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The Clean Pull and Snatch Pull


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Exercise Technique
The Exercise Technique Column provides detailed
explanations of proper exercise technique to optimize
performance and safety.
The Clean Pull and Snatch
Pull: Proper Technique for
Weightlifting Movement
Brad H. DeWeese, Ed.D, CSCS, NSCA-CPT, USAW,
Ambrose J. Serrano, MA, CSCS, HFS, USAW,
Steven K. Scruggs, USAW,
and Matt L. Sams
United States Olympic Committee, Lake Placid, New York; and
Department of Kinesiology, Leisure, and Sport
Sciences, East Tennessee State University, Johnson City, Tennessee
There is evidence to suggest that
activities that involve higher
rates of force production, such
as the clean and snatch are beneficial
for improving an athlete’s physical
preparedness (1–4,6–10). As a result,
weightlifting movements and their
derivatives are popular weight training
activities that are prescribed by many
sport performance practitioners. For
this reason, coaches and athletes alike
should understand the proper tech-
nique of these exercises so that the
transfer of training effect is maximized.
The clean and snatch pull variations
are complex multijoint exercises that
promote efficiency of training through
the seamless combination of the first
and second pulls of their full clean
and snatch counterparts. In addition,
the clean and snatch pulls use the dou-
ble knee bend phase and complete
body triple extension involved in the
weightlifting movements.
Isometric actions of the following
muscles are created for initial
stabilization of the acetabulofemoral,
glenohumeral, and radiohumeral
Erector spinae group (iliocostalis,
longissimus, and spinalis), deep spinal
muscles (rotators, interspinales, multi-
fidus, and intertransversarii), rectus
abdominis, transverse abdominis,
external obliques, internal obliques,
quadratus lumborum, triceps brachii
(long head), deltoid, subscapularis,
latissimus dorsi, externsor carpi radi-
alis, brachioradialis, trapezius, splenius
capitis, splenius cervicis, infraspinatus,
serratus posterior inferior, rhomboid
major, rhomboid minor, and the
Ascending portion of the clean and
snatch pull variations:
Upper extremities—trapezius, splenius
capitis, splenius cervicis, levator scapu-
lae, rhomboid minor, rhomboid major,
serratus posterior superior, posterior
deltoid, teres minor, teres major,
VOLUME 34 | NUMBER 6 | DECEMBER 20 12 Copyrig ht ÓNational Strength and Conditioning Association
erector spinae group (iliocostalis, long-
issimus, and spinalis), deep spinal
muscles (rotators, interspinales, multi-
fidus, and intertransversarii), rectus
abdominis, transverse abdominis,
external obliques, and internal obliques.
Lower extremities—quadriceps group
(rectus femoris, vastus lateralis, vastus
medialis, and vastus intermedius),
gluteus maximus, hamstrings group
(biceps femoris, semimembranosus,
semitendinosus), gastrocnemius, soleus,
tibialis posterior, flexor hallucis longus,
flexor digitorum, peroneus longus and
the peroneus brevis.
Sport specificity is a term commonly
used to explain the degree to which
a given exercise transfers to the sport
setting. In other words, specificity can
be referred to as the level of effective-
ness an exercise has at improving an
athlete’s ability to execute a specific
movement or task in their sport.
The SAID principle (specific adapta-
tions to imposed demands) is a term
that helps explain the relationship
between an athlete’s training choices
and their resultant gains in performance.
The SAID principle suggests that that
body’s neuromuscular system will adapt
to the demands imposed upon it (9).
The clean and snatch pull variations are
skill transfer exercises for coaches aim-
ing to improve their athlete’s develop-
ment in weightlifting movements. For
one, the clean and snatch pulls aid in
the strengthening of the musculature
used in the execution of the weightlifting
movements. In addition, these pulling
variations can serve as transitional exer-
cises in learning the full weightlifting
movements by integrating the partial
movement derivatives (pull to knee
and midthigh pull) into a more complete
exercise. As such, these pulling move-
ments accompany the short-to-long, or
partial to full range of motion, approach
to training these movements.
The weightlifting movements of the
snatch and clean, as well as their
derivatives, require high power outputs
to perform and execute properly. They
are speed-dependent exercises in
which the velocity of the movement
determines the level of success. The
clean and snatch pulls are multijoint
complex exercises that relate well to
many sporting movements (3,7).
The traditional deadlift is also a multi-
joint complex movement that requires
large amounts of strength to perform,
but power outputs during near-maximal
attempts are lower than that of
weightlifting derivatives. Observations
of maximal and near-maximal deadlift
attempts have demonstrated power
outputs and energy expenditure levels
at approximately 35% of those observed
during the Olympic-style lifts. Addition-
ally, even when conducted with lighter
loads, the power output of the deadlift
is approximately 80% of that produced
in weightlifting derivatives (3). Thus, the
traditional deadlift’s translation to sport
does not seem to be as effective as the
weightlifting derivatives.
Power is an important indicator of per-
formance in most sport settings, so the
selection of exercises that may promote
the development of power in the most
efficient manner is crucial (5,6). Weight-
lifting movements and their derivatives
are examples of effectiveexercisechoices
when a coach is attempting to establish
strength, power, and rate of force devel-
opment for improved performance
potential in sporting contexts that
require high power outputs.
The athlete should approach the bar
on the platform with feet positioned
approximately hip width apart. The
bar should be situated just above the
midfoot while the feet are pointed
slightly outwards.
Once proper foot position has been
acquired, the athlete should squat
down to grip the bar. The appropriate
hand placement for the exercise can
be at clean width or snatch width,
depending on the variation being per-
formed. The “hook grip” (fingers over
thumb) should be used for both the
clean and snatch variations.
Next, the athlete should attempt
to internally rotate the shoulder (gle-
nohumeral) joint to ensure a stable
arm position for the active pulling por-
tion of this movement. Specifically,
this movement of the upper arm
assists in keeping the elbow from pre-
maturely bending during the pulling
phase. Telling the athlete to “turn
After the appropriate grip has been
established, the athletes should posi-
tion their shoulders above and
slightly over the bar while the upper
back remains concave.
Once the athlete completes the task
of ensuring proper foot placement,
grip, and positioning of the upper
extremity, the athlete must focus
on positioning their torso and hips
in the proper location. Specifically,
the hips should be raised slightly
higher than the knees while the
shoulders are raised even higher
than the hips (Figure 1).
Before the athlete begins to pull the
barbell from the ground, they should
have the sensation of remaining tight
in the torso by inhaling deeply and
bracing the muscles of the midsec-
tion, which will result in an inflated
Figure 1. Starting position of pull from
floor with clean grip.
Strength and Conditioning Journal | 83
chest. Additionally, the athlete should
preserve the concave curvature of the
thoracic spine to maintain the appro-
priate hip angle to maximize the force
produced into the platform.
The athlete may have the hips too
high causing a nearly flat back. From
a side view, the supervising coach
would notice the torso is almost par-
allel to the floor.
In addition to having the hips too
high, a related error is an athlete will
allow the shoulders to pass too far
ahead of the bar.
Last, a common mistake in the start-
ing position is an athlete will allow
the back to round (convex) and not
maintain a “tight” posture (concave)
or body positioning.
The initial movement should begin
with a sensation of pushing the knees
back (extension).
The hips should rise minimally and
should move back with the knees.
This keeps the angle created by
the torso and the floor constant
throughout the duration of the
movement (Figure 2).
The emphasis should be for the ath-
lete to maintain the concave curvature
in the spine by flexing the posterior
musculature to “raise” the chest along
with extension at the knee.
The trajectory of the bar during the
first pull should be vertical while also
moving back, in concert, with the
shins. This action will eventually
allow the athlete to transition into
the second pull once the bar is past
the knees at midthigh. Asking the
athlete to move the bar “up and in”
can cue this movement pattern.
The athlete may initiate the first pull
(off the floor) too forward on the
balls of the feet and toes.
The athlete may incorrectly begin the
first pull by raising the hips vertically.
Instead, the athlete should maintain
the angle of the torso to the floor.
Once the bar moves directly in front
of the knee during the execution of
the first pull, the lifter must transition
into the power position portion of
the movement.
As the bar is being transitioned from
the knee to the power position, the
path should always be “up and into”
the body. This occurs through the
extension of the back and movement
of the hips and knees forward (dou-
ble knee bend) at the same instant
and tempo.
The bar should stay as close to the
body as possible without touching
the thighs until it reaches the power
position. This allows for continued
acceleration of the bar without any
frictional influences to slow it down.
At the power position, the bar will
make a “brushing” contact with the
thighs before the musculature of the
thigh and hip region extends “up”
(Figure 3).
The path of the bar is only ready to
move upward once the shoulder,
hips, and heels are inline. Of note,
this power position is optimized by
a flexed knee angle ranging between
1208and 1358.
The athlete may keep the chest
ahead of the bar by not shifting to
an upright position with shoulders,
hips, and heels inline before begin-
ning the second pull.
The athlete may not allow the hips
and knees to shift back through
(double knee bend), once the barbell
passes the knees.
Last, the athlete may begin the sec-
ond pull too early. Specifically, the
barbell will visually appear to be
too low on the thigh by not fully
reaching the proper power position.
After the athlete has successfully
executed the transition phase, or
double knee bend portion of the lift,
they are now ready to finalize the
movement through completion of
the second pull.
Figure 2. Finish position of first pull
from floor with clean grip.
Figure 3. Midthigh (power) position of
clean grip pull from floor.
Exercise Technique
The athlete should remain taut to
concentrically extend fully at the
hips, knees, and ankles creating triple
extension (Figure 4).
Before triple extension, the bar
should be at hip height, which is
noted by the vertical positioning of
the chest. Small differences in bar
placement will be present for the
clean and snatch grips, with the
snatch grip presenting the bar higher
on the thigh because of the wide
hand spacing. In addition, athlete
anthropometric differences includ-
ing arm length can create subtle
changes in bar placement on the
thigh within this segment of the lift.
Once the athlete has assumed the
aforementioned power position,
they are now ready to extend the
joints of the hip, knee, and ankle.
This should be done aggressively
and succinctly to maximize barbell
velocity. In addition, the athlete
should be cued to “pop” the shrug
to promote a more complete pull
leading into the full clean or shrug.
In conjunction with the shrug, the
athlete should be taught to slightly
flex the wrists in. This allows the bar-
bell to stay closer to the athlete’s body.
Recall that the elbows should remain
extended, “long and locked,” and have
the appearance of being slightly rotated
outward during the concentric portion
of the lift. Prematurely bending of the
elbow (humeroulnar) joints prevent
the shrug from being fully maximized.
Last, on the descent from full exten-
sion, there should be flexion at the
knee when “landing” to withstand
the weight on the barbell. Again, the
athlete should remain focused on not
allowing any slight anterior pelvic tilt.
The athlete should take the time to
fully return to the set position before
continuing the next repetition.
The athlete may push the hips too
far forward instead of continuing to
drive vertically through the heels.
This movement of the hips would
cause a looping of the barbell away
from the athlete’s body.
The athlete may prematurely transi-
tion their body weight to the fore
foot, which will prevent the proper
vertical transference of force through
the heels before extending upward
during the triple extension phase.
The athlete may not finish the full
triple extension of the movement
through the hips, knees, and ankles.
The athlete may initiate the shrug
before full triple extension.
The athlete may not aggressively
complete the shrug at the top of
the second pull.
The clean and snatch pull variations are
weight training exercises that can be
used in most blocks. The priority of
the block will determine the sets and
reps scheme. For instance, during
a strength endurance block, a sport per-
formance professional may use the
clean or snatch pull at a higher repeti-
tion range (3 310) coinciding with ligh-
ter to moderate loads. The prescription
of this exercise during this time can
improve an athlete’s technique for future
heavier blocks, as well as impart power
endurance abilities. However, the coach
should consider an athlete’s capabilities
before prescribing this exercise during
a higher volume phase as technique
could falter because of fatigue.
In addition, the clean and snatch pull
variations can be used in maximal
strength as well as strength power
blocks through the incorporation of
reduced volumes (3 35–3 33) and
increased loads. At this point in
the training year, these weightlifting
derivatives can provide the athlete an
opportunity to stabilize technique
before transitioning into future blocks
where complete weightlifting move-
ments may occur. In conjunction, using
the clean and snatch pulls during
a maximal strength or a strength power
block will give the athlete a chance to
become more efficient at overcoming
a load that is greater than what they
can successfully clean or snatch.
Brad H. DeWeese is the head sport
physiologist at the United States Olympic
Training Center.
Ambrose J. Serrano is an assistant
sport physiologist at the United States
Olympic Committee.
Steven K. Scruggs is a master’s degree
student at East Tennessee State
Matt L. Sams is a master’s degree stu-
dent at East Tennessee State University.
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Figure 4. Finished pull with complete
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Exercise Technique
... Los movimientos de Halterofilia al ser un deporte y un método de desarrollo de fuerza-potencia eficaz (Chiu & Schilling, 2005), se utilizan respondiendo a la especificidad de otras actividades competitivas por ejemplo, a través de movimientos derivados que se centran en la ejecución de ciertas fases específicas del gesto para una aplicación más segura y eficiente (Suchomel et al., 2015;Soriano, Suchomel, & Comfort, 2019). Un grupo de estos ejercicios son los tirones derivados de la arrancada y la cargada (TDH) (DeWeese et al., 2016;Suchomel, DeWeese, Beckham, Serrano, & Sole, 2014;Suchomel, DeWeese, Beckham, Serrano, & French, 2014;DeWeese, Serrano, Scruggs, & Burton, 2013;DeWeese, Serrano, Scruggs, & Sams, 2012;, que se implementan omitiendo la fase técnica de recepción de la barra y centrándose únicamente en el tirón (Suchomel et al., 2015). En estudios previos, se observa que en la realización de TDH, como el tirón de cargada y arrancada (Clean pull, Snatch pull), el tirón de cargada y arrancada colgante (Hang clean pull, Hang Snatch pull), los tirones altos de cargada y arrancada (High pull), y el salto con encogimiento de hombros (Jump Shrug), se alcanzan mayores tasas de producción de fuerza (RFD), fuerza máxima dinámica, velocidad y potencia, en comparación con ejercicios de halterofilia que no omitan la fase de recepción como la arrancada y cargada de potencia (Power clean) (Suchomel et al., 2015;Comfort, Allen, & Graham-Smith, 2011a;Comfort, Allen, & Graham-Smith, 2011b;Suchomel, Wright, Kernozek, & Kline, 2014). ...
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La capacidad de generar máxima potencia neuromuscular es el factor más importante y determinante en el rendimiento atlético. Debido a esto, el entrenamiento con movimientos de Halterofilia (EMH) y sus derivados es uno de los métodos más usados, ya que la evidencia muestra que genera adaptaciones de fuerza-potencia superiores comparadas con el entrenamiento de fuerza tradicional, de salto y de kettlebells. Objetivo: Identificar los efectos del EMH en la capacidad de salto, esprint y cambio de dirección (COD) en población deportista. Método: Se realizó una búsqueda exhaustiva en diferentes bases de datos, como PUBMED, Sportdiscus (EBSCO), Scopus y Web of Science (WOS) bajo modelo PRISMA. Los trabajos revisados fueron experimentales con y sin grupo de control, entre los años 2000 y 2020. Resultados: El EMH produce mejoras significativas en las capacidades de salto, de esprint y de COD en población deportista. Conclusión: El EMH genera mejoras significativas en el rendimiento de salto, carreras y cambio de dirección bajo distintos protocolos. Existe evidencia que sustenta la aplicación de EMH, recomendando sus derivados centrados en el segundo tirón y aquellos que utilicen el ciclo de estiramiento-acortamiento en sus variantes colgantes. Abstract: The ability to generate maximum power is the most important and determining neuromuscular function in sports performance. Therefore, weightlifting training (WT) and its derivatives is one of the most widely used methods, generating superior strength-power adaptations compared to traditional strength training, jumping and kettlebell training. Objective: To identify the effects of WT on the ability to jump, sprint and change of direction (COD) in athletes. Method: An exhaustive search was carried out in different databases, such as PUBMED, Sportdiscus (EBSCO), Scopus and Web of Science (WOS) under the PRISMA model. The reviewed papers were experimental with and without a control group, between the years 2000 and 2020. Results: The WT produces significant improvements in jump, sprint and in change of direction capacities in the sport population. Conclusion: WT generates significant improvements in jumping, running and change of direction performance under different protocols. There is evidence supporting the use of WT, suggesting its derivatives focused on the second pull and those that use the stretch-shortening cycle in their hanging variants.
... Los movimientos de Halterofilia al ser un deporte y un método de desarrollo de fuerza-potencia eficaz (Chiu & Schilling, 2005), se utilizan respondiendo a la especificidad de otras actividades competitivas por ejemplo, a través de movimientos derivados que se centran en la ejecución de ciertas fases específicas del gesto para una aplicación más segura y eficiente (Suchomel et al., 2015;Soriano, Suchomel, & Comfort, 2019). Un grupo de estos ejercicios son los tirones derivados de la arrancada y la cargada (TDH) (DeWeese et al., 2016;Suchomel, DeWeese, Beckham, Serrano, & Sole, 2014;Suchomel, DeWeese, Beckham, Serrano, & French, 2014;DeWeese, Serrano, Scruggs, & Burton, 2013;DeWeese, Serrano, Scruggs, & Sams, 2012;, que se implementan omitiendo la fase técnica de recepción de la barra y centrándose únicamente en el tirón (Suchomel et al., 2015). En estudios previos, se observa que en la realización de TDH, como el tirón de cargada y arrancada (Clean pull, Snatch pull), el tirón de cargada y arrancada colgante (Hang clean pull, Hang Snatch pull), los tirones altos de cargada y arrancada (High pull), y el salto con encogimiento de hombros (Jump Shrug), se alcanzan mayores tasas de producción de fuerza (RFD), fuerza máxima dinámica, velocidad y potencia, en comparación con ejercicios de halterofilia que no omitan la fase de recepción como la arrancada y cargada de potencia (Power clean) (Suchomel et al., 2015;Comfort, Allen, & Graham-Smith, 2011a;Comfort, Allen, & Graham-Smith, 2011b;Suchomel, Wright, Kernozek, & Kline, 2014). ...
Full-text available
La capacidad de generar máxima potencia neuromuscular es el factor más importante y determinante en el rendimiento atlético. Debido a esto, el entrenamiento con movimientos de Halterofilia (EMH) y sus derivados es uno de los métodos más usados, ya que la evidencia muestra que genera adaptaciones de fuerza-potencia superiores comparadas con el entrenamiento de fuerza tradicional, de salto y de kettlebells. Objetivo: Identificar los efectos del EMH en la capacidad de salto, esprint y cambio de dirección (COD) en población deportista. Método: Se realizó una búsqueda exhaustiva en diferentes bases de datos, como PUBMED, Sportdiscus (EBSCO), Scopus y Web of Science (WOS) bajo modelo PRISMA. Los trabajos revisados fueron experimentales con y sin grupo de control, entre los años 2000 y 2020. Resultados: El EMH produce mejoras significativas en las capacidades de salto, de esprint y de COD en población deportista. Conclusión: El EMH genera mejoras significativas en el rendimiento de salto, carreras y cambio de dirección bajo distintos protocolos. Existe evidencia que sustenta la aplicación de EMH, recomendando sus derivados centrados en el segundo tirón y aquellos que utilicen el ciclo de estiramiento-acortamiento en sus variantes colgantes. Palabras claves: Entrenamiento de fuerza, Rendimiento deportivo, ejercicios derivados de la halterofilia, Entrenamiento de potencia, Taza de desarrollo de fuerza. Abstract: The ability to generate maximum power is the most important and determining neuromuscular function in sports performance. Therefore, weightlifting training (WT) and its derivatives is one of the most widely used methods, generating superior strength-power adaptations compared to traditional strength training, jumping and kettlebell training. Objective: To identify the effects of WT on the ability to jump, sprint and change of direction (COD) in athletes. Method: An exhaustive search was carried out in different databases, such as PUBMED, Sportdiscus (EBSCO), Scopus and Web of Science (WOS) under the PRISMA model. The reviewed papers were experimental with and without a control group, between the years 2000 and 2020. Results: The WT produces significant improvements in jump, sprint and in change of direction capacities in the sport population. Conclusion: WT generates significant improvements in jumping, running and change of direction performance under different protocols. There is evidence supporting the use of WT, suggesting its derivatives focused on the second pull and those that use the stretch-shortening cycle in their hanging variants.
... A review of the literature (4,(19)(20)(21)(22)(23)28,(31)(32)(33)39,46,48,(59)(60)(61) shows that weightlifting is presented to coaches with an emphasis, but not exclusively, on the technical model rather than on motor learning principles (i.e., how to coach the technical model). ...
Motor learning theories should be used by coaches to optimally apply their technical knowledge of weightlifting. The OPTIMAL (Optimizing Performance Through Intrinsic Motivation and Attention for Learning) theory of motor learning highlights the importance of motivation and attention in the motor learning process, with enhanced expectancies and autonomy underpinning the athlete's motivation and an external focus of attention optimizing the athlete's attention. Better results are obtained by collaborating with athletes in an athlete-centered approach, giving them a sense of control and ownership of their learning process and making them feel able to succeed in the learning process. The success resulting from the right balance between the athlete's confidence and task difficulty leads to an increase in the athlete's self-efficacy, further improving the learning process. When instructing weightlifting, coaches should say as much as necessary, but as little as possible, while using an implicit coaching strategy that focuses on the task goal. Instructions and cues should have an external focus of attention, relative to the athlete's body, or use analogies to provide a clear task goal while using simple language associated with familiar motor skills.
... The bar was gripped with both hands pronated. Participants then pulled the bar in a controlled manner as hard as possible for 3 s, pushing the ground with the heels of their feet, maintaining the initial set-up position [12]. The highest values for both handgrip and isometric strength were recorded (in kg). ...
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PurposeThe current study aimed to assess the changes in physical and perceptual markers of health, fitness, and well-being over the first semester of university study in a New Zealand context.Methods In a pre-post longitudinal design, 90 first-year university students (39 females, 51 males, mean ± SD age: 18 ± 2 years) studying in the field of health, sport and human performance underwent tests of body mass, height, body mass index (BMI), blood pressure, predicted VO2max, flexibility, countermovement jump height, handgrip strength, isometric mid-thigh pull strength, and well-being pre and post the first semester of university study (12 weeks).ResultsWhen evaluating the entire group, there was a significant increase in body mass (0.66 kg, P = 0.004) and BMI (0.2 kg/m2, P = 0.005) and decrease in the “engagement” construct of the well-being questionnaire (− 0.2, P = 0.03) over the first semester of university. In total, 73% of students living on-campus reported a decline in sleep and nutrition habits since starting university, in comparison to ~ 35%–40% of students living off-campus (P ≤ 0.03).Conclusion Similar to results seen in other countries, and despite the field of study, the first semester of university in New Zealand is likely to be associated with increases in body mass and BMI; however, changes in physical fitness and overall well-being measures were less obvious in the current study.
... Wide scientific knowledge exists regarding exercises such as runs, jumps, single or double under, and Weightlifting-based exercises in both physiologic and biomechanical aspects (Martin, Morgan, 1992;Comfort, Allen, Graham-Smith, 2011;DeWeese, Serrano, Scruggs, Sams, 2012), while gymnastic-based movements, despite their high-level complexity, have not been widely studied. Regularly, sport coaches have been adapting artistic gymnastics exercises, such as the "ring muscle-ups", for us in general conditioning. ...
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Background: The inclusion of gymnastic-based movements in workout routines in many exercise training programs, generally called mixed modality training (MMT), and even in many competitions, is increasingly common. In contrast to artistic gymnastic competitions, MMT workouts aim to complete as many movements as quickly as possible, which tends to deform the movement pattern proposed by artistic gymnastics. Execution of the MMT workouts with more of the gymnastics-based style (i.e., based on the gymnastics movement pattern) could improve performance in exercises with a high-level complexity, such as the "ring muscle up" (RMU). Thus, this study aimed to analyze the kinematic aspects of RMU, performed by a former gymnast both with and without the gymnastics based style. Methods: A former gymnast with a successful transition to MMT, carried out RMU using two movement patterns: 1) close to the classical artistic gymnastics pattern ("Front uprise"), and 2) close to that used by many athletes not from gymnastics. The athlete performed RMU, three times with each proposed movement pattern. Images were captured using a high-speed digital camera. Hip and ankle displacement, velocity and acceleration were recorded and analyzed. Results: The execution of RMU was faster and the hip vertical displacement was greater when RMU was carried out with a gymnastics-based style, while ankle displacement path, peak velocity and acceleration were lower. Conclusion: The use of a gymnastics-based style to carry out RMU seems to be advantageous from the biomechanical point of view, favoring the performance of RMU.
... The bar was set to a fixed height. Participants were then to pull the bar in a controlled manner, pushing the ground with the heels of their feet, maintaining posterior musculature flexion (DeWeese, Serrano, Scruggs, & Sams, 2012). The maximum force was recorded in kg for analysis. ...
Objective The purpose of the current study was to examine the effects of flotation-restricted environmental stimulation therapy (FLOAT) on recovery from exercise. Methods Nineteen trained, male team-sport athletes (age: 21 ± 2 years) completed two trials separated by seven days; FLOAT, which included one-hour of FLOAT recovery following exercise, and CON, which included one-hour of passive recovery following exercise. Performance and pressure-to-pain algometer measures were taken pre and post exercise and the following morning. Performance measures included an isometric mid-thigh pull, countermovement jump (CMJ), a 15 m sprint, and a repeated sprint test. Perceived measures of muscle soreness (MS) and physical fatigue (PF) were recorded up to 24 h post testing. Salivary cortisol samples were collected pre and post exercise and post recovery. Sleep was monitored via wrist-actigraphy. Results FLOAT was found to significantly enhance CMJ (p = 0.05), 10 m sprint (p = 0.01) and 15 m sprint performance (p = 0.05) with small to moderate effects (d = 0.21–0.68) for all performance measures, except CMJ (unclear), compared to CON. The results also show significantly higher pressure-to-pain thresholds across all muscle sites (p’s < 0.01) and lower MS and PF 12 h following FLOAT (p < 0.05). All sleep measures resulted in small to large effects (d = 0.20–0.87) with a significantly greater perceived sleep quality (p = 0.001) for the FLOAT trial compared to CON. There were no significant differences and a trivial effect size between trials for changes in cortisol concentration. Conclusion FLOAT may prove to be an effective method of exercise recovery, improving aspects of performance, pressure-to-pain threshold, perceived MS and PF, and sleep quality.
... For example, when appropriate, participants were instructed to avoid initiating the first pull (of the floor) too forward on the balls of the feet and toes, and to maintain the angle of the torso to the floor. In the event that a lifter failed to keep the bar close to the body while transitioning the bar from the knee to the power position, the lifter was reminded to always pull "up and into the body" keeping the bar as close to the body as possible (DeWeese et al., 2012). All participants were instructed to execute triple extension of the hips, knees, and ankles aggressively and as fast as possible, with strong verbal encouragement provided throughout all trials. ...
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This study determined whether redistributing total rest time into shorter, but more frequent rest periods could maintain velocity and power output during 3 traditional sets of 6 clean pulls using 80% (TS80), 100% (TS100) and 120% (TS120) of power clean 1RM with 180 seconds of inter-set rest and during 3 "rest redistribution" protocols of 9 sets of 2 clean pulls using 80% (RR80), 100% (RR100) and 120% (RR120) of power clean 1RM with 45 seconds of inter-set rest. The total number of repetitions performed above 10 and 20% velocity loss thresholds, mean and peak velocity maintenance (the average of all 18 repetitions relative to the best repetition; MVM, PVM), and decline (the worst repetition relative to the best repetition; MVD, PVD) were calculated. For MVM, PVM, MVD, and PVD, there were small-to-moderate effect sizes in favour of RR80 and RR100, but large effects favouring RR120, compared to their respective TS protocols. The number of repetitions within a 20% velocity loss threshold was 17.7 ± 0.6 during RR and 16.5 ± 2.4 during TS (effect size 0.69); and the number of repetitions within a 10% velocity loss threshold was about 13.1 ± 3.7 during RR and 10.7 ± 3.6 during TS (effect size 0.66). Therefore, RR generally allowed for a better overall maintenance of velocity and power, especially at heavy loads. Coaches who wish to implement velocity-based training, but who do not wish to purchase or use the associated equipment, may consider rest-redistribution to encourage similar training stimuli.
Myofascial Release (MFR) is direct soft tissue compression therapy (Barnes and Barnes in J Bodyw Mov Ther 1:231–238, 1997 [1]) to manipulate the myofascial system, decrease restriction, restore length, reduce muscle tension in the joint, promote analgesia and balance the mobility/stability relationship (Chen et al. in Int J Clin Exp Med 13(5):2935–2943 2020 [2]; Macdonald GZ et al. in J Strength Cond Res 27(3):812–821 2013 [3]). The snatch is a movement in Weightlifting of lifting the bar from the ground to the top of the head in a continuous movement (Chen et al. in J Mech Med Biol 13(1):1–13, 2013 [3]; Gourgoulis et al. in J Sports Sci [Internet] 18:643–652 2000 [5]). This study aimed to evaluate through Surface Electromyography (EMG) the acute myoelectric activity of the agonist muscles of the snatch movement before and immediately after the application of the manual MFR in the antagonist muscles in the second pull. Quantitative, randomized and controlled experimental study, including 30 Crossfit and Weightlifting athletes (n = 29) of both genders and practice for at least 1 year. The EMG collection was performed on the dominant upper limb with a load of 80% 1-RM, before and after (T1 and T2) the MFR in the experimental group and superficial gliding in the control group, with 3 repetitions in each task and a rest interval of 30 s. The SPSS software analyzed the data obtained normalized to the maximum voluntary contraction (% MVC). Wilcoxon tests for non-parametric measurements and Mann–Whitney U tests for comparison between groups were used. There was no difference in the characterization of the sample between the groups, as well as no significant differences were found between the techniques, but significant differences were found between the differences from T2 to T1 in DM (p < 0.02), in a positive way, demonstrating an increase muscle recruitment at T2.
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The aims of this study were to examine the muscle architectural, rapid force production, and force-velocity curve adaptations following 10 weeks of resistance training with either submaximal weightlifting catching (CATCH) or pulling (PULL) derivatives or pulling derivatives with phase-specific loading (OL). 27 resistance trained men were randomly assigned to the CATCH, PULL, or OL groups and completed pre-and post-intervention ultrasound, countermovement jump (CMJ), and isometric mid-thigh pull (IMTP). Vastus lateralis and biceps femoris muscle thickness, pennation angle, and fascicle length, CMJ force at peak power, velocity at peak power, and peak power, and IMTP peak force and force at 100-, 150-, 200-, and 250 ms were assessed. There were no significant or meaningful differences in muscle architecture measures for any group (p > 0.05). The PULL group displayed small-moderate (g = 0.25-0.81) improvements in all CMJ variables while the CATCH group displayed trivial effects (g = 0.00-0.21). In addition, the OL group displayed trivial and small effects for CMJ force (g =-0.12-0.04) and velocity variables (g = 0.32-0.46), respectively. The OL group displayed moderate (g = 0.48-0.73) improvements in all IMTP variables while to PULL group displayed small-moderate (g = 0.47-0.55) improvements. The CATCH group displayed trivial-small (g =-0.39-0.15) decreases in IMTP performance. The PULL and OL groups displayed visible shifts in their force-velocity curves; however, these changes were not significant (p > 0.05). Performing weightlifting pulling derivatives with either submaximal or phase-specific loading may enhance rapid and peak force production characteristics. Strength and conditioning practitioners should load pulling derivatives based on the goals of each specific phase, but also allow their athletes ample exposure to achieve each goal.
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The purpose of this study was to examine the changes in squat jump (SJ) and countermovement jump (CMJ) force–time curve characteristics following 10 weeks of training with either load-matched weightlifting catching (CATCH) or pulling derivatives (PULL) or pulling derivatives that included force- and velocity-specific loading (OL). Twenty-five resistance-trained men were randomly assigned to the CATCH, PULL, or OL groups. Participants completed a 10 week, group-specific training program. SJ and CMJ height, propulsion mean force, and propulsion time were compared at baseline and after 3, 7, and 10 weeks. In addition, time-normalized SJ and CMJ force–time curves were compared between baseline and after 10 weeks. No between-group differences were present for any of the examined variables, and only trivial to small changes existed within each group. The greatest improvements in SJ and CMJ height were produced by the OL and PULL groups, respectively, while only trivial changes were present for the CATCH group. These changes were underpinned by greater propulsion forces and reduced propulsion times. The OL group displayed significantly greater relative force during the SJ and CMJ compared to the PULL and CATCH groups, respectively. Training with weightlifting pulling derivatives may produce greater vertical jump adaptations compared to training with catching derivatives.
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The purpose of this study was to compare the effects of 3 different training protocols-plyometric training, weight training, and their combination-on selected parameters of vertical jump performance and leg strength. Forty-one men were randomly assigned to 1 of 4 groups: plyometric training (n = 11), weight training (n = 10), plyometric plus weight training (n = 10), and control (n = 10). Vertical jump, mechanical power, flight time, and maximal leg strength were measured before and after 12 weeks of training. Subjects in each training group trained 3 days per week, whereas control subjects did not participate in any training activity. Data were analyzed by a 2-way (4 [middle dot] 2) analysis of variance (repeated-measures design). Results showed that all training treatments elicited significant (p < 0.05) improvement in all tested variables. However, the combination training group produced improvements in vertical jump performance and leg strength that were significantly greater than improvements in the other 2 training groups (plyometric training and weight training). This study provides support for the use of a combination of traditional and Olympic-style weightlifting exercises and plyometric drills to improve vertical jumping ability and explosive performance in general. (C) 2000 National Strength and Conditioning Association
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Among sport conditioning coaches, there is considerable discussion regarding the efficiency of training methods that improve lower-body power. Heavy resistance training combined with vertical jump (VJ) training is a well-established training method; however, there is a lack of information about its combination with Olympic weightlifting (WL) exercises. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to compare the short-term effects of heavy resistance training combined with either the VJ or WL program. Thirty-two young men were assigned to 3 groups: WL = 12, VJ = 12, and control = 8. These 32 men participated in an 8-week training study. The WL training program consisted of 3 x 6RM high pull, 4 x 4RM power clean, and 4 x 4RM clean and jerk. The VJ training program consisted of 6 x 4 double-leg hurdle hops, 4 x 4 alternated single-leg hurdle hops, 4 x 4 single-leg hurdle hops, and 4 x 4 40-cm drop jumps. Additionally, both groups performed 4 x 6RM half-squat exercises. Training volume was increased after 4 weeks. Pretesting and posttesting consisted of squat jump (SJ) and countermovement jump (CMJ) tests, 10- and 30-m sprint speeds, an agility test, a half-squat 1RM, and a clean-and-jerk 1RM (only for WL). The WL program significantly increased the 10-m sprint speed (p < 0.05). Both groups, WL and VJ, increased CMJ (p < 0.05), but groups using the WL program increased more than those using the VJ program. On the other hand, the group using the VJ program increased its 1RM half-squat strength more than the WL group (47.8 and 43.7%, respectively). Only the WL group improved in the SJ (9.5%). There were no significant changes in the control group. In conclusion, Olympic WL exercises seemed to produce broader performance improvements than VJ exercises in physically active subjects.
Weightlifting exercises can be effective for enhancing athletic performance. This article provides a biomechanical and physiological discussion as to why weightlifting exercises are useful to improve athletic performance and how they may be integrated into a training program.
The power clean is the current topic for the NSCA Journal feature "Bridging the Gap." Dr. John Garhammer presents the physiological aspects of the power clean. In the companion article, Harvey Newton discusses the practical aspects of instruction in the power clean. (C) 1984 National Strength and Conditioning Association
Some controversy exists concerning the "transfer of training effect" from different methods of resistance-training programs to various athletic performance variables. The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of 3 different resistance-training methods on a variety of performance variables representing different portions of the force velocity curve, ranging from high force to high speed movements. Forty-two previously trained men (1 repetition maximum [RM] squat kg per kg body mass >= 1.4) served as subjects. After a 4-week high-volume training period and the pretests, the subjects were randomly assigned to 1 of 3 groups. The groups were high force (HF; n = 13), high power (HP; n = 16), and a combination training group (COM; n = 13); each group trained 4 d[middle dot]wk-1 for 9 weeks. Group HF trained using 80-85% of their 1RM values. Group HP trained at relative intensities approximating 30% of peak isometric force. Group COM used a combination training protocol. Variables measured pre-and posttraining were the 1RM parallel squat, 1RM 1/4 squat, 1RM midthigh pull, vertical jump (VJ), vertical jump power, Margaria-Kalamen power test (MK), 30-m sprint, 10-yd shuttle run (10-yd), and standing long jump (SLJ). Data were analyzed within groups with t-tests, and the between-group analysis used a group [chi] trials analysis of variance test. The HF group improved significantly in 4 variables (p <= 0.05 for squat, 1/4 squat, midthigh pull, MK), the HP group in 5 variables (p <= 0.05 for 1/4 squat, midthigh pull, VJ, MK, SLJ), and the COM group in 7 variables (p <= 0.05 for squat, 1/4 squat, midthigh pull, VJ, VJP, 10-yd). These results indicate that when considering the improvement of a wide variety of athletic performance variables requiring strength, power, and speed, combination training produces superior results. (C) 2000 National Strength and Conditioning Association
Total energy expenditure and rate of energy expenditure (power output) are important considerations for exercise programs and training programs. Mechanical power output generated during competitive lifts in both weightlifting (WL) and powerlifting (PL) is large in magnitude and can be measured accurately using standard biomechanical analysis equipment. Power tests do not appear to have predictive value for performance capability in PL. However, athletes in WL produce power outputs in vertical jump tests that are similar to those they produce in selected phases of the competitive lifts. This fact and related data have led to research that may result in simple power test protocols useful for estimating the training and performance potential of weightlifters and other athletes in power oriented sports, as well as for measuring a power component in standard fitness testing packages. Thus the purposes of this paper are to (a) review what is known about power output during the competitive lifts of WL and PL and the methods used to evaluate it, (b) review what is known about power tests in relation to performance prediction in WL and PL, and (c) suggest applications of this knowledge to related fields of study. (C) 1993 National Strength and Conditioning Association
summary Weightlifting exercises can be ef- fective for enhancing athletic per- formance. This article provides a biomechanical and physiological discussion as to why weightlifting exercises are useful to improve ath- letic performance and how they may be integrated into a training program.