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Cluster head selection algorithm in vehicular Ad Hoc networks

Cluster Head Selection Algorithm in Vehicular Ad
Hoc Networks
Laboratory of information processing
Hassan II Casablanca University
Casablanca, Morocco,,
Laboratory of Information Technology and Modeling
Hassan II Casablanca University
Casablanca, Morocco
AbstractIntelligent Transportation Systems (ITS)
applications were first deployed in Vehicular Ad-Hoc Network
VANET. The main goal of these applications is to provide
vehicles in the network, and they are useful information about
the state of road traffic. Moreover, they are numerous articles
have been published with improvements ITS. VANET must be
capable to communicate in any environment irrespective of
traffic densities and vehicle locations. The application of
clustering algorithm is effective in VANET because algorithm
makes it more robust and scalable network. However, due to the
high mobility of nodes, it is difficult to obtain stable clusters.
Consequently, many packets are dropped and the overhead due
to route repairs or failure notifications increases significantly,
leading to low delivery ratios and high transmission delays. In
this work, we propose a model that calculates the value of stable
nodes, we use YATES algorithm. This mechanism is designed to
overcome the stability of cluster.
KeywordsVANET; YATES algorithm; clustering; stability
VANET was developed when it became possible to connect
several mobile vehicles without relying on pre-existing
communication infrastructures. These networks have currently
become the subject of increased attention from manufacturers
and researchers, due to their potential for improving road
safety and offering assistance to drivers. In recent years, the
inter-vehicle communication has attracted many researchers in
the world. The vehicle-to- vehicle communication (V2V) [1]
enables new services for vehicles and creates many
opportunities for improving road safety. Vehicles networks
have characteristics that are often in the form of multi-hop
network similar to those of mobile ad-hoc network MANET.
Network topology changes frequently due to the high mobility
of nodes. Numerous articles have been published with new
proposals solution that improves existing methods, algorithm,
simulation results etc. VANET use the RSU, or wireless that
improves the ubiquitous communication services across the
moving vehicles.
Cluster-based approaches have been applied in VANETs
because the clusters reduce the overhead and delay. They also
solve the scalability problem, provide efficient resource
consumption and load balance in large scale networks [2].
The clustering algorithm creates a hierarchy in the network.
The communication can be divided into cluster member to
cluster-head and cluster-head to cluster-head communications.
Each cluster has at least one cluster-head (CH) that is selected
or elected by other cluster nodes (CN). Cluster size varies from
one cluster to another and is mostly dependent on the
transmission range of the wireless communication device that a
node uses [3].
Cluster stability is an important goal that clustering
algorithms which try to achieve and to be considered as a
measure of performance of a clustering algorithm. In this paper
we propose a model which seeks to determine the value of
stability of nodes from the distance, probability, and the
difference in speed parameters using the Yates algorithm [4].
The proposed model possesses a better cluster stability where
stability is defined by long CH duration, long cluster member
duration, and low rate of CH change.
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows.
Section 2 discusses related works on routing protocols for
VANETs. Yates’ algorithm is presented in section 3. Section 4
presents the proposed approach. Finally, sections 5 conclude
the paper with a summary of the presented approach and
discuss our future work.
Several works are reported in the literature that deals with
ad hoc networks and their applicability in VANETs. Clustering
is a process of grouping nodes according to some rules. These
rules differ from one algorithm to another and are the key
factors to build stable clusters. Cluster stability can be defined
in different ways [5]:
The work given in [6] proposes a new VANET cluster
formation algorithm that tends to group vehicles showing
similar mobility patterns in one cluster. This algorithm takes
into account the speed difference among vehicles as well as the
position and the direction during the cluster formation process.
The degree of the speed difference between adjacent vehicles is
the key criterion for the construction of the structure relatively
978-1-4673-8149-9/15/$31.00 ©2015 IEEE
stable combination. The algorithm increases the cluster lifetime
and reduces vehicle transitions between clusters.
Algorithm VWCA [7] optimizes the CH election procedure
so that a more stable network can be obtained. Small clusters
may decrease the stability of network because there-affiliation
of network increases. They use distrust value, number of
neighbors based on dynamic transmission range and direction
of vehicles in weighted clustering. The VWCA algorithm has
five steps to choose it’s required. The VWCA technique
mainly focuses on improving the CH duration, member ship
duration and security. Entropy is used for determining the
stability of the entire vehicle. VWCA can reduce the number of
overheads created by high speed vehicles and increase network
connectivity when electing CH.
The so-called Aggregate Local Mobility [8] measure the
criterion triggering cluster re-organization. It incorporates a
contentionbased scheme to prevent over-eager re-organization
of clusters when two CH accidentally get in each other’s range
for a short period of time. The node’s decision regarding its
status change is based on its perception of the aggregate local
mobility (ALM). The CH with the lower ALM maintains its
state, while the other changes it. Another difference is to
prevent a regular member (an MN node) from immediately
changing its status to CH when it stops receiving beacons from
its last CH and there is no other CH in the neighborhood. When
something like that happens, the MN node will first go to the
UN state. This change postpones the creation of a new CH,
which could trigger unnecessary re-clustering, and also gives
time to the MN node to detect another CH that it can subscribe
to. In this paper [9] present a hybrid cooperative traffic
information system to provide traffic data to drivers and other
suppliants. The hybrid approach is a scalable mechanism that
makes efficient use of the number of equipped vehicles moving
in a road segment to optimally estimate the total traffic density.
He provided a new clustering method, a cluster chaining
technique, and also a traffic generalization method.
Another approach [10] presents a distributed mobility-
based clustering algorithm for VANETs called APROVE. The
algorithm finds clusters that minimize both the relative
mobility and the distance from each CH to its cluster members.
Each node in the network transmits the responsibility and
availability messages to its neighbors, and then makes a
decision on clustering independently. The objective of the
algorithm is to create a stable group, a long-term average
cluster member, long CH medium and low average cluster
variation. APROVE is robust to channel error, and it exhibits
reasonable overhead.
Protocols mentioned above do not solve the problems of
stability groups. We propose a model that calculates the value
of stability to organize the cluster network. The CH is elected
on the stability of model-based if its factor belongs to a subset
Yates’ algorithm [4] is a process used to compute the
estimates of main effects and of the interactions in a factorial
experiment. They consider a factorial experiment with j factors
which each one have two levels. This experiment isʹ.
The algorithm is presented in a table in which the first
column we find all the combinations of the levels of different
factors in a standard order. The second column contains the
observations of all the combinations. Before performing the
Yates algorithm, the data should be arranged in "Yates order".
Given j factors, the jth column consists of ʹ௝ିଵ minus signs
(i.e., the low level of the factor) followed by ʹ௝ି plus signs
(i.e., the high level of the factor) [11].
A. Position of the problem.
Multiple linear regressions are a method of analysis of
quantitative data. To highlight the link may exist between a
variable called Y explained it is intended, and many other
variables X1, X2..., Xk called explanatory. We are interested in
this article said linear models, that is to say the models of the
type (1):
Y =D0 +D1X1 + D2X2 + ... +DkXk + H
In which D0, D1, D2,..., Dk: are random variables and His a
random variable taking the name of the error factor.
B. The matrix of experience: Yates’ algorithm
For k variables, the matrix of experience has k columns
and ʹ lines. More generally:
x All columns start with -1.
x The -1 and +1 every ʹ௞ିଵ line to the jth column.
The estimated coefficient of the model is given by (2):
ܻܺ (2)
Each estimate of the model coefficient is equal to the
algebraic sum of the experimental responses Y affected signs
of the column of the matrix X corresponding to X factor
divided by the number of experiments.
Cluster stability can be defined in different ways, our
approach calculates the value of stability from the distance,
difference in speed and probability parameters. CH is chosen
with great value stability.
We assume that all vehicles are equipped both with a
positioning system GPS or Navigation System (NS) through
which each one can acquire information about its current
location. And an IEEE 802.11p compliant radio transceiver
through which it can communicate with the other vehicles [8].
Our algorithm works in a distributed manner, in which each
node can run the clustering algorithm. When a vehicle wants to
find a CH, it sends a message "Request" to all its neighbors if it
does not receive a response, it starts the group formation
process. Vehicles moving in the same direction are grouped in
the same cluster.
Each vehicle send the Hello message to its node group, the
message contains: ID, the speed V, and position. Thereafter, it
puts the parameters in an array of neighborhood and
x The distance between the vehicle N itself and its
neighbor Z:
With (x, y) is the location of the node.
x The difference in speed between the vehicle N itself
and its neighbor V [2]:
οܸேǡ௓ ൌȁܸെܸȁሺͶሻ
x The Probability to be a cluster-head:
ܲܧʹכ݀݁݊ݏ݅ݐݕ݋݂ݐ݄݁݊݋ܸ݀݁ (5) [12]
With E is the energy consumption of the node for
transmitting / receiving [12] a packet and V speed.
With ܧ௖௢௡ is the energy consumption of the wireless send-
receive circuit [12].
x The stability ܵேǡ௓ factor must be calculated for all
neighbor vehicles Z in the transmission range:
ܵேǡ௓ ൌߙ൅ߙכܦேǡ௓ ൅ߙכοܸேǡ௓ ൅ߙכܲ൅ߙכܦேǡ௓
൅ߙכܦேǡ௓ כܲכοܸேǡߝሺ͹ሻ
Ƚ,Ƚ,Ƚ, Ƚ, Ƚ, Ƚ, Ƚ, Ƚare called real coefficients of
the model.
ߙอൌሺܺǤܺିଵǤሺܵǤܺ (8)
Where S the observed output and X is the effects of matrix.
Constraints of the experiment used to vary each of the three
factors (the distance D, the difference in speed between the
nodes V and probability) in the following ranges:
low level : -1
high level:+1
We are interested in a plan ʹ. The matrix X has 4
columns and ʹlines. It alternates between -1
and +1 all lines in the second column, both lines to
the third column, all four lines for the fourth, etc.
x The factor of stability S:
All vehicles exchanged values of stability (9) with vehicles
in its cluster. CH is the vehicle with the maximum value of
stability. ܵൌσܵேǡ௓ሺͻሻ
Clustering routing protocols are suitable for VANET.
These protocols are not limited by a fixed infrastructure. It can
be deployed in a wireless environment. The clustering
algorithm integrates the centralized management approach
stable cluster and data transmission.
This study justifies the possibility of applying the YATES
algorithm as a promising solution for the development of the
routing system. In this paper, we proposed a clustering
algorithm that calculates the stability of each node by using
distance, difference in speed and probability parameters. The
proposed algorithm can meet the needs of existing clustering
routing protocols in terms of creating stable canals between
different nodes.
The work proposed in this paper is part of a broader
approach in which our clustering algorithm is based on our
[1] Tsukamoto, Kazuya, et al. "Implementation and Performance Evaluation
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... These vehicular communication configurations rely heavily on acquisition of accurate and up-to-date kinematic data of both the vehicles and the surrounding environment with the aid of positioning systems and intelligent wireless communication protocols and access technologies for reliable, efficient and timely information exchange. Considering the network environment of VANETs with unreliable, shared communication medium and limited bandwidth [18], smart cross-layer communication protocols are required to guarantee reliable and efficient delivery of data packets to all vehicles and infrastructures (RSUs) within the vehicles radio signal transmission coverage. [11]. ...
... To address high mobility and speed variation of nodes, they give the node with high estimated travel time and low speed deviation a high chance to become a cluster head. [18] In this work, authors propose a model that calculates the value of stable nodes, they use YATES algorithm. This mechanism is designed to overcome the stability of cluster. ...
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In the recent years, Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks (VANETs) have taken a lot of researchers' attention because it is used in many safety and commercial applications such as safety message dissemination, collision detection, providing comfortable passengers services and traffic control. A vehicular network consists of vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) and vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) communications supported by wireless access technologies such as IEEE 802.11p. This innovation in wireless communication has been envisaged to improve road safety and motor traffic efficiency in near future through the development of intelligent transportation system (ITS). At the network layer, the main issue is to invent the energy efficient and reliable routing, to transmit data from source to destination, for maximization of lifetime of the network. In this paper we presents the review in the vehicular ad-hoc network for quality of services such as, communication, delay, packet delivery ration, transmission error etc., also focus on the challenges and issues in the recent trends in vehicular ad-hoc network and discuss the above to resolve in future.
... Therefore, the end-to-end delay increases when the transmission rates, the number of vehicles, and the average speed increase. Marzak et al. [33] have proposed a clustering algorithm based on the calculation that a stable node can be a cluster head when considering the metrics of vehicle speed, distance, and probability parameters. A node with a higher value of stability will be selected as a cluster head. ...
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The topological structure in vehicular communication networks presents challenges for sustaining network connectivity on the road. Highway dynamics, for example, encourage the need for an adaptive and flexible structure to handle the rapid events of vehicles joining and leaving the road. Such demand aligns with the advancement made in software-defined networks and related dynamic network re-orchestration. This paper discusses the development of a virtual model that represents the operation of an autonomous vehicular network. It also investigates the ability to re-orchestrate the topology through software definition while running the various operational phases. Network self-formation, network expansion, retraction via vehicular members joining and leaving, and network self-healing when a topological rupture occurs as a result of a key member leaving the network are the key grouping phases. The communication approach is analyzed based on the status of network members and their ability to assume the various network roles. The concept is tested using both a Contiki–Cooja network simulator and a MATLAB analytical modeling tool to reflect the operation and performance of the grouping approach under various road scenarios. The outcome of the analysis reflects the ability of the group to be formulated within a measured latency considering the various network parameters such as communication message rate. The approach offers tools for managing the dynamic connectivity of vehicular groups and may also be extended to assume the function of an on-road network digital twin during the lifetime of a given group.
... Similarly, Marzak et al. leveraged the YATES algorithm to calculate the stability of the node to be a cluster head by taking vehicle speed, distance, and probability values [76]. It calculates the stability of every node in the cluster. ...
Vehicular networks are on the verge of deployment, thanks to the advancements in computation and communication technologies. This breed of ad hoc networks leverages vehicles as nodes with Vehicle-to-anything (V2X) communication paradigm. Clustering is considered one of the most important techniques used to enhance network stability, reliability, and scalability. Furthermore, clustering employs bandwidth optimization by reducing the overhead and transmission delay and helps in mitigating the hidden node problem. To date, extensive research has been done to address clustering issues in vehicular networks, and several surveys have also been published in the literature. However, a holistic approach towards clustering in vehicular networks is still lacking. In this regard, we conduct a comprehensive survey on the recent advancements in the clustering schemes for vehicular networks. We take a holistic approach to classify the algorithms by focusing on, (i) the objective of clustering mechanisms (i.e., reliability, scalability, stability, routing overhead, and delay), (ii) general-purpose clustering algorithms, (iii) application-based (i.e., QoS, MAC, security, etc.) clustering, and iv) technology-based clustering (machine learning-based, nature-inspired, fuzzy logic-based and software-defined networking-based clustering). We investigate the existing clustering mechanisms keeping in mind the factors such as cluster formation, maintenance, and management. Additionally, we present a comprehensive set of parameters for selecting cluster heads and the role of enabling technologies for cluster maintenance. Finally, we identify future research trends in clustering techniques for vehicular networks and their various breeds. This survey will act as a one-stop shop for the researchers, practitioners, and system designers to select the right clustering mechanism for their applications, services, or for their research. As a result of this survey, we can see that clustering is heavily dependent on the underlying application, context, environment, and communication paradigm. Furthermore, clustering in vehicular networks can greatly benefit from enabling technologies such as artificial intelligence.
This book constitutes the proceedings of the First International Conference, AI4S 2023, held in Pune, India, during September 4-5, 2023. The 14 full papers and the 2 short papers included in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 72 submissions. This volume aims to open discussion on trustworthy AI and related topics, trying to bring the most up to date developments around the world from researchers and practitioners.
Conference Paper
Currently climate change poses a significant challenge to us, both now and as we head into the future. Several individuals endeavour to adopt more sustainable lifestyles, ensuring that our daily choices do not have adverse impact on our planet. Under the umbrella of sustainability, food stands out as an area of specific emphasis, specifically regarding the environmental aspects of our selected diet and the ways we can make decisions that reduce the negative impacts. It is challenging to figure out how to effectively model the environmental impact of food production in a way that is useful to food manufacturers, consumers, and other individuals concerned about sustainability. To tackle this challenge, an ontology and a knowledge graph have been developed to assess the CO2 emissions generated throughout the several stages of food manufacturing and distribution. This comprehensive approach leads as a significant indicator of environmental impact, explores potential alternatives, and provides a comparison of CO2 emissions. Our work focuses specifically on assessing the environmental consequences of food production, primarily through the measurement of CO2 emissions. We consider key factors such as animal feeding, land usage, and transportation within this scope. The data to test our approach is coming from various open-source datasets such as the Food Emissions Dataset, Nutrition Facts Dataset, etc. Several use-cases have been simulated to validate the usability and efficiency of the work.
Conference Paper
VANETs allow cars to interact with each other and infrastructure, improving road safety and traffic efficiency. However, safe and effective vehicle-road infrastructure data exchange is a major obstacle to VANET implementation. VANET data exchange methods are vulnerable to cyberattacks and lack identity verification. This study uses biometrics and blockchain to solve VANET data sharing problems. The system creates a unique and tamper-resistant identity using biometric data from the vehicle's driver or authorized workers. A blockchain-based distributed ledger anchors this identification, assuring data transaction immutability and transparency. Algorithm creation and analysis need numerous phases. First, a secure biometric recognition system is constructed. Next, a permissioned blockchain framework creates a decentralized network for allowed data sharing. Consensus techniques preserve data integrity and protect sensitive information in the proposed blockchain. Extensive simulations and real-world trials assess the algorithm's efficiency and efficacy. Data sharing speed, transaction throughput, and security are compared to typical VANET data sharing methods. The biometric blockchain algorithm excels in data privacy, authentication speed, and cyber-attack resistance. This study has major implications for real-world VANET implementation. Biometric authentication and blockchain technologies improve data security and enable reliable and efficient vehicle-infrastructure connections. This study helps intelligent transportation systems become safer and smarter by addressing data integrity and identity verification issues.
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In this work, we will study the 1D transport of contaminants in a saturated porous medium which can be presented by different phenomena, such as advection, diffusion, and reaction. The system of the three equations linked together is considered a difficult system to solve since each equation has its stability and convergence condition. Therefore, our objective is to develop a new strategy that will allow us to solve this kind of problem and obtain more effective results, to compare the two procedures of this approach method and specify the best procedure for modeling this type of system. The method utilized here is the operator splitting method, which is a good method to solve these kinds of complicated models. The main idea behind this strategy is to split down a complex problem into smaller subsystems, known as division sub-problems, and solve each one individually using the appropriate numerical method. The effects of operator splitting methods on the solution of advection-diffusion-reaction are examined, within the context of this works two operator splitting methods, Lie-Trotter and Strang-Marchuk splitting methods were used and comparisons were made through various decomposition rate. Obtained results were compared with analytical solutions to the problems and available methods in the literature. It is seen that the Lie-Trotter splitting method has lower error norm values than the Strang-Marchuk splitting method. But, the Lie-Trotter splitting method produces accurate results for very small values of the numerical result for an application concerning the transport of a contaminant will be presented to enhance the value of our results, and prove the efficiency of the LTM (Lie-Trotter Method).
In VANET networks, the clustering protocol consists of dividing the network into a set of geographically close nodes. It presents an interesting solution to optimize and simplify network services and functions. Notably, it allows the protocol to operate more efficiently by minimizing control traffic and simplifying the data orientation process. In this paper, we will propose a clustering protocol. This protocol is a generalization of a k-hop artificial neural network (ANN) algorithm. The main contribution of the proposed algorithm is to improve the stability of the cluster topology when the network topology changes frequently while keeping the data routing reliability. To improve the reliability of the network, we use the reliability rate factor introduced in our proposal.
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Due to vehicles high mobility, there have been many clustering-based MAC protocols proposed to control Vehicular Ad hoc Network topology more effectively. Cluster head (CH) selection and cluster formation is of paramount importance in a highly dynamic environment such as VANETs. In this paper, we propose a novel cluster head selection criteria where cluster heads are selected based on their relative speed and distance from vehicles within their neighborhood. The maintenance phase in the proposed algorithm is adaptable to drivers' behavior on the road and has a learning mechanism for predicting the future speed and position of all cluster members using fuzzy logic inference system. The simulation results show that the proposed algorithm has a high average cluster head lifetime and more stable cluster topology with less communication and coordination between cluster members compared to other schemes.
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Clustering in vehicular ad hoc networks (VANET) is one of the control schemes used to make VANET global topology less dynamic. Many of the VANET clustering algorithms are derived from mobile ad hoc networks (MANET). However, VANET nodes are characterized by their high mobility, and the existence of VANET nodes in the same geographic proximity does not mean that they exhibit the same mobility patterns. Therefore, VANET clustering schemes should take into consideration the degree of the speed difference among neighboring nodes to produce relatively stable clustering structure. In this paper, we introduce a new clustering technique suitable for the VANET environment on highways with the aim of enhancing the stability of the network topology. This technique takes the speed difference as a parameter to create relatively stable cluster structure. We also developed a new multi-metric algorithm for cluster-head elections. A simulation was conducted to evaluate our method and compare it with the most commonly used clustering methods. The simulation results show that our technique provides more stable cluster structure on the locale scale which results in a more stable network structure on the global scale. The proposed technique reduces the average number of clusters changed per vehicle by 34-46%, and increases the average cluster lifetime by 20-48% compared to the existing techniques.
This paper presents design and experimental evaluation of a distributed autonomous multi-hop vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication system over TV white space performed in Japan. We propose the two-layer control channel model, which consists of the Zone Aware Control Channel (ZACC) and the Swarm Aware Control Channel (SACC), to establish the multi-hop network. Several vehicles construct a swarm using location information shared through ZACC, and share route and channel information, and available white space information through SACC. To evaluate the system we carried out field experiments with swarm made of three vehicles in a convoy. The vehicles observe channel occupancy via energy detection and agree on the control and the data channels autonomously. For coarse synchronization of quiet periods for sensing we use GPS driven oscillators, and introduce a time margin to accommodate for remaining drift. When a primary user is detected in any of the borrowed channels, the vehicles switch to a vacant channel without disrupting the ongoing multi-hop communication. We present the experimental results in terms of the time to establish control channel, channel switching time, delivery ratio of control message exchange, and throughput. As a result, we showed that our implementation can provide efficient and stable multi-hop V2V communication by using dynamic spectrum access (DSA) techniques.
The Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) consists of a large number of sensor nodes that are limited in energy, processing power and storage. The energy of nodes is the most important consideration among them because the lifetime of Wireless Sensor Networks is limited by the energy of the nodes. LEACH is one of the most famous clustering mechanisms; it elects a cluster head (CH) based on a probability model. This paper improves LEACH protocol using Fuzzy Logic (LEACH-FL), which takes battery level, distance and node density into consideration. The proposed method has been proved making a better selection by comparison simulations using Matlab.
The Concise Encyclopedia of Statistics presents the essential information about statistical tests, concepts, and analytical methods in language that is accessible to practitioners and students of the vast community using statistics in medicine, engineering, physical science, life science, social science, and business/economics.
Conference Paper
In the past few years we are witnessing increased interest in the research of inter-vehicle communications. Due to vehicle specific movement patterns new algorithms and solutions have to be developed. Clustering is a technique for grouping nodes in geographical vicinity together, making the network more robust and scalable. This article presents an overview of proposed clustering algorithms for use in vehicular ad-hoc network (VANET). We survey different clustering algorithms and highlight their objectives, features, specialties and possible limitations. Varieties of different approaches have been observed whereby typically each one focuses on different performance metric. Diverse are also complexities of algorithms and the input data they use and relay on. With this article, readers can have a more thorough and delicate understanding of ad hoc clustering and the research trends in this area. The most promising solutions show the significance of reused concepts from the field of social network analysis.
The need for an effective clustering algorithm for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (VANETs) is motivated by the recent research in cluster-based MAC and routing schemes. VANETs are highly dynamic and have harsh channel conditions, thus a suitable clustering algorithm must be robust to channel error and must consider node mobility during cluster formation. This work presents a novel, mobility-based clustering scheme for Vehicular Ad hoc Networks, which forms clusters using the Affinity Propagation algorithm in a distributed manner. This proposed algorithm considers node mobility during cluster formation and produces clusters with high stability. Cluster performance was measured in terms of average clusterhead duration, average cluster member duration, average rate of clusterhead change, and average number of clusters. The proposed algorithm is also robust to channel error and exhibits reasonable overhead. Simulation results confirm the superior performance, when compared to other mobility-based clustering techniques.
Vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs) are appropriate networks that can be used in intelligent transportation systems. Among challenges in VANET, scalability is a critical issue for a network designer. Clustering is one solution for the scalability problem and is vital for efficient resource consumption and load balancing in large scale networks. As our first algorithm, we propose a novel clustering algorithm, vehicular clustering based on the weighted clustering algorithm (VWCA) that takes into consideration the number of neighbors based on dynamic transmission range, the direction of vehicles, the entropy, and the distrust value parameters. These parameters can increase stability and connectivity and can reduce overhead in network. On the other hand, transmission range of a vehicle is important for forwarding and receiving messages. When a fixed transmission range mechanism is used in VANET, it is likely that vehicles are not located in the range of their neighbors. This is because of the high-rate topology changes and high variability in vehicles density. Thus, we propose an adaptive allocation of transmission range (AATR) technique as our second algorithm, where hello messages and density of traffic around vehicles are used to adaptively adjust the transmission range among them. Finally, we propose a monitoring of malicious vehicle (MMV) algorithm as our third algorithm to determine a distrust value for each vehicle used in the VWCA. The effectiveness of the proposed algorithms is illustrated in a highway scenario.