model as described by
Wagenmakers (R Package Version 0.1.0) [Computer software]. https://
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Appendix A
Higher-Moment Statistics of the Four Experiments
In this appendix, we report the higher-moment statistics for all
four variants of the same-different task found in the main text.
The main goal of these analyses is to determine if a qualitative
change exists in distributional properties across priming condi-
tions. If there is such a change, an important shift in processing
mode between experimental manipulations could have occurred.
On the other hand, if priming only affects the processing latency
of samedecisions, there should be no changes to the underly-
ing decision-making mechanism of the task and thus no noticea-
ble qualitative differences for higher-moment statistics across
experiments and priming conditions.
In the following, we examined mean standard deviation and
mean skewness of all 14 stimulus composition conditions
within each priming condition. Similar to the mean RT analy-
ses reported in the main text, data were aggregated by partici-
pants and averaged for all stimulus composition conditions.
The error bars denote the within-subject 95% condence inter-
val (CI) using the appropriate CI estimator (the standard devia-
tion CI estimator for standard deviations and the skewness CI
estimator for skew; Harding et al., 2014). Note that CIs for
standard deviation are asymmetrical as the critical values are
taken from the vdistribution, an asymmetrical distribution.
Conversely, the CIs for skewness are all identical in size
because its estimators calculation depends only on the sample
size (number of participants per experiment) and are therefore
identical across stimulus composition conditions.
Experiment 1: Case Manipulation
Results regarding Experiment 1 are shown in Figure A1.As
seen in the pattern of results for both standard deviation and
skew are similar across priming conditions. To verify whether
there was a signicant difference across these priming condi-
tions, we performed a repeated-measures 14 32 ANOVA on
the mean standard deviation measures of all sameand differ-
enttrials with a factor for the 14 stimulus composition condi-
tions and a factor for the two priming conditions. We found a
nonsignicant effect for priming, F(1, 18) = 3.755, p=.068,h
=.173,asignicant effect of stimulus composition, F(13, 221) =
17.471, p=.001,h
= .134, and a nonsignicant interaction
between both factors, F(13, 234) = 1.088, p=.370,h
Another 14 32 ANOVA was performed on the mean skewness
measures with identical factors to the previous ANOVA. We
found a nonsignicant effect of priming, F(1, 18) = 1.112, p=
.306, h
=.058,asignicant effect of stimulus composition, F
(13, 234) = 17.471, p,.001, h
= .336, and a nonsignicant
interaction between factors, F(13, 234) = 1.477, p=.139,h
.074. We can thus conclude that cancelling priming did not cause
noticeable changes to the RT distributions and thus did not affect
the underlying decision-making process in this experiment.
Experiment 2: Font Manipulation
Mean measures of standard deviation and skewness for both
priming conditions of Experiment 2 are shown in Figure A2.
Results regarding this experiment yield little supplemental infor-
(Appendices continue)
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mation beyond the results of Experiment 1. For mean standard
deviation measures, a 14 32 repeated-measures ANOVA with a
factor for the stimulus composition conditions and one for the pri-
ming conditions revealed a nonsignicant effect of priming, F(1,
19) = .062, p= .807, h
= .003, a signicant effect of stimulus
composition, F(13, 247) = 2.920, p= .001, h
= .133, and a non-
signicant interaction between factors, F(13, 247) = .550, p=
.891, h
= .028. For mean skewness measures, a 14 32repeated-
measures ANOVA revealed a nonsignicant effect of priming, F
(1, 19) = .621, p= .440, h
= .032, a signicant effect of stimulus
composition, F(13, 247) = 6.162, p,.001, h
= .245, and a non-
signicant interaction between factors, F(13, 247) = .732, p=
.730, h
= .037. Again, we can conclude that the lack of a signi-
cant difference between priming conditions and the lack of interac-
tion indicates that it is likely the same underlying decision-making
process that is present for both priming conditions.
Experiment 3: Visual Versus Auditory Stimuli
Results for Experiment 3 are presented in Figure A3.As
shown, results from visual stimuli do not differ from the control
conditions seen so far. Regarding auditory stimuli, the standard
deviation follows an upward trend as the stringslengthgrows.
This abnormality could also be due to interference from the serial
nature of S
(the presentation of another stimulus hampers the
recall of previously presented stimuli) and decay (stimuli that
have been held longer in memory may be harder to recall) of the
mental representation over time. As for skewness, there are no
visual differences between priming conditions worth noting.
A repeated-measures 14 32 ANOVA on mean standard
deviation measures with a factor for the stimulus composition
conditions and another factor for the priming conditions
showed that there is a signicant effect of priming, F(1, 18) =
31.781, p,.001, h
= .638, a signicant effect of stimulus
composition, F(13, 234) = 4.387, p,.001, h
= .282, and a
signicant interaction between factors, F(13, 234) = 5.330, p,
.001, h
= .228. This interaction is due to the major changes
in standard deviation measures between priming conditions
(mean standard deviation for visual stimuli is 199.33 ms,
whereas it is 270.89 ms for auditory trials; additionally, visual
trials have a relatively at slope compared to the denite posi-
tive slope of their auditory counterparts). Another 14 32
repeated-measures ANOVA for mean skewness measures
showed that there is a signicant effect of priming, F(1, 18) =
Figure A1
Mean Standard Deviation (Top Panels) and Mean Skewness (Bottom Panels) Results for
Experiment 1
Note. The left panels show the results for matching stimuli, and mismatching stimuli are in the right panels.
Error bars denote the correlation- and difference-adjusted 95% condence interval of the mean (Baguley, 2012)
constructed with the proper estimator (Harding et al., 2014). D = differences. See the online article for the color
version of this gure.
(Appendices continue)
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38.475, p,.001, h
= .681, a signicant effect of stimulus
composition, F(13, 234) = 7.071, p,.001, h
= .196, and no
signicant interaction between factors, F(13, 234) = .878, p=
.577, h
= .046.
The signicant priming effect in the ANOVAs of both
higher-moment statistics goes against our initial hypothesis.
However, due to the change in encoding modality (forcibly se-
rial for auditory trials vs. possibly all at once for visual trials),
these signicant effects do not take away from our main nding
that a complete visual match is required for a fast-same effect
to occur.
Experiment 4: Long-Term Memory Associations
The results for Experiment 4 are presented in Figure A4.As
seen, results resemble those of Experiments 1 and 2, and both
mean standard deviation and mean skewness seem relatively
stable across priming conditions. A 14 32 repeated-measures
ANOVA performed on mean standard deviation measures with
a factor for the stimulus composition conditions and another
factor for the priming conditions yielded a signicant effect of
priming, F(1, 18) = 13.529, p= .002, h
= .429, a signicant
effect of stimulus composition, F(13, 221) = 2.384, p= .005,
= .117, and a nonsignicant interaction between factors, F
(13, 234) = 1.350, p= .185, h
= .070. Another 14 32
repeated-measures ANOVA was performed on mean skewness
measures, which resulted in a signicant effect of priming, F(1,
18) = 5.383, p= .032, h
= .230, a signicant effect of stimulus
composition, F(13, 234) = 4.547, p,.001, h
= .202, and a
nonsignicant interaction between factors, F(13, 234) = 1.440,
p= .142, h
= .074.
Again, these signicant differences between priming condi-
tions for both higher-moment statistics are incompatible with our
original hypothesis. Nevertheless, the changes in higher-moment
statistics are likely due to the change in task demands (from an
initial comparison task to a LTM retrieval þcomparison task).
Our take-home message remains the same: A complete visual
match is necessary for the fast-same phenomenon to occur.
The measures of spread and skew are conclusive in their
inconclusiveness. There are no noticeable qualitative changes
between the four experiments other than the mean standard
deviation measures of auditory stimuli (but this change could be
due to the unusual, serial presentation of S
). This suggests that
Figure A2
Mean Standard Deviation (Top Panels) and Mean Skewness (Bottom Panels) Results for Experiment 2
Note. The left panels show the results for matching stimuli, and mismatching stimuli are in the right panels. Error
bars denote the correlation- and difference-adjusted 95% condence interval (Baguley, 2012) constructed with the
proper estimator (Harding et al., 2014). D = differences. See the online article for the color version of this gure.
(Appendices continue)
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the way in which participants process stimuli and compare ele-
ments is relatively rigid across priming conditions. All experi-
ments offer the same, relatively at slope across string length
for fast-same and attenuated-same conditions alike. A change in
processing mode across priming conditions would more than
likely have resulted in some sort of modication to either de-
scriptive statistic, especially if we consider Bambers (1969)
original hypothesis that samenesscan be assessed by a fast-
parallel process, whereas differentnessmust be assessed by a
serial process (as proposed with his identity reporter vs. serial
self-termination model). This lack of change suggests that both
sameand differentdecisions likely operate with identical,
or at least quite similar, underlying processes.
While there are no clear trends in either analysis (along
with a lack of consistency among the ANOVAs performed in
each experiment), these results still offer a glimpse into the
cognitive architecture at play for both decisions. A decrease in
skewness typically indicates that the RT distribution tends to-
ward the normal distribution as stimuli sizes increase due to the
central limit theorem, a theorem strongly associated to serial
architectures. However, the fact that mean skewness measures
remain fairly constant across string length favors parallel proc-
essing. Likewise, for standard deviation, a lack of visible
changes as string lengths increase suggests a parallel process as
well. Standard deviation would tend to increase when the num-
ber of comparisons is increased (as is the case for serial archi-
tectures) when processing is not exhaustive.
Consequently, (a) processing mode seems constant across
priming conditions, and (b) although identifying the processing
architecture is not the focus of this article, it seems plausible that
the comparison process follows parallel architecture (but see
Harding et al., 2021). Note that we do not make strong claims
regarding architecture diagnosis here as we (mostly) observed
null effects. Without an appropriate power analysis, we have no
idea how strongly these claims can be afrmed. Further, it is
known that skew analyses generally lack statistical power.
Figure A3
Mean Standard Deviation (Top Panels) and Mean Skewness (Bottom Panels) Results for Experiment 3
Note. The left panels show the results for visually presented trials, and auditory trials are in the right panels.
Error bars denote the correlation- and difference-adjusted 95% condence interval (Baguley, 2012) constructed
with the proper estimator (Harding et al., 2014). D = differences. See the online article for the color version of
this gure.
(Appendices continue)
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Appendix B
EZ Parameter Predictions of Each Same-Different Task Variant
In this appendix, we analyze the results of all four experiments
using the EZ diffusion model (Wagenmakers et al., 2007). We
wish to determine whether the fast-same effect, and its attenua-
tion, from all four experiments are predicted by a change in
threshold, accumulation rate, and/or residual time (that is,
encoding and motor time). The EZ model estimates these pa-
rameters (noted vfor accumulation, afor threshold, and T
residual time), requiring only the accuracy rate, the mean RT,
and the RT variance from the targeted conditions to do so.
Parameter estimations were performed using EZ4Math (T.
Groulx et al., 2020), an EZ module for the open-access
Wolfram Language and conrmed with the ezDiffusion pack-
age for R (Version 0.1.0; Barth, 2019). The analyses were per-
formed on an individual basis and averaged across participants.
When a participant had perfect accuracy for any given stimulus
composition condition, it was replaced with 99.9% because EZ
cannot make estimates in these situations. The scaling parame-
ter, s, was set to the customary .1.
The averaged estimates across participants of all three pa-
rameters for all four experiments are given in Table B1. These
estimates are broken down by priming conditions (control vs.
experimental conditions; see main text for their notation) as
well as by the 14 stimulus composition conditions. Each esti-
mate is accompanied by the standard error of the mean (in
As is seen in Table B1, there is very little variation for both
aand vparameters between each stimulus composition condi-
tion across priming conditions for each of the four experiments.
In fact, the only notable change between these experimental
conditions stems from the T
parameter. This would therefore
signify that EZ predicts the changes in RT between sameand
differentdecisions almost entirely as changes in nondecision
time for all four experiments. Therefore, EZ predicts similar
RT distribution shapes across each experiments 28 total exper-
imental conditions (14 stimulus composition conditions and
two priming conditions for each), much like what was found in
Figure A4
Mean Standard Deviation (Top Panels) and Mean Skewness (Bottom Panels) Results for Experiment 4
Note. The left panels show the results for S
-shown trials, and S
-absent trials are in the right panels. Error bars
denote the correlation- and difference-adjusted 95% condence interval (Baguley, 2012) constructed with the
proper estimator (Harding et al., 2014). D = differences. See the online article for the color version of this gure.
(Appendices continue)
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Table B1
EZ Parameter Estimates for v, a, and T
of All 14 Stimulus Composition Conditions for Both Priming Conditions for All Four Experiments
String length Same 1D 2D 3D 4D
Experiment 1 matching (vparameter estimates)
1 0.000304 (0.000024) 0.000285 (0.000020)
2 0.000273 (0.000015) 0.000295 (0.000020) 0.000325 (0.000029)
3 0.000289 (0.000019) 0.000218 (0.000017) 0.000325 (0.000026) 0.000388 (0.000031)
4 0.000273 (0.000017) 0.000144 (0.000020) 0.000365 (0.000020) 0.000407 (0.000033) 0.000358 (0.000032)
Experiment 1 mismatching (vparameter estimates)
1 0.000281 (0.000015) 0.000294 (0.000016)
2 0.000289 (0.000019) 0.000258 (0.000017) 0.000319 (0.000026)
3 0.000275 (0.000018) 0.000186 (0.000013) 0.000298 (0.000019) 0.000383 (0.000029)
4 0.000232 (0.000012) 0.000111 (0.000021) 0.000274 (0.000020) 0.000299 (0.000023) 0.000370 (0.000032)
Experiment 2 matching (vparameter estimates)
1 0.000294 (0.000022) 0.000293 (0.000021)
2 0.000277 (0.000021) 0.000267 (0.000019) 0.000318 (0.000030)
3 0.000264 (0.000017) 0.000226 (0.000020) 0.000329 (0.000022) 0.000340 (0.000020)
4 0.000271 (0.000015) 0.000127 (0.000021) 0.000261 (0.000029) 0.000354 (0.000035) 0.000367 (0.000027)
Experiment 2 mismatching (vparameter estimates)
1 0.000271 (0.000015) 0.000292 (0.000022)
2 0.000268 (0.000015) 0.000271 (0.000022) 0.000320 (0.000020)
3 0.000257 (0.000011) 0.000212 (0.000019) 0.000309 (0.000027) 0.000348 (0.000028)
4 0.000236 (0.000014) 0.000150 (0.000016) 0.000280 (0.000027) 0.000354 (0.000034) 0.000353 (0.000026)
Experiment 3 matching (vparameter estimates)
1 0.000265 (0.000018) 0.000233 (0.000014)
2 0.000262 (0.000020) 0.000253 (0.000026) 0.000303 (0.000030)
3 0.000256 (0.000016) 0.000235 (0.000024) 0.000309 (0.000026) 0.000284 (0.000029)
4 0.000273 (0.000027) 0.000136 (0.000029) 0.000283 (0.000023) 0.000334 (0.000034) 0.000279 (0.000030)
Experiment 3 mismatching (vparameter estimates)
1 0.000249 (0.000021) 0.000254 (0.000020)
2 0.000214 (0.000013) 0.000209 (0.000012) 0.000300 (0.000026)
3 0.000191 (0.000014) 0.000150 (0.000017) 0.000261 (0.000023) 0.000307 (0.000025)
4 0.000163 (0.000008) 0.000095 (0.000013) 0.000199 (0.000018) 0.000292 (0.000023) 0.000303 (0.000028)
Experiment 4 matching (vparameter estimates)
1 0.000295 (0.000022) 0.000304 (0.000034)
2 0.000303 (0.000027) 0.000303 (0.000032) 0.000311 (0.000039)
3 0.000285 (0.000020) 0.000267 (0.000027) 0.000355 (0.000037) 0.000383 (0.000040)
4 0.000301 (0.000030) 0.000218 (0.000030) 0.000329 (0.000036) 0.000370 (0.000033) 0.000366 (0.000033)
Experiment 4 mismatching (vparameter estimates)
1 0.000248 (0.000023) 0.000244 (0.000022)
2 0.000238 (0.000022) 0.000224 (0.000018) 0.000279 (0.000022)
3 0.000240 (0.000021) 0.000220 (0.000028) 0.000308 (0.000033) 0.000312 (0.000028)
4 0.000240 (0.000019) 0.000182 (0.000028) 0.000284 (0.000020) 0.000332 (0.000039) 0.000372 (0.000036)
Experiment 1 matching (aparameter estimates)
1 0.161809 (0.011620) 0.154650 (0.012055)
2 0.130294 (0.006928) 0.147347 (0.014479) 0.151959 (0.014196)
3 0.132666 (0.006984) 0.127112 (0.012622) 0.161958 (0.015833) 0.169116 (0.013010)
4 0.138222 (0.006161) 0.116488 (0.011556) 0.169049 (0.011050) 0.145258 (0.011129) 0.155521 (0.015242)
Experiment 1 mismatching (aparameter estimates)
1 0.131229 (0.009498) 0.163767 (0.014402)
2 0.146571 (0.009400) 0.139100 (0.009049) 0.164155 (0.011354)
3 0.125023 (0.009335) 0.130202 (0.012212) 0.167540 (0.015217) 0.192665 (0.016346)
4 0.123955 (0.005777) 0.117981 (0.009750) 0.146064 (0.012743) 0.154431 (0.014343) 0.153672 (0.010059)
Experiment 2 matching (aparameter estimates)
1 0.167842 (0.011932) 0.159176 (0.014057)
2 0.137341 (0.008965) 0.165312 (0.017096) 0.167505 (0.017369)
3 0.151406 (0.014314) 0.148792 (0.017365) 0.179700 (0.014405) 0.169562 (0.014752)
4 0.154846 (0.014549) 0.123362 (0.013522) 0.161434 (0.017010) 0.177598 (0.012167) 0.161175 (0.011663)
Experiment 2 mismatching (aparameter estimates)
1 0.159846 (0.010447) 0.162297 (0.010395)
2 0.144659 (0.012710) 0.155690 (0.014010) 0.156914 (0.014911)
3 0.146726 (0.014793) 0.160618 (0.018751) 0.180435 (0.012033) 0.178461 (0.012921)
4 0.135995 (0.008245) 0.117209 (0.010122) 0.157714 (0.011410) 0.169997 (0.018063) 0.177675 (0.015605)
(Appendices continue)
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Table B1 (continued)
String length Same 1D 2D 3D 4D
Experiment 3 matching (aparameter estimates)
1 0.166230 (0.011959) 0.198363 (0.015133)
2 0.138300 (0.009828) 0.152438 (0.010781) 0.167420 (0.011189)
3 0.160245 (0.011362) 0.163459 (0.015526) 0.174445 (0.017951) 0.157970 (0.015062)
4 0.151800 (0.009799) 0.122790 (0.011047) 0.165276 (0.017818) 0.160374 (0.014735) 0.179977 (0.016044)
Experiment 3 mismatching (aparameter estimates)
1 0.143929 (0.009028) 0.173228 (0.012939)
2 0.164154 (0.012098) 0.179083 (0.016372) 0.211054 (0.016745)
3 0.162987 (0.010853) 0.157476 (0.011339) 0.203751 (0.016965) 0.220639 (0.020227)
4 0.163516 (0.007336) 0.162433 (0.016578) 0.251168 (0.020516) 0.233019 (0.017941) 0.205496 (0.015981)
Experiment 4 matching (aparameter estimates)
1 0.164148 (0.018492) 0.157818 (0.016027)
2 0.155468 (0.014223) 0.191840 (0.018535) 0.186269 (0.013435)
3 0.159341 (0.015219) 0.164493 (0.018806) 0.178012 (0.013558) 0.172228 (0.016477)
4 0.170800 (0.016468) 0.139989 (0.018204) 0.192690 (0.021314) 0.159388 (0.015099) 0.169770 (0.018210)
Experiment 4 mismatching (aparameter estimates)
1 0.159584 (0.014801) 0.183320 (0.017995)
2 0.159811 (0.015204) 0.175758 (0.019477) 0.191777 (0.019603)
3 0.169136 (0.019375) 0.142846 (0.010930) 0.202370 (0.018441) 0.211538 (0.017232)
4 0.160879 (0.016956) 0.155540 (0.020563) 0.210517 (0.019112) 0.197267 (0.017232) 0.170871 (0.017756)
Experiment 1 matching (T
parameter estimates)
1 201 (19) 251 (23)
2 260 (17) 307 (32) 275 (25)
3 276 (8) 365 (19) 275 (24) 271 (23)
4 274 (12) 382 (23) 325 (14) 332 (14) 276 (24)
Experiment 1 mismatching (T
parameter estimates)
1 266 (15) 244 (25)
2 274 (16) 323 (17) 251 (19)
3 323 (13) 356 (22) 284 (25) 219 (35)
4 336 (18) 386 (15) 323 (18) 288 (18) 288 (19)
Experiment 2 matching (T
parameter estimates)
1 206 (20) 288 (24)
2 271 (18) 321 (27) 277 (32)
3 267 (27) 366 (20) 305 (26) 305 (30)
4 289 (29) 409 (41) 326 (34) 294 (33) 329 (23)
Experiment 2 mismatching (T
parameter estimates)
1 221 (16) 284 (17)
2 272 (23) 324 (30) 306 (22)
3 300 (26) 331 (34) 291 (29) 279 (16)
4 345 (25) 416 (25) 346 (22) 303 (38) 286 (35)
Experiment 3 matching (T
parameter estimates)
1 203 (24) 199 (29)
2 240 (17) 323 (15) 270 (22)
3 252 (23) 347 (32) 271 (29) 283 (31)
4 283 (18) 384 (31) 311 (37) 313 (20) 253 (37)
Experiment 3 mismatching (T
parameter estimates)
1 247 (14) 288 (24)
2 276 (22) 345 (33) 253 (28)
3 392 (27) 499 (29) 338 (31) 282 (36)
4 530 (37) 579 (46) 298 (40) 321 (35) 362 (40)
Experiment 4 matching (T
parameter estimates)
1 219 (24) 301 (25)
2 246 (20) 251 (41) 244 (34)
3 253 (13) 313 (38) 310 (19) 287 (18)
4 252 (21) 395 (36) 280 (38) 343 (29) 297 (37)
Experiment 4 mismatching (T
parameter estimates)
1 270 (14) 283 (26)
2 326 (23) 341 (27) 294 (31)
3 331 (20) 440 (32) 294 (30) 256 (27)
4 343 (22) 409 (29) 327 (41) 292 (36) 335 (22)
Note. D = differences; v = accumulation rate; a = threshold; T
= residual time. All results represent the mean value across participants along with the
standard error in parentheses.
(Appendices continue)
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Appendix A (the decision parameters of the model, aand v, are
the components that predict changes in RT distribution spread
and skew). This nding is in line with the priming hypothesis
posited in the main body of the textif the decision can begin
more quickly (as hypothesized by residual activation; see the
nROUSE model of Huber, 2008), then there is less encoding
time necessary (encoding time being one of the components
that contribute to the T
parameter). Furthermore, these
ndings corroborate the results of Potter et al. (2018) in a simi-
lar task. In their work, it was also discovered that overall RTs
can be predicted by nondecision time.
To further emphasize these results, the averaged estimates
(along with their 95% CI) of all four experiments for each of
the three parameters are given in Figure B1 for both priming
conditions. These estimates are also broken down into overall
sameand overall differentconditions (the individual
Figure B1
EZ Parameter Estimates for v, a, and T
(Individual Columns) Subdivided by Experiment (Individual Rows)
Note. All results represent the mean value across participants along with their 95% condence interval. Points representing the means of samedeci-
sions are composed of four stimulus composition conditions, whereas points representing the means of differentdecisions are composed of 10 stimulus
composition conditions. See the online article for the color version of this gure.
(Appendices continue)
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This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
lines). For estimates regarding sameconditions, the overall
average is taken from the four stimulus composition condi-
tions, whereas for different,it is taken from the 10 stimulus
composition conditions. In this gure, each column denotes
estimates of a given parameter, and every row denotes results
from that experiment (the number referring to the experiment
number found in the main text).
We can see that T
estimates are smaller for matching
sameresponses than for matching differentresponses by
about 5060 ms; this is about the magnitude of the empirical
fast-same effect found in the main body of the text (45 ms in
Experiment 1 and 60 ms in Experiment 2). When comparing
estimates between mismatching sameand mismatching
differentconditions, we can see that they are much closer in
value, mirroring the smaller Hedgesgfound in the main text
when priming was annulled. Nevertheless, while empirical
sameRTs are always faster than empirical differentRTs in
the experimental conditions, T
estimates only mirror this
trend in Experiments 1 and 2, whereas in Experiments 3 and 4,
is higher for samethan it is for different(this effect is
very pronounced in the estimates of Experiment 3, whereas
they are more subtle in the estimates of Experiment 4).
Considering that EZ seems to be sensitive to changes in RT dis-
tribution shapes, and that, as noted in Appendix A, there is
much more variability between higher-moment statistics meas-
ures in the two last experiments, it is not surprising that EZ pre-
dicts a different trend for these experiments. Finally, it seems
like the predicted T
for differentresponses is near identical
across priming conditions for all four experiments. Regarding
threshold estimates, they seem stable between priming condi-
tions. There might be a trend for samethresholds to be
smaller than differentthresholds throughout all four experi-
ments, but this difference is only particularly noteworthy in
Experiment 1s mismatching condition. This overall trend
might reect a small bias for sameresponses and be reec-
tive of the smaller intercepts for sameconditions, as revealed
by the main texts slope analyses. Finally, for accumulation
rate, matching sameand matching differentestimates have
similar values, and there is little to no change between differ-
entestimates across priming conditions for all four experi-
ments. However, it seems as though EZ predicts a lower
accrual rate for mismatching sameconditions when com-
pared to the other three decision types. Thus, these EZ parame-
ter estimates lead to the conclusion that the change in latency
between priming conditions for samedecisions is barely
modulated by a change in the threshold and is weakly affected
by the accumulation rate (slower speed for mismatching
sametrials). The most important predictor of mean RT is
indeed T
. In fact, when comparing the 28 empirical mean RTs
and the 28 estimates of T
for each experiment, we observe an
average correlation of .84 (ranging from .74 for experiment 4
to .91 for Experiment 2). For a,wend an average correlation
of .12 between the 28 empirical mean RTs and the 28 esti-
mates (ranging from .47 for Experiment 1 to .31 for
Experiment 3); for v,wend an average correlation of .68
between the empirical RTs and EZs estimates (ranging from
.64 for Experiment 4 to .74 for Experiment 1). This result
could not be caused by estimation biases in the parameter
search as EZ only relies on an algebraic relation linking mean,
variance, and percent correct to create the parameter estimates.
The model predictions found here might t with the fast-track
hypothesis: Repeated stimulus in the matching samecondi-
tions get a free ride along the processing pathwaythe similar-
ity between S
and S
enables stimuli to be processed just
before inhibitory processes can be built up, resulting in a clear
passage up to the decision-making module. It remains to be
investigated how/why this explanation would not inuence
processing rate and thresholds more.
While this appendix is not a fully-edged modeling attempt
of same-different task results, similar results were also reported
in Groulx et al. (2020) with another same-different task variant.
Goulet & Cousineau (2019) tried more advanced sampling
models on another same-different task variant resulting in simi-
lar results. These many modeling attempts indicate that tting
same-different task results will prove to be challenging if we
look toward explaining the changes in RT with aspects of the
decision mechanism other than nondecision times. Existing
models have difculties attributing the fast-same effect to one
of the hypothesized constructs (rates, thresholds, base response
times), and modeling performance in this task will be a central
aspect of our future endeavors.
Received January 3, 2020
Revision received May 27, 2021
Accepted July 8, 2021 n
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
... Likewise, operationalizing non-sameness in terms of similarity, diversity or opposition might help us to rethink the explanation for the differences in the time needed by infants in the training phase to learn "same" and "different" relationships (e.g., Harding and Cousineau 2022;Goulet and Cousineau 2020). Is it more time consuming to learn relationships which are similar, different or opposite? ...
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After considering the pervasiveness of same/different relationships in Psychology and the experimental evidence of their perceptual foundation in Psychophysics and Infant and Comparative Psychology, this paper develops its main argument. Similarity and diversity do not complete the panorama since opposition constitutes a third relationship which is distinct from the other two. There is evidence of this in the previous literature investigating the perceptual basis of opposition and in the results of the two new studies presented in this paper. In these studies, the participants were asked to indicate to what extent pairs of simple bi-dimensional figures appeared to be similar, different or opposite to each other. A rating task was used in Study 1 and a pair comparison task was used in Study 2. Three main results consistently emerged: Firstly, opposition is distinct from similarity and difference which, conversely, are in a strictly inverse relationship. Secondly, opposition is specifically linked to something which points in an allocentrically opposite direction. Thirdly, alterations to the shape of an object are usually associated with the perception of diversity rather than opposition. The implications of a shift from a dyadic (same/different) to a triadic (similar/different/opposite) paradigm are discussed in the final section.
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The Same-Different task presents two stimuli in close succession and participants must indicate whether they are completely identical or if there are any attributes that differ. While the task is simple, its results have proven difficult to explain. Notably, response times are characterized by a fast-same effect whereby Same responses are faster than Different responses even though identical stimuli should be exhaustively processed to be accurate. Herein, we examine a little more than a quarter million response times (N = 255,744) obtained from 327 participants who participated in one of 14 variants of the task involving minor changes in the stimuli or their durations. We performed distribution fitting and analyzed estimated parameters stemming from the ex-Gaussian, lognormal, and Weibull distributions to infer the cognitive processing characteristics underlying this task. The results exclude serial processing of the stimuli and do not support dual-route processing. The fast-same effect appears only through a shift of the entire response time distributions, a feature impossible to detect solely with mean response time analyses. An attention-modulated process driven by entropy may be the most adequate model of the fast-same effect. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2023 APA, all rights reserved).
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A commonly used experimental paradigm for studying human information processing asks subjects to classify two stimuli with respect to their similarities and differences. The “same”-“different” judgment task, in particular, has useful applications in a variety of studies. The interpretation of “same”-“different” reaction time data, however, is complicated by the existence of two seemingly anomalous effects, the fast-“same” effect and the criterion effect. This article examines explanations of these effects and brings evidence from the literature to bear on them. Current models of “same”-“different” judgments, two of which are widely accepted, can be rejected on the evidence of data reviewed here. Among the disconfirming data are several results that offer suggestions both for improving current models and for questioning some of their fundamental presuppositions.
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80 undergraduates took part in a study concerned with the nature of the character-comparison process involved in same-different judgments of arrays of letters. One condition replicated the standard matching task, with Ss pressing 1 key to indicate that the 2 arrays of letters were identical in all positions, and another key to indicate difference in 1 or more positions. A 2nd condition reversed the standard decision rule and required Ss to distinguish between arrays that differed in every position from those that matched in 1 or more positions. Reaction times were shorter to identical arrays in both conditions, indicating that identity effects observed in this and previous studies must be attributed to identity per se and not to decision or response factors. Mathematical analysis of the data revealed that, although a serial self-terminating model could be modified to give a good description of processing in this task, a model based on parallel processing was able to provide a better account both quantitatively and qualitatively. The analysis also indicated that Ss reduced their average reaction times by terminating the comparison process prematurely on some trials, and the guessing strategy had important implications for the shapes of the reaction time functions observed in this task. (15 ref)
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It is shown that the measure of average stimulus information (H) is confounded with the probability of nonrepetition of the stimuli in most of the experimental conditions whose results have been taken as evidence in support of the linear relationship between choice reaction time (RT) and H. The results of a serial and a discrete experiment, so designed as to unconfound these two variables, lead to a rejection of the information hypothesis. The RT for repetitions is found to be faster than for nonrepetitions, and both are decreasing linear functions of their respective conditional probabilities. Some of the discussion focuses on the manner in which the slope and the intercepts of these linear functions are affected by changes in the number of alternatives, stimulus-response compatibility , and response-to-stimulus interval. It is also shown that the present approach not only accounts for data which had previously been described by the information hypothesis, but for results which departed from the hypothesis as well. Errors are discussed in a manner which supplements the main argument. Finally, it is shown that the molar results of RT experiments can be systematically accounted for in terms of the characteristics of easily distinguishable differentially sensitive partitions in these data.
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Participants are faster to decide that two stimuli are identical than to decide that they are different. Opposing theories suggested that this fast-same effect is either due (a) to a response bias toward similarity or (b) to facilitation caused by the repetition of the stimuli attributes. Although both theories predict the fast-same effect in a conventional same-different task, they make distinct predictions for tasks in which response bias is removed. In such tasks, the bias theory predicts that the fast-same would disappear whereas the facilitation theory predicts that the fast-same would remain. We tested those hypotheses using a same-different task in which participants had to indicate if all the attributes of the stimuli were matching or all were mismatching by pressing one response key, or if some attributes were matching and some were mismatching, by pressing another response key. We call this an exclusive-OR same-different task. Results show that participants were much faster in the "all-matching" condition compared with the "all-mismatching" condition, therefore supporting the facilitation theory. A fit of the linear ballistic accumulator model to the observed data provide additional supports that the fast-same effect is not caused by bias, but by a faster accumulation rate of evidence in the "all-matching" condition. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2020 APA, all rights reserved).
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The diffusion model is useful for analyzing data from decision making experiments as it gives information about a dataset that regular statistical tests cannot, including: the rate of processing, the encoding and motor response times, and decision thresholds. The EZ diffusion model is a restricted version of the diffusion model with some parameter variability set to zero, allowing for quicker analyses. Here we describe the EZ diffusion model --including how it was derived mathematically-- the measurement units of the parameters, and how it can be generalized to starting points other than the mid-point. We also show how its parameters can be estimated using computer software (the model is available with many software programs such as R and Excel, to which we add SPSS and a Mathematica code). Finally, an EZ analysis was run on one dataset obtained from a 'Same'-'Different' experiment.
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The fast-same effect is the observation that “same” responses are much faster than “different” responses in the same-different task. Moreover, identical stimuli are responded to faster than stimuli that are the same in name only (e.g., B and b). We examine Bamber's (1969) identity reporter model (a two-stage model predicting load effects), Proctor's (1981) facilitation framework, and Krueger and Shapiro's (1981) priming framework, proposed to account for these effects. Facilitation and priming are strong for identical and repeated stimuli, for phonological associates, and, in principle, for any form of association. We thus manipulated two types of associations: nominal (changing the letter case, preserving phonology) and learned (matching arbitrary symbols to letters) associations and used extended training to see variations in load effects. We found that overall performance benefits from phonological information and from training, although training did not change load effects. Additionally, the results from a transfer phase show capacity limitation for learned associates, which severely constrains facilitation. This finding is inconsistent with a priming framework. The results are discussed using an expanded version of Bamber's identity reporter model, which is also compatible with Proctor's facilitation framework.
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There have been many empirical endeavors to explain the fact that participants correctly identify same stimuli faster than different stimuli. Despite a large body of literature, a conclusive and unanimous consensus to explain this effect is lacking. The present study offers a new perspective on the same-different task using best-fitting parametric values of 2 sequential sampling models (linear ballistic accumulator [LBA] and drift-diffusion model [DDM]) to evaluate the contribution of 3 theoretical concepts (starting point, accumulation rate, and base time) to the fast-same effect. Eighteen participants were recruited to perform 3 tasks in which they compared letter strings (a) in a normal setting, the control task; (b) with lower contrast, the contrast task; and (c) based on nominal identity, the case task. Both the LBA and the DDM suggests that participants have faster base time in the same condition compared with the different condition. They also suggest that the number of letters and the number of differences influence the accumulation rate. These results suggest that the cognitive processes do not accumulate information as efficiently when the workload is increased. Finally, the limited predictive power of the best-fitting models suggests that better theoretical grounds are needed to identify fundamental cognitive concepts underlying same-different judgments. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2019 APA, all rights reserved).
Reporting descriptive statistics requires rounding the results. Experienced researchers typically round the numbers to one or two decimals, following the APA manual. However, this general recommendation ignores the sample size and the instrument’s precision. Herein, expressions are derived that indicate how many decimals are reliable and so at what point the results should be rounded. The derivations are based on the measurement precision, that is, the precision of the raw data and uses propagation of error techniques. Two scenarios are considered, one in which systematic measurement error is possible and one in which only non-systematic measurement error is assumed. An example is provided showing how to round means, standard deviations and t values, among others, and an R library is available to automatize calculations.
When running statistical tests, researchers can commit a Type II error, that is, fail to reject the null hypothesis when it is false. To diminish the probability of committing a Type II error (β), statistical power must be augmented. Typically, this is done by increasing sample size, as more participants provide more power. When the estimated effect size is small, however, the sample size required to achieve sufficient statistical power can be prohibitive. To alleviate this lack of power, a common practice is to measure participants multiple times under the same condition. Here, we show how to estimate statistical power by taking into account the benefit of such replicated measures. To that end, two additional parameters are required: the correlation between the multiple measures within a given condition and the number of times the measure is replicated. An analysis of a sample of 15 studies (total of 298 participants and 38,404 measurements) suggests that in simple cognitive tasks, the correlation between multiple measures is approximately .14. Although multiple measurements increase statistical power, this effect is not linear, but reaches a plateau past 20 to 50 replications (depending on the correlation). Hence, multiple measurements do not replace the added population representativeness provided by additional participants.