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Recent advances in wireless epicortical and intracortical neuronal recording systems


Abstract and Figures

An implantable brain-computer interface (BCI) has proven to be effective in the field of sensory and motor function restoration and in the treatment of neurological disorders. Using a BCI recording system, we can transform current methods of human interaction with machines and the environment, especially to help those with cognitive and mobility disabilities regain mobility and reintegrate into society. However, most reported work has focused on a simple aspect of the whole system, such as electrodes, circuits, or data transmission, and only a very small percentage of systems are wireless. A miniature, lightweight, wireless, implantable microsystem is key to realizing long-term, real-time, and stable monitoring on freely moving animals or humans in their natural conditions. Here, we summarize typical wireless recording systems, from recording electrodes, processing chips and controllers, wireless data transmission, and power supply to the system-level package for either epicortical electrocorticogram (ECoG) or intracortical local field potentials (LFPs)/spike acquisition, developed in recent years. Finally, we conclude with our vision of challenges in next-generation wireless neuronal recording systems for chronic and safe applications.
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Information Sciences
April 2022, Vol. 65 140401:1–140401:18
Science China Press and Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2022
Special Focus on Brain Machine Interfaces and Applications
Recent advances in wireless epicortical and
intracortical neuronal recording systems
Bowen JI1,2,3, Zekai LIANG1,2, Xichen YUAN2, Honglai XU4, Minghao WANG5,
Erwei YIN6,7, Zhejun GUO8, Longchun WANG8, Yuhao ZHOU1,2,3,
Huicheng FENG1,2, Honglong CHANG1,2* & Jingquan LIU8*
1Unmanned System Research Institute, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi’an 710072, China;
2Ministry of Education Key Laboratory of Micro and Nano Systems for Aerospace, School of Mechanical Engineering,
Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi’an 710072, China;
3Collaborative Innovation Center of Northwestern Polytechnical University, Shanghai 201108,China;
4NEURACLE TECH (China)Co., Ltd., Changzhou 213100, China;
5College of Electronics and Information, Hangzhou Dianzi University, Hangzhou 310018, China;
6Defense Innovation Institute, Academy of Military Sciences (AMS), Beijing 100071, China;
7Tianjin Artificial Intelligence Innovation Center (TAIIC), Tianjin 300450, China;
8National Key Laboratory of Science and Technology on Micro/Nano Fabrication, Department of Micro/Nano Electronics,
Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, China
Received 9 August 2021/Revised 27 September 2021/Accepted 27 October 2021/Published online 10 March 2022
Abstract An implantable brain-computer interface (BCI) has proven to be effective in the field of sensory
and motor function restoration and in the treatment of neurological disorders. Using a BCI recording system,
we can transform current methods of human interaction with machines and the environment, especially to
help those with cognitive and mobility disabilities regain mobility and reintegrate into society. However,
most reported work has focused on a simple aspect of the whole system, such as electrodes, circuits, or data
transmission, and only a very small percentage of systems are wireless. A miniature, lightweight, wireless,
implantable microsystem is key to realizing long-term, real-time, and stable monitoring on freely moving
animals or humans in their natural conditions. Here, we summarize typical wireless recording systems, from
recording electrodes, processing chips and controllers, wireless data transmission, and power supply to the
system-level package for either epicortical electrocorticogram (ECoG) or intracortical local field potentials
(LFPs)/spike acquisition, developed in recent years. Finally, we conclude with our vision of challenges in
next-generation wireless neuronal recording systems for chronic and safe applications.
Keywords wireless implant, neuronal recording system, recording electrodes, processing chips, wireless
data transmission, power supply, system-level package
Citation Ji B W, Liang Z K, Yuan X C, et al. Recent advances in wireless epicortical and intracortical neuronal
recording systems. Sci China Inf Sci, 2022, 65(4): 140401, 3373-1
1 Introduction
The last decade has witnessed the rapid development of wireless implants for interaction with the brain.
Compared to electrical, optical, or chemical modulation, neural recording is much more challenging due to
highly complex procedures, including signal acquisition, amplification, filtering, digitization, transmission,
and decoding [15]. Small numbers of neurons can provide massive information through electrophysiolog-
ical recording technology and are promising for clinical applications over weeks, months, or even years.
High-quality neural signals from either the epicortical or intracortical area can be used to translate neural
activity to text [6,7], operate robotic prostheses or wheelchairs [811], control an exoskeleton [12], and
even restore body movement and sense of touch [13,14]. Until now, most implants are tethered to com-
mercial neural recording data acquisition systems (16 bits per sample at 30 kS/s per channel) with dozens
* Corresponding author (email:, jqliu@sj
Authors Ji B W and Liang Z K have the same contribution to this work.
Ji B W, et al. Sci China Inf Sci April 2022 Vol. 65 140401:2
to one thousand channels, such as Plexon, Blackrock, NeuroNexus, Tucker-Davis Technologies, and Neu-
ralynx. A wired table-top acquisition system is reliable and powerful, with no need to worry about weak
signal transmission and processing, power consumption, or strict packaging of implants. However, wire
connections to the system limit the range of free activity, increase the risk of infection, and constrain
subjects from recording anytime and anywhere.
Wireless neuronal recording technology is one of the most important future trends because of the
significant advantage of portable recording at any point in time and space [15]. This technology involves
two aspects: wireless data transmission outward to terminal equipment and wireless power transmission
into the neuronal recording system. For wireless data transmission, either epicortical or intracortical
neural signals contain a large amount of data, especially in terms of continuous recording time and high
channel count. Various wireless solutions have been used in animal studies in recent years, including
radio frequency (RF) [16], ZigBee [17], Bluetooth [18], and WiFi [19], owing to the rapid development of
wireless communication. For wireless power transmission, systems can either directly power the wireless
neural interface or recharge batteries through an inductive link [2023]. However, research of wireless
neuronal recording is still in its infancy due to engineering challenges, and it therefore needs to balance
low power consumption, high bandwidth, and real-time transmission. In addition, a fully implanted
device might interfere with the wireless transmission of neural signals or affect its own lifetime in an
intracranial environment. Consequently, the demand for developing high-performance wireless recording
implants in free-behavior animals is high.
System-level integration can provide convenient operation and low-noise performance thanks to com-
pact size, short interconnections, and wireless transmission. A miniature, lightweight, wireless, and
implantable microsystem is key to realizing long-term, real-time, and stable monitoring on untethered ani-
mals in their natural conditions, including rodents [21,24], sheep [25], and non-human primates [18,26,27].
In 2021, a battery-powered wireless intracortical recording system was tested non-stop in two patients
with paralysis over a 24-h period at home by BrainGate [28], which can transmit and recognize sig-
nals generated by individual neurons and support full high-bandwidth signal transmission. BrainGate
provides the first wireless brain-computer interface (BCI) transmitter available to humans. The typical
configuration of a wireless neuronal recording system consists of five modules, as illustrated in Figure 1.
(1) Implantable electrodes for neural signal acquisition; (2) processing chips and a controller for signal
amplification, filtering, multiplexing, digitization, and controlling the parameter setting; (3) wireless data
transmission to a computer or other portable equipment for further data analysis; (4) power supply by
wireless charging or an inductive coil for system power consumption; and (5) packaging for ultracompact
size and long service life. To be ready for actual use, the trade-offs between channel count, power con-
sumption, packaging size, compatibility, and lifetime should be carefully considered. In view of the above
factors, wireless neuronal recording systems are rapidly developing toward miniaturization [24,29,30], in-
tegration [23,31,32], and intelligence [3335], benefiting from micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS),
integrated circuits (IC), wireless transmission and powering, and machine learning algorithms. Wireless
neuronal recording systems can be not only applied in healthcare and interaction for people with severe
motor impairment but also has future potential in entertainment and military scenarios.
This paper reviews the latest progress in wireless epicortical and intracortical neuronal recording sys-
tems in five closely linked subsections, including recording electrodes, processing chips and controllers,
wireless data transmission, power supply, and packaging. Challenges facing these systems are also sum-
marized to create a direct path for future long-term and reliable recording systems according to existing
technical shortcomings.
2 Recording electrodes
Three types of electrical potentials can be recorded through intracortical neural interfaces: epicortical elec-
trocorticogram (ECoG), intracortical local field potentials (LFPs), and action potentials (spikes) [36,37].
ECoGs are recorded from the epidural or subdural area closer to the cortical surface. Thus, implantation
of ECoG electrodes only requires minimally invasive surgery, without intrusion into brain tissue [38].
As a comparison, penetrating electrodes can be used to record LFP and spikes with richer information
from neurons but with higher invasive trauma. Examples include Utah arrays, Michigan probes, and
microwires. An LFP is synchronized neuronal activity recorded from small populations of neurons by
their extracellular potentials and has higher spatial resolution than ECoGs [39]. Spikes represent a se-
Ji B W, et al. Sci China Inf Sci April 2022 Vol. 65 140401:3
Wireless data
Processing chip
& controller
Power supply
Wireless charging
Recording electrode
Data analysis
ķĸ Ĺ
Recording system
Figure 1 (Color online) Configuration, trends, and applications of wireless epicortical and intracortical neuronal recording sys-
quence of short electrical pulses in the membrane potential of individual neurons, or a small neuronal
group, compared to LFP [40]. The different properties of the latest recording electrode technologies are
compared in Table 1[32,4149].
2.1 ECoG electrode
ECoG electrodes have been used to locate the epileptic focus and decode movements, vision, and speech.
From the size of the electrode site, ECoG electrodes fall into two basic categories: macro and micro.
Traditional macro-ECoG electrodes, with site diameters of 1–4 mm and a pitch of 1 cm, are commercially
available from Neuropace, PMT Corp., Medtronic, WISE Srl, among others. Softer and thinner silicone-
based macro-ECoG grids have been developed for better conformability to curved surfaces compared with
clinical macro-ECoGs [41] (Figure 2(a)).
Current trends of miniaturization have pushed spatial resolution to less than 1 mm, namely to micro-
ECoG electrodes. Latest work has mainly focused on stretchability for conformal contact to the brain
surface [50,51], transparency for optical imaging or resistance to artifacts [52,53], multiplexing for high
density [54,55], and multifunction for customizable intracranial applications [56,57]. Similar to silicone-
based macro-ECoGs, an ultrasoft and stretchable micro-ECoG grid with 50 µm×50 µm microelectrode
sites has also become a hot topic [58] (Figure 2(b)).
2.2 Utah/Utah-like arrays
In 1989, a typical penetrating electrode, namely the Utah electrode array (UEA), was proposed by Richard
Normann at the University of Utah [59]. With clinical approval by the Food and Drug Administration
(FDA) and an implant lifetime of more than seven years, it is the most widely used, gold standard
recording electrode for decoding minds and controlling external devices. A traditional UEA is composited
of 100 three-dimensional needles in a 10×10 configuration, 1.5-mm in length, with a 400 µm pitch and
4 mm×4 mm overall size. However, LFP/spikes can only be received from needle tips with set dimensions
and parameters. In 2020, Shandhi and Negi [44] proposed a multisite UEA based on the traditional Utah
Ji B W, et al. Sci China Inf Sci April 2022 Vol. 65 140401:4
Table 1 Comparison of different properties of novel recording electrode technologies
(Year) Type Name Channels Feature sizes Materials Implantation
Grid 32
2.3 mm diameter;
5–10 mm pitch;
4 cm×10 cm coverage
PDMS substrate;
Cr/Au interconnects;
Pt nanoparticles
on electrode sites
Above the
and motor
cortex of minipig
2 weeks
Dura 16
Ring shaped electro de
with an inner diameter
of 200 µm and an outer
diameter of 400 µm
PDMS substrate;
gold nanowire
(Au NW)tracks;
platinum (Pt)
particle electrodes
Above the dorsal
cortex of mouse 6 weeks
electrode 1152
50 µm×50 µm electrode
size; 295 µm pitch;
14 mm×7 mm coverage
Parylene-C substrate;
gold signal tracks
Above the
cortex of
macaque monkey
array UMEA
(3/9 sites
per shaft)
One at the tip of shaft
and two others about
300 µm and 450 µm
below; 1.5 mm long
shaft with 400 µm pitch
Silicon substrate; TiW
and Pt as metal layer;
Paylene-C encapsulation
In vitro
array Argo 65536
5 to 25 µm metal
wires of diameters;
10 mm diameter
microwire array
alloy in
microwire cores;
Parylene-C insulation
0.7–1 mm into
the rat cortex
and anditory
cortex of sheep
array CHIME 100–1000
Electrodes with
22–25 µm OD
and 1–7 µm ID;
inter-wire spacing
of around 100 µm
gold microwires
Olfactory bulb
of mouse Acute
probe(stiff ) Neuropixels 960
12 µm×12 µm
electrode size;
20 µm pitch;
shank 70 µm×20 µm
cross-section with
10 mm length
TiN as electro de sites;
silicon substrate
Visual cortex,
motor cortex,
striatum of mouse
Up to
60 days
probe(stiff )
per shank)
12 µm×12 µm
electrode size;
15 µm pitch;
shank 70 µm×20 µm
with 10 mm length
TiN as electro de sites;
silicon substrate
thalamus of mouse
Up to
309 days
(32ch per
Probes with 32
electrode contacts
spaced by 50/75 µm
Surface treatments:
substrate, encapsulation
and dielectric of probe:
polyimide; gold thin
film trace
location of rat
Neurotassels 128–1024
3µm×1.5 µm
fibers total
diameter of 100 mm
Au microelectrodes
encapsulated by
polyimide; platinum
Medial prefrontal
cortex of mouse
Up to
6 weeks
array, with nine sites per shaft, 900 active sites in total, and recording/stimulation capability from
different cortex layers (Figure 2(c)). In 2021, Sahasrabuddhe et al. [45] proposed a Utah-like electrode
array composed of 65536 channels of parallel platinum-iridium microwires bonded to a complementary
Ji B W, et al. Sci China Inf Sci April 2022 Vol. 65 140401:5
Utah/Utah-like array Michigan probeECoG electrode
(b) (d)
Figure 2 (Color online) Typical epicortical and intracortical recording electro des. (a) Macro-ECoG electrode array with a
diameter of 2.3 mm and large coverage of 4 cm×10 cm [41] Copyright 2021 John Wiley and Sons. (b) Micro-ECoG electrode array
with a size of 50 µm×50 µm and pitch of 200 µm. Scale bar: 1 mm [58] Copyright 2018 John Wiley and Sons. (c) Untraditional
Utah array with nine sites per shaft and 900 microelectrode sites in total [44] Copyright 2020 IEEE. (d) Argo: Utah-like array
with 65536 channels for high density recording [45] Copyright 2021 IOP Publishing. (e) Neuropixels: rigid silicon probe with 960
recording sites on a 70 µm×20 µm shank [47] Copyright 2018 Elsevier. (f) Neuralink’s threads: flexible polyimide probes with
3072 electrode sites p er array distributed across 96 threads (CC BY-ND 4.0) [32] Copyright 2019 Elon Musk, Neuralink.
metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) voltage amplifier array (Figure 2(d)). This is the largest neural
recording capability to date.
2.3 Michigan probe
Another typical penetrating electrode is the Michigan probe, which is based on a rigid silicon substrate to
acquire LFP/spikes from individual neurons along the length of shanks rather than at the end (like a Utah
array). Recent work has mainly focused on high density [60,61], flexibility [49,62], and multifunction [63
66]. Harris et al. [47] proposed multiplexed silicon probes based on CMOS technology named Neuropixels,
with a 130-nm wire width, 10-mm shank length, and 960 recording sites on a 70 µm×20 µm shank
(Figure 2(e)). They reported Neuropixels 2.0 with 5120 recording sites distributed over four shanks in
2021 [48]. To improve the mechanical match between probe and tissue, flexible probes have gradually
become a research hotspot. Musk and his company Neuralink [32] proposed high-density flexible probes
with 3072 electrode sites per array distributed across 96 threads, 4-6-µm-thick and approximately 20-mm
length, which can be inserted by a neurosurgical robot with micron precision (Figure 2(f )). Additionally,
multifunctional probes have drawn a lot of attention, enabling researchers to measure electrophysiological
or chemical signals and synchronously influence subject behaviors. Cai et al. [65] proposed a silicon probe
array with platinum nanoparticles and reduced graphene oxide nanocomposites(Pt/rGO) modification
for simultaneous real-time monitoring of dopamine (DA) concentration and neural spike firings under
deep brain electrical stimulation.
3 Processing chips, controllers, and basic circuits
Signal processing chips, controllers, and other basic circuits are essential components for the construction
of a complete wireless epicortical or intracortical neuronal recording system. They are also the key to
guaranteeing the high fidelity of neural signals and subsequent real-time transmission.
First, from the perspective of the signal-flow sequence, signal processing chips include analog signal
amplifiers, filters, multiplexers, and analog-to-digital converters (ADC) [18]. The electrical signal recorded
by an electrode is usually at a level from µV to mV. The weak signal makes it difficult to carry out
subsequent processing and is easily drowned in noise. Therefore, an amplifier is required to amplify
the signal to a higher voltage range that is easier to process. The function of the filter is to filter out
high-frequency noise and the power frequency signal and to improve the signal-to-noise ratio. In fact,
Ji B W, et al. Sci China Inf Sci April 2022 Vol. 65 140401:6
the signal of each channel needs to be amplified and filtered. Therefore, a large number of channels in
the system will lead to redundancy of the subsequent signal processing circuit and an increase in energy
consumption and equipment volume.
To address this issue, a multiplexer is employed to enable multiple signal recording channels to be
processed by one channel in a multiplexed method (e.g., 8:1, 16:1). At this point, the recorded signal is
analog, and the next steps of signal processing and wireless data transmission are carried out in the form
of digital signals; therefore, the signal should be converted to digital by an ADC. An analog signal is a
signal whose mathematical form is a continuous function in the time domain. Most signals in nature are
analog signals, such as EEG (electroence phalogram)/ECoG/spike signals and electromagnetic signals.
Digital signals are discrete signals in the time domain and in amplitude, which can easily carry out logic
or arithmetic operation through the processor and be stored in a medium. Analog processing methods
mainly include amplification, filtering, multiplexing, and signal conversion. The relevant processing
chips include power management, amplifier, filter, and signal conversion chips. As a comparison, digital
processing methods are mainly logic and arithmetic operations, with processing chips such as a central
processing unit (CPU), system on chip (SoC), microcontroller unit (MCU), and field-programmable gate
array (FPGA).
Second, as the brain of the whole system, the controller is responsible for configuring the parameters
of each module, collecting digital signals transmitted by the ADC, and controlling the radio circuit for
wireless data transmission. In addition, some systems may integrate temperature sensors, an inertial
measurement unit. The information from these sensors will be transmitted to a radio circuit or analyzed
by the controller.
Lastly, in order to keep the whole system functioning, basic circuits are also nonnegligible, such as the
power management unit (PMU), which provides a stable power supply to the system and ensures circuit
safety during charging, and the radio SoC, which conducts wireless transmission according to specific
protocols. The scheme of wireless transmission and power supply will be described in Sections 4 and 5.
Each of the units described above is generic and different wireless neural signal recording systems
have similar and corresponding functions. They could be divided into four schemes according to the
degree of system integration: (1) modular distributed [19,6770], (2) stacked [24,26,71,72], (3) inte-
grated [32,7379], and (4) ultracompact [8084]. In addition, there are differences in miniaturization,
lightweight, and functional expansion between different schemes, which will be described in detail below.
3.1 Modular distributed scheme
This type of system usually uses a large number of commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) modules, which have
the advantage of quickly building a complete system with relatively low prices and little time. For exam-
ple, amplifier chips from the Intan company are used as front-end chips for signal amplification, filtering,
and analog-digital conversion [27,70,71,85]. ARM (Advanced RISC Machines) cortex architecture core
chips are used as controllers [18,19,22,68]. Commercial radio chips are used as wireless transmission
circuits, and commercial FPGAs are used as digital signal processing chips [19,22,67,71]. As shown
in Figure 3(a), the modular distributed scheme is typical [68]. The PennBMBI neural signal analyzer
(NSA) has both neuronal signal recording and analysis capabilities. NSA consists of an analog front-end,
microcontroller, power management module, commercial wireless transceiver module, and MicroSD card.
Its analog front-end has four channels, each containing two-stage amplifier circuits. The total gain of the
system can be set from 46 to 102 dB. NSA uses a 32-bit MCU (AT32UC3C1512C, Atmel company) that
integrates a 12-bit resolution ADC, multiplexer, sample hold (S/H) circuit, programmable amplifier, and
a 32-bit floating-point arithmetic digital signal processor (DSP) unit. NSA can process neural signals
online through DSP units. The volume of the system is 56 mm×36 mm×13 mm.
3.2 Stacked scheme
Building a modular distributed system with COTS components reduces the cycle and cost of system
development but simultaneously brings the problem of a large area of the printed circuit board (PCB),
making it difficult to miniaturize the system. To address this issue, some researchers have proposed a
method of dividing the PCB board into modules, connecting the modules with flexible flat cable, then
folding to reduce the area of PCB [22,71]. The 3D stack method is a representative method for reducing
system size [24,26,72,86]. Figure 3(b) shows a typical stacked system consisting of the front-end chip
(RHD2132, Intan Technologies), FPGA (Spartan-6, Xilinx company), radio chip (nRF24L01, Nordic
Ji B W, et al. Sci China Inf Sci April 2022 Vol. 65 140401:7
Modular distributed scheme Integrated scheme
Stacked scheme Ultracompact scheme
(b) (d)
in mm size
Figure 3 (Color online) Different composition schemes of a signal processing chip, controller, and basic circuit. (a) Modular
distributed scheme using a large number of COTS [68] Copyright 2015 IEEE; (b) stacked scheme in which units are connected
by flexible cables [71] Copyright 2017 IEEE; (c) typical custom application-specific integrated circuit scheme manufactured by a
CMOS process [73] Copyright 2014 IEEE; (d) ultracompact system with a volume of 2.4 mm3[82] Copyright 2016 Elsevier.
Semiconductor), PMU, and external memory [71]. All components are divided into three parts and
placed on a rigid-flex PCB. The three parts are connected by two flexible PCBs.
3.3 Integrated scheme
The stacked scheme reduces the size of the system to some extent, but it is not sufficient to realize
miniaturization and light weight, and modular systems often cannot meet the demand of a large number
of channels. In recent years, researchers have made great progress in miniaturization, high channel count,
and low power consumption using CMOS processing technology [32,7379]. Table 2[16,23,71,72,74,77,
83,87,88] compares recent chips for implantable BCI using COMS technology. Although the latest CMOS
process level can reach 7 nm, the signal preprocessing chip is an analog application-specific integrated
circuit (ASIC) for BCI, which places more emphasis on the quality of signal processing, such as precision,
reliability, and stability. The analog ASIC has a higher operating current than the digital ASIC; thus,
the CMOS process for a 5-nm CPU cannot be used directly for preprocessing chips. However, a digital
chip that carries on the processing to the digital signals mainly focuses on the computation ability,
which needs more logic gates and arithmetic units, as well as a higher main frequency. Thus, the use
of more advanced processes is preferred whenever possible. In general, advanced processes can be of
great help in facing the challenges of high throughput, low power consumption, and miniaturization in
wireless neuronal recording systems. Elon Musk’s Neuralink company has developed a system consisting
of a custom ASIC, which integrates multiple ASICs on a PCB using a flip-chip integration to achieve
3072 channels for signal recording. As shown in Figure 3(c), this is part of an integrated system that
is manufactured using 65-nm CMOS technology (from STMicroelectronics) [73]. This chip integrates a
64-channel front-end, ADC, PMU, wireless transmission unit, bias circuitry, clock, and serial peripheral
interface (SPI). The total area of the chip is 2.4 mm×2.4 mm with a power consumption of 225 µW.
Such systems are usually customized for specific functions and integrate a variety of necessary functions
on a small chip. It greatly reduces the size and power consumption of the system and is more conducive
to implantation and wireless power supply.
3.4 Ultracompact scheme
Custom integrated systems manufactured using CMOS technology make it possible for a system to realize
a light weight and low power consumption. But some system components, such as antenna and electrode
Ji B W, et al. Sci China Inf Sci April 2022 Vol. 65 140401:8
Table 2 Comparison of different chips for implantable BCI using COMS technology
Ref. Process (nm) Area (mm2) Power supply (V) Power (µW/ch) CMRR (dB) PSRR(dB)
[16] 500 25.48 3 60 >60 >50
[87] 65 0.04 0.35/0.7 0.37 78 110
[71] 65 1.6 0.5 2.3 88 67
[72] 180 2.56 79 >83 –
[77] 350 1.1 1.8 <300 – –
[23] 130 12 1 11.7 41
[83] 130 12.19 1.2 12–98
[88] 180 5 1.2 1.875
[74] 350 0.115 3.3 Total 24.75 >70 >66
pads, tend to be larger in size. As shown in Figure 3(d), researchers have proposed a “Neuro dust”
scheme [8084], a millimeter-scale system consisting of a pair of gold recording pads (0.2 mm×0.2 mm),
a custom single transistor, and a piezoelectric crystal [82]. The piezocrystal, which is impacted by
ultrasound pulses, converts the ultrasonic energy into electrical energy to supply power to the system.
Therefore, the neural dust does not need a built-in battery or a larger coil, and its total volume is only
2.4 mm3. In summary, the ultracompact scheme has fewer channels but can be used for high spatial
resolution and independent recording of multiple discrete points through multiple systems. It also has
greater advantages in miniaturization. In brief, it provides a new solution for building wireless neural
recording systems.
3.5 Some commercial products
Several commercial corporations have been working on wireless implants in recent years, mainly because of
the integration of high-performance chips, and are welcomed by a fast-growing number of users. Blackrock
Microsystems has launched the two latest wireless recording systems, the CerePlex Exilis and CerePlex
W. CerePlex Exilis supports 32/64/96 channels, 30 kSps sampling frequency, and 16-bit resolution during
signal acquisition. The input signal frequency range is 0.3 Hz to 7.5 kHz, the equivalent input noise is less
than 3 µVrms, the subject animals can freely move within a 1-m range, and the maximum continuous
operating time is 2.5 h while powered by a battery. In comparison, the CerePlex W has the same
sampling frequency, resolution, input signal frequency range, and equivalent input noise but uses the
Honey Badger ASIC Chip for longer continuous operation, up to 3.5 h, and a larger maximum free
movement range of 2 m. The CerePlex Exilis (9.87 g) is lighter than the CerePlex W (33.5 g). Compared
with current academic results, the main advantages of Blackrock’s products are their good recorded-signal
quality, higher sampling frequency, resolution, accuracy, and transmission rate. On the other hand, their
disadvantages are higher power consumption and shorter continuous operation time without a wireless
power supply.
The Plexon DataLogger wireless data recording system can support 32-channel signal acquisition with
a 40-kHz sampling rate and 16-bit sampling resolution. However, it does not support real-time neural
signal data transmission, which means the data needs to be downloaded after recording. The continuous
operation time is also short (up to 45 min).
Bio-signal technologies has also proposed a wireless electrophysiological recording system, Eros, which
can support 4/8 channels, 250-Hz sampling frequency, 24-bit sampling accuracy, 4–6 h battery life, and
a 10-m working distance. Compared with other products, it has fewer channels and a lower sampling
4 Wireless data transmission
Compared with the wired system, a significant difficulty to cope with is the elimination of cables for
wireless communication, which includes uplink and downlink communications [89]. The uplink communi-
cation can transmit digitalized neural data to an external base station for status monitoring and further
analysis. Inevitably, acquired data from hundreds of recording electrodes can quickly come to hundreds
of megabits per second (Mbps), so uplink communication requires a higher data transmission rate. At
the same time, this leads to higher power dissipation. In comparison, downlink data communication
from the external station to the neuronal recording system results in much lower power dissipation, at
Ji B W, et al. Sci China Inf Sci April 2022 Vol. 65 140401:9
Table 3 Comparison of different wireless data transmission schemes
Ref. Number of
Wireless data
transfer type Data rate Transmission
Wireless transmission
power consumption Year
[92] 46 Infrared light
880–900 nm 4 Mbps 2012
[16,26] 100 FSK 3.2–3.8 GHz 24 Mbps >1 m 50 mW 2013
[93] 100 UWB 3.1–5 GHz 200 Mbps 1–2 m 2014
[94] 64 UHF MICS band
402–405 MHz 450 kbps 2 m 19.8 mW 2015
[86] 64
2.4 GHz with
802.11 b/g/n
1.536 Mbps 2 m 2016
[18] 128 2.4 GHz BLE 1.96 Mbps 2 m 11.8 mA (+4 dBm) 2019
[24] 8/36/72 RF 2.4 GHz 2 Mbps Max 50 m 2020
both the transmitter and receiver sides, because it only needs to transmit configuration information and
control instructions, such as the active number of electrodes and the sampling rate of the ADC. The
ECoG signal frequency is less than 200 Hz for the human brain, the spikes are in the range of 0.1–7 kHz,
and the LFP is also smaller than 200 Hz [90]. According to the Nyquist-Shannon sampling theorem [91],
when a signal with frequency fis sampled, the sampling frequency must ideally be no less than 2fto
restore the sampled signal without distortion. Therefore, the sampling frequency of AD conversion for
epicortical ECoG signals (1 kHz) is much lower than that for intracortical spikes (20 kHz), which
results in different requirements for wireless data transmission and rate. In simple terms, ECoG signals
of 100 channels are recorded with an ADC for analog-to-digital conversion. The sampling frequency is
1 kSps and the resolution is 12-bit. The size of the serial data stream generated is 100 ch×1000 Sps/ch
×12 bit/S = 1.2 Mbps. Therefore, the wireless transmission rate should be at least greater than 1.2 Mbps.
This calculation method is also suitable for the transmission rates of spikes.
Typical wireless data transmission schemes from the last decade are compared by channel count,
wireless data transfer type, data rate, transmission distance, and wireless transmission power consumption
in Table 3[16,18,24,26,86,9294].
According to the different physical forms, the wireless transmission mode adopted by a wireless neuronal
recording system can be divided into RF [26,67,68,73,85,94,95], infrared (IR) [26,92,96], and ultrasonic
communication [79]. RF communication has been widely used because of the little influence of occlusion
and the difficulty of technical implementation. With the development of RF communication technology,
it is easy for signal crosstalk to occur when using the same frequency band for communication. Therefore,
organizations and technical alliances such as IEEE made a division of the frequency band. Electronic
devices for short-range wireless communication usually work in the industrial scientific medical (ISM)
band. In addition, some standard communication protocols, such as Bluetooth [23,31,70], WiFi [19,86,97],
and ZigBee [17], have been gradually developed. These standard protocols set strict specifications at
the physical and link layers, so the cost and technical difficulty of implementation are low, and COTS
components can be easily used. In 2019, Zhou et al. [18] used 2.4-GHz low-power Bluetooth technology to
achieve wireless communication of the intracortical LFP recording system and base station in non-human
primates (Figure 4(a)). The commercial Bluetooth Radio SoC (nRF51822, Nordic Semiconductor) was
used for the customization of Bluetooth protocol to achieve a 2 Mbps modulation rate within a 2-m
However, because Bluetooth and WiFi are widely used in electronic devices, they are very prone to
signal interference when applied to implantable medical devices. Customized wireless communication
technology can effectively avoid this problem. In 2014, Mestais et al. [94] realized wireless data com-
munication between an epicortical ECoG recording system and PC using ultrahigh-frequency (UHF)
transmission technology in non-human primates (Figure 4(b)). The UHF link works in the medical im-
plant communication service (MICS) band using a custom protocol in the 400 MHz range. The low-level
communication protocol is realized by a radio chip (ZL70102, MicroSemi company) with an energy per
bit of less than 21 nJ and a maximum payload throughput of up to 500 kbps. Finally, a transmission
rate of up to 450 kbps is achieved by a custom platinum antenna at a maximum distance of 2 m.
The use of infrared communication can also reduce interference between different devices. In 2009,
Song et al. [96] adopted RF function multiplexing technology in a 16-channel broadband spike recording
Ji B W, et al. Sci China Inf Sci April 2022 Vol. 65 140401:10
UHF antennae
(c) (d)
(a) (b)
Figure 4 (Color online) Different wireless data transmission methods. (a) Bluetooth low energy (BLE) communication with
radio SoC and a custom antenna [18] Copyright 2019 Springer Nature; (b) UHF radio frequency communication operating in the
MICS band [94] Copyright 2014 IEEE; (c) RF transmission function multiplexing and IR transmission [96] Copyright 2009 IEEE;
(d) RF for simultaneous power supply and data transmission [73] Copyright 2014 IEEE.
system in a nonhuman primate (Figure 4(c)). The 13.56-MHz RF signal is sent to a gold spiral on the
back of the epicranial section to supply power to the system. At the same time, the controller modulates
the signal to obtain clock signals and control instruction information. The controller converts the multi-
channel neural signal data into the driving current, drives the IR signal of a specific frequency, and
transmits data to the outside.
In addition, backscattering modulator technology can simultaneously carry out wireless communication
and supply power, avoiding the use of two antennas or coils, respectively, reducing the volume and power
consumption of the system. In 2014, Muller et al. [73] used backscattering modulator technology to
transmit serialized data at a rate of 1 Mbps. In this way, a single antenna can simultaneously power and
transmit data wirelessly to the system (Figure 4(d)).
In fact, modulation technology is the key to realizing wireless communication. To put it simply, the
function of modulation is to convert low-frequency baseband signals containing information into high-
frequency carrier signals. By modulating to different frequencies, interference of different signals can be
effectively avoided in communication. Modulation can be divided into analog modulation and digital
modulation according to different modulation signals. Compared with analog modulation, digital modu-
lation has stronger anti-interference capability and confidentiality and is convenient for device integration
and signal processing by computer. Digital modulation can be divided into amplitude shift keying (ASK),
phase shift keying (PSK), and frequency shift keying (FSK) according to the different high-frequency car-
rier parameters of digital signals. ASK is more widely used due to its technical difficulty and low energy
consumption. For binary ASK modulation technology, the digital signal “1” sends a carrier signal with a
larger amplitude, and “0” sends a carrier signal with a smaller amplitude. When the digital signal is “0”,
no carrier signal is sent so as to further reduce energy consumption, which is the simplified ASK mod-
ulation technology, and is known as on-off keying (OOK) modulation technology [98]. Therefore, OOK
modulation technology is very suitable for the wireless communication signal modulation of low power
electronic devices. In 2014, Yin et al. [93] adopted OOK modulation technology to achieve a maximum
transmission rate of 200 Mbps with low power consumption and a DC/RF conversion efficiency of 40%.
5 Power supply
Wired systems are generally powered by cables without energy shortage, but the power supply is a signif-
icant challenge for continuous monitoring wireless systems. A large number of electrodes, amplification,
Ji B W, et al. Sci China Inf Sci April 2022 Vol. 65 140401:11
Table 4 Comparison of different wireless power transmission schemes
Ref. Power supply mode Power consumption Running time Year
[26]200 mAh battery with
2 MHz wireless charging 90.6 mW 7 h 2013
[93]1.2 Ahr 3.6 V
disposable battery
17 mA(low-RF) or
27 mA(high-RF) 48 h 2014
[94]13.5 MHz
inductive link
75 mW (32 ch@1 kHz,
w/o charging)
350 mW w/ charging
Unlimited 2015
[73] 300 MHz RF Power 2.3 µW/ch total:225 µW Unlimited 2015
[85]Rechargeable 3.7 V battery
with ultrasonic charging 4.22–15.4 mA 2016
1.6 Wh battery with
265 kHz magnetic
resonance coupling
200 mW(w/o charging)
400 mW(w/ charging) 8 h 2018
[18] 500 mAh Lithium-ion battery 172 mW 11.3 h 2019
[99]30 mAh 3.7 V
rechargeable battery 28.6 mW 2.5 h 2021
digitalization, and wireless transmission lead to great energy needs [89]. There are several methods to
power up wireless systems. Power consumption and running times of typical wireless power transmission
schemes are compared in power supply mode in Table 4[18,22,26,73,85,93,94,99].
5.1 Battery
The traditional solution is to use built-in batteries to power the system, as in pacemakers and cochlear
implants [93,98100]. Batteries have been used in medical applications since 1973 [101]. Figure 5(a)
demonstrates a battery-powered solution. In 2014, Yin et al. [93] used a disposable AA Li-ion battery
(1.2 Ah, Saft Groupe S.A.) to power a system. The system integrates three customized low-power ASICs
so the battery can sustain power for more than 48 h.
5.2 Wireless charging
A battery has a limited life and needs to be replaced when the power runs out. Therefore, such a system
cannot be fully implanted or requires battery replacement by surgery, which often causes unnecessary
damage to biological tissue. To avoid the biological impact of battery replacement, some researchers have
proposed charging batteries wirelessly [22,26,72,85,102]. Figure 5(b) shows a typical wireless charging
scheme for a built-in battery. In 2018, Matsushita et al. [22] proposed a wireless neuronal recording
system, named W-HERBS, that uses a lithium-ion polymer rechargeable battery as the power supply.
Meanwhile, the magnetic resonance coupling method is used to charge the battery, avoiding the need for
battery replacement. During wireless charging, the external transmitter unit uses the 265-kHz magnetic
frequency to carry out magnetic coupling with the receiver unit. It can transmit 400 mW of electrical
energy, meeting the energy consumption of the system (200 mW) and battery charging (200 mW) at the
same time.
5.3 Wireless power supply
The battery power scheme solves the power supply problem for wireless systems, but batteries often oc-
cupy a large proportion of the volume and weight, which hinder the miniaturization and light weight of a
system. Meanwhile, a battery risks electrolyte leakage, which may cause serious harm to organisms dur-
ing implantation. Fortunately, a wireless power supply is a good solution to the above issues. According
to different forms of energy transfer, wireless power supply schemes can be divided into two types: elec-
tromagnetic energy transfer [67,73,92,9496,103] and other energy transfer forms, such as infrared [104]
and ultrasound [82]. Figure 5(c) illustrates a wireless charging scheme based on inductive coupling, which
was proposed by Mestais et al. [94] in 2014. The system obtains 100 mW of power from the external
antenna through the 13.56-MHz induction link. It is sufficient to supply the system with an overall energy
consumption of 75 mW.
Ji B W, et al. Sci China Inf Sci April 2022 Vol. 65 140401:12
Wireless RF power supply Ultrasonic power supply
Battery Wireless charging
Figure 5 (Color online) Different power supply modes. (a) Powered directly by disposable or rechargeable battery [93] Copy-
right 2014 Elsevier; (b) powered by rechargeable battery with wireless charging (CC BY) [22] Copyright 2018 Matsushita et al.;
(c) wireless power supply by RF [94] Copyright 2014 IEEE; (d) wireless power supply by ultrasound [82] Copyright 2016 Elsevier.
The influence of a wireless power supply on signal recording cannot be ignored. On the one hand,
the use of near-field magnetic coupling or an RF wireless power supply with RF wireless communication
will cause interference of communication signals and affect the quality of transmitted signals. On the
other hand, electromagnetic induction can also induce current on the metal electrodes, which can affect
the quality of the original neural signals to a certain extent. For the first issue, some researchers have
tried to use different working frequency bands. For example, the power supply frequency of magnetic
resonance coupling is set to 265 kHz, and the RF wireless communication frequency is set to 2.4 GHz [22].
Another work sets the high-frequency wireless power supply frequency to 13.56 MHz, the RF wireless
communication frequency to 402–405 MHz as the MICS band, and a filter is added to filter out the
electromagnetic wave of the corresponding frequency [94]. For the second issue, not only the signals
of wireless power supply but also the signals of wireless communication and environmental noise will
affect the original neural signals. Therefore, researchers usually filter out interfering signals during signal
pretreatment or reduce the influence on signal detection by adding metal shells [16]. In addition, other
forms of energy conversion, such as photovoltaic or ultrasonic wireless power supply, may be applied to
solve this problem.
Meanwhile, compared with near-field (NF) coupling, far-field (FF) radiation, or RF transmission,
ultrasound (US) is a superior method for powering a recording system for deeper implantation. US
utilizes sound waves as the carrier of energy. Figure 5(d) shows a charging scheme of the neural dust
mentioned above [82]. The external transducer sends US pulses to a piezoelectric crystal, which converts
the mechanical energy of the US pulse into electrical energy to supply power to the system.
In general, a battery can provide more power than a wireless power supply because high-power wireless
charging must consider heat generation and the electromagnetic intensity range acceptable to the human
body. Therefore, the power supply scheme selected needs to be comprehensively considered among
system power consumption, channel number, signal quality, wireless transmission scheme, and total
system volume.
6 Package
The above sections have summarized approaches to wireless neuronal recording systems from electrodes,
chips, data transmission to the power supply. At this point, the system is fully operational, but the
packaging of the system is nonnegligible to guarantee its life-lasting stability in vivo. There are two main
considerations in packaging. First, the system should meet strict requirements of water vapor tract ratio
(WVTR) and oxygen tract ratio (OTR) to avoid a short circuit via a good water and gas barrier [105109].
Ji B W, et al. Sci China Inf Sci April 2022 Vol. 65 140401:13
Second, the packaging housing should employ biocompatible materials to prevent rejection by biological
tissue [110113]. In 2012, Schuettler et al. [92] proposed a wireless epicortical neuronal recording sys-
tem named BrainCon using alumina ceramic as the hermetic package material to protect the core chips
and circuits from water-induced corrosion, as shown in Figure 6(a). Meanwhile, polydimethylsiloxane
(PDMS) and Parylene-C (optionally) were coated on the outside packaging. The package not only passed
the gross leak test, but fine leak tests on a mass-spectrometer based leakage tester (SmartTest HLT570,
Pfeiffer Vacuum, Asslar, Germany) also proved good hermeticity. Practically, the package works well in
animal experiments lasting for about one year. In 2014, Mestais et al. [94] reported another wireless epi-
cortical neuronal recording system with 64 channels named WIMAGINE, which used dedicated titanium
packaging with customized hermetic feedthroughs to guarantee all electronics were in hermetic housing,
as pictured in Figure 6(b). The hermetic feedthroughs are based on a ruby insulator, with additional
gold brazing for hermeticity. All components were tested individually by helium leakage testing with
109bar·cm3·s1. Additionally, thermally conductive silicone pads were laid between the top electronic
PCB and titanium housing to avoid biological tissue damage by system heat. Moreover, the PCB stacking
is optimized using conductive glue and heat sinks to further weaken the thermal impact. Finally, the
overall size of WIMAGINE is 50 mm in diameter and 12.54 mm in height with a 10 cm2HF Antenna
and was implanted in nonhuman primates for ECoG recording, which lasted for 26 weeks with good
When infrared signals are used for communication, the transparency of the system housing should be
enhanced to reduce signal loss. When applying RF technology for communication or power supply, it
is also necessary to avoid energy loss caused by metal housing and the impact of induced current on
organism safety. In 2013, Yin et al. proposed a wireless intracortical neuronal recording system linked to
a Utah array with sealing and packaging by laser welding of two titanium metal cases (56 mm×42 mm
×9 mm, 30.6 g) [16,26], as shown in Figure 6(c). They assembled a single-crystal sapphire window with
a diameter of 29.2 mm by copper welding, achieving 93% IR transparency at a 5-mm distance from the
window and <50% RF loss for the radio transmitter. In 2019, Musk and his company Neuralink [32]
released an intracortical neuronal recording system linked to flexible probes and packaged in titanium
cases, as pictured in Figure 6(d). It was coated with Parylene-C as a moisture barrier to prevent fluid
inflow and prolong its lifetime. Two configurations of the recording system have been proposed, with
1536 and 3072 channels, and their corresponding volumes and weights are 24.5 mm×20 mm×1.65 mm
and 11 g and 23 mm×18.5 mm×2 mm and 15 g, respectively. They upgraded this system to LINK V0.9
in August 2020, a coin-size wireless charging version with 1024 recording channels, all-day battery life,
and a size of 23 mm×8 mm [114].
7 Conclusion and challenges
This review summarizes the latest development in wireless implantable neuronal acquisition systems,
including high-density neural recording electrodes, dedicated low-power ASICs, wireless data transmission
modes, wireless power supply modes, and highly reliable hermetic packages. The above units in the BCI
are important factors that determine communication efficiency and human-computer interaction ability.
The system-level wireless neuronal acquisition will surely become one of the most important development
trends in the future and will get rid of wired constraints and enhance independence and mobility for
human use.
The human brain has more than 80 billion neurons; however, current systems are far from sufficient to
handle such a large number. The development of wireless implantable neuronal recording systems still
faces many challenges as described below.
(1) High throughput. At the World Artificial Intelligence Conference 2021, Tiger H. Tao and
colleagues from Shanghai Microsystems Research Institute, China, released their latest work on high-
throughput, minimally-invasive, flexible probes with 2640 channels on a single device. Compared with
the increase of the number of electrodes, the greater challenges are how to firmly connect the electrodes
to the circuit when the number of electrodes reaches more than 10000, how to carry out high-fidelity
amplification, filtering, and analog-to-digital conversion of neural signals with high channel count, and
how to process high-throughput data algorithmically. In addition, consequent problems with wireless
transmission, power supply, and heat also need to be synthetically solved.
(2) Wireless transmission. For a wired recording system, the Argo with 65536 channels produces
Ji B W, et al. Sci China Inf Sci April 2022 Vol. 65 140401:14
NeuralinkBrown University
hermetic package
RF coil
cortical electrode array
5 mm
Figure 6 (Color online) Representative system-level packages for neuronal recording. (a) BrainCon: wireless epicortical neuronal
recording system packaged by alumina ceramic and coated with PDMS and Parylene-C [92] Copyright 2012 IEEE; (b) WIMAGINE:
wireless epicortical neuronal recording system packaged by hermetic titanium housing [94] Copyright 2014 IEEE; (c) wireless
intracortical neuronal recording system packaged by titanium cases (lid removed) and coated with Parylene-C [16] Copyright 2013
IEEE; (d) wireless intracortical neuronal recording system packaged by titanium casing with single-crystal sapphire window (CC
BY-ND 4.0) [32] Copyright 2019 Elon Musk, Neuralink.
a readout data rate of up to 26 Gbps, as previously introduced. In comparison, the wireless recording
system (LINK V0.9) by Neuralink can only support the wireless transmission of compressed data at a spike
firing by Bluetooth. Therefore, wireless transmission of high-throughput data remains a ma jor challenge
since commonly used RF technologies are often limited by power consumption and heat dissipation.
(3) Power consumption and supply. Power budgets often limit the number of recording channels
because signal processing and wireless data transmission consume large amounts of power. At the same
time, the heat from electromagnetic induction also limits the power of wireless energy transmission.
Taking Neuralink’s 3072 channel wired recording system as an example, its system power consumption
is 750 mW, and its latest wireless 1024 channel LINK V0.9 can work all day with a battery life of 24 h
(wireless charging) and with much lower power consumption at the expense of the complete waveform
of spikes. As for the power supply, the 128-channel W-HERBS system can reach a maximum charging
power of 400 mW, as mentioned earlier. However, for wireless recording systems with more than 10000
channels, the wireless charging power is far from sufficient under the premise of biosecurity.
(4) Heat accumulation. Due to full implantation in the intracranial space, a packaged system
needs to consider heat-induced temperature rise, which may lead to thermal damage to the brain tissue.
According to the ISO 14708-1:2000 E standard, the temperature rise should be constrained to 2C on
the external surface of the implanted device. Therefore, heating limits the wireless transmission rate and
power of the system. As previously mentioned, thermally conductive silicone pads, conductive glue, heat
sinks, and titanium housing are used in the WIMAGINE system for optimized thermal management.
Nevertheless, heat dissipation technology needs further development for wireless recording systems with
high-throughput wireless transmission and high-power supply.
(5) Minimization. Components such as electrode pads, processing and computing circuits, wireless
power supply coils, wireless data transmission antennas, built-in batteries, and heat dissipation units limit
the overall size of the system to be smaller. As mentioned earlier, the overall size of Neuralink’s LINK
V0.9 has been limited to 23 mm×8 mm as a highly integrated solution. In the future, the miniaturization
of a wireless recording system with more than 10000 channels needs further development in regard to
structure optimization and highly integrated system components.
(6) Lifetime. Until now, the longest implantation lifetime of a wired Utah array recording system
ranged from six (BrainGate project) to nine years (Nicho Natsopoulos, University of Chicago) for non-
Ji B W, et al. Sci China Inf Sci April 2022 Vol. 65 140401:15
human primates. Meanwhile, these systems have a lifespan of up to seven years for humans. However, the
lifetime of existing wireless neuronal recording systems is affected by many factors, and their reliability
for chronic implantation life has been insufficiently verified.
Overall, the wireless implantable neuronal recording system is an emerging research field with strong
comprehensiveness and interdisciplinary integration. It involves micro-nano manufacturing, microelec-
tronics, communication, energy, biomedicine, brain science, and artificial intelligence. With the devel-
opment of the above technologies, wireless implantable BCI systems will become more miniaturized,
integrated, and intelligent for broader applications in humans in the next decade.
Acknowledgements This work was supported by China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (Grant Nos. 2020TQ0246, 2021M692-
638), Shanghai Sailing Program (Grant No. 21YF1451000), Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (Grant No.
31020200QD013), and Natural Science Foundation of Chongqing (Grant No. cstc2021jcyj-msxmX0825).
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... Undoubtedly, implantable electrodes and chips are integral components of this field and are intricately interconnected. [134] The microelectrode impedance of implantable electrodes, parasitic capacitance of highdensity slender wires, and signal crosstalk between adjacent wires all demand superior performance from implantable chips. ...
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High‐density neural recordings with superior spatiotemporal resolution powerfully unveil cellular‐scale neural communication, showing great promise in neural science, translational medicine, and clinical applications. To achieve such, many design and fabrication innovations enhanced the electrode, chip, or both for biocompatibility improvement, electrical performance upgrade, and size miniaturization, offering several thousands of recording sites. However, an enormous gap exists along the trajectory toward billions of recording sites for brain scale resolution, posing many more design challenges. This review tries to find possible insight into mitigating the gap by discussing the latest progress in high‐density electrodes and chips for neural recordings. It emphasizes the design, fabrication, bonding techniques, and in vivo performance optimization of high‐density electrodes. It discusses the promising opportunities for circuit‐level and architecture‐level multi‐channel chip design innovations. We expect that joint effort and close collaboration between high‐density electrodes and chips will pave the way to high‐resolution neural recording tools supporting cutting‐edge neuroscience discoveries and applications.
... According to the previous literature on the mechanical simulation of neural probes, reducing the neural probe stiffness by three orders of magnitude can decrease the contact stress by 41.6% and strain by 39.1% [25,26]. It is due to the mismatch of the mechanical properties between the rigid probes and the soft brain [27][28][29][30][31]. The rigid implantable electrodes in the form of needles or probes can be penetrated the soft tissue with the aid of a pneumatic hammer or micromanipulator, such as the Utah array and Michigan probes [32][33][34][35][36]. ...
... Moreover, the brain complexity renders it impossible for the available nanoimaging techniques to investigate the fine neural-cell interconnections. Invasive monitoring methods, such as intracortical electrocorticogram signals (Dubey and Ray, 2019) and implantable brain-machine interface-based devices (Ji et al., 2022) are more accurate than the non-invasive or in vitro methods; however, these methods exhibit certain limitations, such as individual variation, ethical and safety issues, and incapableness of batch research. In this case, establishing in vitro NoN models has become a promising method for investigating human brain diseases (Holloway et al., 2021). ...
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Chips-based platforms intended for single-cell manipulation are considered powerful tools to analyze intercellular interactions and cellular functions. Although the conventional cell co-culture models could investigate cell communication to some extent, the role of a single cell requires further analysis. In this study, a precise intercellular interaction model was built using a microelectrode array [microelectrode array (MEA)]-based and dielectrophoresis-driven single-cell manipulation chip. The integrated platform enabled precise manipulation of single cells, which were either trapped on or transferred between electrodes. Each electrode was controlled independently to record the corresponding cellular electrophysiology. Multiple parameters were explored to investigate their effects on cell manipulation including the diameter and depth of microwells, the geometry of cells, and the voltage amplitude of the control signal. Under the optimized microenvironment, the chip was further evaluated using 293T and neural cells to investigate the influence of electric field on cells. An examination of the inappropriate use of electric fields on cells revealed the occurrence of oncosis. In the end of the study, electrophysiology of single neurons and network of neurons, both differentiated from human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC), was recorded and compared to demonstrate the functionality of the chip. The obtained preliminary results extended the nature growing model to the controllable level, satisfying the expectation of introducing more elaborated intercellular interaction models.
... The use of invasive electrode arrays with high density and resolution offers significant potential for both basic neuroscience research and the clinical treatment of brain disorders such as epilepsy and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) [1][2][3][4] . However, conventional invasive electrode arrays, which typically comprise silicon and metal, are mechanically incompatible with the intracranial tissue, leading to immune and inflammatory responses and shortening the device's working lifespan [5][6][7] . ...
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Advancements in microscale electrode technology have revolutionized the field of neuroscience and clinical applications by offering high temporal and spatial resolution of recording and stimulation. Flexible neural probes, with their mechanical compliance to brain tissue, have been shown to be superior to rigid devices in terms of stability and longevity in chronic recordings. Shuttle devices are commonly used to assist flexible probe implantation; however, the protective membrane of the brain still makes penetration difficult. Hidden damage to brain vessels during implantation is a significant risk. Inspired by the anatomy of the mosquito mouthparts, we present a biomimetic neuroprobe system that integrates high-sensitivity sensors with a high-fidelity multichannel flexible electrode array. This customizable system achieves distributed and minimally invasive implantation across brain regions. Most importantly, the system’s nonvisual monitoring capability provides an early warning detection for intracranial soft tissues, such as vessels, reducing the potential for injury during implantation. The neural probe system demonstrates exceptional sensitivity and adaptability to environmental stimuli, as well as outstanding performance in postoperative and chronic recordings. These findings suggest that our biomimetic neural-probe device offers promising potential for future applications in neuroscience and brain-machine interfaces.
We introduce an innovative approach that incorporates operator-based spike detection in wireless microsystems for neural signal processing. Through comparative analyses between simple thresholding and operator-based detection conducted on pre-recorded spike detection experiments, our research emphasizes the superiority of the operator-based spike detection approach. The operator-based spike detection emerges as a promising technique for miniaturized wireless neural signal devices, primarily due to its proficient noise-handling capabilities paired with reduced power consumption. Furthermore, its adaptability across various experimental conditions amplifies its versatility. Empirical tests underscored its low power requisites and compactness, emphasizing practical utility of the detection scheme in the neural microsystems. Collectively, our results mark a significant progression in wireless cerebral signal recording methodologies, paving the way for optimized wireless brain-machine interface (BMI) systems.
Transfer learning (TL) has been widely used in electroencephalogram (EEG)-based brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) for reducing calibration efforts. However, backdoor attacks could be introduced through TL. In such attacks, an attacker embeds a backdoor with a specific pattern into the machine learning model. As a result, the model will misclassify a test sample with the backdoor trigger into a prespecified class while still maintaining good performance on benign samples. Accordingly, this study explores backdoor attacks in the TL of EEG-based BCIs, where source-domain data are poisoned by a backdoor trigger and then used in TL. We propose several active poisoning approaches to select source-domain samples, which are most effective in embedding the backdoor pattern, to improve the attack success rate and efficiency. Experiments on four EEG datasets and three deep learning models demonstrate the effectiveness of the approaches. To our knowledge, this is the first study about backdoor attacks on TL models in EEG-based BCIs. It exposes a serious security risk in BCIs, which should be immediately addressed.
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Ultra-compact wireless implantable medical devices are in great demand for healthcare applications, in particular for neural recording and stimulation. Current implantable technologies based on miniaturized micro-coils suffer from low wireless power transfer efficiency (PTE) and are not always compliant with the specific absorption rate imposed by the Federal Communications Commission. Moreover, current implantable devices are reliant on differential recording of voltage or current across space and require direct contact between electrode and tissue. Here, we show an ultra-compact dual-band smart nanoelectromechanical systems magnetoelectric (ME) antenna with a size of 250 × 174 µm2 that can efficiently perform wireless energy harvesting and sense ultra-small magnetic fields. The proposed ME antenna has a wireless PTE 1–2 orders of magnitude higher than any other reported miniaturized micro-coil, allowing the wireless IMDs to be compliant with the SAR limit. Furthermore, the antenna’s magnetic field detectivity of 300–500 pT allows the IMDs to record neural magnetic fields. Wireless implantable medical devices (IMDs) are hamstrung by both size and efficiency required for wireless power transfer. Here, Zaeimbashi et al. present a magnetoelectric nano-electromechanical systems that can harvest energy and sense weak magnetic fields like those arising from neural activity.
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Brain–computer interfaces (BCIs) can restore communication to people who have lost the ability to move or speak. So far, a major focus of BCI research has been on restoring gross motor skills, such as reaching and grasping1,2,3,4,5 or point-and-click typing with a computer cursor6,7. However, rapid sequences of highly dexterous behaviours, such as handwriting or touch typing, might enable faster rates of communication. Here we developed an intracortical BCI that decodes attempted handwriting movements from neural activity in the motor cortex and translates it to text in real time, using a recurrent neural network decoding approach. With this BCI, our study participant, whose hand was paralysed from spinal cord injury, achieved typing speeds of 90 characters per minute with 94.1% raw accuracy online, and greater than 99% accuracy offline with a general-purpose autocorrect. To our knowledge, these typing speeds exceed those reported for any other BCI, and are comparable to typical smartphone typing speeds of individuals in the age group of our participant (115 characters per minute)⁸. Finally, theoretical considerations explain why temporally complex movements, such as handwriting, may be fundamentally easier to decode than point-to-point movements. Our results open a new approach for BCIs and demonstrate the feasibility of accurately decoding rapid, dexterous movements years after paralysis.
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Objective: Individuals with neurological disease or injury such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, spinal cord injury or stroke may become tetraplegic, unable to speak or even locked-in. For people with these conditions, current assistive technologies are often ineffective. Brain-computer interfaces are being developed to enhance independence and restore communication in the absence of physical movement. Over the past decade, individuals with tetraplegia have achieved rapid on-screen typing and point-and-click control of tablet apps using intracortical brain-computer interfaces (iBCIs) that decode intended arm and hand movements from neural signals recorded by implanted microelectrode arrays. However, cables used to convey neural signals from the brain tether participants to amplifiers and decoding computers and require expert oversight, severely limiting when and where iBCIs could be available for use. Here, we demonstrate the first human use of a wireless broadband iBCI. Methods: Based on a prototype system previously used in pre-clinical research, we replaced the external cables of a 192-electrode iBCI with wireless transmitters and achieved high-resolution recording and decoding of broadband field potentials and spiking activity from people with paralysis. Two participants in an ongoing pilot clinical trial completed on-screen item selection tasks to assess iBCI-enabled cursor control. Results: Communication bitrates were equivalent between cabled and wireless configurations. Participants also used the wireless iBCI to control a standard commercial tablet computer to browse the web and use several mobile applications. Within-day comparison of cabled and wireless interfaces evaluated bit error rate, packet loss, and the recovery of spike rates and spike waveforms from the recorded neural signals. In a representative use case, the wireless system recorded intracortical signals from two arrays in one participant continuously through a 24-hour period at home. Significance: Wireless multi-electrode recording of broadband neural signals over extended periods introduces a valuable tool for human neuroscience research and is an important step toward practical deployment of iBCI technology for independent use by individuals with paralysis. On-demand access to high-performance iBCI technology in the home promises to enhance independence and restore communication and mobility for individuals with severe motor impairment.
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The adoption of neural interfacing into neurological diagnosis is severely hampered by the complex, costly, and error‐prone manufacturing methods, requiring new fabrication processes and materials for flexible neural interfacing. Here a strategy for fabricating highly stretchable neural electrode arrays based on screen printing of liquid metal conductors onto polydimethylsiloxane substrates is presented. The screen‐printed electrode arrays show a resolution of 50 µm, which is ideally applicable to neural interfaces. The integration of liquid metal–polymer conductor enables the neural electrode arrays to retain stable electrical properties and compliant mechanical performance under a significant (≈108%) strain. Taking advantage of its high biocompatibility, liquid metal electrode arrays exhibit excellent performance for neurite growth and long‐term implantation. The stretchable electrode arrays can spontaneously conformally come in touch with the brain surface, and high‐throughput electrocorticogram signals are recorded. Based on stretchable electrode arrays, real‐time monitoring of epileptiform activities can be provided at different states of seizure. The method reported here offers a new fabrication strategy to manufacture stretchable neural electrodes, with additional potential utility in diagnostic brain–machine interfaces.
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Intraoperative electrocorticography (ECoG) captures neural information from the surface of the cerebral cortex during surgeries such as resections for intractable epilepsy and tumors. Current clinical ECoG grids come in evenly spaced, millimeter‐sized electrodes embedded in silicone rubber. Their mechanical rigidity and fixed electrode spatial resolution are common shortcomings reported by the surgical teams. Here, advances in soft neurotechnology are leveraged to manufacture conformable subdural, thin‐film ECoG grids, and evaluate their suitability for translational research. Soft grids with 0.2 to 10 mm electrode pitch and diameter are embedded in 150 µm silicone membranes. The soft grids are compatible with surgical handling and can be folded to safely interface hidden cerebral surface such as the Sylvian fold in human cadaveric models. It is found that the thin‐film conductor grids do not generate diagnostic‐impeding imaging artefacts (<1 mm) nor adverse local heating within a standard 3T clinical magnetic resonance imaging scanner. Next, the ability of the soft grids to record subdural neural activity in minipigs acutely and two weeks postimplantation is validated. Taken together, these results suggest a promising future alternative to current stiff electrodes and may enable the future adoption of soft ECoG grids in translational research and ultimately in clinical settings.
Background Technology to restore the ability to communicate in paralyzed persons who cannot speak has the potential to improve autonomy and quality of life. An approach that decodes words and sentences directly from the cerebral cortical activity of such patients may represent an advancement over existing methods for assisted communication. Methods Download a PDF of the Research Summary. We implanted a subdural, high-density, multielectrode array over the area of the sensorimotor cortex that controls speech in a person with anarthria (the loss of the ability to articulate speech) and spastic quadriparesis caused by a brain-stem stroke. Over the course of 48 sessions, we recorded 22 hours of cortical activity while the participant attempted to say individual words from a vocabulary set of 50 words. We used deep-learning algorithms to create computational models for the detection and classification of words from patterns in the recorded cortical activity. We applied these computational models, as well as a natural-language model that yielded next-word probabilities given the preceding words in a sequence, to decode full sentences as the participant attempted to say them. Results We decoded sentences from the participant’s cortical activity in real time at a median rate of 15.2 words per minute, with a median word error rate of 25.6%. In post hoc analyses, we detected 98% of the attempts by the participant to produce individual words, and we classified words with 47.1% accuracy using cortical signals that were stable throughout the 81-week study period. Conclusions In a person with anarthria and spastic quadriparesis caused by a brain-stem stroke, words and sentences were decoded directly from cortical activity during attempted speech with the use of deep-learning models and a natural-language model. (Funded by Facebook and others; number, NCT03698149.) QUICK TAKE VIDEO SUMMARY Decoding Speech in a Paralyzed Person with Anarthria 02:45
We report a miniaturized, minimally invasive high-density neural recording interface that occupies only a 1.53 mm <sup xmlns:mml="" xmlns:xlink="">2</sup> footprint for hybrid integration of a flexible probe and a 256-channel integrated circuit chip. To achieve such a compact form factor, we developed a custom flip-chip bonding technique using anisotropic conductive film and analog circuit-under-pad in a tiny pitch of 75 μm. To enhance signal-to-noise ratios, we applied a reference-replica topology that can provide the matched input impedance for signal and reference paths in low-noise aimpliers (LNAs). The analog front-end (AFE) consists of LNAs, buffers, programmable gain amplifiers, 10b ADCs, a reference generator, a digital controller, and serial-peripheral interfaces (SPIs). The AFE consumes 51.92 μW from 1.2 V and 1.8 V supplies in an area of 0.0161 mm <sup xmlns:mml="" xmlns:xlink="">2</sup> per channel, implemented in a 180 nm CMOS process. The AFE shows > 60 dB mid-band CMRR, 6.32 μV <sub xmlns:mml="" xmlns:xlink="">rms</sub> input-referred noise from 0.5 Hz to 10 kHz, and 48 MΩ input impedance at 1 kHz. The fabricated AFE chip was directly flip-chip bonded with a 256-channel flexible polyimide neural probe and assembled in a tiny head-stage PCB. Full functionalities of the fabricated 256-channel interface were validated in both in vitro and in vivo experiments, demonstrating the presented hybrid neural recording interface is suitable for various neuroscience studies in the quest of large scale, miniaturized recording systems.
A boost for brain–computer interfaces The finely controlled movement of our limbs requires two-way neuronal communication between the brain and the body periphery. This includes afferent information from muscles, joints, and skin, as well as visual feedback to plan, initiate, and execute motor output. In tetraplegia, this neural communication is interrupted in both directions at the level of the spinal cord. Brain–computer interfaces have been developed to produce voluntary motor output controlled by directly recording from brain activity. Flesher et al. added an afferent channel to the brain–computer interface to mimic sensory input from the skin of a hand (see the Perspective by Faisal). The improvements achieved by adding the afferent input were substantial in a battery of motor tasks tested in a human subject. Science , abd0380, this issue p. 831 ; see also abi7262, p. 791
Arrays of floating neural sensors with high channel count that cover an area of square centimeters and larger would be transformative for neural engineering and brain-machine interfaces. Meeting the power and wireless data communications requirements within the size constraints for each neural sensor has been elusive due to the need to incorporate sensing, computing, communications, and power functionality in a package of approximately 100 micrometers on a side. In this work, we demonstrate a near infrared optical power and data communication link for a neural recording system that satisfies size requirements to achieve dense arrays and power requirements to prevent tissue heating. The optical link is demonstrated using an integrated optoelectronic device consisting of a tandem photovoltaic cell and microscale light emitting diode. End-to-end functionality of a wireless neural link within system constraints is demonstrated using a pre-recorded neural signal between a self-powered CMOS integrated circuit and single photon avalanche photodiode.
Recording many neurons for a long time The ultimate aim of chronic recordings is to sample from the same neuron over days and weeks. However, this goal has been difficult to achieve for large populations of neurons. Steinmetz et al. describe the development and testing of Neuropixels 2.0. This new electrophysiological recording tool is a miniaturized, high-density probe for both acute and long-term experiments combined with sophisticated software algorithms for fully automatic post hoc computational stabilization. The technique also provides a strategy for extending the number of recorded sites beyond the number of available recording channels. In freely moving animals, extremely large numbers of individual neurons could thus be followed and tracked with the same probe for weeks and occasionally months. Science , this issue p. eabf4588