Bogdanovich Natalia

Bogdanovich Natalia
Moscow State University of Psychology and Education · Faculty of Legal and Forensic Psychology

Doctor of Psychology


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Publications (19)
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p style="text-align: justify;">This article proposes a competency model for a specialist of the “Teens of Russia” network of centers for working with online risks and resources, developed on the basis of the activity scheme proposed by Y. Engestrem. These centres operate on the basis of the strategic programme “Teenagers of Russia”, implemented sin...
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p style="text-align: justify;"> This article proposes a competency model for a specialist of the “Teens of Russia” network of centers for working with online risks and resources, developed on the basis of the activity scheme proposed by Y. Engestrem. These centres operate on the basis of the strategic programme “Teenagers of Russia”, implemented si...
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p style="text-align: justify;">The article is devoted to the study of the features of self-organization in adolescents with a revealed tendency to various types of deviant behavior, as well as the relationship between the development of self-organization and a tendency to deviant behavior. Relevance, novelty and practical significance are due to th...
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This manual briefly examines the main aspects of the interaction of today's youth in social networks, the virtual platforms where adolescents and young adults spend a significant portion of their time. The authors have attempted to outline problematic lines related to the deviant online behavior of adolescents and young adults in social networks an...
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This article reveals the features of training psychologists for developmental and psychocorrectional activities in the context of legal psychology. Definitions and differentiation of these activities are given, and the concept of “training” is defined as a group form of their implementation. These stages in training of specialists are noted: client...
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p>The work is devoted to the specificity of the phenomenon of “legal culture” from the psychological point of view. An attempt was made to psychologically examine the concept of legal culture and describe its components, which allowed us to select methods for identifying age and gender features. We determined the dynamics of legal culture in four a...
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Nowadays the time for direct contacts between people is getting shorter, communication is increasingly going online, requiring special skills from those participating in it. And so there is a need for methods of developing one's sociability, both real and virtual as a response to digitalization. The work presents the results of experimental and emp...
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The authors made an attempt to describe the problem of developing the concept of risk assessment of deviant online behavior of minors and young adults in social networks. The article looks into the psychological consequences of banalizing of the internet, analysis possibilities for offline and online behavior. Approaches for risk factors assessment...
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The article examines the methodological basics of deviant behavior prevention of minors as a field of activity of a psychologist in educational organizations. The substantial definition, main contradictions and requirements for the organization of psychological prevention are provided. The specifics of preventive activities in the context of diffic...
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The article considers the challenges faced by psychologists of educational institutions as subjects of the prevention of juvenile delinquency, primarily the very understanding of prevention as a psychologist’s activity; it reveals why the everyday idea of psychoprophylaxis does not work in modern conditions and a comprehensive, even systemic unders...
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The article presents the results of an empirical study, the main tasks of which were to identify the features of the value-semantic sphere among students studying at the law faculty and students studying at the faculty of psychology. The sample consisted of 128 students studying at the Faculty of Law and the Faculty of Legal Psychology. The hypothe...
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The article analyses psychosocial rehabilitation of adolescents caught in legally significant situations in relation to the professional standard. Most often, the term "rehabilitation" is defined as a system of certain measures and/or arrangements aimed at the restoration, correction, compensation of impaired mental functions or qualities. However,...
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The article adduces a research of psychological characteristics of information security of adolescents with deviant and normative behavior. 46 people from two Moscow schools were examined with a complex of four methods, one of which was the “Information Security Questionnaire" - is used for the first time. In addition, two experimental subgroups vi...
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The article explores features of providing training in the approbated module “Prevention of Behavioural and Developmental Disorders” within the master’s programme in School Psychology. The programme was developed in accordance with the professional standard for educational psychologists. The article outlines the aims of the module and its place in...
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In this article the analysis of professional standards in terms of the scope of work of the psychologist with clients in difficult life and legal situations. The criteria of analysis chosen: reflected in professional activities, the choice of grounds for the selection of professional activities that focus on a specific Department, selection of a pa...
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The article analyzes the concept of "legally significant situation." Discusses the classification of situations from the point of view of criminology and forensic psychological assessment. Highlights the main features of this type of situations from the point of view of psychology: the nature of conflict, involving the participation of third partie...
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The article presents principles of inserting study subjects and practices in educational modules running with network organizations (internship sites). We proposed a methodological basis of the modular organization of educational process in the framework of the master's program, combied the activity, competence and psychotechnical approaches. Netwo...
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The work with adolescents demonstrating illegal, asocial and in general deviant behavior is a topical trend at present, a lot of various specialists are engaged in development thereof: lawyers, psychologists, pedagogues, social workers and etc. The main sources of deviant behavior in the author's opinion are various peculiarities of emotional-voli...
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We present the model of specialist training in pedagogy and psychology of deviant behavior. We reveal the basic activities necessary for development within Federal State Educational Standard III, majoring in 050407 “Pedagogy and Psychology of deviant behavior”: general and pathopsyhological diagnostics, developmental activities, psychological educa...


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