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Comparison of Infectious Complications between Incident Hemodialysis and Peritoneal Dialysis Patients


Abstract and Figures

The impact of dialysis modality on infection, especially early in the course of dialysis, has not been well studied. This study compared infection between hemodialysis (HD) and peritoneal dialysis (PD) from the start of dialysis and evaluated factors that have an impact on infection risk. In this observational cohort study, all incident dialysis patients (n = 181; HD 119 and PD 62) at a single center from 1999 to 2005 had data collected prospectively beginning day 1 of dialysis. Excluded were those with any previous ESRD therapy. Infection rates were evaluated using multivariate Poisson regression. Overall infection rates were similar (HD 0.77 versus PD 0.86/yr; P = 0.24). Only HD patients had bacteremia (0.16/yr), and only PD patients had peritonitis (0.24/yr). Bacteremia that occurred < or =90 d after start of HD was 0.44/yr, increased compared with overall rate of 0.16/yr (P < 0.004). HD catheters, used in 67% of patients who started HD, were associated with a strikingly increased rate of bacteremia. Peritonitis < or =90 d was 0.22/yr, no different from the overall rate. Modality was not an independent predictor of overall infections (PD versus HD: relative risk 1.30; 95% confidence interval 0.93 to 1.8; P = 0.12) using multivariate analysis. PD and HD patients had similar infection rates overall, but type of infection and risk over time varied. HD patients had an especially high risk for bacteremia in the first 90 d, whereas the risk for peritonitis for the PD cohort was not different over time. These results support the placement of permanent accesses (fistula or PD catheter) before the start of dialysis to avoid use of HD catheters.
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Comparison of Infectious Complications between Incident
Hemodialysis and Peritoneal Dialysis Patients
Nabeel Aslam,*
Judith Bernardini,* Linda Fried,*
Renee Burr,* and Beth Piraino*
*Renal and Electrolyte Division, Department of Medicine, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, and
Pittsburgh Health Care System, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
The impact of dialysis modality on infection, especially early in the course of dialysis, has not been well studied. This study
compared infection between hemodialysis (HD) and peritoneal dialysis (PD) from the start of dialysis and evaluated factors
that have an impact on infection risk. In this observational cohort study, all incident dialysis patients (n 181; HD 119 and
PD 62) at a single center from 1999 to 2005 had data collected prospectively beginning day 1 of dialysis. Excluded were those
with any previous ESRD therapy. Infection rates were evaluated using multivariate Poisson regression. Overall infection rates
were similar (HD 0.77 versus PD 0.86/yr; P 0.24). Only HD patients had bacteremia (0.16/yr), and only PD patients had
peritonitis (0.24/yr). Bacteremia that occurred <90 d after start of HD was 0.44/yr, increased compared with overall rate of
0.16/yr (P < 0.004). HD catheters, used in 67% of patients who started HD, were associated with a strikingly increased rate of
bacteremia. Peritonitis <90 d was 0.22/yr, no different from the overall rate. Modality was not an independent predictor of
overall infections (PD versus HD: relative risk 1.30; 95% confidence interval 0.93 to 1.8; P 0.12) using multivariate analysis.
PD and HD patients had similar infection rates overall, but type of infection and risk over time varied. HD patients had an
especially high risk for bacteremia in the first 90 d, whereas the risk for peritonitis for the PD cohort was not different over
time. These results support the placement of permanent accesses (fistula or PD catheter) before the start of dialysis to avoid
use of HD catheters.
Clin J Am Soc Nephrol 1: 1226 –1233, 2006. doi: 10.2215/CJN.01230406
nfection is the second leading cause of death among dial-
ysis patients, accounting for 33 deaths per 1000 patient
years in the prevalent US Renal Data System (USRDS)
cohort for 2001 through 2003 (1). Septicemia, which is poorly
defined, accounts for 79.7% of infectious deaths (1). Dialysis
patients who are hospitalized for bacteremia/septicemia have a
relative risk (RR) for death of 7 for the first 6 mo after the event
compared with those without hospitalization for septicemia,
and the increased risk persists for at least 48 mo (2). The
adjusted mortality rate for the 6 mo after hospitalization for
septicemia is 120.1 per 1000 patient-years, compared with ap-
proximately 10 per 1000 patient-years in those without hospi-
talization for septicemia.
The rates of hospital admissions for septicemia are higher in
hemodialysis (HD) patients than peritoneal dialysis (PD) patients
(2,3). HD compared with PD as an initial modality doubles the risk
for hospitalization for septicemia (3). The hospitalization rates for
septicemia in PD have remained relatively constant since 1997,
whereas the rates for hospitalization in HD patients have doubled
between 1991 and 2001, because of a striking increase in the
admission rate for vascular access infection (2). However, the
recorded rate of death for septicemia is higher for PD patients
(29.3 per 1000 patient-years) than for HD patients (26.1 per 1000
patient-years) for the most current period for which data are
available (1). These results seem inconsistent and confusing.
Most previous reports that used USRDS data did not include
the critical initial period of time on dialysis, because USRDS
collection of information does not begin until the 90th day of
dialysis. This is a time when a high proportion of patients are
using HD catheters, which are known to increase the risk for
bacteremia (4,5). Excluding this period of time will underesti-
mate the rate of infections.
The use of HD catheters has been shown repeatedly to be an
independent predictor of death in HD patients (6 –9). Data from
elderly patients with preexistent Medicare, permitting tracking
of information from day 1 of HD, indicate that 15.1% of patients
with an HD catheter die in the first 90 d compared with 6.7%
with a fistula, with a hazard ratio of death with an HD catheter
of 2.15 (9). Therefore, the risk for bacteremia and death in HD
are especially high in the first 3 mo of dialysis.
A common perception is that PD is associated with a higher
risk for infection compared with HD. However, the impact of
dialysis modality on the rate and particularly type of infection
has not been well studied, especially during the first few
months of dialysis. Using a dialysis registry that tracks patients
from the first day of dialysis, we designed this study to com-
pare the rates and type of infections in patients who were
incident to either HD or PD, controlling for important variables.
Received April 14, 2006. Accepted September 11, 2006.
Published online ahead of print. Publication date available at
N.A.’s current affiliation is Fatima Memorial Medical and Dental College, La
hore, Punjab Province, Pakistan.
Address correspondence to: Dr. Beth Piraino, 3504 5th Ave., Suite 200, Pittsburgh,
PA 15213. Phone: 412-383-4899; Fax: 412-383-4898; E-mail: piraino@
Copyright © 2006 by the American Society of Nephrology ISSN: 1555-9041/106-1226
Materials and Methods
Since 1999, we have had dialysis registries to collect information
prospectively on patients who undergo both HD and PD at Dialysis
Clinics Inc. (DCI) of Oakland dialysis center, an urban unit with phy-
sicians who are affiliated with the University of Pittsburgh Medical
Center. The dialysis registries are approved by the university’s Institu-
tional Review Board and DCI administrative review office, and the
patients provided informed consent at the start of dialysis to collect
data prospectively for research purposes. None of the PD patients and
one of the HD patients (1%) declined participation in the registry. We
retrieved data from these prospective databases on incident patients
from January 1, 1999, to September 1, 2006.
We excluded 63 patients who were on HD and 57 who were on PD
and had any previous ESRD therapy, including failed renal transplants.
This was done to focus on patients who initiated dialysis as a first ESRD
therapy and to avoid confounding a potential impact of one therapy on
another and the access related to that modality. Eight patients who
were incident to ESRD during the period studied were excluded be-
cause all were started on HD (but not at our center) and transferred to
PD at our center within 3 mo of initiation of dialysis (range 0.33 to 1.90
mo) and therefore were on two modalities. To evaluate any potential
bias, we ran an additional analysis that included these eight patients in
the PD group. Modality was defined as that started on the first day of
dialysis and time at risk began at the outpatient dialysis treatment for
HD and the first day of training for PD. The majority of time on PD was
on automated PD (APD; 92%), with the remaining time on continuous
ambulatory PD (CAPD).
Follow-up continued to September 1, 2005. Individuals were cen-
sored at transfer to another modality (three on HD and seven on PD),
improvement in residual renal function that led to discontinuation of
dialysis (two on HD and one on PD), transplantation (four on HD and
15 on PD), permanent transfer to another center on the same modality
(five on HD and zero on PD), and death (33 on HD and seven on PD).
Temporary transfers to another modality, transient cessation of dialysis
as a result of partial recovery of renal function, no dialysis as a result of
catheter malfunction, or time in a rehabilitation center were not reasons
for censoring when the patient returned to the original modality in 1
mo (six each on HD and PD). However, the time off the dialysis therapy
was excluded as were infections during this short period for both HD
and PD because the focus of this article is on infections on one modality
versus the other.
Prospective data that were collected included demographics, comor-
bid conditions at dialysis initiation, serum albumin at the start of
dialysis, infection episodes, and hospitalizations as a result of infec-
tions. Comorbidity status at the start of dialysis was assessed using
Charlson Comorbidity Index (CCI) (10), scored by an experienced
physician assistant for HD and an experienced research nurse for PD. A
careful review of the patient’s medical history and physical examina-
tion was used to determine the correct score. Diabetes was defined as
elevated blood glucose and a history of diabetes on the basis of review
of the history of the patient regardless of the use of insulin or hypo-
glycemic medications. The guide for scoring the CCI is in Appendix 1.
Infections that were included in the registry were those related to the
access regardless of whether hospital admission was required and all
infections that required hospital admission.
Infections were classified as catheter infections, either exit site (de-
fined as drainage, erythema, or exit-site pain) or tunnel infection (de-
fined as swelling or pain/tenderness with or without erythema over
the catheter tunnel) for both HD and PD. Pneumonia was defined as
radiologic evidence of pneumonia in the clinical setting of pneumonia.
Peritonitis was defined as cloudy effluent with 100/
l white cells
with 50% of these polymorphonuclear cells. Cellulitis was defined as
infection of subcutaneous tissue that required hospitalization. Bactere-
mia and fungemia were defined by positive blood cultures. “Other
infections” that required hospital admission included infected limb
Infectious rates were calculated by dividing the total number of
infections by total time at risk in the HD or PD cohorts and expressed
as number of infections per dialysis year. We also expressed rates as the
number of episodes per 1000 d at risk because this is the way it
generally is expressed in HD. All hospitalizations as a result of infec-
tions were included in the analysis as well as all access-related infec-
tions. We also determined the rate of infection during the first 90 d of
dialysis, both HD and PD.
Protocols to reduce the risk for infections were used in both the HD
and PD programs. All patients with HD catheters had antibiotic cream
placed at the exit site after cleansing of the site at the end of dialysis as
part of routine HD catheter care, done by the staff. All HD patients with
a catheter were asked to keep this dry and specifically to refrain from
showers. All PD patients were instructed to wash the PD catheter exit
site using antibacterial soap in the shower and then after the shower
use a cotton swab to put antibiotic cream around the catheter at the exit
site. PD patients were told to avoid tub baths.
Statistical Analyses
Variables (PD versus HD) were compared using t test, Mann-Whitney
U test, or
test, as appropriate. Poisson regression analysis was used
to assess the impact of various factors on outcome of interest (total
Table 1. Demographic characteristics of the HD and PD cohorts
Characteristic HD PD P
No. of patients 119 62
Follow-up on dialysis (mo; median range) 18 (0.3 to 75) 15 (0.13 to 72) 0.96
Age at start of dialysis 59 16 55 17 0.15
Men (%) 57 44 0.12
White (%) 48 84 0.001
Diagnosis diabetes (%) 54 46 0.35
Albumin at dialysis start (g/dl) 3.2 0.6 3.7 0.6 0.001
CCI (median range) 6 (2 to 14) 6 (2 to 14) 0.23
HD catheter as first access (%) 67 0
PD catheter as first access (%) 0 100
CCI, Charlson Comorbidity Index; HD, hemodialysis; PD, peritoneal dialysis.
Clin J Am Soc Nephrol 1: 1226 –1233, 2006 Infectious Complications in HD and PD 1227
infections and infections that required hospitalization). Because age
and diabetes are part of CCI, they were not analyzed as separate
covariables. Two different models were used for multivariate Poisson
regression to evaluate the impact of variables (one with age and dia-
betes and the other with CCI along with other variables) because age
and diabetes are part of CCI. Interactions of dialysis modality with age,
race, gender, diabetes, and CCI were tested. Because an interaction was
found between modality and diabetes, separate models also were run
in those with and without diabetes. Number Crunch Statistical System
software (Dr. Jerry Hintze, Kaysville, UT) was used for statistical anal-
A total of 181 incident dialysis patients (119 on HD and 62 on
PD) met the inclusion criteria. The demographics of the two
groups of de novo dialysis patients are shown in Table 1. The
HD cohort was slightly older, had more black patients, and had
a lower serum albumin level at the start of dialysis. Sixty-seven
percent of the HD patients began dialysis using an HD catheter.
The median comorbidity index was the same for the two
groups at the start of dialysis. Cardiac disease was present in 44
and 57% (P 0.10), malignancy in 11 and 19% (NS), pulmonary
disease in 15 and 13% (NS), and systemic immune disease in 3
and 7% (NS) for HD and PD, respectively. Peripheral vascular
disease was present more frequently in the PD patients (10 and
22%; P 0.03) whereas liver disease was more frequent in the
HD patients (18 and 3%; P 0.003).
Infection rates for each group are summarized in Table 2 and
Figure 1. The overall infection rates were the same in the HD
and PD cohorts. However, the rates for various types of infec-
tions were different in HD and PD patients. Bacteremia and
fungemia occurred only in HD patients, whereas peritonitis
occurred only in PD patients.
The rate of bacteremia was much higher during the first 90 d
of HD than during the overall time at risk in HD patients (P
0.004). Forty percent of all episodes of bacteremia during the
observation period occurred in the first 90 d on HD. The risk for
bacteremia fell significantly after 90 d from 0.42 per year to 0.12
per year (P 0.001). The risk for infections varied for HD by the
type of access, with the highest risk for acute dialysis catheters
and tunneled dialysis catheters (Figure 2). In contrast, in PD
patients, the peritonitis rate was 0.22 episodes per year at risk
during the first 90 d, not different from the overall rate of 0.24
per year at risk for the total time for the PD cohort.
Organisms that caused dialysis-related infections were sim-
ilar in the HD and PD cohorts. Gram-positive bacteria ac-
counted for 62% of the bacteremic episodes in the HD patients
(rate 0.10 episodes per year at risk) and 46% of the peritonitis
episodes (0.11 per year at risk). The rate of Staphylococcus aureus
bacteremia was 0.01 per year for HD, and the rate of S aureus
peritonitis was 0.04 per year for PD (P 0.12). Gram-negative
organisms accounted for 22% of bacteremic episodes in HD
Figure 1. Comparison of infection rates in hemodialysis (HD; f)
and peritoneal dialysis (PD; u). Data are episodes per 1000 d at
Table 2. Infections in the HD and PD cohorts
Parameter HD PD P
Patients infection-free 54 (45%) 25 (40%) NS
Infections, total per time at risk (median range) 1 (0 to 14) 1 (0 to 10) NS
Infection rates per year at risk
bacteremia/fungemia, overall 0.16 0 0.0001
bacteremia in the first 90 d 0.47 0 0.0001
peritonitis 0 0.24 0.0001
peritonitis in the first 90 d 0 0.22 0.001
catheter exit-site and tunnel infections 0.35 0.41 NS
total infection rate per dialysis year 0.77 0.86 NS
Hospitalization rates per year at risk
admission for bacteremia 0.10 0 0.001
admission for peritonitis 0 0.19 0.001
admission for cellulitis 0.06 0 0.001
admission for pneumonia 0.07 0.02 0.001
admission for other serious infections 0.13 0.21 0.04
all admissions for infection 0.29 0.42 0.02
total admissions including noninfectious 2.4 1.4 0.0001
1228 Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology Clin J Am Soc Nephrol 1: 1226 –1233, 2006
(0.04 per year at risk) and 54% of peritonitis episodes (0.13 per
year for PD).
Overall rates of catheter infection (exit site and tunnel) were
similar for HD and PD patients (0.35 versus 0.41 per year; P
0.20, respectively). S. aureus catheter infections for HD were
0.05 per year. This was comparable to 0.07 per year for PD (P
Rates of infection for CAPD versus APD were not different.
There were no episodes of peritonitis on CAPD compared with
0.26 per year on APD (P 0.14). Catheter infection rates were
similar, 0.35 per year on CAPD and 0.42 per year on APD (P
Table 3 shows the results of the multivariate analysis. In the
first model, CCI (which includes both age and diabetes) was
used, whereas in the second model, age and diabetes were used
in place of CCI. In both models, a decreased serum albumin at
the start of dialysis was a strong predictor of subsequent infec-
tion. Black patients were at decreased risk for infection in both
models. Dialysis modality (PD versus HD) was not an indepen-
dent risk for infection; neither was gender. In the second model,
which separates diabetes and age, younger age was a risk factor
for infection as was the presence of diabetes.
We ran an additional analysis to include the eight incident-
to-dialysis patients who had 3 mo or less on HD before PD. This
constituted 11% of PD patients. Inclusion of these few patients
did not change the results of the study because there were no
differences in overall infection rates or hospitalization between
PD (now 70 patients) and HD (119 patients).
There was not a significant interaction of modality with age,
albumin, or CCI. However, significant interactions were seen
with modality and diabetes (P 0.02). In addition, there were
important interactions in infection risk for modality and gender
(P 0.04).
The interaction between modality and diabetes for infection
risk was explored further. Patients who had diabetes and were
on PD had higher infection rates than patients who had diabe-
tes and were on HD (1.28 versus 0.84/yr; P 0.004). Con-
versely, patients without diabetes had a lower risk for infection
on PD than on HD (0.51 versus 0.69/yr; P 0.03). Separate
models were run in patients with and without diabetes. Ad-
justment for albumin, age, race, gender, and dialysis modality
was NS in individuals with diabetes (RR 1.13; 95% confidence
interval [CI] 0.76 to 1.67; P 0.55) or in individuals without
diabetes (RR 0.67; 95% CI 0.37 to 1.21; P 0.18).
The interaction between modality and gender (P 0.04) for
infection risk also was evaluated further. Men who were on PD
had a significantly higher rate of infection than women who
were on PD (1.07 versus 0.71/yr; P 0.009). In contrast, infec-
Figure 2. Rates of bacteremia by access in the HD patients.
Table 3. Multivariate Poisson regression analysis models for overall infection rate
Parameter RR 95% CI P
Model 1: Using albumin, race, gender, modality, and CCI
albumin, for each
0.62 0.50 to 0.77 0.001
race (black) 0.62 0.47 to 0.82 0.008
modality (PD) 1.13 0.82 to 1.55 0.45
gender (male) 1.05 0.83 to 1.41 0.73
CCI, for each point 1.01 0.81 to 1.35 0.67
Model 2: Using albumin, race, gender, modality, diabetes, and age
age, per 10-yr
0.87 0.80 to 0.95 0.002
albumin, for each
0.66 0.53 to 0.82 0.001
diabetes 1.48 1.13 to 1.94 0.004
gender (male) 1.03 0.80 to 1.33 0.82
race (black) 0.58 0.44 to 0.77 0.001
modality (PD) 0.98 0.70 to 1.36 0.90
CI, confidence interval; RR, relative risk.
Clin J Am Soc Nephrol 1: 1226 –1233, 2006 Infectious Complications in HD and PD 1229
tion rates were the same in men and women who were on HD.
When stratified by gender and controlling for age, race, and
diabetes, significant differences were seen in infection rate by
modality for men (PD versus HD: RR 1.92; 95% CI 1.13 to 3.27;
P 0.02) and women (PD versus HD: RR 0.61; 95% CI 0.39 to
0.96; P 0.03).
White patients had a similar infection rate on PD and HD
(0.99 versus 0.97/yr). However, black patients had a lower rate
of infections on PD than on HD (0.44 versus 0.68; P 0.002).
This held true with the multivariate analysis as well.
Hospitalization for Infections
The all-cause admission rate was 2.4 per dialysis year for HD
and 1.4 per dialysis year for PD (P 0.001). However, PD
patients had a higher rate of infection-related hospitalization
(0.42 versus 0.29 hospitalization per year at risk; P 0.001). Two
models were used for multivariate Poisson regression analysis
for infections that required hospitalization, one with CCI, albu-
min, gender, race, and modality and a second model using age,
diabetes, albumin, gender, race, and modality (Table 4). Albu-
min and modality were significant predictors in both models.
CCI was significant in the first model as were age and diabetes
in the second model. There were no significant interactions of
race or diabetes with modality for the risk for hospitalization
for infection. However, there was a trend for interaction of
gender with mode for hospitalization for infection (P 0.06).
Men who were on PD had a higher admission rate for infection
compared with men who were on HD (0.59 versus 0.32 per
dialysis year), whereas women who were on PD had similar
rates of infection as women who were on HD (0.29 versus 0.24
per dialysis year).
This study demonstrated that patients who start dialysis on
HD compared with those who start on PD have similar overall
rates of infection, controlling for comorbidity, race, diabetes,
age, gender, and initial serum albumin level. However, there
were marked differences in both the type of infections and the
risks during the first 90 d of dialysis among patients who were
on these two modalities. Only HD patients had bacteremia, and
only PD patients had peritonitis. Both of these complications
likely are related to the dialysis access or contamination during
The risk for bacteremia in HD patients was strikingly in-
creased during the first 90 d of dialysis. The early risk for
bacteremia in HD patients very likely is related to the use of HD
catheters as the initial access in 67% of our HD patients, similar
to that reported in the CHOICE study (8). HD catheters are
widely known to increase the risk for bacteremia (4,5). These
results support the need for a fistula-first protocol so that all
patients who want HD have a fistula placed before commence-
ment of dialysis (5). If HD catheter use could be avoided with
careful planning of dialysis initiation, then it is possible that the
risk for infection actually may be lower for HD compared with
PD. In some cases, this may require placing an HD graft if a
primary fistula cannot be achieved in a timely manner. For
patients who desire PD, a prudent approach would be to place
a PD catheter in a timely manner and avoid a period on HD
with an HD catheter. This approach is very likely to decrease
the risk for bacteremia.
Our study refutes the common misconception that PD is
associated with an overall higher rate of infection as compared
with HD. In particular, we found bacteremia to be a complica-
tion almost solely of HD. These results are consistent with those
of Abbott and Agodoa (11), who examined 327,993 patients
who initiated dialysis between January 1992 and June 1997 for
risk for hospitalization for bacterial endocarditis. HD patients
had an RR of 17.86 (95% CI 6.62 to 48.90) compared with the
general population in 1996. This was in contrast to PD patients,
who had an insignificant increased risk compared with the
general population (10.54; 95% CI 0.71 to 158.13).
When septicemia is examined, as opposed to endocarditis,
the evidence is less clear. Powe et al. (12) examined data from
the USRDS and found that 11.7% of HD patients and 9.4% of
PD patients had during 7 yr at least one episode of septicemia.
Table 4. Multivariate Poisson regression analysis for infections that required hospitalization
Parameter RR (95% CI) P
Model with CCI
albumin (per 1-g/dl increase) 0.38 (0.27 to 0.53) 0.001
CCI (per point increase) 0.91 (0.82 to 1.01) 0.07
gender (male) 1.45 (0.96 to 2.20) 0.07
race (black) 0.61 (0.39 to 0.96) 0.03
modality (PD) 1.96 (1.20 to 3.21) 0.008
Model with age and diabetes
age (per 10-yr increase) 0.84 (0.73 to 0.96) 0.01
albumin (per 1-g/dl increase) 0.40 (0.28 to 0.57) 0.001
diabetes 1.46 (0.96 to 2.21) 0.07
gender (male) 1.45 (0.96 to 2.19) 0.07
race (black) 0.60 (0.38 to 0.95) 0.03
modality (PD) 1.73 (1.03 to 2.91) 0.04
1230 Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology Clin J Am Soc Nephrol 1: 1226 –1233, 2006
Part of the problem with examining septicemia from the
USRDS is the lack of clarity regarding the definition of septi-
cemia as pointed out recently by O’Seaghdha and Foley (13).
Sepsis and septicemia may be confused with peritonitis by the
coding doctors. The USRDS does not provide a definition of
septicemia, and it is not clear that doctors are using this only for
bacteremia. To study this further through the USRDS success-
fully will require abandoning the term “septicemia” and replac-
ing it with more specific terms, such as bacteremia and perito-
In a center with a low incidence of both bacteremia in HD
patients and peritonitis in PD patients, the overall rate of in-
fection was similar in the two cohorts. Our center rate for
catheter-related bacteremia in HD of 1.2 per 1000 d (Figure 1) is
well below recent published rates of 2.5 to 5.5 per 1000 patient
days (14). Likewise, our center rate for peritonitis of 0.24 per
patient year (one episode per 50 dialysis months) is a low rate
but certainly achievable by other centers (15). The low rates of
bacteremia and peritonitis at our center may be due to the close
attention to infectious risk, patient and staff training, and pro-
phylactic use of exit-site antibiotic cream to prevent exit-site
infection in both HD and PD patients (16,17).
We found a low serum albumin at the start of dialysis,
younger age, race, and the presence of diabetes to be the
strongest risk factors for overall infections, regardless of mo-
dality and controlling for other comorbid conditions. Our find-
ings are consistent with other studies showing the presence of
diabetes, low serum albumin, and temporary vascular access to
be risk factors for septicemia in HD patients (10,18,19). Hy-
poalbuminemia also has been shown to be a risk factor for
subsequent peritonitis (20 –22). This relationship between hy-
poalbuminemia and infection in dialysis patients is an associ-
ation rather than a proven causal relationship. Precisely how a
low serum albumin level increases the risk for infection in both
HD and PD patients is uncertain.
We found a higher rate of admissions for infection in the PD
patients compared with the HD patients. PD patients were
likely to be admitted to the hospital for management of infec-
tions, especially limb ulcers and peritonitis. Vascular access
may make it less likely to hospitalize HD patients for treatment
of limb ulcers, because patients can receive intravenous antibi-
otics during dialysis. However, the overall hospitalization rate
was lower among PD patients. Many dialysis-related infections
are treated as outpatients. Studies that use only admissions for
Charlson Comorbidity Index
Score Condition Definition
1 Myocardial infarct Not ECG changes only
Congestive heart failure With dyspnea, responded to treatment
Peripheral vascular disease Includes untreated aneurysm 6cm
Cerebrovascular disease CVA with minor or no residual, TIA
Dementia Includes cognitive deficits
Chronic pulmonary disease Mild, moderate, and severe
Connective tissue disorder SLE, polymyositis, MCTD, polymyalgia rheumatica, RA
Ulcer disease With or without bleeding
Mild liver disease Cirrhosis without portal HTN, chronic hepatitis (includes C)
(without end-organ disease)
Not diet-controlled alone
2 Hemiplegia
Moderate or severe renal disease With retinopathy or neuropathy, or nephropathy, or juvenile
onset, or brittle diabetic
(with end-organ damage)
Dialysis dependent
Any tumor Without mets, first treatment in last 5 yr
Leukemia Acute, chronic, lymphocytic, and polycythemia vera
Lymphoma Hodgkin’s lymphosarcoma, Waldenström’s
macroglobulinemia, myeloma, and all lymphomas
3 Moderate or severe liver disease Cirrhosis with portal HTN with or without bleeding,
variceal bleeding
6 Metastatic solid tumor
AIDS Not just HIV
Age score: For each decade 40 yr of age, a score of 1 is added to the above score
1 50 to 59.9
2 60 to 69.9
3 70 to 79.9
4 80 to 89.9
ECG, electrocardiogram; SLE, systemic lupus erythematosus.
Assign onlya1ora2fordiabetes.
Clin J Am Soc Nephrol 1: 1226 –1233, 2006 Infectious Complications in HD and PD 1231
infections will not determine accurately the infection rates for
the two modalities.
There were interesting interactions between infection risks
on the two modalities and both race and diabetes. Black pa-
tients had a lower rate of infection on PD than on HD. Histor-
ically, in the United States, black patients are less likely to be
placed on PD for somewhat unclear reasons, but some litera-
ture suggests a higher risk for infection on PD compared with
other patients (23). Most of this literature is older; with new
technology and the decrease in coagulase-negative infections,
black patients may no longer have a higher risk for infection.
Our results suggest that PD may be underused in black patients
and that in regard to infection risk, PD is a good choice for this
population. However, the total number of black patients who
were on PD in our study is small, so further studies should
confirm our finding.
Patients with diabetes seem to have a higher risk for infection
on PD than on HD. This result was independent of serum
albumin level at the start of dialysis. These results are consis-
tent with the finding of Sarnak and Jaber (24), who found that
patients who have diabetes and are on PD had a strikingly
higher risk for death from “sepsis” than patients who did not
have diabetes and were on PD. We also found a lower rate of
infection on PD for individuals without diabetes. It is interest-
ing to speculate as to whether this may explain the results of
some observational studies showing a higher risk for death
with increasing time on dialysis with PD compared with HD
for patients with diabetes. More studies will be needed in this
There are limitations to this study. The study is based on a
single center. Our unit is an academic dialysis unit, and our
overall infection rate is low in both PD and HD compared with
many other centers. As with all observational studies, there
may be confounding by selection bias. We use exit-site antibi-
otic prophylaxis to decrease the rate of both peritonitis (PD)
and bacteremia (HD), and this may be a different approach
than in other programs. Our numbers limit the evaluation of
the interactions between race and diabetes with infections on
modalities. Whether our results could be generalized to other
sites or units with higher infection rates is not known.
This study provides evidence that dialysis modality is not an
independent predictor of overall infection rate in a cohort of
incident dialysis patients but is a strong predictor of the type
of infection and the difference in risk during the first 90 d of
dialysis. Patients should be informed that there is a high risk for
bacteremia when starting dialysis using an HD catheter and
that the risk of peritonitis in association with a PD catheter
during the first 3 mo of PD is considerably lower than the risk
for bacteremia with an HD catheter. Choice of modality should
not be dictated by the concern of higher infection rate on PD;
rather, it should be based on the individual patient’s prefer-
Preliminary results were presented as a poster at the annual meeting
of the American Society of Nephrology; Philadelphia, PA; October 30
through November 14, 2002; and as an update at the annual meeting of
the American Society of Nephrology; Philadelphia, PA; November 8
through 13, 2005.
B.P. and J.B. are consultants and on the Speakers Bureau for Baxter
Healthcare Corporation. We do not believe that these represent a
conflict of interest for the subject matter of this article.
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Clin J Am Soc Nephrol 1: 1226 –1233, 2006 Infectious Complications in HD and PD 1233
... Dialysis patients have been reported to carry an 82-fold risk of dying of infections compared to the general population [3]. Earlier studies have shown that patients on peritoneal dialysis (PD) and hemodialysis (HD) have similar risks of infection [4][5][6], whereas one study showed increased risk of infection-related hospitalization among PD compared to HD patients [7]. When comparing patients on continuous ambulatory PD (CAPD) and automated PD (APD) some studies have not found a difference in risk of infections [8][9][10][11], while others have indicated higher risk in CAPD than APD patients [12][13][14]. ...
... Although this was not the primary comparison in our study, we observed a tendency towards higher risk of peritonitis in CAPD than APD patients. A few studies have shown similar or increased infection burden among PD compared to in-center HD patients [4][5][6][7]. Rydell et al. [17] studied hospitalizations among 152 home HD patients compared to 456 matched PD patients. Home HD patients had a lower infection-related hospitalization rate, which is in line with our results on severe infections. ...
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Objectives Infections are the most common non-cardiovascular cause of death among dialysis patients. Earlier studies have shown similar or higher risk of infectious complications in peritoneal dialysis (PD) compared to hemodialysis (HD) patients, but comparisons to home HD patients have been rare. We investigated the risk of severe infections after start of continuous ambulatory PD (CAPD) and automated PD (APD) as compared to home HD. Methods All adult patients (n = 536), who were on home dialysis at day 90 from starting kidney replacement therapy (KRT) between 2004 and 2017 in Helsinki healthcare district, were included. We defined severe infection as an infection with C-reactive protein of 100 mg/l or higher. Cumulative incidence of first severe infection was assessed considering death as a competing risk. Hazard ratios were estimated using Cox regression with propensity score adjustment. Results The risk of getting a severe infection during the first year of dialysis was 35% for CAPD, 25% for APD and 11% for home HD patients. During five years of follow-up, the hazard ratio of severe infection was 2.8 [95% CI 1.6–4.8] for CAPD and 2.2 [95% CI 1.4–3.5] for APD in comparison to home HD. Incidence rate of severe infections per 1000 patient-years was 537 for CAPD, 371 for APD, and 197 for home HD patients. When excluding peritonitis, the incidence rate was not higher among PD than home HD patients. Conclusions CAPD and APD patients had higher risk of severe infections than home HD patients. This was explained by PD-associated peritonitis.
... We observed increased incidence rates of adverse events, particularly infection, in patients on HD compared with PD. This finding may reflect the adverse events included in this category, as data from a previous study reported similar overall infection rates in patients on HD and PD, but with variation in the type of infection and risk over time [21]. In another study, pneumonia risk was higher in patients on HD versus PD [22]. ...
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Background Further understanding of adverse clinical event rates in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) is required for improved quality of care. This study described baseline characteristics, adverse clinical event rates, and mortality risk in patients with CKD, accounting for CKD stage and dialysis status. Methods This retrospective, noninterventional cohort study included data from adults (aged ≥ 18 years) with two consecutive estimated glomerular filtration rates of < 60 ml/min/1.73 m², recorded ≥ 3 months apart, from the UK Clinical Practice Research Datalink of electronic health records obtained between January 1, 2004, and December 31, 2017. Select adverse clinical events, associated with CKD and difficult to quantify in randomized trials, were assessed; defined by Read codes and International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision codes. Clinical event rates were assessed by dialysis status (dialysis-dependent [DD], incident dialysis-dependent [IDD], or non–dialysis-dependent [NDD]), dialysis modality (hemodialysis [HD] or peritoneal dialysis [PD]), baseline NDD-CKD stage (3a–5), and observation period. Results Overall, 310,953 patients with CKD were included. Comorbidities were more common in patients receiving dialysis than in NDD-CKD, and increased with advancing CKD stage. Rates of adverse clinical events, particularly hyperkalemia and infection/sepsis, also increased with advancing CKD stage and were higher in patients on HD versus PD. Mortality risk during follow-up (1–5-year range) was lowest in patients with stage 3a NDD-CKD (2.0–18.5%) and highest in patients with IDD-CKD (26.3–58.4%). Conclusions These findings highlight the need to monitor patients with CKD for comorbidities and complications, as well as signs or symptoms of clinical adverse events.
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Background: Peritoneal dialysis (PD) and haemodialysis (HD) are two possible modalities for people with kidney failure commencing dialysis. Only a few randomised controlled trials (RCTs) have evaluated PD versus HD. The benefits and harms of the two modalities remain uncertain. This review includes both RCTs and non-randomised studies of interventions (NRSIs). Objectives: To evaluate the benefits and harms of PD, compared to HD, in people with kidney failure initiating dialysis. Search methods: We searched the Cochrane Kidney and Transplant Register of Studies from 2000 to June 2024 using search terms relevant to this review. Studies in the Register were identified through searches of CENTRAL, MEDLINE, and EMBASE, conference proceedings, the International Clinical Trials Registry Platform (ICTRP) Search Portal, and MEDLINE and EMBASE were searched for NRSIs from 2000 until 28 March 2023. Selection criteria: RCTs and NRSIs evaluating PD compared to HD in people initiating dialysis were eligible. Data collection and analysis: Two investigators independently assessed if the studies were eligible and then extracted data. Risk of bias was assessed using standard Cochrane methods, and relevant outcomes were extracted for each report. The primary outcome was residual kidney function (RKF). Secondary outcomes included all-cause, cardiovascular and infection-related death, infection, cardiovascular disease, hospitalisation, technique survival, life participation and fatigue. Main results: A total of 153 reports of 84 studies (2 RCTs, 82 NRSIs) were included. Studies varied widely in design (small single-centre studies to international registry analyses) and in the included populations (broad inclusion criteria versus restricted to more specific participants). Additionally, treatment delivery (e.g. automated versus continuous ambulatory PD, HD with catheter versus arteriovenous fistula or graft, in-centre versus home HD) and duration of follow-up varied widely. The two included RCTs were deemed to be at high risk of bias in terms of blinding participants and personnel and blinding outcome assessment for outcomes pertaining to quality of life. However, most other criteria were assessed as low risk of bias for both studies. Although the risk of bias (Newcastle-Ottawa Scale) was generally low for most NRSIs, studies were at risk of selection bias and residual confounding due to the constraints of the observational study design. In children, there may be little or no difference between HD and PD on all-cause death (6 studies, 5752 participants: RR 0.81, 95% CI 0.62 to 1.07; I2 = 28%; low certainty) and cardiovascular death (3 studies, 7073 participants: RR 1.23, 95% CI 0.58 to 2.59; I2 = 29%; low certainty), and was unclear for infection-related death (4 studies, 7451 participants: RR 0.98, 95% CI 0.39 to 2.46; I2 = 56%; very low certainty). In adults, compared with HD, PD had an uncertain effect on RKF (mL/min/1.73 m2) at six months (2 studies, 146 participants: MD 0.90, 95% CI 0.23 to 3.60; I2 = 82%; very low certainty), 12 months (3 studies, 606 participants: MD 1.21, 95% CI -0.01 to 2.43; I2 = 81%; very low certainty) and 24 months (3 studies, 334 participants: MD 0.71, 95% CI -0.02 to 1.48; I2 = 72%; very low certainty). PD had uncertain effects on residual urine volume at 12 months (3 studies, 253 participants: MD 344.10 mL/day, 95% CI 168.70 to 519.49; I2 = 69%; very low certainty). PD may reduce the risk of RKF loss (3 studies, 2834 participants: RR 0.55, 95% CI 0.44 to 0.68; I2 = 17%; low certainty). Compared with HD, PD had uncertain effects on all-cause death (42 studies, 700,093 participants: RR 0.87, 95% CI 0.77 to 0.98; I2 = 99%; very low certainty). In an analysis restricted to RCTs, PD may reduce the risk of all-cause death (2 studies, 1120 participants: RR 0.53, 95% CI 0.32 to 0.86; I2 = 0%; moderate certainty). PD had uncertain effects on both cardiovascular (21 studies, 68,492 participants: RR 0.96, 95% CI 0.78 to 1.19; I2 = 92%) and infection-related death (17 studies, 116,333 participants: RR 0.90, 95% CI 0.57 to 1.42; I2 = 98%) (both very low certainty). Compared with HD, PD had uncertain effects on the number of patients experiencing bacteraemia/bloodstream infection (2 studies, 2582 participants: RR 0.34, 95% CI 0.10 to 1.18; I2 = 68%) and the number of patients experiencing infection episodes (3 studies, 277 participants: RR 1.23, 95% CI 0.93 to 1.62; I2 = 20%) (both very low certainty). PD may reduce the number of bacteraemia/bloodstream infection episodes (2 studies, 2637 participants: RR 0.44, 95% CI 0.27 to 0.71; I2 = 24%; low certainty). Compared with HD; It is uncertain whether PD reduces the risk of acute myocardial infarction (4 studies, 110,850 participants: RR 0.90, 95% CI 0.74 to 1.10; I2 = 55%), coronary artery disease (3 studies, 5826 participants: RR 0.95, 95% CI 0.46 to 1.97; I2 = 62%); ischaemic heart disease (2 studies, 58,374 participants: RR 0.86, 95% CI 0.57 to 1.28; I2 = 95%), congestive heart failure (3 studies, 49,511 participants: RR 1.10, 95% CI 0.54 to 2.21; I2 = 89%) and stroke (4 studies, 102,542 participants: RR 0.94, 95% CI 0.90 to 0.99; I2 = 0%) because of low to very low certainty evidence. Compared with HD, PD had uncertain effects on the number of patients experiencing hospitalisation (4 studies, 3282 participants: RR 0.90, 95% CI 0.62 to 1.30; I2 = 97%) and all-cause hospitalisation events (4 studies, 42,582 participants: RR 1.02, 95% CI 0.81 to 1.29; I2 = 91%) (very low certainty). None of the included studies reported specifically on life participation or fatigue. However, two studies evaluated employment. Compared with HD, PD had uncertain effects on employment at one year (2 studies, 593 participants: RR 0.83, 95% CI 0.20 to 3.43; I2 = 97%; very low certainty). Authors' conclusions: The comparative effectiveness of PD and HD on the preservation of RKF, all-cause and cause-specific death risk, the incidence of bacteraemia, other vascular complications (e.g. stroke, cardiovascular events) and patient-reported outcomes (e.g. life participation and fatigue) are uncertain, based on data obtained mostly from NRSIs, as only two RCTs were included.
Background Urgent-start peritoneal dialysis (PD) carries a similar efficacy and safety profile compared to urgent-start haemodialysis (HD) but is only sparsely applied due to resource issues and concerns of complication risks. Furthermore, few data exist on adverse outcomes associated with central venous catheter (CVC) insertions in urgent-start HD patients. Thus, we sought to compare patient and dialysis-related outcomes in patients undergoing urgent-start PD or HD. Methods All patients initiating urgent-start PD in a tertiary research hospital in 2005–2018 were included in this retrospective, single-centre, comparative study and matched with urgent-start HD patients of similar age and chronic kidney disease aetiology. All urgent-start PDs were initiated within 72 h after catheter insertion, and urgent-start HDs were performed via a CVC. All analyses were performed at 3 months and at 1 year of follow-up, respectively. Results Thirty-three patients who commenced urgent-start PD and 58 matched urgent-start HD control patients were included. Altogether, 26 patients (29%; PD: 36%, HD 24%) died within the 1-year follow-up, and patient survival was similar at 3 months (hazard ratio (HR): 1.15, 95% confidence interval (CI): 0.35–3.81, p = 0.82) and at 1 year of follow-up (HR: 0.64, 95% CI: 0.30–1.39, p = 0.26) between the study groups. There were no differences in the total kidney replacement therapy (KRT)-related infection rate ( p = 0.66) or cumulative first-year hospital care days ( p = 0.43) between the treatment groups. Altogether, 139 CVCs were inserted during the 1-year follow-up. The number of CVCs per patient was associated with the emergence of blood culture-positive bacteraemia and increased cumulative first-year hospital care days. Conclusions Patient survival, cumulative first-year hospital care days and total KRT-related infection rate at 3 months and 1-year follow-up are similar between urgent-start PD and urgent-start HD patients. Furthermore, CVC insertion rate is associated with incident blood culture-positive bacteraemia and increased cumulative first-year hospital care days.
Rationale & objective: Infection is one of the top three causes of death in patients receiving maintenance dialysis. We evaluated the trends over time and risk factors for infection-related deaths among people receiving dialysis. Study design: Retrospective cohort study. Setting & participants: We included all adults who began dialysis between 1980 and 2018 in Australia and New Zealand. Exposures: Age, sex, dialysis modality, and dialysis era. Outcome: Infection-related death. Analytical approach: Incidence was described and standardized mortality ratios (SMR) calculated for infection-related death. Fine-Gray subdistribution hazards models were fitted with non-infection related death and kidney transplantation treated as competing events. Results: 46,074 patients who received hemodialysis and 20,653 who were treated with peritoneal dialysis were included and followed for 164,536 and 69,846 person-years respectively. There were 38,463 deaths during follow-up, 12% of which were ascribed to infection. The overall rate of mortality from infection (per 10,000 person-years) was 185 and 232 for patients treated with hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis, respectively. The rates were 184 and 219 for males and females respectively, 99, 181, 255, and 292 for patients aged 18 - 44, 45 - 64, 65 - 74, 75 years and over, respectively. The rates were 224 and 163 for those commencing dialysis in years 1980 - 2005 and 2006 - 2018 respectively. The overall SMR (95% confidence interval) declined over time, from 37.1 (35.5 - 38.8) in years 1980 - 2005 to 19.3 (18.4 - 20.3) in years 2006 - 2018, consistent with the declining 5-year SMR trend (p-value <0.001). Infection-related mortality was associated with being female, older age, and Aboriginal and/or a Torres Strait Islander or Māori. Limitations: Mediation analyses defining the causal relationships between infection type and infection-related death could not be undertaken as disaggregating the data was not feasible. Conclusions: The excess risk of infection-related death in patients on dialysis has improved substantially over time but remains more than 20 times higher than in the general population.
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Optimal preparation is recommended for patients with advanced chronic kidney disease to minimize complications during dialysis initiation. This study evaluated the effects of planned dialysis initiation on survival in patients undergoing incident hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis. Patients newly diagnosed with end-stage kidney disease who started dialysis were enrolled in a multicenter prospective cohort study in Korea. Planned dialysis was defined as dialysis therapy initiated with permanent access and maintenance of the initial dialysis modality. A total of 2892 patients were followed up for a mean duration of 71.9 ± 36.7 months and 1280 (44.3%) patients initiated planned dialysis. The planned dialysis group showed lower mortality than the unplanned dialysis group during the 1st and 2nd years after dialysis initiation (1st year: adjusted hazard ratio [aHR] 0.51; 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.37–0.72; P < 0.001; 2nd year: aHR 0.71; 95% CI 0.52–0.98, P = 0.037). However, 2 years after dialysis initiation, mortality did not differ between the groups. Planned dialysis showed a better early survival rate in hemodialysis patients, but not in peritoneal dialysis patients. Particularly, infection-related mortality was reduced only in patients undergoing hemodialysis with planned dialysis initiation. Planned dialysis has survival benefits over unplanned dialysis in the first 2 years after dialysis initiation, especially in patients undergoing hemodialysis. It improved infection-related mortality during the early dialysis period.
Background: In 2016, Peritoneal Dialysis Assist (PDA) was implemented in British Columbia, Canada, as a pilot program to allow patients with physical, cognitive and social impairments to access an independent dialysis modality. This is a presentation of the usage and 5-year clinical outcomes of our provincial assisted peritoneal dialysis (PD) program. Methods: Patients who utilised long-term or respite PDA services in British Columbia, Canada, from 2016 to 2021 were included in this program evaluation. Incident and prevalent patient numbers were characterised annually as well as indications for PDA and patient demographics both annually and over time. Outcomes of interest included death, transfer to haemodialysis, transplantation and cessation of the PDA program but retention on PD. Results: Three hundred twenty-two total patients received services through the PDA program. The percentage of PD patients supported by long-term PDA service has grown to 11.2% in the most recent year. Patients spend a median of 13.6 (95% CI: 11.0, 16.1) months on long-term PDA, prolonging overall patient duration on PD by a little over a year. Of the patients who exited the long-term PDA program, 73 (37.4%) were able to utilise the service until they died. Conclusion: PDA is an accessible, patient-centric service with clear and standardised referral criteria. Through the implementation of a local PDA program, patients have accessed PD and may have extended their PD life span, through avoidance of in-centre haemodialysis, by over 13 months during this 5-year study period. A significant proportion of patients on long-term PDA were able to use their preferred kidney replacement modality at home until they reached end of life.
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Infection is second to cardiovascular disease as a cause of death in patients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD), and septicemia causes a majority of these infectious deaths. To identify patients at high risk and to characterize modifiable risk factors for septicemia, we examined the incidence, risk factors, and prognosis for septicemia in a large, representative group of U.S. dialysis patients. We conducted a longitudinal cohort study of incident ESRD patients in the case-mix study of the U.S. Renal Data System with seven years of follow-up from hospitalization and death records. Poisson regression was used to examine independent risk factors for hospital-managed septicemia. Cox proportional hazards analysis was used to assess the independent effect of septicemia on all-cause mortality and on death from septicemia. Separate analyses were performed for patients on peritoneal dialysis (PD) and hemodialysis (HD). Over seven years of follow-up, 11.7% of 4005 HD patients and 9.4% of 913 PD patients had at least one episode of septicemia. Older age and diabetes were independent risk factors for septicemia in all patients. Among HD patients, low serum albumin, temporary vascular access, and dialyzer reuse were also associated with increased risk. Among PD patients, white race and having no health insurance at dialysis initiation were also risk factors. Patients with septicemia had twice the risk of death from any cause and a fivefold to ninefold increased risk of death from septicemia. Septicemia, which carries a marked increased risk of death, occurs frequently in patients on PD as well as HD. Early referral to a nephrologist, improving nutrition, and avoiding temporary vascular access may decrease the incidence of septicemia. Further study of how race, insurance status, and dialyzer reuse can contribute to the risk of septicemia among ESRD patients is indicated.
The objective of this study was to develop a prospectively applicable method for classifying comorbid conditions which might alter the risk of mortality for use in longitudinal studies. A weighted index that takes into account the number and the seriousness of comorbid disease was developed in a cohort of 559 medical patients. The 1-yr mortality rates for the different scores were: "0", 12% (181); "1-2", 26% (225); "3-4", 52% (71); and "greater than or equal to 5", 85% (82). The index was tested for its ability to predict risk of death from comorbid disease in the second cohort of 685 patients during a 10-yr follow-up. The percent of patients who died of comorbid disease for the different scores were: "0", 8% (588); "1", 25% (54); "2", 48% (25); "greater than or equal to 3", 59% (18). With each increased level of the comorbidity index, there were stepwise increases in the cumulative mortality attributable to comorbid disease (log rank chi 2 = 165; p less than 0.0001). In this longer follow-up, age was also a predictor of mortality (p less than 0.001). The new index performed similarly to a previous system devised by Kaplan and Feinstein. The method of classifying comorbidity provides a simple, readily applicable and valid method of estimating risk of death from comorbid disease for use in longitudinal studies. Further work in larger populations is still required to refine the approach because the number of patients with any given condition in this study was relatively small.
The clinical epidemiology of septicemia in dialysis populations remains poorly defined. In this historical cohort study of 393,451 U.S. dialysis patients, International Classification of Disease, Ninth Revision, Clinical Modification discharge diagnosis codes were used to compare first-year septicemia admission rates in annual incident cohorts from 1991 to 1999 and to calculate subsequent cardiovascular event and mortality rates. Hemodialysis (compared with peritoneal dialysis) as initial therapy and starting dialysis in more recent years were the principal antecedents of septicemia. In hemodialysis patients, adjusted first admission rates (expressed throughout as first episodes per 100 patient-years) rose by 51%, from 11.6 in 1991 to 17.5 in 1999. In peritoneal dialysis patients, rates rose from 5.7 in 1991, peaked at 9.2 in 1997, and declined to 8.0 in 1999. Mortality rates after septicemia were similar to mortality rates after major cardiovascular events. Septicemia was associated with developing myocardial infarction, congestive heart failure, stroke, and peripheral vascular disease with adjusted risk ratios of 4.1, 5.5, 4.1, and 3.8 in the initial 6 mo after admission for septicemia and 1.7, 2.0, 2.0, and 1.6 after 5 yr, respectively. Septicemia, which is associated with increased cardiovascular and death risk, has become more common in dialysis patients in the United States.
The objective of this study was to develop a prospectively applicable method for classifying comorbid conditions which might alter the risk of mortality for use in longitudinal studies. A weighted index that takes into account the number and the seriousness of comorbid disease was developed in a cohort of 559 medical patients. The 1-yr mortality rates for the different scores were: "0", 12% (181); "1-2", 26% (225); "3-4", 52% (71); and "greater than or equal to 5", 85% (82). The index was tested for its ability to predict risk of death from comorbid disease in the second cohort of 685 patients during a 10-yr follow-up. The percent of patients who died of comorbid disease for the different scores were: "0", 8% (588); "1", 25% (54); "2", 48% (25); "greater than or equal to 3", 59% (18). With each increased level of the comorbidity index, there were stepwise increases in the cumulative mortality attributable to comorbid disease (log rank chi 2 = 165; p less than 0.0001). In this longer follow-up, age was also a predictor of mortality (p less than 0.001). The new index performed similarly to a previous system devised by Kaplan and Feinstein. The method of classifying comorbidity provides a simple, readily applicable and valid method of estimating risk of death from comorbid disease for use in longitudinal studies. Further work in larger populations is still required to refine the approach because the number of patients with any given condition in this study was relatively small.
To study how clinical characteristics influence the risk of peritonitis in African American patients with end-stage renal disease treated with continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD), we examined the risk of developing a first episode of peritonitis among 1,595 new dialysis patients initially treated by CAPD over a two year period in North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia (Network 6). Characteristics examined were demographic and socioeconomic factors, functional status, serum albumin and comorbid conditions. There were 538 initial episodes of peritonitis during an average of 8.8 patient months of follow-up; the time to peritonitis for the entire cohort was 26 months. Factors found to be independently associated with a risk for peritonitis were student status (Odds Ratio and 95% Confidence Interval = 2.4; 1.4 to 4.3), rental housing (1.2; 1.0 to 1.5), and substance abuse (1.9; 1.1 to 3.2). African Americans were 60% more likely to have an initial episode of peritonitis during follow-up than whites (1.6; 1.3 to 1.8). The time to the initial episode was 21 months for African Americans versus 32 months for whites (P < 0.001). Even after adjusting for other factors, African Americans were significantly more likely to develop peritonitis (1.5; 1.2 to 1.8). Thus, the increased risk of peritonitis of African American patients treated by CAPD is independent of other demographic, socioeconomic and comorbid characteristics.
Bacteremic infections are a major cause of mortality and morbidity in chronic hemodialysis patients. New developments in managing these patients (erythropoietin therapy, nasal mupirocin, long-term implanted catheters, and synthetic membranes) may have altered the epidemiologic patterns of bacteremia in dialysis patients. This multicenter prospective cross-sectional study was carried out to determine the current incidence of and risk factors for bacteremia in chronic hemodialysis patients in France. A total of 988 adults on chronic hemodialysis for 1 mo or longer was followed up prospectively for 6 mo in 19 French dialysis units. The factors associated with the development of at least one bacteremic episode over 6 mo were determined using the multivariate Cox proportional hazards model. Staphylococcus aureus (n=20) and coagulase-negative staphylococci (n=15) were responsible for most of the 51 bacteremic episodes recorded. The incidence of bacteremia was 0.93 episode per 100 patient-months. Four risk factors for bacteremia were identified: (1) vascular access (catheter versus fistula: RR=7.6; 95% CI, 3.7 to 15.6); (2) history of bacteremia (> or =2 versus no previous episode: RR=7.3; 95% CI, 3.2 to 16.4); (3) immunosuppressive therapy (current versus no: RR=3.0; 95% CI, 1.0 to 6.1); and (4) corpuscular hemoglobin (per 1 g/dl increment: RR=0.7; 95% CI, 0.6 to 0.9). Catheters, especially long-term implanted catheters, were found to be the leading risk factor of bacteremia in chronic hemodialysis patients. There was a trend toward recurrence of bacteremia that was not associated with chronic staphylococcal nasal carriage. Synthetic membranes were not associated with a lower risk of bacteremia in this population of well dialyzed patients, but anemia linked to resistance to erythropoietin appeared to be a possible risk factor for bacteremia.
Diabetes mellitus is the most common cause of treated end-stage renal disease (ESRD), and diabetic hemodialysis patients have a high mortality rate. To identify differences in risk of septicemia among diabetic and nondiabetic hemodialysis patients, we examined the incidence, risk factors, and mortality for septicemia in a large sample of the US hemodialysis population. We performed a longitudinal cohort study of the incidence and risk factors for hospitalized cases of septicemia in diabetic and nondiabetic hemodialysis patients using baseline data from the US Renal Data System case-mix severity study with 7-year follow-up from hospitalization and death records. Independent risk factors for septicemia were assessed using Poisson regression. Independent effect of septicemia on mortality was assessed using Cox proportional hazards analysis. Over 7 years, 11.1% of nondiabetic patients and 12.5% of diabetic patients experienced at least one episode of septicemia. Older age and low serum albumin were independent risk factors for septicemia in all patients. In diabetics, white race, peripheral vascular disease, and hemodialyzer reuse, particularly in type 1, were independent risk factors. In nondiabetics, coronary artery disease, cerebrovascular disease, and temporary and permanent catheters were associated with an increased risk. In both groups, patients who experienced an episode of septicemia had twice the risk of death from any cause and an eightfold risk of death from septicemia. Septicemia occurs equally frequently and carries a marked increased risk of death in both nondiabetic and diabetic hemodialysis patients. Improving nutritional status and minimizing the use of catheters might help ameliorate the risk of septicemia. In diabetics, aggressive treatment of peripheral vascular disease might help reduce the risk of septicemia. Further research to elucidate potential mechanisms for variations in risk for septicemia according to race and hemodialyzer reuse practices are warranted in diabetic patients.
In the United States, infection is second to cardiovascular disease as the leading cause of death in patients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD), and septicemia accounts for more than 75% of this category. This increased susceptibility to infections is partly due to uremia, old age, and comorbid conditions. Although it is intuitive to believe that mortality caused by sepsis may be higher in patients with ESRD compared with the general population (GP), no such data are currently available. We compared annual mortality rates caused by sepsis in patients with ESRD (U.S. Health Care Financing Administration 2746 death notification form) with those in the GP (death certificate). Data were abstracted from the U.S. Renal Data System (1994 through 1996 Special Data request) and the National Center for Health Statistics. Data were stratified by age, gender, race, and diabetes mellitus (DM). Sensitivity analyses were performed to account for potential limitations of the data sources. Overall, the annual percentage mortality secondary to sepsis was approximately 100- to 300-fold higher in dialysis patients and 20-fold higher in renal transplant recipients (RTRs) compared with the GP. Mortality caused by sepsis was higher among diabetic patients across all populations. After stratification for age, differences between groups decreased but retained their magnitude. These findings remained robust despite a wide range of sensitivity analyses. Indeed, mortality secondary to sepsis remained approximately 50-fold higher in dialysis patients compared with the GP, using multiple cause-of-death analyses; was approximately 50-fold higher in diabetic patients with ESRD compared with diabetic patients in the GP, when accounting for underreporting of DM on death certificates in the GP; and was approximately 30-fold higher in RTRs compared with the GP, when accounting for the incomplete ascertainment of cause of death among RTRs. Furthermore, despite assignment of primary cause-of-death to major organ infections in the GP, annual mortality secondary to sepsis remained 30- to 45-fold higher in the dialysis population. Patients with ESRD treated by dialysis have higher annual mortality rates caused by sepsis compared with the GP, even after stratification for age, race, and DM. Consequently, this patient population should be considered at high-risk for the development of lethal sepsis.
Previous studies have identified risk factors for and mortality associated with hospitalized septicemia (septicemia) in patients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD). However, the etiologies of septicemia in this population have not been determined. 327,993 patients in the United States Renal Data System initiated on ESRD therapy between January 1, 1992, and June 30, 1997, who never received renal transplants were analyzed in a retrospective registry study of hospitalized cases of septicemia (ICD9 038.x). Of the study population, 43,441 (13.2%) had septicemia. In logistic regression analysis, septicemia was associated with female gender, African American race, ESRD due to diabetes and obstruction/chronic pyelonephritis, increased age, and hemodialysis (vs. peritoneal dialysis). Polycystic kidney disease and glomerulonephritis were associated with decreased risk of septicemia. At initiation of dialysis, higher hemoglobin, and lower weight, creatinine, and albumin were associated with septicemia. Among patients with septicemia, the leading specified etiologies were Staphylococcus (34%) and miscellaneous Gram-negative rods (21.7%). Etiologies of septicemia were significantly associated with hemodialysis (Gram-positives and Pneumococcus), female gender (Gram-negatives except Pseudomonas), African American race (Staphylococcus), and diabetes (global). Hemodialysis (vs. peritoneal dialysis) and Staphylococcus as an etiology of septicemia were associated with repeated hospitalizations for septicemia. Septicemia was independently associated with patient mortality, and African Americans and females with septicemia were at disproportionately greater risk of mortality. This study identifies significant associations between septicemia and female gender, African American race, hemodialysis, and higher hemoglobin. Significant associations between etiologies of septicemia and patient subgroups are also identified.
Vascular access (VA) complications account for 16 to 25% of hospital admissions. This study tested the hypothesis that the type of VA in use is correlated with overall mortality and cause-specific mortality. Data were analyzed from the U.S. Renal Data System Dialysis Morbidity and Mortality Study Wave 1, a random sample of 5507 patients, prevalent on hemodialysis as of December 31, 1993. The relative mortality risk during a two-year observation was analyzed by Cox-regression methods with adjustments for demographic and comorbid conditions. Using similar methods, cause-specific analyses also were performed for death caused by infection and cardiac causes. In diabetic mellitus (DM) patients with end-stage renal disease, the associated relative mortality risk was higher for those with arteriovenous graft (AVG; RR = 1.41, P < 0.003) and central venous catheter (CVC; RR = 1.54, P < 0.002) as compared with arteriovenous fistula (AVF). In non-DM patients, those with CVC had a higher associated mortality (RR = 1.70, P < 0.001), as did to a lesser degree those with AVG (RR = 1.08, P = 0.35) when compared with AVF. Cause-specific analyses found higher infection-related deaths for CVC (RR = 2.30, P < 0.06) and AVG (RR = 2.47, P < 0.02) compared with AVF in DM; in non-DM, risk was higher also for CVC (RR = 1.83, P < 0.04) and AVG (RR = 1.27, P < 0.33). In contrast to our hypothesis that AV shunting increases cardiac risk, deaths caused by cardiac causes were higher in CVC than AVF for both DM (RR = 1.47, P < 0.05) and non-DM (RR = 1.34, P < 0.05) patients. This case-mix adjusted analysis suggests that CVC and AVG are correlated with increased mortality risk when compared with AVF, both overall and by major causes of death.