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Performance Evaluation of Widely Implemented Congestion Control Algorithms over Diversified Networking Situations


Abstract and Figures

Gone are the days when the network just used to be either wired or wireless. In today’s era of Internet of Things, every single machine is connecte to Internet. Each device is having wireless connectivity to the Access Point to get connected to the world of Internet which, may be Fiber or Microwave signals further, reaching to the end host by means of again wireless Access Point. The fragile packet when enters the complex network of Internet, face brutal blockage, hindering its timely arrival on the destination. Multiple researchers have bee working on this problem for the last a decades and have achieved success in improving the situation by means of one or the other congestion control algorithms. But, when the demand of the Internet is now not limited to just the computers and smart phones, increasing its proximity including every single device we use, how efficient and robust these algorithms are required to be gauged. In this paper we have evaluated the performance of existing stellar congestion control algorithms in the diversified heterogeneous networking circumstances. This paper is an effort towards demonstrating how the existing mechanisms fit the current requirement and fix the problem and to what extent.
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Proceedings of International Conference on Computer Science Networks and Information Technology
Held on 23rd-24th January 2016, in Pattaya, ISBN: 9788193137338
Bhargavi Goswami
MCA Department, Sunshine
Group of Institutions,
Rajkot, Gujarat, India
Saleh Asadollahi
MSc.IT and MCA Department,
Saurashtra University,
Rajkot, Gujarat, India
Ian Asare
MSc.IT and MCA Department,
Saurashtra University,
Rajkot, Gujarat, India
Abstract Gone are the days when the network just
used to be either wired or wireless. In today’s era of
Internet of Things, every single machine is connected
to Internet. Each device is having wireless
connectivity to the Access Point to get connected to
the world of Internet which, may be Fiber or
Microwave signals further, reaching to the end host
by means of again wireless Access Point. The fragile
packet when enters the complex network of Internet,
face brutal blockage, hindering its timely arrival on
the destination. Multiple researchers have been
working on this problem for the last a decades and
have achieved success in improving the situation by
means of one or the other congestion control
algorithms. But, when the demand of the Internet is
now not limited to just the computers and smart
phones, increasing its proximity including every
single device we use, how efficient and robust these
algorithms are required to be gauged. In this paper
we have evaluated the performance of existing stellar
congestion control algorithms in the diversified
heterogeneous networking circumstances. This paper
is an effort towards demonstrating how the existing
mechanisms fit the current requirement and fix the
problem and to what extent.
Keywords Cubic TCP, XCP, RCP, RCP+, RCP++,
Congestion Control, NS2, Heterogeneous Network,
Wireless Network, Throughput.
Widely implemented topology in Internet is
Heterogeneous networks which are a combination of
wired and wireless networks. Due to high bandwidth
availability at wired links and high delayed products
at wireless links, bottleneck situation is generated at
Access Point and it has to face severe Congestion
consequences. Some of the most known and recent
protocols developed to provide faster and lighter
congestion control are TCP (Transmission Control
Protocol), Rate Control Protocol (RCP), Explicit
Congestion Control Protocol (XCP), RCP Plus (RCP+)
and RCP Plus Plus (RCP++). Whenever, traffic exceeds
the network capacity, congestion is likely to take
place. Consider the networking situation from ISP’s
angle. Customers may create bottleneck condition
when all the internet users start sending data at their full
speed. In metro cities, much of the corporate work is
depended on Internet especially during crowded office
hours. ISP’s networks, when combined for the entire
city, makes it a large crowded network, where end users
are generally wireless making it even a larger scale
wireless network. The intriguing part of data network is
that, the traffic is bursty and in most situations,
bursty traffics are unpredictable and random by
behavior. The irregular pattern of traffic makes the
situation even more difficult to control and
networking processes induce complexity into the
computation as well. In such a situation of traffic
bursts under large wireless networks, it is
advantageous that nodes are able to buildup
connectivity with any node of its choice being wireless
by nature and traffic patterns can be settled tactfully in
favor of congestion control.
This raise question that whether the existing
congestion control mechanisms are enough to handle the
current communication demands and does it fit the
current technology scenario? And therefore, it is
desirable to survey upon congestion control mechanisms
available and already deployed and how much are they
capable of handling the current situations and demands.
This paper is a small effort in this direction which helps
the researchers to know the mechanisms evolved to
control congestion, how they benefit the current
communication scenario and how much still they are
lagging behind of fulfilling demands of current internet.
In this paper we have taken most adapted
congestion control protocols that are efficient to
certain extent and weak at certain parameters.
The paper is categorized in following sections. First of
all, we introduce problem statement in Introduction. In
second section, we provide short description of every
single congestion control algorithm taken into
consideration for performance evaluation. Section three
is all about the methodology used and further followed
Proceedings of International Conference on Computer Science Networks and Information Technology
Held on 23rd-24th January 2016, in Pattaya, ISBN: 9788193137338
by experimental configurations and set up details
provided with explanation on what is used and why.
Section four is all about obtained results and detailed
analysis. Section five is all about conclusion and further
followed by future aspects, acknowledgement and
references before we end.
In this section we are going to discuss the basic
behavior of esteemed congestion control algorithms. We
start with TCP, XCP, RCP, RCP+ and RCP++.
1) TCP:
TCP is the protocol widely accepted and
implemented in the network world in all the
diversified network situations, compatible with each
networking device and each network mechanism[1].
Researchers prefer experimenting with TCP as it is the
only protocol in real world with all the simulators
support and easy equipments configuration for model
based or real time experimentation testing. But, few
problems are observed in TCP protocol. While the
global network access speeds increased dramatically
on average in the past decade, the standard value of
TCP’s initial congestion window has remained
unchanged. In spite of avoiding congestion in the
early stages on the Internet, TCP is finding it
increasingly difficult to cope with the growth of
communication network capacities and applications.
TCP’s inability to properly utilize network links is
one of the problems of TCP [6]. Any delay or packet
loss can cause TCP to dramatically reduce its
congestion window and hence under-utilize the link
[6]. There have be many improvements proposed for
TCP to change its behaviour for slow start and AIMD
behaviour like High Speed TCP, Scalable TCP,
Cubic TCP, etc.
2) XCP:
The fundamental algorithm of XCP has been
developed and published by Dina Katabi of MIT and
Mark Handley of ICIR. XCP is a feedback-based
congestion control system that uses direct, explicit,
router feedback to avoid congestion in the
network.Explicit Congestion Control Protocol is another
famous solution to congestion that extracts congestion
information directly from routers and achieves fairness,
maximum link utilization and does efficient use of
bandwidth, which is by nature scalable too. XCP
maintains per flow congestion state in packet. This
needs changes in all the routers and this require large
queuing capacity in routers which is difficult to deploy.
Simulations indicate that XCP is powerful and
scalable. XCP delivers the highest possible
application performance over a broad range of
network infrastructure, including extremely high
speed and very high delay links that are not well
served by TCP[5]. By doing so, it achieves
maximum link utilizations and wastes no bandwidth due
to packet loss as proved by the authors of [5]. XCP
is novel in separating the efficiency and fairness
policies of congestion control, enabling routers to
quickly make use of available bandwidth while
conservatively managing the allocation of bandwidth to
3) RCP:
Nandita Dukkipatti proposed RCP (Rate Control
Protocol) that enables typical large Internet Sized
flows to complete in one to two orders of magnitude
faster than the existing (TCP SACK) and XCP
congestion control algorithms. In RCP, the function of
providing same rate to all the flows based on the
above stated two congestion control mechanisms is
done by Router. And to complete the flows faster, RCP
provides with extreme quick computation the excessive
bandwidth to the flows. This is the reason behind faster
completion of flows by RCP. It is observed through
experimentation that proposed RCP is reducing Flow
Completion Time (FCT) for typical Internet Size
flows by one to two orders of magnitude which in
comparison of TCP and XCP are performing
remarkable. Talking about the mechanism used by
RCP, an improved congestion control mechanism,
RCP achieves it by simply emulating processor
sharing at each router.
4) RCP+:
Research team of Dr. Bhargavi Goswami, Dr. Atul
Gosai and Uditnarayan Kar came up with a congestion
control mechanism and named it RCP+. RCP+ wins
upon existing congestion control algorithm with three
characteristics, 1) RCP+ is more flexible to be
implemented on wireless networks in comparison of
RCP. 2) It allows multiple variants of TCP to co-
exist in the same networks with RCP+ and work with
each other smoothly. 3) And it performs well in large
scale wireless networking scenario too. RCP+ is a
congestion window based congestion control algorithm
where the base equation is similar to RCP and
implementation has far more benefits to the world of
networks in co-existence with RCP and TCP. RCP+ is
most suitable for networking condition where, multiple
flows are having diverse characteristics and their
demands vary frequently. RCP+ is having the added
advantage of coexistence with other wired and
wireless TCP, XCP, RCP and DCCP protocols.
RCP+ is flexible like TCP and so is expected to
have wide implementation over current demands of
Internet. RCP+ approach is quite simple in
comparison of both, RCP and TCP. Its behaviour is a
pure combination of RCP and TCP.
5) RCP++:
Research team of Ishani Mehta, Uditnarayan Kar and
Dr. Atul Gosai came up with an improved version of
RCP+ and named it RCP++. RCP++ is based on
Improved AIMD and RCP+ algorithm. They use
congestion window mechanism of improved AIMD
algorithm to use the spare capacity of congestion
window after occurrence of congestion event. Here
they used Improved AIMD mechanism as well as
Proceedings of International Conference on Computer Science Networks and Information Technology
Held on 23rd-24th January 2016, in Pattaya, ISBN: 9788193137338
modified rate change equation of RCP+. The only
limitation of this protocol observed on simulation
environment is that it works for smaller no of
nodes. If the number of nodes increases, its
performance degrades to great extent. To make
RCP++ work for more no of nodes, further
improvements are necessary[4,7].
We have implemented proposed model in NS-2
simulator and version is 2.35. Following given Table-
1 is the list of configuration settings of our modeling
with respect to topology specified by our
experiment. The scenario consist s of network of
wireless nodes starting from 10 to 50 nodes. The flows
present in the network are variable by nature, few of
them are large and few of them are small.
Figure. 1 Overview of Networking Scenario.
We have built the simulation model with few
fixed parameters stated in the Table 1 with constant
values; whereas, few are varying for the entire
experiment , for example, number of nodes. The access
point is presumed to be the gateway/router. The
Packet Size is fixed to 1500 bytes for larger flows and
smaller flows are given the size up to 1000 bytes starting
from 100 bytes.
FTP over TCP Agent
and RCP+
Network Area
1000 nodes
No. Of Nodes
1 to 50, Incremental
Queue Length
Varying from 50
Queue Type
Drop -tail/Priqueue and
Nodes may work as
AP(Access Point) or
End Host
54mbps as per
specification of
802.11g respectively.
Pause Time
10 s
IEEE 802.11g
54 mbps
Two Ray Ground
Omni Antenna
Figure 2: Simulation of 50 nodes transmitting while moving.
Proceedings of International Conference on Computer Science Networks and Information Technology
Held on 23rd-24th January 2016, in Pattaya, ISBN: 9788193137338
Graph 1: Throughput of network on variable nodes from 10 to 50 for
each congestion control protocol.
We present the results for TCP, XCP, RCP, RCP+
and RCP++ as incremental number of nodes v/s
throughput plots. Here, x-axis is number of nodes and
y -axis is throughput. Graph 1 represents the overall
throughput observed with respect to number of
nodes starting from 10 nodes to 50 nodes. It was
observed that RCP+ is well defined networking
algorithm that reaches to its optimum data rate in small
duration of time in comparison of all other existing
congestion control algorithms. Analysis indicates that
the algorithm is fair initially and tries to stay stable
even when the throughput is degrading. Thus, for
medium range of networks, RCP+ is behaving stable and
performs to its optimum for longer duration.
In this paper, we have evaluated the performance of
the entire list of prominent congestion control algorithm
in today’s era having impact widely upon the world of
internet. We have evaluated performance of TCP, XCP,
RCP, RCP+ and RCP++. The matrix of evaluation was
Throughput. It was observed during the experimentation
that the behaviour of all the nodes working on
RCP+ and other protocols was affected by their basic
characteristics. Routing protocols affect performance
of networks because it works well under AODV
protocol in comparison of DSDV protocol. It is also
affected somewhat by mobility and synchronization
between moving nodes as there is freedom to get
connected to any node in the wireless range in absence of
guided media. RCP+ wins upon existing congestion
control algorithm with three characteristics, 1) RCP+
is more flexible to be implemented on wireless
networks in comparison of RCP. 2) It allows multiple
variants of TCP co-exist in the same networks with
RCP+ and work with each other smoothly. 3) And
it performs well in large scale wireless networking
scenario too. Our results, and many others in the
literature, indicate that there is no existing single
congestion-control method that is the best in all
situations. Then too, by presenting our work, we
would like to show the direction to networking research
community that brings the era where the congestion
control is prolific in wireless and heterogeneous
networks which is social enough to co-exist with all
other congestion control protocols.
[1] Dr. Atul Gonsai, Bhargavi Goswami & Uditnarayan Kar,
“Newly developed Algorithm RCP+ for Congestion Control
on large scale Wireless Networks”, International Journal of
Innovations & Advancement in Computer Science IJIACS
ISSN 2347 8616 Volume 3, Issue 2 Apri 2014
[2] Hardik Gohel,” Introduction to Network & Cyber Security”,
LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, 2015
[3] Dr. Atul Gonsai, Bhargavi Goswami, Uditnarayan Kar,
“Design of Congestion Control Protocol for Wireless
Networks with Small Flow Completion Time” Proceedings
on National Conference on Emerging Trends in Information &
Communication Technology. 2013
[4] Dr. Atul Gonsai, Bhargavi Goswami, Uditnarayan Kar,
“Evolution of Congestion Control Mechanisms for TCP and
Non TCP Protocols” Matrix Academic International Online
Journal Of Engineering And Technology © MAIOJET. 2013
[5] Hardik A Gohel,” Cyber Security and Social Media”, CSI
Communications Knowledge Digest for IT Community,
39(5), 2015
[6] Dr. AtulGonsai, BhargaviGoswami, “Network Simulator for
Efficient Performance Parameter Testing & Evaluation” in
National Journal of System and Information Techno logy -
2012, volume 5 Issue 1, pg. 89 -105
[7] Dr. Atul Gonsai, Bhargavi Goswami, “Experimental
Performance Testing of T CP and UDP Protocol over
WLAN 802.11b and802.11g” Karpagam Journal of Computer
Science, Volume 07, Issue 03, March April2013, pg. no. 168 t o
[8] Hardik Gohel, “Looking Back at the Evolution of the Internet”,
CSI Communications-Knowledge Digest for IT Community, 38
(6), 2014
[9] Dr. Atul Gonsai, Udit narayan Kar, Bhargavi Goswami,
"Experiment al based performance Analysis of IEEE
802.11/g Hybrid Net work" in Journal of Network and
Information Security(JNIS), Volume 1 Issue 1 Pg. No. 61 -66,
October 2013
[10] Hardik Gohel, Forum Kalyani, "Li-Fi TechnologyA survey on
Current IT Trends", International Journal on Advances in
Engineering Technology and Science Volume: 1, Issue: 2,
December 2015
[11] Dr. Bhargavi Goswami, Saleh Asadollahi, “Enhancement Of
LAN Infrastructure Performance For Data Center In Presence
Of Network Security” in proceedings of CSI-2015, Springer,
December 2015.
1 2 3 4 5

Supplementary resource (1)

... The same load balancing is under progress to be implemented upon the multiple controllers which has also been experimented for scalability such as Ryu [3], Floodlight [4,5], OpenDaylight [6,7], Beacon [8], Onos [9], Cisco LANs [10], and wide variety of real-time networks [11,12] to compare the performance in presence of wide variety of SDN controllers. In this chapter, our focus is limited to Floodlight Controller as it has not been implemented so far to our knowledge. ...
With the growing impact of globalization, large-scale networks are now not countable with the tip of fingers as businesses have grown drastically and every day more and more organization are stepping into the lobby of large-scale networks. While the entire network is allocated with a diverse set of resources, it is necessary to address the balance of the usage of Internet resources to avoid long waiting queues and congestions over certain hotlines of communication channels that have always been the focus for the entire market. As the traditional network has evolved to software defined-networks (SDN), for addressing load balancing issue over SDN, we as researchers have come forward to provide the solution to the problem by means of this chapter. Here, researchers have discussed and demonstrated the implementation of the unique technique of load balancing on software-defined networks on Floodlight Controller over mininet simulator with the focus on Data Visualization while performing the experiment.
... Complete control using policy implementation over network devices from a central console happens through controller [6]. SDN permits a Network Administrators to change the way the network instruments such as Routers, Switches and Access Points handle the packets [7]. But, the Wi-Fi implementation has not been done on large scale SDN, that can actually help last mile users of Wi-Fi technology to adapt with SDN. ...
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Today everything is getting digitized where people want to be wireless by all aspects. There is a high demand of WiFi in every sector. Highest influence on network planning of newly developed network infrastructure is of SDN to meet the futuristic needs of upcoming technology. As a result, newly developed networks have become more adaptive to dynamic circumstances along with enhanced flexibility. Being globally connected, it is inevitable to obtain adequate services from data centers through Wi-Fi support on SDN Networks, which is still a dream. Thus, the target of the experiment performed and presented by the authors of this paper is to implement WiFi support on SDN. Further, authors have also demonstrated the scalability and resilience of SDN based WiFi Network on Mininet by testing performance parameters in various dynamic scenarios. This paper will have a high impact on the end users as SDN technology can be implemented as last mile technology using WiFi SDN.
LoRa (Long Range) technology is one of those Internet of Things (IoT) technologies aimed to develop a name in the IoT industry for affordable yet efficient applications. This technology explicitly provides a comprehensive wireless solution for communication between LoRa capable devices for long-range, low-power, and efficient use. Researchers have provided empirical evidence of the use of LoRa devices in IoT applications for the industry. To our knowledge, hardly information is available on configuring the LoRa enabled End-nodes using the STM32 with the SX1280 device. With Semtech devices, this research will focus on the detailed study of applications of Semtech SX1280 devices and their functionalities to set up a single gateway and multiple End-nodes. Documentation such as the product datasheets, user manuals, online information, and the detailed performance reports from Semtech and STM are considered participants of data collection to analyze the data collected and present it in a meaningful manner in the form of a user guide. Online sources from Semtech have been a significant lead to identifying the functionalities of the SX1280 devices. The purpose of this chapter is to provide at a single point of concentration a large amount of verified and certified information into preparing the LoRa Gateway for efficient communication with multiple End-nodes. The collected information has proved useful for effectively setting up and configuring the Gateway in a detailed step-by-step guide. Additionally, the Gateway functions are also explored in detail for one-way communication. The in-depth analysis indicates the possibility for the practical use of SX1280 devices in IoT applications. However, the devices need to be compatible with the environment, such as performance affecting parameters and other possible topological scenarios covered in this research.
Managing a corporate network has always been a challenge. The network consists of a variety of devices right from routers and switches to the firewalls. Centrally controlled Software Defined Networks has always been proposed as a solution to the current limitations of the traditional networks as it redefines the network. It has overcome the traditional networking limitations by separating the data and control plane. A new modular programming language is introduced that focuses on specifying the network policies for high-level abstractions that are embedded and implemented using Python on Software Defined Networks. In this paper, the authors throws light on the Frenetic, one of the high-level programming language which assess and implement the Pyretic policies to evaluate the performance of Software Defined Network by implementing and observing the scalability aspect of the futuristic SDN corporate networks. The experiment is being performed over the various topologies which range from 100 to 1000 nodes and further analyzing the Pyretic behaviour based on the obtained experimental results to demonstrate the scalability aspect of SDN based corporate networks. A diverse set of networking topologies are experimented by emulating SDN using Mininet and Iperf.
Conference Paper
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Policy based LAN infrastructure implementation has always been a challenge for the corporate bodies that has diversified networking situations to be handled in limited resources especially in presence of servers with firewall securities. This paper provides solution to many problems that are compromised by the corporate organizations so far, even when updated technology is present in today’s world. Here, in this paper we have improved the performance of existing LAN infrastructure by modifying certain corners of the networking scenario in presence of Security considerations. Here, we have also implemented AAA and Radius security to overcome the remaining loopholes of the system. By proposing a novel approach towards network implementation, we obtained reports that brought overwhelming networking boost. Researchers, field workers at networking site and all those who are part of the networking world must read this article before starting any implementation of networking scenario to get to know the do’s and don’ts before the implementation phase is initiated.
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Modern world of communication is demanding wired as well as wireless communication to provide faster data transmission that too in huge data amount. Now mobiles are no more just for calling. Each and every application of mobile is demanding Internet. This paper is written with the aim to study upon how the problem of congestion is taken care by the existing congestion control mechanisms. What are the options available in congestion control and what are their characteristics. This paper also explains the classification of congestion control schemes which came one after the other in the last decade. This paper briefly describes study on congestion control algorithms, its classification, its compatibility with TCP which is a most widely used protocol, few non TCP but popular congestion control algorithms and the analysis and conclusion of problem statement.
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In this paper we present the analysis and performance evaluation of ns2 to facilitate the simulation and upcoming wired & wireless networks. We have briefly explained in the table the comparison between widely used network simulators. Here we have presented the framework for ns2 to facilitate the simulation and also explained the implementation steps. We have shown the performance evaluation matrix. We have also shown the steps to bring improvement in the specified factors affecting the performance of network.
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Wireless local area networks (WLANs) based on the IEEE 802.11 standards, also known as WiFi, are popular in enterprise networks, homes, and public hotspots such as airports and hotels. WLAN enables wireless networks that support data rates of 1–54 Mb/s over small areas of a few thousand square meters are widely deployed all over world. In this article we discuss WLAN architectures for providing internet service capability across widely deployed 802.11- based networks. Specifically, we present two design choices for service: 802.11b and 802.11g, and recommend the latter as a preferred option. We have implemented these two WLAN standards over two widely used protocols TCP and UDP covering the applications based on connection oriented as well as connection less and reliable and non reliable service providing protocols. For comparative study, we have implemented our protocol over NS2 simulator and we have presented our experimental results in the form of graphs for the purpose of analysis of performance parameters.
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