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Biometrics Recognition based on Image Local Features Ordinal Encoding

(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Vol. 8, No. 12, 2017
328 | P a g e
Biometrics Recognition based on Image Local
Features Ordinal Encoding
Simina Emerich
Department of Communications,
Technical University of Cluj-Napoca,
28 Memorandumului, Cluj-Napoca, 400114, Romania
Bogdan Belean
National Institute for Research and Development of Isotopic
and Molecular Technologies, CETATEA Research Centre,
67-103 Str. Donat, Cluj-Napoca, 400293, Romania
AbstractIn the present informational era, with the continue
extension of embedded computing systems, the demand of faster
and robust image descriptors is an important issue. However,
image representation and recognition is an open problem. The
aim of the paper is to embrace ordinal measurements for image
analysis and to apply the concept for a real problem, such as
biometric identification. Biometrics provides a robust solution
for the identity management process and is increasingly more
present in our life. To explore the textural discriminative
information of images, the paper proposes a new feature
extraction technique, namely, Image Local Features Ordinal
KeywordsBiometrics; image local features; ordinal
measurements; iris; dorsal hand veins
The recent advancements achieved in computer vision,
together with sensors evolution, play a key role in the
development of real-world applications. A privileged area of
applications where ordinal analysis and encoding procedures
have been found to be relevant is pattern recognition.
Biometric recognition is defined as automatic person
identification based on vectors derived from biological
characteristics. Ordinal measurements were employed by
several biometric systems especially for signal or image
feature extraction purposes, mainly because of their
computational properties. A brief description of the main
pattern recognition techniques based on ordinal comparisons
with notable influence on image processing is further
In 1990, He and Wang proposed the first method for image
encoding based on the intensity value of the pixels from a
local neighborhood, namely Texture Unit Number (TUN) [1].
In [2] one of the most powerful texture descriptors Local
Binary Patterns (LBP) were introduced. The LBP operator
compares each image pixel with its 8 neighbor pixels: if the
neighbor pixel is greater or equal then the central one, a binary
1 is resulted, otherwise a binary 0 is used. Finally, a 256 values
histogram is used to collect the occurrences of local patterns.
To reduce the dimensionality Ojala et al. [3] observed that if
only the ’uniform’ patterns (where the maximum number of
bit-wise changes is 2) are retained, the discrimination
performance remains similar. A significant advantage of this
technique is that avoids the need of using time or frequency
normalization. Lately many variations were proposed in
literature, starting from this methodology, LBP and its variants
have been successfully used for image recognition tasks
including biometrics. For example, the use of several patch-
based image descriptors: Local Binary Pattern, Local Phase
Quantization and Differential Excitation, has been
investigated in [4] for iris recognition.
Another approach, named Local Line Binary Pattern
(LLBP) determines a line binary code along with horizontal
respectively vertical direction and its magnitude, and
characterizes the change in image intensity such as edges and
corners [5]. It was applied especially in biometric recognition
systems based on hand veins structure from finger [6], palm
[7] or the dorsal part [8].
Wang et al. proposed in 2011 a highly discriminative
method called Local Intensity Order Pattern (LIOP) that uses
the advantages offered by ordinal measurements to extract the
image descriptors [9]. The input image is partitioned into
square patches with odd length and then each local patch is
divided into sub-regions with the same intensity. Next, a Local
Intensity Order Pattern of each point is computed, based on
the relationships among the intensities of its N neighboring
points. For each vector, a mapping is done by sorting the
elements of the vector in an increasing order and assigning an
integer value from 1 to N!, since there are N! possible
permutations. This approach explores the fact that the relative
order of pixel intensities remains unchanged when the
intensity changes are monotonic [10] and has been
successfully applied in [11] to extract the representative
information from iris texture.
Other ordinal measurements based methods proposed in
literature to solve various problems such as image recognition,
tracking or classification are: Ordinal and Spatial information
of Regional Invariants (OSRI) [12], Multisupport Region
Order-based Gradient Histogram (MROGH), Multisupport
Region Rotation and Intensity monotonic invariant Descriptor
(MRRID), etc. [13]. A very comprehensive study of image
ordinal descriptors was recently published by Fan and Wang
in [14].
The rest of the article is organized as follows. In Section II
we present the proposed technique, namely Image Local
Features Ordinal Encoding (ILFOE). It will be integrated, in
Section III, in two biometric systems, based on iris
respectively dorsal hand veins. Finally, Section IV concludes
the paper.
(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Vol. 8, No. 12, 2017
329 | P a g e
It is well-known that a pattern recognition algorithm needs
to solve the following three problems: what to measure, how
to measure and how to interpret the results.
The human brain capabilities of visual pattern recognition
remain poorly understood. Some recent studies state that the
computational models disposed by the visual cortex are based
on qualitatively comparing rather than quantitative
information. According to this idea, a new method applicable
for image recognition and based on ordinal measurements, is
further proposed. Qualitative comparisons, associated to the
relative ordering of extracted characteristics, are defined as
ordinal measurements.
Usually, an automatic image classification approach
contains three main modules: firstly, relevant features are
extracted from images, the features are then encoded into
descriptors and finally, the classification is achieved by
disposing the image descriptors into a machine learning
algorithm. The encoding process affects the system efficiency
(speed and accuracy).
Of late years, different descriptors have been designed to
improve the performance of standard histogram encoding
procedure. The Bag-of-Features encoding model has been
extensively explored for image recognition. The most known
Bag-of-Features strategies are: Voting Based Methods (Hard
Voting and Soft Voting), Fisher Kernel, Sparse Coding, Local
tangent Coding, Super Vector Coding, Salient Coding, etc.
[15], [16].
Further we focus on the first two step of this pipeline. The
framework of the proposed ordinal image encoding algorithms
is presented in Fig. 1.
The local features could be extracted from image filter
responses or from image patches. The selection of the
optimum filter banks is application dependent. The use of
image patches is considered to be faster and less complex than
using image jets [17].
The designed method, namely Image Local Features
Ordinal Encoding (ILFOE), consist of representing images
through the differences between patch based local features.
The intensity pixels values will be explored by different
local processing algorithms on a squared or circular
neighborhood. The employed techniques must satisfy several
requirements: should be highly informative and should capture
textural variation. The number of features resulted from each
patch is preferable be fixed and small.
Fig. 1. Image ordinal encoding.
Fig. 2. ILFOE Algorithm.
The ordinal relation between pairs of features extracted
from succesive patches is further investigated. The algorithm
implies qualitative feature comparisions such as greater than,
less than and equal. Fig. 2 summarizes the proposed ILFOE
For each comparison, a ternary code (+, 0, -) is established,
as follows: if the difference between considered features is
greater than a threshold value t, then “+” is assigned to it. A
difference lesser than -t is encoded with “–” and a difference
value in the range of width t around zero is quantized to “0”.
 
 
  (1)
Where  
are local features, A and B are
successive neighborhoods and t is a predefined threshold.
The signs of the differences between adjacent
neighborhoods are encoded into symbols, resulting in n3
distinct values, where n is the number of the considered local
features. The proposed method converts the input image into
an encoded stream of discrete numerical symbols, resulted
from ordinal comparisons, as shown in Fig. 3. It is expected
that the compactly extracted vectors will facilitate the
matching process. The new approach is very flexible and
could be adapted so that region patterns to be constructed
dependent upon the image classification task.
For unidimensional signals, a similar procedure, namely
TESPAR DZ has been proposed in [18] and successfully
employed especially for speech analysis.
Fig. 3. Discrete numerical symbols resulted from ordinal comparisons.
(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Vol. 8, No. 12, 2017
330 | P a g e
The paper intent is to argue that ordinal image
representation provides an appropriate solution for efficient
biometric authentication. The presented method will be
integrated in two recognition systems, based on iris
respectively dorsal hand veins. The processing flow used to
implement the biometric systems is presented in Fig. 4.
Fig. 4. Biometric system processing flow.
A. Unimodal Biometrics Systems based on Iris and Dorsal
Hand Veins
In present, the identity management solutions based on
both iris and hand veins recognition have received a
considerable attention. Compared with others physiological
traits, iris and dorsal hand veins are less susceptible to damage
or forgery and remains unchanged for a long period of time.
To evaluate the iris biometric system, experiments were
made on two publicly available databases: UPOL and
CASIA_V1. The first one includes high resolution and texture
rich color iris images, captured under visible lighting from 64
persons (3 for each eye) [19]. The second database contains
greyscale images, collected from Asian persons [20]. The iris
region is often covered by eyelids and eyelashes (the iris
content is less than 67%, for 11% of images [21]). Different
experiments have been conducted by considering 93 users and
5 different images for each individual, taken from the same
The inner and outer boundaries of the iris were delimited
during segmentation process by the help of the circular Hough
transform. The region of interest (ROI) was then unwrapped
into polar coordinates and used for the feature extraction step.
Since the upper and bottom of the iris, are often occluded by
eyelashes or eyelids, we investigate our method on the side
parts only. The half iris area (8 blocks) was selected between
315° and 45° for the right side and between 135° and 225° for
the left side. After segmentation step, 8 blocks of same
dimension are selected from the unwrapped rectangular iris
image according to Fig. 5.
The biometric system based on dorsal hand veins has been
designed by using the NCUT Part A database. For
experimental setup, 1020 near infrared gray images collected
from the left hands of 102 individuals (10 samples / user) has
been considered [22]. After region of interest selection, the
following techniques has been employed for image
enhancement: an adaptive histogram equalization with
Rayleigh distribution, followed by a median filtering and an
anisotropic diffusion. The resulted image has been further
divided into 9 equal blocks as shown in Fig. 6.
Fig. 5. Half iris area selection (8 blocks).
Fig. 6. A. Original image; b. Selected and enhanced ROI.
The ILFOE technique is applied independently on each
block to encode the pattern information. Different local
features were estimated, from a k-by-k neighborhood, around
each reference pixel:
The range value (maximum value minimum value) of
the neighborhood.
The median value.
A pixelwise adaptive Wiener value based on local mean
and variance.
The standard deviation.
The entropy value.
The local binary pattern.
The rotation invariant local binary pattern, etc.
The resulted image is of the same size as the input one for
all above mentioned techniques. Different experiments were
conducted to select an appropriate combination of individual
features for biometric recognition. Best recognition rates were
achieved by incorporating local range with median and
pixelwise adaptive Wiener values. A symmetric and
rectangular 9x9 neighborhood centered at each pixel, yield the
most accurate prediction in case of iris based system, while for
hand veins system a 5 x 5 neighborhood seems to be the most
For gray images, the range, median and Wiener values,
extracted from image patches, were further converted into a
vector based representation by means of the proposed ordinal
encoding procedure. Another modality, adequate to color
images, was designed by encoding the same local feature,
extracted from R, G, B color channels separately.
On these particular situations, n=3 thus 33= 27 symbols are
generated for each sub-image. The final vector consists in
N*27 features, where N is the number of considered blocks: 8
for iris images and 9 for dorsal hand veins images. It is
independently of input image size and was obtained by simply
concatenating the local histograms. Since the proposed
technique is applied on sub-images (blocks) separately, the
possible artifacts (segmentation errors, occlusions, etc.) will
influence only the corresponding local vector. The recognition
rates are listed in Table I.
Yes / No
Iris/ Hand
(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Vol. 8, No. 12, 2017
331 | P a g e
The Support Vector Machine, RBF kernel, has been used
for the recognition task since it has been successfully applied
in many studies for object classification [23].
B. Bimodal Biometric Systems based on Feature and Score
Level Fusions
A single biometric trait does not satisfy all the
requirements (e.g. accuracy, permanence, circumvention, etc.)
especially when it comes to large-scale authentication systems
Therefore, a bimodal recognition system based on iris and
dorsal hand veins has been also designed, by considering 93
virtual users. Each subject from CASIA_V1 iris database has
been combined with a subject belonging to NCUT vein
database. The use of virtual subjects is a common and
accepted procedure in biometrics.
The fusion has been made at the feature level and
matching-score level. The second strategy combines the
matching scores of each unimodal system, in order to arrive at
a final decision about the users’ identity. The scores provided
by individual matchers are incorporated by the product rule.
The recognition rates are listed in Table II.
The proposed new technique is considered to be suitable
for portable applications, especially due to the
computationally low costs.
Table III presents comparative summary of several prior
approaches presented in the literature for iris respectively
dorsal hand vein authentication. For the selected systems,
different ordinal based methods have been employed for
image analysis.
+ Median
+ Wiener)
+ Median
+ Wiener
IRIS [25]
+ combined Learning Vector
Quantization Classifier
IRIS [11]
Local Intensity Order Pattern (LIOP)
Partition Local Binary Pattern (PLBP)
Local Binary Pattern
+ geometry features (crossing, end-
Riesz Wavelet
+ Local Line Binary Patern
+ Statistical Moments
One fundamental issue in pattern recognition consists in
finding a convenient method for image to symbol
transformation. The present paper proposes a novel technique
resulted by integrating local image features into an ordinal
measurement based encoding method.
The obtained results indicate that ILFOF method
constitutes a promising solution for image features extraction
that could be easily adapted to different matching or
recognition tasks. The proposed technique is fast to compute,
has a low memory cost and can successfully address real
world applications such as biometrics.
Low computational complexity, large tolerance to
illumination variations and high degree of accuracy are
particular benefits provided by the designed biometric system.
Also, fixed length feature vectors are desirable as inputs for
the classification module.
To validate the effectiveness and the applicability of the
proposed encoding procedure, future work will examine the
ILFOF potential on other application area, such as medical
imaging. Future research will also explore other methods for
image local features extraction.
This work was supported by a grant of the Romanian
National Authority for Scientific Research and Innovation,
CNCS UEFISCDI, project number PN-II-RU-TE-2014-4-
(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications,
Vol. 8, No. 12, 2017
332 | P a g e
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... Sistem pengenalan diri secara otomatis sangat di butuhkan di era informasi seperti sekarang ini [1]. Pengenalan diri secara otomatis dapat dilakukan dengan menggunakan bagian tubuh atau perilaku manusia yang dikenal dengan istilah biometrika [4][5] [6]. Biometrika merupakan teknologi pengenalan diri yang menggunakan bagian tubuh atau perilaku dari manusia [4]. ...
... Pengenalan diri secara otomatis dapat dilakukan dengan menggunakan bagian tubuh atau perilaku manusia yang dikenal dengan istilah biometrika [4][5] [6]. Biometrika merupakan teknologi pengenalan diri yang menggunakan bagian tubuh atau perilaku dari manusia [4]. Biometrika memiliki ciri kerja dengan mengukur karakteristik pembeda pada badan atau perilaku seseorang tersebut dengan membandingkan karakteristik yang sebelumnya telah disimpan pada suatu database [7]. ...
... JOINTECS Vol. 4 ...
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Sistem pengenalan diri merupakan sebuah sistem yang dapat digunakan untuk mengenali identitas sesorang yang dapat dilakukan secara otomatis menggunakan komputer. Pengenalan diri secara otomatis dapat dilakukan dengan menggunakna bagian tubuh atau perilaku manusia yang dikenal dengan istilah biometrika. Biometrika merupakan teknologi pengenalan diri yang menggunakan bagian tubuh atau perilaku dari manusia Terdapat beberapa cara untuk biometrika umum yang sering dipakai untuk pengenalan diri, seperti sidik jari (fingerprint), selaput pelangi, (iris), wajah (face), suara (voice), tanda tangan (signature), geometri tangan (hand geometry) dan telapak tangan (palmprint). Geometri tangan merupakan salah satu biometrika yang dimiliki oleh manusia yang dapat menggambarkan struktur geometri tangan seseorang. Sistem yang terdapat dalam penelitian ini adalah sebuah sistem pengenalan telapak tangan yang menggunakan ekstraksi fitur berbasis berbasis Principal Component Analysis (PCA). Teknik ini melibatkan pengambilan komponen utama dari database telapak tangan. Untuk mengetahui keakuratan sistem pengenalan telapak tangan yang dirancang pada penelitian ini, telah dilakukan uji coba sistem dengan menggunakan input sebanyak 21 citra telapak tangan dari database. Dari hasil pengujian ini, didapatkan hasil performasi sistem adalah 52,38% dalam mengenali citra input dengan benar.
... They explored the textural discriminative information of images. [10] Kumar et al studied the strengths and weakness of selected biometric mechanisms and recommend novel solutions to include in multimodal biometric systems to improve on the current biometric drawbacks. The aim is to elicit the best combination of authentication factors for multimodal use. ...
Conference Paper
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Biometrics recognition technologies are being developed to verify or identify individuals on the basis of measurement of face, hand geometry, iris, retina, finger, ear, voice, signature, DNA and even body order. Multimodal Biometric recognition systems should provide a secure and reliable personal recognition schemes to either confirm or determine the identity of an individual. The application of multimodal biometrics in current fields like computer systems security, secure electronic banking, mobile phones, credit cards, secure access to buildings, Evoting, health and social services. Various techniques used in different level of fusion with the objective of improving performance & robustness at each level of fusion. This paper discussed the multimodal biometrics system with its applications, different levels of fusion and methods of fusion. This paper will help to security researchers some useful insight whilst designing better multimodal biometric systems.
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Thousand of facial actions produced by human during interaction or communication and it vary in meaning, intensity and complexity. Eigen Expressions were discussed for feature extraction of facial expressions and recognized different facial emotions such as happy, sad, angry, fear, surprised, neutral etc. by showing movie clipping and analyses limitations of emotion recognition system using brain activity and compare it with existing system. We used python to develop a simulator for recognition of human emotion and simulator achieved 90% accurate results. It is easiest and simplest system for human emotion recognition. We have prepared the dataset of 500 person face and 40 different emotion based movies clipping for emotions captured that also reflects the human brain activities.
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In recent years, palm vein recognition has been studied to overcome problems in conventional systems in biometrics technology (finger print, face, and iris). Those problems in biometrics includes convenience and performance. However, due to the clarity of the palm vein image, the veins could not be segmented properly. To overcome this problem, we propose a palm vein recognition system using Local Line Binary Pattern (LLBP) method that can extract robust features from the palm vein images that has unclear veins. LLBP is an advanced method of Local Binary Pattern (LBP), a texture descriptor based on the gray level comparison of a neighborhood of pixels. There are four major steps in this paper, Region of Interest (ROI) detection, image preprocessing, features extraction using LLBP method, and matching using Fuzzy k-NN classifier. The proposed method was applied on the CASIA Multi-Spectral Image Database. Experimental results showed that the proposed method using LLBP has a good performance with recognition accuracy of 97.3%. In the future, experiments will be conducted to observe which parameter that could affect processing time and recognition accuracy of LLBP is needed
This brief presents a comprehensive introduction to feature coding, which serves as a key module for the typical object recognition pipeline. The text offers a rich blend of theory and practice while reflects the recent developments on feature coding, covering the following five aspects: (1) Review the state-of-the-art, analyzing the motivations and mathematical representations of various feature coding methods; (2) Explore how various feature coding algorithms evolve along years; (3) Summarize the main characteristics of typical feature coding algorithms and categorize them accordingly; (4) Discuss the applications of feature coding in different visual tasks, analyze the influence of some key factors in feature coding with intensive experimental studies; (5) Provide the suggestions of how to apply different feature coding methods and forecast the potential directions for future work on the topic. It is suitable for students, researchers, practitioners interested in object recognition.
Conference Paper
Automatic iris recognition is becoming increasingly important technique for identity management and hence security. In the computer vision domain and mainly in the image recognition applications, the possibility to compare affined images, which could be distinguished just through small differences, is highly important. Using local image descriptors, similar images could be identified, although they are not part of the same scene or they have a changed parameter. Implemented systems show that HOG (Histogram of Oriented Gradients) and LIOP (Local Intensity Order Pattern) descriptors are promising for human recognition based on iris texture. Experimental results are reported on two public databases: UPOL and CASIA_V1.
Conference Paper
In recent years, iris biometric systems have increased in popularity and have been proven that are capable of handling large-scale databases. The main advantage of these systems is accuracy and reliability. A proper iris patterns classification is expected to reduce the matching time in huge databases. This paper presents an iris indexing technique based on Local Intensity Order Pattern. The performance of the present approach is evaluated on UPOL database and is compared with other recent systems designed for iris indexing. The results illustrate the potential of the proposed method for large scale iris identification.
The authors proposed the texture unit-based texture spectrum approach in 1990, which has been used for texture analysis, including texture characterization, texture classification, texture edge detection, and textural filtering. One of the most important disadvantages related to this method is the large number of texture units (6,561) and its redundancy. This paper aims at simplifying the original texture spectrum by reducing the 6,561 texture units into only 15 units without significant loss of discriminating power. Promising results are presented here via several experimental investigations over some of Brodatz's natural texture images.