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Insights into the Long-term Effects of COVID-19 Responses on Transportation Facilities



The impacts of COVID-19 on transportation sector have received a substantial research attention, however, less is known about localized COVID-19 responses that provided safe space for mobility and other daily activities. We applied logistic regression and text mining approaches on the Shifting Streets COVID-19 Mobility Dataset to explore the long-term outcomes of the localized responses. We explored the purpose, affected space, function, and implementation approach. We found that responses instituted for economic recovery and public health are less likely to be long-term, while responses meant to improve safety or bicycle/pedestrian mobility are more likely to be long-term. Further, operational or regulatory responses are less likely to be long-term. Additionally, responses affecting curb space are more likely to be long-term than those affecting other right-of-way areas. Text-mining of responses’ narratives revealed key patterns for both short-term and long-term outcomes. Study findings showcase the possible design and operations changes during post-COVID-19 era
Insights into the Long-term Effects of COVID-19 Responses on Transportation Facilities
Boniphace Kutela, Ph.D., P.E
Assistant Research Scientist
Roadway Safety Program
Texas A&M Transportation Institute
1111 RELLIS Parkway, Bryan, TX 77807
Tabitha Combs, Ph.D.
Research Associate & Lecturer
Dept. of City & Regional Planning
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Rafael John, Mwekh’iga
Civil Engineer
Ibra Contractors Limited
P.O.BOX 20881, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Neema Langa, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Department of Sociology/African American Studies
University of Houston
3553 Cullen Boulevard
The impacts of COVID-19 on transportation sector have received a substantial research attention,
however, less is known about localized COVID-19 responses that provided safe space for mobility and
other daily activities. We applied logistic regression and text mining approaches on the Shifting Streets
COVID-19 Mobility Dataset to explore the long-term outcomes of the localized responses. We explored
the purpose, affected space, function, and implementation approach. We found that responses instituted for
economic recovery and public health are less likely to be long-term, while responses meant to improve
safety or bicycle/pedestrian mobility are more likely to be long-term. Further, operational or regulatory
responses are less likely to be long-term. Additionally, responses affecting curb space are more likely to be
long-term than those affecting other right-of-way areas. Text-mining of responses’ narratives revealed key
patterns for both short-term and long-term outcomes. Study findings showcase the possible design and
operations changes during post-COVID-19 era
Keywords: COVID-19, long-term impacts, shifting streets
1. Background
To date, over 320 million cases of COVID-19 have been reported worldwide since the first
case reported in Wuhan, China on December 8, 2019 (BBC, 2022; Ritchie et al., 2022; WHO,
2020). The United States, India, Brazil, the United Kingdom, and France are the leading countries
in cumulative total cases and total deaths (BBC, 2022; Ritchie et al., 2022).Transportation is
among the sectors most heavily affected by COVID-19. The impact of COVID-19 on
transportation comes in different ways, including large-scale mobility restrictions (e.g., internal
travel restrictions, cross-border travel restrictions, national and regional lockdowns) and localized
There is a rapidly growing body of literature examining the impacts of these responses on
global and local travel demand (Van Wee & Witlox 2021; Suau-Sanchez et al. 2020), active
mobility patterns (Hunter et al., 2021), individual decision-making (such as residential relocation
and vehicle ownership; Habib & Anik, 2021), energy use, and air quality (Abu-Rayash & Dincer,
2020). Research is also emerging on the wide-ranging impacts of street-level interventions meant
to lower local transmission of COVID-19 and provide safe, physically distanced space to walk,
bike, and conduct business outdoors by altering the allocation, use, and regulation of space in the
roadway right-of-way (Firth et al., 2021; Fischer & Winters, 2021; Mayo, 2021; Vecchio, Tiznado-
Aitken, & Mora-Vega, 2021; Wright & Reardon, 2021). Others have explored factors enabling
street-level responses (e.g., Combs & Pardo, 2021), cities’ motivations and objectives for street-
level responses (e.g., Fischer & Winters, 2021), the distribution of benefits of the responses (e.g.,
Wright & Reardon, 2021), and overall public perceptions about the responses (e.g., Shirgaokar et
al., 2021).
Limited literature is available on the long-term impact of COVID-19 in transportation
(Advani, Sharma, & Dhyani, 2021; Habib & Anik, 2021; Marra, Sun, & Corman, 2022; Truong,
2021; Zhang & Zhang, 2021). A study by Truong (2021) examined the medium and long-term
impact of COVID-19 on air transportation using neural network and Monte Carlo simulation. The
study found weekly economic index and travel distance as the key to air travel in the post-pandemic
period, concluding that it would take several years before the air travel recovers to pre-pandemic
levels. Another study by Marra et al., (2022) focused on changes in public transport use in
Switzerland. They reported that the key difference was the perception of costs of transfers and of
travel time in train. A study by Habib & Anik, (2021) in Nova Scotia, Canada investigated the
long-term impact of COVID-19 on transport and land use. The study predicted an increase of
vehicle ownership for suburban areas by up to 74% by 2030. Other studies by Advani et al., (2021)
and Zhang & Zhang, (2021) focused on non-motorists and decarbonization of the transport sector,
Little is known yet about the long-term outcomes of the street-level responses. For instance,
it is unknown whether and which responses will outlast the pandemic, or the factors associated
with their longevity and durability. Given long-standing calls around the world for massive
overhauling of the transportation sector in order to address on-going crises of climate change and
deepening inequality, understanding whether and how the pandemic might lead to enduring
changes to how roadway space is allocated, used, and regulated is critical (Combs & Pardo, 2021).
Using the “Shifting Streets COVID-19 Mobility Dataset,” we seek to identify factors that
predict the likelihood of street-level responses outlasting the pandemic. The Shifting Streets
dataset documents, describes, and catalogs these street-level responses based on information
gathered from 534 cities in over fifty countries around the world (Combs & Pardo, 2021),
providing a unique opportunity to assess the short-term and long-term impacts of COVID-19 on
the transportation industry at the local level. We use a mixed methods approach to this research,
combining logistic regression of key variables in the Shifting Streets dataset with text mining of
the dataset’s narrative description of each response.
2. Methods
2.1. Data
The Shifting Streets COVID19 Mobility Dataset contains over 1400 unique responses to changing
demands on public space in 550 cities in 60 countries (as of January 2022). Most of the observations were
collected from North America (56%), Europe & Central Asia (30%), Latin America and Caribbean (5.6%),
East Asia & Pacific (5.2%), while Sub-Saharan Africa had the least proportion of observations (0.8%). Data
have been collected and curated continuously since March 11, 2020, and includes information about local,
state/regional, and national-level responses to changing demands for mobility and on public space that were
initiated between March and September 2020. The dataset is open source and available for public download
at This paper uses data downloaded from the September 2021 version of
the data.
The Shifting Streets data document and describe the wide range of mobility-related actions cities around
the world took to in response to the pandemic. The dataset was created to highlight innovation and flexibility
in the transport sector, uncover lessons cities learned from their pandemic responses, and support and
inspire research into how the transport sector is evolving based on its experience during the COVID19
pandemic (Combs & Pardo, 2021). Further details about the data collection methods and intended uses are
available on the Shifting Street website ( and in Combs & Pardo
The variables in the Shifting Streets dataset of interest for this study include:
i. Description: a brief narrative describing the response, written by the individual reporting on the
response or gleaned from the news or press releases about the response
ii. Longevity: the anticipated duration of the response, including one-time implementation (e.g., the
response is in place for a single weekend or special event), temporary (the response is intended to
be removed at some point in the future), indefinite (no clearly defined whether long or short term
plans have been established for the response), permanent, and temp-to-perm (the response was
originally intended to be temporary but has or will be converted to a permanent installation). We
collapsed the longevity variable in our analyses “long-term” (including permanent and temp-to-
perm),short term” (one-time implementation or temporary), and indefinite, and unknown.
iii. Time: the days and/or times of day the response is in effect, which we collapse in this analysis to a
binary variable indicating whether or not the response is in place 24/7
iv. Space: the portion of the roadway directly affected by the response, including the entire roadway,
entire travel lane(s), parking lanes, curb space, sidewalks and other off-street space, and
v. Purpose: the main purpose behind the response, which includes economic recovery, equity, moving
goods, moving people, public engagement, safety, and public health
vi. Function: the manner in which the response is intended to affect users, including creating street
space for active mobility, other active mobility supports, creating street space for commerce, and
miscellaneous other actions. Given that the focus of the analysis was on changes to the physical
design, use, or regulation of street space, we used the ‘function’ variable to filter out responses that
dealt with changes to transit service, funding streams, access to bicycles, and temporary mobility
vii. Category: implementation approach or general nature of how the response is implemented,
including operational, physical, regulatory, and financial.
2.2. Analytical approach
To understand the long-term impact of COVID-19-related street changes, this study employed two
approaches: text mining and logistic regression. Text mining was used to explore the key patterns of short-
term and long-term COVID-19 mobility responses. We used logistic regression to evaluate the likelihood
of responses outlasting the pandemic, i.e., being transformed into permanent installations. The next section
presents the details of each approach.
2.2.1. Text Network
Text mining, while well-established in social science research, is a relatively new method for data
analysis in transportation research. Among text mining methodologies, the text network is a relatively
compact approach that enables visual representation of the language structures in text-based narratives.
Text networks use nodes and links (Figure 1) to present the topology of the narratives.
Figure 1 Skeleton of the text network (B. Kutela, Novat, & Langa, 2021)
In the network, nodes represent keywords, while links represent the co-occurrence of the keywords
(Kim & Jang, 2018; Boniphace Kutela, Das, & Dadashova, 2021; Paranyushkin, 2011). The size of the
node represents the frequency of the keyword in the network, while the thickness of the link represents the
frequency of co-occurrence of the keywords. The closer the nodes in the network, the closer the keywords
are in the sentence. Further, keywords of similar themes form a community of keywords.
To create a text network, the text data/narratives need to be normalized, transformed from
unstructured to structured and mapped on the network (Kim & Jang, 2018; B. Kutela et al., 2021;
Paranyushkin, 2011; Yoon & Park, 2004). All the texts are converted to lower case and stop words
(connecting words) are removed during normalization. The transformation from unstructured to structured
involves the creation of a matrix of keywords. Mapping of keywords involves assigning each keyword to
the network. In this step, the algorithm maps the keyword from the matrix to the network as a node. If the
pair of the keywords appears for the first time, the frequency associated with that node and the frequency
of the edge between the two keywords are mapped. If the next pair contains one of the keywords from the
previous pair, an additional frequency of the existing keyword is mapped, followed by the new keyword
and the link (Boniphace Kutela, Das, et al., 2021; Boniphace Kutela & Teng, 2021; Paranyushkin, 2011).
Upon completion of the network, the interpretation depends on various metrics, including the keyword
frequency, document frequency, co-occurrence frequency, collocation frequency, and betweenness
centrality (Kim & Jang, 2018; Paranyushkin, 2011). In this study, the topology of the network, keyword
frequency, document frequency, co-occurred keywords, and collocated keywords (Blaheta and Johnson
2011), are used for interpretation. Keyword frequency represents the number of times the keyword appears
in the entire dataset. On the other hand, document frequency represents the number of times the entire
narrative/description contains a keyword of interest appears in the dataset. Collocated and co-occurred
keywords differ by the location of the keywords. They both represent the keywords appearing in the same
sentence, but the collocated keywords are next to each. For instance, in the statement “Arlington has
implemented automatic pedestrian signal phases at all signalized intersections in its densely populated
corridors, the keywords pedestrian and signal are collocated while pedestrian and phases are co-occurred
keywords. Thus, collocated keywords provide more insights than co-occurred keywords. Furthermore, in
addition to the frequency, the strength of the association and statistical significance of collocated keywords
can be measured using lambda and z-value. The large the magnitude of lambda the strong is the association,
and the z-value greater than 1.96 indicates a statistical significance at a 95% confidence interval (Blaheta
& Johnson, 2011; Boniphace Kutela, Langa, et al., 2021). The analysis was performed in R 4.1.1-
environment (R Core Team, 2021), with the help of quanteda and igraph packages (Benoit et al., 2018;
Csárdi, 2020). For the simplicity of the network, only the top 50 keywords were considered.
2.2.2. Logistic Regression
The likelihood of the response being long-term can be represented as the binary outcome, i.e., either
yes (long-term) or no (short-term). With the two possible outcomes, binary regression models such as logit
and probit are the best candidate for this type of data. Previous studies suggest that logit models are
preferred due to the ease of interpretation of the parameters in terms of odds ratios (Boniphace Kutela &
Teng, 2020; Woodridge, 2012).
Logistic regression can be expressed using the Bernoulli probability function. Given that the dependent
variable Yi has two possible outcomes (1 for long-term response, or 0 for short-term response). The ,
which is the probability that the event is long-term, can be expressed as an inverse logistic function of a
vector of explanatory variables as:
After linearizing equation 1, the can be written as
󰆹 represent coefficients of variable that are to be estimated, while
󰆹 is a constant term.
Further, to apply logistic regression, several assumptions were checked. These include the independence of
the observations, multicollinearity among independent variables, linearity of independent variables, and
sample size.
3. Results and Discussion
This section presents the results and discussion of the study. It is divided into three sections:
descriptive statistics, text networks results and discussion, and logistic regression results and discussions.
The text network part of the results explores the content of both short-term and long-term responses using
the narrative description of the response. The logistic regression presents the likelihood of the response
becoming a long-term implementation. The implications of the results on roadway operations are also
3.1. Descriptive statistics
The September 2021 version of the data used in this analysis contains 1,407 observations; however,
a number of observations had missing or unverified data on some of our variables of interest. After
removing these records, a total of 487 observations with complete, verified data on our variables of interest
were available for analysis. Table 1 presents the descriptive statistics of the variables used in our analyses.
It can be observed that the majority (75%) of the responses recorded in the final dataset were short-term
(“temporary” or “one-time implementation”), while 11.5% were listed as long-term (“permanent” or “temp-
to-perm”). Twelve and a half percent were described as “indefinite,” meaning that at the time of recording,
no decisions had been announced as to their ultimate resolution (i.e., whether they would become short-
term or long-term). Thus, while developing the statistical model, the “indefinite” observations will be
assessed on either side. That is, one model will categorize the indefinite responses as a potential long-term
outcome, and another will categorize them as short-term outcomes. The intention of inclusion of the
indefinite observation was to perform a sensitivity analysis, allowing us to examine whether the extent to
which the results are dependent on indefinite actions being removed or converted to permanent
interventions. The remaining distributions of observations is self-explanatory, as presented in Table 1.
Table 1 Descriptive Statistics of the Study Variables
Variable category
Permanent/ Temp-to-perm
Time (all day
All day, everyday
Not all day, everyday
Space affected
Entire roadway
Travel lanes
Parking lane
Moving people
Economic recovery
Public health
Space for bike/ped
Space for commerce
Other bike/ped
3.2. Text Network Results and Discussion
This section presents results and discussion of the text network analysis. It covers three aspectsshort-
term response, long-term response, and indefinite response text networksand associated metrics. The
networks were developed using the description variable and based on the longevity variable.
Figure 2 and Table 2 present the text network for long-term responses and the associated metrics,
respectively. The network is centered on the keywords streets, bicycle, lane, city, and space. Street appears
most frequently in the narrative descriptions for permanent/long-term responses.
Figure 2. Text network for Permanent/Long-term Responses
Table 2 Text Network Performance Metrics for Long-term Responses
Keyword Frequency
Co-occurrence Frequency
Collocation Association
Association parameters
bicycle lane
bicycle lane
physical distancing
physical distancing
street traffic
social distancing
open street
shared street
walking cycling
new bicycle
social distancing
public transport
city street
walking cycling
new bicycle
motor vehicle
pedestrian space
more space
new lane
open street
Key: Docfreq means Document frequency
The keyword street appears 145 times in 66 reports/observations among reported responses. Further, the
keyword bicycle appears more frequently in one observation but in fewer reports overall compared to
streets. Other keywords in the top ten list include park, new, lane, service, and space. The observations
imply that bicycle lanes were significantly affected, whereby new bike lanes were constructed, and others
were closed to provide more space for physical, social distancing. For instance, a description of the vehicle
lane that was converted to bike lane in Ciudad Pal, Spain states that vehicle lane converted to bicycle lane
on Paseo Maritimo to offset expected increases in vehicle traffic from shut-down relaxation”. Moreover,
the co-occurrence between street, social, distancing implies that the streets were modified to increase more
space for social distancing.
Table 2 also presents the co-occurrence and collocation statistics. It can be observed that all the
collocated keywords presented in the table are statistically significant at a 95% confidence interval (z-value
> 1.96). Further, the statistical association of the keywords is strongest for physical distancing collocated
keywords with lambda value of 8.37. Table 2 also shows that bike lane was most likely to be a long-term
response. Further, social distancing was the major focus for long-term responses that added new bicycle
lanes. New bike lanes are clearly expected to be a long-term effect of the COVID-19 responses. In addition,
the responses related to health care workers and public transportation as indicated in the text network are
expected to be long-term.
Figure 3 and
Table 3 present the text network and top keyword co-occurred and collocated keywords for short-
term responses of COVID-19. Most keywords that were in the long-term responses network are also
available in the short-term responses network. Such keywords include street, city, bicycle, space, park, and
lane. This observation implies that regardless of the longevity of the response, the same
infrastructure/attribute are affected. All the collocated keywords are statistically significant at a 95%
confidence interval. The collocated keywords motor vehicle have the strongest association with the lambda
value of 8.11.
Figure 3. Text network for Temporary/Short-term Responses
Table 3 Text Network Performance Metrics for Short-term Responses
Keyword Frequency
Co-occurrence Frequency
Collocation Association
Association parameters
bicycle lane
bicycle lane
traffic street
physical distancing
physical distancing
outdoor dining
outdoor dining
public transport
shared street
shared street
city street
slow street
temporary lane
healthcare workers
public transport
motor vehicle
space street
more space
parking space
social distancing
Key: Docfreq means Document frequency
For instance, whether the response is short or long-term is expected to affect the streets where the responses
are applied. However, several keywords that emerged in the short-term responses were not in the long-term
responses network. For instance, the keyword temporary signifies that the response was for temporary
purposes. For instance, one observation indicated that a temporary bike lane was installed in Austin, Texas,
stating: Temporary bike lanes installed on Congress Ave.”. Furthermore, collocated and co-occurred
keywords outdoor dining, slow street, healthcare workers clearly show the responses were temporary. For
instance, the outdoor dining involved the removal/closure of the roadway. Such a response cannot be
permanent/ long-term. Also, responses for healthcare workers, such as reduced/free passes for public
transport or bike share, are implemented temporarily.
Figure 4 presents the text network for indefinite observations. The content of the text networks is
similar to the two previous networks. The keywords street, social, and distancing are the major keywords
in this network as they were in the previous two networks. Other common keywords include bus,
pedestrians, transport, shared, riders, and drivers, among others. The network, however, does not have the
keyword temporary, which was in the short-term network. The remembrance of the indefinite network
signifies that the observation can be either short-term or long-term.
Figure 4. Text network for Indefinite Responses
3.3. Logistic Regression Results and Discussion
Table 4 presents logistic regression results. Two logistic regression models were developed considering
the indefiniteobservations. It should be noted that, as discussed earlier, the indefinite longevity outcome
might end up being either permanent or temporary. Thus, the first model considered indefinite longevity as
the long-term, while the second considered them as short term.
Table 4 Logistic Regression Results
Indefinite as long-term
Indefinite as short-term
Time (all day every day)
Space coverage
Entire roadway
Travel lanes
Parking lane
Moving people
Economic recovery
Public health
Space for bike/ped
Space for commerce
Other bike/ped
Model Summary
Number of observations
The discussion of the result uses the Odds Ratios (OR) and associated p-values. The ORs are
computed by exponentiating the estimated coefficients. The OR greater than 1 implies that the variable
category is associated with the increased likelihood of long-term effects, on the other hand, OR less than
one implies that the variable is not associated with the increased likelihood of long-term effects (Boniphace
Kutela & Teng, 2019; Woodridge, 2012).
According to the results in Table 4, the odds of the COVID-19 response causing a permanent
change of the transportation facilities varies significantly per space, purpose, function, category, and time
that the response covers. Furthermore, the logistic regression results provide the association between
various responses and the likelihood of being long-term or short-term. However, the analysis could not
portray the exact content of such responses. Therefore, the text mining of selected responses of interest was
performed to understand the content of various responses. The section also presents the text mining results
for the following types of responses: responses taking place in travel lanes, responses with function “other
bike/ped,” and responses whose implementation approach was categorized as “regulatory.” The selection
was based on the fact that these values were the only ones that were statistically significant at a 90%
confidence level. The text mining results provide more information on the content of the variables of interest
than the traditional logistic regression model results.
The logistic regression results show a few dissimilarities when the indefinite observations are
considered as long-term compared to short-term. Such dissimilarities involve the changes in the magnitudes
and directions of the estimates as well as changes in the statistical significance level. The next section
presents the discussion of the results focusing on the five variables of interest.
Purpose of the response
According to the results in Table 4, the responses for economic recovery and public health are less
likely to result in permanent changes in the transportation infrastructures. On the other hand, safety-related
responses are more likely to result in permanent changes. All three categories are statistically significant at
a 95% confidence level when the indefinite observations are considered as long-term. On the other hand,
only public health is statistically significant at the same level when the indefinite observations are
considered as short-term. Study results show that the economic recovery responses' odds of permanent
changes in transportation infrastructure are 98% lower than that of moving people. Further, the odds of the
responses for public health are about 50% to 86% lower than that of moving people. Lastly, the safety-
related responses' odds are between 2.3 and 3.3 times more likely to result in permanent changes of
transportation infrastructures.
Space Coverage
Results in Table 4 shows that compared to the responses that covered an entire roadway, all other
responses are not statistically significant at a 90% confidence level if the indefinite observations are
considered as long-term. On the other hand, responses that affected curb and travel lanes are statistically
significant at a 95% confidence level. The responses that affected travel lanes and intersections showed the
changes in the direction of the estimate. The odds ratios for responses that affected travel lanes suggest that
responses that such responses are 43% less likely to be permanent but also about four times more likely to
be permanent, depending on how the infinite observations are considered. The less likelihood of being long-
term responses can be explained by the importance and functionality of travel lanes for moving people.
Thus, any modifications/changes of use of travel lanes are likely to be temporary. In fact, Figure 5 shows
that responses applied on the travel lanes mainly focused on the bicycle lanes as were temporary, as
indicated by a large node of the keywords lane, bicycle, and temporary.
Figure 5. Text network for Responses affected Travel Lanes
Furthermore, the intersection-related responses are about 57% more likely and 51% less likely to
be long-term, depending on the consideration of the indefinite observations. Further, curb, parking lane,
and parks/plan responses are more likely to be permanent. In fact, the responses that affected parking lanes
are 69% - 87% more likely to be permanent. Likewise, curb and park/plaza responses are 46% and 67%,
respectively, more permanent. This observation can be attributed to the type of responses adopted in the
locations. For instance, at the intersections/curbs, the responses that involved modifying curbs or
automating walk signals are likely to be permanent.
Responses that created space for commerce, provided other bicycle or pedestrian supports, or had
other or miscellaneous functions are likely to be permanent as compared to responses to create space for
walking and cycling. Spaces created for commerce are between 9 and 11 times more likely to be permanent
compared to space for walking and cycling. Similarly, responses for other bike/ped supports are between 4
and 33 times more likely to be permanent compared to space for bike/ped, while responses for others are
about 1.7-2.9 times likely to be permanent. However, only responses for other bike/ped” are statistically
significant at a 90% confidence level. Further, according to the text mining results in Figure 6, the responses
for other bike/pedestrian supports involve changes at the intersections, which may include the signals, walk
signal automation, and reductions in speed limit, which are likely to be permanent. On the other hand, space
for commerce tended to involve blocking entire sections of roads, which is less likely to be a permanent
Figure 6. Text network for Other Bike/Pedestrians Responses
As shown in Table 4, there are three main implementation approaches (category variable):
physical, operational, and regulatory. The OR of the operational and regulatory are less than one, implying
that these responses are less likely to be permanent when compared to be physical. In fact, regulatory
responses are 92%-95% less likely to be permanent when to compared to physical responses. Similarly,
operational responses are 13%-15% less likely to be permanent. However, only regulatory responses are
statically significant at a 95% confidence level. This observation reflects that the regulatory responses were
more likely to be simplified than others and thus are likely to be permanent. Conversely, operational
responses involve substantial infrastructures changes that are less likely to be permanent. Figure 7 shows
key patterns for regulatory responses. It can be observed that most of these responses involved parking.
This observation is based on the size of the node for the keyword parking. The co-occurrence of the
keywords in Figure 7 suggests that regulatory responses affected parking meter, parking permit, parking
suspended, on-street parking, free parking, among others. It is clear that the parking-related responses,
whose summary is presented in Figure 7, are likely to be on a short-term basis.
Figure 7. Text network for Regulatory Responses
4. Conclusions and Future Studies
This study seeks to explore the long-term impact of COVID-19 on transportation facilities. It uses data
from the Shifting Streets COVID-19 Mobility Dataset, which documents ways in which cities around the
world modified streets to provide more spacing for social distancing while performing walking, biking or
other business. Two analysis methodstext mining and logistic regressionare applied to explore the
long-term outcomes of street-level responses to COVID-19.
This study found that responses occurring in travel lanes, the creation of space for outdoor dining,
measures to improve access to work for healthcare workers were intended for the short term. On the other
hand, new bicycle lanes and full street closures (a.k.a. ‘open streets’) were more commonly intended to
outlast the pandemic. Partial street closures (a.k.a. 'shared streets’), improvements to public transport,
responses meant to curtail disease transmission, and responses taking place inside parks were intended as
both short-term and long-term interventions. The text network provided the low-level details of the
The logistic regression results intended to explore the likelihood of the response being long-term (i.e.,
outlasting the pandemic). In this analysis, five variables were of interest: the temporal coverage of the
response (time), the street space affected (space), the purpose and function of the response, and the
implementation approach (category). The study found that responses that were applied all day, every day
were more likely to be long-term. Further, responses that covered some, but not all travel lanes only were
less likely to be long-term than responses that covered the entire roadway. However, the findings for this
kind of response do change depending on the consideration of the indefinite observations. Regarding the
purpose, compared to responses for moving people, responses for economic recovery and public health
were less likely to be long-term while those implemented primarily to improve safety were more likely to
be long-term. Furthermore, responses that focused on other (i.e., non-street space) supports for walking and
cycling were more likely to be long term compared to those that created street space for walking and
cycling. Lastly, regulatory responses were less likely to be long-term than to physical responses.
The study findings have several implications in the post-COVID-19 era. Transportation researchers,
practitioners, and the public are looking forward to a new normal. Our analyses suggest that new normal
will include several modifications to the use and function of public roadways. Responses that require
limited resources and/or involve limited changes to traffic patterns, such as automation of walk signal
automation and speed limit reductions, are expected to remain beyond the pandemic. More substantial
changes, such as reallocations of travel lanes to new uses and new intersection configurations, may also be
continued in a post-COVID-19 era. Use of on-street parking spaces for other uses may also be a common
post-pandemic feature. More data is needed to support analysis into the role of other factors, such as the
planning processes underlying cities’ responses and the distribution of costs and benefits of those responses,
to further improve our understanding of the long-term impacts of COVID-19 on the transportation sector.
Furthermore, future studies may focus on the heterogenous results across regions, continents, and high vs.
low-income settings.
5. Acknowledgements
Authors would like to thank all the contributors to the Shifting Streets COVID19 Mobility Dataset.
This includes the contributors for Local actions to support walking and cycling during social distancing
dataset, COVID-19 Livable Streets Response Strategies dataset, COVID Mobility Works dataset.
6. Funding Sources
This research did not receive any specific grant from funding agencies in the public, commercial, or
not-for-profit sectors.
7. Declaration of interest: None.
8. Author Contributions
Boniphace Kutela and Neema Langa Conceptualization; Tabitha Combs Data curation;
Boniphace Kutela and Rafael John, Mwekh’iga Formal analysis; Boniphace Kutela and Rafael John,
Mwekh’iga Methodology; Boniphace Kutela and Neema Langa Roles/Writing - original draft;
Boniphace Kutela and Tabitha Combs Writing - review & editing.
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... The initial phase of the pandemic demanded the implementation of several measures intended to halt the spread of the virus, including interventions to increase the social distance between people in the public space. Measures such as emergency cycle paths, new pedestrianisations or expansions of existing sidewalks were promoted in different cities: not only Global North metropolises such as Paris, London, New York or Milan, but also Global South cities like some of the main Latin American metropolises such as Bogotá, Mexico City and Rio de Janeiro (Combs & Pardo, 2021;Glaser & Krizek, 2021;Kutela et al., 2022;Vecchio et al., 2021;Verhulst et al., 2023). Despite significant differences across urban settings and their mobility issues. ...
... Another significant feature is the temporal horizon of these interventions. While street experiments are temporary by definition, even if they may be maintained or repeated (Bertolini, 2020), most measures implemented during the pandemic were temporary (Kutela et al., 2022). Most spaces created for walking and cycling were implemented on a temporary basis, with some remarkable exceptions as the 7 out of 8 temporary cycle lanes declared permanent in Toronto in 2021 (City of Toronto, 2021), while spaces for commerce were more likely to be permanent. ...
The COVID-19 pandemic triggered significant changes in sustainable mobility in many large and well-known cities of the Global North, such as Paris, Milan or New York. Soon, various large Latin American cities followed suit, taking advantage of this global trend that included significant street experiments. However, it is less clear how these changes affected intermediate cities in this large region and how the population perceived these changes. This paper analyzes the series of street experiments developed in Chilean intermediate cities during the COVID-19 pandemic. We intend to analyze to what extent intermediate cities have engaged in street experi-mentations and to examine the perceptions associated to street experiments. To this purpose, we surveyed public officials from Chilean intermediate cities and then focused on examining the street experiments developed in Quilpué, a city located 125 km west of Santiago. The results showed that 9 of the 10 intermediate cities surveyed carried out interventions, with the emergency bicycle lane being the most frequent measure, followed by the widening of sidewalks. These were located in areas of high pedestrian flows and were mostly financed by own funds and ministerial funds. However, the main difficulty encountered was budgetary. In the case of Quilpué, shopkeepers have a rather negative view of the process, which was perceived as not very inclusive and participatory, with harmful consequences for the operation of their businesses. These results show that, to be more successful and gain long-term recognition, street experiments should pay more attention to community involvement, especially in small urban areas with deep-rooted auto-centric ways of thinking.
... The constructed matrix is then visualized with keywords represented as variously sized nodes based on their recorded frequencies. Various metrics can be utilized for comparative analysis, but document and collocated frequency (Kutela, Combs, et al., 2022;Kutela, Kitali, et al., 2023) are the two metrics used in this study to compare humangenerated and ChatGPT-generated introductions. Document frequency is the number of documents that contain the keyword of interest. ...
... Of those measures, 13% were shifts of motor vehicle travel lanes to cycling or walking, 22% were full or partial street closures to motorised traffic, and 8% involved bikesharing expansion or bike rental discounts. In a follow-up analysis, Kutela et al. (2022) used text mining and network analysis to examine 483 measures over the longer period March 2020 to January 2022. In both their network analysis and logistic regression, they found that bike lanes were the most likely to be made permanent, followed by full-street closures to motor vehicles (open streets). ...
... Collocation frequency determines the number of times keywords appear next to each other and provides a deeper insight into the relationships between keywords. The collocation of keywords in a text network plays a significant role in forming text clusters or communities of keywords, representing a group of keywords clustered together in the network (Kutela, Combs, et al., 2022;Kutela, Kitali, et al., 2022;Paranyushkin, 2011). A text network may have multiple communities (see Figure 1), with each community consisting of closely related and strongly connected keywords (Kutela, Dzinyela, Haule, et al., 2023). ...
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ChatGPT has emerged as a promising advanced large language model that needs prompt to gain information. However, designing a good prompt is not an easy task for many end-users. Therefore, this study intends to determine the amount of information gained because of varied amounts of information in the prompt. This study used two types of prompts, initial and improved, to query the introduction sections of 327 highly cited articles on traffic safety. The queried introduction sections were then matched with the corresponding human-written introduction sections from the same articles. Similarity tests and text network analysis were used to understand the level of similarities and the content of ChatGPT-generated and human-written introductions. The findings indicate the improved prompts, which have the addition of generic persona and information about the citations and references, changed the ChatGPT's output insignificantly. While the perfect similar contents are supposed to have a 1.0 similarity score, the initial and improved prompt's introduction materials have average similarity scores of 0.5387 and 0.5567, respectively. Further, the content analysis revealed that themes such as statistics, trends, safety measures, and safety technologies are more likely to have high similarity scores, irrespective of the amount of information provided in the prompt. On the other hand, themes such as human behavior, policy and regulations, public perception, and emerging technologies require a detailed level of information in their prompt to produce materials that are close to human-written materials. The prompt engineers can use the findings to evaluate their outputs and improve their prompting skills.
... Two papers investigate the long-term COVID-19 impacts on the transportation sector. Kutela et al. (2022) investigate the lasting influences of street-level responses implemented during the pandemic. They use a unique dataset of worldwide street-level policy responses to the COVID-19 outbreak from 534 cities in more than 50 countries, which records various characteristics of actions and measures taken to intervene how streets are used and function during the pandemic. ...
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Anecdotal evidence suggests that cycling boomed during the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic. Many shops ran out of bicycles for sale. However, it is not known whether increased cycling activity has continued. Using evidence from two representative online panel surveys, comprising over 2,400 New Jersey residents, we analyze bicycle ownership, purchasing, usage during the pandemic and intention to use after the pandemic subsides. We estimate multivariate models and find that the odds that a respondent intends to cycle more in the future (compared to prior to the pandemic) are 4.5 times higher if they have noticed positive changes to their neighborhood during the pandemic. Moreover, the odds that a respondent intends to cycle more are two times higher if they worked from home, compared to working outside the home. Our findings suggest that infrastructure changes can successfully induce cycling during the pandemic and increase the intention to cycle in the future. Additionally, because the uptake in cycling has been larger for people who work from home, we highlight the importance of focusing on bicycle infrastructure related to recreation and exercise, in addition to commuting.
Hurricane evacuation decisions can be complex depending on the available information and transportation options. Although significant research has been performed to understand the associated factors for hurricane evacuation decisions, the influence of roadway transportation and associated traffic conditions has received less attention. This study applied regression analysis and text mining approaches on publicly available survey data conducted after Hurricane Irma to understand the influence of roadway transportation and associated traffic conditions on evacuation decisions. Only respondents who received evacuation orders were used in this study. The regression analysis and text mining results revealed that roadway transportation-related factors, including traffic and roadway conditions and gasoline availability, were significantly associated with a lower likelihood of evacuation. Further, respondents were less likely to evacuate if they received voluntary, shelter-in-place, and any other combination of orders other than mandatory orders. Higher-income people were also less likely to evacuate. Considering building type, people in apartments and single homes were less likely to evacuate than mobile homes. Additionally, people who experienced hurricanes and/or tsunamis were less likely to evacuate. On the other hand, high education level, male respondents, people who live in flood risk areas or zone as determined by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, people with experience with terrorism, and those with prior evacuation experience were more likely to evacuate. The study findings can be used to determine the critical characteristics of vulnerable people who are less likely to evacuate and direct more resources to make sure that they evacuate to potentially save their lives.
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The COVID-19 pandemic strongly affected mobility around the world. Public transport was particularly hindered, since people may perceive it as unsafe and decide to avoid it. Moreover, in Switzerland, several restrictions were applied at the beginning of the first pandemic wave (16/03/2 020), to reduce the contagion. This study observes how the pandemic affected travel behaviour of public transport users, focusing on route choice and recurrent trips. We conducted a travel survey based on GPS tracking during the first pandemic wave, following 48 users for more than 4 months. The very same users were also tracked in spring 2019, allowing a precise comparison of travel behaviour before and during the pandemic. We analyse how the pandemic affected users, in terms of travel distance, mode share and location during the day. We specifically focus on recurrent trips, commuting and non-commuting, observing how mode and route changed between the two different periods. Finally, we estimate a route choice model for public transport (Mixed Path Size Logit), based on trips during the two different years, to identify how the route choice criteria changed during the pandemic. The main differences identified in travel behaviour during the pandemic are a different perception of costs of transfers and of travel time in train, and that users no longer have a clear preferred route for a recurrent trip, but often choose different routes.
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Autonomous or automated vehicles (AVs) have the potential to improve traffic safety by eliminating majority of human errors. As the interest in AV deployment increases, there is an increasing need to assess and understand the expected implications of AVs on traffic safety. Until recently, most of the literature has been based on either survey questionnaires, simulation analysis, virtual reality, or simulation to assess the safety benefits of AVs. Although few studies have used AV crash data, vulnerable road users (VRUs) have not been a topic of interest. Therefore, this study uses crash narratives from four-year (2017–2020) of AV crash data collected from California to explore the direct and indirect involvement of VRUs. The study applied text network and compared the text classification performance of four classifiers - Support Vector Machine (SVM), Naïve Bayes (NB), Random Forest (RF), and Neural Network (NN) and associated performance metrics to attain the objective. It was found that out of 252 crashes, VRUs were, directly and indirectly, involved in 23 and 12 crashes, respectively. Among VRUs, bicyclists and scooterists are more likely to be involved in the AV crashes directly, and bicyclists are likely to be at fault, while pedestrians appear more in the indirectly involvements. Further, crashes that involve VRUs indirectly are likely to occur when the AVs are in autonomous mode and are slightly involved minor damages on the rear bumper than the ones that directly involve VRUs. Additionally, feature importance from the best performing classifiers (RF and NN) revealed that crosswalks, intersections, traffic signals, movements of AVs (turning, slowing down, stopping) are the key predictors of the VRUs-AV related crashes. These findings can be helpful to AV operators and city planners.
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This paper discusses possible long-term effects of COVID-19 on activity-travel behaviour. Making use of theories and concepts from economics, psychology, sociology, and geography, this work argues that lasting effects can be expected, and specifically that peak demand among car and public transport users may be lower than if the pandemic would never have happened. The magnitude of such effects at the aggregate level in terms of the total travel time of all inhabitants of a country or state is likely limited. Such lasting effects imply that additional infrastructure extensions to reduce congestion on roads and crowding in public transport might have a lower benefit-cost ratio than would be the case without these impacts. The paper discusses avenues for future research, including work on the role of attitude changes, the formation of new habitual behaviour, new social norms and practices, well-being effects, and the role of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT).
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The COVID-19 pandemic is causing mass disruption to our daily lives. We integrate mobility data from mobile devices and area-level data to study the walking patterns of 1.62 million anonymous users in 10 metropolitan areas in the United States. The data covers the period from mid-February 2020 (pre-lockdown) to late June 2020 (easing of lockdown restrictions). We detect when users were walking, distance walked and time of the walk, and classify each walk as recreational or utilitarian. Our results reveal dramatic declines in walking, particularly utilitarian walking, while recreational walking has recovered and even surpassed pre-pandemic levels. Our findings also demonstrate important social patterns, widening existing inequalities in walking behavior. COVID-19 response measures have a larger impact on walking behavior for those from low-income areas and high use of public transportation. Provision of equal opportunities to support walking is key to opening up our society and economy. Mobility restrictions implemented to reduce the spread of COVID-19 have significantly impacted walking behavior. In this study, the authors integrated mobility data from mobile devices and area-level data to study the walking patterns of 1.62 million anonymous users in 10 US metropolitan areas.
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The novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) crisis has influenced economies and societies across the globe and will thoroughly reshape our world as it continues to unfold. The pandemic is likely to trigger permanent long-term impacts on the transport sector in the post-COVID world. While a post-COVID “new normal” will be likely to incur negative consequences, it may provide an opportunity to move toward a more sustainable transport sector. This paper is aimed at developing an urban economic model with an energy focus to depict the dynamics of travel demand, energy consumption, and emissions in the post-COVID world. A set of scenarios was created according to model assumptions regarding lifestyle changes and policy interventions accompanied by the expected post-COVID new normal, to explore long-term pathways toward a deep decarbonization of the transport sector. Scenario simulations demonstrated that working from home, online shopping, and a bike-friendly infrastructure will contribute to a reduction in energy consumption and CO2 emissions, whereas a significant shift from bus to car transport and the decreasing use of car-sharing services will adversely affect CO2 emission reductions. The arrival of the post-COVID world may contribute to an 11% reduction in CO2 emissions by 2060, while the maximum reduction potential could be as high as 44%. Supporting policies and strategies for encouraging remote work and online shopping as well as for promoting safe public transport, active transport, and carpooling services are needed to strongly decarbonize the transport sector in the post-COVID world. Moreover, population distribution and urban structure may also be influenced by the arrival of the post-COVID new normal, which warrant further attention for urban planning.
The COVID-19 pandemic has challenged and encouraged local governments to reallocate street space. The chief purpose of new regimes of street management is to expand spaces for walking and bicycling, and to ease business interactions such as curbside pickup and dining while maintaining social distancing guidelines. We investigated how North Americans on Twitter viewed alternative uses and forms of street reallocation, specifically during the early months of the pandemic from April 1, 2020 to July 1, 2020. Relying on a crowdsourced dataset of government actions (Combs and Pardo 2021), we identified five areas of policy initiative that were broadly representative of government actions: cycling, walking, driving, business, and curbside. First, we identified a corpus of 292,108 geolocated tweets from the U.S. and Canada. Next, we used word vectors, built on this Twitter corpus, to generate similarity scores across the five areas of policy initiative for each tweet. Finally, we selected the top tweets that closely matched ideas contained in the areas of policy initiative, thus creating a finer corpus of 1,537 tweets. Using the five categories as guideposts, we conducted an inductive content analysis to understand opinions expressed on Twitter. Our analysis suggests that renewed use of the curb has opened up possibilities for reimaging this space. Particularly, business uses of the curb for dining and pick up zones have expanded widely, and there is more use of sidewalks; yet both spaces have limited capacity. Planners need to think of expanding these assets while reducing cost burdens for their alternative uses.
The COVID-19 pandemic and the need for physical distancing in public spaces have significant effects on sustainable mobility initiatives. Many cities around the world promoted temporary transformations of streets, redistributing road space to create emergency cycleways and expand sidewalks to allow the movement of people while granting a certain physical distance between people. While Europe and, to a lesser extent, North America have initially led these initiatives, Latin America has soon followed suit, without much of their technical experience, governance, resources and sometimes public acceptance for sustainable mobility. The paper examines if and how the major disruptive event posed by the COVID-19 has reconfigured sustainable mobility initiatives in Latin American cities. Interviewing key decision-makers, the paper reviews five initiatives across the region to examine the typology of interventions promoted and the spaces involved, the governance schemes that allowed them and the public acceptance towards such measures. The analysis demonstrates that the COVID-19 pandemic has fostered a faster adoption of sustainable mobility measures such as emergency cycleways, street pedestrianisations and other traffic calming initiatives, facilitating the creation of new coalitions and the public acceptance of these interventions thanks to the sense of urgency generated by the pandemic.
The COVID-19 pandemic has had a substantial impact on the airline industry. Air travel in the United States declined in 2020 with significantly lower domestic and international flights. The dynamic change and uncertainty in the trend of COVID-19 have made it difficult to predict future air travel. This paper aims at developing and testing neural network models that predict domestic and international air travel in the medium and long term based on residents' daily trips by distance, economic condition, COVID-19 severity, and travel restrictions. Data in the United States from various sources were used to train and validate the neural network models, and Monte Carlo simulations were constructed to predict air travel under uncertainty of the pandemic and economic growth. The results show that weekly economic index (WEI) is the most important predictor for air travel. Additionally, daily trips by distance play a more important role in the prediction of domestic air travel than the international one, while travel restrictions seem to have an impact on both. Sensitivity analysis results for four different scenarios indicate that air travel in the future is more sensitive to the change in WEI than the changes in COVID-19 variables. Additionally, even in the best-case scenario, when the pandemic is over and the economy is back to normal, it still takes several years for air travel to return to normal, as before the pandemic. The findings have significant contributions to the literature in COVID-19's impact on air transportation and air travel prediction.
The COVID pandemic severely impacted mobility during lockdown as well as the period after that observing different phases of unlocking process. Lockdown has resulted in drastic mobility reduction and subsequent unlocking process brought back mobility gradually to a certain level, substantially lower than the Pre-COVID periods. However, this is expected to be back gradually to same level of Pre-COVID after certain period of time. While this change is planned to be gradual, it creates an opportunity to improve mobility towards non-motorised transport (NMT) which can influence travel behavior for present as well for the future covering Pre and Post-COVID periods. Apart from studying the influencing travel behavior during Pre and Post-COVID conditions, change in quantum of commuting population is required to be studied for various estimations related to transport planning. This quantum of commuting population is largely affected by the adopted locking/ unlocking strategies by Government of India. Commuting population and travel behavior got influenced by the large migration from metro cities to smaller towns, adopted work from home (WFH) styles, reduced commute of elderly and children and other restrictions on gatherings, etc. Considering the range of allowed activities, influenced by the phases of locking/ unlocking strategies, twelve different scenarios have been developed for various estimations. The developed scenarios have been named with alpha numeric style ranging from A0 to E5. A0 presenting the Pre-COVID scenario. Alphabet “A” represent Pre-COVID scenario, “B”, “C”, “D” and “E” Scenarios represent the unlocking phases, while number 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 represents the different policy aspects related to the change on capacity of transport services (i.e. public transport capacity and change due to infrastructural improvement for NMT). Scenario A0 represents the Pre-COVID situation, while other ranges (viz., B1, B2, B3, C2, C3, C4, D2, D3, D5) represents various locking/unlocking levels. The Scenario E5 represents the situation without any movement restrictions, where public transport systems are assumed to be functioning with full capacity and infrastructure has been improved for NMT trips. Estimations for all the 12 scenarios include commuting population, their modal split, vehicle kilometers traveled by these vehicles and corresponding vehicular emission. Estimated modal split also includes the influence of improved NMT friendly infrastructure and reduced capacity of public transport systems. The results of developed scenarios provide a handy information for the policy makers to choose right policy to promote sustainable transportation with adequate emphasis on NMT. It is evident that as compared to the Pre-COVID scenario (A0), Post-COVID scenario with improved NMT infrastructure (E5) has VKT reduction of 19% in MTWs, 5% in Cars and 49% in Buses. Increase in bicycle trips have been estimated to be 5.88 million for Post-COVID scenario as compared to 1.1 million trips estimated for the Pre-COVID Scenario. Similar trend has also been observed for fuel consumption (reduction of 4.7% to 11.8%) and corresponding vehicular emission (reduction of 14 %). This study estimated the potential benefits of providing NMT friendly infrastructure considering the gradual shift influenced by locking/ unlocking phases of COVID pandemic.
This paper investigates the long-term impacts of COVID-19 on transport and land-use systems through understanding changes in households’ long-term choices, such as residential location choice, travel tool ownership and type choice. For that, it first develops two possible scenarios, which are, (i) without COVID-19 pandemic, (ii) with COVID-19 pandemic. Specific behavioural attributes of households associated with each scenario are modelled and simulated up to the year 2030 within an integrated transport, land-use and energy (iTLE) model. iTLE is an agent-based microsimulation model developed for Nova Scotia, Canada. Results show that, if COVID-19 persists, most people who do not own a car will continue restraining themselves from purchasing one up to the year 2027. Most households having heads aged between 30 and 75 years and a yearly income above $100,000 will purchase new vehicles in year 2022, making the vehicle purchase rate doubled in the province. In terms of vehicle type choice decision, the use of SUVs will increase by 25% and 27% by 2025 and 2030, respectively, compared to year 2020. The pandemic will cause a 0%–74% increase in vehicle ownership in suburban areas by 2030. Additionally, the ability to ‘work from home’ and online school facilities may influence people to live further away from downtown. The results of this study will offer transport and land-use planners insights into how households’ long-term decision making may evolve in the future due to the COVID-19 crisis and help develop policies to continue focusing on the sustainability goals for communities.