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A Research on Smart Transportation Using Sensors and Embedded Systems

  • VSB College of Engineering Technical Campus
  • st joseph college of engineering

Abstract and Figures

Intelligent transportation systems (ITS) are advanced applications which, without embodying intelligence as such, aim to provide innovative services relating to different modes of transport and traffic management and enable various users to be better informed and make safer, more coordinated, and 'smarter' use of transport networks. Highway travel is the lifeblood of modern industrial nations. The larger roads are sorely over burdened: around the major cities, heavy usage slows most peak-hour travel on freeways to less than 60 kilometers per hour. In all excessive traffic causes more than five billion hours delay every year; it wastes countless gallons of fuel and needless multiplies exhaust emission. The main goal of this paper is to make the experience of driving less burdensome and accident less, especially on long trips. This can be achieved by making the highway itself part of the driving experience and integrating roadside technologies that would allow the overburdened highway system to be used more efficiently. The automobile will have automatic throttle, braking and steering control.
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International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer Science & Technology (IJIRCST)
ISSN: 2347-5552, Volume-5, Issue-1, January 2017
DOI: 10.21276/ijircst.2017.5.1.5
Copyright © 2017. Innovative Research Publications. All Rights Reserve 198
Abstract Intelligent transportation systems (ITS) are
advanced applications which, without embodying intelligence
as such, aim to provide innovative services relating to different
modes of transport and traffic management and enable various
users to be better informed and make safer, more coordinated,
and 'smarter' use of transport networks. Highway travel is the
lifeblood of modern industrial nations. The larger roads are
sorely over burdened: around the major cities, heavy usage
slows most peak-hour travel on freeways to less than 60
kilometers per hour. In all excessive traffic causes more than
five billion hours delay every year; it wastes countless gallons
of fuel and needless multiplies exhaust emission. The main goal
of this paper is to make the experience of driving less
burdensome and accident less, especially on long trips. This
can be achieved by making the highway itself part of the
driving experience and integrating roadside technologies that
would allow the overburdened highway system to be used
more efficiently. The automobile will have automatic throttle,
braking and steering control.
Index Terms: Overburdened highway system, automatic
throttle, braking control, steering control.
Intelligent transport systems vary in technologies applied,
from basic management systems such as car navigation;
traffic signal control systems; container management
systems; variable message signs; automatic number plate
recognition or speed cameras to monitor applications, such
as security CCTV systems; and to more advanced
applications that integrate live data and feedback from a
number of other sources, such as parking guidance and
information systems; weather information; bridge de-icing
(US deicing) systems; and the like. Additionally, predictive
techniques are being developed to allow advanced
modelling and comparison with historical baseline data.
Some of these technologies are described in the following
sections. When the internal combustion engine, and later
the automobile, was first introduced to the public, no one
could have seen the extent to which they would influence
daily life. Today, with information age in full swing, it is still
hard to believe the way that computers and other
Manuscript received January 15, 2017.
Dr. S.R.BOSELIN PRABHU, Assistant Professor, Department of
Electronics and Communication Engineering, SVS College of
Engineering, Coimbatore, India. (E-mail:
N.BALAKUMAR, Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical and
Electronics Engineering,Tamilnadu College of Engineering, Coimbatore,
Tamilnadu, India. (E-mail:
A.JOHNSON ANTONY, Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical
and Electronics Engineering, Karpagam Institute of Technology,
Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India. (
information technology have permeated people’s lives and
seems only natural to expect information technologies to
enhance the way we view automobiles. People now take for
granted automotive systems like emission control and fuel
injection. Recent advances in vehicle electronics have led to
a move towards fewer, more capable computer processors
on a vehicle. A typical vehicle in the early 2000s would have
between 20 and 100 individual networked
microcontroller/Programmable logic controller modules
with non-real-time operating systems. The current trend is
toward fewer, more costly microprocessor modules with
hardware memory management and real-time operating
The new embedded system platforms allow for more
sophisticated software applications to be implemented,
including model-based process control, artificial
intelligence, and ubiquitous computing. Perhaps the most
important of these for Intelligent Transportation Systems is
artificial intelligence. In fact, many people do not realize
many systems inside their automobile are already monitored
and controlled by computers. Fuel delivery, ignition,
emission, air-conditioning, and automatic transmission
system are example of the systems used daily by a car that
are computer controlled or assisted. An articulation of
automated car is shown in figure 1.Now in the information
age, people have come to realize on the other driver
assistance technologies, such as mobile phones and
in-vehicle navigation systems.
Figure 1: Smart Transportation
The goal of these technologies is to make the experience
of driving fewer burdens, especially on long trip. Even when
cars were still young, future began to think about vehicles
that could dive themselves without human help. Perhaps the
best known of these conjectures was the “General Motor
Futurama” the hit of the 1939 New York World’s Fair [2].
During the following decades interest in automated vehicles
A Research on Smart Transportation Using
Sensors and Embedded Systems
A Research on Smart Transportation using Sensors and Embedded Systems
Copyright © 2017. Innovative Research Publications. All Rights Reserve 199
rose and fell several times. Now at the start of the new
century, its worth taking a fresh look at this concept and
asking how automation might change transportation and the
quality of our lives. Automating the process of driving is a
complex endeavor. Advancements in information
technology of the past decade have contributed greatly, and
research specifically devoted to the design of automated
highway system has many specific contributions. These
progresses make it possible for us to formulate operational
concepts and prove out the technologies that can implement
We can now readily visualize your trip on an automated
highway system. Imagine, leaving work at the end of the day
and needing to drive only as far as the nearest on-ramp to the
local automated highway. At on-ramp you press a button on
your dashboard to select the off-ramp close to your home
and then relax as your car’s electronic systems, in
cooperation with roadside electronics and similar systems
on other cars, guide your car smoothly, safely and
effortlessly towards your destination [3]. You save time by
maintaining full speed even at rush-hour traffic volumes. At
the end of the off-ramp you resume normal control and drive
the remaining distance to your home, better rested and less
stressed than if you had driven the entire way. The same
capability can also be used over longer distances, e.g. for
family vacations that leave everybody, including the
“DRIVER” relaxed and well-rested even after a lengthy trip
in adverse weather. Although many different technical
developments are necessary to turn this image into reality,
none requires exotic technologies, and all can be based on
systems and components that are already being actively
developed in the international motor vehicle industry. These
could be viewed as replacements for the diverse functions
that drives perform every day: observing the road, observing
the preceding vehicles, steering, acceleration, braking, and
deciding when and where to change course.
Cheap permanent magnets are buried at four-foot
intervals along the lane centerline and detected by
magnetometers mounted under the vehicle’s bumpers. The
magnetic-field measurements are decoded to determine the
lateral position and height of each bumper at accuracies of
less than a centimeter. In addition the magnet’s orientations
(either North Pole or South Pole up) represent a binary code
[4] (either 0 or 1), and indicate precise milepost location
along the road geometry features such as curvature and
grade. The software in the vehicle’s control computer uses
this information to determine the absolute position of the
vehicle, as well as to anticipate upcoming changes in the
roadway [6-15].
Other researchers have used computer vision system to
observe the road. These are vulnerable to weather problems
and provide less accurate measurements, but they do not
require special roadway installations, other than
well-maintained lane markings. Both automated highway
lanes and intelligent vehicles will require special sensors,
controllers and communications devices to coordinate
traffic flow. A national automated highway consortium is
depicted in figure 2.
Figure 2: Smart Cities of The Future
The distance and closing rates to preceding vehicles can
be measured by millimeter-wave radar or a laser rangefinder.
Both technologies [5] have already been implemented in
commercially available adaptive cruise control system in
Japan and Europe. The laser systems are currently less
expensive, but the radar systems are more effective at
detecting dirty vehicles and operating in adverse weather
conditions. As production volumes increase and unit costs
decrease, the radars are likely to find increasing favour.
The equivalents of these driver muscle functions are
electromechanical actuators installed in the automated
vehicle. They receive electronic commands from the
onboard control computer and then apply the appropriate
steering angle, throttle angle, and brake pressure by means
of small electric motors. A sketch of automated
communication is given in figure 3. Early versions of these
actuators are already being introduced into production
vehicles, where they receive their commands directly from
the driver’s inputs to the steering wheel and pedals. These
decisions are being made for reasons largely unrelated to
automation. Rather they are associated with reduced energy
consumption, simplification of vehicle design, enhanced
case of vehicle assembly, improved ability to adjust
performance to match driver preferences, and cost savings
compared to traditional direct mechanical control devices
Figure 3: MEMS sensor solutions
Computers in the vehicles and those at the roadside have
different functions. Roadside computers are better suited for
traffic management, setting the target speed for each
International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer Science & Technology (IJIRCST)
ISSN: 2347-5552, Volume-5, Issue-1, January 2017
DOI: 10.21276/ijircst.2017.5.1.5
Copyright © 2017. Innovative Research Publications. All Rights Reserve 200
segment and lane of roadway, and allocating vehicles to
different lanes of a multilane automated facility. The aim is
to maintain balanced flow among the lanes and to avoid
obstacles or incidents that might block a lane. The vehicle’s
onboard computers are better suited to handling decisions
about exactly when and where to change lanes to avoid
interference with other vehicles.
Some additional functions have no direct counterpart in
today’s driving. Most important, wireless communication
technology makes it counterparts in adjoining vehicles. This
capability enables vehicles to follow each other with high
accuracy and safety, even at very close spacing, and to
negotiate cooperative maneuvers such as lane changes to
increase system efficiency and safety. Any failure on a
vehicle can be instantly known to its neighbors, so that they
can respond appropriately to avoid possible collisions.
In addition there should be electronic ”check -in and
“check-out stations at the entry and exit points of the
automated lane, somewhat analogous to the toll booths on
close where you a ticket at the entrance and then pay a toll at
the exit ,based on how far you travel on the road at checking
station ,wireless communication between vehicles and road
side would verify that the vehicle is in proper operating
condition prior to its entry to the automated line .similarly,
the check out system would seek assurance of the drivers
readiness to resume control at the exit the traffic
management system for an automated highway would also
have broader scope than today’s traffic systems, because it
would select an optimal route for every vehicle in the
system ,continuously balancing travel demand the system
capacity ,and directing vehicles to follow those routes
precisely [25-29].
Most of the functions have already been implemented and
tested in experimental vehicles. All except for check-in,
check-out and traffic management were implemented in the
platoon-scenario demonstration vehicles of demo’97 .a
single116 megahertz Pentium computer handled all the
necessary in vehicle computation for sensing , control and
communications .
The technical challenges that remain to be mastered to be
involve software safety, fault detection, a malfunction
management. The state of the art of software design not
yet sufficiently advanced to support the development of
software that can be guaranteed to perform correctly in
safety–critical application has complex road vehicle
automation excellent performance of automated vehicle
control system has been proven under normal operating
conditions, in the absence of failures.
Elementary fault detection and mall function management
systems have already being implemented to address the most
frequently encounter fault conditions, for use by
well-trained test drivers. However, commercially
implemented will need to address all realistic scenarios and
provide safe responses even when the driver is a completely
untrained member of the general public.
Significant efforts are still needed to develop system
hardware and software designs that can satisfy these
The non-technical challenges involve issues of liability,
costs, and perception. Automated control of vehicles shifts
liability for most crashes from the individual driver (and his
or her insurance company) to the designer, developer and
vendor of the vehicle and roadway control systems.
Provided the system is indeed safer than today’s
driver-vehicle highway system, overall liability exposure
should be reduced. But its costs will be shifted from
automobile insurance premiums to the purchase or lease
price of the automated vehicle and toll for use of the
automated highway facility.
All new technologies tend to be costly when they become
available in small quantities, then their costs decline as
production volumes increase and the technologies nature.
We should expect vehicle automation technologies to follow
the same patter. They may initially be economically viable
only for heavy vehicles (transit buses, commercial trucks)
and high-end passenger cars. However, it should not take
long for the costs to become affordable to a wide range of
vehicle owners and operators, especially with many of the
enabling technologies already being commercialized for
volume production today .It is important to recognize that
automated vehicles are already carrying millions of
passengers every day. Most major airports have automated
people movers that transfer passengers among terminal
buildings. Urban transit lines in Paris, London, Vancouver,
Lyon and Lillie, among others, are operating with
completely automated, driverless vehicles; some have been
doing so for more than a decade. Modern commercial
aircraft operate on autopilot for much of the time, and they
also land under automatic control at suitably equipped
airports on a regular basis [28-36].
Given all of this experience in implementing
safety-critical automated transportation systems, it is not
such a large leap to develop road vehicles that can operate
under automatic control on their own segregated and
protected lane. That should be a realistic goal for the next
decade. The transportation system will thus gain substantial
benefits from the revolution in information technology.
The IR proximity detector uses same technology found in
a TV remote control device. The detector sends out
modulated infra-red light, and looks for reflected light
coming back. When enough light is received back to trigger
the detector circuit, the circuit produces a high on the output
line. Light in the form of a continuous string of bursts of
modulated square waves. Bursts alternate between left and
right LEDs. A microprocessor generates the bursts, and
correlates the receiver output to burst. The IRPD had used
Panasonic Pna4602M IR sensor coupled with two IR LEDs
to detect obstacles. The Panasonic module contains
integrated amplifiers, filters and limiter. The detector
responds to a modulated carrier to help eliminate
background noise associated with sunlight and certain
lighting fixtures. The LEDs are modulated by an adjustable
free running oscillator. The sensitivity of the sensor is
controlled by altering the drive current to LEDs. The
microcontroller alternatively enables the LEDs end checks
for a reflection. As provided from the microcontroller one
A Research on Smart Transportation using Sensors and Embedded Systems
Copyright © 2017. Innovative Research Publications. All Rights Reserve 201
for enabling the left IR LED the second for enabling the
righter LED. A third analog output from the IRPDKIT is
connected to an analog-to-digital convertor. The detector is
an infrared reflective sensor that can be attached to the front
of the car to follow a white line on a black background, or
vice versa.
There are three reflective sensors, which are made from
one piece of infrared LED and photo detector that are
directed at the surface bellow the vehicle. Each of the
sensors looks reflected IR light. When one of the sensors is
positioned over dark or black surface its output will be high.
The line detector works effectively when thickness ranged
between “1/4 to 3/4” the track can be white tape on a black
background or black tape on a white background. The
sensor can be at a maximum height of .5 inches above the
ground. The three IR-Detector pairs are depicted on the
right of the circuit diagram. The base of each of the
transistors is passed through an inverter. The lines from the
inverter are passed to microcontroller and to the LEDS
indicating the position of the detector on the road. As the
emitted light from the IR LED is reflected from the road
back to the transistor the current starts flowing through the
emitter making the base low. The base is connected to the
inverter which causes the line to go at its output. Since the
output lines are also connected to the LEDs the
corresponding LED glows when the particular output line is
A servo comprises of control, a set of gears, a
potentiometer is connected to the motor via gear set a
control signal gives the motor a position to rotate to and the
motor starts to turn. The potentiometer rotates with motor
and as it does so it does so its resistance changes. The
control circuit monitors its resistance, as soon as its reaches
its appropriate values the motor stop and the servo is in
correct position. A servo is a classic example of a closed
loop feedback system. The potentiometer is coupled to the
output gear. Its resistance is proportional to the position of
the servo’s output shaft (0 to 180 degrees)
National Highway Traffic and Safety Administration is an
ongoing research on collision avoidance and driver/vehicle
interfaces. AHS was a strong public/private partnership with
the goal to build a prototype system. There are many things
that can be done in the vehicle, but if we do some of them on
the roadway it will be more efficient and possibly cheaper.
Preliminary estimates show that rear-end, lane-change, and
roadway-departure crash-avoidance systems have the
potential to reduce motor-vehicle crashes by one-sixth or
about 1.2 million crashes a year. Such systems may take the
form of warning drivers, recommending control actions, and
introducing temporary or partial automated control in
hazardous situations. AHS described in this paper is
functional there is much room for improvement. More
research is needed to determine if any dependencies exit that
influence velocity of the vehicle maintaining proper
following distance while following a path. Assuming such
system is ever perfected, one would imagine it would tend to
render the great tradition of the free-ranging car into
something approaching mass –transit. Future works will be
concentrated on developing a real-time hardware for this
proposed system.
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... Finally, we suggest an algorithm that tests those conditions in the Smart Door Lock system and uses data transmitted from sensors. Prabhu (2017) had the main objective is to reduce driving stress and injuries, particularly on long journeys. This can be done by integrating roadside technology in the driving experience to enable more efficient use of overwhelmed road infrastructure. ...
... The vehicle had a thrust, braking, and power automatically. Prabhu (2017) this article aims to provide innovative solutions on exceptional modes of transport and traffic management and to enhance the recognition and usage of the transport systems by multiple users. The vitality of today's business nations is a road ride. ...
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Artificial Intelligence (AI) gives the desired results to learn without being modified expressly. Its emphasis is on the turn of events and planning of PC programs that can get to the information and utilize it to learn themselves. By learning various example acknowledgment and theoretical learning hypothesis in AI, computerized reasoning investigates the examination and development of calculations that can learn and make forecasts. In this paper, we talk about and look at Naïve Bayes, KNN, Decision Tree, SVM, Extra Trees, Random Forest, and XGBoost Classifiers which are AI calculations as for precision. Speech impairment is a technique in which speech sounds signals produce that is effective to communicate with others. Speech impairments can be any type, such as occasionally using a couple of words, to severe, such as not being capable to produce speech sounds signals at all. The basic outcome is to study the various machine learning algorithms for speech impairment. For effective machine learning results, there are four basic parameters selected with effective techniques, knowledge parameters, and advanced trees algorithm for displaying the valuable results. Speech impairments in the early days can have an off- putting influence on social development. In this article, Parkinson’s dataset from the UCI library is used with the basic speech-related restrictions and 188 ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND SPEECH TECHNOLOGY obtain a better accuracy level with XGBoost classifier compared with the other classifiers. Keywords: Speech impairment, XGBoost classifier, Decision Tree classifier,
... Finally, we suggest an algorithm that tests those conditions in the Smart Door Lock system and uses data transmitted from sensors. Prabhu (2017) had the main objective is to reduce driving stress and injuries, particularly on long journeys. This can be done by integrating roadside technology in the driving experience to enable more efficient use of overwhelmed road infrastructure. ...
... The vehicle had a thrust, braking, and power automatically. Prabhu (2017) this article aims to provide innovative solutions on exceptional modes of transport and traffic management and to enhance the recognition and usage of the transport systems by multiple users. The vitality of today's business nations is a road ride. ...
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... Smart guidance system.[21] ...
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Recently, urban growth has become a major concern, and it will remain so in the coming years as the majority of individuals living in cities expand. As a result, urban planning must devise answers to the difficulties that inevitably arise as a result of this indisputable rapid urbanization. From this perspective, this study will be looking at how smart information and communication technology (ICT) might help to improve eco-social and environmental sustainability within urban contexts.The purpose of this article is to perform a broad examination of how ICT can contribute to the creation of a large scale smart city to a small scale smart campus. Within its descriptive narrative approach, the study presents an overview of real cases. The study will conclude in setting a comparative between small to large scale smart city motivations through the lessons learned from the overviewed cases. Towards bringing an understanding of the approaches taken towards transforming existing urban contexts of several scales into a sustainable scheme, and sustaining smart into them for short to long term planning and implementation benefits.
... Sherly J and Somasundareswari D [10] developed a smart transportation system based on Internet of things technology, which managed cities and citizens by the use of advanced and powerful communication technology to achieve the goal of building a smart city. Prabhu B, Antony A J and Balakumar N [11] integrated the existing highway peripheral technology into the intelligent transportation system through the application of detection and embedding technology so as to make the car have the functions of automatic throttling, braking and steering control and thus achieve the purpose of reducing the road burden. Vivek J D R, Prashant R G, Prabhu B G [12] enriched and developed intelligent transportation system by designing and implementing software and hardware systems based on mobile device tracking and positioning technology, which could realize tracking and positioning, data sharing, SMS remote control, remote monitoring and other functions. ...
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The intelligent transportation system in big data environment is the development trend of future transportation system, which effectively integrates advanced information technology, data communication transmission technology, electronic sensor technology, control technology and computer technology and is applied to overall ground transportation management. Hence, it establishes a real-time, accurate, efficient and comprehensive transportation management system that functions in a wide range and all-round aspects. In order to meet the demands of the intelligent transportation big data processing, this paper puts forward a high performance computing architecture of large-scale transportation video data management based on cloud computing, designs a parallel computing model containing the distributed file system and distributed computing system to solve the problems such as flexible server increase or decrease, load balancing and flexible dynamic storage increase or decrease, computing power and great improvement of storage efficiency. On the basis of this technical architecture, the system adopts BP neural network-related algorithms to extract the static transportation signs in road videos, and uses interframe difference algorithm and Gaussian mixture model (GMM) fusion algorithm to extract the moving targets in road transportation videos. In this way, they are taken as important integral parts and data sources of key frames of intelligent video image recognition to improve the recognition ability of key frames and eventually utilize semantic recognition model based on CNN (Convolutional Neural Network) to complete the intelligent recognition of whole transportation videos. Through network pressure test, computing ability test, recognition ability test and other tests, it has been proved that the intelligent transportation video processing system based on big data environment is successful and the design scheme of this system has strong practical application value.
Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) is one of the basic components of a smart city (SC); however, very few studies have examined the impact of surrounding factors on the effectiveness and development of ITS. This study aims to identify the core factors affecting the development of ITS in Vietnam and as a result, form a branching database to approach the standards of SC. To achieve the stated purpose, materials are collected for research in developing and developed countries which comes from official sources including scientific articles, conference papers, books, and opinions from experts (from 2010 to 2020). This study identified 28 factors affecting the development of ITS projects. These factors are divided into 5 main groups namely the lack of undivided attention from the government, financial constraints, inadequate/incomplete transport infrastructure, the over-development of urbanization, the readiness and integration for ITS, which are analyzed depending on their influence. This study adds to the body of knowledge by offering new insights and contributes toward a greater understanding of mobility in a smart city. Furthermore, to guarantee sustainable ITS development, the digital infrastructure ecosystem should be extensively discussed. As a result, it created a useful measurement tool for government agencies, planners, and traffic system designers to help them self-assess and make action plans now or in the near future.
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This paper identifies potential barrier factors affecting effectiveness and development (ED) of ITS projects as well as criteria for measuring ED of ITS projects in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. The study discovers the barrier constructs, and analyzes data using the Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling method (PLS-SEM). The results provides a general and comprehensive overview of the main issues of ITS, and identifies 28 barrier factors with five main constructs affecting ED of ITS projects, namely the lack of undivided attention from the government (AG), financial constraints for ITS (FC), inadequate transport infrastructure (ITI), the over-development of urbanization (ODU), and the readiness and integration for ITS (RI). This paper fill the knowledge gap by discovering the causal relationships between barrier constructs and ED of ITS projects in Vietnam. Also it proposes several solutions for these issues, which are also a useful measurement tool for government agencies, planners, and traffic system designers to help them self-assess and make action plans now or in the near future.
This paper examines the potential of embedded intelligence (EI) and the resultant implications of secure EI (SEI) and integrated state awareness (ISA) as disruptors in the advanced nuclear energy systems market. To this end, it reviews the state-of-the-art of EI in nuclear and other industries; discusses design trends, benefits, challenges, and opportunities; and addresses the rigorous development of SEI-driven approaches for achieving ISA and other smart functionalities (e.g., remote, flexible, and/or autonomous operations). It also defines concepts in such a way as to enable rigorous further development and identifies potential actions to capture opportunity, including the identification of areas for appropriate research, development, and demonstration.
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Now a days wireless communication is important role in future world. This technology yields better communication in case of its speed and their performance. The chief objective of the paper is to compare the different technologies with VLC in terms of cost factor, bandwidth and performance factor. Today everyone (Business,institutions,organizations ,entrepreneurs is thrust for getting right information at the right time and right place .Which requires fast internet connectivity, Technology and large range of channels. Present paper reflects the Future of Communication (LI-FI) which may affect all lives. It a technology that may be as fast as 500MBPS (30GBPS per minute) an substitute, cost effective and more robust and useful than Wi-Fi. The Visible light communication which may be the future of Internet.
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Now a days wireless communication is important role in future world. This technology yields better communication in case of its speed and their performance. The chief objective of the paper is to compare the different technologies with VLC in terms of cost factor, bandwidth and performancefactor.Todayeveryone(Business,institutions,organizations ,entrepreneurs is thrust for getting right information at the right time and right place .Which requires fast internet connectivity, Technology and large range of channels. Present paper reflects the Future of Communication (LI-FI) which may affect all lives. It a technology that may be as fast as 500MBPS (30GBPS per minute) an substitute, cost effective and more robust and useful than Wi-Fi. The Visible light communication which may be the future of Internet.
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A wireless sensor network is subject to a unique set of resource constraints such as finite battery power and constrained network communication bandwidth. Each sensor node has a microprocessor and a petite amount of memory. Also every sensor node is equipped with one or more sensing devices such as acoustic sensors, microphone arrays, video cameras, infrared, seismic or magnetic sensors. But it is difficult to replace the deceased batteries of the sensor nodes. A distinctive sensor node consumes much of its energy during wireless communication. This research work suggests the development of a hierarchical distributed clustering mechanism, which gives improved performance over the existing clustering algorithm LEACH. The two hiding concepts behind the proposed scheme are the hierarchical distributed clustering mechanism and the concept of threshold. Energy utilization is significantly reduced, thereby greatly prolonging the lifetime of the sensor nodes.
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In this paper a concise outline for improving throughput and average end to end delay of information gathered from the agriculture field for precision agriculture, using a distributed clustering mechanism has been outlined. This algorithm offers a throughput of 180 bits/seconds. Besides delivery of water level information packets/signals to base station, it also computes a threshold as well as calculates the values based on transmission range. This overall computational mechanism helps us to build a robust mechanism for delivery of information to the base station, thus reducing the packet loss. A wireless sensor network is a system consisting of sensor nodes, which incorporates a radio frequency (RF) transceiver, sensor, microcontroller and a power source. Recent advances in wireless sensor networking technology have led to the expansion of low cost, low power, multifunctional sensor nodes. Sensor nodes facilitate environment sensing together with data processing, are able to network with other sensor systems and exchange data with external users. Sensor networks are used for a variety of applications including wireless data acquisition, environmental monitoring, irrigation management, safety management and in many other areas. In this paper, a review of incorporating a distributed clustering algorithm for an agricultural application has been elaborated. 1. INTRODUCTION A normal wireless sensor network (WSN) protocol consists of layers like application layer, transport layer, network layer, data link layer, physical layer, power management plane, mobility management plane and the task management plane. Currently two standard technologies available for wireless sensor networks are Zigbee, and Bluetooth both operates in Industrial Scientific and Medical (ISM) band of 2.4 GHz, which provides license free operation for scientific research and study purpose. In general, increase in frequency increases bandwidth which allows high speed data transmission. In-order to decrease the power requirement distance between sensor nodes has to be reduced as possible [13-16]. Multi-hop communication over the ISM will be promising technique in WSN, since it consumes less power than traditional single-hop communication. A sensor is intelligent to convert physical or chemical readings gathered from the environment into signals that can be calculated by a system. A multi-sensor node is intelligent to sense several magnitude values in the same device. In a multi-sensor, the input variables may be temperature, fire, motion detection sensors, infrared radiation, humidity and smoke. A wireless sensor network could be a functional architecture for the deployment of the sensors used for fire detection and verification.
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When any organization wants to implement IPv6 network in their service area, it is not imaginable to implement all of a sudden in an entire area. It necessities slow migration from IPv4 to IPv6 without greatly affecting the Service. The Dual stack deployment using NAT and tunneling concept has been proposed for this migration. While IPv6 deployment from the inside of the network leading to the edges with success, the transition remains an issue today. To fill this gap, we propose a technique to provide the supporting tools and algorithms to enable this transition to become automatic and enable inbuilt security features. Based on a model of an IPv4 network, we design and implement IPv6 network and it provisions auto-configuration to the host and security is inbuilt with this protocol.
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Latest researches in wireless communications and electronics has imposed the progress of low-cost wireless sensor nodes. Clustering is a thriving topology control approach, which can prolong the lifetime and increase scalability for wireless sensor networks. The admired criteria for clustering methodology are to select cluster heads with more residual energy and to rotate them periodically. Sensors at heavy traffic locations quickly deplete their energy resources and die much earlier, leaving behind energy hole and network partition. In this paper, a model of distributed layer-based clustering algorithm is proposed based on three concepts. First, the aggregated data is forwarded from cluster head to the base station through cluster head of the next higher layer with shortest distance between the cluster heads. Second, cluster head is elected based on the clustering factor, which is the combination of residual energy and the number of neighbors of a particular node within a cluster. Third, each cluster has a crisis hindrance node, which does the function of cluster head when the cluster head fails to carry out its work in some critical conditions. The key aim of the proposed algorithm is to accomplish energy efficiency and to prolong the network lifetime. The proposed distributed clustering algorithm is contrasted with the existing clustering algorithm LEACH.
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A wireless sensor network is used as an effective tool for gathering data in various situations. Recent researches in wireless communications and electronics has enforced the development of low-cost wireless sensor network. Wireless sensor networks are web of sensor nodes with a set of processors and limited memory unit embedded in it. Reliable routing of packets from sensor nodes to its base station is the most important function for these networks. The conventional routing protocols cannot be applied here due to its battery powered nodes. To support energy efficiency, nodes are often clustered in to non-overlapping clusters. This paper gives a brief overview on clustering process in wireless sensor networks. A research on the well evaluated distributed clustering algorithm Low Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy (LEACH) and its followers are portrayed artistically. To overcome the drawbacks of these existing algorithms a distributed clustering model has been proposed for attaining energy efficiency to a larger scale.
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A sensor is a miniature component which measure physical parameters from the environment. Sensors measure the physical parameters and transmit them either by wired or wireless medium. In wireless medium the sensor and its associated components are called as node. A node is self-possessed by a processor, local memory, sensors, radio, battery and a base station responsible for receiving and processing data collected by the nodes. They carry out joint activities due to limited resources such as battery, processor and memory. Nowadays, the applications of these networks are numerous, varied and the applications in agriculture are still budding. One interesting application is in environmental monitoring and greenhouse control, where the crop conditions such as climate and soil do not depend on natural agents. To control and monitor the environmental factors, sensors and actuators are necessary. Under these circumstances, these devices must be used to make a distributed measure, spreading sensors all over the greenhouse using distributed clustering. This paper reveals an idea of environmental monitoring and greenhouse control using a sensor network. The hardware implementation shows periodic monitoring and control of greenhouse gases in an enhanced manner. Future work is concentrated in application of the same mechanism using wireless sensor network.
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Wireless sensor networks (WSN) are inheriting many application areas like environment observation, target tracking, border monitoring and battle field surveillance. To alleviate the problem of energy utilization and extending the lifetime of wireless sensor nodes, one approach is employing an effective clustering mechanism. In this paper variable power energy efficient clustering (VEEC) mechanism for wireless sensor networks has been proposed. It is a well distributed, energy efficient clustering algorithm which employs relay nodes, variable transmission power and single message transmission per node for setting up the cluster. The proposed scheme is compared with two existing distributed clustering algorithms LEACH and HEED. Simulation results clearly show an excellent improvement in average communication energy and the total energy of the wireless sensor system. Simulation study also shows the reduction in node death rate and prolongation in network lifetime compared to the two existing algorithms.
Future combat system (FCS) is a network based soldier friendly system which connects eighteen individual weapon system connected with the soldier via network. The prime idea of FCS concept is to support the soldier with real time situational awareness and joint operability among forces to complete a mission successfully with low mortality rate. This system allows the soldier to see first, understand first and act decisively. Basic work done behind the screen is fusing data collected from different reconnaissance vehicle, unattended ground sensors, unmanned aerial vehicles and live assets. System of system common operating environment supports the system. SOSCOE provides reusable software architecture for platform and battle command application via low bandwidth Adhoc network. It uses TINEX workflow engine which minimizes traffic and allows different software to execute flexibly. Since, most of the system operates in remote environment with battery support, power consumption is a serious issue. System with many nodal points has to be encrypted strictly to prevent the network from attacks (simply hacking). Use of instruments with less power consumption, particularly custom design hardware and wireless sensors or sensors will help to tackle this problem.