Bilge Yesil

Bilge Yesil
City University of New York - College of Staten Island | CSI CUNY · Media Culture


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Publications (8)
The growing body of research on populism has recently turned its attention towards global populisms, populist leaders and their political communication strategies. This article introduces a non-western perspective to the literature which has generally been dominated by European, Latin American and more recently North American contexts. The article...
Since coming to power in 2002, AKP has exerted a range of legal and financial pressures on critical media organisations and professionals, including acts of direct intervention. While the growing literature on Turkey’s media system has explored the influence of political and economic pressures on media freedoms, recent developments necessitate a re...
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In July 2016, Turkey was shaken by a bloody coup attempt. Although the would-be putschists failed, their insurgency led to an unprecedented reshuffling of Turkey’s political economic and socio-cultural landscapes. Notwithstanding the critical reverberations on the army, judiciary, law enforcement and civil society, the abortive coup set in motion a...
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Since the mid-2000s, an ever-increasing number of Turkish dramas have been exported to several markets and commanded high prices and ratings. To explain the transnationalization of Turkish dramas, this article explores the political economic imperatives as opposed to the commonly cited cultural proximity thesis. Based on in-depth interviews with te...
This article explores the suppression of press freedoms in Turkey under the AKP (Justice and Development Party) government in the late 2000s. Drawing upon analyses of laws and legislation, surveys, reports, and interviews with journalists, it demonstrates how press censorship in Turkey has been activated through a dispersed network of state power,...
Dans le contexte du projet ambivalent d'occidentalisation de la Turquie, l'A. tente d'elucider les elements qui fondent le controle par l'Etat de l'acces a internet et de son utilisation, centrant son analyse sur l'exemple des cafes internet. A partir d'une micro-recherche de terrain qualitative, il examine egalement la reponse populaire au control...


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